Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 2

February 15, 1842


Joshua V. Himes




Messrs Editors:—In the Signs of the Times, No. 21. Feb. 15th, having given the Bible definition of the word sanctuary as Contained in Daniel 8:13-14 (to which text we again refer the reader,) we shall secondly endeavor to prove that this unclean sanctuary has never been cleansed. HST February 15, 1842, page 169.1

“And he said unto me, unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” HST February 15, 1842, page 169.2

Therefore it cannot be applied to heaven, for heaven is holy; nor to our Savior Jesus Christ, who was the sanctuary of the righteous in the Babylonian captivity, Ezekiel 11:16. But, as we have distinctly seen from the Scriptures, first to the ceremonial or Jewish sanctuary, secondly to the church of God. If it can be made to appear evident from the Scriptures, that more than two thousand years have passed away since the commencement of this vision, and it has not been cleansed; the 2300 days given in the text are at once embraced as years. For this promise of the Holy God, (who cannot lie, and whose word shall not fail) must be fulfilled. And to say the least, as the Mede and Persian kingdoms gave up to the Grecian (as in the vision, Daniel 8:20,) 2165 years ago, from 1842, the whole vision will be completed, as years in accordance with our common chronology, in 135 years from the present date. Hence these 2300 days (if we can show the sanctuary not cleansed, and the promise not fulfilled) must be taken, not as days, half days, or half years, but as years, for as such they are nearly completed. But we shall leave this subject for the present, and proceed to show its impurity during the time already elapsed, which embraces the whole period, with the exception of the 135 years above, and these commence with the last year of the Mede and Persian power, as it occurred in the vision 323, B. C. Don. 8:21, when the rough goat or king of Grecia commenced its influence upon the sanctuary. HST February 15, 1842, page 169.3

From the text in our first, we learn that the individual members of the church are the temple of God, that the indwelling of God cleanses the temple;—that the absence of God from the heart, is a sure indication of pollution and sin. The whole church will assent to this. We are now prepared to inquire if this or the ceremonial Temple has ever been purified. There are some places in the Books of Macabees, in which it appears as though the Jews believed their temple, the priests and people were cleansed; especially when the second temple was finished, at which time Haggai profited them by his ministry: but if you consult his writings upon their moral state you learn he pronounces them unclean, Haggai 2:14. Ezra 6:14-22. At the time of prophet Malachi, this sect began to be more violent against those who declared the whole council of God among them. “They trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others.” “They stoned and killed the he prophets,” as Christ says; and ever since have thought themselves and their religion more pure and acceptable to God, than that of other denominations. When the words relating to the duration of the vision were altered, (“unto 2300 days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed”) the temple did not exist, but was completed (B. C. 515. Ezra 6:15,) with the exception of its vessels, which by neglect seemed to have remained in Babylon 58 years after, and were apparently brought from there by Ezra and others, B. C. 457. Ezra 7:19, also 825 to 31—it, being 2299 years ago, from 1842. It is worthy of notice that the Jewish sanctuary ceremonially embellished with vessels, and the spiritual one have existed separately, or together 2299 years. HST February 15, 1842, page 169.4

To return at this time, the sanctuary was restored, both building and vessels; was it then cleansed? Ezekiel tells us of one thing which would pollute it, and if this evil existed when the gold and silver vessels were brought in, its pollution is established, Ezekiel 44:23, also see Ezra, who being both priest and scribe was well qualified to judge, and his opinion is given as follows, Ezra 9:1-7 “Now when these things were done, the princes came to me, saying, The people of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites, have not separated themselves from the people of the lands, doing according to their abominations, even of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites. HST February 15, 1842, page 169.5

2. For they have taken of their daughters for themselves, and for their sons: so that the holy seed have mingled themselves with the people of those lands: yea, the hand of the princes and rulers have been chief in this trespass. HST February 15, 1842, page 169.6

3. And when I heard this thing, I rent my garment and my mantle, and plucked off the hair of my head and of my beard, and sat down astonished. HST February 15, 1842, page 169.7

4. Then were assembled unto me every one that trembled at the words of the God of Israel, because of the transgression of those that had been carried away: and I sat astonished until the evening sacrifice. HST February 15, 1842, page 169.8

5. And at the evening sacrifice I arose up from my heaviness; and having rent my garment and my mantle, I fell upon my knees, and spread out my hands unto the Lord my God. HST February 15, 1842, page 169.9

6. And said, O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God: for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up unto the heavens. HST February 15, 1842, page 169.10

7. Since the days of our fathers have we been in a great trespass unto this day; and for our iniquities have we, our kings, and our priests, been delivered into the hands of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil, and to confusion of face, as it is this day.” HST February 15, 1842, page 169.11

In the above confession Ezra says “since the days of our fathers we have been a great trespass unto this day.” And to make a short work upon the impurity of the second temple, we ask, what and what only could cleanse this worldly sanctuary? Answer, the divine presence. This 2nd temple, built under the direction of Zerubbabel and Joshua the high priest, wanted, as the Jews say, five things, which were the chief glory of the former, viz. the ark and its furniture, the Shekiah, or cloud of the divine presence, the holy fire, the Urim and Thumim, and the spirit of prophecy. How could the sanctuary be cleansed without the Shechinah, or divine presence. HST February 15, 1842, page 169.12

Let those who doubt the impurity of the second sanctuary, and the prophets who existed before, at, and after its completion. Haggai, B. C. 520, at the time the temple was completed, says, see Haggai 2:14, “that which they offer is unclean.” Compare this with what transpired on the spot, Ezra 6:14-22. The next in order is Zechariah, B. C. 518. Consult Zee. 7:5, also Nehemiah 13th. chap. B. C. 445, also Malachi 2 chap. B. C. 397, consult likewise the history of the Jews from B. C. 397, to the destruction of this worldly sanctuary; and then answer, if the ark and Shechinah, or divine presence were in the sanctuary, was it cleansed? Was the Jewish church holy? Is the Jewish worship now cleansed? Has it ever been cleansed, since the temple was destroyed? Has the sanctuary, the true Tabernacle, ever been cleansed. The great apostle, one of its priests, said, “Oh wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? and with the flesh he served the law of sin.” Romans 7:24, 25. If he was not cleansed in the most perfect sense, how shall we look for purity until our mortality shall put on immortality? We confess that the heart may be made pure,—that the eye may be single, and the body filled with light, from the golden candlestick in the sanctuary, and among the churches. But here is a voice from heaven, saying, the sanctuary shall be cleansed, i.e. the whole sanctuary; its foundation stones, its walls, and every stone thereof. I ask, are they all hewed, all squared by the word of God—is the last stone finished, the top stone—when this time comes to pass will not the high priest enter the temple, and the long train of his glory fill the house?—will it not be dedicated once for all, entirely and purely, to the worship of God? See the dedication of Solomon’s temple. Closing, I have but to ask this question to those who apply this cleansing to the church millitant. Has there ever been a time, when every member of the church loved God with all the heart, soul, might, mind and strength? every member,—either in the apostolic age,—in the wilderness, or within the last 70 years,—do they now? HST February 15, 1842, page 169.13

To those who apply this cleansing to the close of the three years of Antiochus, at 170 B. C. may be said the time does not correspond into 70 half days;—and they likewise confess, that he placed the abomination of desolation. Mark what the Savior says, Matthew 24:15. “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand. HST February 15, 1842, page 169.14

This was said 200 years after Antiochus; and pointed at, as still future; also in Daniel 11:20, 22, the birth of Jesus Christ is alluded to: and in verse 22, his death. If any doubt this let them read what the same Gabriel says of the prince of the covenant. Daniel 9:25, “Messiah the prince” 27, “and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week” being satisfied Jesus Christ is intended; as the Prince confirming the covenant. HST February 15, 1842, page 169.15

Having assured ourselves the prince of the covenant cut off, means the Savior; turn to verse 24th. chap. 11, after the Prince’s death, a certain power prevails even for a time. I do not decidedly call this time 360 years, but ask you to read to verse 32, where you will find the abomination placed that maketh desolate, and in its consistent place, i.e. as the Savior said, it should be still future from the time he quoted Daniel; and not in time past, 500 years or more to Antiochus. HST February 15, 1842, page 169.16

