Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 2

January 15, 1842


Joshua V. Himes



No Authorcode

BOSTON, JANUARY, 15, 1842.



At the commencement of this New Year it becomes us to pause in the march of time, and in the spirit of the Psalmist, ask the Lord to “so teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. The year which is just closed is fraught with evidences of Divine goodness; and as dependant and immortal beings, it becomes us to recognize the paternal care of our Creator, Benefactor and Preserver. Surely thy mercies, O Lord, have been new every morning and fresh every night. During the past year many who were employed in the active duties of life are now numbered with the “crowded congregation of the dead.” Yes, dear reader—fair youth—some of your young—associates lie there wrapt in the garments of the sepulchre, who on the last New Years day were among the fairest, and brightest of the youthful circle. The gay Hall is lighted up this winter, the sound of music and dancing is heard, but where are those who were seen on such occasions the last year participating in the amusements of life? Their voices are now silent in death—their active limbs lie mouldering in the grave. Reader, you may be one of that gay company—go to the grave of thy young associate—linger there in solemn reflection—read their names—their age, their epitaphs. Can it be that those so young, so beautiful, have gone so early in life! Yes, they are dead. Perhaps you saw them die. You well remember the last evening you passed with them. They complained not of sickness, thought not of dying: but amidst their dreams of a long and happy life, death selected them as the fairest flowers of the garden. You are spared. God has watched over you with unceasing care, and preserved you from a thousand unforseen evils. You have been exposed to the same variable climate, breathed the same atmosphere—walked the same path of life, and at all times been as liable to die, and yet you are a monument of God’s mercy. This year thou mayest die. It is not necessary that you should be a victim of lingering consumption, or burning fever. Look over the records of mortality the past year. Almost every newspaper contains an account of sudden death. How many have suddenly fallen victims to the grave in the midst of their fondest expectations and lofty plans. You may be of that number this year. A robust constitution, a blooming cheek is no security for a long life, many who possess a sickly frame and shrink like the sensitive plant at every slight touch of disease, have survived even those who gave signs of many years. This consideration takes from you every argument in favor of a long life. And yet you may be shielding yourself under the false refuge of fatal procrastination—Saying with the distinguished king who was revelling at the midnight banquet, (on receiving a letter informing him that his life was in danger) “serious affairs tomorrow.” When men are in the enjoyment of health, and living in worldly prosperity, they are disposed “to think all men mortal but themselves.” HST January 15, 1842, page 153.1

“The grave! dread thing!
Men shiver when thou art named;
Nature appall’d shakes off its
Wonted firmness.”
HST January 15, 1842, page 153.2

The thought of death checks the pursuit of pleasure, and breaks in upon the spiritual slumbers of a thoughtless and giddy world. Procrastination, has ruined many both in their temporal and spiritual matters. Tomorrow, tomorrow, is the cry. Tomorrow may never come. What then dear friend will be the scenes of your dying hour, if you are unprepared? What but a painful retrospect of the past, and a fearful looking forward to the judgment of the great day. Save yourself from such a scene. Peril not thy soul on the probability of many years. This year “thy days may be numbered.” HST January 15, 1842, page 153.3

This new period of time reminds us also of the day when the “mystery of God” will be finished—a day of transcendant importance, and thrilling interest to immortal souls. HST January 15, 1842, page 153.4

“Six thousand years of sorrow,
Have well nigh fulfilled their tardy and disastrous course,
Over a sinful world.”
HST January 15, 1842, page 153.5

Every thing is tending onward to the final consummation, when “the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat; the earth also and the works that are therein, shall be burnt up.” “And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth, lifted up his hand to heaven, and sware by him that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven and the things that therein are, and the earth and the things that therein are, and the sea and the things which are therein that there should be time no longer.” This is the angel of the covenant standing upon the earth and upon the sea, for a special object—to finish up the government of God respecting his purposes to man—to give the signal by the rolling thunder of the last trumpet—that time is gone. The morning of the resurrection is come, and the eternal glories of heaven unfolding to the beatific vision of the redeemed. The patriarch and the seer looked forward through the long vista of years which have already passed away, and under high inspirations of God, declared that “the sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.” This prophecy was literally fulfilled. The sceptre, or the tribunal constitution of the Jews did not depart from Judea before the predicted time. Nor did the Lawgiver—the writer of statutes, depart from between his feet until the Shiloh—the Pacificator, or Giver of peace, come to restore peace between the offended majesty of heaven, and a fallen, guilty world. But the prophetic eye looked onward still farther to the resurrection and ascension of Christ, who on leaving his disciples said “I will come again and receive you unto myself.” His word is pledged to them, and to all his followers in every age of the world, that he will “come to be glorified in his saints and to be admired in all them that believe.” This coming of Christ stands connected with a most thrilling event. 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10. To you who are troubled rest with us; when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of ous Lord Jesus Christ, who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.” HST January 15, 1842, page 153.6

Just as certain, then, as prophetic events have already been fulfilled in the past ages of the world, and of the church, will “the Lord Jesus be revealed from heaven.” What does the record say? Acts 1:10, 11. “And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold two men stood by them in white apparel—which also said, ye men of Gallilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” This was to the disciples an unexpected event. It happened during a familiar conversation respecting the restoration of the kingdom of Israel. As soon as Christ had answered their inquiries on this subject, to their disappointment and surprise “he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight.” In like manner will he return. “Behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him.” This event is yet future, and stands recorded among the graphic scenes of the consumation of all things when time shall be no longer.” The promise which Christ made to his disciples respecting his second appearance must have been a source of great consolation to them. He had been their counsellor and friend in every hour of trial. He had given them evidences of unbroken friendship, and then left them with the blessed promise, that he would come again. He has gone to prepare a place for all his followers, in the temple of the New Jerusalem. From that time down through all successive ages to the present year, the disciples of Jesus have been looking with “a blessed hope,” for the fulfilment of his promise. “I will come again.” Well may we be looking for the event when years are rolling away in quick succession, and bearing us on the wing to the dissolution of all material things, when the living and the ‘dead shall be aroused by the clangor of the last trumpet—echoing in every vale and on every mountain top—time shall be no longer.” HST January 15, 1842, page 153.7

To be Continued.



Conference met in the Baptist meetinghouse, on Tuesday, 14th ult., at 10 o’clock forenoon. The notice of the meeting, and the lectures of Mr. Miller, which had been commenced on the Saturday evening previous, and continued through the Sabbath, and on Monday evening, had excited an interest, that brought together a considerable congregation at the opening of the Conference, notwithstanding the great unfavorableness of the weather, and the bad condition of he streets and the roads from the adjacent country. After singing and prayer, J. V. Himes, Secretary, stated the objects of the Conference, and the Chairman, Mr. Miller, addressed the meeting, setting forth the benefit of such conferences, and the duty of the members to exhortone another, and to stir up each other’s minds to remembrance. J. V. Himes followed with some account of the present state of the cause, the “midnight cry,” which is abroad in the land. He referred to the recent movements in Boston, the Conference, the lectures at Boylston hall, the awakening and conversion of numbers, and the general impression which had been communicated through the whole city. Many in the churches were awakened to an earnest inquiry, and some of the ministers had been constrained to come out in their pulpits on the subject. He spoke of the success of Mr. Litch in Newark, New Jersey, and of his commencement of labor in Philadelphia, with a prospect that that city would be awakened to this subject. He said, the Conference held in the city of New York, under circumstances most inauspicious to human calculation, had been blessed to the awakening of considerable interest in that city. Multiplied and earnest calls, he said, were coming in from various sections, for lectures. A clergyman of Montpelier, Vermont, had recently sent him a letter urgently soliciting a lecturer, for that place. The harvest, he said, was great, but the laborers few. He could only send this minister their publications, and suggest to him to engage himself, in declaring this truth to the people there. HST January 15, 1842, page 153.8

