Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 2

September 1, 1841


Joshua V. Himes




From the Disciple. HST September 1, 1841, page 81.1



This heart hath loved the world. How many things
Of Earth have been the objects of that love,
Cannot be told; nor could I tell with what
Intensity my soul hath loved them.
My love of some of them, has been a flame
Consuming me—remaining unconsumed!
What passion in my childhood, for the sports
Known to the country-boy! What deeper passion
In my youth! Love, early love—love as pure
As earthly love could be, came over me;
My heart and soul engrossing in its thrall
Of pleasing, painful, and mysterious,
And mighty sensibilities! It became
My life. Its all-engrossing, all-controling,
Visions came—and passed—and others followed—
They pass’d away—by others still succeeded.
HST September 1, 1841, page 81.2

And visions, then, of worldly honors rose,
And earthly riches, glittering but in prospect:
O how inviting to the natural heart!
And mine did homage to them—empty puffs,
And shining dirt! Sought, but never won them.
And Science, Letters, found a worshipper
In me. Tho’ small my opportunity
To gain, I sought, enthusiastic.
The realms of fancy, too—how has my soul,
Delighted, ranged their boundlessness of light
And shade! Ecstatic were my heart’s delights
Or sorrows, (both alike it loved, to passion,)
Found in those little worlds Imagination
Built and peopled for its entertainment.
HST September 1, 1841, page 81.3

All these are passed. And their dominion o’er
My heart, my soul, my life is ended.
In mercy spared through all those years of my
Idolatry—the mad rebellion of my heart!
In further mercy I am brought to look
Upon the Cross. There Mercy conquers! There
The Lamb of God bleeds! bleeds for man—for me!
Jesus, my Lord, my God, is Conqueror!
The Cross commands my heart. No more the world
May share it—the past more than sufficient
To be given earth. Let it come no more
Between my heart and Christ the Crucified,
A mote may not eclipse the sun—nor more,
This world, the Cross and that immortal world
To which the Cross will raise all who aright
Behold it—such its pard’ning, sanctifying,
Death-destroying, and Life-bestowing virtues.
HST September 1, 1841, page 81.4



Pollock gives the following description of the sense of the value of eternal things, and the worthlessness of temporal things, that will strike all souls in the judgment day. HST September 1, 1841, page 81.5

“But what, of all their follies parsed, surprised
Them most, and seemed most totally insane
And unaccountable, was value set
On objects of a day, was serious grief
Or joy for loss or gain of mortal things.
So utterly impossible it seemed,
When men their proper interests saw, that aught
Of terminable kind, that aught which e’er
Could die, or cease to be, however named
Should make a human soul, a legal heir
Of everlasting years—rejoice or weep,
In earnest mood; for nothing now seemed worth
A thought, but had eternal bearing in’t.”
HST September 1, 1841, page 81.6

Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ about the year 1843, and of his personal reign of 1000 years, first published in 1833. By Wm. Miller. HST September 1, 1841, page 81.7



The Two Witnesses.—The 1260 years explained. Revelation 11

Continued from page 73. HST September 1, 1841, page 81.8

We will now examine the 11th chapter of Revelation. HST September 1, 1841, page 81.9

1. “And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying; rise and measure the temple of God, and the altar and them that worship therein.” In this verse John is commanded to measure, as completed and finished, the Jewish rites and ceremonies, the temple worship, and sacrificing of beasts, etc. A measuring, in scripture language, denotes the thing measured to be finished, or completed,—as in Psalm 39:4. “Make me to know the measure of my days,” that is, the end completion of his mortal life. Again, Ephesians 4:13, “unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.” Ezekiel 11:5, saw an angel measure the house, which he saw in his vision, to show him the perfect beauty, and complete symmetry of the same. See also Zechariah 3:2. “Then said I, whither goest thou? and he said to measure Jerusalem, to see what is the breadth thereof, and what is the length thereof,”—that is the design and end of the same. HST September 1, 1841, page 81.10

2. “But the court which is without the temple, leave out, and measure it not.” The court has reference to the Christian church, who were not confined to worship God in the temple, as the Jews were. But in every place and among all nations, whosoever called on the name of the Lord should be saved. This church was not to be measured. Why not? Because it was not yet completed; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.” This is a prophecy of the christian church in the wilderness. “Forty two months are equal to three and a half prophetic years or 1260 prophetic days, being 30 days to a month. This was the Chaldaic mode of reckoning time, made use of by Daniel, whom John has followed. Therefore we understand that the christian church was to be trodden under foot, by the anti-christian abomination, or the “abomination that maketh desolate,” 1260 years. In this passage Daniel’s fourth beast “having great iron teeth, which should break in pieces and stamp the residue (beloved and holy city) with the feet of it,” is called the Gentiles. HST September 1, 1841, page 81.11

3. “And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophecy a thousand two hundred and three score days, clothed in sackcloth.” The two witnesses are the Scriptures, for Christ says, “these are they that testify of me;” the two covenants, the two testaments, for without these we should have no knowledge of Christ; and these supply the church, in her wilderness state, with the true doctrine of Christ, and with the knowledge of the grace and truth of Jesus Christ. The phrase, “clothed in sackcloth,” was fulfilled in the dark ages of popery, and during the time that anti-christ had power to tread the church under foot, which was a thousand two hundred and sixty years; because, during this time, the Word of God was not permitted to be read, by the laity or common people, and may truly be said to have been covered or in a state of mourning. For the very design of the word of God, was the revelation of the mind and the will of God to all men. HST September 1, 1841, page 81.12

4. “These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth “That is, the Scriptures or Word of God, denying all other gods of the earth but one. living and true God. “Standing before,” in a position to be tried as to their truth, by other pretended revelations of the gods of this world, and to be examined closely and critically as to their own prophecies, and in a position to confound and bring low all the opinions of men, and the gods of this world. There is here an allusiou to the ark being placed before Dagon. See 1 Samuel 4:1-4. The text likewise refers to Zechariah 4:3, 6. “And two olive trees by it.” So I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying, what are these my Lord?” 6th verse. “Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” HST September 1, 1841, page 81.13

5. “And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies, and if any man will hurt them he must in this manner be killed.” “And if any man will hurt them,” that is, if any man shall add or take away from the book or revelation of God, “God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.” “And if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner,”—that is, in the same manner the word of God, or the Old and New Testaments, specify, “be killed.” Fire proceeded out of their mouth, that is, the word of God denounces sore and heavy “judgments and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries.” Hebrews 10:27, see also Revelation 22:18, 19. HST September 1, 1841, page 81.14

6. “These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy.” This has reference to the heavens being shut in the days of Elijah, see Luke 4:25, “when the heavens were shut up three years and six months,” which is the same, time that the two witnesses prophecied clothed in sackcloth, that is 42 months or three years and a half; only one is common and the other is prophetic. The Scriptures are the means which God has made use of to convert sinners from error to truth, from sin to righteousness, and to convey the knowledge of grace (which in this text is compared to “rain”) to a lost and sinful world. During the reign of anti-christ which was 1260 years, also during the time the church was in the wilderness, which was 1260 years, and the time when the two witnesses were clothed in sackcloth, also 1260 years, the doctrine of grace in Jesus Christ was but partially taught. Men were taught that doing penance, purchasing indulgences, and obeying the holy Catholic church, would ensure them heaven and happiness. But when the scriptures began to be read, when they arose from their dead state, in the streets of the great city, when they began to be published through the world by means of Bible societies, the true doctrine of grace by Jesus Christ began to be understood and realized. Now we can hardly find even a Roman Catholic, who will plead that heaven is purchased by standing in one position on a pedestal or pillar, for years, by going barefoot to Rome, or by a monastic seclusion from the world; neither do we see them selling indulgences, and promising the holders pardon for the most abominable crimes. And but rarely do we hear the doctrine of infalibility of the Mother or holy Catholic church advanced. Why is all this change in public sentiment? Because the reign of grace is not withheld; the heavens are open; the two witnesses are no longer clothed in sackcloth “Michael has stood up, that standeth for the children of thy people.” And the “angel is flying through the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to them that dwell on the earth.” HST September 1, 1841, page 81.15

