Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 4

October 19, 1842

Vol. IV.—No. 5. Boston, Whole No. 77


Joshua V. Himes & Josiah Litch, Editors. Office No. 14 [Terms—$1 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance.] Devonshire Street, Boston

Review of Stuart’s Hints on Prophecy.—No. V


Professor Stuart claims that the object of the writer of the book of Revelation, “is to guard, to guide, to fortify and to console Christians” while under persecutions that they were then enduring; and therefore, “that the book must consist of matter appropriate to its design.” He adds, “If we deny or overlook this, we must, of course, involve the writer in the charge of having failed to execute his purpose, or of having executed it in a feeble or unsatisfactory manner.” P. 104. We, however, do not believe that the writer had any design whatever, than to record that which the angel signified to him; nor do we find any evidence that it was not written for the encouragement of the church in all ages. We are surprised to find such a sentiment as the above quoted in the writings of a New England orthodox divine; but should be prepared to find similar views in “the excellent” German “work” quoted p. 92. He supposes that his views are correct because, “the things to come to pass, are those which are shortly to come to pass.” He, however, admits, p. 106, that some of the events were only “speedily to commence taking place, for the second catrastrophe is a prolonged one, as may be seen in Revelation 16:19;” and also that a part of the work “has respect most plainly to the distant future.” “Of course,” he says, p. 107, “some modification of the expressions coming to pass quickly, and coming quickly, is necessary.” With these admissions, it will be only necessary to show that the book consists of a series of events, commencing at the period about when it was written, and reaching down to the end of time, to reconcile it with the stress which he lays upon the words “I come quickly.” And it is also worthy to remark, that no such expression is made, only when a chain of events has reached near to the consummation of all things. HST October 19, 1842, page 33.1

His desire to avoid considering any thing as a prediction needing a fulfilment, forces him, sometimes, into strange positions. We will give one specimen. Speaking of the new heavens and new earth, he says; “this is not properly a prediction, but a description, which is indended for the very purpose of creating emotion in the breast of his readers!!” p. 107. HST October 19, 1842, page 33.2

He says of the locusts, in Revelation 9:10, that should torment men five months, that “a strictly definite period does not appear to to be here designated,” and adds, “All attempts to show that a day for a year is here meant would be nugatory; for to what can 150 years in this case be applied?” p. 109. It has been already shown in “Miller’s Lectures” that that period was precisely fulfilled in the attacks which the Turks made upon the Greeks; and which continued 150 years, from July 27th 1299, when they made their first attack, to 1449, when the heir to the throne asked the consent of Amunt, the Turkish Sultan, to ascend it. And the application of the description of the locusts to the Turks is also there given. The hour, day, month and year, that they were to kill the third part of men, is also there shown to have been fulfilled in 391 years and 15 days; but Prof. S. makes no allusion to that period. HST October 19, 1842, page 33.3

Our limits forbid our making as large quotations from his work as we could wish, or of commenting upon them to the extent which some may deem necessary: we shall, therefore, content ourselves with a more brief review of it. The first period in Rev. that he limits to literal days, is that found in Revelation 11:2, where it is predicted that the Gentiles shall tread under foot the holy city forty and two months. This he claims was fulfilled while the Romans were in the land of Judea; for he says, “it involves the idea that the country of which the holy city is the capital, is also trodden under foot.” p. 110. He gives the history of that campaign, and adds, “here then are the 42 months in question, with the variation of only a few days, or possibly a few weeks,” p. 111; and, “If we suppose now that the former part of February was the month when war was declared, or the commission made out; we shall find that three and an half years elasped between this period and the taking of Jerusalem, and destroying it on the 10th of August, A. D. 70.” p. 112. Notwithstanding he proves so definitely the fulfilment of this prediction in just forty-two months; yet the fact that according to the best scholars the book was not written till more than twenty years after these events transpired) must cause some doubts as to the correctness of the application. HST October 19, 1842, page 33.4

The period in Revelation 11:3, of 1260 days, that the two witnessess were to testify in sackcloth, he admits to be contemporaneous with the preceding one; but the witnesses he claims were the christians, who fled from before the Romans; and who are called two witnesses, “as we may suppose, because by the mouth of two witnesses every word is established”!.! “The sum of Revelation 11. is, then, that the Romans would invade and tread down Palestine for three and an half years, and that during that period, would be bitterly persecuted and slain; but still that after the same period the persecution would cease there, and the religion of Jesus become triumphant.” p. 113. As these two periods are admitted to be contemporaneous, the remarks which have already been made respecting the definiteness of the fulfilment of one period in literal days, will apply with equal force to the other. This summary method of disposing of the eleventh of Rev. overlooks some of the most important points in the prediction, and which Prof. S. does not attempt to explain. The two witnesses are said to be the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth; and the angel told Zerrubbabel, Zechariah 4:6, that the two olive trees were the Word of God: and that being contained in the two Testaments, proves them to be the two witnessess. Those which hurt them were also to be killed; they were to have power to shut heaven, etc; they were to be killed by the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit; their bodies were to lie in the street of the city three and an half days, and were afterwards to ascend to heaven in the sight of their enemies; and when they were killed, they that dwell on the earth were to rejoice over them, and make merry, and send gifts one to another, because these two prophets tormented them. It is, however, shown to be fulfilled in none of these particulars; but they are passed by in silence by Prof. S. There was also in the same hour an earthquake, in which a tenth of the city fell; but according to Prof. S. the whole of the city fell. In chapter 10:5-7, we learn that after the sixth angel had sounded, that an angel which stood “upon the sea and upon the earth, lifted up his hand to heaven, and sware by him that liveth forvever and ever, who created heaven and the things that therein are, and the earth and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” Then in chapter 11:15-19, all of which chapter Prof. S. applies to the destruction of Jerusalem; it reads—“And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever. And the four and twenty elders which sat before God on their seats fell upon their faces and worshipped God, saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come, because thou hast taken to thyself thy great power, and hast reigned. And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and shouldst destroy them which destroy the earth.” Now if he is willing to be governed by what he calls his “first great position, that the Bible means what its says;” p. 135, it is incumbent on him to show that all this has taken place: that “time is no longer, that the mystery of God is finished, that the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, that the time of the dead that they should be judged,” has past, and that the saints are already rewarded, and those who destroy the earth destroyed: or we must look to a future fulfilment of it. And as the whole chapter has a close connection with the sounding of the seventh angel, it can but demonstrate that the application of it to the destruction of Jerusalem is forced, and contrary to his own rules of hermeneutics. The seventh trumpet is the last trumpet of which we have any account; and St. Paul assures us that when the last trumpet shall sound the dead shall be raised and we shall be changed; and that accords perfectly with the literal reading of the close of chapter 11th. There is so full and so harmonious an exposition of this chapter in “Miller’s Lectures,” that to go over the same ground here would seem like a repetition. We, however, cannot leave this chapter without one remark. Our Saviour, in Luke 21. assured us that Jerusalem would be trodden down of the Gentiles till the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled; but he does not date the commencement of that till its destruction. Prof. S., however, makes its treading down terminate on the 10th of Aug. A. D. 70—on the very day that Jerusalem was destroyed, and when our Saviour makes it commence. In the Lectures referred to, Mr. Miller has shown that the Old and New Testaments were forbidden to be read in any than the dead languages for 1260 years, from 538 to 1798; that at the close of that time they were prohibited and burnt for three and an half years by French Deists, who rejoiced over them, made merry, and sent gifts; that after that they were restored and have gone in clouds all over the world, in the sight of their enemies; that the same hour was the French revolution, in which 7000 names of men were destroyed, and one of the ten nations subverted; and that the chain of prophetic events has been fulfilled; so that at the present time, we are only to expect that the nations will be angry and the wrath of God will come, when the seventh or last trumpet shall begin to sound, when the dead will be raised and we shall be changed. B. HST October 19, 1842, page 33.5

Hope’s Reasons for Her Faith


Dear Brethren:—I have been for some time a believer in the Second Advent at hand, but was at times subjected to doubts and fears concerning it: but praise God, I feel they are in a good measure vanished, and I now feel to say with the happy number, 1843 is the end. How I have been confirmed in this faith, will appear from the following lines; and I wish you to insert them in the Signs of the Times, for I have confidence they will do no hurt to the cause, if they do no good. HST October 19, 1842, page 34.1

