Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 3

July 27, 1842

Vol. III.—No. 17. Boston, Whole No. 65

Joshua V. Himes & Josiah Litch, Editors. Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston




It is almost a hopeless task to endeavor to convince a man against his will. Doubt, skepticism, and disbelief are powerful barriers against the progress of truth. The most cogent reasoning, and the most logical deductions, will alike fail of penetrating the heart that is shielded by prepossed opinions, cold and soul-destroying skepticism, or opposition of heart to the truth. If a man is determined that he will not see, it is utterly impossible to convince him. The man who willfully shrouds his heart in unbelief, effectually secures it from a conviction of the truth; and do what you will, make use of the most incontrovertible arguments, and he will be still of the same opinion. HST July 27, 1842, page 129.1

The apostle informs us that “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” If that is a correct definition of faith; if it is the substance of things hoped for, it follows that no faith can be exercised respecting those things to which our hearts are opposed: and when we see the opposition of the human heart to the doctrine of Christ’s Second Advent near, we need not wonder that so few are willing to embrace it. All mankind hope to be saved in some way or other; but few, wish to be saved so soon; therefore the number of those who would have faith in Christ’s immediate coming must necessarily be very small, compared with those who have faith in their respective schemes of salvation. And as most of those schemes either entirely dispense with the coming of Christ at all, or else defer his coming to a remote period, therefore the doctrine of his immediate coming conflicts with the prejudices and preconceived opinions of those who advocate these respective schemes; as well as with the carnal inclinations and wishes of the unregenerate heart. Again, most individuals on arriving at mature age are loath to believe that any views which they may entertain are erroneous, and therefore, tenaciously adhere to them, although the evidence of their error, to an unprejudiced mind, would be conclusive and overwhelming. In proof of this we have only to observe the zeal and energy which every party and every sect, either Christian or pagan, manifest in the support of their own peculiar theories; and which are directly at variance with each other. HST July 27, 1842, page 129.2

The small number of those who are “looking for the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ,” compared with the number of professed christians, is considered by many a conclusive refutation of his immediate coming. If majorities are to decide the truth of a doctrine, the Bible would not escape unscathed, and paganism would triumph; but we have already given some of the causes which influence the opinions of men, and we might add which govern their opinions; and it is, therefore, just no argument at all; and is unworthy of being advanced by a professed disciple of Christ. The same causes which effected the rejection of our Saviour by the unbelieving Jews, are equally potent now; and are still attended with similar results. We often wonder that man when in paradise should sin and fall, but do not reflect that had we been in his place, we might have sinned past the hope of redemption. And we are more surprised that all the signs and wonders and miracles attendant upon the first advent of Christ should have failed to convince the most skeptical. He spake as never man spake, and set at defiance the laws of nature; yet the Jews could find some excuse for not acknowledging his divine mission. They would ask, Is not this Joseph’s son? or alledge that he cast out devils by Beelzebub the prince of devils, and thus for every act of his life the devil furnished a salvo for their soul, and they lived on in unbelief. Every sign that was to denote his coming was fulfilled to the very letter. He came at the precise time predicted: one preceded him crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight: he was born of a virgin; in Bethlehem of Judea; was called out of Egypt; in Rama was there a voice heard—Rachel weeping for her children and would not be comforted because they are not: he was called a Nazarine; was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; was led as a lamb to the slaughter; was betrayed for thirty pieces of silver; they gave him vinegar to drink; he was numbered with the transgressors; they parted his raiment among them and for his vesture did they cast lots; not a bone of him was broken; they looked on him whom they pierced; he had his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death; his body did not see corruption; and he arose the third day and ascended into heaven. Thus every minute prediction was fulfilled in all its minutia, to the very letter; and yet we read they believed not on him though he had done so many miracles before them, “that the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled which he spake, “Lord, who hath believed our report? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed?” “Therefore they could not believe because that Esaias said again, He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their hearts; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.” It seems the Jews saw in these fulfilments no proofs of his Messiahship; but had they interpreted the Bible literally, it would seem as though there was hardly any room for them to doubt. We, therefore, must conclude that they indulged in figurative illustrations, and expected in the fulfilment of the various predictions, sometimes a great deal more, and sometimes less than the text would warrant; that they were wise above what was written, and depended more upon their own wisdom, than upon a thus saith the Lord; but the result proved to be as real as though they had believed. HST July 27, 1842, page 129.3

Unbelief may therefore be no security at the present day; and the expectations of the figurative interpretors may be now disappointed. If prophecy was fulfilled literally then, we have no assurance that it will not be literally fulfilled now, nor does revelation justify us in believing that the principles of interpretation have at all changed; and those who adopt a new standard are presumptious in so doing. The words of Esaias may be as true now as then, “By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see and shall not perceive: for this people’s heart is waxed gross; and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted and I should heal them.” Matthew 13:14, 15. HST July 27, 1842, page 129.4

The signs that were to denote our Saviour’s return have all been shown to accord with the present times; the termination of the prophetic periods and the fulfillment of all the prophecies which were to precede the resurrection have also been exhibited; and yet it may be said, “Who hath believed our report? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed?” Why is this so? Why will not the church at least examine this all-important question, and not reject it unheard? It may be in order to fulfill the sayings of Christ; “Nevertheless when I come shall I find faith on the earth?” “The love of many shall wax cold.” “But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My Lord delayeth his coming, etc., the lord of that servant shall come in a day that he is not aware of and shall cut him assunder.” “For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered in to the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away: so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” “While the Bridegroom tarried they all slumbered and slept.” And also to fulfill the sayings of the apostles; “That day shall come as a thief in the night and as a snare upon all the inhabitants of the earth.” “There shall be mockers in the last days saying where is the promise of his coming?” and “when they cry peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh.” We see that there must be this unbelief in the last days, so that the rejection of these truths by the church and the world is as much a sign of those days as was the unbelief of the Jews a sign of Christ’s first coming; and therefore, instead of being an argument against it, is a strong argument for it. HST July 27, 1842, page 129.5

From the tenacity with which men adhere to their own opinions, as exhibited above, we argue that no man can be convinced of a matter of faith, until he is first willing to be convinced of the truth. All confess their willingness to receive the truth, but the anxiety they manifest to sustain their own opinions, the stress they lay upon every shadow of an argument which can be tortured in support of their own theories, and the little importance they attach to any argument which bears against them; shows that they are more anxious to prove their own side true, than they are to receive the truth,—fall where it may. If therefore a person is unwilling our Saviour should return now, it will be impossible to convince him; and he must go out of the world in that state of mind; unless God himself shall interpose his Almighty arm, and pluck him as a brand from the burning: mere human efforts will be of no avail. Faith will only follow a willing mind; and those who examine this question, unreconciled to the event, need not wonder that it is to them a sealed book. They ought to tremble lest God should swear in his wrath, “They shall not enter into his rest.” HST July 27, 1842, page 129.6

Taking into consideration the predictions of the Bible and the natural heart of man, instead of being surprised at the indifference and coldness with which this subject is treated; we ought to feel that it is just as we had reason to expect, and to bless God that so many are enabled to understand. B. HST July 27, 1842, page 130.1

An Important Letter


Above all things, know the Truth: Examine first; Judge afterwards. HST July 27, 1842, page 130.2

The end of all things is at hand:—at the time appointed the end shall be.”—[The Word of God.] HST July 27, 1842, page 130.3

