Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 4

January 18, 1843

Vol. IV.—No. 18. Boston, Whole No. 90

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston. HST January 18, 1843, page 137.1

REVIEW OF “Time of the End Uncertain.”



Mr. Daggett argues “that it is not for us to foreknow the time when this dispensation will end.”— HST January 18, 1843, page 137.2

IV. “From the ignorance of the apostles—and even of the man Christ Jesus—on this subject.” HST January 18, 1843, page 137.3

“As to the apostles, the text is decisive. After our Lord’s resurrection, the eleven inquired of him, “Lord, will thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?” The question regards the season of its establishment and triumph. And in his answer, he neither confirms nor contradicts their opinions as to its nature, but only meets their question, whether he is about to assume it at this time. On this point he tells them, it is not for them to receive the information they are seeking, or such knowledge does not of right belong to them: the Father hath put in his own power, or determined by his own authority, the times or seasons in which the events he has predicted will take place, and he does not see fit to make known these periods.” HST January 18, 1843, page 137.4

When this question of the Apostles is alluded to, but one half of the answer of our Savior—the 7th verse only—is usually given. The whole of his answer—the 7th and 8th verses—will give us a more correct idea of its full import. “And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”—Acts 1:7, 8. They were to receive power of what? And of what were they to testify in all the earth? The natural inference is that it would be that of which they enquired, as it was given in answer to that question—the restoration of the kingdom to Israel. The “times and seasons” were then in the Father’s own power; and as our Savior said in Mark 13:32. No man or angel, nor even the Son, but the Father only, knoweth, or maketh known, that day and hour. That is, at that time, the Father had the entire control of the knowledge of that event, and would continue to have until such time as He should make it known. HST January 18, 1843, page 137.5

The question here arises, Has the Father, since that time, made known that which was then in his own power? The title of the Apocalypse is a sufficient answer. That is called “The Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John; who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” HST January 18, 1843, page 137.6

According to this testimony, the Father gave to Jesus Christ, and he signified it by his angel unto his servant John, and John has made a record of that, which, before the Father made it known, was entirely in the Father’s power, as Christ told his disciples on the day of his ascension. If therefore this record of John testifies of the times and seasons, then we know that was what was promised to the disciples, of which they should have power, after the Holy Ghost had come upon them. HST January 18, 1843, page 137.7

In this “Revelation” the day or hour is not revealed; but Jesus Christ has signified by his angel the Epistles to the seven churches, the record of the seven seals, and the seven trumpets, all of which carry us down to the end of time. He has given us the number of the first beast—666, and the time of the continuance of the other beast, 42 months, with the length of time the woman should remain in the wilderness, the holy city should be trodden under foot, and the two witnesses should testify in sackcloth; and the length of time that the fifth and sixth trumpets should sound, with the assurance that after the sixth, the seventh should sound quickly, and that when it should begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, time should be no longer, and the “kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ: and he shall reign forever and ever.” It also gives us a view of the resurrection of the dead, the new heaven and earth, and the New Jerusalem. Thus at the proper time, after the Holy Ghost had come to them, God gave to Jesus Christ, for his servants, a full and detailed account of that information which he promised should be given them. HST January 18, 1843, page 137.8

It has been replied to this, that this revelation must have been already fulfilled, because, thetimewas thenat hand.” Our Savior told them to “repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand;” and it can be no more than fair, that he should be allowed to explain how he would be understood by the term, “at hand.” We find that on one occasion, because the disciples thought the kingdom of God should immediately appear, that Christ “added and spake a parable,” in which he illustrated it by a “Nobleman,” who “went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return,”—thus showing, that the term “at hand,” did not denote immediately. HST January 18, 1843, page 137.9

This revelation which God gave to Jesus Christ is of no private nature, for he that hath ears to hear, is commanded to hear, and they are pronounced blessed who read, or hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein. HST January 18, 1843, page 137.10

If we take the ground that what was unknown before the Sacred Canon was completed, can never be known, we must entirely throw aside all subsequent revelation, unless it is also recorded that such things should never be known; which is not the case. And if we also believe, that we can know nothing respecting the future, from that Revelation which God gave to Jesus Christ, to show unto servants, the things which must shortly come to pass, then do we not undervalue such revelation, and slight the gift of God? HST January 18, 1843, page 137.11

2 Peter 3:10. “The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night,” is quoted. p. 275. Peter does not say upon whom it will so come, but Paul says that it will thus come upon those who cry “Peace and safety,” and not upon the “brethren;” Our Savior predicts that it will thus come upon those who say in their hearts “my Lord delayeth his coming,” etc, and upon those who will not watch. This text is used by our opponents as a reason why we need not watch, and now expect his coming; but Peter gives this as a reason, why we should be diligent, that we may be found of him in peace. HST January 18, 1843, page 137.12

The next quotation is 1 Thessalonians 5:1, 2. “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly, that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” It is claimed that when Paul adds, “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief,” that “he does not teach that it would not come suddenly upon Christians, but only that since they were enlightened as to the fact that it would so come, it would not injuriously surprise them, because, with such a conviction, they would live in continual preparation for it.” p. 276. HST January 18, 1843, page 137.13

If the assertion that the brethren were “not in darknesss that that day should overtake them as a thief, did not imply that it should not overtake such suddenly, then we might contend that when it is said that “the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night,” it does not imply that it will come suddenly upon any. If it denotes suddenness in the one case, it would seem to denote an expectation of the event previous to its time in the other case. The apostle gives as a reason why there was no need of his writing to them of the times and seasons of the coming of the Lord, because they knew perfectly “that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” He then explains upon whom it will so come. “For when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them;” and he adds, “and they shall not escape.” The apostle then excepts the brethren from its so coming; thus he seems to assert that it will only come “as a thief in the night,” upon those who say “Peace and safety;” which cry was to be a sign to christians that they might know when that day is near; and thus not be overtaken as a thief. Although they did not know the time of the end, they yet were to have this with other signs and Revelations given them by our Lord, as evidences of its approach. HST January 18, 1843, page 137.14

“From this undeniable ignorance of the apostles as to the time in question, he infers i, an obscurity in the prophecies on this point, and 2, our own ignorance; see p. 276. HST January 18, 1843, page 137.15

We have a right to infer that the propheces were obscure to them on this point, at that time, but from the prophecies, we should also infer that this was owing to the times in which they lived, and not to the prophecies. When the prophecy of Daniel was completed he was told to “shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end:” then follows, “Many shall run to and for and knowledge shall be increased.” That this “sealing up” of the words, denoted, that till the time of the end, the words thus sealed up were not to be fully understood, is evident from what follows. Daniel says he heard and understood not, and then asked, “O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel; for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.” All therefore who lived before “the time of the end,” will, as Daniel did, “understand not.” The apostles, therefore, and all who lived in that age of the world, were necessarily ignorant of the full import of that which was thus sealed. But is it to be always thus sealed? It will be to the wicked, but not to the righteous. Daniel is told “the wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked” shall understand, but the pious shall understand.’ The period of time when they shall understand, must necessarily be when these prophecies are unsealed, at “the time of the end” Therefore, in the time of our Savior, no one could have known the day or the hour, and it was not for them to know the times or the seasons: but this obscurity to them must have been owing to the fact that it was “closed up and sealed,” and not to any obscurity in the prophecies. Therefore we cannot infer from their ignorance, that those who live when the seal is removed, must necessarily be ignorant of that which was then “closed up and sealed.” HST January 18, 1843, page 137.16

The assertion of our Savior, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man,” etc, could not denote that no man ever will know, for then it would contradict the previous verses. He had just assured them, that “the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven;” and then should follow the coming of the Son of Man. “Now,” said our Savior, “learn a parable of the fig tree: When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: so likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near even at the doors.” And then, as if to inform them how near it would be after these signs were seen, he limited it within “this generation.” “Verily I say unto you, This generation,” (the generation that shall see these signs,) “shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” HST January 18, 1843, page 138.1

According to Luke, Christ says of these signs, “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” If any confidence can be placed in the words of our Savior, then, surely, when there have been seen the very signs which he predicted should precede his coming, and in the very manner, we need not be ignorant of the approach of that event, so that it should come upon us as a thief in the night. If the pious are to be ignorant of the coming of Christ, his coming on them unawares would not be likely to be held out as an evil which they should avoid. In Luke 21:34, our Savior warns his followers to “take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.” He then, after declaring that it shall come as a snare on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth, calls upon us, verse 36, to “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” If the righteous are to be overtaken suddenly, why are they commanded to pray that they may escape such a calamity? HST January 18, 1843, page 138.2

To be continued.

