Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 3

May 25, 1842

Vol. III.—No. 8. Boston, Whole No. 56

Joshua V. Himes & Josiah Litch, Editors. Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston


New York Anniversaries


We give below a brief view of several of the Anniversaries of the Na. Benev. Societies at New York. The reader will see by them that the Gospel is being very rapidly diffused, “as a witness among all nations.” It will be difficult to find the nation that has not had, or, are not now receiving the Gospel. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.1

american bible society


The twenty-sixth anniversary of the American Bible Society was held in the Broadway Tabernacle on Thursday, the 12th instant, at 10 o’clock, a. m. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.2

The President, Hon. John Cotton Smith, took the chair, and the meeting was opened by reading a portion of Scripture, (Hebrews 3.) by Rev. Dr. Lyle, of N. York. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.3

The venerable President addressed the Society for a few moments, congratulating it on the great amount of good it had accomplished during the year; and expressing gratitude to the God of the Bible for his constant smiles. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.4

The President mentioned with high gratification the fact that the Secretary of the Navy had ordered the chest of each seaman in the service to be supplied with a copy of the word of God; and also the circular of the Secretary of State of New York, recommended the use of the New Testament in common schools. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.5

The Treasurer’s Report was read by Mr. Hyde, and the Manager’s Report by Rev. J. C. Brigham. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.6

The meeting was then addressed by Rev. Dr. Eastburn, of N. York the British consul Buchanan, John H. Kain, M. D., of New Haven, John Thompson, Esq., of Poughkeepsie, Rev. E. W. Sehon, Cincinnati, Rev. Dr Bethune, of Philadelphia, Bishop Mar Yohannah, and Rev. Mr. Perkins, of Persia, in support of the following resolutions, which were adopted. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.7

Resolved, That the systematic examination and supply of destitute families now so happily going forward within the bounds of many of the Auxiliaries, ought to be extended to every portion of our country, and particularly to our new States and Territories. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.8

Resolved, That the growing disposition manifested of late to use the Bible as a reading book in common schools, is an auspicious omen to our country. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.9

Resolved, That in view of the success which has hitherto crowned the efforts of the Bible enterprise, the friends of this enterprise ought now to aim at nothing less than a speedy diffusion of the word of life among the destitute of this and of all lands. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.10

Resolved, That the increasing demand for the Scriptures from foreign countries, and particularly from the region where the Scriptures were first revealed, should urge the Auxiliaries and friends of the Society to more enlarged contributions and more fervent prayers for the furtherance of the sacred cause in which they are engaged. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.11

Abstract of the Annual Report. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.12

In the course of the year two Vice Presidents have died, Joseph Nourse, Esq., of the District of Columbia; and Hon. Jesse L. Holman, of Indiana. Also, one Manager, Samuel Parsons, Esq., New York, of the Society of Friends. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.13

New Life Directors,92
New Life Members,503
New Auxiliary Societies formed,67

This number is more than three times as large as that of the previous year. Most of them are formed in the new States, one in Texas, and one at the Sandwich Islands. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.14

The receipts of the year are $134,357,08, being an increase of $15,496,67 over those of the previous year. The disbursements have been $139,649,70, leaving the Society in debt to the Treasury, $5,292,62. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.15

The number of Bibles printed is 104,000, the number of Testaments 172,000, making a total of 276,000 copies. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.16

The number of Bibles and Testaments issued is 257,069 copies, being an increase over the issues of the previous year of 106,874. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.17

The Board have made great efforts to increase the stock of books in the depository, yet so unusual has been the demand for them, that the quantity now on hand is almost as small as that at the close of last year. Further efforts must be made to increase this stock as fast as the auxiliaries indebted pay for the books they have ordered. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.18

Stereotype plates have been prepared for a bourgeois Bible, and also for the N. Testament and the Book of Psalms in raised letters, for the use of the blind. These letter plates have been prepared in Boston, under the direction of Dr. Samuel G. Howe. They have been attended with considerable expense, but will last for many years. The unhappy condition of those for whom the work is designed, made the duty of the Board very plain. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.19

The Board have unanimously decided that they will print no more Bibles or Testaments translated from the Vulgate. The plates on hand of the Spanish Bible, and those for a French and a Portuguese Roman Catholic Testament, are to be sold for type metal. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.20

Plates for a new Spanish Protestant Testament have been ordered, and books from them will be ready for delivery in a few months. The reasons for this measure will be found in the report when published. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.21

Ten travelling agents have been employed all the year, and four more for a part of the time. These agencies are attended with expense, yet they are not employed, when there is evidence that the Bible cause will be sustained without them. Experience of a quarter of a century has convinced the Board of their great importance in some circumstances. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.22

Numerous grants of Bibles and Testaments have been made for supplying the destitute of our new settlements, both families and schools, for the supply of our seamen, boatmen, soldiers, and emigrants, as will be seen by the report. Other grants, mostly in English, French and German, have been made for Texas, Haiti, Havre in France, Bremerhoven in Germany, for missions in West Africa, Ceylon, Madras, and Sandwich Islands. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.23

Monies have been granted as follows, for preparing and circulating the Scriptures abroad: HST May 25, 1842, page 57.24

For France.$500
For Sweden,1,500
For Russia and Finland,1,000
For Ceylon,2,000
For Madras,1,000
For Madura,1,000
For Northern India,2,500
For Orissa,100
For Sandwich Islands,2,000
For Greece, Turkey, Syria, etc.2,499

These sums are payments but in part of what has been appropriated, and which is all wanted: $30,000 at least, of what has been recently called for and conditionally promised, remains unpaid, while new calls for the coming year begin already to arrive. The managers have done the best they could with the means provided, looking at the claims both of the home and foreign field. They would be grateful that so much has been effected, and would invite their fellow laborers to enter on a new year with increased faith, zeal, perseverance and prayer. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.25

foreign evangelical society


The anniversary of this Society was held on Tuesday evening at the Reformed Dutch Church in Lafayette Place,—the Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen presiding. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.26

The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Brinsmade. The Chairman then made a few introductory remarks, after which the Treasurer’s report was read by W. W. Chester, Esq. and that of the Executive Committee by Rev. E. N. Kirk, the Corresponding Secretary. From the first three documents it appeared that the receipts of the year had amounted to $15,733, and the expenditures to $15,275. Of the receipts, near $2,600 were from Philadelphia, $2,173 from New York, $1,419 from Baltimore, $1,346 from Boston, $590 from Brooklyn, $542 from Norwich; $470 from New Haven, $439 from Providence, etc. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.27

The Report of the Managers was chiefly devoted to that great and interesting country, France. The labors of the Society were considered under several heads, viz. colportage, evangelization, education of the children of poor Protestants, and the diffusion of christian knowledge by means of the press. The Society has employed, during the past year, 33 colporteurs, viz. 32 in France, and one in Belgium. The whole number of colporteurs now employed in France, by different societies and associations, is about 200; of whom a large proportion are converts from popery. Of 85 in the service of the British and Foreign Bible Society, all but one were formerly Roman Catholics. The first Bible Society was formed in France 27 years ago, viz. in 1815, since which date more than 2,000,000 copies of the Bible have been put in circulation in that kingdom. Five evangelists have been employed in France, by the society during the past year, one of whom was formerly a grenadier of Napoleon. Also those celebrated clergymen Messrs. Malan and A. Monod have made missionary tours of 2 1-2 to 4 months each, preaching almost literally day and night, and producing much effect. Numerous facts of an encouraging nature were stated in the report, not only in regard to France, but other European countries, and Canada. HST May 25, 1842, page 57.28

The meeting was addressed by Rev. Mr. Cheever, of New York, Rev. Dr. Bethune, of Philadelphia, and Rev. Mr. Kirk. HST May 25, 1842, page 58.1

american seamen’s friend society


The meeting was held in the Tabernacle on Monday evening, May 10. HST May 25, 1842, page 58.2