My Dear Friend:—Are you aware that you are living during the very last days of the time allotted by God himself to the present state of this world’s existence?—during the last days of the forbearance of God towards a wicked world?—during the closing scenes of man’s probation?—when all prophecy is fulfilled—when every event which God himself foretold by the mouth of all his holy prophets is filled up, completed, save the last, the very last; namely, the sounding of the seventh and last trumpet, which will usher in the great jubilee of God’s redeemed people, and the day of wrath to them who know him not? This is “the year recompense, (for his saints,) and the day of vengeance of our God” (upon his enemies): at which trumpet’s voice, all things that can be shaken shall be removed. Hebrews 12:27. For the earth shall “reel like a drunkard, and be removed like a cottage.” Isaiah 24:20—and thedead-in-Christ” shall rise and put on immortality, and rise to meet him in the air; for then he will be “revealed from heaven,” or “appear in the heavens in power and great glory, with all his holy angels with him,” taking vengeance on them who have not obeyed his gospel; namely, salvation in this day of his power, by faith in his atonement who died and rose again that he might be made wisdom, righteousness and sanctification, to all who should believe on him, that they might be fitted for, and so accepted in this “day of redemption,” Romans 8.—whom he will then receive to himself, and so be glorified in all them that have so believed on him—who are called significantly “the wheat,” which he will gather into his “garner,” and burn up thechaff,” or the wicked, with unquenchable fire. For “at his appearing and his kingdom,” he shall “execute” “judgment upon the quick and the dead;” 2 Timothy 3:1—for unto him the Father hath committed the execution of all judgment. John 5. Ah! in this day of his power, which, according to his word, is even now dawning, who shall be able to stand? Yea, “who shall stand when he appeareth?” Malachi 3:2. “For, behold, that day shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, and all that do wickedly, shall be as stubble, and” that “day shall burn them up, root and branch, saith the Lord of Hosts.” Malachi 4:1. Aye, the “flesh” of his enemies “shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongues shall consume away in their mouths.” Zechariah 14:12. Then he will overthrow the thrones of all kingdoms, and will destroy the strength of all the kingdoms of the wicked. Haggai 2:22. (For then the kingdoms of this world will have become the kingdoms of Him. and he shall reign with his glorified saints for ever and ever.) Revelation 12:10. Yes, in that day he will assuredly rise up to the prey: for it is His “determination to gather the nations to pour upon them His fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured in the fire of His jealousy.” Zephaniah 3:8. Then He will “drive asunder the nations.” Habakkuk 3:6. Then, also, shall the mountains quake at Him, and the hills melt, and the earth be burnt at his presence; yea, the world and all that dwell therein.” Nahum i. Ah, sir, “who can stand before His indignation?” who can abide the fierceness of His anger? when “he shall come down and tread upon the high places of the earth. And the mountains shall be molten under Him, and the valleys shall be cleft wax before the fire.” Micah 1:3-4. Then He shall cause the “reward of” the wicked “to return upon their own head.” Obadiah 15. For the Lord will then “roar from Zion,” and send his destroying fire on all the nations of the earth, that they “perish.” Amos 1. And the Lord shall utter his words before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the Lord is great, and very terrible: and who can abide it?” Joel 2:11. Then for the wickedness of the land it shall mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, etc. Hosea 4:1, 2, 3. For the Ancient of Days shall sit: His throne the fiery flame; His wheels burning fire; a fiery stream issuing from before him: and there was given the Son of Man dominion and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations and languages, should serve him etc. Daniel 7. (But the king commanded to bring those subjects that would not have him to reign over them, and slay them before him.) “Thus saith the Lord God, behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree: the flaming flame shall not be quenched; and all faces from the north to the south shall be burned therein: and all flesh shall see that I the Lord have kindled it; it shall not be quenched. Ezekiel 20:47. Yes, “the slain of the Lord shall be from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth; they shall not be lamented nor buried; they shall be dong upon the ground. Jeremiah 25:33. (For thus saith the Lord to those who wait upon him, his saints; “they,” the wicked, “shall be ashes under the soles of your feet” in that day.) Malachi 4. “The wicked shall be as burnings of lime; as thorns cut up shall they be burned in the fire. Isaiah 33:12. Then all the wicked upon earth shall wring out and drink the dregs of the cup of the Lord’s vengeance. Psalm 75:8. Yea, ALL the prophets, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days. Acts 3:24. All after the same sort. HST July 27, 1842, page 130.4

Are you aware, my dear friend, I ask, that you are living in the very days when, according to that word which cannot be gainsayed, having through all ages proved itself to be the word of Truth by the exactness of its foreknowledge, its power to them that believe, and by its minutely literal fulfilment of all its predictions, as the times have been completed—proving it, beyond the power of all controversy, to be the word of God, that you are living in the very days when, according to that word, all these things shall be finished? when that everlasting kingdom of God shall be set up in the new heavens and earth, which shall destroy all others; which the Ancient of Days, God the Father, will give to Christ and his saints when the seventh trumpet shall sound, and who shall reign for ever and ever? (Daniel 7.—Revelation 11.) The sixth trumpet having ceased to sound, and all creation, save unbelieving men, in deepest awe and solemn dread, only now await that trumpet’s blast which shall wake the deal in Christ, and bring to view the long-awaited hope of Israel as the lion, the tribe of Judah, to destroy all who have not obeyed his words, and to deliver his people from the bondage of the grave, and clothe them with immortality? Are you aware that you are living in the very days when this last, very last link of the long chain of prophecy shall be completed? And he who is filthy shall be filthy still, and he who is righteous shall be righteous still? HST July 27, 1842, page 130.5

Do you answer, “No, you are not aware of it,” and “that you will not believe that any man can know?” adding, that you are not to be alarmed or deceived by such fanatical alarm! My dear friend, in deep solemnity of thought, in near view of these things, I assure you, I would be the last person in the world to attempt to deceive you by any thing incapable of proof; and that I have not any faith in man, nor any confidence in the foreknowledge of any frail mortal like myself, all which pretensions are fanatical, and the end proves them to have been visionary and deceptive; nor can you be more skeptical as to the truth of these things than I was when first my attention was called to the subject, amounting to conclusion that it was all nonsense; nor can you be more cautious against being deceived. I saw and felt the vast importance to me of these things, if true as preached and published by Miller and others, against whom all the world, and professing Christians too, spake all manner of evil, that I resolved not to remain in error if I could find the truth. And while I strenuously resolved not to be deceived, I was deeply conscious, that to remain in darkness in the matter, in a state of uncertainty whether I was right or wrong, in truth or error, was fraught with great danger and perplexity. I found that Miller and others assayed to prove from the Bible that the second advent of our Lord Jesus, with all its concomitants, would be in the year 1843. (“But, in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound the mystery, of God,” [i. e., the offer of salvation by faith in His Son,] should be finished, and that the voice of the sixth trumpet ended in the month of August, 1840.) All the clergy, who had courage to name the subject, preached as theMiller doctrine,” though founded on the Bible, all “moonshine.” They of course professed to stand up for the defence of the same Bible, and also said their opposition was for the “glory of God.” Isaiah 66:5. Now, I was aware that neither of these parties could of themselves, as mere men, know any more respecting what was in the future, than myself; and that “the wisdom of man was foolishness with God.” 1 Corinthians 1. As men, therefore, I had no confidence in the pretensions of either party, but I wished to know the truth. HST July 27, 1842, page 130.6

In this case the natural enquiry was, What should decide? I found that Peter the apostle refers us to a competent witness in these matters, even as he acknowledges more sure than his own testimony of what his eyes bad seen. 2 Epistle 1:19, 20, 21. We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto we do well et take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day (of Christ’s everlasting kingdom) dawn, and the daystar arise in your hearts; HST July 27, 1842, page 130.7

20. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. HST July 27, 1842, page 131.1

21. For the prophecy came not of old time by the will of (frail) man; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. HST July 27, 1842, page 131.2

