Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 4

February 1, 1843

Vol. IV.—No. 20. Boston, Whole No. 92

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston. HST February 1, 1843, page 153.1


No Authorcode

J. V. Himes, Josiah Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors


REVIEW OF “Time of the End Uncertain.”


Concluded. HST February 1, 1843, page 153.2

Again we find that Christ’s coming suddenly, is an evil which is threatened those who are not prepared for his coming, Luke 12:45, 46. “But and if that servant say in his heart, My Lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to beat the men-servants, and maidens, and to eat and to drink, and to be drunken; the Lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him asunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.” In Revelation 3:3, the same is threatened those that will not watch. “If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come upon thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know at what hour I will come.” HST February 1, 1843, page 153.3

We are commanded to live “like unto men that wait for their Lord,” and those “whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching,” are said to be “blessed.” To watch, and to wait, for an event, implies a readiness, and a continued expectation of it; and how can an event be expected, unless it is to be preceded by signs by which those who watch may know that is near? HST February 1, 1843, page 153.4

In the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25. before the Bridegroom came, there was a cry made, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh;” and we are assured by our Savior, that when he comes, the Kingdom of heaven shall be likened to this parable. This could not be fulfilled, if the righteous with the wicked are to be overtaken as a thief. It does not therefore necessarily follow, that if we live at the time of the end, we are to infer from the ignorance of the apostles, a like ignorance on our part. HST February 1, 1843, page 153.5

“That it is not for us to foreknow the time,” etc., is argued HST February 1, 1843, page 153.6

5. “From the mistakes that have been made on this subjects.” p. 278. HST February 1, 1843, page 153.7

All mistakes that have been made on this subject previous to the time of the end, are accounted for by the sealed condition of these predictions. And even if since then, mistakes have been made, it does not follow that we cannot know that this day is near, when have been seen the signs by which we might know that it is near even at the doors. HST February 1, 1843, page 153.8

He says, p. 279. “But let it be more particularly noticed, that they who now predict the precise time of the end, are already proved to be mistaken as to the events which they say are to precede it. The papal power, in their scheme, was to be broken in A. D. 1798, but the papacy was not broken then; to break it, requires more than the imprisonment of the pope; and not only is it still a persecuting power, but in many respects stronger since the French Revolution than before, and on the increase, we are told, in such Protestant strongholds as England and this country.” HST February 1, 1843, page 153.9

There was no prediction made previous to 1798, which required any event in that year as a fulfillment of such prediction, therefore “the papal power in their scheme” was not “to be broken” in 1798; but since that year has passed away, it has been found that the events of that date are so in accordance with the predictions of events that were to mark the termination of the papal power over the saints of the Most High, that it has been made one of the great landmarks in prophetic chronology, which has shown us, where, on the stream of time, our bark is floating. That the power of the Pope over the lives of the Protestants then ceased, has not been denied; and that is all that is claimed for the loss of his power to fulfill this prophecy. If it was not still a persecuting power, it could not be the “little horn” of Daniel 7th, for that was to make war with the saints, and prevail against them, until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High. Its existance, as such a persecuting power, therefore, cannot denote the failure of any part of this scheme, but is rather a confirmation of it. HST February 1, 1843, page 153.10

The prediction of the downfall of Turkey, is spoken of as another failure. “Again they say the Turkish power was to be broken in the summer of A. D. 1840, and for the result they refer to the interference of the Allied Powers, at that time, in the political affairs of Turkey. But Turkish independence no more ceased then, than French independence ceased, when the same Allied Powers did more violence to France, invading her capital, and giving her one monarch in the place of another.” HST February 1, 1843, page 153.11

The entire subversion of that government was never expected at that time, but only “a voluntary surrender of Mohamedan supremacy.” This it is believed has been proved to have been fulfilled. The Turkish Sultan now only reigns by the sufferance of the Christian powers of Europe, and not as an independant Mahomedan prince. Mahomedanism can no longer carry terror to the hearts of any in Christendom; and it is no more contrary to the fulfillment of that calculation, that the Turkish sultan should remain upon his throne by the consent of Europe, than it was for Deacozes, the Greek monarch, to continue in the same manner on his throne, by permission of Amureth, for four years after he had voluntarily relinquished his supremacy. The reference to the French revolution is just in point. The government of Napoleon was opposed to the legal heir of the French throne. When therefore the Allied powers defeated him, and placed the legal heir on the throne, French supremacy was not gone, but the supremacy of Jacabinism ceased in France. HST February 1, 1843, page 153.12

There are two reflections drawn from this subject, p. 279—281. The first is, that “If it is not for us to know the times or the seasons, we shall do well not to agitate questions of this nature. If such knowledge does not belong to us, neither is it our business to seek such knowledge.” HST February 1, 1843, page 153.13

It will also follow, if such knowledge does belong to us, that it is our business to seek such knowlenge. Such knowledge can only be sought successfully by prayer, and the study of God’s holy word. God has revealed nothing in His Word, but what is desirable for man to know, and in protestant countries the study of God’s revealed will is encouraged. We find no evil threatened in the Bible upon any who search that book, although they should search as for hid treasures; but there is a blessing pronounced upon him “that readeth, and they that hear the words of this” Apocalypse, “and keep those things which are written therein;” and the reason that is given, is, “for the time is at hand.” To refuse to endeavor to know and understand what is thus revealed, would seem to be treating it with indifference and disrespect, and to undervalue, that which “the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to show unto his servants.” HST February 1, 1843, page 153.14

As the opinion has prevailed that the Prophecies could not be understood, they have been greatly neglected; but is there not reason to fear that if the infidel is culpable for neglecting the whole of the Bible, that we are in proportion culpable if we neglect a part? HST February 1, 1843, page 153.15

The celebrated Hugh M’Neile of England says HST February 1, 1843, page 153.16

“Yet whole books of God’s sacred word are left unstudied and unexpounded. Texts are selected as mottos, and human compositions brilliantly framed are annexed to them, containing occasional quotations from the Scripture, and spiritual adaptation of texts to the experience of Christians or the doctrines of the Gospel, instead of setting forth God’s word in the first place, with occasional comments to elucidate and enforce it; but the mind of the Spirit of God in the context is not sought after, the primary application of the language, as a whole, is not elucidated. Hence, in the midst of the riches of evangelical piety, it is to be feared that there is a deplorable poverty of scriptural information. The legitimate consequence is, intermittent excitement, rather than progressive holiness. It may readily be admitted that there are many parts of Scripture, a knowledge of which is not essential to a mere escape from wrath: but who will venture to say, that any portion of truth in the word of God is not essential to progress in sanctification? For what purpose, then, is it written?—And for what purpose do we combine to circulate it far and wide? Why do we protest against scriptural extracts, if we after all practically confine ourselves to extracts? Why would we refuse, for ourselves or our people, Bibles from which Hosea, Micah, Zechariah, the Apocalypse, were suppressed, when we practically suppress from ourselves and our people, those books I would therefore, my Reverend Brethren, with affectionate freedom, exhort you to expository preaching. * * * * * I do venture, with all singleness of heart, to counsel you to a wide course of study; for I fear exceedingly that in the midst of outward activity there is comparatively little real scriptural ballast: and in the midst of the richness of evangelical piety, there is still to be found great poverty of scriptural information. It is on this account that those who attempt to expound the Scripture are charged with advancing new things—charged with novelties—because they attempt to expound the hitherto unexplored mines of the sacred prophetic volume. It is not because these things are, new, but because they have not been attended to, that they appear new; and therefore, by all who desire that the whole word of God should be expounded, we would earnestly deprecate the charge of novelty against those who are aiming at the redemption of these neglected portions of the word of God, and are bringing them forth to the observation and faith of the church. It is, I believe, my Reverend Brethren, on this very account that certain subjects of prophecy have met with so much opposition. It was thought at first sight to be a departure from the simplicity of the Gospel; and often while elucidating a chapter of Isaiah, or Jeremiah, we have been told that we were not preaching the Gospel. Surely if sanctification be by the truth, and all the word of God be truth, all of it—although in a certain sense it may be said there are many parts, the knowledge of which is not essential to personal escape from wrath—is essential to a progress in sanctification. Why has God given it all? And why, may we not ask, is the church so low in her standard and character? Is it not because the materials for sanctification have not been fully gone into? The materials have not been supplied, and consequently the fire has not burned bright. I would, therefore, with affectionate freedom, exhort my brethren to the study of the prophetic portions of Scripture.” HST February 1, 1843, page 153.17