Can we believe the sanctuary has ever been cleansed in the sense of the text? That the all-seeing eye of God has ever called it pure? If we have any doubts remaining, there are other things to be done at the same time; at the close of which, the sanctuary shall be cleansed; we will examine these great events. HST February 15, 1842, page 170.1

Daniel 8:17, God commands Gabriel to make Daniel understand the vision: and in Daniel 8:18, he commences an explanation, saying, “Understand, O Son of Man, for at the time of the end shall be the vision,” that is in its full developement, first the ram, 2nd the rough goat, etc, until finally the whole shall be unfolded; we now see most of it transpired, but at the time of the end it shall be completed. What does Gabriel mean by “at the time of the end?” these are his own words: let us listen to all he says to Daniel, and he may give us some hint to an understanding of their import. We will attend a moment while he explains some important events in Daniel 11:40. Here the same Daniel says, “at the time of the end,” precisely the same words: we only wish now to know, what is to be accomplished at this time, to obtain his true meaning. HST February 15, 1842, page 170.2

1st. Daniel 11:40 “At the time of the end,” there shall be a great battle. HST February 15, 1842, page 170.3

2nd. Daniel 12:1 “At that time Michael shall stand up.” HST February 15, 1842, page 170.4

3rd. 12:1. “At that time, there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation.” HST February 15, 1842, page 170.5

4th. “At that time, thy people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end. HST February 15, 1842, page 170.6

Can we have any doubt of what the time of the end is, as here expressed? We see what the time is, by what takes place therein; although the precise starting point is not given, it decidedly terminates at the last day. “And many shall be purified to the time of the end: because (the end) is yet for a time appointed, 2300 days, Daniel 11:35. But at that time of the end, shall be the vision.” HST February 15, 1842, page 170.7

The subject before us is of the greatest moment, and calls for the most candid and best exercise of our judgment—aware that some may reject the statements made upon the time of the end; although we take the details of this time from no less than a mighty angel through the prophet Daniel, Matthew 24:15. HST February 15, 1842, page 170.8

If you please we will follow them out as the Scriptures shall dictate. HST February 15, 1842, page 170.9

“The time of the end” as defined by Gabriel Daniel 11:40, to Daniel 12:3, embraces an uncertain period before the judgment, but carries us down to the last day. Daniel 12:2. This all who believe in future punishment must acknowledge; now keep this in view, “at the time of the end, shall be the vision. Daniel 8:17. But its commencement somewhere in the Medo Persian power over the sanctuary and host, which by pagan influence and example should be as great a thorn to the Jewish worship as it had ever experienced, and finally terminate in their prostration through pagan Rome. Notwithstanding Gabriel points Daniel away to the time of the end for its final glory and completion, he immediately calls him back, in verse 20th, to its beginning, saying, “the ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. This power took its dominion over the Jews about B. C. 536, and surrendered to the Grecian Goat, verse 21, in about 213 years B. C. 323, and the vision evidently commences somewhere between the two dates, decidedly closing at the last day of the time of the end, let the time begin sooner or later, be longer or shorter. The vision shall be unto 2300 days—it shall be at the time of the end, and at the last end of the indignation, for this last end of the indignation shall be at the time appointed, 2300 days; then, and not until then shall it be perfectly cleansed. To return, the time of the end by some is considered differently; we would meet them if possible on their own ground. The last time 1 John 2:18. The last days, Hebrews 1:2, and latter days, Daniel 10:14, I believe refer to the same period, but the time of the end to be a shorter space before the final judgment. I have before me an ancient version of the Bible printed 1589, which makes Gabriel’s words to Daniel, Daniel 8:17 standing in ours “at the time of the end” etc. read as follows. “Understand O son of man, for in the last time, shall be the vision.” Here you see they correspond with 1 John 2:18, “Little children, it is the last time;” and as some translate Gabriels “time of the end,” the last “time,” and many persons are in doubt of the extent of the last times of the New Testament; we will inquire into their meaning, showing that they also point at the great last day. We will now inquire what reason John had for calling it the last time, which will give us a hint at its duration. 1 John 2:18, he knows it is the last time because Anti-Christ have come. This existence of anti-christ, is to him a perfect demonstration that it is “the last time;” a positive proof. What is anti-christ? he informs us, 1 John 2:22. “He is anti-christ that denieth the Father and the Son.” Such is atheism. He also acknowledges the Trinity in verse 23rd. “Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father,” Christ says, I and my Father are one; consequently to deny Jesus Christ is to deny the Father. Hence to obtain John’s simple proof that he lived in the last time (which was the time of anti-christ) turn to 1 John 4:3. “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come into the flesh, is not of God: and this is that spirit of anti-christ whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already is in the world.” HST February 15, 1842, page 170.10

From John, we learn to become anti-christian is to deny that Christ is come into the flesh, or in other words, to confess not that he has come into the flesh. Such was the spirit of the Jews who denied that Christ came into the flesh from A. D. 30, and have done down to this, 1841,—If the Jews are anti-christian, have they any special promise of restoration? Here then we have a last time, 1811 years in length. HST February 15, 1842, page 170.11

To be Continued.



2. Having considered the doctrine of the resurrection in connection with Christ’s second advent, we will now turn our attention to the dissolution of the material system. 2 Peter 3:10-12, 13. “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat; the earth also, and the works that are therein, shall be burned up.—Looking for, and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens, being on fire, shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. Nevertheless, we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness.” In commenting upon these passages, Mr. Scott remarks:—“As that important catastrophe the heavens and all the host of them (as far, at least, as connected with this earth and its inhabitants,) will pass away and rush into confusion and destruction, with a tremendous noise, of which thunders, earthquakes, and all other convulsions of nature are wholly inadequate to give the least conception. Then all the elements of which the earth and its atmosphere, and all the luminaries connected with it are composed, shall melt with intense heat; and not only one vast city, or one whole nation, but the earth, with all its cities, forests, mountains, as well as all the works of men, however admired, or magnificent, which cover the surface of it, shall constitute one vast conflagration, and be reduced to as confused a chaos, as that from which it was first created; and indeed shall wholly pass away.” HST February 15, 1842, page 170.12

The doctrine of the world’s dissolution, is a subject of some doubt and speculation. Will all these things come to pass—shall these spangled heavens be rolled together as a scroll, and this beautiful globe, with all other terrestial systems, be convulsed—disorganized and consumed by fire? These questions are rational, and demand our attention. The great events of the world’s dissolution, is prophetical—it remains to be fulfilled. But the enquiry is now among scoffers, as at first, “Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” Doubtless there were many who disbelieved all Christ said respecting the destruction of Jerusalem and the overthrow of the temple. “Verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down.” Matthew 24:2. When Christ made this prophecy, there were no, very remarkable circumstances connected with the Jewish nation to confirm it. The temple was a vast and magnificent building, the city was walled around, and the whole nation was at peace. But in 40 years the prophecy of our Lord was accomplished. Jerusalem was besieged by the Roman armies under the command of Titus, A. D. 73. In the Jewish wars of which Josephus (a faithful historian) gives an account, he says that he fell into the hands of the Romans, and saw the city laid in ruins. He says that Titus “gave orders that they should demolish the whole city and temple, except three towers, which he reserved standing. But for the rest of the wall it was laid so completely even with the ground by those who dug it up from the foundation, that there was nothing left to make these belief who came thither that it had ever been inhabited.”—Titus was himself anxious to preserve the temple, and repeatedly sent Josephus to the Jews to induce them to surrender. But Christ had predicted the desolation of the temple. “There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” The Jews refused to surrender, and the army of Titus made a tremendous onset upon the city, and even tore up the foundations of their beautiful and magnificent temple with a ploughshare—the prophecy was fulfilled.—“Zion shall be ploughed as a field.” Micah 3:12. This was purely an event of prophecy, literally fulfilled. But who of the Jews believed that their splendid city and lofty temple, which they had fortified, and guarded with a jealous eye, would be laid in ruins? HST February 15, 1842, page 170.13

