Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 3

August 24, 1842

Vol. III.—No. 21. Boston, Whole No. 69

Joshua V. Himes & Josiah Litch, Editors. Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston


The False Alarm


This is the title of a printed discourse delivered by James A. Hazen of S. Wilbraham, in opposition to the views entertained by Mr. Miller and others. HST August 24, 1842, page 161.1

The arguments to which any resort in defence of their position, or to overthrow that of an opponent, are a fair criterion of the truth upon which such positions are based. No man of sound mind will resort to weak arguments unless he is destitute, or has exhausted himself, of those which are more powerful. When therefore it is seen that any theory is assailed by weak arguments, and those alone, the natural conviction upon a candid mind is, that the theory which is assailed is true. This truth has never been more exemplified than in the opposition which has been elicited to the doctrine of the Second Advent, and we often hear the remark from those who have not received it, that “there must be something in it, because the arguments which are adduced against it are so weak“: and probably no instance can be produced where it has been publicly attached, but the wavering have had their faith in these truths strengthened. HST August 24, 1842, page 161.2

We have been led to the above remarks from perusing the discourse above referred to. It has for its text Matthew 16:3. “But can ye not discern the signs of the times”? His first position is, that there are no signs which designate these times as uncommon, or which are peculiar to these days; and thinks he proves this by showing that there were also strange events during the last century. This reasoning on this point impressed forcibly on our mind a conviction of the force of the application of his text to himself; “Can you not discern the signs of the times?” It could hardly have been more applicable in the days of the Pharisees, than now. His second argument (?) is that the Turkish supremacy is not gone! and yet he has not brought forward a single witness in proof of its independence, to rebut the testimony of those who have testified of its decay. In the third place he calls the attention of his readers to a consideration of some of the signs of the times. And first he notices the perilous times which were to be in the last days; and claims that the present time is distinguished for the absence of every thing like peril in religious things, because there is such religions toleration. The apostle says perilous times shall come—for men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, proud, etc., and thus enumerates a list of what would cause those perilous times. He has not shown that the present state of things varies in the least from the Apostle’s description; and if it does not, then surely we have the perilous times predicted, for the context shows that souls, and not personal safety would be in peril. HST August 24, 1842, page 161.3

Another sign is, that the gospel must be preached in all the world for a witness, and then shall the end come. This he understands to refer to the final spread of the gospel in the conversion of the world, and therefore is not fulfilled. Having touched upon these four points he says, “As we now pause and look back upon this tissue of absurdities, a variety of contending feelings rise within, and struggle for utterance. But let us repress our emotions and if possible turn the subject to some good account.” p. 14. This he does (?) by adverting to enthusiasts and impostors of every age, in which the advocates of a sensual, temporal millennium in days gone, Emanuel Swedenborg, the Quakers, Mormons, and those who are looking for the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, are all classed together. Admit that errorists have arisen, and that men have been deluded; what does that prove respecting the point in question? Every question stands or falls for itself. The truth of one does not prove the truth of another, nor does the falsity of the one prove the falsity of the other. Such reasoning can only prove that nothing new can arise but what is false, and that the world must stand forever! He then warns his readers “that we are not to judge of the merits of a cause by its immemediate apparent effects.” p. 17. He is sensible of the folly of denouncing any thing which has been so signally instrumental in the conversion of souls, and in reviving the hopes of dedecaying christians, as has “this blessed hope” by pointing to its fruits. He therefore warns them from judging from its present effects, but gives a glowing picture of its effect after 1843, and it is proved to be false. But my dear sir, have you advanced a single argument in disproof of its truth? Not one. To assume therefore that when it is proved to be false, it will do harm, is begging the question. It is always incumbent on a logician first to disprove the truth of a doctrine, before he can show its results. And in the second place, have you advanced a particle of evidence that if 1843 should pass, and the world should stand, it will make infidels? It does not appear in your book, so that those conclusions are altogether gratuitous, and are mere speculations. HST August 24, 1842, page 161.4

The above are all the prominent topics contained in the sermon, and yet it is published as an argument against the coming of Christ. Those who have never examined the question, may fancy that it is conclusive, while it does not even touch a single point upon which the truth of the question must rest Were they “passed over for the sake of brevity?” We know that whenever Christ is to come, that previous to that event, there will not be wanting that, upon which a cry of peace and safety can be based; for the enemy will do his utmost to prevent the attention of dying men from being called to it. And He will do his utmost to convince the world that it is a “false alarm,” that “the end is not yet,” that “my Lord delayeth his coming,” and that we are to have “peace and safety;” but if such arguments as those in the sermon under review will accomplish it, he will find it art easy task. HST August 24, 1842, page 161.5

We are often astonished to see how easily men are persuaded to believe that, which they wish to be true, and how hard it is to persuade them of the truth of anything which their hearts oppose. And we are therefore persuaded that the state of the heart has a great influence over those to whom this question is presented. Those who are bound up in the world, are expected to reject it; while those who love the appearing of their Savior often exclaim, “it is too good news to be true!” Every professed disciple ought to weigh well his motives, which actuate him in the investigation of this question. B. HST August 24, 1842, page 161.6

“Supposing it don’t come?”


Yes, my friends, supposing it dont come, what then? Why, you say, it will make infidels. Here then is the begging of two questions, neither of which can be proved,—and which involve a contradiction between them. You first assume that it will not come, and then assume the consequences. HST August 24, 1842, page 161.7

If it is revealed in the Bible, it will prove true; and if it can be shown to have no foundation in the word of God its failure can produce no ill effect. When you therefore assume that if it does not prove true, it will make infidels, you virtually admit that the Bible presents no small evidence in favor of its truth, and your argument of its effects in case of failure, is only good in proportion as you can show that this question is demonstrated by the Bible. Therefore when you can demonstrate that it has no foundation in the Bible, you demonstrate that its failure cannot make infidels; and when you demonstrate that its failure cannot but make infidels, you demonstrate that it is based upon the word of God. The assumption of both of those questions, consequently involves a contradiction. HST August 24, 1842, page 161.8

But for the sake of argument, we will admit the strongest position you can assume, viz., that the Bible fully reveals it, and that it will prove a failure; and yet we deny that it will make infidels. It will not make infidels of those who disbelieve the Bible already; neither will it make infidels of those who disbelieve that the Bible teaches this doctrine; so that it can only make infidels of those who are looking for the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. But will any full believer in divine revelation reject his Bible because it fails him in one instance, when it has always proved true before? Any candid mind in that case would reason, that an error might have crept into the text by some cause; or that he had placed a wrong construction upon it. A hunter would never break his rifle over the first log, because in one instance it should miss fire, when it had previously always carried aright: he would pick the flint and try it again. Just so will the christian do with his Bible. The truth of revelation has been so fully demonstrated, that one would be deemed a madman, who should attempt to disprove it: for it is supported by evidence as substantial as the base of the everlasting hills. It does not rest upon the fulfilment of one prediction, but it has been demonstrated by the united and harmonious testimony of internal and external evidences, which man cannot gainsay. Neither does the truth of the second advent rest upon the time alone. Were there no evidence as to the time of the event, the evidence that we are in the last days, and that it is the next great event which we are to expect, to just as evident; and this is demonstrated by the signs of the times, and the fulfillment of the prophecies. And if 1843 should pass by, every true believer would be looking for that event, until the Son of man shall appear. HST August 24, 1842, page 161.9

We however have a case in point. Jonah entered Ninevah a day’s journey, and cried, yet forty days and Ninevah shall be destroyed. The Ninevites listened—either no one attempted to convince them that it was “a false alarm,” or else they were unsuccessful in that attempt, for the Ninevites repented. The consequence was that the city was not destroyed—the prediction failed. Did it make infidels then? We have no evidence that it did. The consequence of proclaiming the approach of danger is therefore not proved to be deleterious, even when the prediction is proved not to be fulfilled. Neither is there any war threatened, when they warn the wicked unnecessarily, or even sound a false alarm. It is those who cry peace and safety, who are to be suddenly destroyed; and it is those who sound not the alarm, who are denounced. HST August 24, 1842, page 162.1

