Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 3

April 13, 1842

Vol. III.—No. 2. Boston, Whole No. 50

Joshua V. Himes & Josiah Litch, Editors. Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston


Letter from Rev. James Sabine


Messrs. Editors,—Having in my possession some works, on the Second Coming of our Lord, which are scarcely known in this country, I have thought of making a few selections from them, with a view to present them before the public through the medium of your paper: and should this my offering be acceptable, I shall begin with a section 01 two from the famous work of Juan Josafat Ben Ezra, entitled, The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty: translated from the Spanish by Irving, 1827. It seems “that the name of Josafat, Ben Ezra was taken for a covert or disguise, and that the true name of the author of the Spanish work was Lacunza, a Jesuit.”—The said name of Juan Josafat Ben Ezra was assumed as purporting it to have been written by a converted Jew; the Jesuit hardly daring to write such a work and in such a strain, too, in his own name, being such a visible and powerful member of the Romish Church. These circumstances taken into consideration, your Readers will be prepared for what, without this information, would appear to be rather a strange mixture, Judaism, perhaps, and Romanism combined after their peculiar manner to set forth the glorious appearing and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. What adds interest to this work, among other things, is that it was written half a century back, a time in which the hope of our Lord’s speedy approach was exceedingly dim This work, whether by Jew or Jesuit, is of great merit, and while it maintains the literal gathering of the House of Israel and their restoration to the promised land, it as literally sets forth the personal and spiritual reign of the Lord Messiah, as it can be by any writers of the present day. And permit me to say, my dear Editors, that I think you express yourselves, sometimes, a little too positively, and more than a little too sarcastically on the subject of “Israel after the flesh,” or carnal Israel, as you seem reproachfully to call them. Moderation and mild terms are very becoming, when treating on subjects held in different lights by wise and good and moderate men. A word to the wise is enough, and if that one word have been more than enough, you will look over the offensive obtrusion, and pass it to the credit of my promise to be more cautious for the future; nevertheless, sirs, I must be permitted to show cause why and wherefore I expect, and believe it shall be to the “Whole House of Israel, even as God hath said!” The subjects I propose to select from the above work are the following:—The very day of the coming of the Lord, according to the Scriptures:—A General Idea of the Judgment of Christ, according to the a Scriptures:—The New Heavens and the New Earth:—Conjectures upon these New Heavens and New Earth. With some others, perhaps, if desirable. Yours in the glorious Hope. HST April 13, 1842, page 9.1

James Sabine.
Bethel, Vt. March 31, 1842.

extract from ben ezra


1 The very day of the coming of the Lord, according to the Scriptures. HST April 13, 1842, page 9.2

This day is called in the Scriptures, “the great and terrible day.” Malachi 4. It is called, “the day of the tumult of the Lord, the day of his wrath and fierce anger.” Isaiah 13. and 34. It is called, “the day of Midian,” in allusion to the famous battle of Gideon. Isaiah 9:4 and 10:33. It is called, “a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, a day of the trumpet and alarm.” Zephaniah 1:15, 16. It is called, “a great day, so that none is like it,” Jeremiah 30:7. It is called, “a day coming at unawares;” which day “as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.” Luke 21:35. It is called, “the great day of his wrath.” Revelation 6:17. That is, of the wrath of God Almighty and of the Lamb: and in fine, for shortness, it is called, “the day of the Lord.” HST April 13, 1842, page 9.3

The times and seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power,” being then concluded, the whole orb of the earth and the church itself, with the exception of some individual few, being “as it was in the days of Noah,” Matthew 24:38, and as it came to pass in the days of Lot. Luke 17:28. That day shall come at length, so much spoken of in all the prophets and evangelists, and in the writings of the apostles, and more expressly and With the most individual notices and circumstances in the last canonical prophecy, which is the apocalypse of St. John; I say, the man-God will return from heaven to earth, manifest himself in his proper person, with all his majesty and glory, lovely and desirable to a few, terrible and wonderful in respect to the many. “And they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” Matthew 24:30. “Behold he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” Revelation 1:7. This glorious coming of the Lord Jesus is a divine truth, as essential and fundamental in Christianity as is his first coming in suffering flesh. They say that this coming shall not happen till the end of the world, when there shall be no longer in it all one living man, every thing being consumed by fire, and the universal resurrection having succeeded: but if the Holy Scripture saith most frequently, and evidently supposeth, quite the contrary;—which ought we to believe? HST April 13, 1842, page 9.4

This great day, which heaven and earth expect with the greatest longings, being arrived, “the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16. Then, at his coming from heaven to earth, (and, as I figure it to myself,) at the very moment of his touching the atmosphere of our globe, there shall happen in it, in the first place, the resurrection of all those saints “who shall be counted worthy of that age and of the resurrection from the dead;” Luke 20:35, of whom St. Paul says, (continuing the passage above quoted,) “and the dead in Christ shall rise first.” In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, this first resurrection of the saints of the first order having taken place, the few worthy of that name who shall still he found alive upon the earth, for their uncorrupted faith and righteousness, shall be caught up along with the dead saints who are just raised, and shall ascend along with them “to meet the Lord in the air.” All this is most clear and of the most easy comprehension, as hath been before observed. HST April 13, 1842, page 9.5

Things being then in this state, and the Lord having nothing in the whole orb of the earth to contemplate, save only a certain solitary woman, who is deploring in the desert her past blindness and iniquities, and whom he shall save in that day, according to his promises, (though for this end some great miracles will be necessary,) then shall forthwith begin to be accomplished over this orb of the earth all those great and horrible things which are announced for that day: all which, to shun prolixity, I comprehend in those few words of the most elegant of all the prophets, of whom it is said in the Ecclesiasticus, that “he saw by an excellent spirit what should come to pass at the last, and he comforted them that mourned in Zion.” Ecclesiasticus 68:24. “Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitants of the earth. And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shalt fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst or the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake. The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it, and it shall fall and not rise again.” Isaiah 24:17-20. HST April 13, 1842, page 9.6

Then, in this confusion of all which existeth upon the surface of our globe, in this commotion and agitation, in this obscurity and darkness, in this fear and trembling, in this raining down of those beams of fire which the gospel calleth stars, as is said in the book of Wisdom, “then shall the right aiming thunderbolts go abroad; and from the clouds, as from a well drawn bow, shall they fly to the mark:” Wis. v. 21. HST April 13, 1842, page 9.7

There is no doubt that the greater part of the human race shall perish; those in the first place, who had in any way gathered themselves together under the fourth beast of Daniel, or pertained to the two beasts of the 13th chapter of the Apocalypse. Of these, I hold it for certain that not one shall remain alive: for thus I see it expressed in both prophecies: “And I beheld,” says Daniel of the fourth beast, “till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame.” Daniel 7:2. These both, saith John of his two beasts, “were cast into a lake of fire, burning with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth:” Revelation 19:20, 21, which I find in a thousand ways confirmed in the prophecies and in the Psalms, as hath been said. HST April 13, 1842, page 9.8

But although I hold it to be certain, that of this class of people there shall not one single individual be left alive; so in the same manner and with the same foundation, it appeareth to me certain that there shall remain alive many individuals, not only of those who shall pertain to true Christianity, (as are those who go in the clouds to meet Christ, and those who shall compose the solitary woman,) but likewise of those pertaining to the three first beasts, and who have not joined themselves to the congregation of the fourth, as I have said and once proved before; which company of the living compared with the dead, shall yet be very few. Accordingly we read expressly in the same 24th chapter of Isaiah, at the 13th verse: “When thus it shall be in the midst of the land among the people, these shall be as the shaking of an olive tree, and as the gleaning grapes when the vintage is done. They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of the Lord, they shall cry aloud.” Isaiah 24:13, 14. In the 14th chapter of the Apocalypse, at the 19th verse, this metaphorical vintage is spoken of in a way capable of making the boldest tremble. “And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great wine-press of the wrath of God.” Revelation 14:19. HST April 13, 1842, page 10.1