Rev. Dr. Spaulding, of the Executive Committee, reported as follows:—This society knows nothing national or local in its operations. It regards not the distinctions of sects—but embraces the broad family of man. It has aimed to extend its influence to every clime visited by seamen. Lately it has instituted chaplains in foreign ports, as at Cronstadt in the Baltic, at Sidney in New South Wales, and at the Cape of Good Hope. Also, two sailor Missionaries are now established at Stockholm and Gottenburg. A chaplain has been maintained at Havre, and one is now on his way for a port, much visited by American ships—Honolulu in the Sandwich Islands. Also, in our own country, the Gospel is statedly preached at New York, Boston, Salem, Charlestown, New Orleans, and other places. From an account to be published soon, it will be seen that $7,762 have been contributed during the last year, towards the erection of a Sailor’s Home in N. Y., and during the same time, $13,099 towards the general cause of the Society. This amount exceeds that contributed last year, by $10,161. A new Sailor’s Home has just been completed at 190 Cherry street, the first corner stone of which was laid on the 14th Oct. last. This is emphatically a safe harbor for the sailor. Here he finds the comforts of home, a library at his command, the opportunity of attending family prayers, if he is so disposed, and the Sabbaths hallowed. Amid these, he can rise, not only to the dignity of a sailor, but to that of a Christian. The events of the last year evince clearly the working of God’s providence. This was the remark once made by a sailor with reference to his own case. On one occasion, at sea, he was engaged, on one side of a table, in printing some devices upon his arm. Opposite sat a shipmate reading his bible. The latter, rising from the table, went out, leaving his bible open where he had been reading. The other had the curiosity to look where his friend had been reading, when his eye fell on these words, “Thou shalt not make any prints, upon your flesh—I am the Lord!” This circumstance resulted in the conversion of the man. HST May 25, 1842, page 58.3

The number of pious captains sailing out of ports in the United States is estimated at 600. Of sailors, more than ten times that number. The past year has been uncommonly fruitful in revivals, at Charleston, New York, Boston, Salem, Nantucket, and New Bedford. More than 5000 sailors have joined the Temperance Society in New York. HST May 25, 1842, page 58.4

Extract from Fitch’s Sermons, No. 6


In the third year of Belshazzar, Daniel had another vision, (Daniel 8.) in which he tells us—“I was by the river Ulai. Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and behold, there stood before the river a ram, which had two horns: and the two horns were high; but the one was higher than the other, and the higher came up last. I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; so that no beasts might stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will, and became great. HST May 25, 1842, page 58.5

“And as I was considering, behold, a he-goat came from the west on the face of the whole earth, and touched not the ground: and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes. And he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing by the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his power. And I saw him come close unto the ram, and he was moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brake his two horns; and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground and stamped upon him, arid there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand. Therefore, the he-goat waxed very great: and when he was strong, the great horn was broken; and for it, came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven. And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land. And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them. Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. And a host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered. HST May 25, 1842, page 58.6

“Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said, unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” HST May 25, 1842, page 58.7

After this, Daniel says—“I heard a man’s voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to undersand the vision. So he came near where I stood: and when he came, I was afraid, and fell upon my face: but he said unto me, Understand, O son of man; for at the time of the end shall be the vision. Now as he was speaking, I was in a deep sleep on my face toward the ground: but he touched me, and set me upright. And he said, Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation; for at the time appointed shall the end (2300 days) be.” The time appointed was the two thousand and three hundred days. Then shall the end be. Gabriel then proceeds to explain to Daniel the vision, as follows: “The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king. Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power. And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power; and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand. And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days.” HST May 25, 1842, page 58.8

Here we have another chain of events all of which have transpired. The ram with two horns—the kings of Media and Persia. They came and passed away. The rough goat was the king of Grecia. The first king mentioned here was Alexander. Not the first of the Grecian kings, but the Grecian king who overthrew the Medes and Persians; and then this kingdom was divided into four—Syria, Persia, Egypt, and Macedonia or Greece, and these were governed by Alexander’s four generals—Lysymachus, in Persia—Ptolemy, in Egypt—Selucus, in Syria—and Cassander in Greece. A literal fulfilment of the prophecy. From one of these four kingdoms, viz. Macedonia, or Greece, arose the Romans, and waxed exceeding great, and destroyed the mighty and the holy people—the Jews—and stood up against the Prince of princes, the Lord Jesus Christ—for we know that he was crucified by Roman authority and by Roman soldiers. All these things therefore are passed. HST May 25, 1842, page 58.9

With these visions Daniel was greatly distressed, and he fasted and prayed, and a heavenly messenger was sent to make him understand them. At the commencement of the eleventh chapter we find that this messenger said to him, “And now I will show thee the truth.” He then commences with the Persian kingdom, which then under Cyrus was already occupying the place of the Chaldean, speaks of the Grecian, and of the division of that into four; and then takes up the Roman, and proceeds with the events of that kingdom greatly in detail; all which events, as might be shown by comparing the prophecy with history, have been fulfilled to the letter. Thus I must pass for want of time, and will look at the fortieth verse of the eleventh chapter, where it is said, “And the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries and shall overflow and pass over. He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown, but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt, and the Lybians, and Ethiopeans shall be at his steps. But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him; therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain: yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.” Here we have a most striking epitome of the history of Bonaparte. All that was here foretold was true of him, as history abundantly shows. “He did plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas, in Italy, which we know is between two seas, and which has ever been the glorious holy mountain of the Romans. On the 15th of May 1796, Bonaparte took possession of Milan in Italy—and at that place on the 26th of May,1805, he was crowned king of Italy. Thus he planted the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain of the Romans. But he came to his end on a solitary Island, as we well know, and none helped him.” All these predicted events therefore are now in the history of the past. HST May 25, 1842, page 58.10

But the heavenly messenger continues to say, “At that time, shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people.” This would seem to betoken prosperity to the people of God; and we know that they have never enjoyed such prosperity as since the death of Bonaparte, which took place in 1815. Revivals glorious in their power and extent have followed revivals, universal toleration has been granted to all denominations of them that believe and obey the truth; and large success has crowned all their efforts to extend the Redeemer’s reign. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.1

And what is the next predicted event? ‘There shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that same time; and at that time, thy people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.’ There is just one event therefore, my hearers, in prophecy between the point where we stand and the resurrection of the dead, and that is a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation; and then comes the end. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.2

Lunenburg Conference


Dear Bro. Litch.—Having been appointed secretary, and instructed to make a report of the doings of this meeting through your valuable paper, I hasten to perform that duty, which would have been attended to some weeks since, but for a press of other engagements.—The conference convened according to appointment, and was continued several days by a course of Lectures and other religious exercises appropriate to the occasion: during the week, a number were awakened, some converted, and the wise virgins brought to see and understand more clearly the things which God hath revealed by his servants the Prophets. Error was brought forth, and exposed to the burning sun of truth—prejudice was dethroned from the heart of many of the Lord’s people, and the soul inspiring truth of the advent near, eagerly embraced. The conference, though not as well attended as could have been desired, is not to be regarded as a lost season—to say nothing of the immediate good accomplished, an influence has gone abroad, which will tell upon the destinies of many souls—an influence, which cannot be estimated until eternity bursts forth to our naked view. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.3

The camp of the enemies of God was as usual troubled; several challenges for a public debate were sent in, one of which,by Dr.Bard, the great champion of infidelity for this section, was accepted—the preparations for this debate produced quite an excitement, insomuch that long before the hour arrived the people were seen flocking in every direction to the house of God, and at the appointed time, the place was literally crowded with immortal beings.—The debate throughout, by both of the disputants, was conducted with the utmost candor and liberality, and the attention paid both by the skeptical and believing, of a profound character. This unexpected deviation from our regular order, was thought, on the whole, to have resulted in a far greater amount of good than would have been realized under other circumstances; for you will recollect that it furnished you with a valuable opportunity to make an exhibition of divine truth before a congregation that could not have been otherwise collected. This fact, considered in connection with the many and confused arguments of the Dr. by which he endeavored to show the fulfilment of Daniel’s predictions in the days of Nehemiah, must have convinced even his warmest admirers of the weakness of his cause, and given to the truth of God a rare triumph. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.4

I could say much in regard to the prosperity of the cause in these parts, but short articles are the life of a paper. Many interesting particulars are on file, which I hope to get time to forward you soon.—The character of the meeting held here a week or two since, and noticed in your paper, you will learn, when I tell you that Dr. Bard was one of the chief speakers—the meeting was an entire failure—for the most that attended it at any one time was 30 souls—a part of these were from other towns, and a few others were misled as to the character of the meeting—and the 30 continued to decrease until at the last meeting held, I am credibly informed by an eye witness, that only 4 persons were present—surely, they were left alone in their glory. The cause of truth is taking fast hold of the virtuous of this region, insomuch that the disciples of Gog will find but little encouragement in their war of words. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.5

Yours in the hope of that glorious appearing. H. B. Skinner. Ashburnham, April 26, 1842. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.6

P. S. I find no cause to regret the course I have felt it my duty to take on this subject; on the contrary, my convictions of its truth daily increase. There is no subject upon which I can preach with so much liberty and profit. I have many calls, which I fail not to improve as I find it convenient. Bro. Heath, the preacher at Lunenburg, is much interested, and finds no way to evade the arguments by which this truth is sustained—nor does he wish to. H. B. S. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.7



“Calvary! around thy sacred head,
A glory beams from ages past;
Though where Creation’s Monarch bled,
His angry storms are pouring fast!
Yes, Zion!—yet upon thy hill,
The shadows play of glory’s plume.
HST May 25, 1842, page 59.8

