General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 8

March 1, 1899


The Daily Bulletin,

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Seventh-day Adventists.F. S. BLANCHARD & CO., Printers, Worcester.


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Plans and Resolutions Adopted,113
General Conference Proceedings,
Twenty-second Meeting,113
Twenty-third Meeting,116
The Design of Sanitariums,
An Address by Dr. J. H. Kellogg,117

The time calls for labor and for laborers. Every field is white for the harvest. The fruitage is plentiful, even though the thorns and the tares be many. The Lord of the harvest calls, Why stand ye here idle all the day? The vineyard is the world, and every field is ready for the laborers to enter in. Although it is the eleventh hour and the darkness hastens on in which no man can work, yet there is time and room for every earnest, honest worker, who is willing to do the Master’s bidding. No unusual or remarkable qualifications and capacities are needed, beyond simple faith and consecration to the work of God. Let no one stand idle longer. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.1


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“Heralds of the Morning,” by Elder A. O. Tait, is the latest book issued by the Pacific Press Publishing Company, Oakland, California. It is just what its title indicates, - an excellent display of current events, which betoken the near approach of the day of God. The signs of the times are presented in its pages in a new and startling way, which will be sure to interest inquiring minds. The book contains 280 pages; is finely illustrated, with half-tone engravings; and has a beautiful gilt side-title. This is just the thing for new canvassers to handle successfully. It is in two bindings; namely, cloth, with marbled edges; and cloth, with gilt edges, which sell for $1.25, and $1.50, respectively. A neat prospectus is now ready, and will be sent, post-paid, for 60 cents. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.2


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8. Resolved, That it is not, in our opinion, detrimental to the interest of the canvassing work that ministers should sell our denominational books, and take subscriptions for our denominational papers, and that they should be allowed the usual agent’s commission on the same. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.3

9. We recommend, That an earnest effort be made by all our conferences to give our pioneer paper, the Signs of the Times, a wide circulation. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.4

(a) By taking clubs, and mailing the paper to interested readers. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.5

(b) By selling it on the streets of our cities, in business houses, and from house to house, working up regular routes, and delivering it in person. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.6

(c) By regular canvass for both long and short-term subscriptions. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.7

(d) By its use by our Bible workers in prosecuting their work. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.8

On Education:- GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.9

10. Resolved, That it is the sense of this conference that the managing boards of the various schools shall operate these schools with the income, from whatever source, - shall meet the expenses year by year. - Page 26 of Bulletin. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.10

11. That members of boards of management of our schools should be men who are in hearty sympathy with what the Testimonies say should be done in GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.11

PICTURE - BATTLE CREEK SANITARIUM, BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN. our schools, and who are determined to make the schools what they ought to be. - Page 26 of Bulletin

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12. That only such teachers and employees should be engaged by these boards as are known to be men and women of Christian experience, in full harmony with the third angel’s message, and in favor of putting into operation the principles of education set forth in the Testimonies. - Page 26 of Bulletin. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.12

13. That church schools be placed under the control of the conference committees in whose territories they are established, in consultation and co-operation with the heads of the leading schools of the districts in which the church schools are to be located; and that such church schools be started only as fast as thoroughly competent teachers can be secured, and as reasonable financial support can be assured. - Pages 30 and 44 of Bulletin. SECRETARY. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.13

GENERAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Interesting Occasion - Down to Business at Last - Important Recommendations - What They Mean to All Our Churches - Unanimity of Sentiment

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Prayer by E. T. Russell of Oklahoma. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.14

The Chair: I will call attention to the fact that time is passing rapidly away, and seemingly we have not accomplished very much. Of course we have learned a great deal in the way of principles; but there are a good many things which ought to be considered before this conference adjourns. They must be considered either here by the delegates or by some committee after the conference closes. I therefore ask a favor of the delegates, in the interests of the cause, that we try to confine ourselves as closely as possible to the matter under consideration, and not consume time unnecessarily. I do not mean by that to shut off anybody. I hope for the fullest expression of opinion; but it seems to me that if we would think a little sometimes, we might save time. The hardest work of our last General Conference was done after the conference adjourned. There were things left undone that should have been done. This work by the delegates in session was, however, thrown upon the Conference Committee to be done afterward. I hope we shall bear that in mind, and try to consider some matters here that should really receive the attention of the conference; so that whoever shall have charge of the work may know the mind of the conference. When we adjourned at the forenoon session, we were considering the motion to substitute. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.15

C. C. Lewis: Is it the design to carry by this substitute, with the support of the committee, the recommendation that was incorporated in that report by the unanimous consent of the delegates? GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.16

The Chair: The mover of the substitute is not present; but I do not understand that it was the design to carry that with it. I think he had in mind only the two that are printed, and overlooked the one that was put in by common consent. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.17

O. S. Hadley: I think he so expressed himself. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.18

The Chair: The Secretary will read the substitution. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.19

The substitution was then read by the Secretary, and the question was called for. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.20

The Chair: The question is on the substitution. As many as favor this will say, Aye. Contrary, No. It is carried. We have before us, now, the recommendations as amended or as substituted. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.21

The question was called for. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.22

The Chair: All in favor of the adoption of these recommendations will say, Aye. Any opposed, No. It is carried unanimously. That disposes of the resolutions which were before us. With your indulgence, I will now read a statement that I did not want to read before this, as it might have seemed to throw some weight on one side or the other of this discussion. In one of the communications that have come since the conference has convened, the following statement is made: “There must be no belittling of the gospel ministry. Again I make my appeal: Let not our young men be deterred from entering the ministry. The Lord calls for whole armies of young men, - men who are large-minded and large-hearted, and who have deep love for Christ and the truth. It should be kept before the youth, that there is no work more blessed of God than that of the gospel ministry. The highest of all work is the ministry in its various lines. It is not great and learned men that the ministry needs; it is not eloquent sermonizers. God calls for men who will give themselves to him, to be imbued with his Spirit.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 113.23

There is much more that might be read along that line. I did not think of reading it to influence the discussion in any way, but simply to confirm your minds that what you have done is in the right line. Shall we now take up the last suggestions from the Committee on Plans and Resolutions, that were presented at the beginning of the forenoon session? If there is no objection, I will call for them. The Secretary will please read the first one. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.1

The Secretary, reading: The Committee on Plans - GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.2

The Chair: These suggestions are not printed, so please notice carefully the reading [To the Secretary: Please read them slowly and distinctly.] GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.3

The Secretary, reading: The Committee on Plans recommend to the conference the following questions for consideration:- GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.4

“9. The propriety of establishing in the South a training-school for medical missionaries, especially for the work in this field.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.5

C. P. Bollman: That is a suggestion in which I feel deeply interested, as doubtless all do; yet those in the Southern field are especially interested. It is a very important step, and one that should be taken. The reason is that those laborers who have been long in the South, or who have been educated in the South, have great advantages over those who have recently come from the North, or who have received their training in the North. There are things to be learned in regard to the customs and manners of the people, and the Southern-trained worker has a decided advantage over those who are raised and trained in the North. This step is a move in the right direction, in order that persons of Southern birth may be educated there for the work there. I sincerely trust that some step will be taken by this conference toward establishing a training-school for missionaries in the Southern field. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.6

J. E. Jayne: What will be the cost of the proposed institution, and who will meet the bill? GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.7

L. C. Sheafe: It seems to me that this is a question of considerable importance, from the very fact of the conditions and needs of that people. I believe that Seventh-day Adventists have a truth which, if they will let it get hold of them, can do more in this field to demonstrate the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ than can any other people. The one thing needful, is that the truth shall get hold of the individuals who profess to know it. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.8

It is true that laborers trained in a field are better fitted to do the work of that field than are those who are imported; and I most heartily endorse a movement of this kind. More than this, I believe that if this movement is of the Lord, builders and the cost of the building will all fall into line. God declares that all the gold and silver are his, and the cattle on a thousand hills; and I believe that if this movement is pushed forward in faith, the Lord will raise up the builders, and the work will go on. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.9

N. W. Allee: I am intensely interested in this proposition. In studying the situation the last two years, I have seen something of the need of a modest institution, where workers already in the field can receive a suitable training, in order to enter the work. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.10

I would like to read a certain Testimony, and talk to you a little; for I think it would be profitable. There are opportunities for a noble work to be done there, and there are ways by which it can be done; but a departure from those lines will surely involve these efforts in difficulties that will be hard to surmount. Reference has been made to the cost. I want to say that such an institution as will well answer the purpose will not take many thousands of dollars down there, brethren. A modest institution, a few hundred dollars, and a well-qualified person to give the training, will answer the purpose. I hope that this suggestion will prevail. So far as the means is concerned, the way is now open to establish such an institution in connection with our Oakwood Industrial School. That is the very thing needed with that institution. It lacks much in efficiency, and never will be able to accomplish what it might without something of that kind. This is also true of the Southern Industrial School. With the additional expense of a few hundred dollars, we can have, in connection with that school, just what we need to fit up the workers already on the ground. Such a work can be managed without involving a great indebtedness. In fact, I have confidence to believe that there would be no indebtedness. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.11

H. S. Shaw: This makes me feel like saying a word. We in the South have been pleading for just such a move as this for a long time. I have been there seven years now, and I am sure this is a step in the right direction, because the Lord says that the work in the South can not be carried on just as it can in the North. Sanitariums should be established in the South; and in these sanitariums, individuals and workers should be trained to go out and co-operate with one another in their work. In this way the work may go on more forcibly than it could in any other. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.12