To the fact of a scoffing, and unbelieving spirit, the apostle Peter refers, when speaking of the flood, 2 Peter 3:5-6. “For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water, and in the water, whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.” Let us examine this part of our subject. We have the record of that age of the world when such a man as Noah lived, a just man, perfect in his generations, and walked with God. At this time the moral condition of mankind was “corrupt.” God looked upon the earth, and behold it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. This fact was well known to Noah by what his ear heard, and his eye saw. In consequence of this great wickedness upon the earth. God made a decree, “behold I will destroy them (all flesh) with the earth. Noah was then directed to prepare an ark for the saving of his house. During this time that he was preparing the ark, he faithfully warned the people of the coming flood. But what was the result? The people laughed at Noah—continued on in their wickedness, despised the warnings and expostulations of God, were destroyed from the earth; and Noah, only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark. Here are the facts recorded respecting the deluge, the ark, the preservation of Noah and his family, and the destruction of that faithless and perverse generation. Facts established by testimony, says Mr. Taylor, abundantly sufficient, in the records of Greece, Egypt, India, and Britain, registered in the very sacra of the Pagan world. HST February 15, 1842, page 171.1

Now the apostle Peter mentions the destruction of the old world by the deluge, in order to draw our attention to the conflagration of the present world. The former which was overflowed with water and perished, experienced a gradual desolation. It was coming on the inhabitants for forty days—the latter is to be a speedy calamity. 2 Peter 3:10. “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat; the earth also and the things that are therein, shall be burned up.” HST February 15, 1842, page 171.2

Here is an event which is to come, surpassing every other event that has ever occurred in the history of the world. HST February 15, 1842, page 171.3

“Great day of dread, derision, and despair,
At thought of thee, each sublinary wish
Lets go its eager grasp, and quits the world.”
HST February 15, 1842, page 171.4

It will come suddenly, in answer to the Savior’s own prophecy, when men are slumbering in their sins—as a thief in the dark and thick night. There will be no star, no very brilliant or supernatural light—no voice to usher in that day. Matthew 24:37-42. God, who made the heavens and the earth, will by the same word of power change the relation of the elements; the stars shall fall from heaven, the moon shall wander from her beaten path, the sun shall grow dim, the earth shall heave from its centre, the mountains shall give way, and all nature change from her position into “the wreck of matter and crush of worlds.” HST February 15, 1842, page 171.5

There is evidence that the earth contains elements of its own dissolution. What will be the instrument of this awful catastrophe, we attempt not to describe. God may only speak, and it shall be done. He need only to wake up the sleeping volcanoes of this earth, and bid them send forth their destructive elements, in order to effect such a change in this terraqueous globe, as to resemble that described by the apostle. HST February 15, 1842, page 171.6

What desolation has an earthquake made in a single hour. Take that which affected Calabria, and destroyed the city of Messina, in 1783; over 200 towns and villages were laid waste, hundreds of hills mingled in the general ruin; dammed up rivers, and formed lakes. In a very short space of time, the general features of the country were entirely changed, and 100,000 human beings perished. In 1755, thirty five minutes past nine in the morning, the foundations of Lisbon began to shake—its splendid edifices fell to the ground—almost every house, church, convent, and public building, tumbled down—the bed of the Tagus was raised to its surfaces—vessels parted their moorings, and crushed together—the great guay crowded with immortal souls, sunk to an unfathomable depth—the sea in mountain waves rolled in, and dashed upon the castle—entered the city, and drove the inhabitants to the adjacent hills for safety. HST February 15, 1842, page 171.7

A greater revolution was made at Antioch, by the memorable earthquake, in May 30th, A. D. 526.—Two hundred and fifty thousand persons perished; many of whom had come from other parts of the country, to the festival of the Ascention. HST February 15, 1842, page 171.8

We may also infer from the circumstances connected with the ruins of the cities, Herculaneum, and Pompeii, that their destruction was in a moment. Of the latter city Pliny says, “A darkness suddenly overspread the country; not like the darkness of a moonless night, but like that of a closed room, in which the light is suddenly extinguished.—Women screamed, children moaned, men cried. What must have been the feelings of the Pompeians, when roused from their slumbers by the roaring thunders beneath them. In vain they attempted to escape; some of them seized a few of their most valuable articles and started for a refuge, but were overtaken in the storm. In one street, in front of a mansion, seven skeletons were found, the first carried a lamp, and the rest had something between the bones of their fingers, which they wished to preserve. Other things might be mentioned to prove that this sad catastrophe came upon the inhabitants if the city without warning, “in the twinkling of an eye.” Mr. Scott justly remarks, “Who can contemplate the great crater of Kirauea on the island of Haivaii, as described by our missionaries, and not be deeply impressed with the conviction, that there is within the bowels of the earth a latent power, which, when God shall give it commission, shall be abundantly adequate to the production of all the effects spoken of by the apostle.” HST February 15, 1842, page 171.9

As a matter of revelation, we feel bound to believe that this world which we now inhabit will be renovated—the event is future. Our unbelief will not alter the plain declarations of the inspired Word concerning it. “Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be, in all holy conversation and godliness? HST February 15, 1842, page 171.10



Dear Brother:—We saw in the Herald and Journal, we should think of Dec. 8th, an article from Bro. P.T. Kenney, of Williamantic, Ct. making some inquiries respecting what Brother True had previously said in the same paper of 1840—concerning the coming of Christ and fall of the Ottoman empire. Since Bro. Kenney’s article appeared people have been waiting with anxious suspense for a reply from the same E. K. True. Must we all take silence as consent for this brother, that those things which he staked his reputation would not take place, having really so taken place; must we set it down that the Ottoman supremacy has gone, Brother True’s “reputation” and all? Why does not this brother come forward and either make his acknowledgments or defend his “reputation?” Or has this brother sent over the big waters to get at the truth of this matter? Sure we much wish to hear something from him soon in this quarter. And as you live in the near neighborhood of the editor of said paper, will you just inquire of him respecting it. If so, you will much oblige, HST February 15, 1842, page 171.11

Three Members of the Providence Conference. HST February 15, 1842, page 171.12




Mr. Editor:—The recent agitation of the subject of Christ’s Second Coming, and the vast importance of correct views in relation to it, induce me to come forward at this time, to discuss it with you in your columns before the public. These few words of introduction are all the preface that I shall prefix to my part of the discussion, and I am therefore ready to commence without further ceremony. HST February 15, 1842, page 171.13

In the first place, then, I object to your views of the Second Advent, because you yourself are not sure that they are correct. Not that I would make certainty a requisite in all cases. But when the “Midnight cry” shall indeed be uttered, it will be in words like these: “Behold the Bridegroom cometh;” not, I think he cometh, but I may be under a mistake.” I do not believe that God, if he really intended to have the “Midnight Cry” uttered, to warn mankind of this event, would leave it in this dubious condition. HST February 15, 1842, page 171.14

In the next place, I object to your views, because they leave no time for the fulfilment of prophecies which have not yet been fulfilled, and which consequently must be fulfilled; such for instance as the following: all the nations, families, and kindreds of the earth shall be blessed in Abraham and his seed: all the ends of the world shall remember, and turn unto the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nation shall worship before him: nations shall beat their swords into plough-shares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more: the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea: the stone that smiteth the image shall become a great mountain, and fill the whole earth: Christ’s dominion shall extend from sea even to sea, and from the river even to the ends of the earth: the Lord shall be king over all the earth: the children of Israel shall dwell in the land that God gave to Jacob, wherein there fathers dwelt; after they have abode many days without a king, etc. they shall seek the Lord etc. in the latter days: the devil shall be bound for a thousand years, and after that be loosed a little season, and go forth and deceive the nations. HST February 15, 1842, page 171.15

These, and many other events, are yet to transpire, and it is therefore manifest to me, that you are in error in supposing that Christ’s Second Advent is at hand. HST February 15, 1842, page 171.16

I am aware that you refer these events to a period subsequent to the Second Advent, and lay those scenes in the new earth, which you suppose is to be formed out of the present. But by what authority do you call that the new earth, which the scriptures denominate the earth. What do you know respecting the new earth, excepting that which is contained in the Bible. In that book something is denomiated the new earth, to distinguish it from the earth. To say, therefore, that in some passages, the term earth means the new earth, unless there is something in those cases to show it to be so, is to destroy his distinction, to introduce confusion, and to take great liberty with scripture. Moreover, if by the term earth, the new earth can be signified, what the need of the latter expression? HST February 15, 1842, page 172.1