Suppose now the whole world should believe as did the Ninevites, and like them repent, and that day should not come; would the world be in a worse condition for it? Or will those who repent because this truth is proclaimed, ever curse the day that they heard the midnight cry, even if the time should fail? We believe that people reason strangely with regard to this; and what is more strange, many of those who are already infidels reason in this manner as one of its deleterious influences. We fear that the desire for a plausible excuse to satisfy the conscience for not examining this question, has much to do with such reasoning. B. HST August 24, 1842, page 162.2

Hour of the Judgment come


And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, to every nation, and kindred and people, and tongue, saying, with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment is come; and worship him that made the heavens and the earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.—Revelation 14:6, 7. HST August 24, 1842, page 162.3

The first thing that strikes the mind, in looking at this prophecy, is the fact that this angel is another angel, leaving us to conclude that the gospel had been preached by other messenger before, to the nations of the earth. It is said by many, that this prophecy was fulfilled by the preaching of the gospel through the nations for the last fifty years; we admit that the gospel has been circulated by the self-denying labors of the missionaries of this and other countries with great rapidity, and, among some nations, with great success,—and this prophecy might have been partly fulfilled in their preaching. But this prophecy never has been entirely fulfilled in their preaching the gospel, for they have not preached the doctrine this angel preached. Some of them have preached the judgment more than a thousand years off, some 360,000 years. Whereas, the messenger that John saw proclaimed the hour of God’s judgment come; of course it could not have been fulfilled in those who preached it more than a thousand years off. But some may ask if the judgment spoken of in the text is the Judgment Day. We think so. Paul said to the Athenians, “God hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness, by that man whom he has ordained,” etc. We think the time he has appointed to judge the world, will be the Judgment, God’s Judgment. Christ the Lord says, speaking in the present tense, “No man knoweth the day nor the hour;” referring, no doubt, to the same time, the hour of his Judgment. And yet the men who quote this passage to show that it will not be known when that day is at hand, will tell you, probably, at the same time, that all the preceding verses speak of the destruction of Jerusalem. Besides, we find another angel proclaiming the fall of Babylon, in the next verse; Babylon is fallen, is fallen.” And finding, in Revelation 18:21, that the fall of Babylon will be as sudden and as violent as the casting a great millstone into the sea; and believing that it is papal Rome, or the same ten toes spoken of by Daniel, and the same little horn Daniel speaks of, and the Anti Christ, spoken of by Paul. And when Daniel uses such language as the following, “I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body given to the burning flame,” etc. And this is at the time when the judgment is set, and the books opened. “I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them until the Ancient of Days come,” etc. And Paul says of this same power, “Who shall be destroyed by the brightness of his (Christ’s) coming;” not by war, or conversion. “He took up a great stone like unto a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, Thus with violence shall Babylon be thrown down;” and in the context we find, “If any man worship the beast, etc. he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone,” etc. “Not only will the body of the beast be given to the burning flame, but they who worship, etc. in the 15th verse. When John turns from hearing these angels, he hears another, crying with a loud voice, “Thrust in thy sickle, and reap, for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe,” etc. For the time is come. What time? Why, the other angel proclaimed, “The hour of the judgment is come.” This angel proclaims with a loud voice, “The time is come, the hour has expired, the time is come for thee to reap.” Not only has the hour come, but that hour has passed away; the harvest is the end of the world; the reaping will be done at the end of the world; we cannot escape the conclusion that the hour of God’s judgment, here proclaimed by the angel, is the Judgment Day at the end of the world. HST August 24, 1842, page 162.4

No one, we suppose, will maintain that the doctrine of the text has been preached to the notions till within a very few years, of the hour of his judgment come, right at the door. When the earth is to be burned up, and all its piles of human ambition, in the shape of splendid palaces and fine mansions, the cottage of the peasant and the palace of the prince in the same conflagration. The earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up, the end of the world is at hand. John said this doctrine would be preached. It is preached from the word of God, fairly expounded, as we believe; and we are confirmed in this belief because John says it was the everlasting gospel, and the doctrine of the hour of his judgment come, was a apart of that gospel. HST August 24, 1842, page 162.5

If John was right, how say our clergymen and professors in theology, many of whom say they never studied the prophecies, that this doctrine is not in the Bible? And they will tell you, at the same time, that the prophecies cannot be understood. And yet they will tell you that these things are not so. How do they know, if the prophecies cannot be understood, or if they think so, but we are right in our expositions; for if it is all guess work, one has as good a right to guess as another. But does Jesus Christ say he did not mean to have them understood? “The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to show unto his servants, things which must shortly come to pass.” A strange revelation, never designed to be understood! But if the hour of the judgment come is not in the Scriptures, then it could not have been preached as a part of the everlasting gospel. And if it cannot be preached as a part of the everlasting gospel, then you would make John bear false witness. For he says he heard it preached the last thing before the fall of Babylon; when the Ancient of Days came. Now we believe John’s witness is true, that it is found in the word of God, that the wise will understand; not the wise of this world. If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, and it shall be given him. HST August 24, 1842, page 162.6

We would not undervalue human learning; but when we see Germany, the seat of human learning, given up to scepticism, infidelity, and soscinianism, denying the Lord that bought them, and some of the clergy at one time loud in their admiration of German Literature; next are making an appeal for missionaries and books, to Christianize the seat of the reformers, the most enlighted place, philosophically speaking, on the face of the earth. We feel that truly God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. We thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and revealed them unto babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemeth good in thy sight. And now, when we see this gospel of the everlasting kingdom of God at hand preached, and the hour of the judgment is come preached, and hearing John in Revelations declaring it would be preached, and preached as a part of the everlasting gospel; and it is now preached as a part of the verlasting gospel, can we arrive at any other conclusion than this, that there must be some way to ascertain when the hour of God’s judgment is come, and as we believe that has been fonnd in the Scriptures, till our opponents can prove from the Scriptures that they have discovered a different and more correct time, and especially when they tell us in plain contradiction of John’s prophecy, that the hour of God’s judgment come never will be preached, we must conclude the time is correct, that the hour of the judgment come is a true doctrine, that its promulgation, predicted more than 1600 years ago, is now fulfilled, and of course when it will take place has arrived, that it is at the door; and that the next voice heard will be the angel crying with a loud voice, “Thrust in thy sickle, reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe. For the time is come for thee to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” What time? The 2300 days are finished. The time has come when he shall gather the wheat into the garner, but burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. The time has come, the 1335 days are finished, when Daniel shall stand in his lot—when every one found written in the book shall be delivered. The time has come when the hour has expired. Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe. The time is come, when they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. C. B. Hartford, Aug. 1, 1842. HST August 24, 1842, page 162.7

Letter from L. C. Collins


Dear Bro. Himes,—I intended to have written you before; but my time and attention have been too much occupied to afford a convenient opportunity, until now. I have just closed my labors of about two full weeks, at Warehouse Point. And it has been a season of God’s refreshing grace and pardoning mercy, such as my soul and the friends of Zion there will never forget. And it adds but one other additional and undeniable proof to the many thousands in the land, that God is pleased to own and bless the preaching of the second and glorious coming of Christ nigh at hand, even at the doors. HST August 24, 1842, page 163.1

When we commenced our lectures there was no special awakening or attention to religion. But in less than a week souls were crowding the altar for the prayers of God’s people. Never was conviction of sin more rational and pungent, nor conversions to God more sudden and satisfactorily bright and genuine. We should suppose that the veriest infidel could not have denied that the work was of God. I had made arrangements to attend the Campmeeting at Concord, and gave my last lecture expecting to leave the next morning. An invitation was then given, when between thirty and forty presented themselves as subjects for prayer; among whom were many heads of families. And what could I do? a harvest of souls was here to be gathered in—Christians weeping with the commingled feelings excited by the scene before them, and young converts, with tearful eyes, rejoicing in their first love, all clung to me, and besought me to tarry. Duty said, Tarry. And I yielded for a season longer. And never have I witnessed a season of deeper interest. It is thought, by those best qualified to judge, that not far from fifty have found the Savior precious to their hearts. Among whom are those of all ages. The work still progresses, and some twenty were most sincerely seeking when I left. HST August 24, 1842, page 163.2

