Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 3

June 22, 1842

Vol. III.—No. 12. Boston, Whole No. 60

Joshua V. Himes & Josiah Litch, Editors. Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston


Kingdom of God


We copy the following article from “The Evangelist,” of Carthage, Ohio, of Nov. 1841 It will be read with interest. Eds. HST June 22, 1842, page 89.1

NEW GOVERNMENT AND NEW SOCIETY, Predicted by the Prophets.—No. IX

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Behold I create New Heavens and a New Earth. Isaiah 65 c.
Behold the Bridegroom cometh! Go ye out to meet him.—Mat.

Kingdom of God


We have, we trust, successfully demonstrated, that, according to the prophecies of Daniel and St. John, the Kingdom of God must forthwith go into its mountain form. The last of the great secular empires has declined and fallen; the political institutions symbolized by the ten horns have appeared in Europe, flourished and almost numbered their days; the eleventh horn, or politico religious governments of the Papacy, and Mahometanism have both reached the limits set for their independent sovereignty, and, in short, history has exhausted prophecy so far as relates to events preliminary to the reign of Christ and his people. The new dispensation is about to be introduced, the new order of things predicted by the prophets, fast as the wheels of time can carry it, rushes upon us. Eternity is here. HST June 22, 1842, page 89.2

The following expressions, viz.
1. Kingdom of grace,
2. Kingdom of glory,
3. Mountain Kingdom,
4. Millennium Kingdom,
are not precisely scriptural, i. e. these phrases do not occur in the sacred writings. We have made them ourselves. By the first of them. “the Kingdom of grace,” we uniformly mean the religion of Christ, as now administered in the conversion and forgiveness of sinners. But, what do we mean by the other three phrases? Do we mean three more kingdoms? or only two more? or do the three phrases express but different ideas of one kingdom? Our opinion is, that these three phrases are employed only to express our different ideas of the same Kingdom, mountain being intended to describe its geography; for, being the last of the five empires spoken of by Daniel, it is by that prophet said to fill the whole earth. Millennial, meaning a thousand years, describes its chronology or duration; and glory, its appearance and renown. Properly speaking, therefore, there are but two Kingdoms of heaven spoken of in the New Testament, the present and the future; “the Kingdom of grace” and “the Kingdom of glory.” When, therefore, we say that the mountain, or millennial Kingdom of Christ is at hand, we say, in effect, that the kingdom of glory is at hand, for there is no third Kingdom spoken of by the sacred writers. This, we believe, is a correct view of the matter; and it seems a necessary one, too, in order to relieve the mind from the confusion which ensues from imagining that there are more than two Kingdoms spoken of in the New Testament.
HST June 22, 1842, page 89.3

The future dispensation or millennium is discoursed of in the sacred writings as the Kingdom of the Father; a kingdom that cannot be moved; the Kingdom promised; the everlasting Kingdom; the Kingdom that shall fill the whole earth; the Kingdom prepared for the saints; the Kingdom that is to come; the Kingdom of God in power; the Kingdom of our God come; the Kingdom of heaven; the Son of Man’s Kingdom; his Kingdom and glory; his appearing and Kingdom; the glory to be revealed; a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; the hope of glory; the glory of his power; the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ; eternal glory; the glory that shall follow the Son of Man’s glory; the riches of his glory; his glory to be revealed; my glory; the glorious liberty of the sons of God; the glorious appearing of the great God and of our Lord Jesus Christ; the. brightness of his coming; the day when the Son of Man shall be revealed; the revelation our Lord Jesus Christ; the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the glory to be revealed at his coming. As many are of opinion that the Kingdom of God in its glorious form will, speedily appear, the nature of it may very properly be investigated in reference to the following four questions, viz. HST June 22, 1842, page 89.4

1. Will the Lord Jesus appear to introduce it? HST June 22, 1842, page 89.5

2. Will its introduction be preceded by the return of the Jews to the holy land? HST June 22, 1842, page 89.6

3. Supposing the Jews returned to their ancient inheritance, will the Kingdom and glory of Christ be given to them in the flesh? HST June 22, 1842, page 89.7

4. Supposing them either returned or converted, or both, is the future mountain millennial and glorious Kingdom to be such as may be received by men in the flesh, whether Jews or Gentiles? HST June 22, 1842, page 89.8

In our answer to these questions, we shall be perfectly ingenuous, and scriptural as far as possible. HST June 22, 1842, page 89.9

1. Will the Lord Jesus appear a second time to introduce his Kingdom? HST June 22, 1842, page 89.10

Answer: In the book of Daniel 7 ch. Christ is represented as coming before the Kingdom in its last form is set up; and he is not, there, nor in any other part of that book, represented as coming after this Kingdom is set up. Secondly: In the book of Revelations, ch. 19 and 20, Christ is again described as coming and destroying his enemies at the introduction of the millennial Kingdom; and he is not there, nor in any other part of this book, represented as coming after this Kingdom is introduced. Thirdly: In all the parables in the gospels, as in the “Wheat and the Tares,” “The Ten Virgins,” “The Nobleman,” “The Net,” etc. Christ is uniformly spoken of as coming before his Kingdom is organized in its last and glorious form. Fourth: Christ uniformly spoke of himself as coming or returning when his Kingdom should go into its mountain state. Fifthly: The apostles always speak of his second appearing as coetaneous with his Kingdom. Hence the phrase “his appealing and Kingdom.” 30 We are, by all these reasons, shut up to the conclusion that Christ will appear in person at the beginning of the “new dispensation” in order to set up his glorious Kingdom. HST June 22, 1842, page 89.11

Texts demonstrative of the above conclusion. Daniel 7, Revelation 19-20, Matthew 24:29, 31, John 14:2-3, 2 Timothy 4:1, 1 Timothy 6:13-14, Acts 1:11, Hebrews 9:28, Revelation 22:20, 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17, 1 Peter 3 1 Corinthians 14 2 Thessalonians 2:8, 1 John 2:28. None of these scriptures favor the idea that a thousand years of prosperity to the church will intervene between this and the coming of Christ, and some of them directly prove that the 1000 years or millennium will take place after his appearance. The Lord, then, comes before the Millennium. HST June 22, 1842, page 89.12

2nd. But, to our second proposition, namely: HST June 22, 1842, page 89.13

2. Will the introduction of the Kingdom of God in its glorious form be preceded by the return of the Jews to Canaan? HST June 22, 1842, page 89.14

Answer: This question cannot be answered in the affirmative by any thing written in the New Testament; for at the time it was written the Jews were not dispersed, but were sitting in their own land, and enjoying their own religion and laws, being tributaries of the Romans. Their return is, therefore, not anticipated in our scripture, although their dispersion is. HST June 22, 1842, page 89.15

3rd. But we will suppose them restored, and ask this third question, namely: HST June 22, 1842, page 89.16

3. Will the kingdom be given to Israel according to the flesh? HST June 22, 1842, page 89.17

At the coming of our Lord Jesus the dead saints are to be raised, and the living changed, and both are to be caught up together to the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so be forever with the Lord. The world is to be conflagrated, and a new heavens and a new earth, in which the righteous will dwell, are to be created. How, then, can Israel according to the flesh receive the Kingdom? besides this Kingdom is already promised to Israel according to the faith. “Fear not, little flock, it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom,” Mat. 12 ch. But the promises, even of the present Kingdom of grace, are not given to Israel according to the flesh; how then should they be expected to inherit the glorious Kingdom? The unbelieving Jews, like the unbelieving Gentiles, have proved themselves unworthy of the present Kingdom, and have not suffered with it, nor for it; but have opposed and oppressed it in all places. The Kingdom in both its forms, both gracious and glorious, is taken away from the unbelieving Jews, never to be restored to them in their unbelief. HST June 22, 1842, page 89.18

4. Supposing them converted. Is the Kingdom of heaven such that it may be received and enjoyed by men in the flesh—converted or unconverted? HST June 22, 1842, page 89.19

To answer this question let us contrast the two Kingdoms, the present with the future, the Kingdom of grace and the Kingdom of glory. HST June 22, 1842, page 90.1

1st. First, then, the present Kingdom displays itself in grace; this is the great element of the Kingdom; it appears in the manifestation of Christ in the flesh, in his ministry, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and offices; in our pardon, communion, and all the privileges, honors and immunities to which we are admitted by him. HST June 22, 1842, page 90.2