With the closing reflection of the sermon under review, p. 281, we fully accord, viz. “It becomes us to live in habitual readiness for the end of our probation. Whenever the present dispensation may terminate, and however the glorious reign of Christ may be ushered in, there is a temper of heart and a way of life which may prepare the living for that day, while yet they cannot learn its date; just as there is a preparation for death, which depends not on any knowledge of its approach. And since, for every individual, probation ends with life, as truly as with the present world’s existence, he who is prepared for the end of his own life, is prepared for the end of the world. To live as seeing God, under the influence of things unseen and eternal, in repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ, soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, doing good as we have opportunity,—this is the urgent business of us all. To lead us by his Spirit thus to live, is the plan of God, both in what he discloses and in what he conceals. Thus let us be ‘looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.’ Then, if the day of judgment be ushered in to-morrow, will it come for us too soon? But without this preparation, though that day should be deferred a thousand years, who among you can be safe?” HST February 1, 1843, page 154.1

If we are prepared for death, we are certainly prepared for the judgment. But if the thought of the coming of Him, who is the chiefest often thousand and altogether lovely, and that his coming is expected this year, does not cause the heart to beat with unwonted joy, and make us eagerly inquire and search into the truth of such expectations, have we not cause to examine anew the grounds upon which we base our hopes of salvation? The early christians were commanded to comfort each other with thoughts of the coming of Christ, and if that coming is precious to us, would it not greatly rejoice us to know that that day is near? HST February 1, 1843, page 154.2

The only motives that can actuate any sincere believer in the Advent near, in the promulgation of the evidence of that event, is a desire that those who are out of the ark of safety, may see the shortness of the time of their probation, and therefore haste to make their peace with God, before it is forever too late. And believing that if sinners are convinced that they can know nothing of the approach of that day, that they will settle down in a state of carnal security, and thus peril their immortal souls, we have—in a sprit of love, and with the greatest respect for the author, who would be the last to calm their fears—endeavored to show that the evidence there presented, and the arguments there used, do not prove that the time of the end is uncertain. HST February 1, 1843, page 154.3

The following are the closing words of that discourse, “Whatever may be the times or the seasons which the Father hath determined, prepare to meet thy God, in death, in judgment! Be ready for the bidding, for the presence of thy Savior and thy Judge!” To this we add the words of Hugh M’Neile in his address to the elergy:— HST February 1, 1843, page 154.4

“My Reverend Brethren, watch, preach the coming of Jesus—I charge you, in the name of our common master, preach the coming of Jesus—solemnly and affectionately in the name of God, I charge you, preach the coming of Jesus, “Watch ye, therefore, (for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even or at midnight, or at cock-crowing, or in the morning,) lest, coming suddenly, he find the porter sleeping.” Take care—“what I say unto you, I say unto you all—watch.” HST February 1, 1843, page 154.5

An Honest Confession. A Presbyterian divine down to Newburyport, told the Unitarian minister there, that he had lost a round dozen of his best hearers by the Second Advent doctrine; and asked if he was not afraid of losing some of his followers. “O no,” said the other; “it is as much as I can do to make my congregation believe in the first Advent. HST February 1, 1843, page 154.6


A new Argument


It has been asserted publicly, and from the pulpit, that “the world can not come to an end next year, because so much attention is paid to it:—for they shall say peace and safety”—“for the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” HST February 1, 1843, page 154.7

But we are assured that there is a class among the inhabitants of this world whom that day will not overtake as a thief—they are those to whom Christ is “Chief among ten thousand and the one altogether lovely,”—who look for that blessed hope and his glorious appearing—who “wait for their Lord.” Is it incredible that the Spirit, which searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God,” should show them unto those who humbly and prayerfully seek wisdom from above, and “show them things to come?” God declares through the Prophet Hosea, that “Israel shall know it.” Jer. says, “The fierce anger of Jehovah shall not return until he shall have done it, and until he shall have performed the intents of his heart; in the latter days ye shall consider (“understand”) it perfectly. “Is it in vain that God declares that at the time of the end (latter days) though the wicked will not understand, and will do wickedly, yet the “wise shall understand;” and many be purified and made white and tried.” Will no attention be paid to the subject? Did the virgins, in the parable of our Savior, pay any attention to the coming of the Bridegroom? While he tarried they all slumbered and slept. But at midnight a cry was made: then they all arose and trimmed their lamps, and went forth. The time prefigured here I believe has fully come. A profound slumber there has been truly, on the return of our blessed Lord—so much so that a few years since, multitudes would hardly have known the meaning of the phrase, “the second advent,”—the second coming of Christ. But a cry has been made, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh,” and it has gone to the ends of the earth—and is now echoing and re-echoing. the Psalmist says “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and alight unto my path.” This lamp very many have trimmed; they have searched the scriptures diligently; and embraced the truth! and having a genuine faith in them, accompanied by love and obedience, are prepared to meet the Bridegroom. But many glance at the subject, and having no lively faith (oil,) are destitute of light, and fall back into worldly mindedness and dont care-ism, and before they are aware of it the door will be shut! HST February 1, 1843, page 154.8

The Scoffer’s inquiry, in the last days, “where is the promise of his coming? “implies that some are saying—he is coming;—the cry of “peace and safety” implies that some are sounding the note of warning—proclaiming danger;—“many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase” (on this subject;) and at the time of the coming of the Son of man it is declared, “men’s hearts are failing them for fear, and for looking after those things that are coming on the earth.” And yet, “the end of the world can not come while so much attention is paid to it!” HST February 1, 1843, page 154.9

Is it not, moreover, according to the analogy of God’s providence, that warning be given before he comes out in judgment against a people, a nation or a world? And does he not sometimes use humble instruments? That he will give this world warning before the execution of judgment, I doubt not; that he is now giving it, I doubt not. Equally true is it that as in the days of Noah, it will be by the great mass unheeded! Many will fear and tremble, but choosing to be ignorant, will say “go thy way for this time” “a little more sleep a little more slumber, a little more folding of the hands to sleep.” HST February 1, 1843, page 154.10

Dying Sinner! are you asleep on the subject of your eternal salvation? Jesus yet waits to be gracious—offers of pardon he yet makes—O, arouse yourself, and by repentance and turning unto the Lord, seek a refuge from the storms of the last day—that Refuge is the Rock of Ages—seek it, for even this night thy soul may be required of thee. HST February 1, 1843, page 154.11

Worldly-minded professor! God has something against you! awake! break off the love of this world, and with repentance for your sins, make a full and hearty consecration of yourself and all your powers to the Lord, and seek durable riches and righteousness. If you do not soon awake, it is fearfully probable you will awake one moment too late! HST February 1, 1843, page 154.12

And let all who love our Lord Jesus Christ and his appearing, “hold fast.” Blessed is he that waiteth (“anxiously and with earnest desire”) and cometh unto the one thousand, three hundred and five and thirty days!” HST February 1, 1843, page 154.13

Edward Canfield.

My Dear Brethren.—There is a class of passages in the apostolical Epistles which, when properly understood, seems to furnish subsidiary proof in favor of the final consummation being actually near, of the ultimate manifestation of Christ, just about to take place. The following passages belong to the class intended. The Lord is at hand. Yet a little while and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.” “Behold the Judge standeth before the door.” “The coming of the Lord draweth nigh.” “The end of all things is at hand.” etc. These passages doubtless relate to the termination of “God’s universal scheme,” and the “panton apocalypsis” of our Lord Jesus Christ. They also announce these momentous events as “at hand,” “before the door,” “drawing nigh,” or, to use a general term, as near. Now the question arises, on what principles were these passages uttered? What did the sacred writers mean? Or rather, what did the Holy Ghost mean? Must He not have meant one of two things, viz that they were either actually near, or comparatively near? He must. Were they actually near, I mean in the days of the apostles? of course not, or they would have transpired long ago. Then the Great Author of inspiration must have meant that the consummation was comparatively near. Compared with what? Why with the period of the world’s existence at the time the apostles penned the passages in question. But if it was comparatively near then, must it not be actually near now? The conclusion is inevitable. To simplify the principle. When may we say that the end of any thing is near? We may say that it is actually near when it is just about to take place. But when may we say that it is comparatively near? Four sixths or more of the time of its existence must have gone by before we can say so. For instance. When can we say that the end of the week is near, or that the Sabbath is near? It is actually near late on Saturday night. But when may we say that it is comparatively near? Not earlier in the week than Friday P. M. and unless more than four sixths of the period of the world’s existence had passed away when the apostles wrote, they could not with propriety have declared the final appearence of Christ as “at hand,” “drawing nigh,” “at the door,” or near. If they could, I am utterly at a loss to know on what principle to understand the above passages. The Holy Ghost does not speak at random. There are many other passages in the New Testament which may be understood on the same principle such as “the kingdom of God is at hand,” “a little while and ye shall see me, “Behold I come quickly,” etc. etc. Sinners, at once “prepare to meet your God, lest you mourn eternally. Christians, “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.” “And what I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch.” Omega. HST February 1, 1843, page 154.14