6. “And have power over waters to turn them to blood.” By waters, we must understand people, and by blood, we understand civil wars, and this was fulfilled in the civil wars of Europe, when they were fighting for religious tenets, which all pretended they obtained from the two witnesses, the word of God; and therefore it is said “they have power,” etc. meaning that the word of God, is so written, or given to us in such simple terms, yet requiring active and living faith to understand its doctrines, precepts, and commands,—that the carnal and unstable wrest it to their own destruction. “And from thence come wars, tumults, fightings,” because they understand not. “And to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.” Under the Old Testament times, it was the word of God through Moses and Aaron, that $mote the Egyptians with the ten plagues, it was the word of God, through Joshua, that smote or destroyed the Canaanites, and so in the New Testament, times, the seven last plagues, and the three woes denounced against the anti-christian church, in this passage called the earth, was sent and signified by Jesus Christ to his servant John, “As often as they will,” meaning, as often as they have prophecied of them, so often will the plagues be sent, and not one jot or tittle of the word of God will fail of being accomplished. HST September 1, 1841, page 82.1

“And when they shall have finished their testimony,” that is, when the 1260 years are about fulfilled, the “beast is the same as the little horn in Daniel, and in Rev. is the anti-christian beast that received power with the kings. In other words, “The ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings which received no kingdom as yet,” (when John saw the vision) “but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.” Revelation 17:8-12. This beast is the one on which the mother of Harlots the abomination of the earth, sitteth,—and is said “to ascend out of the bottomless pit,” because it is founded on error. The principles and doctrines which are taught by this beast, are in the first place, Paganism, 2nd Atheism and Deism, which have no foundation for their support, and therefore may truly be said to be “bottomless.” These were the errors and principles which paganism and papacy, would drive its subjects into, or that part at least, who thought and acted for themselves, without any reference to the word of God. “Shall make war against them,” the governments which belong to the fourth kingdom or the Romish church shall “make war,” that is, endeavor to exterminate them, the two witnesses, the word of God. “And shall overcome them, and kill them.”—Have power over them, Io pass laws and edicts against them, and by these means destroy their life or activity. For where the Scriptures are not read nor believed in, they become a dead letter; but when believed in, “they are spirit, and they are life.” John 6:63. HST September 1, 1841, page 82.2

8. “And their dead bodies shall lie in the streets of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.” Their dead bodies, the word of God, being a dead letter, as we have before observed. Lie in the streets,—being made so by a public edict or law, of the great city,—showing that it would be performed by the greatest kingdom in the Romish church, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt. This shows that the kingdom that would perform this act against the two witnesses, would be, guilty of the sins of the Sodomites, and like the Egyptians, would keep the church of God, or spiritnal Israel in bondage. Where also our Lord was crucified,—where the people of God had been massacred, or had suffered martyrdom, for their religion, they being called of Christ’s spiritual body. See 1 Peter 2:5. Colossians 1:24. HST September 1, 1841, page 82.3

9. “And they of the people, and kindreds and tongues, shall see their dead bodies three days and a half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.” This decree or edict, should be generally known among all nations, and would be opposed by other nations, so that the Scriptures would not be suffered by them, to be put out of sight. HST September 1, 1841, page 82.4

10 “And they that dwell upon the earth, shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another, because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt upon the earth.” In this text, the earth alludes to the same nation that should kill them, and the two prophets, the two witnesses, or Old and New Testament. By tormented, we are to understand that the doctrine taught by the Scriptures would be hateful and disagreeable to the nation before spoken of. HST September 1, 1841, page 82.5

11. “And after three days and a half (years) the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.” After the Scriptures should lie dormant three years and a half, God would so order his providential dealings with the nation that should kill them, that they would again be permitted to be read and explained as usual; and the Scriptures would again stand upon their own foundation, and be supported by their own intrinsic merit, and would again have heir bearing, on the hopes and fears of the governments of the earth. HST September 1, 1841, page 82.6

12. “And they heard a great voice from heaven, saying unto them, come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies beheld them.” This verse shows that the Scriptures, after this short suspension, would be placed in a more exalted and conspicuous situation; many more would read, and many voices would unite in calling for a general diffusion of the Bible. And even the enemies of the word of God would be confounded at the great things they would see accomplished by its instrumentality. HST September 1, 1841, page 82.7

13. “And the same hour there was a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of the names (or titles) of men seven thousand; and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.” The same hour, at the same time the witnesses would be slain, there would be n great revolution, and one of the ten kingdoms into which ancient Rome would be divided, would fall; and seven thousand names, or titles of nobility, or of priests, would be destroyed; and this revolution would produce great fear among the adjoining nations, and many would acknowledge that the hand of God was producing these wonderful events. HST September 1, 1841, page 82.8

Now let us review this prophecy, and compare the prophecy with the events which have of late years transpired; and we shall find that the whole of this prophecy has been fulfilled to the letter. In A. D. 538, Justinian, in his controversy with the Arian Doctors of the Eastern or Greek church, constituted the Bishop of Rome head over all others, who by his authority, suppressed the reading of the Bible by laymen, pretending that they could not read and understand without the assistance of the clergy. Here began the two witnesses to be clothed in sackcloth, and the 1260 years in which they were to prophecy. If the witnesses began their days of prophecy clothed in sackcloth in the year 538, they would end in the year 1798. About the close of this century, in consequence of the corruption of the church of Rome being exposed, men began to treat revelation as a fiction, and religion as priestcraft; and instead of searching for the truth, they set to work to destroy the only pillar and ground of the truth and Scriptures. Some of the most eminent writers of that day declared war against the word of God; and this war became general, all over Europe and even in America. But the principal writers, who attacked the word of God, were in France, one of the ten kingdoms into which Western Rome had been divided at the close of the fifth century after Christ. And so successful were these writers, that almost the whole nation of the French became Deists or Atheists, in a short time. This was, and had been a nation, given to the most heinous crimes, and was truly following the sodomitsh sins, and had kept the people of God in bondage for centuries. HST September 1, 1841, page 82.9

In France, too, Christ had been crucified again in his people. Witness the great massacre of the Protestants in the beginning of the 17th century on St. Bartholomew’s eve. It is said by Sully, who witnesaed the scene, that 50,000 were slain in the city of Paris in one night, and that the blood ran in the streets ancle deep. More than 150,000 were murdered in other parts of France on that memorable day. Here, then, in this kingdom, God, in 1794—8, has displayed himself in the fulfilment of this prophecy which we are now considering. In 1794, a decree was passed by the three reigning powers of France, forbidding the Bible to be read in any of the chapels in France, and destroying the Sabbath; and in Lyons, one of the cities of France, the Bible was tied to the tail of an ass, and dragged through the streets, and many were gathered and bonfires made of them. The people in all the principal places of France, held days of rejoicing, and sent gifts one to another, because the reign of priestcraft was at an end. This conduct of the French people began to alarm the nations around them; and although they could not interfere with the policy of that nation, yet they immediately took measures to prevent the spread of this demoralizing mania which had attacked the French nation. In 1798, the year the Bible was again permitted to be read in France, the Bible Society was first instituted in England. Here, then, we have the “great voice” that was saying “come up hither.” It is a fact which has been noted by a number of writers of the French Revolution, that it was exactly three years and a half from the time the Bible was forbid to be read, and its laws disregarded, before the edict of Bonaparte gave free toleration to all sects to worship God in their own way. Now the Bible was more than restored to its former place; it was exalted, and every man could examine for himself into its sacred truths. Before this, laymen could not be permitted to handle or read for themselves. It is also a fact worthy of notice, that the progress of the Bible Society has exceeded the most sanguine expectations of its advocates; and the Atheists and Deists of our day appear perfectly confounded a the event. Instead of declaring war openly against the word of God, as under the French revolution, they now pretend to draw their rule of morality from this blessed book; and the man that should undertake to write down the word of God in this day, would be considered either a mad manor a fool. Does not all this show that this part of Scripture has been fulfilled, and that the calculation of the reign of anti-christ must be correct, which I have heretofore made? For certainly, the two witnesses are not clothed in sackcloth, neither is the church in the wilderness; nor does anti-christ reign over the kings of the earth, or tread the church under foot. One thing more;—in the revolution of France the names of seven thousand men were slain, or the long list of titled nobility was destroyed, and the great catalogue of priestly orders was abolished, the very same year the witnesses were slain. It is said by some writers, that there were seven thousand titles abolished in France during the revolution. Well might the remnant, (or church of God) be affrighted, and give glory to the God of heaven. HST September 1, 1841, page 82.10

