Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 3

Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], Vol. 3 (April 6 to September 14, 1842)


April 6, 1842

Vol. III.—No. 1. Boston, Whole No. 49

Joshua V. Himes & Josiah Litch, Editors. Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston

Cleansing of the Sanctuary



Dear Brother HIMES:—One short year more of trials and afflictions, and I shall expect to see Him who will justify himself, his word, and his people, before all flesh: and then he will cleanse his sanctuary, and “make the place of his feet glorious.” Then will his tabernacle be with men, and he will dwell among them, and he will be their God, and they shall be his people. Sighing and sorrowing shall be done away; tears shall be wiped from off all faces, and death itself be destroyed; and we shall reign with him on the earth. What a glorious prospect! What a blessed hope! How full of immortality and eternal life! Come, Lord Jesus, O come quickly! HST April 6, 1842, page 1.1

You may ask, What is meant in Daniel 8:14—“Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed?” I will answer you according to my understanding; and if I am not right, please to correct me. HST April 6, 1842, page 1.2

“Sanctuary,” in the Scriptures, generally means the place where God is worshipped and adored, and where he or his glory dwells, when it has reference to God or holy things; but when it has reference to man, it means his house, or dwelling - place, city, or defence. HST April 6, 1842, page 1.3

I. Jesus Christ is called a sanctuary. Isaiah 8:14.: “And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.’’ Ezekiel 11:16; ‘‘Therefore say, thus saith the Lord God: Although I have cast them far off among the heathen, and although I have scattered them among the countries, yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come.” Why is he called a sanctuary? Because God dwells in his person, and through him we worship God. He is the refuge, into which the righteous run and are safe. HST April 6, 1842, page 1.4

II. Heaven is called a sanctuary; because God dwells there, is worshipped and adored there, arid it is the refuge of the saints. Psalm 102:19.: ‘‘For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary; from heaven did the Lord behold the earth.” Psalm 20:2 “Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion.” HST April 6, 1842, page 1.5

III. Judah is called a sanctuary. Psalm 114:2 ‘‘Judah was his sanctuary, and Israel his dominion.” Because God dwelt in Judah, and was particularly worshipped among them, and Jerusalem was a place of refuge for God’s people. HST April 6, 1842, page 1.6

IV. The Temple at Jerusalem is called a sanctuary. 1 Chronicles 22:19: ‘‘Now set your heart and your soul to seek the Lord your God; arise, therefore, and build ye the sanctuary of the Lord God, to bring the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and the holy vessels of God, into the house that is to be built to the name of the Lord.’’ Exodus 25:8 “And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may. dwell among them.’’ And the tent in the wilderness was so called, because it was for God to dwell in, and there he was to he worshipped. Both were typical of his glorious presence with his people. HST April 6, 1842, page 1.7

V. The Holy of Holies was called a sanctuary. 1 Chronicles 28:10: ‘‘Take heed now; for the Lord hath chosen thee to build a house for the sanctuary; be strong, and do it.” Leviticus 4:6: And the priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle of the blood seven times before the Lord, before the veil of the sanctuary.’’ This was a type of heaven, and was called a sanctuary for the same reason heaven is. HST April 6, 1842, page 1.8

VI. The earth is called a sanctuary. Isaiah 9:13: “The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the fir - tree, the pine - tree, and the box together, to beautify the place of my sanctuary; and I will make the place of my feet glorious.” It is so called because God will dwell with his people on the earth. 1 Kings 8:27 ‘‘But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded?” Revelation 5:10: And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.” Revelation 20:6: “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection : on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.’’ It is also thus called because he will be worshipped in earth as in heaven. Matthew 6:10 “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.” Because it is his inheritance. Psalm 82:8 “Arise, O God, judge the earth for thou shalt inherit all nations.’’ Revelation 11:15 ‘‘And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever.” Psalm 116:6-13: ‘‘Honor and majesty are before him : strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. Give unto the Lord, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto the Lord glory and strength. Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts. O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness : fear before him, all the earth. Say among the heathen that the Lord reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved; he shall judge the people righteously. Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof. Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice before the Lord; for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth : he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth.’’ HST April 6, 1842, page 1.9

VII. The saints are called a sanctuary; 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17: ‘‘Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy: for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” For the reason that God dwells in them, is worshipped by them, and they are his inheritance. 2 Corinthians 6:16: ‘‘And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.’’ Ephesians 2:21, 22: ‘‘In whom all the building fitly framed together, groweth unto a holy temple in the Lord : in whom ye also are builded together, for a habitation of God through the spirit.’’ HST April 6, 1842, page 1.10

The question now arises, Which of these sanctuaries does Daniel mean, or the saint who talked with Daniel, when he said, ‘‘Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed?” I answer, not the first, Christ, for he is not impure. Not the second, heaven, for that is not unclean. Not the third, in Judah, for literal Judah is cut off, and is no more a people. Isaiah 65:15: ‘‘And ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen : for the Lord God shall slay thee, and call his servants by another name.” God will remember his covenant with literal Judah no more forever, neither shall it come into mind; but he will make a new covenant, in which regeneration will be indispensable, and the circumcision of the heart, instead of the ‘‘letter,” will qualify them for the inheritance of the sanctuary. Not the fourth, the temple, for that is destroyed, and what is not, cannot be numbered. Matthew 24:2: “And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily, I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” Neither the Holy of Holies in the temple at Jerusalem, for that too was destroyed with the temple. Daniel 9:26: ‘‘And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end therein shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.” See Paul’s reasoning in Hebrews 9:1-12. HST April 6, 1842, page 1.11

Then there are but two things more, which may be called a sanctuary, which may, or ever will require cleansing; and those are the EARTH and the CHURCH: when these are cleansed, then, and not till then, will the entire sanctuary of God be cleansed, and justified, (as it reads in the margin.) HST April 6, 1842, page 1.12

The next question which arises is, How will the earth be cleansed? I answer, by fire. 2 Peter 3:7.: “But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.’’ When will the earth and the wicked be burned by fire? I answer, when our Lord shall come. Titus 2:13: ‘‘Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ.’’ You will say, Where is your proof that it will be at his coming? I answer, Psalm 66:6-10; 1:3: “Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall he very tempestuous round about him.” 97:3: “A fire goeth before him, and burneth up his enemies round about.” Isaiah 66:15, 16: “For behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire. For by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh : and the slain of the Lord shall be many.” Nahum 1:5, 6: “The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence; yea, the world, and all that dwell therein. Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him.” Malachi 3:17, 18; and Malachi 4:1-3: “For behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that fear my name, shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.” Matthew 13:41-43: “The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; and shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.” Matthew 13:49, 50: “So shall it be at the end of the world; the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10: “And to you, who are troubled, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.” 2 Peter 3:10-13: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat; the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless, we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” HST April 6, 1842, page 1.13