Several persons spoke of their feelings in regard to the expected advent. One obtained Mr. Miller’s book (of lectures) several years ago, had read it through five times and heartily embraced the doctrine; some passages of scripture were read for explanation. A committee of four T.F. Barry, D.I. Robinson, S. Goodhue, were chosen for taking a roll of the convention, and E. Mack appointed assistant Secretary. On inquiring as to the test by which persons might properly be enrolled as members, it was answered by the Chairman and others, that a belief that the Second Coming of our Lord is near, without assent to a precise time or specified year, was sufficient. The afternoon session was occupied in discussion of various points and explanations of passages of scripture. Some objections were brought forward, which, with the replies made to them, produced some excitement. In the evening Mr. Miller lectured to a crowded auditory at the Methodist meeting-house. The aisles, with every portion of the house, presented a solid mass of humanity—hanging with eager attention upon the lips of the speaker. Many, it is supposed, were unable to gain even a standing place within the walls. HST January 15, 1842, page 154.1

Wednesday morning the conference entered upon the examination of Daniel’s visions, second. seventh, and eighth chapters. Much interest was manifest in the consideration of these visions, in their respective and relative significations. At 2 o’clock, P. M. a prayer meeting was held, continuing to the time to which the conference was adjourned. At its conclusion, for the opening of conference, J. V. Himes remarked, that the meeting was now assuming the tone and spirit they were accustomed to witness on such occasions, a spirit of deep prayerfulness and solemnity having characterized the meeting, he considered the conversion of souls, and the perfecting of the saints, as the legitimate object of this doctrine, and that any different object on this occasion would be a perversion. The second vision, which occupied the conference at the time of adjournment in the forenoon, was read again, and the investigation resumed. It was asked, if this vision agreed in its general outlines with the first vision in its signification? D. I. Robinson replied, there could be no doubt that the same things were represented in both, viz. the four great kingdoms to be succeeded by the eternal kingdom of Christ. When the question was put to the meeting, whether there was any objection against considering these two visions, as representing the same events and objections, no objection was expressed. Again, it was inquired, to what do the events foretold in these visions bring us? Answer, to the Kingdom of Christ at his coming. Mr. Miller remarked, that he did not consider it of so much importance to speak in that stage of the inquiry, so much of the time, as of what the event is, that is to take place. While many, he said, are willing to admit that some great event is about to take place, without committing themselves as to what the event shall be, it appeared to him that they wished to leave an opportunity of escaping the chance of being called false prophets, should the particular event not take place. J. V. Himes, speaking of the “little horn,” explained the distinction between the powers of Popery, as civil and ecclesiastical—that though its civil power ended in 1798, its ecclesiastical power and influence still continues, giving examples of its present energetic movements, and its present and prospective success in various nations and quarters of the globe. A call was made, for any, who had any evidence that there is to be a temporal millennium between the end of the fourth kingdom and commencement of the eternal kingdom of Christ, to present it. None was offered—and the meeting proceeded to the consideration of the vision recorded in the eighth chapter. It was asked, what is meant by the word “after” in, the first verse. Answer, like unto—that is, that this vision was like unto the former vision. Considerable discussion arose on the question as to the time of the setting up of the Kingdom of Christ, whether it was by his first coming, or is to be in his second coming It was asked, why it was to be understood that the phrase “in the days of these kings,” meant “the ten kings,” rather than all the kings or kingdoms described in the prophecy? D. I. Robinson replied:—God did not set up his kingdom at Christ’s first coming, nor under the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, nor Grecian kingdom. At Christ’s first coming there existed but one of “these kingdoms,” the Roman, and farther, the context describes the feet of iron, and clay in the ten toes (the ten kings,) which did not exist until about 500 years after Christ’s first advent. Mr. Hayden enquired, how this explanation could be reconciled with Matthew 12:28—“But if I cast out devils by the finger of God, then is the kingdom of God come unto you.” Mr. Miller and others replied, that there was a distinction between the kingdom of Grace and the full, triumphal reign of Christ on earth; that the kingdom of his grace was in a peculiar manner brought unto the people to whom Christ was preached at his first appearing; that the Church, or Gospel dispensation, was not commenced by Christ’s first coming, but was known to Abel and the patriarch’s, who were taught by it to look for a glorified state, an eternal city, the triumphal kingdom of Christ. HST January 15, 1842, page 154.2

The lecture in the evening was at the Congregational meeting-house, and was attended by a large congregation considering the great rain—and the circumstance of the comparative little interest manifest by the people generally of that part of the village in the lectures and convention. That house was procured for that evening, on account of the lack of room for the people on previous evenings in the other houses. HST January 15, 1842, page 154.3

Thursday forenoon, the Conference resumed its sessions in the Baptist meeting house; and continued the inquiries on the visions of Daniel, particularly in relation to the time. The afternoon session was held in the Methodist meeting house. This session was devoted to the subject of publications, after an interesting prayer meeting, in which several persons manifested their desire to seek the Lord. J. V. Himes introduced the subject of publications by remarks enforcing the necessity of working while the day lasts—the brief period of two years, all the time he considered we had to work. “What is our work?” he asked. “To give the midnight cry! to warn sinners to repent and be converted, and to urge on believers the necessity of holiness in life and conversation.” Bro Litch, he said, had gone to Philadelphia, and was calling for one hundred dollars worth of publications to distribute there, and for this sum to be raised at the Dover conference. The speaker pledged to pay ten dollars towards that sum for himself, as one often to make up the whole amount. D. I. Robinson seconded the proposition, and pledged ten dollars to be procured by himself for this object. Donations and subscriptions for publications were received, to the amount of about two hundred dollars. A report of donations will be given in next number of this paper. HST January 15, 1842, page 154.4

At six o’clock, evening, Conference met in the Baptist meeting house, and heard a discourse by J. V. Himes, from 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13—“And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love, one toward another, and toward all men, as we do toward you; to the end he may establish your hearts before God, even our Father, at the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, with all his saints.” This was a season of interest, and joy, in conclusion of which, the conference was closed. At half past seven, Mr. Miller lectured in the Methodist house, which was again filled, notwithstanding the darkness of the night, and the badness of the weather. He continued his lectures Friday and Saturday evenings, to undiminished, (rather augmenting) auditories. The following Sabbath he lectured, forenoon in the Baptist meeting house, where he had commenced a week before; afternoon at the Methodist, and in the same place in the evening—his concluding lecture at this place. The pastor of the Baptist church, also of the Christian Society dismissed their meetings for the afternoon and evening of Sabbath, and attended the lectures. Many went away because they could not enter for the crowd. The interest, indeed, was great from the commencement to the termination of the lectures. A considerable number of persons attended both the lectures and Conference, from Portsmouth, Exeter, and other neighboring towns. Deep interest characterised the meetings generally; and there were a considerable number to whom the occasion was manifestly one of spiritual feeling, of confident expectation of the speedy coming of their Lord, and of joy in the prospect. Several, during the prayer meetings, which were held mornings and afternoons before the opening of the sessions of the conference, came forward, signifying their desire for prayers, and while solemnity rested on all countenances, the tear of penitence, or concern gathered in the eyes of some. HST January 15, 1842, page 154.5

In accord with the common character of mankind, the lectures, and conference in Dover, had elicited the expression of diversity of feeling in that community. Bigotry, scepticism, scoffing, candid hearing, and earnest enquiry have been sufficiently manifest. One class, and that no inconsiderable one in numbers, worldly respectability, wealth, and even religious profession, disdained to go to hear at all. Another class went, to cavil; another out of vain curiosity and another out of a candid respect to the doctrine, and with a spirit of inquiry after truth. And it is a pleasure to say, that this latter, we believe to have been no inconsiderable class, in its numbers, and its intellectual and moral character. May such an improvement be made of these opportunities, as shall result in the eternal good of that community. HST January 15, 1842, page 154.6

J. V. HIMES, Sec’y
ENOCH MACK, “Assis’t Sec’y.



Dover, N. H.—J. M. Davis, Job Otis, Mary Quimby, Asa Bean, Adaline Hale, O. B. Smith Sabrina Lord, Oliver Carter, Levina H. Wentworth., Levi Nason, Sarah Davis, Ralph Brock, Eliza Bracket, Alonzo Wallace, Sarah Williams, Moses B. Horn, Peter Horn, Charles T. Warren, Hannah Clark, Asel A. Kelley, J. C. Hutchins, Christiana Place, Eld. Anron Ayer, Sarah Whitehouse, Thomas L. Whitehouse, Betsey Clark, Martha Scruten, Julianna Roberts, Elizabeth Hurd, Mary Cook, Harriet Breech, Abigail Ellwell, John S. Warren, Solomon Jenness, Abigail Foye, Mrs. Sally Hobbs, G. Lord, Mary Perkins. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.1