This horrible vintage will be necessary and indispensable at the coming of the Lord, in consequence of the miserable state in which the vine of the earth shall be found, as well to evacuate all rule, and authority, and power, or which is the same, to destroy the great image and convert it into powder, as to bring such great iniquity to an end, and anew to plant righteousness, giving their last culture to the few plants which remain fit for use; and by their means to collect most copious fruits, and most worthy of God which till now have not been gathered, contrary to the intention of the Redeemer himself. HST April 13, 1842, page 10.2

Now if, with moderate attention, we study the Scriptures, as well of the Old as of the New Testament, we shall be compelled to declare and confess that thus it shall be in the day in which the Son of man shall be revealed. (Luke 17:30.) Jesus Christ, when he shall come again, shall certainly find our earth as it was a little before the deluge, that is, “corrupt before God, and replenished with iniquity;” consequently, without faith, without righteousness, without religion, and in the highest disorder, and most lamentable carelessness. And he shall find it inevitable and necessary to enter into his kingdom, as Isaiah describeth him: “For he put on righteousness as a breastplate, and an helmet of salvation upon his head; and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloak. According to their deeds, accordingly he will repay fury to his adversaries.” Isaiah 59:17, 18. And in the 63rd chapter, the Lord himself declareth, “And I will tread down the people in mine anger, and make them drunk in my fury, and I will bring down their strength to the earth. “To enter, I say, into his kingdom with an unsheathed sword: “And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations.” Revelation 19:15. As his father David speaking of him in the spirit, declareth, “the Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath. He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies, he shall wound the heads over many countries.” Psalm 110:5, 6. Many, he saith, not all; and though the explanation of this passage, as also of others the like, for example the 2nd verse of the 12th chapter of Daniel, be given by several of many, that is, of all who are very many; this explanation is manifestly violent, nor resteth upon other foundation than an arbitrary and false supposition, which neither is proved, nor can possibly be proved. HST April 13, 1842, page 10.3

This first and necessary act of the judgment of Christ, was concluded upon the living, this kind of fearful vintage; although the vine of the earth, and the earth itself shall appear unpeopled, almost as much so as it was after the deluge, there shall not on that account fail to exist, dispersed hither and thither, some few small grapes, as likewise even happeneth in great vintage. “These shall be as the shaking of an olive tree, and as the gleaning grapes when the vintage is done.” Isaiah 24:13. Those few relics (continues Isaiah in the passage first quoted) when the great tempest is over, part shall lift up their voice, and praise the Lord: “they shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of the Lord.” when he shall have been glorified in the destruction and ruin of all the wicked, they shall cry and sigh for him with desire and longing, to know him and to adore him; even those who are found in the utmost ends of the earth, separated from this continent by the widest seas: “They shall cry aloud from the sea.—From the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs, even glory to the righteous.” Isaiah 24:14, 16. This passage of Isaiah being taken in connexion with the context of this chapter, cannot, in any way that I can comprehend, be accommodated to the preaching of the apostles and the vocation of the Gentiles, which appeareth the only interesting object that the interpreters of the Scriptures carry in their eye. HST April 13, 1842, page 10.4

On these few therefore who shall remain alive upon the earth, and on all their numerous posterity, shall for many ages (which St. John in round numbers calleth a thousand years,) continue the judgment of Christ upon the living; or which appears the same, his kingdom over the living and the sojourners, until these shall wholly fail, according as we shall see in its proper place. HST April 13, 1842, page 10.5

Lectures on Prophecy,—No. I


by james a. begg glasgow.

The value of Scripture Prophecy, as a light to the Church.

“We have also a more sure word of prophecy, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day-star arise in your hearts. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Peter 1:19-21. HST April 13, 1842, page 10.6

My dear friends, we are usually desirous, in a greater or less degree, of knowing something of the person who addresses us on any subject in which we are interested, and in perusing the writing of others not immediately addressed to ourselves. We also attach an interest—very subordinate indeed it may be, but still an interest—to a knowledge of the parties to whom, more especially, such communications were addressed. Nor does this feeling always arise merely from motives of curiosity; they will not unfrequently be assisted in our correct understanding of the speaker’s meaning, inspired as well as uninspired by our knowledge of the character, feelings, and probable aim, of the as author; and this advantage is sometimes materially enhanced by a knowledge also of the condition, circumstances, and views, of those whom that author addresses. HST April 13, 1842, page 10.7

In the outset, I may therefore remark that is no question that the once faithless but ardent apostle Peter was the author of the Epistles which bear his name, although a difference of opinion does exist as to who those were to whom these Epistles were in the first instance addressed. One class of expositors suppose them to have been sent to Gentile converts, while another class regard them as having been immediately intended for believers of the house of Israel. This latter view appears best supported by internal evidence, and most accordant with what we know of the then state the church. HST April 13, 1842, page 10.8

Here we are called to remember that in an early division of the apostolic labors, when “the gospel of the uncircumcision” was alloted to Paul, “the gospel of the circumcision” was committed unto Peter, by whom the Lord wrought effectually among them.” Galatians 2:7, 8. We might therefore conclude that most probably those converted under his ministry would be chiefly of the house of Israel. Now, both epistles are expressly addressed to the same class of converts; and that these were of the of circumcision, is the more probable, when we take into consideration the fact, that during the ministry of Christ, and for some time after his ascension on high, to them especially, if not exclusively, was the gospel preached by all of the apostles. Further, Peter there addresses the “strangers,”—the very term which in the epistle to the Hebrews 11:13, is applied to the Patriarchs;—and this also seems the more applicable to Israel when the apostle speaks of these strangers as now “scattered” into different lands. The religions named here, as those of the location of these strangers, is also in accordance with this view. They were “scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia;” (1 Peter 1:1;) whence Jews had come to Jerusalem at the day of Pentecost; and another apostle, in nearly similar terms, addresses himself “to the twelve tribes scattered abroad.” (James 1:1.) And scattered, is they thus were, over a wide extent of country, they were still not the natives but “strangers.” HST April 13, 1842, page 10.9

Again, the apostle addresses them as persons better acquainted with “the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets” than, perhaps, we could expect Gentiles only recently converted yet to be. HST April 13, 1842, page 10.10

It is, however, the less necessary that the question should with certainty be determined whether these epistles were immediately addressed to Gentile believers, or to those of Israelitish origin, since they appear to contain little, if any thing, solely intended for, or exclusively applicable to either of these two classes of which the Christian church was composed. The apostle, in both epistles, exhibits the deep interest which he felt for the welfare of the whole family of Christ. The form which this interest here assumes, and which is very distinctly manifested in this first chapter of his second epistle, is his earnest desire, and deep concern, that in their Christian course they may be found availing themselves of the help to holiness and hope, to be derived from their giving strict attention to “the prophecy of Scripture,” in its bearing on yet future events, and, therefore, then distant times. HST April 13, 1842, page 10.11

In his first epistle, the apostle ascribes glory to God, that by the resurrection of Christ from the dead, we are begotten again unto a lively hope to an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away, but is reserved in heaven, ready to be revealed in the last time, and from the consecration of such an inheritance being so reserved are perfectly sure for those “who are kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation,” he deduces lessons of heavenly wisdom and God-like purity. Indeed, the whole of the first epistle is a just and fully sustained argument for their cherishing the reality, and giving enlarged manifestation of the Christian graces, in all the social, civil, and religiou s relations of life. His exhortations to this are founded upon the certainty and glory of that inheritance our assured; hope of the attainment of which, having stated at the outset, he proceeds thereafter more expressly to apply. HST April 13, 1842, page 10.12