If this evidence will not satisfy Brother Cheney, and others, that the earth and wicked are burned at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, before he reigns with his saints on the earth, no words can prove it. For it is the new heavens and new earth on which Christ reigns; and the new heavens and new earth are never to be burned, but to remain forever; Isaiah 66:22: “For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain.” Hebrews 12:27: “And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.” And in that day of his reign, or thousand years of his glorious reign, the bodies of the wicked are ashes under the feet of the saints. Isaiah 4:2-4: “In that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem: when the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.” Ezekiel 28:18: “Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffic; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee; it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee.” Also, Malachi 4:3: “And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.” Do these brethren believe that after the resurrection of the wicked their bodies are to be burned, and become ashes? If so, pray give me proof. Are their bodies durable or not? If not, tell me, how can they be tormented day and night, forever and ever? The only text that I have ever known them bring, is in Revelation 20:9: “And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.” And this text cannot mean literal fire; for it would be very inconsistent to suppose that durable bodies could be consumed. The next verse explains. The justice of God comes down and drives them from the earth, or consumes them from the earth. “Our God is a consuming fire.” HST April 6, 1842, page 2.1

The next question,—When will the saints be cleansed, or justified? I answer, when our Lord shall come. The whole church will then be cleansed from all uncleanness, and presented without spot or wrinkle, and will then be clothed with fine linen, clean and white. For proof, see 1 Corinthians 1:7, 8: “So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:26, 27: “That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” Philippians 3:20, 21: “For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the workings whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.” 1 John 3:2: “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him: for we shall see him as he is.” Revelation 19:8: “And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.” HST April 6, 1842, page 2.2

Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed,” when the will of God is done in earth as in heaven. How perfectly inconsistent it is to suppose that after Christ reigns on the earth a thousand years, and possesses the kingdom under the whole heaven, and all earthly kingdoms are conquered, and broken to pieces, and carried away, so that no place is found for them—and after the saints possess the kingdom, and have the dominion forever and ever;—that the devil, after all this, is to obtain possession of the earth again, and overpower the immortal saints, with Christ at their head, so that a necessity would arise for God to burn up the world, the beloved city, and all the saints in it; for the saints are never to be removed from the earth, after Christ comes. Proverbs 10:30: “The righteous shall never be removed: but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth.” It is too absurd to admit even the thought for a moment. Yet this must be the legitimate consequence of the doctrine of those who believe that the earth is not cleansed by fire until after the thousand years’ reign of Christ on the earth. And Peter tells us plainly, (2 Peter 3:7,) “But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” And it is certainly true that when the Ancient of days comes and sits upon his throne, and the Son of man comes before him with the clouds of heaven, then the present heaven and earth pass away. Daniel 7:9-13: “I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened. I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake: I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time. I saw in the night visions, and behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.” 2 Peter 3:10: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night: in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” Revelation 20:11: “And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.” All this at the coming of Christ. 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10: “And to you, who are troubled, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire; taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; when the shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.” Will this new heaven and new earth be burnt up? Pray tell us how these things can be. Yours in the gospel faith, William Miller. Low Hampton, Jan. 1842. HST April 6, 1842, page 2.3

“Spiritual” Millennium


The convictions and expectations of the church, for some centuries back, respecting the conversion of the world, have been nearly as deficient as their practice. And it seems to us that providence is now permitting the denial of the doctrine, that the world is to be converted to Christ, to be urged as it is in some quarters, in order to bring the public mind to a better acquaintance with the truth. The truth on this subject is eminently practical, and ought to be deeply seated in the mind. For if the world is not to be converted, a nd c hristianity is not to be given to the heathen, the cause of missions is a species of Quixotism, which will soon be abandoned. But if the expectation of the conversion of the heathen world is founded in the truth of God, we ought to know it better, and more thoroughly than we do. And perhaps the agitations which some are endeavoring to make of this question, may yet take such a turn as to bring in this better knowledge. For the present, however, they are connected with such a ridiculous fanfaronade, abou t the speedy end of the world, that their influence for good or harm must be very limited. But the question in itself is important and practical. If any one cherishes the wish, to arrest the work of evangelical missions, let him convince the church, out of the scriptures, that the heathen are not to be converted, and he will in the present posture of things, well nigh destroy all evangelical action, both at home and abroad. HST April 6, 1842, page 2.4

It is pertinent then to present wants and enterprises of the church, that christians make a thorough acquaintance with the scriptural grounds of our expectation of a millennium, The assertions are now put forth with great assurance, that the doctrine of a spiritual reign of Christ for a thousand years, is almost entirely the product of the present generation. This is far from the truth, and is, in the form in which the statement is now put forth and received, a means of deceiving the people. We beg leave to suggest to some of the distinguished men, who are to lecture before societies for diffusing missionary knowledge, that important service might be done to the missionary cause, if some one on such an occasion should collect the materials, and give a full and satisfactory history of this doctrine. In our view it would form an admirable subject for a lecture on such an occasion, and it might afterwards be given to the public with great advantage. HST April 6, 1842, page 3.1

Though it is not true, as some, we suppose ignorantly assert, that this doctrine is so peculiarly the property of this age, yet it is true that it has come out to more prominence in this age of missions, as might have been expected. The reformers seem not to have bestowed much attention upon the subject. And the leading writers in ages next after the reformation, seem never to have thoroughly examined this subject. Calvin, we think, did not discuss the subject at all in form in his Institutes. Turretin, of a later age, notices the subject: but even he has very crude ideas of it. This view of it appears in the following translation of a paragraph from him: HST April 6, 1842, page 3.2

“But what or what kind of reign of Christ with the saints this may be, it is more safe to be ignorant, than curiously to enquire, or rashly to define. It is more easy to show what it is not than what it is. And since this reign may fitly be referred, either to the reign of the blessed and of martyrs in heaven, or to the spiritual reign of Christians on earth, or to both at once, it was not necessary to the exposition of this passage, to find here a temporal reign before the end of the world, so contrary as it is to so many passages of scripture.” HST April 6, 1842, page 3.3

Turretin argues successfully against the Chiliasts, who believed in Christ’s personal reign on earth;—but he appears to have bestowed but little attention on the subject of a spiritual reign. But the Puritan writers were no strangers to the idea of a spiritual millennium. John Howe has a satisfactory treatise on the subject, entitled, “The prosperous state of the christian interest before the end of time.” He proves that there is ground to expect such a conversion of the world as the church are now expecting. And even Henry’s commentary contains the doctrine. In interpreting the passage in Isaiah, respecting the cessation of war, and beating swords into ploughshares, he points us for the complete fulfilment of this prophecy, to “the latter times of the christian church, when the spirit shall be poured out more plentifully from on high. Then there will be peace on earth.” And in how many other instances he asserts the same we know not. And though a work so much read, written two centuries ago, contains the doctrine we are now told by those who pretend to see through the world to the very end of it, that this doctrine is the product of this age. HST April 6, 1842, page 3.4

The subject of the millennium did not escape the attention of Baxter. He wrote a book on this subject as he did on most others. The main scope of the book was against a set of fanatics of his day, called millennarians or Chiliasts, who in most points maintained what now goes under the name of Millerism. In that book he controverts also the expectation of a literal return of the Jews. But he maintains that the views commonly entertained now on the subject of the millennium, are in accordance with all correct interpretations of the prophecies. HST April 6, 1842, page 3.5

