Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 2


August 2, 1841


Joshua V. Himes





A HYMN FOR MEN. HST August 2, 1841, page 65.1

We are living, we are dwelling,
In a grand and awful time;
In an age, on ages telling,
To be living—is sublime.
HST August 2, 1841, page 65.2

Hark! the waking up of nations,
Gog and Magog to the fray;
Hark! what soundeth? is creation
Groaning for its latter day?
HST August 2, 1841, page 65.3

Will ye play, then! will ye dally,
With your music, with your wine?
Up! it is Jehovah’s rally!
God’s own arm hath need of thine.
HST August 2, 1841, page 65.4

Hark, the onset! will ye fold your
Faith-clad arms in lazy lock?
Up, O up, thou drowsy soldier;
Worlds are charging to the shock.
HST August 2, 1841, page 65.5

World’s are charging—Heaven beholding;
Thou hast but an hour to fight;
Now the blazoned cross unfolding,
On—right onward, for the right.
HST August 2, 1841, page 65.6

What! still hug thy dreamy slumbers!
‘Tis no time for idling play;
Wreaths, and dance, and poet-numbers,
Flout them, we must work to-day.
HST August 2, 1841, page 65.7

Fear not! spurn the wording’s laughter;
Thine ambition—trample thou!
Thou shalt find a long hereafter,
To be more than tempts thee now.
HST August 2, 1841, page 65.8

On! let all the soul within you,
For the truth’s sake, go abroad!
Strike! let every nerve and sinew
Tell on ages—tell for God!
HST August 2, 1841, page 65.9

Magog leadeth many a vassal;
Christ his few—his little ones;
But about our leaguered castle
Rear and Vanguard are his sons!
HST August 2, 1841, page 65.10

Sealed to blush, to cower never;
Crossed. baptized, and born again,
Sworn to be Christ’s soldiers ever,
Oh, for Christ, at least be men!
HST August 2, 1841, page 65.11



Come all ye sons of Zion,
Who are waiting for salvation,
Have your lamps trimm’d and burning,
For behold the proclamation—
Saying: “all things now are ready;
For the poor and for the needy;
All my fatlings now are killed,
And prepared on the table.”
HST August 2, 1841, page 65.12

Arise and get ready,
Hasten to the marriage supper,
While the bridegroom is calling,
And poor, sinners are a falling,
See the Lord of life descending,
And the judgment trumpet sounding,
For to gather all the nations,
To the final Judgment Day.
HST August 2, 1841, page 65.13

O! what a happy meeting,
When salvation is completed,
And tribulation’s ended,
And the spotless robe prepared
For the bride to be adorned,
In the jasper wall be crowned,
Saying, “Worthy is the Lamb”
In the New Jerusalem.
HST August 2, 1841, page 65.14

O! sinners don’t be doubting,
While the sons of God are shouting;
Come and join the happy army,
And there’s nothing that will harm you.
If you follow Christ the Savior,
And break off your bad behavior,
And repent and be converted,
You may sing his praises too.
HST August 2, 1841, page 65.15

Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ about the year 1843, and of his personal reign of 1000 years, first published in 1833. By Wm. Miller. HST August 2, 1841, page 65.16



Concluded from page 58

The Two days in Hosea 6:1-3 explained. HST August 2, 1841, page 65.17

We will now examine a prophecy in Hosea 6:1-3. “Come let us return unto the Lord; for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us; in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord; his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us, as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.” In this prophecy, there are a number of prominent things plainly brought into view. 1st, An exhortation to repentance. 2nd, The church in a state of tribulation and trial two days. 3rd, The power of gospel grace to heal and bind up. 4th, The resurrection in the third day revived and raised up. 5th, The knowledge we shall then have of his first and second coming: and 6thly, Our reign with him the third day. HST August 2, 1841, page 65.18

First. Repentance, “Come let us return unto the Lord.” This was preached by John, the forerunner of Jesus Christ. “The voice of one trying in the wilderness, saying, repent ye.” Also by Christ himself, “except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish.” And the apostles were commanded to preach “repentance and remission of sins, in his name, beginning at Jerusalem,” so much of this prophecy has been literally fulfilled in the gospel day, or days, thus far. HST August 2, 1841, page 65.19

Secondly. That the church were to be in a state of trial for a season, here called “two days,” cannot be doubted, when Christ himself has said, “in the world ye shall have tribulation,” and “these have come through much tribulation,” that is “torn and smitten.” But let us inquire, by what means they will thus suffer. Daniel says, Daniel 7:7, “After this, I saw in the night visions, and, behold a fourth beast dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly, and it had great iron teeth: it devoured, break in pieces, and stamped the residue (or people of God) with the feet of it.” Again in Revelation 12:3, “And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.” HST August 2, 1841, page 65.20

17. “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Then we may consider the fourth, or Roman kingdom the instrument, and the time “two days,” she should perform the work in, but the time we will look at hereafter. HST August 2, 1841, page 65.21

Thirdly. The power of gospel grace “heal us, and bind us up.” The prophets all prophecied, that God would send the Messiah, that he should heal his people of their sins, and of their backslidings, and their land from the devourer, for proof of which see 2 Chronicles 7:14; also the Psalm 60, Isaiah 19:22. 57:17-19; Jeremiah 22; Luke 4:18. Isaiah, in personating Christ, says, “He hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted.” Christ has quoted the the same in Luke 4:18. HST August 2, 1841, page 65.22

Fourthly. The resurrection, “After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.” This can mean nothing less than the resurrection. The word revived is used in the same sense in Romans 14:9; Psalm 85:6, “And he will raise up,” is used many times in the word of God in reference to the resurrection, as in John 6:39, 40, 44, 54. And I will raise him up at the last day.” See also 1 Corinthians 6:14; 2 Corinthians 4:14. HST August 2, 1841, page 65.23

Fifthly. The knowledge we shall then have of his first and second coming, “Then shall we know if we follow on to know the Lord; his going forth is prepared as the morning, and he shall come unto us, as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.” The first and second coming of Christ are often spoken of, by the prophets and apostles, as events of great importance to the believer: he came first as a prophet, priest and king; to teach, atone for, and give laws to his spiritual Israel. He comes the second time as a bridegroom, a Savior, and a God, to receive, make perfect, and dwell with his elect bride in his eternal mansion of love and happiness. Then shall we know that his coming is to us, like the rain upon the parched earth; and then shall we know him, for we shall see him as he is. Then shall we know him, and be like him. HST August 2, 1841, page 65.24

Sixthly. Our reign with him, the third day “live in his sight.” To live in his sight, means something more than to live in sight of the spirit of God; for this we do now, and have never been without his sight, in this sense: but it means his personal presence. “But if I go away, I will come again, and receive you to myself, that where I am there ye may be also.” Before this he had told them, that when he went away, he would send the Holy Ghost unto them, etc. We see, then, that it must mean to live personally with him; for during the two days they would enjoy the spirit of God, to heal and bind up the wounds they would receive. HST August 2, 1841, page 65.25

But this third day they would live in his sight, in his personal presence. This brings us to consider what these three days mean. Are we to understand any definite time? And if so, what? Is it expressed as definite time, by saying two days, and in the third day, etc. And it would require some stretch of faith and more evidence to believe it indefinite than I can find in the word of God, unless our minds were swayed by prejudice, and then we believe almost any thing to get rid of a conclusion which we fancy, it is not our interest to believe. HST August 2, 1841, page 65.26

That common days is meant, is improbable, or even years, for facts are stubborn things; for the church has been more than two days, or even years in this third state, and three days, and even years, have long since passed away, and Christ has not yet come the second time; and yet this is promised in the third day in the text. There remaineth, therefore, but one Bible way to explain day, and that is a thousand years; which is the meaning I am forced to attach to the passage we are considering, not only because it is our last resort for a scripture rule, but the third day spoken of in the passage, is evidently the same day John mentions in Revelations 20. “And they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.” Also in 2 Peter 3:8, we are commanded not to be ignorant, “That one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” And again, Psalm 90, a thousand years is said to be as one day in the sight of the Lord. HST August 2, 1841, page 65.27