14. “The second woe is past; and behold the third woe cometh quickly.” The second woe begun by the civil wars in France and Germany, and ended in the French Revolution; and the third woe will come and pass quickly. It is the last and great woe denounced against the woman sitting on the scarlot colored beast the earth, which she has filled with her sorceries, and the kingdoms of this world, which must all be destroyed under this woe. HST September 1, 1841, page 83.1

15. “And the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven, saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.” This will soon be fulfilled. HST September 1, 1841, page 83.2

16. “And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell on their faces, and worshipped God.” By the four and twenty elders I understand the true ministers of Christ, alluding to the twenty-four courses of the priests appointed by David. 1 Chronicles 24. HST September 1, 1841, page 83.3

17. “Saying, we give thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art and wast, and art to come, because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.” This is the language of the humble minister of Jesus Christ, who makes the word of God his study, and believes in the overruling hand of God as accomplishing the great designs therein revealed; and this has evidently been fulfilling more than thirty years. Many servants of God, who wait upon the altar, and observe the signs of the times, do believe and publish that Christ is near at hand, and that the Kingdoms of this world will soon become the kingdom of our Lord. HST September 1, 1841, page 83.4

18. “And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.” This verse shows us what is shortly coming to pass, and is a description of what the true ministers of Christ will preach, viz., the wrath of God about to be poured out upon the angry nations of the earth, the resurrection of the dead, and the judgment day, the reward promised to all those who fear, love, and obey him, and the destruction of anti-christ. This is what the servants of God should preach in this day big with wonderful events. This is what God will have preached—for he never sends any judgments upon the world without giving them warning. HST September 1, 1841, page 83.5

19. “And the temple of God was opened in heaven.” By this I understand the pouring out of the spirit of God upon his worshiping people. “And there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament.” By this I understand that the word of God will be more generally read and better understood by the people of God than formerly. “And there were lightenings and voices, and thunderings and an earthquake, and great hail.” Lightenings, denote reforms in governments and bodies politic; voices denote great struggles of the common people for reform in government, or for the execution of their desires, and applies to a multitude in all cases; thunderings denote wars; earthquake, a revolution; and great hail, great judgments, either pestilence or famine, or both. Therefore I should read this passage thus: And there were reformations, and many people calling to be eased o their burdens and wars, and a revolution, and great pestilence and famine. This will be the closing scene of this world. And now let him that readeth understand, if these things are no already at the door. HST September 1, 1841, page 83.6

To be Continued.



Harmony of Church Chronology—continued

Brother Himes:—In my last communication I stated, as evidence of a pre-established harmony in chronology, that more than half the ages of the 21 patriarchs from Adam to Isaac, inclusive, are multiples of 5; and it might have been added, as evidence to the same purpose, that two thirds of the ages at which these patriarchs begat their patriarchal sons, are multiples of the same number. HST September 1, 1841, page 83.7

As a further argument in favor of 43 years previous to Adam, it is the leading object of the present article to prove that the number 37 is harmonic, and equal to the length of our Savior’s life. HST September 1, 1841, page 83.8

That the age of our Lord, at the time of his crucifixion, was 37 years, may be proved as follows:— HST September 1, 1841, page 83.9

1. By the astronomical calculations of Ferguson. See his Astronomy. HST September 1, 1841, page 83.10

2. Of the 22 patriarchs from Adam to Jacob, whose age, by the way, was 3 times 49,) more of the ages are multiples of 37 than of any other number from 33 to 41 inclusive. The age of fared was 962, equal to 26 times 37; that of Lamech, 777, or 21 times 37; and the age of Nahor,—that is, of course, at his death—was 148, equal to 4 times 37. HST September 1, 1841, page 83.11

3. From the creation of Adam to the birth of Christ, were 3 times 37 times 37 years; and from the death of Christ, A. D. 33, to the destruction of Jerusalem. “A. D. 70” were 37 years. Also, if the age of our Savior, at his death, was really 37, he must have been crucified 112 times 37 years after the creation of Adam; 28 times 37 years after the completion of Solomon’s temple; and—supposing the second temple to have been finished B. C. 513, or 10 times 49 years [equal to Daniel’s 70 weeks,] after the completion of the temple of Solomon—our Lord must have been crucified 13 times 42 years after the completion of the second temple, 30 HST September 1, 1841, page 83.12

4. According to Luke’s genealogy—omitting Cainan, who is erroneously inserted—the ancestors of Christ, from Adam to Joseph or Mary inclusive, were 74, or twice 37: so that from Adam to Joseph or Mary—as there were 3 times 37 times 37 years—there must have been twice 37 generations, averaging once and a half 37 years. HST September 1, 1841, page 83.13

5. From the birth of Isaac to the birth of Christ, according to the genealogy of Luke, there were 54 ancestors, or 54 generations averaging 372 1/27 years. That the period of our Savior’s life was also, scripturally speaking, a generation, like the interval from the birth of a father to the birth of his son, is manifest from these words of Isaiah: namely, “When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his, seed.” See Isaiah 53:10-11. HST September 1, 1841, page 83.14

6. As “in all things it behooved” our Lord to be made like unto his brethren”—it would seem that the duration of his life should have been about the same as the mean duration of human life at present. Be this as it may—I have ascertained, by taking, from Dunglison’s Medical Dictionary, 31 and finding the average of the mean annual mortality, in 28 of the chief countries and cities in Europe and America; that according to this average the mean annual mortality in these countries and cities, is I individual in 36 27/28: so that the result is the same as if every individual died at the age of 37. The number of the beast is 666: and “is the number of a man.” The number of a man may be the length of his life, or the age at which “his days are numbered,” and “finished.” “The days of our years are three score and ten.” Now it is remarkable, that the number of the beast, 666, is 18 times 37, the supposed age of Christ, or “of a man,” or, on the average of mankind in general; and that the duration of the life of the beast, 1260 years, is likewise 18 times three score and ten. Herod the great—the greatest beast that ever oppressed Israel—united n himself both of these numbers, 37 and 70; or he reigned 37 years, and lived to the age of threescore and ten. HST September 1, 1841, page 83.15

7. My last argument is, that the number 37 s harmonic; as I shall now proceed to show. HST September 1, 1841, page 83.16

That this number 37 is harmonic, is proved by an examination of the links or divisors of 285 chains or periods, extending from one leading or principal event to another, in the period comprised between the Christian era and the year 1846. With a view of enabling the reader to test the calculations, a list of these events and their dates is here subjoined. HST September 1, 1841, page 83.17

The birth of Christ,A. D.
Beginning of the ministry of John the Baptist,26
Beginning of the ministry of Christ,30
The crucifixion of Christ,33
Destruction of Jerusalem.70
End of the ten terrible persecutions,312
Establishment of the first of the ten kingdoms,356
Establishment of the last of the ten kingdoms,483
The pagan beast was destroyed,508
The Christian church entered the wilderness,538
Birth of Mohammed,569
Title of Universal Bishop, conferred by Phocas,606
Hegira, or flight of Mohammed,622
The Ottoman empire was founded,1299
End of the 150 years, or of the Grecian empire,1449
Destruction of Constantinople,1453
The Lutheran reformation began,1517
Massacre of the Huguenotts,1572
End of the 1260 years,1798
First fall or abdication of Napoleon,1814
Second fall or abdication of Napoleon,1815
Supposed end of the Ottoman power,1839
    ”             ”    ”       ”     ”1840
The second coming of Christ,1843
The consummation,1846