Daniel 8:24. “And shall destroy the mighty and holy people.” Who shall do this? I answer—The little horn, the king of fierce countenance, and shall destroy the might or influence of the saints, with their lives. Daniel 12:6, and onward to the end of the chapter. “How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?” It shall be for a time, times, and an half time: and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished. Who is this he referred to? I answer, The king of fierce countenance; the little horn. But how shall he accomplish the scattering of the holy people? and who are the “holy people?” He shall accomplish the scattering of them by destroying their influence with their lives; and in various instances, smitting the shepherds and scattering their flocks. But the question is asked, “Who are these holy people?” Who are they? Why the same as in chapter 8:24. Do they not seem to correspond? And again,—When shall he accomplish their scattering, or destruction? Previous to the expiration of the time, times, and half time, he shall have done his bloody work. In what sense will all things be finished? I answer, The prophecies run out concerning the power of the little horn at the end of the twelve hundred and sixty days, or time, times, and half time; and those numbers expired in 1798, and nought but the last link remains to be finished. I must believe these holy people, spoken of in Daniel 8:24, and 12:7, are the same; and the scattering their power to mean nothing more nor less than the distress and sorrows heaped upon them by their persecutors: their influence or power to win souls to Christ, destroyed or scattered with their lives. Great God! what a flood of light has broke in on my vision! to me this is evidence sufficient: to others it may be none. Admit this to be correct, and the Rev. Mr. Dowling’s Antiochus has to retire into the back ground. The vision concerning the “little horn” ended when the Pope lost his civil power, and his kingdom was left to consume to the end of the remaining 45 years, which intervene between the fulfilment of these prophecies and the time when Daniel shall stand in his lot; and it be fulfilled, “Behold, I come as a thief!” But, says an objector, I might believe this doctrine if I had any evidence that the Apostles understood these numbers. This objection is of no weight, although it is in the mouth of every opposer to the doctrine. Go, sceptics, ask Peter, if after reading perhaps hundreds of times the 60th chapter of Isaiah, and other prophecies concerning the calling of the Gentiles, if he understood the prophet’s meaning? He will tell you he did when the sheet of all kinds of beasts was let down to him in a vision by God himself; and that he then cried out, Lord, I perceive now, thou art no respecter of persons:—and yet your infidelity is much greater than his was; for he was convinced immediately, and you remain sceptical still, in spite of all the evidence you have received. And do you wait for greater evidence than you have or may receive, when there is enough to convince any honest seeker after truth? If so, wait on, then! wait on, sinner, you will soon have a far more clear evidence; it will indeed be let down from heaven; yet not in dream or vision, but in reality, fearful reality. For the Lord Jesus shall descend from heaven, with a shout, and the voice of the archangel, and the trump of God; and none will then deny the evidence. Instead of a sheet to embrace all sinners in the atonement, a vast sheet of flames to destroy those sinners who have sought no interest in that atonement; sinner, the die will soon be cast! The seventh trumpet will finish the mystery of God! and the shrill blast of that trump you will shortly hear. Beware! lest you wail to all eternity; the soul once lost, is lost forever!! Hope. HST October 19, 1842, page 34.2

From the Day Star. HST October 19, 1842, page 34.3

Look at Facts


The subject of the Coming of the Lord in 1843, has stired up the whole camp of Satan in this vicinity to oppose the truth. HST October 19, 1842, page 34.4

It is a fact, that look which way you will, you can see the great adversary marshalling his forces and gathering them together for the great conflict which is to result in his complete discomfiture and everlasting downfall. HST October 19, 1842, page 34.5

It is a fact that wicked men and scoffers rage, and swear, and scout at “Millerism,” as they are pleased to term that doctrine, clearly set forth in the Scriptures of truth, which tells us to “watch and be sober,” for, “behold, he cometh with clouds!” HST October 19, 1842, page 34.6

It is a fact that both religious and political papers, totally at variance and warring with each other on other points, are perfectly agreed on this, and concentrate all their strength in opposing the blessed doctrine which teaches us to look for the “glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” HST October 19, 1842, page 34.7

It is a fact that the doors of all our churches are bolted and barred against the entrance of those who bring us “glad tidings of great joy,” and in their hearts simply desire to say to their brethren, “lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh!” and to all men “Fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come!” HST October 19, 1842, page 34.8

It is a fact that ministers of all sects, creeds, and persuasions, lift up their voices as one man, to extinguish the blessed hope which is just beginning to gladden the bosoms of Christ’s chosen ones, and causing their hearts to leap for joy. Hence we see Universalists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Episcopalians, and many others, standing up in their pulpits and crying “Peace and safety,” “The end is not yet,” “My Lord delayeth his coming,” “Ye shall not surely die.” “Sleep on, Millerism is a fable.” HST October 19, 1842, page 34.9

It is a fact that the most devout, humble, self-denying, consistent disciples of the Lord, from among all these denominations in various parts of our land, as well as in other lands, when they hear this Midnight Cry, instantly arise and trim their lamps, and lifting up their joyful, streaming eyes, from the fullness of their hearts exclaim, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus, come quickly!” HST October 19, 1842, page 34.10

It is a fact that “none of the wicked shall understand,” and this fully accounts for the opposition that is raised against the coming of the Lord. HST October 19, 1842, page 34.11

It is a fact that Christ said “of that day and and hour knoweth no man.” But did he say that none would ever know, until the day arrived? Certainly not. Then may we not safely and lawfully conclude that what the Saviour here said, amounts to the same as that spoken by the angel to Daniel, as if he had said, “that day remaineth a secret with my Father, until the time of the end?” HST October 19, 1842, page 34.12

It is a fact that he did say, when it is near, even at the doors, ye shall know just as surely as ye know that summer is nigh by the shooting forth of buds and leaves upon the trees. HST October 19, 1842, page 34.13

It is a fact that the Bible teaches us that the “day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” To whom? Those who shall say “peace and safety?” But what does it teach those who “watch and are sober?” “Ye are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” HST October 19, 1842, page 34.14

It is a fact that a man will learn more in one hour respecting any doctrine, by entering his closet and shutting himself in, with the Bible before him, and asking of his Father who seeeth in secret, and whose eye alone can there behold him, than he can learn in one year in any other manner. HST October 19, 1842, page 34.15

If these then are facts, beloved brethren, and fellow men, let us each and all do as did Daniel when the decree went forth to destroy all the wise men of Babylon; let us enter our respective closets alone, and upon our knees “desire mercies of the God of heaven concerning this secret,” and we may rest assured that the knowledge thus obtained will be clear, convincing, and satisfactory. HST October 19, 1842, page 34.16

But to those who are not only saying in their hearts, but crying in the ears of the people, “My Lord delayeth his coming,” we can only say, we beg of you to stay your hands. Don’t do that which tends to shake the confidence and overthrow the faith of the little ones who trust in Jesus. Don’t steal away our glorious blessed hope that “He that shall come, will come, and will not tarry.” But pray ye thus with us, Oh come, Lord Jesus, and cleanse the earth from pollution, and sin, and violence, and blood, and death; and institute therein thine own everlasting kingdom, in which righteousness, and peace, and joy, and gladness, shall abound forever and ever. Amen. HST October 19, 1842, page 34.17

Setting the Time


There is no point in the views of Christ’s speedy coming which so much disturbs those of an opposite opinion, as what they call “setting the time.” This troubles them exceedingly. Even those who declare that it is God’s eternal truth, that Christ will not come till after the millennium, are quite at ease under the preaching of it near, looking for it constantly. The most wicked will hardly object to this. But when we come to pin them right down to the time of Christ’s Coming, they are at once in trouble—awfully disturbed. They will not have it that the time may be known, for this would at once strengthen the evidence that our calculations upon the prophetic periods, might be right, and this brings it quite too near for them. And yet it is the very preaching of the time that does the work, that accomplishes the good. This carries with it power and conviction to the heart. It is this, which God most signally blesses to the quickening of his people, to the awakening and salvation of souls. Upon this despised portion of his sacred truth he sets his approbating seal. For his truth we believe it to be. The time is revealed; and that time next year. No wonder it troubles men. They ought to be troubled. They are not prepared. But strange, their greatest trouble seems to be for us, lest it should not come; and then say they, “What will you do?” O sinner, we know a great deal better what to do, if it does not come, than you will if it does come. If we are ready and it does not come, why then we have lost nothing, we have but done our duty, and shall be well prepared to live and do it longer. But ah! unconverted man, if it should come, you would lose your soul. And come it will, for it is God’s truth. Stop not to quarrel with this, but O prepare, get you ready, have no more trouble about us, lest it should not come; let it all be for thyself and thy children, lest it should come. Now that the time of Christ’s Coming should be a matter of revelation, I cannot doubt, for the following reasons. HST October 19, 1842, page 35.1