Rise! Rise! Imperial Salem, Rise!
Lo! on the dawn’s millennial morn.
Lift up your eyes, * * * * *
See! see its herald star new born,
Hangs o’er thy brow, a brilliant token,
That the dread curse’s spell is broken.
HST May 25, 1842, page 59.9

“Jerusalem, my happy home”—with thy hallowed name is associated much that is calculated to inspire awe and reverence. Shem or Melchisedec, a glorious and expressive type of the promised Messiah here reigned king of Salem—type too of Israel’s promised king. Here he gained great possessions, where ancient Jebus stood, and where Jerusalem was afterward built, the central city of the land of Canaan. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.10

It is not impossible, but that the mountainous regions round about Jerusalem, were, before the flood, the base or foundation of the garden of Eden, the place where Adam was created. But when the waters of the deluge came, it bore away all its earthy matter, and left standing all those tremendous pinnacles and overhanging mountains of the region of Jerusalem. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.11

Mountainous regions are always the natural sources of rivers, and from the fact that four large rivers; (Euphrates, one) take their rise in the region of Eden, we argue, that the garden of Eden must have had an elevated location, as intimated in Genesis—entirely inaccessible on all sides but the East, at which point the sword of the Cherubim was placed to guard the way to the Tree of Life. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.12

It is believed that the hill of crucifixion was also the hill called Mount Moriah, to which God sent Abraham, to slay his son Isaac, who was also a type of the Prince Messiah, in whom all the nations of the earth shall be blessed. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.13

There is a sort of fitness in the ideas advanced; although they are not wholly susceptible of clear proof to every mind, yet there is no impropriety, or incongruity, (so far as sustained by holy writ,) while there is an imperceptible acquiescence that steals over the mind as we contemplate a subject so fraught with interest. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.14

We imagine that the very spot where the “Son of David” was crucified, may have been the place where Adam and Eve was created. It was here they fell—the triumph of Satan over free moral agents was made here complete. Upon the same ground where the first Adam lost the Paradise of Eden, the second Adam will regain it, in that day, i. e. when His feet shall again stand on Mount Olivet. What is more natural than to suppose that the immortal Prince of Glory would choose for the scene of His victory over the prince of darkness the place where Satan has enacted his first drama with fallen man. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.15

The place seems to be marked with more than ordinary precision, as the theatre where God chose to act from age to age; the things which pointed to that wonderful sacrifice, the death of His Son, and still further, to His exaltation to the throne of His Father David. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.16

It is presumed that the New Jerusalem, the literal city which hath foundations, whose maker and builder is God, will descend to this place “out of heaven from God.” The eye of man hath not seen, nor the car heard, or the heart conceived of the glory and splendor of these mansions prepared for His saints. No city built by mortal man, can vie in size or splendor with this. Pekin or London, will be but a speck, compared with a city 12,000 furlongs or 2,500 miles square. Here will be the throne and temporal residence of a thousand years, of the Prince Immanuel. For He will reign until He hath put all enemies under his feet. Roll on thy triumphant chariot wheels, oh! Prince Messiah, until thou make Jerusalem the joy of the whole world, the grand metropolis of the earth. S. P. Gilbert. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.17

A Meteor.—The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser describes a brilliant meteor, which was observed at that place, at half-past two o’clock on Monday morning last. It was first seen in the south-west, at an elevation of about forty-five degrees from the horizon, shooting rapidly to the north-west, and when in a north-westerly direction, it exploded, with a loud report, like the blasting of rocks. It was very large, and produced a light like that of day. The sky was clear, and there had been in the preceding evening a brilliant aurora borealis. HST May 25, 1842, page 59.18



BOSTON, MAY 25, 1842.

Anniversary Week.—Most of the benevolent Societies in New England hold their Anniversaries in this city the present week. We shall hold ours in common with them, during the entire week. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.1

The general Meeting, and Conference on the Second Coming of Christ, will commence on Tuesday, the 24th inst. at the Melodeon, in Washington St. at 10 o’clock, A. M. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.2

Meetings will be continued during the week, at 10 o’clock, A. M., 3 o’clock, P. M. and 7 1-2 o’clock in the evening. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.3

Strangers coming into the city will call at 14 Devonshire street, a few steps from the Post Office. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.4



Monday, May 23. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.5

3 P. M.—Prison Discipline Society, business meeting, Park St. Vestry. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.6

3 P. M.—Mass. Bible Society, business meeting—Upper Vestry, Central Church. Winter St. Annual Meeting, in Central Church, at 4 o’clock.—Report and Addresses. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.7

3 P. M.—Amer. Peace Soc.—Marlboro’ Chap. Report and Address by S.E.Coues, Esq. Portsmouth, N. H. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.8

3 1-2 o’clock, P. M.—Seamen’s Friend Society business meeting—Park St. Vestry. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.9

7 1-2 P. M.—Bost. Aux. Ed. Soc. An. Meeting—Park St. Church, Report and Addresses. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.10

Tuesday, May 24. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.11

10 A. M. Mass. Missionary Soc. business meeting—Park st. Vestry. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.12

11 A. M. Prison Discipline Soc.—Park st. Church. Report and Addresses. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.13

4 P. M.—Pastoral Asso.—Central Church, Winter st. Preacher, Rev. Dr. Storrs; substitute, Rev. Prof. Park. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.14

7 1-2 P. M.—Mass. Missionary Soc.—Park st. Ch. Report and Addresses. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.15

Wednesday, May 25. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.16

10 A. M.—Seamen’s Friend Soc.—Park st. Ch.—Report and Addresses. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.17

5 P. M. Convention Cong. Ministers—Sup. Court Room, Court st. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.18

12 1-2 P. M. Amer.Doct. Tract Soc. business meeting—114 Washington St. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.19

7 1-2 P. M. Amer. Tract Soc.—Park st. Ch. Reports and Addresses. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.20

Thursday, May 26. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.21

10 A. M.—Mass. Sab. Sch. Soc. business meeting. At their Depository. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.22

11 o’clock, A. M.—Convention Sermon—Brattle-st. Church. By Rev. M. P. Braman. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.23

3 P. M.—Mass. Sab. Sch. Soc.—Park St. Church. Reports and Addresses. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.24

7 1-2 P. M.—Amer. Board of For. Missions—Park st. Ch. Reports and Addresses. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.25

Friday, May 27. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.26

10 A. M.—For. Evan. Soc.—Park St. Ch. Report and Addresses by Rev. Mr. Kirk and others. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.27

“Deceived and being Deceived.”—When Bro. Miller lectured at Sandyhill before the General Conference on the Second Advent,in presenting one of the Signs of the Times, he referred to the doctrine of “peace and safety,” as advocated by the Universalists of this last time. He said that Paul no doubt referred to this class of sceptics, in his first epistle to the Thessalonians, 5:1-4 as an evidence that the time was at hand; for “when” they say peace and safety, “then sudden destruction cometh.” He remarked that he had been unable to trace this doctrine further back than about the close of the last century. And he believed that Mr. Hosea Ballou, of Boston, Mass. was the first man who taught the doctrine of Ultra Universalism in this country. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.28

Some of the advocates of this deceptive doctrine who were present, were very much disturbed at this statement. Whereupon they wrote an epistle to Mr. Hosea Ballou, to know if the statement was correct. They received the following answer, of which this is a copy. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.29

Boston, Feb. 7th, 1842. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.30

Dear Sir.—This will certify that I was never acquainted with Mr. Miller,never spoke with him, never saw him to know him. Whatever therefore he may assert respecting conversing with me, has no more foundation in truth than his notions about the end of the world has support from the Scriptures. Yours with respect. (Signed) Hosea Ballou. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.31

What these persons wrote to Mr. Ballou, we know not; but Mr. Miller, can affirm with equal distinctness with Mr. B. that he never spoke with him, or saw him to have any personal acquaintance. And to our certain knowledge he made no remark of the kind. Thus we see how easy it is for persons to deceive themselves in plain matters of fact, when laboring under a deceptive doctrine. Mark! Mr. Ballou does not deny the charge! HST May 25, 1842, page 60.32

Editorial Correspondence.—No. 6


Dear Bro. Litch: Our course of lectures was closed last evening. We have gained an influence in this community that we little anticipated. A large number of persons have become deeply interested in the subject of Christ’s second coming at hand. The time has become a subject of faith now, as well as the manner of Christ’s coming. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.33

We have, in the Apollo, a large room, which we call “Berean Hall,” for the time being, where we receive our friends during the day. We have had a great number of calls from citizens and strangers from all parts. By conversation with them we have become acquainted with the state of things in most of the churches, and in the community at large. We have obtained the following facts: That there are persons belonging to almost all the denominations who have been in to hear, and many of them are converted to the faith, and mean to disseminate the doctrine in their respective churches, to the extent of their influence. Many who have hitherto held to the Jew’s return, have abandoned it as one of the fables of the times. Others who have been dreaming of a spiritual Millennium, have given it up, and now look for the first resurrection, and coming of Christ for the commencement of the true Millennium. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.34

