Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 2

July 15, 1841


Joshua V. Himes





Who comes from Edom? who, with garments dyed
Deep in the gore of those who him deride?
Who comes to earth? What Sun shall shortly rise,
And burst in glory o’er the darken’d skies?
The mighty Conquerer!—Eternal Lord!
And who shall stem his fury, sheathe his sword?
What arm the Sun of Righteousness shall veil?
What pow’rs of darkness o’er our God prevail?
HST July 15, 1841, page 57.1

How vain shall every finite effort prove
Against a God of pow’r, a God of love!
Not all the marshall’d force of death and hell
Can vanquish Deity.—Mark what befell
The apostate angels. Everlasling woe
Awaits his foes in yonder gulf below.
O e’er that hour, the voice of mercy hear;
The Savior calls—to Calvary draw near.
HST July 15, 1841, page 57.2

But who shall tell of that auspicious morn,
When earth shall hail the King of kings’ return!
“Stripped of its curse, this be thy blessed abode!
Jesus our King, our Priest, our Prophet—God.
Return, return, and bid our sighs and tears
Give place to endless joy; and banish fears
From every heart, that mourns thine absence, Lord;
Do thou disclose the glories of thy word!
HST July 15, 1841, page 57.3

“O beauty’s diadem, all glorious crown,
Haste to thy ransom’d, hasten to thine own!
They long to see thee, at they feet to fall
And worship thee, all glorious Lord of all;
On the arena of thy former woe,
To view thee triumph over every foe;
Throughout eternity to thee to raise,
The voice of heavenly song, eternal praise!”
HST July 15, 1841, page 57.4

Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ about the Year 1843, and of his personal reign of 1000 years, first published in 1833. By Wm. Miller. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.5



Explanation of the number 666 in Revelations 13. and the three days spoken of in Hosea 6, and Luke 13

That John, in the 13th chapter of Revelations, had a view of anti-christ, is beyond a doubt, from the 1st to the 10th verse inclusive; he has a vision of anti-christ in its political bearing upon the world and against the church, and closes in the 10th verse by showing that if he, that is, anti-christ, would wield the civil sword, lead into captivity, and kill with the sword, he (that is anti-christ) must be killed in like manner. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.6

From the 11th to the 18th verses inclusive, the prophet had a view of anti-christ in his ecclesiastical hearing, and shows that instead of following Christ and his laws, and manner of worship, he would copy after and be an image of some beast a that existed before, which was Pagan Rome which existed when the prophet had his vision, and which the prophet saw numbered in the 18th verse, as it is very evident that the beast he saw numbered is the one John calls thefirst beast” of which anti-christ is the mark. We will now endeavor to find an explanation of the chapter, and show when it was fulfilled. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.7

Revelation 13:1. “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” By the sea I understand the Roman Government, or fourth kingdom in Daniel’s vision, and it denotes wicked nations, “for the wicked are like a troubled sea.” By the beast we must understand the Papal power, or little horn. Therefore to paraphrase this, it would read thus—And I John had a view of the Roman Government, and I saw Papacy arise out of it, having seven forms of Government, creature, more than to the Creator, and in this they have the names of Blasphemy. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.8

2. “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a lion, and the dragon gave him his power and his seat, and great authority.” That is Papacy was like the Grecian Kingdom, the Leopard. Artful, cunning, and rapid in his movement, like the Mede and Persian the bear; voracious, greedy and cruel, like the Chaldean kingdom, the Lion; haughty, tyranical and blasphemous—and Pagan Rome gave papacy his power, seat and great authority. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.9

3. “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed, and all the world wondered after the beast.” By this head I understand a mode of worship; and first, Paganism, which was wounded to death, when the ten kings which ruled over the ten kingdoms into which Rome was divided in A. D. 476, were converted to the Christian faith; afterwards healed under papacy, assumed a mode of worship equally as idolatrous and absurd as the former, and established by the authority of the Roman laws and Government, as the Pagan was. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.10

4. “And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, and they worshipped the beast, saying, who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” This verse teaches us that the head which was wounded was the Pagan mode of worship—and the head healed was papacy, under the two figures of the dragon and beast, and teaches how they blaspheme by ascribing all power to Papal Rome; as they had before to Pagan. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.11

5. “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.” Like Goliath the papal beast would defy the Christian’s God, and he would blaspheme the God of armies, and would have to make war forty two prophetic months, which is 1260 years. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.12

6 “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in Heaven.” Papal Rome would open his mouth and blaspheme God; by pretending to have power to command and pass laws in the kingdom of God, by calling the papal church the holy catholic church, and by canonizing and worshipping the departed saints. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.13

7. “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them, and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” He would have and exercise all political and civil rule, over the saints and over the Roman Empire, and all people which compose the same; or fourth and last kingdom. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.14

8. “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” That is the doctrine, will-worship, and multitude of votaries, of the papal church, would be agreeable to the carnal heart, and would be received and practised more or less by all that were not the true followers of God. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.15

9. “If any man hath an ear, let him hear.” This is an exhortation for us to study and understand the instruction heretofore given in the Apostle’s vision; and warrants us to pursue our study after truth. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.16

10. “He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and faith of the saints.” This verse closes the view which the Apostle had of anti-christ in its political bearing in the earth, and proves that the Apostle had this view of the papal beast, namely, politically; for as Papal Rome led captive, so should the beast be led captive, in his turn, by a civil power. And this prophecy was fulfilled when the papal beast had reigned his 1260 years, in the year A. D. 1798, when the French army took the Pope from his seat in Rome, and carried him a captive to Avigon in France, where he died. Also, as the papal beast had used the civil sword to kill and slay mankind, so must he loose his power to reign over the kings of the earth, and tread upon, and persecute the church of Christ, by the civil and military power of the French, or Bonaparte, in 1798, as he (Papacy) had revolutionized the world by force of arms and the sword, so would the kings revolutionize him in their turn. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.17

Thus the reader will see that the whole of this vision has been literally fulfilled. And this is the faith and patience of the saints. Faith that it would be accomplished according to the word; and patience to wait its accomplishment literally, which is already fulfilled. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.18

We will now explain the second vision in the same chapter, which is a view of the same antichristian beast in his ecclesiastical form, beginning at the 11th verse. “And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon.” HST July 15, 1841, page 57.19

The Prophet saw papacy arise out of the Roman Government, having, or pretending to have, the two ruling powers of Christ’s Church, viz. Bishops and Deacons, commanding with all the authority of Imperial Rome, or Rome Pagan. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.20

12. “And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast, (or Rome Pagan) before him, and causeth the earth (or Roman kingdom) and them that dwelt therein, to worship the first beast, (or Rome Pagan) whose deadly wound was healed,” (in Papacy.) HST July 15, 1841, page 57.21

13. “And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in sight of men.” It is a well known fact, that Rome papal supported their pretensions to the seat of God, by their power of working miracles before the blind votaries of her religion, in the early ages; and even later times of papal priestcraft and superstition. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.22

14. “And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which (he pretended) he had power to do in sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, (that is, a similar form of religious worship to Paganism) which had the wound by a sword and did live,” as we have before shown in papacy. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.23

15. “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image (papacy) of the beast (paganism) should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image (papacy) of the beast (paganism) should be killed.” The explanation of the above verse is this. The Pope, the ruling power, would give that energy and effect to papacy that the papal authority would persecute and destroy all opposers of idolatry, worshipping of saints etc., which was so exactly conformable to paganism; for the pagans worship their idols of gold, silver; wood and stone, together with their ancient heroes and departed statesmen, etc., so would papacy worship their pictures, images, and saints. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.24

16. “And he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. He, the Pope, or ruling power, caused all, the old man and the infant, the rich man and poor, the citizen and slave, to receive absolution from sin, or confirmation and fellowship, from the hand of their corrupt priesthood; and this order was enforced by the power of the sword, imprisonment or death; witness the persecution of the Waldenses in the vallies of Piedmont; the destruction of the Hugonots in France, the subjugation of the nations of South America and Mexico, by the Spaniard’s, under the fanaticism of the Jesuits or papal priests and it is a well known fact, that this act of absolution was performed by the sign of a cross on their foreheads. HST July 15, 1841, page 57.25