If we come down to the days of President Edwards, we find the doctrine more clearly developed by him. In his history of redemption, we have one of the most satisfactory treatises on the subject. HST April 6, 1842, page 3.6

It is really a subject of much interest, and we should be glad to see it thoroughly exhibited. If some writer would collect the facts, showing how the expectations of the church have stood in different ages, and how the received views have affected evangelical action, it would be a service to the church well worth the pains.—N. E. Puritan. HST April 6, 1842, page 3.7

The Sixth Vial.—Revelation 16:12


It has long appeared to me, that the sixth vial would explain the preceding ones.—This vial is poured out on the great river Euphrates, and the waters thereof are dried up, that the way of the kings of the East may be prepared. The sixth trumpet brought out the Euphratean horsemen, or founded the Turkish empire. The sixth vial subverts that empire, and dries up all its resources. This kingdom is to be destroyed, that the way may be prepared for the kings of the east to make a movement, in conjunction with some northern nation against the beast and his confederates. Daniel 11:44. This vial has a definite object, is clearly marked, and when it is running, all may see its progress, and be satisfied that the preceding ones have been poured out. While this vial is producing its effects upon the Turkish empire, the Dragon will make one more desperate effort, while the atheistical beast and the false prophet will supply him with dexterous agents. These agents are called unclean spirits, the spirits of devils pretending to work miracles in the sight of the beast and by such means deceiving the Papal kings and others of a like spirit, to unite in a war against the Lamb, and to assemble their armies to the battle of the great day of God Almighty. Are there not strong indications that this vial is now being poured out, and that the time is at hand, when the seventh will follow? If so, then Christians need to be awake, to watch, and to keep their garments lest they walk naked, and thus be exposed to shame. HST April 6, 1842, page 3.8

Fifty years ago the Turkish Empire embraced in Africa, Egypt and the Barbary States; in Asia, Syria and all the other region between the Mediterranean sea and Euphrates; in Europe, Greece and the countries from the Adriatic to the sea of Asoph, and was able to contend single handed with Russia. Where is now this mighty empire? Greece has broken her chains; province after province has been torn from her by Russia, until all her northern provinces are gone. The Barbary States no longer obey her commands; Egypt is compelled by foreign nations to yield a nominal obedience; Syria is convulsed, and ready to change masters when circumstances require; and other provinces are waiting for a moment favorable for revolt. Her military power is broken, her navy crippled, her resources dried up, and she exists as a power, because her neighbors cannot agree how to divide her territories among themselves. Her glory has departed and her end is near. Here then we have facts to prove, that the angel has poured out his vial on the great river Euphrates, and that the Turkish Empire is sinking under its effects. HST April 6, 1842, page 3.9

While Turkey is shaken, dismembered, sinking, are the unclean spirits like frogs in motion? If so, then have we additional evidence that the sixth vial is discharging its contents. What then is the fact? The efforts made by the Protestant churches to send Missionaries with the Bible and tracts, to convert the heathen and reclaim the eastern churches, has roused the Papacy, and she is making a mighty effort to extend her power and regain her lost influence. Troops of Romanists are pouring into this country, spreading through Great Britain, and crawling about in every Protestant country. Our Missionaries meet them in Syria, Persia, the East Indies, China, the Islands o the South Seas, and in every place where the plant their feet. These are political as well as ghostly agents, tools of the beast as well as of the false prophet, supported by royal funds, and under the influence of Papal courts. Combined with the movements of these unclean spirits, all the elements of the French Revolution are at work, raging, and ready to burst forth. Infidelity, or atheism, in a thousand varied forms, is cordially embraced by multitudes in Protestant countries. Germany is rotten to the core. Popery is little better than Atheism disguised. And the false prophet is a tool of the atheistical beast working miracles before him. They may in some respects have different objects in view; but they have one common interest, and are ready to join hands in pushing on the war against Christ, and that religion which the apostle taught. Here, then, we see that unclean spirits, numerous and filthy as frogs, are spreading over all the earth. And all these are the spirits of devils going forth to excite and prepare the kings of the Roman earth; and all other kings, who are under the influence of satan, to assemble their armies at Armageddon. Can we hesitate and doubt, when we hear the croaking of the frogs, and see their action all around us? Even now the Papal powers have one million of men in arms. England is opening a new passage up the Euphrates for her eastern kings, and strengthening her power on Mount Lebanon, while the millions of Russia are waiting at the north, and France has her agents over all Syria. The birds and beasts of prey are collecting around the field of slaughter, and the prophetic eye may clearly see the armies moving on to battle. Shall we not, then, attend to the solemn warning; “Behold, I come as a thief,” when men are asleep, and danger is apprehended! Alas, that even the churches will not regard the signs of the times. Well, those that will not watch, will soon have occasion to weep. For, though men will not believe, the son of man will come as the lightning, and his enemies will not escape.—N. E. Puritan. HST April 6, 1842, page 3.10



BOSTON, APRIL 6, 1842.

To our Friends and Patrons.—We need not at this time rehearse what was stated in our last, as to the financial interests of the paper; we trust that will be sufficient: but we wish in this to call your attention to the subject of making an effort to sustain the periodical in its present circumstances. Hitherto it has been published only twice per month. Hereafter it is to be issued weekly. Our limits have hitherto been so circumscribed that we have had comparatively little room for the news of the day; hence, many who wished a paper of that character as a family paper, have not taken it; We design now, by the divine blessing, to make our paper a Second Advent Family Newspaper, that shall not be behind the best religious periodicals of the day. We shall spare no pains to make the paper what it should be. But while we do this, we ask the co-operation and support of the friends of this cause Let each one who feels an interest in it, set about the work at once, and send us in a good list of subscribers. If each one who now takes the paper would send us but one more name and subscription, our list would be doubled, and the paper be placed entirely above embarrassment. Who will do it? Reader, will you TRY? HST April 6, 1842, page 4.1

Aspect of the Times.—Dark clouds are gathering in the political horizon of the nations of the earth, the result of which, none can foretell. It is impossible to read the public Journals of the day, without being forcibly reminded of the declarations of the Savior, “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth.” HST April 6, 1842, page 4.2

Great Britain is shaken from centre to circumference with the great question of the repeal of the corn laws. Her poor are literally starving to death by thousands, having neither food nor labor by which to procure it, while the nobility and landholders are swimming in wealth, and their eyes stand out with fatness. HST April 6, 1842, page 4.3

France stands on the verge of a volcano, while the muttering thunders within give fearful premonition of what may be expected from its overflowing flood when once it shall belch forth. HST April 6, 1842, page 4.4

Difficulties in our own government, are daily increasing upon us, until consternation is depicted in the countenance of all thinking men. Congress is in a state of chaos, the parties are all confused and know not what to do. The confidence of the people is entirely destroyed, as to the ability of the government to relieve their unparalleled commercial distress. Failures of some of the great monied institutions has alarmed the public, until both public and private credit is destroyed, and no one knows who or what to trust. HST April 6, 1842, page 4.5

