Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 4

February 8, 1843

Vol. IV.—No. 21. Boston, Whole No. 93

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston. HST February 8, 1843, page 161.1

EXAMINATION OF The Inconsistencies of Colver’s Literal Fulfilment of Daniel’s Prophecy


The Lectures of Rev. N. Colver, the substance of which were first preached in his own pulpit, and again in the Marlboro’ Chapel, are now published in a small 24mo. tract, entitled, “The Prophecy of Daniel literally fulfilled; considered in three lectures.” We listened to their delivery on both of those occasions, and intended to have reviewed them; but we are now satisfied that the tract carries within itself its own antidote. Our object at this time will be only to point out some of its many inconsistencies. HST February 8, 1843, page 161.2

It is prefaced by a request for its publication from J. Gilbert, P. Gill, and N. Hill, that others may share in their “increased pleasure in reading the Scriptures.” Doubtless it would add to the pleasure of many to have it proved that the Scriptures contain no intimation of Christ’s coming. HST February 8, 1843, page 161.3

The first lecture consists mostly in an attempt to show that if the days of Daniel are to be understood as years, that there are many instances in the Bible where days are used, which to understand as years, would lead to an absurdity. As no one claims that in any of those instances, days are to be so understood, we shall have no occasion to dwell on that argument. Because days are to be understood as days, where all admit they are to be so understood, and because there it would be absurd to understand them differently it does not follow, that where prophetic time can only be understood a day for a year, that it would be also absurd. HST February 8, 1843, page 161.4

With regard to “prophetic time,” we fully adopt the rule laid down by Prof. Stuart, in his “Hints,” p. 68, that “every passage of Scripture, or of any other book, is to be interpreted as bearing its plain, primary, and literal sense, unless good reasons can be given why it should be tropically understood.” By this rule, a day, in Scripture, always denotes a day, and a year a year, unless such good reason can be given. If therefore we find that a series of events were not, and could not have been fulfilled in the literal days specified, we have good reason to prove that they are to be tropically understood. The question then arises, What is a day ever used in the Bible as a type of? On turning to Numbers 14:34, and Ezekiel 4:5, 6, we find that a day is used as a type of a year. Therefore, when we are, from the necessity of the case, obliged to understand the days tropically, we know that if they are a type, they are a type of years. HST February 8, 1843, page 161.5

When any prophecy is given in plain and obvious language, we generally find that the time is literal time. But when all the events of the vision are foretold, under types and symbols, like the visions of Daniel, and it can be shown that they cannot have been fulfilled in literal days, we know that the time, as well as the events, must also have been given by a type; and we accordingly interpret it by the Bible rule for all such cases. Also, when it can be demonstrated, that a part of any prophetic period has been fulfilled in years, the rational inference is, that the remainder of the same period will be fulfilled in like manner. HST February 8, 1843, page 161.6

Mr. Colver says, of the prophetic days, in Daniel, that “If Daniel means years in these numbers, there may be some plausibility in the ‘1843 interpretation,’ but only some plausibility; for the fixing of their date from the origin of the seventy weeks, in the night vision, is both gratuitous and arbitrary. But if, on the other hand, Daniel means what he says, ‘days;’ then is the whole scheme as baseless as an uninspired vision of the night.’” When he delivered the same lecture on the Sabbath, to his own people, he stated that if they were years, the world would end in 1843; and that any school-boy could see it, for if 490 terminated at the death of Christ, the 2300 days would terminate in 1843; and that then the world must end, unless it can be shown that some other event is then to take place, and he did not see how that can be done. He also admitted, at the same time, that the great body of our standard Protestant commentators had understood them as years; and gave as the reason, that some one had first so called them, and the “others had followed in the same track, until they had got the cart rut so deep that they could not get out.” He also admits in his book, “From the time of Mede, it seems to have been pretty generally taken for granted, by the great body of commentators and expositors, ‘that, in the prophetic writings, a day stands for a year.’” p. 12. HST February 8, 1843, page 161.7

There is probably no point on which Protestant commentators have been so well agreed, as that the days in Daniel and John are so many years. Faber, Prideaux, the learned Joseph Mede, Scott. Bishop Newton, Sir Isaac Newton, and many other writers of note, have considered this a settled question. And the only way in which our modern theologians can defend themselves against the doctrine of Christ’s coming, is by going back upon the old abandoned Popish ground, and finding in Antiochus Epiphanes the hero of Daniel’s prophecy. Indeed, so universal has been this interpretation of these periods, that Prof. Stuart says in his “Hints on Prophecy,” page 77, “It is a singular fact, that the great mass of interpreters in the English and American world have, for many years, been wont to understand the days designated in Daniel and in the Apocalypse, as the representatives or symbols of years. I have found it difficult to trace the origin of this general, I might say, almost universal custom.” HST February 8, 1843, page 161.8

To overturn, or set aside such an “universal custom,” will require more than mere assertion. Even Mr. Colver admitted, in his second lecture, in the Marlboro’ Chapel, that to prove his case, it would be as necessary for him to show their fulfilment in literal days, as it would for him to produce a tally with the same figures as those on the tag of his trunk, in order for him to get such trunk from the railroad depot; that if the tag of his trunk had the figures 1290, 1335 and 2300, he must produce tallies with PRECISELY the same figures, or he could not get his trunk, and that he must show those periods fulfilled in days, or he could not get his case. This, however, with many other things which he uttered in his own desk, and at the chapel, he has wisely omitted to give in the printed copy (?) of those lectures. We shall endeavor to show that as he has produced no tally with those numbers, that he cannot have his “trunk,” and has not proved his case. That the “seventy weeks” are weeks of years, he dare not deny, but says of them, “It is somewhat amusing to notice the peculiar process to which these “seventy weeks” are subjected. It is admitted by all that they cover a period of four hundred and ninety years. But still, it is insisted that the angel meant weeks of days, and that, to understand him, we must first reduce them to days; and, then, that we must consider each day the symbol of a year, giving four hundred and ninety years. That is, he did not mean weeks, but days,—that is, he did not mean days, but years.” p. 15. HST February 8, 1843, page 161.9

We admit that there is nothing said about days, at this time by the angel, neither is there anything said about years. The Hebrew is seventy heptades, or seventy sevens. Now a “seven” among the Jews, when applied to time, signified a week; and they had their weeks of years, and also weeks of days. It is, therefore, correctly rendered “seventy weeks.” The question, then, is, are they weeks of years, or weeks of days? The angel told Daniel that he had come to make him understand the vision; and he could give him no understanding of the vision, unless the 70 weeks were weeks of just such periods of time as were denoted in the vision. If, therefore, the 2300 days were simply days, the seventy weeks were weeks of days; but if they are 2300 years, then the seventy weeks are weeks of years. HST February 8, 1843, page 161.10

When we reflect that the vision, (not a part of it,) was to be 2300 days long, and that Daniel is told that the sanctuary will then be cleansed; that when Daniel had seen, from the 25th of Jeremiah, that the seventy years that they were to serve the king of Babylon were accomplished, and that he then prayed, (Daniel 9:16, 17,) “O Lord, according to all thy righteousness, I beseech thee, let thine anger and thy fury be turned away from thy city Jerusalem, thy holy mountain; because for our sins and for the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and thy people are become a reproach to all that are about us. Now, therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of thy servant, and his supplications, and cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary that is desolate, for the Lord’s sake:”—who does not see that he supposed that the 2300 days ended with the 70 years, and that the sanctuary would then be cleansed? for we find that he prayed for the very thing which God had promised to do at the end of the 2300 days. And when it is seen that, at the beginning of his supplications, the same angel Gabriel that had explained all of the vision of the 2300 days, but the time, to Daniel, is commissioned to fly swiftly, and informs Daniel that he “has now come forth to give him skill and understanding,” and exhorts him to “understand the matter, and consider the vision,” and then begins where he left off before, shows him that “seventy sevens are cut off,” (for the best scholars admit that such is the original, to “anoint the Most Holy;” that after that the people of the prince that shall come, shall destroy the city and sanctuary, (not cleansed yet,) and that “for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate till the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the deso late,”—who cannot see that the sanctuary cannot be cleanoed till it shall cease to be overspread by abominations at the consummation; that that determined must have reference to the 25th of Jeremiah, which Daniel was considering, which extends down to the end of the world; that the 2300 days must therefore extend to that time; and that therefore the “seventy sevens are cut off” from the 2300 days, are periods of the same length of time, and mark this commencement? When, therefore, it is proved that the seventy sevens are, years, will it not consequently follow that the 2300 days are years? HST February 8, 1843, page 161.11