Let me not be understood, as undertaking to decide what the new earth is—whether a literal new earth, or a regenerated race on the present earth. I merely say, that the expression, the earth, does not signify the same as the other expression, the new earth; and that when the former expression is used, it signifies the present earth, whatever may be the case with the other expression. HST February 15, 1842, page 172.2

Thirdly, I object to your views, because they put you under the necessity of making two literal resurrections, far distant in time from each other, the latter one a long time after the end of the world; and likewise, because they let loose the devil and the wicked in the immortal state, in the new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness, to come up against the glorified saints; thus bringing you into collision with various passages of scripture which speak of the resurrection, the day of judgment, the last trump, the last day, the gathering together of all nations before the Son of Man when he comes in his glory, their subsequent separation, judgment, and eternal sentence, with much more to the same effect. HST February 15, 1842, page 172.3

If I have misstated any of your views in the foregoing remarks, you will please to make the proper corrections. I know that all these views are advocated by some among you; but as to your own particular views on certain of those points, I am not precisely informed. I suppose, however, that you coincide in general with your brethren. HST February 15, 1842, page 172.4

Let this suffice for the introductory. The field is now open, and our respectative views must come to the test of investigation, before the community, and not merely before your particular friends or mine. And let us both remember, that though every man seemeth just in his own cause, his neighbor cometh, and searcheth him. These considerations should be sufficient to induce us to ponder well what we commit to paper on this occasion. HST February 15, 1842, page 172.5




The columns of the N. Y. Evangelist, and N. Y. Watchman, are now becoming heavily charged with srictures in opposition to the doctrine of Christ’s second coming, as advocated by the late conference at the Broadway Tabernacle, in the city of New York. And yet the editor of the Watchman, as understood, does not sympathize in this opposition. The writer of these strictures is the much-known Rev. Ethan Smith, late of Boston, who has long been publishing on he prophecies, and maintaining, as he is now doing again, the scheme of a temporal millennium, to take place before Christ’s coming personally and gloriously to reign with his saints in the kingdom of God. And thus, Mr. Smith, by helping to open wide the religious papers of the city to the discussion of this question, is doing much, indirectly, to open also the eyes of all the spiritually minded, to see clearly, if we mistake not, that his theory of a millennium, though quite popular in this country for the last fifty or one hundred years only, is but a fable, a delusion, originated by the false prophet; and that the real foretold reign of Christ, with his saints, will commence only at the resurrection of the dead, which will then continue in the “new earth” and “heavens,” during the vast ages of eternity, while all unbelievers will be suffering in torments the curse of God’s violated law. Let the church “hear with both ears, and then judge.” We rejoice in this more public opening of the discussion. HST February 15, 1842, page 172.6


No Authorcode

BOSTON, FEB. 15, 1842.



Williamantic, Ct. Jan. 25, 1842.
Dear Bro. Himes,—As I have a few moments leisure, I will improve it by giving a brief account of my tour thus far. Taking the Worcester and Norwich cars, on Saturday the 15th inst. I arrived at Pomfret, Ct. about 11 o’clock, A. M. and that evening commenced my lectures in the Baptist Meeting house in that place. There is a most deep interest waking up all through the community in this region, on the doctrine of the Second Advent. The lectures from the first were fully attended, and in increasing interest was manifested as they proceeded.
HST February 15, 1842, page 172.7

Tuesday, the 18th, our Second Advent Conference began, under the most auspicious circumstances. The weather and travelling were most delightful, the audience full, solemn and attentive; and what is still more valuable, the spirit of God was manifestly moving upon the hearts of the congregation. You will bear me witness, Bro. Himes, that no Conference we have yet attended has been more manifestly owned of God, and attended with his Divine blessing in arousing the Church, and in the awakening of sinners. The most strongly prejudiced against the doctrine, and opposed to the Conference, on the ground that it would distract and divide the Church, and prevent a revival, have lived to see all their fears dissipated, and to witness a deep and solemn interest pervading the community on the subject of religion, and scores of sinners seeking the Lord. Universalists and sceptics are shaken from their sandy foundation, and are now building on the Rock of ages. HST February 15, 1842, page 172.8

Brethren, both in the ministry and membership, of the various denominations in adjacent towns, were present, and participated in the exercises of the Conference. Several ministers in the vicinity are thoroughly converted to the doctrine of the coming of the Lord in 1813, and I think will not shun to declare the whole counsel of God on the subject. HST February 15, 1842, page 172.9

Friday evening I commenced a course of lectures a Bro. Coe’s Church in Brooklyn, Ct. and closed Sabbath evening. There, also, the doctrine has many strong advocates, and some warm opposers. Dr. Huntington, pastor of the Baptist Church in that place, is decided on the doctrine, and I think is about ready to give himself to the work of lecturing as soon as the door opens. The Lord was with us there, and several were deeply awakened to a sense of their sins and danger. Bro. French’s lectures have done great good through this region. Many, through his instrumentality, have been converted to God. HST February 15, 1842, page 172.10

Yesterday, (Monday,) I came to this place, and began my lectures last evening, and leave to-morrow. The interest here is deep and strong. Bro. Kinney is full in the faith, and boldly declares his belief. I go from here to Hartford, and spend two days, and from thence to Springfield. HST February 15, 1842, page 172.11

In haste, J. LITCH.



This pleasant and thriving village is situated fifty-two miles north from Albany, and twenty-one miles south of lake Champlain. The interest excited in this vicinity by the Low-Hampton conference in Nov. last, has been constantly increasing to the present time, when it has risen to an overwhelming-flood, and it seems as if it would sweep every thing before its heavy surges. Truly, God is in this place manifested in his saving power. HST February 15, 1842, page 172.12

The appointment for the conference was made at the Low-Hampton conference, and the announcement of the time of holding it has been looked for with deep anxiety by the community generally. Br. Miller came into the place the Thursday proceeding the conference, and commenced a course of lectures which were attended with an abundant blessing. The Presbyterian church was cordially opened both for his lectures and the conference. HST February 15, 1842, page 172.13

The Conference commented Tuesday, Feb. 1—under the most favorable circumstances, with a goodly number of brethren, both in the ministry and membership of the various denominations in this section of the country. The impression is deep on the public mind, that this is the midnight cry, and is the sure precursor of the coming bridegroom. The effect of the doctrine on the churches is electrical; it is a perfect solvent for that bane of christianity, a spirit of bigotry and sectarianism. Christians have been aroused to duty, backsliders humbled before God and constrained to confess their sins and ask forgiveness; long existing enmity and hostility between neighbors has been removed and given up; Universalists of many years standing, look around for the foundation of their hopes, but can find none, they stand trembling on the verse of and have just awoke to discover their danger. Infidels, who for years have blasphemed God and disregarded his law, now stand aghast at their impiety and sins, and earnestly enquire what must we do to be saved. In short, THE WORK OF GOD is going on among this people in a glorious manner. Friday evening, the close of our Conference, about a hundred rose for prayer; from the child of a few years, to the grey headed infidel. It was such a scene as we have seldom witnessed, and one also, over which angels rejoice. A large class of the seekers were young men, in the bloom of life. An incident occurred the last evening which did much to deepen the impression made by the lectures. H. B. Northrop, Esq., a prominent lawyer of this county, arose, and remarked, that “He had stood in that bar 47 many times and addressed a Jury of twelve sensible men, presenting evidence and arguments which he knew were weak audacious, and he knew others might have seen it; but he had sat down with the confident expectation that these 12 sensible men would give him their verdict. He had attended those lectures, and had done it with a mind strongly predisposed to reject the doctrine and exceedingly sceptical. He had attended with a determination, if possible, to overthrow the theory, and to exult with a feeling of triumph if he succeeded; he had watched every word and sentence, and made an effort at every point where he thought there was a possibility of making a breach, but had been unable to do it.” HST February 15, 1842, page 172.14

And now after making himself acquainted with history, sacred and profane, with prophecies and prophetic periods, as far as his circumstances would permit him to do, he would frankly confess, that he had never found any theory that will compare with this, for strength of evidence. He would not say that he believed the event would take place in 1843, or within ten years of that, but he could see no reason why it would not take place then! at any rate, he was satisfied if there was any truth in the Bible, the event was near! and that this calculation is the nearest we can possibly come to the time. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.1

The friends of the cause in this vicinity are taking hold of this work with an energy worthy of their faith. A Committee has been appointed, to collect funds for the purpose of circulating publications through the whole vicinity by means of an agent who is to take them, and sell, and distribute at his discretion. The plan is an excellent one, and ought to be followed by every county in the land, and that immediately. Something like $200 is already subscribed, and more is expected soon. The cause is rapidly progressing in this section, so that the old doctrine of a temporal millennium is hardly lisped from any quarter. Eds. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.2

Sandy-Hill, Feb. 5th, 1842.



