Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 4

October 12, 1842

Vol. IV.—No. 4. Boston, Whole No. 76


Joshua V. Himes & Josiah Litch, Editors. Office No. 14 [Terms—$1 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance.] Devonshire Street, Boston

Review of Stuart’s Hints on Prophecy.—No. IV


The 2300 days of Daniel 8:14. HST October 12, 1842, page 25.1

Prof. Stuart says, “In the vision seen by Daniel, as there related, one angel inquires of another, ‘How long the sanctuary and the host are given to be trodden under foot?’ The answer is ‘To 2300 days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” P. 93. But according to Daniel the question was “How long shall be the vision concerning the daily? etc.” Prof. S. admits that there are 2300 entire days, and he finds their commencement by reckoning back from the cleansing of the sanctuary by Judas Maccabees; he says, “Counting back from this as the terminus ad quern of the 2300 days, we come to Aug. 5th of the year B. C. 171.” P. 96. And yet he has shown nothing, nor attempted to show any thing, which occurred Aug. 5, 171 B. C. to mark the commencement of those days. He has, therefore, failed to prove a single instance in Daniel where a prophetic period of days was fulfilled in literal days, neither does he claim an instance where he has thus proved it. He has attempted to show that the 1260, the 1290, the 1335, and the 2300 days were all fulfilled in Antiochus. And although he has made copious extracts from his history, yet he has not attempted to show a comparison between the various particulars of these prophecies, and the incidents in his history which were a fulfilment of them. The neglect to do that, and the failure in proving a fulfilment in literal days, must entirely strip his reasoning, on these points, of anything which can, in the least, substantiate it. That the 2300 days are not literal days, is evident from the fact that the vision was to be but 2300 days; for the question was not how long shall be a part of the vision, but, How long shall be the vision? The 2300 days must, therefore, include the whole of the Grecian kingdom, with its division into four parts, besides a part of the Persian empire, and “the little horn.” Now, if it could be proved that the “little horn” was Antiochus, the vision must reach from the Persian empire to his death; and as that event occurred 168 years after the subversion of that empire, it would prove that the vision was not fulfilled in 2300 literal days; and that, therefore, the days are to be considered as years. These days are further proved to be years in the 9th chapter, where the angel told Daniel to understand the matter and consider the vision; and as there was no other vision, the vision of the 2300 days must be the vision which he was to understand. He then gave him 70 weeks, which history and chronology prove to have been fulfilled in 490 years, as many years as there are days in 70 weeks; and therefore the 2300 days must be fulfilled in 2300 years, and must begin with the decree to build Jerusalem 457 B. C., or the communication to Daniel could give him no understanding respecting the vision. HST October 12, 1842, page 25.2

The little horn is, however, proved not to be Antiochus, as it was to “stand up against the Prince of princes;” and Antiochus died 164 years before the Prince of princes was born. The little horn was also to come out of one of the four horns, whereas Antiochus was one of the four horns, and therefore could not be the fifth horn. On the other hand, every particular of the little horn can be shown to be fulfilled in the history of pagan and papal Rome. It rose in Europe out of that part of Alexander’s empire which belonged to the Macedonian horn. It stood before the church to devour the infant Saviour as soon as he was born. Revelation 12:4; Matthew 2:13, 16; and finally nailed Him to the accursed tree. It took away the daily pagan rites in Rome in A. D. 538, and in A. D. 598 it set up the abominations of papal desolations and has trodden under foot not only the sanctuary of God, but his people. This little horn is described in 8:23, as “a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences;” and this so perfectly accords with the description of the Romans in Deuteronomy 28:49; “a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand, a nation of fierce countenance,” that, it will, almost of itself, prove the identity of the two powers. And the application of this abomination of desolations, to the Romans by our Saviour, Matthew 24:15, whatever may be said to the contrary, must go far to prove the correctness of this interpretation. Prof. S., however, seems to think that it was only intended that the reader should be warned “by the parenthetic (let him who readeth consider) that the original words of the prophet were not intended to have such an application as is made of them by the interpreters in question, but only that they described events of altogether a similar nature. As of old, when Antiochus invaded Jerusalem, and the temple, the pious Jews fled into the wilderness; so now, when the Roman power invades Judea with purposes of destruction, Christians should flee to the mountains, etc.” P. 102. He says, “Perhaps even more than half of the fulfilments spoken of in the New Testament, are of a like character,” but if this principle is once admitted, it will be very easy to show that there is not a single exception; and that all the fulfilments in the New, are only occurrences like those which are recorded in the Old Testament!! HST October 12, 1842, page 25.3

If, in order to show the fulfilment of a prediction, it is necessary to show no more agreement between the two, than is exhibited in the work under review, it must surely be an easy task to show the fulfilment of any prophecy, and at almost any period of the world’s history; for there is no prediction but that more than one instance can be shown, where there was a resemblance to some one feature of the prediction; or that it occurred in about the predicted time. The history of Antiochus must be regarded by those who oppose the doctrine of the Second Advent, as quite a god-send, and windfall; otherwise they would have been at a great loss to dispose of many prophecies, which he has now to shoulder. This application of prophecy to him makes him a more conspicuous person in prophecy, than any nation or individual spoken of in the world’s history; for these interpreters make all prophecy point to him. The idea is in itself ridiculous; but its absurdity is past all endurance, when the sticklers for such an interpretation can show so few points of comparison, in which the predictions and fulfilments are claimed to agree. HST October 12, 1842, page 25.4

We have now passed over his “Hints” on Daniel’s prophecy, and in our next shall proceed to the Apocalypse. B. HST October 12, 1842, page 25.5

A Drowning Man will catch at a Straw


Bro. Himes & Litch:—I send you here what I consider a remarkable fulfilment of the old adage, A DROWNING MAN WILL CATCH AT A STRAW. HST October 12, 1842, page 25.6

In the Zion’s Herald, and Wesleyan Journal, No. 34 1842, I find the following remarks (in substance) from the pen of Wm. H. Brewster. He says: I wish to call your attention to two publications, just issued from the press, on the prophecy of Daniel, calculated, if the community will read them, to do great good. We are out at sea, the storm is raging, the waves of excitement are rolling high, while men’s hearts are failing them for fear. And all this is but the beginning, God only knows the end, (he says) I confess I have fears. In a few short months, we are told from the pulpit and the press, the closing scene will come, and that which some have presumption enough to affirm, none can deny; Christ may come in 1843, and, for aught we know, in’42, etc. HST October 12, 1842, page 25.7

The two works are from the pen of Prof. Stuart, of Andover, and N. S. Folsom, of Haverhill, pastor of the Unitarian Church. HST October 12, 1842, page 25.8

Brother Brewster, in the remainder of his communication, extols these works very highly, especially Mr. Folsom’s; says he has displayed great historical learning and research, while he shows the historical inaccuracies of Mr. Miller, and his followers, and copyists, (he further says) that neither of these learned gentlemen find the Roman kingdom in the four beasts of Daniel; but the successors of Alexander. HST October 12, 1842, page 25.9

And finally, Bro. Brewster, as though he had found a perfect antidote for his fears, and the fears of others, exclaims, “Brethren, friends, obtain these works and read them, do it immediately, let edition after edition be called for. HST October 12, 1842, page 25.10

Now I have read a number of Bro. Brewster’s communications, within a year or two past, wherein he has labored much to overthrow Mr. Miller’s arguments, as advocated by others; and one of his chief arguments that Mr. Miller’s views were not correct was, that his dates were too early, especially the one fixing the rise of Popery with civil power in 538. Bro. Brewster had conceded that the time, and times, and dividing of time, for its reign was 1260 years, but he laborod to show from history that the Pope had his civil power conferred upon him at a much later date. HST October 12, 1842, page 25.11

Now it seems to me that Bro. Brewster catches at and recommends these works, with an eargerness that proves them to be the last resort, the last remedy for the excitement and fear that Christ is coming. And some that say My Lord delayeth his coming, are following his advice in getting and reading the books; I therefore thought I would see what this great antidote consisted of. HST October 12, 1842, page 25.12

I accordingly went to the Book Store and obtained Mr. Folsom’s work, and read it through; and I send you the amount of all the arguments contained in it, that come in contact with the coming of Christ at hand. HST October 12, 1842, page 26.1

It is a laborious work of 231 octavo pages, commenting on the book of Daniel, beautifully written, as to its style, following the track of most commentators on the prophecies of Daniel in respect to the four universal monarchies or kingdoms, until he comes down to where the Roman kingdom is brought to view; and then, with the apparent object of destroying the idea that Daniel’s vision reaches down to the end of time, and destroying what he says, is technically called Millerism, he goes back and professes to find the fourth kingdom in the description of the Grecian kingdom; or in other words, the fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly, having great iron teeth; in the person of the leopard having four wings, and four heads, denoting the four divisions of the Grecian empire, Daniel 7:6, the same as the he goat, Daniel 8:5-21, having four notable horns, after the great horn was broken, which was explained by the angel to be the first king. HST October 12, 1842, page 26.2