Never was I so deeply impressed with the blessed influence which the preaching of this doctrine exerts upon those who are brought under it. Who could have raised a finger to have opposed its preaching, could they but have witnessed the scenes at this place? To have seen Christians of all denominations mingling together as children of one family, their grasp let go on earth, and all with one heart looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great God and their Saviour Jesus Christ, and exhorting all around them to prepare for this great event, now nigh, even at the doors, must have convinced any one, it would seem, that this was of God. Yet many professed disciples and ministers of Christ staid away, calling it all a “humbug,” and the “work of the devil,” and are rallying themselves to put it down. My dear brother, the offense of the cross is in the doctrine of Christ’s speedy coming. Men, to embrace this, must give up their good name, must incur the frowns of this popularity-seeking age, and peradventure be called a Millerite; they fear the reproach which is attached to it, and then, “how can they believe who seek honor one of another?” HST August 24, 1842, page 163.3

Brother Stoddard, the Methodist preacher, has embraced the doctrine of Christ’s second coming in 1843. And he declares that, by the help of God, “He will proclaim it upon the house top, in spite of men or devils.” Bro. S. has ever been an uncompromising advocate of truth, wherever found. He disregards the opinions and frowns of the world. He fears, and seeks to please none but God, and will be a host in this cause. HST August 24, 1842, page 163.4

Yours, dear brother, in the blessed hope of the Lord’s speedy coming, L. C. Collins. So. Glastenbury, Aug. 2. HST August 24, 1842, page 163.5

Kindness in opposition


Many practically reason as though hard words would answer all the purposo of arguments, but this is a mistaken fancy. HST August 24, 1842, page 163.6

Every thing which will repel one from us, will fail to convince him; and it is only as we can gain the confidence of those we would benefit, that we can influence them aright. HST August 24, 1842, page 163.7

It is only when words fail, that blows are substituted; and it is only when arguments fail, that hard names are in demand. When therefore hard names are more plenty than arguments, any cause that is thus sustained must suffer in proportion. And any cause which is thus wrongfully assailed, will accordingly prosper. HST August 24, 1842, page 163.8

It was opposition and calumny and persecution that caused Christianity to progress; and thus it has been with every important enterprise of the day. That which no man assails, will never receive much notoriety. It is only when the world oppose, that candid minds begin to investigate, to see whether such opposition is well founded; and when investigation has been commenced, the truth will triumph. HST August 24, 1842, page 163.9

The friends of any truth ought therefore never to deal in invective, nor to shun obloquy. B. HST August 24, 1842, page 163.10

The Church ignorantly fulfilling Prophecy


It is declared in Daniel that previous to “the end,” many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. This prophecy would, of course, be fulfilled, but by what means? Our Savior’s crucifixion was determined by God: it was determined who should crucify him, and all the circumstances of his crucifixion were predetermined. “Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the gentiles and the people of Israel were gathered together for to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done.” These wicked men ignorantly proceeded to fulfill the design of God had the prophesies concerning Christ. If they had known what they were doing, they would “not have crucified the Lord of glory;” “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” It appears that it was necessary that these instruments of fulfilling God’s purposes should be ignorant on this subject in order that they might go on and fulfill the prophesies. If they had known that they were crucifying the Messiah, would they have dared or have been disposed to have undertaken any such business? Probably not. I apply the same principles involved in this transaction to the case of the christian church of these days in relation to their instrumentality in ignorantly fulfilling the prophecies concerning the last days, when many should run to and fro and knowledge be increased. How do we know but that it was necessary for the christian church in general in our days, to be ignorant or mistaken in their views about the near approach of the end of time, so that, by thinking that the thousand years millenium is to be in time instead of eternity, before the end of probation, instead of after it, and that the great wide world is to be converted etc., they should be induced (from the best of motives of course,) to set in operation those means for enlightening the world, which have been put into operation, and which have effected so much: and do ignorantly or by mistake actually fulfill the prophecy of Daniel about this subject. Whereas, if the present generally prevailing views about the millenium had not overspread the church in these latter days, but on the contrary, all had been looking for the speedy coming of the Lord Jesus to close up the transactions of time, they Would not have been moved to make the efforts which have been made to spread the light over the earth, and to convert the world, and then many would not have run to and fro, and knowledge would not have increased as it has done, and for the plain reason, there would not have been the same inducement to lay the broad foundations and to make the great preparations and efforts, which now have been made to enlighten and to convert the world. Time would have been expected to be too short to accomplish so mighty an object, and the object to be accomplished could not, from the nature of the case, have been so great to human view as it was and is, if there is yet to be more than a thousand years of time, and all on earth for this thousand years are to “know the Lord.” Has not the prophecy of Daniel therefore been fulfilled by reason of the ignorance or mistake of the church, on the subject of the millenium, which prophecies would not have been fulfilled, if the church had remained correct on this point in these last days? HST August 24, 1842, page 163.11

An Infidel’s Proposition


Mr. Editor—A friend of mine is anxious to invest what little money he has in real estate. As the millennium is so near at hand possibly some one may be willing to sell out their land to him at a discount. He is willing to run the chance of its reduction in value, provided he can get it at a rate so far below its real value as to place him in the light of an insurer as well as buyer. He will take a deed now, and take possession on the 6th of April next. HST August 24, 1842, page 163.12

Yours, etc. Ezekiel. HST August 24, 1842, page 163.13

Reply.—How wretchedly blind and void of understanding that man must be, who can deliberately make a proposition like the above with reference to a subject of the solemn nature of that to which he alludes. Does not Ezekiel and every one see that if a man professing belief in the near approach of the second advent of Christ, should enter into a mercenary traffic in houses and lands, and turn speculator in the perishable things of the world, it proves him insincere? If a man sells his property to another. and retains the privilege of holding possession of it till after he believes it will be valueless, it certainly must fix upon him the stamp of both knave and hypocrite, and prove that he regards the making of money of more consequence than the salvation of his soul. Oh why will men ridicule and make light of such momentous matters! “What shall it profit a man though he gain the whole world and lose his own soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Uticanian. HST August 24, 1842, page 163.14



BOSTON, AUGUST 24, 1842.

Tent Meeting, Albany, N. Y.—The first notice we had that our brethren would come to this city with the “TENT,” to hold a Second Advent Meeting, was only five days before the time appointed for the commencement of it. Nearly three days more elapsed before we could secure any ground on which to pitch the tent. Bro. Himes was with us from the day we received the notice of the meeting, and in labors “more abundant” in making arrangements for it. Those among us who had felt the blessedness of the Second Advent Conference, held at the “House of Prayer,” a few weeks before, were heart and hand in the work to have all things in readiness for this “feast of tabernacles.” Notwithstanding the almost constant rain while preparations were making, we were delayed only one service, in commencing at the time appointed. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.1

The great tent was seen, on Wednesday morning, the 10th, high and lifted up, on “Arbor Hill,” just in the rear of the populons part of our city; and hundreds were present at the first assembling, and thousands in the evening of the same day. The numbers increased from day to day till the close. There were probably from four to six thousand present at the largest part of the exercises; and although all the clergy in this city carefully avoided the place, not one of them being present, so far as we know, yet the people, ay, thecommon people,” came out and “heard gladly;” and the impression has been tremendous and glorious. “The sword of the spirit” has slain the proud scoffer, and those who came to mock, many of them, have gone away saying—“We cannot see but these men must be right.” HST August 24, 1842, page 164.2

Oue man came, who had bound himself by the most horrid oath, and accompanied by his wicked companions, with the full determination to tear down the tent and break up the meeting; but the arrows of the Almighty arrested him, as he was within a few feet of the preacher’s stand, and he stood a trembling sinner, and shortly begged of a child of God to pray for him. The next evening he came to the meeting and publicly confessed his diabolical intentions the previous day—and told us how God met him, and his resolution now to devote himself to the Lord. He is now happy in the evidence of sins forgiven, and rejoicing in God with his wife also. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.3

Thousands have evidently been deeply impressed at this meeting; and we cannot doubt but the results will be glorious. Many professors of religion have been aroused; sinners have been brought to Christ, and many are now under conviction of their sinfulness and lost estate, without an interest in Christ; and if thousands are not truly converted to God, in this city, the guilt must rest upon those professed “watchmen,” who, instead of coming up to the help of the Lord, have kept aloof, and are crying, “the end is not yet.” HST August 24, 1842, page 164.4

Many parents, with tears, have said—“pray for my children; many other, from the aged down to the young, have said—“pray for me.” HST August 24, 1842, page 164.5