Our relations with Great Britain are becoming more and more precarious, and difficulties of the most serious character are constantly occurring. Nothing but the interposition of Divine Providence to avert the calamity in answer to the prayers of his people, can prevent a rupture between the two countries. HST April 6, 1842, page 4.6

Nor is the condition of other countries any better; well, so be it: for thus saith the Lord; “I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land; I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come?” “Even so, Amen.” HST April 6, 1842, page 4.7

Since the above was written, another arrival from Great Britain but confirms the above picture. The whole East seems to be in a state of fermentation; and wars, rebellions and collisions among the nations, are the order of the day. HST April 6, 1842, page 4.8

Late intelligence from Texas states that the Mexicans had invaded that country with an army of 15,000 men, and the Texians were preparing for a vigorous resistance. Murders, robberies, fires, duels, suicides, failures and frauds, fairly load down the public journals of the day. HST April 6, 1842, page 4.9

Millennial Harbinger.—Bro. Campbell, of the Harbinger, proposes, in the present volume, to present to his readers both sides of this soul-absorbing question of the coming of the Lord in 1843. Accordingly he has given a brief statement of the views of those who advocate the doctrine. In doing so he says, “It is confidently believed and positively asserted that the present earth and heaven, and the present world, will come to their end in 1843—at the most distant movement. An eternal Millennium then commences.” It is true that some of our coadjutors in this cause speak of an eternal Millennium, but we are not aware that any of those who believe in the coming of the Lord in 1843 have so expressed themselves. We believe as distinctly in a Millennium, a 1000 years reign of Christ with his saints, as Bro. Campbell does. Only he thinks, if we understand him, it will be before, we that it will be after the Second Coming of the Lord. We believe it will be a 1000 literal years, the seventh thousand Millennary from the creation; and that it will be the period which will elapse between the resurrection of the just and unjust. If Bro. Campbell will read the Report of the Lowell Second Advent Conference, the Lecture on the Millennium, he will find our views more distinctly given. To our own minds Bro. Ward’s Commet is the bright, well known, and familiar Venus of the system, always present and understood. HST April 6, 1842, page 4.10

The present Revival.—The revival now so extensively prevailing through the world, is of such a peculiar character, that we can but be forcibly reminded of the parable of the Supper. When the invited guests excused themselves, the master sent forth into the highways and hedges to call in the poor, the maimed, the halt and the blind. It was done; and still there was room. Go out quickly and call in all, good and bad, and compel them to come in, that my table may be furnished with guests. Now seems to be this last call; the poor drunkard is picked up from the ditch and the grog shop, dragged from his squalid wretchedness to the Temperance Society, and from that to the alter of prayer; and the next step is to the table of the Lord. The next step will be to Glory. HST April 6, 1842, page 4.11

Infidels and Universalists of every grade are submitting to God. The poor prisoners in their lonely cells in the State prison, are bowing to Christ by happy scores. We are informed by a friend, that within a short time, more than 50 have professed conversion in the State prison at Charlestown. HST April 6, 1842, page 4.12

Sinner, is not this God’s latest call of grace? Dare you longer delay to come and give your heart to Christ? If you do delay, it is at your peril; the door will soon be shut, and you will knock in vain for admission. Then seek now, and with all your heart. No matter how moral you are, or have been; if you have not a penitent faith in Christ, and do not confess him with your mouth before men, he will deny you, and be ashamed of you when he comes in his glory. Do not delay. HST April 6, 1842, page 4.13

To Christian Parents.—Have you told your children that Jesus Christ is in heaven with a body like ours; and that he is coming soon, within two years, to destroy all his enemies, and take all his people, whether dead or living, to himself? If you have not done it, do it quickly. You may tell them of the spiritual and invisible God who sees them always, and is every where, and as it is with others of more mature years, it will be to them; it is invisible, and the impression is soon gone. Here is something real, sensible, and they will feel it. Teach them to believe in, pray to, confess and love that Savior, and your labor will not be lost. But do not suffer the Savior to come and find them unwarned and unprepared. He is certainly coming to burn the world and all his foes. Awake! HST April 6, 1842, page 4.14

Progress of the Cause.—The doctrine of the Second Advent in 1843 is rapidly spreading through the church, and members of all evangelical denominations are coming up to the work of sounding the Midnight cry. Both ministers and people are waking up, and when at this late hour they open their eyes, they start at their long sleep and hasten to redeem the time. Rev. H. B. Skinner, now having charge of the M. E. church in Ashburnham, Mass. has embraced the doctrine, and is ready to give lectures around in that vicinity wherever the door is opened. HST April 6, 1842, page 4.15

Christian Holiness.—Do the professed disciples of the Savior understand and feel the obligations that rest on them to maintain a holy and blameless life? “He that saith he abideth in him, ought also so to walk even as he walked.” How was that? He was “holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners.” Can we be in him and be like him? God requires of us to forsake all for Christ; to make an unreserved consecration of ourselves to him. “Whosoever he be of you that for-saketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.” We must do it before we can be justified in the sight of God. Then, and not before, God for Christ’s sake justifies the penitent believing sinner. And from that hour and moment we are not our own, but are bound in our faith to look upon and reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive to God; and to walk as Christ walked. If we take back any part of the price, it must bring condemnation and darkness. Strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. A sinning Christian is a contradiction; it is impious to talk of it. He that committeth sin is of the devil. Reader, consecrate yourself to God now, and be wholly his, and the blood of Christ will cleanse and save. O, believe and be saved. HST April 6, 1842, page 4.16

To Subscribers


If any of our subscribers wish to discontinue their paper, we wish them to return this number without fail; write your name on the margin of the paper, and your Post Office address, with the words, “Please discontinue,” and the paper will be discontinued accordingly. HST April 6, 1842, page 5.1

Worcester Conference.—This Conference was well attended, and exerted an important influence on the public mind. The meetings were held in the Town hall, and were, most of the time, full; some of the time 2000 people were judged to be present. The morning discussions were seasons of deep interest and of considerable excitement. Some opposition from Methodist, Baptist, Universalist, Roman Catholics, etc. added interest to the Conference, and furnished occasion to meet many objections which are usually presented, and others, which are rather novel. A revival attended the lectures, and when it closed many were seeking the forgiveness of sins. We were informed Monday morning that some of the Roman Catholics were under deep awakening, and enquiring what they should do to be saved. HST April 6, 1842, page 5.2

Ashburnham Conference,—Commenced Tuesday, March 15, and ended Friday evening. It was well attended, and proved a most pleasant and profitable season. The subject had never before been agitated in that community, or in that section of country. The impression made on the minds of the people was deep and salutary, and the services attended with the awakening and conversion of sinners, and the quickening of believers to greater zeal in the cause of Christ. HST April 6, 1842, page 5.3