Portsmouth N. H.—Richard Walker, John Downing, James H. Marston, John H. Pender, Timothy Paul, Eliza Walker, Joseph Coleman, Elizabeth Foster, Orrin Otis, Harriet H. Jackson, Thomas F. Barry, Susan H. Dame, Mary Robbins. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.2

Exeter, N. H.—Edwin Burnham, Simeon Sweet, Geo. T. Stacy, Abby Tilton, Benjamin P. Batchelder, Lucy Clement, George Harris, Lucretia Hook, A. R. Brown. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.3

Nottingham, N. H.—Andrew Simpson, Ira McDaniels, Mark Gile. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.4

Durham N. H.—Daniel Churchill, John Lougee, Nancy Lougee. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.5

Rye, N. H.—John W. Mace, Epbriam Philbrick. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.6

Newington. N. H.—Wm. Putnam, Joseph Wheeler. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.7

Concord, N. H.—J. V. Kendall. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.8

Deerfield, N. H.—Wm. G. Churchill. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.9

Epping, N. H.—Mary Prescott. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.10

New Castle, N. H.—Wesley Burnham. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.11

North Hampton. N. H.Charles Stevens, HST January 15, 1842, page 155.12

Barrington, N. H.—Miles Whitehorn. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.13

Great Falls N. H.—Daniel I. Robinson, Emeline M. Robinson, Elizabeth Bickford, Joanna Whitehouse. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.14

Sommersworth, N. H.—Benjamin Broad. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.15

Berwick, Me.—James Tuttle, Hannah Grant. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.16

Lebannon, Me.—Ceorge J. Knox. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.17

Low Hampton, N. Y.—William Miller. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.18

Boston, Mass.—Joshua V. Himes, P. Dickenson. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.19

Salem, Mass.Charles H. Barry, Mrs. J. Barry. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.20

Lowell, Mass.—Timothy Cole, Stephen Goodhue. Esther Maloon, Rachel E. Hayes, Mary A. Hayes, Lydia Hartford, Joanna W. Hayes. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.21

Chelmsford, Me.—George Kidder, Benjamin Spaulding, HST January 15, 1842, page 155.22

Somners Fulls, Me.—John E. Sheaf, Olive Sheaf. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.23

Kennebunk, Me.—Luther Kimball. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.24

New Market, N. H.—Mary Ann Hayden, Comfort Clark. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.25

Note.—If the above roll is not correct, we will make any correction which may be made by those concerned. HST January 15, 1842, page 155.26



The following extract is taken from a lecture by Mr. Miller, on the “Great Sabbath,” published in his “Views,” page 165, HST January 15, 1842, page 155.27

I shall show that the sabbath, which God has given to us as a sign, does indicate the time of the great sabbath of rest, which the apostle Paul exhorts us to labor to enter into. You will perceive, Exodus 31:17, that “it is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.” God gives us the reason why it is a sign, because he was six days making heaven and earth, and rested on the seventh. Paul has given us a comment on this very text, in Heb. third and fourth chapters. He shows us in these chapters that there is a day of rest, or keeping of the sabbath, to the people of God; and that it was not fulfilled by the children of Israel going into Canaan. We should conclude, by the apostle’s manner of reasoning, that he was contending against some persons who believed the sabbaths had their fulfilment and end, like the manna, when the children of Israel entered the land of Canaan; for it is very evident that it was in the days of Paul as it is with us now. Some then contended that the sabbaths given by God to Moses, in the wilderness, were ended when Joshua led the people into the promished land. Paul confutes them by showing that David afterwards spake of this sabbath as being limited to another day. Our anti-sabbatarians argue that the sabbaths ended with Christ’s crucifixion. And now may I not use the weapons which Paul has put into my hands against these anti-sabbatarians? for Paul says, thirty years after Christ’s death “There remaineth, therefore, a keeping of a sabbath to the people of God.” Now, if sabbaths had been done away, Paul would not have spoken of a sabbath remaining. It is also evident, by the next verse, that Paul means to show us that time is prefigured in this keeping of a sabbath which remains. He says, “For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works as God did from his.” In this text, here is, at the first view, a little ambiguity. Either Paul is continuing his argument, by showing that if Christ had entered into his rest, as you suppose, he might have said to the opposers of a sabbath, then “he has ceased from his labors, as God did from his.” Or Paul may mean, that Jesus Christ had finished his personal work on earth, and was now entered into his glory as a forerunner for us; not that we can suppose that the work of salvation, of which Jesus Christ is the author, was finished when Christ ascended into heaven; for he is yet an advocate for us, as the apostle tells us, “If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” And his certainly is a work which we hope is not yet finished. Now which will you choose? Either the sabbath must continue, or else the work of salvation by Jesus Christ is finished; for when the sabbath ended as a sign, then Christ’s work must have ended, to agree with the figure, “as God did from his.” But one thing is certain, that is, as God created the old heavens and earth in six days, and rested on the seventh, so, in like manner, will Christ be six days creating the new heavens and earth, and then he will rest from his labors. This is the inference we must draw from Paul’s expression in the text we are examining. If, then, the work of redemption and salvation must be completed in six days, what can those days, mean? HST January 15, 1842, page 155.28

There are three kinds of days mentioned in the Bible: 1. The natural day, which is twenty-four hours. 2. The prophetic day, which is a year with us. See Ezekiel 4:5, 6: “For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.” 3. The day of the Lord, which is as a thousand years with us. See 2 Peter 3:8, 10: “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the, night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” These are the only ways in which the Bible uses the word day, denoting any given or regular period of time. The first is measured by the revolution of the earth on its axis, and is known by day and night. The second is measured by the revolution of the earth around the sun, in its orbit, and is known by the four seasons, spring, summer, fall, and winter. The third is the Lord’s day, which cannot be measured by the life of any one man, no man in this world, ever laving lived out one of these days: it cannot properly be called by any other name than “the Lord’s day.” Peter tells us expressly not to be ignorant of this one thing, that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years. What does Peter mean by this expression? It would seem by his charge that he meant something of importance for us to know: “Beloved, be not ignorant.” Very well, Peter, we listen to you, we are all attention, we will try not to be ignorant: but of what? “Of this one thing.” Only one thing; we will try hard to understand you, Peer; we think we can learn one thing. But what is this one thing? Here steps in one of our vise-heads, and says, “Peter, let me explain your meaning to this inquirer; let me answer his question; I can do it to a charm.” The inquirer then turns his attention to Wise-head, and says. “Pray, sir, tell me what this one thing is?” “This is it, that one day, twenty-four hours, is as long with God as a thousand years.” “But,” says the inquirer, “sir, I am ignorant yet; I cannot understand how twenty-four hours is as long as 365,000 times that. If this is true, then numbers and mathematics are not true, and I am all abaft.” Another wiseacre now steps up and says, “Let me explain, sir.” The inquirer then turns round to Wiseacre—“Well, sir, what say you this one thing is?” “I say, Peter tells you that God does not count time at all; with him is one forever now; no beginning of days nor end of years.” “You have made it more dark still; I cannot conceive how God does not count time at all, and yet tells us of one day and a thousand years. How could he tell us that he was six days making the heavens and the earth? How could he measure all the events spoken of in the prophets, and specify the time to the self-same day? What did he mean by saying, “In the fulness of time, God sent forth his Son?” How can he appoint a day in which he will judge the world? I am ignorant how things may be, and not be, at one and the same time. Who gave the sun its decree, and the moon its time of changing, and fixed the revolution in the heavens? Who gave the earth its diurnal motion, and marked the circle of its annual pathway so complete? He that made the day and night can number them in wisdom. He that made time can surely number the seasons at his will. He that numbers our months can tell our days to a hair’s breadth. I am ignorant how God does not count time, when such a cloud of witnesses daily testify to the contrary. Our inquirer now turns to Peter, and asks, “What is the one thing of which we ought not to be ignorant, brother Peter?” Peter and ask, “That one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” HST January 15, 1842, page 155.29