Our whole city seems to be shaken. This one subject seems to be the all-absorbing topic of conversation among all classes, in the house or in the streets. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.6

We pretend not to number either the converts to Christ, or to the faith of his soon appearing “in the clouds of heaven;” but, we believe there are many to both. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.7

Brother Fitch has preached the largest portion of the sermons. Brother Himes has preached several, talked, exhorted, and explained much, besides his immense labors in constant watchfulness by night and by day, over the whole encampment. He may truly be said to have been abundant in labors. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.8

The last day of our meeting was truly a great day. It was glorious indeed. All sectarian walls seem to have fallen down and apostolical days to have returned; for while here were Christians from all denominations, they seemed to have melted into one mass, and it might truly be said, “See how these Christians love one another.” God grant that the sectarianbeast” may be no more forever. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.9

At the close of the meeting, the following resolution, in substance, was passed by the uplifted hands of thousands, and not one against it among all the thousands present. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.10

“Resolved, That we return thanks to Brs. Himes and Fitch for their self-denying and faithful labors of love among us—for their lucid and forcible exposition of the prophecies, and for their advice that we search the Scriptures.” HST August 24, 1842, page 164.11

The language of many who have attended this meeting is,—“We have obtained more practical knowledge of the Bible, in these few days, than we ever received before in all the preaching we ever heard.” HST August 24, 1842, page 164.12

We praise and adore our God for that grace that has been shown us at this meeting. To God and the Lamb be all the glory forever. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.13

We will here insert the following anonymous letters, to show those who oppose this blessed cause what sort of characters they have to sympathize with them. We give them “verbatim, et literatim.” The first two were addressed to the Mayor of Albany. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.14

first letter


“It is with deep regret that I have to communicate something of deep interest to you and me, you have given permission to a certain set of people to pitch a tent to preach up something that you nor no other candid mind believes: It has been to the destruction of some of my friends, and I am resolved to have revenge, if they are not removed by Monday morning next. Albany, Aug. 13, 1842. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.15

second letter


“I am informed that you have not complyed with my request, if not complyed with to-day, you must look our for your property and your person, I will have revenge on you if it takes ten years to do it, this is the last warning, the catholics have been challenged with this, but they are clear, it is a native citizen and an old inhabitant of Albany, HST August 24, 1842, page 164.16

August 15, 1842.” HST August 24, 1842, page 164.17

It may be seen by the above, that the “beast is” not all in the catholic church. Doubtless many calling themselves protestants, resemble the “beast” as much as “daughters” resemble their “mother.” We cherish no other feelings towards the poor man who wrote these letters, nor any of our enemies, than those of pity and good will. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.18

third letter


“Mr. Himes, your life may be taken away in a sudden and unexpected manner, I would advise you therefore, if you value your own interests, and those of your family to immediately leave this city. Your partners may suffer the same fate with yourself. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.19

Albany, Aug. 15, 1842.

Amidst the “rage” of enemies, God has been as “a wall of fire round about” us and “not a hair of” our “head” has been injured. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.20

We cannot contemplate the loving kindness of our God at this meeting, without calling upon ourselves and all our heavenly Father’s children, to ascribe praise and thanksgiving unto Him who has been our defence and our glory. Hallelujah, amen. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.21

A prayer meeting is to be held every evening in the “House of Prayer,” the Lord willing, till the Son of God shall come in the clouds of heaven: for that “glorious appearing” we are now looking daily, and hope to be found “waiting” for it, as well as “loving” it. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.22

The meeting last evening, at the “House of Prayer,” was truly glorious—many were forward for prayers, and the house was crowded with deeply feeling souls. Nearly every soul in the house covenanted to seek God till they should find him, or Christ shall appear in the clouds of heaven. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.23

C. Morley.
Geo. Storrs.

P. S. We cannot close without recording the loving kindness of God in regard to the weather. While the thunder storms were seen in the distance around us, scarcely a drop of water fell upon our tent during the entire meeting: and God seemed to have held “the wind in his fist” that it blew not to molest our tent, which was peculiarly exposed, being obliged to pitch it upon a hill for the want of any other place. Under this tent we think about six thousand persons might sit and stand, being 120 feet in diameter. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.24

Letter to Moses Stuart


Rev. Moses Stuart:—Dear Sir,—I have read your hints on the interpretation of prophecy. According to your request I have heard you through. Will you please look at Daniel 7:21, 22. “I beheld the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them, until the Aucient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.” HST August 24, 1842, page 164.25

This horn you tell us, is Antiochus Epiphanes. You also show that Scripture has no occult or hidden meaning. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.26

Now, my dear sir, as you are a learned man and I an ignorant one, will you please inform us, from the plain and obvious import of the Scripture language, how it was, or is, or is to be, that Antiochus Epiphanes who died a hundred and sixty-four years before Christ was born, either did, or does, or will make war with the saints and prevail against them, until the Ancient of days comes, and judgment is given to the saints of the Most High, and the time come that the saints possess the kingdom. Yours, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” Charles Fitch. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.27

Albany, Aug. 13, 1842. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.28

Taste of the Learned Editor of the Christian Watchman. By the following extracts from the “Christian Watchman,” of last week, we discovered the exalted taste of its profound Editor. As they are the only quotations he has made, it seems that he seeks for such things, rather than solid truth of which our paper chiefly consists. He dare not touch the arguments from the Bible on the second coming of Christ. But he can as much as in him lies, make us appear ridiculous by extracts from correspondents with which we have no more sympathy than he has. Mr. Crowell is hereby informed, that in the absence of the Editors, one of the articles were printed, and that it is not at all in accordance with our views. One was given by special request, but with reluctance, not considering the reality of the thing, but only, it appeared so to the respected Correspondent. HST August 24, 1842, page 164.29

By this act of Mr. Crowel, We learn, 1. That he is a reader of the “Signs of the Times.” 2. That the great scriptural arguments for our faith, contained in its pages, are of no particular interest to him. 3. That any visionary story, or “little event,” strikes his mind with great force. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.1

If he will publish a few more extracts, we will make a better selection for him. We have something besides visions, and vagaries, and should be glad to introduce them to his readers. Will he permit it? HST August 24, 1842, page 165.2

“The Signs of the Times,”—As set forth by a newspaper of this name, are truly wonderful! Almost every little event that occurs, is represented in that sheet, as having some intimate connexion with the Second Coming of Christ in the year 1843, and some of the adherents of this doctrine, we find by the “Times,” are seeing visions and wonders, by which they are fully persuaded of the truth of their singular opinions. In proof of these remarks, we copy the following articles which lately appeared in the journal to which we allude. The Editor says he does not dispute the reality of these things to the respected brother who saw them! HST August 24, 1842, page 165.3

“In the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, about the middle at June, I saw the sign of a man in the heavens, with a large book in his hand; and the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, that is the sign of the Son of Man, that is to appear in heaven. After that I saw a figure 5, in the heavens; and thus saith the Lord, that figure was caused to be there to let you know that in five years, or something within five years, it would not be more than five years, at the longest, before the Second Coming of the Savior.” HST August 24, 1842, page 165.4

The following paragraphs appeared in the last number of the same periodical:— HST August 24, 1842, page 165.5

“Wild Birds in Boston have made their abode this year, as if man had ceased to be their natural enemy, and the time had really come, when “there shall be none to molest or make afraid.” The barn swallow, the sparrow, the king bird and the robin, have been seen and heard in various parts of the city, attending to their own business, as if at home, on a peaceful country farm, while the domesticated canary bird, and other little songsters, have died off as if by some fatal epidemic. Whether there is any remarkable Providence in this, as indicative of the signs of the times, it is not my purpose to decide. But it is a new thing under the sun. The old inhabitants say they never knew any thing of the kind. The martin birds, which formerly seemed to have more fellowship and to take up their abode with man, died in the cold spring of 1832, ten years ago, since which scarcely one has been seen in this part of the country.” HST August 24, 1842, page 165.6

* * * * * HST August 24, 1842, page 165.7

“We thought the circumstances of these birds more remarkable than the universal decay of the button-wood trees in all parts of the country, which many have noticed.” HST August 24, 1842, page 165.8