Now this second epistle from which we have read the verses more especially designed for present consideration, is addressed also to those who do already possess this hope,—“to those who have obtained like precious faith with us, through the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” And declaring that through Jesus Christ, God “has given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness,” the apostle recalls to remembrance the fact that there “are given to us exceeding great and precious promises,” contained in the Scriptures of truth, that by these we might be partakers of the Divine nature, having escaped the corruption which is in the world through lust, verses 3, 4. He dwells upon the value of these promises, when received in faith; as the means of advancement in the divine life; and he presents to believers, as their hope, an abundant entrance “into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” verse 11. And, enlarging upon the importance of the knowledge and belief of this blessed hope, he emphatically adds, “wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth.” verse 12. HST April 13, 1842, page 11.1

The apostle stands not here, then, my dear friends, in the attitude of one imparting new truths, or as speaking of events now for the first time seriously considered by his spiritual children. All at which he at present aims, is, the recalling to their “remembrance” truths which they already knew, in order that they might derive from them that comfort and direction which they are so eminently fitted to impart. He had a lively pleasure in remembering their previous knowledge of these very subjects of Divine revelation, but this does not prevent him from earnestly striving to recall the portrayed scenes of prophetic announcement again to their mind’s eye, and to seek for them not only the enjoyment of “the present truth,” but also of the not less sure and far more glorious truths revealed concerning future times. “He would put these “always in remembrance of these things,” and would account it culpable negligence in himself to omit what he regarded as so important a duty. HST April 13, 1842, page 11.2

Further, this faithful friend and zealous minister proceeds to declare, that so long as life is vouchsafed to him, he must regard it as a continuing obligation pertaining to his office as an ambassador for Christ, and as one caring for their souls, that he press these truths upon the Believing consideration: “I think it meet, so long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance, knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath showed me,” ver. 13, 14. Men have in all ages agreed to regard with especial sacredness the wishes and directions of their friends expressed in the prospect of approaching dissolution; and whatever power this consideration may possess, the apostle avails himself of it for a renewed and eager commendation to their attention of the solemn events which, with prophetic vision, he perceives to be so important for the church of Christ. Nor does he consider even this sufficient; for, besides leaving it as his dying charge, he adds, “Moreover, I will endeavor that ye may be able, after my decease, to have these things always in remembrance,” by thus patting it on record to endure. And short as this epistle is, he once more reverts to this subject, and that very pointedly, and in nearly similar terms: “This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance; that ye may be mindful of the words which were, spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior.” 2 Peter 3:1, 2. HST April 13, 1842, page 11.3

There is surely something instructive, my dear friends and brethren, in all this deep solicitude of an apostle of the circumcision, to direct our attention to the prophecies concerning future events, and in his so striving to have that attention continually fixed upon the solemn realities which the words of the holy prophets unfold. Can the church of Christ be in a proper spirit or posture, if the scenes and subjects which awakened such feelings in an apostle, so concerned for his Master’s glory, and attention to which he so earnestly enforces upon others, if that church be now found indifferent to all that awakened such apostolic zeal towards those whom he loved, and for whom he labored? It is utterly inconceivable. Ye will therefore bear with me, if partaking in any degree the apostle’s spirit, I also strive that ye may “have these things always in remembrance;” for, considering the estimation in which “the sure word of prophecy,” as a whole, and “the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” in particular, is held at present, by the church generally, I am free to confess that I think here is laid upon all who feel their importance the duty of not being negligent, but that there rather exists an obligation for each one openly to testify as God may give opportunity, whether men will hear or whether they will forbear. HST April 13, 1842, page 11.4

Essays on the Judgment.—No. 1


The doctrine of the Judgment, considered simply in its bearings on human interests, is inferior in importance to none in the whole system of Bible theology; and occupies, perhaps, a no less prominent place in reference to the full and final revelation of the glory of God. The almost uniform allusion to the great day of the consummation of human hopes and fears, in all the exhortations, warnings, threatenings and curses, uttered in the sacred pages, is evidently intended to give us some definite ideas of the consequence which God himself attaches to it; and the consequent importance it ought to obtain in the estimation of his fallen creatures, whose eternal weal or wo is suspended upon its decisions. HST April 13, 1842, page 11.5

There is as much of truth as poetry, in that significant expression of Young: HST April 13, 1842, page 11.6

“All men think all men mortal, but themselves;” but without violence to either, we may say: HST April 13, 1842, page 11.7

“All men think all men sinners but themselves;” HST April 13, 1842, page 11.8

On this principle it is, that in the transaction of business relative to the affairs of life, they consider themselves under the necessity of dealing with all men as with rogues, or taking it for granted, that but little reliance is to be placed in human honesty or rectitude. This point is too obvious to be labored. HST April 13, 1842, page 11.9

Nay, we may go further: all men are not only sinners in general terms, in points of fact, but more or less sensible, as individuals, of this great and lamentable truth: and this simple consciousness induces in the mind of every intelligent human being, “a certain fearful looking for of judgment;” a kind of instinctive apprehension—though the time, manner, and consequence, may be involved in darkness—that a day of retribution awaits them, when their deeds, shall be made manifest;” and they “rewarded according to their works.” The idea of guilt in consequence of a violation of law, contains the very elements of those fearful forebodings of a final dispensation of justice, which has exerted more or less influence in the organization of the various forms of religion, now or formerly extent, in every part of the habitable earth. But more directly: let us consider HST April 13, 1842, page 11.10

II. The Period—Its Definiteness


1. Then, I observe, the period, the time, the day, is appointed. Because he hath appointed righteousness, by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.” Acts 17:31. HST April 13, 1842, page 11.11

It is asserted by many who deny the doctrine of a future and final retribution, that the judgment is constantly going on: that we are judged as often as we sin, and punished with the remorse of conscience. This, however, requires proof. It is unquestionably true that, as a general thing, conscience is a faithful monitor. But is this always the case? The Bible plainly denies it. What, I ask, on this principle, becomes of the judgment of those, Who have continued to pass their way onward in a course of crime and rebellion against the Almighty, in spite of all the admonitions of conscience, and the strivings of the Holy Spirit, until they are “past feeling?” Ephesians 4:19. What effect can the stings of a “conscience, seared with a hot iron,” have upon moral insensibility? 1 Timothy 4:2. What wound of a moral nature does that hardened wretch feel, whose sins are of so aggravated a character, that God has ceased to reprove or plead with him; nay, to whom he has sent such “strong delusion, that he believes a lie?” 2 Thessalonians 2:11. What folly would it be, when the officers of a given earthly court appoint a day for the trial of certain causes within their jurisdiction, for those persons who had suits to be adjudicated on that occasion—those individuals of all were most interested in its proceedings, to take it for granted, that that court would be continually in session while time endured; and yet this idea is no more preposterous than the other. HST April 13, 1842, page 11.12

Take another illustration. Our Lord said to his disciples: “And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me.” Luke 22:29. But had they already received, or were they receiving it? See, by the succeeding verse, what was embraced in the appointment: “That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” Their kingdom, then, and His kingdom, are represented as synonymous—one and the same. Had Christ received, or was he then receiving his kingdom? No: for he said, John 18:36, “My kingdom is not of this world.” He, moreover, taught his disciples to pray, saying, “Thy kingdom come.” HST April 13, 1842, page 11.13