We laid two books upon the Editor’s table not long since, only one of which he has condescended to notice. He noticed Miller’s exposition of the 24th of Matthew; but as yet keeps his readers in the dark relative to Mr. Spaulding, on the second coming of Christ. Why does he not notice this work? It was written by an able orthodox divine. Surely he is not affraid of the truth? HST February 15, 1842, page 173.3

But in noticing the 24th of Matthew, he has introduced an extract from “Dr. Williston, Durham N. Y. on the speculations of Mr. Miller: HST February 15, 1842, page 173.4

“As to Miller’s scheme,” he says, “I believe it to be, from what I have heard of it, not only wrong, but mischievous in its tendency—mischievous in two respects; First, as far as it is believed, it will check our prospective efforts for the conversion of the world. Who will undertake to learn a new language to qualify himself to preach the gospel to a heathen nation, when it will require as much time to learn it, as the long-suffering of God will wait? Secondly, if Mr. Miller’s scheme prove to be false, it will tend greatly to harden men’s hearts, and do much to promote the cause of Infidelity,“ HST February 15, 1842, page 173.5

1. Dr. W. “believes from what he has heard of it”!! He knows nothing only what he has heard. Such a man is not fit to pass judgment. 2. “It is mischievous in two respects.” 1. It destroys the modern plans of the church in their attempt to convert the world. 2. It will lead to “infidelity!” As to the first charge, we have only to say, that God’s word authorizes no such scheme. He has never promised to convert the whole world; on the contrary he assures us that the “wheat and the tares will grow together till the harvest—the End of the world!” 2. As to the tendency of the doctrine to “infidelity,” we have nothing to say, further than, at present, its tendency is to convert infidels to Christ. We will wait for the rest. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.6

The Recorder goes on to say that “Mr. Miller ridicules all the efforts of Missionary societies, Bible societies, etc., as preposterous and absurd!” This statement is totally untrue, as all Mr. M’s writings will show. No man prizes these societies higher than he does. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.7



The General Conference—Our work.—We now present the following plan of labor for the two months to come. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.8

Nashua N. H. Bro. Miller will commence a course of Lectures Feb. 24th. and close March 2. The Conference will be held in connexion with the Lectures in the forenoon of each day during the time, Sabbath excepted. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.9

Providence R. I. Course of Lectures by Bro. Miller, and Conference, as above. To commence March 4th. and close the 11th. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.10

Worcester, Mass. March 12, course of Lectures by Bro. Miller, close Sabbath, 20. Conference as above. Hartford, Ct. March 22, course of Lectures and Conference, close the 31st. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.11

New York city, April. Arrangements will be made known hereafter. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.12

Remarks—It is very desirable that all the ministers and brethren in the vicinity of these meetings, who are interested in the progress of the doctrine of the speedy coming of Christ, should attend. Nothing of a trivial nature should hinder them. We should make an effort to enlist in the above meetings from fifty to one hundred Lecturers who will go into the field without delay. The calls are numerous and urgent from all parts of the country. They must be supplied. Who will go? Brethren, let us meet and consult in the above meetings, and make the effort at least, to respond to the hundreds of calls for the proclamation of the glad tidings. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.13

Conference in Corrina Me. We are unable to make any thing of the minutes of the meeting sent us; but of the result, we are able to speak distinctly. We have just received a letter from Eld. Bridges, and others who inform us that a glorious revival has commenced as the result of the Conference in that place. Many backsliders have been reclaimed, and sinners are being converted to God. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.14

The interest excited by the conference in that vicinity is so great, that another is to be held at Newport village, Me. to commence the second Tuesday in March. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.15

They make a very pressing request for Bro. Fitch, Litch and others to attend. The brethren there must have help. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.16

Bro. French. Has been laboring with success in Newburyport, Salisbury, Mason, N. H. It will be seen that he goes to Lowell next. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.17

Nashua, N. H. Bro. Preble is now laboring in this place with success. He writes: “that the Lord is doing great things for us in Nashua. I have baptised the two last Sabbaths in succession, and shall again next Sabbath. Some Universalists, stout hearted profane men, have become praying men! Meetings are full, and great interest is manifested, on the subject of Salvation—also on the coming of the Lord. I bless God that I have been willing to give the “midnight cry.” Bro. Preble, was EXCOMMUNICATED from the F. W. Baptist church, in Nashua a short time since. He was their former Pastor. But he is now excommunicated from that body. Our friends need not be alarmed, for the charges prefered, will shut no one out of the kingdom of God. He has nothing to fear. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.18

The Movement.—The glorious movement relating to the second Advent, is going on with unexampled interest. The people are calling from all parts of the country for lectures on the subject. The papers are beginning to speak out on the subject with seriousness and alarm. They have held us in great contempt. They have asked, “What do these feeble Jews?” But the tune is turned. Now they begin to discuss the subject, and attempt to defend the fables of the Jews return, and spiritual millennium before the corning of Christ. But it is all in vain. The truth is published among the common people, and they are receiving it. They understand it. They believe it. Let the discussion go on; we have nothing to fear. The more discussion and opposition the more light, and the more certain and speedy triumph. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.19



This paper will be published weekly after the close of this volume. A volume will be published in six months, (24 numbers) at one dollar in advance!! HST February 15, 1842, page 173.20

James M. Thomas of S. C. We are glad to hear from this brother once more. We had almost concluded that Bro. Merrideth had put him down, by his severe proscription. But we find it otherwise. We hope that Bro. Thomas will go to work in good earnest in the South, and let the “midnight cry,” be heard through that entire region. We shall try to help him soon. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.21

“The end of the world not yet.” A discourse delivered in the North Church, Newburyport, on the last evening of the year 1841. By P. F. Dimmick, pastor of the church. Published by Charles Whipple, Newburyport, Mass. Price 12 1-2 cents, for sale at this office. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.22

Mr. Dimmick has made a serious effort to overthrow the theory we advocate We shall notice it hereafter. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.23

Surely I come quickly: A Letter to every body! London, 1835. By the author of “Why are you afraid of the cholera!” We have received one copy of this letter, and shall publish it forthwith. It will be read, no doubt, by “every body.” HST February 15, 1842, page 173.24

Notice. Bro. Calvin French, was to commence course of Lectures on the Second Advent, in the Christian Chapel, Lowel St. in Lowell, Saturday Feb. 12. He will commence a course in Newtown N. H. on Saturday 26 inst. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.25

Casco Street Church in Conference Convened.—Whereas, an article has appeared in the Universalist Palladium, printed in this city, stating that sixty of the Miller converts have been turned out of the Casco Street Church within the space of three months; and that previous to that time over one hundred have been excommunicated; and whereas some other papers have copied, and given publicity to the same report. We judge it a duty to inform the public that not more than twenty have been excommunicated from this Church since Mr. Miller first gave his lectures in this city, and that we know not that any of them were belivers in Miller’s doctrine, or his converts. HST February 15, 1842, page 173.26

Wherefore Resolved, That we consider said representation false, and we request those papers which may have inserted said statement to disabuse the public of the imposition palmed upon them by that paper, by giving this communication an insertion as soon as may be. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.1

By order of the Casco Street Church, Portland, Me. convened at their Chapel Feb. 3rd, 1842. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.2




Glasgow, Scotland

Rev. Dear Sir:—I herewith send notes of the first of my lectures on Prophecy formerly promised. 48 The offer, I found was too readily made, as the labor of fulfilling it has proved greater than I anticipated, and my time more occupied than I then had reason to expect. The fulness of these notes will, however, enable you to subdivide the lecture, should you still think of printing it—in which case, I hope to be able to send the next within more reasonable time. It is my desire in so far as the demands of business and other necessary claims upon my attention admit, to be helpfull in directing the thoughts of the church and the world to the “Prophecy of the scripture,” and other truths of God not less neglected; for, although I am quite convinced that the date which you have fixed for that of the coming of Christ, rests on a mistaken view of the subject, I yet believe that the true time before Christ’s coming will be found too short for what many expect, and crowded with events for which the church is little prepared. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.3