It was a question as to whether or not I would come to this conference, from the fact that the work there seemed to require my presence. Just before I started, the students in the Industrial School at Oakwood had a special prayer-meeting; and the special prayer was, Lord, help the brethren at the General Conference to see light in some plan, that we may have a place here in the South, where we may get an education without going to Battle Creek for it. Some of them realize that it is better for them to be educated on their own ground. If this recommendation should fail, it would make my heart sad. I have faith that you will formulate something to help us to get some institution started in the Southern field, where we can educate our men and women, boys and girls, so they can go forth, and be a benefit in their own land. I wish I could talk an hour to you, and tell you the needs of the cause down there. If we do not establish these institutions, and preach the soon coming of the Lord, the Lord will certainly make some other arrangements to do this work. May God help you and give counsel. You do not need to pile up many bricks, or to go to great expense, to start the work down there. Start in a humble way; and then, little by little, add to it as God prospers. God will bless you, and the time will come when these institutions will be scattered all over the South. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.13

D. C. Babcock: I don’t want this recommendation to pass without expressing my sympathy with it. There is no question that has come before this conference that has stirred me more than the one now before the house. The two years I have spent in Virginia has convinced me that native workers, trained in the South, will succeed better than others. I trust the resolution will carry. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.14

H. S. Shaw: I desire to say a word further. If such an institution as this were situated not far from the Oakwood school, so that it would be easy of access, I am sure there would be no trouble in filling it; for there are scores of students who would be only too glad to avail themselves of the privilege of attending it, receive the instruction, and make the sacrifice necessary to attend. We told our brethren down South who are longing for such an institution, that the brethren were doing all they could for it: and that they must keep on praying, for it would come by and by. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.15

M. C. Wilcox: I move that it is the sense of this conference that this suggestion be incorporated into a resolution, and that it be reported to the General Conference for favorable consideration. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.16

J. B. Thompson: My experience has taught me that workers educated on the ground have many advantages over others. I am in hearty sympathy with the recommendation, and trust to see it carried out. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.17

C. M. Christiansen: Inasmuch as the Medical Missionary Board has been quite active in the work there, it seems to me that it would be proper to include this board along with the General Conference. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.18

J. H. Kellogg: The Medical Missionary Board has now work established in the South at several points and I think there are about twenty missionary nurses at work in the South at the present time. It has been the plan of our board to establish an elementary training-school in the South as soon as it could be done. There is an opportunity to do a grand work in this direction. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.19

Voices: Question. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.20

Chairman: All in favor of this recommendation, with this suggestion, make it manifest in the usual way. Carried. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.21

Chairman: The Secretary will read the next resolution. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.22

Secretary, reading: We recommend the advisability of inviting our conferences to send some of their regular laborers to foreign fields, and support them from the regular tithes of the conference. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.23

A. F. Ballenger: I believe that in this recommendation we have struck the lead toward a greater flow of means and men toward missions. The trouble with our missionary work in the past has been that the man who gave the money was too far away from the men to whom the money was sent. Could the man who gave the money have seen the unfortunate in his need, in his sorrow, in his ignorance, in his longing after truth, he would have given ten times as much as he did give, and possibly himself with it. This will bring the giver a little closer to the field to which his money is given. For instance: When a man is taken from the Iowa Conference for a foreign land, and the people in Iowa support him, there is an interest in that man and in his work that could not be found under other circumstances. [Voice: That is true. O. A. Olsen: It is like parents and their children.] GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.24

Dr. Gordon, now dead, while pastor of the Clarendon Street Baptist Church, Boston, led of the Lord, started out on these lines. He found himself the pastor of an aristocratic church, selling pews to the people; and he began a work in that church which finally resulted in that church’s establishing an orphan’s home, a work for the rescue of fallen women, a work for men, a sailors’ home, and a school for training foreign missionaries. Besides this, he had his church send out a large number of foreign missionaries, to be sustained by themselves. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.25

People all over the country began an attack upon him, and he fought the battle in the official organ of the denomination, coming out ahead. They laughed at his workers, who came from the church school after only six or eight months’ training, because they did not have a college education. But before he died, that one Clarendon Street Baptist Church in Boston was giving more money to foreign missions than all the Baptist churches in the whole State of Massachusetts. Why? - Because he brought his church in close touch with fallen humanity, both at home and abroad. His own church sent out their members abroad as missionaries, and were interested in these, being personally acquainted with them in their work. As a result, more money was contributed by this one church than by all the others together. I have had in mind, for three or four years, that the solution of our foreign missionary work, was in some way to bring the missionary field closer to the home field. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.26

R. R. Kennedy: It seems to me this would be a very good way to assist the foreign missionary work. When persons in our conferences have a burden to go to the foreign mission field, why not let them go? Send them out. This would interest us in that laborer. As he goes out, we would expect reports from him and would keep in touch with the work ourselves, and would know what is being done. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.27

R. A. Underwood: Just a word touching this principle. I call attention to some statistics the Secretary of the General Conference has tabulated, on page 21 of the BULLETIN. They will bring some revelations to our minds which are of interest. I will not name any conferences; but it is a fact, that according to the tithes received, and the membership of some of the conferences in the United States, as compared with others, some are now able to expend eighteen dollars on every thousand of their population, while others are able to spend only one dollar. The same calculation can be carried out in the foreign mission fields and conferences. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.28

Our brother has said that if any one has a burden to go into these foreign fields the conferences should let him go, and support him. The Spirit of the Lord has said we should enter these populous cities; and I want to call your attention to District No. 1. More than half the city population of the United States is included in this district. Some of our cities are more populous than some of the largest conferences in the denomination. Now if God should put into the hearts of some a burden to enter some of these large cities, I want to raise the question, Will their home conferences be willing to support them also? I believe that God will move upon minds to go where the people must be warned; and if the people are to be reached, God will put into the hearts of somebody to sustain them. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 114.29

When this people first began their work, Elder Bates, Elder White and his wife, and Elders Andrews, Waggoner, Loughborough, and Cornell, in New England, spread the truth in this section, then they went down into New York. The believers in that locality said to them, “Go to Ohio:” and I thank God they came. Then they said, “Go on to Michigan, Iowa, and on, and on.” When the General Conference sent Elders Loughborough and Bordeau to the Pacific Slope, people thought that the General Conference had made a wonderful lead in spreading the message. [A. T. Jones: And it had.] Over on the Pacific Coast there are now more than four thousand believers in the message, in the one conference of California. I hope the good brethren all through those conferences will get the same spirit that led the early believers to sacrifice and send pioneers into their field. If this spirit does control them, they will come forward, and sustain men in these more needy fields, and we shall see the work go. We shall not have to pull and call for means; for the brethren will rise up and sustain these laborers. May God move our brethren to look at the world, and see that men are dying for the message, and help us to take hold, with heart and soul, in the work. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.1

Wm. Covert: I am in harmony with what has been said in regard to conferences supporting laborers in foreign fields. We have found that by supporting teachers in our schools, we have not lost anything, but have gained. I believe in co-operative work. We have been co-operating with the Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association, helping support their laborers in our conference; and I believe, although I have not talked with them, that our committee will be willing to carry out the principles of this proposition. I am fully in harmony with it, because I see light in it. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.2

L. R. Conradi: While our conference is one of the youngest, I am glad to say that we know this is the best way to awaken the missionary spirit. We have tried it; and I can say, to the glory of the Lord, it works excellently. The main body of our Sabbath-keepers are in Germany, a country containing over 50,000,000 inhabitants. There are a good many cities in it, too, - nearly as many as we have in America. We might say, “We need our men and all our money to warn the people in Germany.” But would not that be a selfish way to put it? It would educate the people to be selfish. We have felt that the poorer countries about us that had no workers, were just as much entitled to help as our own country. We had a German worker learn the Holland [Dutch] language, and gave him our money to begin the work in Holland. We sent about the best worker we had to Hungaria. We have sent others to Bulgaria and Rumania. Our tithe has trebled in the last two years, by doing so. When our accounts were audited for the men in these different countries, although all the brethren on the Auditing Committee were Germans, not one said, “I am afraid that too much of our money goes to another country.” They are educated to this from the beginning, and they think it has to be so. Though we have 130,000,000 people in the great German field, we are now talking about getting some German to go down to the German possessions in Africa, and we will keep him there. [A. T. Jones: You will support him, you say?] Yes, we will. If a German goes down to the German possessions, the prayers of the people will go with him, because they know him, just as has been said. The same is true in Holland. Holland is a small country, with but 5,000,000 people; but its possessions comprise 35,000,000 people. Five churches have been raised up there, and I have just received information that they are opening another church of forty members. In regard to entering large cities, and the difficulties to be found there, I would say that we find no more difficulty in entering the large cities than the small villages. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.3

Recess was here taken. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.4

S. H. Lane: I am glad to say that I see in these meetings the same spirit that characterized our early conferences. The idea of one field helping another, and sustaining the laborers in another work, is not a new feature. Brother Underwood said that the East helped the West. He might have gone further, and said that through the influence and means of the State of New York, the Pennsylvania Conference came into existence. He might have told you how, through the efforts of Michigan, the Indiana Conference came into existence. He might have stated that Illinois and Wisconsin worked hand in hand for years, and were known as the Illinois and Wisconsin Conference. He might have gone west of the Mississippi, and stated that Iowa was instrumental in raising up Nebraska; that Minnesota was instrumental in bringing into existence the Dakota conferences; and that these combined conferences raised up California in 1868, when God impressed Brethren Loughborough and Bourdeau to go to the Coast. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.5

J. N. Loughborough: And California started the work in the Upper Columbia and North Pacific conferences. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.6

S. H. Lane: And Sister White saw that the work would go from California to Australia, and that, too, before California knew very much about it. And it has all been fulfilled to the letter. I am glad to hear the presidents of conferences talk about this matter. The first thought, from a selfish standpoint, would be that we have only just means enough to support our own work; but I do not think those who have been instrumental in raising up other conferences regret their action, neither do I believe that we would. As I find here and there, those who have relatives in some foreign field, they ask me if I do not want to listen to letters from those fields, and then I learn that they have given largely of their means to that work. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.7

Now, brethren, when we go home, let us not sit down, and ask some of our second-rate laborers to go to these fields; and say that if they get away from their home fields, they will perhaps develop faster. We are better able to support a poor worker in the home field than in a foreign field. So let us not be liberal with our money and stingy with our laborers. If the Lord is in this at all, he is in it all the way through; and that means liberality not only in the tithes, but in the laborers. I do not say that I am going home to do all this myself; for I shall be sorely tried on both these points, but I hope, by the grace of God, to overcome on both. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.8