Conference at Providence, R. I.—Was held in the Pawtuxet Street Church, in that city.—The Cunference and Lectures commenced March 4th, and continued to the 11th. The meetings were well attended, and much interest was manifested on the subject of the Advent near. The people were much disappointed on account of Mr. Miller’s sickness, and inability to attend; but Bros. Fitch and Himes gave lectures to large audiences, during the Conference, both at the Bethel, and the Pawtuxet Street Chapel. HST April 6, 1842, page 5.4

There was a glorious revival in progress in the Church before the Conference commenced. We are happy to learn that the work still progresses. We trust much good will result from the meeting in that city. HST April 6, 1842, page 5.5

To Correspondents.—Bro. B. Clark’s letter, on the Sabbath is received. We wish to have no controversy with “Seventh Day Baptists,” on the subject of the Sabbath. “Let every one be fully persuaded in his own mind.” We both agree that there is a Sabbath—a “sign,” of the blessed Sabbath of rest which remains for the people of God. “Therefore let no man judge you in meat or in drink, or in respect to a holy day, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath, which are a shadow of things to come.” Colossians 2:16, 17. HST April 6, 1842, page 5.6

Bro. Sutcliff will find things set right on “the sanctuary,” in Bro. Miller’s letter on that subject. We are glad to hear from him; and of the success of his labors. HST April 6, 1842, page 5.7

Bro. B. W. Hall, will have his queries answered, as soon as we can find leisure to do it. HST April 6, 1842, page 5.8

Going Back.—The Protestant Church appears to be hastening back to the embraces of the “Mother of abominations.” Already, in several places, they have adopted some of the most abominable principles and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. Read the following from an Edinburg Journal: HST April 6, 1842, page 5.9

“Popery in Edinburgh.—The Roman Catholics, when they first broached the subject of establishing a nunnery in the suburbs of this Protestant metropolis, did so with their usual cunning and circumspection. It was introduced to the public under the innocent designation of ‘A Seminary for the Education of Young Ladies,’ and anyone who breathed a whisper as to the real objects of this institution; was threatened with a prosecution for libel. Gradually, however, has the mask been dropped; and now, under the auspices of the ambitious lecturer in Broughton Street, Bishop Gillis, public exhibitions of the ceremony of taking the veil are regularly made and the quasi boarding school is proclaimed, in open day, to be noth ng more nor less than a Popish nunnery. One of these truly melancholy spectacles took place on Wednesday last, in the nunnery alluded to, at the head of Bruntsfield Links, before a select assembly of Papists and Protestants, the latter, of course, attracted by mere curiosity, to see how the interesting drama would be conducted We understood that there were three orders of nuns consecrated, as it is impiously termed, on this occasion. One young girl, evidently either the dupe of priests, or of her own diseased fancies, took the first veil, which bound her to remain a prisoner for one year; two took the second veil, and immured themselves for five years; and an interesting young lady took the “vows” for life. On this last victim the chief interest was centered—a mock funeral service was performed, and having prostrated herself on the marble floor of the chapel, a pall was laid over her, and the Bishop consigned her to a living death. The burial rites occupied full half an hour, during which time she lay prostrate upon the cold ground. The feelings excited by the proceedings, on the part of the Protestants at least, must have been of the most painful kind.” HST April 6, 1842, page 5.10

How exactly is the Scriptures fulfilled, Daniel 7:21. The “little horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them.” He “works deceitfully,”—“practices and prospers”! HST April 6, 1842, page 5.11

Hartford Conference.—We give the following account of the meeting from the Christian Secretary of that city. In general the account is correct. The allusion to (Mr. Himes) is very unfair, see note at the end of the article. But with this exception, coining as it does from an unbeliever in the doctrine, it is remarkable for its candor, and general correctness. HST April 6, 1842, page 5.12

We shall give some further account of the Lectures, etc, in our next. Eds. HST April 6, 1842, page 5.13

“The Second Advent Conference closed its session at the City Hall on Tuesday evening last. Several clergymen, and others, who are believers in the doctrine, were present; Mr. Miller, however, was the principal lecturer. We are unable to give a correct report of the proceedings of this meeting, having only attended occasionally the evening sessions. Mr. Miller went through with his exposition of the visions of Daniel, and commenced upon the Revelations, but was prevented by a severe cold from closing his lectures on this part of his theory. HST April 6, 1842, page 5.14

One fact connected with this Conference struck us somewhat forcibly, and this was, the immense crowd which attended the whole course of lectures. We are unable to speak of the numbers in attendance during the day, but in the evening, the large hall was filled to overflowing with attentive listeners. Probably not less than from 1500 to 2000 persons were in attendance every evening. This large mass of hearers was made up from nearly or quite every congregation in the city. How many of them have become converts to this new doctrine we have no means of judging, but presume the number is not very small. Of one thing we are satisfied, and that is this: unless the clergy generally, present a better theory than the one offered by Mr. Miller, the doctrine will prevail to a very general extent. We live in an age of inquiry, and the people will not take a mere assertion for a fact; they require the evidence before they are convinced. The study of the prophecies has undoubtedly occupied less attention for years past, than other portions of the Scriptures, from the fact that the church had assumed the ground that this question was settled, and her efforts were directed very properly to the carrying out of the predictions of the prophets in spreading the gospel throughout the world, and the ushering in of that day “when all shall know the Lord from the least unto the greatest.” In the midst of these efforts, a new doctrine comes up, claiming that the gospel is not to be received generally by the nations of the earth, but that sin is to be destroyed by “the brightness of Christ’s coming,” and this too, within the short period of about one year. It was stated by one of the members of the Conference, that not less than three hundred ministers of different denominations, were engaged at the present time in preaching this doctrine to their several congregations. A weekly paper is also published at Boston, for the purpose of disseminating their views, and a large number of books and pamphlets upon the same subject have already been issued from the press. An agent was present during the session of the Conference with an extensive assortment of these publications, and probably effected sales to the amount of some hundreds of dollars. We learn further, that a committee was appointed during the session of the Conference for the purpose of procuring one or more lecturers to labor in this State. With these facts before us, the question naturally arises, what is the duty of the church and the ministers of the gospel generally? If the theory of Mr. Miller is wrong, we are satisfied that every preacher of the gospel should endeavor to present to his hearers the true Bible doctrine of the Millennium, that they may know where to place their hopes. If, on the contrary, he is right, then let it be known, for it appears to us that the time has come when the people demand light on this question. HST April 6, 1842, page 5.15

We have no doubt in our own minds of the sincerity of those who were engaged in conducting this meeting, although we should have been better pleased had one of them (Mr. Himes) been more guarded in his remarks. In speaking of the progress of the cause, he remarked, that the papers generally were opposed to the doctrine, and the religious papers in particular, were endeavoring to throw all the odium they possibly could upon its advocates. The editors of the New England Puritan, Christian Watchman, and Hartford Secretary, were liars,” etc. 1 this was news to us, so far as we are concerned, as we have no recollection of ever having tried to cast any reflections upon them in any manner whatever. We have once or twice expressed our disbelief in the doctrine, supposing that we had as good a right to our opinion as Mr. Himes had to his. But the simple fact of a difference of opinion can never justify any man in branding another with the epithet of “liar.” We hope he will learn better in future. We understand that Mr. Miller will proceed to New York, for the purpose of commencing another Conference early in the present month. HST April 6, 1842, page 5.16


