Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 4

January 11, 1843

Vol. IV.—No. 17. Boston, Whole No. 89

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston. HST January 11, 1843, page 129.1

Vol. IV.—No. 17. Boston, Wednesday, January 11, 1843, Whole No. 89. HST January 11, 1843, page 129.2


No Authorcode

“Time of the End Uncertain.”



“A horn of a beast is never taken for a single person: it always signifies a new kingdom; and the kingdom of Antiochus was an old one. Antiochus reigned over one of the four horns; and the little horn was a fifth, under its proper kings. This horn was at first a little one, and waxed exceeding great; but so did NOT Antiochus. His kingdom, on the contrary, was weak, and tributary to the Romans; and he did NOT enlarge it. The horn was a “king of fierce countenance, and destroyed wonderfully, and prospered and practiced:” but Antiochus was frighted out of Egypt by a mere message of the Romans, and afterwards routed and baffled by the Jews. The horn was mighty by another’s power; Antiochus acted by his own. The horn cast down the sanctuary to the ground, and so did NOT Antiochus; he left it standing. The sanctuary and host were trampled under foot 2300 days, and in Daniel’s prophecies, days are put for years: but the profanation of the temple, in the reign of Antiochus, did NOT last so many natural days. These were to last to “the end of the indignation” against the Jews; and this indignation is NOT YET at an end. They were to last till the sanctuary which had been cast down should be cleansed; and the sanctuary is NOT YET cleansed.” HST January 11, 1843, page 129.3

Antiochus was neither a great, nor a good man. According to Rollin, instead of being a “king of a fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences,” he was so given to foolish actions, that the epithet of vile, was most fitly bestowed upon him. And yet from the language of the prophecy, this “little horn” which “waxed EXCEEDING GREAT” as did NOT Antiochus, must have been as much greater than the preceding universal empires, as Rome was greater than Grecia or Persia. The Medo-Persian power, is simply called “great,” (verse 4.) This power, the Bible tells us, “reigned from India to Ethiopia, over a hundred and seven and twenty provinces.” This was succeeded by the Grecian power, which is called “VERY GREAT,” (verse 8.) Of course, it was stronger, or more extensive, than even the Persian. Then comes the power in question, which is “EXCEEDING GREAT.” No one will pretend that the power of Antiochus was exceeding great! above that of Alexander, the Conqueror of the world! At one time he was an hostage in Rome; and was never independent of that power. He was never distinguished for the greatness of his exploits, or conquests, but only for his tyranny and cruelty. When he turned his arms against Egypt, the Roman ambassador commanded him to relinquish his object; and on his hesitating to comply immediately, the embassador drew a circle about him in the sand, with his wand, and obliged him to agree before he left that circle, that he would obey. Instead of waxing exceeding great, he became so weak that the people that had paid tribute to him were not afraid to withhold it, and to I rebel against him. And he came to his end by a most loathsome disease. Surely there can be no doubt which power waxed exceeding great, that which exacted obedience, or that which rendered it. HST January 11, 1843, page 129.4

Let us give the degrees of comparison, according to the angel’s rules, and thus compare truth with error. How easy and natural is the following gradation: HST January 11, 1843, page 129.5

Great.Very Great.Exceeding Great.

How absurd and ludicrous is the following! HST January 11, 1843, page 129.6

Great.Very Great.Exceeding Great.

This little horn was to stand up against the Prince of princes. Antiochus died 164 years before the Prince of princes was born, while the Roman power nailed him to the cross. HST January 11, 1843, page 129.7

This one consideration alone, should remove all doubt, and prove that Antiochus could not be the little horn that waxed exceeding great. HST January 11, 1843, page 129.8

Of the prophetic periods in the prophecy of Daniel, it is said to have “never been proved that those days signified years,” and also that it is a question if they are years when they commence. HST January 11, 1843, page 129.9