2nd. The future Kingdom, however, will display itself in glory; so that as in the Kingdom of grace Christ appeared in flesh, full of grace and truth, so in the Kingdom of glory he will appear in flesh full of glory and righteousness. I say in flesh; for it is as antichristian to deny that Christ will come in humanity glorified, as to deny that he came in humanity at all. In the present Kingdom he is spiritually present with us, but then he will be personally present. Now it is grace and truth, then it will be glory and righteousness. In the present Kingdom it is “He that believeth and is baptized.” In the glorious Kingdom, it shall not be faith, but knowledge; now it is tears and penitence, then it will be joy and righteousness. Here we are raised from water, there we shall be raised from the dead. Here we are born of water, there we shall be born of the Spirit. In the first remission of sins is preached, in the future there will be no sin. In the Kingdom of grace flesh and blood inherit the promises, in the millennium flesh and blood shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. Now we marry and are given in marriage, there they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God. We have no country, no abiding city here, there we have a better country, even a heavenly, and a city that hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God—the new earth shall have a glorious capital, even the “Beloved City.” Now the children of God are scattered throughout all Kingdoms, “In the Dispensation of the fullness of times” God will gather together in one all things both which are in heaven and which are in earth, even in Christ. In the present Kingdom the glory of Christ is concealed, in the future it will be revealed, and all flesh will see it together. Here we have divers languages and divers manners and customs, are of different races, different generations, ages and dispensations, different nations, kings and governments, but there all these things will be corrected and reduced to unity, and as we now come in faith, we shall then come in fact to Mt. Zion, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and an innumerable company of angels, and to the general assembly and church of the first-born, whose names are enrolled in heaven, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to God the judge of all, and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant. HST June 22, 1842, page 90.3

The fact, therefore, that the Kingdom of Christ in its future form is always associated with the personal appearance of Christ, the resurrection of the righteous dead, the change of the living, the destruction of the wicked, and the conflagration of the earth and atmosphere, and the creation of the new heavens and the new earth, may be regarded as proof positive that the mountain, millennial and glorious Kingdom of God cannot be received and inherited by men of the flesh, whether Jew, Gentile, or Christian, but by the glorified only. HST June 22, 1842, page 90.4

Finally: When, then, will the Lord Jesus come to set up his glorious Kingdom? HST June 22, 1842, page 90.5

Some answer that a Millennium or a thousand years interposes itself between us and that event; but this is an error; for Christ is never represented as coming after a millennium. HST June 22, 1842, page 90.6

Others say that the return of the Jews is an event which imposes itself between us and the coming of Christ. If it is, the New Testament does not say so, for whatever the 11th ch. of the Romans says of their conversion surely it alludes not at all to their return, and indeed could not, for they were not then scattered, but living in Canaan. HST June 22, 1842, page 90.7

Again, it is supposed that although they may not return to the holy land, they must be converted before Christ comes. And as proof of this many passages in the Old, and some in the New Testament have been adduced by learned persons who favor the idea—as Faber, Scott, Bickersteth, and others. In answer to the quotations from the Prophets, it is said all the Old Testament prophets, except Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi prophesied before the return from Babylon, and even the first two of these flourished 79 years before the return of a large body who came up with Ezra. As for Malachi, he does not prophecy of a return at all, and if he speaks of their conversion, it is of their conversion at the first advent of Christ. It is further argued by those who do not belive in the return of the Jews, that the promises of the Old Testament all respect the true Israel, who are to be raised from the dead and made the inheriters of the true Canaan. HST June 22, 1842, page 90.8

Touching the 11th chapter of Romans, observe: 1. It respects not the return of the Jews, because they were not then scattered. 2. It respects, then, their engrafting; but then this is spoken of as wholly depending on their faith; “If they abide not in unbelief,” says the apostle. But see—there never was a clearer case of unbelief made out against any other nation under heaven. They have not believed, they have not been grafted in. They will not be grafted in unless they believe; the question, then, is, Will they believe? The apostle does not answer this question. Mark that Paul does not say they will believe, but that they will be grafted in if they do. I ask again, then, Will they believe? Do the scriptures say they will? HST June 22, 1842, page 90.9

If is a little word, but it sometimes is very significant. Jesus once said of John, “If I will that he tarry till I come again, what is that to thee, Peter? and John says that some of the disciples took occasion from this saying of the Lord’s to report that John would never die; but John explained, and assured them that Jesus said not that he should not die, but only “If I will that he tarry till I come,” etc. We should remember that Paul has not said they would be grafted in, but only that they would If—“If they continue not in unbelief.” If, then, Paul has not absolutely said they shall be grafted in, far less has he said that they shall believe. The event alone can prove the truth here. They have not believed, they have not been grafted, in and the dispensationis now about to close; the fullness of the times alotted for the Gentile governments and the Gentile dispensation is about to come; for these will end at one and the same time, when all the true Israel of God will be saved by the Redeemer, who is coming to Zion. HST June 22, 1842, page 90.10

When will he come? These interpreters who bring this event nearest to us, seem to me in all things the nearest right. It looks to me as if history had almost exhausted prophecy, and that we are on the eve of the greatest change the world ever saw. How careful then ought we to be to put all things to right! how careful to have our lamps trimmed, full of oil, and burning! Reader, set your house in order. Be clothed with humility. Reform thoroughly in all things. Be perfect. Be vigilant. The Son of Man cometh in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Take care that you lose not both your soul and body. You had better slacken your hold of this perishing world, and prepare to meet your Judge. “Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him,” W. S. HST June 22, 1842, page 90.11

Two Resurrections


Mr. Editor.—I find that the doctrine of two resurrections in point of time, seems to stumble the minds of many who are favorably disposed towards the subject of the advent now nigh at hand. And also that our opponents lay hold most eagerly upon this point, and thus stagger the faith of such, and prejudice the minds of many against further investigation. Especially have I noticed this in brother Whedon. What in all his writings has he done? Indeed, little else than to harp about the doctrine of two resurrections. As though if he could establish the point of but one he would utterly annihilate the doctrine of Christ’s speedy coming, and put all further controversy to an end. It appears too much like throwing dust to blind people’s eyes; and for the time it may have this effect. But could brother Whedon, could any one prove that there would be but one resurrection, and this all in an hour of sixty minutes, we would beg to know if Christ could never personally appear to accomplish it? If so, where then is the proof that he will not come next year? Yes, where! All that is brought forward is “the fable” of this world’s conversion. Yes, a “fable.” For a more unreasonable, and anti-scriptural doctrine, cannot be found. HST June 22, 1842, page 90.12

But why need men stumble at a doctrine so clearly scriptural us that of two resurrections. This denied, and many of the most solemn portions of sacred writ are left destitute of all meaning, and we challenge the advocates of but one resurrection to disprove it, by showing us what they do mean. We will refer the reader to Malachi 4:1, 2, 3. For behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble; and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings, and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.” Now, what is the meaning of this language? “It is figurative,” says one. Well, it means something if it is. What does it mean? “Why it has been fulfilled.” If so, when and where, we ask. Ah, here indeed is the difficulty, Some strive to press it into the destruction of Jerusalem. But let us inquire Was that the “day” when God “made up his jewels,” see chapter 3:17. If so, alas for us. Did it on that day burn as an oven, and were “all the proud,” and “all that did wickedly” “burnt up?” Were none left “neither root nor branch?” Did those who feared God, “tread down the wicked” in that day? Were they ashes under the soles of their feet,” when Jerusalem was destroyed? Or, rather did they “flee to the mountains.” Did all those who feared God in that day, go forth and grow up as calves of the stall—a figure denoting great peace and freedom from care and toil—or did they go into the ten dreadful persecutions of the Roman emperors, such as the church was never called to suffer before or since! O Christian can you interpret plain Bible with a thus “saith the Lord” in a way so nonsensical as this? The day here mentioned is the same as the great burning day predicted by St. Peter in his second epistle, 3:10. And never have we met with the man who could show to the contrary, or that could happily harmonize it with the notion of but one resurrection. Here is first the burning of the world. But before this event, all admit that the righteous dead are raised. But in this event the text declares that all the wicked are burnt up; and that after it they are ashes under the “soles of the feet” of the righteous. Now, tell us how this can be, if the righteous are raised before the earth is burnt up, and the wicked all of them in ashes after it is burnt. Certainly they are not yet raised. Hence there must be two resurrections distant in point of time. HST June 22, 1842, page 90.13