In return for the information derived from your “Signs of the Times,” as to the spread of the knowledge of the advent in America, it may be interesting to you to know that in this country, although the subject excited far less public notice, I am satisfied it is making a decided advance, in a greater way among those with whom religion is a reality. You will not of course understand me to mean that the scripture view of the time and purpose of Christ’s coming is received generally by those who are truly religious; very far is this from being the case; but, I have occasion to know that among such, both my and clerical, it is decidedly gaining ground. The great Adversary, however, finds means, by occupying men’s minds, and exhausting their energies upon questions of less importance, to divert their attention from what is of more vital consequence. But by the shaking of the great ecclesiastical establishments of this country and other prevailing systems, and by their eventual overthrow, God may be preparing the way for a more general reception of truths which these institutions have contributed in no small degree to obstruct. In these, I doubt not, there has been continued with greater effect much of the evil to which Paul referred when he foretold the “falling away.” For however convenient it may have been to lay all the enormity to the charge of Popery, the leaven therein embalmed, is far from having been all purged out by protesting Reformers. But even to the forms of that very corrupt church, so long protested against, there is at present no slight approximation. Eminent men in our chief University in England, have of late years been laboring, and with too great success, to introduce into the Episcopal church both the outward observances, and the doctrines hitherto denounced as the distinctive characteristics of Romanism Preparation seems thus being made for a more marked apostasy—to have a short-lived existence ere the Lord shall come for its utter destruction. The needed safety lies in cleaving more closely to the Lord, and to his blessed truth as revealed in His word—into the room of which those referred to, are exulting the authority of fallible men. From this sad delusion, and God-dishonoring sin, may we and you, and all friends be preserved. With love to, and prayer for those who love Christ’s appearing, I am Rev. Dear Sir, yours very sincerely, J. A. BEGG. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.4

35 Argyll Arcade, Glasgow, Dec. 1st 1841.



Dear Br. Himes:—I shall attempt to give you a brief sketch of the proceedings of the General Conference holden in Pomfret, Con., Jan. 18, 19, 20, 1842. The Conference assembled in the Baptist church, Jan. 18th, at 10 o’clock A. M., called to order by J. V. Himes. A committee of five was chosen to nominate officers for the Conference, viz. J. V. Himes, J. Litch, Warren Cooper, Williams Thayer, N. Billings. The Conference was then addressed by J. V. Himes; first setting forth the object of the Conference. 2nd. The fallacious notion of the present temporal millennium, to which the church is now looking. Adjourned half past 1. Afternoon, session, after prayer and singing, committee of Nomination reported the following servants for the Convention; Wms. Thayer Chairman, Rufus Pike Asst. Secretary. J. Litch then proceeded to state, as a bold attack had been made on the temporal millennium, he felt bound as an act of justice to present a better one, which he clearly did in the exposition of the 20th chap. of Rev. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.5

Evening session met at half past 6, opened by prayer and singing. Discourse by J. Litch, on the 2300 days in Daniel 8:14. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.6

Wednesday 19th inst. open half past 10 A. M. by prayer and singing. It was proposed to open the morning session in addresses by various brethren, on their experience and views of the second advent doctrine. J. V. Himes reviewed the proceedings of the past day, followed by the Chairman, stating his views and reasons for embracing them. Mr. Johnson of Worcester stated his firm belief in the second advent and time, and reasons, and determination to devote his all to the work. Rev. T. Kenney, also, of Williamantic, Ct., and Dr. Huntington of Brooklyn, stated that the times placed Ministers of the gospel in a responsible situation indeed—that they ought to come out and give their opinions, and those who oppose, are lulling sinners and the church to sleep; he had read much on the subject and was obliged to give up the idea of a temporal millennium because it is not the millennium of the Bible; he was not fully established in the time, but was examining it. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.7

Afternoon session opened at half past 1, by prayer and singing. J. V. Himes read the vision in Daniel 7., and proposed the following questions—answered by J. Litch. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.8

Ques. 1st.—Was the kingdom set up in the days of the 10 kings, or in the days of Augustus Casar? 2nd. Does the time of the kingdom bring us to a temporal millennium, or an eternal state. 3rd. If it is not an eternal kingdom, what is the meaning? Remainder of the time taken in the explanation of Romans 11:11, 12. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.9

Evening session opened with prayer and singing; J. Litch then gave an exposition of Daniel 11. and 12. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.10

Jan. 20th A. M. session, Conference opened by prayer and singing. Br. J. Litch addressed the church in a solemn manner, on the importance of being humble before God in watchfulness and prayer and related his experience followed by J. V. Himes, urging in a pathetic manner, the importance of dedicating soul and body wholly to God. Remainder of the morning occupied in remarks from brethren and sisters. Afternoon session opened at half past 1, by prayer and, singing; addressed by J. V. Himes; on the importance of proclaiming the midnight cry, and how it has been, and now is being proclaimed throughout every quarter of the globe; secondly, the object of this work, and the reasons for believing Christ to be near, and the necessity of doing with our whole heart what our hands find to do, and the way to do it. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.11

Evening, audience listened to J. Litch, from 9th chap. Rev. setting forth the fulfillment of the prophecies, from historical facts respecting the rise and progress of the Ottoman Empire, and its fall, during the year 1840. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.12

RUFUS PIKE, Asst. Secretary.



We have already remarked that although more than 2000 years have passed since the alledged fulfillment of the 2300 days, vision, yet up to this time no one of those who take this ground have been able to show that it was fulfilled. Mr. D. in his 6th section takes up this point under the following language. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.13

“Section 6.—This time fulfilled in the duration of the persecutions of Antiochus Epiphanes, at Jerusalem. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.14

Now let us inquire whether the time during which the daily sacrifices were taken away did actually agree with this prediction, thus understood. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.15

Dr. Prideaux informs us that in the year B. C. 168, when Antiochus had issued a decree commanding all his subjects to conform to his own religion, “he sent into Judea and Samaria, one Athenaus, an old man, who being well versed in all the rites of the Grecian idolatry, was thought a very proper person to initiate those people into the observance of them. On his coming to Jerusalem, and there executing his commission, all sacrifices to the God of Israel were made to cease, all the observances of the Jewish religion were suppressed, and the temple itself was polluted and made unfit for God’s worship. The Syrian soldiers under this overseer were the chief missionaries, and by them this conversion of the Jews to the king’s religion was effected. Having thus expelled the Jewish worship out of the temple, they introduced thither the heathen in its stead, and consecrated the temple to the worship of the chief of their false gods, Jupiter Olympus, erected his image upon one part of the altar of holocaust, and upon another part, just in front of the image, built another lesser altar, whereon they sacrificed to him.” HST February 15, 1842, page 174.16

This image was erected on the 15th day of the month Casleu, (answering partly to November and partly to December,) and on the 25th of the same month they there began their sacrifices to Jupiter. [See Maccabees, i: 54, 59] HST February 15, 1842, page 174.17

Exactly three years from this time, when Judas Maccabaus had conquered expelled the soldiers of Antiochus, the pious Jews having purified the temple, and made a new altar of incense, solemnly dedicated the temple anew to the worship of Jehovah, on the 25th of the month Casleu, [see 1. Mac. iv: 52,] the very same day on which three years, before the sacrifices to Jupiter had commenced. HST February 15, 1842, page 174.18

The half of 2300 days, as we have seen, is three years and 55 days. We are not informed by any historian exactly how many days elapsed between the time when Athenaus stopped the daily sacrifices, and the 25th of the month Casleu, when Jupiter was worshipped in the temple. Had we been thus informed, I have no doubt that we should find that time to be exactly 55 days; and thus that “the daily sacrifice was taken away” for 2300 evening and morning offering’s, and the worship of Jehovah in his temple abolished for 1150 days, or three years and 55 days.” HST February 15, 1842, page 175.1

The nearest he can come to the point, is that the time was fulfilled within 55, or, as the least excess of predicted, over fulfilled time, 45 days. Again he says in a note, page 75, HST February 15, 1842, page 175.2