That those periods were literal days, has never been proved. If the days are literal time, they are the only portion of those visions which are literal. As all the other parts of these visions are given in tropical language, it would be strange to find the time an exception. Because days are sometimes used as a type of years, it does not follow that they always are so used. But yet if it can be shown that those periods are given in tropical language, we then have a rule how such tropical language is to be understood. That they cannot be shown to have been fulfilled in the exact number of literal days is admitted by all historians. Mr. Dowling admits that “we are not informed by any historian exactly” the time that makes out the 2300 days; but has no doubt, that if we could find such historian, we could show the exact time, which he makes 1150 days. Professor Stuart only attempts to show a fulfilment of this period, by “counting back” from Dec. 25th, 195, B. C. which he assumes as their “terminus ad quern, and we come to Aug. 5th, B. C. 171,” “Hints,” p. 101. Of the 1260 days, the Professor not only cannot show a fulfilment in the exact literal time, but even claims that exact time, is not aimed at in these periods. He says “A statistical exactness cannot be reasonably suposed to be aimed at, in cases of this nature. Any near approximation to the measure of time in question, would of course be regarded as a sufficient reason for setting it down under the general rubric. “Hints” p. 130. HST January 11, 1843, page 129.10

Thus the best authorities admit that these periods cannot be proved to have been fulfilled in literal days. There is, therefore, some doubt of their being literal days. HST January 11, 1843, page 129.11

The Catholic church, to avoid our view of the papal anti-Christ, reckon these periods as days. But the great body of the most approved commentators in the Protestant church, have understood them as so many years. Professor Stuart says, that “For a long time these principles have been so current among the expositors of the English and American world, that scarcely a serious attempt to vindicate them has of late been made. They have been regarded as so plain, and so well fortified against all objections, that most expositors have deemed it quite useless even to attempt to defend them. One might indeed almost compare the ready and unwavering assumption of these propositions, to the assumption of the first self-evident axioms in the science of geometry, which not only may dispense with any process of ratiocination in their defence, but which do not even admit of any.” “Hints,” p.8. HST January 11, 1843, page 129.12

Again, he says, on p. 77. “It is a singular fact, that the great mass of interpreters in the English and American world, have, for many years been wont to understand the days designated in Daniel and in the Apocalypse, as the representatives or symbols of years. I have found it difficult to trace the origin of this general, I might say, almost universal custom.” HST January 11, 1843, page 129.13

The learned Joseph Wolfe, a converted Jew, who is one of the most finished Hebrew scholars in the world, agrees with Mr. Miller in the interpretation of prophetic time, and is teaching the end of the world in 2300 years from the commencement of the 70 weeks. HST January 11, 1843, page 129.14

Let it therefore be distinctly remembered, that those who adopt the conclusions of Stuart, Dowling, and others, are going in direct opposition to the fixed and settled principles of interpretation, of our standard commentators. HST January 11, 1843, page 129.15

As these visions were to be closed up and sealed till the time of the end, it follows there would be great uncertainty in fixing their commencement and termination, until such period should arrive when the seal was to be broken. The great difficulty has been, when to fix the commencement of the 2300 days. Now the seal seems to have been removed from the vision, by the connection which is seen between the 8th and 9th chapters of Daniel. HST January 11, 1843, page 129.16

The vision of Daniel 8. is all explained to him, but the little horn, and time, that is called 2300 days, and then, he is told, “the sanctuary shall be cleansed.” HST January 11, 1843, page 129.17

Now there is nothing in this chapter to indicate, before the fulfilment of a part of the vision, whether these three powers would arise and come to an end in 2300 days, or whether those days were a figure of years. Daniel, therefore, says he, “was astonished at the vision, but none understood it.” Why? his ignorance respecting the time, must be the only reason. HST January 11, 1843, page 129.18

It appears however from the commencement of the 9th chapter, that fifteen years after this vision, he had supposed they were literal days, and had been all then fulfilled; for, he says, he understood by books—the 25th chapter of Jeremiah—that the seventy years that God would accomplish in the desolations of Jerusalem, were then accomplished. Jeremiah was told that at the end of the seventy years, God would punish the king of Babylon, and that nation. This was accomplished in that night when Belshazzar was slain, and Darius the Median took the kingdom, Daniel 5:30, 31. That being done, Daniel evidently thought the 2300 days were also expired, for at the end of those days the Sanctuary was to be cleansed, and we find that he immediately set his “face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer, and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes;” and he prayed for what? why, for the very thing that God said he would do at the end of the 2300 days—the cleansing of the sanctuary. He said (verse 17) “Now therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of thy servant, and his supplications, and cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary that is desolate, for the Lord’s sake.” HST January 11, 1843, page 129.19