The same doctrine is most clearly taught in the 14th verse of the 49th Psalm. Here while the wicked “are lain in the grave,” and “death is feeding upon them,” and “their beauty is consuming away in the grave,” the “upright” are to “have dominion over them.”—But this is a promise in which all the upright have a claim, and therefore cannot be fulfilled, but in their resurrection from the dead. Hence the wicked cannot be raised at the same time. Again, this is to be “in the morning.” But what “morning?” Most certainly it must be the morning of the resurrection: for not until then are the.” upright to have dominion over” the wicked. Directly the reverse. The anti-Christian beast is to make war against the saints, and prevail against them until the Ancient of Days shall come. Daniel 7:21, 22. And then, and not before, shall “the dominion” be given to the upright, verse 27. And then shall the Psalinist, as he continues in the text, with all the upright—be “redeemed from the power of the grave.” But the wicked still remain “consuming” away “in the grave.” Hence there must be two resurrections. HST June 22, 1842, page 91.1

Isaiah 24:17-23, teaches, if it teaches any thing, the doctrine of two resurrections. Here we find when “the earth is utterly broken down, is clean dissolved, is removed like a cottage, and the transgression is heavy upon it,” that in “that day the Lord punishes the host of the high ones, and the kings of the earth; “that he gathers them together as prisoners are gathered in a pit,” and “shuts them up in prison,” with the declaration that “after many days they shall be visited.” At this time, also, the “moon is confounded, and the sun ashamed, while the Lord reigns in mount Zion, and over his ancients gloriously.” The same as Revelation 21:22-24 If language has any meaning, we hero positively have the destruction of the world, and the wicked, “the hosts of the high ones, and the kings of the earth.” But they that are Christ’s, are raised, at his coming to destroy the earth and the wicked. Hence they are now raised, and God is reigning with them, and with all his ancients gloriously” in Mount Zion. But where are the wicked? Not raised, most certainly;—not yet received their final doom. For they are “shut up in prison,” yet to be “visited after many days. Perfectly harmonizing with Revelation 20:5. Thus, if we admit the doctrine of two resurrections, this passage is most sublime and instructive; but if denied it is forced work to make it mean any thing. HST June 22, 1842, page 91.2

We will now notice a few texts in proof of this doctrine recorded in the New Testament. Luke 14:13, 14. “But thou when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind; for they cannot recompense thee; for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.” Why now does our Lord so particularly promise this reward, “at the resurrection of the just,” unless there is to be a resurrection exclusively of the just. He does most clearly carry the idea that the resurrection of the just is of itself a distinct resurrection. Otherwise they would no more receive their reward, at the resurrection of the just, than of the unjust. And where then would be the propriety of such a distinction? HST June 22, 1842, page 91.3

Again, Luke 20:35. But they which are accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage. This language, does most undeniably teach that there is a resurrection, which certain characters only—they which are accounted worthy—will be permitted to enjoy. The same worthiness is predicated as essential to obtain this resurrection, as to obtain “that world,” But if there was but one general resurrection, and all alike, irrespective of any worthiness, would obtain it; it would make the Savior speak most loosely, not to say erroneously. Hence a distinct resurrection there must be, which certain characters alone will be found “worthy to obtain.” “This is the first resurrection;” and “blessed and holy is he that hath a part therein.” HST June 22, 1842, page 91.4

St. Paul most clearly teaches the same doctrine when he says, Philippians 3:11. “If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.” But on the ground of but general resurrection how could the apostle so have expressed himself? This he assigns as the reason for making all his aforementioned sacrifices—“If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.” A most unaccountable form of speech, certainly, unless we admit that his eye rested on a distinct resurrection else-where called “the first resurection:” which he viewed as not being desirable to obtain; concerning which it is said “blessed and holy is he that hath a part therein.” Dr. A. Clarke says, that this “is the resurrection of those who have died in the Lord. And hence St. Paul uses a peculiar word which occurs no where else in the New Testament, exanastasis; and which “may signify that of the blessed only.” And this it was which Paul so much desired and labored to obtain. HST June 22, 1842, page 91.5

Again he says, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16. But why does the apostle thus particularly specify “the dead in Christ, if all the dead are to be raised at the same time; and first refer only to its being before the living are changed? The same distinction he makes 1 Corinthians 15:23.” Christ the first fruits; afterwards they that are Christ’s at his coming. This the apostle declares to be the order of he resurrection; and if he is right, the wickd dead must be raised afterwards. But how long after? Long enough, at least, to have it harmonize with the first three texts we have quoted in this article, and with Revelation 20:5. HST June 22, 1842, page 91.6

Now we beg of some one to show us what these Scriptures, one and all, with their peculiar forms of expression, do mean, if they do not teach the doctrine of two resurrections. We would as cheerfully believe in but one resurrection, as two, did the Scriptures teach it. But we cannot to our own mind, possibly harmonize them, with the doctrine of but one, while we can most readily with that of two. Some have seemed to suppose that Revelation 20. was the only Scripture which could be brought to support the doctrine of two resurrections. And a most unauthorized liberty has been taken to mysticize away its meaning, so as to evade its plain and positive declaration in proof of this doctrine. But they are mistaken. Other Scriptures are abundant and positive on this point. And let those who “cannot see” that the Scriptures do teach it, just help us out of our difficulties, so that we can harmonize the Scriptures with the idea of but one, and we will believe it with all our souls, and look for it in ‘43. But more hereafter. L. C. Collins. HST June 22, 1842, page 91.7

South Glastenbury, Ct. June 7th, 1842. HST June 22, 1842, page 91.8

Answer to ‘G. D.’ of Detroit, Mich

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on the views of the father. no. i


by h. d. w.

Dear Sir,—Your favor, asking the proofs I have “of the facts, that with Origen originated the doctrine of the church being the kingdom of heaven,” was received a few weeks since, and I seize the earliest opportunity to spread the evidence before you. It is a great and important point which I am happy to be called upon to establish, especially by one who is also himself “waiting for the kingdom of God;” and without further preface I address myself to the proofs. HST June 22, 1842, page 91.9

In the first place, I am clearly of opinion that the kingdom of the saints and of Israel, foretold by Daniel and all the prophets, is the kingdom of God and of heaven announced in the New Testament. The law and the prophets foreshadowed and foretold the coming of the King in his kingdom, throughout the Old Testament dispensation; and the gospel announces the coming of the King in his kingdom to be at hand throughout the New Testament dispensation. Both the Old and New Testament dispensations have respect to a third dispensation yet to come, which is “the dispensation of the fulness of times,”—“the restitution of all things which God has spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began,” (Ephesians 1:10; Acts 3:21) everywhere known in the gospel by the name of the kingdom of heaven and of God. Of this kingdom Jesus began to preach and to say, It is at hand. Of this kingdom he charged his apostles and disciples to say, It is at hand. For this kingdom he taught us to pray, Thy kingdom come. For this kingdom he charged his disciples to strive, agonize, labor, and patiently wait. And in this kingdom he promises a full recompense of reward, to all who drink in this world of the cup of his sufferings, and are baptized with the baptism wherewith he was baptized. HST June 22, 1842, page 91.10

Thus the Lord preached, and thus the apostles received the word, and handed it down to their successors. Until the gift of the Holy Spirit they had expected the kingdom of heaven to be in this world, and that they should reign with Jesus in this world. HST June 22, 1842, page 91.11

But from that day all their hope centered in the heavens, from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, to return in clouds with power and great glory. Archbishop Whately, in his recent work on “the kingdom of Christ,” admits that all the preached word proclaims the kingdom of God to come, up to the time Peter went to Cornelius with the gospel to the Gentiles; and I claim that as they preached on the day of Pentecost, so they preached to the end of the Scripture canon, that this same Jesus, who by wicked men had been crucified and slain, would soon return to reward his people, and to punish his enemies; to give a crown of righteousness to all who love his appearing, and to cut in sunder the faithless ones that neither know God, nor obey the gospel of his Son. HST June 22, 1842, page 91.12