1. God never has brought upon this world any great event with which his people stood connected, without first revealing it to them in season to provide against it. Never. So it was in the days of Noah and Lot; even so too shall it be when the Son of man is revealed. The whole history of the Bible sustains this position. How then can we suppose that the people of God will know nothing of the time, when the greatest event that ever did, or ever will visit our earth shall come? It cannot be. All reason and Bible are against it. HST October 19, 1842, page 35.2

2. This point may be further argued from the providence of God. Few individuals are there but what have some premonitions of their approaching end. And this by all is regarded as one of the greatest blessings. Thus we look upon the coming of Christ. To those who live when he shall descend sudden as the lightning from heaven, how great must be the blessing of a previous warning. If this is not to be granted, how much more desirable must be a natural death, and how much greater the probability of gaining heaven. Look at the church. How many are there at all times, who have more or less departed from God, are under condemnation, and feel wholly unprepared for an exchange of worlds. How many of this character, and those who never knew God, are enabled to make the needful preparation to meet him in peace, when called to leave the world by a natural death? But if there is to be no warning, what an awful calamity it must be to such who are living when Christ shall appear. By the misfortune of not having the ordinary warning, they lose their souls. As usual, they were busy, thoughtless, and unexpecting, one at his shop, another in his field unwarned, till in a moment the sword takes them away. It cannot be. The voice of warning shall be sounded. A slumbering church and a sinful world must hear it. This voice of warning, dear reader, is now being sounded. The solemn Midnight Cry is now ringing through the earth, Behold the Bridegroom cometh, up sinner, in the name of God, and be ready, or you are lost. Delay not a moment, and the Lord have mercy on thee. HST October 19, 1842, page 35.3

3. Again God’s Word plainly and abundantly proves the point in question. It declares that we may know when that day is nigh even at our doors. And that with the same certainty that we know summer will succeed to the putting forth of its leaves in the spring. It shall be as in the days of Noah and Lot. Then the warning was given, but alas! a few only were found to heed it. Yet it was given, and those who would believe God’s word, believed it. And the people of God are not left in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. For “the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secrets to his servants the prophets.” “And the wise shall understand.” What shall they understand? They shall understand “how long it shall be to the end of these wonders.” Daniel 12:6-10. HST October 19, 1842, page 35.4

4. The time we find positively given, when this world shall end, in the book of God. Not so that it can be known to a day or an hour, but the broader period of a year. HST October 19, 1842, page 35.5

The prophet Daniel had a vision of this world’s history thrice repeated to him, extending from his day down to the end of time. The first, chapter 2. ended with the utter destruction of all earthly kingdoms, and the setting up of the everlasting kingdom of God in a state of immortality. Not to be “left to other people,” but to stand forever. The establishment of this kingdom, we are told, chapter 7. shall be preceded by the judgment and the coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven to receive it. In the vision of the eighth chapter we are carried down to the last end of the indignation, when at the appointed time the end shall be, and the last kingdoms of this world “be broken without hands.” When, as Gabriel tells Daniel, “Michael shall stand up the great Prince which standeth for the people of God, and then shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation, even to that same time.” When all found written in the book of life shall be delivered and eternally glorified, and the wicked driven away to shame and everlasting contempt. Daniel 12. Here the vision ends. This cannot be denied. Let then the reader judge if it does not bring us to the end of all earthly things. The question is asked, “How long shall be the vision?” The answer is, unto 2300 days. Here then the length of this vision, ending with all earthly things, is positively given, and we cannot deny it if we will believe plain Bible. Again, Daniel is told that at the end of 1335 days from the taking away of one great persecuting power (Paganism) brought to view in the vision, and the setting up of the abomination that maketh desolate (Papacy) he should stand in his lot (be raised from the dead) and all those who wait on the Lord—that are found watching and ready—shall be blessed. HST October 19, 1842, page 35.6

Now the question is, why are these dates which take hold on eternity revealed to us? Yes, Christian, why? Who but an infidel would say but what it was for our benefit? But these dates can be of no possible benefit to us, unless understod before they terminate. And if understood, then we have the time when all earthly things shall close. These things were to be sealed up until the time of the end; then knowledge was to be increased, the seal broken, and the wise to understand. That time has now come, Daniel 11:40. Even the way-faring man clearly sees that the seventy weeks instruction is the key to unlock the vision. Says Gabriel, “understand the matter and consider the vision. Seventy weeks are determined,” etc. that is seventy weeks of it are “cut off” upon thy people; for so the highest authority renders it. Seventy weeks of it are “cut off” to accomplish the events which were accomplished by the death of Christ. The seventy weeks were to commence with the going forth of the commandment. This commandment was given to Ezra 7:11., in the 7th year of Artaxerxes. From that decree to the death of Christ, is just 490 years; the number of days in seventy weeks; showing that each day stands for a year. Numbers 14:34; Ezra 4:5, 6. Then as 490 years of the vision expired with the death of Christ, there would be left of the 2300 days (years) but 1810 after that before the vision must end. 1810 years reckoned from the 33rd of the christian era (the crucifixion) would bring us down to 1843. HST October 19, 1842, page 35.7

So the 1335, which were to commence with the setting up of Popery, close at the same time. Paganism closed among the ten kingdoms into which the Roman empire was divided, in 508, at which time Papacy was set up. From thence it was to stand as a ruling power 1290 days (years) Daniel 12:11., when its dominion was to be taken away. This would bring us to 1798, in which year the Pope was taken and carried to France, Italy made a republic, which, says Dr. Adam Clark, “entirely superceded the whole Papal power.” With the rare certainty then that this was done, Daniel, with all that sleep in Christ, will be raised from the dead next year. For reckoning back 490 years from 1798, when the papal power lost its dominion—which it certainly has, unless it can be shown that the saints of the Most High are now in its hands—and we are brought to 508, where history shows that it was set up in the place of Paganism, by the kings of the earth. Then in 1335 days (years) from this Daniel was to stand in his lot. 1335 from 508 brings us to 1843. HST October 19, 1842, page 35.8

Now, my dear reader, be assured here will be no failure. Tell us no more about “setting the time.” We set no time. God has set the time. And that time, O perishing sinner, that time is short. O think, within six short months, or eighteen at the longest, you will be with the redeemed in glory, or with all the damned in eternal torments. O think, think, reader, God has “set the time,” and that time next year. HST October 19, 1842, page 35.9

L. C. Collins.
So.Glastenbury, Ct. Aug. 24, 1842.

“And in the Moon.”—Total eclipse of the Sun, July 8, 1842.—We have been indulged with the perusal of a private letter from that excellent astronomer, Francis Bailey, Esq. giving an account of this superb phenomenon, as witnessed by himself at Pavia, (in Italy) over which town the line of central darkness exactly passed. The appearance was every way extraordinary, unexpected and most singular. At the moment when the total obscuration commenced, a brilliant crown of glory encircled the moon, like the aureola which Catholic painters append to their saints. Suddenly from the border of the black and laboring moon, thus singularly enshrined, burst forth from three distinct points, within the aureola, purple or lilac flames, visible to every eye! At this moment, from the whole assembled population of the town, a simultaneous and deafening shout burst forth. A similar manifestation of popular feeling is recorded at Milan, occasioned by the self-same astonishing spectacle, accompanied in the latter instance with a general “Auzzah! vivent les astronomes! The eclipse was also viewed from the Superga, near Turin, by our Astronomer Royal, Mr. Airy, apparently under less favorable circumstances. We have yet heard of no astronomer witnessing from a great elevation in the Alps, the shadow striding from peak to peak, or blotting in succession the fair fields of North Italy. Such an exhibition must have been perhaps the sublimest which the eye of man can ever witness as a mere physical phenomenon. Lond. Alheneum. HST October 19, 1842, page 35.10