It is very evident that Peter and John were talking about she same day, that Hosea calls the third day, and would it not be reasonable and more than probable, that the prophet Hosea, had a view of this thousand year’s reign, when he said “and we shall live in his sight.” And if so, then the other two days, being coupled with this thousand, must be understood to be of the same length each, which brings me to the following conclusion. That the church, or people of God, would be wounded, smitten and persecuted by the Roman or fourth kingdom, with his great iron teeth, two thousand years, and the third thousand would be the reign of Christ with his people. The two thousand would begin, when the 4th kingdom became connected by league with the Jews, or people of God, in the year B. C. 158, which added to 1842, after Christ makes the 2000 years, the year 1843 being the first in the third thousand, agreeing with the 2300 in Daniel, and the 666 added to 1335 makes 2001 and ends in the year 1843—and the reader will now perceive that we have witnesses, all agreeing with the same point of time. HST August 2, 1841, page 65.28

We have another prophecy of Christ himself, agreeing with the one in Hosea. “And he said unto them, go ye and tell that fox, behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures, to-day and tomorrow, and the third day I shall be perfected. Nevertheless, I must walk to-day and to-morrow and the day following, for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.” Luke 13:32-33. HST August 2, 1841, page 66.1

In this passage, three days are again mentioned in similar language to the one in Hosea,—today and to-morrow the same as two days. The only difference is, Hosea spake of them as future; Christ as living in the first day; and these two days in Luke were to be employed by Christ in casting out devils, and doing cures, and the third day he should be perfected; that is, as I humbly believe, the third day the church or body of Christ would be perfect, and “presented a glorious church, without spot or wrinkle,” like unto Christ a glorious body, united to him, and made one with him. And then the Lord Jesus Christ will have accomplished his mediatoral work on the earth of casting out devils and doing cures. That this passage means literal days, no one can believe; for Christ himself destroys that explanation in the same passage, by saying, “Nevertheless, I must walk to-day, and to-morrow, and the day following,” plainly indicating that he did not mean common days. That he did not mean prophetic days is equally evident; for the spirit of God has done cures, and cast out devils more than two years—so that literal or prophetic days cannot be the time designated. And I know of no other construction that can be put upon this passage, except the same I have fixed to that in Hosea. HST August 2, 1841, page 66.2

In this passage in Luke, they came to Christ and told him that Herod sought his life; and Christ answered and said, “go tell that fox,” as much as if he had said, although he is cunning as the fox, and “understands dark sentences,” as Daniel had long before prophesied of him: and although he, or the fourth kingdom, under which he exercises his authority, is permitted to punish the transgressions of my people; yet I will cast out devils, and do cures, to-day and tomorrow, and the third day my kingdom shall be perfected. That is two thousand years my gospel shall be proclaimed, my grace perform its work, and children shall be regenerated, and adopted into my kingdom, and in the third thousand, it will be complete, in spite of all opposition. HST August 2, 1841, page 66.3

And although you are a branch of the kingdom, and “the great red dragon,” which “stood before the woman, ready to devour the man child;”—yet I shall be caught up to God and his throne, and I will come and receive my weary bride to myself, that where I am, there she may be also, and then I shall reign on the earth, and my rest shall be glorious; I shall then be perfected, in my work of redemption and grace, and in my body, which is the church. This to me is the sentiment or doctrine which Christ would convey to Herod by his answer; and if so, then we have only to apply these days the same as we did those in Hosea, and we are again brought down to the year A. D. 1843 which is the commencement of the day of rest, and the year Christ will come in the clouds of heaven, with the Ancient of days, the judgment shall set, the books be opened, the kingdoms of this world shall be destroyed, Daniel stand in his lot, the resurrection of the righteous dead, the sanctuary be cleansed, and the church made perfect, and Christ perfected in his members. All these things will take place in the commencing of the last day, which, if I am right in my calculations of the times, (that have been thus far examined,) will come to pass in the year A. D. 1843, that is, if our chronology since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is right; if not, then it will vary accordingly. Some say we have lost four years;—if so, then we may look for the fulfilment in 1839—but I believe we may not expect it until 1843, which I have strong reason to believe is the true time, from the events that happened in 1798. HST August 2, 1841, page 66.4



Mr. Editor,—As Mr. Litch “purposes to reap clean as he goes” permit me to direct his attention to a few more small unreapt patches of Bible Reader’s broad field, to see if this thorough going laborer cannot despatch them more satisfactorily than he has Isaiah 65:25. “They shall not bring forth for trouble,” which Mr. Litch would have his readers believe means, they shall not bring forth at all, because the words “they shall not bring forth,” are in the text: and that, therefore, there are to be no infants born during the millennium. HST August 2, 1841, page 66.5

No doubt Mr. L. can reap clean, wherever Bible Reader would respectfully direct his sickle for he writes like one who feels no ordinary confidence in his ability to teach Bible students, and there is one Bible reader who would gladly be under obligation to Mr. L. or any one, for instruction. How does he interpret Ezekiel 36:11. “And I will multiply upon you man and beast, and they shall increase and bring fruit, and I will settle you after your old estates,” etc. Again, 44:22. “Neither shall they take for their wives a widow, nor her that is put away, but they shall take maidens of the seed of Israel, or a widow that had a priest before.” Not to fatigue him too much (as reaping is hard and warm work) I will only point out one more. Ezekiel 47:22. “And it shall come to pass, that ye shall divide it (the land of Israel) by lot for an inheritance unto you, and to the strangers that sojourn among you, which shall beget children among you; and they shall be unto you as born in the country among the children of Israel; they shall have inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel.” These are unfulfilled prophecies. HST August 2, 1841, page 66.6

I may simply ask every humble and docile Bible reader (who has no theory to sustain, because only desirous to ascertain what God has revealed, for faith, not caviling,) do not these prophecies look very much like the interpretation Bible Reader gave of Isaiah 65:25, and also seem to favor the scouted doctrine that Israel as a nation will yet be restored to their national and ecclesiastical polity before the final judgment. HST August 2, 1841, page 66.7

For further work, when this is finished, permit me to refer Mr. Litch to a list of questions on Old Testament prophecies, sent some time since to the editor of the Times. HST August 2, 1841, page 66.8

Yours truly,



1. I rather despair of despatching the present texts of Scripture more satisfactorily than I have Isaiah 65:25; for the plain reason that those who do not believe a thing cannot be, and yet be at the same time, must be satisfied with the disposition made of that text. HST August 2, 1841, page 66.9

2. “How does he interpret Ezekiel 36:11?” The Lord was addressing the mountains of Israel, and promised to multiply men upon them, “all the house of Israel, even all of it. And I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase and bring fruit,” etc. But when and how is all this to be done. I answer, at and by the resurrection of the just. Ezekiel 37:11, 12. “These bones are the whole house of Israel;” etc. “Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, O my people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.’ In this way God will multiply men on the mountains of Israel; And if in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, then, whatever else the fruit may mean, it does not mean that men shall be born as now: nor will “they die any more, for they are equal to the angels.” And so Ezekiel understood or predicted; for he said to the mountains of Israel, “Thou shalt devour men no more, neither bereave thy nations any more, saith the Lord God.” The only way in which a land can devour men is, to swallow them up in burial. But at the time spoken of, the mountains of Israel shall do it no more. HST August 2, 1841, page 66.10

3. “Again, Ezekiel 44:22.” This text relates to the character of the priest’s wives in the time spoken of by the prophet. But we are discussing the question, “What shall be in the millennium?” But the time spoken of by Ezekiel in the above text cannot be the millennium: for in that period those blessed and holy beings who have part in the first resurrection will be the Priests: (Revelation 20:6.) and “the children of the resurrection neither marry nor are given in marriage.” HST August 2, 1841, page 66.11

4. “I will only point out one more. Ezekiel 47:22.” This text relates to the division of the land of Israel and the right of the stranger in it. And Bible Reader says of this, and Ezekiel 44:22. “These are unfulfiled prophecies.” I deny it and challenge the proof. Let him show, if he can, that such was not the Jewish Law in relation to the pristhood and strangers.
HST August 2, 1841, page 66.12

Note to biblf reader. He may be assured that he has no good reason to say that he has not been fairly dealt by. We have published every article received from him, except one containing a list of 18 queries. His last letter will be published duly. No correspondent has been so fully heard as himself. Ed. HST August 2, 1841, page 66.13



Newark, N. J. June 8, 1841. HST August 2, 1841, page 66.14

Dear Brethren:—I had fondly hoped to have met with you in your Conference at Lowell, on the 14th inst. But circumstances are such in the providence of God, that I shall not be able to.