The Two Days of Hosea and Luke; and the seven times


“On Mr. Miller’s interpretations of Hosea 6:1-3, Luke 13:32, Leviticus 26:23, 24, and Ezekiel 39:9, I need not take time to remark. They seem to me to be entirely fanciful, based on assumptions of which there is no substantial proof. How does Mr. Miller know that the two days in Hosea and Luke are 2000 years, or it they be, that they commenced just 158 years B. C., and terminate with the end of the world? How does he know that the seven years of Leviticus and Ezekiel stand for 2520 years, commencing 677 years B. C., and ending, as before, with the end of the world? with such a latitude of interpretation, almost any theory might be founded on the Bible.” Dr. Pond. HST January 18, 1843, page 138.3

Dr. P. needs not to be informed that the mode of interpretation, to which he objects, is as good for himself as it is for Mr. Miller. And if “with such a latitude of interpretation almost any theory might be founded on the Bible,” we should think Dr. P. might make something out of it. But we think Dr. P. is the last man in the world to object to “any theory” for being “fanciful” or wanting in “substantial proof.” The only objection he can fairly make to what he calls Mr. Miller’s fancies, is, that they are not “authorized.” HST January 18, 1843, page 138.4

Dr. P. believes that “the conversion of the nations,” will be “brought about” as follows.—(Puritan, Nov. 18.) “The Son of God shall take to himself his mighty power, and reign spiritually over all the nations. ‘The kingdom and dominion and the greatness [original illegible] the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High.’ And all this shall be realized in the present world. It shall be brought about, not by signs and wonders, but by the faithful use of appointed means, and the accompanying grace and power of the Holy Ghost.” HST January 18, 1843, page 138.5

He also believes that the predictions in Daniel 7. and Revelation 19. refer to the scenes and events which are to introduce that “glorious” state of things; (ib.) “In this view, the passage in Daniel is parallel to that in Revelation 19:11-21; where the final enemies of the Church are represented as destroyed, immediately previous to the Millennium. In neither of these passages, is any thing said about the second coming of Christ, or the day of final, general judgment.” HST January 18, 1843, page 138.6

These portions of prophecy say nothing of any “signs or wonders,” but speak only of “the faithful use of appointed means for the conversion of the world.” Will the reader look at these prophecies? HST January 18, 1843, page 138.7

Dr. P. belives that the prophecy which says “the nations shall learn war no more,” will then be realized—“the final enemies of the church” having been “destroyed.” HST January 18, 1843, page 138.8

“But at the close of the Millennium, when temptations again return, and Divine influences are withdrawn, a generation will speedily rise up, who know not God, and obey not the Gospel of his Son. They will be found in great numbers in every quarter of the earth. They will increase in multitude, as the sand of the sea. Being restive and rebellious under the restraints of religion, they will oppose God, and reject his Son, and wage war upon the people of the Most High.”—Puritan, Nov. 11. HST January 18, 1843, page 138.9

Dr. P. believes, in his abounding charity; that the alarming results of “a similar error” to the one he opposes (Miller’s theory) are referred to by Paul, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, and 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12. Ib. HST January 18, 1843, page 138.10

“The influence of the doctrine before us on society will be injurious, in several ways. It will lead those who embrace it to neglect their necessary worldly business; to neglect the proper education of their children; to discard objects of public utility and improvement; and to squander their substance on unworthy objects. This was the effect of a similar error in the days of the Apostles—an error which both Paul and Peter set themselves to correct; and the same effect will follow now, so far as the error is consistently embraced. You have a son away at College. At a very considerable expense, you are educating him for usefulness in the world. But why incur all this expense, if the world is to be destroyed the next year?—You are engaged in some honorable and useful employment, which requires you to form plans, and to invest capital, with a view to results in years to come. But how can you do this with any consistency, if the world is to be destroyed the next year? This doctrine, if generally received, and carried out in full and consistent practice, would put a stop to all works of extended public improvement; would break up every college and literary institution in the land; and would change the entire community into characters like those described by the Apostle Paul as having been formed under the same influence—disorderly walkers, busybodies, working not at all, but wasting the earnings of previous years, that nothing might remain to be consumed in the fires of the coming conflagration. 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12.” HST January 18, 1843, page 138.11

And yet he does not believe that the “final coming of Christ to judgment” is “here spoken of;” but puts it down as parallel to the texts he quotes from Daniel 7. and Revelation 19., “where he says the final enemies of the church are represented as destroyed, immediately previous to the millennium.” HST January 18, 1843, page 138.12

The same remark may be made respecting the passage referred to in 2 Thessalonians 2:8. Paul’s “Man of Sin,” or “Wicked One” is to be consumed by the Spirit of Christ’s mouth, and destroyed by the brightness of his coming. But the coming of Christ here spoken of is not his final coming to judgment.—Puritan, Nov. 18. HST January 18, 1843, page 138.13

Now, as Paul told the Thessalonians that “that day,” about which they were “troubled,” should not come until the events he named should take place, and as Dr. P. says, “that day of Christ” was “not his final coming to judgment;” but to “destroy the final enemies of the church.”—Dr. P. must admit either that Paul did not understand the case, or else that the mischiefs he points out for our examining, were not the results of “a similar error” to “Miller’s theory”—but of a similar error to the views of Dr. Pond. Did you ever read the story of Haman and Mordecai Dr.? HST January 18, 1843, page 138.14

But these views are “authorized,” and of course there is nothing “fanciful” about them—nothing “strange!” HST January 18, 1843, page 138.15

We most seriously aver that if there were a hundredth part of the fancy, and guesswork, and contradiction and forcing of the word of God, in Mr. Miller’s theory which stand out on almost every portion of the views of his opposers, we would have nothing to do with it. But when such men as Dr. P. and others are driven to such absurdities, contradiction and nonsense, in order to shape an argument, we look upon it as no mean proof that nothing can be fairly done against it. HST January 18, 1843, page 138.16

Will our learned friend inform us when the church is to enter upon her promised rest, if, after her “final enemies” are “destroyed,” such a host are to “wage war upon” them? HST January 18, 1843, page 139.1

And again, if the “enemies of the church” are to be “destroyed” preparatory to the millennium, are the Millerites the only “brethren who, in the weakness of their faith, have distrusted the Gospel’s power for the conversion of the nations?”—Puritan, Nov. 18. HST January 18, 1843, page 139.2

Once more, we would respectfully enquire, If the portion of the word of God named by Dr. P., Daniel 7. etc. etc., do not refer “to the final judgment,” is there any evidence, in the Bible, that such an event will ever take place? “It would be superfluous to quote other specimens of strange, fanciful, unauthorized interpretations.” HST January 18, 1843, page 139.3

the seven months


I might make the same remarks on the interpretation of Ezekiel 39:12. The seven months are here assumed to stand for 210 years, the period which elapsed between the publication of the Edict of Nantes, and the alleged downfall of popery. I may add here, that Mr. Miller’s date of the Edict of Nantes is ten years too early. It should be, not 1588, but 1598, between which time and the alleged downfall of Popery there are only 200 years.” P. HST January 18, 1843, page 139.4