God saw that he had misapplied the days, and therefore at the beginning of his supplication, an angel was sent swiftly, to set him right—even the angel Gabriel, that he says he had seen in the vision, at the beginning. He informed Daniel, and talked with him, and told him that he had now come forth to give him skill and understanding; and he says “I am come to show thee, for thou art greatly beloved; therefore, understand the matter and consider the vision. The information that he then gave Daniel, could not but convince him that he had been laboring under a mistake as to the time, and that the vision could not be fulfilled in 2300 literal days; for said he “seventy sevens are cut off” (for so all our Hebrew scholars admit the original reads, and there is nothing from which to cut the seventy sevens, but from the 2300 days) “upon thy people” etc. “and to anoint the Most Holy.” All admit that these seventy sevens reach down to A. D. 33—the year that Christ was crucified; and as they were cut off from the 2300 days, they must be sevens of just such periods of time as those days symbolized. If therefore those sevens were sevens of years, as they are proved by the result, and are admitted to be, then the days from which they were cut off, were symbols of years, and must end in 1843. HST January 11, 1843, page 130.1

After the angel had informed Daniel what was to be done in the seventy weeks which were cut off, he then glances over the remaining days which were not cut off; and informs him that Jerusalem is to be destroyed, and that “for the overspreading of abominations, he” (the little horn) shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined,” (see Jeremiah 25. that Daniel had been considering) “shall be poured upon the desolate.” At that time, Jeremiah in this chapter informs us, that all the nations that had fought against that city, should be destroyed, and “the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth.” Jeremiah 25:33. According to the explanation therefore of the angel, the “sanctuary” could not be cleansed until the consumation. HST January 11, 1843, page 130.2

We are not disposed to follow out the argument, as the sermon under review has not gone into the question, but has only just touched upon those points as was necessary in so limited a space. Mr. Daggett has not brought out these points to prove that Christ will not come shortly, but only to show, that “minute and confident predictions” are not warranted, and that the prophecy of Daniel does not “authorize us to believe that God intended we should know the precise time of the end,” p. 274. We ought certainly to be modest in all our opinions, we ought to believe nothing without good reason; nor should we reject any belief without good reason. Now we find these prophecies and periods in the book of Daniel: God, in placing them there, could only in end to convey information to the mind of man. If we come to the conclusion that the prophecies cannot be understood, then no purpose can be gained by such communications. If they cannot be understood until fulfilled, they do not foretell future events. There is, therefore, danger that we undervalue this gift that God has given us, and which he has not given us in vain. If it could be shown that doubts could be raised as to the applications of these prophecies so that we should not be too confident in our conclusions; even if we should give these doubts all the force that the writer can attach to them, it does not follow but that these doubts are groundless, and that sound reason would dictate that we should weigh well the arguments that are advanced in proof of our Savior’s immediate appearing. And blessed is that servant that shall be found watching. HST January 11, 1843, page 130.3

To be continued. HST January 11, 1843, page 130.4



Dear Bro Bliss.—For a length of time, the signs oL the times have convinced me that the end of all things is at hand; yet my conclusions on the subject were without definitness, from want of investigation. But recently my attention has providentially been turned to the examination of the matter. A subject so momentous to myself, to the church, and to the world, it seemed to me fearful presumption to neglect any longer. About three weeks since that state of mind and heart was sought for which might prepare the way for an unbiased judgment in the case: for without a heart entirely consecrated to the will of God—a willing mind that God should speak out definitely—a willingness to imbibe what is declared without addition or detraction—a readiness to turn out from the strong current of popular opinion and prejudice—a spirit of self sacrifice which is not terrified by the searching blasts of popular denunciation, and a desire and fervent humble prayer for the guiding and enlightening influences of the Holy Ghost, no one, whatever maybe his intellect or his erudition can, in any suitable manner, be prepared to appreciate a subject so intimately and inseparably adjoined to the sublime and tremendous realities of eternity. An interpretation on the prophecies or on any portion of God’s word by an illiterate individual, in the unobservered by-paths life, who is filled with God’s spirit, is unqualifiedly more valuable to the cause of Christ, than the most labored disquisition of the most learned men on earth the thermometer of whose spirituality is so low, that he depends more. upon his knowledge of letters and rules of interpretation than upon the teachings of the Spirit. Our Saviour told his disciples that when the Comforter was come, he should lead them into all truth. This Teacher and Interpreter must not be forgotten at such a crisis as that to which we have now arrived: and that spirit of entire dedication to God must be sought and obtained which will lead us to cut loose from the opinions of popular men, and be willing to be considered outcasts from the good graces of our own kin and kind for Christ’s sake. HST January 11, 1843, page 130.5