Now does not Bro. Brewster see, cannot every common school boy see, that (according to Mr. Folsom’s own theory, beast meaning kingdom, and horns races of kings,) in order for the great horn on the he goat to be the first king, there must be succeeding kings, denoted by the four notable horns; but Mr. Folsome makes Alexander the first and the last king, or horn of the he goat, and the kingdom of his four generals, the fourth kingdom (although Alexander divided the kingdom, and gave them their dominion himself.) Thus he makes the four notable horns constitute the fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, but yet he has not informed us out of what those notable horns grew; (and we cannot see what kind of a beast four horns would make.) HST October 12, 1842, page 26.3

He next traces the race of kings of one of the four horns, from Seleucus till he comes to Antiochus Epiphanes, and in him he professes to have found a character that fits the little horn in the 7th and 8th chapters of Daniel, and also the feet of Nebuchadnezzar’s image, in the second chapter. HST October 12, 1842, page 26.4

Yea, with Mr. Folsom, Antiochus is the feet and last of all earthly kingdoms described in the book of Daniel;—the most blasphemous, anti-christian, persecuting power, any where described in the sacred oracles, a power that continued (as he would have it) till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit—the Judgment was set and the books were opened, a power that made war with the saints, and prevailed against them, until the Ancient of days came, and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom—a power whose singular end was—smitten by a stone cut out without hands,—body destroyed and given to the burning flame,—broken without hands, etc., see Daniel 7:8. All other persons were broken with hands. HST October 12, 1842, page 26.5

What next? Why, of course having gotten down to the end of all earthly kingdoms described in the book of Daniel, the time has come for setting up the everlasting kingdom by the God of Heaven, the time has come for the saints of the Most High to take the kingdom and possess the kingdom for ever, even forever and ever. Daniel 7:18. The time when the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the Saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him; v. 27. Yea, the very time is come for the stone that was cut out without hands to smite the image on the feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces, Daniel 2:34; and at that time, according to the next verse, was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors, and the wind carried them away, so that no place was found for them. Well, in accordance, Mr. Folsom asserts:—That new power, so efficacious, was Christianity. That new kingdom, was the Christian Church, of which Jesus Christ was made the head, when God raised him from the dead; and that, as matter of fact, Christianity made its beginning in the kingdom of the seleucida, the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch, he says: HST October 12, 1842, page 26.6

IT SMOTE THE COLOSSAL KINGDOM OF EVIL ON ITS FEET, and that the words of the prophet have been literally fulfilled,—I will overturn, overturn, overturn it, and it shall be no more until he come whose right it is, and I will give it him. Ezekiel 21:27. And further: to make it plain that all these things are fulfilled, Mr. Folsom says: “Now, as matter of fact, we know that it was the Roman armies that destroyed the fourth kingdom; (and this he has shown in his work to have been done long before the christian era; that is, his fourth kingdom.) Thus Mr. F. has found the fifth kingdom, long before the setting up of God’s kingdom: one more than Daniel saw. HST October 12, 1842, page 26.7

What an overwhelming argument to Bro. Brewster, that Mr. Miller is not right in his views that the Roman kingdom is brought to view in Daniel’s vision: and that he himself has not been right in his former arguments against Mr. Miller. HST October 12, 1842, page 26.8

Mr. Folsom having now run down in his history, and found the last end of the indignation; he takes the 2300 literal days, Daniel 8. and fixes the last end of them at a certain cleansing of the Jewish temple (sanctuary) recorded in Maccabees, and by measuring them backwards on his history, proves plainly that the end came at the time appointed. He then takes 1290 days, and the 1335 days, Daniel 12., and with great labor shows us that the 1290 days ended with the cleansing of the sanctuary—the 45 extra days embraced in the other number, would reach up to the time when the sanctuary was fully cleansed, as a season of great blessedness to all that had waited. HST October 12, 1842, page 26.9

The time, times, and dividing of time, Daniel 7., is brought on to the same ground somehow, so that all these numbers together are made to cover the whole of the abomination of desolation, spoken of by the prophet Daniel: let him that is afraid that Christ may come get Mr. Folsom’s work, and read for himself. HST October 12, 1842, page 26.10

Mr. F. in commentating on “Seventy weeks are determined,” Daniel 9., says, the literal reading is, “Cut off—from an indefinite space of time,” (not from the vision) yet he has not shown us what sense there is in cutting a definite space of time from an indefinite space. HST October 12, 1842, page 26.11

But how, it may be asked, has Mr. Folsom come at these results? He has informed us in the preface to his work, that the order in commentary, beginning with the first of the book to be interpreted and proceeding through to the last; has been sacrificed to what he thinks to be, in this instance, the true and philosophical mode of interpretation; it is this, to investigate the last prophecies first; and especially the eleventh chapter—then the eighth, then the seventh, then the second: from thence, he thinks the way is open to chapter ninth, and chapter twelfth; this is Mr. Folsom’s philosophical mode of interpretation; and it seems to me, to be just parallel, (in the way he has carried it out,) to the philosphical instructions one man gave another to build a chimney, commencing at the top; which was, to hold one brick, then stick another to it; and any philosophical mind can see by reading Mr. Folsom’s work, that he has not reared his edifice higher than his own head. HST October 12, 1842, page 26.12

He has accordingly taken the 11th chapter first and applied the most of that part of it, that alludes to the Roman government, to Antiochus Epiphanes; and as he asserts, the 11th chapter brings us down no farther than Antiochus; by his continual reference to it, he makes it a proof text, that the Roman kingdom is no where brought to view in Daniel, except incidentally,—and that Mr. Miller is not right, (he says) every one must feel the unexampled transition from Antiochus to the Pope of Rome, or to Napoleon Bonaparte,—and that Jesus Christ is not the Prince of the covenant: because Antiochus is the vile person, and not Tiberius, immediately after whose reign he was crucified, etc. HST October 12, 1842, page 26.13

Finally, Mr. Folsom has taken all the prophecies in the book of Daniel, that relate to any persecuting anti-christian power, even up to the time of trouble, when Daniel should stand in his lot, (Daniel 12.) and wound them all up around Antiochus Epiphanes; and I have no doubt he could as fairly have proved that the woman sitting on the scarlet-colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns, Revelation 17., was the same Antiochus. HST October 12, 1842, page 26.14

But to proceed: Mr. Folsom makes almost every thing spoken of in Daniel a vision of the chapter where it is mentioned; thus we have the vision against the king of the south in the eleventh chapter, and when he comes to the ninth, he calls it the vision of the seventy weeks; and it is obvious that this is done to prevent the ninth chapter being made to explain the time given in the eighth chapter, for the length of the vision, every person can see that there is no vision in chapter ninth, except the seeing of the angel Gabriel, that came to make Daniel understand the vision in which he had seen him previously; compare Daniel 8:16; 9:21. HST October 12, 1842, page 26.15

The remainder of Mr. Folsom’s arguments against Mr Miller, and his coadjutors, as he calls them, are assertions of his own. Thus he asserts that the great moral drama of this world will not be closed until the Jews shall be introduced to bow the knee to Jesus, and confess he is Lord to the glory of God the Father; that they will become a christian people, and even again a nation in Palestine; and that even this is foretold in the Scriptures, both of the Old and New Testaments, as plainly as any thing written by inspired men, but yet he has quoted no Scripture to support the assertion; neither can he quote any that can be made to support it. HST October 12, 1842, page 26.16

Again, he asserts, That the words “daily sacrifice,” are in the original,—the perpetual, and he makes it read: the sacrifice continually offered morning and evening; and yet he knows the word sacrifice is not in the original. He asserts of most of Mr. Miller’s arguments, that they are contrary to scripture usage—and although he says much of Scripture usage in his work, he has not informed us what it is, we think he must mean, according to his work, that it is to begin at the last end and proceed backwards. HST October 12, 1842, page 26.17

Finally, Mr. F., on two of the last pages of his work, has called up about all the numbers and historical dates used by Mr. Miller and his coadjutors in reference to the book of Daniel. And then asserts, all these calculations are utterly without the sanction of scriptural usage, says that this open sesame number, 508, cannot be found any where in history; but owes its existence to the mere cabalistic authority of those who make so much of it;—and that 538 makes even less for them;—and that 1798 has less plausibility than either; he says:—the Papal dominions are wider and stronger now than they were then; and then he introduces one English writer to prove that the church of Rome was constantly on the decline during the eighteenth century: with all this positive proof that Papacy did not at this time lose its civil power over the lives of its subjects, (as Mr. Miller thinks, and almost every body knows,) he then adds: So utterly do Mr. Miller and his associates stumble at noon day, over the plainest facts in the world;—and all these declamations are with as much apparent sangfroid, as though Mr. F. really thought that Mr. Miller and his associates had never studied history as well as himself, and did not know what they were talking about; but he had better say, Woe, woe to him that attempts to apply any Scripture Prophecy to any historical date this side Antiochus Epiphanes, it would cost him less trouble. HST October 12, 1842, page 27.1