The subject which convenes you, is one o unutterable interest, and which calls for united and vigorous effort on the part of those who are looking for the advent of our Lord nigh at hand. I see nothing in the Word of God or the signs of the tithes to discourage, in the least, that expectation. I feel the necessity of having my mind more deeply imbued with that glorious expectation. The convention of the believers in the doctrine is well calculated to inspire them with new vigor, and new purposes of practical faithfulness, which shall be in character with that expectation. HST August 2, 1841, page 67.1

What a flood of testimony the Word of God affords on this subject! And may I not say to you in the language of Inspiration, Brethren “Be ye patient; establish your hearts; for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. For yet a little while and He that shall come will come and will not tarry. Be patient, therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.” In the prospect of this event Job could say, “For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God. Whom I shall see for myself and not for another; though my reins be consumed within me.” And David could say,” As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in thy likeness.” The blessed Jesus promised his disciples,” If I go away, I will come again, and take you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also.” He also admonished them to watch in reference to his coming, lest coming suddenly he should find them sleeping. This admonition, brethren, we shall do well to heed. HST August 2, 1841, page 67.2

Brethren, we have strong evidence of the near approach of Christ’s kingdom. We may, according to his promises, look for that blessed hope and glorious appearing. And we should be looking for, and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. When, according to his promise, we shall have new heavens and a new earth, wherein righteousness shall dwell. Wherefore, beloved, since we look for such things, it becomes us to be diligent, that we may be found of him in peace, without spot and blameless. What manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness, evincing to the world that we look for a better country, and a better resurrection. We are now waiting for the redemption of the purchased possession, which, according to His promises, is soon to be accomplished in the redemption and renewal of this earth. “Then the meek shall inherit the earth forever.” Then the inheritance of the saints shall not be a land of want. For, “Thus saith the Lord God, My servants shall eat, my servants shall drink, my servants shall rejoice, my servants shall sing for joy of heart, they shall have right to the tree of life, and shall enter in through the gates into the city, mine elect shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there, and the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters.” HST August 2, 1841, page 67.3

“Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. “The wall of this city hath twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. And the building of the wall was of jasper; and the city was pure gold like unto clear glass, and the Lord God and the Lamb, are the temple of it. And the city hath no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shin in it; for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof, and there shall be no night there.” There, too, flows the “pure river of the water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.” “O Jerusalem! thou shalt be called the city of the Lord, the Zion of the holy one of Israel And I will make the place of my feet glorious saith the Lord.” HST August 2, 1841, page 67.4

O Lord, our Lord, we look for thy kingdom and coming. And now, by faith enable us t behold all things created new. O how excellent will the name of Jesus be in all the new earth. The blessed Lord hasten on that glorious event in his own time. HST August 2, 1841, page 67.5

Brethren, on a theme like this, I could wish to say much, but my limits will not allow. May the blessing of heaven attend your convention and a warning voice, and a midnight cry, go out from it, giving an alarm to a benighted world, and a slumbering church. HST August 2, 1841, page 67.6

In great haste, I am yours in the kingdom and patience of Jesus.



Dear Brother Himes,—My situation is ye very discouraging, so that my opponents in, and around Boston, may congratulate themselves on the prospect of not being troubled with my presence at present. But one thing they will be troubled with: The word of God, and light. The reign of the “Puritan and Watchman,” is short, the people have seen the light, and will not be satisfied with their “first principles” of dogmatism and darkness. Does the editor of he Watchman really think he can control the ears, and minds, of all men, and compel them to hear such lecturers, and such only as he shall dictate? 17 Will he claim the prerogative of denouncing every, or any man who has studied his Bible “seven years,” and tries to understand the revealed will of God? Not” secret purpose” as he has it: for he knows the person to whom he alludes makes no pretence to such a desire or thought. Are his arguments so weak, then that he is obliged to drag in a falsehood, or misrepresentation, to give even an appearance of plausibility to his dogmatism? Does he complain because the “lecturer” has refference to the end of the world? What writer of any note does not have reference to the end of the world? Is he so ignorant of Gill, Henry, Scott, Clark Newton, Faber, Doddridge, the Comprehensive Commentary, and even down to J. Dowling, A. M. his own favorite author, as not to know that all of them have fixed on, or about the year? HST August 2, 1841, page 67.7

What are his “first principles” on this point? Dare he tell his readers? No, he never will. If the Atheists and Universalists, have no greater champion to oppose them, than the redoubtable expositer of “Prove all things, hold fast that which is good,” they may rest assured they will not be overthrown soon. For the first principle of an Atheist is, to believe nothing only what he can comprehend. And of course he will not prove the Christian doctrine, nor hear lectures on the subject, according to the advice of our editor. The first principle of the Universalist is that God is love. Now if any man preaches any thing of his Justice, or hatred, or punishment of the wicked, will it not prove that we must not go and hear them lecture. The first principle of a Calvinist is, God has ordained whatsoever comes to pass, therefore, what may be proved of the accountability or agency of man, must not be listened to nor heard. The first principle of our grave editor is self-love. Then of course nothing but self-love can be proved to him. Of course the doctrine which he has drawn from the text, “Prove all things” etc. would, if followed out, leave the Pagan where it found him; the Mahomatan in his deception; the Catholic in his errors, and the world in darkness. It would fasten the Christian church under the rule of our bigoted and selfish editors, a tyrannical and corrupted priesthood, and their sectarian domination; or we must all go to school to the self-sufficient editor of the Watchman, in order to be made “familiar” with his “first principles” of religion. Is this Paul’s meaning? Na, Sir. Paul never could have meant this, for it would have contradicted the express command of the dear Savior, Matthew 23:7-10. HST August 2, 1841, page 67.8

And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. But be ye not called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. HST August 2, 1841, page 67.9

You may inquire, what then does the text mean? I answer, It means to compare “all things” with which we may come in contact, with the standard of divine truth. “Doth our law judge a man before it hear him and know what he doeth?” said Nicodemus to the Pharisees. 18 And what was their answer? Oh, “first principles,” be sure; for there is an exact comparison between a Pharisee then and now. Hear them. “Art thou out of Gallilee? search and look; for out of Gallilee ariseth no prophet.” This was their first principle, “out of Gallilee ariseth no prophet.” What is the editors’ now? There is no “end of the world,” it “contradicts first principles of religion.” And what was the effect of the “first principle” preaching then? We read, “And every man went unto his own house.” And what effect does our pharisaical editor expect from his advice now? The same, for every man to go to his own sect, and not try to prove any thing, or examine any system, except what may be taught him by the blind, selfish, “dumb dogs,” 19 of his own sect; if he should be so unfortunate as to fall among these no-improvement teachers. But men will not be thus chained; the time has come when tyrants and bigots, slaveholders and taskmasters over the minds and consciences of men, will soon loose their hold, and he that is free, will be free indeed. May we then be enabled to “Prove all things, hold fast that which is good.” And the God of peace will bruise anti-christ under your feet shortly. Wm. Miller. HST August 2, 1841, page 67.10

Low Hampton, June. 17, 1841.



Ye are the salt of the earth, to preserve it until he who is the refiner’s fire shall come to cleanse it from all of its dross. On account of the constitution of the human mind and the natural depravity of the human heart, a necessity exists, for Christianity, to preserve it from self-destruction. The jarring elements of depravity and satanic influence would fill this world with such horrors as would take a pen dipped in Cimmerian darkness to describe. HST August 2, 1841, page 67.11

The eye of faith sees through a glass darkly redeeming spot upon which to feast the soul, while in this our pilgrimage. The prophecies plant one foot upon Pisgah’s top, from which we view Canaan’s fair and happy land. That land of promise which we with Abraham’s seed shall possess, has been willed to us by Abraham’s God, and ratified by the new testament of Christ his Son. Here, then, let us place our confidence. The mighty men of past ages have found firm support. Out of weakness they were made strong. They went from prayer to the den of lions; from the closet to the conflict; from communion with God to the burning stake. In themselves all weakness; in Christ mightier than legions of enemies, visible and invisible. S. P. G. HST August 2, 1841, page 67.12



BOSTON, AUG. 2, 1841.