If the vulgar Christian era is actually “4 years too late”—so that (instead of A. D. 26, 30 and 33) the dates of the beginning of the ministry of John the Baptist, the beginning of the ministry of Christ, and the crucifixion of Christ, must have been true A. D. 30, 34, and 37; it is reasonable to suppose, admitting a chronological harmony, that these Numbers 30, 34, and 37, must be harmonic. Accordingly, these three numbers, to which may be added at least the number 43—are found, by examination of the 285 chains, to be harmonic in fact. 32 HST September 1, 1841, page 84.1

As the whole number of chains is 285, and as the 37th part of 285 is about 7 1-2; it follows, that, in the absence of a chronological harmony, the number 37 should constitute the links of not more than about 7 or 8 chains. But instead of only 7 or 8, there are 14 chains which are multiples of 37. Considering, however, that 2 of these chains or periods are more or less hypothetical; namely, the period from the year 30 to 1843—and the period from the year 33 to 1846;—I will suppose, for the present, that instead of these 14 chains, we substitute 12. On this supposition, it is found to be a fact, that, excepting the number 74, which, however, is twice 37, there is no other number from 1 to 100 inclusive, that, in reciprocal proportion to its quantity, composes the links of so many of the 285 chains, as does the number 37. This number 37 must, therefore, not only be harmonic, but pre-eminently so with regard to 98 of 100 numbers. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.2

I find that 9 of the 285 periods are multiples of 34; and that, excepting 30, 37, and 43, there is no other number from 1 to 43 inclusive, of which, in reciprocal proportion to its quantity, more of the 285 chains are multiples, than of the number 34. Eight chains are multiples of 43, and seven chains are multiples of 42. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.3

It is found, also, that 13 of the whole number of chains, have links of 30 years each; and that, excepting the numbers 37 and 68, of which, however, the latter is twice 34, there is no other number from 1 to 68 inclusive, that, in reciprocal proportion to its quantity composes the links of so many of the 285 chains, as does the Numbers 30. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.4

Of the 285 chains, 5 are multiples of 129. It should, however, be taken into consideration, that this 129 is 3 times 43. There are 7 chains that are multiples of 42;5, that are multiples of 50; and—omitting, as more or less hypothetical, the chain extending from the year 30 to 1843 there are 6 chains that are multiples of 49, With reference to 49, I would remark, by the way, that this number has, in reality, been shown to be harmonic, merely by its exhibition in my chain of Jubilees. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.5

Again, of the 285 chains, no less than 6 are multiples of 149; a circumstance apparently unaccountable, except on the supposition that this 149—which lacks but 1 of 5 times 30, or 3 times 50, and is but 1 more than 4 times 37—is to be considered as a multiple of 30, 37, and 50. But admitting this 149 to be such a multiple—19 of the 285 chains would be multiples of 30;20 chains would be multiples of 37; and 11 chains would be multiples of 50. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.6

On the whole, therefore—as additional evidence of a pre-established chronological harmony—I must regard it as proved, by an examination of merely the 285 chains; that at least the numbers 30, 34, 37, and 43, are truly harmonic. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.7

Owing to the length of the present article, the remainder of my chronology must be postponed. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.8

Yours, for the wisdom that is from above,
E. B. K.

Note. Although but 41 of the 285 chains are multiples of 7—yet this number 7 must be accounted harmonic; because, excepting the three Numbers 2:10, and 14—of which, however, the second is one third of 30, and the third is twice 6, or is one third of 42—the number 7, in reciprocel proportion to its quantity, composes the links of more chains, than any other number from 1 to 29 inclusive. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.9


No Authorcode

BOSTON, SEPT. 1, 1841.



14 Devonshire-street, (up stairs,) 14. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.10

All communications relative to the Signs of the Times, and the Publications of the Second Advent, should hereafter be addressed to JOSHUA V. HIMES, 14 Devonshire-street, Boston, Mass. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.11



The Conference in Maine will take place on the 12th of October, not 2nd, as erroneously stated in our last. It will begin Tuesday, Oct. 12; and will continue several days. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.12

We have not received the notice as yet of the place. We hope to hear from Eld. Bridges in season for our next. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.13

The Conference in Low Hampton, as noticed, will commence Nov. 2, and will continue several days. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.14

Conference in New York City. We are happy to state that one of the largest chapels in that City is opened for a conference on the Second Advent. Arrangements will be made to have one there this Fall.—Notice hereafter. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.15



In our last we endeavored to show what the Lord Jesus Christ meant by the “kingdom of God.” The evidence produced shows that it is a kingdom of glory and immortality, to be set up on earth at Christ’s second coming to reign personally over his redeemed and glorified saints, forever and ever. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.16

But is there any rule by which it may be uniformly nterpreted in accordance with that import? We think there is. It will be observed by those who carefully read the parables of Christ that he uttered most if not all of them professedly to illustrate the “kingdom of God,” “kingdom of heaven,” etc. Whenever he introduces a parable for this purpose he invariably carries us through time and introduces us into an everlasting state of being, and to the retributions of eternity. Then we find the kingdom of God, not before. True the work of preparation during the day of life and probation is included in the parables; but at evening, it is, that the laborors are called and receive their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.17

We shall now examine some of those texts which speak of the “kingdom of God,” “kingdom of heaven,” etc, and show that the term has uniform reference to the everlasting glorified kingdom of God. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.18

1. The first class of texts we shall examine are those which respect the moral qualifications of men for the kingdom. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.19

Matthew 5:3. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” The Savior certainly did not mean the gospel dispensation in this text, nor yet merely the reign of grace in the heart, for meekness is grace reigning. But the rewards of glory are theirs. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.20

Matthew 5:20. “Except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharasees ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.” The import of this is clear; not that they could not enter the gospel dispensation without this qualification, nor yet that they could not enter into the internal kingdom of God, for that internal kingdom, if enjoyed at all, must enter them, rather than they it; but the kingdom of glory cannot be entered without vital godliness. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.21

Matthew 18:3. “Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” This, together with John 3:3, 5, must also refer to the kingdom of glory, the saint’s promised inheritance. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.22

Moral purity, or holiness is the necessary qualification to see and enjoy that kingdom where God himself shall be with them and be their God, and dwell with them and walk with them. Let no one, therefore, presume on the mercy or love of God to save them without these qualifications. “They shall not,” the Savior declares, “enter the kingdom of heaven.” HST September 1, 1841, page 84.23

2. That class of texts which speak of a physical qualification for the kingdom, prove it to be in eternity and glory. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.24

1 Corinthians 15:49, 50. “And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.” But what does the apostle mean by “kingdom of God? “Evidently the kingdom to be set up at the coming of Christ and the resurrection of the just. Thus verses 51-54, “We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump; (for the trump shall sound,) and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying, that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.” Thus an inheritance of the kingdom of God cannot be obtained by flesh and blood, nor yet, until the last trump, when the dead in Christ will be raised, and all his living saints put on incorruption and glory; and death is swallowed up in victory. HST September 1, 1841, page 84.25

Matthew 13:43. “Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” This time and scene is laid at the end of this world, and when the Son of man separates the righteous from the wicked. They shall not enter the kingdom in dull mortality, but in glory like the sun. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.1

In our next, we shall take up those passages which refer to the time of the kingdom’s establishment. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.2

In the mean time, let us all remember that it is “not every one that saith, Lord, Lord, that shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of our Father which is in heaven.” Let us all, then, earnestly endeavor by holiness of heart and life to prepare for an abundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ; For thither the redeemed shall come and return with songs and everlasting joy on their heads, and sorrow and sighing shall all flee away. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.3