Well, now, we must award to our worthy friend the honor of correcting one important historical date. He expresses no “doubts” about it, and of course he believes “it possible to determine” the truth in the case, and we must stand corrected. But the question was, Have not the events on which Mr. M’s theory is based, taken place as he states and at the time he states? When Dr. P. points to this, and a few other unimportant applications of prophecy, and says, “A man who can resort to such a use of the Bible, is certainly a very unsafe guide in the things of religion;—and a theory which needs to be propped by such interpretations, cannot be received as truth.”-Pur. Nov. 4 HST January 18, 1843, page 139.5

We can only smile at the valor displayed at a distance from the citadel, while its foundations and ramparts are fenced with a few “doubts” and queries discharged under cover of a host of “distinguished commentators.” HST January 18, 1843, page 139.6

It would be very convenient for Dr. P. to keep the attention of his readers directed to those points which have no essential bearing upon the great question,—Is Mr. Miller’s theory true? The points which Dr. P. mentions as “props” to the theory, are no more essential to it, than Dr. P’s. ignorance on the true “age of Christ,” or the weakness and absurdity of his arguments on almost every point involved in “this protracted discussion,” are essential to his qualifications to bear the title of Doctor of Divinity. 30 If he could have given us some other dates, than those he doubts, for the events which lay at the basis of the theory, he could have rendered an important service. But Sampson has not only lost his eyes, but he has no hand to guide him to the main pillars of the edifice, and nothing of course is done here;—he must make the most of that which has little or no connection with it. HST January 18, 1843, page 139.7

third question


Are there any portions of prophecy (not opinion) which, fairly considered, renders Mr. Miller’s views inadmissible? HST January 18, 1843, page 139.8

“You inquire in the third place, whether there are any portions of prophecy which, fairly considered, render Mr. Miller’s view inadmissible. I think there are. It seems to me that there remains much prophecy yet to be fulfilled on this earth, before the final conflagration. The Jews are to be converted to the faith of Christ, Romans 11:15-26. The fulness of the Gentiles are to be brought in. There is to be a long period of peace, prosperity, and enlargement to the church in the present world, see Micah 4:1-4. Isaiah 54th and 60th chapter.” etc. P. HST January 18, 1843, page 139.9

From the frequent occurrence of the phrases “on this earth,” “in this world,” etc. in the “protracted” communication of our correspondent, we did not know but we should have to call on him for some new light—on the “Astronomy of the Bible,” not knowing but that he had discovered another planet, now existing, or to exist somewhere, bearing the name of our planet: but on looking a little farther, we find his eye directed not to a different planet, but to a different condition of things, “over in the other world, under the new heaven and in the new earth.” HST January 18, 1843, page 139.10

And now, my dear sir, we would humbly ask “is not the grand mistake” upon the subject, with yourself and a large portion of the church, simply this, upon “the prophecy yet to be fulfilled on this earth?” Are you not looking for the Sabbath of the church on Saturday—for its glorious spring to come during winter? HST January 18, 1843, page 139.11

You refer us to some of the prophecies which you suppose remain to be fulfilled. “The Jews are to be converted to the faith of Christ.” But you seem to overlook one very important feature of the text you quote—the condition of their conversion,—“if they abide not still in unbelief.” And allow me, here to point to one of your facts which are not facts, in what you say of Mr. Miller and his followers.” It is as follows, (Puritan Nov. 11.) “But accordidg to Mr. M. and his followers, the Jews are not to be recovered from their infidelity.” HST January 18, 1843, page 139.12

Now, sir, in this statement you do the Milerites the same “mighty wrong” that you do to St. Paul. HST January 18, 1843, page 139.13

We earnestly pray that they may not “abide in unbelief,” “that so all Israel maybe saved;”—and Paul says “they, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in again; for God is able to graft them in again,” i. e. they have not so fallen as to make it impossible to restore them. Dr. P. says, referring to Paul for authority, “they are to be converted.” and “according to Mr. M. and his followers, they are not to be.” From a theory that will not do the word of God justice, man has but little to hope. You next point us to Micah 1:1-4, and to Isaiah 54th and 60th chapters, to prove that “there is to be a long reign of peace and prosperity, etc.” HST January 18, 1843, page 139.14

Now, whatever the text in Micah may mean, it cannot be made to harmonize with the theory of Dr. P. without a manifest contradiction. It cannot be that after war is to be no more, that there will be “a generation rise up in every quarter of the earth, in multitude as the sand of the sea, and wage war upon the people of the Most High.” I think, if our readers will read this text, and the parallel text in Isaiah 2. to which Dr. P. has cited us, and distinguish between what the prophets predict that “many people shall go and say,” is to be done, and what God says shall be done, there will be no difficulty in the case. HST January 18, 1843, page 139.15

And by comparing Isaiah 54th and 60th, with Galatians 4:26, 27, and Revelation 21:10-27, we shall have to look for their fulfilment, “over in the other world, under the new heavens, and in the new earth,” that is, the world to come whereof we speak.” HST January 18, 1843, page 139.16

“I might have written much more, my dear sir, in answer to your questions; but this must suffice. I have read the books you sent me with care and candor, I have endeavored to compare the theory there presented, with history, chronology and the Bible. It does not seem to me to have any solid foundation.”. HST January 18, 1843, page 139.17

We have no wish to be severe, but we must say that we think there are but few who could not “have written much more,” as much to the point as our Bangor Professor. At the date of the above letter we think Dr. P. possessed more candor, on the subject, than he has manifested since. He must have found a new dictionary or forgotten the meaning or spirit of the word candor, since. We are sorry for Bangor that its history and chronology are so very doubtful—“and the Bible” we see comes last in the means employed in the comparison—it should have been first and last. The “theory,” we suppose, cannot “have any solid foundation” until it is “authorized.” H. HST January 18, 1843, page 139.18

Exposition of the 14th Chatper of Zechariah


We have been repeatedly requested to give an exposition of this chapter, but till now, a press of other matter has prevented us. We are of the opinion that it is susceptible of a literal interpretation, without conflicting in any respect, with any other portion of God’s holy word. HST January 18, 1843, page 139.19

The chapter begins with a prediction, “Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee,” 1st verse; without showing the distance of time to that event. Then in the 2nd and 3rd verses is predicted first the warring of all nations against Jerusalem; and after that the Lord is to “go forth and fight against those nations as when he fought in the day of battle.” “For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.” The time which is to intervene between the fulfillment of these two events is not given, but the time of the last event is given; for it is said in the 4th verse, when the Lord shall go forth and fight against those nations, “And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.” This, therefore, is connected with the second coming of Christ. Parallel portions of scripture show us when the other prediction—the fighting of all nations against Jerusalem—was to be accomplished. HST January 18, 1843, page 139.20

According to the 25th chapter of the prophecy of Jeremiah, that prophet was commanded to take the wine cup of God’s fury at the Lord’s hand, and make all nations drink of it. “To wit, Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, and the kings thereof, and the princes thereof, to make them a desolation, an astonishment, an hissing, and a curse, as it is this day,” v. 18: “and all the kings of the north, far and near, one with another, and all the kingdoms of the world, which are upon the face of the earth,” verse 26. HST January 18, 1843, page 140.1

This was to be their final overthrow as nations, for, “Therefore thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Drink ye, and be drunken, and spue, and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword which I will send among you. And it shall be, if they refuse to take the cup at thy hand to drink, then shalt thou say unto them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Ye shall certainly drink.” HST January 18, 1843, page 140.2

This tribulation was to begin with Jerusalem, and to be consummated on all the nations that had fought against Jerusalem; “For, lo, I begin to bring evil on the city which is called by my name, and should ye be utterly unpunished? Ye shall not be unpunished; for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of hosts,” 25:29. HST January 18, 1843, page 140.3

The overthrow of all these nations is in connection with the second advent of Christ, and is therefore a parallel passage with Zechariah 14:3; for, according to the 38th verse, it is when the Lord “hath forsaken his covert as a lion,” or, as our Savior expresses it, when He shall come “as the lightning from heaven.” The prophet is also commanded to prophesy “against them all these words, and say unto them, The Lord shall roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy habitation; he shall mightily roar upon his habitation; he shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth. A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground.” Jeremiah 25:30-33. In this prophesy, no intimation is given when the judgment was to begin, on the city which is called by the name of the Lord; but in the 9th chapter of Daniel, when that prophet had been considering the 25th of Jeremiah, and had seen that God had fulfilled the seventy years which were predicted in the 11th and 12th verses of that chapter, that he would accomplish the desolations of Jerusalem, he was shown more fully the distance of time between the two events. HST January 18, 1843, page 140.4