No Authorcode


New Hampshire Sentinel


The following paragraph appears in the last No. of the Sentinel. HST October 19, 1842, page 36.1

“Millerism.—At the great meeting at Chicopee village, hundreds if not thousands of Miller’s pamphlets were sold at fifty cents apiece, which might have cost a shilling. The great sale at these meetings alone, may make them quite an object.—We could not but remark a little inconsistency in Mr. Himes’ notice of the commencement of a new volume of his “Signs of the Times.” The conditions are, the payment of a year in advance, when the teaching is that the world is to be destroyed in about six months! We cannot but think, however, the subscribers will get their fifty-two papers, and that Mr. H. thinks so too, or he would require only six months in advance. Mormonism is, we verily believe, a wicked humbug. Millerism, we are so candid as to believe, is principally self-delusion.—Mr Himes is an amiable, excellent man, and a man of considerable talent; and he doubtless believes he has the true key to the prophecies of Daniel. But men as great and as good have no faith whatever in Millerism.” HST October 19, 1842, page 36.2

The inconsistencies and falsehoods of those who attempt to weaken the Second Advent cause by writing or preaching against it, although a sort of testimony which is unasked by us, is nevertheless only another link in the great chain of facts which serve to establish the truth of our views. We wish the Sentinel would have the candor to examine its statements in the foregoing paragraph by the light of truth. Its first statement is that “hundreds if not thousands of Miller’s pamphlets were sold at fifty cents apiece which might have cost a shilling.” HST October 19, 1842, page 36.3

Our largest pamphlets containing Miller’s Lectures were sold at 37 1-2 cents, smaller ones at from 6 to 18 cents. So much for that charge. Again, “We could not but remark a little inconsistency in Mr. Himes’ notice of the commencement of a new volume of his “Signs of the Times.” The conditions are, the payment of a year in advance, when the teaching is that the world is to be destroyed in about six months!” If the Sentinel will look at our terms it will see that we require payment in advance for a volume of 24 numbers. By what rule of arithmetic the Sentinel makes the publication of a weekly paper 24 times, cover the space of a whole year, we are unable to tell, and therefore leave him to show by his own figuring how the thing is done. Again, “We cannot but think, however, the subscribers will get their 52 papers, and that Mr. H. thinks so too, or he would require only six months in advance.” Then, of course the Sentinel believes that Mr. Himes is a dishonest man, engaged in a swindling speculation, by preaching one thing and believing another. Again, “Mr. Himes is an amiable excellent man, and a man of considerable talent, and he doubtless believes he has the true key to the prophecies of Daniel.” Hear! Hear! In one breath Mr. H. is a knave and a hypocrite, preaching one thing and believing another, and in the next he is “an amiable excellent man,” and does believe what he preaches! Verily “God hath made foolish the wisdom of this world.” The rulers and the seers are covered with darkness, and editors, preachers, and professors, are groping their way at noon-day. HST October 19, 1842, page 36.4

S. HST October 19, 1842, page 36.5

What if it Don’t Come?—For the benefit of that class who are constantly proposing this question, we have two ready answers. 1. If it don’t come in ’43, we shall be looking up and expecting it every moment, knowing that we are right on the time. 2. We will thank God that the sinner has yet a little moment left for repentance. But what a spectacle will this world present next year, even if it don’t come! One class with uplifted heads and hearts, looking every moment for the rending of the heavens, the shout, the voice, and the trumpet, and the other class sneering and laughing at the saints, and calling them crazy fools, and while in this very posture, the Lord himself descends and settles the matter eternally, to the utter confusion and everlasting horror of the one, and to the unspeakable joy and triumphant shouts of glory of the other. But one thing we wish distinctly understood, we have no fears whatever but that the Lord will come! Oh sinner, flee for thy life! fly to Jesus, and live forever! HST October 19, 1842, page 36.6

S. HST October 19, 1842, page 36.7

“Truly the Harvest is great, but the laborers are few.”—We are receiving, daily, numerous applications from all parts of the country for lecturers upon the Second Advent. Indeed, this demand for lecturers has increased within a few days past beyond all former example. We regret that it is impossible for us to supply this demand, and can only say to our brethren, from whom these calls upon us are constantly coming, we know of no other way of meeting the present exigency than for you to purchase such publications as we have on the subject, and which contains all the arguments necessary to satisfy any candid impartial mind; and, after reading and studying these, if your ministers refuse to open their mouths and speak out on this great question, go to your honest-hearted, sound-headed laymen, and let them tell the people concerning the great event which is at the very doors. The common people are fairly aroused. It is impossible for the priesthood any longer to conceal the light. They want to hear; they want instruction; they must have it, they will have it. “The wise SHALL understand-” HST October 19, 1842, page 36.8



Prophetic Expositions

Or a connected view of the testimony of the prophets concerning the kingdom of God and the time of its establishment. By Josiah Litch. In two volumes. HST October 19, 1842, page 36.9

The above is the title of a work now in press, the first volume of which will be ready for delivery the first of next week. The second volume will be out in a few weeks. A more full account of the work will be given hereafter. There will be about two hundred pages per volume. HST October 19, 1842, page 36.10

Second Advent Meeting at Hubbardston


There will be a Second Advent Conference at Hubbardston, Mass, commencing on HST October 19, 1842, page 36.11

Tuesday the 18th inst. and continuing through the week. Bro. Skinner and Heath are expected to be present. HST October 19, 1842, page 36.12

The article headed “Second Coming of Christ” in our last number, we copied from “the Disciple,” which paper should have received credit for it. HST October 19, 1842, page 36.13

A few trifling articles, which were left on the Salem Camp-ground, have been picked up, and can be had by those to whom they belong, by calling at this office. HST October 19, 1842, page 36.14

A Short Sermon


Walls daubed with untempered mortar.”


Ezekiel 13:10. “Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace; and one built up a wall, and lo, others daubed it with untempered mortar.” HST October 19, 1842, page 36.15

May we not inquire, what these walls are which our teachers are building up, and which many are daubing with untempered mortar? I answer that they consist in whatever seduces the people of God, and publish “peace, where there is no peace.” HST October 19, 1842, page 36.16

It is something that will not be destroyed, until the last wrath of God is poured upon our ungodly world, when the wicked will be destroyed. Compare verses 11-13 with Revelation 11:18, 19; also 15:1, 16, 17-21. Read also verses 14, 15, and Isaiah 28:16-18. Compare 1 Thessalonians 5:3, and 2 Peter 3:4. Let the reader compare Isaiah 30:27-31 with Ezekiel 38:19-23; Matthew 24:37-39; Luke 17:26-30. So far then we are very confident that these walls cannot, or will not be destroyed until Christ’s Second Advent. Now, what are they? I will give you a few things which in my heart I believe these walls consist in. HST October 19, 1842, page 36.17

1. The doctrine of Universal Salvation. This is a doctrine of peace, and in the end if we find Christ comes, when the wicked are destroyed, this wall will fall to the ground, and all those who have daubed it with untempered mortar, (i. e. tried to support it by wresting Scripture from its true meaning) will fall with it, and their agreement, that there was no hell, will be disannulled, and no one afterwards will be seduced. HST October 19, 1842, page 36.18

2. The return of God’s ancient covenant people, the unbelieving Jews, and building old Jerusalem again, as taught by many, is a wall built by their vain traditions, and is crying peace, when sudden destruction cometh. Those who teach this doctrine are building up a wall between Jews and Gentiles which Christ has broken down. Ephesians 2:14. “For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;” Galatians 3:28, 29. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” John 10:16. “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. They are crying peace to the carnal Jew and seducing the people of God to believe what is not true, and to look for that which will never be accomplished; and while many will be looking for the Jews to return, the last storm of God’s wrath will sweep away their refuges of lies. HST October 19, 1842, page 36.19