Our Work: What is it? It is to give the “midnight cry.” The time has fully come for the virgins to be aroused from their slumbers, and called to the indispensable duty of preparation to meet the Bridegroom. It is a work of great magnitude. We tremble in view of its greatness and sublimity. An angel might well tremble in view of such a work. Yet it devolves upon mortals; poor, feeble, erring men. This is God’s appointment. He takes the weak things of the world to confound the mighty. The treasures of truth are put in earthern-vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of man. HST August 2, 1841, page 68.1

Being fully convinced that the prophetic periods are nearly run out; that we are living in the “time of the end,” and that the “coming of the Lord draweth nigh,” we can but utter, in all plainness and earnestness, our convictions of this truth. We should do violence to our conscience, and sin against God to keep silence on a theme that we believe involves the eternal interests of the church, and the world. In the sublime language of Isaiah, we have resolved that, HST August 2, 1841, page 68.2

“For Zion’s sake we will not keep silence:
And for the sake of Jerusalem we will not rest;
Until her righteousness break forth as a strong light;
And her salvation like a blazing torch.”
HST August 2, 1841, page 68.3

The press is one of the most powerful means of accomplishing this work. This paper, therefore, was started for the express object of giving the “midnight cry.” It has been instrumental in doing something to awake the slumbering, and encourage the wise virgins. But as yet we have hardly begun our work; such has been our engagements, that we could not give the attention to it that it deserved. We now propose to commence in earnest. As we stated in a former number, we have secured the labors of Bro. Josiah Litch, who will devoice his strength and energy with us to the interests of the paper. We need not say to our readers that he is a strong man in Israel—that God has eminently qualified him for the proclamation and defence of the present truth—the “midnight cry:” all who have read his productions are convinced of this fact. His writings will be read with interest and proffit; and his lectures will be attended by throngs, as he shall pass from place to place, proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom at hand, during the present year. HST August 2, 1841, page 68.4

And now, brethren, friends, and believers in the advent near, will you sustain the banner we have unfurled. Have we not every reason to be encouraged? Already we see Babylon is tottering, falling! The light of Zion is rising. The mist of the dark ages, and the traditions of the church relative to the return of the Jews, and a temporal millennium, are passing away. The morning star has already risen; and the glorious sun of righteousness is near, and will soon burst upon us with the infinite splendors of his eternal glory. HST August 2, 1841, page 68.5

As the advocates and proclaimers of this glorious consummation, shall we be sustained? We know we shall. Our cause is of God; he will sustain us. He will raise up friends, and multiply honest and faithful patrons, who will see to it, that an enterprize so vitally connected with the interests of his glorious kingdom at hand, shall not wane or fall, till our work is done. H. HST August 2, 1841, page 68.6

Mr. Litch’s Note


The subscriber has now made his arrangements to devote his whole time to the dissemination of light on the subject of the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is prepared to lecture in various places in New England, where there are friends who wish for lectures on the subject, as far as his strength will permit. Communications for him should be directed to the care of Rev. J. V. Himes, Boston. HST August 2, 1841, page 68.7

Also, as noticed in another part of the paper he is associated in the editorial department of the “Signs of the Times.” He would take this opportunity to say, that he will spare no pains, in connection with his respected colleague, to render the paper worthy of an extensive patronage. Friends and brethren, shall we have your help? HST August 2, 1841, page 68.8

Josiah Litch.



Address to the Public, and especially the Clergy, on the near approach of the glorious, everlasting kingdom of God on earth: as indicated by the word of God, the history of the world and the signs of the present times. By Rev. J. Litch, author of “Review of Miller,” “Christ’s Second Coming about A. D. 1843,” etc. 107 Hanover St. Boston. HST August 2, 1841, page 68.9

The above work is a new and enlarged edition Of the Address to the Clergy, etc. published last year, and already favorably known to the Christian public. The author takes the same view with Mr. Miller on all the leading points of his theory, agreeing with him in his views of the meaning and fulfilment of prophetic periods, and the nature of the events of futurity. Yet, notwithstanding this agreement in doctrine and views, he has adopted such a course of reasoning, and presents such facts, as to render the work both deeply interesting and instructive to those even, who have read all the works of Mr. Miller. The work is designed as a condensed and consecutive view of the whole theory of the kingdom of God on earth, the time of its coming, and the principal arguments by which those points are sustained. The work has now been before the public more than a year, and has been read by thousands with profit, and few have arisen from the candid perusal of this book without being prepared to acknowledge that it is written with great candor, fairness and strength of argument: and very many have been entirely convinced of the unsoundness of their former views of the prophecies, the anticipated restoration of the Jews, and the spiritual reign of Christ on earth for a thousand years. HST August 2, 1841, page 68.10

The work possesses one peculiar excellence; it is short, perspicuous and comprehensive. There are few persons who may not find means to obtain, and time to read the book. Those who feel interested in the spread of the doctrine cannot do better than to circulate this little work among their friends. HST August 2, 1841, page 68.11

The article on the Ottomon empire is not in the works of any other auther: this work contains the substance of the original calculation on the time of the fall of the Ottoman empire, and the present edition presents the evidence of the exact fulfilment of the calculation on the 11th of August, 1840. This one article is worth the whole price of the book. It will be seen by the following notices in what estimation the work is held by several clergymen of the Methodist Episcopal Church. HST August 2, 1841, page 68.12

Extract of a Letter of the Rev. S. W. Coggeshall of the Providence Conference. HST August 2, 1841, page 68.13



Dear Brethren:—Permit me to call your attention to this work. It is well worthy of a most careful and attentive perusal. It exhibits much vigor of thought, depth of research, and logical acuteness. The work bears most evident marks of not having been hastily gotten up, or of having been sent hastily into the world without due reflection. The author, in general, seems to be well satisfied with the correctness of his own conclusions; and if there is any man who is able to overthrow them, I hope he will read the book and then do it. HST August 2, 1841, page 68.14

The doctrine of a temporal millennium, I think, may be considered as utterly exploded.—As for the restoration of the Jews, for which some are looking, without doubt, it is a notion equally untenable, and as fully exploded—Remember, brethren, the words of inspiration, “he that jugeth a cause before he heareth it, is a fool;” and how much more true is this of those who proceed still further, even to sneer at those things which they understand not. Therefore, brethren, read brother Latch’s book before you presume to pass judgment upon its contents, and especially to esteem it lightly. When I sat down, I did not intend to argue the case, even so far as I have, but merely to call your attention to the book. Read it; brethren, and then judge for yourselves. HST August 2, 1841, page 68.15

S. W. Coggeshall.

Note from Rev. Daniel Wise, of the N. E. Conference. HST August 2, 1841, page 68.16

Rev. J. Litch,—Dear Brother:—I have read your Address to the Clergy with much pleasure. When I took it up, my mind was deeply predjudiced against the theory and its advocates, but when I laid it down those predjudices were greatly softened. Still I am not convinced, but merely set on a train of inquiry into the subject, that I intend shall result in a perfect settlement of my opinion on the questions involved. I consider your address far before Mr. Miller’s lectures in perspicuity, consistency and force, and you have my best wishes for its wide circulation. Very respectully yours, HST August 2, 1841, page 68.17

D. Wise.

Extract of a Letter from Rev. John A. Sillick, of the N. Y. Conference. HST August 2, 1841, page 68.18

To Rev. J. Litch.—“Since last year I have been a subscriber to the Literalist, which I have read with great interest, and from which I have received much interesting light and information. The idea of the personal appearance and reign of Christ with all his saints upon this earth was new and enrapturing. I was convinced, from a fair investigation of the subject, that my former views had been traditional rather than scriptural. Though I was much pleased with the general views set forth in the Literalist, yet there were many things which I could not subscribe too. HST August 2, 1841, page 68.19