The foregoing are the only legitimate deductions that can be drawn from Mr. Folsom’s work, to answer the purpose for which we have it recommended, viz: as a quietus for the raging of the storm, and the waves of excitement, and the fears of men whose hearts are failing them, in consequence of the doctrine that Christ is coming, and that the closing scene of earthly kingdoms will be in 1843, in which fears Bro. Brewster seems to have great sympathy. I acknowledge Mr. F.s’ work, by his lengthy dissertations and pleasing style, is calculated to beguile and bewilder the uninformed and sceptical. But it will never answer the purpose alluded too. No person, that has a common understanding of the Bible, and loves it, will throw by the precious book of Daniel that agrees so harmoniously with the Revelation and the other prophets;)as they would an old Almanac, just because Mr. F. has found such a character as Antiochus, and would have us believe that it was all fulfilled more than 1800 years past. HST October 12, 1842, page 27.2

But the most astonishing circumstance is, that Bro. Brewster, (occupying the standing he does, as a professed minister of the gospel,) should turn any way, and recommend any thing, to evade arguments that he cannot overthrow, or the conclusion of those arguments drawn from Scripture, viz: the end of all temporal things is at hand, and will come in’43; while, at the same time, he publicly declares that, for aught he knows, it may be so, and even sooner; Christ may come in’42. O, how long will professed watchmen not cease to throw darkness, because, as they say, we have no light to give you. How long shall the common people look to them and ask, Watchman, what of the night? and they answer, Read Mr. Folsom’s history of Antiochus. O, how long will they cry out, Excitement and fear, because many are obeying the strict command of their Saviour in lifting up their heads and rejoicing, knowing that their redemption draweth near, by seeing the signs. How long will they prove by their opposition that their hearts say, My Lord delayeth his coming; and yet say I am watching and waiting and ready, as some of them do? Surely, they are not aware that Christ will come next year, and if he should come next year, will it not be unawares to them? HST October 12, 1842, page 27.3

As many of your readers have seen Bro. Brewster’s communication, and have heard much of Mr. Folsom’s book, I wish you to give these remarks an insertion in your paper; with the understanding that I alone am responsible for the style of writing, and the validity of my remarks; and if Bro. Brewster or Folsom should take exception at them, I will endeavor to set them right. Richard Walker. HST October 12, 1842, page 27.4

Portsmouth, Sept. 25, 1842. HST October 12, 1842, page 27.5

The Day Star


We noticed in our last a change in the character of the Uticanian. The Editor now issues a weekly, double the size of the triweekly, called the Day-Star. The Editor copies largely from the Millenarian, and from the Signs of the Times.—Which view of the prophecies he finally settles down upon, remains to be seen. We bid him welcome, in this wide and glorious field of investigation, and hope he will be found to stand erect.—Amer. Millenarian. HST October 12, 1842, page 27.6

To the above hope we respond, Amen. We hope, too, that grace will be given us, whereby we shall be enabled to stand; and that, following the direction of our beloved brother Paul, by “taking unto us the whole armor of God, we may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” And therefore our prayer is that we may “do nothing through strife or vain glory; but in lowliness of mind to esteem others better than ourself.” But we cannot as yet see with the Millenarian that there is to be a restoration of the natural Jews to the land of Palestine. We can find no promise in the whole Bible to that effect. The promises are proffered to the spiritual seed—to the household of faith. The promises are all yea and amen in Christ. We find no promise to anybody, either Jew or Gentile, out of Christ. The Jew must believe ere he can be blessed with faithful Abraham, and so must the Gentile. There is no distinction. “God is no respecter of persons.” Peter was made to understand this when he was sent to the house of Cornelius. Faith unites us to Christ, and Paul says, “If ye be Christ’s, then are you Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Faith renders the Gentile believer a Jew—“an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile.” And it is, we believe, this faithful, holy nation, the whole Israel of God, who will be restored, not to the land of Palestine in Asia, but to the “new heaven and the new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness,” to the holy city, the new Jerusalem, which John saw “coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” HST October 12, 1842, page 27.7




Scoffer.—What if it don’t come in 1843? HST October 12, 1842, page 27.8

Christian.—I’ll continue to do just what I am now doing, viz. patiently wait till it does come; knowing assuredly that it is so near that I may expect it every hour. HST October 12, 1842, page 27.9

S.—Ha, ha, ha; you Milerites can creep out of a small hole. HST October 12, 1842, page 27.10

C.—Perhaps so; but my dear man can you tell me what you will do if it does come? HST October 12, 1842, page 27.11

S.—Oh I’ll risk his coming. I don’t believe a word about it. It’s all humbug; besides it has been proved false by some of our ablest preachers. HST October 12, 1842, page 27.12

C.—Yes, so I learn; I hear daily, also, infidels, drunkards, and profane swearers, cursing and declaiming against the Lord’s appearing, and pronouncing it a fable. I suppose you add their testimony to that of your worldly-minded, salary-loving, able preachers, and thus manage to quiet your fears and pacify your conscience. HST October 12, 1842, page 27.13

S.—I think that men who are familiar with Greek and Hebrew, the original tongues from which the scriptures were translated, know as much about these matters as Miller does, who is an unlearned man. HST October 12, 1842, page 27.14

C.—Do you not think, also, that Paul spake truth when he said, “God hath made foolish the wisdom of this world?” And again, his declaration that “not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called: but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are.” Does this look as if none but Greek scholars, or men of learning, could understand the things pertaining to the kingdom of Christ? HST October 12, 1842, page 27.15

S.—No, I cannot say that it does; but I don’t see why it is so. HST October 12, 1842, page 27.16

C.—Well, read the next sentence, following the passage already quoted, and the apostle will tell you why, viz: “That no flesh should glory in his presence.” So you perceive that God’s design in this arrangement is, utterly to demolish all human pride, and cause man to feel that he is totally dependent on the Lord for salvation. HST October 12, 1842, page 27.17

S.—There is something very strange about this. However, I think I’ll read the Bible for myself, and see if I can learn anything there; for the truth is, I have not read the Bible much since I was a boy. HST October 12, 1842, page 27.18

C.—That’s a good resolve. Inquire into the matter for yourself; and then your faith will not stand upon evidence afforded to other minds, but upon that which you have derived from the word of God.—Day Star. HST October 12, 1842, page 27.19

Preservation of the Scriptures


The narrative which follows is extracted from the life of Mr. Campbell, the African missionary traveller. It contains a fact, probably unknown to most of our readers, and will be as delightful to the Christian, as it is important and edifying:— HST October 12, 1842, page 27.20

“Search the Scriptures.”—“I remember distinctly an interesting anecdote referring to the late Sir Dalrymple, better known to literary men abroad by his title of Lord Hailes, a Scottish Judge. I had it from the late Rev. Walter Buchanan, one of the ministers at Edinburg. I took such interest in it, that, though it must be about fifty years ago since he told it, I think I can almost relate it in Mr. Buchanan’s own words:— HST October 12, 1842, page 27.21

‘I was dining some time ago with a literary party at old Mr. Abercrombie’s, and we were spending the evening together. A gentleman present put a question which puzzled the whole company. It was this:—Supposing all the New Testaments had been destroyed at the end of the third century, could their contents have been recovered from the writings of the three first centuries? The question was novel to all, and no one even hazarded a guess in answer to the inquiry. HST October 12, 1842, page 28.1

About two months after this meeting, I received a note from Lord Hailes, inviting me to breakfast with him next morning. He had been of the party. During breakfast he asked me if I recollected the curious question about the possibility of recovering the contents of the New Testament from the writings of the three first centuries? “I remember it well, and have thought of it often, without being able to form any opinion or conjecture on the subject.” HST October 12, 1842, page 28.2

“Well,” said Lord Hailes, “that question quite accorded with the turn or taste of my antiquarian mind. On returning home, as I knew I had all the writers of those centuries, I began immediately to collect them, that I might set to work on the arduous task as soon as possible.” Pointing to a table covered with papers, he said, “There I have been busy these two months, searching for chapters, half chapters, and sentences of the New Testament, and have marked down what I have found, and where I found it, so that any person may examine for themselves. I have actually discovered the New Testament from those writings, except seven or eleven verses, which satisfied me that I could discover them also.” “Now,” said he, “there was a way in which God concealed ar hid the treasure of his Word, that Julian, the apostate emperor, and other enemies of Christ who wished to extirpate the gospel from the world, never would have thought of: and though they had, they never could have effected their destruction.—The Israelite. HST October 12, 1842, page 28.3




Salem Campmeeting.—The meeting in the “Great Tent” commenced its session on Thursday last, under the most favorable and encouraging prospects; the weather being exceedingly fine, and the presence and approbation of God being clearly manifest from its commencement. From the numbers already present, (Saturday morning) and hourly arriving, the indications are that an immense multitude of people will be here from all parts of the land to attend this solemn convocation of saints. The season cannot fail of being one of deep and hallowed joy to the hearts of all who believe in the speedy coming of Christ. It is ardently hoped and confidently believed by many whose hearts are deeply imbuded with the Holy Ghost, that the planting of the Second Advent Tabernacle in Salem will be the means in the hand of God, of opening the gates of salvation to many precious souls, who, at the harvest will be blessed sheaves borne home with shouts of rejoicing upon the reaper’s shoulders! God grant that it may be so. HST October 12, 1842, page 28.4