Thus do the false prophets prophecy, “They will not go up into the breaches nor make up the hedge for the house of Israel, to stand in the day of the Lord,” says Ezekiel. “They have seen vanity and lying divinations, saying, The Lord saith, and the Lord hath not sent them: and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word.” Again, Ezekiel 13:9. “And my hand shall be upon the prophets that see vanity, and that divine lies; they shall not be in the assembly of my people, neither shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel, neither shall they enter into the land of Israel; and ye shall know that I am the Lord God.” Let the reader read the whole chapter, and then, let him prove, if possible, that God has promised to save all men, or to return the carnal Jew to Jerusalem again in the day of the Lord. There is no promise in the Word of God for either of these sentiments; in that day he is to gather, first the tares to be burned, which is all that doeth evil both of the Jew and also the Gentile; Romans 2:9. “Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil; of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;” And he will gather his wheat into his garner, both the Jew and the Gentile, Romans 2:10. “But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good; to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile.” We cannot be so blinded but what we must see that this doctrine of the return of the carnal Jews is blinding its thousands, and fastening the Jew in unbelief. It is a doctrine without any foundation in the Word of God, and must prove the final destruction of all who preach it, and all those who are seduced by it. Ezekiel 13:15, 16. Thus will I accomplish my wrath upon the wall, and upon them that have daubed it with untempered mortar, and will say unto you, The wall is no more, neither they that daubed it; To wit, the prophets of Israel which prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and which see visions of peace for her, and there is no peace, saith the Lord God. HST October 19, 1842, page 37.1

3. Another wall is building by the false prophets of the present day; I mean the doctrine of a thousand year’s peace, or a spiritual millennium, before the great day of the Lord shall come, and before the Judgment and separation of the wicked from among the just. God has no where promised such a time of peace in this present evil would; but the reverse. “In the world ye shall have tribulation.” Daniel 7:21, 22. “I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.” Revelation 7:14. “And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” If God has not promised such a time of peace and worldly prosperity, then those who teach the doctrine are seeing vanity and vain divination, saying, The Lord saith it, when the Lord hath not spoken. This is as plain as any fact can be demonstrated. Now examine your prophets, read if you please, your Dowlings, your Dimicks, your Folsoms, your Stuarts: and can you believe that these men, so well learned in the Scriptures, could have found one plain “Thus saith the Lord,” and not have produced it? No. If they could have produced one plain text, they would have done it long before this, and thus have set the matter at rest. We know they argue like men in doubt and darkness. They will quote to you the opinions of the learned men, and draw deductions from false premises. They criticise away plain Scripture, and make more of some texts than the language warrants; they bring no plain proof. They pray earnestly, like Baal’s prophets, that it may be as they say, and forbid God to have it any other way. See “Stuart’s Hints on Prophecy.” p. 132. The same prayer is found in Dimick’s discourse. These things prove that the prophets themselves are in doubt about this doctrine of peace, and are prophesying out of their own hearts, and they build their wall with untempered mortar (opinions of men) and by their lying prophecies, they “have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad, and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life.” This doctrine of a spiritual millennium performs all this. If the righteous are “looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ,” it makes his heart sad, to tell him that Christ will not come for a thousand years. or 360,000 years, as some say. It also strengthens the hands of the wicked, to tell him that he need not expect a judgment day until the whole world shall be evangelized; and this is one reason why the false prophets and wicked men are opposing religious excitements, as they call them; for they well know, under the present means and prospects, the world can never be evangelized, by Protestants, at least, and of course it would prevent the judgment day; therefore, the hands of the wicked are strengthened against the preaching of a judgment to come, or of the danger of sudden destruction, and thousands who have been fearful, and convicted of the truth of the day being at hand, have heard from these false prophets, “My Lord delayeth his coming,” and have gone away, and have been strenghtened in their unbelief. This doctrine, then, of peace and safety, will deceive many souls, and they will remain careless and stupid until Christ shall make his appearance in the clouds, in the glory of his Father, when they will wake up long enough to curse these false teachers, and wonder, and perish. HST October 19, 1842, page 37.2

But God will come, and will not tarry, and he will deliver all them who look for him, out of the hands of these false teachers, and they will then know who is false, and who are the true servants, who are giving meat in due season. HST October 19, 1842, page 37.3

Dear reader, I beg of you not to be deceived by these writers. They will, if possible, deceive the very elect; study your Bibles, search the Scriptures, get ready, trim your lamps, and be found waiting, “For behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him.” HST October 19, 1842, page 37.4

Yours in the blessed hope, etc.
Wm. Miller.

The following extract of a letter from a correspondent of the N. Y. Sun, at Gibralter, will show to the reader something of the state of things in the east. It is not a little singular that 1843 is looked forward to with such fearful apprehensions by thousands in the East, and that, too, without any respect for Bible testimony, touching this great subject. F. HST October 19, 1842, page 37.5

“An old college friend has returned from a two years residence in Turkey, and with the strongest sympathies in favor of the Turks, represents them as on the verge of ruin. The young Sultan is a weak slave to his pleasures, and his health is sinking under them. Some of his ablest officers seem more disposed to set up for themselves than aid in strengthening his hands. The reforms of his father, the Sultan, were too violent to be effectual as yet, and the boy-Sultan is not the one to make the best use of these innovations. Persia endangers Turkey on the north-east—farther south is a rebellous pacha almost openly in arms, and the Maronites of Syria show a formidable front of discontent. These conflicting elements can never be brought to act in concert, and might—threatening as they are—be put down in detail, if Turkey could depend on her allies. England she can hardly trust after the destruction of her fleet at Navarino, and Russia is her natural enemy, hardly more dangerous in actual war, than in her encroaching treaties of peace. The best informed Turks believe—indeed it may be said to be the popular opinion, that France and England only interfere in favor of the Syrian Christians in order to detach that province from Moslem rule. The whole line of country south of the Danube is agitated and complaining, and the standard of revolt actually raised in Servia on very slight grounds. Russia at this critical moment is blandly meditating between Turkey and Persia—not much to the advantage of Persia, it may be shrewdly guessed. She will help Turkey chastise Persia out of a free passage to the Persian Gulf—for herself, and then take a slice of Turkey to pay her for her disinterested labors. Between invasions, rebellions and allies, Turkey bids fair to realize the popular superstition that in 1843 the Christians will take Constantinople, and the Jews return in triumph to Palestine. This singular prediction, in various forms and modifications, is current along the whole coast of Barbary, as well as on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. It certainly would be a decisive step on the part of Russia, but there is no power can prevent her when the time is ripe, and since the days of Catharine it has been the settled aim and policy of Russia to drive the Turk back into Asia, and seizing the magnificent gates of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, from her throne at Constantinople dictate to Europe and the world. Mistress of the Baltic, and dividing Europe from Asia, England, with her Oriental empire and her boundless commerce, would soon hold the same timid dependence on Russian meditation that Turkey does now. Had England lain her petty jealousies aside, or rather had she possessed an English instead of a German sovereign, and stood the firm friend of Charles XII. in his efforts to bound Russian power, she would not have less cause to cringe to the Autocrat; and if her shortsighted arrogance had not tempted her to interfere between Greece and Russia, Turkey would not this day be so completely at the mercy of Russia. Elizabeth and Cromwell had given England an impetus that carried her forward in advance of her neighbors, but her German entanglements have prepared a fearful ebb to this shining tide of prosperity. In five years all men will see that Turkey is not the only nation that must descend in the scale of nations.” HST October 19, 1842, page 37.6

Result of the Second Advent Conference in Prospectville:


Brother Himes,—By request of the brethren in this place, who are looking for, and hasting unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, I take the liberty to address you and give you a short account of the state of things in this ville and vicinity, in regard to this subject. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.1

The doctrine of Christ’s second coming near, or in ’43, is here rapidly advancing. The public mind is much agitated on this question. It is the general topic of conversation and discussion, around the domestic hearth, in the street, in the conference room, and in the pulpit. It is however but a few weeks since the whole community, with the exception of a few individuals scattered through it, were all slumbering and sleeping over this momentous subject. But now, scarcely a single individual can be found but that has more or less to say about “Millerism;” either in favor of, in opposition to, or by way of enquiry, saying, “are these things so?” HST October 19, 1842, page 38.2