The title of Mr. Colver’s book is, “The Prophecy of Daniel, literally fulfilled.” The question then is, has he shown a literal fulfilment of these prophecies, and that those days were fulfilled in literal days? HST February 8, 1843, page 162.1

To prove its fulfilment in days, he makes Antiochus the HERO of Daniel’s prophecy, and quotes largely from Rollin—a Roman Catholic—to prove that instead of the vision being fulfilled in 2300 days, a single act of Antiochus covered that length of time. Porphyry, a heathen, is also referred to, in support of the same views. HST February 8, 1843, page 162.2

Mr. Colver admits that the 11th and 12th chapters cover the same ground that is covered by the 8th; and as those two bring us down to the resurrection, the “little horn” that waxed exceeding great, must exist to the same time, and the sanctuary will then be cleansed. HST February 8, 1843, page 162.3

On page 33, Mr. Colver says, “Daniel 8:13: ‘Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?’ Mark well this inquiry. It is not, How long shall be the time for everything that Daniel saw in the vision; but, ‘How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice,’ etc.” Now if he were honest, he would have informed his readers, that the words sacrifice and concerning are not in the original, and are so noted in the translation, and that the question is literally, “How long the vision, the daily and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?” Neither is the word sacrifice in the original of Daniel 12:11-13; so that it reads “from the time the daily shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be 1290 days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. But go thou thy way till the end be; for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.” HST February 8, 1843, page 162.4

These are the periods of which he says, “Let us now look for the events, and for the applicability to them of these numbers.” He then proceeds as follows: “Maccabees i. 54: ‘Now the fifteenth day of the month Casleu, in the hundred and forty and fifth year, they set up the abomination of desolation upon the altar, and builded idol-altars throughout the cities of Juda, on every side;’ and chap. 4:52, 53: ‘Now on the five and twentieth day of the ninth month Casleu, in the hundred forty and eighth year, they rose up betimes in the morning, and offered sacrifice according to the law, upon the new altar of burnt-offerings, which they had made.’ These two dates, with the accompanying history, will give us a clew to the application of these numbers. It will be seen, that the two dates, in them, make their events just three years and ten days apart. The month Casleu answers to our December. The first of these dates is the time when the image of Jupiter Olympus was set up over the altar of God in the temple; and the latter is the time when the ‘sanctuary was cleansed.’ Here, then, we have three years and ten days.” p. 34. Three years at 365 days,=1095 days+10=1105 days. This is all the time that Mr. Colver attempts to show, transpired after the abomination of desolation was set up, when the angel expressly informs. Daniel, that “from the time the daily shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be 1290 days.” Mr. Colver, or the “angel” has therefore made a mistake of ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FIVE days. To get over this insurmountable obstacle, he assumes, that there were “at least six months, 183 days, before the setting up of the abomination of desolation;” when the angel said the 1290 days should be from that time. He says: “But from Macc. i. 45, 46, 47, it appears, that ‘the daily sacrifice was taken away,’ the sanctuary polluted, altars set up, and groves and chapels of idols, and the sacrifice of swine’s flesh and other unclean beasts performed, at least six months before the setting up of ‘the abomination of desolation’ upon the altar in the temple, mentioned in the 54th verse. This, therefore, prefixed or added, gives us the 1290 days.” p. 34. Unfortunately for him, there is nothing in Macc. i. 45, 46, 47, that has any allusion to six months, as the text itself will show. “And forbid burnt-offerings, and sacrifices, and drink-offerings, in the temple; and that they should profane the sabbaths and festival days. And pollute the sanctuary and holy people. Set up altars, and groves, and chapels of idols, and sacrifice swine’s flesh, and unclean beasts.” The 185 days that he is minus, is a mere assumption, and according to his own admission were before the “abomination” was set up,—after which the angel dated it. He therefore has no “tally” that corresponds with this “tag” in his prophecy “literally fulfilled.” HST February 8, 1843, page 162.5

Let us see how “precisely” his “tally” and tag correspond. HST February 8, 1843, page 162.6

Daniel’s “Tag.”Mr. Colver’s “Tally.”

Will the angel give him his “trunk?” or will an intelligent community give him his case? He has come short ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FIVE days on this period. Having shown so “LITERAL a fulfilment” of this period, he says: “Now let us see if we can find in this catastrophe occasion for the largest number, 2300 days. It will be remembered, that this is given, in answer to a question involving the whole process of Israel’s subversion, ‘to give both the host and the sanctuary to be trodden under foot.’ The inquiry then is, When did this work commence? We know when it terminated—at the cleansing of the sanctuary. It appears, Macc. i. 20, 21, that ‘two full years’ previous to the invasion of Israel, of which we have been speaking, ‘Antiochus returned again, in the hundred and forty-third year, and went up against Israel and Jerusalem with a great multitude. And he entered proudly into the sanctuary, and took away the golden altar, and the candlestick of light, and all the vessels thereof.’” p. 35. Thus, the only definite time he has given us for the 2300 days, is “three years, ten days” and “two full years,” making five years and ten days=1836 days, or FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FOUR days short. To make out the balance, Mr. Colver assumes that, “The commencement of the apostacy, and of the utter subversion which followed, is narrated in the 11th verse: ‘In those days went there out of Israel wicked men, who persuaded many, saying, Let us go and make a covenant with the heathen that are round about us,’ etc. Verses 13, 14, and 15: ‘Then certain of the people were so forward herein, that they went to the king, who gave them license to do after the ordinances of the heathen. Whereupon, they built a place of exercise at Jerusalem, according to the customs of the heathen; and made themselves uncircumcised, and forsook the holy covenant, and joined themselves to the heathen, and were sold to do mischief.’ This took place some time previous to the first invasion of Egypt by Antiochus, on his return from which he entered Jerusalem; which gives it a date something more than six years preceding the cleansing of the sanctuary. This, then, gives us the ‘2300 days,’ covering the whole apostacy and subversion.” p. 35. How long Antiochus was in Egypt, Mr. Colver has not shown; and six years would be but 2191 days, which is still 109 days short, so that he makes his “something more” his “literal fulfilment.” HST February 8, 1843, page 162.7

Let us now see how this “tally” corresponds. HST February 8, 1843, page 162.8

Angel’s “Tag.”Mr. Colver’s “Tally.”

His “trunk” cannot be recovered with such a “tally.” Of this period he has utterly failed to show a “literal fulfilment.” HST February 8, 1843, page 162.9

With such success, he says: “We have now only to inquire after and settle the event reached by the 1335 days. Daniel 12:12: ‘Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.’ This number ends forty-five days subsequent to the cleansing of the sanctuary. Did any event then occur, relative to the people of Daniel and to the scenes transpiring at Jerusalem, of sufficient interest to elicit this additional remark of the angel? History answers, There did,—the death of Antiochus Epiphanes, the author of their terrible calamities. Notwithstanding ‘Michael stood up,’—‘the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people,’—yet it was to them a time of trouble, ‘such as there never was since there was a nation, even to that same time.’ Daniel 12:1. The cleansing of the sanctuary, by the victorious arms of the Michael-sustained host of Judas Maccabeus, was not the end of their calamities. Subsequent to this were fought by them two of the most remarkable battles, and victories gained, that are found recorded upon the pages of history. And the angry allies of Antiochus continued to rage upon them, until the news of his death abated their courage, arrested their career, and left the Jews to hail the bliss of returning peace and safety. HST February 8, 1843, page 162.10

“The precise date of the death of Antiochus, or the precise time when the news of it took effect upon the affairs of the Jews, we have not the means of knowing; but enough is found in history to assure us, that this was the event to which allusion was had; and that it is more than probable that it occurred at the end of the 1335 days.” p. 35. Here again, he fails to show an exact time, and acknowledges that he “has no means of knowing,” but thinks it “more than probable,” that, “the distance the news had to travel to reach him at Ecbatana, and the subsequent account of his death, leave us little reason to doubt the accuracy of the angel, in fixing the time at forty-five days.” He has, therefore, not shown the time that preceded or followed the 3 years and 10 days—or 1105 days; and the 1335 days must also be dated from the setting up of the abomination that maketh desolate; so that here he comes short TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY days. We have therefore for the HST February 8, 1843, page 162.11

Angel’s “Tag,“for Colver’s “Tally,“

This makes quite a variation in the three periods, as the amount of Colver’s “tallies,” deducted from the angel’s periods, will show. HST February 8, 1843, page 163.1

Angel’s Periods.Colver’s “Tallies.”Difference.