Fifteen years previous to that event, Daniel had had the vision recorded in the 8th of Dan.; which at the time was all explained to him, with the exception of what was denoted by the little horn, and the length of the 2300 days. He was told that the vision was to continue 2300 days, and then the sanctuary was to be cleansed. Daniel, however, says that he was astonished at the vision, but none understood it; and it is evident from the explanation that had been given, that his ignorance was owing to the mystery respecting the time. His ignorance of that event seems to have continued, until he contemplated the fulfillment of the seventy years, as predicted in Jeremiah 25th. According to that prediction, “these nations” were to “serve the king of Babylon seventy years. And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith the Lord, for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations.” Jeremiah 25:11, 12. This was fulfilled in that night in which “was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain, and Darius the Median took the kingdom.” Daniel 5:30, 31. HST January 18, 1843, page 140.5

Daniel then evidently supposed, that with the accomplishment of these seventy years, were also fulfilled the 2300 days; for we find by the 17th and 18th verses of Daniel 9th, that Daniel prayed for the very event that God had promised should be fulfilled at the end of the 2300 days, viz. the cleansing of the sanctuary. “Now, therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of thy servant, and his supplications, and cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary that is desolate, for the Lord’s sake.” HST January 18, 1843, page 140.6

That Daniel was in an error at that time, is evident from an angel’s being sent swiftly, even the man Gabriel, that he had seen in the vision at the beginning of his supplications, to instruct him in the vision. And he informed him, and talked with him, and said, “O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding,” etc, “for thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter and consider the vision.” verses 22 and 23. He informed Daniel that “seventy sevens were cut off” (for so the best scholars admit the original is,) “upon thy people, and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy.” These 70 weeks, or sevens, all admit to be weeks of years, or 490 years, and to terminate in the year A. D. 33—the year our Lord was crucified. There is nothing given from which to cut off the 70 weeks, but the 2300 days, and as the angel Gabriel had come to make him understand the vision, they must be sevens of just such periods of time, as those denoted in the vision; and as the 70 weeks are proved to be weeks of years, the 2300 days from which they were cut off must be also years, and would leave 1810 years to be fulfilled from the end of the 490, which were cut off. Of these 70 weeks, Daniel was informed there would be 69 to the Messiah, and that he would confirm the covenant with many one week; and after that “the people that shall come shall destroy the city and sanctuary,” as is predicted in Jeremiah 25:18, 29, and “for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate,” or desolator, as it reads in the margin, when the slain of the Lord shall be from one end of the earth, even to the other, according to Jeremiah 25:30-33; and when the Lord shall fight against all the nations that fought against Jerusalem, as in Zechariah 14:3. Our Savior in Luke 21:24, predicted the destruction of Jerusalem, and declared that it should be “trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” It is evident, therefore, from these parallel portions of scripture, that the destruction of Jerusalem spoken of in the 2nd verse of Zechariah 14, was accomplished by the Romans; and that the going forth of the Lord to fight against those nations, in the day that his feet shall stand on the mount of Olives, is yet in the future, and will be fulfilled in connection with the second advent of Christ. HST January 18, 1843, page 140.7

The prophet Zechariah then proceeds to predict, that “the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof,” and the inhabitants will flee from that land, 5 v. “And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal; yea ye shall flee like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee.” This must be after probation has closed, the righteous dead are raised, and the righteous living changed, and together are caught up to meet the Lord in the air, for “all the saints” come with him. From the 6th to the 11th verses inclusive, is a prediction of the restoration of the land of Palestine, and its condition when the saints are thus restored, “and the Lord shall be king over all the earth;” and “Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited.” “And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark: but, it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light. And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be. And the Lord shall be King over all the earth: in that day there shall be one Lord, and his name one. All the land shall be turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem: and it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her place, from Benjamin’s gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananeel unto the king’s wine-presses. And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited.” Then, the promise will be fulfilled that God made to Abraham, that he would give to him all the land of Canaan, and to his seed for an everlasting possession. Then, the saints of the Most High will have taken the kingdom to possess it forever, even forever and ever. Then will the God of heaven have set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed; but which will break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and shall stand forever. And then upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. HST January 18, 1843, page 140.8

From the 12th to the 15th verses inclusive, is a predictien of “the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem,” when he shall “go forth to fight against those nations,” as is predicted in the 3rd verse. “And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the Lord shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbor, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbor. And Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the heathen round about shall be gathered together, gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance. And so shall be the plague of the horse, of the mule, of the camel, and of the ass, and of all the beasts that shall be in these tents, as this plague.” HST January 18, 1843, page 140.9

This plague, according to the prediction, is to fall alike on man and beast, and denotes a complete destruction of all those on whom it will fall, and all the wicked will be destroyed by it, for, according to the 16th verse every one that is left of all the nations will worship the Lord. “And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem, shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles.” That all the wicked will be thus destroyed by this plague, is further evident from verses 17-19: “And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the Lord will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all the nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.” As every one that is left will go up and worship the Lord of hosts, it follows that “whoso will not come up,” and of whom it is said “there shall be the plague,” etc., must be of the number of those whose eyes consumed away in their holes, were destroyed by that plague and were therefore not of those who were left, every one of whom it is said, will go up and worship the Lord of hosts. If every one who is left will worship the Lord, there can none be left, who will not worship him, and therefore the plague in the 18th verse, must be the same plague that is spoken of in the 12th verse, and which will be poured out when the Lord shall fight against those nations. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.1

When the wicked are thus destroyed, and every one of all the nations which are left, worship the King, then holiness will fill the whole earth, as is described in the 20th and 21st verses. “In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in the Lord’s house shall be like the bowls before the altar. Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the Lord of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts.” Then the covenant which God made with our father Abraham will be fulfilled, and his seed will dwell in the earth, restored to its Eden state, forever. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.2

A correspondent of the Norwich Aurora, introduces an article against the “Millerites,” with the statement that within a few days, as many as eight or ten persons in Hartford have been sent to the Retreat for the Insane, who had been deprived of their reason by the frightful doctrines of Miller! It is hardly necessary to say that this crazy story is wholly destitute of truth. The man who invented it, is much more likely to become the inmate of a mad house, than any of the Second Advent folks with whom we are acquainted.—Hart. Pat. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.3


No Authorcode

J. V. Himes, Josiah Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors


False Reports


Messrs. Editors,—It is a common report in our region that the Advent Brethren in the city of Boston have rented a lot of land for which they give $15,00 a year, and have contracted for the building of a brick house for public worship, on the said lot. Will you have the goodness to give the public, through the columns of the Signs of the Times, whether there are foundations for circulating such report? Yours in the blessed hope, etc. B. Ransom. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.4

Carver, Mass. Jan. 9th, 1843. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.5

Remarks.—The Advent Brethren in this city have found their place of worship too straight for them. Multitudes who have a desire to hear on this subject, are obliged to go away without being able to gain admittance. The brethren have therefore been obliged to look elsewhere for a place of worship, that would accommodate the thousands who flock to hear. There is no church which is open to them; for one that is usually rented for such purposes, they offered one hundred dollars per week, so long as they should need it, but were unable to procure it; and they were unable to obtain any hall or other place that would begin to accommodate them. Under such circumstances they concluded that their duty to their fellow men demanded that they should erect a cheap and suitable place of worship. They have accordingly hired a lot at a reasonable rent, and for the lowest possible amount that it could be obtained, and for the very shortest period of time that the owner would rent it for such a purpose, and are erecting a cheap and commodious Tabernacle which will be nearly the size of the great Tent, being about 115 feet in diameter. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.6