The conference held here week before last, commencing Wednesday, Sept. 14, and closing Sabbath evening, was rather thinly attended the first day or two, but towards the close, especially Sabbath day, and evening, the house, although of good size, was crowded with attentive hearers, many of them, we doubt not, candidly enquiring after truth. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.3

Brother Prebble blessed us with his labors through the meeting, giving us a course of eleven lectures, one in the P. M. and evening of each day through the week, reserving A. M. for conference. He spoke with power and confidence, and in such a manner as to convince all, even to the most violent opposers of the doctrine, of his sincerity and piety, at least. Brother Gates Hazen was chosen chairman of the conference. A vote was passed in the commencement by the members of the conference that all questions relative to Christ’s second advent, put by candid enquirers after the truth, should be considered and answered, but that no controversy on topics having no direct bearing on the subjuct should be allowed. This part of our meeting some of the time was deeply interesting and instructive. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.4

The prayer meetings morning and evening were well attended. The prayers of the brethren and sisters were fervent and feeling. Exhortations warm and energetic; and brotherly love abounded. Sectarianism, that driver away of the spirit of God, was put on the head of the scape goat and borne away, we hope, into the land of forgetfulness. Many of the unconverted we have seen during the meeting shedding the tears of penitence; and Sabbath P. M. a large number, by the act of rising, expressed their determination to seek religion without delay, and most of them seem to be putting their resolutions into practice. Ten or twelve are already lisping forth praises of God for redeeming love. The work is still going on. The anxious seats are filling up every evening, and the brethren are praying for and expecting a large harvest of souls. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.5

Brother Jaques, the Methodist speaker in this Ville, who for some time has been standing aloof from this doctrine, though not an opposer, has of late given the subject a thorough and candid examination, and the result is as it will be with every minister of the Gospel, who examines candidly, that he comes out boldly and decidedly in favor of this glorious doctrine, and he is now proclaiming, to the people of his charge. The Lord make him valiant for the truth. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.6

The result of the meeting, on the whole, is glorious, souls have been converted, and many have been established in the “sure word of prophecy.” There are perhaps between twenty and thirty believers in ’43, and as many believe Christ near at hand. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.7

No hostile opposition has been manifest. Most of the large congregational church, however, stand out yet. The pastor and deacons call it all delusion and fanaticism, and a greater portion of the church and parish are looking up to them as infallible guides; and when we address them on the subject, they tell us that when Mr. or Deacon such an one believes it that I shall think there is some truth in it. Poor souls! many of them, it is to be feared, think more of their pastor or Deacon than they do of their Savior. God have mercy on such, and take their idols to heaven, if need be, (for they say they are ready to go) that they may not stumble over them into perdition. Yours in the faith. D. H. Hamilton. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.8

P. S. During the conference, a committee was chosen to consider the wants of the community, and to make an appointment for another conference. They separated, appointed the next at the centre School House in this town, Prospect, near the town house, the second Friday in October. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.9

New Ipswich Camp-Meeting


Dear Brother Himes:—Our camp-meeting has just closed, I trust it has been the means of great good to the people in this vicinity. It has awakened in a great measure the sleeping virgins, and they are calling for light, and they have got much light by attending the meetings. There will be a searching for truth that the opposing clergy cannot stop by ridicule. We are about forming a Bible class, and shall want a library, please send me a list of the books you have that we may select. Affectionately, your brother in Christ. J. W. Spaulding. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.10

Sept. 30, 1840.

Fairfield, Aug. 12, 1842. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.11

Dear Bro. Himes,—I am now at home, and my health is very good. I have left the public field for a few days, in the most hurrying time. I will endeavor to give you some account of the progress of the work of God in these parts. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.12

I commenced a course of lectures on the 5th of June, at a place called Phillipsburg, within one furlong of Lake Champlain. This is a station of British soldiers. The opposition manifested on entering the place was so great, I expected to be mobbed; but the scene was soon changed. The meeting began Friday and lasted three days. The interest increased, many were soon seen in tears. The Lord was there. Bro. Hutchinson, the Episcopal Methodist, labored with all his strength. Others in the ministry were against the work; the Lord reward them. The result of the meeting was the conversion of souls; 50 or more, who are now rejoicing in the hope of the glory of God. Praise the Lord. Many more are looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.13

The next place was in the town of Montgomery, in this state. I gave them thirteen lectures; the Lord was with us in power; but not to be too particular in giving details, there were more than fifty converted. The sleeping virgins have their eyes open. Praise the Lord; and again I say, praise the Lord. The character of those converted were such that I am convinced this is the last means of grace. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.14

From this, 45 miles west of north, to a place called Clarensville, 5 miles north of Albany, in this state, I gave fifteen lectures; the meeting continued to increase in interest, and the congregations were very large. I had good evidence of the conversion of 25 or more before I left the place; and when I left, 70 or 80 were on their knees at the altar, begging for mercy. Some of these were men that have not seen the inside of that House of God for two years. I left the work in the hands of Bro. Hutchinson, a good brother indeed; the Lord be with him and bless him. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.15

Bro. H., this is my first campaign against the powers of darkness with this mighty truth, the coming of the Son of Man in 1843. We are in hopes soon to be able to take Quebec, and push our passage to the northern ocean. O the moral darkness of the world on this tremendous subject! and will the Church sleep on—will the professed sons of the Church cry peace and safety? How long, O Lord, how long? 1843, the Son hath said. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.16

E. Anderson.

Questions Answered


Messrs. Editors,—Will you have the kindness to answer a few questions, proposed for information by one who would know the truth, and is ready to declare it, could he be convinced that your theory is correct? HST October 19, 1842, page 38.17

Q. Where do you get the evidence that Popery commenced in 538? HST October 19, 1842, page 38.18

A. From various authors, showing that all which was to precede its establishment was then fulfilled; and it fell in 1260 years.—Eds. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.19

Q. Is there not as much reason to believe that it fell in 1793 as in 1798? HST October 19, 1842, page 38.20

A. No. (See Address to the Clergy, chapter 3rd.)—Eds. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.21

Q. Do you believe, as is represented, that none but those who believe with you on the advent will be finally saved? HST October 19, 1842, page 38.22

A. It is not now a test, but before it comes the wise shall understand.—Eds. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.23

A Young Preacher.

Letter from J. F. Ruggles


Brethren Himes and Litch.—Another volume of your highly interesting paper having closed, I hasten to renew my own subscription, and to forward you that of one new subscriber. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.24

I have been a constant reader of the “Signs of the Times” from its commencement, and can say, truly, that its perusal has not only been interesting to me, but profitable; and I would rather pay double the price for which you afford it, than be deprived the privilege of reading it. I am aware that it is a very efficient means, probably the most so, excepting the labors of lecturers, that has been put forth, of sounding the Cry—“Behold the bridegroom cometh.” May the Lord crown with abundant success your farther efforts to arouse the slumbering; yea, and he will do it, as he has done thus far. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.25

In the fall of 1838 Br. Miller, by request, gave a full course of Lectures, on Christ’s second coming in each of the towns of Braintree, Randolph and Brookfield, to immense crowds from all quarters in this section of country; and in spite of much opposition and more prejudice against brother Miller and his soul-animating subject, an influence was exerted, and interests were awakened in consequence of those lectures, which will tell largely on the destinies of hundreds and thousands of both old and young, when the affairs of this earth shall be forever closed up, and known only in the remembrance of the past; yea, when the heavens shall have passed away with a great noise, and the elements shall have melted with fervent heat, then, shall they, no, not they, but we, look back with grateful recollections to the time when we first heard the sound of the midnight cry. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.26

A large class of the common people in these parts, are ready to say, they know of not a straw or particle of evidence from the Bible, (and certainly not from the sign of the present times) against the very near approach of the Everlasting Kingdom; and are inclined to think that the world is soon to shake by the awful blast of the trumpet; and some are looking for next year, as being the time, yea, the set time when God will favor Zion, as being the time when the kingdoms of this world are to become the kingdoms] of our Lord and his Christ. HST October 19, 1842, page 38.27

It looks more and more plain to me, unless a large portion of prophetic scripture means nothing, and is consequently useless, which no rational mind will for a moment admit, that we are certainly closely verging upon the judgment scene, that the seventh angel is just ready to pour out his vial into the air, when there will come a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, it is done. May God hasten it in his own good time. Yours in hope of immortal life beyond the grave. HST October 19, 1842, page 39.1

East Roxbury, Vt. HST October 19, 1842, page 39.2

Letter from Charles Stevens


Dear Br. Himes,—As it is always interesting to the saints of God to hear of Zion’s prosperity, I will give a brief account of what the Lord is doing in that section where I have travelled of late. I left home on the 29th of August, to visit my native place, (Canada.) It was in that region where Bro. Miller lectured on the second coming of Christ in 1832-3. He could hardly make an impression then on the minds of the people, that was visible. But the word preached was not in vain, for there are many now that refer back to that day, and date their first awakening from his preaching. It is a time, my brother, of great interest in the Province, in regard to the second advent of the Saviour next year. Many of the first settlers say that they never saw the Canadas so shaken before; hundreds and thousands believe it, and are getting ready for it. Many wished to be remembered to Brn. Miller and Litch, and if possible, to visit them again. HST October 19, 1842, page 39.3

Yours in the hope of soon seeing Jesus.
Northampton, N. H., Oct. 4, 1842.