In support of my claim, waiving the sacred text now, I appeal to the writings of every Christian author of the first two centuries. The number is small, and their works are not large: but in every one, expressions may be found, plainly showing that so far from considering themselves in the kingdom of God and of heaven preached in the gospel, they all felt themselves to be in sore afflictions and persecutions, in the end of which they were expecting the return of the Lord in his kingdom. Not a writer of any note during the first two centuries fails to recognize the hope of that kingdom which Christ preached; but every one of them fails to recognize it as a kingdom in this world, or as a kingdom come. As James said, “the coming of the Lord draweth nigh;—behold the Judge standeth before the door;” (James 5:8, 9,) so John said, and Peter and Paul, with this manifest understanding, that when the Lord, the King, comes, then comes also his kingdom; and when the Judge appears, then he will also sit upon the throne of his glory. From that time forward, prayer for him will cease to be made; the petition, “thy kingdom come,” will be drowned in the voice of adoration and praise, before the throne. And the successors of the apostles with one consent to the time of Origen of Alexandria, with eyes of faith unblenched, looked not on their miserable condition as the kingdom of God, but they looked for that kingdom to come in the end of this present evil world right speedily. HST June 22, 1842, page 92.1

The testimony of Gibbon to this fact, is in itself positive and unimpeachable; and it is likewise supported by the unanimous voice of the Christian fathers. Whether they rightly understood the word of the apostles, others may doubt; not I. In a matter so important as the kingdom of God, it is impossible for me to conceive they could have so mistaken, as to account it of the world to come in the end of this world, the while they were living in that kingdom. It is incredible that they should have been ignorant of the coming of the kingdom, if it had come. HST June 22, 1842, page 92.2

The first writer of the Christian name in whose works any reference is made to the kingdom of heaven, as being already come, is Origen. It is not for me to prove a negative. It is not for me to exhibit every word of every other and earlier Christian author, to prove that no mention of, or allusion to, the kingdom’s having come, or being in this world, is made prior to the time of Origen; but I affirm that I do not find it in any earlier writer, and I do find it in him. I can trace it up to no other source, and I can trace it to him. If any author before him mentions it, the mention has escaped my notice. Though I have carefully searched for it. But in Origen I find it often: in him I find it original; in him natural; in him a stripling error of fancy, which grew after him to be a giant error, an universal heresy, and fearful apostacy. HST June 22, 1842, page 92.3

Origen flourished in the first half of the third century. He was a Platonist, condemned both in Alexandria and Rome as a heretic, during his life-time, and uniformly since regarded by both the Latin and Greek churches, as an archdeceiver in the employ of the great enemy of our Lord. His learning, taste, fancy, and industry were most extraordinary; and he gave himself to the elucidation of Scripture, with a view to harmonize it with the heathen mythology, and make the Christian religion respectable in the eyes of the pagan governors of this world. The manner in which he introduced the doctrine of the kingdom come, will appear in my next. H. D. W. New York, June 7th, 1842. HST June 22, 1842, page 92.4


No Authorcode

BOSTON, JUNE 22, 1842.

Second Advent Conference and camp-Meeting



The undersigned were appointed by the Second Advent Conference, held at Boston the 24th of May, a Committee to prepare a place and appoint a time for holding a public meeting for the purpose of assembling Christians together to worship God. The principal object of the meeting is to give the Midnight Cry, viz. holding up the immediate coming of Christ to judge the world. HST June 22, 1842, page 92.5

We therefore inform our friends and the public that, by permission of Divine Providence, the meeting will be held at East Kingston, N. H. in a fine grove near the rail-road, leading to Exeter, Commencing Tuesday, June 28th, and continuing to July 5th. Brethren and friends of the cause are affectionately invited to come and participate with us in this great feast of tabernacles, and, as far as possible, bring their families and unconverted friends, with them. HST June 22, 1842, page 92.6

The object of the meeting is not controversy, but to purify the saints and awaken sinners. The brethren and friends will understand that none will take part in public speaking except those who are believers in the second coming of Christ, near even at the door, and sympathize with us in these great objects. HST June 22, 1842, page 92.7

N. B. The friends can be accommodated with board and lodging in tents, (they finding their own bedding) at $2 per week, instead of $1,50, as given in a former notice. But we recommend to churches and brethren to club together and provide for themselves. Those who provide tents and wish for board, can obtain it on the ground at a reasonable rate. The fare on the rail-road will be reduced for such as attend this meeting, to 90 cents from Boston or Lowell, (44 miles,) and other places in proportion, except Haverhill 25 cts. and Exeter 12 1-2 cts. Tickets mnst be purchased at the Depot for both ways. HST June 22, 1842, page 92.8

Ministers of the gospel are requested to give notice of this meeting to their respective congregations. HST June 22, 1842, page 92.9

Brethren Miller, Fitch, Atkins, Litch, and others, are expected to be present. HST June 22, 1842, page 92.10

E. Hale, Jr.
Henry Plumer,
Timothy Cole, Committee.
Haverhill, June 9th, 1842.
HST June 22, 1842, page 92.11

Explanation of the Committee. The Committee deeply regret a mistake which was made in a former notice about the price of board. It was advertised in general at $1,50 per week. They wish to say, that this was the price agreed upon only for large companies, by previous positive arrangement. But otherwise board will be $2,00 per week. This we consider very cheap. Arrangements can now be made by companies wishing board, for the week, by applying to Mr. Charles Barnes, or Mr.A.R.Brown, East Kingston, N.H. near the camp ground. HST June 22, 1842, page 92.12

E. Hale, Jr.
Henry Plummer,
Timothy Cole, Committee.
Haverhill, June 15, 1842.
HST June 22, 1842, page 92.13

“Have any of the Rulers believed on HIM?” At the present day, fashion and popular opinion exercise a controlling influence over the great mass of the community, the world is slow to investigate any theory, that has not the sanction of those, whose opinions are law, in the minds of men; but it an opinion is advanced by some lecturer who is popular, however ridiculous and untenable his position may be; the mouths of a gaping audience are open; ready to swallow the most fanciful illusions, and applaud the most sophistical deductions. It has thus been in all ages. All great and noble enterprises which have been commenced by those in the more humble walks of life, have even been disregarded and neglected, until the notice of some one, whom the world calls honorable, may have been directed towards it; and then it has received a new impulse, has been received into popular favor, and honored by the plaudits of the people. On the other hand, the vagaries and fancies of the leaders of the literary ton, have at once astonished the world, have been a nine day’s wonder, and then sunk into merited oblivion to be remembered no more. We thus find that some of the most immutable principles that have ever been discovered, have had to struggle a long time for a precarious existence, ere they have been established upon a firm basis; while vagaries like meteors have dazzled for a time the world, and been forgotten. HST June 22, 1842, page 92.14

The progress of the Christian religion has been a most striking exemplification of the above truth. Our Savior was despised and rejected of men; and to be his friend was to encounter the most bitter contempt. Any connexion with him was so unpopular, that when one of the teachers in Israel sought his counsel, he chose the night for an interview. The gospel was first promulgated by twelve fishermen; and persecution and contempt was their portion. Not many wise, not many mighty, not many of the noble of this world, submitted to their teachings; and therefore the tide of popular sentiment set against them. None united with them but such as were willing to face a frowning world for the sweet smiles of a Savior’s love; and who could rise above all fear of man. But when a Constantine embraced the faith, that which had been so long despised, received the sanction of the great and mighty, and popular favor was at once reconciled to it. Then the church became corrupt, and men of the world, for the sake of honor from men, rushed into it, till the purity of its doctriues was corrupted, and its spirit dead. This fear towards God was taught by the precepts of men; and they drew near to him with their mouths, while their hearts were far from him, and substituted the teaching of their own wisdom, for the teachings of the Holy Spirit. HST June 22, 1842, page 92.15

The fires of persecution have often refined and purified the moral wastes of Zion; cleansed it of its merely worldly adherents, and brought it near to God; but prosperity has as often again rendered it corrupt: the great rock upon which it has so often foundered having been the favor of this world. HST June 22, 1842, page 93.1

In these last days, the church has had a long season of prosperity, and the world has smiled sweetly upon her. Multitudes have endeavored to propitiate the favor of both the church and the world, and have extended their hands to both. The church has thus become popular, and the cross of publicly professing the name of Christ has been taken away. Now, instead of encountering public odium, persecutions and death, those who eat his body and drink his blood are caressed, courted and flattered, and are honored for so doing. Need we then wonder that so many are found within the walls of Zion, who have a name to live and are dead, whose names are written on the records of the church, and there alone; and whose death-like coldness, chills and paralyzes the hopes and feelings of all who come in contact with them? Need we wonder that it has caused the church to become, as a body, indifferent to the cause of her Redeemer, and dead to spiritual realities? Need we wonder that the Midnight Cry, Behold the Bridegroom cometh, sounds like a knell upon her ear, so that she tries to fancy it a dream and to fall asleep again? Ah! it is indeed too true, that the church has too much of the spirit of this world; and too little of that which animated the martyrs of old. The great object is to receive honor of men, and to commend themselves to their good opinion. We need not therefore wonder that the church and the world are found arrayed side by side, to oppose the coming of our Lord. For, as true as the carnal heart is at enmity with God, just so sure will the world turn a deaf ear to the heavenly warning; and as the church is swallowed up in this world’s prosperity, just so sure will she also turn her back upon him. How will the world think of me, if I believe that ere two years shall pass away, the great and glorious Savior will be revealed from heaven, to give every man according to his deeds? Do the great, and the noble, the mighty, and the honored of this world, regard it with favor? Do any of the rulers believe it? These are the points which are first to be settled, and then they act accordingly. HST June 22, 1842, page 93.2