Having thus found the rule, the character for truthfulness of which I found upon examination, to be fully proved by its own nature, and also fully sustained even by profane history; in deep humility of soul and fervent prayer to God for the guidance of his spirit, I applied myself to the examination of Miller’s proofs of the doctrine and I soon found that I was uniformly supported by that word which cannot err. I found that the proofs were absolutely irrefragable; having the support of the whole scriptures in the most wonderful harmony; that the whole of the prophecies will be completed in 1843. When every eye shall see the Son of God. The king in Zion, “come again” (Acts 1:2) “be revealed from heaven in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and have not obeyed the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power, and also to be glorified in his saints; to be admired in all them that have believed in that day.” 2 Thessalonians 1. Here, was a doctrine supported by the whole tenor of the scripture, “the sure word of prophecy”—which in its own emphatic language I found to be in reality a “light shining in a dark place,” of which I was not more aware previously (April 1841) than if God had never revealed his designs to his church, although I had been brought up in the boasted blaze of gospel light, and had for some years professed the faith. Why? Because in the first place I, in common with all professing Christians, had got into, the way of taking our holy religion on trust without examining our Bibles, and, secondly, because we have got into the first advent fashion too, of placing confidence in a popular ministry, which, to tell the truth, for the sake of pleasing the worldly taste of their congregations, compromise the plain truths of the Bible, and preach the popular philosophy of the day; cunningly devised fables, which have no countenance in the Bible; (for one instance, I may name the doctrine of the millennium previous to the second advent and the resurrection.) traditions of men which engender only darkness and blind the eye of Faith; until they have in literal fact become “blind lenders of the blind;” and like their types, the Pharisees of the first advent, have no faith in the prophecies fulfilling in their own day; by which unbelief they filled up their iniquity, and destruction came upon them “with a flood” (Daniel 9:26.) and with wonderful harmony their antitype are scoffing, and walking after their own (wills) lusts, saying “where is the promise of his coming,” etc. 2 Peter 3:4. and crying “Peace and safely” to their hearers; not knowing that when they shall cry “Peace and safety” “then, sudden destruction cometh at travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape.” 1 Thessalonians 5:3. But, sir, the scripture must be fulfilled even in this; not one jot or tittle can be broken. Go to the clergy, tell them of this doctrine; the proofs from scripture and history by which it is sustained; the soundness of the arguments used in its support; the importance of its, apparently, at least, irrefutable conclusions; and what do they say? The first will throw off the mask, and in full unblushing infidelity exclaim; “The prophecies can’t be understood” [fact] and jeer your credulity if you suppose they may. The second when you inquire what these things mean, will exclaim “I am under no obligation to tell you” [fact] but still continues to “scoff” and cry “peace and safety.” Another, when he is asked “If these things should take place as preached by this doctrine, would you then acknowledge that the prophecies could be understood?” answer, “NO!” Another, when he is enquired of whether these things are so, says “I dont know,” and when requested to search, answers “I feel after something of greater importance” [fart]!! Another, more honest and candid, when he (having read some lectures embodying the doctrine at the request of his church) is asked his opinion, declares at once “No man on earth can disprove it,”!! but still goes on preaching Peace and safety. My limits will not allow a lengthened list (which might be given) of characters as we find them among the antitype of the first advent scribes and pharisees. But these are the characters of the clergy to whom we have been looking for guidance. These are the men in whose learning we have been reposing in fancied security until the great day had well high come upon us unawares. And but for some few friends of the “Bridegroom” who are by the learned clergy condemned for their “ignorance,” but who account the light of God’s Truth preferable to the darkness of their man-made wisdom, and the shame and contumely for Christ’s sake, which they have to endure, greater glory than all the honors of this perishing world; many thousands might still have been slumbering on without faith, who are now lifting up their heads and rejoicing in hope that their redemption will appear in a very short time; knowing that he is near even at the doors; and who are all deeply anxious to arouse their fellowmen from their slumbers, that they also may examine their Bibles in reference to this “present truth,” and get oil in their vessels, i. e. faith in their hearts that they may be prepared to enter in with the Bridegroom to the Marriage, supper when he appears. HST July 27, 1842, page 131.3

My Dear Friend, in conclusion, if you have hitherto been slumbering, I invoke you with an earnestness proportioned to the importance of the subject and the shortness of the time, that you be no longer deceived; give your heart up wholly to him who hath given himself for your ransom: examine his word faithfully; pray earnestly for his Spirit to guide you into the Truth, and that you be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom, that you may believe with the understanding. HST July 27, 1842, page 131.4

The importance of the subject, sir, forms my only apology for intruding these hurried and imperfect remarks upon your notice. My only object; is to induce you to lay aside all preconceived opinions in these matters if you have any, and casting away all confidence in an arm of flesh, or man-made wisdom give the word of God and authentic history (when that is needed) in reference to this subject, that candid, intelligent, earnest and devout examination which its importance demands of you. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked.” HST July 27, 1842, page 131.5

There are numerous publications which are published as cheaply and circulated as freely as the means and zeal of the friends will permit, all affording most useful information respecting the final fulfilment of all prophetic periods in 1843, and the consequent second advent of our blessed Lord in that year, which you may obtain at No. 14 Devonshire street, Boston, The office of the Signs of the Times, which paper (weekly) I would advise you to take. Fear not to apply: if you are really too poor to buy, the friends will supply you gratis as far as their means will allow. HST July 27, 1842, page 131.6

Then, sir, with the most fervent prayer that both you and I be found acceptable to God at the appearing of his Son the second time without a sin offering unto the salvation of his people, I conclude as I began. Above all things know the truth; Examine first, Judge after wards. J. W. HST July 27, 1842, page 131.7

Morman Views of Baptism.—A Mormon preacher was present at the discussion of the subject of Baptism, in the Newark Convention. At the close of it, he requested liberty, and was allowed, to give his sentiments on the subject. The following is a specimen of his reasoning. “Paul planted and Apollos watered. Plants will not grow unless they are watered; so men must be watered in order to be saved. This matter may well be compared to the working of a steam engine. The engine will not work without steam, so men cannot be saved without the Holy Ghost. But steam cannot be had without water; so men cannot get the Holy Ghost without baptism!” The preacher was a little disconcerted on being referred to Acts 10:44-48, where it appears that the Holy Ghost was given to the Gentiles before they were baptized. HST July 27, 1842, page 131.8

Puseyism.—The theological world is just now somewhat agitated by what is called Puseyism.—Dr. Pusey, of Oxford College, England, is at the head of what is called the High Church party, and the Oxford Society have issued a large number of tracts, which are charged by other Protestants, very generally, as leaning towards Romanism. Indeed there are some cases cited of going over to the Roman Church. Professor Powell, of Oxford, is said to have recently published a “Protestant’s Warning,” in which he says attempts have recently been made by professed Protestant Churchmen to introduce auricular confession, i. e. the Roman system of privatate confession to the priests. HST July 27, 1842, page 131.9

The Season is said to have been favorable to vegetation generally, promising abundance of fruit, hay and grain. HST July 27, 1842, page 131.10

Age of the reigning Sovereigns of Europe.—King of Sweden, 78 years; the Pope 76; King of Hanover, 70; King of the French, 68; of Wurtemburg, 60; of Bavaria, 55; of Denmark, 55; of Belgium, 55; of Sardinia, 53; of Holland, 49; Emperor of Austria, 48; King of Prussia, 48; Emperor of Russia, 45; King of Saxony, 41; of the two Sicilies, 32; of the Greeks, 26; Queen of Portugal, 23; of England, 22; the Sultan, 18; Queen of Spain, 11 years. HST July 27, 1842, page 131.11

It is remarkable that almost all the thrones of Europe have had their sovereigns renewed since 1830; out of 20 there have been 15. The King of Sweden, the senior of them all, dates from the year 1810; the King of Bavaria, 1825; Emperor of Russia, 1826; and Queen of Portugal, 1826. HST July 27, 1842, page 131.12


No Authorcode

BOSTON, JULY 27, 1842.

Editorial Correspondence, No. II


Dear Brother Peyton:—Our Conference and lectures in this city closed on Sabbath evening the 18th inst. HST July 27, 1842, page 132.1

We have had a very successful and interesting Conference. A large number of ministers of different denominations, (particularly from the neighboring towns) were in attendance, who took a deep interest in the proceedings. Many professed to receive light, especially on the time of Christ’s Advent, and came out boldly, and avowed it, assuring us that they should return to their flocks and proclaim it. HST July 27, 1842, page 132.2

A goodly number of brethren and sisters, also, came out from the temporal millennium, and return of the Jews, and embraced the doctrine of the advent at hand. HST July 27, 1842, page 132.3

The meetings were very solemn, and we trust that good will result to all classes. But as the secretary will give an account of the meeting, I refer to his report for further particulars. HST July 27, 1842, page 132.4

visit to the wharf—sermon to the sailors


In the time of our meeting, there were a large number of vessels in port which are engaged in the lumber trade. These vessels belong to almost all parts of the country, and will soon go out to all parts of the country on our coast, and to Europe. A number of the brethren being furnished with several thousand papers and tracts, on the subject of Christ’s Second Coming, visited every vessel, and supplied them. They were received with the greatest readiness, with the assurance that they would read and circulate. By invitation, we gave a discourse Sunday morning, at 5 o’clock, on the deck of the schooner Martha Wood, from the second and seventh chapter of Daniel. I never preached to a more attive audience. May God bless the sailors, and help them to keep their reckoning right, and be prepared to enter safely into the port of eternal rest. HST July 27, 1842, page 132.5

visit to the theological school


By invitation we visited the institution, and spent a couple of hours with the students, in examining the second, seventh, and eighth chapters of Daniel. We were received with the greatest respect and kindness by Prof, Pond, and the students. They heard with candor a plain statement of our views on these chapters, both on the nature of the kingdom of God, and the time when it is to be set up. A number of questions were asked, which we answered as we understood the meaning of this great prophecy. I can but hope that good was done by this friendly interview. We have presented the following questions to Dr. Pond, which we hope will be answered in the “Signs of the Times.” HST July 27, 1842, page 132.6