Having examined the subject of the second advent of our Savior as carefully and as critically as my ability and time thus far would allow, in such a view of my responsibilities and dependance on the Great Teacher as above expressed, taking into account what our Savior and the Prophets and Apostles have said on the subject, general indications of the times in which we live, together with historical facts of the past, my mind is made up in the fear of God, that it is my imperative duty to declare to all within my reach, that the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God, is just at hand. HST January 11, 1843, page 130.6

This position has not been taken, my brother, without prayer and trembling; but the more prayer, the less trembling; the promises of God are my strong pavilion. HST January 11, 1843, page 130.7

With these views and purposes, my breast must be bared, as in times past, so now afresh, to the burning elements of secret or open disaffection on account of opposite opinions which may meet me in my humble path. But with all the scorching fires that a world might kindle, let me rather be a door keeper at the outer court of that kingdom which the King of Glory is about to set up, than take the awful responsibility of taking a stand against God, to bask in the sunshine of popular applause. He who opposes this doctrine must inevitably turn away from a large class of unusually spiritual Cristians, and take sides with errorists, scoffers and infidels. HST January 11, 1843, page 130.8

Time and space will now only allow a slight glance at the reasons for embracing this doctrine. The fact that correct chronology, which can be brought to tolerable precision, makes this world to be, at the expiration of this year, 6000 years old—the exact concurrence of various prophetic periods, their commencement being established by the most satisfactory historical events, and ending at the local point of 1843: whereas any effort to establish any other dates for these periods, bases their origin upon, comparatively, incongruous historical data, and brings them to a completely inharmonious ending. Considerations of this character, together with the fulfillment of the signs given by our Lord, and the universal omens of some great overturn in human affairs, which are noticed and spoken of by men of intelligence and observation throughout the world, bear to my mind conclusive testimony that the great grand Crisis of all crises, the eve of which we are now approaching, is the literal, personal coming of the Son of God. HST January 11, 1843, page 130.9

Yours in the fellowship of truth,
L. B. Coles.
Lowell, Dec. 1842.

Dear Brother Bliss.—It is encouraging to believers in the speedy coming of Christ, to hear of the success of this glorious truth as it. makes its way to the hearts of the people, and the reports of the lecturers as they go forth to proclaim the “Midnight Cry” are heart cheering to believers in every part of the land, and I could wish that they would be more punctual in giving reports of their success, and also of their trials and disappointments. HST January 11, 1843, page 130.10

The friends of the cause in this City have been very much stimulated to action by the recent labours of the Rev. Mr Stoddard, who spent a few days among us, and lectured to good and attentive audiences; the immediate effect of his preaching was seen in the conviction and conversion of sinners, and the awakening of the believers to a sense of doing what they have to do speedily, for the Master standeth at the door. There are many believers here who are rejoicing in the glorious hope of the appearing of our Lord in 1843; and they are often together with one accord, comforting one another with that doctrine which was the hope of the apostles and of the early Christian Fathers. HST January 11, 1843, page 130.11

There are several laymen in this place who devote most of their time in labouring in the neighbouring towns, success attends their efforts and many are taking heed to the cry. HST January 11, 1843, page 131.1

The effect of this doctrine as seen in uniting in one body, christians of all denominations, strikes me forcibly, as being a fulfilment of the promise of the Lord in Malachi 4:5, 6, Behold, I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the great and dreadful day of the Lord: and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. This prophecy had a partial fulfilment in John, but it appears to me that it has reference to the second, as well as the first appearing of our Lord, for it is connected with the great and dreadful day of the Lord. The office of the ministry here predicted seems to be to unite in one the children of God, lest the earth and all that is therein should be smitten with a curse; now is not the effect of the “Midnight Cry” to unite in one the children of God from every sect; and is not every one under the necessity of giving up sectarianism when he embraces the belief of Christ’s speedy coming to Judgment. HST January 11, 1843, page 131.2

The great mass of Christians have for a long time been engaged in building up sects, the pastors have been each one looking for his gain from his own quarter; instead of the spirit of love being manifested toward one another, the spirit of hatred has been shown, rending and discord have been the order of the age in the Christian Church. Who in such a state of things would be prepared for the coming of the Lord?—would not the earth and all that dwell therein be smitten with a curse, if at his coming the Church should be found thus doing instead of watching as they are commanded, for their Lord. But God in his mercy to a perishing world has sent the spirit of Elijah forth, and is turning the hearts of christians one to another, sectarianism is entirely lost in the image of Christ, ministers who embrace this belief think no more of building up sect, but only of saving souls and preparing a sleeping church for her coming Lord. HST January 11, 1843, page 131.3