Your little work gave me a more clear, and, I think, scriptural view of the subject. I think it must strike the mind of every candid reader with the force of truth. Whether you are correct in fixing the dates of the prophetic time, will soon be determined. At any rate, if the general theory is correct, the time is near, even at the door; and it becomes us to sound the midnight cry, Behold the Bridegroom cometh. The more I examine the prophecies and compare these prophetic periods with history, the more I am convinced that you are not far out of the way.” HST August 2, 1841, page 68.20

Thoughts on the Second Appearing and Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. By the Author ofObservations on the Songs of Solomon. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.1

This we esteem one of the choicest productions of the British press, on the prophetic scriptures. The order, perspicuity and force of the language and arguments are such as to render it a work of interest and profit to the most cultivated taste, while its rich gushing stream of heaven-inspired, soul-saving truth, flowing from a heart warmed with hallowed fire from Heaven’s own altar, cannot fail to instruct and feed the most humble lover of the Lord Jesus and his appearing. We hardly know where to find language to express our estimation of this work. We can hardly see how any Christian can read the work carefully without being much wiser, if not better, than at the commencement. We earnestly advise all our readers to procure this little work, read it prayfully themselves, and circulate it among their friends. Price 12 1-2 cents. M. A. Dow, 107 Hanover Street. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.2



Missions. From a general knowledge only of the religious belief of those who suppose that all things are nearly finished—and a re-organization of the globe we inhabit is necessarily about to be affected, permit me to ask your opinion of the value of forreign missions? Has the gospel yet been preached to all nations? In answering these questions, please to take into consideration the curious geographical circumstance that a portion of Central Africa, supposed to be nearly, if not quite equal in extent to the whole of Europe, is really unknown to civilization; unexplored, and its vast interior a problem—Still, from all that has been gathered in a long succession of ages, it is presumed to be densely inhabited, and untold millions may at this moment be in the occupancy of a land, about which, those living upon its borders, have not the remotest conception. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.3

A desire to perplex you with a paradox, is no part of my purpose, even were I capable or sufficiently ingenious to accomplish such a feat. You may clear up an obscure subject, and perhaps enable me to comprehend more of that system advocated by yourself and very many worthy people, which is prodigiously startling to one who is looking to the period when the elements will burn with fervent heat, as being at a very remote period. S. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.4



If I understand S. his question amounts to this:—If Christ is soon to descend from heaven and destroy all earthly and ecclesiastical institutions, and make all things new in the resurrection and consummation: then of what use are missions to the church and the world. It is supposed by S. if Christ is to come in a few years there will be no time to effect the object of the missionary enterprise, viz: The conquest of the world. On this hypothesis (of the speedy coming of Christ) we are asked our opinion of the value of Foreign Missions. We reply: HST August 2, 1841, page 69.5

1. There is no promise to the church that she will convert the world by missionary effort: for the “wheat and the tares are to grow together till the harvest.” HST August 2, 1841, page 69.6

2. The church is required to proclaim the gospel in all the world; for a witness to all nations (what nation has not had the offer of the gospel?) and then the end was to come. Matthew 24:14. At the end, instead of the nations being all converted, they would be found as in the days of Noah. Matthew 24:37-39. Here is no promise, or hope, whatever else may be effected by Missions, of the conversion of the world. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.7

3. Missioniary Institutions and Bible Societies, are effecting a great and glorious work. Within the last fifty years, they have been fulfilling the prophecies that relate to the “time of the end.” Revelation 10:8-11. This little book is the gospel that has within the last fifty years been published before peoples, nations, and tongues, and kings.” This was to be done in the closing up of the gospel dispensation. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.8

Again: Daniel 12:4. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book: even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. This, too, is fulfilled in the diffusion of the gospel by missionary enterprise. This was to be done “at the time of the end.” It was not with a hope of the renovation of the race, but to save all who would turn to righteousness. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.9

With these views, S. will see that I place the highest estimate on Missionary efforts, believing them to be the fulfillment of ancient prophecy, and one of the sure signs of the near approach of the Son of God, to cleanse the sanctuary, and glorify his people. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.10

A Question to S


Having briefly, but I hope satisfactorily answered your question, I now take the liberty to propound one or more to you. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.11

Foreign Protestant Missions have been in operation about fifty years; They have made in this time 100,000 converts to the Christian faith, out of all nation’s among whom they have sent ministers; which consists of a population of six hundred millions!!! Now add to this the one hundred and thirty millions of papists that are to be converted also; (and, if you please, the untold millions in the interior of Africa, of which you speak) and you will have seven hundred and thirty millions (besides the untold millions) which are to be converted on the modern plan by missionary efforts. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.12

Now I would enquire of S. (as he is something of a mathematician) if it has taken the church, with all her moral machinery in Foreign Missions FIFTY YEARS to convert one hundred thousand souls among the heathen, how long will it take to convert seven hundred and thirty millions? HST August 2, 1841, page 69.13

If I am right in my calculations, it will take just three hundred and sixty five thousand years!!! If this theory of the conversion of the world, and the means by which it is to be effected be correct then indeed we are to have a long period yet for labor and conquest. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.14

Once more. Does the success of the church for the last eighteen centuries, warrant us in the hope that she will convert the world, even in 365,000 years? With these objections to the implied theory of S. I leave the subject for the present. H. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.15

“an alarming fact.” The following resolution contains an alarming fact indeed for those who are looking for the conversion of the world. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.16

Resolved, That the alarming fact, that the increase of piety does not keep pace with the increase of population in our country, demands more earnest prayer and a more vigorous prosecution of the objects of the Home Mission Society. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.17

If they cannot, with all their efforts, by their Home Missionary Societies “keep pace” with the increase of population and the sins of this christian land, how are they to convert the heathen world? How? HST August 2, 1841, page 69.18

The resolution was adopted by the American Baptist Home Missionary Society. And still they go on talking about the conversion of the world! HST August 2, 1841, page 69.19

Mr. Meridith of the Southern Watchman, will be noticed in due season. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.20

This number is sent to several Clergymen of different denominations, in connexion with a circular address, which we hope may meet their approbation. We shall esteem it a favor to hear from them soon on the subject. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.21

Did you read that Dialogue on the last page? HST August 2, 1841, page 69.22



Address of the Second General Conference on the Second Appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, convened at Lowell, Mass. June 15, 16 and 17, 1841. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.23

The Second General Conference on the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ, unto all who love the Lord Jesus and his glorious kingdom, grace unto you, and peace from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.24

Brethren Beloved. We think it meet, while the Bridegroom tarries, to stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance, knowing that yet a little while, and he that cometh will come, and will not tarry. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.25

During the interval which has elapsed since our last meeting, we have witnessed much which has confirmed us in the truth of our convictions of the speedy coming of “the day of the Lord.” And with this increasing conviction, we are also more deeply affected with our own, and the condition of the world. We deem it of the utmost importance, both for ourselves and others, that this solemn truth should have an awakening and practical influence, and lead us to that holiness of heart life, without which we cannot see God. We cannot but believe, that with such views as we profess and cherish, there is a weight of responsibility resting on us which cannot be easily shaken off. The world, and it is but reasonable they should do so, will expect to find in us, fruit corresponding with our glorious anticipations. “Every man that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself even as he is pure,” is the Scriptural axiom. A more just and simple rule by which to try the character of our hope of the coming glory of the Savior, cannot be desired or found. If our hope is sound, shall we not hate and flee from sin, love and practice holiness? Shall we not put off the old man with his deeds, which are corrupt, and put on the new man Christ Jesus, which, after God is created in righteousness and true holiness? If we do not this, must we not doubt the soundness of the hope we cherish? It must be so. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.26

But in proportion as we become like Christ, we shall participate in his spirit. The same untiring love for a perishing world which actuated him while he sojourned on earth, will fire our bosoms and prompt us to put forth all our energies to snatch perishing men as brands out of the burning. Can it be possible that the spirit of Christ can be in us and we not be constrained, by that love, to seek the wandering souls of men? We think not. But what truth more powerful to awaken the slumbering, dying sinner, than that we must all soon stand before the judgment seat of Christ? Therefore, knowing the terrors of the Lord, we should persuade men to be reconciled to God. HST August 2, 1841, page 69.27