Again: The definiteness of the period will further appear, from the distinct and significant terms in which it is spoken of. It is called “The day of the Lord;” Zechariah 14:1. “The day of the Lord’s vengeance;” Isaiah 34:8. “The day of judgment;” Matthew 10:15. The judgment of the great day; Jude 6. “That great day of God Almighty;” Revelation 16:14. These examples might be multiplied almost to any extent; but these are sufficient to convince any but the inconvincible. HST April 13, 1842, page 12.1

This brings us to another point in our arrangement, viz: HST April 13, 1842, page 12.2

II. The Time When


I do not design, here, to enter into an argument to show that the time is near at hand, or how near it is, when the judgment will occur; nor to enter into a critical examination of the objections, which have been drawn from the 24th of Matthew, and other Scriptures, that as the Sadducee said of the resurrection—“it is past already;” for this would lay me under the necessity, even were I competent to the undertaking, of swelling this article to a size which and reader. Besides, I should be entering into a discussion which, perhaps, may be considered as properly belonging to another subject,—the second coming of Christ. But, by referring to some of the leading transactions which are to precede, attend, and follow the tremendous scenes of the great day, I hope to convince every candid and rational mind, 1, that it is yet to take place: and 2, that it will not occur until it follows in regular succession the second coming of Christ, and the resurrection of the dead. HST April 13, 1842, page 12.3

The connection brought to view between these three great and important events,—the coming of the Son of man, the resurrection of the dead, and the transactions of the judgment, in all the Bible, and especially in the New testament, establishes the fact beyond reasonable controversy, that the judgment day is yet future, or has not yet occurred. HST April 13, 1842, page 12.4

I wish to remark here, that Christ is to act as judge himself. “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” John 5:22; Acts 17:31. “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 5:10. “In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men, by Jesus Christ.” Romans 2:16. I observe, then, that the judgment is not past, unless the second advent of Christ, and the resurrection are past. HST April 13, 1842, page 12.5

For, let it be inquired, what is the object of his coming? This is represented promiscuously, as to raise the dead, and to judge the world. HST April 13, 1842, page 12.6

“Our God shall come, He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that he may judge his people.” Psalm 1:3, 4. “Behold, I show you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52. “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel; and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16; see also verses 13-15, 17. The “trump” here spoken of, must be the last: for, in the passage just cited in Corinthians, we are told, that the dead are to be raised at the last trump; and if that trump attends his coming, as we have seen it does—the resurrection occurs at the same time. HST April 13, 1842, page 12.7

The order of these events appears to be, 1. The advent: 2. The resurrection: 3. The judgment. For, He is to descend “with the trump of God:” The dead are to be raised “at the last trump;” some, they that have done good, are to come forth unto the resurrection of life; and some, they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. All the people of God are included in this expression; for Zechariah says (14:5.) “The Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee.” It includes all the wicked; for John says, (Revelation 1:7.) “Behold he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him; and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.” HST April 13, 1842, page 12.8

Notwithstanding, however, the truth of these remarks in general, in regard to the time and order of these great and important events, I think it is more than intimated by the revelator in his twentieth chapter, that the judgment of the wicked will not occur until a thousand years after that of the righteous; for, “as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” and since the dead, as we have already seen, are not to be judged until they are raised from the dead; and since “the rest of the dead,” or the wicked, are “not to live again,” or experience a resurrection, “until the thousand years are finished” after “the first resurrection,” or that of the righteous; it seems to follow as a legitimate consequence, that their judgment will be reserved till the expiration of that time. HST April 13, 1842, page 12.9

This idea argues nothing against our former remarks in reference to the definiteness of the term day; for Peter tells us, in direct allusion to this very time, and these very events “the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men;” “that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” 2 Peter 3:7, 8. If the observations are correct, the righteous will be raised and judged in the morning, and the wicked in the evening of that day. To be continued. HST April 13, 1842, page 12.10

Letter from Elder Seth Ewer


Bro. Himes,—To the joy of our heart, the Lord is still carrying on his glorious work of salvation among us. It is how the fifth week, as you know, since the series of religious meetings commenced in our village.—For about four weeks we maintained meetings day and evening; since, we have held them evenings, and visit from house to house during the day. We find new cases of conviction daily, and frequently hopeful conversions. Our house of worship is thronged every evening. Last Sabbath evening the question was put—Whether they wished to continue the services—hundreds arose in the affirmative. Then an invitation was given for the anxious to come forward for prayers, when nearly 40 persons presented themselves, most of which were new cases. Between 50 and 60 profess to have obtained a hope.—I have baptized 23, and several candidates are waiting for the next season of baptizing. Several backsliders have been reclaimed, and 7 of them have united with the church, making 30 that have been added since, the revival commenced. For this, we have great reason to be truly thankful and very humble.—Pray for us, my brother, that the Lord would protract his work among us, and extend it far and wide. I have not learned that any have yet united with either of the 4 other churches in this village, since the work commenced, but no doubt there will be some additions made to them, although some one or more of their ministers are laboring, as I am told, to show that the theme of br. Miller’s lectures are not to be depended on, that the visions of Daniel, etc. are to be understood very differently from Mr. Miller’s views of them. Sandy Hill, March 2, 1842. HST April 13, 1842, page 12.11


No Authorcode

BOSTON, APRIL 13, 1842.

The Bible! The Bible!! The Bible!!!


The Book of Books!

Do you study your Bible? How do you study your bible? Do you compare one part with the other and make it its own interpreter? If you do not, be assured you will never understand your Bible. HST April 13, 1842, page 12.12

Read the following extract from the preface to the Polyglott Bible. Read it, study it, commit it to memory, and follow the direction, and you will then understand the Book of Books. HST April 13, 1842, page 12.13

“The holy Scriptures are designed to promote the Glory of God by the salvation of man. The peculiar purpose of the whole is, to turn men from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God: to raise them from the ruins of the Fall, and to put them in possession of the blessings of Redemption; to lead them from sin to holiness; to conduct them through a state of conflict and trial on earth, to a state of rest and felicity in heaven; and so to assist and direct them in all possible conditions in life, that they may not fail of these great ends except by their own wilful rejection of the counsel of God against themselves. The salvation of his own soul should therefore be the grand concern of every reader of the Scripture. Here the immortality of the soul is brought to light, and placed in unquestionable evidence. Here, its defection from original purity is clearly demonstrated; the means of its restoration are set forth, and its future destiny is declared. It is an awful responsibility which they incur, who wilfully neglect this holy book, and devote all their time, and the powers of their minds to terrestrial, and subordinate objects. They slight the pearl of greatest price, which is no where else to be found; and seem as if they were determined to frustrate, as far as respects themselves, all that Divine wisdom and goodness have done to rescue the immortal mind of man from spiritual ignorance, error, vanity, vice, and ruin. Those, however, who are seeking to enjoy the blessings which the gospel reveals, will, as they are able, search the Scriptures: and such persons will receive great help from having references at hand to assist their inquiries. “It were to be wished,” says Bishop Horsley, “that no Bibles were printed without References. Particular diligence should be used in comparing the paralell texts of the Old and New Testaments ... It is incredible,” he adds, “to any one who has not made the experiment, what a proficiency may be made in that knowledge which maketh wise unto salvation, by studying the Scriptures in this manner without any other commentary, or exposition, than what the different parts of the sacred volume mutually furnish for each other. Let the most illiterate Christian study them in this manner, and let him never cease to pray for the illumination of that Spirit by which these books were dictated: and the whole compass of abstruse philosophy, and recondite history, shall furnish no argument with which the perverse will of man shall be able to shake this learned Christian’s faith.” So great and perfect in the coincidence of every part of the Word of God in the grand and merciful design of the whole!” HST April 13, 1842, page 12.14