JVHe From the Report of the Ninth General Conference on the Second Advent of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This Conference was held in the meeting-house of the Presbyterian Church at Sandy Hill, N. Y. Feb. 1st, 1842. The Conference was preceded by a course of lectures by Br. William Miller, of Low Hampton. These lectures he commenced on the Thursday evening next preceding the Conference, and continued there until the Conference commenced. The audience, through the whole of the exercises, both of the lectures and Conference, was large and attentive, and appeared deeply interested. The public exercises through the whole were conducted in the usual order of public worship, by preaching, singing and prayers, and by explaining the Scriptures and stating and answering objections to the views held forth. Between the lectures, seasons for conference and prayer was held. In these exercises all of the brethren in the ministry, and many of the more private brethren whose names are here recorded took a part, and some whose names were not given in to be recorded as members of the Conference. HST April 6, 1842, page 6.1

Thursday, Feb. 1st, 1842. At 2 o’clock P. M. the Conference was organized by the choice of Br. William Miller, Moderator, and Br. S. Fletcher, Scribe, pro tem. HST April 6, 1842, page 6.2

The Moderator then remarked that the object of the Conference was not to promote any party or sectarian views, but to investigate the subject of the Second Advent of our Lord and Savior—to examine the Scriptures, and to interchange thoughts on this subject—to stir up each other to a preparation for this event, and to devise ways and means to disseminate knowledge abroad on this subject; and all who are friendly to this object, and consider the Second Advent of Christ near, might consider themselves as members of the Conference and entitled to participate in its proceedings, to give in their names as members, whether they believe the specific time or not. The following names were given in. HST April 6, 1842, page 6.3



Josiah Litch, J. V. Himes, Boston, Mass.—William Miller, Low Hampton, N. Y.—Amos Stearns, J. O. Mason, Fort Ann—Seth Ewer, Sandy Hill—Simon Fletcher, Queensbury—A. K. Wells, Gibbs’ Falls.—H. F. Baldwin, Hartford—James Delano, Granville—J. Thompson, Ballston—B. F. Gorfield, Gibbsville—Levi Scoffield, John Duncan, Kingsbury—J. B Gates, Burnt Hills—B. B. Brown, Fort Ann.— HST April 6, 1842, page 6.4

other members


Ira Lazany, J. B. Brondell, Seth Smith, T. Daily, N. Shurtleff, D. Dunham, T. Strong, James Ferrin, Moses Brierley, O. M. Bond, James Brierley, J. C. Jackson, Abel Woodworth, Levi Fisk, John Teft, Orran Richards, Peleg Daily, James Smith, Charles Harris, Repine Harris, M. Harris, P. Daily, H. Daily, Mrs. J. Smith, L. A. Northrop, R. A. Northrop, Sally Winchess, Jane Weeks, Anna Freeman, Maria Czardall, Polly Parker, Barnet Bond, Emily Dunham, Sandy Hill.—James Chessman, James Wythe, Caty Phitlyplace, Fort Edward.—Thomas C. Hollington, Henry E. Freehett, Abner Wright, Martha M. Johnson, Jane Goodspeed, Glens Falls.—D. W. Heath, Mrs. D. W. Heath, Abner Wright, Galesville.—S. A. Beers, Mrs. S. A. Beers, Troy—James H. Coom, Mary H. Coom, Nathan M. Clark, Cynthia Clark, Edna Clark, Juliet Clark, R. M. S. Mason, Mary Shipman, Hiram Shipman, Sarah Wells, James P. Sloan, Fort Ann—Ransom J. Winchep, Catherine Winchep, Merriam Fletcher, Sally Fancheir, Queensbury—Jesse King, Amelia King, Asa Catlin, Mrs. Sarah Catlin, Edward Moss, Keziah Elliot, Mary C. Mo?s, Ann E. Moss, Abel R. Mason, Polly Barney, Kingsbury—Maria Thompson, Ballstown—Mary E. Baldwin, Hartford—George M. Miller, Low Hampton—Celia Ann Simons, Scroon—Folcott Willis, John De Forest, Mary Broyton. HST April 6, 1842, page 6.5

Brethren Seth Ewer, B. B. Brown, H. F. Baldwin, B. F. Goofield, G. Thompson, and I Amos Stearns were chosen to serve as a Committee of Arrangements. HST April 6, 1842, page 6.6

The Committee of Arrangements recommended the appointment of one or two brethren as agents to spread the subject of Christ’s Second Advent before the churches and the country, whenever a door may open either for them to speak, or to disseminate publications on the subject, and that there be a Committee appointed to negotiate with such agent or agents, and to obtain the means for defraying the expenses of such an agency. This recommendation, after several appropriate remarks from Br. Himes and others, was unanimously adopted. Those friendly to the above recommendation were then requested to meet at the Court House, where a subscription was taken, which afterwards was increased to one hundred and ninety-six dollars, and the following brethren were chosen to act as the Committee. HST April 6, 1842, page 6.7

J. O. Mason, Seth Ewer, Dea. Corning, Ira Fancher, James Cheseman, Ira Fancher, Sandy Hill, Treasurer—James Cheseman, Fort Edward, Secretary. HST April 6, 1842, page 6.8

The general expression of men of the greatest powers of intellect, and most extensive errudition is “that they can discover no mistake in these men; their sentiments, so far as they can judge, are in perfect accordance with the Scriptures and with matters of fact, and that they can discover no way to evade their conclusions.” The result is, many have been cured of infidelity, and have begun to examine in good earnest, their long neglected Bibles, and a good number of all classes from the most illiterate to the most profound in knowledge, and from the most profane to the most moral, appear to have been brought to a saving knowledge of the truth. When we witness the happy results of examining this subject, and exhibiting it before the public, we can but regret that so many, in different parts of the world, whom we feel in duty bound to respect, as the disciples of Christ, and the ministers of the gospel should manifest so much apathy, or opposition to it. We cannot evade the opinion that they reject the counsel, of God against themselves, and do themselves and others great injury. Simeon Fletcher, Scribe Protem. HST April 6, 1842, page 6.9

Fitch’s reply to Starkweather


Dear Brother, Himes,—I send you a few lines respecting Bro. Starkweather’s communication on the subject of the resurrection. I understand Bro. Starkweather to admit, that if there are to be two resurrections, in the true sense of a resurrection of the dead to life, then the views we entertain of the near approach of Christ’s coining’ to establish His everlasting kingdom may be correct. He also admits that the Greek word anastasis, translated resurrection, means the living again, in some sense, of those who are, or have been, in one sense dead. HST April 6, 1842, page 6.10