“Have not the events which lie at the basis of Mr. Miller’s theory, (which so far as it is peculiarly his consists of these two points, viz, that the time of the end of all things is revealed and. that time is 1843,) taken place as he states and at the time he states? HST July 27, 1842, page 132.7

2. Are not the prophecies which he applies these events rightly applied? HST July 27, 1842, page 132.8

3. Are there any other portions of prophecy (not opinions) which when fairly considered, render Mr. Miller’s views of the great subject inadmissible?” HST July 27, 1842, page 132.9

As a general thing, the ministers in the city kept aloof from our meetings. But many of their people were in attendance, and will no doubt, require of their pastors some light on the prophecies which relate to the coming of the Lord. The great question is now before the public, and it cannot be evaded. It must be met. HST July 27, 1842, page 132.10

It will be seen by the proceedings of the Conference, that is camp-meeting, and a series of other meetings are to be held in this vicinity in September next. The people are inquiring, and the calls for lectures are numerous from all parts of the state. We trust by means of the above named meeting laborers will be raised up to enter into the harvest. Yours, J. V. Himes. Bangor, July 19, 1842 HST July 27, 1842, page 132.11

Editorial Correspondence, No. VII


Dear Bro. Himes.—From the pinnacle of the United States, the loftiest point of Mt. Washington, I sit down with all the land before me, and filled with emotions indescribable, to pen a few thoughts. Never before has my mind experienced any thing like the present idea of Omnipotence which rushes upon my soul. Where is the human being that can stand on this lofty peak, and gaze on the stupendous and magnificent scene, and not acknowledge there is a power supreme and self-existent? And if I say to myself, the pillars of earth are thus strong, and its foundations thus solid, what must that Word be which shall not fail, even when creation melts away? HST July 27, 1842, page 132.12

It must be sure. Can I but believe it? I do believe; it must stand fast. If so, then in one year, the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established upon the top of the mountain and be exalted above the hills. And from this lofty point which overlooks the land, must the mighty midnight cry go forth; flowing forth east, west, north and south, until the whole land is flooded with light, and the sounds hall echo and re-echo from mountain top to mountain top; from hill to hill and from valley to valley. Yes, this mighty echo will go forth from hence this day that shall shake the Granite state, and roll on, east, south and westward until it shall reach the king of waters in the great valley, and crossing the swelling flood of the Mississippi it will still spread along the frontiers as far as man hasting to judgment shall be found. “For behold upon the mountain the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace.” At my side is a noble soul, who yesterday before God and man pledged himself to the work, by the grace of God, to arouse New Hampshire to this mighty question; and he will do it—for it is like fire shut up in his bones;—and going forth in the spirit he now possesses the work must and will prevail. I allude to Bro Simeon P. Cheney, who has for years past been a teacher of music in this state, by which means he has formed an extensive acquaintance and a commanding influence, which will all be brought to bear on this question. I feel almost as if standing on this eminence I could raise my voice so that it should shake the land from centre to circumference. But when I attempt it, it is the same poor weak worm still. But my hope is in God, and I beleive he has nerved his own right arm for carrying for ward this great work, and it will prevail. It must, it will prevail. Yours, HST July 27, 1842, page 132.13

Summit of Mt. Washington (White Mountains) July 14, 1842, 9 o’clock, A. M.

Editorial Correspondence.—No. 8


Dear Bro. Himes,—Having closed my lectures in Whitefield N. H. I left for this place, where I arrived yesterday. The result of the meeting at Whitefield was glorious, and little less interesting than the Canada campaign. I began Thursday the 7th and closed on Wednesday P. M. The people, in masses, young and old, turned to the Lord. The Sabbath I spent there, probably, not one fourth of the people present could get into the house. The movement is powerful all through this section of country, and doors are open in every direction for Lectures. The fields are white unto the harvest; and he that reapeth receiveth wages and gathereth fruit unto eternal life. The preaching of God’s naked truth is a mighty engine to the pulling down of the strong holds of satan. Sinners cannot stand before the demonstration the word of Jehovah affords of the coming of Christ in 1843. O what a dreadful and glorious thought! dreadful to the wicked, but glorious to the saints of God. I am more and more astonished and grieved at the conduct of many who profess to be Christians and even Christian ministers, in reference to this question. How can they remain indifferent to the great question? Is there no way to arouse and save them? I do exceedingly fear for them lest they shall fall under the stone when it falls and be ground to powder. HST July 27, 1842, page 132.14

In this place I had the happiness to meet with Bro. Henry Frost, who is giving a series of lectures in the south part of the town, in the Methodist meeting house. We were together yesterday P.M. and to-day A. M. But tomorrow (Sabbath) he preaches at the Methodist and I at the Congregationalist house. Monday I expect to start for Gardiner, the seat of the Maine Methodist E. Conference. There has not been much said on the subject in this place, and it is hard starting any thing, I do not know what the end will be. J. L. Newfield, Me. July 16, 1842. HST July 27, 1842, page 132.15

Bangor Conference


Dear Brother Peyton:—The afternoon I left your office to take the steamer for Bangor, I called at father T----s, where I witnessed a striking exhibition of one of the most remarkable signs of the times. Such scenes are abundant in the old world, but I had not heard of any of this character among us before. As I entered the house, I observed in the passage leading to the wash room, a stout athletic man eating by himself, and supposed he had been doing some job for them about the house, and was taking his lunch as a bonus. But sister T. soon entered the dining room a good deal affected, and after the usual address, said to me, “Did you see that man?” O, yes. “Well, dont you think he says he cannot get any thing to do, and has had nothing to eat since yesterday, and has come in begging for something to eat.” Is it possible? “And it is only a little while,” she continued,” since a poor woman called, who said she had five little children at home; that she had nothing to eat, and they were so clamorous when she entered the house she could not endure it, and then appealing lo my feelings as a mother, said she must have something for them.” And these were only specimens of quite a catalogue in the same class. A good deal excited with emotion, she continued, “It makes me faint only to think of it. What are we coming to?” By the way, your views find no sympathy at father T----’s. But you will ask, wherein is this a sign? Let me show you by the word and testimony, for we want no guess work in this business, Luke 17:28, 30. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. How was it in this respect in the days of Lot in Sodom? Behold this was the iniquity of Sodom, pride, fulness of bread and abundance of idleness was in her; neither did she strengthen the hands of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me; therefore I took them away as I saw good, Ezekiel 16:49, 50. Who could give a more exact and comprehensive description of our own times? HST July 27, 1842, page 132.16

The first strong feature in this divine picture of Sodom is pride. Have we a match for it in our day? Alas! who does not shrink from the comparison? All feel it, all deplore it, and is it too much to say all indulge it? It is the inward life, and the outward manifestation in all our wonderful modern achievements, in literature, science, philosophy, arts and religion; in diet, dress, buildings with all then appendages, and so called improvements. If the sprit of all the principal actors in the movements of the present age, could be impersonated and heard in a single individual, that individual would only act over the proud, boastful, blasphemous part of the ruler of old Babylon, when he looked out upon the splendid field of palaces and towers around him, and exclaimed, Is not this great Babylon that I have builded? And to this proud, God-forgetting world, is it soon to be spoken, The kingdom is departed from thee! HST July 27, 1842, page 132.17

The second feature in the picture, is fulness of bread. How is it with us? In one of your city papers of yesterday, I saw among the items of news, this fact. “The surplus of wheat in Ohio this year, will be 14,000,000 bushels.” This is but one state, what the amount in all the states would be, I have no means at hand of determining. It must be above all precedent. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.1

The third trait, is abundance of idleness. We have it everywhere, in some cases, in spite of ourselves, and we would not include all who want employment among the idlers. But there is one well known fact, which furnishes the exact comparison between us and Sodom. The class of positive idlers in our day, has become so numerous and so interesting, that it has given rise to a new word by which to distinguish them. And every “loafer,” whether he represents the “latest fashion,” or what used to be the fashion, if not a sign, at least, furnishes proof of this abundance of idleness. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.2

Happy would it be for us, if the remaining trait, indifference to the wants of the poor and needy, and which would prove us to be fitted for destruction, were found wanting. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.3