Now I understand you, Peter; it is plain enough. Let me illustrate the meaning of these words by an example. Suppose I am talking with my neighbor about the President elect, General Harrison. I say he will have two days to rule these United States. “What do you mean?” says my neighbor. I answer, “Beloved neighbor, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the President as four years, and four years as one day.” Now, I ask, who would not understand me? The smallest intellect would understand me to mean that General Harrison would be elected the second time, and have two periods, of four years each, to rule over these United States. Why, then, not understand Peter, whose language is as simple and plain? Ah! many would if it were not for wise-heads and wiseacres, who draw our attention from Peter, take the words out of his mouth, put in some ambiguous words of their own, clothe the scripture in sackcloth, multiply words without knowledge, confuse and confound our thoughts, so that we hardly know what to think, till, in our confusion, we throw down our Bibles in disgust, become almost sceptics, and lose the whole force of truth and relish for the Bible. HST January 15, 1842, page 156.1

Peter, in this chapter, is talking about the judgment day, and the perdition of ungodly men. He then tells us how long that day shall be, charges us not to be ignorant that it is a thousand years, gives a plain reason why a day of the Lord is a thousand years long—because he is long-suffering towards men, not willing that any should perish, but rather that they should come to repentance. Peter next informs us that the day of the Lord, which he has just told us is as a thousand years, will come upon us—and how? As a thief in the night; the heavens shall pass away with a great noise; the elements shall melt with fervent heat; the earth also and the works therein shall be burnt up. Then, according to his promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousnes. HST January 15, 1842, page 156.2

Who, let me now inquire, can believe that this great work will be performed in the holy sabbath of eternal rest? How can Christ do all his work in six days; and yet perform all this in or after the seventh? What is die seventh day? It is a holy day. Peter says, “wherein dwelleth righteousness.” It is the day of the Lord, and the day of God. And Peter says, “looking for and hastening unto the coming of the day of God.” Therefore it is evident that Peter means to be understood, that the destruction of ungodly men, the burning of the works of men, the passing away of the heavens, melting of the elements, and making the new heavens and new earth, are all performed before this holy sabbath, rather than afterwards, as our modern millenarians hold. If, then, Jesus Christ does his work in six days, and rests from all his labors on the seventh, when may we expect the great event to take place? I answer—if a thousand years is one day with the Lord, as I think I have proved, then six thousand years from the first creation the new one must be formed: “For in six days God made the heavens and the earth, and rested on the seventh.” Mason Good, in his “Book of Nature,” supposes that the earth was six thousand years in forming: if so, then here would be another proof that I am right concerning a thousand years being a day with the Lord. And, moreover, if Christ worked after the example of his Father, and rested, as God rested from his labors, then the seven thousand years would be a sabbath of rest for Christ and his people. HST January 15, 1842, page 156.3

To arrive at a nearer conclusion of the whole matter, we shall now consult the age of the world. It is a well-known fact that chronological writers disagree much as to its present age. The Chinese make it about 25,000 years; the Hindoos about 14,000; the Romans about 6550. The Pentateuch, or Samaritan copy of the five books of Moses, makes it about 5648. The Septuagint copy of the Old Testament makes it 6254. The Hebrew Bible, from which ours is principally taken, makes the age of the world, as calculated by Usher, 5844. Some others have varied from Usher’s calculation. The reader will find, accompanying this volume, a chronology, made, as it is believed, from the Bible, having very clear evidence of every period of time given from the creation to Christ, which makes our present year, from the creation of Adam, 5997. If this should be the true era of the world, then we live within three or four years of the great sabbath of rest. You are under obligation to examine for yourselves. Whether any one of the above calculations concerning the age of the world is right, no man can, in my opinion, possibly determine with entire certainty. But I have never seen any chronology with so few difficulties to my mind as the one here presented. Compare, and read, and labor to enter into that rest which remains for the people of God. Every sabbath we enjoy here ought to remind us of the great sabbath to which we shall shortly come. Every trial we have here to endure should remind us that the days of our labor will soon be past, and our work finished and sealed up for eternity. Strive, then, to enter into rest; and know, O man! that this is the time to prepare to meet God and our Savior in rest. Amen.—Miller’s Views. HST January 15, 1842, page 156.4



BOSTON, JAN. 15, 1842.

eighth session of the general conference, will be held in Pomfret, Ct. in the Baptist church, commencing Jan. 18th, 1842, at 10 o’clock’ A. M. and will continue several days. Ministers and members of all denominations in the vicinity are respectfully invited to attend. HST January 15, 1842, page 156.5

Bro. J. Litch will commence a course of lectures Saturday eve. the 15th, and will continue every evening during the conference. HST January 15, 1842, page 156.6

General Conference, ninth Session. To be held in Sandy Hill, Washington Co. N. Y. Feb. 1st, 1842, and will continue several days. Ministers and brethren in that vicinity, interested in the cause, are requested to attend, and take part in the deliberations of the conference. HST January 15, 1842, page 156.7

General Conference,—Tenth Session, will be held in Colchester, Vt. Feb. 8th 1842, and will continue several days. Ministers and brethren interested are invited to attend, and take part in the services. HST January 15, 1842, page 156.8

It is expected that Mr. Miller, Litch, and others will attend these conferences. Let there be continual supplication among the brethren that the great head of the church may be with us, and bless our endeavors to promote his glorious cause. HST January 15, 1842, page 156.9

J. V. HIMES Sec’y.



“Shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12:4. HST January 15, 1842, page 156.10

“The words are closed up and sealed even to the time of the end.” “The wise shall understand, Daniel 12:10. Such was the instruction given to Daniel with respect to his visions. If such is the fact, that the words made known to him were closed and sealed to the time of the end, how could they be understood before the time of the end came. It is now demonstrable as we believe that the time of the end has come, and hence we are bound to expect an opening of the book, an increase of knowledge, and that the wise will understand, not by a new revelation, but by the opening of the old by the providence of God. HST January 15, 1842, page 156.11

Our attention has been called to this subject particularly of late by the development of the fact of the numerous persons both in Europe and America, who about the same time and entirely unknown to each other adopted the mode of completing the 2300 days of Daniel 8:14, now so generally received, i.e. of considering the 70 weeks of Daniel 9th as the key for dating the 2300 days. We have recently become acquainted with Mr. A. J. Krupp, of Philadelphia, who as he informs us made the calculation in 1818. In 1833 he published his views in the watchman of the night, and millenial morning. But for want of patronage the work was discontinued. Rev. David Mc Greggor, of Falmouth, Me. made the same calculation more than 30 years since. Mr. Davis, of South Carolina, presented the same calculation nearly at the same time, so likewise Mr. Miller, Irving of England, and Wolfe, the Jewish Missionary, made the same discovery nearly at the same time. All these, and others, have been raised up within the present century, adopted the same mode of dating that prophetic period. But after extensive research and inquiry we are unable to learn that among all the students of prophecy who have ever lived, there has been one before the present century who has ever thought of that date for the period. Has the great author of revelation had no hand in shutting and scaling, and at the time of the end opening the book of prophecy? Reader, ponder it. HST January 15, 1842, page 156.12

The second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in power and great glory before the millennium. By Rev. William Ramsey, Philadelphia; Orrin Rogers, 67 South Second St. HST January 15, 1842, page 156.13

This is an able and valuable work on the Pre-Millenial Advent. The Author has given to his congregation, in Philadelphia, a series of discourses upon the prophetic Scriptures, of which it seems the book before us is the tenth, considerably enlarged. With the main subject and views presented in this work we are much pleased. One position assumed and we think successfully maintained by the author, is that the word (Epiphaneia) brightness or appearing, and (Parousia) coming, always means a literal, a personal coming. He quotes all the texts in the New Testament where the words occur, and shows that in each instance it refers to the personal presence or coming of the object. Hence he argues the coming or appearing of Christ must be personal whenever it is referred to by the inspired penmen. HST January 15, 1842, page 156.14