Now we are told by John, in Revelation 20. “I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. This is the first resurrection; but the rest of the dead lived not again, until the thousand years were finished. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection; on such the second death hath no power.” Br. S. admits, then, I suppose, that those already dead for Christ, or as Paul has it in Thess. those who sleep in Jesus, are in “one sense” to be raised. Now in what sense are those dead, who are martyred for Christ’s sake, and all who sleep in Jesus! A resurrection must mean a coming forth from the earth, under which those are lying, who are to be raised. When a sinner, once dead in trespasses and sins, is made aliye to God, we may call this a spiritual resurrection. But this is not the sense in which those who sleep in Jesus are dead. If raised, they must be raised from the death under which they are lying. And what death is that? To me it is perfectly idle to talk of the martyrs living again, in another generation of Christians, who by the way are to be no martyrs at all, but to live, (according to the expectation of those who entertain this view of things) in a time of universal peace. Now if there should be hereafter another generation of Christians, precisely what those were who now sleep in Jesus—how could this be called a resurrection of those already dead? It is merely the existence of another generation—there is no resurrection, nor any thing that has the most distant resemblance thereto. Br. S. speaks of rules of interpretation. What rule is there for calling the existence of one generation of men, a resurrection of those who have gone before? Surely those cannot be raised who have not died; nor can those who have died be raised, until they live again. “The same sense,” says Br. S. Well, it seems plain to me that if the dead are raised, they must be raised in the sense in which they are dead—i. e. from the very earth under which they are laying. To say that the dead are in any sense raised, where another generation like them is born, seems to me the height of absurdity. Will Br. S. say, as some have said, that the martyrs are to live again, in the same sense in which Elijah lived in John the Baptist? “He shall go before Him in the spirit and power of Elias.” Does the Bible call that a resurrection? Never. HST April 6, 1842, page 7.1

It does seem to me exceedingly wonderful, that when we are told, “those who were beheaded, lived and reigned with Christ, and that this is the first resurrection,” any man, in his right mind, should even have thought of calling such a resurrection any thing, but the coming forth of those who are dead, from the earth under which they were found. Certainly Bro. S. will not say that there are good rules of interpretation which ought to lead us contrary to the plain dictates of common sense. Br. S. seems to convey the idea, that because some things spoken of in somewhat near connection are figurative, therefore the first and second resurrection must be. If this rule will apply to a whole chapter, why not to the whole Bible? and why not say as well—some things in the Bible are figurative, therefore all are? I call those things figurative which will bear no other construction, as when Christ is called “the Lion of the tribe of Judah.” Or if resurrection should be applied to those who are only figuratively dead, I should regard it a figurative resurrection. But I believe, and I bless God for the belief, that when those who have died for Christ’s sake, and those who sleep in Jesus, live and reign with Him, it will be something better than a figure. That all who sleep in Jesus will rise at the same time, we learn from Paul’s epistle to the Thess. This resurrection I believe to be no figure, but a glorious reality. Blessed be the Lord for a hope so glorious, and for all the reasons we have for believing that it will soon be realized. HST April 6, 1842, page 7.2

No wonder Paul, in prospect of it, could count every thing here but dung, if he might but win Christ, and attain (eis ten exanastasin) to the resurrection from the dead—Philippians 3:11, while the rest of the dead live not again till the thousand years are finished, and then come forth to the second death. I hope that dear Br. S. will not merely be willing that God’s will should be done, but that putting away all preconceived opinions, he will “cry after knowledge,and lift up his voice for understanding,” trusting in Christ for the Holy Spirit to guide him into all truth, until he shall be filled with abundant evidence that he has received on this subject the wisdom that cometh from above. Yours, Charles Fitch. Haverhill. HST April 6, 1842, page 7.3



1. Lo, what a glorious sight appears, To our be-liev-ing eyes!
‘The earth and seas are passed away, And the old roll-ing skies!
And the old rolling skies! .. And the old rolling skies! The earth and seas are
HST April 6, 1842, page 7.4

2. From the third heaven, where God resides, That holy happy place,
The New Je-ru-sa-lem come down, Adorned with shining grace.
Adorned with shining grace, Adorned with shining grace, The new Je-ru-sa-
lem comes down, Adorned with shining grace.
sacred seat Of your descending King!
HST April 6, 1842, page 7.5

3. At-tend-ing angels shout for joy, And the bright armies sing,
“Mortals, behold the sacred seat Of your descending King!
Of your descending King! Of your descending King! Mortals behold the
passed away, And the old rolling skies! O that will he joy-ful, joy-ful, joy-ful, O that will be joyful, When we meet to part no more,
HST April 6, 1842, page 7.6

When we meet to part no more, .. On Canaan’s happy shore. ‘Tis there we’ll meet at Jesus’ feet, When we meet to part no more. HST April 6, 1842, page 7.7

4. “The God of glory down to men
Removes his blest abode;
Men are the objects of his love,
And he their gracious God.
HST April 6, 1842, page 7.8

5. “His own soft hand shall wipe the tears
From every weeping eye;
And pains, and groans, and griefs, and fears,
And death itself shall die.” 6. How bright the vision! O, how long
Shall this glad hour delay!
Fly swifter round ye wheels of time,
And bring the welcome day.
HST April 6, 1842, page 7.9



The Designs of Providence

The opponents of the near approach of the Everlasting Kingdom of God on earth, hard driven by the obvious declarations of scripture, take refuge in an imaginary state, in accordance with their notions of the fitness of things. Their argument is, that God will not cut off and destroy the present world, just as it is beginning to improve. It is contrary to the wise designs of a benevolent Father, to arrest the “march of mind” which so triumphantly is bearing on the human race to perfection. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.1

This is the very argument of the Universalist and the Infidel. The first sees in the eternal punishment of the wicked, the result of a principle at variance with reason and common sense, which are, and ought to be in accordance with the perfect reason and sense of God,—the other sees in the whole Bible but a confused mass of contradictions, not correspondent with his notions of divine wisdom. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.2

The true argument is all on the other side. When man, in the garden of Eden, had, by eating the forbidden fruit, came to discern the knowledge of good and evil, he was directly turned out, “lest he put forth his hand, and take of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.” When men began to multiply upon the earth, and by connection with the “sons of God” had filled the earth with a race of demi Gods, physically and intellectually raised above the standard of frail mortality, powerful for evil, and thoroughly depraved,—God destroyed the world by a flood. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.3

So now, when many are running to and fro, and knowledge is increased—when the superhuman power of steam has drawn all mankind into neighborhood in their course—when inventive ingenuity has subjected all the elements under the control of man, and make us familiar with the physical history of even other worlds—when, according to the gravest calculations of philosophers and learned men, a career of improvement is just before our race which is altogether boundless and infinite—then to my mind, is the world in just that dangerous state of progression which God will arrest. The difficulty is, the moral improvement of mankind does not keep pace with the physical, and we have no pledge that the world will not grow morally worse, as it improves in physical combination. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.4

When we forsake the letter of God’s word, and substitute for it our crude conceptions of what God ought to be and to do, we are on dangerous ground. The sooner our learned divines come off from it, the better. I have heard no argument from any man, no minister or layman, in favor of a temporal millennium, that was not based on the “fitness of things,” rather than on the Bible. I am sure that the Transcendentalist, the Infidel philosopher, the Universalist and the Deist, will hail this mode of argumentation as a powerful auxiliary to their sceptical systems. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.5

The physical sciences—the progress of the inventive arts—the improvements of the age, have infected the opinions of the church, and thrown a delusive halo of glory over the christian enterprises of the day. The same false hopes, the same rash calculations, the same Eldorado dreams, that have plunged the mercantile world into the vortex of speculation, contracts and directs the action of the church. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.6

The church is asleep, and fondly dreaming about the conversion of the world! Will it not be awakened except by the fearful sound of the last trump? God forbid! W. H. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.7



“Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days, scoffers walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming.” 2 Peter 3:3, 4. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.8

BY Rev. T. F. Norris.