17. “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” In all countries where papacy has had the supremacy in the civil as well as the ecclesiastical government—no man was allowed to buy or sell, or pursue the common avocations of life, unless they had received absolution of the priesthood, or fellowshiped their pagan notions of worship, which is the name of the first beast (Pagan Rome) to wit: “The mystery of iniquity, and abominations of the earth.” HST July 15, 1841, page 58.1

18 “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred, threescore and six.” Now it is very evident that the beast spoken of in this passage, together with those, in the 12th and 14th verses, is the first beast, that existed before the image beast, and of which the last, or papal two horned beast, renewed his mark and name; and to me it is evident that the apostle was commanded to number Pagan Rome, for two or three reasons. First, because the one could not be revealed until the other was taken out of the way, 2 Thessalonians 2:7; and it would be very natural to number and finish the one which existed when the apostle had his vision, as Belshazzar’s kingdom was numbered in the days of Daniel; see Daniel 5:26. HST July 15, 1841, page 58.2

Secondly, by the 9th verse of Revelation 17. I am led to believe that “the mind which hath wisdom,” (referring to the text under consideration) was to count the beast before and afterwards described in said 17th chapter, especially in the 10th verse, “and there are seven kings; five are fallen, and one is, the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.” The explanation of which is, that Rome, in its Pagan state, had seven different forms of executive government, viz: republican, consular, triumviate, decemvir, dictorial, and one is, imperial, the other is not yet come, that is kingly; for it is plain that the anti-christian beast is called the eighth, although he is of the seven; see 11th verse, the simple solution of which is, that the union of the red dragon with the mystery of Babylon, or Rome temporal with Rome ecclesiastical, will form the eighth executive government of the Roman kingdom, deriving all power from those seven forms of government, and will continue to exist until Christ’s second coming, when he will destroy those who destroy the earth. HST July 15, 1841, page 58.3

Now five of those forms of government had passed away at the time John received his instruction from the angel; so that the beast, which would be wisdom to number, could not be the anti-christian beast, for that he had not yet come into existence, and did not until about 442 years afterwards. HST July 15, 1841, page 58.4

One more evidence is, this beast which was numbered, is said to have one of his heads wounded to death. By this head I understand a form of religion or worship; and is paganism. It is a well known fact, that Rome, when she conquered the world, did more by the policy of adopting into her religious creed, all the different Gods, which the nations around her worshiped, than by her arms, she “worked deceitfully and became strong.” She pretended to pay adoration to all the known gods, and erected an altar “to the unknown God.” By this means she drew within her folds and crushed to death, at her leisure, any nation her interest might prompt her to destroy. Who can read the history of the connection between the Romans and Jews, after the league made 158 years before Christ, being forcibly impressed with this conviction, that the Jews supposed that they could enjoy, unmolested their religion and temple, and yet the Romans destroyed both, and by means of Paganism drew many of the Jews into idolatry. Paganism, then was one of the great means which Rome used to conquer the world, and therefore may properly be called one head, and this, too, the head of a wily serpent, which the gospel would eventually wound. “Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab and wounded the dragon?” Isaiah 51:9. “The seed of the woman should bruise the serpent’s head.” This head received its deadly wound about the close of the fifth century, when the ten kings were converted to Christianity, and pagan rights and sacrifices ceased in Rome. When this head was healed, Papacy arose, and restored idol worship in images, and taught the-doctrines of men and devils to her votaries, and accommodated her system of religion to suit the notions of carnal and worldly men—to exalt her clergy—adorn her temples—and fill the world with her abominations and sorceries. HST July 15, 1841, page 58.5

In this passage, then, I understand John to number the first beast in the fourth kingdom, and has reference to the time that he should exist, before he would receive his deadly wound. But the querist may ask by what rule I apply the number 666 to time. I answer, first, because the time the other beast was to reign 42 months is given in the same chapter, and it would be perfectly reasonable that John should see the end of this beast, in order to count the number of the anti-christian. The word “numberer” or “wonderful numberer,” is used in reference to time, as in Daniel 5:26; also marginal reading in Job 16:22; Daniel 8:13. HST July 15, 1841, page 58.6

Secondly. The Apostle says that “it is the number of a man;” and we are informed the days of man are numbered, “seeing his days are determined, the number of his months are with thee.” Job 14:5, and Psalm 90:12. HST July 15, 1841, page 58.7

Thus, from the considerations mentioned, I have come to the conclusion that this beast called Pagan Rome began when Rome became connected with the Jews, by league 158 years B. C. and lasted until 508 years after Christ, making in all 666 years. Then by adding Daniel’s 1335 years, bringing us down to A. D. 1843. HST July 15, 1841, page 58.8

To be Continued.



Harmony of Church Chronology—Continued

Bro. Himes—After an unavoidable interruption for several weeks, the subject of the harmony of chronology is now resumed. My two former communications may be found in the “Signs of the Times, Vol. I. No. 24, and Vol. II. No.2. Unexpectedly, the subject of the 43 years must be reserved for my next. The present numbers will be devoted to the Jubilees, and HST July 15, 1841, page 58.9

The Sabbatical years


It is the opinion of some of the most learned Chronologists, that the institution of the Sabbatical year is as ancient as Adam, and that it was the occasion of a public sacrificing.” How far this opinion is well founded, I shall not here inquire; but shall present a list of several important events, and eras, of which, according to my chronology, the dates, A. M. are multiples of 7. Let it therefore be understood, that every number in the column of dates, is divisible by 7, without a remainder. HST July 15, 1841, page 58.10

Those events which are marked thus, [*] are known to have been occasions of public sacrifies; among which was the atoning sacrifice of Christ. HST July 15, 1841, page 58.11

Hypothetical termination of the week of creation, A. M.7
The translation of Enoch987
The birth of Isaac2107
Erection of the Tabernacle.*2513
Completion of Solomon’s Temple*3108
Decree to build Jerusalem* B. C. 4572654
Jerusalem was finished3703
Beginning of the ministry of John the Baptist, A. D. 264137
The crucifixion of Christ,* A. D. 334144
The consummation, A. D. 18465957
The Jubilees


The period of 49 or 50 years is sometimes called a Jubilee—a term properly signifying “the year of release.” To prevent ambiguity—when speaking of this year o release, I shall uniformly call it the year of Jubilee. HST July 15, 1841, page 58.12

Different chronologists consider the Jubilee as 49 or 50 years, or both. With regard to the date of the first, or of the last, or, indeed, of any other celebration of the year of Jubilee, chronologers are by no means agreed: and it would seem to be a matter of great uncertainty. According to one authority, the Jubilees began in the 42nd, and according to another, in the 47 th year after the Exodus. We are told by one chronologer that the last year of Jubilee kept by the Jewish nation, was B. C. 607; and by another, that the last year of Jubilee “the prophets ever saw,” was B. C. 415. It may be observed, that the 192 years between these two last dates, are not divisible by 7, without a remainder: and are not a multiple, either of 49, or of 50. Such are the conflicting views of some of the highest authorities in chronology. HST July 15, 1841, page 58.13

As far, therefore, as the Jubilees are concerned—all that is incumbent on me to do, for establishing my chronology, is this; viz: to show, that according to this chronology, numerous chains, whose links are 49 or 50 years, extend from one principal era to another. This I shall do. But previously—for the convenience of the reader, and to prevent repetition—I shall give the dates of these eras, connected by chains of Jubilees; omitting, however, the dates already set down in the foregoing column. HST July 15, 1841, page 58.14

The beginning of the week of creation, was, according to theory, 6 days of 7 years each before Adam. HST July 15, 1841, page 58.15

The end of the flood A. M. 1657

The Exodus 25:12
Beginning of Solomon’s Temple 3100
The birth of Christ 4107
The first coming of Christ, A. D. 30 4141
The second coming of Christ, A. D. 1843 5954

So much for dates. The following are the chains of Jubilees:
From an era 43yrs before Adam to the
End of week of creation 50 years.
End of the flood, 50 X 34
Birth of Isaac 50 X 43
Birth of Christ 50 X 83
Consummation 50 X 120

From the beginning of the week of creation to the ....
End of the week of creation 49 years.
Translation of Enoch 49 X 21
Completion of Solomon’s Temple 50 X 63
From the creation of Adam to the
Birth of Isaac 49 X 43
Beginning of Solomon’s Temple 50 X 62
From the end of the week of creation to the
Translation of Enoch 49 X 20
End of the flood 50 X 33
Birth of Isaac 50 X 42
Birth of Christ 50 X 82
Consummation 50 X 119

From the translation of Enoch to the beginning of the ministry of John the Baptist, 50 X 63
From the end of the flood to the ...
Birth of Isaac 50 X 9
Birth of Christ 49 X 50
Consummation 50 X 86
From birth of Isaac to the
Birth of Christ 50 X 40
Consummation 50 X 77
From the Exodus to the beginning of Solomon’s Temple 49 X 12
From the completion of Solomon’s Temple to the beginning of the ministry of John the Baptist 49 X 21
From the decree to build Jerusalem to the crucifixion of Christ 49 X 10
From the beginning to the finishing of Jerusalem 49
From the birth of Christ to the Consummation 50 X 37
From the first to the second coming of Christ 49 X 37
From the death and resurrection of Christ to the Consummation 49 X 37

Several other chains of Jubilees might be inserted, but the foregoing list is already sufficiently extensive. HST July 15, 1841, page 59.1

I remain, truly yours,
E. B. K.