W. T. Knox: I represent California, and I know that we do fully appreciate all that the conferences have done in sending the truth over to our Coast. Words would fail to express our gratitude; and I believe that this spirit that led the brothers and sisters on this side of the mountains to send the truth over there, will surely bring forth fruit on the other side. It has indeed brought out something like four thousand in California, and possibly more, in the Upper Columbia and North Pacific conferences; but it has done even more, - it has planted the same seed of sacrifice in the brothers and sisters there, by which they sent the truth to Australia, and at considerable expense of money and labor have for several years been carrying forward a work among the Japanese and the Chinese, with the result that a great burden for the Japanese rests upon the brethren. You are, perhaps, aware of the fact that Brother Grainger has for over two years been maintained in the work in Japan, and we are indeed glad that God has given us the privilege of having a hand in that work. California also educated two natives from Japan, Brethren Okahira and Hasegawa, who are now laboring in their native land. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.9

I do not mention this in a boastful way, for we have done but little: but I feel that whatever has caused us to go thus far in the foreign mission field will lead us to go further. I appreciate what has been said in regard to our answering calls for other fields, - that the foreign field should be anywhere outside our own immediate conference, and I think that in one sense the time is coming when we shall lose sight of conference lines in this respect. A few months ago a burden was laid upon some of our brethren to carry the work to the North. Whether this would have been wise or not, I can not say; but I know that they were hindered in going, because of conference lines. I think we ought to lay this feeling all aside. The work is all about us. Of course we should not lay aside order in the work. We should consult together; but wherever there is an opportunity in another field and God gives us the laborer and the means, let us be ready to send him; and if the opening happens to be in our field, and another wishes to drop into it, let us open the doors to him. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.10

California has felt all along that it would be a good thing for the conference to take up this work, and thus relieve the Foreign Mission Board. We appreciate the difficulties under which these men labor and we know that questions come before them which it is utterly impossible for man to answer. We appreciate, also, that when they come to us for men, they want the best we have. They have come to us so often that we have learned to appreciate this fact, and are no longer surprised at it. All we ask is that the burden be laid upon the man who is to go, as well as upon the committee. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.11

A. E. Place: I do not know but I represent a foreign field as truly as any delegate in the General Conference of North America. I never came to a conference in my life with more of a missionary spirit than I had when I came to this one. For over seventeen years I was in the New York Conference, and some of the time I felt as if I was settled there for life, or for death. I believe that my removal from the New York Conference was one great means, in God’s hands, of giving me a proper view of the field and its work. Since taking up work in the Atlantic Conference, I have gone through the cities of New York, Brooklyn, and Jersey City, and noted their magnitude. In these cities alone there are about 4,000,000 people, representing almost every nationality under the sun. Seeing the opportunities there presented for preaching the gospel to all kindreds, tongues, and people; I have been greatly impressed with the importance of reaching out to all mankind. When I came to this conference, one night just before the session opened, I was praying by myself, and seeking God, when the same feeling concerning conference lines that some of the brethren have expressed, came before me, and I am satisfied that conference lines and district lines have only served to separate different sections of the country, and to a great extent have separated brethren as well. We have feared to let a dollar of our money, or a day of our work, go over across a line somewhere. I have had that feeling in my heart; but I am sorry that I ever allowed it to come into my soul. As I have said, while I was praying, it seemed to me that these lines lifted, like fences or partition walls; and I saw the great field, with its different nationalities, for whom Jesus Christ gave his precious life. Never until then had I felt a true willingness in my soul to go anywhere to work for Christ. Since that time this world looks different to me, people look different to me, and my object in life is a different object from that which I had before. When this proposition came before this body, it thrilled me through and through: and I said, “Praise God that the time has come when the General Conference may be turned into a missionary society!” Every time the expressions, “foreign mission,” “Foreign Mission Board,” and “Foreign Mission Society” have come up, there has been something in my heart that I never felt before. I do not like that word “foreign.” Brethren, I believe the field is the world; and though I have 4,000,000 people who are crying out in Greater New York, and such cities as Washington, Wilmington, and others all along the line, if there is in my conference a man who feels a burden to go to any field, I will say, Let him go. And if God gives me a burden to go, I am going to ask the Mission Board to let me go. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.12

M. C. Wilcox: I wish to say that I am glad for this day; for I do not remember a time, since I saw the teeming cities of Europe, when I did not believe that our conferences in America would be greatly blessed in furnishing laborers for the Old World; and the Lord has laid that burden upon me ever since that time. I do not know how many times I have spoken and written about it; and I praise God that we have come to it. I know that God will bless all these conferences, if their representatives here will take the burden home with them. There will be no trouble with the people, brethren; what we do, and what our conferences will do, will depend greatly upon the spirit that we carry with us as we go from this meeting. If we look at our conference funds, and feel that our conference is in debt, and that we can not do very much work, we shall infect the whole conference with the same spirit; but if we go with our hearts burdened for the unsaved millions of the great world, we shall burden their hearts, too, and they will be willing to do all they can do, and to send all who have a burden to be sent to foreign fields. Let us go home with that missionary spirit. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.13

There is another thought I would like to add to what Brother Knox said. When the California Conference first voted to send Brother Grainger to Japan, we were about $18,000 in debt; and California has had tremendously hard years since that time, - dry year after dry year; and there have been no “windfalls” nor large donations, - but to-day California stands out of debt. God has blessed it, and God will bless every other conference that has the spirit to send laborers out into the great beyond. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.14

I wrote this recommendation the second day after I came to this conference:- GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.15

“That each of our larger, stronger conferences [and I do not know that it ought to be limited in that way] be asked to furnish and support one or more laborers in foreign lands, if it has laborers whom God has fitted and burdened for foreign work, or to support some other laborers, as the Foreign Mission Board may suggest.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.16

I now move its adoption. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.17

J. H. Kraft: I second that motion. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.18

O. A. Olsen: I, too, am glad for this day. I was pleased with the expression made by one speaker, - that the General Conference has become a missionary society. That is just what God wants us to be, - one grand missionary society, to bring the truth to all parts of the world. The sentiment of this afternoon is that which used to agitate this work in its beginning. When we look back, we can hardly understand how the laborers were then supported. When we think of our present system of order and arrangement, we can hardly understand how the work was then carried; but God’s blessing was in it. For a few years back, we have done otherwise, and have been indulging in officialism and other bad things, that the Lord has had to reprove. I thank God that we are coming back to original principles. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 115.19

A. T. Jones: The Lord hath visited and redeemed his people. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.1

O. A. Olsen: It has been said that the work began in the East, and went to the West, spreading as it went. Let us not stop within ocean bounds, but spread out to the ends of the earth. Some may think that our home churches and conferences will suffer loss. Brethren, nothing would bring them such a blessing as this spreading out in the work. Nothing will bring money into our treasury as will this. As I said last evening, that which we need most is the blessing of God on our resources. If we place ourselves where the blessing of God will rest upon us in large measure, we need not worry about our debts. The blessing of God will clear that all up, and we shall stand clear before the world and heaven. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.2

J. N. Loughborough: I don’t know but you will say the dreamer is coming again. After our glorious meetings yesterday, I went to bed, and spent my last wakeful hours in prayer; and in a dream shortly afterward, I saw a lot of you starting. As nearly as I could judge, about thirty-five or forty of you got down to the station, and were preparing to start. But while we were waiting for the ticket agent to come and sell us tickets, the question came up about the money to pay for them, when lo! there came piles of it. One, in the guise of a policeman, stepped up to some of us, apparently to stop us from going away. I said, “I guess you have mistaken the persons.” He began to look around, and finally said, “That’s so; I guess I have.” Then he begged our pardon, when his guise dropped off; and behold, a fine-looking lady was sitting at a table, ready to furnish our tickets. Some persons looked in their pocketbooks; and where they thought they had $2, behold! they had $20. One who thought he had $50, found he had $500 instead. There were piles of money laid upon the table after they went to secure tickets. I thanked God for this dream as I awoke; and I believe God meant by it that we should start out in faith, when a plenty of money will come in. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.3

Voices: Question, question. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.4

The Chair: The question is called for. The Secretary will please read the recommendation again. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.5

Secretary, reading: “That each of our conferences be asked to furnish and support one or more laborers in foreign lands, if it appears to have laborers whom God has fitted and burdened for foreign work; or if it has not such laborers, to support some other laborers, whom the Foreign Mission Board may suggest.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.6

The Chair: The question is on the motion to adopt. All favoring this say, Aye. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.7

H. P. Holser: Would it not be well to insert, “to be supported from the regular tithes,” so that the idea will not get out that they should be supported by donations? GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.8

The Chair: I think it would be well to put that in, if there are no objections. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.9

The resolution was carried unanimously. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.10

The Chair: The Secretary will read the next suggestion. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.11

Secretary, reading: “The desirability of establishing in all our educational institutions, a special course for the study of mission fields and missionary operations; and a furnishing to the Foreign Mission Board and the Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association, a list of the names of students in this course, and the fields for which they have a special burden. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.12

Voices: Question, question. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.13

A. J. Breed: While at Walla Walla College a few weeks ago, I found a real interest in missionary work among the students. It seemed impossible to meet all these students in my room, so one morning at chapel exercise, the questions were raised as to how many were preparing themselves for usefulness in the cause, and how many had some special field in mind. We asked such to place their names on paper, and hand them in. The list includes several promising young men and women. Some will finish their work this year, and some next year; while others are there for only a little while. I would be glad to place that list in the hands of the Foreign Mission Board or the General Conference Committee, to use as they think best. I do this at the request of the students themselves. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.14

W. D. Curtis: The question is being called. This is only a suggestion, as I understand it, from the Committee on Plans and Resolutions; and if voted upon as it is, will really accomplish nothing: so I move that this be received as the sense of the body, and that we request the Secretary to formulate it as a recommendation. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.15