An unusual interest pervades the entire encampment, and the Lord is manifestly among the people, and those of his servants who are proclaiming the Midnight cry, and unfolding the evidences of his near approach, seem to be armed with the panoply and power of the Holy Ghost, which renders their illustrations of the prophecies remarkably lucid and convincing. HST October 12, 1842, page 28.5

The civil authorities of Salem, unsolicited, came forward at the commencement of our meeting, and kindly offered us every facility in their power for the preservation of peace and good order during its continuance. May he who regardeth the giving a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple with pleasure, reward the men of Salem who have shown us this mark of respect and hospitality. We assure the people, not of Salem only, but of every place, where we go proclaiming the midnight cry, that they have nothing to fear from it, for it is emphatically “glad tidings of great joy.” Remember, it is the LORD who cometh! He will hurt nobody but his enemies; and his enemies are enemies to all that is good. Oh, then, be not afraid! Let every body forsake their sins, and then rejoice. Again we say, Rejoice! Rejoice!! HST October 12, 1842, page 28.6

1843 vs. 1847


Very many are led to inquire how it is, that while so many consummate the prophetic dates in A. D. 1843, a great many others carry them to A. D. 1847? We answer by saying, that both dates are one in fact. The present year, is A. D. 1842 of the vulgar era, but A. D. 1846 of the true era. This arises from the fact—that Christ was born four years earlier than our common era supposes. Some calculate by the common era, and some the true era. Hence 1843 and 1847 are one and the same point of time. F. HST October 12, 1842, page 28.7

Seventy Weeks


We are not a little surprised to see theological professors, against all precedent, and for the sake of evading our calculations on the prophetic dates, take sides with infidels on the seventy weeks of Daniel. The great accuracy with which that prophecy was fulfilled in the cutting off of Messiah the Prince, has ever been an invulnerable barrier to infidel assaults. The exact fulfilment of that prophecy, the heavenly messenger informed Daniel, was to make sure the vision and the prophecy. It was exactly fulfilled with reference to both time and event. And yet a certain professor in the west, takes the ground that it is to be regarded as indefinite and uncertain. Hence what he would make his sheet anchor under one contingency, he makes an indefinite, uncertain, and useless thing under another!! A pride of opinion is most degenerating to principle. F. HST October 12, 1842, page 28.8

A Strange Thing


One of the marvels of the age, is, that professors of Christianity should evince so much bitterness and asperity at the doctrine of the near coming of Christ. If we are to judge by their fruits, there are some who profess great love for the Savior, yet they are grieved and discomfitted at the thought of his coming. There are some who seem to be angry if the subject is introduced. They act as though they hated his appearing. How is this? It is “a strange thing,” that any one should dislike to see that Being come, whom they profess above all others to love. We cannot but esteem it as one of the best evidences of a preparation of heart for the kingdom of God, to see it rejoice in such an expectation—to see it breathing out the real sentiments of the soul in the following words; “Amen: even so come Lord Jesus come quickly.” And I ask, can that professor love Jesus who does not love his appearing? F. HST October 12, 1842, page 28.9

Signs in the Stars


During the last two or three centuries, more than thirteen fixed stars have disappeared. One of them situated in the northern hemisphere, presented a peculiar briliancy, and was so bright as to be seen by the naked eye at mid-day. It seemed to be on fire, appearing at first of a dazzling white, then of a reddish yellow, and lastly of an ashy pale color. La Place supposes it was burning up, as it has never been seen since. The conflagration was visible about sixteen months. O! how dreadful! A whole world, nay, a whole system on fire. The great central luminary, and its planets with their plains, mountains, forests, villages, cities, and multitudes of inhabitants, all in flames, consumed, and gone forever!! And is it impossible that such may soon be the fate of this terraqueous globe? Nay, it is not only possible, but we are assured by the word of the immutable, that it is reserved unto fire, to be burned. HST October 12, 1842, page 28.10

F. HST October 12, 1842, page 28.11

Distress of Nations with Perplexity


Speaking of the distress in England Lord Brougham says:—“Thousands of persons were without food for days; he could not say that it was for one day alone, without a morsel of food. In some cases the poor were unable to leave their beds. They thus starved for days; because, as it was said by some of them, that in a recumbent position the pangs of hunger were more easily endured. They were living on things that ought not to be eaten by men; and literally envied the husks to the swine which they could not eat.” I have given you his lordship’s own words, because this statement bears out, to the fullest extent, all my previous assertions, and because the House of Lords received the declaration of such melancholly and heart-rending facts, without a single note of sympathy, or sound of commiseration. HST October 12, 1842, page 28.12

Jour. of Con.

The distress of the present times is dissimilar to any thing of the kind that has transpired. Never, perhaps, was the world so abundantly supplied with the real necessaries of life as at the present time, and scarce ever has there been so much want. Men’s hearts are failing them for fear of those things that shall come upon the earth. F. HST October 12, 1842, page 28.13

Camp-Meeting at Newington


Number of conversions—Anecdote—Want of Christian honesty among ministers—The reason—Influence of the Second Advent doctrine—Its rapid spread—Who embraces it, etc. HST October 12, 1842, page 28.14

Dear Brother Himes:—Our camp-meeting at Newington closed yesterday, the 21st. It was well attended, and proved to be one of the very best seasons of the kind I ever enjoyed. God was with us in much power, and the truth triumphed gloriously. The devil, with his wicked host, was bent on breaking up the meeting; but in every case he met with a most signal and humiliating defeat. This whole region, which before had scarce heard the Midnight Cry, is now waked up to the subject, and a spirit of inquiry has gone forth, which will search for the truth, and lead multitudes to be looking for the blessed hope of their Lord’s soon return. HST October 12, 1842, page 28.15

The prayer meetings were the most solemn and melting seasons ever witnessed. From fifty to eighty weeping penitents were from time to time at the altar, mingling their prayers and tears with the people of God for pardoning mercy. And from a hundred and fifty to two hundred professed to find the Savior precious to their souls. A striking incident illustrative of the power of God occurred, which I give as related by an eye-witness. A few praying souls knelt around a thoughtless young man without the circle of the tents, and began to plead with God for his salvation. It was too much. The quivering lip betrayed he felt. But then to yield. Ah, this he could not. In a moment he broke away and ran from them. They followed him by their prayers. “O Lord arrest him. O Lord stop him; bring him back.” Prayer was heard and prevailed.—After having gone about fifty rods, the young man suddenly stopped, paused awhile, and then returned back, and fell upon his knees and besought them to pray for him. HST October 12, 1842, page 28.16

Thus you see, my dear brother, that God is with us. Wherever the Midnight Cry is sounded, God’s people are blest, and souls saved Ten thousand facts in the broad light of every day, bear me witness to this. And yet look at an opposing ministry. How studiously do they conceal, and even unblushingly deny, that any good does result from the preaching of Christ’s speedy coming. In places where the writer has been giving lectures, God has poured out his spirit and blessed them to the good of the people, and such seasons of reformation, both in extent and genuineness of character have resulted as were there never before known. And yet ministers of the gospel would come out and denounce the whole as the work of the “devil.” And class all those who sound the Midnight Cry with “adulterers,” “Mormons,” “Judas, one of the twelve,” “Voltaire,” etc. And then as if what was said in the Signs of the Times vol. 3rd, p 69, were all a base falsehood, exclaim, “Now it is proclaimed to the world that God does “own and blessthe preaching of this doctrine, and it is loudly asserted, “This cannot be denied!” 2 We refer to these facts to show that there is a determination on the part of those opposed to us, to deny that any good results from the promulgation of the Second Advent doctrine. But why? Yes, we ask why? The answer is at hand. Plainly this. If it be admitted that God does “own and bless” the preaching of this doctrine, it shows that God and his truth are on our side. For it will not be pretended that God is in a theological error, blessing it to the great good of the people. And sure as God is with us, just so sure they will soon be found fighting against God. We have been told by ministers that they never knew one soul awakened and converted to God by the preaching of Christ’s coming. Let such look at the result of the above meeting. Let them look at a like meeting recently held at Chicopee, where upwards of four hundred found the Savior. Let them look at our Conferences, and at all the places where we give lectures through the land. And we will point them to multitudes of the most glorious revivals which have been the fruit of preaching this doctrine. And we will challenge them and the world to disprove their genuineness. We know they will tell us, that we frighten people to get religion. But with what a kind of grace this comes from the lips of those who for years have been telling their hearers that if they did not repent then, they might the next day be in hell torments, let the reader judge. HST October 12, 1842, page 29.1