This truth, then, should be diligently plied, in season and out of season; nor should we ever give over this work of faith, and labor of love, until we receive an honorable discharge from the great householder. On those who embrace and cherish this doctrine, devolves the duty of sounding the midnight cry, nor can we perceive how such can stand acquitted in the great day, if they have neglected this duly. The harvest is indeed great, but the laborers are few. There is, therefore, the more need that those few should be diligent in their calling, and rest not until the work is done. HST August 2, 1841, page 70.1

Our Work


1. The work of personal consecration to God. Little or nothing can be done without this. But this point will not be attained nor maintained without labor and sacrifice. Religion must be first and uppermost with us, and take the precedence in all the duties of life. Watchfulness and prayer is the great secret of a holy life. The soul that is much with God in the closet, will show in their life the benefit of such a course. Such an one lives as in the presence of God, and finds no room for mirth, trifling or indolence. Maintain, then, first of all, and at the expense of all, an habitual spirit of prayer and watchfnlness? HST August 2, 1841, page 70.2

2. The work of personal conversation with others on religion, and especially on the near coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. But, says one, I have no talent for doing this, I do not sufficiently understand it myself to enter into it. Then there is the more need of applying yourself diligently to the study of it, until you can do something in that way. But it is not true that you have no talent for talking on this subject. There is no one who has sufficient light on the subject, to make up their own minds, but can tell, and point to the word of God for the truth of it, that the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. Let the testimony of the holy Scriptures but be applied, although it may be in ever so feeble a manner, if it be done in a right spirit, and from a heart overflowing with the love of Christ, and it will produce its effect. HST August 2, 1841, page 70.3

3. We recommend the formation of Bible classes for the mutual study of this great question. It is the grand key to the right understanding of God’s word. No system of Bible class instruction extant, can bear any comparison to this subject, for interest and instruction. Where there are no more than two, then, who feel an interest in the subject, they should commence the work without delay, and induce as many more to join them as possible. HST August 2, 1841, page 70.4

4. Social meetings for prayer and exhortation have been established in several places since our former Conference, and have been found to be of special service in strengthening the faith of believers, and cheering on their way the lovers of the Lord Jesus Christ and his appearing. They should be held in every place where there are a sufficient number of believers to sustain them. They may be rendered of special service in promoting the spirituality of the lovers of the Savior. HST August 2, 1841, page 70.5

5. We recommend the practice of questioning your ministers on the subject. Propose to them texts of Scripture for their explanation. They are set for the defence of the gospel, and have or should have the keys of knowledge, so as to be able to open to the people of their charge the word of God. “The priest’s lips should keep knowledge.” You have the right to expect and require of them a rational explanation of the Bible. “But my minister tells me he does not understand the prophecies:—he cannot explain them,” then he should be plied with questions until he will study them. For if he does not understand the prophetic Scriptures, he is but poorly qualified to maintain the divinity of the Bible against the attacks of infidels. Press them, therefore, with questions till they will examine the Subject, and inform themselves. We know of no better way than this, to bring them to an examination of the points. HST August 2, 1841, page 70.6

6. Another part of our work, and not an unimportant part either, is the circulation of Books. We have them, but to do good with them they must be circulated. Multitudes would read and be benefited if the works were put into their hands, who will not take the pains to procure a book themselves. Much has been done the past year by the circulation of books, but much more remains to be done. Where we have circulated one, heretofore, we must circulate hundreds the year to come. We say MUST. The silver and the gold is the Lord’s, and if he has entrusted us with a share of it, it is not for us to hoard it up to canker and rust. But that we should use it as his stewards, not abusing it. How can we, with our profession, answer it either to God or man, to show ourselves greedy of vain-seeking after treasures on earth, or holding as with a death-like grasp upon what we have, when we shall so soon be called to give an account of our stewardship. The means, then, must be forthcoming, and the publications spread abroad. We would not be understood, by the above remarks, as recommending an entire abandonment of business, because we believe the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. Far from it. The command is as binding now as it ever was, to “be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.” HST August 2, 1841, page 70.7

But we do recommend to all, to take heed lest their hearts be overcharged with the cares of this life, An undue anxiety about the world and eagerness for worldly gain, is most disastrous to spirituality, and growth in grace. We say, then, (although we could not recommend such a course,) that an entire abandonment of worldly business would be ten thousand times preferable to being thus found overwhelmed with worldly cares and worldly riches. For “they that will be rich fall into a temptation, and snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.” But there is no necessity of going to either extreme. Be diligent; but be sure to take time for religious duties and an entire preparation for the kingdom of heaven. “Remember Lot’s wife.” HST August 2, 1841, page 70.8

7. There are some who feel themselves burdened because the church with which they are connected not only do not fall in with their views of the coming of the Savior, but actually oppose them on that ground. What shall we do? they ask; shall we remain with them or is it our duty to go somewhere else? We answer, it is impossible for us to give any general advice which will be appropriate in all cases. Circumstances will alter cases. But as a general rule we think it best for persons in such circumstances to abide where they are, and endeavor to do what they can to bring the church to a better mind. We have remarked it as a striking indication of the design of Providence on this point, that in nearly, if not quite every town, there is one or more who has embraced and advocated the doctrine of the advent near. And the same may be said of the churches. If God then, has raised up witnesses of this present truth under these peculiar circumstances, we can but look upon it asking rather a duty to remain in the calling where the Providence of God seems to have placed them. HST August 2, 1841, page 70.9

8. The spirit with which we should labor and suffer. That we shall meet with opposition, scorn, reproach, and many other things hard to be endured by nature, is to be expected. But we should never murmur nor be impatient under them. With gentleness and simplicity of heart we should endure all the hard speeches of men concerning us, and answer with the same spirit all their questions, however captious or caviling they may be; remembering that “a soft answer turneth away wrath.” The beautiful lesson given by Paul to his son Timothy, is worthy to be engraved in letters of gold on the tablet of every heart. “The servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle toward all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those who oppose themselves, if God peradventure may give them repentance to the acknowledgement of the truth; and they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.” But a spirit of strife or peevishness, or resentment can never do it: it will only harden, instead of winning the subject of the rebuke. But only let a reply or a reproof come from a meek and quiet spirit, it will not be lost; no matter how pointed or sharp. Let us study, then, and cultivate the meekness and gentleness of Christ. HST August 2, 1841, page 70.10

9. We also would say a word on a subject introduced in a resolution. The establishment of Second Advent Libraries. Let no town or village be destitute of one of these auxiliaries of our cause: and let it be free for all, who will take, read, and return, the books. No time should be lost in starting this enterprise; great good may, and will be the result. The Libraries will be put up and sent to any direction, by the puplishing committee, for from five to ten or more dollars, according to order. HST August 2, 1841, page 70.11

And now may the God of peace, which brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work, to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ our Lord. HST August 2, 1841, page 70.12

Josiah Litch,
J. V. Himes,
Wm. Clark, Committee.

The Second General Conference on Christ’s Coming, is now past, as will be seen by a sketch of its proceedings in the last number of this paper. Although, as stated in the meeting, out of sixteen congregations in the city of Lowell, only four could be notified of the meeting, as requested of their preachers, because, as supposed, of the unpopularity of the second advent at hand; and although the attendants from that city were, in consequence of it, comparatively few, the Conference was very well attended, and the Chapel well filled. It will be seen, by looking at the names and residences, that the representation from abroad was quite full, and much more so, than the first Conference on the subject last fall, in Boston. HST August 2, 1841, page 70.13