The Chair: You have heard the motion. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.16

I. H. Evans: I believe there is considerable importance attached to this recommendation. I trust that if we pass it, every one of us, as ministers, will lend our influence to see it carried out. I believe that our educational institutions, our printing-houses, and our sanitariums should be simply institutions for preparing workers to go out into mission fields. It seems to me that it would be only proper for all the employees or students in these institutions to have a regular course of study in mission work: and that a library should be secured, covering a history of missionary work in various countries, the conditions of the people, the religions and laws, and the environments which surround those countries. I think there should be lecture courses established in our colleges, on foreign mission fields. Our professors themselves should become acquainted with the history of missionary operations, and understand the different religions in various countries. They should make a close study of these things, and prepare themselves to conduct courses of study along this line, in our schools and academies. When we get hold of this work properly, we shall not have so many missionaries sent abroad to return quickly. Then men will go to a field to stay. I think if we pass this, every sanitarium will be under obligation to set in operation a thorough course of this kind, and every student who wishes to do this, will have the privilege. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.17

Dr. J. H. Kellogg: I would like to amend this to read “home and foreign missionary fields.” We have mission fields in the United States, which are just as much foreign as any on any portion of the globe. There is the whole South, for example, and the whole Rocky Mountain region. This last is a wonderful mission field, and should be entered. Those mountain towns are just as full of heathen as any part of the world. I had a letter from a young man out there, who said that among several thousand people there, he was the only Christian. It seems to me it would be to the advantage of foreign fields to study these home fields; so I move the resolution, as stated. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.18

C. C. Lewis: In our school we had an experience similar to that described by Brother Breed. Some weeks ago Brethren Evans and Irwin visited us, and gave a talk on the subject of missionary work, and suggested the idea of students deciding definitely the fields to which they wanted to go when prepared. We have had missionary meetings conducted by the students since that. They took up this work with great enthusiasm. Every Saturday evening they had a missionary meeting, and the entire church attended, and filled the house. Before I came away, I gave an opportunity for students who wished to speak with me concerning their plans for missionary work, to do so privately. One after another come, until four of our brightest and best pupils had reached a definite decision to prepare for work in China. One wanted to go to India, one to British Guiana, and one to the Argentine Republic. Fifty-eight students in the academy are preparing for definite missionary work. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.19

Mrs. S. M. I. Henry: I inquire, What did Brother Evans mean by what he said concerning studying the various religions? GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.20

I. H. Evans: I simply meant to study them so as to become familiar with them, - not to study their philosophy, but just to know what will have to be met in missionary work. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.21

J. H. Kellogg: We have carried on a course of missionary instruction at the sanitarium for the last five or six years. We have found that the real trouble in training missionaries is to keep the missionary spirit alive until they are ready to go into the field. A young man may come there filled with the missionary spirit, and study for three or four years; but unless this definite work is kept before him, he has lost all his missionary spirit by the time he is ready to go out. We have recently adopted the plan, at the sanitarium, of sending out these missionaries to do practical missionary work while carrying on their studies. By correspondence we keep in close touch with them; and the letters received from them have a reflex action on those in the classes at the sanitarium. In this way the missionary spirit is not only kept alive, but increased. The best feature in our school work in this direction is the fact that we have a real missionary for a teacher. It has always seemed to me a difficult thing for a man who has never done any missionary work, to teach others how to do it. We now have a real missionary, who was superintendent for a long time of the Methodist missionary work at Singapore. He came to the sanitarium, became converted to the health principles, then accepted the whole truth, and now he is acting as assistant chaplain and instructor in missionary principles, methods, etc. I believe if we take up these lines in our schools, the Lord will send us real missionaries for teachers. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.22

C. M. Christiansen: I have a letter just received from Dr. Lindsay, of the South Africa Sanitarium, in which I find something directly on this point. With your permission, I will read a few lines:- GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.23

“I so often wish that they would establish a special instruction class, whose object it would be to find whom to send, when to send them, and the special knowledge they should have in their respective mission fields; also what they should know about the diseases and dangers of those fields, and how to avoid them.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.24

A. J. Haysmer: I am deeply interested in this subject. I have been visiting some of the islands of our mission field; and I have found over one hundred islands very needy, with no physician in them. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.25

J. H. Kellogg: Nor nurses, either? GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.26

A. J. Haysmer: Neither physicians nor nurses; and the missionaries who go to these fields are looked to by the people for everything they need. I hope the proposed instruction will be so thorough as to fit up men as physicians for these places, not only for the body, but also for the soul. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.27

Voices: Question. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.28

The Secretary read the question, which was unanimously passed. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.29

Chairman: This clears the docket, unless the committee has something more to offer. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.30

C. H. Jones: There are two more points that we have to present. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.31

H. P. Holser: These further suggestions were handed in to us by delegates, and so may be considered as originating in the conference itself. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.32

The first one is concerning the advisability of recommending that the editors of our general denominational periodicals in North America be appointed by the General Conference Committee, in conjunction with the publishers; and that the same plan be pursued in the union conferences. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.33

The second one is that this conference suggests to our conference presidents and ministers, the importance of keeping before our people the needs of our schools, and of encouraging them to make wills, legacies, and donations in favor of the General Conference Association, for the benefit of our educational interests. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.34

W. T. Knox: I think that the idea embodied in this suggestion is a step in the right direction, if prepared with the understanding that it refers to all our institutions. Some of these are heavily burdened: yet they are engaged in purely missionary work, and stand sadly in need of help. I have thought it would be well if we could get at some way of bringing before our people the necessity of doing this. For years much money that God would be pleased to have in the cause has passed out into the world because of negligence on the part of our people. I do not believe, however, that it should revert wholly to the General Conference Association. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.35

C. P. Bollman: I move that this be referred to the Committee on Plans and Resolutions, with the request that they formulate it in harmony with the remarks of Brother Knox. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.36

S. B. Horton: I second the motion. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.37

The motion carried. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.38

R. A. Underwood: I move that we adjourn. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.39

Delegate: I second the motion. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.40

Carried. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.41

The Publishing Work - Comparisons by Manager Sisley, of the Review and Herald - Progress Reported by Manager C. H. Jones, of Pacific Press - Circulation of the “Signs” - How It May Be Increased. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.42


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President Irwin in the chair. Elder E. E. Franke led the devotional exercise. Minutes of preceding day’s meetings were then approved. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.43

Chairman: If there are no reports of committees, the meeting of this forenoon will be devoted to the publishing and canvassing work. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.44

W. C. Sisley: I was much comforted this morning by reading a few words from the Review, which, to me, have a message in them for this time. I will read them: “God gives to every man his work; and with the imparted commission he gives to his messengers a measure of power proportionate to their faith.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.45

Now I suppose that none of us doubt for a minute that the Lord has, in his kindness, called us to bestow upon us one of the greatest and most important works ever bestowed upon a people. It seems to me that it is all-important for us to see to it that we are discharging this work. As I have just read, God never calls upon a people to perform any work, without putting within their reach the necessary power, and providing them with such facilities as are necessary, to carry on the work. I believe that the Lord has done this for us, and it would be well to look back a little, and see what these facilities are. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 116.46

As you all know, the publishing work was about the first of all the different lines of our work to be established. Some fifty years ago this was established; and we all know, from our experience and from what we have read of those who were pioneers in the work, that this was planted in the providence of God; and has been nourished by him ever since. Those of you who have read “Early Writings” know very well the privations and difficulties through which the early pioneers passed in order to maintain this line of work, and what a great help it was in spreading the truth. Very soon after the publishing work was established, it was found necessary, in order that the work from the press might have free circulation, to look after some means by which this work could be carried forward, and so the tract society work was established. This you know, was also established in the providence of God. I believe that it is one of the means God has put in our reach to use in carrying forward this work. We who have been a long time in the cause remember how the work was carried on in those days. We know with what love and devotion our brethren all worked along this line, and how much was accomplished. There seemed to be a great deal more accomplished then, in proportion to our membership, than has been since. The work grew from a very small beginning until in the year 1889-90 it reached, I am sorry to say, its zenith, so far as volume is concerned. In those years, according to the report, there was sold $1,250,000 worth of literature. This was about ten years ago, when the denomination was not much more than half as large as now. I think our statistics show that our membership has nearly doubled during the last ten years. Had the work gone forward from that day to this, as it went then, we should see to-day a wonderful work in the earth. I know of no reason why it should not have gone forward; for I have heard no one say that the work at that time was too great, or that the effort put forth in circulating our literature hindered in other lines. In fact, when that work was the most prosperous, everything else in connection with our cause was uplifted. Our colleges were filled with students; our publishing houses were doing well; our tract societies were paying off their indebtedness; money came in so that we had plenty; and everything was prosperous. The ministry was well supplied with laborers. Our foreign work started up at that time, and everything seemed to be doing well. I believe the work should have gone steadily forward from that time, but the facts show that it has not done so. From that day to this it has gradually, in many respects, diminished, until to-day our reports show that we are not selling or circulating more than half as many books, or half as much other literature, as at that time, in spite of the fact that we have nearly doubled our membership. This is to me a very sad picture. In view of the fact that the Lord has told us that if there is one work more important than another, it is that of placing our reading-matter in the hands of the public, it seems to me that we should see to it that we revive this line of work. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.1

Something is wrong. Other lines of work have gone on. Some lines of work have started since that time, and grown to great proportions, though not too large; but this line of work, it seems to me, has been, in a measure, lost sight of. The importance of it has not been kept before our people as it should be. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.2

Great principles have been discussed in this conference, all of which have a bearing directly on this particular line of work. We have been told that we should have a hundred laborers where we now have one. That would take more people than we have, because we have now more than one per cent. in the field. That indicates that the Lord wants every one to be engaged in the work. God has given to every man his work; so every man should be a worker, clothed with the power of God, because he has put that within our reach, and it is bestowed upon us in proportion to our faith. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.3