I hope the cases of suffering among us are not numerous; but we know that in several of those nations with whom we sustain the most important relations, such is the murderous policy adopted in their commercial intercourse with us, that their population is starving by thousands, when we have at least, fourfold more than we can possibly dispose of. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.4

Here then is the original picture of Sodom, and the copy of that picture in ourselves, but who anticipates the catastrophe that awaits us! HST July 27, 1842, page 133.5

the passage to bangor


After supplying my own wants, I repaired to the boat; she was thronged with passengers; and their friends who had accompanied them, that the hour of separation might be delayed as long as possible, and the departure cheered by a kind “farewell;” and having “all aboard” we left the pier at 6 o’clock. She glided down the harbor in fine style; and having passed the objects of attraction it presents, as soon as the spirit of walking, which usually prevails among passengers about sunset, had subsided, I opened my budget and turned missionary among them. After all the odium which is cast upon the Second Advent cause, it is a rare thing, that our pamphlets are rejected. I found but one among the passengers, in this case, who declined receiving the offered sheets; but on the other hand I found them an introduction to several kind and intelligent friends. After conversing an hour or two with friends, inquirers, and cavilers, I retired to the cabin and appropriated to myself one of the ample stuffed hair-cloth sofas, and enjoyed quite a comfortable night. The usual hour brought us safely and pleasantly to Portland, where I had the pleasure of meeting brother Himes as soon as our boat came up to the pier He took the boat in Boston on Saturday, and between the time of his arrival and Tuesday morning, had delivered five discourses in P. and vicinity, on the coming of Christ. The steam boat Express which continues the route from Portland to Baugor, was soon ready, and we transferred ourselves and baggage, on board of her, and with express speed we were soon on our delightful voyage through the beautiful and romantic islands of Casco and Penobscot bays. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.6

Our work, however, was not forgotten in the loveliness of the world around us. We were soon known as “Millerites,” and then followed the short, earnest inquiries, or the more continued argumentative discussion which usually follows the introduction of the subject under such circumstances. The passengers generally treated us and our subject with much kindness and candor; and I judged the most of them to be professors of religion, with one or more ministers among them. But the manner of quoting the Word of God showed they understood as little of the connection and meaning of what they quoted, as if it had been spoken by parrots. One young man, a victim of the Neology of your city, remarked, that if it could be made to appear that the Bible taught that the end of all things is to come next year, he would renounce it at once. I talked plainly and seriously to him on the importance of bowing his will to the will of God, and of seeking a personal interest in Christ; to begin with prayer, and that in answer to prayer many things which appeared difficult would become plain. He told me that de did not pray, and that he was as much a Mahometan as a Christian. And yet how many are there who profess a very different regard for the Word of God, who treat it as he would do. They pervert or deny the plainest teachings of the Bible, rather than allow that it favors the views of Mr. Miller. Although we made several calls to leave and receive passengers, we arrived at Bangor in less than twenty-three hours from the time we left Boston. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.7

For a wonder worthy of note, in the sagacity of this world’s wisdom, our boat arrived at the wharf before the carriages made their appearance to convey the passengers to their stopping places, so we shouldered our light baggage and went in search of the friend with whom we were to take lodgings, and after a few inquiries soon found ourselves quite at home. The kindness of those friends, we shall not attempt to record. God will reward them in that day. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.8



We found one of the faithful and tried friends of the cause, Bro. Atkins, on the ground, who had conducted the meetings so far, which had been rather thinly attended. Indeed, there seemed less knowledge of the meeting in Bangor than in any part of the country around. The Vestry of the large Methodist Church, quite a commodious room, had been opened for our accommodation; but it was feared there would not be enough at meeting to fill it. However, the circulation of some one or two hundred handbills, announcing the meeting produced quite a sensation. I doubt if our message has ever come to a people more truly as midnight cry than it has to the people of Bangor. With a few exceptions there appeared to he as little thought on the Second Coming of Christ among them, as in any of the newly discovered cities of central America. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.9

On account of a severe cold I did not attend meeting the first evening, and indeed, I was able to do scarcely any thing, in the way of talking, during the Conference, so that labor fell mostly on brothers Himes and Atkins. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.10

Wednesday Morning the Conference was organized by choosing Bio. A. Bridges of, Newport, Chairman, and the writer of this for Secretary. Fixed the hours of meeting as follows, viz: Prayer meeting at 9 A. M., Preaching at 10., Preaching at 2, and 7 1-2, P. M. Committees chosen and reports heard at the commencement of the hour, for prayer meeting. Some fifty, or more, gave in their names as members of the Conference, most of whom were from towns more or less distant from Bangor, and a few from other states. Others gave in their names afterwards. The following members were appointed a committee to consider the state of the cause in in this part of Maine, and to report a plan of operations; A. Hale, J. Hamilton, Y. Higgins, A. Bridges, J. W. Atkins, J. Daman, and S. H. Horne. Several communications were received inviting the appointment of Second Advent Conferences in the places from which they were sent, which were considered and reported on by the committee. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.11

The vestry was so much crowded on Wednesday and Thursday, evenings, that a committee was appointed on Friday morning to provide a more convenient plate. The old Methodist church, now Freewill Baptist, being offered, that place was occupied the remainder the time. This, however, was found to be quite too small, and on the Sabbath we found it impossible to convene the multitudes who thronged the house, though we had thrown up an awning of sails from one side of the house, and fixed seats for several hundreds, a place having also been prepared in that side of the church for the speaker by removing one of the windows. Many of your readers may not be aware that Bangor is the seat of one of our theological schools. Several of the students and one or more of the faculty had attended the lectures; and on Saturday we received an invitation to meet them in one of their halls for a familiar Bible Class exercise upon the subject. My health was such as not to allow of attending, and Bros. Himes and Atkins went without me. They speak with the highest satisfaction of their reception, and the attention paid to their message. What the result will he eternity only can tell; but our earnest prayer has been, O that some such institution might be inspired to raise its voice to break the spell that is brooding over Zion. But God will do his work in his own way. The institution was supplied with one of our prophetic charts, and with the Second Advent books; most of the latter were also presented to Dr. Pond, who, I believe, is the head of the institution. Several of the students are favorable, if not fully converted to the’ 43 doctrine. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.12

An invitation was also sent from the seamen to preach on the subject to them on some vessel selected for the purpose at 5 o’clock on Sabbath morning. Brother Himes officiated, and at the same time a number of brethren distributed our publications through the large fleet in port. I think much good may be expected from this effort. These vessels belong to almost every port on the coast, and visit a great many different ports during the season. May God make them successful missionaries of the truth to those places they may visit. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.13

The Conference having closed Sabbath evening, we prepared to take the steamboat for Boston on Monday morning. We left Bangor at 5 A. M., and arrived at Portland about 3 1-2 P. M. Again we transferred our baggage to the Portland steamer, and spent the time till 7, the hour of leaving for Boston, among the friends of the cause in Portland. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.14

As we had a great number of passengers on board I could not think of retiring, though quite unwell, without presenting the great question to their attention. So I gathered up the remaining sheets we had on board and set about the work of distribution. Most of the passengers were glad to receive them, many were anxious to inquire and converse on the subject; and one called upon me several times to give them a lecture; he probably acted for others as well as himself. I could not do this on account of my health, but found Bro. Himes, who, although a little sea-sick, took his chart into the saloon where he spent an hour or two in explaining it to all who wished to listen. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.15

At the usual hour next morning we were in sight of your noble city, truly thankful to the kind Providence which had prospered us during our week’s labor in the Second Advent cause in Maine. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.16

I have not time to speak on the many points which crowd upon my mind in connection with this visit. God has been with us. In many facts which came to our knowledge his hand is especially visible. And from the character of the brethren who rallied around the cause,—devoted, energetic hardy men,—we have everything to hope. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.17

Affectionately yours, A. Hale.
Ipswich, July 21, 1842.