Another point, we find with which we are not so well pleased; it is that of the literal return of the Jews in flesh and blood to Palestine. HST January 15, 1842, page 157.1

We cannot of course in a brief notice enter into an argument on the point, but refer our readers to an article on another page headed the Abrahamic Covenant for our views on the point. But as a general thing we highly esteem the work and wish it an extensive circulation. For sale at this office. HST January 15, 1842, page 157.2

The True Inheritance of the Saints: with an illustration of the 1260 days of Daniel and John, by william miller. This is the title of a new work just from the press, from the pen of Mr. Miller: and like his former works will be seized and read with avidity by those who love the appearing of the Savior and hope for the inheritance of the saints. The first lecture discusses and establishes the doctrine of the eternal inheritance of the saints on earth; and proves most conclusively that there can be no millenium before the second coming of Christ and the creation of the new heavens and earth and the new Jerusalem. HST January 15, 1842, page 157.3

The second lecture takes up and proves to have been fulfilled, the “time times and dividing of time,” of Daniel, and the 1260 days and 42 months of revelation, and consequently when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people all these things shall be finished, the Lord will come and the saints be glorified. HST January 15, 1842, page 157.4

Reasons for believing the second advent of our Lord Jesus Christ in 1843. by Rev. Charles Fitch. This work, already noticed, is a brief exposure of the author’s views on the prophecies; it presents in a graphic and striking, manner a vast amount of instruction. It cannot fail to interest and profit the sincere inquirer after truth. The work, although but recently published, has had a rapid and extensive circulation, and every day develops some good it is doing in the community. HST January 15, 1842, page 157.5

Eld. Knapp.—This distinguished servant of God is now in our city. He is preaching to crowded houses, in the Baptist churches in Baldwin place, and at the corner of Union and Hanover streets. The ministers generally take hold with him, sanction him in his preaching and measures, and stay up his hands as they should do, in the good work. The result of his labors thus far have been glorious. The churches have been aroused, and multitudes of sinners awakened, and turned to the Lord. HST January 15, 1842, page 157.6

Mr. Knapp has several times alluded to Mr. Miller and his views; and though he dissents from him in relation to the termination of the prophetic periods in 1843; he has spoken of him in the most respectful manner, and given his entire sanction to the good influences of Mr. Miller’s lectures, without draw-backs, or foolish objections. The wicked will not claim Mr. Knapp, as a co-adjutor in their crusade against Mr. Miller and the doctrine of the Advent nigh, in their, attempt to put down a portion of the church, and lead sinners down to hell. HST January 15, 1842, page 157.7

President Beecher. Since our last, this gentleman has continued his lectures on the prophecies: and in doing so, he has we much fear, done immense evil, by joining hands with the enemies of Christ and his appearing; in casting ridicule and contempt on Mr. Miller and his views. Many, we fear, have by his course been lulled to sleep, who will never wake again to their danger, until waked by the Archangel’s trump. He believes the 7th vial of God’s wrath will soon be poured out, and the seventh trumpet soon sound, when Christ will begin to reign by the Holy Ghost. But he ridicules the idea of the coming of Christ in flaming fire to burn the world. HST January 15, 1842, page 157.8

Rev. G. F. Cox. of Portland Me, has commenced a series of articles in the Christian Advocate and Journal on the Millennium. The numbers thus far are excellent, and their influence very great throughout the country in awakening attention to the subject. We know of no single effort which has yet been made, that has done so much for the cause as this. HST January 15, 1842, page 157.9



In our 41st No., we published an article on this subject from the pen of our highly esteemed bro. H. D. Ward. We wish no individual or association to be responsible for our views and teachings on the subject of the times and dates; but for ourselves we can but believe God’s word, and all his word, ant also according to the best of cur ability to teach it to others. HST January 15, 1842, page 157.10

What if it was not for the Apostles to know the times and seasons which the Father hath put in his own power? When the Father, hundreds of years before by the ministration of a heavenly messenger had said a “the words are closed up and sealed even to the time of the end.” “None of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.” What if the Savior did say to his Disciples “of that day and hour no man knoweth,” but the Father only, when the Father had said “close up the word and seal the book even to the time of the end; many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased.” Now, in this way we feel bound to interpret scripture by scripture and learn its import. The time of the end has come. HST January 15, 1842, page 157.11

The times are in God’s book, and they are either a revelation and to be understood or they are not. If they are not a revelation, they are out of place in the Bible; if they are a revelation they reveal something, and it is for us to know the time of the end, what until then the Father had put in his own power. (See another article in this No. “The book sealed.”) We are surprised that our bro. should quote, Jeremiah 25:11-12, as a prophetic period, which it is doubtful whether it was fulfilled. The land of Israel was to serve the king of Babylon 70 years, and then be perpetual desolations. Up to this time it has never been delivered from oppression. “When the 70 years are accomplished, I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation, saith the Lord, for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolation.” Our bro. thinks from this we should be led to expect the entire desolation of Babylon at the end of the time specified. But could it be made perpetual desolation in an instant? It must take perpetually to do it. That it began to be fulfilled at the end of 70 years our bro. will hardly dispute. The vision was in the first year of Nebuchadnezzar. HST January 15, 1842, page 157.12

According to Rollin, he reigned 45 years

Evil Merodach”     2     ”
Neriglissor”     4     ”
Laborosoarcned”     9 months
Belshazzar”    18    ”

“In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain, and Darius took the kingdom.” God did then punish the king of Babylon and that nation, and began the desolation of the city and country. Israel was no longer in bondage to the Chaldeans, for the 70 years were ended. If there was any mistake it was not with regard to the time, but the event. If the passage proves anything, it is that the danger lies not in calculating times, but events. HST January 15, 1842, page 157.13




Concluded. HST January 15, 1842, page 157.14

On Wednesday afternoon, I visited Fruit-hill 4 miles from P. I called upon one of the committee of the Baptist house, he said, “for his part, he should like to hear a lecture,” but said he, “we are peculiarly situated, we cannot open our house unless it is purely for a religious object without the consent of a majority of the committee.” It being late in the P. M., and the said committee somewhat scattered, I thought it best to visit Centerville about one mile distant, where was a Free-Will-Baptist church. I called on Bro. Stetson, who is laboring with them, I having formed an acquaintance with him in Watertown, he greeted me as a Bro., “how do you do Bro. French, I am glad to see you, will you have your horse taken care of,”—“I dont know; have you any thing here for me to do?” “O, yes, plenty of labor, we will have a lecture tonight.” “Very well then, you may take care of my horse;” so my horse was put into the stable for the night. But Bro. Stetson had no sooner informed a Sister in the church of the proposed lecture, than he was in trouble. She was bitterly opposed to having any thing on the subject of Christ’s Second coming introduced, he then proposed see if they would think it best to open the house. The one we called to see was not at home; it getting to be late, Bro. Stetson then proposed to get the school house. I told him I could tell the truth in that as well as any where else: he then said “there would be trouble in getting that.” They had lately had a stir on the temperance question; it had made trouble, and he was afraid the lecture might make more. Seeing Bro. Stetson in this difficult situation, I told him “if he would get my carriage ready, I would relieve him of his trouble, and visit Bro. M. Cheney, at Olnyville, a distance of three or four miles.” While he was gone for my horse, I entered into conversation with the sister who had caused Bro. Stetson his trouble, and offered her a diagram and a clue to the time: she refused them and said “she had a Bible, that told her all she wanted to know of Christ’s Second coming, etc. I asked her what would be thought of that wife who was displeased to hear about her husband’s coming home, or did not wish to get all the information she could on the subject? She appeared to feel the force of the qestion; on taking my things to bid her good bye, I told her my duty was plain; into whatsoever place I entered and they received me not, I must depart; she appeared anxious to have me stay to tea, as her table was spread, but I felt it my duty to hasten to Bro. Cheney. On arriving at his house, the shades of evening had encircled me. I was disappointed in not finding Bro. Cheney or his wife at home; I was a stranger in a strange place. I felt it. Upon reflection I thought best to go into P., about two miles distant. After I had put up my horse, on hearing Bro. Knapp was to preach at the Pine St. church, I made my way there in season to hear his text, “Prepare to meet thy God.” It was a solemn season; I thought, could Bro. Knapp obtain evidence from the Bible as many have, of the very near approach of Christ to judge and reign, what power it would add to his present faithful, solemn manner. As Bro. Lonsdale’s was the only home I had in P., I left the meeting at 9 o’clock for it, but you may imagine my feelings, when finding it fastened, and on enquiring of the family who lived in the house with him, was informed they did not know whether they would return that night or not. Not being invited by the family who thus informed me to take a seat in their dwelling, I retired to the street and was for one hour literally a watchman; why? I asked myself, am I a stranger in this city. For whom have I left my home my wife, my little ones, and have not at this hour “where to lay my head?” I was hungry, too, not laving eaten any thing since mid-day. If ever the promises were sweet, they were as I walked to and fro, to keep warm; as the hour passed way shops were closed, lights extinguished, and the stillness of the night began to rest on the city. At this moment with joy did I grasp the hand of my dear Bro. Lonsdale, it was the hand of friendship; I was a stranger, he look me in, hungry he fed me, weary, he gave me rest. HST January 15, 1842, page 157.15