I am anxious that we shall see this thing in its true light; that we should give this important branch of the work its proper place and consideration in this conference, and not only here, but that we shall take up this work anew as we go home to our several fields. The great work is before us of warning the world of its coming doom, and of the earth being filled with the glory of God. But God has given us the power and facilities for doing it. I am sure that if we exercise the faith, in using the facilities he has given us, in his own appointed way, the work can be accomplished, and that soon. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.4

There is no work that comes so near to being self-supporting as the canvassing work. We have been casting about for means by which to send out laborers. It is possible for us to send out hundreds of laborers in all parts of the earth, without really costing us anything. Why not do it? Why not encourage our young people to take hold of this line of work, not by taking them out of other branches of the work. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.5

(Continued in next issue.) GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.6

THE DESIGN OF SANITARIUMS. Address of Dr. J. H. Kellogg, Thursday Evening, February 23. Christian Healing - Soul as Well as Body - Interesting Incidents of Sanitarium Work

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I have been asked to talk to you upon the subject of the gospel in the sanitarium. What is a sanitarium? What can a sanitarium do to-day in promoting the cause of Christ in the earth? I think there is a very mistaken idea in the world at large of what a sanitarium is. A great many people who come to the sanitarium at Battle Creek, do so with the idea that it is a place where they simply do penance for a while, and then go back to their old ways. Sometimes people say, “Doctor, I will do just what you tell me; if you ask me to eat sawdust, I will eat sawdust, but I want to get well quick.” I then ask, “What do you want to do when you get well?” One says, “Oh, I want to go home and stay well.” I tell him that he need not eat sawdust; but we have some foods such as granose and other dry foods, which at first will possibly taste like sawdust, but they will grow wonderfully sweet as he continues to use them. After a day or so he says, “Doctor, how long will I have to eat these things? How long will it be before I am well?” “What do you mean by being well?” “Why, I mean to be so I can return home, and live as I used to - eat ordinary food.” I am obliged to say to all such questions, “You never can be well enough to do that. A man can never be cured so that he can go back to his sins. That is not what a sanitarium is for. It is not a place to which a man can go and do penance for his transgressions, and then go back to do the same thing again. I am afraid that some of our good Seventh-day Adventist brethren have the idea that the sanitarium is a penal institution where persons can serve out a sentence for sins, and then go right back to their old ways. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.7

The sanitarium is a reformatory, - a place where people are reformed. I always say to people who come to the sanitarium, “You come here to learn new ways; to learn how to get well when you are sick; to learn how to live righteously, so that when you go home you will know how to behave yourself properly toward God, and toward yourself. You need not then be sick any more.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.8

What is the need of a sanitarium? - Sanitariums are necessary, and have been for a great while. Look at the fifth chapter of John, and you will find a record of the first sanitarium: “After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.9

There is a picture of the first sanitarium; and from my point of view, an institution is not a sanitarium at all, unless the Lord Jesus is there; and a pool is there, into which a man can step, and be cleansed and healed. I believe that is the origin of our sanitarium ideas. Going back to look for sanitariums, we find the first one, based on true principles, established by Seventh-day Adventists. Thirty-seven years ago the fifth day of September, the first sanitarium in all the world was incorporated at Battle Creek, Michigan. In the typical sanitarium, there was a pool. Water is the type of God’s healing power to man. The record says that the halt and the maimed, the blind and the withered, there lay in the porches, waiting for the moving of the waters. What a picture! GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.10

The Lord has given us this sanitarium idea, not simply that we may cure people, not simply to proclaim the power of Christ in the world, to heal the body as well as the soul; but also to teach how, through these principles, men may be protected from disease; not only of power to heal from present maladies, but of power to protect from maladies to come. I have felt, all the years I have been connected with the sanitarium, that I could have no real interest there were it not for the opportunity of teaching people the object-lessons we are able to give of the healing power of truth through obedience, and to teach them the value of obedience, in order to be preserved from sin. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.11

All the world is sick. Every man is waiting for his turn. It is an awful thing when you look at it. Here nine tenths of the people are sick, and all the rest are waiting to be sick. The hearse is going by; the grave-diggers are busy; every man is waiting his turn to be buried. How strangely apathetic we become to this terrible condition of things! Think of this for an instant. Just now, suppose out in the forest, among the hills that surround this place, there were lurking wild beasts, - bears, tigers, panthers, - carnivorous creatures: and every night they came prowling through the town to carry off some poor victim to be torn in pieces and devoured. How we would build high walls about our houses; how we would guard our doors; how we would watch that we were not surprised, seized, and carried off! But that is the very condition existing in our midst. Here comes consumption, that fell destroyer, which carries off one seventh of all the people; then there are typhoid fever and scarlet fevers, rheumatism, dyspepsia, and other insidious diseases, which kill more than acute diseases. There is never a moment in which there are not thirty funerals held. We have here in this house about six hundred people. In the ordinary course of events, fifty of them will die from consumption. In the West the per cent. is not quite so great. In Switzerland one in five dies of this disease; and in the crowded tenement-house sections of New York City, one out of every four dies of consumption. And this disease is multiplying with wonderful rapidity. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.12

That need not be if we only know how to resist consumption, - if we know how to build walls around the houses in which we live - our bodies - through which consumption may not come. God has given to this people a truth which has power in it to give the ability to resist disease; and not only to resist, but to heal, disease. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.13

Now let us look at the sanitarium, and see what it is. First, it is a place where people are taught how to eat, how properly to ventilate their homes, proper ideas of dress reform, correct breathing, etc. It is also a place where electricity, massage, the use of water, and all the various appliances utilized in curing disease, may be employed. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.14

Now about the first thing people who come to the sanitarium with which I am connected say, is, “Can you cure me?” I am always obliged to say: “No, I can not cure you - I never cured anybody. If the curative power were all in me, what a poor chance you would have to get well.” Some say, “Doctor, I hear that you cured such and such a man, and I was hoping that you might cure me.” “You are mistaken; I never cured anybody; I could not cure myself if I were sick.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.15

How does a sick man get well? The physicians who lived 2,500 years ago had an idea of how sick people were cured, and they knew better than some people who live at the present time. They knew that the doctor could not cure them. Just as you heard this morning, the ancients had rays of light with reference to God, they knew that all the sons of men were children of God. They saw that men must have originated from some superior source, and so they attributed the origin of the human race to God, and that is right. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.16

In the same way, the old physicians 2,500 years ago arrived at the same conclusion. When a person gets well, it is an unseen power that heals him. They did not know what that force was, so they called it vis medicatrix naturae, just as the scientists say of that great force acting throughout all the universe, which holds all the worlds in perfect order, all the stars in perfect harmony, the moon in her circuit around the earth, and the earth around the sun, - that it is gravitation. What is gravitation? - It is a scientific name for God. The ancients said the power that heals is vis medicatrix naturae. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.17

The wisest doctors said that the power that heals a person, is the vis medicatrix naturae; and the doctors ever since have been doing that same thing. Well, what is the vis medicatrix naturae? - It is simply the natural healing power. It is simply hiding a mystery by using a term. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.18

It is precisely the same with getting well. There is great ignorance in the world concerning the recovery of health. During the Dark Ages a great amount of error came in. The doctors found a man sick, and gave him a certain kind of medicine which it was thought would effect a cure; and perhaps the patient got well. Then another would get sick, and another doctor would give him something different, and perhaps he would get well. In this way, men began to think that those things cured them. They did not stop to think that perhaps they might have gotten well in spite of what was given to cure them. In this way came in the false idea that the doctor heals. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 117.19

One purpose of our sanitariums is to call attention to the fact that the doctor does not heal; that remedies do not cure; but that God heals and cures; and that there is but one real Physician in the universe, and that is Christ. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.1

It is easy enough to show that to a man, especially to one who comes to our sanitarium. Take a man who has been wandering everywhere in search of health, and has not found it; and who, as a last resort, has decided to go to the sanitarium, with the hope that he may there find some doctor who will be able to restore him to health. When we say to such a man, “I do not know of any treatment that we can give, that will heal you,” he looks downcast. “Why,” he says, “you cured such and such a man, and he was similarly afflicted, and I thought you could cure me.” Do you not see that this gives a good opportunity to sit right down there, and tell him, “Why, we can not cure; but there is a great healing power abroad in the universe, which can heal, and does heal, every sick one who is ever cured.” A beautiful thought it is to me, - that we do not have to beg and plead with God to heal; that this healing power is throughout all the world, and all the worlds, to bring health to the afflicted. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.2

Now all that is necessary for the healing of a sick man is that he shall want to be healed, and shall get into the line of God’s will, - in the divine order of things, where healing power is all about him, awaiting his demand. Then healing power will lay hold on him, and bring him to health again. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.3

I can not begin to tell you what hope that brings to the mind of the chronic invalid; and when this is explained to him, the light may be seen coming into his eyes, and hope and courage are made to revive. I tell you, it is a great privilege to see how such a poor, hopeless soul as that will lay hold of the thought that there is a great power all about in the world, to which he may appeal for healing. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.4

I believe that a sanitarium is one of the best means in all the world for teaching God to men and women; for teaching Christ; for holding up the God that gives healing power to both soul and body. Many poor souls come to a sanitarium for treatment, who need to have their souls healed as well as their bodies. They are sick in body, because they are sick in soul. Thus they need to have something more done for them than simply to heal their bodies. I am thoroughly satisfied, in fact, that a man never gets really well bodily, unless his soul is healed too. The two must come together. Now see how beautiful it is, when you get the thought that God is in everything, in every one, even the wicked, seeking to heal them. We see the working of this healing power of God every day. Skin is torn off the hand. You may see new skin gradually come on in its place. Tear off a bit of bark from a tree, and you may see that power healing the bark, little by little, day by day. Do you know how it heals? Can a doctor do that? - No; all he can do is to care for it, and protect it, and God does the healing. When the healing is completed, it is but the result of that blessed power which is constantly at work to heal every one. I say to an invalid, “We will help you get into line with this power. That is all we can do. We will send you into the bath-room, apply a fomentation or a bath, or some other treatment. The fomentation itself will not do you any good. It is only the power of God in it which will help you. It is a divine power which relieves pain, or other symptoms. The fomentation is only a simple means by which God works.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.5