“Those who make it 2300 entire days, reckon not from the time ‘the daily sacrifice was taken away,’ but from the beginning of the troubles, the first defection of Menelaus, the high priest, which was rather over six years before the cleansing of the sanctuary by Judas Mucabeas.” HST February 15, 1842, page 175.3

In this way of reckoning time and applying it, there is an excess of about a hundred days in prophecy more than in history. But says Mr. D. after stating what time the historian has given us, and that “we are not informed by any historian exactly how many days elapsed between the time when Athanaus stopped the daily sacrifice, and the 25th of the month Casleu, when, Jupiter, was worshipped in the temple;” had we been thus informed, I have no doubt that we should find it to be exactly 55 days.” The reader will here perceive the evidence Mr. D. has, and the basis of his argument for the application of the vision to Antiochus. It was never yet shown to have been fulfilled in him. HST February 15, 1842, page 175.4

Section 7th, is devoted to an “examination of Mr. Miller’s date for the commencement of the 2300 days or years.” HST February 15, 1842, page 175.5

After stating to his readers, that Mr. Miller begins the 2300 of Daniel 8:14, at the same time with the 70 weeks of the 9th chapter, calling the days years, and ending them A. D. 1843 he says, HST February 15, 1842, page 175.6

“The reader is already aware that I do not regard the “two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings” as prophetic days or years. As, however, some of my readers may suppose that years are possibly intended by the 2300 days, I shall proceed to show that even upon the supposition that this is the case, Mr. Miller is still egregiously in error, in the date of their commencement, and consequently in that of their termination. HST February 15, 1842, page 175.7

Let it be remembered that Mr. Miller acknowledges (p. 49) that the kingdom of the he-goat [Daniel 8:8,] means, the establishment of the Grecian empire under Alexander the Great, and that this event occurred in the year B. C. 331. HST February 15, 1842, page 175.8

Let the reader also remember that Mr. M. acknowledges in the same page, that by the four notable horns explained by the angel [verse 22] as meaning four Kingdoms, we are to understand the division of Alexander’s dominions into four kingdoms under four of his principal captains, and that this division took place, B. C. 301. Now the prophecy says (verse 23) that in the latter time of their kingdom, a king of fierce countenance shall arise, etc. By him (verse 11, 12) the daily sacrifice was to be be taken away, etc. In the 13th verse, it is asked, for how long a time this vision shall last, and the daily sacrifice be taken away, etc., and the answer is, “Unto two thousand and three hundred days.” HST February 15, 1842, page 175.9

Now let the reader observe that notwithstanding the above admission, Mr. M. places the commencement of these 2300 days [years] in the year B. C. 457, that is, more than a century before the he-goat or the four notable horns or the little horn had any existence! Is it not the very height of absurdity, to fix the date of the beginning of these calamities, (which the prophecy says were to occur in the latter time of the four kingdoms which sprung from Alexander’s,) more than a century before Alexander was born, and 126 years before the establishment of Alexander’s Grecian empire? To express this in the symbolical language of the prophecy, is it not somewhat extraordinary, that this “little horn” (whatever was meant by it) should spring out of one of the four horns upon the head of the goat, more than a century before the goat had any existence? HST February 15, 1842, page 175.10

And yet this is the absurdity upon which Mr. M. builds his whole theory of the coming of Christ in 1843. Had not Mr. M. expressed himself on this point in language which cannot be misunderstood, I could scarcely have believed it possible that he would think of placing the horn which was to spring from the head of the goat, before the time when the goat began to exist! or, in other words, that he would be guilty of the absurdity of placing a king or kingdom which was to spring from another kingdom, before the commencement of the parent kingdom! The goat only began to exist, that is to say, Alexander’s kingdom only arose in the year B. C. 331, and if we were to date the commencement of the little horn, even here, supposing the 2300 days to be years, it would bring the termination of them not before A. D. 1969. HST February 15, 1842, page 175.11

331Before Christ.
A. D.1969

But the true date is the date of the taking away the daily sacrifices in the temple by Antiochus Epiphanes, B. C. 168, and if the days meant years, this would bring the termination of them down to A. D. 2132. HST February 15, 1842, page 175.12

168B. C.
A. D.2132

Either of these dates is, of course, far too distant for Mr. Miller’s scheme, and therefore he places the commencement of the 2300 days, B. C. 457. HST February 15, 1842, page 175.13

A. D.1843

1. “I do not regard the 2300 evenings and mornings as prophetical days or years.” But it has already been shown that they do not mean what Mr. D supposes them to signify, and that hey were not fulfilled as he has supposed. HST February 15, 1842, page 175.14

2. “If they do mean years Mr. M. is egregiously in error, in the date of their commencement and termination.” HST February 15, 1842, page 175.15

To show the egregious error, he changes the reading of the text, and adopts that of Lowth, “How long shall the vision last, the daily sacrifice be taken away,” etc; then the little horn which came out of one of the four horns of the goat, took away the daily sacrifice; that horn, whatever it was, could not come up before the goat existed, which was not until B. C. 331. And the division of the kingdom of the goat, not until B. C. 301. Hence, it is absurd to date a vision before the power it predicts existed. In reply we contend, 1. For the propriety and correctness of the reading of our translation, with out the supplied words, “How long shall be the vision, the daily, and transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and host to be trodden under foot.” HST February 15, 1842, page 175.16

2. The word sacrifice, which Lowth inserts, is not in the text. It is the daily and transgression of desolation.” There is no good reason which can be assigned, why the word sacrifice should be inserted. Whatever the daily does mean, it is according to Mr. D.’s acknowledgement, something to be taken away 1335 years before the end, when Daniel will stand in his lot, at the end of the days. See Daniel 12:11-13. Which days Mr. D. admits to be years. HST February 15, 1842, page 175.17

3. “The daily and transgression of desolation,” are two desolating powers, which were to tread under foot both the sanctuary and host. The daily, was to do it first, and then the little horn was to have a host given him against the daily. And the place of his, (the daily’s) sanctuary was to be cast down. See Daniel 11:31. “They shall take away the daily, and place the abomination that maketh desolate.” That is, the daily shall cease its persecution, and the transgression of desolation will take its place and tread down the saints. But who shall take away the daily, and cast down the place of his sanctuary? The host that was given him, (the little horn.) HST February 15, 1842, page 175.18

What two desolating powers, or spirits, have wasted the church? Answer, Paganism, under the Chaldeans, Medo Persians, Grecians, and imperial Rome, and for a season under the Gothic conquerors of Rome. Then, Popery succeeded, and desolated the church for 1290 years. These two spirits have been the two desolating powers. HST February 15, 1842, page 175.19

3. The inquiry was not, “How long the daily should be taken away, and the transgression of desolation continue;” but “How long the vision, the daily, and transgression of desolation.” How long the vision of the continuance of both! Will Mr. D. contend that the ram was not a part of the vision? Or that the goat was not another part of it? If the ram and goat were parts of the vision, then the 2300 days, the length of the vision, must cover that ground. HST February 15, 1842, page 175.20

The absurdity, therefore, of dating the vision before the goat had an existence, vanishes. That little horn, let it be kept in remembrance, has already been proved to be the papal power, which came out of Greece, and came up among the ten horns of the Roman Empire. HST February 15, 1842, page 175.21

Again, Mr. D. says:— HST February 15, 1842, page 175.22

“But the reader who has not read Mr. Miller’s book, will inquire, Does he place the date so far tack, without the shadow of a reason? I reply, I have read his third lecture very carefully, to discover whether he has any reason whatever, for placing the commencement of the 2300 years at the same time as the commencement of the 70 weeks; and I can discover none, except a most singular inference he draws from Daniel 8:21, “the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision, at the beginning, touched me, etc.” HST February 15, 1842, page 175.23