He has, therefore, only come within EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-NINE days of showing a “literal fulfilment.” Well did he exclaim: “By all the veneration which we feel for the Bible, as ‘a sure word of prophecy,’ as the light of the world, we protest against such terrible trifling with the word of God. If we are ignorant of the fulfilment of any prophecy, let us be ignorant; but let us take heed how we wrest the Scriptures, lest we do it to our own destruction.” p. 24. HST February 8, 1843, page 163.2

He is even so conscious himself that he has made a most signal failure, that he says: “We say not that the various numbers under consideration are all or any of them mentioned in the history of the fulfilments of the predictions; but we DO SAY that their applicability and appropriateness to the events to which we have applied them, to us seem most manifest.” p. 37. His questions, therefore, “Has this prophecy been literally fulfilled?—and can the use of these several numbers, in relation to such fulfilment, be satisfactorily accounted for?” are conclusively answered in the negative. HST February 8, 1843, page 163.3

Notwithstanding such failures and admissions, yet he claims that the prophecy of Daniel “has been shown to be most FAITHFULLY and most literally ACCOMPLISHED.” “Indeed,” he says, “it may be well questioned whether ANY other prophecy, in the whole volume of God’s word, the account of the fulfilment of which depends upon history, can be shown with greater, if it can with EQUAL CLEARNESS, or with so much minutia of accomplishment. If any word of prophecy is sure, this is SURELY IT.” p. 37. Again he says: “We have come to the very numbers themselves, and have examined the last objection, namely, ‘that they do not admit of a literal interpretation or fulfilment;’ and the result of our inquiry is, that they admit of none but a literal interpretation,—that any other than a literal fulfilment is impossible in the very nature of things. We have gone further, and have shown the literal fulfilment of that prediction, and the appropriateness and applicability of all those numbers to the events by which that prediction is fulfilled—yes, so strikingly, circumstantially, and obviously fulfilled, as to draw from the infidel the charge of its having been written subsequent to the events. Here, it would seem that we might rest the matter, with the conviction that our work was done and that these numbers were forever rescued from the strange use to which they have been recently subjected.” p. 38. HST February 8, 1843, page 163.4

He might not only as well “rest the matter,” but might have “as well never have attempted,” for all that he has done to prove his position; for such “monstrous absurdities,” and “terrible trifling,” will only open the eyes of the sincere inquirer after truth. HST February 8, 1843, page 163.5

The third lecture he occupies in showing “the distinctness of the morning vision from the night vision.” HST February 8, 1843, page 163.6

Mr. Colver attempts to show this “distinctness” by drawing a parallel between the “little horn” of the 7th, and the EXCEEDING GREAT HORN of the 8th chap., which he says, “to avoid circumlocution and repetition, we shall call them Antiochus and Nero.” He forgot, however, that to call them so, would not make them so. He then proceeds to show that the origin, character, etc. etc. of Antiochus and Nero, are not the same; and no one claims they are, or that even Rome was the same in every respect as Papacy. We shall not dwell on those points, as they do not touch the question, and we are not disposed to review, where he labors in vain. HST February 8, 1843, page 163.7

It was predicted in Daniel 7:25, that the “little horn” “shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand, until a time and times and the dividing of time.” Mr. Colver says, p.44, “How strikingly is the work of this fulfilled in the persecution of the ‘saints’ under Nero! Mark the prediction: ‘He shall wear out the saints of the Most High.’ Here is a. new application of the term saints in the language of prophecy. The Jews, as a people, are nowhere so called. They are called the ‘holy people,’ the ‘chosen people,’ etc. etc.—terms which comport with their typical or select character; but not saints. It is quite obvious that a new people are in the eye of the prophet.” Again, he says, p. 48, “The term ‘saints’ is never applied to the Jews, as a nation; and it will be remembered, that no such work, as wearing out the saints, is assigned to the little horn of the morning vision; all the terms used in it, such as, ‘people of the covenant,’ ‘holy people,’ the ‘host,’ etc, show, conclusively, that it had to do with the people under the Jewish polity. But, in this vision, the title of’ ‘saints’ is given to the people of the new kingdom of the Messiah; with whom the little horn in it comes in contact. And it is asserted, that ‘they shall be given into his hand, until a time, times and the dividing of time.’ This was literally fulfilled. History informs us, that the persecution of the saints under Nero continued between three and four years; and terminated with his tragic end.” HST February 8, 1843, page 163.8

Here again, he utterly fails to show any time from any history, and for a definite period of three and a half years, he only gets BETWEEN three and four years!! either of which is 180 days aside of the mark, and which, added to the difference of his previous “tallies” and Daniel’s periods—879 days—makes ONLY ONE THOUSAND AND SIXTY-TWO days that he varies in all those prophetic numbers from a “literal fulfilment.” His assertion that the Jews as a nation, are nowhere called saints, is a mere quibble; for if they were not, it does not follow that the pious Jews were not so called; and that they were, he will probably not deny, after consulting 1 Samuel 2:9. 2 Chronicles 6:41. Job 5:1; 15:15. Psalm 16:3; 30:4; 34:9; 37:28; 1:5; 89:5, 7; 97:10; 116:15; etc. etc. HST February 8, 1843, page 163.9

In his lecture at the Marlboro’ Chapel, he stated that the term “holy people” was applied exclusively to the Jews, and that it did not imply moral character. Thus, he said, if a priest had a straight back and straight nose—by which we suppose he meant, free from any bodily defect—if he was the vilest man that ever lived, he was a holy priest. After showing CONCLUSIVELY ‘that Antiochus and Nero were not twins, he says, p. 52, “With what clearness all this has been shown, every one of course will determine for himself. If we have succeeded, then the synopsis, which we gave in our first Lecture, is correct. And then, too, are the numbers ‘2300,’ ‘1290,’ and ‘1335 days,’ connected with the morning vision; and had their accomplishment in its fulfilment. Yes, farther; then is the attempt to graft their date upon that of the seventy weeks, (or sevens,) in the night vision, fanciful, arbitrary, and erroneous; and the whole fabric built upon the perversion of these numbers falls.” HST February 8, 1843, page 163.10

It may not be here amiss to show the opinions of Dowling and Stuart on the literal fulfilment of these periods, and their admissions, that they cannot be shown to have been fulfilled in the literal days. HST February 8, 1843, page 163.11

Dowling attempts to show that the 2300 days are only 1150 days, and that the temple was de filed that length of time, but he admits that “we are not informed by any historian exactly how many days elapsed between the time when Athenaus stopped the daily sacrifice, and the setting up of Jupiter in the temple.” He has no doubt, however, that if we could find such historian, it would be the exact time; the nearest he can come to it, according to his own admission, is 55 days. HST February 8, 1843, page 163.12

The 1260, 1290 and 1335 days, Mr. D. admits to be years, and, while he rejects Mr. Miller’s interpretation, says, he does not feel bound to furnish any other. HST February 8, 1843, page 163.13

Prof. Stuart admits that the three and a half times of Daniel 7. (which he claims was also fulfilled by this event,) cannot be shown to have been fulfilled with any more exactness. Josephus, however, says that the time of this defilement was just three years. But Prof. Stuart only claims to show an almost exact fulfilment, and excuses it by saying, “No one can reasonably expect a more exact fulfilment of the time specified.” (Hints, p. 90.) And on page 93 he says, “A little more, or a little less, than three and a half years, would, as every reasonable interpreter must acknowledge, accord perfectly well with the general designation here, where plainly the aim is not statistical exactness.” Thus, according to Prof. S., God in prophetic time does not always aim to tell the truth. HST February 8, 1843, page 163.14

In the 1290 days of Daniel 12., Prof. S. (see p. 95) thinks is an “exact specification” of the time, and this is the only place where he admits that God did speak the exact truth, when he has specified time. And the only evidence that there was anything here fulfilled, in literal days, is that “we may naturally conclude” that Antiochus “arrived opposite Jerusalem in the latter part of May.” HST February 8, 1843, page 163.15