On Thursday morn I left P, for Pawtucket; I was led to enquire at a store if they had seen the “Signs of the Times” “Oh yes, they are taken in this place.” “By whom?” “My next neighbor.” I found that neighbor to be sister Mary Everett, the only subscriber in Pawtucket. She rejoiced when she learnt that I was the Bro. French of whom she had read in the “Times.” She invited me to tarry, which invitation I accepted as I wished to see what could be done for Pawtucket. On the return of sister Everett’s husband, he generously made me welcome to his home while I staid in Pawtucket. I then applied for, and the Free-Will-Baptist house was opened for a lecture that evening; the subject was new, enquiry excited, a desire to hear more was manifest, I was advised if possible to obtain the first Baptist house for a lecture on Friday evening; and after a day of intense labor in going from one committee man to another, to the sexton, printer, etc., by becoming responsible for the expense, I was enabled to inform the citizens of Pawtucket, by hand-bills, of a lecture in the first Baptist house. It was well attended; at the close I remarked to the congregation that I was responsible for the use of the house, etc, and if any wished to share with me they were welcome; several came forward and contributed, so that I was relieved of about half the expense which was $3,50. Among the friends who came forward, was one who said to me “I came into this house full of prejudice, but there take that,” handing me 25 cts. Giving notice that publications on the subject could be obtained by calling on me next morning, there was quite a number called to supply themselves with books, and papers. I obtained three subscribers for the Times; I feel thankful for the privilege, though I had to pay for it, of proclaiming “Behold he cometh go ye out to meet him,” to the citizens of Pawtucket. I left Pawtucket for this place to meet my previous engagement, as I have already filled my second sheet, I defer giving the particulars of my labors here until I close. I would say, I have had a candid hearing, have been cordially invited to spend another week in this place. Christians of different names are cordially united, and there are appearances of a powerful work. HST January 15, 1842, page 158.1

North Attleboro’ Mass., Nov. 17th, 1841.



Messrs. Himes and Litch: A few days since a clergyman called on me, who in the course of conversation said, that the Roman power which was now very much weakened must fall, and would soon be destroyed. I replied true, it had received a wound in the year 1798, by which it was evidently weakened, “but the deadly found was healed,” and it would be destroyed by the coming of Christ. He replied, not so, for you know, said he, that we are to have a millennium of a thousand years before the second coming of Christ. I said no, I do not know it, I do not so understand the scriptures. The Bible does not teach me thus: but it does teach me that the little horn, whatever that power may be, would last until the end of time. For Daniel said “I beheld and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them until the ancient of days came and judgment was given to the Most High, and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.” At that time the man of sin will be destroyed; for it is written “and then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.” As soon as I had repeated this is scripture, the gentleman said that that was Miller’s doctrine. I told him that it was also Bible doctrine, and I wished that we could say as much of every man’s theory. This shows us it even Mr Millers opponents have taken knowledge of him that he is a bible student, which forcibly brings to my mind what was said the followers of Christ more than eighteen hundred years ago, “and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus.” But to return, the minister said that the Jews were to return to Palestine, their own land, previous to the coming of Christ. Who are the Jews, said I, and where is their promised land? I waited for an answer: but receiving none, I continued, are they not the seed of Abraham, “the people whom he hath chosen for his inheritance,” “a chosen generation,” “a peculiar people,” “The Israel of God?” Again I looked for an answer; but the gentleman was silent. Then said I, Paul has told us, that “he is not a Jew, who is one outwardly, but he is a Jew who is one inwardly.” “They are not all Israel who are of Israel.” The proud Pharisees boastingly said, “Abraham is our father,” and on one occasion Christ said to them “I know that ye are Abraham’s seed,” meaning that they were the natural descendants of Abraham; but he afterwards said to them, “if ye were Abraham’s children; ye would do the works of Abraham,” “ye are of your father the devil,” “ye hypocrites;” “ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell”? Who then are Abraham’s seed? The apostle Paul has decided this question, “And if ye be Christ’s then are ye Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.” They which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham;” “and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.” I then asked this gentleman whether he did not profess to belong to the Israel of God, and to hope in his mercy, and if so, whether he did really expect to go to Palestine with his brethren, the children of Abraham, to inherit the promises which were made the Israel of God, and whether he was willing to accept the portion which was promised to righteous there. I frankly confessed to him that I should not be willing to accept the riches of Palestine, even the whole world would be as dross in my estimation when compared with the great and precious promises which I was looking for, and hoping to receive. I told him that I was “seeking a better country, even an heavenly” for “eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither has entered into the heart of men the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” The clergyman now began to be in haste, and said that he had not time to converse on the subject, and went out without answering my questions. He probably went on his way crying Peace, peace, by saying “all things continue as they were.” “My Lord delayeth his coming,” yet for a thousand years. This is monstrous. I mean, that I think the error is monstrous. But he will not be alone, for “broad is the way that”—many are traveling. I think that it would be a good thing for this minister to stop on his journey and read the “Report of the general Conference of Christians held in Boston.” It may teach him the “way of God more perfectly.” Why should he think it a thing incredible that Mr. Miller, or others should understand the Prophecies. The wise shall understand.” For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, neither did that shall not be known.” “How is it,” said Christ,” that ye do not discern this time?” “As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the Son of man.” Query. Will all the professed ministers of Christ be ready to welcome the Savior? L. M. HST January 15, 1842, page 158.2

Boston, Nov. 22 1841.



Dear Brother Himes:—Perhaps you, and the dear brethren in the cause of the Second Advent near, would like to know how I have got along since I came to this place. I would simply state, that I am now scattering the light in the best way I can; meeting sometimes with friends and sometimes with foes, when I go to a town or village, I take the inhabitants by course without calling on the Minister first, or asking him to smile upon my mission; I do not however shun his dwelling, and in calling on one the other day, after making known my business, he informed me that he did not want any of ray publications, and hoped that his people would not chase them; you may well suppose that I should be induced to stop and hold a little conversation with him, and as he was free to converse, I spent something like half an hour with him. Before leaving, I enquired of him his opinion in regard to Daniel’s vision; he said he supposed they were all fulfilled in twenty years after they were given. I enquired of him if he thought that the four great Monarchies there discribed did all pass away in that time, and as I did not receive any answer, I suppose I shall have to wait. I however left him after kindly inviting him to publish freely his views in the “Sings of the Times,” assuring him that the columns of that paper would be as free to him as any one else. But enough of this; in regard to my own feelings, since I have been here, my mind has sometimes been overwhelmed with a sense of these things. I felt that the time I spent in searching the scriptures to make preparation for my work has by no means been lost. I thought I was established in the doctrine before, but never did I see the amount of evidence there is in the scripture till since I came here. HST January 15, 1842, page 158.3

O Brother lay hold on sinners and pull them out of the fire, dont suffer them to sink. Oh may God enable you to warn them night and day with tears, beseeching them to fly to the Lamb of God. I beseech you brethren to leave nothing undone which may be likely to benefit them. Oh call mightily on God to pour out his spirit and rescue them from eternal ruin. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.1

Pomfret Ct. Dec. 27th 1841.