Letter from Brother D. Brown


Dear Brother:—Having an extensive acquaintance in different sections of the country, and in different states where I have labored as a minister of the gospel, I am induced to write these few lines for your most excellent paper, hoping thereby (as it falls in the different places where I have preached the doctrine of a thousand years peace and safety before the coming of Christ and day of judgment) in some degree to counteract the influence I may have exerted in this respect, which now appears to me destructive in a high degree. HST February 1, 1843, page 155.1

It is now more than ten years, since I heard of Mr. Miller’s preaching on the end of the world, in, or about the year 1843. But, to my mind it appeared too ridiculous and absurd, to merit an examination, wearing on the face of it evidence of mere “moonshine;” especially as we were to have a thousand years millennium first. In 1834, if my memory serves me, he gave a course of lectures in the Baptist church in this village, but I was too indifferent even to go and hear. HST February 1, 1843, page 155.2

Some of my hearers wished me to invite him to lecture in our house, but it seemed to me mere folly, and of course I did not do it. HST February 1, 1843, page 155.3

Time passed on, and I gave myself no concern about it until one year ago, about this time, when, in a moment of reflection, the thought came to my mind: it may after all be true, and that no subject of so vast importance should be passed over, without a prayerful and candid examination. I began at this time to examine the subject, though with much prejudice, yet with a determination to throw off my prepossessions and search for truth. My first inquiry was, What does the Bible teach concerning the conversion of the world,—the literal return of the Jews again to Palestine, and a one thousand years millennium, before the personal coming of Christ, and purifying this earth by fire? And to my astonishment and confusion, I found all I had preached on that subject but mere tradition, not to be found in the sacred volume. My mind was now cut loose from former prejudices, and open to whatever truth the Bible might present. Has God, then, was my next inquiry, given us any clue to the time when Christ will come in his second advent, and the earth be purified by fire? I read “Litch’s Address to the Clergy,” and some other works, particularly on the 2300 days of Daniel’s vision. And by carefully comparing them with Scripture, found much to favor the view taken of the end in 1843. But still, though I could clearly see a fulfillment of every prophetic sign given in the Bible, by which it might be known when he might be expected to appear; yet I found a difficulty in fixing on the year, which to my mind was not easily removed, and that was in satisfying myself what power was represented by the “little horn,” in that vision. I found in the explanation of it by the angel, but very little which seemed to correspond to the character of Antiochus, yet a perfect picture of the Roman power. I could not, however, find anything to satisfy my mind, that the Roman power came out of one of the four horns, or divisions of Alexander’s Empire, even at the time of their connection with the Jews. (And we have nothing to do with it previous to that time.) I became satisfied from history, that Macedon, one of the four divisions, was in the hands of the Romans at that time, and that it was in the “latter time of their (the four horn’s) kingdom. But still I could not perceive any sense in which that power could in reality be said to come out of one of these horns, inasmuch as the horn was plucked up, or that division of the empire subverted, eight years previous to the league be-between the Jews and the Romans. HST February 1, 1843, page 155.4

True, it came out of the place where the horn had stood, but the inquiry forced itself on my mind, how could it be considered one of the four horns of the goat, or divisions of that empire after it was subverted or plucked up. HST February 1, 1843, page 155.5

But on mature examination it presents itself to my mind in this light; satisfying me beyond a question that it is the Roman power, Pagan and Papal.—Now the different transactions in that vision we may not suppose were all presented to the mind of Daniel at one view, but one event after another in their successive order. First he saw the ram with two horns, in its highest glory, pushing in different directions, and breaking down every thing before it. And as he was considering the subject, he saw an he-goat with a notable horn between his eyes, coming from the west in great fury, which smote the ram, casting it to the ground, and stamping on it. He saw this goat become great in power and in dominion. And at the time of his greatest strength, he saw the horn between his eyes broken off, and for it, four notable ones come up.—Now as he says nothing more of the four horns, only that “out of, or from one of them.” (as it might be rendered) “came forth a little horn,” it is evident to my mind, that whatever passed among them after this, did not attract his attention. And that, although in the year 168 before Christ, one of them was plucked up, and the “little horn” (pagan Rome) planted in its place, yet his attention was not drawn even to this circumstance. Nor did he notice, or interest himself in any thing farther that was going on, until he saw this “little horn” coming forth from the very spot where he had previously seen one of the four, breaking down all before it, and destroying the “mighty and the holy people.” HST February 1, 1843, page 155.6

Agitated as he was, and his mind glancing rapidly over the quick, successive, and horrid scenes in appearance to him, this power, or little horn,” came out of, or from one of the four; and so he expressed it, when in reality, it only came from the place where that horn had stood when he last noticed the he-goat. Now this view appears the more rational to me, from the explanation of it by the angel. While Daniel relates the thing as it appeared to him, the angel tells it as it was in reality. But what does the angel say? Nothing about its coming out of one oft he four horns; but says, in the latter time of their kingdom, there stood up a king of fierce countenance,” etc. Now where, and when, was this much-to-be-dreaded king, or power, seen standing up? I answer, he was seen standing up in Macedon, which was one of the four divisions of Alexander’s empire. He placed himself there, 168 years before Christ;—was seen standing there by the Jews, before Christ, 160. They were alarmed for their own safety when they saw him and heard of his warlike cruelties; which led them to despatch messengers to those who had power to rule and direct his warfare, that if possible, a league of amity might be made, which would secure them against his invasions. (See 1 Mac. 8th chap.) A “league of amity” was made; and thus the Jews “joined hands with the wicked,” which was a precursor to their downfall; God giving them up to the treachery of those with whom they had formed the league. HST February 1, 1843, page 155.7

With this view of the subject, the whole matter resolves itself before my mind in this form. How long, or to what period of time, will the power represented by the “little horn,” continue? The angel tells us until the end of the 2300 days. But in the 7th chapter, this same power is represented as prevailing against the saints “until the Ancient of days come, and judgment is given to the saints of the Most High.” Or in other words, until the coming of Christ and day of judgment. HST February 1, 1843, page 155.8

The day of judgment, then, and the end of 2300 days, must come at one and the same time. But when does the 2300 days end? This is the length of the whole vision; and Daniel informs us in the next chapter, that the vision commences “at the going forth of the commandment,” or 457 years before Christ. Seventy weeks of it, which terminated in the death of Christ, was exactly fulfilled in 490 years, or in the same number of years that there are days in seventy weeks. Stretching on, then, with the 2300 days, they bring us down to 1843. If then, as is very clearly proved, the coming of Christ and day of judgment, and the end of 2300 days, take place at one and the same time, we are forced to the conclusion that the coming of Christ and day of judgment will come in 1843. The reasoning is conclusive to my mind, and I ask, “Who shall be able to stand? More I wish to say, but my sheet is full. Yours in the blessed hope. HST February 1, 1843, page 155.9

Fort Ann, N. Y. Dec. 12, 1842. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.1


No Authorcode

J. V. Himes, Josiah Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors




“There shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming,” 2 Peter 3:3, 4. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.2

We quote the following extract from Bennet’s “New York Herald,” from a correspondent in Texas, for the purpose of showing a specimen of the indifference and contempt with which the coming of the Son of God is regarded by this scoffing generation, and also to show that our cause is advanced by those who thus scoff, as knowledge of the expected advent is dissemminated by them, far and wide, and many hear truths which otherwise they would never come in contact with. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.3

“The people of this country (Texas) are beginning to be much alarmed at the threatened destruction of the world by the Millerites, on the 23rd of April next. It is understood, however, that the time has lately been postponed until the 4th of July. This postponement, although better than nothing, by no means suits the necessities of our case. A strong petition will, therefore, shortly be sent on, praying for a further extension of time, and a renewal of our “leases.” As your influence with the Mormons is omnipotent, and as there is no reason why you should not be equally so with the “Millerites,” the petition will be sent to your care, with the full assurance, that backed by the influence of the Herald,” the second “advent” may not come quite so soon. The people of this country are totally unprepared for such an event! They were not looking for it, and had it not been for the Herald, they would never have heard of it until perhaps it was too late.” HST February 1, 1843, page 156.4

The above is a fair specimen of the manner in which the second advent of Christ is spoken of, not only by the world, but even by the church. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.5

We often see advertisements headed with the “end of the world,” “the second advent,” etc., and then follows Sherman’s losenges, cigars, etc. which the public are recommended to purchase, that they may enjoy “the tip end of felicity,” while the world does last. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.6

Such shocking trifling is looked upon as so much a matter of course, that it ceases to excite the attention of those whom we should naturally suppose would be shocked by it. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.7

We learn that Bennet’s account of the Newark Camp-Meeting, published in his “Herald,” has been productive of good, and that it has been blessed in the convincing of others of the truth of this doctrine. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.8

Revival in Salem. There has been a powerful and universal work of grace progressing in Salem for some time past. The Christian Herald says that it commenced with the Second Advent Camp Meeting, held there in October last. We also learn that most of the converts date their religious impressions to that meeting. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.9

Brother Hawley is now lecturing there on the second advent. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.10

Frauds—Who is to be trusted?