The friends of the cause are determined to raise the standard in this city, and to engage in the work in good earnest. An Association will be formed soon, for the purpose of circulating tracts and publications. The Conference will meet tomorrow, and some measures will be taken to aid them in the work. A great work is before them, opposition will be strong—prejudice bitter—but the Lord, whose cause they serve, will give them success. But of this I shall say more at a future time. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.35

We visited Newark on Saturday last, the 7th inst. and Bro. Miller gave two Lectures in the Universalist Chapel, which was hired for the purpose! Reason! All the other Chapels in the city were shut against us!! The audience was large and attentive. I trust good was done. Your lectures in that place have done great good. They want, and need another course of lectures, and no man would be more acceptable than Bro. Fitch. I hope he will think of it. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.36

The new Paper. Since my last, I have received a copy of the new paper, started at Boston, called the American Millenarian. So far as it shall advocate the truth, and enforce the practical duties of Christianity, I shall bid it “God speed.” It owes its existence, you know, chiefly to the idea of the restoration of the Jews, and will become a channel for the conveyance of this doctrine. The respected publisher and editors can expect no sympathy from us in the dissemination of this particular theory. But it is too late in the day, in our estimation, for the daily expectants of Jesus and the resurrection at hand to engage in unprofitable controversy on the subject. And as we all agree that the next grand event is the coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven, let us prepare for that,—let us aid others to prepare. We be brethren, let us live as such, each speaking, with all boldness, our honest sentiments on all subjects that we consider important at this crisis, and God’s blessing will rest upon us. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.37

The New Movement.—In my last, you know, I gave you some account of a meeeting, which is to be held in this city this week, to “talk,” about the conversion of the world. I noticed a particular qualification in the call for membership; and predicted that the Baptists would not go with it. It is even so. The condition to which I refer, was, that persons composing the convention should co-operate with the American Bible and Tract Society. It will be seen by the following extracts from the Baptist Advocate, and the Advocate & Journal, that the latter (that is the Methodist) will not co-operate with the Tract Society! and the former (the Baptist) will not co-operate with the Bible Society! So there is but little hope of their bringing about their Millennium by the evangelizing the world at present. But, read the remarks of the Advocate: HST May 25, 1842, page 60.38

A New Measure.—In the Observer of last week we find an account of a purposed convention for the organization of a new society upon conditions of membership, one of which is so peculiar in its character that we conceive it our duty to direct particular attention to it. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.39

He then gives the call, as in our last; to which he appends the following remarks: HST May 25, 1842, page 60.40

According to the foregoing, a man is not fitted to co-operate in the evangelization of the world, unless he co-operates with the American Bible Society. Any one acquainted with the difference, between the Baptists and the American Bible Society will immediately comprehend the reason and the nature of this restriction. The design appears direct to throw odium upon our denomination because we do not co-operate any longer with that institution. The American Tract Society, we feel assured, have had no hand in a design of this kind. We know too well the sentiments of the members of its board, to suppose that they would do any thing needlessly to wound the feelings or injure the reputation of a Christian denomination so zealous for the evangelization of the world as ours has shown itself, and we rely upon the personal assurances which we have received from some of its members, that they wish to take no part in the unhappy differences between us and the American Bible Society. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.41

We notice the names of several Baptists signed to the article. Did they read the condition to which we have alluded, and understand its import? HST May 25, 1842, page 60.42

But it will be seen by the following, from the Advocate and Journal, that the Methodists have another difficulty, though they approve of the call. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.43

We heartily approve, and are willing to co-operate in the Christian effort proposed, except that we cannot pledge ourself, without limitation or reserve, to co-operate with the American Tract Society. The Bible Society offers a ground of common effort to all Bible Christians; but we do not think it will be claimed for all the tracts issued by the American Tract Society, that they teach no doctrines which are not subjects of debate between Christian denominations, who nevertheless accord to each other the common character of evangelical churches. Without determining whether the Methodists are right or wrong, it cannot be denied that we differ from our Calvinistic brethren on certain points of doctrine. These differences of opinion, we admit, may exist with safety to both; but still it would not be consistent with Christian honesty to pledge ourselves to aid the circulation of doctrines claiming to be founded on Scripture, which we believe are not sustained by the word of God. Those who conscientiously believe they are scriptural may be justified in their efforts to diffuse them; but surely those who believe differently would be inexcusable to do so. With the hope upon consideration this pledge will not be required, we shall do what we can to aid in the general purpose of those who have signed the call. HST May 25, 1842, page 60.44

What folly it is to make the attempt to unite the sects in any common cause, for the salvation of man. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.1

I trust, however, that good will come out of this movement. I will report in a future letter, the results. Yours, etc. J. V. HIMES. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.2

New York, May 9, 1842. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.3

Feast of Tabernacle.—We propose the present summer to hold several Camp Meetings in different parts of New England, for the purpose of proclaiming more generally and effectually the Midnight Cry through the land. But we leave the matter to the Conference, which will make arrangements in due time. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.4

The Chief of Delusions.—The Devil’s Master Piece: mormonism. This heresy of the last time is fully exposed and refuted in a work just published at this Office, entitled “Mormon Delusions and Monstrosities.” Those pastors who are annoyed with the delusion, will find this book to be a sure remedy against the contagion. 90 pages. $10, pr. hundred, 15 cts. single. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.5

Descent from the cross.—Whatever relates to the Savior of the world, is of the greatest interest to his true disciples, especially at this time, when his coming in the glory of his Father draweth nigh. There is an admirable picture of Christ’s descent from the cross now exhibiting at Concert Hall, in this city. We recommend to the believers in the advent near, who shall visit our city this week, to avail themselves of the opportunity to witness the representation of this deeply affecting scene. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.6

General Conference in New York City.—Our labors closed in New York on the 12th inst. with the Conference. Bro. Miller gave twenty-one lectures on the second coming of the Lord at hand. Brethren Litch, Atkins, Kenney, Jones and others gave interesting addresses and remarks. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.7

The following sentiments were read, and very fully discussed; and may be regarded as the sentiments of the members of the Conference. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.8



Advocated and published by the General Conference on the second coming of Christ at hand; assembled at the Apollo, in the city of New-York, May 10, 11 & 12, 1842. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.9

on the scriptures


Whereas, “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable” even to the eternal life of all who believe therein. And whereas, by the proper use of these lively oracles, the primitive saints were enabled to live as martyr spirits, with scarcely any other religious writings at their command; while the church, now flooded with human writings is grievously neglecting the spirit and power of the Bible, and almost wholly departed from “the faith which was once delivered to the saints,”—We would therefore publicly avow: HST May 25, 1842, page 61.10

1. That it is our firm belief, that the Holy Scripture, if again used by the church, as they were by the first Christians, would naturally and powerfully tend so to strengthen her “weak hands” and confirm her “feeble knees,” that, like the church of old, she might be strong in bearing burdens for the Lord, while her ministers might be “sons of thunder” in proclaiming speedily the kingdom of God to all nations, and that without such a return to the word of the Lord, there is no remaining hope of a reformation. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.11

2. We feel assured, that there is now no way to interest and engage the church and her children, thus to turn again to the Scriptures, except by preaching and urging upon them the doctrine of Christ’s second and personal coming with his glorious kingdom from heaven to earth, now specially “nigh at hand,” together with “the restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.” 4 HST May 25, 1842, page 61.12

3. Considering that the crown of righteousness at Christ’s appearing again, is reserved for none except those “who look for him,” and also, “love his appearing,” 5 we see not how it is possible for any to have a “hope as an anchor to the soul, sure and steadfast,” who slight this great doctrine of the advent at hand, or content themselves with little understanding, little faith, and little care, if any at all, concerning it, as it stands out most prominently in all the prophetic writings. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.13

4. We consider that the indefatigable and successful manner in which many individuals are now searching the prophetic Scriptures, is a marked indication that we are living in the last times, and is fulfilling the prophecy that “many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased,” 6 and that the visions of the prophets shall be revealed, or made plain. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.14

5. We wish it distinctly understood, that while it is our purpose, continually to proclaim Christ’s second coining and kingdom at hand, to awaken the slumbering virgins to prepare to meet the Bride groom, we do not ask others to place confidence in our opinions, but we entreat them, rather, for Christ’s sake, and by our gathering together unto him, to search the Scriptures with earnest believing prayer, to see if these things are so. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.15