Was not the office of the spirit of Elijah, as manifested in the ministry of John, to prepare the world for the coming of the Messiah? and is it not the office of the “Midnight Cry” to make speedy preparation, for the GREAT DAY OF HIS WRATH IS AT HAND. HST January 11, 1843, page 131.4

Hartford, Ct, Dec 17, 1842. D. C. HST January 11, 1843, page 131.5

Dear Br. Bliss.—We are told from the pulpit that such “exciting” doctrines as those of the second advent, now promulgated, are to the mind like “high seasoned food” and “drunkards’ stimulus” to the body; therefore “unhealthy” and will be followed with lassitude and weakness. It is, moreover, “dangerous thus to tamper with the human intellect;—we should use such food as God has given us, both for the mind and body.” HST January 11, 1843, page 131.6

Who are excited? Those who look for their Savior from heaven? They lift up their heads and rejoice because their redemption draweth nigh—are awake and always ought to be, and devoting time and strength and money to scatter light and truth, and arouse men from guilty slumber, and point them to Christ as the only Savior, the Ark of Safety. Is not this right? Men are asleep—yes, spiritually dead; hence the command, “Awake; thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” The Brn. will preach that sinners are liable to die and go to hell any moment. HST January 11, 1843, page 131.7

We believe, from the history of the world, the signs of the times and the word of God, that probation is about to close; and we add to it, that they are also liable to the coming of the Son of Man, and the tremendous scenes of the last day;—Yes, we present all the motives of the gospel, a Savior crucified, the dying love of Jesus; and that we ought to love God and keep his commandments, because it is immutably right. Under the influence of the double motive we present, multitudes of slumbering Christians awake—sinners take warning and seek mercy at the foot of the cross; and O blessed experience; there the burden of sin rolls off, and they find pardon and peace. What is wrong? Why, “such excitement is adapted to grieve the Spirit of God.” Let the thousands who rejoice to-day, saints and sinners, that they ever heard the Midnight Cry, answer. But what grieves the Spirit? It is opposition to Christ’s coming—it is the love of the world—it is hatred to truth. If the truths of the Bible are “high-seasoned food,” let me have such to feed me;—if the “right word of the Lord” is “drunkards’ stimulus,” let me enjoy it daily. Who ever accomplished much, morally or physically, without being interested and awake? The stirring appeals now made are applicable and right, aside from the truths of Christ’s coming at hand. Are not men in danger—regardless of their eternal well-being—and going to perdition? And can they have too vivid a view of that danger? The fate of some soul is sealed, at almost every breath we draw! & the fate of all soon to be seen, shall not the warning ring? HST January 11, 1843, page 131.8

Did Paul present too exciting a topic to the mind of Felix, when he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come? HST January 11, 1843, page 131.9

Felix trembled. O how wrong it was, brother Paul, thus to “tamper with his intellect;” “to treat his reason so;” “he might have gone crazy;” and if not, only think of the re-action that must take place—the consequent “lassitude of mind!” HST January 11, 1843, page 131.10

Suppose the bro., who has been laboring to darken this subject, and throw it in the shade, could have had it in his power to have aroused those two intoxicated sleepers, who, insensible to outward objects, were gliding along in their canoe toward dread Niagara. Would he refuse to make a strenuous effort to awake them from their dangerous slumber, because the subject was exciting? Possibly even then they might not awake, as was actually the case, and start up only to see themselves on the very verge of the dreadful fall, and cry, O God! I’m lost! The bro. will doubtless acknowledge this a proper representation of the case of all the ungodly. But, as it was in the days of Noah and Lot, so it will be till the seventh angel sounds, and the mystery of God is finished—warnings will be unheeded till sudden destruction comes upon them, and they shall not escape! how many will then stand up and cry, O God! I’m lost! Edward Canfield. HST January 11, 1843, page 131.11

Clyde, Dec. 15th, 1842. HST January 11, 1843, page 131.12

Letter from C. French


Dear Bro. Himes.—On my way to this place my spirit was stirred within me to find that so little had been done to warn the inhabitants, that the dissolution of the earth is very near. In Easton, on the Delaware, containing about 8000 inhabitants, no one has given the alarm; and I could not learn that any publication had been circulated in the place. I introduced the subject at the public house where I staid for the night, found some who listened with apparent interest; I gave them books, which they said they would read and circulate. From Easton to Wilkesbarre, a distance of 60 miles, I left publications at every Post-Office and place, at which we stopped; I found but few who knew anything of the subject more than to say, “no one knows anything about it;” but my refusing to take pay for my books, which I freely offered them, disarmed them of the weapon, with which the advent cause has been assailed, “it is all a money speculation”. HST January 11, 1843, page 131.13