We are next to consider what shall take place when the thousand years are expired. And here we have the resurrection of the wicked, and the loosing of Satan out of his prison; the army of Gog and Magog gathered together, by the artifice of the grand deceiver, against the beloved city; the last judgment, and the giving up the mediatorial kingdom. HST July 15, 1841, page 59.2

We have seen that at the second coming of Christ, all his saints who fell asleep, from Abel until then, shall be raised up from the dead, and glorified; when all found alive on the earth shall be changed and glorified, together with them who are raised. The first resurrection, then, includes all the people of God who die until that time. The second resurrection includes all the wicked—both those who died from the beginning, and all who are destroyed with the earth, by the brightness of the coming of the Lord from heaven, Revelation 19:21; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9, and 2:8. The first is a resurrection from the dead: the second is a resurrection of the dead. The first will be to life eternal glory, and honor: the second will be to the second death, to shame, and everlasting contempt. The people of God, from the beginning, fell under the power of death, in common with the wicked. “All are of dust, and all return to dust.” As dieth the one, so dieth the other; and, as touch’ing their bodies, “all go unto one place,” even to the house appointed for all living.” But, at he appearing of Immanuel in his glory and majesty, there is a resurrection of every member of his mystical body that lay under the power of the grave; and the ungodly are left behind. In death the people of God are mingled with the wicked; but then there will be a separation. On the earth they are growing together; but then they shall be divided. As on the earth, so in the grave, “the one shall be taken and the other left.” The space of time between the first and second resurrection, is one thousand years. “But the rest of the dead lived not again, until the thousand years were finished” Revelation 20:5. “The dead in Christ shall rise first; and all who have part therein shall escape the second death. As all the ungodly were destroyed and swept from the earth, when the Son of man came in his glory and kingdom, at the commencement of the one thousand years; and as Satan, with the ungodly, was then cast into the pit, shut up, and sealed, Isaiah 24:22, Revelation 19:20, 21, and 20:1-3, and was, from that time, prevented from practicing deception upon the ungodly nations, whom he led to misery and ruin; so, when they are raised up for judgment, at the end of the thousand years, Satan shall be loosed with them. “And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,” Revelation 20:7. The resurrection of the rest of the dead, or of the wicked, and the loosing of Satan out of his prison, take place at the same time; and both when the thousand years terminate. HST July 15, 1841, page 59.3

When Satan is loosed out of his prison, and all the nations of she ungodly raised up, who ever dwelt upon the earth, he commences forthwith his deception. In their day and generation, they had yielded unto him allegiance; and in them he wrought, both to will and to do of his evil pleasure. Now the deceived and the deceiver must be arraigned, before the bar of the King of Zion. HST July 15, 1841, page 59.4

Satan surveys his army, and with them determines upon assaulting the inhabitants, of the new earth, of entering the beloved city, and overturning the throne of the Monarch of peace. The nations of the wicked, whom Satan will deceive with the hope of regaining the earth, are mentioned by the name of Gog and Magog, and in number like the sand of the sea. From the pit, in which they were shut up for one thousand years, and out of which they are at its consummation loosed, they ascend upon the breadth of the earth, and compass the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city. But shall they succeed in their enterprise? Shall they accomplish the scheme which Satan devised and suggested? Shall God Almighty’s power and promise fail? No. “And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them, Revelation 20:7-9. HST July 15, 1841, page 59.5

The army of Gog and Magog, is in number like the sand of the sea. Was this army on the earth during the glorious reign of Christ with his saints? During the one thousand years shall not the Scripture be fulfilled, which saith, “For the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth as the water cover the sea?” If so, how could this army, “in number like the sand of the sea,” be found therein?—Are they not, then, the whole ungodly world, raised up to judgment, as appears by the event? Revelation 20:10-15—They could not be the inhabitants of the earth at that time, for that is the new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness, being the dwelling place of the saints and the beloved city. Gog and Magog, them, must be the nation raised out of their graves, and the spirits loosed from the pit. The names by which the wicked are designated, Gog and Magog, shows that they must have been prefigured, in this enterprize, by some nations in Old Testament history; for almost all the images, and figures of illustration, in this book, are taken from thence. The prophet Ezekiel, who lived during the captivity in Babylon, has n prophecy that bears a strong resemblance to this; and which is acknowledged, by all, never to have had a full accomplishment, though it had a partial one: it is contained in the 38th chapter of that book. That prophet had very delightful messages to his captive brethren, of a deliverance, and the deliverance, and the return of a remnant to their own country, when their temple would be rebuilt, and their beloved city again flourish and be in prosperity; at the same time an assurance that a strong force would attempt their ruin and overthrow, yet their efforts would be in vain. HST July 15, 1841, page 59.6

The language used by the prophet, in foretelling these things, plainly shows that the spirit of prophecy veiled under the history of those events the future state of the church of God. Accordingly, in the history of the return of a remnant of that nation to the land of Canaan, we have the history of the return of the church of God to the inheritance given by promise, even to the new earth. The Attempt of Gog and Magog, the powers which combined to extirpate the Jewish nation, after their settlement in Canaan, is clearly illustrative of what shall take place, when the saints are entered into the Redeemer’s everlasting kingdom. “After many days, thou shalt be visited: in the latter years, thou shalt come into the land that if brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them. Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shall be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy hands, and many people with thee.” Ezekiel 38:8, 9. Isaiah 24:22 when the wicked are gathered together, as prisoners are gathered and shut up in prison, there is a promise that after many days they, shall be visited: so here, also, “After many days, thou shalt be visited.” When the thousand years finished, Satan with his ungodly hosts shall be visited, and come into the new earth, which is brought back from sin, and redeemed from the curse; and whose inhabitants are the redeemed of the Lord, gathered out of all nations, tongues and languages all of whom dwell safely, under the shadow of the Almighty. Then shall the infernal spirit, with his congregated legions, ascend from their pit of confinement, to assault the Lord’s peculiar and glorified people. “Thou saith the Lord God: it shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt conceive a mischievous purpose. And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at test, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, to take a spoil, and to make a prey,” Ezekiel 38:10-12, The mischievous purpose of Satan is here embodied: and that he will be able to accomplish his wicked design, in what he impresses upon the army of Gog and Magog; and which is called a deception, for that he cannot effect. “And it shall come to pass at the same time, when Gog shall come up against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face.” “And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood, and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hail-stones, fire, and brimstone, “Ezekiel 38:18, 22. Thus shall God magnify himself, in permiting this last effort of the wicked one, with all the united powers of the ungodly. I have considered this portion of prophecy, and it seems clearly manifest, that it reaches far beyond any thing that has yet happened; and, from the similarity of expression between the verses quoted from this chapter, and the passages already cited from Revelation 20., that they both point to the same circumstances. No sooner does Satan ascend with his bands against the beloved city, and compass the camp of the saints about, and fire comes down and destroys them. The walls of that city are impregnable. The Lord is a wall of fire round about her, and the glory in her midst. HST July 15, 1841, page 59.7

Then the judgment is set for the wicked; and He takes the throne, from whose face the first heavens and earth fled away. The books are opened; and the dead, or ungodly, small and great, stand before him, and receive sentence according to their works. They, with Satan, death, and hell, are cast into the lake of fire, which is the second death. Their eternal destiny is irrevocably fixed. HST July 15, 1841, page 60.1