No! fellow-traveller to eternity, we are willing to admit that we are not the honored of this world; yet we trust we have a King for our patron. We are not those who receive praise of men, and we are willing to have our portion with the despised Galilean, and his poor fishermen. We are willing, for the favor of God, to encounter the sneers of men, and to be made the offscouring of all things for Christ’s sake. HST June 22, 1842, page 93.3

And O, sinner, beware how you slight the offers of Him, who was crucified for your transgressions; beware how you refuse to listen to the Midnight Cry—perhaps for the last time made; for the favor: of this world cannot save you. At the judgment-seat of Christ you must shortly appear, and there no man can plead thy cause. None of the great of this earth can then avert thy doom, for there thou must stand or fall for thyself. O haste and make thy Judge thy judge thy friend, before it is forever too late. B. HST June 22, 1842, page 93.4

The Volume is now half out. Who is in debt for it? Who? Just see. The terms are ‘$1 IN ADVANCE.’ HST June 22, 1842, page 93.5

Editorial Correspondence, No. I


Stanstead, Lower Canada, June 5th, 1842. HST June 22, 1842, page 93.6

Dear Brother Himes,—I seize a few moments this evening, just to say that I arrived at this place Wednesday noon, after leaving Boston, and found my health greatly benefited by the journey, and have been able to perform my usual labors with great ease. When I arrived I found brother Green from Vt. here, who, together with brother Smith and others, had commenced the meeting, and it was in successful progress. Nothing special transpired during the journey worthy of notice; but I find it to be a very general theme of conversation among all classes, that some great change is evidently coming on the earth; and this remark is very sure to bring in the subject of Miller’s prophecies of the end of the world in 1843. Some are ready to curse him, and declare that he knows nothing about it, and others think he has a good deal of reason and argument on his side. One gentleman in the stage introduced the subject and said he knew it was not true, the world could not come to an end next year. I remarked to him that I did not know who was the gleatest prophet of the two, himself or Mr. Miller, for he certainly was foretelling, I thought, what would not be, with as great confidence as ever Miller had, what would be. Well, he said he did not pretend to predict, but went by the Bible; and there was much of the Bible which was not yet filled up, so it could not be until that was filled up. HST June 22, 1842, page 93.7

I asked him if Mr. Miller did not do the same, and show that the Bible was fulfilled, and hence it must come then. Well, he said, the three prophets that were to prophesy in Jerusalem three years and a half and then be put to death, and their dead bodies lay three days and a half in the streets of Jerusalem, had not come yet. I asked him where he found that Scripture? it was entirely new to me. I had never before heard of such a thing. He said it was in Revelation, and he would show it me when we got to Stanstead. But he has not yet come forward to fulfil his promise. HST June 22, 1842, page 93.8

But I suppose you will wish to know something of the progress of our Conference. I can only say, It is glorious. God is in a very gracious manner manifesting himself among the people, and the word of God is taking strong hold upon the people. Many are embracing the doctrine of the near coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven, and scores are embracing Christ as their Savior. HST June 22, 1842, page 93.9

Friday we for the first time gave an invitation to penitents to come forward for prayers, when about a dozen came forward. Saturday in the afternoon it was repeated, and sixty or seventy, soon took the seats prepared for the seekers, and several found peace before they left. To-day, (Sabbath) we have had a perfect crowd, scarcely half of the people could get into the large house we occupy. The people came in crowds, twelve or fifteen miles; there were counted, I think, over nine hundred horses around the house. Such is the interest, that we have concluded to continue the meeting through this week and over next Sabbath at least. It seems almost as though brother Collin’s moral earthquake had begun away up in these provinces; and may it extend to the frozen regions of the north, and then turn South and thunder among the green-hills and cause the white mountains to shake on their eternal base; and still may it increase until it not only startles New England from her dreamy slumber. but volcano-like, bursting forth into a deluge of burning truth, it shall deluge all the land, and over-spread Carolina’s plains, find its way into her rice swamps, and the cotton-fields of the South-west until the whole land should open its eyes to behold, and ears to hear, that the coming of the Lord is nigh even at the doors. HST June 22, 1842, page 93.10

The people here, begin to talk of a second advent camp-meeting, and it would not be surprising if there should be one within a fortnight from now, but I cannot say certainly how it will be. I think God will here raise up some efficient laborers and thrust them out to give the Midnight Cry. I cannot tell when I shall get through in this region. We expect a mighty work; calls for lectures all through this country are numerous and pressing. Yours in Christian love, J. Litch. HST June 22, 1842, page 93.11

Editorial Correspondence, No. II


Stanstead, L. C. June 6th, 1842. HST June 22, 1842, page 93.12

Dear Brother Himes,—Since finishing and mailing my former letter, we have had another glorious day; although, being Monday, our congregation has been unusually small, yet the Lord, we trust, has been with us in power and mercy. Six or seven have professed to-day, to find redemption in the blood of Christ. You can hardly realize the mighty tide of influence which is setting in in favor of this cause: we have never seen anything like it in New-England. The seed sown by brother Miller in this vicinity in past years, is now springing up and bearing abundant fruit; he will have a rich harvest of souls from this region of the Lord’s vineyard. It is agreed on all hands, that such a concourse of people has never been together in this part of the province, as was present yesterday. HST June 22, 1842, page 93.13

Canada Camp-Meeting. I told you in my last, that we had begun to talk of a camp-meeting, and that it would not be strange if we had one in the course of two weeks. The Conference have to-day decided the question; and we are to have one two weeks from to-morrow, (Tuesday, June 21,) in the town of Hatley, L. C. The vote was unanimous on this question; and we expect a time of power and glory. HST June 22, 1842, page 93.14

Brethren here feel that it is time to awake and cry aloud to all the people, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh.” We expect that within the next three months, the Canadas will echo with the sound of the Midnight cry, so that we, of New-England, shall be ashamed of our apathy. How is it that so many of the ministers of the gospel who profess to believe that the Lord will come next year, or at least think it probable he will, can keep silent as they do, in reference to it? Is it cowardice? I would fain hope not, but I have my fears in many cases. O for a trumpet voice to arouse them to duty! BRETHREN, AWAKE. Gird on your armor and take the field, the sun is just, setting; but go to the vineyard, and what is right you shall receive of the great Master. Will you not forsake all you have to go and preach the kingdom of God. Sinners are perishing! Who who will fly to the reecue? “It is now or never.” Who will lay hold of them as the angels did the family of Lot, and pull them out of the fire? HST June 22, 1842, page 93.15

The 2300 Days. I want to say a word on them. The concession of Professors Bush and Seixas on the word “determined,” Daniel 9:24, “seventy weeks are determined on thy people,” etc. should be known. If, as they acknowledge, “determined,” signifies “cut off,” seventy weeks are “cut off,” it must settle the question in every mind, that the 70 weeks of the 9th of Dan. are a key to the 2300 days of the 8th. For if they are cut off, they must be cut off from something, and there is nothing to cut them from but the 2300 of the 8th chapter. And the time must end in 1843. There is no evading it, it must be so. Let all our friends mark this fact, and spread it all abroad; especially call the attention of their ministers to it. Let them inquire, from what are the 70 weeks cut off? It is a great point, we must use it. It gives us every thing. Yours, J. Litch. HST June 22, 1842, page 93.16

Open Communion in opposition to restricted communion, being the substance of two lectures, in reply to Elder Knapp, by Silas Hawley. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.1