That the preaching of Christ’s second advent is most salutary in its influence, is a fact which if denied cannot be disproved. It leads Christians of all denominations who embrace it to renounce all their sectarian prejudices and love each other as brethren. It cuts up this love of the world, which has become the great damning sin of the church, root and branch. It leads to watchfulness, self-examination and prayer—to an increase of spiritual enjoyment, and a living and acting for eternity, that we may be found of Christ, “in peace without spot, and blameless,” and receive from his lips “well done good and faithful servant.” The Bible is read with an interest never before felt, and multitudes of souls, such as no other truth would ever have reached—Infidels, Universalists, and men long abandoned to habits of vice, and for years not known to attend meeting, with all classes in community, have been brought to embrace the Savior. HST October 12, 1842, page 29.2

The rapidity with which this blessed doctrine is spreading, is utterly astonishing. A few months ago and scarce a breath was lisped upon the subject, or any thing known or cared about it in this state. But now almost every place is being agitated with it, and the most intense interest is felt to hear, and believers are multiplying like the drops of the morning. While the most devoted in the various churches are laying hold upon it, the formal cold-hearted worldly-minded professor are among those who oppose it. It is making a sifting time among the churches, and a sealing time among the wicked. The awful crisis is now upon us. Who will be for Christ, and bear his reproach. Reader, if you love Christ, you will love his appearing, and be willing to confess the truth before a scoffing world. HST October 12, 1842, page 29.3

L. C. Collins.
South Glastenbury, Gt. Sept, 22, 1842.

Letter from Columbus Green


Dear Brother Himes:—More than six months have passed away since I parted from you, and you bid me God speed as I went forth to sound the Midnight Cry.” HST October 12, 1842, page 29.4

The reason why I have not from time to time given you an account of the success that has attended my feeble efforts, in complying with your request, is not because the Savior has not been ready to bless the voice of warning, but because I thought communications from others might be more interesting to your readers. Since I left you I have devoted my entire time to publishing the present truths—and the Lord has blessed the truth to the salvation of many souls. I have witnessed the most powerful revivals that I have ever witnessed—all classes of individuals, the young and the aged—the moralist and the dark-souled infidel are subdued under the mighty power of this truth. “Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness.” HST October 12, 1842, page 29.5

I have lectured in several towns in the states and in some towns in the Canadas. There is a deep anxiety throughout this entire region to hear this truth—Individuals come from ten to twenty miles to attend a course of lectures. I have given away a multitude of books, and were it not for the scarcity of money in this region you would have hundreds of subscribers for the Signs of the Times, where now you do not have any. On the 12th of September, I closed a course of lectures in Berkshire, Vt. which was attended by the outpouring of God’s spirit, the reclaiming of many wanderers, and the conversion of precious souls. Many of the brethren in this place had been anxiously awaiting the time when I should visit them—their hearts were prepared for the work—and I am happy to say that the ministers in the place not only came into the meeting, but they labored with their whole hearts to lead sinners to the blessed Savior; yes, more than this, they had in their visits and in their exhibitions of truth from the pulpit, prepared the people to hear the voice of warning. They have no fellowship for the evil servant who cries “my Lord delayeth his coming,” but with one accord, with hearts filled with love to the Savior—they say, “Come, Lord Jesus! come quickly.” “Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing.” HST October 12, 1842, page 29.6

On the sixteenth of this month I commenced a course of lectures in this place, and closed them yesterday. It has been a season of deep and thrilling interest; the youth and the man of grey hairs have been melted into tears under the truth; in the inquiry meeting yesterday, nearly an hundred persons were present; our prayer meetings have been unusually solemn, and in them we often saw the sinner rise and from a heart overflowing with penitential sorrow, request an interest in the prayers of the people of God; amongst this class was a man about sixty years of age—he arose in one of our prayer meetings, and, as near as I can recollect, said as follows—“My friends, you all know what my life has been, it has been universally bad; I now feel the need of an interest in Christ, the tall oaks of the forest must bow as well as others; I request the prayers of Christians that I may obtain the forgiveness of my sins.” In our prayer meeting, last evening, he arose to give glory to God for what he hoped he had done for his soul. Many, who a few days since were mourning on account of their sins, are now rejoicing in hope of a glorious immortality, and many others are anxiously inquiring, “What shall we do to be saved.” May the Lord, by his spirit guide them to that Redeemer who is soon to be our king. O glorious hope! HST October 12, 1842, page 29.7

“Fly swift around, ye wheels of time,
And bring the welcome day.”
HST October 12, 1842, page 29.8

Yours, in the hope of the glorious appearing of Christ in 1843. HST October 12, 1842, page 29.9

Troy, Vt. Sept, 22, 1842.

Letter from Mrs. E. Moore


Christian Brother:—Having had the privilege of perusing your valuable paper through the kindness of a friend, for the last three months, I am happy to add my name to your list of subscribers. And in doing so, you will pardon me for trespassing a moment or two, on your time, to express my fervent wishes, yea, my ardent prayers, that your labors of love in sounding the Midnight Cry to an unbelieving world and slumbering church, may be crowned with success! And they will be; for “the arms of your hands are made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob!” Already has the Macedonian cry “come over and help us” been raised in thefar west” A few of us have learned to “love the appearing of our Lord” and “are waiting for his coming,” and our hearts are with you and your able cooperators in this great work. Be not discouraged, though “Christian ministers” of “learning and ability” oppose you; “if the work be of God it can not be overthrown!” That it is of God, my under standing and my faith heartily respond, though it is scarcely six months since I heard the first lecture (by the Rev. G. D.) to prove the second coming of Christ was to usher in the millennium. I am a Baptist; was educated among those who believe there must be a thousand years of great religious prosperity before Christ shall come to judgment; and though now from my limited knowledge, in the language of the blind man in the gospel, I can only “see men as trees walking,” yet I praise and adore the riches of that grace that has shown me a “more excellent way.” I have read several works on the subject, and all point me to the Bible and urge a diligent study of it, and I cannot better express myself than in the language of one who has addressed you (Rev. Mr. Fitch) “the subject seems to me to be surrounded and fortified on all sides, with an array of Scriptural testimony which nothing can overthrow.” What, indeed, can put an end to the sin and wickedness, the fraud and violence, which every where abound; what can root out the tares (which are to grow together till the harvest) but the visible personal appearance of the Lord from heaven, the blessed Savior. I can only add “even so Lord Jesus come quickly.” Yours, in the hope of the gospel, and in the promise of his coming. Detroit, July, 16, 1842. HST October 12, 1842, page 29.10

A meeting in the Great Tent,


At Newark, N. J. Nov. 3

Arrangements have been made for pitching the great Tabernacle in the city of Newark, N. J. on the 3rd of Nov. 1842. The meeting to continue eight or ten days. HST October 12, 1842, page 29.11

Mr. Wm. Miller, Rev. J. Litch, J. V. Himes and others are expected to be present and will show, from the Word of God, the manner and object of Christ’s Second Coming, together with the reasons for expecting him in 1843. All who love the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, are affectionately invited to rally at this feast of Tabernacles. Our time is growing shorter and shorter each day, and what is to be done must be soon done. HST October 12, 1842, page 29.12

The great object of the meeting is, like those which have already been held, to arouse both the church and the world to a sense of their peril, by sounding the midnight cry. HST October 12, 1842, page 29.13

Friends from the country can have provisions for themselves and horses on reasonable terms. It is desirable that our friends, if convenient, will provide tents in companies, and encamp with us on the ground. Further particulars hereafter. We hope our friends from New York, Brookline, Philadelphia, and other places, will come up to this great feast of tabernacles. L. D. Fleming, A. Flavel, HST October 12, 1842, page 29.14

—Waynright, C. Merchant Com

The Coming of the Son of Man—Uncertainty of time


“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only,” Matthew 24:36. It seems that many consider this passage a sufficient argument to convince every christian of the impropriety of searching for the time of the coming of our blessed Lord; and my object in this communication is to meet this argument and try to refute it. And to do this fully, I am willing to admit, first, That day and hour means the same as though Jesus had said that neither men nor angels know anything about the time. Second, That many of the arguments used to prove that Christ will come in 1843, are worthy of confidence. Then I shall endeavor to show that these are in accordance with God’s dealings with his people anciently. To do this I shall make three propositions. HST October 12, 1842, page 30.1

First. That there is no evidence that God did reveal time when great events were to take place, either to men or angels, until it was necessary that his people should know them. HST October 12, 1842, page 30.2

Second. As the time drew near, he made known his purposes to his children in various ways. HST October 12, 1842, page 30.3

Third. That the point of time was more or less definite, and also the length of time, that it was made known beforehand, varied according to the circumstances of the case. HST October 12, 1842, page 30.4

The first event which I shall name, is, The flood. God told Noah that he would destroy all flesh from off the face of the earth by a flood, and ordered him to build an ark, but did not reveal to him the time that it would take place until seven days before, Genesis 7:4. HST October 12, 1842, page 30.5

2. The destruction of the cities of the plain was revealed to Lot, just time enough for him to escape with his family, Genesis 19. And here I would ask, If any suppose that the people in the days of Noah, seven days before the flood, or the inhabitants of Sodom one day before their destruction, believed it any more, than the people at the present time believe that in a few months the Son of Man will come in the clouds of heaven. And as it was in the days of Noah and Lot, so shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed, Luke 17:26-30. HST October 12, 1842, page 30.6