The Signs of the Times


While many readily admit that the predictions respecting the last days, are strikingly descriptive of the times in which we live; yet they are ready to inquire if they are not equally applicable to days which are past and gone. There is no doubt, that many of these predictions were partially descriptive of ages past; yet most of them, are alone applicable to these days; and there was never before a time, when they were all illustrative of the then existing state of things. We know that if any of them should fail in any one particular, these could not be the last days; and that we should have to wait for a period in which they all would be fulfilled. We therefore argue that because they are all literally applicable to these times, and to no one preceding period of time, it is strong proof that these are the last days. HST July 27, 1842, page 133.18

Our object at this time will be to point out some of the signs of the times, which have been applicable to no preceding period. HST July 27, 1842, page 134.1

1. “When they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape,” 1 Thessalonians 5:3. The cry of peace and safety was once unknown. In former ages, the whole world believed in a future state of rewards and punishments. When Christianity became corrupt, the catholics promised peace and safety to all within her communion. Then infidelity arose, and denied any future state of being; and flattered themselves that an eternal sleep would be the portion of all. The doctrine of universal salvation was next promulgated, and peace and safety promised to all, though they might sin against God all their days with a high hand and a stretched out arm. And now the church has united in the cry, by proclaiming 1000 years certain, and probably, 360,000 of unprecedented peace and prosperity in this world to all the inhabitants thereof. If it is true that when they cry peace and safety, then sudden destruction will come, it cannot be that that event will be delayed long, for now, all, both saint and sinner, priest and people, orthodox and heterodox, believer and infidel, are united in the cry in some form or other; and will not sudden destruction come upon them, so that they will not escape? HST July 27, 1842, page 134.2

“There shall come in the last days scoffers, saying where is the promise of his coming?” 2 Peter 3:3, 4. In the days of the primitive church there was no doctrine which was more prominent than the Second Coming of Christ. It was a theme upon which they loved to dwell. It animated the hopes of the Christian, and aroused the fears of the sinner. Its spirit glows on every page of the writings of the apostles, was the hope of those who succeeded them in the gospel ministry, and till these last days was the continual expectation of the Christian world. But now how changed! we seldom hear a pointed and practical discourse upon this, from the sacred desk; and when it is barely alluded to, it is carried a great way off, or is interpreted to have reference to his coming when we die. The doctrine in its pristine purity is seldom preached; and all are ready to deny any promise of his immediate coming. A portion claim that his coming is past; and others deny that he ever will come. The apostle claimed that those scoffers were willingly ignorant; and that is strikingly true now; probably but very few who deny his immediate coming, have given any examination to this question. This sign was never literally fulfilled till now. HST July 27, 1842, page 134.3

“But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, my Lord delayeth his coming, and shall begin to smite his follow-servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; the Lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth,” Matthew 24:48-51. HST July 27, 1842, page 134.4

In all ages since Christ, till the days of Daniel Whitby, the church have been expecting his immediate coming; and even considered that event as near, and that he would come quickly, without knowing how near that day might be. Now all, not only say in their hearts but boldly proclaim, that his coming is to be delayed 1000 years if not 360,000; and not only the evil servants, but those whom we trust are wise, unite in the cry, “the end is not yet;” and we have great reason to fear that out of the abundance of their hearts their mouths speak. While all have been crying “my Lord delayeth his coming,” many have begun to smite their fellow servants Contentions have been bitter and fierce. Sect has been warring against sect, each striving to pull down the other; and contending about the smaller matters of the law. Ecclesiastical bodies have been rent in twain; and one part arrayed against the other, has excited the most violent controversy, they have even attempted to depose some from the sacred desk; and have gone to law before the unbelieving. They have mixed up the interest of the church, with the interest of the world; have eaten and drank with the drunken; and have joined fellowship with the unbelieving, in many of the benevolent enterprises of the day. This sign can only be applicable to these days; and we have therefore reason to believe that he will shortly come in a day they look not for him. The fact that the coming of Christ has been expected in past ages, and that he did not come, is advanced by many as an argument that he will not come now: but can they not see that he was not to come, till they should say my Lord delayeth his coming? and that it is therefore a more striking sign of these days? Were all expecting his immediate coming we should know from the direct testimony of the Bible, that he would not come now: and if they had not in days past expected his coming at hand, viz. the present disbelief in the nearness of his coming could be no sign. HST July 27, 1842, page 134.5

4. In the parable of the supper (Luke 14) when all who had been invited excused themselves on account of their worldly business, he said to his servant, go out quickly into the high-ways and hedges, and into the streets and lanes, and compel them to come in—the poor the maimed, the halt and the blind: This has never been so strikingly fulfilled as in the temperance reformation, which has taken the poor drunkard from the high-ways and gutters,—not only the poor but the maimed, and halt and blind; and has placed many of them, clothed and in their right mind at the feet of Jesus. It is now fulfilled to the very letter. This, remember, was not done till supper time, when they sent to those who were bidden, saying, “come, for all things are now ready.” HST July 27, 1842, page 134.6

5. When the Midnight Cry (Matthew 25.) was made, it found them all, both the wise and foolish alike, slumbering and asleep. This is the case now; but had the cry been made before a temporal millennium was preached, when they were continually expecting the coming of their Lord, they would not have been sleeping over this question. The Midnight Cry which has been made, has also produced just the effect which was to be expected. It would arouse both the wise and foolish virgins, but the foolish would not effectually heed it; for we are informed that it will be as it was in the days of Noah. They will not believe till he comes. And therefore while all the signs of his coming will be so evident, that the wise will understand, will know that it is near even at the doors, and will not be in darkness, that that day should come upon them as a thief in the night; yet they will also be so like ordinary occurrences that none but the wise will suspect what they portend, and will deny that they are tokens of the last day; so that it will come in a day that they look not, as a thief in the night, and as a snare on them all, as did the flood of old: so that if any fail to see these signs, the fault may be in their own vision; and we know that but very few will receive the light, or the Bible does not describe that day aright. HST July 27, 1842, page 134.7

6. “Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased,” Daniel 12:4. This is true now, not only respecting this question, but respecting every question, both moral or physical, political, or sectarian, of a religious or worldly nature, in science or in art. The high pressure principle actuates all, and they travel on the wings of the wind. This can never be more a sign of the times than it is now. HST July 27, 1842, page 134.8

7. “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemous, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.” 2 Timothy 3:1-5, The perilous times would be evidently peculiarly perilous to souls, by the prevalence of such things as afterwards followed. Men at the present day are pre-eminently lovers of their own selves, proud, covetous, and are great boasters. Blasphemers also abound. In the days of Roman virtue disobedience to parents was almost unknown; now it is the parent that must obey, and not the child. As a people we are unthankful for the great blessings that we have enjoyed, and unholiness has taken the place of the devotion of the pilgrims. The natural affection which was once a, bond of union between the distant portions of our country, has given way to sectional jealousies and bitter animosity. A truce was once considered sacred; the faith of an Indian could always be depended on, and even the Spaniard prized his honor as his life, and his word was never violated. How is it now? we know not whom to trust; the most sacred treaties with the Indians have been disregarded; states have repudiated their debts; and congress has even made a law legalizing a disregard of solemn contracts. That there are now false accusers who are incontinent and fierce, the whole political press will testify. A truly good man is sure to be ridiculed and despised. Heady and high-minded political traitors abound. And the various errors which are promulgated from the desk—Universalism, etc. demonstrate that many have the form of godliness, but deny the power thereof. While some of those faults have been prevalent in every age, yet they have never been all so applicable as at the present day; so that it is truly a perilous time for the souls of men. HST July 27, 1842, page 134.9

8. “Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocricy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath commanded to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth,” 1 Timothy 4:1-3. In all ages men have given heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; but it was reserved for the infidelity of these last times “to denounce marriage, which is honorable in all. Animal food has also been attacked as an article of diet, which we are to receive with thanks giving; so that this sign has a preeminence never before known. HST July 27, 1842, page 134.10

9. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they reap to themselves teachers having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables,” 2 Timothy 4:3, 4. HST July 27, 1842, page 135.1

This sign points with peculiar force to the present time. The various opposite sects which now exist, demonstrate that there is no want of unsound doctrine, and that for whatever errors their ears may itch, they find teachers to proclaim it; and Judaizing fables take the precedence of the truth. HST July 27, 1842, page 135.2

“There shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them; and bring upon themselves swift destruction,” 2 Peter 2:1. The denial of the Divinity of Christ by professed Christians, is a heresy of the last forty years, and has spread with astonishing rapidity. As when they say peace and safety, they are to be suddenly destroyed; so does swift destruction follow the denial of the Lord by professed Christians. HST July 27, 1842, page 135.3