The last judgment, and the fixing of the doom of the ungodly, with Satan and his angels, are the acts of Christ as mediator. God “hath till he hath put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” 1 Corinthians 15:25, 26. His reign, as man and mediator, shall continue for one thousand years, during which his whole church, ransomed from death, and filled with all the fulness of God, shall reign with him, as kings and priests. The last act of the mediatorial King will be the judgment of the wicked: after which, death and hell are cast into the lake of fire. Then death itself is destroyed. And when death, the last enemy, is destroyed, the King of Zion shall lay aside the robes of his mediatorial government. Having completed the whole work that the Father gave him to do, as Prophet and Priest, and inherited the kingdom and glory, given him as the reward of his humiliation, sufferings, and death, and crowned all with the overthrow of the prince of darkness and all the powers of earth and hell, whom he led up to war against the beloved city, and settled unchangeably their everlasting condition, he now gives up the mediatorial kingdom. HST July 15, 1841, page 60.2

Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule, and all authority and power. For he must reign, till he hath put all his enemies under his feet.” “And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all,” 1 Corinthians 15:24, 28. HST July 15, 1841, page 60.3

The Father gave unto the Son a people in covenant, John 17:2, 6, 9, 11, to be by him delivered from the wrath to come. In the fulness of time, the Son came into the world, as Mediator of that covenant; and, in the fulfillment of the work which the Father gave him to do, he gave his life a ransom for them, by which they were delivered from going down to the pit, Job 33:24; Matthew 20:28; Ephesians 5:25, etc. HST July 15, 1841, page 60.4

When he ascended up on high, as an advocate and intercessor, he is said to go “into a far country, to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return,” Luke 19:12. Then commenced the dispensation of grace, or reign of the Spirit, sent down to call in the redeemed, and to abide with them until the return of the Son from heaven. This dispensation is frequently called, by the evangelists, the kingdom of heaven, during which the Holy Spirit prepares a kingdom for Christ. HST July 15, 1841, page 60.5

When Jesus comes a second time, the kingdom is ready; all the elect are gathered together; the Holy Spirit completes his work, in quickening and glorifying their mortal bodies, and fashioning them after the pattern of the glorious body of Jesus, Romans 8:11; Philippians 3:21; 2 Corinthians 4:14; and then he shall deliver up the kingdom to the Son, who takes to himself his great power, and reigns for one thousand years. When the end of the thousand years arrives, and the judgment of the wicked is past, Revelation 20:10-15, then shall the Son also himself deliver up the meditorial kingdom to the Father; and thence forward, “God shall be all in all.” When the Son, as man and mediator, delivers up the kingdom, and becomes subject unto him that put all things under him, he looses none of his glory; no more than did the Holy Spirit, when he gave up the kingdom glorified to the Son. The manner in which this surrendering of the kingdom to the Father is expressed, in that Epistle to the Corinthians, seems beautifully to point out the cessation of God’s work as mediator, and the continuance of the glorious kingdom for ever. So that the change of the mediatorial administration, or its ceasing altogether, makes no change in the enjoyment of the saints. There can be no diminution of their happiness or glory; for then God shall be all in all. No longer revealed in the character of Mediator, as there shall be no more occasion, the saints shall dwell with him for eternity, seeing him as he is seen, and knowing even as they are known. HST July 15, 1841, page 60.6



The coming of Christ, in his kingdom and glory, was the subject of consolation delivered, by the apostles to the churches, in all their afflictions and tribulations, which they were called upon to endure for the truth’s sake. That the suffering believer shall be more than recompensed, with an eternal weight of glory, at that glorious period, all the apostles and prophets have clearly witnessed. At that day, every child of God will be more than a conqueror, through the Captain of his salvation. At the close of every epistle, addressed by the Redeemer to the seven churches in Asia, a promise is held out, to every heir of salvation, of glory and honour, at his second coming. “To him that overcometh, will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth, saving he that receiveth it,” Revelation 2:17. “He that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations, and he white raiment, and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter, shall they be broken to shivers; even as I have received of my Father. And I will give him the morning star,” Revelation 2:26-28. “He that overcometh shall be clothed in Father, and before his angels.” “Behold, I come quickly; hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out; and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God; and my new name.” “To him that overcometh, will I grant to sit with me on my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father on his throne,” Revelation 3:5, 11, 12, 21. Are not these promises exceeding great and precious? First, to him that overcometh, by the blood of the Lamb and the word of his testimony, is a promise of food, even eternal life. Second, a crown of life, and the assurance of escaping the second death. Thirdly, deliverance from condemnation. Fourthly, dominion and glory. Fifthly, clothing, even the divine holiness and righteousness, and the honorable record of his name in the presence of God. Sixthly, to be made as a golden pillar in the living temple, and a citizen of the New Jerusalem, where he shall abide for ever. Seventhly, as a crowning promise, he shall sit down with Christ on his throne, and reign with him over all worlds. HST July 15, 1841, page 60.7

Who can read over these promises, and weigh their vast importance, without feeling their powerful influence? They led the apostle Paul to count all things under the sun as dross and dung. And that he might attain unto the resurrection from the dead, he gladly had fellowship with Christ in his sufferings. For these he forgot the things which were behind, and reached forth unto those things which were before. He pressed toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, Philippians 3:7-14. And, when this man of God came to the close of his earthly career, having fought a good fight, finished his course, and kept the faith, he gives us his assurance, that henceforth there was laid up for him a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, would give him at that day; and not to him only, but unto all them also that love his appearing, 2 Timothy 4:7, 8. Is the promise unto all them that love the glorious appearing of the Son of God? Then let all, who love the same, fight for that incorruptible crown, press forward for that immortal prize, and so run that they may obtain. The night is far spent, and the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and put on the armour of light. Let our lamps be trimmed, and our lights burning; for the midnight cry has gone forth, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh: go ye out to meet him.” HST July 15, 1841, page 60.8

The church of God has long sat under the dark mantle of a sad and tedious night, expecting the return of the Sun of Righteousness; let them not now give up their expectation, when he is near to come. “Unto you, that fear my name, shall the Sun of Righteousness arise, with healing in his wings, “Malachi 4:2. Let us, therefore, welcome this Light of Righteousness. Let us imitate the inhabitants of a northern region, who have five or six months of night together. It is reported of them, that, when they perceive their night coming to an end, they put on their richest apparel, and ascend the highest mountains, with emulation who shall first discover the returning light. And as we perceive “the day approaching,” and the golden charriots of the morning of deliverance hasting forward, let us gird on the garments of salvation and the robes of righteousness, ascend this holy mount of revelation, and hail His approach with delight, who shall cause “the righteousness of Jerusalem to go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth,” Isaiah 62:1. HST July 15, 1841, page 60.9

If our eyes have been opened to look for that blessed hope, “What manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God?” 2 Peter 3:11, 12. How assidiously should we labour for the conversion of the Lord’s people, who are yet to be called out of the kingdom of darkness! God hath declared his vengeance against the mystic Babylon, and all the nations that know him not, and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.1

In mercy he hath given warning, with the cry, “Come out of her, my people, that ye partake not of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” The day of vengeance is at hand: “Behold, the Judge standeth before the door. The hope of a crown, at the appearing of the Son of man, will cause the heirs of promise to despise all the prizes of worldly ambition: and that they shall arise and shine in the fulness of his glory, will enable them to rejoice that here they are counted worthy to suffer shame for his, name. The signs of the times testify, that our redemption draweth nigh. The church has long offered up the petition, “Thy kingdom come”—Jesus will answer it suddenly, by appearing in his glory, “when his will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven,” Matthew 6:10. “Behold, I come as a thief.Revelation 16:15. “Behold, I come quickly.” “And the spirit and the bride say, come; and let him that heareth say, come.” He which testifyeth these things saith, surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” Revelation 22. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.2


No Authorcode

BOSTON, JULY 15, 1841.