The law of this city forbids the erection of any wooden buildings within its limits, which cover more than 1500 square feet, unless it is surrounded by a brick wall. The place where the Tabernacle is being erected, was already surrounded by such a wall on three sides, so that it was necessary only to build a wall 12 feet high on the front side; within this place they will erect a plain, cheap, and substantial building, that will accommodate a vast audience. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.7

The erection of this Tabernacle furnishes a fine opportunity for scoffers to vend their spleen, and they are exclaiming, “What do these feeble Millerites?” As a specimen, we quote the following from the Daily Mail. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.8

“The great Miller Temple, in Howard street, has progressed as far as finishing the walls, and sticks there. The slight foundation upon which they are laid, has in several instances given away, and so warped the walls that large cracks are left. These are partly concealed from the public by piling lumber up in front. Hundreds of people visit the place every day, and stand gazing upon the spot as if fixed to it by some spell. Few people will have the temerity to trust themselves in the shell when it is finished.” HST January 18, 1843, page 141.9

The above reminds us of the contempt which Tobiah and Sanballat poured upon Nehemiah, and the Jews, when they builded the wall of Jerusalem. Nehemiah 4:1-3: “But it came to pass that when Sanballat heard that we builded the wall, he was wroth, and took great indignation, and mocked the Jews. And he spake before his brethren, and the army of Samaria, and said, What do these feeble Jews? will they fortify themselves? will they sacrifice? will they make an end in a day? will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burned? Now Tobiah the Ammonite was by him, and he said, Even that which they build, if a fox go up, he shall even break down their stone wall.” HST January 18, 1843, page 141.10

Hundreds are almost continually on the ground, looking with perfect wonder at the enterprise, and the press are endeavoring to convince the city, that if a fox run over our brick wall it will tumble down. The public need not however, be alarmed for any such contingency, as the building will stand independent of the wall, and well fortified, notwithstanding all their insinuations. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.11

An Admission


It is often thrown out, that our principles are based upon new rules of interpretation; and it is generally supposed by those who have not examined this question, that we have widely departed from the opinions of our fathers, and give a new interpretation to the visions of Daniel and John. The fact is, however, that we are governed by the same rules of interpretation, and give the same exposition of those visions in the general outline, as has been given since the reformation by the whole protestant world. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.12

It is our opponents that have taken new ground, and that are denying what have long been admitted by them as established principles. This is fully proved by the following admission of Professor Stuart in the introduction of his Hints—page 8. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.13

Speaking of the designations of time in those visions, he admits that a day in prophetic time has been generally understood as the representative of a year, and the “time, times and half a time,” and “forty-two months,” are so understood as 1260 years, and adds: HST January 18, 1843, page 141.14

“For a long time these principles have been so current among the expositors of the English and American world, that scarcely a serious attempt to vindicate them has of late been made. They have been regarded as so plain, and so well fortified against all objections, that most expositors have deemed it quite useless even to attempt to defend them. One might indeed almost compare the ready and unwavering assumption of these propositions, to the assumption of the first self-evident axioms in the science of geometry, which not only may dispense with any process of ratiocination in their defence, but which do not even admit of any.” HST January 18, 1843, page 141.15

Our opponents are therefore obliged to deny the positions of the best expositors and assume positions directly the reverse of those which have long since been completely settled by the whole Protestant world. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.16

Let us therefore hear no more of the charge, that our positions are novel, and unsustained by long usage. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.17

The Christian Secretary of Hartford, stated a short times since, that the Millerites had fixed on the 3rd of April as the time of the general conflagration, and gave brother George Storrs, of Albany, as authority. This we alluded to in our last, but were then unable to deny that brother Storrs had fixed on that day. We are now authorized to state that brother Storrs has never fixed on any day for the conflagration of the world. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.18

Canada Mission. Our friends begin to send in money to aid this object. Bro. Skinner was in town on the 6th inst., and has received all yet collected. He will give us a list of all his receipts soon. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.19

Review of Dr. Pond by Rev. A. Hale. This we have now published in pamphlet form, and it is for sale at this office. HST January 18, 1843, page 141.20

From Charles Fitch


Dear Brother Himes.—A second box of books has been received for which, bless the Lord, I am taking all ways that I can to distribute them as extensively as possible. I receive but little money, and what I have re-received, I have been necessitated to appropriate to my daily expenses, as I had not enough by considerable to meet the expenses of getting here, and as yet, have received nothing in shape of money, since I came, but from publications. I am trying, however, to be a faithful steward of the Lord’s mysteries, and am distributing the works just as fast as opportunities offer for getting them abroad. The papers, etc., are excellent. We have some good ladies, sisters, I mean, who take a lot of them and go into the street and distribute them among those who come in from the country on business, and thus the light goes abroad in all directions. I have seen a few preachers, honest souls, who have seemed to know no better than to believe God; poor of coarse in this world’s goods, and to such I have given books for distribution. To all who want books I give them, and when they have money to give in return I take it, but in no instance do I withhold light for want of money. I have the satisfaction to know, that some of our most intelligent and pious Christians here, from careful examination of the subject, are becoming decided and enlightened believers in the second advent, and also that the Lord has been pleased to pour out. His Spirit and convert sinners in this place, both at my first visit here, and since my return. Everlasting praise to His Holy name. I trust that we shall see a glorious work in this, place. I am preaching every day, and this week we have a prayer meeting every afternoon. The spirit of God is with us, and sinners are turning to the Lord; while watchmen on the walls, as they are called, are doing their utmost to oppose. May the Lord open their eyes. I have just received a letter from an Oberlin student; a thorough believer in the second advent, who is lecturing at Fort Wayne, Indiana, who wishes to receive some publications. I shall forward him some by the earliest opportunity. He is a good man and true—says that the Lord is giving him favor among the people, and that doors of usefulness are open on every side. This is a cold stormy, country. We have not seen a fair day for weeks—the terrible winds have been sweeping over the lake, and many have found a watery grave. Its a cold stormy world too, my brother, and thanks be to God for the prospect of soon seeing a better. HST January 18, 1843, page 142.1

To bring about an extensive and permanent reformation in this crazy world, I am convinced, is a hopeless thing. Never till fire purifies it, and the wicked are destroyed out of it, and the devil chained and put into the pit, shall we have peace without—though we may within, thank God, have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. HST January 18, 1843, page 142.2

“Fly, lingering moments, fly, Oh fly!
“I thirst, I pant, I long, I sigh,
“Angelic joys to prove.”
HST January 18, 1843, page 142.3

Cleveland, Nov. 29th, 1842. HST January 18, 1843, page 142.4

Darkness Visible


Compare the following statements, the first given in private conversation, and the remainder from the pulpit. HST January 18, 1843, page 142.5

“I expect the millenium in about one hundred years—and that will continue a thousand years—before the end of the world.” HST January 18, 1843, page 142.6

“The world cannot come to an end this year, because so much attention is paid to it; for they shall say “peace, and safety; the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” “The fact that men are turning their attention to this very matter, is proof that it is not the time of the end.” [Forget that Christ would “appear the second time without sin unto salvation to those who look for Him” who “wait” “anxiously.”] HST January 18, 1843, page 142.7

To-night, for aught I know, may be the day of destruction—to-morrow may be the day when the trump will sound! It may come before 1843.” HST January 18, 1843, page 142.8

“You know nothing about it—that is the truth in the case—you know nothing about it, I cannot believe any actually believe the end of the world is coming in 1843. HST January 18, 1843, page 142.9

I have read very little on the subject! I have only glanced at it as I might feel it my duty to do; and more often have laid such things aside.” HST January 18, 1843, page 142.10

“It is a distressing thought. If I believed it I would put on sackcloth by day and by night. I would mourn and lament, and weep in secret places for the many that must be consigned to remediless wo in one dread hour!” HST January 18, 1843, page 142.11