The last sign which we will here notice, is the misery which was to come upon rich men when they had heaped their treasure together for the last days (see James 5.) This is emphatically a day of incorporated wealth. The rich not content with heaping up riches, have heaped their treasures together in companies, in a manner unprecedented in the history of the world. Probably more companies have been incorporated since the commencement of the time of the end in 1798, than were ever before in the world. And there was never a time when riches were held by a more uncertain tenure,—when riches were more corrupted, or gold and silver cankered, or when they caused their possessors more heart-rending distress. The cry of the laborers in Britain and America, who have reaped down our fields, and whose wages have been kept back by fraud, never went up more unitedly or effectually than at the present time, and are descriptive of these days. HST July 27, 1842, page 135.4

The above, with the other signs in the Bible of the last days, are so evidently fulfilled now, and in a manner never before, that all who can discern the face of the sky, ought also to be able to discern these “signs of the times.” But they will not see them; deceived the world must be, for the Scriptures must be fulfilled; “and none of the wicked shall understand,” they will be “snared and taken.” B. HST July 27, 1842, page 135.5

Letter from C. French


Dear Brother Himes:—I am happy to inform you that since my last of the 5th inst, the interest in this city on the subject of Christ’s second coming has greatly increased. Some are rejoicing, while the multitude are trembling for fear, that the evidence is conclusive that the affairs of this world will close up in 1843. The place in which our lectures commenced has become too strait for us evenings; hundreds coming that could not get an opportunity to” hear. HST July 27, 1842, page 135.6

On Sabbath eve. the first Baptist Meetinghouse was kindly opened for a lecture, and filled to overflowing; it was again opened this eve. and a good congregation attended, but as some of the trustees were fearful of the results of an investigation of the subject, it is uncertain whether they “will hear again of this matter.” There is a great searching of the Bible by all classes through the city, and the question is often asked, “do you believe the doctrine?” Some arc waiting, bold in the faith, and are able to reply understandingly “I do.” The results, thus far, of our labors are good, men begin to realize there will be a judgment and that it is important to be ready. HST July 27, 1842, page 135.7

Yours, in love, Calvin French.
Albany, N. Y. July. 12th, 1842.

Letter from H. P. Stebbins


Brother J. V. Himes:—Dear Sir; The Signs of the Times of the 13th inst. was unusually full of interest with regard to the great subject of the glorious Second Advent of the Lord of life and glory. It really appears that the whole community are getting awake to this soul-transporting theme. HST July 27, 1842, page 135.8

I have read with great satisfaction the report of the proceedings and results, of the late and first Second Advent campmeeting held at East Kingston, N. H. (similar to what I have lately witnessed myself under Bro. Miller’s lectures, at Three Rivers.) Here were congregated on common ground not Parthians and Medes, and Elamites, and dwellers in Mesopotamia and in Judea, and Cappadocia, etc. literally, but from all parts of New England—Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, Connecticut—old England and the Canadas of nearly all the sects, and creeds, divines, priests, and people, of almost every name, the high, the low, rich and poor, together with Universalists, Deists and Infidels, and many “were amazed, and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Gallileans? and how hear we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born?” But one like “Peter standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice and said unto them, This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel, and it shall come to pass in the last days (saith God) I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh,” etc. etc. Bless the Lord, it is not difficult to anticipate how these men are brought to understand all of these things in their own language, for when the heart is prepared, divested of all traditions, and predisposed opinions, with thorns, roots and bitterness cast out the spirit of the Lord, with power, pours its divine light upon the oracles of his word, conveys it to their understanding, enables them to read and digest the language of the spirit, and to receive the exhortation, Repent ye therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Finally, as it regards Second Advent camp-meetings, I think the most benificial results (though in a measure realized here) will not be fully unfolded till the day of eternity bursts upon our glorified visions. It is a matter of rejoicing that the public press, i. e. Christian Herald, Daily Mail, and others, treat this subject with so much candor in their notices of the above meeting. The fact is, truth is mighty and will prevail HST July 27, 1842, page 135.9

It is generally understood among those who have read or heard lectures upon the Second Advent near, that about the time in which Mr. Miller was investigating and preparing this theory, there were others engaged in the same work, and on precisely the same principles, in different parts of the world, and some whose names have been mentioned in his lectures. Now many ask, why do we not hear from or see their writings in the prints of the day? I hope, brother, that for the good of this cause you will give publicity to some of these works, and how they progress in their work. HST July 27, 1842, page 135.10

Brother Miller has agreed to give a course of lectures the last of August or first of Sept. at Cabotville, in case the brethren there can obtain the Tabernacle tent, which he has recommended them to do they have written to Boston for this purpose, but in case the tent cannot be had, it is intended to occupy the ground that will be vacated by the Methodist camp-meeting which commences the 15th Aug. and closes about the 21st. Every facility will here be given by the owners of the land (free of expense) and also conveyance to and from the Springfield depot five miles distant, being at Chickopee Falls, about one quarter of a mile from the village. As soon as it can be ascertained about the tent, it is desired to publish the notice in the Signs of the Times. Perhaps you will already know the result of that letter, and also the time of Mr. Miller’s appointments so as to be able to advertise, either at Cabotville or Chickopee Falls, giving the time in your next or the succeeding paper. Do if possible. I remain yours in hope, HST July 27, 1842, page 135.11

H. P. S.
Chickopee Falls, July 16th 1842.

The Mormons


jo smith and his cabinet explosion

Jo Smith’s Government is a sort of Politico Religion-Military Government; and his Cabinet Council partakes of the ecclesiastical, political and military. Jo’s power is something like that of the Pope. He thunders out his Decrees and papal Bulls, and none dare say, why do ye so? His Cabinet, though political in its formation, and many of its movements, is most effectual, as an ecclesiastical body, except that all its enactments are subject to the veto and control of Jo Smith, whose sovereignty over his people is absolute in all matters, civil, ecclesiastical and military. This sovereignty, however, seems to be among his reserved rights, not to be exercised on ordinary occasions, but as a last resort, in affairs of moment, or where his Cabinet are interested or cannot agree. HST July 27, 1842, page 135.12

There has been a terrible blowing up at Nauvoo quite lately among the Latter Day Saints. General Bennett, Commander of the Mormon forces, Mayor of the city of Nauvoo, and Jo’s Prime Minister, having displeased his sovereign, has been broke, excommunicated and expatriated, it is said, in punishment of his heretical and his rebellious conduct. And Sidney Rigdon, is another High Priest of the order, and member of the Cabinet (union) having countenanced and aided Bennett’s rebellion, is under the same condemnation. And now comes the tug of war, as when Greek meets Greek, the trial of strength, the mutual accusations, criminations and recriminations. Jo accuses Bennett and Bennett accuses Jo, of licentiousness and profligacy by wholesale and detail—general and special. The prophet Jo, according to his coadjutors, has made terrible havoc with his flock, more than 100 of the ewes having been maltreated. How it will end, time will unfold. But if a house divided against itself cannot stand, the house of Mormon is in danger. Jo may yet be dethroned. We shall see what we shall see, and hear what we shall hear, soon. D. HST July 27, 1842, page 135.13

Miscellaneous Religious Intelligence


Romanism.—The pope of Rome, highly indignant that the Government of Spain should throw off its allegiance to his holiness, has required all his faithful subjects throughout the world to combine their efforts with his, to reduce the rebellious nation to submission, and in return has promised to “open to them the treasures of celestial grace with a liberal hand,” and to “grant them a Plenary Indulgence,” for their assistance. And the bishop of Cincinnati responds to the Pope, and calls on “the faithful” in his Diocese, to offer up their prayers for fifteen days, after carefully receiving the holy Sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist, to render their prayers acceptable. American citizens called upon by their ecclesiastical leaders to offer prayers and pay money in aid of the Pope’s plans to continue upon Spain the yoke she has worn with servile patience for centuries, and by which she has been galled to the point of desperation! The impudence and blasphemy of Romanism are every day becoming more apparent; but when the eyes of our citizens will be opened to discover the machinations of the “mother of harlots,” is known only to Him who seeth the end from the beginning.—Boston Recorder. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.1


No Authorcode

BOSTON, JULY 27, 1842.