“The Day Star.”—This is the title of a new paper, published at Utica, N. Y. edited by Orlando Squires. We should judge from several articles from his pen, that he is thoroughly converted to the Second Advent doctrine, as advocated by us. The “Day Star” does not shine by the light of Judaism, but of a pure Christianity. We cannot commend this little sheet too highly. Let the friends of the cause in that vicinity, do all they can to sustain it. The “Day Star” will be published weekly at one dollar per annum. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.9

The following introductory address of the editor will be read with interest. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.10

To All People.—From the bottom of our heart we pray that every individual into whose hands this paper may come, will not lay it aside until he has given it a careful and candid perusal. Let him read and study the mighty subject upon which it treats as for his life, for most assuredly, it involves consequences of eternal moment to every living man. From the most accurate, candid, and prayerful investigation of the prophecies, it has become the settled and solemn conviction of thousands of the humble, devoted followers of the Lord Jesus, that the time for his second personal advent upon the earth is at the door, and that the only remaining duty for them to perform is to raise the midnight cry, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him!” HST August 24, 1842, page 165.11

Impressed with the solemnity and magnitude of this soul-thrilling question, we have come to the fixed determination, of swelling the cry, and warning men with all earnestness, and prayer, and entreaty, to turn unto the Lord, and prepare to meet him at his coming. It is not fanaticism, it is not the frantic ravings of some poor deluded maniac, whose brain has become crazed with religious frenzy, which has caused the disciples of Jesus to believe that the day of his coming is close at hand. Far otherwise. True, false Christs and false prophets have arisen in times that are past, and have deceived many, according to the predictions of our blessed Lord, who said they would come, and bade his followers, to “go not after them.” But never, as at the present time, have the true and undeniable signs, the incontestible proofs of his speedy approach, been set in startling array before the eyes of the universal world. The prophecies concerning the final consummation of all things, have hitherto remained shut up and sealed, but now the seal is broken, and the servants of the Lord, the “wise,” are permitted to “understand.” Mark the words of the angel in the 12 chap. of Daniel “Go thy way, Daniel, for the words are closed up, and sealed till the time of the end.” This, then, is a satisfactory and plain answer to the question which is often raised, “Why have men never discovered this before? If the destruction of the world has always been a prominent doctrine of the Bible, standing clearly forth upon its pages why has the world been plunging on in darkness until now!—We consider the above a reply which settles the question forever. Because the “words were closed up and scaled, till the TIME OF THE END.” We have now evidently entered the time of the end, and are rapidly approaching the end of time. How vastly important that every soul should awake, buckle on the armor of faith and love, and be prepared for the grand climax in the history of this dark planet where sin sorrow and death have held universal sway for six thousand years. Oh, fellow-men, and brethren, for the sake of all that is dear, which the power of language can express, we beg, we beseech you to open your Bibles, and with prayerful hearts supplicate God to unveil the eyes of your understandings, and search day and night till you are satisfied whether these things are so. We are confident that a thorough investigation must convince the most sceptical that the doctrine which teaches the speedy dissolution of the earth, is one that is most remarkably sustained by the whole current of the word of God. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.12

Amusing.—It is quite amusing to see Editors and Ministers engaged in manufacturing arguments against believers in the Second Advent. Among the most weighty, of the late productions, we copy the following from a newspaper, which was discovered, and given to the public by a Presbyterian minister in Albany N. Y. from the sacred desk. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.13

A Good Joke.—The Millerites are prophesying that the end of the world is to be in April, 1843, and yet at the same time in this month of August, 1842, they are taking subscriptions for a newspaper, far one year in advance. Not bad that. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.14

(1.) We prophesy no such thing! HST August 24, 1842, page 165.15

(2.) We publish a volume in six months, and take pay for that term in advance, when we can get it. But many sabscriptions we never get at all. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.16

What tremendous arguments the editors and ministers do bring against the truth of the Second Advent Doctrine. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.17

Several Communications designed for this Number are laid over. They will appear in our next. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.18

Canaan, Pa.—We should be glad to visit this place, or send some good Lecturer, agreeably to the earnest request of sister Lee. But it will be impracticable at present. The Lord reward our friend for the present to the cause. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.19



Messrs Editors:—As Literalists, our attention has been called to an article in the last No. of the “Signs of the Times” from Mr. H. Jones of New York, in which he gives, as he says, a synopsis of our views as taken from our own lips. As to the Synopsis itself, we have nothing to say, only that it is an opponent’s misrepresentation or wilful perversion of our views. As to our having consented to it, or revising it, we never saw the article in its present form until we saw it in print, and therefore the statement in this respect is not correct. Some eighteen months ago, a brother opposed to our views, did request one of our number to give him a brief opinion entertained on the millennium, which he said he would write down for his own private satisfaction, and which he read publicly at the next meeting of our Bible class, but the language and sentiments were so perverted that we objected to them on the spot. Part of the synopsis given by Mr. Jones no doubt is a revision of this same paper. But we did give our views in writing at the next meeting, and read them, and they might have been obtained with our signature, for which purpose they were copied and offered to the brethren that have furnished Mr. Jones with his synopsis. All the particulars of this unheard of mode of manufacturing creeds or obtaining a synopsis of the views of one differing in belief, will not be given now, but will be reserved for those more immediately concerned. As to our views we will give them freely, allowing that the word of God is infallible, but we fallible, and if we find that we are wrong, confess our sins and give up error and unbelief for the truth. Yours, in the love of truth, E. K. Baxter For the Literalists in Boston. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.20

Second Advent Camp Meeting


at taunton, mass. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.21

There will be a Second Advent Camp-Meeting, to continue one week, commencing September 6th, in Taunton, Mass. on the land owned by Mr. Myrick, near Myrick’s depot, on the Taunton and New Bedford railroad, six miles from Taunton Green, twelve from New Bedford, three from Assonet Village, and twenty from Plymouth, on the main road from Plymouth to Fall River, in a beautiful grove fitted for the cccasion. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.22

The object of this meeting is not discussion, but to give the Midnight Cry—to present the truth plainly and strongly to those who wish to hear, on the subject of the Second Coming of Christ at hand, and to wake up the sleeping churches and ministry to the important subject and work of sanctification, and preparation to meet the Lord, without distinction of parties or denominations. We hope, therefore, that all of every name, and order, who love the Lord’s appearing, will come up to this great feast of tabernacles. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.23

The kind and gentlemanly superintendent of the Taunton and New Bedford railroad, has contracted to carry those, who attend the meeting, from Boston and back at $1,25 cents; from Providence and back $1; from New Bedford and back 75 cts; from Taunton and back 25 cts; from Mansfield and back 75 cts. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.24

All who can, are requested to provide themselves with tents and provisions. Those who cannot thus provide themselves, can be accommodated at the boarding tent at $2 per week for board and lodging. HST August 24, 1842, page 165.25

Taunton, Aug. 9th, 1842.
HST August 24, 1842, page 165.26

Prophecy and the Second Advent


For sometime past, Rev. Mr. Fitch and others have been lecturing on these subjects in our city. Many hundreds of persons were in constant and for the most part serious attendance on Mr. Fitch’s lectures, and a number of the members of different churches have adopted the views advocated by him and technically known by the term of Millerism. We object, by the way, to this appellation, since those who embrace the doctrine of the speedy second coming of our Lord to judgment, do not necessarily, nor as a matter of fact agree in other doctrinal views or in ecclesiastical practices. Without stopping however to dwell on a minor point, we proceed to say that the present aspect of the Second Adent discussion, seems to justify the following remarks: HST August 24, 1842, page 166.1

To those who for conciseness may be designated as Second Advent Believers, we think that advice similar to what was contained in our last number may well be given. We are also of opinion that they should be exhorted not to suffer ridicule or opposition merely, or the pride of consistency, to confirm them in interpretations, whose novelty, plausibility, and serious bearings, might prevail over even sound minds. Conclusions, on questions in morals, to which we have come after careful investigation, we can more safely trust, even when they run contrary to the prevailing belief, than those on the abstruse and difficult subject of prophecy. Let all such, therefore, as have been disposed to favor the view of Messrs. Miller, Fitch, etc. while they endeavor to derive from it practical benefit to their hearts and lives, keep their minds also open to conviction as to its error. HST August 24, 1842, page 166.2

To opposers of the doctrine we would say, the subject is one in its nature, and in its present attitude especially, not to be treated with ridicule. HST August 24, 1842, page 166.3