Permit me to say I am resolved to give second advent publications to any who will read; I came to this resolution while at Worcester, a glorious result was there manifest, a deep conviction accompanied the evidence presented that Christ will soon appear, believers were greatly multiplied and strenghtened, aid was given to some of the brethren who were in straitened circumstances, that felt it their duty to leave their families and give the Midnight Cry. HST January 11, 1843, page 131.14

On the morning of the last Sabbath I was there, the 11th inst., 12 of their number met at the house of a brother to consecrate themselves wholly to the work. HST January 11, 1843, page 131.15

Many who had the theory of Christ’s coming in ‘43 in their heads received the love of it into their hearts, and consecrated themselves, and what they possessed anew to the Lord. HST January 11, 1843, page 131.16

I was in a measure successful before in presenting the evidences of the Savior’s near approach, but I have seen nothing to compare with what I witnessed yesterday. On Sabbath I enquired if there were any present who expected to see the Savior next year; but one arose. Tuesday, A.M., after the Bible Class, in which we investigated the 2300 days, their length, and meaning; when they began, and will end; I invited those to arise, who were convicted that Christ would come in 1843, the congregation almost unanimously at once arose, the house was crowded; I then invited those to arise, who believed without a doubt that Christ would come next year; more than 20 arose. We then went to the bank of the Susquehannah, in which Elder Lane immersed 25 joyful converts; what I am now permitted to witness reminds me of the gospel in primitive times, when “the Lord added to the Church daily such as should be saved.” HST January 11, 1843, page 131.17

I expect to give my next lectures in Wilkesbarre, 5 miles above this. On the first of January, the Lord willing, I am to commence in Lewisburg, 60 miles south. I do realise that the time is short, that a short time will close all our labors on this earth; what is done must be done quickly. HST January 11, 1843, page 131.18

Beloved Brethren, who believe without a doubt, that this world will pass away in a few short months, permit me in love to ask, is there not enough of that in your possession which will soon perish, and which you will never need, that might be immediately given, and so that every family in the land might have a book on the subject. If a copy of Brother Fitch’s Reasons for believing Christ will come in ‘43, and the Diagram and Clue to the Time, could be given to every family who have not had them, who can tell the result? In many towns there are friends, who could circulate the books if they had them, and where there are not there are brethren who could go and distribute. HST January 11, 1843, page 131.19

Brethren, shall it be done? Who will give? Who will go? Yours, in the hope of the glorious appearing of the blessed Savior. HST January 11, 1843, page 131.20

Calvin. French.
Plymouth, Pa., Dec. 21, 1842

Since writing the above, we have had this morning a second advent experience meeting, more than 60 spoke, more than two thirds men, most of them expressed their belief that Christ will come in ‘43; among them were brethren Lane, Harvey and Heerman, public labourers, whose influence will be felt in this region. After our meeting 24 happy converts were baptized by Brother L. Truly the work is glorious. C. F. HST January 11, 1843, page 132.1


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J. V. Himes, Josiah Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors



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Times and Seasons Never to be Known.”

The Professor, vs. A Cloud of Witnesses


Professor.—When Christ appears, you expect, do you not, that he will “restore again the kingdom to Israel?” HST January 11, 1843, page 132.2

Ezekiel.—Most certainly. “Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves, and shall put my Spirit in you, and ye shall live; and I shall place you in your own land.” The glory of New Jerusalem must needs excel greatly that of Old Jerusalem, for it is to be, “round about eighteen thousand measures; and the name of the city from that day shall be, The LORD is there!!” HST January 11, 1843, page 132.3

Prof.—Very well; admit that the kingdom will be restored when the Lord is revealed, yet who dare affirm that he understands aught respecting the time of its restoration, seeing Christ puts a quietus upon the whole matter by saying to his apostles, “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in his own power?” This seems to be forbidden ground; as effectually guarded as was the tree of life in Eden, by the flaming sword of the cherubims. No one can understand the time. HST January 11, 1843, page 132.4