Suppose the brother who uttered that, was aware that his neighbor’s house was on fire—the flames gradually progressing; and all the family asleep and unconscious of their danger, would he sit down and mourn, and lament, and weep that they must perish—or would he give the alarm and make a strenuous effort to save them? The course the Second Advent brethren are taking in different parts of the world is the scriptural and rational course. HST January 18, 1843, page 142.12

E. Canfield.

Letter to C. French


Dear Bro. French: HST January 18, 1843, page 142.13

Since 1835 until within a few days, I have firmly believed in the universal salvation of saint and sinner. I firmly believed it was taught in the Bible until a few evenings ago. I got one of your little books “Immortality the gift of God, through Jesus Christ, to be given to those only who have part in the first resurrection.” The truths it contained have completely crushed my strong belief of Universalism, and banished my sheet anchor, viz. that a part of man is immortal in this present state, or life. HST January 18, 1843, page 142.14

My hope of universal salvation rested on the belief that every soul possessed at birth a part that was immortal. I believed that it was taught in the Bible, and that I could readily turn to it at any time. I reasoned thus: if we in part are immortal, that part cannot die; that that part came from God, and was a part of God, and that every living human being possessed a part of the Immortal and Almighty God. Will God punish a part of himself with eternal misery? Impossible! And for God who possesses the attributes of Love, Mercy, and Justice, to punish a part of himself, even with temporary punishment, would be inconsistent. I could not believe that the immortal part of man for sin committed in the body, would suffer endless misery, and that the endless misery of the wicked would be a pleasure to the righteous, seemed to me impossible. I looked upon it with so much contempt, that I would not go to meeting often, nor remain long where any were talking about it. I spoke of it only to friends who believed as I did, and with the utmost contempt. HST January 18, 1843, page 142.15

The second coming of Christ, let it be. I said I was prepared for it, or any such humbuggery, of fanatics. The time was distant, the prophecies were not fulfilled; no man or angel, neither Jesus Christ, while on earth, could even tell the day or hour of his coming. Foolishness in the extreme for men of common sense to believe any such thing; if they did they were scared into it, and only let them wait and cool down a little, they would come to their right mind, and soon believe with me, that eternal punishment was only for the devil and his angels; that the devil’s angels were our passions, lusts, and desires in the flesh, and of this world, that the devil and his angels were the only souls or things to be damned to all eternity, and the righteous would take pleasure in their damnation, and forever in heaven be praising God for their deliverance. Oh, that all Universalists, and others, could read that little book, with the same intent that I did, and my brother Universalist, Joseph L. Worthington, who lives next door but one to me, and keeps a public house. I pray God that all who hear your lectures may go with the same intent that we did. We were willing to hear you; took our Bibles and sought for truth. As far as you told us Bible truth, we were willing to believe. We proved you by the word of God, we weighed you and did not find you wanting, we tested you and found you to walk as you believed. Brother, we believe that we, with you, and the rest of the saints, will be caught up, after we are changed from mortal to immortality, to meet the Lord in the air, in 1843, if we are found faithful, which I pray we may be. HST January 18, 1843, page 142.16

Yours, in hope of a blessed immortality, HST January 18, 1843, page 142.17

George W. Wadhams, HST January 18, 1843, page 142.18

Joseph H. Worthington. HST January 18, 1843, page 142.19

Bro. French wishes us to state, that the above work may be had at this office, and, at 36 Park Row, by any that wish it, gratis. HST January 18, 1843, page 142.20

The doctrine of the soul’s being a part of God, is [original illegible] remnant of heathen mythology, and if true, would prove that God was made up of parts, and consequently could not be an Infinite Being. HST January 18, 1843, page 142.21

That the soul is immortal and will exist forever in endless happiness or misery, is a doctrine which we cherish as we would the apple of our eye. HST January 18, 1843, page 142.22

Work while the day lasts


Beloved Brethren and Sisters—believers in the coming of the Lord this year,—you now expect in a very little time to be with your Savior, seeing him as he is, while the elements are melting with fervent heat, the earth also, and the works that are therein, are being burned up! There you will be reviewing the circumstances in which you are now placed—the means and opportunities you now have for doing good by your pecuniary resources, your conversation, and your prayers, are all passed and gone forever, while the vast majority of those who you might now enlighten and admonish, will be commencing their eternal wailings of despair! And my brother, my sister, have you done, and are you doing your whole duty, all you can do, for those who are still in ignorance and unbelief respecting the coming of the Lord so soon? Are you praying for them as much as you might pray? And are you praying in the Holy Ghost? Are you personally warning them as solemnly, earnestly, and affectionately as you might, to prepare to meet their Savior and their Judge? Are you making use of all those earthly possessions which you do not need for the little time that remains, and which will then be burned up, in helping to sound the midnight cry in the ears of a slumbering church and ministry, and an ungodly world? What thy hand findeth to do, and what you will soon wish you had done let it be done speedily, and with all thy might: for the “great day of the Lord is near and it hasteneth greatly.” Let me here suggest one way in which you may expend a little of what you may yet have to do good with, to the best advantage. If there is in your vicinity any minister of the gospel who is yet saying “My Lord delayeth his coming,” and who has never read “Spaulding on the Second Coming of Christ,” procure one for him, and present it to him immediately, with a special request that he will read it with fervent prayer; and at the same time present him with a copy of the “Signs of the Times,” No. 15, Dec. 28; also a copy of the “Signs of the Times,” No. 80, Nov. 9th, 1842—containing remarks on the 24th of Math. These publications are peculiarly adapted to enlighten and convince the minds of ministers, especially of those called “Orthodox,” and who may have read “Stuart’s Hints on Prophecy.” Having been one of that sort myself, I feel qualified to judge in this matter; and had I the means I would myself present them to every minister and professor of religion in the land. And after these should have been read, I would present them with a copy of “Litch’s Prophetic Expositions.” When you send to the office of the Signs of the Times for these publications, do not fail to procure as large a number as possible of the Signs of the Times above mentioned, to distribute among such professors of religion as may have confidence in Professor Stuart’s views of the prophecy of Daniel. They are the best uninspired antidote that can be found. Above all, beloved, let us be much in prayer, that God would wake up all the people and prepare them for the coming of the Son of Man. R. HST January 18, 1843, page 142.23

Letter from A. Hale


Dear Brother Bliss.—The good cause is triumphing here in spite of the most determined opposition,—God is blessing the word to the quickening and salvation of the multitudes who crowd the place of worship where we meet. I am more than ever satisfied of the correctness of our views; and what an overwhelming thought, that the world is now passing into the circle of that period which, we believe, God has marked for the display of that scene which has been the dread of all the wicked, and the hope of all the righteous since man became a sinner before God. What a sublime and truly awful position do we occupy! the last hour of the last day of the last week of the last month of the last year, which we believe will be measured out to man in his present existence! HST January 18, 1843, page 143.1

‘How careful, then, ought we to live! ’ HST January 18, 1843, page 143.2

O, that we may be found at our post, and ready for the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. May we be marked by the blood of sprinkling which shall be like the blood of the passover, when the ministers of wrath shall be commissioned to their work of destruction upon our devoted world. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.3

I find there is a good deal of complaint among the subscribers for the Signs, about the irregularity of its being received. It is supposed the fault lies at the Boston P. O. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.4

My wife says in a letter that she does not get it more than half the time, and as she has no other means of knowing what is going on among the freinds of the cause, she is very anxious to receive it. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.5

You will confer a particular favor by attending to it. I suppose Brother Litch has given particulars, so I will bid you good night,—and, though fifteen minutes in advance—a happy new year. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.6

Affectionately, A. Hale.
Philadelphia, Dec. 31st, 1842,

Our papers are regularly mailed to all our subscribers, and if they are not received, the fault must lie at the door of some of our Post Masters. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.7



Brother Bliss.—I am asked by a friend residing at the west if I made the remark imputed to me, by several papers, that I would stake my reputation upon the assertion that Christ will come in April next. I believe this foolish story originated, in its first form, with a correspondent of the Boston Post. That correspondent, I am persuaded, intended to do me perfect justice. But he made a great mistake. Other papers have modified the statement to their liking, to give it a more ridiculous aspect. Thus it goes through the country, to excite the laugh and ridicule of a scoffing world. I wish to say, that the statement, in all respects, is untrue. I never uttered such a sentence, in any discourse or conversation, or any thing out of which it could have been legitimately constructed. At the time it is said I made the remark, I was not convinced of the year of our Lord’s appearing, much less of the month. Since I have become convinced as to the year, all know I have protested against fixing the day or month.—Thus much I have felt it my duty to say, respecting this falsehood. By publishing it, you may remove an occasion for treating this great subject with reproach and scorn. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.8

Yours in love of the appearing,
S. Hawley.
New Bedford, Jan. 6th, 1843.