3. The deliverance of the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage, Exodus 3:4. HST October 12, 1842, page 30.7

4. The deliverance from Babylonish captivity, Daniel 9:2. There are some things connected with this event that are worthy of notice. 1st. That such a man as Daniel was, with his advantages, should not know any thing about the time when their captivity should end, until within about two years, is quite remarkable. 2. The manner in which it was revealed to him. He understood by books. So it was not because the event was not foretold and recorded, but it seems it was closed up until the time drew near. So the man clothed in linen told Daniel that the words of his vision was closed up and sealed till the time of the end; and in the next verse he says, “The wise shall understand.” Daniel 12:8-10. And where is the evidence that they may not understand by books? 3rd. I wish you to notice the effect produced upon him, (See 9:3.) If it became Daniel to humble himself before God, how should we receive the tidings that the end of all things is at hand; and how should that class of professed followers of Christ blush, who admit that the coming of Christ may be, and probably is very near, but remain willingly ignorant of the evidence contained in the word of God, and regard the command of Christ to watch for his coming as nonessential. I would ask such one question. If you have a disposition to neglect any of the commands of Christ because you think they are not essential to salvation, have you not reason to fear that you yet lack that part which is essential? (See 1 John 2:3.) HST October 12, 1842, page 30.8

5. The destruction of Jerusalem. Although Christ did not tell his disciples when that event would take place, yet he gave them such instructions that they knew when to escape Luke 21:20, 21. HST October 12, 1842, page 30.9

6. Our Savior’s first advent. Read 1 Peter 1:10-12, and see if men or angels knew the time of his coming. Then turn to the gospels and see how it was when he did make his appearance. Was not Simeon waiting for him? Luke 2:25, 26. The Samaritans, as well as the Jews, were looking for the Messiah, John 4:25. And if God has thus revealed his purposes heretofore, may we not believe that he will give his children understanding as to the awfully momentous period which is before us? HST October 12, 1842, page 30.10

And to close, let us see how the third proposition will apply to the present midnight cry. First. Is it necessary that the time should be definite. No one can suppose that while the virgins were asleep under the influence of the opiate of a temporal millennium, that the preaching of the kingdom at hand would have awakened them without being somewhat definite about it. Again. Suppose, for instance, that the second advent of our Lord is to take place in 1843, but the time is not revealed. And suppose Mr. Miller or any other man should prove to the satisfaction of christians generally, that the signs are actualy taking place, which are immediately to precede the coming of the Son of Man, and is it not reasonable to suppose that people generally would have put it off much farther than 1843, and would be no better prepared than if no alarm had been given? But prove to sinners or worldly minded professors that they cannot go beyond a certain period at hand, and they will be likely to be awakened to the concern of their souls, and so much the more as they see the day approaching. Second. Will the length of time before the event compare with the past. Noah had seven days notice, time enough for him, his family and the creatures which were to be saved, to enter the ark. Lot had a few hours notice, time enough for him to escape for his life. The Lord appeared to Moses a few months previous to the departure of the children of Israel, which were necessary to prepare the people and bring the judgments upon the Egyptians. Daniel found that the captivity of the people was nearly ended, about two years beforehand, which, no doubt, was necessary to prepare them for a return to the land of their fathers. HST October 12, 1842, page 30.11

The desciples of Christ had notice enough of the destruction of Jerusalem to flee to the mountains. John the baptist preached six months to prepare the way of the Lord. And the reader may judge whether the time is long enough to sound the alarm to the sleeping virgins, behold “the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him.” C. HST October 12, 1842, page 30.12

Another ‘False Alarm,’ ‘Rebukes,’ etc


Dear Brother Himes;—Before you complete your chapter of clerical opinions for publication in the Signs of the Times, you may add the following.—It is a resolution passed by the “Calais District Ministerial Association,” Me., touching the Millennium, which may be found in Zion’s Herald of July 20th’42, and reads as follows, viz. HST October 12, 1842, page 30.13

Resolved,—“That in the opinion of this Association, there are extravagances in the sentiments and measures of the Advocates of a “Celestial Millennium” as “at hand even at the doors,” which call for rebukes, or require for an exertion in the church to counteract that influence, and that we will mildly and kindly seek to save the church from the harm which we foresee coming upon it.” HST October 12, 1842, page 30.14

Now I suppose, Mr. Editor, that by “the advocates of a Celestial Millennium” we are to understand the believers in the pre-millennial advent of Messiah. Whatever extravagances are chargeable upon the present believers in the pre-millennial advent of Christ, so far as this sentiment is concerned, will be with, at least, equal weight against all who have entertained similar sentiments in all past ages of the church. Now this sentiment is of no modern date. It has high authority for its support, and may be clearly traced back even to the Apostolic days. It is advocated by the early christian fathers, and no opposing sentiment ever obtained any degree of celebrity till of modern date. Opposition to it is almost exclusively the work of a century, or of two centuries, at the extent. Much of the wisdom and piety of the church is set for its defence. But why need I travel over this old beaten path for proof of this. When opposers choose to join issue in respect to the belief of the primitive fathers, touching the premillennial advent of Christ, then there may be sufficient time to adduce the evidence. The charge of extravagance is here prefered against all who have ever adopted the pre-millennial advent of the Messiah as an article of faith. If the charge was designed to lie against this sentiment, it is not of so serious a nature as to call for “rebukesof any character. But I perceive that the charge is not brought against one sentiment alone. Of course the Association never urged it against sentiments believed in common by themselves and premillennial believers. But there is a “sentiment” embraced in the resolution, against which it was probably designed to bear more expressly, viz., the belief in its being near—“at hand even at the door!” But with whatever force the charge is asserted against this “sentiment,” it lies against—whom? “Behold I come quickly, “surely I come quickly,” says “He that was dead and is alive again.” The Apostles ever spoke ofthe second appearing of Christ without sin unto salvation” as nigh at hand. I am not aware that they speak of any other than His personal appearance—“He shall so come in like manner as He ascended.” An invisible appearing is a solecism in terms. I cannot believe that these brethren intended to bring any such accusation against our Lord or his apostles; but I ask if they have not virtually done it in denouncing the language used and “sentiment” inculcated by them as “extravagant.” Perhaps these dear brethren only intended to disclaim the’43 theory (so called) as extravagant. It is hoped that these brethren will define their position and terms, either in an individual or an associated capacity, so that we may know what they mean by “sentiments” farther than has been supposed, and that they will prefer no more grave charges without specifications. We are also left in the dark in respect to what particular “measures” are alluded to, as prevalent among premillennial believers which are considered as “extravagant” by the Association. There is a class of these who firmly believe that the personal appearing of Christ, when “every eye shall see Him, is nigh—at hand even at the door;” and yet they have fixed upon no particular year, but are earnestly “looking for and hastening unto the coming of the day of the Lord? These have no sympathy for that theory, the virtual sentiment of which is “my Lord delayeth His coming.” That the whole body of premillennial believers are extravagant in their “measures” as such, I have not the slightest evidence—that many of them are in “labors more abundant” for the salvation of souls and the holiness of the church, I do know. And what “harm” can result from all this? It surely requires a prophetic eye to “foresee” any. On the contrary, where-ever the premillennial belief has obtained, good has been the result, and I know them to be, as a body, (to say naught of their opposers) vital christians. I can but think that the passage of the above resolution was uncalled for. I did think of framing a resolution to place in juxtaposition with it, but forbore lest the brethren should think me uncharitable. In hopes that we may meet where we shall see eye to eye—I subscribe myself yours in Christ. HST October 12, 1842, page 30.15

Feeding Hills, July 26th, 1842.