The Managers of the American Bible Society at a recent monthly meeting, resolved to stereotype and publish the New Testament and book of Psalms in raised letters for the use of the blind. This is a noble enterprise, and should be seconded by every lover of the Bible and his fellow men. Among all the gigantic enterprises of the age, there is none, in our estimation, more important and worthy of patronage than the spread of the word of God. Let it go abroad; let it go all abroad. It is the light of heaven, shining out upon a dark and wretched world, to guide their steps to happiness and heaven; a light, not for the natural, but mental and moral eye. How precious, then, must be that heavenly light, to those, who forbidden by God’s inscrutable Providence to look on the light of the natural world, are now, through the merciful interposition of that same holy Providence, raised to a condition where they may enjoy the healthful, soul-cheering and sanctifying beams of this grand luminary of the moral world. If any one class of beings on earth more than another should have the heavenly treasure to cheer them through life’s dreary and darksome vale, it is the blind. Shall we not have the pleasure of forwarding in behalf of our subscribers, at least A HUNDRED DOLLARS for this noble purpose? HST September 1, 1841, page 85.4

N. B. Thirty dollars will constitute the “Signs of the Times” a life member of the American Bible Society, and entitle it to all the Annual Reports, and monthly extracts issued by the Society; of which we assure our readers they shall reap a full share of the benefit. Who will make up the hundred dollars? “The expense of the work proposed is estimated at 5,000.” HST September 1, 1841, page 85.5



Second Advent Witness. This is the title of a new periodical, published in New York, edited by Rev. Henry Jones. The first number contains a dissertation on the Restoration of Israel to the land Palestine; delivered by the editor at the first general Conference on the Second Advent. This is an able article. It discuses the question of the return of the natural Jews to the land of the Patriarchs, and their national establishment there prior to the second advent of Christ, with the hand of a master; and establishes, so we think, beyond successful controversy, the position that there is no promise in the Word of God to authorize the expectation of the return of the Jewish nation to Palestine. But that all God’s promises to Israel, yet unfulfilled, refer to the true Israel, Abraham’s promised seed through Christ. Conditions. Issued quarterly, or oftener, if on experiment the circumstances will permit. Each number 32 pages on an average. For one year, or for the first four Numbers, pay in advance, 50 cents. For two copies, to mail subscribers $1,00. For seven copies to one order $3,00. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.6

We hope the work will be well sustained. Our readers will recognize the editor as an old friend. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.7

Latest from Europe. The last arrival contains little or nothing from Turkey. The following extract of a letter from a correspondent of the New York Observer, though of a previous date, will be read with interest. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.8

Dr. Grant left Constantinople June 4th, for Trebizond, on his way to the Independent Nestorians; and on arriving at Trebizond, continued his journey without delay. There was some prospect that his associates, who went by way of Beyrout, would be detained for a time at Aleppo, by the disturbed state of the country. Mr. Beadle accompanied them to Aleppo, to establish a missionary station there; but the Roman Catholics, as usual, had raised a violent opposition. Mr. Wolcott was about removing to Damascus, for a year at least. All new arrangements for that region are attended with some uncertainty; for whatever diplomatists may say, those who reside in Syria do not find that the “eastern question” is settled. Every thing visible there bodes revolution. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.9



Scowhegan, Me. July 24, 1841. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.10

Dear Bro. Himes:—Having a leisure hour I embrace it to give you a brief account of my recent tours and visits to the seats of the four New England Methodist Episcopal Annual Conferences. The first was my own conference, the Providence, the session of which was held in the city of Providence commencing June 9, 1841. This Conference was set off from the N. E. Conference at the last General Conference, and met for the first time in their seperate capacity. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.11

I shall not however enter into subjects of general interest in reference to these bodies, but confine myself, principally, to the state of our cause and its prospects. In Providence, during the Conference, I gave several lectures on the second coming and kingdom of Christ, in the Christian Chapel, which was kindly offered for the purpose. The congregations were not large, but attentive, intelligent and interested. Several of the members of the Conference were present at each lecture. Among the citizens of Providence we have some ardent friends of the cause, beside many warm opposers. Mr. Dowling has unquestionably exerted a paralizing influence on the public mind in that city; and I fear many, very many, through his influence will be lulled to sleep in sin, and go down to ruin. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.12

Among the Preachers of the Conference, so far as I could learn, there is an increasing interest felt in reference to the subject. Several, who a year ago were either indifferent or entirely and openly opposed to the discussion of the subject, I found to be deeply interested in it. Some entirely, others partially convinced of the correctness of our doctrine. While there are several others whose prejudices have so far subsided as to be willing to hear and read on the subject although they think it hardly worth while to trouble their heads with new theories. On the whole, my conviction is, that there is quite generally a strong conviction rising in the minds of the Preachers that the old doctrine of the world’s conversion, the restoration of Israel, and Christ’s spiritual reign for a thousand years, is built on human tradition, and not on God’s Word. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.13

But the most interesting part of the narrative is yet to come. As it was to this Conference I was amenable for the doctrines I taught, as a matter of course the strange things I have been spreading before the community for some time past, came up before the Conference for examination. My respected Presiding Elder, under whose suprevision I labored during the last year said he had nothing against Brother Litch, but he believed he preached the Miller doctrine, and he felt it to be his duty to bring it up, as some of the brethren wished to know how it was. The Bishop said, Brother Litch would tell us how that was. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.14

Litch. I shall be happy to answer any questions brethren wish to propose. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.15

Bishop. They say brother L. you preach the Miller doctrine; how is it? HST September 1, 1841, page 85.16

L. If brethren will define their meaning, I can perhaps answer their questions. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.17

B. They want to know whether you teach the Miller doctrine. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.18

L. Well, if they will define themselves, I will try to tell them. This I confess to you brethren, that after the way some call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, and have hope toward God, which they also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.19

B. That is not it; they want to know whether you believe, with Mr. Miller, that the end of the world will come in 1843? HST September 1, 1841, page 85.20

L. I can answer that question. I believe and teach in common with Mr. Miller and others, that God has, by his servant Daniel the prophet, revealed the events of time in a long connected series, from the days of Daniel, to the coming of the Son of Man in the clouds of heaven to receive an universal everlasting kingdom under the whole heaven. That with those events certain prophetic periods were connected; and that most of those events and part of those periods have already been fulfiled, also that the remainded will be accomplished in 1843. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.21

B. Do you think that is Methodism? HST September 1, 1841, page 85.22

L. I do. At least it is not contrary to the articles of religion of the Methodist Episcopal Church. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.23

Various other questions were asked by the bishop and different brethren embracing nearly every point peculiar to Miller’s theory, occupying from 30 to 45 minutes. The best of feelings were preserved throughout the whole scene, and a deep melting solemn sensation pervaded the Conference. After deliberation on the question the Conference came to the conclusion that I held to nothing contrary to Methodism, although I went in some points beyond it. They then at my own request granted me a location and thus left me at liberty to devote my whole time to the dissemination of this important subject, and if it is heresy they have taken a measure of the responsibility for it. The influence of that examination, there is good reason to believe, was most salutary, and afforded a most valuable opportunity of bringing the subject before those who before knew little or nothing of it. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.24

It was not, however, without strong feelings, I came to the conclusion to dissolve my connection with the itinerant ministry of the M. E. Church, with whom I had labored in sweetest fellowship for eight years of my life, and from whom I have received unremitted evidence of regard and kindness. Nothing but a solemn conviction of duty to God and my fellow men, to throw my entire influence into the enterprise in which we are engaged, could have induced me to take the step. And it is due to my brethren of the Providence Conference to say, that after my location nothing but the strongest assurances of regard and esteem and confidence, came from any one of them, together with their best wishes for my future welfare and success. All which they may rest assured is heartily reciprocated. HST September 1, 1841, page 85.25