This is a pamphlet of 36 pages, and contains the most conclusive and unanswerable arguments upon this much controverted subject, which we have ever heard or read; and as these arguments are embodied in so small a compass, as to require but little time or expense, in order that every person may be possessed of them, we cannot but hope that the pamphlet will be extensively read. Sectarianism is undoubtedly one of the greatest obstacles to the advancement and spread of the Christian religion. It is believed to be emphatically the work of the devil, the first suggestion of the adversary to turn aside the attention of the young convert from truth, holiness and the work of the Spirit, to the cunning devices of man. If a person is converted to Christianity, born of the Spirit, washed from the pollution of sin, every such person is accepted of God, and admitted to His Church. How absurd, then, that he should be rejected of men, and excluded from the man-made church, pretending to be a Christian church. All such sanctified persons can triumphantly say—“If God be for us, who can be against us.” “All things work together for good of them that love God.” “Neither height nor depth, principalities or powers, or any other creature, can separate us from the love of Christ.” Thank God, the time has arrived, when the cunning craftiness of men cannot, as formerly, be palmed off as the work of God, unexamined. Every work must be tried, examined, proved. Non-essentials cannot pass for essentials. Those who have lived on priestcraft, made it their meat and drink, have reason to fear and tremble, for “this their craft is in danger.” It is not our purpose here to go into a minute examination of the little work before us, or to quote any passages from it, but merely to recommend it as admirably adapted to effect the object for which it was published. We have not seen the publication of Elder Knapp. We frequently heard him preach last winter, and were much delighted with the sentiment, he avowed. We understood him to say, that his object was not to make Baptists but Christians, and all denominations flocked to hear him—the more gladly, for his supposed liberality. He was the last man we should have suspected of a sectarian, or narrow-minded spirit. D. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.2

New Work.—Just published, the first part of a curious book, called the “Quoddy Hermit,” or Conversations on Religion and Superstition, containing a true demonstration of the Trinity, and that modern protestants are the only true monothesist, although no Unitarians, in the usual meaning of that term. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.3

Also that the church, in all its branches, is now in bondage to Satan, and the Episcopal ministry has no higher pretensions to spiritual ordination, than the ministry of any other sect of the church, and is, no less than they in actual Satanic bondage, from which there are no hopes of their liberation but by the coming of our Lord, first, in the spirit to prepare those who look for him for the great and terrible day of the Lord; and finally in person, to put an end to Satan’s dominion on earth, and to establish his own in peace and righteousness. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.4

And also much else, calculated to reconcile Christians of conflicting opinions, and unite them in one body to claim the promises of our Lord, which never can be fulfilled so long as we are divided one from another. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.5

Published in duodecimo, 196 pages. It is written in a very plain, familiar and unpretending style, price 50 cts. By Academicus. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.6

For sale at this office. **** HST June 22, 1842, page 94.7

Conference at New-Market, N. H


Brother French commenced his course of Lectures in the old Baptist Meeting-House, in this place, June 4th, on the coming of our Lord in 1843, to cleanse the earth, and to establish that glorious Kingdom, which will be given to the saints of the Most High, for an everlasting possession. On the Sabbath he gave us a review of Daniel’s vision, to crowded and attentive assemblies. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.8

Monday morning, at 9 o’clock, met for prayer and conference. Met again at half past 10, for prayer and conference. Lecture at 2,P.M. Met again at half past 5, for prayer and conference, and the Lord’s presence was manifested to his people, causing many of them to rejoice in prospect of his near approach. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.9

Lecture in the evening—a crowded house. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.10

Tuesday morning, met for business at half past 8 o’clock. Chose Brs. Daniel Churchill and Geo. W. Peavey, Secretaries. Business Committee, Brethren Thomas F. Barry and G. T. Stacy. After which examined the vision of Daniel,during which a unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace was most beautifully exemplified. The services of the afternoon and evening were continued with increasing interest. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.11

Wednesday morning, met for prayer at half past 8; and after a short season spent in this manner, the Committee reported the following resolutions. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.12

Resolved, That it is our solemn conviction, that all ministers of the gospel and church members, who are not disposed to investigate the evidences, as given in prophecy, of Christ’s Second Coming soon to judgment, are not faithful to their trust as watchmen, neither as lights to the world, but are doing much evil to the Church and a perishing people. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.13

Resolved, That as some of us are constrained to believe, from the sacred oracles, that Christ will personally appear in A. D. 1843, and others of us that it is near, even at the door, we highly approve and recommend the delivery of lectures, the holding of Second Advent Conferences, the circulation of “Second Advent Libraries,” and the paper called the “Signs of the Times,” published at Boston. These means we consider well calculated to arouse the slumbering virgins, to prepare for the coming of our shortly-expected and glorious King, the Lord Jesus Christ. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.14

The above resolutions, after appropriate remarks, were adopted. The Conference closed up with much interest, and no doubt great good will be the result. Tho. F. Barry. Geo. T. Stacy. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.15

Miller’s Lectures at Newburyport


Newburyport, Mass. June 9th, 1842. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.16

Bro. Himes.—As you have promised your readers more concerning the reception, and effect of brother Miller’s lectures on the coming of our blessed Lord next year among us, in this place, it may not be improper for me to present your readers with some facts. Brother Miller commenced his lectures on Saturday eve, May 28th, in the Town Hall, a room that might seat a thousand persons, continued his lectures on the Sabbath in the same place, made some kind remarks, as I was informed, upon the statements of the author of the book styled “the end of the world not yet;” this produced some excitement, and Satan became alarmed for fear of awakening infidels. Monday eve, the appearances looked not a little mobish, at the commencement of the lecture, an egg was thrown into the hall directed at the speaker, but fell upon the side of the desk; at the close of the lecture, stones were thrown through the windows into the hall, while the mob without commenced their howlings, thus putting in force the instructions of their inimitable father, the devil. The congregation soon dispersed with no damage except the glasses of a few lamps and windows broken. The next morning some of the grave professors of our religion, thought it advisable, to request Mr.M. to leave town, as his lectures were not received. This however did not take place; if it had, it would no doubt have given great joy to their loving hearts. Under present circumstances, it was thought advisable by the town authorities to close the hall, which they accordingly did. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.17

The chapel in Hale’s Court was then opened, where the lectures continued in peace, as we had demanded and received protection from the authorities of the town. Many of the saints were comforted, by the clearness in which the coming of Christ was set forth, some were confirmed that ‘43 would be the end of ail things, while others received additional light, and were strongly convinced that his coming was near, even at the doors. Some have received Christ to the joy of their souls, many others think that it is time for them to be ready, and are anxious to know how they can be saved. Many are excited, much opposition is manifested to Christ’s coming within these 1900 years. Pilate and Herod are made friends in opposing excitements, and in saying, My Lord delayeth his coming, thus crying, You may allay your fears,—it is peace and safety. Last Sabbath eve, the 7th chapter of Daniel’s prophecy was commented upon by one of our ministers, who admitted that the little horn was Rome, and that it did prevail against the saints,—but the next verse, the 22nd, was passed over, which showed how long he prevailed. While lecturing on this chapter the Sabbath before, he had stated that the Ancient of Days was Christ, and referred to his first coming; but at this time it was passed over in silence. How unwilling we are, to let common sense contradict our learned preposterous opinions, and forever remove our early prejudices. As it regards myself, it may perhaps be said as Christ said to those disciples who were travelling to Emmaus “O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken,” and this too concerning the blessed Son of God. I am anxious to know the whole truth, and to be able to defend it, so that its adversaries cannot gainsay or resist its power. Thanks to God that I ever felt his love to overflowing in my heart, that I ever received God’s unspeakable gifts, as my wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption, that I can say, Come Lord Jesus, come quickly, and that by his grace I shall strive to be prepared for that day and hour, when the brightness of the Father’s glory will establish the prophet’s fifth universal monarchy to be an endless kingdom. So may the good Lord inspire your readers to do likewise. Daniel P. Pike. HST June 22, 1842, page 94.18

P. S. Brother Miller and his companion left Saturday morning, June 4th, in good spirits, for Portland, having remained in my family one week, during which time I received additional light upon many portions of Scripture, and trust our fellowship and acquaintance will not diminish, till it is renewed in that world where we shall see our Lord without a glass between. D. P. P. HST June 22, 1842, page 95.1