Smyrna, Turkey in Asia, 25th Sept. 1841. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.2

Rev. Messrs Himes and Litch: HST January 15, 1842, page 159.3

Dear Sirs.—Agreeable to my promise I write you this from my first place of landing in the East. I found every thing perfectly quiet in this part of the world; the news from Syria pacific, and a concurrent belief amongst the christians with whom I had concern, in the Doctrine of the Second Advent. I lost no time in forwarding to the Rev. H. G. O. Dwight, Missionary at Constantinople, a copy of Mr. Wm. Miller’s book, also of Mr. J. Litch’s Address. I have also delivered a copy of each to the Rev. Daniel Temple, at the head of the American Mission here, a very good and efficient divine, the same to the Rev. Mr. Reed, and likewise to the Rev. Mr. Calhoun, both Missionaries at this station. I have also transmitted a copy of each to the Rev. Mr. Holliday, successor to the Rev. Justin Perkins, Principal Missionary at Oroomiah, Persia, and presented the like to the worthy Consul of the United States at this port, who having read of Mr. Miller’s lecturing on the subject, expressed an interest in the publications. On its becoming known that I had these books for distribution in the East, such was the eagerness to read them, that I was obliged to furnish three for the use of the Barque Emma Hadora, the vessel I came out in, and which in consequence of particular respect, I could not refuse. The remainder will be distributed at Beyrout and Jerusalem. These will be strictly confered on missionaries at those stations, and such others as they may point out. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.4

The Rev. Mr. Calhoun, of the Mission at this place, has been to Jerusalem, and reports unfavorable upon the subject, 44 so I understood do the greater part of visitors of late years. I shall however proceed thither in a few days by steam boat via. Beyrout. I expect to find the climate as delightful, but whether the minds of the inhabitants are prepared to receive the truth, remains to be seen. The Rev. Daniel Temple has been laboring in the East for 20 years, but has no Meeting-house built for his accommodation. He is a gentleman to whom you may address any communication relative to “The Signs of the Times,” or other topics connected with Eastern Affairs. Indeed I may say he is the great ornament and support of the American Churches in this part of the world.—With great respect I am, Reverend Sirs, your very humble and devoted servant J. A. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.5

State of the East—Fire at Constantinople. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.6

Symrna, 25th Sept. 1841. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.7

Syria at present is in a state of perfect Tranquility. The Druses in the Mountains are however disposed to insurrection and a general dissatisfaction prevails against the government of the porte. When Mahemet Ali had possession of Syria, he governed the Druses with iron rule, the consequence was that travelling was safe, but now it is otherwise in consequence of the increase of banditti. A great fire recently took place in Symrna, whereby upwards of 20,000 houses were destroyed, involving a loss of about two hundred millions of Piasters.—The fire lasted for three days. J. A. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.8



Bro. Himes:—I have read the “Signs of the Times” since its first publication with some degree of attention. My views of a literal reign are somewhat shaken, and especially since I read the dissertations on prophetic chronology contained in the Conference Reports. Yet I cannot say that I am fully persuaded as to the time. Although I believe it to be very near, I will now state a difficulty which presents itself respecting the 2300 days mentioned in Daniel. In the Septuagent it reads 2400, which, according to the testimony of Joseph Wolf, the Jewish Missionary, is the same in the Hebrew, for he states that when he was at Jerusalem he mentioned to the Jews there that a Mr. Frere an Englishman who had stated the passage should read 2400, which they said accorded with their Hebrew Bibles. On looking at the passage in he Septuagent, I find it reads 2400; this being he fact, it must make a considerable alteration in Brother Miller’s calculation, putting the time forward 100 years longer; for if we take 457 rears B. C. from 2400 it will leave 1943, now a question arises which is the correct reading, will you or some brother be so kind as to give information on this point 45 HST January 15, 1842, page 159.9

While investigating this subject I accidently met with an article in the “Christian Messenger,” entitled “Prophetic Calculations,” which I transcribe. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.10

“It is indisputable that some of the events that have transpired in the history of the church of Christ have most accurately corresponded with the duration specified in the predictions of Daniel and John. In Booth’s Critica Biblica is the ensuing curious coincidence of predicted specified periods, respecting the overthrow of the Ottoman and Mohammedan power in Turkey. “Hall observes that the Ottoman power began in 1300 or 1301. Constantinople was taken in 1453. If the date of 396 be reckoned from thence, the ending will be in 1849. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.11

“But Hall is in error in saying 396 instead of 391, the true prophetic period; substract, therefore, 5 years, which brings to A. D. 1844. Whittaker reckons from the 29th May, 1453, when Constantinople was taken, and speaks of the expulsion of the Ottoman from thence as being likely to happen 391 years from that date, that is in June 1844. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.12

Thurston gives precisely the same interpretation, and expects a revival of the Eastern Roman Empire, by the assumption of the reins of government by a Christian power of Constantinople, in 1844. In conformation of this last view, if we compute the 2300, or according to the septuagent, 2400 days of Daniel 8:14. from the rise of the Medo-Persian empire, or from the first battle gained by Cyrus, viz. 559, B. C. it brings us down to the same year 1844. Frere reckons 2400, B. C. 553 being the third year of Belshazzar, king of Babylon, in which year Daniel’s vision was seen, in which case they terminate in 1847. The exact time is mentioned in Revelation 9:15. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.13

“An hour, a day, and a month, and year!” that the year is limited to 360 days: and a month to 30 days, is evident—because three years and a half, and forty-two months, and 1260 days are counted as equal. Consequently the whole space includes three hundred and ninety-one years, and 15 days: Now admitting that the date of the capture of Constantinople by the Turks is chronologically correct. May 29, 1453, it follows that the Mohammedan Sultan, with all his supremacy, will be expelled from Europe for ever, on the thirteenth day of June, 1844. “If any man have an ear, let him hear, Revelation 13:9, 10 Here is the patience and faith of the saints.” HST January 15, 1842, page 159.14

The above extract is a striking corroboration of the opinion announced on an article in the Eastern Hemisphere, lately published in the Christian Intelligencer. Yours in the hope of the coming glory. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.15



Nashua, Dec. 22, 1841.
My Dear Brother Himes:—I have just returned from an awful scene, that I have witnessed this evening—and that has convinced me, and I think many others, more than any other sign that we have seen for some time, of the near approach of our glorious Redeemer to this earth, to take home his afflicted, despised and persecuted people.
HST January 15, 1842, page 159.16

Our dear brother French, who has been laboring in Haverhill and Hudson for two or three weeks past, in giving the “midnight cry,” and in each place his labors have been followed with a glorious revival, came to Nashua last Saturday for the purpose of giving a course of lectures on the coming of Christ in 1843. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.17

He commenced his lectures on Saturday eve. and continued till this evening—quite a number became anxious and came forward for prayers, and our meetings continued to increase in number and interest. We had to hold our meetings in a Hall, as no meeting house could be obtained for brother French—last evening our meeting was well nigh broken up by some twelve or fifteen fellows of the baser sort, by their swearing, shouting, clapping of hands, stamping of feet, breaking down seats, etc. etc. This evening they appeared again with a reinforcement, and commenced their work by throwing nuts pretty freely—they then commenced liking, stamping feet, clapping hands, shouting, breaking up the seats, etc. and continued it to such a degree, that nothing could be heard but their noise. After several attempts, without force, to quiet them, they finally broke up our meeting, by throwing it into confusion, some running one way and some another, and others crying, not knowing what to do. The mob declared they would not leave the Hall, till they got hold of brother French. But we finally passed on through the crowd without being molested. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.18

And now, my brother, without any other comment on this hasty line, I must say that I honestly believe that the clergy of Nashua are the means of this disgraceful and wicked affair. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.19