Of the 1335 days of Daniel 12., he only proves their exactness by “supposing now that Appolonius captured Jerusalem in the latter part of May, B. C. 168, the 1335 days would expire about the middle of February, in the year B. C. 164.” The only way that he finds the commencement, is by “assuming that the terminus a quo of the 1335 days, is the same as that of the 1290 days;” and then he says, “no more probable time can be fixed upon for” the death of Antiochus, than “some time in February, B. C. 164.” p. 97. HST February 8, 1843, page 163.16

The 2300 days, Prof. S. applies to the defilement of the temple by Antiochus, and he only shows their commencement by “counting back” from December 25th, 195 B. C., which he assumes as their “terminus ad quem, and we come to Aug. 5, B. C. 171.” p. 101. Here he does not attempt to prove an exact fulfilment from any history. HST February 8, 1843, page 163.17

The “70 weeks,” which all admit to be so plain, the Professor calls a “locus vexatissimus,” gives them a hard name, and leaves them. p. 105. HST February 8, 1843, page 163.18

The prophetic periods in the Apocalypse are despatched by the Professor in the same summary manner. Of the “five months,” (Revelation 9:10,) he says, “Of course, a period strictly definite does not appear to be here designated.” p. 144. The 42 months of Revelation 11:2, he commences with, “If we suppose now that the former part of Feb. was the month when war was declared,” etc. p. 117. The 42 months of Revelation 13:5, he attempts to show fulfilled exactly, with “only a few days of excess beyond that measure of time.” He says, “By this small excess of only a few days, no one of course can be stumbled; for how is it reasonable to suppose, that in respect to a celebrated period, so often repeated, and already become so famous, a statistical exactness would or could be aimed at? Enough that only a few days at most can be considered as supernumerary.” p. 128. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.1

Again he says, “A statistical exactness cannot be reasonably supposed to be aimed at in cases of this nature. Any near approximation to the measure of time in question, would of course be regarded as a sufficient reason for setting it down under the general rubric.” p. 130. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.2

Thus we see that the best authorities against us admit that these periods cannot be proved to have been fulfilled in literal days. Those who claim that they were thus exactly fulfilled, are challenged to show the historical evidence of it. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.3

Having thus cleared the way, he says, “Let us now attend to some other considerations, which go to confirm these views. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.4

“As an introduction to the explanation of the morning vision, the angel says to Daniel, (chap. 10:14,) ‘Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days; for yet the vision is for many days.’ Proof positive this, that the matters of the vision pertained to Daniel’s people, the Jews! After this intimation, for the angel to talk to Daniel of the little horn of Popery; and what it should do, a thousand years after his people and the place of their sanctuary should be destroyed; would be, to say the least, to preach a sermon very foreign to his text. If the matters of the vision did not befall the Jews, Daniel was imposed upon; for his people are no more concerned with the doings of Popery, than any others of the Gentile world.” p. 52. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.5

That the “latter days” denote the gospel days, is the uniform opinion of all commentators “Kimki,” says Owen, “gives it for a rule, that the expression, in the latter days, always denotes the times of the Messiah, which I suppose is not liable to any exception.” [owen on Hebrews Vol. I, page 157.] HST February 8, 1843, page 164.6

Professor Stuart says, “but last days, in particular, is used to denote the future period in which the Messiah was to appear. Isaiah 2:2; Hosea 3:5; Micah 4:1. This phrase, (as it would seem from its usage in these places,) early passed into a kind of technical designation of the time of the Messiah, or rather, of the new dispensation under him. Thus Rabbi Nachmanides, on Genesis 49:1, says, ‘all our doctors agree that last days mean the times of the Messiah.’” [Stuart on Hebrews, Vol. 2, page 44.] p. 13. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.7

It therefore follows that the angel had reference to the people of Daniel, under the gospel dispensation, notwithstanding Mr. Colver thinks “Daniel was imposed upon.” HST February 8, 1843, page 164.8

He says, “It might have been expected by some, that we should have noticed more particularly the opposing views of others to our interpretations. But for several reasons we have not done it. Among them are, First, They are so numerous and various, that the task would have been endless. Second, Those views are entertained by many whom we love in the Lord; and we desire to shun even the appearance of a personal conflict with them. But, Third, our main reason is, that a blow at the root is better than many among the branches. The error which we have been combatting, is a radical one. If we have done anything to correct it, we shall rejoice; and in so far as we may have failed, we have no doubt that the year 1843 will prove effectual in its removal, even should our Lord come before its close. For, come when he may, we have no idea that he will sanction such a rule of interpretation, as that which we have opposed.” p. 53. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.9

We would inquire of Mr. Colver if he has any idea that such a rule of interpretation will be sanctioned as he has advocated? And although some may “regard the Bible with increased pleasure,” does it follow that he has done anything to prove it an inspired book? We greatly fear that such interpretations will do much to bring discredit upon God’s holy word and advance the cause of infidelity. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.10

He says, “Two objections to our interpretation and application of these prophecies are urged, on each of which it may be well, in this place, to offer a few remarks. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.11

Obj. 1. That thethroneand thejudgment,’ seen in the night vision, warrant the conclusion that this vision extends to the end of the world.” p. 56. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.12

This he gets over by a quibble, and proceeds to the “Obj. 2. A resurrection is mentioned. (See Daniel 12:2.) ‘And many of them that sleep in the dust,’ etc.” p. 57. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.13

Here he thinks is “pretty strong evidence that a literal resurrection is not intended;” p. 58; and says, “We fully believe that the language in the text is to be understood as FIGURATIVE.” Thus much for “the prophecy of Daniel literally fulfilled: considered in three lectures, by N. Colver.” HST February 8, 1843, page 164.14

There is however one other idea which he has advanced, viz., that the midnight cry will not be given by man, (see p. 60,) but that it will be given by the descending Judge. We would like to enquire, if it was usual for the Bridegroom to give notice of his own approach, and if so, if he would say “go ye out to meet him?” HST February 8, 1843, page 164.15

We will now offer some objections, which are fatal to Mr. Colver’s “literal exposition.” HST February 8, 1843, page 164.16

1. The “LITTLE HORN” in Daniel 7:8 CANNOT be NERO. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.17

1st. The ten horns of the fourth beast denote the ten kingdoms that were to arise out of the Roman empire, the last of which, the Lombards did not arise till A. D. 483. The little horn was to arise after them, (v. 24;) whereas Nero died in A. D. 68, which was 288 years before Hungary, the first of those horns, arose, A. D. 356. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.18

2. Taking Colver’s own ground, that the ten horns were ten individual kings, then the little horn must be the ELEVENTH Casar. But according to Prof. Stuart, Nero was the SIXTH. (“Hints,” p. 121.) HST February 8, 1843, page 164.19

3. Three of the first ten horns were to be plucked up before the little horn. The Ostrogoth, the third subverted division of the Roman kingdom, was not conquered by Justinian till A. D. 508 after Nero had been dead 440 years. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.20

4. Upon Colver’s own ground, there were no three individual kings plucked up to make way for him. He says, “three were plucked up by the roots to make way for Nero to the throne. Tiberius was strangled, Caligula was assassinated, and Claudius, husband to the mother of Nero, Agrippina, was poisoned.” p. 42. Those three, however, could not be said to be plucked up by the roots to make way for Nero; because Nero was not born till A. D. 37, whereas Tiberius was strangled A. D. 36, one year before Nero was born; and Caligula was assassinated A. D. 40, when Nero was only three years old; so that in those acts no reference whatever could have been had to Nero. If they were to be included because they were assassinated, then it would be necessary to include Julius Casar, and which would make four horns plucked up; and Prof. Stuart says, in his Hints, there were “five fallen;” (p. 121;) but a variation of two is probably of little consequence with Mr. Colver’s “literal interpretation,” if we may judge from the exactness of his “tallies.” HST February 8, 1843, page 164.21

5. The little horn was to come up among the ten horns, (v. 8;) showing that the ten horns were to be in existence as horns when it should first arise. But of the twelve Casars only one was in existence as a horn or king at the same time; and Nero, instead of reigning among them, reigned alone. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.22

6. The little horn was to be diverse from the other horns, (v. 24.) But Nero was not diverse from the other Casars. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.23

7. “He shall subdue three kings,” (v. 24;) but Nero did not subdue any of his predecessors, or any king whatever. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.24

8. The little horn was to make “war with the saints, and prevail against them, until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.” (verses 21, 22.) But Mr. Colver has not attempted to show that Nero reigned till those events. Upon his own hypothesis, Nero must be still alive, and waging war, for the time has not yet come that the saints POSSESS the kingdom. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.25