Letter from A. Mussey


Dear Brother Himes—I again resume my pen to address you, not without feeling my unworthiness to address a servant of the Most High God, but I feel to give thanks to him that I have dear brothers and sisters all through the world, that I expect to meet soon in another world if not in this. The time is rapidly approaching when the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom and possess it forever and ever. What a soul-cheering thought! Glory to Heaven’s high King, I have had the privilege of hearing the Midnight Cry sounded long and loud. Brother Litch has been here, and lectured seven days. I have seen his face and heard his voice proclaiming the coming of the Lord in 1843. Evidence from Scripture has been brought in abundance to prove these things are so. The mouth of the gainsayer has been stopped, the lukewarm have been stirred up to newness of life, and many who have disbelieved the advent so near, have come out boldly and acknowledged their belief in Christ’s coming in’43. Backsliders have been reclaimed, sinners have been converted, both old and young, male and female, and the work still goes on. I must acknowledge this has been the most powerful meeting I ever witnessed in this place; it is the mighty Midnight Cry. Glory to the Son of God, it is the power of God unto salvation, to every one that believes it; and it causes them who disbelieve it to tremble for fear these things are so. This is the true gospel of the Son of God, it is all that should be preached, it is all that will alarm sinners of their danger; and yet how true it is that many who profess to be watchmen, are yet in the dark, as respects this great and all important subject, and do not give the trumpet that certain and solemn sound they should. All who look into these things with a watchful and prayerful attention, can see these things are so. They find it is not man’s opinion, but it is the plain word of God. Who could not discern that this is the time of the end if they were willing to search the Scriptures to see if these things are so? Who cannot see that the wicked are doing wickedly and do not understand; and who cannot see that the wise are now beginning to understand? Those that are in darkness cannot see; but ye brethren, are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief; ye are all the children of the light and the children of the day, we are not of the night nor of darkness, 1 Thessalonians 5:5. Who cannot discern the signs of the times? Those that are saying, My Lord delayeth his coming; those who are crying peace and safety when sudden destruction is near; and unless they repent speedily, that day will come upon them as a thief, and they shall not escape. Who wishes to have the Savior delay his coming but those who are not prepared? Who are saying the end is not yet, but those whose god is this world, and their craft is in danger? Who are preaching a thousand years of peace and safety? Unfaithful ministers, who are saying it is no matter when that day comes, if we are only prepared. Those who do not feel the worth of souls. Those who do not realize the awful condition of the ungodly in the judgment day. Those who care more for their own souls than the souls of others. My brother, is not this too true to be denied? Here let us pause one moment, to consider whether it is any matter when it comes, if we are only prepared. Sinners all around us, and no matter! The judgment day just at the door, and no matter! Eternity with all its realities just ready to unfold to the view of poor sinful mortals exposed to the wrath of Almighty God, and no matter! If we are ready ourselves, don’t we want others saved? Yes, all will answer. Then let us all awake to the subject of the second coming of our Lord, and as much as in us is, preach the judgment at hand; and if this will not alarm and lead them to a speedy preparation to meet their Judge, nothing will. But it is too much the case, that the priests bear rule, and are agreed in saying, my Lord delayeth his coming, and the people love to have it so, and what will they do in the end thereof? The word of God tells us plainly. And now I would ask a few questions more. Who is sounding the glorious and mighty Midnight Cry? Who, I ask, is sounding an alarm in God’s holy mountain? Who is arousing the church and the world to this great event? It is the true watchmen of God, who have searched his holy word, have laid aside all sectarianism and principles and doctrines of men, and in that holy book have learnt that the Lord is coming next year to gather up his people and to take vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not his gospel. It is those who have taken their lives in their hands and have gone forth like lambs among wolves, crying mightily over the mountains and through the vallies, Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him. May God bless them in his mighty work. So now I would ask, Who love to hear this glorious news? Christians. Who love to hear that Jesus is coming in’43? Those that love God and love his appearing, bless the Lord. Who long to have that day come, and are praying God to hasten it in his own time? Those who have clean hands and a pure heart; those who wish to meet and be complete, and long together dwel. And such will receive the promised blessing. For blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. At that day Zion shall be redeemed with judgment, and her converts with righteousness. But what will become of unfaithful shepherds in that day? What will become of cold hearted professors, backsliders and sinners; rich men and mighty men, chief captains, the high, the lofty, and the proud? What will ye do in the end thereof? May God help them to listen to the Midnight Cry that is echoing through the land, and prepare to meet that day in peace. I rejoice that I have the privilege of reading your paper weekly; it is food to my soul: and again I rejoice that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. I expect to see the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven next year; I believe it from the centre of my soul, I can see no further; for he which testifieth these things saith, surely, I come quickly; even so, come Lord Jesus. This is the sincere language of my heart. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all—Amen. Your sister, in the hope of the glory of God. Whitefield, N. H. Aug. 8, 1842. HST October 12, 1842, page 30.16

Second Coming of Christ


The Lord will come! but not the same
As once in lowly form he came.
HST October 12, 1842, page 31.1

Yes, he is to come again to this world, to claim the kingdom which the world refused to yield to him when he came before, and yet persists in refusing—and will persist in refusing, till he comes again. Then it may deny his claim no longer. Then he will vindicate his right to the world. In the clouds of heaven he will come. Not such as darken or obscure, but the cloud’s of heaven’s uncreated and spiritual glories—breaking upon the world’s sight in more than the resplendency of ten thousand suns, and suddenly as the lightning’s flash from east to farthest west. The Lord Jesus, sitting upon the throne of his glory, in the glory of the Father, and with all the holy angels—all heaven attendant on his advent—all eyes on earth beholders! Every eye shall see him! How will they endure the sight? All the kindreds of the earth shall wail under the dreadful manifestation of Him whom they have pierced, and of whom they have said, “We will not have Him to reign over us!” Faint, in comparison with this, are all the exhibitions men have ever witnessed of sublimity and awfulness. HST October 12, 1842, page 31.2

And some of our brethren, devoted seekers of truth, have sought to understand the time of this event—and some of them, by study of the prophecies respecting it, have come to a belief, that in the course of next year it will be! Some are both preaching and living this faith. For this they have fallen under reproach, contempt, and persecution—of which we hope they will reap the blessings which we are privileged to gain by persecution. Their honest expression of their honest convictions, has brought out to their view the world’s hatred of Christ’s appearing—the false church’s hatred of it. It has called forth the spirit of sect, so that they see it to be anti-Christ. Should they be disappointed in the expectation—should 1843 pass over, and “all things remain as they were,” they will see much more of the heart of a world lying in wickedness, and a Church professedly the bride of Christ; but really an adulteress with the world, and the mother of abominations. Then would the world and the Church be emboldened to pour out upon them of the fulness of scoffing and persecution which is in their heart, but which is now in a measure repressed by a half-fear that the preaching of the near advent may be true. Perhaps our Lord is suffering our brethren to be mistaken as to the exact time, that the world, all of anti-Christ, Church and State, may have occasion for acting themselves out more fully in the eyes of heaven and earth. They will act their heart out more boldly if next year pass and the world yet continue as it was. Perhaps our brethren, who would be the subject of such persecution, should they be mistaken in the time, need it. If they are not quite dead yet to reputation, sect, lucre, pleasure, and all the forms of the world, they will be brought to a more complete crucifixion then. Then their faith will be tried in the fire, and their faithfulness to Christ that has come, and is yet to come, will be tested. Then the pure Christian gold, the true disciples of the Christ already come, will endure and glow the brighter—and others, who may now be looking for speedy possession of the crown without the cross, will relapse into sect, and other spirits of the great Babylon—as the worldling relapses from sick-bed repentance and hope, when the apprehension of immediate death passes off in a recovery of health. HST October 12, 1842, page 31.3

For one, we feel not an assurance that the mystery of God will be finished, and the world and anti-Christ fully developed so soon—nor are we confident it will not be. We think there are plagues foretold in Revelation, and signs described by our Lord, to precede the world’s end, that have not yet been fulfilled, and cannot reasonably be expected to be fulfilled completely within a few months hence. Yet in this we are not confident, for the Lord may do many and mighty works in a brief time. He may consummate His concluding dispensations to earth, in a manner unexpectedly, and terribly summary. If it be His righteous pleasure to do it so, even so as to accomplish all within the present year, Amen! Even so come, Lord Jesus. We do not attach so much importance to a foreknowledge of the time of our Lord’s coming, as some do—deeming it not essential to Christian character. Christianity is the same from the day he ascended, to the moment of his coming in glory. What saved those living when he went up from Olivet, will save those that shall be alive at his appearing on the “great white throne.” Deadness to the world and a life unto God, in Christ, is salvation, in time past, present, and to come. Without this, all knowledge of His coming will be useless; with it, there is perfect safety, though without any knowledge of that time. Our Lord’s direction from the first has been, “Be ye ready.” True discipleship constitutes perfect readiness. Nothing else does. The faithfully following Christ that has come, is the full and only preparation for meeting Christ that is to come. Sharing with the “Man of sorrows and grief” is the qualification for sharing with the “Lord of Glory,” in the day of His appearing. Hence we seek mostly “to know Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” HST October 12, 1842, page 31.4

We do not, like some, apprehend damage to Christ’s cause by our brethren’s preaching the advent near—next year—should they prove mistaken. Would the world scoff more boldly! Let it! God wills that it should have opportunity to scoff out fully from the blackness and bitterness of its heart. Will infidels be multiplied? They will be infidels that want to be; and they will be suffered to show themselves such, who are such in heart. Will the carnal Church, now so generally manifesting her hatred of the tidings of the coming so quickly, of Him whom she professes her Lord and Bridegroom, be yet more emboldened to commit fornication with the kings of the earth, to glory in her sectarian prospects of numbers, popularity and wealth, and power? Let her. She will have opportunity to act out the abomination of her heart, that her judgment may be acknowledged just by a witnessing universe. But this occasion for the manifestation of infidelity and anti-Christ may not be afforded—or it may be. God knoweth. He will do all things well—all in the right time. HST October 12, 1842, page 31.5