We quote the following items from the Midnight Cry, of Jan. 20. We have in them a most sad evidence of the state of public morals, as connected with places of trust in financial institutions. They show anything but improvement in morals or religion. Are these a “presage of the Millennium?” What are we coming to? “Who is to be trusted?” Who? HST February 1, 1843, page 156.11

“Is there no Faith?—The shock which such repeated acts of dishonesty in the management of money concerns must give to our social and national character, can hardly be measured.”—N. Y. American. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.12

“Such examples of wholesale robbery, by men in whom the highest confidence has been placed, are of most pernicious tendency, aside from the damage they occasion to the interest of their employers. The number of such examples shows that the disease is epidemic, if not contagious. And when such men fall as were some of these, who can be trusted?”—Jour. Com. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.13

“Defalcations.—The recent defalcation of Mr. Nicoll [of $ 250,000] has excited much feeling in this community, and every one asks, where will all this end? Who is to be trusted? We have fallen upon evil times, and men are growing worse and worse every day.”—Union. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.14

“Mr. Nicholl has enjoyed, for many years, four thousand dollars salary, and a much larger sum from trust estates, making his income not much, if any, short of ten thousand dollars a year; a sum that ought to satisfy any ordinary mind, particularly in these hard times.”—Express. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.15

He was in the habit of stealing hundreds of dollars from the large sums placed in his hands, and making false entries to balance the books of the Company. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.16

“Frauds in the City During the Past Year.—The disclosures of frauds during the past year have been most astounding. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.17

If frauds of the above magnitude can be perpetrated in our very best and highest institutions—if the funds of the widow and the fatherless are not secure in our best banks and trust companies—who can, or will put confidence in them? HST February 1, 1843, page 156.18

Such an exhibition of the extensive frauds during the past year, together with those that might be added up for the few years past, is calculated to make a deep impression upon the public mind. It is at least a strong manifestation that there has been no improvement in public morals.”—Express HST February 1, 1843, page 156.19

The editor proceeds to contrast the present management of public funds with the past, and says:—“We are struck with astonishment at the different state of things that now exists,” which he calls “this fall in the public morals,” and adds, “Thirty years ago, a clerk or an officer who defrauded the public or a bank of even a hundred dollars, was a ruined man. He would not dare to show his face in the public streets, or if he did, he would be frowned down by an insulted community. Then the standard of morals was so high, that but few had the courage to face the rebuke of an outraged and indignant community.” HST February 1, 1843, page 156.20

And we might add, that a clerk who would embezzle the funds of his employer, and appropriate it to extravagant and needless purposes, on his own person, or lusts, or upon his family; would share the same fate. He would never recover the confidence of the community. While such men indulge in their villianies, the honest and industrious have to suffer. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.21

The Great Tabernacle. The report that has gone he rounds of the press, that the Mayor of the city had ordered it to be stopped, is utterly false. Notwithstanding the Mayor was repeatedly applied to for that purpose, yet he had the magnanimity to inform them that we were only in the enjoyment of our rights. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.22

The Mayor and Marshall both, have visited the building, and expressed no objection to it, but hoped it would be built safe and strong, as it is being built. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.23

In a Quandary. We perceive that the interest in Salem continues to increase, and has become general in most of the churches of the different evangelical denominations. The Boston Recorder states, that several of the Congregational churches are enjoying revivals. The editor remarks, that he cannot discover to what cause its commencement could be ascribed—that serious impression existed in the Baptist churches previous to the visit of Elder Knapp.—Religious Herald. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.24

We can unravel the foregoing mystery. There was a Second Advent Camp-Meeting in Salem, in last October, when the work of God commenced in that city, and to which most of the converts have referred as the origin of their religious impressions. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.25

Brother Joseph Bates writes us that brother Snow has been lecturing in Nantucket for some days with much success. They have formed a Second Advent Band, which will probably awake the whole island. There are many on Martha’s Vineyard looking for the coming of their Lord. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.26

Br. Rice writes us that there is a great want of laborers in Pensylvania, that the people are perishing for lack of vision, and wishes lecturers would visit the destitute parts of that state. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.27

Croton Hall Opened. The interest on the coming of Christ and end of the world, has so increased in this city and vicinity, that our office is completely overrun with visitors day by day. Under these circumstances, a friend has hired Croton Hall, No. 71-2 Bowery, which will be open each day, Sundays excepted, from early in the morning till dark in the evening, for the reception of visitors. All the variety of Second Advent publications can be had at that place the same as at our office. Croton Hall is a neat and spacious place, and will accommodate several hundred persons. It is intended to hold religious meetings, for prayer and conversation, some part of each day. For the present they will be held there at 3 o’clock, P. M. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.28

Midnight Cry.

To Correspondents


To S. Joy, Jr. Our views on the 37th, 8th, and 9th of Ezekiel, do not vary materially from those you expressed. They evidently are intimately connected with the resurrection of the righteous and end of the world. We have nothing to communicate to our readers that is particularly new on that portion of Scripture. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.29

We are unable to comply with the request of brother J. S. White. Our time is so occupied that we can only occasionally lecture in this immediate neighborhood. His communication will appear soon. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.30

To L. W. There can be no question but that the figure of him that was to come in Romans 5:14, must be either Adam or Moses, and not little children. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.31



There will be a Second Advent Conference held in the Baptist meeting house in Kingston Mass., to commence on Wednesday Feb. 1st at 10 o’clock, to continue one week. Rev. A. M. Averil is engaged to give a course of lectures, and it is hoped that other lecturers will attend. HST February 1, 1843, page 156.32

Our Opponents humbugging each other


Washington, January 22, 1843. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.1

Mr. Sleeper:—I wrote you yesterday, among other news, that Mr. Miller, the end-of-the-world man, was here. It was announced yesterday, by handbills, stuck up all over the city, that he would preach to-day at three o’clock, P. M., from the steps of the Patent office, and immediately after dinner crowds were observed wending their way in that direction. The commissioner of the public buildings, or some other officer, had had erected a barricade about half way up the steps, for the purpose of keeping off the crowd, and when I went to the place of meeting, the space between Seventh and Ninth streets, in front of the Patent office, was nearly filled with people, their numbers variously estimated from five to ten thousand of all sexes, ages, and colors. I should think there were over five thousand. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.2

The space above the barricades was guarded by police officers, who had permitted some few persons, principally members of Congress, to pass over, which filled soms of the unfavored ones with no little indignation, and the democratic spirit of the people began to work. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.3

A number of abortive attempts were made to pass the barrier, but except to the privileged few, unsuccessfully. One person, however, more determined than the rest, showed fight, and was rather roughly handled by the officers, when the crowd taking his part, and presuming he was abused, made a rush to the barrier, to break it down, but for the moment unsuccessfully. The crowd became, however, more calm, until a gentleman, who I understood to be a clergyman, stepped forward, and said, that he had been requested to inform the people before him, “that there was no certain information that Mr. Miller was in the city.” Upon which a shout arose, unlike any thing I have heard since the shouts on Bunker Hill in September, 1840, intermingled with cries of “hoax,” “humbug,” etc.—The crowd, however, became still enough in a few minutes for the clergyman to continue his remarks, which were as follows: “As I said before, Mr. Miller is probably not in the city, but as it would be a pity that such a concourse should be entirely disappointed of receiving benfit on such a day, I think it would be well for you to call upon a distinguished gentleman, Mr. Briggs, a member of Congress from Mass., to give you a temperance address. He is now on the platform. Cries of “Briggs,” “Briggs,” ensued, but Mr. Briggs had no notion of being called out in this unceremonious manner, and though urgently solicited by his friends, declined.—The crowd perceiving that there was to be no “fun” made for them, dertermined to make some for themselves, and again rushing against the barrier, this time successfully, succeeded in obtaining a footing on the platform, and drove the privileged ones, ladies and all, through the patent office, the door of which was kicked open, into the basement, and from thence into the street—and then as far as I know, quietly dispersed. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.4