Extract from W. L. Carlton’s Letter


Dear Bro. Bliss—I have been laboring in the towns around this vicinity, and God has blessed the word to many precious souls. Some that have spent their days in sin, have turned to the Lord. To His dear name be all the praise. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.9

Although the Lord is now at work, Satan rages at his loss, and hates the doctrine of the cross; I wish you would send some good servant to this part of the land, to give the “midnight cry;” for many are asleep to this all-important subject in this part of the country. Brother, pray for us, that we may be ready and waiting for the Bridegroom, that when he appeareth we may be made like him. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.10

Yours, in the faith of the coming of Christ in ‘43. Wm. L. Carlton. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.11

Palermo, Me. Dec. 25, 1842. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.12

To this, with other requests for lecturers, we can only say, that our brethren who lecture are engaged in different and distant places, so that we can give no encouragement for any immediate aid of that nature. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.13

Letter from Bro, L. Caldwell


Stanstead, L. C, Jan. 2, 1843. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.14

Bro. Bliss—The cause goes on finely in Canada. The excitement increases every day. On the one hand we see the scoffers and infidels, saying, “Where is the promise of his coming?” and these are backed up by cold professors, and faithless watchmen, who are crying, “My Lord delayeth his coming.” On the other hand is the “little flock,” who expect soon to take the Kingdom, as a gift from their Father, and possess it forever. Our friends in Canada, are expecting to establish a paper for three months. It will be called the “Faithful Watchman.” The object is to lay the subject of the Second Advent of our Savior before the Canada public, in a cheap and popular form. A gentleman in St. Armand promises to give one hundred dollars for its support; and at the watch-meeting in Hatley, we raised by donations and subscribers about 35 dollars more. We believe, that with what subscribers and donations we can get, we shall be able to succeed. We shall probably issue the first number next week. Glory to God, the Kingdom is at hand. Satan with his subjects begin to tremble. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.15

Yours, looking for “the glorious appearing” in ‘43. Luther Caldwell. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.16

We wish our brother success in the above effort, and hope that God will bless it. Our friends who can give him aid in his important enterprise, will receive the hearty thanks of many praying souls, and will greatly aid the cause of God. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.17

Letter from Brother Wm. H. Peyton


Dear Bro. Bliss:—I am happy to inform you, that since my last visit, the interest in this place on the subject of Christ’s second coming has greatly increased. Some are rejoicing, while the multitude are trembling for fear, that the evidence is conclusive, that the affairs of this world will close up in this present year of our Lord 1843. We are now having lectures on this subject in the neighboring towns, and I understand that many have been blessed in attending these meetings, and are rejoicing that their redemption draweth nigh, while others have been led to say, “What shall I do to be saved?” The number who have attended these meetings has been small, but are on the increase, and I am happy to say, most of them appear to be Bercans, and says, “Let us know the truth, if Christ is coming this year, I want to know it;” and my dear brother who does not? HST January 18, 1843, page 143.18

I believe there is but little opposition except from the clergy, and I am afraid they will oppose until the end. I remain, dear brother, pours in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ. Wm. H. Peyton. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.19

New Salem, Mass. Jan. 2nd, 1843. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.20

Shall I be there?


When mountains melt and seas retire—
The globe dissolves and times expire,
When Jesus comes “in flaming fire!”
Shall I be there?
HST January 18, 1843, page 143.21

When Zion lifts her joyful head
From out the dust, and from the dead,
Where long her “bones” have slumbered,
Shall I be there?
HST January 18, 1843, page 143.22

When rolling skies with fearful noise,
Shall pass away at Gabriel’s voice,
When sinners mourn and saints rejoice,
Shall I be there?
HST January 18, 1843, page 143.23

When “peace on earth, to men good will,“
In peals of praise the earth shall fill,
And shouts shall shake God’s holy hill,
Shall I be there?
HST January 18, 1843, page 143.24

When Death is dead—and life and joy
Salvation’s harps give full employ;
When bliss complete has no alloy,
Shall I be there?
HST January 18, 1843, page 143.25

When Jesus’ name through heaven rings,
As Lord of Lords, and King of Kings,—
Each knee is bow’d, and each tongue sings,
Shall I be there?”
HST January 18, 1843, page 143.26

Boston, Dec. 10, 1842. O. S. HST January 18, 1843, page 143.27




A Correspondent enquires, if the most valiant and mighty people spoken of in Nahum 2:3, is not the nation of Great Britain, whose national dress is scarlet, and who were the first whose chariots were with flaming torches? Nahum 2:3, 4. “The shield of his mighty men is made red, the valiant men are in scarlet: the chariots shall be with flaming torches in the day of his preparation, the fir-trees shall be terribly shaken. The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings.” Ans. There seems to be referance in this prophecy to the day of the Lord’s prep-aration, and to the chariots of these last days, which, “swifter than a weavers shuttle,” traverse back and forth in every part of that nation, and also in our country. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.1

The “Universalist” in a late No., thus speaks of Professors Stuart and Bush. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.2

“It is well known to most if not all of our readers, that the gentlemen whose names we have placed at the head of this short article, stand deservedly high in the respective Theological Institutions to which they are attached, as profound scholars, and Biblical critics—the former in Andover, Mass., the latter in New York city. Both of these gentlemen have recently given to the world their views in regard to the meaning of those portions of scriptures on which the Miller theory of the end of the world is built. The “New York Evangelist,” which by the way may be regarded as the organ of orthodoxy in the United States, in speaking of the views of Professor Stuart and Bush, says—“The tendency of these views is to destroy the scripture evidence of the doctrine of any real end of the world, any day of final judgment, or general resurrection of the body. The style of interpretation, we assert, tends fearfully to Universalism. This tendency we are prepared to prove.” HST January 18, 1843, page 144.3

What a fearful tendency! and how very heretical these writers must be, in the estimation of the “Evangelist.” But this same “Evangelist” must have been “asleep or on a journey,” if he has not till now, perceived the tendency of the church toward Universalism—this tendency is becoming more and more apparent, and any one who has been an attentive observer of the movement in the Christian world, and especially in that portion of the church calling themselvee orthodox, for the last twenty years, must have perceived this tendency very clearly.” HST January 18, 1843, page 144.4

In the above there is more truth than peotry, and should cause those who endorse their sentiments to look to the consequence of such novel positions. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.5

A Letter from Port au Prince, Hayti, states that some of the enterprising men in that island are much interested in the doctrine of the second advent. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.6

Notice. There will be a Second Advent Conference at Claremont, N H. in the Methodist House, to commence on the 10th inst. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.7

The Bible Examiner This is the title of a sheet published by brother George Storrs, of Albany, containing his exposition of the 24th of Matthew.—For sale at this office. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.8

There is a story going the rounds in the papers that there are four insane persons in Somerset, Mass, whose insanity has been produced by Millerism. I am requested to say by an intelligent gentleman from Somersett, that this story is false in its most essential feature. It is true there are four insane persons in that town, but not one of them ever heard a discourse on Mr. Miller’s peculiar views of the world, except to hear them spoken against. They never attended a Second Advent meeting. Slander and falsehood will never refute even a false system. Let us have nothing but the truth on “Millerism,” or any other subject.—Christian Herald. R. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.9

Obitutary. Died in Carver, Mass. Nov. 3rd, 1842 Miss Patience L. Robbins, aged 19 years, daughter of Dea. Joseph Robbins Jr. and Rebecca his wife By her death, her parents are deprived of a dutiful daughter, who studied their happiness, and endeavored by every kind attention to alleviate and comfort them. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.10

The circle in which she moved, has lost a faithful and pious friend; the church of Christ, a consistent member; and the Sabbath school has been deprived of a faithful teacher; one who early profited by the instruction which she received. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.11

Though young, her piety was deep and ardent; she loved the cause of Christ, and sought the salvation of souls; often did she bow before the throne of grace, and implore God, thro’ the mediation of the Divine Savior, to grant salvation to all, and especially to her dear friends with whom she was intimate with. She was patient, though her illness was short. Her mind, though not elevated by any special manifestation of Divine favor, yet submissisve and tranquil. She loved the courts of the Lord, and when able to be present, her seat was never vacant. She was a believer in the glorious appearing of her Savior in 1843, and died in the blessed hope of having part in the first resurrection; then to join the innumerable company of the saints of the first-born. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.12

By a Brother in Christ.