“And in the Sun.”—Going from this town (Brunswick, Me.) to a neighboring one, last summer, of a Saturday afternoon, to effect an exchange with a brother minister for the Sabbath, there appeared what to me was an unusual phenomenon, and what I never before witnessed. While on the way, a gentle shower occurred, and as the cloud passed over to the East, the sun broke out, and shone in great effulgence and beauty. At the same time no less than four rainbows appeared in the East. There were two, large, brilliant and beautiful, such as we generally see after a shower has passed over to the East, of a summer afternoon. Within what to me had been the innermost and smallest, though brightest circle, appeared two others, bright, distinct, and well-defined, possessing all the colors of the rainbow, and about equal distance from each other, and from the larger, innermost circle. The two innermost ones were each about half the size of either of the others, and no less bright than they were. I stopped my horse and gazed at them for some time, conversing with others who happed to be there at the time, all of whom declared they never saw it ‘on this fashion’ before. Certainly, it was a splendid and glorious sight; and such as I never before had had the pleasure of witnessing. D. C. HST June 22, 1842, page 95.2

May 12, 1842. HST June 22, 1842, page 95.3

Progress of the Truth. Bro. Himes,—The cause here (Brunswick, Me.) is progressing. A secret influence is at work. Many are shaken in their faith, where they have stood firm for years; and though some oppose, and say, “My Lord delayeth his coming,” others are embracing the view that the time is near, and that the Judge is even now at the door. Opposition we must expect; yea, even ridicule and contempt; but what of all this? “If we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him. If we deny him, he will also deny us.” I hope that you will be enabled to go on; but treat your opponents with calmness, affection, and love. This is the best way to win. I speak not by way of censure, but only, if we we love the cause of Christ, we must exhibit the spirit of Christ, and use the weapons of the gospel in carrying it forward. The cause I never expect will triumph. The wise only will understand; but none of the wicked will understand. Multitudes will still say, “Where is the promise of his coming?” and, “My Lord delayeth his coming.” But we must arise, trim our lamps, and wait his approach, lest we be bound hand and foot, and cast into outer darkness, where there is mourning that never shall end. D. C. HST June 22, 1842, page 95.4

Anecdote. The Rev. Mr. McNeile, of Liverpool, in a lecture recently delivered by him, introduced the following anecdote:— HST June 22, 1842, page 95.5

I will tell you a circumstance which occurred lately in this town. A journeyman housepainter, who had long entertained infidel sentiments, and was addicted to corresponding bad practices, was employed in his trade upon a house nearly opposite to mine. From his elevated position, he saw over my blind into my study, and he observed me at my work. The next morning at an earlier hour, he saw the same. This attracted his attention: and the third morning he came still earlier, but I was before him. He ascertained who I was, and he kept watching me over the blind every morning while his job opposite to me lasted. In the mean time, as I learned afterwards, he began to reason with himself, saying, “This gentleman must be in earnest, however right or wrong;” and he said, moreover, “The result of all this reading and writing so early, morning after morning, must, I should think, be worth hearing. I will go and hear what he has to say.” Accordingly he came to my church. He heard me describe the aching anxieties of the human soul not to be satisfied with any created thing, but aching still, and longing for repose until it found it in the bosom of the living God. He heard me describe the way in which a God of holiness can admit a sinner to such repose, the way in which a sinner may enjoy that holy communion. His heart was touched; the secret cause of his infidelity was detected: it was not a want of evidence in the revelation of God, but a want of willingness in man to be conformed to the character of God. Before a rising willingness to be holy, all the skepticism of his intellect disappeared; and instead of a sullen infidel, he is, I have reason to hope, a happy, cheerful Christian. HST June 22, 1842, page 95.6

The Bible. “There are four grand arguments for the truth of the Bible; 1st. The Miracles it records; 2nd. The Prophecies it contains; 3rd. The Excellence of the Doctrine; 4th. The Moral Character of the Penmen. HST June 22, 1842, page 95.7

“The Miracles flow from Divine power; the Prophecies from Divine understanding; the Excellence of the Doctrine from Divine Goodness; and the Moral Character of the Penmen from Divine Purity. Thus Christianity is built upon these four immoveable pillars,—the power, the understanding, the goodness, and the purity of God. The Bible must be the invention of either good men or angels, bad men or devils, or of God. It could not be the invention of good men or angels, for they neither would nor could make a book, and tell lies all the time they were writing it, saying, “Thus saith the Lord,” when it was their own invention. It could not be the invention of bad men or devils, for they would not make a book which commands all duty, forbids all sin, and condemns their souls to hell to all eternity. I therefore draw this conclusion; the Bible must be given by Divine Inspiration.” HST June 22, 1842, page 95.8

Papal Expectation.—The following is an extract from the correspondence of a Berlin paper, by a gentleman in the city of Rome: HST June 22, 1842, page 95.9

“An inteligent Papal Priest, in the city of Rome, remarked to the correspondent, that the news they were daily receiving, especially from America and England, fully justified the expectation than in less than two generations, the Catholics, without a thirty years’ war, and with the use of very little violence, would so outflank and divide the Protestants, that Protestantism would be obliged to hide itself in a few obscure corners like Norway and Lapland, if indeed it continued to vegetate at all. When the correspondent stated some difficulties in the way of such a result, the priest replied that there was but just one real difficulty in the way, and that was the progress of Protestant science among the Catholic clergy of Germany, and that they would devise some means to put a stop to that.” HST June 22, 1842, page 95.10

Jews in New York.—Five synagogues for Israelites are now open in New York. They number nearly ten thousand in the city. Many of them are Germans, who have recently been exiled here by the oppressive laws which exist against that race in some portions of their own county. HST June 22, 1842, page 95.11

Concern for the Salvation of Relatives.—As soon as it had pleased God, after a long and sharp season of conviction, to visit me with the consolations of His grace it became one of my chief concerns that my relations might be partakers of the same mercy. In the first letter I wrote to my brother, I took occasion to declare what God had done for my soul; and am not conscious that from that period down to his last illness, I wilfully neglected an opportunity of engaging him, if it were possible, to conversation of a spiritual kind. When I left St. Albans, and went to visit him at Cambridge, my heart being full of the subject, I poured it out before him without reserve; and in all my subsequent intercourse with him, so far I was enabled, took care to show that I had received, not merely a set of notions, but a real impression of the truths of the gospel.—William Cowper. HST June 22, 1842, page 95.12

Improvements in the arts are among the signs of the times, though less striking than earthquakes and conflagrations; and we intend to notice some of them, occasionally. To say nothing of those wonderful inventions connected with steam, by which men “run to and fro” on railroads and steamboats, as on the wings of the wind; the more humble ones which contribute to the comfort, convenience and pleasure of men, and prove that “knowledge is increased” are innumerable. Those which relate to our domestic comforts, and fireside enjoyments are neither few nor small; but we shall at present confine ourselves to the notice of those only which are connected with light and heat, or lamps and stoves. The use of oil instead of tallow, considering the greatly increased amount of light required in modern times, is of itself quite an improvement. Cooking-stoves are a vast saving of labor and expense of fuel, unknown till within a few years. In speaking of stoves and lights as now in use, the benefits are greater and more perceptible in houses of public worship, than private dwellings. It is but a few years, since it was the practice, even in the coldest winter weather, for the church-going people in the country towns after riding through the snow till they were nearly frozen, to enter a meeting-house as cold as the outdoors, and sit through a long, and afflictive hour and half of exercises, with nothing but the fire of the preacher and the warmth of devotion within to keep them from freezing. As to the present convenient mode of lighting churches, now adopted in most places, it was formerly unknown. HST June 22, 1842, page 95.13

Webb’s Camphene Burners,” which we have known and admired from the time of their introduction into this city, are by far the most brilliant, cheap, safe and convenient, lights, now in use; and we add our testimony in their favor the more cheerfully, because some interested and designing persons, and other innocent but deceived ones, have misrepresented their character and utility, in consequence of a spurious article or articles called by the same name, palmed off in many places as the same articles, but no more resembling Camphene oil and Camphene Burners, than darkness resembles light. The only genuine articles are sold whole sale and retail at No. 19 Washington street, Boston, formerly kept by Francis Harvey, now by Messrs. Curtis & Davis. HST June 22, 1842, page 95.14

The nature and properties of this light have been minutely examined by Professor Locke of the Medical College of Ohio, and its advantages over other lights certified by him in a publication which we have lately seen, some extracts from which we here insert.—Professor Locke says— HST June 22, 1842, page 96.1

“The circumstances which recommend it are as follows. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.2

1. It can be furnished in abundance, and at a moderate price. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.3

2. It affords a light more brilliant than any other substance hitherto proposed for common use. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.4

3. It is safe, in no way explosive, [the spurious article is explosive,] drops no fire from the wick, and leaves no fire upon it. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.5