9. The saints of the Most High were to be given into the hand of the little horn. But there w as no power on earth who could give them into Nero’s hands; and will he claim that God gave this saints into Nero’s hands? HST February 8, 1843, page 164.26

10. “But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and destroy it unto the end.” But the dominion of Nero was not taken away before his death. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.27

11. The saints of the Most High were to be given into the hands of the “little horn” “until a time, times, and the dividing of time,” or 1260 days; but according to Prof. Stuart, Nero persecuted the Christians from the middle of Nov. A. D. 64, till the 9th of June, A. D. 68, which was 1302 days, or an excess of FORTY-TWO days. Hints, p. 127. Probably, however, Mr. Colver will unite with Prof. Stuart in saying, that, “By this small excess of only a few days, no one of course can be stumbled; for how is it reasonable to suppose, that in respect to a celebrated period, so often repeated, and already become so famous, a statistical exactness would or could be aimed at?” Hints, p. 128. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.28

12. The little horn had “eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things,” (v. 8.) “And he shall speak great words against the Most High.” v. 25. Nero was in no respect distinguished for these characteristics above his predecessors; but, on the contrary, while some of them were truly great, he was one of the lowest and vilest men that sat upon the throne of the Casars, and was only noted for acts of meanness and cruelty. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.29

13. The little horn was to be the last horn of the beast, and was to continue till the death of the beast; and the beast itself could have but ELEVEN horns in all. Consequently, if Nero was the little horn, he was the last king of Rome, which could have had but eleven kings, instead of the FORTY-ONE which reigned previous to its division in 364. And when Nero died, Rome must have come to an end with him. HST February 8, 1843, page 164.30

14. The look of the little horn “was more stout than his fellows; consequently, if Nero was the little horn the other horns must have coexisted with him, or they could not have been his fellows. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.1

15. The saints were to “possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever.” Mr. Colver claims it was given to the saints on the death of Nero, A. D. 68, when his persecution ceased. But the next persecution, under Domitian, commenced A. D. 93; so that the saints possessed the kingdom only 25 years, which must therefore be the length of Mr. Colver’s “forever, even forever and ever.” HST February 8, 1843, page 165.2

The above characteristics, which were to mark the little horn, are none of them found in Nero; and prove conclusively, not only that he is not brought to view by this little horn, but that a cause must be desperate, and a man hard pushed indeed, who is obliged to resort to such a “faux pas” in support of his “visionary vagary.” HST February 8, 1843, page 165.3

II. The little horn of the 8th of daniel, which came from towards one of the four winds of heaven, and waxed EXCEEDING GREAT, could not have been ANTIOCHUS EPIPHANES. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.4

1. The little horn was to come forth out of, or from towards one of the four winds of heaven, (v. 9.) Thus Moses predicted of Rome in Deuteronomy 28:49: “The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth,” or from one of the four winds of heaven. Antiochus, on the contrary, did not come from a distance to Judea; neither did he come out of one of the four horns, for he did not cease to be a part of Syria, which was one of the four horns. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.5

2. Sir Isaac Newton says that “A horn of a beast is never taken for a single person: it always signifies a new kingdom; and the kingdom of Antiochus was an old one.” HST February 8, 1843, page 165.6

3. Antiochus reigned over one of the four horns. But the little horn was a fifth, under its proper kings. This horn was at first a little horn, but it waxed exceeding great toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land. This was true or ROME. But so did NOT Antiochus. His kingdom, on the contrary, was weak, and tributary to the Romans; and he did NOT enlarge it. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.7

4. The little horn was to arise in the latter time of the kingdom of the four horns. But Antiochus was the eighth in the Syrian line of kings, which numbered twenty-five, and he therefore could not be in the latter time of that kingdom. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.8

5. The little horn was to arise when the transgressors had come to the full. But the transgressions of the Jews had not come to the full in the time of Antiochus; nor did it, till they had crucified the “Prince of princes,” 197 years after the death of Antiochus. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.9

6. The little horn was to be “a king of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences.” This was what Moses predicted of the Romans, (Deuteronomy 28:49, 50,) “a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand, a nation of fierce countenance.” But this was not characteristic of Antiochus. On the contrary, Rollin says of him, that “He used frequently to go out of his palace, accompanied only by two or three domestics, and ramble up and down the streets of Antioch. He would spend his time in talking with goldsmiths and engravers, in their shops, and in disputing with them on the most minute particulars relating to the arts they professed, and which he ridiculously boasted he understood as well as they. He would very often stoop so low as to converse with the dregs of the populace, and mix indiscriminately with them in the places where they were assembled. On these occasions, he would sit and drink with foreigners of the meanest condition in life. Whenever he heard of any party of pleasure between young people, he used to go (without saying a word to any person) and join in all their wanton fooleries; would carouse and sing with them, without observing the least moderation or decorum. He sometimes would take it into his head to divest himself of his royal habit, and put on a Roman robe; and in that garb would go from street to street, as he had seen the candidates at Rome do at an election for magistrates. He asked the citizens to favor him with their votes, by giving his hand to one and by embracing another; and sometimes would canvass for the office of adile, and at other times for that of tribune. After having got himself elected, he would call for the curule chair, and seating himself in it, would judge the petty suits relating to contracts of buying or selling, and pronounce sentence with as much seriousness and gravity as if he directed affairs of the utmost importance. We are likewise told that he was very much given to drinking; that he squandered away a great part of his revenues in excess and debauch; and that, when intoxicated with liquor, he would frequently scour up and down the city, throwing away handfuls of money among the populace, and crying “Catch as catch can.” At other times, he would leave his palace (dressed in a Roman robe, with a crown of roses on his head) and walk without attendants about the street; on which occasions, if any persons offered to follow him, he used to pelt them with stones, always carrying a great quantity under his robe, for that purpose. He often used to go and bathe himself in the public baths with the common people, where he committed such extravagances as made everybody despise him. After what has been said, (and I omit a great many other particulars,) I submit to the reader’s judgment, whether Antiochus did not merit the title of madman rather than that of illustrious.” [Roll. An. His. B. 19. Chap. 2. Sect. 2.] HST February 8, 1843, page 165.10

Thus speaks Rollin of Antiochus Epiphanes, one of Nathaniel Colver’s HEROES of Daniel’s prophecy. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.11

7. The power of this “horn” was to be MIGHTY, but not by his own power. This was true of ROME, whose generals derived all their power from the people. But Antiochus was only mighty in iniquity and folly, and acted independently of any restraint or external aid. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.12

8. It is said of this HORN, “and he shall destroy wonderfully.” It is said that Antiochus destroyed about 80,000 Jews. But ROME, in a single siege, destroyed ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND of that nation, and scattered the remnant into all countries. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.13

9. It is said of this HORN, “He shall PROSPER and practise.” Thus did ROME. But Antiochus was frightened out of Egypt by a mere message of the Romans, and afterwards routed and baffled by the Jews. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.14

10. This HORN was to destroy the mighty and holy people, which Mr. Colver says are the Jews; and yet, according to his own assumption, p. 49, that nation was destroyed by the ROMANS, A. D. 70, after Antiochus had been dead 234 years. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.15

11. This HORN magnified himself even to the PRINCE of the host, and stood up against the PRINCE of princes; but Antiochus died 164 years before the PRINCE of princes was born; while the Romans did fulfil this prediction, in crucifying the LORD OF GLORY. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.16

12. This HORN was to cast down the place of the sanctuary, which Antiochus did not, as he left it standing. But in Daniel 9:26, Gabriel informs Daniel that after the seventy weeks the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary, and which Mr. Colver, on p. 50, acknowledges was done by the ROMANS. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.17

13. To give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot, by this HORN, the vision was to continue 2300 days. According to Faber, Prideaux, Mede, Scott, Bishop Newton, Sir Isaac Newton, and the universal opinion of our standard Protestant commentators, Daniel’s prophetic days are years. But the profanation of the temple by Antiochus did not continue so many natural days. Even Colver’s famous tally of 1836 days varies from it 464 days. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.18

14. If the vision was to continue only 2300 natural days, they would have terminated 300 years before the reign of Antiochus commenced; and consequently he could not stand up against the Prince of princes, for to Messiah the prince there was to be but 69 weeks. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.19

15. These days were to extend to the last end of the indignation, and the indignation is not yet at an end. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.20

16. They were to continue till the sanctuary should be cleansed; and Gabriel informs Daniel 9:27, that for the overspreading of abominations, he shall make it desolate even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. The sanctuary is not yet cleansed; nor can it be till the consummation. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.21

17. Of the ram, he-goat, and this horn, there is a regular gradation. Persia, which extended from India to Ethiopia, over ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN PROVINCES, is simply called great. Grecia, of which it is said, “the third kingdom shall bear rule OVER ALL THE EARTH,” is called very great. But the HORN, which represents the succeeding power, is said to have waxed EXCEEDING GREAT—even greater than the preceding powers. The natural gradation would therefore be, HST February 8, 1843, page 165.22

Great.Very Great.Exceeding Great.