The hoax was undoubtedly got up by some printers’ devils, or other mischievous boys, who had the handbills printed and distributed. A great many people from the neighboring parts of the District were arriving during the day, and a number of vehicles and horsemen were on the ground. In fine, it was not a bad boax—pretty well got up—but if it had been on any other day than Sunday it would have been better.—Mer. Jour. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.5



Scotland.—The feud in the church continues, and gains strength as it gets older. Dr. Chalmers, on behalf of the late convocation of non-intrusion ministers at Edinburgh, has addressed a long memorial to government, which declares their determination to relinquish the position of a church established by the state, unless they can maintain and act upon the principles they have avowed. After stating the present painful and embarrassing position of the church, the Doctor says, “It is well known that a large minority of the church’s office-bearers are prepared, in obedience to the civil courts, to cast off her authority;” and he concludes by stating on behalf of the memorialists, “that they are not ashamed to confess that they shrink from such an exhibition as would thus be presented before the people of Scotland: and this is one practical consideration, among others, which has weighed much in determining them to bring this whole question to a final issue, and to retire from their position as connected with the Establishment, rather than prolong an unseemly contest with the civil courts, which deny, and with their own brethren, who set at nought, their jurisdiction—a contest which could not fail to be attended with most disastrous consequences, affecting both the majesty of law and the higher interests of religion.” HST February 1, 1843, page 157.6

Syria.—The Levant mail brings intelligence to the middle of November. The news from Syria is alarming. The Sheik Seeble Harien has escaped from the hands of the Ottomans, where he was detained on political affairs, and gone among the Druses and Maronites. This Sheik is one of those who gave Ibrahim Pacha so much trouble. Omer Pacha is blocked up in Der-el-kamar—he has with him 4000 or 5000 regular troops. The Druses and the Maronites took possession of several convoys, in which they found much provisions, munitions of war, and other things for Omer Pacha; the escorts were disarmed and made prisoners. The chiefs of the Druses sent a petition to the Seraskier Pacha, in which they said that they were and always wished to be under the Ottoman government, but that they would not be governed by any other governor than their Emir Bechir, or one of his sons. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.7

Turkey.—The following is a letter from Constantinople of the 7th ult., which says—“I have this moment been informed that Sir S. Canning has despatched Mr. Schulbred, the Cabinet messenger, by the French steamer, with despatches to the commanders of our ships of war at Smyrna, Vourla, and Athens. The nature of these despatches is not known; but the conclusion is, that the squadron will be sent to the Syrian coast—probably for intercepting any reinforcements that the Porte may think proper to send to Beyrout or Saida, and consequently, to assist the rebels in the mountain. I have not time to enter into any observations on this unequivocal act of hostility; all I trust is, that we shall not have to pay too dearly for Sir Stratford’s phanthropy.”—Eng. Pap. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.8

Special Notice


Our Patrons and Correspondents, will be particular hereafter in all their communications for the Signs of the Times, or Second Advent publications, to direct to Joshua V. Himes, Boston, Ms. All remittances for publications should also be sent to the same direction. We make this request because some communications have been sent to other persons, who are not connected with my office, and have thereby been lost. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.9

Faithful and Christian men are placed in the office, who will attend to all letters and communications, for the “Signs of the Times,” and publications in general. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.10

Bro. Sylvester Bliss, has the charge of the paper in my absence, and will be in attendance at the office, to answer questions, and impart any instruction desired by strangers, on the subject of the Advent. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.11

Brother John Kilton, has the charge of the Office and publications, in my absence, to whom remittances may be made, or publications obtained. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.12

Persons sending money by mail, or any communication for us, will direct as above, to J. V. Himes, Boston, Mass. Persons calling at the office in my absence, will inquire for Mr. Kilton, or Bliss, as above, who alone are authorized to receive money, or transact the business of the office in my absence. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.13

I have also recalled all travelling agents, and from this date, wish those who are indebted to me, to settle their accounts at the office in Boston. This will save much expense. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.14

What I have in outstanding debts, belongs to the cause of God; I wish therefore to appropriate it in the wisest and best manner for the advancement of this cause. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.15

My opponents have accused me of wasting my Lord’s goods, by extravagance in living, etc. If this were true, I should be the vilest man living. But I have aimed at economy, and made the best use of all that has been placed in my hands by my own industry, or otherwise. The charge of extravagance, is utterly false, as all who are acquainted with me know. But I will not defend myself against those who for the want of argument, accuse me of “bad motives,” “speculation,” etc.—I expect in a short time, to answer to the “Judge of all the earth, who will do right.” To that judgment, I make my appeal once for all. Joshua V. Himes. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.16

Boston, 14 Devonshire St. Jan. 26, 1843. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.17

“The Midnight Cry.”


Can be obtained at 36, Park Row, New-York,—14, Devonshire St., Boston, Ms., by addressing J. V. Himes; or at 67, South Second St., Philadelphia, by addressing Orrin Rogers. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.18

For 2 setts, by mail or otherwise,$1 00
“   5 ” “      ”2 00
“   26 ” “      ”10 00

For miscellaneous, or odd number, $1 25 per hundred. If 200 or more are taken, $1 00 per hundred. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.19

J. V. Himes. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.20

Boston, Dec. 18, 1842. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.21



Br. Calvin French, by Divine permission, will commence a course of lectures in the Baptist meeting house, on Saturday, Feb. 4th, at 7 o’clock P. M. A Second Advent Conference will commence at the same place, on Monday, 6th, at 10 o’clock A. M. As the object of the lectures and conference will be to present from the Bible the evidence that the first resurrection will take place in a few weeks, all who desire a part in the first resurrection, are invited to atttend, hear and judge for themselves. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.22

The Conference will continue four days. Friends from a distance will be provided with lodgings, etc. Brethren, the time is short, let us improve it. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.23

Braintree, Jan. 26th, 1842. L. White. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.24

Letters for Bro. F. may be directed care of J. V. Himes, 14 Devonshire Street. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.25



And all liars shall have their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.26

An Important Discovery.—The Journal of Commerce says:—“It is understood that Miller and his associates have recently carefully reviewed their calculations upon which they found the prophecy of the near approach of the end of the world, when an error was discovered in the footing of the column of a thousand years. This is a very important discovery just now. The ‘ascension robes,’ with which many of the Millerites on Long Island have provided themselves, are not likely to be wanted.” HST February 1, 1843, page 157.27

N. E. Puritan. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.28

The BOSTON POST has the same article headed “Encouragement to Sinners,” and takes great encouragement from it ITSELF. HST February 1, 1843, page 157.29

The BOSTON RECORDER, another religious paper, calls it—“too good news to be true.” HST February 1, 1843, page 157.30

The FITCHBURG SENTINEL heads the same, “Good News.” HST February 1, 1843, page 157.31

Robert Winter—Cause in London


This brother, formerly from England, and late of Lowell, Mass, is now on a visit to his native land. He is a full believer in the advent this year, and is giving the alarm to the extent of his means and influence. He writes from London, Dec. 9th, 1842, as follows: HST February 1, 1843, page 158.1

I have distributed several papers since I came to London, and they have produced a great effect among the people. Some say one thing, and some another; some say the Bible is on our side and that it cannot be denied. Many come to me to inquire about these things, and seem quite anxious about it. I have lectured a few times in different parts of the city, and some few have embraced the truth as it is in Jesus, and are now preaching it to others, among whom is one preacher, another is a class-leader. HST February 1, 1843, page 158.2