Doubtless the numbers of those who have imbibed the sentiments in question, are greatly exaggerated in the article which we have copied from a Boston paper. Still they must amount to thousands, and an untiring zeal is very naturally manifested to make converts to the theory. Let then all persons, and ministers in particular, improve the occasion for obtaining more definite views of the subject. For this the new work of Prof. Stuart, noticed by us last week, will doubtless be a valuable help. But even here it may be retorted, “Who shall decide when Doctors disagree?” for Prof. Bush, as would appear from the strictures of the New York Evangelist, holds opinions which the Andover Rabbi would hardly be ready to endorse. Common sense principles of interpretation and prayer for the teachings of the Spirit must be our final appeal. Above all, let those of every shade of opinion, keep in mind that as respects ourselves, our neighbors and our friends individually, the Judge may be standing before the door. May each of us prove to be in readiness for the midnight cry, whenever it is uttered, Behold he cometh!—Conn. Obs. HST August 24, 1842, page 166.4

Letter from T. F. Morley


Brother Himes, Sir:—A late number of the Olive Branch, a professed religious paper edited by the Rev. T. F. Norris of Boston, fell under my observation, in which Mr. Miller and his associates are denounced as imposters, deceivers and promoters of infidelity. I was surprised at these malicious slanders, steeped with venom from the pit; but on learning the character of this paper, I ceased to wonder. It contains a strange medley of popular and man made religion, blackguardism, silly love stories, popular tales, etc. etc., which suit the infidel and unsanctified heart, and in his denunciations of Mr. Miller, the scoffing infidel, atheist, and worldly-minded professor of religion says amen, and it is a true maxim that a man is known by the company that he keeps; hence, Mr. Norris, and the infidel, atheist, and scoffer, belong to one brotherhood; notwithstanding his black coat, he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. HST August 24, 1842, page 166.5

He wrests the Scripture to prove that it is right to publish novels and love stories and thus “steals the livery of heaven to serve the devil in.” HST August 24, 1842, page 166.6

Fictitious works have a powerful influence to corrupt the minds of their readers. Two sisters at the South would weep for hours over fictitious suffering depicted in the silly novel, and directly after, would delight in torturing a female slave of the family. Theatres are patronized only by novel readers. Fictitious works are the favorite books of the worst members of the community. The only books found in Helen Jewett’s room after she was murdered, as supposed, by her paramour, were the popular novels of the day. The counterfeitor Burrows stated that novels first cause him to begin his vicious course. An atheist of this city stated that his present unbelief was induced by novels, he has no taste for any other. HST August 24, 1842, page 166.7

The managers of the Sabbath School Union, discovered to their astonishment, that their religious novels were rapidly making infidels of even Sabbath School children, and discontinued the publication of such works. Said a little boy eight years old, “I don’t believe the Bible is true, because my Sabbath school books are not true.” HST August 24, 1842, page 166.8

Novel readers have no taste for reading the Bible or any other useful book; and in proportion as a taste for novel reading has increased in the same proportion has vice and infidelity increased; and probably fictitious writings will cause the loss of more souls than almost all other causes united. No wonder then that the Rev. Mr. Norris disbelieves the Bible, and he is doing more to ruin souls than hosts of men like Abner Kneeland. And I would suggest that we whom he denounces because we believe the Bible, set apart a day of fasting and prayer in his behalf, that God would convert him if he has not passed his day of grace; but if he has sinned unto death, that God would remove this Achan out of the camp, so that he can no longer lead the young and others to hell. Unless he speedily repents, oh, what a fearful account will this graceless minister have to give at the bar of God! HST August 24, 1842, page 166.9

Albany, Aug. 13, 1842.

Mobs, Riots, Rebellion and Violence


Have never been known in this country to the extent which they have been witnessed within oue or two years past, and especially the present year. How far this spirit of violence may be considered portentous of the final overthrow and destruction of a world of wickedness, by a justly offended God, every one of course will be left to form his own opinion. HST August 24, 1842, page 166.10

In Mississippi, mobs have taken the place of the constituted authority in some instances, and murders have been numerous and frequent Sometimes one neighborhood or party has met, and then the strongest party has murdered the weakest, and burned, plundered, and carried off their property unmolested. HST August 24, 1842, page 166.11

In Philadelphia the general riot, which recently occurred, was a foul blot on that city. HST August 24, 1842, page 166.12

In Cincinnati, more recently, the same kind of violence was manifested, though directed against a different object, and in both cities these outbreaks are only repetitions of former ones. HST August 24, 1842, page 166.13

In the Ohio Legislature, a large portion of the members of one of the political parties, have recently, and all at once, resigned their seats, during the sitting of the legislature, and left less than enough to form a quorum for doing business, and without the power in those that remain, either to proceed in business or to adjourn. HST August 24, 1842, page 166.14

In Rhode Island, the insurrection has been more general, more formal and formidable, and according to present appearances, is not yet over, a murmuring undertone is heard from various quarters, portending a renewal of hostilities in some new shape, as soon as an opportunity shall offer. HST August 24, 1842, page 166.15

In Congress at the very seat of our government, and among the law-makers, the aspect of affairs, is but little, if any more amicable. Threats of violence, challenges, and resolutions of censure, and impeachment, and personal abuse, are the order of the day; while sects and churches are every where at war among themselves. How long will this state of things last? Are they indicative of a millennium on earth? Or are they forerunners of destruction? Are they in fulfillment of prophecy? Let those who are able, answer. D. HST August 24, 1842, page 166.16



From the Olive Branch.

Boston Museum.—We have just been in to see the “invisible”—now don’t call this a bull, for St. Paul says, “seeing Him who is invisible,” and “look on things which are not seen,”—but as we were saying, we went into see the Invisible Lady. She is concealed in a globe, of not more than a foot in diameter, from which she converses with any one who is disposed to propose questions to her. She will sing or perform on various instruments of music, agreeably to the wishes of the visitors. There appears to be no means of communication between the visitor and any invisible person, unless that person is in the globe, and indeed the sound evidently proceeds from the globe. But whether any person is actually in it, is a question. At any rate it is an ingenious affair, and well worth a visit, to the curious. HST August 24, 1842, page 166.17

Signor Blitz is still astonishing the citizens with his truly wonderful performances in the Museum. Detect him if you can. * HST August 24, 1842, page 166.18

[Stephen Lovell.] HST August 24, 1842, page 166.19

A professed minister of Jesus Christ!! Eds. HST August 24, 1842, page 166.20

Startling Thought.—Suppose the next mail from the east were to bring us intelligence headed in glaring capitals “The city of New York is no more!” and should then proceed to state, “Last evening a raging fire broke out in the heart of the city, and spread with such fearful rapidity that it was utterly fruitless to attempt checking its progress, and this morning, our once fair and lovely city is one dismal heap of black and smouldering ruins!” What it a thrilling sensation it would produce! What a mountain of sadness would weigh down every heart! But did the reader never reflect that not only the city of New York, but every other city, town, and village upon the face of the earth will, in a very short time, together with all their ungodly inhabitants, be utterly destroyed! The fire of God is coming on the earth, and itself, with all “the works that are therein shall be burnt up!” The foundations of the mighty globe shall tremble to their centre! The continents shall disappear, “the elements shall melt with fervent heat,” and all the wicked upon the face of the whole earth shall become ashes! Reader, this is no fancy sketch. The irrevocable word of the living God hath proclaimed it, and it must be fulfilled; but the most startling feature in the whole is, that it is NEAR! IT DRAWETH NIGH!! HST August 24, 1842, page 166.21

Uticanian. HST August 24, 1842, page 167.1

The English Churches Awaking.—Christians in the Establishment, and in the various dissenting churches in England, Scotland and Ireland, are now aroused beyond any former example. The American churches, not aware of this glorious fact, are slumbering on, enchanted by the syren song of the nineteenth century, that the world is to be converted through the present system of instrumentalities. Well, the symbolical virgins have but a few moments longer to “slumber and sleep.” The “midnight cry” has come forth across the mighty waters, and will soon penetrate the ears of those whose “lamps have gone out.” With vast multitudes it will be too late for the marriage preparation of the lamb.—American Millenarian. HST August 24, 1842, page 167.2