How absurd and ludicrous would be, HST February 8, 1843, page 165.23

Great.Very Great.Exceeding Great.

The above considerations render it morally certain that not Antiochus, who was once an hostage in Rome and paid tribute to the Romans all his days; but ROME, that EXACTED tribute of him, is the power symbolized by the HORN of Daniel 8th, that waxed EXCEEDING GREAT. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.24

III. ANTIOCHUS is not the HERO of the 10th, 11th and 12th chapters of Daniel. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.25

1. Gabriel informed Daniel that he had come to make him understand what should befall his people in the latter days; (10:14;) which the most distinguished commentators admit are the gospel days. But Antiochus died 164 years before the gospel days commenced. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.26

2. If the king of the north, in 11:15, is Syria, as all commentators agree, then the one that cometh against him cannot be Antiochus, who was also king of Syria, unless Antiochus could come against himself. HST February 8, 1843, page 165.27

3. The Prince of the covenant was to be broken before him, (11:22.) And St. Paul says, Galatians 3:15, 16: “Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; though it be but a man’s covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth or addeth thereto. Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.” The Prince of the covenant must therefore be Christ, who was not broken before Antiochus; but was crucified by the Romans during the reign of Tiberius, one of the vilest men that ever lived, and who succeeded Augustus Casar, the “raiser of taxes,” of whom it is said, Luke 2:1, “And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Cesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.” HST February 8, 1843, page 165.28

4. The ships of Chittim were to come against him, v. 30, as they did against Rome; but did not against Antiochus. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.1

5. They were to take away the daily, and place the abomination that maketh desolate. But this had not been done in St. Paul’s day, 200 years after Antiochus’ death; for he says, 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8, “And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.” HST February 8, 1843, page 166.2

6. They that did understand among the people were to fall by the sword and by flame and by captivity and by spoil many days, v. 33, as they did by Roman fury; but Antiochus persecuted the Jews but about three years. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.3

7. The king was to do according to his will, v. 36. But Antiochus was subject to the Romans, and when advancing to Egypt the Roman embassador met him, commanded him to withdraw his troops, drew a circle around him in the sand, and obliged him to give an answer before he left that circle. And Antiochus obeyed. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.4

8. He was to prosper till the indignation be accomplished. But the indignation is not yet accomplished, and Antiochus has been dead above 2000 years!! HST February 8, 1843, page 166.5

9. At the time of the end, the king of the north was to come against him like a whirlwind. But Antiochus was king of the north, and could not come against himself. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.6

10. He was to have power over all the precious things of Egypt, v. 43; as did NOT Antiochus. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.7

11. When he was to come to his end, Michael was to “stand up, the GREAT PRINCE that standeth for the children of thy people;” and the resurrection of the dead was to take place; but no such events occurred on the death of Antiochus; neither have those events yet occurred. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.8

12. The wise—those who are to shine as the brightness of the firmament—were to understand at the time of the end; but none of the wicked were to understand. And yet nothing transpired on the death of Antiochus but what the wicked also could understand. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.9

13. They that waited and came to the end of the 1335 days were pronounced blessed; but the death of Antiochus was no more of a blessing to the pious than it was to the wicked. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.10

14. Daniel was to stand in his lot at the end of those days. He has not yet stood in his lot; consequently those days are not yet ended. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.11

15. It has never yet been shown that the 1290 and 1335 days have been fulfilled in literal days, in any event. And even Mr. Colver, with all his “LITERAL EXACTNESS,” only gets within ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE days in the one case, and TWO HUNDRED THIRTY days in the other!!! HST February 8, 1843, page 166.12

IV. The ninth chapter of Daniel cannot be a supplement to the seventh. See p. 10. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.13

1. Daniel does not need a supplement of that chapter, for he says, “one of them that stood by” “told me, and made me know the interpretation of the thing,” 7:16, and Daniel “wrote the dream, and told the sum of the matters,” 5:1. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.14

2. Daniel did need a further explanation of the time in the 8th chapter, and that was the only unexplained portion of the vision, for he says he “was astonished at the vision, but none understood it,” 8:27. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.15

3. Daniel says, in the 9th chapter, that the man Gabriel, whom he had seen in the vision at the beginning, informed him, and talked with him, and said that he had now come forth to give him skill and understanding. But the only previous vision in which Daniel mentions the name of Gabriel, is in the 8th chapter. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.16

4. When Gabriel thus came to Daniel, that prophet was praying for the cleansing of the sanctuary, which in the 8th chapter was promised to be done at the end of 2300 days, and to which no allusion is made in the seventh. Daniel prayed, 9:17, “Now therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of thy servant, and his supplications, and cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary that is desolate, for the Lord’s sake.” HST February 8, 1843, page 166.17

5. The angel had finished the explanation of the 7th chapter, and here he commences precisely where he closed the explanation of the 8th chapter, and explains what was then left unexplained. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.18

6. He informs Daniel that “seventy sevens are determined” (cut off) to the anointing of the Most Holy. This period could not be “cut off” from the three and a half times in the seventh chapter; for none claim the 1260 days to have commenced before the end of the 70 weeks. But the Medo-Persian empire was in just the condition as symbolized by the horns being high and the ram pushing at the commencement of the vision of the 2300 days. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.19

7. The angel also informed Daniel that the sanctuary could not then be cleansed, as Daniel prayed, because, after the 70 weeks were ended, the people of the prince that should come would destroy the city and the sanctuary, and for the overspreading of abominations it was to be desolated till the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. It therefore cannot be cleansed till that event. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.20

8. There is no information given in this interview of the angel on any subject that is alluded to in the vision of the 7th chapter. But allusion is made to the “Prince,” and the sanctuary, both of which are mentioned in the 8th. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.21

The above considerations show that if the 9th chapter is an explanation of any previous vision, it must be the one in the 8th chapter. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.22

V. The vision of the 2300 days extends to the end of the world. This will be seen by an attentive examination of the vision and explanation. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.23

Daniel’s Vision of the 8th Chapter. The Angel’s Explanation, in the 8th and 9th chapters, of Daniel’s Vision of the 8th


Daniel’s Vision of the 8th Chapter.The Angel’s Explanation, in the 8th and 9th chapters, of Daniel’s Vision of the 8th.
Verses 3, 4. Then I lifted up my eyes, and saw, and behold, there stood before the river a ram which had two horns; and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the highest came up last. I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; so that no beasts might stand before him. neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand: hut he did according to his will, and became great.Verse 20. The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia.
Note. The Medo-Persian kingdom reached its greatest glory—as symbolized by the two horns being high, and the ram pushing, in every direction—in the reign of Artaxerxes Longimanus.
Verse 5. And as I was considering, behold. a he-goat came from the west, on the face of the whole earth, and touched not the ground.Verse 21. And the rough goat is the king of Grecia.
Note. The he-goat is literally a kid of the goats—not of full strength when he first appeared, as was the ram.
Verses 5-8. And the goat had a notable horn between his eyes. And he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his power. And I saw him come close unto the ram, and he was moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brake his two horns; and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him; and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand. Therefore the he-goat waxed very great.Verse 21. And the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king.
Note. After the death of Alexander the Great, his kingdom was divided among his four generals, towards the four winds of heaven; viz., Egypt, Syria, Thrace and Macedonia.
Verse 8. And when he was strong, the great horn was broken, and for it came up four notable ones, towards the four winds of heaven.Verse 22. Now that being broken, whereas four stood for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of his nation, but not in his power.
Verses 9-12. And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which WAXED EXCEEDING GREAT, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land. And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them. Yea, he magnified himself even to the Prince of the host, and by him the daily was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. And a host was given him against the daily by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised and prospered.Verses 23-26. And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power; and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise. and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes, but he shall be broken without hand. And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true; wherefore shut thon up the vision; for it shall be for many days.
Verses 13, 14. Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long the vision—the daily and the transgression of desolation—to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?
And he said unto me, “Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.”
Note. The word consummation is from the Hebrew word kalah, and signifies completion. consumption, destruction. It also comes from a root which signifies to finish, to complete, to waste, to destroy; and when employed with the Hebrew veneheratash, as is the case in nearly all of the above texts, they together denote destruction and decree, or destruction decreed. [See Gesenius’ Hebrew and English Lexicon.]
Daniel 9:24-27. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy, (or, more literally, Holiest of Holies.) Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem. unto the Messiah the Prince, shall be seven weeks and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself; and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary: and the end thereof shall tin with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week; and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