How does a fomentation relieve pain? If I should ask Dr. Kress, I do not think he could tell me. If I should ask Elder Jones, or Professor Prescott, or even Dr. Waggoner, I do think they could not answer. I do not believe that any of the wisest men you have here, could tell. Nobody can explain how a fomentation heals. No one can tell how a fomentation relieves pain; yet the pain is relieved when the fomentation is applied, even under protest sometimes. God in his mercy relieves the pain, even though the patient is a wicked man. Thank God for his tenderness to the children of men! GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.6

When a man looks at the thing in that way, and sees that the different means applied to him are divine means, through which God is working, there is a wonderful converting power in it. When the nurse sees that the treatment applied - the electrical bath, the simple fomentation, or the massage - is but a means through which divine force is working; when he learns that the treatment is simply the agency that God uses, do you not see that it is easy to pray with such treatment? It becomes the most natural and appropriate thing to pray under such conditions. The nurse can heartily pray in his heart as the treatment is applied: “God, bless this fomentation. God, help this fomentation to do everything that is needed in this case.” It helps nurse, patient, and doctor to keep in harmony with God’s laws, when the sanitarium is on the gospel plan. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.7

I can look back to years when I was groping in darkness. I felt that there was not the power in my work that I wanted to see in it. I felt that there was something lacking. I prayed and prayed repeatedly; for I felt weak, and helpless, and ignorant. I felt anxious about my patients, and as I went from room to room, to see how they were getting along, I felt my weakness, and earnestly asked God to help me. But I did not often talk with my patients about their souls. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.8

Well, I did not have the faith then that I know how to exercise now; but God did help me, because he pitied my ignorance and helplessness. I need not tell you how happy I am to-day to feel that in our sanitarium work, it is just as natural for us to talk to a man about the gospel, and about God and Christ, as it is to talk to him about his diet and his body and his sickness; and it comes in just as easily and naturally. There was a time when I could not do this. I would study and study to see how I could bring things around to a talk on religious things. Perhaps I would be sitting in my office chair; and in would come a lawyer, or a senator, or somebody who wished to consult me. We would talk over his case; and I would study how I could switch off the conversation into another channel; and many times I would not know how to do it. I used to say to myself, I am afraid my patient will feel insulted if I do this. I am afraid he will think I am trying to force religion upon him. I am afraid he will think that I am unprofessional if I go to talking to him about religion. Now I want to tell you that I consider it the most professional thing I can do to talk to a man about his soul. I have a good many occasions to do that, too. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.9

To-night I am just talking freely, without undertaking to give an address, just to let you see how the matter stands in our regular every-day work. I was down to Chicago not very long ago; and as I was in the office, a lady about thirty years of age came in. She wanted to see me particularly, and so she had waited until she could meet me there. After I had talked to her for a time about her case, she said, “Doctor, I want to see you further: I would like to see you alone a moment.” So the nurse stepped out into an adjoining room. The lady said: “Doctor, I want to tell you that I committed a great sin years ago; and it has followed me all my life. It has become unbearable to me, and I felt that maybe you might help me. I feel that my life is blasted. I don’t know what to do. Just tell me, doctor, do you think there is any hope for me?” She was talking purely from a physical standpoint. I replied: “You committed this sin many years ago. Now you regret that, do you not? Have you not been very sorry for it?” She answered, “O, I have been mourning about it all my life.” I said, “Why do you not stop mourning about it? You do not need to mourn about that any more. The moment you saw that that was sin, and were sorry for it, God was ready to forgive you. God knew it was sin, and all you had to say was, ‘That is sin, and I am sorry for what I have done.’ There is no use of having your life blasted by that thing, and mourning over it continually. When God forgives you, that settles it; and you are not required to mourn over it forever afterward.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.10

“Why,” she said, “I never heard a physician talk like that before. O, how thankful I am! Why, you are a Christian physician! It is worth everything to me to hear those words.” Well, that poor woman was overjoyed; and I know that those few words did her more good than all the medical advice I could have given her. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.11

Some time ago a man came into my office for consultation. He was a prominent business man in a western city, - a large, fine, splendid-looking man, and an active and very successful business man. He had been in business for many years, but his health had broken down; and with loss of health came loss of success in business. As soon as he sat down he said: “Doctor, I am busted. I am busted physically, and mentally, and morally.” I replied, “Well, that is a pretty bad break-up. I am sorry to hear of that. I hope it is not so bad as that.” Then he began to tell me about his case; but he did not seem very free to talk that evening. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.12

Sabbath came. Sabbath mornings I usually take time to do some special medical missionary work, that I do not always have opportunity for on other days. So I went to have a meeting with this gentleman. I took my Bible along; and when I got to the sanitarium I caught him just inside the door. I had expected to lose a little time hunting him up, but the Lord had him all ready for me; and as I went in by a little side door, he followed me. He said, “Doctor, I came up here more to get spiritual help than anything else.” And I said to myself: “Thank God if the sanitarium is getting a reputation for helping people spiritually!” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.13

I might mention another case: A man living in----came up to the sanitarium, a few years ago; and I asked him, “Why do you come way up here? Have you not some great doctors in----?” “Oh, yes,” he said. “Why should you come all the way here, then?” He said: “I will tell you the reason. I understood that this is a Christian institution; that is why I came. I felt that I needed the atmosphere of a Christian institution.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.14

Well, I talked to the gentleman who was “busted” a little further; and he told me about his childhood, - how his father was a very profane man; and he added: “My mother said she was a Christian, but she never spoke to me three minutes about religion. They sent me to a Baptist Sunday-school, then to a Methodist Sunday-school, then to a Presbyterian Sunday-school: but as soon as I got old enough, I kicked out of the whole of them: and I have been wandering about ever since, getting into every kind of wickedness. It seems as if there is a power takes hold of me, and leads me into every kind of sin, - a superhuman power that just takes hold of me, and drags me down, and I have no power to resist it. Then I am so ashamed that I want to end it all by shooting myself.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.15

“Now,” said I, “would you not like to have power enough so that when that appetite for liquor comes, you would not have to plunge into the saloon, and go off on a spree?” He said: “Doctor, that is the only thing lacking in my life to make me one of the most successful business men in this country; but my life has been ruined because of these impulses which I can not control.” I said: “Look out and see that snow. Now if I were to make up a half-pound snowball, there would be rolled up in that little snow-ball power enough to shoot it out of a gun all the way from Battle Creek to Detroit, which is one hundred and twenty miles away. Think of all the power that is in those trees, that has been shooting them up, and keeping them up; and of the power that shoots this world out around the sun on its orbit. It would take eight hundred times as much gunpowder as there is earth to start this world off on its orbit around the sun. Think of that power, and then the power there is in the fields and in the universe. Now,” I said, “that same power is for you, and it is ready to hold you and control you. All that is necessary is just for you to surrender to it, and be willing to be controlled, to be held, and it will do it for you.” [Amen.] GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.16

“But do you believe that?” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.17

“I know it. I know that it has done the same thing for me; if it was not for this, I could not be a decent man.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.18

He said, “Is that true?” and I replied, “I know it is true.” I asked, “Do you ever pray to God, and ask him to help you?” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.19

“Why,” he said, “I try to pray sometimes, but I make a very poor fist at it; for I do not know how to pray.” I said, “Let us kneel down here, and pray together.” So we knelt down, and I prayed. Then I waited, and finally he sobbed out, “O God! I surrender, help me!” That was all that he said; but when he got up, his face was completely changed, and he walked away happy. He is marching right along, and God is helping him. I assure you that a gospel sanitarium is an interesting place. Our physicians and nurses have a most delightful time with their patients. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.20

Some time ago I was invited to speak at a great banquet. They brought on corpses of every description, - dead hens, dead cows, dead pigs, - and spread them all along the table. [Laughter.] That did not make me smile; it looked horrible to me, to see those people devouring those dead carcasses! I ate a bit of graham bread. Right across the table from me was sitting a man whom I noticed was eating every corpse that came. He buried them right in his own stomach, and I thought to myself, “Just think of that man, making a cemetery of himself.” [Laughter.] That’s the truth about it. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 118.21

I met a lady not long ago whose husband, a business man, had died at the sanitarium. He came there a terribly wicked man, and died within a week; but he died praising the Lord. This woman said, “I am so glad he found the sanitarium; it was such a good place for him to die in.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.1

When patients came to the sanitarium ready to die, we used to send them home so as to save our reputation; but we have gotten over that. Now when a man comes who is too sick to recover, we point him to Christ; so that when he dies, he will die with the peace of God in his heart. So the sanitarium has two offices, - to teach people how to live, and to teach people how to die. And the one thing is just as important as the other. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.2

At our sanitarium at 12:30 every Sabbath afternoon, the heads of the different departments and all our doctors gather in one of our committee-rooms, to the number of about thirty; and as we sit there, we tell of the things the Lord has been doing in the sanitarium in the previous week, and I wish that you might be there, and listen to those testimonies. [Elder Corliss: Amen.] Elder Corliss has been there, and he knows about it. We have never yet been able to get through with one of those meetings, although they often last until four or five o’clock. Some one wonders how we are able to keep in harmony at the sanitarium. Some one says it is because Dr. Kellogg has his thumb on everybody, and keeps all in place. But I have not the dignity nor force of character to hold down six hundred people - of the sort we have there. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.3

I said to a young lady in our nurses’ class. “How did you get the opportunity to come here? Did you come through the gate, or jump over the wall?” She said, “I jumped over the wall.” That is the way a great many of the people at the sanitarium have gotten there; they had to jump over walls; and they are a pretty independent sort of people. But there is a truth that holds us together; and as we see the power of God working in all our various departments, and every day and every week, we get together and rehearse it, that is the thing that binds our hearts together. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.4