New Hampshire Conference


This Conference commenced its session at Dover N. H. June 23. Through the kindness of the friends the Freewill Baptist Meeting house was secured for lectures Friday and Saturday, and Sunday evenings. Monday and Tuesday evenings the Calvinists Baptist house was generously offered. The congregations were good each evening. Quite a number of preachers were present at each lecture, and the subject seemed to make quite a deep impression upon their minds. There are several members of this Conference, also, who think, feel, and talk much upon the coming of the Lord at hand. My intercourse with brethren was pleasant, and reception among them cordial. After distributing about ten dollars worth of books among the members of the Conference, on the 30th of June, I left for Worcester, the seat of the HST September 1, 1841, page 86.1

New England Conference


Here I found myself at home in the midst of old friends and tried brethren. Brother Elishu Ellis having secured Brinley Hall for the purpose, I gave a course of lectures in that place. The lectures, all things considered, were well attended, and the effect, I think, will not be lost. HST September 1, 1841, page 86.2

Probably there are fewer preachers in this Conference who feel an interest in this great question than in either of the other Conferences in New England. But still there are a few who are disposed to give it attention and examine its merits. I distributed gratuitously in the Conference and town, about fifteen dollars worth of books and publications on the Second Advent. Thus the seed is sown, and it is hoped some of it will yet spring up and bring forth much fruit. Let it be watered by the fervent prayers of all who love the appearing of the Savior. HST September 1, 1841, page 86.3

Maine Conference


This Conference met in this thriving village on the 21st inst. It consists of about one hundred and thirty members. I arrived, by stage on Wednesday evening, and was cordially greeted by my acquaintance in this conference. They were anxious to have some lectures during my stay among them, to which I of course assented if they would procure a place for them. Application was accordingly made to the committee of appointment to supply the desk during the Conference. They were very jealous of such heresy, and declined granting the request. The subject was finally carried into the Conference for the decision of the question. The effect was like a firebrand in a magazine of powder. A warm discussion for about thirty or forty minutes, ensued, which drew out both friends and foes of the cause, and probably excited more interest than could have been raised by a half dozen lectures without that previous movement. The question was finally disposed of by laying it on the table, by thirty one to thirty, on the ground that it was not expedient for the conference to take any action on the subject; but that the question of opening the house or not was entirely, with the Committee. The Baptist minister, however, very readily granted the use of his meeting house for a lecture; which was held last evening. The discussion in the conference had awakened an interest in the preachers to hear for themselves on the great question; and accordingly at the appointed hour they came out, I should judge, something like two thirds of the conference, and a good number of the citizens. During the lecture it was easy to be perceived; an interest in the subject, never before felt, by many, was waking up, and long cherished preju-was giving way. HST September 1, 1841, page 86.4

To-day I have sent into the conference for gratuitous distribution about thirty dollars worth of publications on the second coming and kingdom of the Savior. The eagerness with which they were seized evinces the determination of those ambassadors of Christ to know more on the subject before they vote upon it again. On the whole we have more to hope, so far as I can learn and judge, from Maine than any other portion of the New England states; and the seed sown on that fertile soil will not all be lost. There are in this Conference a goodly number who are already hearty advocates of the doctrine, and others who are almost persuaded. And I have the assurance of many who have hitherto stood aloof from it, that they shall give it a thorough investigation, and satisfy themselves. Your fellow laborer and brother in Christ Jesus. J. LITCH HST September 1, 1841, page 86.5

From the Christian Intelligencer. HST September 1, 1841, page 86.6

Gentlemen—I send you an extract from Dr. Cotton Mather’s “Famous Latin Preface” to his admirable work, entitled “Student and Preacher, or Directions for a Candidate of the Ministry.” It will probably be new to many of your readers. But it is by no means as a literary curiosity, merely, that I have thought these statements and warnings well worthy of attention; but also, and especially, as containing the deliberate and emphatic testimony of a great and good man, whose memory is blessed to what some in our own day regard as interesting and seasonable truth, however much neglected, and generally forgotten. Those, who may deem it worth their while to make the examination, will be surprised to find, that the views of Cotton Mather, regarding the destinies of the Church and the world are, so far as they go, identical, both in substance and in detail, with the conclusions on these subjects brought forward in the very valuable republications of “The Literalist.” HST September 1, 1841, page 86.7

The translation, which is by a Mr. Hugh Walford, is quite literal; and I transcribe it as it stands, with only a few unimportant amendments. HST September 1, 1841, page 86.8

John Lillie.
Kingston N. Y.



To the Studious Youth in Academies, principally in that of Glasgow; next, to those in New England; moreover, to those of the Non-Conformists in England forced within private walls; Cotton Mather wisheth the fear of the fear of the Lord, and from thence salvation in the Lord. HST September 1, 1841, page 86.9

O ye souls, too much longiug after and cleaving to the earth, and savoring only earthly things, awake at last, awake ye, and being roused by now the seventh trumpet of God, arise to the work of God and the day; and attend to the voice of one crying in the wilderness: Hear these things, all nations; all ye inhabitants of the globe, hearken; for the Lord God has spoken to every people, He calls the whole earth. HST September 1, 1841, page 86.10

Verily our God shall come, and shall not keep silence; a fire shall consume before Him, and there shall be a very stormy tempest roundabout him. The Ruler of the world, returning to us, will send forerunners, who shall shew His approach; and the speediness of His coming. And before the very great and very greatly to be dreaded day of the Lord come, He will send Elias, or men endued with his spirit and power, who with a loud voice shall show themselves sons of Thunder concerning the Lord hastening to us. HST September 1, 1841, page 86.11

It behooveth any servant of God, who would be named a vigilant, and not a drowsy servant, to perform this office of Elias. And were the power granted to any Elias of uttering through a mighty trumpet a voice that might be heard throughout all the regions of the whole globe, he would surely with this alarm summon us from our lethargy. HST September 1, 1841, page 86.12

The second advent of the Lord Christ, which must be expected for the destruction of anti-christ, and perdition of that fourth empire, which He will abolish at His own illustrious coming, is next and immediately to be expected. HST September 1, 1841, page 86.13

But it is not to be wondered at, if there be very few who would believe such a preacher; and if a complaint should accompany the clangor and labors of the trumpeters. Lord who believeth our report? HST September 1, 1841, page 86.14

For when the Lord shall come, He will find the world almost void of true and lively faith, (especially of faith in his coming;) and when he shall descend with His heavenly banners and angels, what else will He find, almost, but the whole church, as it were a dead carcase, miserably putrified with the spirit and manners and endearments of this world? HST September 1, 1841, page 86.15

We are now in midnight darkness, wherein the church sleeping is to be roused at each ear with that outcry, than which nothing is more seasonable: “The Bridegreom cometh!” But that clamor, the Bridgroom cometh, repeated even a thousand times for the waking of but one soul among ten thousand, will effect hardly any thing. The cry is made scarcely otherwise than as in the ears of the dead, after the most vehement repetitions of the same thing. HST September 1, 1841, page 86.16

When I should wish to stir up my brethren, who are in a deep sleep, with these messages and admonitions, to shake off this soft and indeed, lethargic and deadly slumber, I know that I shall appear to my friends a vain dreamer, a sort of Lot, and that they will treat me as one in jest or sport, and as a man in the falling sickness, seized with I know not what enthusiasm; and that sleep may hold them in still more pleasing fetters, they will make use of, as it were, sleepy medicines, a diversity of commentaries on certain prophecies, as not yet fulfilled. HST September 1, 1841, page 86.17

But this word of God is in my mind like burning fire shut up in my bones: nor can I any longer forbear, but must again and again denounce this doom to the earth, sufficiently prepared for the fire, and a sorceress condemned to the flames. HST September 1, 1841, page 86.18

Yea, though some Nero should command me to be burned in the flames, I will not cease to preach and foretel, with an earnest voice, the dissolution, renewal, and purification of the world by fire. HST September 1, 1841, page 86.19