Daniel.—Professor! Professor! you err greatly in saying “no one can understand;” for the words of the man Gabriel, whose “face was as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his voice as the voice of a multitude,” even the voice of that heavenly messenger is still ringing in my ears, saying, “The wise SHALL understand!” And again, “Go thy way Daniel, the words are closed up and sealed TILL the time of the end.” Gabriel’s words seemed to me very clearly to imply, that at the time of the end, so many of the predicted events would have transpired, that all the wise, honest-hearted truth-seekers, would discover that the vision was unsealed, and hence UNDERSTAND, not only that they were living IN the time of the end, but that the period when I should “stand in my lot,” might also easily be determined from the numbers which I left upon record. When I stand in my lot, my people. “every one found written in the book,” are to be delivered; no matter where they are scattered. Or, if they are sleeping in the “dust of the earth,” they shall “awake to everlasting life.” And they “shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever.” HST January 11, 1843, page 132.5

Prof.—Thy people, thy people, Daniel. Do you not recollect that Gabriel said expressly, thy people? Surely, thy people, the Jews, cannot mean all the saints. And, moreover, thy people were delivered from under the galling power of Antiochus; and all the saints will be delivered in God’s own time; but the knowledge of that time he “hath put in his own power.” HST January 11, 1843, page 132.6

Paul.—Daniel’s people are God’s people; and God’s people are the children of Abraham; and the children of Abraham are all who believe in Christ. As I once said to the Galatians, so do I now repeat to all the inhabitants of the earth, of every name and nation: “Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. They which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham. If ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” If all the faithful are to be blessed with faithful Abraham, they must of course be “found written in the book,” and be “delivered” when Daniel’s people are delivered, “at the end of the days,” “at the sound of the trump,” when they “awake to everlasting life,” or, as brother Ezekiel testifies, “when the Lord God opens the graves of the “WHOLE house of Israel.” HST January 11, 1843, page 132.7

Prof.—But the bars are not yet taken down. No one can enter the field of prophecy till the bars are down, or a gate open somewhere; and there is no opening yet, as I can see. “It is not for you to know!” stands with forbidding frown at each entrance, saying to all who approach, “positively no admittance!” HST January 11, 1843, page 132.8

Christ.—Why do you confine my testimony to limits thus circumscribed and narrow? Why break out a single link, and holding it up to the world, cry, “this is all the chain?” When my beloved apostles desired to know the time of the kingdom’s restoration, if I told them, “It is not [now] for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in his own power,” did I not also at the same time add, “But YE shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth?” Why do you not understand my speech, and cease from such forced and false construction of thy Lord’s testimony? Can not my words, without doing violence to my meaning, be understood thus: “The times and seasons, at present, are known only to my Father; and he will reserve this knowledge in his own power, until after the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and then, YE shall receive power to know also? And, in fulfillment of this very promise, did not one of the apostles to whom it was made, afterwards declare that he had received this power? Did he not testify, and bare record of the revelation which God gave unto ME, and that I had communicated the same unto him by my angel, when he “was in the Isle that is called Patmos?” HST January 11, 1843, page 132.9

Prof.—But there is one passage which is an insuperable objection to our knowing anything of the time: “For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.” Now if it comes as a snare upon all, how can any know the time, or be aware of its approach? HST January 11, 1843, page 132.10

Luke.—I object to such a palpable misrepresentation of my testimony. When any one quotes from my writings, I beg he will do me the justice not to give one short sentence from the middle of a paragraph, and exhibit that as the entire scope and meaning of the whole. You have quoted a single sentence from the middle of a paragraph found in a portion of my writings designated the 21st chapter; though the division of my writings into chapters and verses as they now stand, was totally unauthorized by me. However, if you commence at the 34th verse of the 21st chapter, and read to the close of the 36th verse, you will have all the paragraph from which your quotation is made, and will be able, I think, to understand our Lord’s meaning. Let me write it as I did at first: “And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares; for as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch, ye, therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Here you notice that in the first clause of this paragraph our Lord warns us to beware getting so swallowed up in the cares of this life as to be unaware of his coming; in the next he declares that it shall come as a snare on all (emphasise all as much as you please,) that dwell on the face of the earth; and lastly, again admonishes us to watch for his appearing, plainly, implying that if we do watch, WE shall ESCAPE the snare. Professor, if you will carefully and prayerfully study the written testimony of the prophets and apostles, you will find that its whole current goes to establish the fact that those who are looking, watching, and waiting, for the coming of the Lord, will not be in darkness as to the time of his approach; but will, at the instant he appears, fly to meet him in the clouds, and thus, cease to be numbered among the “all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth,” upon whom, truly, the judgment of that day will come “as a snare!” HST January 11, 1843, page 132.11