Whereas, the doctrine of a temporal millennium, or spiritual reign of Christ in this world, before the resurrection of the dead, has gained much ascendancy in the church during the last century, (though not previously, as her public creeds and other testimony most clearly show.) And whereas, in our view, this new doctrine is none other than a general false proclamation of “peace and safety,” for a thousand years or more, whereby the church is rent into hundreds of sects, smiting each other, and thus fallen before her enemies, who have been thus strengthened in their prevailing against God’s people. We would therefore kindly say to others, still holding the opposite opinion, HST May 25, 1842, page 61.16

1. As we have learned of Christ, by searching the Scriptures, we find them no where to foretell a millennial reign of Christ on earth, until he shall come to judgment, then to create a new “earth,” and surrounding “new heavens,” in which he will reign “gloriously” 7 and “forever,” with all his angels and redeemed saints, after the resurrection of the dead, and creation of “all things new.” 8 HST May 25, 1842, page 61.17

2. It is our unshaken conviction that the modern notion of a thousand or more years of “peace and safety,” on earth, before the resurrection, is not only unscriptural, but altogether absurd and gross, in its sustaining itself by converting foretold heavenly things into earthly, and the things of eternity into the things of time, which perverts the “exceeding great and precious promises,” and makes his word “of none effect.” HST May 25, 1842, page 61.18

Our other difficulties with this notion of Christ’s coming spiritually to reign on the earth with his saints a thousand years before the resurrection of the dead, are some of them the following, viz. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.19

1. Such a supposed long period of heavenly bliss upon earth before Christ’s personal coming to judgment, is paradoxical altogether, when it is considered that the earth is to remain unchanged and under its present curse, 9 as a vale of tears, till the resurrection of the dead, and the creation of “all things new.” HST May 25, 1842, page 61.20

2. It flatters the wicked with a delusive hope of eternal life, though found in their sins at its commencement, in its teaching that at its near coming the whole world is to be converted to Christ, though, according to prophecy, the living wicked will be “cast into a lake of fire burning with brimstone,” at Christ’s next coming again. 10 HST May 25, 1842, page 61.21

3. This theory of a temporal millennium, naturally makes “the heart of the righteous sad,” in its maintaining that if they depart this life before said millennium shall come, they shall never have any part in it. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.22

4. The same theory of a millennium denies to those who shall enjoy it, the privilege of having a glorious resurrection bodies, in which to reign with Christ, as promised in the Scriptures. 11 HST May 25, 1842, page 61.23

5. It denies the saints who shall enjoy it, the blessedness of seeing their glorious Lord personally present in such a millennium, to reign with them and they with him, as the Scriptures teach. 12 HST May 25, 1842, page 61.24

6. It also denies to the saints who shall reign in it, all hope of seeing their departed Christian friends there, or any of the prophets, apostles, or martyrs, which is contrary to the promise of their reigning with Christ on the earth. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.25

7. It maintains that death the last cruel enemy will also reign on the earth during such a supposed millennium, till he shall have slain the whole host of the millennial saints. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.26

8. It also maintains that even Satan himself, with an army innumerable, shall finally outspread this whole millennial territory in prevailing against its citizens, till a subsequent judgment shall sit, while the Scriptures foretell no judgment to come, except at Christ’s next coming to reign on the earth with all his saints. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.27

Further Scripture facts which compel us to discard the doctrine of a millennium on earth before Christ’s own actual coming to reign forever, at and after the resurrection, are some of them the following, viz. HST May 25, 1842, page 61.28

1. As soon as “this gospel of the kingdom” shall “be preached in all the world, for a witness to all nations, then shall the end (of the world) come.” 13 This leaves no time for a thousand years on earth after the gospel shall be thus preached, and before “the end of the world.” HST May 25, 1842, page 61.29

2. The horn of wickedness or anti-Christian power is to make war with the saints and prevail against them until the Ancient of Days shall come, and “judgment” shall be “given, to the saints of the Most High.” 14 This also affords no time for a thousand years before “judgment” shall be given to the saints, and before the coming of the judge or “Ancient of Days.” HST May 25, 1842, page 61.30

3. “The tares” and “the wheat,” or saints and sinners are to “grow together till the harvest,” or “end of the world,” which allows no time at all for a thousand years reign of Christ on earth, after this “end of the world” before the same “end of the world.” 15 * HST May 25, 1842, page 61.31

After thus discarding a temporal millennium, we proceed to present a substitute, which is Scriptural and in all respects infinitely more to be desired by the saints, than the mere phantom of a millennium now rejected, Accordingly HST May 25, 1842, page 61.32

The Millennium or reign of Christ for which we now earnestly look, by faith in God and his precious promises, is to be ushered in, by his speedy, personal and glorious “appearing,” with all his saints and angels from heaven upon the earth, at the resurrection of the dead, judgment of the great day, general conflagration, or creation of “all things new,” when in the new earth and kingdom of God then to be here located, all the taints, from first to last, with glorified bodies, shall personally reign with Christ not only “a thousand years,” so called, but “forever and ever.” 16 HST May 25, 1842, page 62.1

restoration of israel


Whereas, in our view, the restoration of Israel to their own promised land, foretold by many of the holy prophets, is the final gathering and restoration of all the “elect,” or the true Israel of God, (who are such by faith in Christ,) to their own everlasting inheritance in the promised “new earth,” or “heavenly Jerusalem,” and not the return of the carnal Jews to Palestine for a momentary worldly possession, (as we understand many of our friends honestly to believe,) we deem it our duty, in the observance of our Savior’s golden rule, to assign reasons for thus dissenting from their sentiments on this momentous question of prophecy; and would therefore say, with the kindest feelings— HST May 25, 1842, page 62.2

1. That our Savior never interpreted the promises of Israel’s return, as belonging to the unbelieving Jews; but rather to his “elect” when finally gathered “from the four winds,” etc. 17 Neither did Christ acknowledge the carnal Jews as the true “seed of Abraham” to inherit the promised land, while he denounced them rather as of their “father the devil,” and not to “escape the damnation of hell,” if persisting in their unbelieving and ungodly Judaism. 18 HST May 25, 1842, page 62.3

2. An inspired apostle has decided it more than once, that not the ungodly Jews, but those persons rather, whether Jews or Gentiles, who are “of faith,” and who are also “Christ’s,” are “Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.” The apostle has also decided that this land of promise is not a momentary and carnal Canaan where Abraham himself lived and died without inheriting enough of it “to set his foot on,” 19 but that it is rather, “a better country even a heavenly,” 20 and “a city which hath foundations whose builder and maker is God,” 22 * this is the only city or inheritance after which Abraham and the patriarchs continued to seek while they were pilgrims and strangers on the earth.” HST May 25, 1842, page 62.4

3. We consider the doctrine of the carnal Jew’s return to Palestine, highly objectionable, and unscriptural, in its representing God as not only “respecter of persons,” but as showing the greater favorable respect to his blaspheming enemies, than to his saints, in its giving the burden of the Old Testament promises only to the most public and distinguished crucifiers of the Lord of glory. HST May 25, 1842, page 62.5

4. The same doctrine represents the Lord as ma king unconditional promises to men yet in their sins contrary to his uniform denunciations of “wo to the wicked, it shall be ill with him;” and “except ye” (wicked Jews) “repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” 23 HST May 25, 1842, page 62.6

5. This principle of giving the Old Testament promises to the natural Jews for a carnal possession in its application to parallel passages, naturally leaves no promises in the former prophets, for Gen tile saints a heavenly and “everlasting possession.” The quite general modern application of this principle to the prophetic Scriptures, it is believed, has been, in a great degree, the cause of those many learned interpretations, now extant, which suppose the Old Testament not to foretell either the eternal life of the righteous, or the eternal wo of the wicked, in the world to come. HST May 25, 1842, page 62.7

6. The same principle of giving the divine promises to the natural Jews in a carnal possession, rep resents the Lord himself as being “carnally minded;” and as directly saying more in such Scriptures to make his people “carnally minded,” which “is death,” than to make them “spiritually minded,” which “is life and peace.” 24 It is also contrary to the apostle who says,—“We know that the law,” (or word of God,) “is spiritual;” 25 and contrary to Christ, who says,—“My words are spirit and they are life.” 26 HST May 25, 1842, page 62.8

7. The principle of thus giving the Jews the Abrahamic promise, interprets the words, “everlasting “and forever,” 27 when joined with such promises, as not to be literally, but figuratively understood, and as representing only a comparative moment of earthly time. Accordingly the principle is applied to only parallel passages, naturally establishes more firmly than any other one popular principle, the corner stone, or chief pillar of the heresy of Universalism. HST May 25, 1842, page 62.9