In full faith that we shall not have to suffer these things any longer than 1843, I subscribe myself your companion in tribulation for Jesus sake. T. M. PREBLE. HST January 15, 1842, page 159.20



Probably there is no objection now more frequently urged against preaching the second coming of Christ, or the judgment at hand, than that death at hand is rather the most essential doctrine. But certainly, the assurance of death at hand, to all mankind, is nowhere to be found in the Bible. Yet many, in favor of preaching death, rather than the general judgment, at hand, do represent the apostle Paul as saying, “It is appointed unto [all] men once to die, and after this the judgment.” But, it must be seen, that neither Paul nor any other inspired writer has ever said it. Paul does not insert the word “all” in the passage, but rather says, in another place, “We, [the saints,] shall not all sleep, [or die in Christ,] but that we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an, eye, at the last trump,” etc. This most positively shows, that the multitudes of the saints who shall be found alive at Christ’s second coming, will never, in any shape, meet what is generally called death, because their bodies and souls will never be separated, which separation is the whole sum and substance of a mere temporal death. But why under these circumstances, should so many persons greatly choose to hear of their certain death, rather than of the judgment at hand? HST January 15, 1842, page 160.1

In briefly attempting now to answer this question, the following suggestions are presented. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.2

1. It will probably be found that such persons, as well as the generality of the present age, have been brought up with the strong impression their minds, that death at hand should be preached, rather than the judgment at hand; verifying the proverb, that “what is bred in the bone stays long in the flesh.” HST January 15, 1842, page 160.3

2. They are doubtless under the impression that their own opinion is and always has been most common in the church, and that of course, the judgment at hand is something new, and less profitable than death at hand to awaken men to immediate repentance. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.4

3. There is something naturally extremely humiliating in the thought of suddenly renouncing an error long maintained, and supposed still to be popular. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.5

4. It is more than probable that such persons are little, if any, in the exercise of the faith eternal realities, and are conscious of little or present preparedness of themselves to come judgment; so that their natural feelings rather revolt at the hearing of the judgment, while quite undisturbed at hearing of their anticipated temporal death at hand. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.6

And why should we now insist on the doctrine of the judgment, rather than temporal death at hand, as an awakening consideration? HST January 15, 1842, page 160.7

Ans. 1. Because it is most certainly in “the faith which was once delivered to the saints.” for which we are required “earnestly” to “contend.” HST January 15, 1842, page 160.8

2. The prophets, Jesus Christ and the apostles, on being most literally understood, will now be found as continually presenting the judgment at hand, and in no instance, the certainty of temporal death at hand, for the awakening of sinners to repentance. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.9

3. Ungodly sinners, not at all discerning “the things of the Spirit,” have long learned not to tremble at the familiarity of an approaching temporal death, while the faithful exhibition of a “judgment to come,” as everywhere recorded in God’s word, is, to their guilty consciences, something “terrible,” and naturally calculated to make even a “Felix,” or the stoutest of their own character, to “tremble.” HST January 15, 1842, page 160.10

4. Under the apostolic, faithful preaching of the “judgment to come,” “the resurrection,” “the kingdom of God,” etc., multitudes were suddenly converted to Christ, and the saints, being united as one man in the faith of Christ, renounced the world, and lived wholly as in view of heaven; While, in modern days, under the general consideration of temporal death at hand, rather than the last judgment, the church, too generally, with all her converts, seem rather to be living like the unbelieving, only for this life, and in a striking conformity to the customs of an ungodly World. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.11

5. And thus it is naturally to be expected that the church will remain overcome by the world, the flesh, and the devil, so long as temporal death shall be substituted for the final judgment; and that when again the primitive faith of the judgment to come, shall be preached as formerly, the church will awake from her long slumbering, put on the whole armor of God, and under her great captain, will rush on to her final victory, in taking her promised kingdom. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.12


No Authorcode

BOSTON, JAN. 15, 1842.



We have been solicited by many of our subscribers and correspondents, to publish the “Signs of the Timesweekly. This we are ready and willing to do, if the friends will support it by their subscriptions. The present volume will not meet the actual expense, even without reckoning a farthing for the services of the senior editor, and publisher. He has no means of meeting the deficit but by self-denial and sacrifice. It will not therefore be expected that he will run a risk, by incurring any responsibilities, unless others are willing to sacrifice with him in the cause. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.13



We propose to publish the third volume of the “Signs of the Times,” weekly, for six months, commencing April 6th. 1842, one dollar for the volume. On this plan there will be no risk, and the experiment can be tried without confusion, or difficulty. At the same time if it should be thought best, after the trial is made for a time, to publish semi-monthly again, it can be done, and the requsite numbers given to make the volume as heretofore. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.14

We expect to secure a number of new writers who will give much interest to the next volume. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.15

With this statement, we submit the whole matter to our kind patrons, desiring, as far as practicable, to be guided by their counsel, in what we do for the publication of the “Midnight cry.” HST January 15, 1842, page 160.16

Joshua V. Himes

Boston, Jan. 15, 1842. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.17

To Present Subscribers:—Do you wish to have your paper discontinued at the end of the volume? If so please to let us know without delay. Do not neglect it till the next volume is half out, and then write “please discontinue.” This has been done in a multitude of cases. But it is unjust. Let all who do not want the paper give immediate notice. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.18

Do you wish your paper continued? then you have only to remit the subscription at the commencement of the next volume. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.19

Delinquent Subscribers. We leave it to your option to pay us, or not, just as you please. We shall not dun you, or ask you for it again. There are several hundred dollars due, which if paid would come quite convenient to pay up the arrearage for the present volume. But if they do not see proper to pay their debts, we suppose we must pay ours. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.20

We present our thanks, to the faithful and punctual subscribers who have sustained us thus far. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.21



Robert merry’s museum. This is but a new name for the celebrated Peter Parley’s Magazine, and in several respects is a decided improvement. The work is chiefly designed for young readers, and is beyond doubt the best of its class published in the country, if not in the world. Its accomplished editor possesses a very happy faculty of throwing together a vast amount of useful knowledge, in language both chaste and diverting. The work comes in monthly numbers at $100 a year, and is embellished with many beautiful wood cuts. Orders should be addressed to Bradbury, and Sodon, Boston. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.22



Br. Calvin French, was to commence a course of lectures on the second coming of Christ in the Methodist meeting-house in Derry, N. H. the 13th inst. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.23



The subscriber wishes to annonnce to the friends of the late Elder Jones, that he has just complete the work entrusted to him by Elder Jones, and has the “Memoir” ready for delivery. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.24

The book contains about 200 pages, handsomely bound and accompanied by an excellent likeness of Elder Jones, and will be afforded at a lower rate than was anticipated when the prospectus was issued. The prices will be as follows, HST January 15, 1842, page 160.25

For 20copies$10,00

Orders are solicited immediately; as not a large edition is published, the subscriber is desirous of ascertaining the demand, that he may decide relative to another edition. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.26

All orders must be accompanied with the money, addressed to the subscriber, care of Crosby, & Co. Boston. A. D. JONES. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.27

Brighton, Dec. 6th, 1841. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.28

Memoirs of Elder Abner Jones. A copy of this work has been laid upon our table by the publisher. We have examined it with great pleasure, and can recommend it to the friends of Elder Jones, as a work in which they will be greatly interested. For sale at this office. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.29

Present Crisis. New edition, seven dollars per hundred, 10 cts. single. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.30

We have several interesting articles on hand for our next number. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.31

Bro. Charles Fitch, is now in the field, lecturing on the Advent at hand. He has recently given lectures at Lowell, to crowds of anxious hearers. Many have been awakened, and converted to God. Let the friends remember that Bro. F. has a large family, and while he publishes the word, that his wants should be supplied. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.32



Is published on the 1st and 15th of each month at No. 14 Devonshire Street. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.33

Joshua V. Himes, & Josiah Litch, Editors. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.34

Terms.—One Dollar a year, payable in advance. Six copies for Five Dollars, Thirteen copies for Ten Dollars. All communications should be directed to “J. V. Himes, Boston, Mass.” post paid. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.35

Dow & Jackson, Printers, 14 Devonshire Street. HST January 15, 1842, page 160.36