The manifest results of this preaching the near coming of the Lord are good. It presents a point in Christian truth, which (like other points, as Anti-Slavery for instance,) when acted upon and followed out, leads to the completion of Christian character. We speak here of the general idea of Christ’s near coming, without specification of the exact time. It breaks in like thunder upon the false profession and carnal security, and flashes more terribly than the lightning glare against covetousness, sectarianism, and all the spirit of the world. It reveals the same truth in regard to all these falses, that Jesus of Nazareth taught, and demands the same consecration to God and renunciation of self and the world, that his gospel has been demanding of all that have lived these eighteen hundred years past. It tells the same truth he preached on the mount, and in all his ministry, against laying up treasure on earth, and all selfiseness and worldliness. If men awake to the practice of those truths, it is well, whether it be by the preaching of Christ upon the cross, or Christ to come on the throne of judgment. But let none be deceived: the truth must be acted upon and followed out, whatever point is commenced with. Nothing short of forsaking all for Christ will do. That is salvation. Nothing short of that, is. Let this be preached—urged—practiced by all who look for the coming of the Lord, whether they believe it will be next year, or sooner or later. He will come. Be ye ready. Be not deceived: if ye die in your sins, where he is ye cannot go. If ye remain alive at his coming ye cannot meet him in peace, without holiness. “I say unto all, Watch! for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.” HST October 12, 1842, page 32.1

Letter from Orris Pier


Rev. and Dear Sir:—Although a stranger, I take the liberty to address a few lines to you. We have recently had a course of lectures in this place on the second advent of Christ, from our excellent brother, Rev. C. Green, of Colchester, whose only object appears to be the salvation of souls. He is well qualified for the business in which he is engaged, his communications are clear, and, in my opinion, his arguments unanswerable. He was with us eight days, and although it was a very busy time in the year, yet our congregations were good, especially in the evening, and the strict attention they gave to the word, was conclusive evidence that they felt interested in the subject; and why should they not, if there is interest in it for one, there is for all. We were not as pleasantly situated as we could have wished, for although there are three meeting houses in the place, we were under the necessity of going into the Court House. You will learn from this that in the minds of some at least of the rulers, there is a strong opposition to the subject; and if I had some temple’s veil to hide behind while I tell it, I would say that while some of the lectures were being delivered at the Court House, some of the official members of the church were seen pitching quoits in the street. The lectures have excited quite an interest here, the spirit of inquiry is abroad among us, many are saying, are these things so; others, the arguments are conclusive; and others, that the Scripture proof is overwhelming. But others, described by the apostle Peter, saying, “where is the promise of his coming? for when the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. For this they (appear at least to be) willingly ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water, perished,” and also, “That the heavens and the earth which are now, by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But this unbelief will never make the truth of God of none effect, no, “The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night.” HST October 12, 1842, page 32.2

When wrapt in flames the etherial realms shall glow, And heaven’s last thunder shakes the world below. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.3

Yours, in the best of bonds,
St. Alban’s, Aug. 22, 1842.

Light in the West


Messrs’ Himes & Litch:—In passing through Rochester, a short time since, I chanced to come across a copy of Fitch’s letter, published at LeRoy, (thanks be to God that he thus threw truth in my way) which I examined, and have been led diligently to search the Scriptures to see if these things are so—praying to God for understanding, and I rejoice in belief of the truth that Jesus will come quickly, and that the redemption of the saints draweth nigh. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.4

Shortly after reading Mr. Fitch’s letter, I sent for a quantity, and obtained 160 copies; and scarcely a day passes but some are issuing from the Drug Store of which I am proprietor, medicine and truth going out together. I resolved, long ago, not to live for myself, and not to lay up treasure for this world—and I am anxious to scatter truth, and ready to do according to my ability to promote its advancement and triumph. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.5

Will you be so kind as to give me a particular statement of the publications best adapted to throw light on this subject, with their price, and also of tracts best fitted for general circulation among the community. Coming daily in contact with individuals from different parts of the surrounding country, I am placed in a favorable situation for scattering light. We want light in western New York, and truth to silence the mouths of scoffers. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.6

Edward Canfield.
Clyde, Wayne Co. N. Y. Sept. 27, 1842.

Results of the Second Advent in Atkinson, Me


Dear Brother Himes:—The Conference in Atkinson closed yesterday, the result of which has been most glorious—souls we trust were truly converted to God, backsliders reclaimed—and a great number we left who manifested a desire for salvation. At the close of the meeting, some 200 expressed their full faith in Christ’s coming “at the door,” and a good proportion of them declared their faith in’43, several ministers among them. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.7

There is a great cry in Maine, for laborers to give the “Midnight Cry,” and praised be God, the number is increasing. On Wednesday, the camp-meeting at Exeter commences, at the close of which you may hear from me again. Yours, for truth. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.8

T. M. Preble.

Chicopee Camp Meeting



Bless God, the flame burns gloriously in this, and at the other village. I have just returned from a second advent prayer meeting, and it was good to be there, room crowded, christians rejoicing, mourners weeping and converts praising. Glory Hallelujah. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.9

The fire passed over from our campmeeting, (I am informed, on to the mountains westward) and salvation has come down upon the people, as never has been witnessed before in that section. Our second advent brethren go from house to house, converse, exhort and pray, and souls are converted daily. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.10

The campmeeting has been the greatest blessing to us in this region that could have occurred, as a means of grace.—Infidelity has received a check it will not recover from, until the Lord Jesus shall be revealed. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.11

Yet scoffers rage, and liars are multiplied constantly. I am glad you made the statement you did relative to finances at the meeting, as a very unfavorable impression had gone abroad on that subject. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.12

May God bless you and speed your labors to the awakening of the Church,and to the bringing of lost sinners to God. Your brother in the blessed Hope. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.13

Cabotville, Sept. 23d. 1842. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.14

Dear Bro. Himes:—We commenced our meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 21st, which held five days. Brethren H. Frost and J. L. K. Staples came to our assistance. The Lord was sensibly realized as being in our midst, and his special blessing has been witnessed. The brethren have been much revived, backsliders reclaimed, and eight or more regenerated: others are still seeking for pardon. The doctrine of Christ’s second coming being the next great event is received by many in this region. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.15

In Conference,—Resolved, That in our opinion the kingdom, Daniel 2:44, is Christ’s glorified kingdom, to be set up in the days of the ten kingdoms, denoted by the ten toes of the great image, and at the return of the parabolic Nobleman, Luke 19:11-27, and to be the next great event to be witnessed. Joel Spaulding. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.16

Anson, Me. Oct. 5, 1842.



in benson, vt. oct. 20

A tabernacle meeting is to commence in Benson, Vt. the 20th instant. It is to be held about two miles from the lake where the steamboat calls twice a day. Friends in the vicinity are earnestly invited to furnish themselves with tents aud provisions, together with a good quantity of bed clothes, and encamp on the ground. Provision has been made, however, for boarding on the ground for about $1,50 per week. Per order of the Committee of Arrangements. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.17



Received up to Oct 10th. From P. M. Cabot, Vt. South Hero, Vt. North Montpelier, Vt. New Market, Ind. South New Durham, N. H. Mattapoisette, Mass. Stonington, Ct. Vermont, N. Y. Hartford, N. Y. North Rochester, N. Y. Norway, Me. Brooklyn, Ct. Acworth, N. H. West Woodstock, Ct. Blacks, Me. Leicester, Mass. Norwich, Vt. Dedham, Mass. Manchester, N. H. Rochester, Vt. Stowe, Vt. Willington, Ct. North Fairfax, Vt. Amesbury, Mass. Westfield, N. Y. Brooklyn, Ct. Hartford, Ct. Burnt Hills, N. Y. Jamaica, Vt. Ware, Mass. Grenwich, N. Y. Stockton, N. Y. Troy Pa. North Scituate, R. I. Holmes Hole, Mass. Glastenbury, Ct. Hanover, N. H. South Hadley Canal, Mass. Warwich, N. H. Massena, N. Y. Middletown, Ct. Troy, N. Y. E. H. Wilcox. Methuen, Mass. Windsor, Ct. Sand Lake, N. Y. Mulbery, Ohio. New Ipswich, N. H. Texas, Ga. Morristown, Vt. Stonington, Ct. Sandwich, Mass. Portsmouth, N. H. Hartford, Ct. Northfield, Mass. Haydenville, Mass. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.18

From John Pearson, P. T. Kenney, A. B. Huntington, James Clough, Samuel Cass, Benj. Irish, Wm. Miller, H. B. Skinner, Israel Randall, Wm. Storrs, Tho’s M. Preble, R. Parker, Samuel W. Shepherd, S. Bliss, Cicero Roberts, Wm. Holt, W. B. Start, S. Pollard, Jonas Wood, H. B. Skinner, J. S. White, Marion H. Leonard, L. Kelley, Leonard F. Allen, Peter Clark, Freeman Grandy, Chester Field, Joel Spaulding. HST October 12, 1842, page 32.19

Books Sent


One bundle to Jonas D. Johnson, Worcester, Mass.
One Bundle to Wm. Thompson, South Wolfborough, N. H.
One Box to W. D. Tuller, Kensington Ct. Via. Hartford, Ct.
HST October 12, 1842, page 32.20