There seems to be a prospect of doing much good, and more especially would be done, if we had the means of publishing more of Miller’s works; there is great call for them and papers, and they almost devour them. I am now republishing some of the “Clue to the Time,” and brother Miller’s reasons for believing the coming of Christ in 1843.; and I intend to print some of the larger works as soon as I can raise the means so to do. I think, on the whole, we are doing exceedingly well; they wish me to write to you for a missionary; Mr. Miller would be preferred, or yourself or some good lecturer; I tell them what good meetings we have had in America. Do pray send some one; and here is a home for him, I will warrant you. Send some Signs of the Times. I feel grateful to you for all favors. Remember me to all the advent friends in Boston. I love them all. I trust I shall have an interest in your prayers. I would write more if I had time, but I have so much visiting, and am now in great haste to visit a family to converse on this subject. We hold public meetings, and I instruct the people by my chart. My love to you and all connected; I have sent one lettter to Lowell, and another is coming. Glory to God, my soul is happy. I am yours in the bonds of peace. HST February 1, 1843, page 158.3

From N. Hervey


Dear Brother Bliss:—By an invitation from brother Dennison, the Baptist minister of this place, I commenced a course of lectures in the Baptist meeting house, on the near approach of our Lord Jesus Christ, a week last Wednesday evening. The Holy Spirit is evidently with us in our meetings. An unceasing interest has been manifested thus far, on the subject of Christ’s speedy advent to the world, and on the importance of being prepared to meet him in glory.—We have large and attentive audiences every evening.—Our prayer meetings in the afternoon, and an hour preceding the lectures in the evening, are precious seasons to the pious heart. Christians are revived, impenitent sinners awakened to a sense of their lost condition, and some already rejoicing in hope of eternal life. Last evening (Thursday) I invited those who wished to be remembered in prayer, to express it by rising; between sixty and seventy arose at once. It is the general sentiment among Christians in this place that God is answering their prayers, and blessing his word. To him be all the glory. HST February 1, 1843, page 158.4

The Baptist and Methodist ministers of this place, (brother Dennison and Merrill) have taken a deep interest in the meetings and labored with us for the conversion of sinners. Last evening the members of the different churches, at the close of the lecture, voted to unite in their services next Lord’s day, by meeting together at the Methodist house of worship, that being larger than the house we now occupy. May the Lord crown this united meeting with a great blessing. HST February 1, 1843, page 158.5

Yours in the hope of the glorious appearing of our blessed Lord. HST February 1, 1843, page 158.6

Newton, Jan. 12th, 1842. HST February 1, 1843, page 158.7

Letter from Joshua Goodwin


Brother Himes:—The Lord is reviving his work graciously in this section of country. Never did I witness a more powerful work of God than I have witnessed in this section for some six or eight weeks past. I commenced giving a course of lectures on the second coming of Christ, in Leominster, the 6th of Dec., under circumstances very unfavorable, the people generally, both professors and non-professors, were very much opposed to the subject of the advent, but the Lord was pleased to pour out his spirit in the midst of their opposition, to such a degree that cold hearted professors, who had set themselves in array against the doctrine of Christ’s coming in ‘43, were obliged to come out and acknowledge that God was with the advent brethren of a truth, and that it was nothing short of the power of God which was manifested. A large number of cold-hearted prefessors and backsliders, during the meeting came forward for prayers, and confessed their sins, and were filled with the joys of God’s salvation to such a degree, that their cups run over with the glory of God. Many careless sinners and scoffers sought and found salvation to the joy of their souls. In a word it was a most powerful season. The meeting continued two weeks; glory to God for what he has done in Leominster. Dec. 26th I commenced another course of lectures in Marlow at the middle of the town, in the Methodist meeting house. The meeting continued two weeks. It was one of the most powerful meetings that I ever attended. It seems that God’s power was manifested to such a degree that nothing could stand before it. The last day of the meeting there were more than a hundred came forward for prayers, besides a large number that has been hopefully converted to God. The doctrine of the advent has taken a powerful hold on the minds of the people in that place. Sinners are coming to Christ continually, and finding him to be precious to their souls. My brethren and sisters generally in this place, are looking for their redemption this year. Glory to God. Yours in the blessed hope. HST February 1, 1843, page 158.8

Joshua Goodwin.
Washington, N. H. Jan. 11th, 1843.

From D. F. Reed


Many of the wicked and unbelieving are waiting for greater signs. They say they cannot believe Christ will come again without first vouchsafing to the world signs of a more glaring nature than any yet given. An humble effort to show such dear souls their error is here offered. Let us hear the Bible. Matthew 24:38, 39. As in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (The objector will not attempt to deny that this refers to Christ’s coming at the end of the world, for it is in close connection with the much misused passage, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man,” etc, which of course he would contend referred to the end of the world.) In view of this passage it may be affectionately asked how we can expect such glaring signs of, and forerunners to Christ’s Second Coining, as would compel the wicked and sceptics to believe, when Christ himself has explicitly declared it shall be as upon those who “knew not until they were all taken away.” HST February 1, 1843, page 158.9

If they will not know until they are taken away, how can we look for signs that will compel the wicked to know before hand? They are willingly ignorant, and God will let them remain so. He will try the people. Those who will obtain an appetite for signs and evidences, who will give up their sins, take up their cross, and learn to love Christ’s appearing, will not be overtaken as a thief. They will love to collect evidence, and they can “discern” enough. They will not be found among those who shall not understand (Daniel 12:10,) who will not know until their doom be sealed. Dear Reader, let one who loves your precious soul, ask you which class you are in? Do not be offended. Answer before God, before you dare move from your present place or leave your seat. A moments delay may be fatal. Time is short. HST February 1, 1843, page 158.10

Another evidence from the Bible that such signs as some look for will never be given, is in Matthew 24:48-51. It is there clearly implied that an “evil servant” may be saying in his heart “my Lord delayeth his coming” while “in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of” he shall be cut asunder and have his portion assigned him with the hypocrites where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” How is it then the wicked can have signs, the force of which cannot be resisted? If they were to have such signs how could it be consistently implied that the doctrine “my Lord delayeth his coming” would prevail to the last, and Christ’s Second Coming be upon the “evil servant in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour when he is not aware of.” HST February 1, 1843, page 158.11

Another passage from Holy Writ may suffice. 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3. Yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them,” etc. All must confess that this refers to the Second Coming, for it is most closely connected with the reference in the last seven verses of the preceeding chapter to the descending of the Lord to take his saints into the air, etc. HST February 1, 1843, page 158.12

Once more then it is asked, on what ground any one is authorized to look for irresistable signs? Will not the wicked be saying “peace and safety” at the time the Lord descends? So teaches the Holy Ghost by St. Paul in this passage. Will the wicked then have signs which will compel them to stop their saying “peace and safety”? No, Verily. HST February 1, 1843, page 158.13

Dear Reader, what are you waiting for? Carefully examine the signs already given, and see if all are not granted that can be without compelling the wicked to believe? Why then do you hesitate? O start up at once. Escape for thy life from sin and satan. And do not rest with feeling only that your own soul is safe. Have you no duties to perform to others? Do you want the blood of souls upon you? HST February 1, 1843, page 158.14

Enquiry of J. Harrison


Mr. William Miller, Dear Sir:—The following assertion was made by the Rev. Dr. West (author of the Antidote on Infidelity) at New York Mills, to Rev. R. Fox and others that he was acquainted with Mr. Miller, and that he told him that the world would be destroyed on the 25th day of April 1843. And if it did not come then he, Mr. Miller, would turn Infidel, and believe nothing more in the Bible. Now Sir, if this is so, I should like to know it, and if not so, then the Public ought to know it. Yours respectfully. J. Harrison. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.1

New York Mills, Jan. 16th 1843. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.2



Mr. Miller assures us that he never uttered such a sentiment to Dr. West, or any other person. Eds. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.3

Extract from a letter of Bro. John Pearson


Dear Brother Himes:—The faith we advocate, and which our hearts love, with us looks quite interesting at present, much more so than ever before; our feeble efforts to extend this seem to be crowned with astonishing success. Men’s hearts are failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth. The anxiety which pervades our community is by no means small; there seems to be such a feeling as prevailed to a great extent immediately after Father Miller finished his first course of lectures here, before those who should have been the first to sound the note of alarm, were prepared to administer their antidotes, which they did afterwards with considerable success. So many are called out to hear that our place is crowded almost to suffocation, and multitudes have to go away. Of late, meetings are held on this subject, in the hall and the Temple St. Chapel, and both crowded. God is at work with us, souls are being converted, backsliders reclaimed, and Christians sanctified; what more could be, in order to encourage the friends to be strong and work with all their might? Yours. etc. John Pearson. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.4