The Carnal Jews.—Our highly esteemed and beloved correspondent, who has favored us with an extract from Ben Ezra, has kindly suggested that we are too severe in our remarks upon the doctrine of the restoration or salvation of Israel after the flesh. It may be so: at any rate we thank him for the reproof, and we will endeavor to profit by it. But we assure our brother that we mean no disrespect to those who h old those opinions sacred. For ourselves, however, while we are perfectly willing our correspondents should have the privilege of expressing in the fullest manner the reason of the hope that is in them on this point, we must beg the privilege of showing our reasons for our dissent from that doctrine. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.1

1. We dissent from the doctrine of the return of the Jewish nation to Palestine, either before, at, or after the second advent of Christ, because we can find no title which the Jewish nation, as such, have to that land. The Jews had a temporary possession of it under the law, but by rejecting “the seed to whom the promise was made,” which was Christ, they lost it. It now belongs to Abraham, Christ, and all who are Christ’s at his coming. And if it belongs to them, it cannot belong to the natural seed at the Fame time. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.2

2. We cannot believe in any special spiritual blessing to be poured on the Jews which will not be on the Gentiles also. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek, but the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.” Christ has broken down the middle wall of the partition, and abolished the enmity, the law of commandments contained in ordinances nailing it to his cross. And has made of the twain one new man, so making peace. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.3

3. We cannot believe in the salvation of the Jews after Christ’s second appearing, because the Savior saith to them that “when once the master of the house is risen up and shut to the door, ye shall be gin to stand without and say, Lord, Lord, open unto us; but he shall answer, I never knew you, depart from me ye that work iniquity. And there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of God and ye yourselves thrust out.” We fear to tell either Jew or Gentile there will be mercy for them then; for it will be the day of vengeance, even the great day of his wrath. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.4

Saving Faith.—It is a question of great importance, “What is Saving Faith?” But how few there are, who, when they are asked, give an apostolic answer. Sometimes, it is true, the answer is “believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” True, answers the anxious sinner, “but what am I to believe of him?” Believe he died for you, and is willing to save you. But that does not meet the case; no ray of light breaks forth from the dark tomb to cheer the troubled spirit and give the mourner rest. But at length a voice from the living oracles sounds forth, “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thy heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” This is definite and tangible. It is faith in the resurrection of Christ from the dead. To believe in the resurrection of Christ embraces the whole Gospel message; it acknowledges his death as the propitiation for sin. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.5

For being perfectly holy and sinless, he could not die for himself: he must, then, have died for sinners. And having assumed our responsibilities, and come under the dominion of death for us, being accepted as our substitute, he could not be released from death until the debt was cancelled. Hence, the fact of his resurrection is the demonstration that his sacrifice is accepted and the debt paid. The work of Christ is imperfect without the resurrection, with it we have a hope like an anchor to the soul, sure and steadfast, entering into that which is within the veil. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.6

But faith without works is dead, being alone, and hence the condition is, to confess Christ with the mouth. Here many fail; they would be glad to come to Christ and be saved, if they could do it secretly. They are willing to believe the Gospel message, nay, more, they do believe it, and yet are not saved; and the only reason is, they refuse to confess Christ with their mouth. The pride of their heart is their ruin now, and will damn them forever if they harbor it. While refusing to confess Christ, no sinner can be saved. And no matter who you are who reads this, if you will come directly on to this ground, and believe this truth, “God has raised up Jesus Christ from the dead,” with all your heart, and confess him before men as your Savior, in whom you now trust for forgiveness and eternal life, you shall be saved; as God’s word is true, you must be saved. But refuse to own Christ, no matter what you believe or do beside, you are loot, Christ will be ashamed of you before his Father and the holy angels. Then HST April 13, 1842, page 13.7

“Venture on him, venture freely,
Let no other trust intrude.”
HST April 13, 1842, page 13.8

The Church—Her Missionaries.—The following statement was made by Dr. A., at the monthly concert for April: HST April 13, 1842, page 13.9

Debts of Missionary Societies.—Dr. Anderson made interesting statements on this subject. The five principal English Societies were in debt, at their last anniversaries, to the aggregate amount of about $536,000. For this, all of them correctly assign the same reason,—the increased expense, called for by the blessing of God upon their labors. “Christians must give more, or pray less.” HST April 13, 1842, page 13.10

Mormonism.—As we noticed in our last, we expect to get out a pamphlet in a few weeks, which will fully expose the iniquity of this delusion of this “last time.” Let those infected with it, suspend their judgment for a few weeks. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.11

Second Advent of Christ.—We learn that a meeting is to be held on this subject, at the Town Hall, in Ashburnham, Mass., April 13th, at 10 o’clock A. M. It is proposed to re-examine the scriptures on the subject “of the coming of Christ, and the end of the world.” HST April 13, 1842, page 13.12

We know nothing of this meeting: whether it is got up by believers, or unbelievers in the personal Advent nigh. We hope good will be done, in any event. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.13

Miller’s Lectures in New-York.—It is expected now, that Mr. Miller will commence a course of lectures in New-York, about the 20th inst. If Bro. M. should give his lectures, we shall make arrangements for an important meeting of the friends Anniversary week in that city in May. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.14

A Query.—If you do not intend to take this paper longer, ought you not to send back the first No. and say so? We want to fix our Mail Book. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.15

The Hail-Storm—Mentioned Revelation 16:21. which is to take place when the 7th angel pours out his vial, has appeared to many incredible; but that such a storm of hail might fall, and will fall, when every stone shall be about the weight of a talent, is no more incredible, than the following item from Dr. Fish’s Travels in Europe. Let those who doubt whether such a thing is probable read the following and ponder it well. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.16

“The University of Padua once had 18,000 schollars, but like all the other Universities of Italy, it is greatly fallen. It has able professors, however, and lectures in the various departments, with a library of 100,000 volumes. The most prominent department is that of medicine. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.17

There is a beautiful public square in this city, surrounded with statuary, all of which is now, from an extraordinary cause, in a very mutilated state. In 1835, there was a violent hail storm of stones as large as cannon balls, which fell in twenty-seven minutes to the depth of one foot and a half. It broke in the tiles of the roofs of a great many edifices, and made great havoc of the trees, and broke off the finders, arms, noses, etc., of this extensive company of statues.” HST April 13, 1842, page 13.18

Revivals.—The revival which has been progressing for some months in this city, is still continuing. We learn also that an interesting revival is now going on in Lowell among the various denominations. The same spirit also prevails in almost every direction from which we hear. Our exchanges are full of the interesting accounts of the work of God. While the spirit is thus poured out, are we as the disciples of the Savior as much interested in laboring to save souls as we should be? The night cometh wherein no man can work. What is done mast be done quickly. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.19

Fitch’s two Sermons


We commence to day the publication of Bro. Fitch’s two sermons which he preached at the Marlboro’ chapel, Feb. 27, 1838. At the time of their delivery, they made quite an excitement: and as there has been much enquiry about them, the author has, at our request, placed them at our disposal. We shall give large extracts from them, for the edification of our readers. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.20

The following extract from his letter to Bro. Litch, (Page 6.) will give the reader the origin and Tate of these sermons, at least fer a time. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.21

I will here state the process of mind, by which, in the providence of God, I have come to my present convictions respecting the truth of the Bible on the subject under consideration. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.22