There will be a meeting in the new meetinghouse in the north part of Ashburnham, on the second coming of Christ in 1843, beginning Wednesday evening, the 18th inst., at 6 o’clock, to continue one week. Brethren T. M. Preble, and George Bates, will be present; also other friends of the cause. Come, brethren, and sisters, young and old, make us glad with your presence, and assist in making it beneficial to the pulling down of the strong hold of sectarianism, and the kingdoms of this world. Yours, in full belief in 1843. Alvan Ward. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.13



There will be a Conference of believers in the Second Coming of Christ (by Divine permission) held in the Baptist meeting house, in Watertown, to commence on Monday, Jan. 23rd, at 10 o’clock. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.14



The following Works are printed in the following cheap periodical form, with paper covers, so that they can be sent to any part of the country, or to Europe, by mail. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.15

The following Nos. comprise the Library. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.16

1. Miller’s Life and Views.—37 1-2 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.17

2. Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.18

3. Exposition of 24th of Matt, and Hosea 6:1-3. 18, 3-4 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.19

4. Spaulding’s Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.20

5. Litch’s Address to the clergy on the Second Advent.—18 1-4 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.21

6. Miller on the true inheritance of the saints, and the twelve hundred and sixty days of Daniel and John.—12 1-2 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.22

7. Fitch’s Letter, on the Advent in 1843.—12 1-2 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.23

8. The present Crisis, by Rev. John Hooper, of England—10 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.24

9. Miller on the cleansing of the sanctuary.—6 cts, HST January 18, 1843, page 144.25

10. Letter to every body, by an English author, “Behold I come quickly.”—6 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.26

11. Refutation of “Dowling’s Reply to Miller,” by J. Litch.—15 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.27

12. The “Midnight Cry.” By L. D. Fleming. 12 1-2 HST January 18, 1843, page 144.28

13. Miller’s review of Dimmick’s discourse, “The End not Yet.”—10 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.29

14. Miller, on the Typical Sabbaths, and great Jubilee—10 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.30

15. The glory of God in the Earth. By C. Fitch.—10 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.31

16. A Wonderful and Horrible Thing. By Charles Fitch. 6 1-4 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.32

17. Cox’s Letters on the Second Coming of Christ.—18 3-4 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.33

18. The Appealing and Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. By J. Sabine. 12 1-2 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.34

19. Prophetic Expositions. By J. Litch. Vol. I. 31 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.35

20, “ ” “ ” Vol. II. 37 1-2 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.36

21. The Kingdom of God. By Wm. Miller. 6 1-4 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.37

22. Miller’s Reply to Stuart. 12 1-2 cts. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.38

This Library will be enlarged from time to time, by the addition of new works. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.39



No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, up stairs. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.40

Address J. V. Himes. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.41

No. 36 Park Row, New York, up stairs, opposite the Park. Address J. V. Himes. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.42

No. 67 South Second Street, Philadelphia. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.43

Address Orrin Rogers. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.44

Any person wishing to obtain Books, Charts, or Publications, can obtain them at either of the above depositories. For list of publications, see advertisements. J. V. HIMES. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.45

Boston, Dec. 7, 1842. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.46



Rec’d up to January 14, 1843. Levant, Me. Sedgwick, Me. New York, Levant, Me. Taftsville, Vt. Charlotte N. C Union Mills, N. Y. Hartford. Ct. Marshfield, Vt. Essex, Vt. Cranerville, O. Vergennes, Vt. Ashford, N. Y. N. Bedford, Ms. Cincinnati, O. Danville, Ky. E. Palmyra, Wayne Co. N. Y. Monson, Mass. Sandy Hill, N. Y. Bangor, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. Fluvana, N. Y. Norfolk, N. Y. Peterboro, N. H. Danville, Vt. E Bethel Vt. Shrewsbury, Pa. South Wilbraham, Mass. Burrillville. R. I.,W. Gardner, Milford Centre, O Hillsboro’ N H. Ware, Mass. South Orange, Mass. Londonderry,N.H.Blacks, Me. Pavilion, N. Y. Panton, Leominster, Mass. Danville, Vt. Milford, N. H. Vermont, N. Y. So. Glastenbury, Ct. Ballston, N. Y. Troy, N. Y. Strafford Corner, N, H. Schenectady, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. W. Charlton [original illegible], N. Y. Acton, Mass. Brandon, Vt. Perry’s Mills, N. Y. Bath, N. H. Tariffville, Ct. Ballston, N Y. Woodstock, Vt. Wilmington, Vt. Dover, N. H. Grcencastle, Ind. Georgia, Vt. Deerfield, Ind. Headley’s Mills, Ind. No. Dixmont, Me. Forsyth, Geo. Manchester, N. H. China, N. Y. No. Fairhaven, Mass. Groton, Mass. Penus Creek, Pa. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.47

Amos Fox, Luther Caldwell, Ceorge Summey, A. Ward, C. S. Brown, J. D. Johnson, C. Bordman, S. Hawley, J. Bendee, $6. R. W. Pratt, D. Burgess, J. Morrill, L. D. Fleming, E. B. Hayward, $5. R. E. Ladd, C. McCoy, A. R. Brown, J. Burditt, J. Fairbanks, J. McElwain, D. Tuxbury, $5, J. D. Berry, H. K. Griggs, A. Rugg, J. V. H.-D. H. Gould, $5. O. Cunningham, A. Kichlen, Jr. W. Mosher, J. L. Brown, N.R.Drake, $2, Wms. Thayer, cheek, P. Plumer, $7. E, G. Ferguson, A. Gleason, $1. J. Pierson, $14. W. W. Kone, E. Richmond, $1. S. C. Burditt, (pamphlet,) I. Goodwin, J. Ide, D. Sawyer, H. Gaylord, B. Manning. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.48

Bundles Sent


Rev. S. Hawley, N. Bedford, Mass. T. M. Preble, Nashua, N H. Bro. J. Litch, Philadelphia, Box, 36 Park Row, N. Y. A. N. Bentley, Greenville, Greene Co. N. Y. C S. Brown, Concord, N. H. A. Fox, Stanstead, Canada, E A. Smith, Danville, Ky. J. D. Marsh, W. Randolph, Alvan Ward, Ashburnham, Ms. 1 Box D. Burgess, Hartford, Ct. Adams, Mass. C. Friend, Port Hope, C. West, W. W. Ingham, Mt. Vernonville, M ` 1 Trunk J. V. Himes, Utica, C., McCoy, Woonsocket, R. I., I. H. Shipman, N. Danville, Vt. E. Heath, Springfield, Mass. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.49

Signs of the Times


Is published weekly, at No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, by JOSHUA V. HIMES, to whom all letters and communications must be addressed. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.50

Terms,—One Dollar per Volume of 24 Nos. (6 months) HST January 18, 1843, page 144.51

dow & jackson, printers. HST January 18, 1843, page 144.52