The course of the doctrine of the second advent at hand, is onward, and onward it must continue to go until the virgins are all awake and find their true condition, whether with or without oil in their vessels with their lamps. Among the instrumentalities in operation for arousing the attention of a slumbering church and world, the Conventions held in reference to this subject are not the least efficient. The influence of the first Conference, held in Boston, October, 1840, has been most salutary in its effects on the public mind, arresting the attention and interesting the heart of many who had previously stood aloof from an examination of the subject. Nor is the work of that Convention yet done; the 2,000 copies of the Report which have been scattered broad cast through the world will continue to exert, their influence until time shall be no more. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.3

The Lowell Conference


The friends of the cause assembled in Lowell for a second Conference, June 14, full of faith, love and zeal. This assemblage of the lovers of the glorious appearing, gave demonstrative evidence of a rapidly increasing interest in the cause. Notwithstanding the hurry of the season, the friends nobly rallied in answer to the call, for the purpose of giving another blast of the trumpet so loud that all the land might hear. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.4

Order of the Meeting


The Conference assembled at the time and place appointed, and after organizing the Conference, a dissertation on the second advent was delivered by Brother Henry Jones of New York. Dissertations were also delivered in the afternoon and evening of Tuesday; also Wednesday A. M. and evening. The remainder of the time, with the exception of time for refreshment, was filled up with social religious exercises. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.5

Wednesday, P. M. was devoted to a relation of the condition and progress of the cause in the different New England states. From these relations it appeared that the fields are ripening for the harvest, and that the way is open for the rapid promulgation of the doctrine through New England. The most earnest desire is felt for light on the subject of the fulfilment of prophecy and the second advent of the Savior. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.6

Thursday, P. M. was set apart for the purpose of remembering the Savior in the way of his own appointment until his coming again; when the disciples come together around the table of the Lord to remember his sufferings and anticipate his glory, such a season is one of no ordinary interest and sublimity. An ordinary communion season is to the pious believer in Christ an hour of interest; but how much more grand and soul-inspiring, with the mind fixed by days of special meditation and discourse on the speedy return of the master to sit at the head of his own table, with faith in this soul cheering thought, vigorous and active, and all the discordant notes of our Babal Church sweetly harmonized by love of, and desire for, the Lord’s return. Truly, we may say of such a scene, as has often been said of the dying chamber of the saint,— HST July 15, 1841, page 61.7

The place where such a scene is witnessed,
“Is privileged above the common walks of virtuous life,
Quite on the verge of heaven.”
HST July 15, 1841, page 61.8

The Spirit of the Conference


The Spirit of Christ eminently and emphatically prevailed through the meeting. All the jarring interests and peculiarities of the tribes of Israel were lost in the knowledge and love of Christ. Although the members of the Conference were from nearly all the evangelical denominations in the land, yet a perfect harmony of feeling prevailed and manifested itself as in days of old when the heathen world were forced to say, See how these Christians love one another. The meeting throughout was characterized by great spirituality and zeal, and the abundant influences of the Holy Spirit in arousing the careless, and comforting and building up in holiness the followers of the Savior. In short, it was a season of refreshing from the presence of the Lord; and long will it be remembered by those who enjoyed it. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.9

Love and desire for the glorious appearing was greatly strengthened in many hearts; nor did they love in word only, but in deed and in truth. For such was the estimate of the power and influence of the doctrine, in the minds of the friends present, and such the desire that others should receive the same light, that of the one thousand dollars proposed to be raised the present year, for the publication of the Report and circulation of other works, between five and six hundred dollars were raised and pledged on the spot; the remainder, we doubt not, will be forth coming soon. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.10

The friends in Lowell received us with open arms and warm hearts. The provision for our accommodation was abundant and excellent. May the Lord bless them an hundred fold here, and may they receive their full recompense at the resurrection of the just. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.11



Of the second session of the General Conference of Christians expecting the advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, held in Lowell, Mass. June 15, 16, 17, 1841. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.12

The Conference assembled in the Christian Chapel in Lowell Street, at 10 o’clock A. M. and in the absence of the President was called to order by J. V. Himes, who read the following call of the meeting: HST July 15, 1841, page 61.13



Of Christians expecting the Second Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ

The followers of the Lord and his apostles, who entertain the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, the second time, to bring with him the resurrection of the dead in Christ, and the everlasting reign of righteousness in the new creation which he will make, are respectfully notified that a meeting will be held in the city of Lowell, Mass. June 15th, at 10 o’clock, A. M. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.14

The object of the meeting is to prepare the way of the Lord; to comfort one another with the promises of his coming; to call up the attention of the church to the riches of her inheritance, not in this world, but in the world to come, not in a carnal Jerusalem, but in the new Jerusalem, which comes down from above, which has mansions for all, whether Jews or Greeks, Europeans or Americans, who are by faith the children of Abraham. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.15

The Conference will not be a place for controversy, or party strife, or sectarian display; and least of all, a place for assailing the great pillar of holy truth, the church, its ministry, its ordinances, or its Sabbaths; but a season of refreshing to the pilgrims of the desert and of the wilderness, with the promise and prospect of the holy land and heavenly kingdom of everlasting peace and blessedness, to which our Joshua will triumphantly lead all his people beyond the swellings of Jordan. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.16

Josiah Litch, Wm. Miller,
H. D. Ward, Henry Jones,
J. V. Himes.

A Committee of five were then appointed to nominate a list of officers for the Conference:—Valentine Cushman, Edwin Burnham, Thomas F. Barry, Timothy Cole, Richard Reed, were appointed. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.17

The Conference was then addressed by Henry Jones, of New York. Subject, “The nature and manner of the second coming of Christ.” HST July 15, 1841, page 61.18

Adjourned to half past 2 o’clock P. M. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.19

Afternoon Session


The Conference met at half past 2 o’clock. After singing and prayer, the committee of nomination reported the following lust of servants for the Convention. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.20

D. I. ROBINSON, Chairman. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.21

Henry Plummer, Abijah Bridges, HST July 15, 1841, page 61.22

Joseph Bates, Richard Reed, Assistant Chairman. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.23

J. V. Himes, Henry Jones, Secretaries. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.24

Committee of Business Arrangements:—Joshua Litch, Joshua V. Himes, Stephen Goodhue, Timothy Cole, Edwin Burnham. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.25

Committee of the Roll and Finance:—William Clark, Calvin French, Valentine Cushman, Richard Walker. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.26

The report was unanimously adopted. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.27

The Conference then gave their attention to a discourse by Josiah Litch on the nature of the kingdom of God, and the evidence arising from the prophetic periods, of its being near at hand, even at the doors. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.28

Adjourned till half past 7 o’clock P. M. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.29

Evening Session


Met at half past 7. Some extracts of letters from Mr. Miller were read by one of the Secretaries. The first was as follows:— Low Hampton, June 2, 1841. Dear Bro. Himes:—I yesterday arrived home from Addison, where I have been lecturing for eight days on the glorious subject of our Savior’s near approach to earth again. I think, every time I go forth in this way, it may be the last. I stand as a minute man, and ought to be reconciled to the lot designed by an all wise God for me. While I was at Addison I was taken with an inflammation and swelling in my left leg, and it is very painful, accompanied, with a breaking out, and dark purple spots. I am advised to try the springs, and if able, shall go to-morrow and try the mineral waters. I have not so much confidence in these waters as in the water of life, or I should not speak discouragingly of my health or prospects of meeting you at Lowell. I have often inquired, Why am I to be deprived of this meeting also? Surely it is the Lord’s hand. Yet I am perplexed to tell why. The scoffer may say, “It is because you are telling an untruth.” This is not the reason; for God has always, in every place, where I have preached, opened the door, and gave his Spirit, and by the doctrine which I have delivered converted souls to himself. But why prevent my meeting those who are congenial spirits in the work? I cannot tell. At any rate I am more confirmed than ever, if it can be, in the time. God never has deceived his children in any revelation of time, he never will Therefore I believe. If I could be as sure of the salvation promised, as I am of his coming in the time specified, I should have but little doubt or fear. HST July 15, 1841, page 61.30

The second was written June 8th. Low Hampton, June 8, 1841. Dear Bro. Himes:—I am this morning some better, the swelling in my left leg has wonderfully gone down the last night, and is not so painful. But my right knee remains swollen, and is very sore and full of pain. It is supposed to be the inflammatory rheumatism, together with the erysipelas, and when I shall get well, if ever, is a matter in the dark. One thing I know, these pains and aches are preparing us for a more glorious state of enjoyment in that world where pain will be banished, and disappointment and sorrow no more be realized. Oh happy day! HST July 15, 1841, page 62.1