It is now somewhat more than three years and a half, since the lectures of William Miller on the subject, were put into my hands. At that time I had neither read nor heard any thing of the views which he advocates, nor did I know anything of the subject of which his work treated, except that it was concerning the millennium. His book, therefore, was to my mind an entire novelty. I took it up, as we often say, by mere casualty; but, as I fully believe, by the wise direction of Him who numbers the hairs of our heads. I devoured it with a more intense interest than any other book I had ever read; and continued to feel the same interest in it, until I had read it from beginning to end for the sixth time. My mind was greatly overwhelmed with the subject, until I felt I could truly love Christ’s appearing, and that I could therefore hope with Paul, that there was laid up for men crown of rigeteousness, which God, the righteous Judge, should give me at that day. The subject then seemed to me to be surrounded, and fortified, on all Bides, with an array of scriptural testimony, which nothing could overthrow. HST April 13, 1842, page 13.23

In this state of mind, I wrote to Mr. Miller; but as I have no copy of the letter, I do not remember whether I did, or did not, express myself to him as fully convinced of the truth which he advocated. It is my impression, however, that I did. About the same time, also, I wrote and preached to the people in Boston, with whom I was then laboring, a couple of sermons designed to lay before them the theory of Christ’s second coming at hand, which Mr. Miller advocated, and the evidence on which the truth of the doctrine rested; telling them that I expressed no opinion of my own, but wished them to examine the subject for themselves. Having also, at the same time, an appointment to read an essay for criticism, before the Suffolk South Association of Congregational Ministers, of which I was then a member, I laid the same subject before them. In expressing their minds with regard to it, the first said “moonshine;” the second said “ditto;” and another said “the prophecies can’t be understood.” I think there were two whose feelings seemed revolted at the idea that the prophecies could not be understood; but there were none present who seemed to sympathize in the impression that there was truth in the subject, or that it was worthy of investigation. I left the meeting much pained, and, if I rightly remember, not a little mortified; for there was much laughter over the subject, and I could not help feeling that I was regarded as a simpleton, for entertaining the thought that there could be any truth in what seemed to them such palpable nonsense. I did not feel ready to say to them that I coincided with Mr. Miller; for the subject was new to me, and I had not sufficiently surveyed and examined the ground to attempt much by way of defending it, even if I had had an opportunity. Soon after this, I found opportunity to converse with an aged clergyman, for whom I have great respect, and who, as I then believed, had given more attention to the prophetic parts of the Scriptures than any other man in this country, and written and published much, and with great acceptance. The firmness and fluency with which he opposed Mr. Miller’s views, led me to feel that it might be owing to my ignorance that I was so much impressed on reading this book; and the reproach, which I saw would come upon me, if I advocated them, led me to lay the matter aside. Some time after, when a member of the Association asked what I then thought of Mr. Miller’s book, I said, (for the sake of retaining his good opinion,) “I was much overwhelmed with it at first, but now I don’t think anything of it.” The truth is, that the fear of man brought me into a snare; I was unwilling at this time to appear as an advocate of the truth defended by Mr. Miller; but neither Scripture nor argument had ever settled the convictions of my mind to the contrary. HST April 13, 1842, page 14.1

extracts from fitch’s sermons.—no. i


“He which testifieth these things saith, surely I come quickly; Amen. Even so come Lord Jesus!”—Revelation 22:20. HST April 13, 1842, page 14.2

In discoursing from these words, I propose to consider— HST April 13, 1842, page 14.3

I. What we are to understand by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is here brought to view. HST April 13, 1842, page 14.4

II. Some things which Christ will do when he comes. HST April 13, 1842, page 14.5

III. Inquire whether there is any reason to believe that the coining of Christ, brought to view in this text, may be near. “Surely I come quickly.” The force of this declaration was probably not designed to have reference to the time when it was uttered. Christ evidently did not mean to say that he was about to come, when John was directed to write the declaration. He had been making known to John certain things which must transpire before his coming, and then intended to have it understood, that when these predicted events had come to pass, his coming would be near at hand. In order to ascertain, therefore, whether the coming of Christ is near, we have only to inquire whether the events, which were to precede his coming, have taken place. HST April 13, 1842, page 14.6

I. I am to consider what coming of Christ is here brought to view. HST April 13, 1842, page 14.7

It is believed, that in relation to this matter, very loose and incorrect views have been entertained, by very many of God’s people. Some have seemed to suppose that Christ might, be said to come as often as death comes among men: that whenever an individual dies, that is to him the coming of Christ, whether that individual be a saint or a sinner: that if the one, Christ then comes to welcome him to heaven; if the other, that Christ then comes to give him his portion with unbelievers. That the account of every man is, at the hour of his death, sealed up unto the judgment of the great day, and his eternal state fixed, in the secret counsels of the Most High, is fully admitted. Still it is believed, that it is altogether incorrect, to speak of a man’s death, as the hour when Christ cometh. HST April 13, 1842, page 14.8

Others have regarded any special outpouring of the Holy spirit on a particular people, as the coming of Christ to that people. HST April 13, 1842, page 14.9

Others are looking forward to a time, when there shall be such an outpouring of the Holy spirit, as to convert the whole “world to the religion of Christ; and are therefore accustomed to speak of that event as the coming of Christ. HST April 13, 1842, page 14.10

Others have believed, that the time, when the true believer becomes perfectly sanctified, and; he gains complete victory over sin, is the time of Christ’s coming in him. HST April 13, 1842, page 14.11

It is believed, however, that all their views respecting the coming of Christ are entirely incorrect; that the Bible never speaks of Christ’s coming at the hour of a man’s death; never speaks of Christ’s coming to do any work which is the peculiar office of the Holy spirit; such as giving means to the gospel with individuals, or in communities, or throughout the world: that on the contrary, the coming of Christ, by whatever form of language it is conveyed, is intended to set forth two, and only two, particular events: that these events are the coming of Christ to make atonement for the sins of the world, and the coming of Christ to judge the world; to give to every man according as his work shall be. It is believed that a careful examination of the Bible will show, that the coming of Christ is never brought into view, by any variety of language, except with reference to one of these two events. HST April 13, 1842, page 14.12

In addition to the views of Christ’s coming of which I have already spoken, I might mention the belief, that he came at the destruction of Jerusalem. Many have adopted this, and made it a matter of great consequence to them, for as they find no third coming of Christ brought to view in the Bible, they maintain that Christ has already come, and that the judgment of the great day was at hand. It is believed however, that our Savior, never meant to, give his disciples to understand, that he would come, in any sense, at the destruction of Jerusalem. After he predicted in their hearing the destruction of that city, they came” to Him privately as he sat on the Mount of Olives: and asked Him three questions.—“When shall these things be?” that is, the things which he had been predicting respecting Jerusalem. That was one question. “And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” That was another question. Our Lord then stated to them certain things, which should be signs of the destruction of Jerusalem, and other things which should be signs of his coming. The destruction of Jerusalem was at hand, and all the signs which our Savior gave of that event, were literally and most strikingly fulfilled; as any man may see, who will take the trouble to read Christ’s prophecies, and compare them with the history of Jerusalem’s over throw. But Christ did not come at that time. He was not seen even by one of his disciples; much less did he then send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. HST April 13, 1842, page 14.13

For this purpose, therefore, Christ is yet to come; and he has foretold us, that the sign of the Son of man shall appear in heaven, and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. “This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” Testimony of angels at the ascension.” HST April 13, 1842, page 14.14

This is an event which has never yet transpired. For this therefore we are still to look, and this is the coming of Christ brought to view in my text. “Behold he cometh with clouds: and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him, and then all the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him.” HST April 13, 1842, page 14.15