Spurious Liberalty—Jesuitism. The spurious liberality of the present day, which imputes bigotry and fanaticism to every faithful defender of true religion against the abominations of Romanism, is so well handled in the piece of poetry which follows, that it does not need the additional recommendation of being the production of Cowper to insure it admission into your Magazine. I find it in a note to the poem of “Expostulation,” in Southey’s edition of Cowper’s Works; and it is there stated that the passage appeared in the first edition of that poem, but that it was probably withdrawn in consequence of the author having become intimate with the amiable but Romanist family at Weston Hall. Such reason for its suppression no longer exists. And at a period when England is weak and divided at home, and (it is to be feared) despised abroad, we may well examine, as did Cowper in his day, into the causes of her decline. I need add no more remarks, for by transcribing the lines I shall show at once that all extraneous recommendation is unnecessary. H. G. HST October 19, 1842, page 39.4

Hast thou admitted with a blind fond trust,
The lie that burned thy father’s bones to dust,
That first adjudged them heretics, then sent
Their souls to heaven, and curs’d them as they went?
The lie that scripture strips of its disguise,
And execrates above all other lies;
The lie that claps a lock on mercy’s plan,
And gives the key to yon infirm old man,
Who, once ensconced in apostolic Chair,
Is deified, and sits omniscient there;
The lie that knows no kindred, owns no friend
But him that makes its progress his chief end,
That having spilt much blood makes that a boast,
And canonizes him that sheds the most?
Away with charity that soothes a lie,
And thrusts the truth with scorn and anger by!
Shame on the candor and the gracious smile
Bestowed on them that light the martyr’s pile,
While insolent disdain in frowns expressed,
Attends the tenets that endure the test!
Grant them the rights of men, and while they cease
To vex the peace of others, grant them peace;
But trusting bigots, whose false zeal has made
Treachery their duty, thou art self-betrayed.
HST October 19, 1842, page 39.5

Lond. Protestant Mag. HST October 19, 1842, page 39.6

God’s Peculiar Name.—When the Lord speaks of himself with regard to his creatures, and especially his people, he saith I am. He doth not say, I am their light, their life, their guide, their tower, or their strength, but only I am. He sets his hand, as it were, to a blank, that his people might write under it what they please, that is for their good. As if he should say, Are they weak? I am strength. Are they sick? I am health. Are they in trouble? I am comfort. Are they poor? I am riches. Are they dying? I am life. Have they nothing? I am all things. I am justice and mercy. I am grace and goodness. I am glory, beauty, holiness, eminency, supremacy, perfection, all-sufficiency, eternity, Jehovah. I am whatsoever is suitable to their nature, or convenient for them in their several conditions. I am whatsoever is amiable in itself, or desirable to their souls; whatsoever is pure and holy, whatsoever is great and pleasant, whatever is good, and needful to make shem happy, that I am. So that, in short. God represents himself unto us, as one universal good, and leaves us to make the application to ourselves, according to our several wants, capacities, and desires; he saying only in general, I am.” [Bishop Beveridge. HST October 19, 1842, page 39.7

Circulation of the Bible.—It is truly cheering to learn what has been done towards giving the Bible to the world. More than 25,000 associations have been formed in protestant countries, whose direct object is the translation and circulation of the sacred volume. Since 1804, 25,000,000 copies or portions of Scripture have been put in circulation. The translating already made in 164 different languages, if sufficiently circulated, will give them to 750,000,000 of mankind. The scriptures may now be offered to three-fourths of the human family. During three hundred and fifty years previous to 1800, they were translated into 67 different languages and dialects. In 42 years since, they have been translated into 97. HST October 19, 1842, page 39.8

The Pope sustained by Austrian Bayonets.—We cut the following from an article of a correspondent of the N. Y. Observer. We think it is true with the exception of the “educated Jesuits;” they cling to the Pope.—Eds. HST October 19, 1842, page 39.9

“The present state of feeling in Italy is far more favorable than our countrymen generally suppose. That country is often viewed as one of the darkest places of the earth: because from it superstition, ignorance, immorality and false principles have been extended to other countries. It is, however, a remarkable fact, that there are multitudes of Italians who scorn the intellectual chains which many other people choose to wear, and utterly reject the doctrines which are elsewhere preached as peculiarly Italian. HST October 19, 1842, page 39.10

It is difficult, for example, to find an educated Italian who is not an open opponent of the Pope: and, if the cause of his opposition is asked for, the answer is, “We know him too well to love or approve. Go to Rome, and you will learn why we wish the papacy overthrown. It is the great foe of our country, and every man sees how it acts against his own individual happiness. It has not a hook left to hang upon except the bayonets of Austria; and if the principle of non-intervention were extended to Italy to-day, to-morrow there would be no Pope. HST October 19, 1842, page 39.11

The Rev. J. Blanchard, an able Orthodox Presbyterian clergyman of Cincinnati, proposes to give a series of disoourses to his church on the following topics: HST October 19, 1842, page 39.12

1. Did Christ, before his crucifixion, and the Apostles afterwards, give great prominence in their preaching to his second coming? HST October 19, 1842, page 39.13

2. Will Christ again personally appear on earth? HST October 19, 1842, page 39.14

3. May we know, beforehand, the time when Christ will appear? HST October 19, 1842, page 39.15

4. Are any predicted events to precede his coming? HST October 19, 1842, page 39.16

5. What predicted events are to attend it? HST October 19, 1842, page 39.17

6. What events are to result from it? i. e., What will he do when he comes? HST October 19, 1842, page 39.18

7. What duties have we growing out of his coming? HST October 19, 1842, page 39.19

At this particular time, when so much interest is awakened upon the subject, a faithful and proper discussion of such topics as these might do great good, and would doubtless serve to settle the minds, confirm the hopes, and comfort the hearts of numbers. Would it not be well for clergymen generally to adopt the course pursued by Mr. Blanchard? HST October 19, 1842, page 39.20

West. Reserve Cab. HST October 19, 1842, page 39.21

Learn of the Heathen.—It is said that in the city of Canton, China, there are 124 heathen temples, 2000 priests, and 1000 nuns. No less than 100,000 pounds are expended annually for the support of these priests and various religious rites in this single city; a sum equal to one-sixth of the entire amount paid by the whole Christian world for the conversion of the heathen. If, like the bee, we are wise to gather honey from every flower, we shall learn a useful lesson from this instance of heathen sacrifice. If deluded heathen will contribute thus, what should the followers of Christ think of their sacrifices? HST October 19, 1842, page 39.22

More Praise.—Rev. George Storrs was formerly a distinguished minister in the old Methodist Church. He was bigotedly attached to all of its peculiarities; but on the slave question he fell into collission with the bishops and authorities of that church, and finally, in a dudgeon, left it, not well considering what he was about. He soon became unsettled in all religion, and became an annihilationist. His course has been strange. The Methodist Protestant church in Albany had been very unfortunate in getting a minister. They understood Mr. Storrs to be a good man, and hired him. They bore with his aberrations, but have suffered by them. We however learn that his last freak in swallowing Millerism has discouraged them. Some principal members cannot continue to hear him. It is thought he will have to leave town. We regret to see such a man go down, but such vascillating would ruin any man, or any man’s congregation. We know not what will become of the little society. They are peculiarly unfortunate in ministers. Olive Branch. HST October 19, 1842, page 39.23