Some were there from even 300 and 400 miles from Lowell. And while they were of the various names and order of Christians, scattered mostly in the U. S. of America, without any professed intentions of Christian union in the meeting, it was, indeed, for the three days of its continuance, a meeting of apparent entire Christian union. It is true that the members of the Conference are not yet so happy as to think alike on all the particulars of Christ’s second coming, yet they are so well agreed on the greatest and most awakening points of it, and upon religious subjects, as not to feel like smiting one another at all in such a meeting as that, where all would rather impress others, and be impressed themselves with the solemn considerations of being prepared to meet the Almighty King in his glory quickly. The prayer, and social Conference meetings of the three days, were held and well attended in the same chapel, from 8 to 10 o’clock A. M.—from half past 12 to 2. and from 6 to 8 P. M. In these meetings, while all seemingly had enough to say, and sometimes, several would rise together for speaking, and more than one actually commence in vocal prayer together, there was no need of calling to order, for all was orderly from beginning to end, one speaking at a time, and waiting for their turns. And thus it was, in the General Conference, sitting, usually from ten to twelve o’clock, A. M.—from two to four o’clock, and from eight to half past nine o’clock P. M. The chairman, indeed, had nothing to do in keeping order in the meetings. Neither was any committe of business or overtures appointed or needed. A constant sense of the Lord’s very near coming in his eternal kingdom as seemingly felt and inculcated in all the communications of the meetings, was enough to banish therefrom all appearance of party strife and desires for gain or greatness in this world, and to make all love one another, who, in the presence of each other, were thus manifesting their love of the son expected appearing of the great God, and our Savior Jesus Christ. HST August 2, 1841, page 70.14

The interest, comfort, union and depth of feeling manifested through the Conference, surpassed what we had ever witnessed at any of the General Conferences, Assemblies, or Ecclesiastical bodies of any one sect, or of the various sects when professedly met on the business of their Lord, and where his soon coming to reckon with his servants was kept out of sight on the occasion. HST August 2, 1841, page 71.1

The celebration of the Lord’s supper in showing “his death till he come,” on the last afternoon, in such a manifest union of his disciples from many hitherto conflicting parties, was affecting, and especially so, on their hearing the public testimony we did, in favor of such free communion, from the conviction of the witness who, until of late, was conscientiously opposed to it. HST August 2, 1841, page 71.2

The moneys raised and pledged on the occasion by the poor disciples expecting their Lord soon to return, for publications, etc. as seen in the proceedings, appears as a favorable sign of the sincerity of their faith now peculiar on the advent. And now will others of the same peculiar faith, who save their time, etc. at home on the occasion, and have a pittance each of the Lord’s goods, see to it immediately, that by what they thus save and otherwise, the one thousand dollars to be raised, be altogether so done? “If any man have this world’s goods and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion towards him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?” J. HST August 2, 1841, page 71.3



Dear Bro. Himes.—I am happy to inform you that my health and strength are improving. I commenced my third course of lectures (since our Conference at Lowell,) in this place yesterday, and expect to close here on Sabbath evening next. The prospects here are favorable as the subject has not been brought before the people publicly. I hope to have a candid hearing, which if I do I have no doubt as to the results. HST August 2, 1841, page 71.4

In Freetown I commenced on the 4th inst; an increasing interest was awakened on the subject and I trust seed was sown that will yet bear fruit. A number became subscribers to the “Signs of the Times,” and furnished themselves with the publications on the second advent near. Calling at a store to inquire my way, and on presenting our publications, an individual said, “Why don’t you give away your books, if you believe the world is coming to an end in 1843?” I replied, Sir, I will give you one if you are not able to buy. He refused the offer, but one present says “I have not the means to purchase a book.” Sir, will you read one if I will give? “I will.” I then gave him Litch’s Address to the Clergy, and Miller’s Lectures. The store keeper and another neighbor present then purchased Miller’s Life and Views and said he might have the reading of that. I learnt that he was a pious man, out of health, obtaining aid to visit a physician. Let me, here say to my brethren who have from the careful study of God’s Word obtained good evidence that they shall witness the glorious appearing of our Savior in 1843, if they will entrust to my care a little of that, which so soon can do them no good, I will see that a faithful distribution is made, that the poor saints scattered abroad, and they are not a few, may have the privilege of reading on this subject. HST August 2, 1841, page 71.5

I commenced my labors in Mattapoisett on the 11th inst.; had a kind reception by friends in that place, found many desirous to hear on the subject. The lectures we’re well attended and the results favorable; at our P. M. lecture on Friday when the opportunity was given for any to arise who had obtained good evidence from the Bible that Christ’s second coming would take place in 1843. 12 arose, and some of them gave utterance to their joy in the belief. When all were invited to arise who believed the day was near, I should think more than half arose, though many of the brethren were absent on account of their daily calling who were firm believers in the time. At parting we heartily bade each other God speed. HST August 2, 1841, page 71.6

I will endeavor to give you an account of my labors in this place at the close.
I remain, as ever, yours in the kingdom and patience of the Lord Jesus. C. F.
Wareham, July, 19, 1841.




From the latest accounts it appears that France is resolved to make the various outbreaks in the Turkish provinces, subservient to the recovery of her influence in the East. In Syria her emissaries have been actively at work since the expulsion of Egyptian troops from that province; and it is notorious, at Athens, that the French Minister gives every encouragement to the King to countenance the revolt of the Candiotes. On the other hand, Russian agents are scouring the provinces of Bulgaria, Servia, Wallachia, Moldavia, and Anatolia, inciting the Greeks to implore the protection of the Imperial Head of their Church, the Czar Nicholas. On all sides Turkey is beset with dangers more serious than ever before menaced the continuance of her sway over any part of Europe. HST August 2, 1841, page 71.7



Politics of Syria. The present position of Syria is exceedingly important. Not only is that country the dividing line between the commerce of Europe and the rich dowry of the East Indies, but it is evidently the ground on which the last hope of Moslem power is to stand or fall. A London correspondent of the Journal of Commerce says no one can understand the politics of Syria, without looking at the character and condition of the several religious sects, and their relations to the great powers of Europe. HST August 2, 1841, page 71.8

The Mohammedans, the nominal masters of the country, are now under English influence. England is considered by them as having acted the leading part in the late “pacification” of the country. A dozen English officers were at the last previous dates, engaged in a military survey of the whole country, from Aleppo to Gaza; and there were other indications of a determination, on the part of the English, to retain their present ascendancy. HST August 2, 1841, page 71.9

The Druses of Mount Lebanon, a warlike tribe of 70,000 souls, or thereabouts, who have hitherto been subject to the Maronites, now demand a prince of their own, under English protection. They have for some time shown a decided inclination to abandon their old religion, a compound of heathenism, Mohammedanism and Christianity, and to become Protestants; and multitudes of them have urgently and pertinaciously requested the American missionaries, at Beyrout, to receive them into their church. Only a small number, however, who were judged to be of suitable character, have been received. HST August 2, 1841, page 71.10

Christians of the Greek church are numerous, and naturally look upon the Emperor of Russia, where that religion is established, as their protector. He has always shown himself ready to interfere in favor of the Greek Christians in the Ottoman empire, and is publicly recognized as the protector of their interests in the three principalities of Wallachia, Moldavia and Bulgaria. Russia, of course, will not wish to see Syria pass into the hands of Great Britain, and can easily excite opposition to such a measure among the Greek Christians of that country. HST August 2, 1841, page 71.11

The Maronites of Mount Lebanon, who number half a million, and several less powerful sects, are Roman Catholics. France claims to be the protector of the Roman Catholic interests throughout that whole region. The French government must be especially jealous of English supremacy there, and may be expected to oppose it by any means in her power; and the Maronites, unwilling to lose their old authority over the Druses, will be more than willing to receive encouragement from France to make trouble. It is known that a strong reinforcement of Jesuit missionaries had arrived at Beyrout, professing to be abundantly provided with funds to counteract the Protestant influence in that quarter. The seeds of trouble, therefore, are thoroughly sown in Syria.—Mail. HST August 2, 1841, page 71.12



It is worthy of remark, that the word rendered lamps, in this parable, does not mean what is thus conveyed to an ordinary English reader, whose mind is fixed on the instruments which give light in various circumstances; but that term properly signifies torches. If, however, on this declaration, a difficulty should arise as to the application of oil to such means of giving light, it may be renewed by refering to a custom in India. HST August 2, 1841, page 71.13

When persons are about to travel by night through unfrequented places, in that country, where is very important to keep up a light, they do not trust themselves, as in a town or station, to a lantern; but a man is hired, who carries in his right hand a kind of torch, having a large head of tow, or some similar substance; and in his left a vessel out of which he keeps occasionally pouring oil on the lighted tow. Thus a large flame is made, and one much stronger than that of the wick of a lamp. The blaze brightens the whole path, and is neither extinguished by the rain nor the wind. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.1

A remembrance; of this fact will prevent the misconception sometimes arising, that oil should be taken in the lamp, which consequently leads to a mis-quotation of the passage: on the contrary, we are to imitate the wise, who “took oil in their vessels with their lamps.” The foolish virgins were content with the supply which the torch first received; they thought only of a temporary effect; they made no provision for circumstances which might very naturally happen; whereas, their prudent companions exercised forethought, and took a reserve of oil to feed the flame of their torches, when their former stock was exhausted.—S. S. Journal. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.2


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BOSTON, AUG. 2, 1841.