It is claimed that Christ said, to his disciples, in relation to all which he has foretold respecting his coming, “This generation shall not pass away until all these things be fulfilled;” and that consequently all that Christ then foretold must have transpired. But the question is, what did Christ then mean, by the phrase this generation? It is foretold in prophetic language, in relation to Christ, in the 22nd Psalm A seed shall serve Him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. Again Peter, in his general epistle to the disciples of Christ scattered all abroad, says, ye are a chosen generation. All the disciples of Christ therefore are his generation, and Christ evidently meant to say, that the generation of his people should not pass away, until all that he had foretold should be fulfilled. It is clear that he could not have meant that particular generation, from the fact that many things which He at that time foretold cannot have taken place. It is the coming of Christ to judge the world, therefore for which we are to look, and for no event but that, are we to expect Him to come. HST April 13, 1842, page 14.16

To be Continued. HST April 13, 1842, page 14.17

Two things, well considered, would prevent many quarrels; first, to have it well ascertained whether we are disputing about terms, rather than things; secondly, whether that on which we differ is worth contending about. HST April 13, 1842, page 14.18



Come, pre-cious soul, and let us take, A walk, be-com-ing you and me; And whiter, my friend Shall we our foot-steps bend; To Cal-va-ry or to Geth-sem-a-ne? HST April 13, 1842, page 15.1

2. “O Calvary is a mountain high,
T is much too hard a task for me!
And I had rather stay
In the broad and f pleasant way,
Than to walk in the garden of Gethsemane.”
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.2

3. It would not appear such a mountain high
Nor such a task, dear sinner, for thee,
If you lov’d the Man
Who first laid the plan Of climbing the mountain Calvary.
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.3

4. “I’d rather abide in this pleasant plain,
My gay and merry friends to see;
And tarry awhile
In the joys of the world,
Than to climb up the mountain Calvary.”
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.4

5. Your gay companions must lie in the dust:
Their souls are bound for misery;
And if you ever stand
On Canaan’s happy land,
You must climb up the mountain Calvary.
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.5

6. “There is no pleasure that I can behold,
And it is a lonely way to me;
For I have heard them say
There are lions in the way,
And they lurk in the mountain Calvary.”
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.6

7. It is a peaceful, pleasant way,
Poor wand’ring soul, could you but see;
And you shall have a guard,
Yea, the angels of God,
To conduct you o’er mountain Calvary.
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.7

8. “I’d rather have peace, and live at my ease,
Than to be afflicted thus by thee;
When blooming youth is gone,
And when old age comes on,
I will climb up the mountain Calvary.”
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.8

9. There is no better time than youth,
To travel the mountain, as you see;
When old age comes on, You are burden’d with sin;
Then how can you climb up Calvary?
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.9

10. “O leave this melancholy theme!
I cannot enjoy any peace for thee;
There is time enough yet,
And the journey’s not so great;
I can soon climb the mountain Calvary.”
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.10

11. O hark, I hear a doleful sound!
You greatly should alarmed be;
A blooming youth is gone,
And is laid in the tomb,
Who refused to climb Mount Calvary.
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.11

12. “Alas, I know not what to do!
You greatly have alarmed me,
For in sin I’ve gone on,
Till I fear I’m undone;
Lord, help me to climb up Calvary!”
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.12

13. O tarry not in all the plain,
Lest it prove a dangerous snare to thee!
But look to the Man,
Who was slain for your sin,
And he’ll help you to climb up Calvary.
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.13

What is time


I asked an aged man, a man of cares,
Wrinkled and curved, and white with hoary hairs,
“Time is the warp of life,” he said. “O tell
The young, the fair, the gay, to weave it well.”
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.14

I asked the ancient venerable dead,
Sages who wrote, and warriors who bled;
From the cold grave, a hollow murmur flowed,
“Time sowed the seed, we reap in this abode!”
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.15

I asked a dying sinner, ere the tide
Of life had left his veins:—“Time!” he replied,
“I’ve lost it! oh, the treasure,” and he died.
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.16

I asked the golden sun, and silver spheres,
Those bright chronometers of days and years;
They answered, “Time is but a meteor glare?”
And bade us for eternity prepare.
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.17

I asked a spirit lost; but oh, the shriek,
That pierced my soul! I shudder while I speak;
It cried, “A particle, a speck, a mite
Of endless years, duration infinite.”
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.18

Of things inanimate, my dial I
Consulted, and it made me this reply:—
“Time is the season fair for living well,
The path to glory, or the path to hell:”
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.19

I asked old father Time himself, at last,
But in a moment he flew swiftly past:
His chariot was a cloud, the viewless wind
His noiseless steeds, which left no trace behind.
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.20

I asked the mighty angel, who shall stand,
One foot on sea, and one on solid land;
‘By heavens,’ he cried, ‘I swear the mystery’s o’er
Time was,’ said he, but ‘time shall be no more!’
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.21

Coming of the Lord to Judgment


GREAT GOD, what do I see and hear!
The end of things created!
The Judge of man I see appear,
On clouds of glory seated:
The trumpet sounds; the graves restore
The dead which they contain’d before;
Prepare, my soul, to meet him.
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.22

The dead in Christ shall first arise
At the last trumpet’s sounding,
Caught up to meet him in the skies,
With joy their Lord surrounding:
No gloomy fears their souls dismay,
His presence sheds eternal day
On those prepared to meet him.
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.23

But sinners filled with guilty fears,
Behold his wrath prevailing:
For they shall rise, and find their tears
And sighs are unavailing:
The day of grace is past and gone;
Trembling they stand before the throne,
All unprepared to meet him.
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.24

Great God, what do I see and hear!
The end of things created!
The Judge of man I see appear,
On clouds of glory seated:
Beneath his cross I view the day
When heaven and earth shall pass away,
And thus prepare to meet him.
HST April 13, 1842, page 15.25



Letter from Columbus Greeen

Dear Bro. Himes,—I will spend a few moments this morning, in giving art account of our Conference at Ashburnham. It commenced on Tuesday, 15th inst.; the forenoon was spent in prayer—there was a full meeting, and the spirit of the Lord was in our midst. In the afternoon Bro. Litch came and commenced a course of lectures, and continued until Saturday, when he left for Worcester. During this time we had a much larger assembly than we anticipated. It was solemn and attentive; the truth served to comfort God’s people; it wounded the enemies of God, and brought many to embrace Christ as their Savior. On Saturday afternoon and evening, and Sabbath day and evening, I endeavored to show the people from the word of God, and “the signs of the times,” that “the Coming of the Lord draweth nigh.” The interest that was awakened under the declaration of his truths increased until the meeting closed. HST April 13, 1842, page 15.26

This Conference has been blessed with the smile of Him who now bids his servants cry “Behold the bridegroom cometh.” The church are rejoicing in view of the glorious appearing of Christ; a delightful harmony pervades their midst—they sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. More than twenty persons, as we trust, have passed from death unto life since this Conference commenced, and amongst them one man 55 years of age, who (to the shame of those professors of religion with whom he has associated) says, no one has even conversed with him upon the subject of religion until the commencement of the Conference. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.1

At our last meeting (Sabbath evening,) more than thirty came forward for prayers. The members of the different societies who attended our Conference were much interested. You know that we must always expect some opposition—there is but a little here. One “outer court worshipper (who was not present till Sabbath day) I understood, denounced me as a deceiver of the people, and in allusion to my diagram said “he always thought the gospel to be so plain that a wayfaring, though a fool, need not err—he had never learnt before that it was neccessary to have a black-board and stick to illustrate the Gospel by—he said it really hurt his feelings, and he wished to have it taken down for the sake of the people.” (By the people I suppose he must have meant himself, as he was the only one that manifested any dissatisfaction.) I hope this brother’s feelings will continue as tender as he represents them to be at the present, so that he may be more active than I understand he has been in times past. During the latter part of the Conference, the Devil became alarmed for his cause; something must be done. On Saturday evening, we were requested to give notice that there would be Universalist preaching in the Town Hall on the Sabbath. On Sabbath noon, the following notice was handed to Br. Skinner—“Dear Sir:—Will you do the favor of giving notice that there will be a discourse this evening in the Town House on the subject of the sheep and goats, in which there will be some remarks on the end of the world?” “When they cry peace and safety, their sudden destruction cometh.” The inhabitants of Ashburnham saw this Sign of Christ’s coming, stand forth in bold relief, which I noticed in my evening lecture on the signs of the times. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.2