Millerism.—Of all the foolish dreams which curse the present age, there is none more weak or wicked than this ism. We fear Miller is yet an Infidel, and is making war on the cause of Christ, by purposely and artfully misconstruing the Holy Bible. There is not a single text in the Bible which supports Miller’s fancies about the end of the world. It is every way inconsistent with the v astness of the Divine plans, or with his benevolence and promises. God would not send his Son into our world to die for the little handful of human beings that have yet lived on earth. There is no proof in the Scriptures that this world shall not continue to exist for millions of years yet to come. And then the death of Christ seems to have an object sufficiently magnificent to justify the death of the Son of God. Again the Scriptures tell us of a time when the Christian religion shall every where prevail, when all of earth’s inhabitants shall know the Lord. As yet but a small minority of our race are even nominal disciples of Christ. The promises of God remain unfulfilled, if Millerism is true. The man will probably laugh at the Bible and laugh at his dupes after the time (1843) has passed when he says the world will end. We hope ministers or churches will not encourage such a madman or deceiver as Miller is. He is probably mad, and ought to be put under the care of Dr. Woodward, at the State Lunatic Hospital. If not a lunatic he is a dangerous man, and his attacks on Christianity are of the most insidious character. We warn all honest men not to be deluded into a belief of his specious but false teachings.—They are little better than the delusions of Mormonism. Our world is yet in its infancy, and will be spared to a good old age. Its end will be nearer to millions of ages from this than to 1843. But the end will come; the fact only is revealed. The time is one of the undiscovered secrets of the Almighty. If there is truth in Miller’s theory, then are we non-compos-mentis. 2 HST April 6, 1842, page 8.9

Olive Branch.
Eds. Signs of Times.

New Publications


Theopnenstry, or the plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. By S. R. L. Gaussen, Professor of Theology in Geneva. Translated by E. N. Kirk. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.10

This is an invaluable work. It cuts up German neology root and branch. It is a timely work. It was much needed. It is needed among the Professors of our Theologcal schools, (many of whom are strongly tinctured with German Neology.) It is needed among the clergy—and the church in general. We hope it may have a wide circulation; We shall give some extracts hereafter. For sale at this office. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.11

Letters to A Universalist, By P. R. Russel, Pastor of the Christian church in Fall River, Mass.—Exeter, published by A. R. Brown, 1842. Bro. R. has fully exposed the sophistry of those scoffers of “last time.” HST April 6, 1842, page 8.12

Spiritual Millennium.—We give on page 2nd an article under this caption from the Puritan. It is the commencement of a series which it is proposed by that paper to present. But Why have, they not gone on? HST April 6, 1842, page 8.13

Bro. Ward will please attend to this article. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.14



From Post Masters—Lima, Washington Co. N.Y.—Weston, Vt.—Rochester, Vt.—Royalston, Vt.—Francestown, New Hampshire—Erwinton, S. C.—Dixmont, Me.—Lima, N, Y.—Granville, Wash. Co. N. Y.—Coventry, R. I.—Charlemont, Mass.—Palmyra, Me.—Pleasant Valley, N. Y.—Holden, Mass.—Fort Ann, N. Y.—Colchester, Vt. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.15

From Jonas D. Johnson, Edward Willis, Samuel Jenkins, Joseph Bates, Elihu Ellis, J. F. Lee. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.16

Bundles Sent


One bundle to L. C. Collins, Springfield, Mass.—One to Williams Thayer, Pomfret, Ct. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.17



Eld. Joel Spaulding. This dear brother informs us that he has been constantly lecturing for the three past months, giving the “midnight cry,” to the extent of his ability. He has more calls than he can possibly meet. In a recent tour, forty miles to the north of his residence, (Belgrade, Me.) he gave twenty lectures in nine days, to listening audiences. The prospects in that vieinity are good. He was to visit West Waterville, Me., March 26, and give Lectures, May the Lord bless our brother, and raise up many kindred spirits to help him. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.18

Second Advent Prayer Meetings, in Worcester, are to be held regularly at the Vestry of the Methodist Chapel, on Wednesday, at 2 o’clock, P.M. and Tuesday evenings. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.19

Mormonism Exploded.—This work will be published at this office in a few weeks. Particular notice hereafter. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.20

Lectures in New-York.—We are not able to give a definite notice of the time of Mr. Miller’s lectures in New-York. His health is such, that he will not be able to go before the 20th inst. if then. Due notice will be given hereafter. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.21

Second Advent Library


The following works comprise the Library. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.22

1. Miller’s Life and Views.—37 1-2 cts. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.23

2. Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2cts. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.24

3. Exposition of 24th of Matt. and Hosea 6:1-3. 18 3-4 cts. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.25

4. Spaulding’s Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2 cts. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.26

5. Litch’s Address to the clergy on the Second Advent.—18 1-4 cts. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.27

6. Miller on the true inheritance of the saints, and the twelve hundred and sixty days of Daniel and John.—12 1-2 cts. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.28

7. Fitch’s Letter, on the Advent in 1843.—12 1-2 cts. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.29

8. The present Crisis, by Rev. John Hooper, of England—10 cts. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.30

9. Miller on the cleansing of the sanctuary.—6 cts. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.31

10. Letter to every body, by an English author, “Behold I come quickly.”—6 cts. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.32

11. Refutation of “Dowling’s Reply to Miller,” by J. Litch.—15 cts. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.33

12. The “Midnight Cry.” By L. D. Fleming. 12 1-2 HST April 6, 1842, page 8.34

13. Miller’s review of Dimmick’s discourse, “The End not Yet.”—10 cts. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.35

14. Miller, on the Typical Sabbaths, and great Jubilee.—10 cts. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.36

15. The glory of God in the Earth. By C. Fitch.—10 cts. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.37

The above works are now published in sheets as a periodical; and, as such, can be sent by Mail to any part of the U. S. Persons at a distance can have the whole, or any one, or more numbers of this work sent to their order. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.38

Signs of the Times


Is published weekly, at No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, by JOSHUA V HIMES, to whom all letters and communication must be addressed. HST April 6, 1842, page 8.39

Terms,—One Dollar per Volume of 24 Nos. (6 months)
dow & jackson, printers.
HST April 6, 1842, page 8.40