Speedily with flaming fire, but who knows how soon? The Son of God, about to descend will inflict vengeance on them who know not God, and obey not His gospel; but he will manifest his kingdom of the saints in the earth, which is to be possessed by our second and heavenly Adam; and this, we confess, is ascertained to us by promise, but in another state, as being after the resurrection. HST September 1, 1841, page 86.20

They indulge themselves in a vain dream, not to say insane, who think, pray, and hope, contrary to the whole sacred Scripture and sound reason, that the promised happiness of the church on earth will be before the Lord Jesus shall appear in His kingdom. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.1

Without doubt the kingdoms of the world will not become the kingdoms of God and his Christ, before the pre-ordained time of the dead, in which the reward shall be given to the servants of God, and to those that fear His name. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.2

The rest of the saints, and the promised Sabbath, and the kingdom of God, in which his will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven, and those great things of which God hath spoken by the mouths of His prophets, all prophesying as with one voice; all shall be confirmed by their fulfilment in the new earth, not in our defiled and accursed earth. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.3

Rightly, indeed, did those most renowned Fathers in the Nicene Council declare, that our earth is no other than the earth of the dying, but that the new earth (with our sweet Psalmist) is the land of the living; adding these words, most worthy of such a Council, and of being inscribed on marble for everlasting remembrance; God foreknew that man would sin; therefore, we expect new heavens and a new earth, according to the sacred books, when the advent and kingdom of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ shall appear to us; and then the exalted saints shall receive the kingdom.” HST September 1, 1841, page 87.4

This was the opinion of the primitive Church. This her piety, and the ancient faith. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.5

Oh Justin! to thee I appeal as a witness—in this faith all the orthodox unanimously consented in the primitive Church. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.6

And, I pray, in what earth is their crown to be conferred, who have conquered the enemies of Christ and of themselves? In what earth, I pray, shall the conquerors, who share His triumph, enjoy the goodness of the Lord? HST September 1, 1841, page 87.7

But oh! ye sinners in Zion! let horror come upon you: oh! ye hypocrites! let trembling seize you. Who of you shall be able or who shall dare, to dwell in the burnings of that fire, in which God the Judge, and the Avenger will purge indeed this our earth, and introduce that new earth? HST September 1, 1841, page 87.8

In that day, how terrible! how dreadful! (according to the divine oracles, which are both more durable than the pillars of Seth and never to be called in question,) the heavens shall pass away with a noise, the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the earth and the works that are done on it, shall be burnt up. Oh how terrible will be that great day of the Lord, of which not only prediction in the books, inspired by God, do every where sound and resound, but the rumor also both penetrated to the Pagans, and troubled the Stoics themselves. That there should be a time, when the sea, the earth, and the palace of heaven seized by the flames, should burn, and the globe’s prodigious mass be in strong convulsions. Nay, the terrors of that day have already had a kind of small shadow, and no more than truly a very minute representation in the most threatening eruptions of Vesuvius, and cities of Sicily, swallowed up and sunk into Gehenna. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.9

Very many indeed own, that when the Roma Beast, which now deceives and enslaves the nations, shall be slain, the body of that Beast is be delivered to the burning of fire, and therewith to be destroyed; and the daughter of a pries who profaned herself by whoring, shall perish by burning alive. But they augur that this fire will be altogether metaphorical, and rave of painted fires only—a wonder if not feigned also. Amos vain surmise this! What! and even the second coming of the Lord will become by and by, metaphorical also, and must be resolved and vanish away into I know not what mystical dispensations! Away with such dotings of drivellers! HST September 1, 1841, page 87.10

Noah of old, the preacher of righteousness warned the wicked of his age of that deluge concerning which with what great commiseration could the venerable patriarch answer the unbelieving scorners! “Miserable men! know that not any metaphorical waters shall over whelm you! At length, and presently, ye shall feel literal waters—fatal to you. Yet a little while, and your groans shall be heard from the waters that must be literally understood and inflicted.” Nor will it be otherwise in these our last days. Good God, for what times hast thou reserved us! HST September 1, 1841, page 87.11

To be Continued.



“Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches o the Gentiles, how much more their fulness?—Blindness in part has happened unto Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.” (Romans 11:12, 25.) HST September 1, 1841, page 87.12

In a few words let us search the meaning o the above passage. That it is obscure, the diversity of views respecting it, is evidence. And the obscurity seems to lie in the sense of that word, pleroma, rendered “fuluess” in the text. What means the pleroma of the Jews, and the pleroma of the Gentiles? HST September 1, 1841, page 87.13

According to Greenfield’s Greek Concordance he word pleroma occurs fourteen times in the New Testament, in the following places. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.14

In Matthew 9:16, and in Mark 2:21, in the parable of the old garment tattered and patched with new cloth, where pleroma implies the patch. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.15

In Mark 8:20, it expresses the fulness of baskets of fragments. In the above instances the sense of the word pleroma seems to be completion, complement, full quantity. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.16

It next occurs in John 1:16. “Of his pleroma, or fulness, have we all received, and grace for grace.” Here it seems to mean full quality or perfection, an attribute of God. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.17

It next occurs in our text; and again Romans 13:10. “love is the pleroma, or fulfilling of the law.” And in Romans 15:29, “I shall come in the pleroma, or fulness, of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. And in 1 Corinthians 10:26, “For the earth is the Lord’s, and the pleroma, or fulness thereof.” The sense in the above passages seems to be completion, full measure. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.18

Again, in Galatians 4:4 “But when the pleroma, or fulness of time was come, God sent forth his son.” And Ephesians 1:10. “That in the dispensation of the pleroma, or fulness of times, he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on the earth, in him.”—In these two passages pleroma seems to mean fulness in the sense of end: the completion of any time, being the end of that time. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.19

“The fulness of him that filleth all in all.” Ephesians 1:23. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.20

“That ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.” Ephesians 3:19. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.21

“Unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:13. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.22

“In him should all fulness dwell.” Colossians 1:19. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.23

“For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the godhead bodily.” Colossians 2:9. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.24

In the last five instances, the word pleroma, translated fulness, seems to signify perfection, an attribute of God. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.25

From the use of the word pleroma in these twelve places, we may be assisted to understand its meaning in the only two remaining, found in the text. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.26

When applied to persons, or character, the word seems to signify fulness, in the sense of quality i. e. perfection; when applied to things it signifies fulness in the sense of quantity, full measure. And when applied to times, it seems to signify fulness in the sense of completion, or end of the times. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.27

The question is: In which or what sense it is to be understood in the text? What is the pleroma, or fulness, of the Jews? And what is the pleroma, or fulness, of the Gentiles? HST September 1, 1841, page 87.28

1. Of the Jews. Does the pleroma of the Jews apply to their personal character, or quality. Then it would seem to express the perfection of that character in a heavenly sense: full-quality, perfection, an attribute of God. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.29

Does it apply to their times? Then it would seem to imply the end of their times. The fulness of a time is the end of that time. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.30

Does it apply to their number, or quantity? Then it would express the completion of that number, or quantity: full measure. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.31

In one, or the other, or all of these senses, it does probably apply to the Jews, and it seems to apply mainly to their character or quality; and also to their times and quantity. For. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.32

The Apostle has spoken of their “fall” and “the diminishing of them,” which is to be understood religiously, of their quality; and depravity and not physically or politically of their quantity, or number, or national power. 33 HST September 1, 1841, page 87.33

“The fall of them,” (to paraptoma autoon.) means “their transgression,” in the sense of Adam’s fall, or transgression: and “the diminishing of them” (to ettema autoon) means “their fault” in the sense of depravity. It is of their conduct and character, the apostle is speaking, when he names their paraptoma, and their ettema, their transgression and depravity; and it is of their conduct and character, he speaks, when he also names (to pleroma autoon) their fulness. So that “fulness” in Romans 11:12, conclusively to my mind is to be understood of the character of the Jews, in the sense of full quality, heavenly perfection, an attribute of God. But this fulness is only by faith, now in the fulness of time it will come in fact. “In the dispensation of he fulness of times,” the blindness of the Jews will be cured, their “deliverer” will “turn away ungodliness from Jacob,” and “take away their sins,” according to this same chapter of Romans, verse 26 and the rest. HST September 1, 1841, page 87.34