“Come Lord, nor let my courage fail,“
Nor let my hope decline,
With faith and joy, that day I hail,
When I shall call thee mine.
HST July 15, 1841, page 62.2

Yes, brother these trials and troubles will soon be over not three years, and possibly with me not three months. Then shall I not patiently bear these adverse tides, and boisterous wind? HST July 15, 1841, page 62.3

“They’ll waft us sooner o’er
This life’s tempestuous sea,
Soon we shall reach that peaceful shore
Of blessed eternity.”
HST July 15, 1841, page 62.4

I know how apt I am to complain, how fond I am of the “victory” now. Yet in my present distress, I see the hand of God so visible, and his dealings with me so just, I cannot, I will not murmur or complain. I feel more on account of your, and my good friends disappointment in Lowell, than I do on account of all the aches and pains disease has infflicted. Perhaps God has determined to call forth your faith and energies in this glorious truth, together with Bro. Litch, Cole and others. Do not be discouraged, be believing and the God of peace will bruise satan under your feet shortly. “Victory” is on the Lord’s side. Go on, my brother, my heart, my prayer is for your success. We shall not be disappointed. Dark clouds may hang over our heads now, “weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the’ morning.” “You will reap if you faint not.” HST July 15, 1841, page 62.5

The above extracts having been read, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.6



Whereas, We consider the doctrine of the near approach of the kingdom of God on earth, as paramount to all other subjects which can come before the mind of mortals, and, Whereas an astonishing apathy in the minds of many, and of opposition in others prevails throughout the community in relation to the subject—Therefore, HST July 15, 1841, page 62.7

Resolved, That it is a solemn and imperious duty binding on all who look upon this theme in this light to exert their influence to extend the knowledge of this doctrine through our own land and the whole world. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.8

Resolved, That we look upon the publication of the Signs of the Times, as a providential movement for the wide extention of this important subject; and we cordially and earnestly recommend this interesting and instructive sheet to the patronage and support of all the friends of this glorious cause, as an important auxiliary in spreading the knowledge and influence of this thrilling doctrine. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.9

Resolved, That we also recommend to our friends, scattered abroad as they are, to take measures for procuring for circulation in their neighborhoods and towns the Second Advent Library; that none need be in darkness on the doctrine who will take the pains to read these valuable works. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.10

Brother J. Litch then gave an exposition of the 20th chapter of Revelations, and the services were concluded. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.11

Conference convened in the morning of the 16th, at 10 o’clock A. M. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.12

Bro. Henry Jones gave a discourse on the Second Advent, and the signs of its near approach. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.13

The Afternoon Session was devoted to reports from various parts of New England, of the progress of the cause. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.14

Interesting accounts were given from the state of Maine, by brethren Bridges, Smith, Tuckerman, Dow, Hamilton, and others; all of which went to show that the doctrine was taking deep root in many parts of that state, and is spreading. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.15

Cheering intelligence of the progress of light in New Hampshire, was given by Brethren Robinson, Barry, Walker, Simpson and others. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.16

At this stage of the meeting it was moved and carried, that the giving of reports should be suspended for the purpose of taking up the subject of finances and publications. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.17

The committee of business, reported for the action of the Conference that $ 1,000 be raised this year by the friends of the cause, for the following purposes:—1. To print a new edition of the First Report of the Conference. 2. To publish the report of this second session of the Conference. 3. To establish Second Advent libraries in destitute towns and neighborhoods where practicable: whereupon a subscription was taken up amounting to $649,04, leaving $350, to be made up by the friends abroad. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.18

It is desired that the friends who give for the circulation of Reports, and works on the advent near, should make their own appropriations of the publications. The publishing committee will attend to their directions. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.19

Evening Session


The Conference listened to an exposition of Revelation 9:10-15, as connected with the Ottoman Power; and by historical facts demonstrating the fulfilment of this prophecy in its rise, progress, and its FALL during the last year. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.20

The Sessions on the 17th were devoted to the giving of reports from Mass., and other states, of the progress of the cause, and to other religious exercises. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.21

In the afternoon, by unanimous consent, several hundred disciples sat down together and partook of the Lord’s Supper. It was a solemn and heart-searching season. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.22

Before the communion took place, several brethren made interesting addresses; and Brother Reed presented the following interesting letter from the church in South Boston. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.23

The Freewill Baptist Church In South Boston, to the Christians expecting the Second Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, assembled at Lowell, sendeth Christian Salutation. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.24

Dear Brethren;—We as a Church professing to be established in the present truth; and to enjoy like precious faith with you; pray you to receive the following brethren as members of your Conference, viz. R. W. Reed, V. Cushman, L. Wentworth, A. Davis. We rejoice, yea, and we will rejoice to be accounted worthy of the honor to associate in this Conference with our brethren of various sects on whom the star of the morning is now sheding its genial influences. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.25

We have, as a Church, for some months past, enjoyed in a good degree, the awakening influences of this glorious hope of the soon coming, and final triumphing of the Great Redeemer. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.26

Dear brethren: This, of all subjects, to us is the most interesting and the most sublime; and we, as a feeble branch of the Zion of God, claim to be its firm friends and supporters. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.27

The doctrine of the kingdom of God to come is not a moral subject accommodated to worldly speculations, nor does our faith in its near approach contribute much to securing the applause of worldly men, for which the Church, is so distinguished at the present day. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.28

We find no Rock on which to build the hope of a temporal millennium, securing universal dominion to the church, while in this sinful state; but she is destined to make her way to immortality through great, tribulation. The wheat and tares must grow together till harvest; “And the harvest is the end of the world.” It is natural, dear brethren, to suppose that the great mass of the Church determined on having the millennium in this carnal world, will reject our faith. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.29

The hope that we cherish is also fatal to the dreams of thousands who are looking for the literal return of the Jews, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem. Our Jerusalem is above and is the free Mother of all true believers, whether Jews or Gentiles; the speedy descent of which we earnestly look for: the millennium we look for will then commence, and will secure to the glorified saints one thousand years of happy reign in the new and glorified heavens and earth; with satan cast out, the wicked destroyed, and sin banished. This will close with the final triumph of Christ over satan, who will be loosed for a little season, again to assume his couspicuous place at the head of the armies of Gog and Magog, as they come up on the breadth of the earth in their resurrection to shame and everlasting contempt. And although he may fill his deluded followers with notions of conquest, and flatter them with the idea of possessing the new earth, as they had possessed the old, and of subduing the last Adam as he (satan) subdued the first, it is but to witness his last and final defeat. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.30

His empire he cannot re-establish on the earth, he is not permitted to strike the first blow in the battle, the camp of the saints is secure, her “walls are Salvation and her gates Praise.” Satan, with all his host, is driven from the new earth; the King of Zion triumphs. Death is swallowed up in victory, and he that had the power of death is destroyed. Our millennium is not to be succeeded by another period of sorrow and toil; but with the everlasting rest of the saints in glory. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.31

“As it respects times and seasons, brethren, ye have no need that” we “write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night; for when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape: But ye brethren are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief.” HST July 15, 1841, page 62.32

Dear brethren, we solomnly believe that the signs of the present times are ominous of that very event. We find no cause for differing from our dear brother Miller in his computation of time. Pray for us that the word of God may have free course, and be glorified among us. Richard Reed, Pastor. HST July 15, 1841, page 62.33

At the close of these exercises, the Conference was called to order by Bro. Joseph Bates, and the following Committees were appointed. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.1

Publishing Committee.
J. V. Himes, Wm. Clark, Josiah Litch.
Committee of Correspondence.
Joshua V. Himes, Wm. Miller, Josiah Litch, Henry Jones, D. I. Robinson.
Committee to prepare a Circular.
J. Litch, Richard Reed, J. V. Himes.

The following resolutions were offered and passed. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.2

Resolved, That the Committee of Correspondence be requested to call another meeting of the Conference on Christ’s Second Coming at hand, on Tuesday the 12th day of October next, at 10 o’clock A. M. at such place as they may deem best.