Second Advent Camp-meeting


AT CHICOPEE, MASS. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.2

This meeting will commence on the 25th day of August next. It is expected to continue eight or ten days. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.3

The meeting will be located about four miles from Springfield, two miles from the steam boat wharf at Cabotville, and half a mile east of Chicopee village But we are negotiating with the agent of the Western rail-road, to stop within one mile and a quarter of the camp-ground. In this case, all persons from Boston, and east, and others from Albany and west will be left very near the ground. Notice will be given of the arrangements in our next. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.4

The object of the meeting is not controversy, but to present the truths plainly, and strongly to those who wish to hear, on the second coming to Christ at hand, and to wake up the slumbering virgins. For the Committee, J. V. Himes. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.5

Boston, July 27th, 1842. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.6

Arrangements are now being made for a camp-meeting in Middleborough, Mass. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.7

Requests have come in for lectures in Albany, and various other parts of New York. We shall do what we can to supply them. But we want a hundred ministers to enter the field to supply the calls. Who will go? HST July 27, 1842, page 136.8

The Millennial Harp, is now out, and will be published in a few days. Music of 72 page and the Millennial Musings, of 144 pages added makes 216 pages. Price 37 1-2 cents bound in cloth. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.9

Foreign News


By the arrival of the steam ship Acadia here, on Thursday last, news sixteen days later, from London and Liverpool, was received, viz. to the 5th inst. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.10

The Acadia encountered boisterous weather the first ten days, and passed one large iceberg. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.11

Francis, who had been convicted of an attempt to take the life of Queen Victoria, and condemned to suffer death, had had his punishment commuted to confinement for life. This had scarcely been made known, when another attempt, similar to the first, was made upon the Queen’s life, on Sunday, as she was passing in her carriage from the Chapel Royal, in St. James, to Buckingham Palace, by a deformed youth, with an old rusty pistol, which snapped, hut did not go off. This was at first believed by the policeman, in attendance, to be a hoax, in ridicule of the first attempt, but on hearing that the youth had often spoken in praise of Francis, and admired his courage, and regretted his want of success, caused his arrest. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.12

At a public meeting at Manchester, an address had been presented to Edward Everett, our minister, and a better spirit was beginning to be manifested toward this country from all parts of England. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.13

The crops were every where promising, and the prospects of an abundant harvest never more flattering. Yet business was in a depressed state—great distress was every where felt, and meetings in many places were held to take the distressed state of the manufacturers into consideration, and parliament was engaged in discussing the subject. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.14

Upwards of thirty persons of a fishing party were drowned on the 24th June, near Bangor, Wales. More than five thousand operatives had been thrown out of employ in the mining districts of Truro, and nearly the same number of women and boys. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.15

Six sail of line-of-battle ships have been put in commission by the British Government, in addition to others in service, destined, as supposed, for China. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.16

Terrible earthquakes had been experienced in the Islands of Sumatra and Java, doing much damage. Several shocks of an earthquake have also recently been felt in Morocco, and in the south of Spain and Portugal. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.17

In Spain much difficulty was found in forming a new cabinet. In the mean time the public business was suffering, the treasury empty, confidence lost laws set at defiance. The crops, however, there as every where this year, promise an abundant harvest. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.18

The accounts from China are some has interesting, but our limits will admit of but few particulars. On the 18th of March, the Chinese about 10000 or 12,000 strong, attempted to retake Ningpo, while another force made an attack upon Chinghae. In both instances they were repulsed with consider able loss of life. The details have since been received. The Chinese were allowed to enter Ningpo unmolested, but on arriving within 100 yards of the British guns a terrific fire of grape and canister was poured down upon them, when they fled in great confusion, leaving 250 dead. The 49th Regiment was sent in pursuit, but had not returned. A simultaneous attack was made on Chinghae, where the enemy was also routed. The British lost nothing at either place. The Chinese dead, were all found to have a few silver dollars in their pockets, supposed to have been given them as a gratuity, to in duce them to advance and fight, as a large portion of their army, by the defective means of supplying them, were without pay or suitable provisions, and insubordination had inconsequence ensued, There had been some skirmishing, but no decisive battle fought. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.19

Trade at Canton had improved. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.20

The destruction of the garrison at Ghuznee is confirmed. A letter from Bombay states, that all the British prisoners, taken at Ghuznee, had been put to the sword. Other letters however do not mention it. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.21

Conference and Campmeeting at Con cord N. H. This meeting will commence July 27th 1842, at 5 o’clock P. M. When the great Tubernacle, in which it is to be held, will be dedicated to the service of the living God. It will be pitched in the rear of the State House, on a beautiful eminence. The tent will be seated, and every convenience practicable will be afforded to citizens and stranger who are disposed to attend. Several small ten will be raised by the friends of the meeting, who will encamp on the ground. Brethren who have tents will do well to bring them on the ground by the 26th, that they may be in readiness for worship on the 27th. Provision can be obtained from town (a quarter of a mile distant,) or at the provision tent. The ground has been secured, and no tents or beer shops by strangers will be permitted on the ground. The meeting will continua till the first of August. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.22

The object of this meeting is, to quicken and prepare the church for the coming of the Bridegroom—to awaken and convert sinners. To this end we can permit no controversy. All who love God and desire to love and glorify him, and are looking for the speedy personal coming of the great Messiah, are invited to participate in the meeting. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.23

E. Hale, Jr,
T. Cole,
H Plummer,
A. Male.
J. V. Himes, Committee
HST July 27, 1842, page 136.24

Second Advent Camp-Meeting


AT CASTINE, ME. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.25

There will be a Second Advent camp-meeting at Castine, Me. Providence permitting, to commence Tuesday, Sept. 6th, on the farm of Mr. Charles Perkins. The steam boats will leave passengers within about three miles of the meeting. Brother A. Bridges of Newport superintends the arrangements. There will be Second Advent Conferences held at the following places as follows, viz; at Prospect, Me. Sept. 14. At Atkinson, Me. Sept. 21st. And at Exeter, Me. Sept 28th. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.26

A. Hale,
H. Higgins,
J. W. Atkins,
J. Hamilton,
A. Bridges,
J, Daman,
S. H. Horne, Committee
HST July 27, 1842, page 136.27



Received up to July 23rd, 1842. From P. M. Plymouth, Me, Liberty Hall, Ct., Nicholville, N. Y., Wakefield, N. H., West Randolph, Vt., Holliston. Mass., Troy, N, Y., Columbus Mass., Newington N, H Barnstable Mass., Bristol, R. I. Three Rivers, Mass., Ware, Mass., Mechanics Town, Md., South. Lyndeborough, N. H. Johnson, Vt., Warehouse Point, Ct., Ryegate, Vt., From Jonathan Hazelton, J. Litch, M. M. George, Amos Fox, R. Robbins, Eliza Ober, W. S. Campbell, Peter Hough, James Sabine, E. Hale, Jr., Nashua, James B. Twombley, Simeon P. Chesney, C. A. Parker, Richard Plumer, Williams Thayer. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.28

Books Sent


One bundle to Geo. P. Martin, Ware Village, left at Brookfield depot—One to elder George Storrs, Albany, N. Y.—One to Walter Dickson, Groton, Mass.—One to A. R. Brown, Exeter, N. H.—One chart to Tillson Pratt, Carver, Mass. to be left at A. S. Reading Room, Plymouth,—One to S. P. Cheeney, Whitefield, care of Daniel Ames, Lowell, Mass.—One to R. W. Pratt, Lowell, Mass.—One to Benjamin Ober, 2nd, Johnson, Vt.—One bundle to S. S. Stevens, bookseller, Schenectady, N. Y.—One to Chilian Wines, Vergennes, Vt.—One to Peter Hough, Mariposa, U. C.—One bundle to Williams Thayer, Pomfret depot, Ct—One to W. S. Campbell, Taunton, Mass.—One box shipped to W. & C. B. Roberts, in Schooner Sun, for Charleston, care of Townsend Mendenball & Co. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.29

Notice. The friends who subscribed at the East Kingston camp-meeting for making the large tent, are requested to hand in their subscriptions to the undersigned brethren by the 26th inst. us the tent is to be paid for at the dedication. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.30

HENRY PLUMMER, Haverhill, Ms.
J. V. HIMES, Boston.
THOS F. BARRY, Portsmouth, N. H.
DEA. JOHN PEARSON, Portland, Me.
THOS. M. PREBLE, Nashua, N. H.
HST July 27, 1842, page 136.31

Signs of the Times


Is published weekly, at No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, by JOSHUA V. HIMES, to whom all letter and communications must be addressed. HST July 27, 1842, page 136.32

Terms,—One Dollar per Volume of 24 Nos. (6 months)
dow & jackson, printers.
HST July 27, 1842, page 136.33