The Apostle reasons from their sin to their perfection. The sin and depravity of the Jews opened the way of salvation to the Gentiles; how much more shall their perfection of Israel open the way of salvation? “For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead.” The Apostle argues from the less to the greater: if the Lord’s rejection of the Jews be made the adoption of Christendom into his favor, what will their restoration be, if not the resurrection of the dead, and the marriage supper of the Lamb?—This I humbly take to be the meaning of the Apostle. I know it is surrounded with difficulties; but I am not at liberty to alter the text, to make it read, as “life from the dead” in order to escape from the force of the conclusion, which the Apostle draws. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.1

It is no hyperbole to say: if the offence of the Jews be the riches of the world, and their transgression be the riches of the Gentiles, that their perfect obedience will open the gates of heaven for the risen dead. If their fault in rejecting Christ be the riches of the Gentiles, it may well be that their perfect reception of Him, will overflow with benefits to the sleeping dead. If the rejection of them be the occasion of the reconciling of the world, the restoration of them may also be the occasion of the crowning of the saints. And the Apostle intimates as much, when he places it in the time of “the fulness of the Gentiles,” when “all Israel shall be saved; as it is written; there shall come out of Zion the deliverer.” No coming remained at the time when the Apostle wrote, but second time without sin unto salvation, when all that are in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son of man and come forth. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.2

When he that will come has come, he will save all Israel, and perfect them with his fulness, when he takes away their sins; but this would seem to be only in heaven and eternal life, where neither paraptoma nor ettema; offence, nor fault, can enter, come or happen. At the same time is the fulness of the Gentiles to come in: they are not left out of the kingdom The end of their time is their fulness; after their fulness is come in, no more can enter; otherwise full is not full, which is absurd. The end of their time is the beginning of “the dispensation of the fulness of times.” In “life from the dead.” Then all things in Christ, both in heaven, and earth, are to be gathered together in Christ, constituting the “pleroma of Him that filleth all in all. O glorious day! O happy hour! HST September 1, 1841, page 88.3

“How long, dear Savior, O how long.
Shall this bright hour, delay!”
HST September 1, 1841, page 88.4

Here many things rush on the thoughts. We are despised for regarding this state of things, above any temporal millenium; and above the conversion of this world. We cannot help it. Let the truth run through the earth, and God will be glorified. Our prayer is for the pleroma of Israel, and also of the Gentiles, with Christ in earth, on the throne of his glory. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.5

How this interpretation of the text sorts with the restoration of Israel in the flesh, no matter; it appears to be both for and against it; and another time, we may be allowed to examine that point more accurately, together with the pleroma, or fulness, of the Gentiles. W. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.6




Bro. Himes:—I arrived home last evening, having been absent since the 1st inst. during which time, I have made a circuit of one hundred and fifty miles, given about forty public lectures, distributed one hundred and thirty vols. of second advent publications, obtained twenty one subscribers to the “Signs of the Times,” visited scores of families, and notwithstanding all this labor I find my health much improved. I feel that it is an answer to the prayers of my brethren that my health has been thus restored, and a wide field opened into which I have entered and labored with joy of heart. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.7

I had a satisfactory time at Wareham; many listened to the subject with candor, and there are some warm-hearted believers in the near approach of the Savior among that people. There was some clerical influence against the subject of the advent near. One minister plainly affirmed he was in darkness on the subject, and was willing to be. He used his influence to prevent others from attending; yet a goodly number attended, whose conduct appeared to say, give us more light on this subject, we want to hear and understand for ourselves. I believe they will have the light they ask for, and by walking in it be able to give a reason of the hope within them with meekness, and when that day shall come they will not be in darkness, that it should overtake them like a thief; while those who choose darkness rather than light, and are crying peace and safety (no matter in what way) will be suddenly cut asunder, and have their portion with hypocrites and unbelievers. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.8

My next field of labor will be in Connecticut, where I hope a wide and effectual door will be opened. It is my design, the Lord willing, to spend my strength and time in the field where-ever God may in his providence open the door, among those who wish to hear on this subject. Friends who wish for lectures, or to address me by mail, may direct their letters to Dover, Mass. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.9

Yours truly, C. F.
Needham, July 29, 1841.


No Authorcode

BOSTON, SEPT. 1, 1841.



14 Devonshire St. (Up Stairs.) HST September 1, 1841, page 88.10

The friends of the cause in this city have procured a spacious and convenient room within one minutes walk of the Post Office, for a Library and Reading Room, as a place of resort for our citizens who are interested in the cause; and for strangers in the country who may wish information, aid, or publications on the subject of the advent near. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.11

It will afford to inquirers all necessary information on the state, and progress of the cause. American and English periodicals will be furnished having any bearing on the subject of the advent near, and Signs of the Times: a rich collection also of ancient and modern works on the Predictions of the Holy Prophets. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.12

It will be sustained by the voluntary contributions of those who appreciate the measure as a profitable auxiliary to the cause. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.13

The Musical Reporter. We have received several numbers of this valuable work. It is published by Saxton and Pierce—Washington Street. It is well conducted, and is a valuable auxiliary to Musical Science. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.14



Brought over$332,54
Mary Brigham10,00
Walter Russel,10,00
H. Hariman,100
Alvira Bosford, Lowell,100
Clarissa Pinder, New Market N. H100
Sister Leighton, Westford Mass.100
Hariet Johnson, Lowell,200

Publications have been sent to almost all the Missionary stations in Europe and Asia. Also to important stations, and persons in other parts of the world, where the Committee believed they would be very useful to the church and world. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.15

Small packages have been sent by different persons to almost every state in the Union. We have distributed in all about two hundred and fifty dollars worth, since the Conference at Lowell; including Brother Litch’s liberal distribution in the Methodist’s Conferences in N. E. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.16

The Committee feel assured that if the donors could know how much good they have already done, by their liberal contributions, that they would feel themselves fully rewarded. But there will be no end to the fruits of this benevolence. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.17



Books on the Second Advent. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.18

Friends at a distance who are anxious to read these works, but heretofore have found it difficult to obtain them, are hereby informed that Books and publications, of all kinds, have been deposited in the following places. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.19


East Corinth, John Ewer, Agent.
Bangor, R. Tylor, Agent.
Portland, John Pierson, Agent.
Wolwich, Samuel Fulerton, Agent.
East St. Albans, Charles B. Smith, Agent.
HST September 1, 1841, page 88.20

New Hampshire.

Exeter, A. R. Brown, Agent.
Portsmouth, T. F. Barry, Agent.
HST September 1, 1841, page 88.21

New York.

Low Hampton, Wm. S. Miller, Agent.
C. M. Gilchriste & Co. Glenns Falls.
La Roy Sunderland, 26 Fulton St. N. Y. City.
HST September 1, 1841, page 88.22


Dr. James Lull’ Agent. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.23

Agents in other places will be noticed in our next. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.24


No Authorcode


BOSTON—Moses A. Dow, General Agent. 107 Hanover Street.

FairhavenJoseph Bates
AssonnettJames Taylor
Fall RiverP. R. Russell
New BedfordJ. H. Smith
MattapoisettA. H. Averill
LowellM. M. George
SalemA. G. Comings
Salisbury PointWarren Lincoln
HaverhillHenry Plummer
WorcesterElihu Ellis


Is published on the 1st and 15th of each month, at the Bookstore of MOSES A. DOW, 107 Hanover st. next door to Hancock School House. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.25

Joshua V. Himes, Josiah Litch, Editors.

Terms,—One Dollar a year, payable in advance. 6 copies for five dollars, 18 copies for ten dollars. All communications should be directed to the Editor, post paid. HST September 1, 1841, page 88.26