8. This giving of the promises to the latter day Jews only, represents God as being partial in his dealing unequally with the Jews themselves, of the same character, because it shuts out from the promise all those Jews who are equally of Abraham’s stock who die in their sins, previous to this supposed latter day return of the Jews to Palestine: Or should it be said that the dead Jews will also all go back at the resurrection, it would again involve the doctrine of Universalism, in its attempting to fulfil divine promises to unbelievers in “the judgment to come.” HST May 25, 1842, page 62.10

Finally, For want of further limits on this subject, we recommend to all who wish more fully to examine it, the careful perusal of a tract, called “The Restoration of Israel,” which very thoroughly presents the whole question, and may be found at the Second Advent Book and Tract’ Depositories in this city and elsewhere, for sale, or gratuitous circulation. HST May 25, 1842, page 62.11

discerning the times, etc


1. In our view, the present state of the world, morally and politically, in the menacing attitudes of the nations and the universal preparations for war, is a state of things in perfect accordance with what we are warranted to expect in the last times. HST May 25, 1842, page 62.12

2. There is a striking analogy between the state and expectations of the church at the present time, and that of the Jews just preceding the first advent of our Lord. They flattered themselves that they were soon to be delivered from all oppressions, and that all the world was to become subject to them. So the church at the present time is flattering her self that soon the whole world will be converted and become subject to her sway. As the views of the former were ambitious and without foundation in the Word of God, and resulted in a sore calamity, and a sudden, awful disappointment, so will it be in the case of the latter. HST May 25, 1842, page 62.13

In conclusion, we recommend to all inquirers on Christ’s second coming; to judgment at hand, that so far as practicable, they furnish themselves with the late published works on the subject, to be found at the Second Advent Book and Tract Depositories at New York, Boston, and elsewhere. HST May 25, 1842, page 62.14

To such persons we also recommend the periodicals called “Signs of the Times,” Boston, weekly and the “Second Advent Witness,” New York and Newark, semi-monthly; the former at $2 per annum, and the latter at 50 cents. HST May 25, 1842, page 62.15

A. Doolittle, Chairman.
Henry Jones,
J. V. Himes. Secretaries.
New York, May 13, 1842.

In conclusion; it will be seen by the statement of sentiments above, that the whole truth was proclaimed in that city. Not only was the fable of the Spiritual Millennium exposed, but the equally false and fabulous doctrine of God’s partial regard to his enemies; the doctrine that cries peace and safety to the Jew, as the modern Millennium does to the Gentile. The Conference felt that it was a very important duty they owed to the Jew, as well as to the Judaizers of the age, to speak of the false idea of their return in the boldest and most positive terms. We believe that God requires of the Jew immediate repentance. Every moment he hesitates and refuses to submit to Jesus of Nazareth, he sins against God. The doctrine of the Judaizers, is, that the Jew hath hope in the unconditional promise of God, let them do as they may, or will! They tell him of the most glorious things that await him—arid here is the anodyne. The Jew, like the Gentile sinner, waits for the happy time; and while waiting, both will go down to hell together, and their blood will be upon their blind judaizing guides! It is our deliberate opinion that this doctrine will cheat thousands, who now rank as Jews, out of their eternal salvation. HST May 25, 1842, page 62.16

The only Gospel, and the only promise that we have any right, as Christians, to preach to Gentile or Jew, is, in the language of St. Paul: Romans 2:7-11. “To them who by patient continuance in well-doing, seek for glory, and honor, and immortality; eternal life: but unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness: indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doth evil; of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; but glory, honor, and peace; to every man that worketh good; to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile; for there is no respect of persons with God.” HST May 25, 1842, page 62.17

The brethren in New York intend to form an Association, and open a Depository for publications. They are fully convinced that Christ is at hand, and the next grand event in the world’s drama is the personal coming and kingdom of Christ. HST May 25, 1842, page 62.18

We received the kindest attentions from the friends in that city. The cause being in its infancy, and very unpopular, there was not many rich, or great, who took part with us. Those who participated were very liberal, and did all they could in aid of the expenses. But after all we fell short about one hundred and fifty dollars. Of this remaining sum the friends in New York will make up a part. Friends interested elsewhere, no doubt, will aid us. Our prayer is, that these feeble efforts may result in the greatest good. HST May 25, 1842, page 62.19

Rhode Island.—Accounts from this little belligerent state represent the internal affairs in greater commotion, and a more warlike attitude, than at any previous date. The Suffrage Governor Dorr, had waxed valiant, had returned from the Empire State, where he had been for the purpose, it seems, of raising an army; and now assuming to be Commander in chief, in very deed, with great pomp and triumph, he marches forth into “Rhode Island and the Providence Plantations,” like one having authority. And there from his chariot he looks down upon the surrounding multitude and makes a speech. HST May 25, 1842, page 62.20

It will be recollected that this “Gov. Dorr” went on to Washington city two or three weeks since with one or two others of his party as commissioners, it was said, to treat with higher powers. When on his return a few days since, it was found that he had been to New York, engaging men and arms to help, him maintain his government. The New York New Era, a few days before, had been beating up for volunteers for the Rhode Island service.—“To Arms! to Arms!” etc. In the mean time the following certificate was published by two of the Charter party. HST May 25, 1842, page 62.21

Providence, May 14, 1842. HST May 25, 1842, page 62.22

We hereby state that we returned from New York this morning, and while there learned from unquestionable authority, that Thomas W. Dorr, before leaving the city, wrote a letter to Levi D. Slamm, Editor of the New Era of the city of New York, for five hundred men to be raised in New York, and sent armed to Rhode Island. HST May 25, 1842, page 62.23

C. C. Porter. J. B. Nichols,
[Continued on page 64.]


Miller’s Life and Views


CONTENTS. Part I.—Memoir; His Influence upon the People; His Rules of Scripture Interpretation; Explanation of Prophetic Figures; Synopsis of Religious Views; A Bible Chronology from Adam to Christ; Dissertation on Prophetic Chronology. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.1

Part II.—An Address to the Believers in the Second Advent near; Lectures on the Battle of Gog; On the Two Sticks; On the Times and their Duties; On What is Truth; On the Visions of Ezekiel; On the Harvest of the World; On the Final Judgment; On the Great Sabbath. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.2

Part III.—Reviews of Ethan Smith’s and David Cambell’s Exposition of the “Little Horn,” and Return of the Jews; Dowling’s Reply to Miller, No. 1; Dowling, No. 2; S. Cobb’s Lectures on the “Miller Mania;” “A Bible Reader” on the Two Witnesses; Remarkable Fulfillment of Prophecy relating to France and the Two Witnesses. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.3

Letters.—On the Second Advent; On the Return of the Jews; To Mr. Cambell on the Little Horn, Evening and Morning Vision, Jews’ Return, and Millennium before the Resurrection; Closing of the Door of Mercy; Millennium and the Chronology; On his Recovering, Disappointment in being deprived of Meeting the Conference, his Resignation, etc. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.4

Appendix.—Extract from Ferguson’s Astronomy; Extract from the “Present Crisis;” Views of the Closing of the Door of Mercy, pp. 252. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.5

Price—50 cents. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.6

Miller’s Lectures


CONTENTS. Introduction. Section I.—The Second Appearing of Christ, Titus 2:13. II. The First Resurrection, Revelation 20:6. III. The Two Thousand Three Hundred Days, Daniel 8:13, 14. IV. The Seventy Weeks, Daniel 9:24. V. Pagan Homo Numbered, Revelation 13:18. Vt. Vision of the Latter Days, Daniel 10:11. VII. Daniel’s 1,260, 1,290, and 1,335 Days Explained, Daniel 12:8. VIII. The Three Woe Trumpet., Revelation 8:13. IX. and X. The Epistles to the Seven Churches of Asia, considered as applying to the Seven Periods of the Gospel Church, Revelation 1:20, XI. The Now Song, Revelation 5:9, XII. The Seven Seals, as representing Events, to, the End of Time, Revelation 5:5. XIII. The Two Witnesses, as having been slain in the French Revolution, Revelation 11:3. XIV. The Woman in the Wilderness, Revelation 12:6. XV. The Seven Last Plagues, or Seven Vials, Revelation 16:17. XVI. The Parable of the Ten Virgins, Matthew 25:1. XVII. The Punishment of the People of God Seven Times for their Sins, Leviticus 26:23, 24. XVIII. Song of Solomon 8:6. Signs of the Present Times, Matthew 26:3. pp. 300. Price—50 cents. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.7

Miller’s Exposition,


Of the Twenty-Fourth chapter of Matthew; Of the Two Days in Hosea, as illustrated in the Chronology of the Roman Government; Glorification of the Church the Third Day. Hosea 6:1-3. Address to the Second Advent Conference, held in Portland, Me., Oct. 12, 1841; A Scene of the Last Day, being the supposed reflections of a sinner witnessing the solemn events which immediately precede and follow the Second Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Conflagration of the World; Extract from Dr. Mather’s Latin Preface on the Second Coming of Christ, pp. 126; Price—25 cents. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.8