The connection between the 8th and 9th chapters is rendered more evident when taken in connection with the 25th chapter of Jeremiah. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.24

The vision of the 8th chapter was seen in the third year of the reign of the king Belshazzar. And when it was all explained but the time, Daniel fainted and was sick certain days, and was astonished at the vision, but none understood it. The want of an explanation of the time, could be the only reason why it was not understood. HST February 8, 1843, page 166.25

Fifteen years after this, in the last year of Belshazzar, that king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and drank wine before the thousand out of the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the house of God in Jerusalem—the king and his princes, his wives and his concubines, drank in them. “They drank wine, and praised the gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone. In the same hour came forth fingers of a man’s hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the king’s palace: and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote. Then the king’s countenance was changed, and his thoughts troubled him, so that the joints of his loins were loosed, and his knees smote one against another.” “Then was the part of the hand sent from him; and this writing was written. And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.” “In that night was Belshazzar, the king of the Chaldeans, slain. And Darius the Median took the kingdom.” HST February 8, 1843, page 166.26

Thus was fulfilled the prophecy in Jeremiah 25:11, 12. “And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith the Lord, for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations.” This prophecy Daniel had been considering, and saw that the 70 years terminated that night in which the king of Babylon was slain; for he says, (9:1-3,) “In the first year of Darius, the son of Ahasuerus, of the seed of the Medes, which was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans; in the first year of his reign, I Daniel understood by books, the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem. And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackloth, and ashes.” He then prayed for the cleansing of the sanctuary—the very thing that was predicted should be accomplished at the end of the 2300 days,—showing that Daniel expected that those days were literal days, and that they terminated with the 70 years; and that the sanctuary would then be cleansed. He prayed, “O Lord, according to all thy righteousness, I beseech thee, let thine anger and thy fury be turned away from thy city Jerusalem, thy holy mountain: because for our sins and for the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and thy people are become a reproach to all that are about us. Now therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of thy servant, and his supplications, and cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary that is desolate, for the Lord’s sake. O my God, incline thine ear, and hear; open thine eyes, and behold our desolations, and the city which is called by thy name: for we do not present our supplications before thee for our righteousnesses, but for thy great mercies. O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive; O Lord, hearken and do; defer not, for thine own sake, O my God: for thy city and thy people are called by thy name.” Daniel 9:16-19. HST February 8, 1843, page 167.1

While Daniel was thus praying, the angel Gabriel, that had explained all of the vision in the previous chapter, but the time, came to him, and corrected his error with regard to the cleansing of the sanctuary, and length of the 2300 days, which were to extend to that cleansing. Daniel says, (9:20-23,) “And while I was speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin, and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my God; yea, while I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in. the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation. And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding. At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to show thee; for thou art greatly beloved; therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision.” HST February 8, 1843, page 167.2

What vision was he to understand? Daniel says he made him know the interpretation of the 7th, and there is no vision in the 9th; it must therefore be the vision in the 8th chapter. That vision Gabriel was commanded to make Daniel understand; and he told Daniel he would make him know what should be in the last end of the indignation; but Daniel says, after he fainted, that none understood it. The angel therefore must fulfil his promise and the command at some future time; and he says he is now come to make him understand the vision. He must therefore give the information on those points, at this time, which would remove the obscurity from Daniel’s mind, and fulfil the angel’s commission; and the time being the only unexplained point, the information must respect the commencement and duration of the 2300 days, and the time of the cleansing of the sanctuary, respecting which Daniel prayed. HST February 8, 1843, page 167.3

The angel then informs him that “seventy sevens are cut off,” etc., “to the anointing of the Most Holy; that those seventy sevens commence with the command to restore and build Jerusalem, which, according to the chronology in the margin of the 7th of Ezra, was B. C. 457; that after the seventy sevens the people of the prince that should come should destroy the city and the sanctuary, instead of its being then or previously cleansed,—and that it should not be cleansed till the consummation; for till then the overspreading of abominations should make it desolate, and that that was determined should be poured upon the desolate. HST February 8, 1843, page 167.4

Until what consummation? and what was determined that should be poured upon the desolate? Daniel says, before he prayed, he “understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.” That prediction is found in the 25th of Jeremiah; and in the same chapter that Daniel says he was considering, it is also predicted that a desolation should go forth upon all nations, beginning with Jerusalem, and ending upon all the nations of the world. HST February 8, 1843, page 167.5

Jeremiah says, (25:15-37,) “For thus saith the Lord God of Israel unto me; Take the winecup of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send thee, to drink it. And they shall drink, and be moved, and be mad, because of the sword that I will send among them. Then took I the cup at the Lord’s hand, and made all the nations to drink, unto whom the Lord had sent me: to wit, Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, and the kings thereof, and the princes thereof, to make them a desolation, an astonishment, a hissing, and a curse; as it is this day; Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and his servants, and his princes, and all his people; and all the mingled people, and all the kings of the land of Uz, and all the kings of the land of the Philistines, and Ashkelon, and Azzah, and Ekron, and the remnant of Ashdod, Edom, and Moab, and the children of Ammon, and all the kings of Tyrus, and all the kings of Zidon, and the kings of the isles which are beyond the sea, Dedan, and Tema, and Buz, and all that are in the utmost corners, and all the kings of Arabia, and all the kings of the mingled people that dwell in the desert, and all the kings of Zimri, and all the kings of Elam, and all the kings of the Medes, and all the kings of the north, far and near, one with another, and all the kingdoms of the world, which are upon the face of the earth: and the king of Sheshach shall drink after them. Therefore thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel; Drink ye, and be drunken, and spue, and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword which I will send among you. And it shall be, if they refuse to take the cup at thy hand to drink, then shalt thou say unto them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Ye shall certainly drink. For lo, I begin to bring evil on the city which is called by my name, and should ye be utterly unpunished? Ye shall not be unpunished; for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of hosts. Therefore prophesy thou against them all these words, and say unto them, The Lord shall roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy habitation; he shall mightily roar upon his habitation; he shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth. A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground. Howl, ye shepherds, and cry; and wallow yourselves in the ashes, ye principal of the flock: for the days of your slaughter and of your dispersions are accomplished; and ye shall fall like a pleasant vessel. And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape. A voice of the cry of the shepherds, and a howling of the principal of the flock, shall be heard; for the Lord hath spoiled their pasture. And the peaceable habitations are cut down, because of the fierce anger of the Lord.” HST February 8, 1843, page 167.6

As this was what Daniel was considering, he would understand by “the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate,” as having reference to the predictions in this chapter. The “consummation,” therefore, must be the end of the world, when the slain of the Lord will be from one end of the earth even to the other; and that which is “determined to be poured upon the desolate,” must be the “winecup of God’s fury,” which is to be poured upon “all the kingdoms of the world which are upon the face of the earth,” and they shall “fall to rise no more.” As the sanctuary is to be desolated by the overspreading of abominations till that time, it cannot be previously cleansed, and the 2300 days must then terminate. And as the “seventy sevens” which were cut off to the Messiah, were fulfilled in so many years, and are admitted to be years, therefore, the 2300 days from which they were cut off, must also be years, and must commence at the same time when the decree went forth, B. C. 457, which leave A. D. 1843 years. HST February 8, 1843, page 167.7

It is farther shown that the 2300 days commence at that time; for the vision commenced with the ram; and when the ram was first seen, its horns were both high, and it was pushing in every direction; so that the vision must have commenced with the meridian glory of the Medo-Persian kingdom, which was at the very time the decree was given by Artaxerxes Longimanus, and it began to decline in the reign of that monarch. HST February 8, 1843, page 167.8