4. It is cleanly, leaves no grease marks, and if spilled on clothes or furniture, evaporates entirely, like alcohol. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.6

5. It endures any natural degree of cold without becoming in the least congealed. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.7

6. The lamps once in order, need no snuffing or raising of the wick, but merely require to be kept clean, and to be filled as often as they burn themselves empty. The cost of these beautiful and brilliant lights is less than half of that of whale oil.” D. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.8

Mount Auburn


The most delightful, cheap and healthy recreation to be found in the vicinity of Boston, is a trip on the Rail Road from Charlestown, (just over the bridge,) to Fresh Pond and Mount Auburn, for 12 1-2 cents, in 15 minutes, and back for the same, where the cars now run six times a day each way. Fresh Pond itself is a beautiful sheet of water in a circular form, containing, it is said, a little short of 200 acres. The Fresh Pond Hotel, a public house of high repute and great resort with its appendages, stands in the midst of a beautiful grove on the peninsula, the whole of which is a little paradise—one of the most enchanting scenes imaginable. The Pond is thickly studded with large ice houses, from which a considerable portion of our globe is supplied with that cold comfort. Through the natural grove of evergreens, covering most of the land, which covers over a surface, the size of a moderate farm, there are laid out beautiful serpentine walks. Some portion of the land is in a high state of cultivation, laid out with orcharding, fruit trees, flowers, etc., rendering the air fragrant with their perfumes, while it is alive and vocal with the melodious sounds of numerous forest songsters. To a stranger it seems more like the fairy picture of the poet, than a real scene of nature. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.9

The Mount Auburn Cemetry, about 100 rods from Fresh Pond, is another enchanting spot of natural scenery, greatly beautified by the art of man, is laid out in squares and lots of different sizes and variously ornamented, with innumerable neat and graveled walks, rich tombs and splendid monuments, according to the various tastes and fancies of the respective proprietors. This, like Fresh Pond, is also a place of great resort. They lay about a mile west of the Colleges. and are in the neighborhood of many rich and celebrated country seats, and connected with many hallowed associations. There is no place, within 15 minutes ride from the metropolis, where a warm summer’s day may be spent with so much comfort, delight or profitable meditation, D, HST June 22, 1842, page 96.10

Politeness, in the ordinary signification of the term, is the opposite of rudeness, coarseness and incivility. It implies, at least, an apparent attention to the wants and welfare of others—affability, condescension and kindness, and is an imitation of Christianity—of that charity which St. Paul so beautifully describes—“first pure, then peaceable. gentle, easy to be entreated,” etc. Christianity is better than politeness, as reality is always better than imitation; but the latter is better than its opposite, and not to be despised. D. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.11

Youth’s Guide


Portsmouth, N. H. June 13th 1842. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.12

Brother Himes. As many of your patrons are the strong friends of Sabbath Schools, may I be allowed to introduce to their notice, a plan, for furnishing the rising generation with the very kind of matter, which their present and future well-being requires? Elder Flemming having passed into my hands the “Family Visitor,” I design to convert it into a weekly sheet, to be called “The Youth’s Guide, to happiness in both worlds HST June 22, 1842, page 96.13

The Guide will furnish weekly Scripture lessons for the Sunday schools, and such a choice variety of reading matter, illustrated by engravings, as to supersede in a great measure, the necessity of libraries, and hence, make an annual saving of fifty per cent to the most of our schools. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.14

Moreover, the lessons and reading matter of the Guide, being new and fresh, every week, children and youth will doubtless be highly pleased with it. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.15

Terms. Single copy $1. Where ten or more copies may be sent to one address, there will be a discount of 20 per cent. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.16

The Guide will be printed on a half sheet royal, with new type and good paper. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.17

The first number may be expected in the course of next month. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.18

Shall be grateful for any orders directed to Portsmouth, N. H. post paid. E. N. Harris. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.19


No Authorcode

BOSTON, JUNE 22, 1842.

Portland Conference and Lectures


Bro. Miller commenced a course of Lectures in the Casco Street Chapel, June 4th, and closed Sabbath eve, June 12th. The Lectures were attended by crowds of anxious hearers. Christians have been awakened to duty, and some of the sleeping virgins were alarmed. We trust the result will be glorious. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.20

The Conference commenced June 7th, and continued several days. Lectures and addresses were given by Brethren Miller, Cox, Palmer, Himes, and others. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.21

A Committee of Business was appointed, which reported the following resolutions, which were adopted. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.22

The Committee recommend to the Conforence, as proper to be adopted on the present occasion, as expressive of their views and feelings, the following sentiments: HST June 22, 1842, page 96.23

1. Man is not to live by bread alone, but by every WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.24

2. We adopt as a candid principle, that man is responsible for the faith he promulgates, faith in Christ, and God’s Word generally. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.25

3. We believe man is under obligation to study the prophetic Scripture—and the text, “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that HEAR the words of this PROPHECY, and those who KEEP those things that are written therein,” imply it. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.26

4. We believe the Church is DEEPLY GUITY for the neglect of the prophetic Scriptures from the fourth century, and on ward, especially for the last forty years; and that she has thereby lost, in this respect, the benediction of Christ. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.27

5. We believe the church is ONE in all ages, and is alike heir to the promises, whether under the Patriarchal, Jewish, or Christian Dispensation. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.28

6. We believe the kingdoms of this world are about to be dashed to pieces—that the prophetic Scriptures indicate in their TIMES, NUMBERS, VIALS, SEALS and TRUMPETS, that God is about to pour his last wrath upon the world, and that Christ is immediately to set up his everlasting kingdom. We also most cordially recommend the adoption of the resolutions of the Boston Conference, relating to the prophetic times, the Millennium, and return of the Jews, as published in the “Signs of the Times,” June 1, 1842. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.29

Furthermore, in the language of inspiration,—“Knowing the time,” as we believe we do, we should awake out of sleep, and what our hands find to do, in giving the midnight cry, we should now, SPECIALLY, do it with our might. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.30

G. F. Cox,
Moses Palmer,
J. V. Himes,
S. E. Brown,
John Pearson, Com.
HST June 22, 1842, page 96.31

The Campmeeting.—Our friends will see by this week’s notice that a correction is made relative to the price of board. Companies coming on the ground with tents, will do well to provide their own tables. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.32

Let us all go up to the Feast of Tabernacles. We shall never have a better chance to do, or get good. Let unceasing prayer be made to the Shepard of Israel, that his presence may go up with us. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.33

Mormonism.—We have given several articles of late on this subject. Our object has been to warn the unwary of their “devices,” and save them from this cruel imposition. We shall do our duty in relation to every class of “deceivers in the last time,” but shall not turn aside from our main object, the Exposition of the Prophecies, relating to the Second Coming of Christ.” HST June 22, 1842, page 96.34

Chronological Chart of the Visions of Daniel and John. It is now nearly finished; and will be ready for delivery in a few days. Price $2,50 per copy to subscribers. Published at No. 14 Devonshire Street, up stairs. Subscribers may send or call soon. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.35

Arrival of the Brittania.—Fourteen days from Liverpool. The news are not important; except the life of Queen Victoria had been attempted. A pistol was fired at her, but did no injury. The ruffian was taken into custody. Great excitement prevails in consequence of this extraordinary act. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.36



Received up to June 18th. From P. M. Springfield, Vt.—Kingsbury, Ind.—Detroit, Mich.—Plaltville, Winsc—Clarksfield, Ohio—Carthage, Ohio—Brunswick, Me. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.37

From S. Clark, Spelmar, R. E. Ladd, A. J. Williamson, G. F. Sanborn, Calvin French, G. F. Cox, Stephen Bradford, Wm. W. Smith, Charles P. Whitten, Joel Spaulding, Windsor Goodenough, J. Litch, C Simmons, A. C. White, Henry Grew, A. White, Yates Higgins, R. W. Pratt, A. D. Low, Henry Flagg, Leonard Lewis, John A. Sillick, R. Thayer, N. Billings, S. E. Brown. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.38

Books Sent


One bundle to J. Litch, Stanstead, L. C., care of Dr. Lull. One to Windsor Goodeuough, Williamsville, Vt. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.39

Signs of the Times


Is published weekly, at No. 14 Devonshire Street. Boston, by JOSHUA V. HIMES, to whom all letters and communications must be addressed. HST June 22, 1842, page 96.40

Terms,—One Dollar per Volume of 24 Nos. (6 months)
dow & jackson, printers.
HST June 22, 1842, page 96.41