Portland, Jan. 10th 1843. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.5

Letter from I. R. Gates


Dear Brother Himes.—I write to you at this time simply to inform you that under a sense of duty I have resigned the charge of my congregation at Burnt Hills, and left to sound the Midnight Cry wherever the spirit of the Lord should call me; and have recently delivered a course of lectures at Watervliet; and at Milton and am now in Galway, at Watervliet I saw but little effected; but at Milton the power of God was manifest to the conversion of souls. I gave them eight lecturs in the Presbyterian meeting house; quite a number have experienced religion, and some 40 or 50 are now seeking the Lord; the meetings were very solemn; on some occasions when the mourners were invited forward it seemed as though the whole congregation were pressing for the anxious seats to implore the prayers of God’s children in their behalf; professors were bowing and imploring the blessing of sanctification, and sinners crying for mercy, several strong young men in the ministry have embraced the doctrine of the second advent in 43, and are beginning to sound the Midnight Cry in this county. An Infidel by the name of Taylor who could set under ordinary preaching without being affected, attended one course of lectures, and discovering the harmony of the scriptures as we preached, was led to embrace the truth, and is now happy in the Lord, together with his wife and daughter; the persons whom we thought beyond mercy are now the subjects of grace: neighbours that had long lived at enmity, are now happy in the Lord, and walk together in brotherly love. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.6

Respectfully Yours, HST February 1, 1843, page 159.7

North Galway, December, 30th, 1843. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.8

Human Learning.—Human learning is one of the greatest of human blessings, but is often turned into a curse. Human learning is a great help to a true preacher of the gospel, who rightly appreciates it and puts it in its proper place.—Many learned ministers have been truly godly and “burning and shining lights:” they have been an invaluable service to the cause of God; yet while we admit this, we are constrained to say that, to our apprehension, the church of God suffers greatly by an undue appreciation of human learning. Wherever ministers suffer it in the least to take the place, in their minds, of the office work of the Holy Ghost, in preparing men to preach the gospel, they so far become blind to the true nature and spiritual glory of the gospel. Depending on human learning they are spiritually barren in their preaching, and fail to feed the people of God. How often do we find, what are termed illiterate preachers, the most useful in awakening sinners and comforting believers.—God teaches them, and thus prepares them to teach the people. It is time for the people of God to look to the subject of true ministerial qualifications. We are among those who have no opinion of college made ministers. We believe that men must be moved and qualified by the Holy Ghost to preach; or they are utterly unqualified.—John the Baptist. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.9

Would it not be better, if the opponents of “Millerism,” would condescend to answer its strong arguments with stronger if possible, instead of treating it with so much contempt, as they professs to feel. That Miller is a man “mighty in the scriptures,” no one is hardy enough to deny.—That he is learned above most men in the sacred writings—that he reaches pretty effectually, the popular ear and mind both, is evident to any one who has ever heard him and witnessed the breathless interest with which crowds hang upon his lips. Now such a man is not to be put down with a sneer or a laugh. He has broken up the deep fountains of popular feeling in this country. He brings the Bible as his evidence for veracity He is a calm, dispassionate reasoner, not a fanatical bigot. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.10

Now it is too late in the day for any body of men to arrest public inquiry into any subject, religious or not, except by showing that the matter in question is unworthy of attention, or manifestly false. The people will look for themselves, despite of Clergymen or Laymen, Church or State. Why should not they? HST February 1, 1843, page 159.11

Let Mr. Miller be fairly refuted, and we ask not more. He has not been as yet, and we begin shrewdly to suspect, that our learned Divines, if they attempt to handle him, will find they have caught a Tartar.—Hart Pat. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.12

Millerism.—This is the term by which the opinions of those who oppose the idea of a millenium, and maintain that the end of the world will take place in 1843, is distinguished; and it is thus denominated because Mr. Miller first propagated it. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.13

We certainly are not a convert to the theory, but we feel bound in duty to lift our voice in reproof of, and enter our protest against the infidel scurrility, and blasphemous wilicisms, with which some of our exchanges abound, and from which religious periodicals are not wholly exempt. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.14

If Mr. Miller is in error it is possible to prove him so, but not by vulgar and blasphemous witicisms and ribaldry; those are not arguments. And to treat a subject of such overwhelming majesty, and fearful consequences—a subject which has been made the theme of prophecy in both Testaments; the truth of which, occur when it will, God has sealed by his own unequivocal averments—we repeat it, to make puns and display vulgar wit upon this subject is not mercy to sport with the feelings of its propagators and advocates, but it is to make a jest of the day of Judgment, to scoff at the Deity himself, and contemn the terors of his Judgment Bar—Exchange paper. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.15

An Argument—A Mistake


Messrs. Editors.—The following paragraph is taken from the “National Champion,” a new political paper, published in Boston, Ms. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.16

miller’s theory. It is both amusing and vexing to hear men gravely discussing the theory of one Miller—who insanely professes to foretell the coming of the “Day of Judgment.” We do not allude to this man with any other feeling than that of compassion, because we have seen many similar cases of monomania, and if any beings are entitled to pity and indulgence, they are the insane. We can hardly extend our charity to his stupid followers. But to our purpose. The following is taken from a paper, and is said to have been extracted from a book written and published by Miller himself. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.17

I understand the judgment will be a thousand years long. The righteous are raised and judged in the commencement of the day, and the wicked in the end of the day. I believe that the saints will be raised and judged about the year 1843. According to Moses’ prophecy, Levit. 26. Ezekiel 38. Daniel 2, 7, 8 to 12 chapters, Hosea 5:1-3, Rev. the whole book; many other prophets have spoken of these things.—Time will soon tell if I am right, and he that is righteous will be righteous still—and he that is filthy will be filthy still. I do solelmnly entreat mankind to make their peace with God, and be ready for these things. “The end of all things is at hand. I do ask my brethren in the gospel ministry, to consider well what they say, before they oppose these things. Say not in your hearts “my Lord delayeth his coming.” Let all do as they would wish they had, if it does come, and none will say they have not done right if it does not come. I believe it will come; but if it should not come, then I will wait and look until it does come. Yet I must pray, come. Lord Jesus; come quickly.” HST February 1, 1843, page 159.18

We admire Mr. Miller’s resignation, which is given in advance, by way of caution. If he be right it is well; if he be wrong, it is well—for he is willing to wait till wrong can be made right, provided it can be done “quickly.” HST February 1, 1843, page 159.19

Our motive for noticing this man, however, is to show what singular absurdities may be stated by the insane, and what is still more singular, how they may be adopted by the ignorant or stupid, without examination. He says— HST February 1, 1843, page 159.20

I understand the judgment will be a thousand years.” HST February 1, 1843, page 159.21

We submit a question in arithmetic for his solution; or should any of his followers render a proper answer it will be all the same to us. HST February 1, 1843, page 159.22

The following estimates were made in 1830; but we will take them as they are—or, if any one wishes to add thirteen years more to the aggregate, he has perfect liberty to do so. But in either case, we beg to know how many souls would have to be judged per second, in order to accomplish the business in “one thousand years?” HST February 1, 1843, page 159.23

Increase of the numbers of Mankind.—On the supposition that the human race has a power to double its numbers four times in a century, or once in each succeeding period of twenty-five years, as some philosophers have computed, and that nothing prevented the exercise of this increase, the descendants of Noah and his family would have now increased to the following number:— HST February 1, 1843, page 160.1

1,496 577, 696, 626 844, 588 240, 573, 268, 701, 473, 812, 127, 674, 924, 007, 424 HST February 1, 1843, page 160.2

The surface of the earth contains, of square miles196,663,355
Mercury and the Planets, contain about46,790,511,000
The sun contains2,442,900,000,000

Hence, upon the supposition of such a rate of increase of mankind as has been assumed, the number of human beings how living, would be equal to the following number for each square mile upon the surface of the earth, the sun, and all the planets,—61,062,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000; or to the following number for each square inch,—149,720,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.3

This last number alone is infinite with relation to human conception. Merely to count it would require an incredible period. Supposing the whole inhabitants now upon the surface of the globe to be one thousand millions, which is believed somewhat to exceed the actual number, and supposing that this multitude, infants and adults, were to be employed in nothing else but counting—that each were to work 365 days in the year, and ten hours in the day, and to count 100 per minute, it would require, in order to count the number in question, 6,536,500 millions of years!!!—Quarterly Journal of Agricul. Per. N. Y. Albion, Oct. 2d, 1830 HST February 1, 1843, page 160.4