These days are also proved to be years, from the fact that all the events predicted in them, could not be fulfilled in literal days. HST February 8, 1843, page 167.9

The above considerations seem to demonstrate that the 2300 days are symbols of years, begin B. C. 457, and extend to A. D. 1843, when the sanctuary will be cleansed, and this world be consummated. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.1

VI. The 1260 days of Daniel 7:25, that the saints were to be given into the hands of the little horn, are also proved to be YEARS; for the little horn was to continue till the final judgment, and it has been repeatedly shown, that from A. D. 538, when the Pope first had dominion over the lives of others, to the time when that dominion was taken away, A. D. 1798, was just as many years as the predicted days. The Pope is also still making war with the saints, and prevailing against them, as it was predicted he should till the Ancient of Days came. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.2

VII. The 1290 and 1335 days in Daniel 12th, are also proved to be YEARS: for the 1290 days were to reach to the time of the end, and in A. D. 1798, just 1290 years from the taking away of the daily, A. D. 508, were fulfilled the very events that were predicted in Daniel 11:40-45, to occur at the time of the end. The 1335 days would therefore extend 45 years beyond, and terminate in 1843; and that they reach to the end of the world is evident, from the fact, that Daniel will then stand in his lot. “Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. But go thou thy way till the end be; for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.” HST February 8, 1843, page 168.3

VIII. The period has now arrived when these predictions can be understood. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.4

Till the time of the end they were to be closed up and sealed. Daniel asked, “O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?” But he is told, “Go thy way. Daniel; for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” The words that were closed up and sealed, were the end of these things, and which reached to the resurrection of the dead; and although they that are to shine as the brightness of the firmament “shall understand,” yet “the wicked will do wickedly, and one of the wicked shall understand.” HST February 8, 1843, page 168.5

As Mr. Colver has made an utter failure of showing a single point of resemblance between this literal exposition and Daniel’s prophecy, and as there is a direct disagreement between the two, in fifty-four particulars, in each of which they should correspond, to say nothing of the variation of the ONE THOUSAND AND SIXTY-TWO days in his four prophetic periods, all candid enquirers after truth—whatever they may think of the theory which he indirectly attempts to overthrow,—will never be satisfied with his “PROPHECY OF DANIEL LITERALLY FULFILLED.” HST February 8, 1843, page 168.6

Geological Deductions


The lecture of Mr. A. Gray, at the Marlboro chapter, on Tuesday evening, the 31st ult., according to public notice, was to show the “Duration and Destruction of the world, as inferred from the records of Geology.” He commenced by stating that God had given us two revelations,—one in his works, the other in his word,—that these revelations were both true, and in harmony with each other, and one ought to be believed as readily as the other. He then passed over the common ground taken by Geologists, respecting the bearing away of mineral matter by rivers, and depositing the same upon the floor of the ocean, by which the latter is being filled up at the rate of one foot in a thousand years, and thus a gradual, though certain leveling process is going forward upon the earth’s surface; and hence, after an indefinite number of thousands of years, the bed of the ocean will become so far filled up by these deposites from the continents, that it will lose that elastic power which it now has, and thus being no longer able to bend, the crust of the earth will break before the pressure of the central fires emboweled within, and letting them out, deluge its surface, and sweep all vegetable and animal matter upon it from existence. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.7

He then proceeded to show the gradual manner in which the various groups of rock were formed, which constitute the present crust of the earth. He attempted to prove that many hundreds of thousands of years must have been occupied in the formation of each of these groups. The time occupied in the formation of each group he said, was called a geological period; and that, at the expiration of each of these periods, the earth had been destroyed, with all the race of animals and plants upon it, a new period commenced, and new races created. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.8

The present geological period—in which we find a race of beings totally different from any that have existed in former periods—created, according to the written revelation, in the image of God—this period, said the lecturer, is just in its infancy, only about 6000 years having elapsed since man was first placed upon the earth. He now came to the point where inferences and assumptions must be called to his aid. He inferred that as a very long time had been occupied in completing each of the previous periods, therefore, a very long time would be employed in filling up the period upon which we have just entered. Can it be possible, he inquired, that the Creator will so soon bring this period to a close, which seems to be destined for higher and nobler purposes than any that have preceded it? The period in which man has been created, in which a Saviour has died, etc. Will he so soon wind up the career of this period, when he has allowed even frogs and reptiles to live upon the shores of the primeval seas for hundreds of thousands of years? Will be now, after just getting the earth fit for the abode of a being created in his own image, like an angry child dash it to pieces? Would a man dig out his eyes to be mesmerised into clairvoyance? Would he cut off his legs because he could go faster in a balloon? If he would, God is not like him. He looks not upon things as man does. The earth will not be destroyed this year. It is physically impossible. That event must be brought about by natural causes. Those causes are now in operation, but cannot be consummated in less than 20,000 years, and I believe not in twenty times that number. Poor deluded souls there are, who see in a hazy atmosphere, the darkening of the sun; a reddish hue of the moon, answers for its being turned into blood; and a shower of harmless meteors, passes for the falling stars of the Apocalypse! They even see in a burning building, a sign of the general conflagration, and in a bonfire kindled by children, for an evening’s amusement, a sure token that the world will be burnt up in 1843! HST February 8, 1843, page 168.9

Surely, comment is unnecessary to show the absurdity of such a reasoner. He also said that before the end should come, there would be such signs as none could mistake. He however forgot that Peter has assured us that men will mistake, and reason in the manner that he does, with their oppositions of science falsely so called, so that they would contend that all things continue as they were, because they are willingly ignorant. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.10

His strong points were, 1. That former geological periods had been of long duration, hence this must 2. That natural causes are in progress by which the earth must, at some day, be destroyed, and therefore, He that created it, cannot, or will not, destroy it, at the time appointed. He said God had the fire in reserve, by which the earth would ultimately be consumed. But in this he also contradicts Peter, who says it is the earth which is in reserve for the fire, and not the fire for the earth. 2 Peter 3:7. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.11

There is one agent in operation now, that will hasten the end of the present geological period faster than anything else, which Mr. Gray entirely overlooked; and that is Sin. It is because sin abounds, that God will not suffer this period to run parallel with the others. Possibly, had man remained in a state of innocency, as God created him, this might have been the longest period of all, and if ever a change took place, man would have been preserved while it was being effected, as all the righteous expect to be now. But man has corrupted the earth by sin, which God abhors, and therefore he has determined to destroy the wicked, purify the earth by fire, and commence an immortal period! Geologists, get ready for it. O. S. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.12



“The Prophecy of Daniel Litterally Fulfilled,” by Rev. N. Colver, demonstrated to be no fullfilment at all; but shown, by history and the word of God, to be an utter failure, by S. Bliss. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.13

The above Review is contained in this day’s paper, and, according to a former notice, it can be had at this office, by all who will call and get it, without money, and without price. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.14

We have struck off 5000 copies. Friends who wish quantities for distribution in the city or country, can have them at $2 50 per hundred. Let them be scattered far and wide. J. V. HIMES. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.15

Boston, Jan. 29, 1843. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.16

Israel and the Holy Land: the Promised Land, in which an attempt is made to show that the Old and New Testaments accord in their testimony to Christ and his Celestial Kingdom, and in their testimony to his People, Israel, and also to the Promised Land. By Henry Dana Ward. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.17

Boston: published by Joshua V. Himes, No. 14 Devonshire street: 1843. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.18

The above work is now in press, and will be out in a few days. It is ably written, and presents the question in a plain and comprehensive manner, and will be found highly interesting to those who are looking for the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Price 10 cts. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.19

Review of “Time of the End uncertain” a Sermon by Rev. O. E. Daggett, in the National Preacher, of Dec. 1842. By S. Bliss. 10 cts. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.20

Exposition of Zecharian. 14. By S. Bliss. 4 cts HST February 8, 1843, page 168.21

Many important articles are omitted this week to make room for the Review of Mr. Colver, but will appear next week. Also our usual list of letters is omitted for the same reason. HST February 8, 1843, page 168.22



Notice is hereby given that WM. H. PEYTON is no longer an Agent of mine, and no money will be paid to him on my account for Second Advent Publications, or the Signs of the Times, after this date, & all commission given him to collect is hereby revoked HST February 8, 1843, page 168.23

Boston, Jan. 27th, 1843.