Resolved, That we solicit the co-operation of all who heartily love the appearing of Christ in the clouds of heaven, as being near at hand, whatever may be their views of prophetic numbers, on which some of us found our argument that the advent will take place about the year A. D. 1843. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.3

Resolved, That we will, as ministers and Individuals, by the help of God, exert what influence we can, by the consecration of our all to the work of spreading far and wide the great scriptural doctrine of Christ’s coming and kingdom, now in all respects specially nigh at hand. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.4

In the evening, a discourse was given by Brother Reed, of South Boston, from Revelation 3:14-22; on the character of the Laodician Church, at the close of which some remarks were made in confirmation of Bro. Reed’s exposition, by J. V. Himes, of Boston, when the meeting was closed. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.5

This meeting was a most happy and triumphant one. In addition to the regular services there were prayer and conference meetings during the whole time in the morning at noun and evening, of the greatest interest. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.6

D. I. ROBINSON, Chairman.
Henry Jones,
Joshua V. Himes. Secretaries.




Boston.—Wm. Clark, Daniel Siverdie, G. Sargent, J. V. Himes, Wm. Collier, Andrew Green, John Augustus, Thomas F. Oakes, David Hoyt, Lewis Hersey, Michael Dashwood, Samuel Vaughn, Catharine S. Kilton, Hannah D. Luku, Josiah Litch, Asa H. Oakes, James M. White, Rebecca Newcomb, Elizabeth Michael, Sarah Bumstead, Ezekiel Page, Micajah Wood. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.7

Lowell.—Timothy Cole, John A roan, Mary Watson, Nancy Johnson, Samuel A. Stimpson, Samuel Barker, Elizabeth H. Durgin, James Kent, Martha Stetson, Ruth Hatson, Mary Hatson, Stephen B. Oliver, Betsey Watson, Rachael Call, Mary Phelps, Caroline Ferrick, James C. Batcheldor, Polly Crane, Sarah C. Hill, Eliza Hill, Josiah S. Allen, Laura Seavy, Susan Cutler, Maria Stewart, Joshua P. Walker, Mary A. Miller, Mary E. Cate, Elvira Bosford, Rhoda Raymore, Lucinda Currier, Sarah F. Lowe, Hannah G. I. Aldrich, Hannah G. Gould, Catharine Lyford, Levi Fisk, Lydia M. Cute, Theodore Noyes, Moses Chandler, Mary T. Davis, Samuel L. Sprague, Mary Rogers, Maria Watson, Louisa Libby, Josiah Seavey. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.8

Andover.—Daniel Mason, Martha H. Mason, Adelaine S. Mason, Elizabeth G. Goldsmith, Jeremiah Goldsmith, Louisa Proctor. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.9

Methuen.—John Graves, Jeremiah Morse, Moses Morse. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.10

Lynn.—James Wheeler, Hannah Wheeler, John Deland. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.11

Haverhill.—Henry Plummer, Jasper H.Morse John Morse, Nancy W. Johnson. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.12

Groton.—John Pingrey, Mary Crouch, Susanna White, Samuel While, Sarah C. Rugg, Jonathan Pierce, Joseph Estes, Hariet W. Estes, Hannah P. Whitney, Martha B. Gilson. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.13

Littleton.—Peter Whitcomb, Sarah T. Whitcomb, Oliver F. Deland, Sarah W. Deland. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.14

Carver—Benjamin Ransom, Isaac Vaughn, Eliza Pratt, Kilson Pratt. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.15

Watertown.—Walter Russell, Caroline Russell. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.16

Fairhaven.—Joseph Bates. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.17

Needham:—Calvin French, Phebe Makepeace. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.18

Mansfield.—Fanny M. Skinner, Louisa Skinner. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.19

Westford.—Clarrisa Nutting, Elias Sweetser, Asa Nutting, Nancy E. Nichols, Mary A. Sawtell, George Kidder, Josiah Vose, Samuel H. Nichols. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.20

Bolton.—Enoch Hall. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.21

Georgetown.—Benjamin Jackman, Susanna Jackman, Hiram Harriman, George B. Morrell. Benj. C. Elliott, Sophronia B. Elliott. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.22

Concord.—Orpha S. Perham, Paul Dudley, Rebecca Dudley. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.23

Danvers.—Eliza Hall. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.24

Newbury-port.—Sarah C. Currier. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.25

Salem.—Jane Berry, Charles H. Perry. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.26

East Medway.—Oliver Phillips. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.27

Marshfield.—Elisha Rogers. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.28

Cambridge-port.—Stillman Lothrop, Jacob Nudd, Timothy Newell. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.29

Taunton.—Daniel L. Fletcher. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.30

Charlestown.—Seth Rogers, Sarah Morey, Lucinda Newcomb. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.31

Marlborough.—Abigail Temple, Silas Temple, Betsey Temple. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.32

Duxbury.—Wm. Eames, E. W. Weatherbee, Almira M. Damrell. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.33

Chelmsford.—Benjamin Spaulding, Irah D. Spaulding. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.34

Kingston.—Polly B. Delano. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.35

Cambridge.—John Greenleaf, HST July 15, 1841, page 63.36

Salisbury-Point.—Eliza Lincoln, Warren Lincoln. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.37

New Hampshire

Newtown.—Oliver P. Tuckerman. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.38

Dover.—Lemuel Goodwin. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.39

Lebanon.—Elizabeth Hall. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.40

Portsmouth.—D. I. Robinson, T. F. Barry, Richard Walker. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.41

Bethlehem.—Sarah A. Libbey. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.42

Guildford.—Isaac Cole, Jr. John Cole. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.43

Stratham.—Noah Piper, Daniel Wiggin. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.44

Milford.—Frederic Bendon. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.45

Nashua.—Daniel Winchester. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.46

Ware.—Mary Cooper, Ann Priest. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.47

Barrington.—Mary A. Hodgdon. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.48

Exeter.—Edwin Burnham, George Harris. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.49

Atkinson.—Samuel Cass, Amasa Coburn. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.50

Danville.—David Cass. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.51

Newmarket.—Clarrisa H. Pindar. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.52

Sanbarton.—Moses C. Philbrook. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.53

Boxborough.—T. L. Whitcomb. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.54

Nottingham.—Noah Farrer, Andrew Simpson. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.55

Canterberry.—Lydia C. Durgin. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.56

Deerfield.—Abraham Gates. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.57

Wakefield.—Mary A. Horn. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.58

Freedom.—Sarah Stokes. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.59


Kittery.—Charles Stevens. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.60

Dexter.—Abijah Bridges. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.61

St. Albans.—Charles B. Smith. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.62

Winslow.—Mary Abbott. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.63

Portland.—Hannah Johnson. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.64

Acton.—Mehitable Wheeler. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.65

Skowhegan.—Philena T. Homstead. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.66


Morristown.—Mary Brigham, Martha Brigham. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.67

--------Eliza O. Johnson, Sylvia H. Johnson, Nancy W. Johnson. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.68

Tyngsborough.—Deborah Maclena. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.69

Pomfret.—Sarah Praley. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.70

New York

N. Y. City.—Henry Jones. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.71

Note. The above list is imperfect, it contains but a part of the names of the friends who were present. The Secretaries have given all that were handed in. If there should be any omitted, who wish their names appended to the full Report, they will send them to the editor of the Signs of the Times. HST July 15, 1841, page 63.72


No Authorcode

Josiah Litch,80,00
Calvin French,25,00
Timothy Cole,25,00
Stephen Goodhue,25,00
Win. Clark.25,00
L White,25,00
Josiah Leavy,25,00
Henry Jones, New York city,25,00
Henry Plummer,15,00
Catharine Kilton,10,00
Richard Walker,10,00
Samuel Parker,10,00
D. I. Robinson,5,00
T. F. Barry,5,00
Daniel Winchester,5,00
Timothy Newhall,5,00
John Greenleaf,5,00
Pledged for friends in Boston,50,00
Benjamin Ransom,5,00
Joseph Bates,10,00
Polly Cram,5,00
Jeremiah Goldsmith,5,00
Israel Call,3,00
Harriet Johnson,1,00
Mary Brown,1,00
Lorenzo Call,1,00
Isaac Bond,1,00
John Wentworth,2,00
Samuel H. Nichols1,00
George Kidder,1,00
Hannah Lawton,1,00
Valentine Cushman,2,00
Jonathan Pierce,1,00
Mary Brigham,10,00
W. L. Luke,2,00
Daniel Siverdie,1,00
Polly Delano,1,00
Eliza Basford,1,00
Jane Gerry,1,00
Paul Dudley,1,00
Oliver Ayers,1,00
Benjamin Spaulding,3,00
Elisha Rogers,2,00
Elias Sweetser,1,00
Betsey Watson,50
Ruth Watson,50
Hannah Heath,50
Elvira P. Simmons,50
Sarah K. Lowe,50
Mary Phelps,50
O. Ober,50
Asa Oakes,50
Sylvia H. Ober,50
Betsey D. Goodwin,50
Susan Erskine,50
M. D. Sanborn,50
Lewis Hersey,2,00
Stephen Snow,50
Subscriptions Paid