The Universalists I understand have not had any preaching in this town before for one year—but as soon as the Devil’s camp was routed, the goats were gathered together, and some remarks made on the end of the world. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.3

This truth is the topic of conversation throughout this place—wicked men are reading the book of Daniel, and when they gather at the bar room, the subject for discussion is the “Coming of Christ in 1843;” and while many tremble in view of the gathering storm, they ask in the language of the scoffers “Where is the promise of his coming.” Br. Skinner aided us essentially in our work by giving the whole weight of his influence in favor of the truths we advocate. He entered upon the meeting with a mind divested of prejudice and free from bias, and as fast as he gained light was ready to acknowledge it—he has heartily espoused the truths we publish, so far as he understands them; he has heretofore given several lectures, and is ready to answer any similar calls, when he can do it without conflicting with the regular duties of his station. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.4

Yours in hope of the glorious appearing of Christ in 1843.
Ashburnham, Mass., March 21, 1842.

Letter from a Friend in Easton


Dear Bro. Himes,—I. am happy to state that there is quite a number in this place who have entirely given up the idea of a temporal millennium, and believe the time to be very short between this and the glorious appearance of our Savior Jesus Christ. Many, even of those who do not agree with us on this point, seem to be persuaded that this is the time spoken of in Revelation 7:3, when all the servants of God will be sealed; if so, is it not the last opportunity which will be given the impenitent to make preparations for eternity? O, how important that every soul should be awake to this subject! Almost every mind seems to be agitated. It seems to me that the great subject of preparation is being pressed home upon almost every conscience, that they may accept or reject the offer of mercy for the last time! The Lord have mercy on those who still dare to be engaged in a contest so unequal, as that must be which exists between God and his creatures! I think an able advocate of the Second Advent doctrine might do much good in this place. But the ability of believers here seems to be circumscribed. I hope, however, the time is not far distant when those who could do much more will be enlisted in the cause. The signs of the times denote the near approach of the Bridegroom. Then HST April 13, 1842, page 16.5

Look up, my soul, and now begin,
The joyous theme of praise;
For signs denote the approach of him
Who works in wondrous ways!
Luke 21:28.
HST April 13, 1842, page 16.6

His glory then will far transcend
The brightness of the sun;
The heavenly hosts their God attend,
When to our earth they come.
Matthew 16:27.
HST April 13, 1842, page 16.7

Our every eye will witness soon
The great and solemn scene!
Blessed are they whose work is done,
Who wait and watch for him.
Matthew 24:42.
HST April 13, 1842, page 16.8

But language never can describe
The anguish and dismay
Of those who have this Christ denied
In that approaching day!
Matthew 24:30.
HST April 13, 1842, page 16.9

O, Lord, thy children purify,
The sinner’s soul convert;
And when we see thee in the sky,
O bid us not “depart.”
Matthew 25:41.
HST April 13, 1842, page 16.10

Easton, Mass. March 25, 1842. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.11



Too poor to take a paper.—A certain deacon of a Freewill Baptist church recently had his paper stopped on the account of the expense. This deacon owns two large farms, and is taxed yearly for several thousand dollars personal property. He is supposed to be worth no less than $20,000, is sixty years old, and has no children. We hope he will get converted before he dies.—Morning Star. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.12

Cost of a Bible.—In the year 1272, a laboring man in England was paid only three and a half pence, or a little more than three cents a day, for his work, and in 1272, a Bible, with marginal notes, sold for thirty pounds. or about one hundred and thirty-three dollars. It then required the entire wages of thirteen years’ labor to purchase a bible. What a change hath been wrought by means of the art of printing and Bible Societies. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.13



From Post Masters—Mendon, Mass—Charlton, N. Y.—Deerfield, N. H.—West Brookfield, Vt.—New-port, N. Y.—Centre Barnstable, N. N.—Vermont P. O. Chautauque Co. N.Y.—Hartland, Vt.—Shrewsbury, Mass.—Mattapoisette, Mass.—Essex, Vt.—Sheldon, Vt.—East Nassau, N. Y.—Glennville, N. Y,—Schenectady, N. Y.—Jamestown. N. Y.—South Strafford, Vt.—Eastport, Me—Parish, N. Y.—Sugar Hill, N. H—Landaff, N. H.—Fairhaven, Mass.—Woolwich, Me.—Eastport, Me.—North Fairfax, Vt.—Terre Haute Vego City, Ind.—Williamsport, O.—Mason, N. H—Derry. N. H.—Concord, N. H. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.14

From Joel Steel, E. G. Davis, Wm. Camp, Thos. Henry, James Sabine, Ira Fancher, Noah Jackman, A. Plumb, Benj. Spaulding, John S. White, Arven N. Pratt, Jonas D. Johnson, D. Burgess, John Percival, M W. Burlingame, David A. Richtmyer, Charles Fitch, Joseph Howland, L. D. Fleming, S. A. Chaplin. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.15

Bundles Sent


One bundle of Books to A. C. Wheat, East Windsor, Ct. One bundle to Joseph Howland, Bedford, Mass. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.16



Second Advent Prater Meetings, in Worcester, are to be held regularly at the Vestry of the Methodist Chapel, on Friday, at 2 o’clock, P.M. and Tuesday evenings. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.17

Br. Litch will commence a course of Lectures on the Second Advent, in the M. E. Church, in Roxbury, on Tuesday evening, 19th inst. The public are respectfully invited to attend. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.18

Second Advent Library


The following works comprise the Library. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.19

1. Miller’s Life and Views.—37 1-2 cts. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.20

2. Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.37 1-2cts. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.21

3. Exposition of 24th of Matt. and Hosea 6:1-3. 18 3-4 cts. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.22

4. Spaulding’s Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2 cts. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.23

5. Litch’s Address to the clergy on the Second Advent.—18 1-4 cts. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.24

6. Miller on the true inheritance of the saints, and the twelve hundred and sixty days of Daniel and John.—12 1-2 cts. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.25

7. Fitch’s Letter, on the Advent in 1843.—12 1-2 cts. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.26

8. The present Crisis, by Rev. John Hooper, of England—10 cts. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.27

9. Miller on the cleansing of the sanctuary.—6 cts. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.28

10. Letter to every body, by an English author, “Behold I come quickly.”—6 cts. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.29

11. Refutation of “Dowling’s Reply to Miller,” by J. Litch.—15 cts. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.30

12. The “Midnight Cry.” By L.D. Fleming. 12 1-2 HST April 13, 1842, page 16.31

13. Miller’s review of Dimmick’s discourse, “The End not Yet.”—10 cts. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.32

14. Miller, on the Typical Sabbaths, and great Jubilee.—10 cts. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.33

15. The glory of God in the Earth. By C. Fitch.—10 cts. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.34

The above works are now published in sheets as a periodical; and, as such, can be sent by Mail to any part of the U. S. Persons at a distance can have the whole, or any one, or more numbers of this work sent to their order. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.35

Signs of the Times


Is published weekly, at No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, by JOSHUA V. HIMES, to whom all letters and communications must be addressed. HST April 13, 1842, page 16.36

Terms,—One Dollar per Volume of 24 Nos. (6 months)
dow & jackson, printers.
HST April 13, 1842, page 16.37