Spaulding on the Second Coming


Section I.—The Coming of Christ, Revelation 1:7. II. The Last Trumpet, Revelation 10:7. III. The First Resurrection, Philippians 3:2. IV. The Battle of the Great Day of God Almighty, Isaiah 63:4. V. The Kingdom of Christ, Daniel 2:44. VI. The Restitution of all Things, Hebrews 2:5. VII. The New Heavens and the New Earth, 2 Peter 3:13. VIII. The New Jerusalem, Revelation 21:2, 3, 4. IX. Gog and Magog, Revelation 20:7, 8. pp. 7—214. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.9

Appendix. No. 1—Opinions of the Primitive Church concerning the Millennium; Mr. Mede; Rev. Thomas Prince, of Boston. No. 2—Return of the Jews considered; Fulness of the Gentiles No. 3—The New Heavens and New Earth,—extract from Burnet. pp. 215—255. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.10

Note, by the editors, on the Two Theories now advocated by the believers in the Advent near. Top. 258. Price—50 cents. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.11

Litch’s Address to the Clergy


Section I.—The Nature of the Kingdom of God; Prevailing Opinion on the Millennium; Objections to the Theory of a Temporal Millennium; Nature of the Kingdom of God, as shown by the apostles; Kingdom to be Everlasting; The Resurrection, Gog and Magog; Distinction between the Resurrection and Judgment. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.12

Sec. II.—The Resurrection of the Jews; The Original Promise; Promise not made to their Literal Descendants; The time when these Promises are to be Fulfilled. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.13

Sec. III.—The Kingdom of Heaven at Hand; A Falling Away, and Revelation of the Man of Sin, before the Day of the Lord; Daniel’s Vision of the Four Beasts; The Time, Times, and Dividing of Time, of Daniel 7:25; Identity of the Apocaliptic Beast, with the Horn; The Two Horned Beasts, and Image of the Beast; The Number of the Beast, and Number of his, Name. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.14

Sec. IV.—The Sanctuary Cleansed, or Epoch of the Kingdom; Design of the different Visions of Daniel; The Ram and Goat, his Four Horns and the Little Horn; The Time when the Sanctuary shall be Cleansed. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.15

Sec. V.—The Time if the End, and End itself; The Medo-Persian and Macedonian Kingdoms; Roman, Jewish and Christian History; The French Revolution and the Reign of Buonaparte; Great Time of Trouble; The Words and Book Closed and Sealed. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.16

Sec. VI.—The Three Woes and the Two Witnesses; Encouragement for Studying the Book of the Revelation; Angel of the Bottomless Pit; Sounding of the Sixth Angel; Accomplishment, of the foregoing calculations; The Little Book audits Contents; The Two Witnesses Prophecy in Sackcloth, pp. 132. Price—25 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.17

Miller’s Dissertations, viz


On the True Inheritance of the Saints; The Meek shall Inherit the Earth; Who are the Meek; What Earth is promised as their Inheritance; General Thoughts. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.18

On the Twelve Hundred and Sixty Days by Daniel and John; The beginning of the Little Horn or Papacy; End of the Papal Dominion; The 1260 Days of the Church in the Wilderness. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.19

Circular Address of the Low Hampton Conference, Nov. 2—5, 1841; Importance of obtaining Incorruptible Inheritance; Of turning away from, False and Judaising Teachers; Nature of the Promised Kingdom; First and Second Deaths Explained, etc pp. 72. Price 12 1-2 cents. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.20

Fitch’s Letter on the Advent in 1843


Introduction; Process which the writer’s mind was brought to its present conclusions on this subject; The Two Resurrections they are literal—first, the saints; secondly, the wicked at the end of the thousand years; Reasons; Those on the Earth at Christ’s Coming, how Disposed of; The Earth to be Burned; The New Heavens and New Earth; The Accomplishment of these Things Near at Hand; Reasons from the Old Testament, as compared with History, from the New; Why this Wisdom is Withheld from so many of the Wise; These Truths neither Now nor Confined to Ignorant Men; Cotton Mather; Thomas Prince; Joshua Spalding; Address to the Reader; Remarks on the 24th chapter of Matthew; The Warning—Poetry. Price—12 1-2 cents, pp. 72. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.21

The Present Crisis.—By Rev. John Hooper, of Westbury, Eng. Preface by J. V. Himes


Correspondence between the Times in which we live, and the Prophetic Declarations of the Scriptures, particularly the specific duties to which these signs call us. pp. 54. Price—10 cents. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.22

Miller on the Cleansing of the Sanctuary


What is Meant by the Sanctuary? How will it be Cleansed? When? pp. 16. Price—6 cents. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.23

Letter to Everybody.—By an English Author. Revised and Abridged by J. V. Himes


Signs of the Second Coming; General Exhortation to all Persons. pp. 18. Price—6 cents. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.24

Refutation of Dowling’s Reply to Miller.—By J. Litch


Chapter I.—The Argument of Mr. D. on the 70 Weeks. II. The Ram and the Goat; Objections to the Argument of Mr. D. that Antiochus Epiphanes was the Little Horn; The True Meaning. III. Mr. D’s Explanation of the 2,300 Days in Daniel 8:13, 14, shown to be false. IV. Further mutters in regard to the 2,300 Days. V. The Time, Times, and Dividing of them Fulfilled; Extracts from Justinian, giving the Supremacy to the Pope; The 1,260 Days began A. D. 538, and not 533; Great Babylon not to be at once Destroyed when the 1,260 Days End, but to be consumed unto the End. VI. Import of “the Daily and the Abomination that maketh Desolate;” Date of the 1,290 and 1,335 Days; They extend to the Second Coming of Christ, and the Resurrection, pp. 90. Price—15 cents. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.25

The Midnight Cry.—A Synopsis of the Evidences of the Second Coming of Christ about A. D. 1843. By L. D. Fleming. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.26

Chapter I.—Christ’s Second Coming yet to take place; Its object. II. The Second Coining to be pre-millennial; Reasons against the prevailing Opinions in the Christian Church. III. The Kingdom of God, as spoken of in the Scriptures, yet to come. IV. Visions of the Future, showing the time of the Second Coming, as by various prophetic scriptures. V. The Sings of the Times, showing various prophecies which are now being fulfilled before our eyes. pp. 76. Price—12 1-2 cents. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.27

Miller’s Review of Dimmick’s Discourse


The Gospel to be Preached to all Nations, but all are not to be Evangelized; Men may Know when the End shall be. A variety of arguments and texts of Mr. Dimmick on other points considered and discussed. pp. 36. Price—10 cents. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.28

Miller on the Typical Sabbaths, and Great Jubilee.—Isaiah 61:1, 2


Meaning of the Texts, “good tidings unto the meek,” “bind up the broken-hearted;” “proclaim liberty;” “opening of the prison;” “acceptable year and day of vengeance;” “acceptable, year” explained at length; typified by the seventh-day Sabbath; also by the Jubilee, or fiftieth year; reckoning of the times; situation of the wicked; what will be the condition of the reader? Poetry, “pp. 34. Price—10 cents. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.29

The Glory of God in the Earth.—By C. Fitch


The meaning of the Glory of the Lord; Will fill the Earth, not before, but at Christ’s Coming; No Temporal Millennium; The Righteous, after Christ’s coming to possess the earth forever; How these Things are to be Ushered in; Synopsis of the 24th of Matthew; Certain Signs of the Times Specified that have been fulfilled; Everything mentioned by our Savior as preceding his Coming has transpired; Conclusion, pp. 36. Price—10 cents. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.30

Signs of the Times


Is published weekly, at No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston by JOSHUA V. HIMES to whom all letters an communications must be addressed. HST May 25, 1842, page 63.31

Terms,—One Dollar per Volume of 24 Nos. (6 months)
dow & jackson, printers. Continued from page 62.
HST May 25, 1842, page 63.32

This information is understood to have been furnished by Americus Potter the gentleman who was appointed Major General of the forces of the Suffrage party at the Session of their legislature at the Foundry, but who had the prudence immediately to decline and to express his abhorrence of the proceedings. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.1

About the time this certificate, became public Gov. Dorr, himself returned to his “Plantations” and was met by a large cavalcade at the Depot, from which he was escorted by two bands of music and four or five military companies of various kinds, to an open field where he harangued the multitude, regretting that he had left the State instead of staying in it and resisting the arrest and imprisonment of his fellows. He enjoined it upon the military to resist all such acts of imprisonment in future, and threatened the Charter legislature and their laws in high terms. Drawing from its scabbard his flaming sword, which he said had been presented him in New York by the brother of one who fell in the Florida war, he said, “it had been dyed in blood and should be dyed in blood again, if the free suffrage cause demanded it. He further declares that so soon as a soldier of the United States is set in motion against the people in aid of the Charter Government, he shall call for the military aid from New York and elsewhere, which will be at his command; and that “the contest will then become national, and our State, the battle-ground of American freedom.” What intoxication! This man has the presumption to believe that he shall become the rallying point of a civil war of the United States—for freedom! HST May 25, 1842, page 64.2