The inference Mr. Miller draws from the expression in this verse, “the vision,” which, for the sake of emphasis, he has printed in italics 7 times in one page, p. 57, is that the vision of the 70 weeks, and the vision of the 2300 days, are only one vision, and that the former vision of 490 years is a part of the latter. But lest I should be supposed incorrectly to charge Mr. M. with an absurdity which he does not maintain, I will give his own words to show that I do not misrepresent his views. On p. 57 Mr. M. says, “We learn by the instruction of Gabriel that the seventy weeks were a part of the vision.”—And again, “We think the proof is strong that the vision of Daniel begins 457 years before Christ; take which from 2300, leaves 1843, when the vision must be finished.” And again, “Do you believe the Bible is true?” he asks the objector, “We do.” “Then if the Bible is true, Daniel’s 70 weeks are a part of the vision, and 490 years were accomplished when the Messiah was cut off; then 1810 years afterwards, the vision is completed, which would be fulfilled in 1843.” HST February 15, 1842, page 175.24

To these sage reasonings about the vision, it is only necessary to remark, firstly, that the vision of the 2300 days, and the vision of the 70 weeks, were seen by Daniel at two separate times; the former in the third year of Belshazzar; the latter, 15 or 16 years after, in the reign of Darius; that they refer to entirely different events, and are, therefore, not two parts of the same vision, but two distinct visions; and secondly, that this emphatic the, upon which so much dependence is placed, is not in the Hebrew. It is in the original merely, “the angel Gabriel, whom I had seen in vision, (Heb. becha-zon,) at the beginning, etc.” The Hebrew article (hai, the) is not there.” HST February 15, 1842, page 176.1

On this we remark, 1. Mr. D. has quoted a passage and put into Mr. Miller’s mouth, on which he does not lay any stress, viz. Daniel 9:21. The vision; whereas the text on which Mr. M. lays his stress, is verse 23; “Consider the vision.” HST February 15, 1842, page 176.2

2. Mr. D. denies that the Hebrew article hai [the] is in Daniel 9:21. But will he deny that the points render it just and right to render the word by “the vision.” For such a rendering we have high authority; and when Mr. D. denies its correctness, it shall be forthcoming. HST February 15, 1842, page 176.3

But Mr. D. has read Mr. M.’s book over very carefully, but can see no reason why he begins the 70 weeks, and 2300 days together, except that one expression, “the visionDaniel 9:21. We are sorry for him, and will try to enlighten him. We confess however, it is with little hope of success: and were it not for the hope that some others might be benefited by it, besides Mr. D. we should have but little courage to proceed. HST February 15, 1842, page 176.4

1. The first reason we give for beginning the 2300 days there, is, that the vision began in the Medo Persian reign; but if it had began over two years back of where we place it, it would have ended before now, which it has not: For the sanctuary is not yet cleansed: Jerusalem is yet trodden down of the Gentiles. And 2, Between the 5th and 7th year of Artaxerxes, there was no epoch from which there is any show of propriety in dating the vision. The 7th year of Artaxerxes, is, according to Mr. D’s showing, a period of sufficient importance in the estimation of Jehovah to make it the date of the 70 weeks. HST February 15, 1842, page 176.5

3. There is no date between the 7th of Artaxerxes and the end of the Medo Persian reign from which there is any show of propriety in dating the vision: and if we leave the Medo-Persian kingdom, and date it at the conquest of Alexander, we throw out an important part of the vision, which we have no right to do. HST February 15, 1842, page 176.6

4. When Daniel had seen the vision and sought for the meaning, Gabriel was sent to make him understand the vision. He said, “at the time of the end shall be the vision.” “I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation, for at the time appointed the end shall be.” “The vision of the evening and morning which was told is true, wherefore shut thou up the vision for it shall be for many days.” “I was astonished at the vision but none understood it.” From these quotations we learn that Daniel did seek, Gabriel was sent to instruct and give him an understanding of the vision, but he did not understand it: but he “was astonished at the vision.” In the 1st year of Darius, Daniel found by books that the seventy years captivity of the Jews in Babylon were ended, and began immediately to confess his own and his people’s sins and to pray that God would remember Jerusalem and his people, and cause his face to shine upon his sanctuary that was desolate etc. And while he was speaking, and praying, etc, for the holy mountain of his God. “Yea, whilst I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision 49 at the beginning being caused to fly swiftly touched me about the time of the evening oblation. And he informed me and talked with me and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding. At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth and I am come to show thee, far thou art greatly beloved, therefore understand the matter and consider the vision.” HST February 15, 1842, page 176.7

1. Daniel had been told, Daniel 8:14, that the sanctuary would be cleansed at the end of 2300 days. But he did not understand the vision. HST February 15, 1842, page 176.8

2. In the first year of Darius; 15 years after, he supposed as the seventy years had ended, the time had arrived for the cleansing of the sanctuary and the holy city; and immediately began to pray for it. HST February 15, 1842, page 176.9

3. As soon as he began to pray with that object in view, the commandment came forth to Gabriel to go and instruct Daniel. He was on a wrong track and Gabriel came to set him right. Being caused to fly swiftly he touched Daniel in the midst of his prayer even while he was speaking in prayer. He told him “I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding,” “therefore understand the matter and consider the vision.” HST February 15, 1842, page 176.10

4. He proceeded to assure Daniel that so far from the time being come for the cleansing of the sactuary, that the sin of the people had not been completed. Verse 24. “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins,” etc. He then told him when to commence the period. Verse 25. “Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem unto Messiah the Prince, shall be seven weeks and three score and two weeks,” etc. Verse 26. And after three score and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off; and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary, refering to its destruction by the Romans. “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week; and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease, and for overspreading of abominations he shall make it (the city and sanctuary) desolate even until the consummation.” HST February 15, 1842, page 176.11

5. I ask, if Gabriel did not instruct Daniel how long the sanctuary should be desolate on account of the overspreading of abominations, what did he inform him? The desecration was brought down this side the death of Messiah and the end of sacrifice by the coming of the antitype, and the destruction of the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary, (the holy place) was to take place and be perpetuated even to the consummation. HST February 15, 1842, page 176.12

6. As Daniel has seen a vision of 2300 days, which was to continue to the end, for at the time appointed the end shall be; and as he did not understand the vision when the instruction of Gabriel ended, and as 15 years after, he began to pray that it might be fulfilled then; and as Gabriel, the same messenger who had before instructed him, was sent with great swiftness to instruct him and give him skill and understanding, directing him to consider “the vision,” then telling him how long it would be before the sins of the city and people would be fulfilled, and that after that the city and sanctuary would be destroyed and made desolate even to the consummation, we can but understand Gabriel to be instructing Daniel into the meaning of the 2300 days, at the termination of which the sanctuary is to be cleansed, the end come, and the consummation take place. And also we cannot see how he did give him any light on the subject except it was by making the 70 weeks the key to the former vision. HST February 15, 1842, page 176.13



We have been solicited by many of our subscribers and correspondents, to publish the “Signs of the Timesweekly. This we are ready and willing to do, if the friends will support it by their subscriptions. The present volume will not meet the actual expense, even without reckoning a farthing for the services of the senior editor, and publisher. He has no means of meeting the deficit but by self-denial and sacrifice. It will not therefore be expected that he will run a risk, by incurring any responsibilities, unless others are willing to sacrifice with him in the cause. HST February 15, 1842, page 176.14



We propose to publish the third volume of the “Signs of the Times,” weekly, for six months, commencing April 6th. 1842, one dollar for the volume. On this plan there will be no risk, and the experiment can be tried without confusion, or difficulty. At the same time if it should be thought best, after the trial is made for a time, to publish semi-monthly again, it can be done, and the requsite numbers given to make the volume, as heretofore. HST February 15, 1842, page 176.15

We expect to secure a number of new writers who will give much interest to the next volume. HST February 15, 1842, page 176.16

With this statement, we submit the whole matter to our kind patrons, desiring, as far as practicable, to be guided by their counsel, in what we do for the publication of the “Midnight cry.” HST February 15, 1842, page 176.17

Joshua Y. Himes.
Boston, Jan. 15, 1842.



Is published on the 1st and 15th of each month at No. 14 Devonshire Street. HST February 15, 1842, page 176.18

Joshua V. Himes, & Josiah Litch, Editors. HST February 15, 1842, page 176.19

Terms.—One Dollar a year, payable in advance. Six copies for Five Dollars, Thirteen copies for Ten Dollars. All communications should be directed to “J. V. Himes, Boston, Mass.” post paid. HST February 15, 1842, page 176.20

Dow & Jackson, Printers, 14 Devonshire Street.