What the Scriptures Teach


The Scriptnres teach us that man, after having been created upright, by God, became disobedient, and sinned against Him: and in consequence, was driven out from that happy state, that garden of Paradise, in which he was first placed by hts Maker. And “was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of Him, who hath subjected the same in hope; because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” But it was not man alone, that suffered in this fall; for the ground was cursed for his sake, and all that dominion that was given him, suffered in common with its Lord. And Paul speaking further, says: “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travailetn in pain together until now, and not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even as ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.” Romans 8. HST October 19, 1842, page 40.1

Man, having thus been lawfully disinherited, was yet the subject of God’s love and mercy: therefore it is said that, “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. And promises were made from time to time, and they which believed became heirs through faith of everlasting life. And Paul, speaking of them which believed, (after having named some of them,) says, “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For hey that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country,” “a better country, that is a heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he hath prepared for them a city.” And again, (speaking of Abraham) “For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God:” doubtless that city which John saw coming down from God out of heaven, to the new earth, having twelve foundations, etc. Revelation 21. These promises could not have been the land of Canaan; which was only a type of the eternal rest: for Paul, speaking further of some of them who had a temporary residence in that and, said, “they were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword; they wandered about in sheep-skins and goat-skins; being destitute, afflicted tormented; (of whom the world was not worthy;) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains and in dens and caves of the earth. And these all having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise, God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.” Hebrews 11. Neither shall “we, which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, prevent them which are asleep.” 1 Thessalonians 4:15. HST October 19, 1842, page 40.2

It is evident then, that this is not our home, but Christ having once come, and suffered for our sins, “The just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the spirit.” (that is raised from the dead.) 1 Peter 3:18. “Unto them that look for him, shall he appear the second time, without (suffering for) sin unto salvation.” Hebrews 9:28. Are we looking for him, as we should, are we troubled at his absence; Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am there ye may be also.” John 14:1-3. Let this, then, be our hope, let this be our desire. How great and glorious are the promises of God, to them that believe! I will bless and praise his holy name! And I hope to praise him forever, in the mansions of glory. Can there be any motive wanting? “O! that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men.” HST October 19, 1842, page 40.3



Let us preach too, the “gospel of the kingdom,” the good news of the kingdom. “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14. Not with a promise that all nations should be converted, but “for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come.” I know of no nation, to whom the gospel has not been preached, except it be the interior of Africa. And to this it is hoped, the mission recently sent out to Mendi, will be enabled to preach the “gospel of the kingdom.” If this be the fact why should we not look for the end soon to come. Let me therefore cease “not to warn every one, night and day with tears. And to commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.” O! my brethren, I cannot say that I rejoice, when I view that day in all its aspects, (though I believe it is near.) I tremble at his word! For I read that it is a “dreadful day,” and a “terrible day.” If Jesus in the days of his flesh, was a “man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.” If he was “grieved at the hardness of their hearts” to whom he preached; and if “he wept over Jerusalem, that devoted city, knowing what awaited it, have we not cause to be sober, and watch unto prayer. Some of us may have children who have married the ungodly, like Lot in Sodom; who may not be entreated more than they. We may entreat now to turn to God: but when “the Sun of Righteousness” shall arise; Malachi 4:2. we must like him, “go forth,”,” and be admonished not to “look behind,” but, “remember Lot’s wife.” Luke 17:32. If the destruction of Sodom was made a type of the end of this world; and God did not hide that “thing” from Abraham, we may believe that the faithful at the “time of the end,” will understand; even as Daniel wrote, “the wise shall understand;” not by a new revelation, but they “shall understand” his holy word, and be taught by his spirit. W. B. HST October 19, 1842, page 40.4

To be Continued. HST October 19, 1842, page 40.5

Erratum. Please correct a typographical error in my exposition on the 24th of Matthew, Vol. 3rd, No 24, page 106. In speaking of those who saw the dark day, which was the beginning of certain signs, instead of 12 years since, it should read 62 years since, etc. HST October 19, 1842, page 40.6

Joel Spaulding.

A meeting in the Great Tent,


At Newark, N. J. Nov. 3

Arrangements have been made for pitching the great Tabernacle in the city of Newark, N. J. on the 3rd of Nov. 1842. The meeting to continue eight or ten days. HST October 19, 1842, page 40.7

Mr. Wm. Miller, Rev. J. Litch, J. V. Himes and others are expected to be present and will show, from the Word of God, the manner and object of Christ’s Second Coming, together with the reasons for expecting him in 1843. All who love the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, are affectionately invited to rally at this feast of Tabernacles. Our time is growing shorter and shorter each day, and what is to be done must be soon done. HST October 19, 1842, page 40.8

The great object of the meeting is, like those which have already been held, to arouse both the church and the world to a sense of their peril, by sounding the midnight cry. HST October 19, 1842, page 40.9

The meeting is to be held on the corner of Mulberry and Camp-streets, in the south part of the city. Carriages will be in readiness at the steamboat wharf, and rail-road depot, to carry people to the camp-ground for 6 1-4 cents. Fare from N. Y. by steam-boat, from the foot of Barclay St., 12 1-2 cts. Fare by rail-road, 25 cts. Arrangements will be made for boarding strangers on very reasonable terms. HST October 19, 1842, page 40.10

L. D. Fleming, A. Flavel,
S. H. Waynright, C. Merchant Com



In Benson, Vt. Oct. 20

A tabernacle meeting is to commence in BENSON, Vt. the 20th inst. It is to be held about 2 miles from the lake, where the steam boat calls twice a day. Friends in the vicinity are earnestly invited to furnish themselves with tents and provisions, together with a quantity of bed-clothes, and encamp on the ground. Provision has been made, however, for boading on the ground for about $1,50 per week. Per order of the committee of arrangements. HST October 19, 1842, page 40.11



In Orleans, Mass. Nov. 15

There will be a Second Advent Conference held in the Methodist Meeting House in Orleans, Mass. to commence Nov. 15th. The design of this meeting, like all others of the kind, is to give the Midnight Cry, and to save souls, and build up the Church of Christ to be ready to welcome Christ when he comes in 1843. This meeting is not to be one of controversy, but to listen to the solemn truths of the gospel, and apply it to our own hearts. It will commence Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock; We invite all who attend to hear candidly this all-important subject, both preacher and people, without distinction of sect, and to come without prejudice, but with prayerful hearts, that great good may be done. James Bickwell. HST October 19, 1842, page 40.12

Oct. 14, 1842. HST October 19, 1842, page 40.13



Received up to Oct. 17. From P. M. So. Glastenbury, Ct. North Fairfax, Vt. Stillwater, N.Y. Milford, Mass. East Medway, Mass. Westfield, N. Y. York, Me. E. Haddam, Ct. New Market, N. H. Plymouth, Ms. Franklin, Ind. Deerfield, N. H. Charlestown, Mass. Centre Barnstead, N. H. Cape Vincent, N. Y. Vergennes, Vt. Low Hampton, N. Y. Hartford, Ct. Poguonuck, Ct. Essex, Vt. La Porte, Ind. Mickernesville, Ct. Greenville, N. York, New England Village, Mass. Derby Line, Vt. W. Boylston, Ms. Saco, Me. Attica, N. Y. Panton, Vt. So. Glastenbury, Ct. Westfield, Mass. So. Glastenbury, Ct, Starksboro, Vt. HST October 19, 1842, page 40.14

From H. H. Smith, Wm. Bannon, T. Lincoln, Chester Field, Jr. Horatio Robbins, Mark R. Hopkins, Wm. Miller, C. Morley, H. Gould Charles Stevens, H. Fleming, C. H. Stillwell, R. E. Ladd, B. W. S. Caldwell, P. T. Kenney, A. Andrews, G. S. Miles, L. C. Collins, C. S. Brown, Stephen D. Bickford, Rodney Gage, R. Parker, C. Morley, E. Miller. O. S. P. HST October 19, 1842, page 40.15

Books Sent


One bundle to H. Gould, Templeton, Mass. HST October 19, 1842, page 40.16