Now we have been trying during the last two years an experiment of carrying on an organized work without any visible organization; that is, I mean without any visible exercise of authority. I got some light on this subject two years ago when I was at College View. I heard the brethren talking about what real authority is. It seemed to me that that was just the thing I had been believing, but did not dare say. So I went straight home, and got all our managers together, and I said to them, “Let us abandon all arbitrary rule; let us declare that we will have nothing arbitrary in this institution; let us undertake to have the Lord Jesus Christ rule this institution; let us abolish all our rules, and adopt simply principles, and let these principles rule.” And so we tried to do this, and we have not had any difficulty in consequence of doing so. We abolished all our rules; but we found that when we abolished rules, we had to establish a rule of principles; otherwise we would have anarchy. But when the principles are held up before our family of 700 workers, we find that they keep everything in order. A feature of our work to which I want to especially call your attention is the educational work. What a beautiful chance there is to hold up God’s law before a man who is suffering with sin! What a splendid opportunity it is to hold up the great decalogue, and let him see how its principles apply to the healing of his soul, his mind, and his body, and to let him see how he has violated that law, and is suffering, - not any arbitrarily inflicted penalty, - but suffering the natural consequence of his wrong-doing. We find people very quick to hear and obey. Life is at stake, you see; and so they are ready to lay hold of a truth that will heal them. We do not have to coax people to give up beefsteak, and pepper, and pepper-sauce, and all these things. They say, I do not want these things if they are not good for me. So we banish them from our table. You will not find beefsteak or meats of any kind on our sanitarium bill of fare. We carry on a school of health all the time. We have a school of cookery for patients and nurses. Nurses and other workers are trained to go out and carry on this work. Physicians also are trained. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.5

I suppose you will be surprised; but I believe God intended, and that he intends now, that every Seventh-day Adventist shall be a healer, or an instrument of healing; and that every Seventh-day Adventist home shall be a sanitarium. There is no reason why this should not be so. It ought to be so. We do not want a monopoly of anything at Battle Creek. We doctors do not want a monopoly of it. These principles are God’s principles; they are not ours, they are not medical principles; they belong to every child of God, and to every Christian man or woman who desires to lay hold of every principle of truth that God has revealed. I want these ministers to understand that we doctors do not feel that we have a monopoly of healing disease. It is your business to heal as much as ours. I mean, of course, that you are to be instruments in the hands of God for healing. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.6

Our nurses are taught to go out and teach the people how to use the simple remedies that God has given, - water, air, and food. These are the great healing agencies. Now these agencies differ: food is the thing from which we get our energy. In every morsel of food we take, there is energy. There is no available energy in water; but water is the vehicle by which the energy of the food is distributed through the body, and oxygen is the means by which the energy of the food is made active energy, and so is brought into activity. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.7

There is energy in coal. You put the coal in the furnace; but if you do not have oxygen, you do not get any power out of it; but when the oxygen comes in contact with the coal, it creates a power that starts the wheels, and the engine pulls the train. Now it is so in our bodies. The body is an engine, with a divine Engineer. There is power in every morsel of food; there is divine energy. God is in the food and the water and the air. The food supplies energy; the water carries the food into the body, and distributes it where it is wanted, carrying it to every cell and fiber, so it is ready to do the work that is wanted of it; then the oxygen comes in, and lights and sustains the vital fires that burn in the body. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.8

Now that is the philosophy of it, and you see how simple it is. Now these three things, - water, air, and food, - which are the most simple means, are at the same time the most active and healing agencies. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.9

We often get our eyes fixed upon the wrong thing; we get them fixed on great learning, erudition, and mysticism; that is not where the power is; the power is in the simple things that God has given us freely, and that everybody can lay hold of, and is entitled to. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.10

The problem we have been studying a great deal at the sanitarium at Battle Creek, and which the Medical Missionary Board has been studying for a number of years, is how to educate this great body of fifty thousand Sabbath-keeping people so that all of them may exert a healing power. I have said, in despair, many times, It can not be done. But now I have taken hope, the last two days; and I have made up my mind that it can be done, and I want to see it done, brethren. I want to see every Seventh-day Adventist home a mission, and every member a missionary. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.11

If you present this truth as God said it was intended to be presented, - right end foremost, - it goes easily. People will beg you to come, and will open their doors, and shake your hand heartily; and they will take hold of all the truth when they understand it. The Lord has given us something that is wonderful, - something that the world needs and must have. When the Lord took the children of Israel out into the wilderness to teach them, what was the first thing he gave them? - It was manna, - something sweet and toothsome, - wasn’t it? They received manna before the ten commandments, and before the ceremonial law. God was preparing those people. He wanted them to see that his way was good. As Dr. Waggoner was telling you the other day, we never eat anything good, but we are tasting God. It is a sacred thing to eat. This grows out of the fact that God is in everything. You may perhaps think that that is a new thought, but if you look back, in the Signs of the Times about eleven years, you will find that message. God is everything; he is all, and in all, - in everything we eat. Professor Prescott’s presentation the other day of the table of the Lord placed before us a beautiful thought. All the good things we have come right from the hand of God, just as much as did the manna in the wilderness. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.12

When our teachers go out teaching cooking-schools, the first thing at each session is a prayer. Proper food is a divinely ordained thing, and eating is a sacred act. This our teachers say when they open a cooking-school; also, when we open a school of health, we have a word of prayer. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.13

Now I am talking too long. I do not want to tire you upon this subject; but I want you to see how, in this sanitarium work, there is a great deal more than simply eating, in order that you can be healthy. It opens up an opportunity for the brightest, sweetest, most beautiful, and most successful kind of Christian work that can possibly be done. The work of the sanitariums reaches out into the neighborhoods of the patients when they go home, - opening up opportunities for the nurses to go out into the different communities to labor. There is something more about a sanitarium. Such an institution ought to be a center, from which all kinds of physical relief shall be sent out to the people, - not simply what we call medical relief, but all kinds of philanthropic work, rescue work, and everything of that sort. People come with sore souls, and sore hearts, and confide to the physicians and nurses their troubles; and it is the most natural thing in the world that this work should be the center of effort for unfortunate people, - orphans, widows, and unfortunate souls away down in the gutter, deep in the mires of sin. This work has power to save men. I could occupy an hour here telling you how God works through baths and pure food to rescue men from intemperance and immorality. But there is a practical lesson I want to bring to you to-night, - a question which, I am sure, all in this community are interested in. It is a question whether you ought not to have just this work right here in South Lancaster. For the last year it has been said that there should be something of the kind here; and as far as I can see, the East presents the greatest need of any part of the whole United States, because of the great number of sick people, and sad people, and invalid people, and the greatest number of sinners, of any part of the United States. I do not suppose you could find twice the area anywhere in the United States that has so many sinners and sick people as you have right around in this vicinity, including, of course, New York city and Boston. Here is a work already centralized here in your academy. Now, in order to have the whole light shining out from the center, so that South Lancaster can become a great light, and shine with brilliancy throughout all this part of the United States, don’t you want to have a sanitarium here? Now I don’t know that I have more to say about that. Perhaps some one has some resolutions to offer. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.14

At this point the following preambles and resolution were presented:- GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.15

“Whereas, The location of the South Lancaster Academy and other interests in this city make this an important center for the work in this part of the United States, and hence a place in which all branches of the work should be represented; and, - GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.16

“Whereas, The South Lancaster Academy Association are willing to dispose of their new dormitory, to be used as a sanitarium, on terms which will be advantageous to the association, while at the same time receiving the gift of the building for the purpose named; therefore, - GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.17

“Resolved, That in the opinion of this General Conference it will be in the interests of the cause if the State conferences of District 1, in co-operation with the International Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association to form a local board, by due legal incorporation, to receive the deed of the proposed sanitarium property, and to proceed to organize and conduct such an institution in harmony with the principles well recognized among us. J. H. KELLOGG, W. A. WILCOX, A. E. PLACE. Committee. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.18

A. E. Place: The South Lancaster Academy is located here, as well as other of our interests, which makes this a central place for the work of a sanitarium in this part of the United States. I am in hearty favor of these resolutions, and believe that this is the proper thing to do. I would therefore move the adoption of these resolutions. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.19

W. W. Prescott: I desire simply to say that I am very heartily in favor of the passage of these resolutions. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.20

J. H. Kellogg: In order to have a sanitarium, there must be a constituency; the sanitarium should not be left to look out for itself; it is an instrument for you to use; it is a means by which you can present the gospel to the people in this part of the United States, and we desire that it should be so used. It is not an institution for doctors and nurses to live in. If you want to let the light shine, you must have the light in you. You must be in harmony with these things. Everybody should be carrying out these principles, in a limited way, in their families, and on just the same principle that it is done in Battle Creek, at the sanitarium. You will not have to put money into the enterprise, at least not very much. The sanitarium will start in a small way, and grow, just as a tree grows; but you must feel that it is your institution, and foster and help it. It is not a thing simply to help you but a thing by which you will be able to help others. Is not that right? If you take hold of it in that way, the Lord will bless it, and it will be a wonderful blessing to you. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 119.21

H. W. Cottrell: I am very glad that this resolution has been presented before this assembly to-night. I am heart and soul in favor of sanitariums and sanitarium principles. I give credit to the sanitarium system, under God, for my life to-day. Twenty-six years ago last fall, I left for the Battle Creek Sanitarium, weighing just eighty-two pounds. I should have weighed fully as much as I do to-day, - one hundred and sixty-five pounds. I was practically a walking skeleton. The difficulty was what the doctors now call hyperpepsia; yet I know it better as a dreadfully sour stomach. One has to suffer for thirty years, as I did, in order to know the terrible agony and suffering that it entails. I was restored to perfect health; and through the principles learned there, I have been a well man ever since. I have received a letter from a man in New Brunswick, whom I never knew before. Dr. Kress has it, and it shows what people are willing to do when they have lost their health. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.1