In this article Mr. Miller is accused of being a monomaniac. But his remarks and the calculation from the Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, (N. Y. Albion, Oct. 2, 1830,) go to show that the monomania, after all, may be on the other side. This calculation of the increase of mankind from Noah’s day until now, makes the number of such vast magnitude, that if one thousand millions of years were employed to count them, and each one was to work 365 days in a year, and ten hours in a day, and to count one hundred in every minute, it would require 6,536,500 millions of years, to count the whole number since Noah’s time. This vast number of human beings are presented as an argument to prove Miller a monomaniac. And would seem to make out that this calculation was a fact. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.5

Now any child ten years of age, would know that this mode of computing numbers of increase is fallacious, and shows the insanity of infidelity, and the weakness of our editors, or some of them, at least. This mode of reckoning would require all to live during the whole period, and to increase in arithmetical progression. Of course, Noah and his wife must have lived till 1830, and they must have had two children every twenty-five years, and so with all of his descendants. Instead, then, of a progression, it is only an addition, with in crease in part. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.6

Now suppose there were 800,000,000, of inhabitants upon the earth when Adam was created. And suppose every thirty years to be the addition of 800,000,000, then suppose the world to have stood 6000 years in 1843, which would make 200 times 30 years. Then multiply 800,000,000 by 200; this would give the number of inhabitants born during 6000 years, which would be only 160,000,000,000. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.7

Now suppose only two-fifths of the surface of the globe which we inhabit, to be land; which would make 78,660,342 square miles; this multiplied by 102,400 square rods in a mile, makes 8,055,331,020,800 square rods. Now divide this number of rods by the total number of earth’s inhabitants, 160,000,000,000, and we have 50 1-3 rods of land for every individual ever born on the earth. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.8

This calculation, it will be seen, is too nigh, inasmuch as we reckon as many inhabitants on the earth in the days of Adam, and for the whole time since then as now, when there were but few inhabitants, for many years; as also there were at the time of the flood, and on the re-peopling of the earth by Noah. But allowing the full number, 800,000,000, for the certain 6,000 years, it only makes the aggregate of 160,000,000,000, for each of which we have on this earth more than fifty square rods. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.9

Remarks.—In the new earth, it is said, there is no more sea; we may therefore add to the above the 3-5ths of the earth’s surface, which are now covered with water; which would make a fraction less than 126 square rods for each person that has ever lived, at the above estimate, which includes not only the righteous, who will be the sole inhabitants of that world, but the wicked, also. We are informed by Zechariah that the earth shall be lifted up and inhabited in its place; so that we know not how much larger the new earth will be than is this earth. Another calculation has been going the rounds, which make the entire surface of the earth covered with bodies one hundred feet high, if all that ever lived were now upon it; but the above calculation disproves that also. If figures could have proved that such infidel arguments were of force, God could still make an earth large enough to accommodate such a multitude, and prove his word true. Those, therefore, who expect to disprove a ‘thus saith the Lord, by I such vain sophistry, do greatly err, “not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.” HST February 1, 1843, page 160.10

If allowing the population of the earth to have been at the creation the same as now, and that number to have passed off once in 30 years, makes the entire race that have ever lived amount to only 160,000,000,000; then if we take into consideration that all mankind have descended from two individuals, and that at the end of 1656 years from creation, they were again reduced to eight souls, it is probable that 100,000,000,000 would not vary far from a fair estimate of the whole human race that have inhabited this globe; and then there would be 80 square rods of land, or 200 square reds of the earth’s surface for each individual. To what foolish vagaries the infidel is obliged to resort! Verily he is a monomaniac, and is deserving our pity. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.11

When the curse shall be removed from the earth, there is no more sea, and the earth is lifted up and inhabited in its place, the wilderness shall be like Eden, and the desert like the garden of the Lord, and there are no desert wastes and frozen regions, where man cannot inhabit; we believe it will be found that of the 100,000,000,000 souls that have peopled this earth, such a proportion of them will be found to have accepted of the offers of mercy, that the size of the new earth and the number of its inhabitants will correspond in the wisest and most harmonious manner. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.12

The Church Intelligencer, a Puseyite paper, recommends the revival of monasteries in the Church of England. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.13



Notice is hereby given that WM. H. PEYTON is no longer an Agent of mine, and no money will be paid to him on my account for Second Advent Publications, or the Signs of the Times, after this date, & all commission given him to collect is hereby revoked. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.14

Boston, Jan. 27th, 1843.



No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, up stairs. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.15

Address J. V. Himes. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.16

No. 36 Park Row, New York, up stairs, opposite the Park. Address J. V. Himes. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.17

No. 67 South Second Street, Philadelphia. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.18

Address Orrin Rogers. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.19

Any person wishing to obtain Books, Charts, or Publications, can obtain them at either of the above depositories. For list of publications, see advertisements. J. V. HIMES. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.20



Rec’d up to Jan. 28, 1843. Blackberry, Ill. Chazy, N. Y. Hydepark, Vt. So. Livonia, N. Y. Bradford, N. H. Byron, Ill. Williamantic, Ct. E. Livermcre, Me. Starkville, N. Y. Kingston, Pa. Mechanicsville, Vt. Hoosick, N. Y. Epping, Middlebury, D. Orleans, Ms. Winthrop, Me. Farmington, Me. S. N. Durham, N. H. West Poland, Me. Derby Line, Vt. Stafford, Corner, Vt. Scarboro’ Me. E. St. Albans, Me. N. E. Erie, Pa. Dummerston, Vt. Lairdsville, N. Y. Braintree, Vt. $5. Harvard—Waterbury Centre, Vt. Industry, Me. N. Granville, N. Y. Benton, N. Y. Woodbury, Ct. H. Thomas, S. P. Townsend, Albany, N. Y. Pulaski, Ill. St. Mary’s Landing, Mo. Templeton, Ms. Derry, N. H. Hyannis. Ms. Stonington, Ct. Wheelock, Vt. N. Leverett, Ms. Greensburg, O. Pattonsburg, Va. Ashleyville, Ms. West Newfield, Me. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.21

W. D. Tuller, A. M. Averill, Moses Tewksbury, R. Parker, $10. E. Adrian, E. F. Hingham, D. Burgess, J. Watkins, G. F. Cox, K. Cambridgeport, J. G. McMurray, S. Bradford, A. J. Holmes, J. Morrill, A. McKenzie, J. Bicknell, D. A. Woodward, S. Cook, J. Goodwin, D. Goddard, jr. Rev. F. Lee, C. Green, H. Childs, S. Smith, L. Way, C. Milford, (Brn. M. or H. can’t come,) R. & J. H. Adams, N. Jackman, $2. R. Winter, London; Wm. Miller, Bennington; N. Southard, W. H. Pillow, W. Stanwood, Williams Thayer, $10. Warner & Williums, A. Glastenbury, Ct. $5. G. Atkinson, W. S. Miller, J. D. Marsh, $20. D. Lovejoy, (Bro. H. can’t come,) J. Spaulding, $5, (keep the books,) W. Wilmot, T. L. Tullock, Briggs, Stanwood & Robinson, (come,) Williamantic, O. B. Griffin, J. Weston, R. Polly, S. Pollard, $8. W. Camp, J. T. Sutton, jr. L. Kimball, check $61. H. Barber, $25. Samuel Smith, E. W. Goff, L. McKenney, J. Litch. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.22

Bundles Sent


One chart Jacob Weston, Hillsboro Bridge, N. H. L. Kimball, E. Brookfield, A. M. Averhill, Mattapoissett, Ms. 2 to 36 Park Row, N. Y. D Burgess, Hartford, Ct. Ed. T. Wilson, Nantucket, Ms. J. Howland, New Bedford, Ms. Box 36 Park Row, N. Y., J. G. McMurray, Utica, N. Y., H. Childs, Sutton, Vt. A. Bruce, Jefferson, Schoharie Co. N. Y., J. D. Marsh, South Woodstock, Vt., Bundle 36 Park Row, N. Y., J. D. Hinds, Athol, Ms., Williams Thayer, Pomfret Depot, A Lyman, P. M. E. Braintree, Vt. S. Smith, Skowhegan, Me., O. B. Griffin, Essex Vt., C. Buck, N. Bedford, Ms. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.23

Signs of the Times


Is published weekly, at No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, by JOSHUA V. HIMES, to whom all letters and communications must be addressed. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.24

Terms,—One Dollar per Volume of 24 Nos. (6 months) HST February 1, 1843, page 160.25

dow & jackson, printers. HST February 1, 1843, page 160.26