The Bible vs. Infidelity.—Notwithstanding the prevalence and rapid increase of infidelity, the Bible is also multiplied in an unprecedented ratio, probably to bear its last testimony against an ungodly world. During the last winter, the shelves of the book stores in Boston were unusually drained of Bibles, long before the spring sales.—We were told by a bookseller, on his return from the trade sales at New York and Philadelphia, that ten thousand copies of the Bible were purchased for the supply of Boston alone, in addition to the quantities manufactured.—Ibid. HST August 24, 1842, page 167.3

“My Lord Delayeth His Coming


Bro. Himes:—The above passage needs no explanation to those who are looking for the advent of their Lord, and who hope to share in the glory of his kingdom. But to others it may need a few comments. My heart was pained on reading an article in a recent number of the Olive Branch, the writer of which may turn to the 24th chapter of Matthew and read the following declaration of our Savior—“And if that evil servant shall say in his heart, my Lord delayeth his coming, and shall begin to smite his fellow servants and to eat and to drink with the drunken, the Lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” HST August 24, 1842, page 167.4

Probably the writer of the article referred to, was not aware that he was not only saying “My Lord delayeth his coming,” but also, smiling the servants of Jesus with a vengeance. In the spirit of Christ we will kneel down before God and pray for him—if possible we will love our enemies, “bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you, that ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven.” Such talk as that article contains, must be repugnant to the feelings of every Christian, and I should judge to the feelings of every subscriber to the Olive Branch. It is professedly a family paper,—and I ask what parents would wish to have their children read such an article.—May the Lord forgive the writer and lead him to prepare for the day of the Lord. It is better to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.” Yours, H. Lynn, Aug. 17, 1842. HST August 24, 1842, page 167.5

Our Opponent’s Arrguments


In a pamphlet recently published in this city, the object of which is to prove that Christ’s Second Coming is not at hand, the writer shows his dishonesty in misquoting Daniel 8:13, thus, “How long shall be the vision concerning the taking away of the daily sacrifice and the transgression of desolation.” The true reading is thus, “How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?” He attempts to prove that the 1290, 1335, and 2300 days of Daniel’s vision are literal days, and apply to Antiochus. He admits that 360 days were reckoned for a year. He says, page 5th, 1290 days are three years and 195days; here again he has misstated, 1290 days are three years and 210 days, as you will perceive, by dividing 1290 by 360, hence this part of his argument is destroyed; for the event to which he refers, according to his own statement, was accomplished in three years and 195 days; but 1290 days are three years and 210 days, 15 days too many; then he applies the 1335 days to another event, accomplished in Antiochus six weeks after; here he fails again, six weeks are 42 days, 1290 from 1335 leaves 45, three days too many. His next blunder is more glaring. He says, “the time which elapsed between the pillaging of Jerusalem to the death of Antiochus, was 2300 days, or six years and 210 days. From March 20th, 170 B. C. to July 27th, 164 B. C. the day of Antiochus’s death, was 2300 days, or six years and 210 days, fulfilling to a day the time specified by the angel.” Divide 2300 by 360, and 6 is the quotient, and 140 remains, i. e. 6 years and 140 days—take 140 from 210, and 70 remains, so that instead of the 2300 days being fulfilled to a day, 70 days are lacking. HST August 24, 1842, page 167.6

In the 1290, and 1335 days, they were too large to suit his purpose, so he clipped them; but the 2300 are deficient by 70 days to answer his object, so he adds them and makes 2370 days, and calls them only 2300, therefore the writer who signs himself Antifanatic, is either a great blunderer or a hypocrite, otherwise he would have told the truth. But furthermore, this power that the writer applies to Antiochus was to magify himself even to the prince of the host; who is the prince of the host? Certainly none other than Christ. But Antiochus died 164 years before Christ was born; so that it could not be applied to him. HST August 24, 1842, page 167.7

It was the little horn, i. e. Pagan and Papal Rome that performed what the writer of the pamphlet applies to Antiochus. HST August 24, 1842, page 167.8

Since the commencement of the tent-meeting on Arbor Hill, a hand-bill was published against what the writer calls Millerism, and signs himself Truth. His first objection is, “that there is no authority in scripture to interpret the 2300 days as years.” If he will read the 4th chapter of Ezekiel he will find that God directed His prophets to reckon a day for a year. Again says the writer, “nor to count them from 457 B. C. or any other state, neither are the 490 a part of the 2300.” HST August 24, 1842, page 167.9

The angel sent to explain the vision to Daniel says, “Understand, O son of man; for at the time of the end shall be the vision,” i. e. the time to begin to reckon the 2300 days is at the time of the end. End of what? Daniel 8:19. “I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation.” HST August 24, 1842, page 167.10

What is the indignation? Zechariah 1:12. “O Lord of hosts, how long wilt thou not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah, against which thou hast indignation these three score and ten years,” Hence indignation here is God’s judgments on the Jews for their sins, as the 70 years captivity. The 15th verse states when this indignation will end. “Therefore saith the Lord, I am returned to Jerusalem with mercies,” etc. HST August 24, 1842, page 167.11

When did God return to Jerusalem with mercies? At the time His judgments on the Jews ceased, and the nations were restrained from harrassing them, and this was when the commandment went forth to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, which had lain waste as a token of God’s indignation for a long period, this was 457 years before Christ, the time that seventy weeks began. The 2300 days were the morning vision; the seventy weeks the evening vision. In Daniel 8:26, we read thus, “And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true,” here Gabriel connects the two visions as one, i. e. the evening vision of the seventy weeks is a part of the 2300 days or grand vision. The 2300 days should be translated evening mornings; hence the language itself proves their connection, and Professors Bush and Seixas say that the word determined in Daniel’s 70 weeks should be translated cut off.” HST August 24, 1842, page 167.12

There is no other number from which to cut them off than the 2300, so that it is demonstrated as clearly as that 2 and 2 make 4, that the visions are one and commence at the same time. HST August 24, 1842, page 167.13

But “the fatal one” says the writer, “is an error of 25 years; because we reckon 365 to the year, while the prophets called 360 days a year; hence the 3300 years, beginning 457. years before Christ would have ended in 1818, making a difference of twenty-five years; but the writer only exposes his ignorance; for the Jews at the close of every third year, intercalated or added an additional month to make up the deficiency, just as we add an additional day once in four years; so that every third year began on the 21st of March or the vernal equinox; hence, instead of twenty-five years being lost, not a single week has been lost; so much for the attempts against the truth. Say some of the clergymen and others, if Miller’s theory is right, why do not our D. D’s and learned men embrace it? For the same reason that the D. Ds and learned men, did not embrace Christ when He was on earth. Christ chose poor fishermen for his apostles. He took the weak things of the world to confound the wise; as it was then, it is so now. HST August 24, 1842, page 167.14

Some of our D. D’s eyes are so cased by the thick mists of popularity, and the love of being called of men rabbi, rabbi, that they oxclaim it is all “moonshine,” they said the same about temperance when it was unpopular; but if they would humble themselves as a little child at the feet of Jesus and learn of Him, they would see that it is all sunshine, and that this light proceeds from the great moral sun of the universe. Others again say, “we know nothing about the subject, neither do we wish to know.” By their own testimony they are willingly ignorant, and are themselves a sign of the last times. “Few receive this doctrine, the mass reject it.” This is another sign, Says Christ, “when the Son of man cometh shall He find faith on the earth?” Hence, we expect but few to receive it. “Our ministers cannot all be wrong.” The Scribes, Pharisees, and the mass of all the Jewish clergy were wrong; while the Galilean fishermen whom they despised were right; so it is now; for they rely on fables, we on the Bible. “The day and hour no man knoweth, therefore we can know nothing about it.” Should we have a friend in New Orleans, and he should write that he should set out on such a day to return home, if we should say because we cannot tell the hour, or day on which he would arrive, that we can know nothing about it, the whole community would justly call us fools. How absurd then this objection. But Christ did not say that no one should not know in future; all He stated was at that time no one knew the day or hour. But we are told expressly by Daniel that at the time of the end, when the seal was to be broken, “that the wise shall understand; but the wicked shall not understand;” therefore if you, reader, cannot understand, you are of the wicked, and will sink to hell, unless you repent. Paul has told us, in 1 Thessalonians 5:4. that christians shall know. “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” Said a young lady, “I don’t believe that Christ will come next year, because I do not wish Him to come then.” Ah, that is the secret of all opposition, to Christ’s Coming at hand; but few however are as candid as that young lady. HST August 24, 1842, page 167.15