D. H. Kress: I will read the letter which was addressed to Brother Cottrell: “A friend of mine in ..... told me, a short time ago, that you were a great sufferer from stomach trouble, but that you were now cured; and said that he thought you were cured at some hospital, but did not know what one. Now if you can put me on track of how I may be cured, you will confer a great favor on me, as I have almost given up hope.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.2

When I read this letter, I thought of the poor woman that had spent all her living on many physicians, and finally came to Christ to be healed. I think the time will come - indeed, I believe it is not far distant - when all Seventh-day Adventists will be so familiar with health principles that they will be able to do as Christ did, - they will be able to instruct the people to turn them away from the errors of their ways. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.3

To the poor man who was healed at the Pool of Bethesda, the Saviour afterward said, “Sin no more, lest a worst thing come unto thee.” Now do not continue in these same habits. If you do, you will get into a worse condition. Our principal object should not be merely to get people well, but to ascertain the cause of the sickness, and so thoroughly instruct them in the principles of health that they will avoid the causes, and be able to keep in health afterward. The sting of disease, as well as death, is sin. In correcting a man’s physical habits, we are simply pointing out to him some of his physical sins, and getting him to correct them; but Jesus alone can save a man from sinning; by his power alone can perverted habits be corrected. There are a good many people in prison to-day who are anxious to be outside. It is not a desirable place to be, especially when they see others enjoying freedom. But it would not be the best thing for them, nor for the community, to turn them all out, and give them liberty; to them it would mean liberty to commit crime. If they were safe people to be let out, I would be in favor of letting every soul go free. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.4

Sometimes we get sick. We are anxious to get well. We try one remedy, and then another; and after we have gone the rounds, and have tried everything, including, perhaps, Christian science and the so-called “faith-cure,” we may call for the elders of the church to pray for us. But in the majority of cases, you will find that the principal object is the restoration of health; the individual intends to go right on committing the same physical sins. Should such a person be restored, and continue in the same habits of living, in a very short time he would be in the same, or a worse condition. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.5

I think that the principal aim should be to get rid of the sins that have resulted in the sickness. Sickness itself is merely God’s way of calling attention to the laws of life that have been violated. In the work I have had to do in connection with the sanitarium, I have not found it very difficult - in fact, it has been a natural thing - to lead people to see that it is God that does the healing, not man. The simple illustration that the doctor used here, I have used many a time. A man cuts his hand. How quickly the new skin is formed! Now that which we see visibly, takes place inside of men where various organs are diseased. The Lord is constantly at work. God works in us, constantly building up, repairing waste, and healing all manner of diseases. “I am the Lord which healeth thee.” But in addition to the fact that God is in every man, we must recognize that he is in everything, - the food we eat, the air we breathe. These are a means of ministering life to man. But even pure air or pure food will do a man very little good unless it is utilized by the body; as long as the food remains in the stomach, it is of no more use than if put in a coat pocket. No matter how much you may expand your lungs, or how much food you may eat, it has to be carried to the tissues. If the circulation is sluggish, there is very little life carried to the tissues. I believe one of the greatest essentials in the maintenance of health is physical exercise in the open air. Not only is life carried to the various organs, muscles, nerves, and brain, but effete, or dead, products are rapidly swept out. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.6

You remember when the children of Israel were in Egypt, and began to multiply so rapidly, the Egyptians tried to stop this increase by giving them hard work to do. The Egyptians had a wrong conception of work. They thought that work was really a curse, instead of a blessing. They had the idea that this would result in the physical degeneracy of the race. But, to their surprise, the more they afflicted the Israelites, the more they multiplied and grew. They became stronger instead of weaker. It really was a great blessing to the children of Israel. In this way God was preparing them for the plagues that were about to fall upon the inhabitants of Egypt. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.7

Many in these times have a wrong conception of work. People are flocking to the cities away from physical work; the father says to his children, “It will not be necessary for you to work as I did,” not recognizing that his very life and strength depended upon the hard work to which he has become accustomed. A man talking with his wife says: “It will not be long before I shall not have to work this way. The time will come when we shall have sufficient wealth to take things easy.” At this point he begins to die; for death is due to inactivity. Many work simply because of necessity. The average workman does not see that work, itself, is an actual blessing. God cursed the ground for man’s sake at the beginning, making hard work a necessity for health. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.8

Freedom from disease means perfect obedience to every law of life. Perfect obedience, though, means perfect knowledge; so our work is to make nature’s laws plain to the people, - to give to the world the principles of health that God has given us. That is not the work of the physician alone, but it should be the work of every Seventh-day Adventist. It should be said of us, as it was of Israel of old, “Where is there a people who have statutes so good, and God so nigh?” When the time comes, when all become informed, and ready to communicate, people will flock to us as they did to Christ, because they see that we have something that they need. “Behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light.” Isaiah 60:2, 3. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.9

As I said, if I could simply read some of the letters that I daily receive, from people who have been at the sanitarium, and who speak of the progress they have made since they left, it would do your heart good. Most of them recognize God in it, too, and recognize that the principles are divine, and that there is a divine influence in our work. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.10

There is one thing that we as physicians have always tried to carry out. I never feel free to enter my office, in the morning, without first going into my closet, getting down on my knees, and asking God to direct me during the day. I believe that the very presence of a Christian physician should be a blessing to his patients; he can be a minister of life to them, the words that are spoken should minister life. In dealing with diseased minds, we have to be very careful. One word spoken unadvisedly, or in the wrong spirit, may result in great injury. Men everywhere are trembling in the balances; one word may decide their eternal destiny. Man lives not by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.11

I am sure that a sanitarium, if started at this place, can do a great work. If started properly, it will not be very long before you will see the sick flocking in from every quarter. But every work that I have ever been connected with, that has succeeded and prospered, is a work that has been started and built up from the bottom. Begin in a small way, and then, as Providence indicates, enlarge the work; in that way the work can be made prosperous. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.12

J. H. Kellogg: There is a little circumstance that might interest you, confirming what Dr. Kress says, - that the patients recognize that a divine spirit is at work in the institution, that God is at work in the institution; and that there is not just simply a doctor who has been assigned to him, trying to help him, but the Great Physician is also at work. Every day we have in our large hospital, prayer for the sick; and you see people coming down in their wheel-chairs, and gathering together for this service. Every patient that comes to the sanitarium gets a card, on which is an announcement of the prayer service in the hospital every day at 12:30, noon; and these sanitarium patients often go over and join in the service. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.13

This reminds me of another circumstance. Not very long ago a leading physician of one of our Western cities came to the sanitarium, afflicted with the whiskey habit and the morphia habit. He was in a terrible state; and when he was right in the midst of his agony in giving up these awful habits, - for it is a terrible thing to escape from, and get rid of, these things, - while he felt just in despair, the doctor came up to see him, and said, “Are you a Christian man?” He said, “No, I am not.” “Well, now,” the doctor said, “we are doing all we can for you; and if you will just take hold of God, if you will just look to God, he will help you.” “Well,” the man said, “you pray, and I will try.” So that doctor knelt down at the suffering man’s bedside, and prayed; and this man got help at just that moment. The pain left him entirely. Well, every time after that when the man had a paroxysm of pain, he would say to his nurse, “It is coming! Get on your knees quick!” The nurse would do it, and he would be immediately relieved. Those paroxysms were awful. It seemed as if they would tear the man asunder. But he depended upon God for his help, and in about a week he was well. This seems like a fairy tale to you, I know; but I could tell you things of this kind by the day which have occurred in our institution, especially during the last three or four years. This man recognized the fact that God had healed him; and when he knew that his nurse was going to have another case of exactly the same nature, he said to the nurse, “Say, nurse, don’t you forget to pray for that man. Praying will do that man more good than anything else.” GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.14

S. H. Lane: Is this a proper time to ask questions in regard to the matter? GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.15

The Chair: I think so. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.16

S. H. Lane: If I understand this correctly, it means that if the district takes this building, and runs a sanitarium, it becomes responsible for its running. Is that the idea of the resolution? GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.17

The Chair: Of course, not belonging to this district, I do not know anything about it. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.18

H. W. Cottrell: I did not frame the resolution, yet I think that I understood the present intent. It was formerly designed that the Medical Missionary Board take the institution, and arrange and conduct it. The latter plan has been that there be a local organization formed in the district, to manage it, in counsel with the Medical Missionary Board. Now, of course, this corporation has not been formed; this resolution is pointing toward that. I think that the object of the framers of the resolution was to have it brought before this body, and eventually before the conference. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.19

J. H. Kellogg: The brother has stated the matter correctly. I would simply add that we have a sisterhood of sanitariums. We have a sanitarium in Australia, that is carried on by a local board there. We also have a sanitarium in South Africa, carried on by their local board. We have a sanitarium in Boulder, Colorado; another in St. Helena, California; others in College View (near Lincoln), Nebraska; Portland, Oregon; Guadalajara, Mexico; Keene, Texas; Skodsborg, Denmark; and Basel, Switzerland. These sanitariums, all together, form a sisterhood of sanitariums. Each one is conducted by a local board. The purpose is to organize here an institution which shall join this sisterhood of sanitariums in the same work. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.20

The Chair: We shall close the meeting very soon. The question is now called for. I do not understand that the General Conference is now voting on it; but all who favor the adoption of this resolution may signify it by raising the hand. [Many raised their hands.] Opposed, the same sign. [No hands raised.] The resolution is carried. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.21

Dismissed by the benediction. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.22


No Authorcode

The reader will notice a statement made by the writer on page 106 of the BULLETIN, marked as a quotation from the Testimonies, as follows: “Our schools are the most important institutions in the world.” This was not designed as a quotation. The statement containing the thought referred to will be found on page 187 of “Special Testimonies on Education,” which is as follows: “And of all institutions in our world, the school is the most important. R. A. UNDERWOOD. 121 The Daily Bulletin Of the General Conference “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” Psalm 127:1. GCDB March 1, 1899, page 120.23