With regard to asking for military aid from New York, he said he had written a letter, not for 500 men, but for 5000, if they should be necessary, or he should require them. He issued a Proclamation, which, according to all accounts, was equal to that of Gen. Hill who said his present force was but the van guard of one which would look down all opposition. D. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.3

Thursday Morning, May 19th.—The Rhode-Island Shays war is said to have come to an untimely end, the Commander in Chief, “Gov. Dorr,” having “sloped off,” sheathed his blood stained sword and absquatulated, with a pair of fleet horses and a carriage. Well, this was the most prudent act in the drama; for HST May 25, 1842, page 64.4

“He who lives to run away
May live to fight another day,“
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.5

It is said however that the hero is safely ensconced among his friends at Woonsocket, and that his men are still full of fight. D. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.6

Violence, Duelling and threats in Con gress continue to disgrace the nation. The bullying conduct of the notorious Wise is always showing itself in one hateful form or other. The infamy attached to his conduct in the murder of Cilley, one would suppose would satiate his blood-thirsty disposition for life; but while his hands are yet recking with blood, he is swaggering round Congress, insulting its members, and striving to provoke some one to combat. His late quarrel with Stanley has been generally heard of, but at the last dates it had not resulted in any thing final or fatal. He had been arrested and brought before a magistrate in Washington city, and examined on suspicion of preparing for a duel which was undoubtedly true. But he denied the right of a magistrate to arrest a member of Congress, especially to require bonds for keeping the peace and being of good behavior. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.7

While affairs were in this prosperous and happy stage, Poindexter, another blustering bully of Congress, but a little, if any, less obnoxious than Wise, having as chairman of an extra commission for exmaining into abuses in the New York Custom House, made a famous or rather infamous report, in which he endeavored to involve some of the principal merchants and manufacturers in New England in the general disgrace attending the transactions of that Custom House, and which report was severely and justly commented on by Mr. Saltonstall, Chairman of the Committee of Manufacturers; this Poindexter writes a preliminary of a challenge to Mr. S, demanding to know, if he, Mr. S, intends to avoid responsibility by taking shelter under his privilege as a member. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.8

What insolence! What vile and infamous trampling upon the liberty of speech and the rights guaranteed by the constitution on every member! It is thus that these reckless and bullying duellists not only cluster and swagger and put on airs of importance, but attempt to brow-beat, intimidate, and awe into silence every appearance of honest independence in men of better morals and manners. Are we thus to go on from bad to worse, or is an end to be put to this violence? Will the wrath of the Almighty be forever stayed, or will his vengeance soon be terribly displayed? D. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.9

Bank of Faith


A few days since, Dr. Williams received the following beautiful lines from a lady who has been suffering most dreadful bodily affliction during twenty-seven years, who, although a very religious lady has not been able to attend any place of worship but six or seven times during the whole of that period, yes has been always happy and able to adopt the language contained in the Poem, and has been herself supported by the Bank she recommends to others. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.10

The Firm Bank


Written at the time when public credit was shaken by the failure of several Banks. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.11

Therefore I say unto you, what thing soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them..—Mark 11:24. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.12

I have a never failing bank,
A more than golden store;
No earthly bank is half so rich—
How can I then be poor!
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.13

‘Tis when my stock is spent and gone,
And I without a groat,
I’m glad to hasten to my bank,
And beg a little note.
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.14

Sometimes my banker, smiling says,
“Why don’t you oftener come?
And when you draw a little note,
Why not a larger sum?
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.15

“Why live so niggardly and poor—
Your bank contains a plenty?
Why come and take a dollar bill!
When you might have a twenty?
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.16

“Yes, twenty thousand, ten times told,
Is but a trifling sum,
To what your Father has laid up,
Secure in God his son.”
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.17

Since then my banker is so rich,
I have no cause to borrow:
I’ll live upon my cash to-day,
And draw again to-morrow.
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.18

I’ve been a thousand times before,
And never was rejected;
Sometimes my banker gives me more
Than asked for or expected!
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.19

Sometimes I’ve felt a little proud,
I’ve managed things so clever!
But ah! before the day was gone
I’ve felt as poor as ever!
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.20

Sometimes, with blushes in my face,
Just at the door I stand;
I know if Moses kept me back,
I surely must be damned.
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.21

I know my bank will never break—
No, it can never fail;
The firm—three persons in one God;
Jehovah—Lord of all!
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.22

And if you have but one small note,
Fear not to bring it in;
Come boldly to the bank of grace,
The banker is within.
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.23

All forged notes will be refused,
Man-merits are rejected;
There’s not a single note will pass,
That God has not accepted.
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.24

‘Tis only those beloved of God,
Redeem’d by precious blood;
That ever had a note to bring—
These are the gifts of God.
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.25

Tho’ thousand ransomed souls may say
They have no notes at all—
Because they feel the plague of sin,
So ruin’d them by the fall.
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.26

This bank is full of precious notes,
All sign’d, and seal’d, and free—
Tho’ many doubting souls may say,
There is not one for me.
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.27

Base unbelief will lead the child
To say what is not true;
I tell the soul who feels self-lost
These notes belong to you.
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.28

The leper had a little note—
Lord, if thou wilt thou can!”
The banker cash’d his little note,
And healed the sickly man.
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.29

We read of one young man indeed,
Whose riches did abound,
But in the banker’s book of grace
This man was never found.
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.30

But see the wretched dying thief,
Hang by the banker’s side,
He cried, “Dear Lord remember me,“
He got his cash—and died.
HST May 25, 1842, page 64.31



Received up to May 21. From P.M. Middlebury, O.—Dover, N. H Salem, Ct—Colchester, Vt.—E. Brookfield, Vt.—Jamestown, N.Y.—Franconia,N. H—Hinsdale, N. H—Bloomfield, Ct.—Braintree, Vt.—Alquina, Ind.—Hudson, N. Y.—Salem, Mass.—Williamantic, Ct.—W. Charlton, N. Y.—Holden, Mass.—Clarement, N.H.—Columbus,Miss.—Brownville, N. Y.—Waterford, Mass. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.32

From Morgan Safford, Dr. Thos. Huntington, Ruel Whitney, E. B. Rollins, Samuel N. Davis, John W. Tilton, Harvy S. Larkin, Joseph Mattby, W. G. M. Edward Burns, A. C. Wheate. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.33

Books Sent


One bundle to Columbus Greene, Colchester, Vt., care of E. Spencer.—One bundle to E. B. Rollins, Eastport, Me. care of Robt. Moore.—One bundle to L. D. Fleming, Newark, N. J. 26 Walnut St.—One box to J. D. Ross, Alquina, Ind., care of M. B. Ross & Co. Portsmouth, Ohio,and John Taylor, Cincinnati, Ohio. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.34



The following Works are printed in the following cheap periodical form, with paper covers, so that they can be sent to any part of the country, or to Europe, by mail. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.35

Second Advent Library


The following Nos. comprise the Library. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.36

1. Miller’s Life and Views.—37 1-2 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.37

2. Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.38

3. Exposition of 24th of Matt. and Hosea 6:1-3. 18 3-4 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.39

4. Spaulding’s Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.40

5. Litch’s Address to the clergy on the Second Advent.—18 1-4 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.41

6. Miller on the true inheritance of the saints, and the twelve hundred and sixty day of Daniel and John.—12 1-2 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.42

7. Fitch’s Letter, on the Advent in 1843.—12 1-2 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.43

8. The present Crisis, by Rev. John Hooper, of England—10 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.44

9. Miller on the cleansing of the sanctuary.—6 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.45

10. Letter to every body, by an English author, “Behold I come quickly.”—6 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.46

11. Refutation of “Dowling’s Reply to Miller,” by J. Litch.—15 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.47

12. The “Midnight Cry.” By L.D.Fleming. 12 1-2 HST May 25, 1842, page 64.48

13. Miller’s review of Dimmick’s discourse, “The End not Yet.”—10 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.49

14. Miller, on the Typical Sabbaths, and great Jubilee.—10 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.50

15. The glory of God in the Earth. By C. Fitch.—10 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.51

16. A Wonderful and Horrible Thing. By Charles Fitch. 6 1-4 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.52

17. Cox’s Letters on the Second Coming of Christ.—18 3-4 cts. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.53

This Library will be enlarged from time to time, by the addition of new works. HST May 25, 1842, page 64.54