No Authorcode

Editor of the Signs of the Times,$50,00
Levi Fisk,25,00
Dr. Spear,20,00
Oliver Phillips,5,00
Phebe Ladd,1,00
Elizabeth Dnrgin,1,00
Benjamin Goddard,5,00
    ”              ”          for Reports,1,00
Nancy Batcheldor,2 00
M. M. George,1,00
Sarah Elliot,1,00
Isaac Vaughn,1,00
Stillman Lathrop,10.00
Ezekiel Page,1,00
Nancy W. Johnson,1,00
Mary B. Becker,1,00
Silas Temple,1,00
Betsey Temple,1,00
Jacob Goddard,50
Rachael Call,1,00
Fanny H. Skinner,50
Louisa Skinner,1,00
Samuel Simpson,50
Mary Rogers,2,00
Harriet A. Flagg,3,00
Hiram Harriman,1,00
Phebe Makepeace,2,00
Andrew Simpson,25
Bradley Fisk,1.00
Publications delivered to subscribers.Paid.
Dr. Sprague, 2 Libraries,$10,00
Oliver P. Tuckerman, 1 Library,5,00
Andrew Simpson, 1           ”4.50
James Kent, 1                   ”5,00
Joseph Kent, 1                  ”5,00
Noah Piper, 1                    ”5,00
Martha Brigham, Books,2,00
Louisa Hartwell,                 ”1,00
Wm. Norton,                      ”1,00
Sarah A. Libby,                 ”2,00
Publications delivered to subscribers.Not Paid.
C. B. Smith, 2 Double Libraries,$16,00
Sarah C. Rugg, 1 Library,5,00
Sarah Braley, 1       ”5,00
Hannah Steward, 1 Library,5,00
Lewis Hersey, Books,1,00
Noah Farrar, 1 Library,5.50
James Wheeler, Books,1,00


Subscriptions,not paid,$418.50
Publications delivered,   ”38,50
Publications delivered40,50
Total of Subscriptions and Donations,$649,04

Note. Any errors in the above, will be corrected on information being given to the editor of the Signs of the Times. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.1



The following sketch of the proceedings of the recent meeting at Lowell, is from “Zion’s Banner,” a Freewill Baptist paper published in that city. It is a very fair and candid article. We give it as a rarity in these days of scoffing. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.2



A Convention was holden in this City, relative to the second coming of Christ, at Rev. Mr. Cole’s church, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of last week. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.3

The Convention convened:—Rev. Mr. Robinson (Methodist) from Portsmouth, N. H. in the chair. The Convention consisted of Clergymen and people of different denominations. Lectures from Rev. Messrs. Jones (Congregationalist) from N. Y. and Litch (Methodist) from Boston—treating their subjects after the manner of Mr. Miller’s theory. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.4

Wednesday, P. M. Rev. Mr. Himes said the exercise would be varied, and requested that some “prominent individuals” would volunteer and give some account of the rise and progress of this doctrine in those places where they were acquainted—about a dozen succeeded each other in answer to the request,—of which we shall notice only a few. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.5

Mr. Bridges, from Me. rose and remarked that about one year since he obtained and read Miller’s Lectures, and he became a believer in his doctrine—he lent his book and it had become a sort of a missionary. He, by studying the Scriptures, had become more convinced of its truth, but had come there to receive more light on the subject. But one idea more; said he, i. e. where the people are the least engaged in religion, this doctrine receives the greatest opposition. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.6

Mr. Himes wished to make the inquiry, if publications upon this subject would be read with interest if they could be obtained. Several persons responded in the affirmative. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.7

A letter was read from the Christian church in Portland, stating that this doctrine was generally believed among them. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.8

The Speaker, Mr. Robinson, was called upon to give some account of Portsmouth, to which he replied, that he had some hesitancy about speaking, as he was not a full believer of Mr. Miller’s theory but that about 500 had professed religion probably from the inflence of Miller’s lectures. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.9

Mr. Walker succeeded him, and remarked that by reading these lectures he became a believer, and was making arrangements in his business accordingly—and further said he would not receive a gift of $30,000 without he could have the privilege of giving it away immediately—in three years he expected to meet his brethren in heaven. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.10

Another Gentleman had read Miller’s lectures, who said that all the great men in the world could not bring so much argument against this doctrine as Miller had in favor of it, consequently he must believe it. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.11

Mr. Himes read the Committee’s Report of the last year, and said they wanted to raise one thousand dollars to circulate publications the ensuing year. A contribution was taken of over $600. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.12

Thursday, A. M. was occupied by hearing reports from different parts of Mass. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.13

About two hundred persons gave their names as believers in Miller’s doctrine. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.14

Rev. Mr. Reed (Freewill Baptist) preached in the evening, and the exercises closed. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.15

It was stated that Mr. Litch was going to visit different sections of the country to lecture upon this subject. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.16

It was proposed that several Conventions should be holden in different parts of New England the present season, but we did not learn when or where. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.17



The news from the East by the Brictania, of July 3rd, goes to confirm us in our opinion, expressed nearly a year since, relative to the fall of the Ottoman Power. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.18

We quote the following paragraph on the subject from the Mercantile Journal of the 3rd inst. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.19

Turkey.—There seems to be no tranquility for Turkey—their difficulties seem to increase. The young sultan’s health is rapidly declining, notwithstanding he has for some time past been residing at the “valley of the sweet waters.” HST July 15, 1841, page 64.20

The Augsburg Gazette publishes advices from Alexandria to the effect that the Schareof of Mecca, has taken up arms against the sultan, and driven the Turkish garrison out of the holy city. This news, coming, as it does, upon the heels of the accounts of the insurrections in Candia and Bulgaria, bodes much mischief. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.21

The latest advices from Candia, to the 18th of May, state that the insurrection had not been suppressed, the number of insurgents increases daily, and they seem resolved to let things come to extremities. Many of the principal families have already left the land of Syria and other parts of Greece. It was rumored that Tahir Pacha had landed there with 5000 men, and a strong park of artillery, determining to reduce the rebels to submission. Letters from the Turkish frontier, of the 3rd ult. state that the Greek Patriarch at Constantinople was dismissed by the Porte for privately encouraging the rebellion in Bulgaria. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.22

This is not all. There is a rumor that the great Powers are consulting on the division of the Ottoman empire among themselves! When this is seriously attempted, no doubt there will be a difficulty in making division of the plunder. That difficulty may set Europe in Arms. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.23

Letters have been received from E. B. K., L. D. Fleming, Bible Reader, Wm. Miller, and others, which will appear in our next. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.24

Important Works on the Second Advent


For Sale at this Office,107 Hanover St

MILLER ON THE SECOND COMING OF Christ, in one volume, nineteen Lectures; to which is added a supplement, containing a chronological Chart of the prophetic periods, with an explanation. Price 62 cts. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.25

MILLER’S LIFE AND VIEWS, in one volume. This work contains a Sketch of Mr. Miller’s life, his Chronology, the Charts and Expositions, eleven new Lectures, Reviews, Letters,—with a Likeness. Price 62 cts. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.26

BIBLE STUDENT’S MANUAL. This is a little work compiled from Mr. Miller’s other works; designed for a Pocket Note Book and Manual. It contains the Chart, Rules of Interpretation, etc. with 32 pages of blank paper, for notes, etc. Price 25 cents. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.27

Various other works on the Second Advent, maybe had as above. Also BLANK BOOKS, PAPER, SCHOOL BOOKS, Steel Pens, and every article usually kept in a Stationer’s Warehouse. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.28




Is published on the 1st and 15th of each month, at the Bookstore of MOSES A. DOW, 107 Hanover at next door to Hancock School House. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.29

Joshua V. Himes, Josiah Litch, Editors. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.30

Terms.—One Dollar a year, payable in advance. 6 copies for five dollars, 13 copies for ten dollars. All communications should be directed to the Editor, post paid. HST July 15, 1841, page 64.31