The universalist feels that he is guilty and deserves hell; therefore he wishes that there may be no hell, so he tries to persuade himself there is none. The opposers of Christ’s coming near, feel conscious that they are unprepared for Christ’s coming, and would be destroyed, if He found them as they are; therefore they oppose it. If they were christians, real christians, they would rejoice to have Him come speedily, and the apostle describes christians as loving Christ’s appearing. But, sinner, your opposition will not defer His coming, any more than the opposers of the flood hindered it. Prepare now to meet your God, or you will be lost forever. C. Morley. Albany, Aug. 5th, 1842. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.1

The Entreaty


See the Judge descending, descending,
See the Judge descending, in that great day;
So come poor sinner, you can’t stand his ire,
Before that hour, haste thee away.
HST August 24, 1842, page 168.2

Backsliders are a trembling, a trembling,
Backsliders are a trembling, in this our day;
So come poor sinner, the tempests lower,
From that dread hour, oh haste away.
HST August 24, 1842, page 168.3

The wicked are a scoffing, a scoffing,
The wicked are a scoffing in this our day;
But come poor sinner, before God’s power
In one dread hour, takes thee away.
HST August 24, 1842, page 168.4

Poor sinners are a coming, a coming,
Poor sinners are a coming, in this our day;
Come thou, oh sinner, within the tower,
In this good hour, oh don’t delay.
HST August 24, 1842, page 168.5

Christians are rejoicing, rejoicing,
Christians are rejoicing, in this our day;
They know their Savior, to Eden’s bower,
In this glad hour, calls them away.
HST August 24, 1842, page 168.6

Angels are a shouting, a shouting,
Angels are a shouting, in this our day;
To hear the sinner, for Christ inquire,
With true desire, to learn the way.
HST August 24, 1842, page 168.7

Converts are a praising, a praising,
Converts are a praising in this our day;
That blessed Savior, who in this hour,
From Satan’s power, draws them away.
HST August 24, 1842, page 168.8

The world will be a burning, a burning,
The world will be a burning in that great day;
And that poor sinner, who in this hour
Of saving power, hastes not away.
HST August 24, 1842, page 168.9

You had better plead for mercy, for mercy,
You had better plead for mercy, in this your day
Plead now, oh sinner, with all your power,
‘Tis mercy’s hour; make no delay.
HST August 24, 1842, page 168.10

The bride she is a calling, a calling,
The bride she is a calling, in this our day;
She calls you sinner, with all her power,
In this blest hour, oh come away.
HST August 24, 1842, page 168.11

You had better be repenting, repenting,
You had better be repenting, in this your day;
Repent oh sinner, for know the hour,
Of saving power, flies swift away.
HST August 24, 1842, page 168.12

The Savior is a coming, a coming,
The Savior is a coming, in this our day;
O come in glory, we’ll fall before thee,
We’ll all adore thee through endless day.
HST August 24, 1842, page 168.13

Second Advent Camp-Meeting


at chicopee, mass.

This meeting will commence on Thursday, 25th of August inst. Arrangements have been made for securing the land, and also board and lodging of suitable quality, at a fair price, provided for a company from 250 to 1000, to be had upon the ground. The village near will also accommodate probably all those who may attend. All persons coming on the rail-road will be accommodated with a conveyance, from the temporary depot errected near the camp-ground, at 12 1-2 cents. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.14

The Committee feel confident that all persons coming from the neighboring towns or from a distance will be as well accommodated, as at any similar meeting heretofore held. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.15

M. PENDLETON, Committee.
Chicopee Falls, Aug. 5, 1842.
HST August 24, 1842, page 168.16

A Second Advent Camp-meeting will be held at Upper Gilmanton, N, H


Providence permitting, to commence Aug. 25, at 5 o’clock P.M. on the farm of Mr. Matthias Kimball, about one mile north of the factory village. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.17

The meeting will be held in a pleasant grove which has been laid out for the accommodation of about 40 tents. It will be continued about one week. The adjoining land has been secured so that no person will be allowed to set up victualing, or other stands, without the approbation of the Committee of arrangements. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.18

Provision has also been made to accommodate visitors, who may not provide for themselves, with board and horse-keeping at a reasonable price on the ground. And all who love the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ are respectfully invited to be present, and participate in the exercises of the meeting. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.19

All our friends who can, are requested to prepare themselves with TENTS, and to have them on the ground before the hour for commencing services. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.20

T. Cole,
A Hale, General Com.

Second Advent Conferences


and lectures on the second coming of christ

Br. Calvin French will give a course of lectures at the following places, at each of which a Conference of believers in the personal appearing of our lord jesus christ will be held, to continue four or more days. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.21

1. At Stillwater, N. Y. Saratoga Co. in the West Baptist Meeting House on Monday, Aug. 29th, at 10 o’clock A. M. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.22

2. With elder Isaac Wescotts Society in Still-water, on Monday, Sept. 5th, at 10 o’clock A.M. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.23

Lectures will commence at the last two places on Saturday eve. previons, at 7 o’clock. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.24

N. B. ALL in the regions where our Conferences are held who love the appearing of our Lord, are invited to attend. Aug 24, 1842. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.25

Second Advent Camp-Meeting


AT CASTINE, ME. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.26

There will be a Second Advent camp-meeting at Castine, Me. Providence permitting, to commence Tuesday, Sept. 6th, on the farm of Mr. Charles Perkins. The steam boats will leave passengers within about three miles of the meeting. Brother A. Bridges of Newport superintends the arrangements. There will be Second Advent Conferences held at the following places as follows, viz; at Prospect, Me. Sept. 14. At Atkinson, Me. Sept. 21st. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.27

A. Bridges,
J. Daman,
S. H. Horne,
A. Hale,
Y. Higgins,
J. W. Atkins,
J. Hamilton, Com.
HST August 24, 1842, page 168.28



We are requested by a large committee, from Exeter and vicinity, to give notice that the General Meeting and Conference, at Exeter, Me., will be turned into a Campmeeting, to begin the 28th of September. The grove prepared for the meeting is on the farm of Mr. John Lethens, near Capt. Dole’s farm, in the neighborhood of Kendrick’s Mills. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.29

The “Christian Herald,” and “Morning Star,” will please copy, by request of Committee. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.30



Received up to Aug. 20th. From P. M. East Braintree, Vt. North Granville, N.Y. Salisbury, N. H. Greenfield, Ms. Colchester, Vt. Mattapoisette, Ms. Manchester, N. H. Goodwin’s Mills, Me. Harvard, Mass. Troy, Me. New Castle, Me. Reading, Ms. New York City, Marshfield, Vt. Middlebury, Ohio, Sennett, N. Y. Bloomfield, Ct. New Bedford, Mass. Hampden, Ct. Hudson, N. H. North New Salem, Mass. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.31

From Israel Taft, Isaac Bliss, D. W. Goodenough, Henry W. Cutler, Ephraim Walker, P. R. Sayer, T. M. Preble, Calvin T. Bassett, Rhoda S. Robinson, Moses Cheney, W. Thayer, D. Burgess, M. Satford, R. P. Russell, Benj. F. Batchelder, G. Stores, Lewis Calkins, John Shaw. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.32

Books Sent


One bundle to W. B. Start, Bangor, Me. One bundle to D. Burgess, Hartford, Ct. via Springfield, Mass. One to Benj. F. Bachelder, Hampton Depot, N. H. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.33



At No. 67 Green St., rear of the Baptist Meeting House, by Miss MILES. All works on the Second Advent constantly on hand. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.34



Money paid out for tent and fixtures, etc$615,34
Money received by subscriptions, etc.$374,34
Amount due the Committee,$241,00

The friends who have subscribed for the tent are requested to hand in their subscriptions as soon as convenient. E. HALE, Jr. for Com. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.35

Signs of the Times


Is published weekly, at No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, by JOSHUA V. HIMES, to whom all letters and communications must be addressed. HST August 24, 1842, page 168.36

Terms,—One Dollar per Volume of 24 Nos. (6 months)
dow & jackson, printers.
HST August 24, 1842, page 168.37