A Dialogue with our Subscribers


Publisher. Brethren, will you have the goodness to give your attention a few moments, as subscribers to the “Signs of the Times?” HST August 2, 1841, page 72.3

Subscriber. O yes. I am much interested in any thing that relates to that paper, I assure you. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.4

Pub. Well, brethren, I am happy to see you, and I feel very grateful for your attention. I shall not be able to address you all under one head, for I perceive you differ somewhat in your characters. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.5

Sub. How so? Are we not all subscribers? Do we not all take the paper? Do we not all read it with interest? HST August 2, 1841, page 72.6

Pub. O yes, I presume so. But the difference lies in another matter altogether. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.7

Sub. In what, pray? Do let us know. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.8

Pub. If I make a distinction, you will think it invidious. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.9

Sub. O no, we shall not, if it be a proper one. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.10

Pub. Well, then, I will tell you. But in the first place I must, for convenience sake, number you. Then I shall make a division. Your whole number is about 1800. Out of this number there are 1000 that I must set off as honest and faithful ones! HST August 2, 1841, page 72.11

Delinquent Subscriber. How so? No invidious distinctions! HST August 2, 1841, page 72.12

Pub. Well, wait, dont get angry. I was going to present to this noble and honest band of a thousand, my most hearty thanks for their union of profession and practice. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.13

D. Sub. But do you mean to say that we don’t practice what we profess, because we have not paid our subscriptions? Ah! this is all a money making concern after all!! HST August 2, 1841, page 72.14

Pub. Be calm, friends. I wish to be just. You cannot blame me for expressing my gratitude to the honest and faithful friends who have sustained me in my arduous work; by paying duly their honest debts. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.15

D. Sub. But that is rather hinging upon us. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.16

Pub. Who do you mean by US? HST August 2, 1841, page 72.17

D. Sub. Why, you said that there were 1800 subscribers; and 1000 of them had paid their subscription; now there is, of course, 800 of US left. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.18

Pub. Well you seem to be quite sensitive. I dont understand it. Have you paid your subscription this year? HST August 2, 1841, page 72.19

D. Sub. Why no. I did not pay last year; and have not paid this, either! HST August 2, 1841, page 72.20

Another Subscriber. I paid last year, but I have’t this year, yet. But I think I shall. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.21

Another. Well I am about sick of this money business. I think it is all speculation. It you would give us the paper, why, it would show that you believed what you say about the end of the world! HST August 2, 1841, page 72.22

Another. Well brethren, I am heartily sick of such conduct as this. Now I confess that I am a delinquent subscriber. I am ashamed of it. If I had been as anxious to do right in paying my subscription, as I have been to read that little paper called the “Signs of the Times,” I should have paid in advance according to the terms. For you know how anxious we all are for the paper, and sometimes even go to the Post Office to get it before it arrives. And now, brethren, here we are 800 of US, all together; and we are finely exposed. It is no use to be provoked, for the editor is not to blame. He is constantly at work for us, and, as I happen to know, he gets nothing for his labor. He is also employing a printer, buying paper, and subjecting himself to liabilities for us, to the amount of $150 per month, and his ONLY DEPENDANCE is on our subscriptions. Now I am informed that he has no money on hand, and is depending on us to pay our subscriptions to print the remainder of the volume. (At these remarks they all unite and say,) Well, come to look at it, really we ought to pay over. (So they ALL put their hands into their pockets.) There, Mr. Editor, is YOUR $800. Go on. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.23

Editor. Thank you gentlemen. The paper will be forthcoming. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.24

We shall have a talk with our Agents, soon. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.25

At the Second Advent Meeting in Boston, June 23, 1841, the following subscriptions and donations were made, for Reports and Libraries. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.26

J. V. Himes,pd. 5,00
W. Clark,5,00
N. Billings,8,00
R. A. Edmunds,1,00
J. A. Hardy,2,00
W. M. Prior,2,50
C. Sacket,50
P. Dickenson,(Pd.) 5,00
D. Price,1,00
M. Stratton,pd 2,00
Miss Ellenwood,pd 1,00
J. Bryant,pd 1,00
Mrs. P. Dickinson,1,00
A. Sumner,50
S. Pelham,pd 5,00
S. Saville,pd 1,00
Friends,pd 12,00
A. C. Gardner1,00
M. Hardy,pd 1,00
Miss Roberts,50
S. Hayden,1,00
Miss Haskell,1,00
Miss Snell,25
W. Hoby, Jr.pd 4,00
D. Hoyt.pd 1,00
S. L. Tirrell,pd 50
D. Carter,pd 50
Miss Jehonnet,25
Mrs. Dashwood,1,00
J. Gilson,(Pd.) 50
W. Collier,pd 2,00
J. Augustus,10,00
Bro’t from p.64,649,04

Recapitulation. Whole amount subscribed is 747,04. Whole amount paid, 235,54. Amount remaining unpaid, is 511,50. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.27


Doings of the Committee of Publication


At a meeting of the Committee-July 15, 1841, Wm. Clark was chosen Treasurer. To whom subscriptions and donations may be paid, for Reports and Libraries, for general circulation. Subscriptions and donations may also be paid to J. V. Himes, and Josiah Litch, when it is more convenient so to do; who will pay the same to the treasurer. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.28

Voted, To appropriate, out of the donations already made, $300 for the gratuitous, circulation of second advent Publications. Plan of distribution will be given in the next number of this paper. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.29

In view of the present demand for light on the subject of the advent near; and of the shortness of the time for the accomplishment of our work; it was, after due deliberation, thought best to employ a general agent to devote his whole time to lecturing on the subject. Bro. J. Litch, was appointed to this work; All that know him will be interested in this “arrangement. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.30

The Committee will depend upon the friends of the cause to supply the wants of their Agent, wherever he may work. “The laborer is worthy of his hire.” Whatever is given will be accounted for by the Treasurer, and appropriated according to the direction of the donors. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.31

The Committee do not know as the above arrangement will be approved by all; yet they can but hope that all will unite to aid them till our next Conference, when the brethren will make such arrangements as will most speedily accomplish the work before us. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.32

In behalf of the Committee,
Wm. Clark.

The person who sent us a two dollar bill on the Farmer’s Bank, of Seneca Co. N. Y. can have it, if he will, signify his wish. It is worthless. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.33

New edition of the Report is out—176 pages. $15 per hundred. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.34

The Second Report will be out about the first of September next. Price 20 cents. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.35

Delinquent subscribers, in Boston, will pay the Carrier on the receipt of the 10th number, or before, if convenient. Remember it should have been paid several months since. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.36

Songs of Zion. A small volume of the Songs of Zion, is in preparation and will be published soon; suited to the wants of second advent Conference meetings and Bible Classes. Any persons having appropriate Hymns which they would like to have inserted, will greatly oblige us by sending them to the editor of this paper without delay. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.37


No Authorcode


BOSTON—Moses A. Dow, General Agent. 107 Hanover Street.

FairhavenJoseph Bates
AssonnettJames Taylor
Fall RiverP. R. Russell
New BedfordJ. H. Smith
MattapoisettA. H. Averill
LowellM. M. George
SalemA. G. Comings
Salisbury PointWarren Lincoln
HaverhillHenry Plummer
WorcesterElihu Ellis


Is published on the 1st and 15th of each month, at the Bookstore of MOSES A. DOW, 107 Hanover st. next door to Hancock School House. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.38

Joshua V. Himes, Josiah Litch, Editors. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.39

Terms.—One Dollar a year, payable in advance. 6 copies for five dollars, 13 copies for ten dollars. All communications should be directed to the Editor, post paid. HST August 2, 1841, page 72.40