Prof.—But it is written, “Of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.” What fool-hardy presumption it is then, for any man to talk about understanding this most profound secret, unknown even to the Son of God himself! HST January 11, 1843, page 132.12

Mark.—What a hopeless task it is, also, to make a man see, who is wilfully blind! Our Lord truly opened the eyes of those that were born blind, but never did he cause any to see who willfully closed their eyes upon the light. Of all the witnesses who have now testified, I have perceived a disposition in you invariably, to suppress a part of the proof. You will not listen to all the evidence; for while the witness is on the stand, you watch him, and the moment he drops a word or sentence which alone, and disconnected with the other parts of his testimony, would seem to favor your suit, you instanly seize upon it and raise such an outcry in court as to deafen both the jury and the bar together. By taking our Lord’s saying that the day and hour was then, at the moment of his speaking, unknown to men, angels, and himself, and drawing from it the unwarrantable inference that it never would be known, you cause him to contradict himself, and place him before the world in the shameful position of a false witness! when he is declared to be “the faithful and true witness.” He had, only a few moments before saying that nobody knew the day and hour of his coming but the Father, been describing certain prominent and important signs, which, he solemnly assured us would be infallible precursors of his speedy coming, and that the generation which should see them might know that the time of his appearing in the clouds of heaven was nigh, even at the doors. He said they would know it as surely as it is known that summer is near by the appearance of buds and leaves upon the trees. Now, therefore, if the generation is living that has seen these signs, referred to by the Lord Jesus, then let them settle it in their hearts that his coming is near, and that the END is at the doors! HST January 11, 1843, page 132.13

Matthew.—I wish to add just a word in conclusion, to notice one other point, not adverted to by brother Mark, which may possibly serve to enlighten the Professor, as to the question, whether the Son of man is to be revealed speedily or not, and that is, that although it may still be true that “no man knoweth the day and hour,” yet if the event is near, on looking around in the world, one fact will be most manifest, i. e. multitudes of true saints, everywhere, rejoicing and lifting up their heads, knowing that their REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH! HST January 11, 1843, page 133.1

O. S.

Lunatic Department


According to the representations of our opponents, multitudes have become insane on account of the preaching of the coming of Christ. If such is the fact, they will be able to give the names and places of residence of such persons: if they are not able so to do, they can only pass as crazy reports. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.2

Mr. Colver, in his lectures, stated that “many were made crazy by the preaching of the coming of Christ, and had been carried to our Insane Hospitals” and also that “families are being broken up by it,” etc. We noticed this, and called upon him through the “Signs of the Times,” “to acknowledge that such is not the fact, or to give us the names and residences of the persons thus affected;” and we promised to give the name of one restored to reason, from the preaching of this doctrine, when the name of one could be produced, who was made crazy by it. To this Mr. Colver responded in the following letter, which appeared two weeks since, with the remarks in connection with it, and the case of recovery which we had promised. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.3

To the Editor of theSigns of the Times.” HST January 11, 1843, page 133.4

Dear Sir:—As you have called upon me in your last number for an instance of insanity occasioned by Millerism, I send you the following, with reference to my informer, and I do so with his permission. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.5

Mrs. Samuel Stone of Groton, was made insane at a Miller meeting in Littleton, in the fore part of October last. The wife of my informant, Mr. Isaac N. Stone, took care of her until her insanity terminated in death. You will therefore learn the facts in the case, if you wish them, by calling upon Mr. Isaac N. Stone of Harvard, I shall surely have no objection to being corrected if I have been wrongly informed. Will you be so good as to publish the above. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.6

Yours respectfully, Nath’l. Colver. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.7

28 Lagrange Place, Boston, Dec. 22. 1842. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.8

The above is thus far only based upon hearsay testimony. That a person predisposed to insanity, might become insane under any circumstances, we do not dispute; and instances of insanity can be shown by the reports of our Insane Hospitals, that have occurred under every variety of circumstances. We therefore again call for the proof that the preaching of the immediate coming of Christ has been signalized in any place, as a cause of insanity. This is the same old charge that has always been brought against the preaching of the gospel, and we can give the names of ten, who have been made insane from ordinary religious causes, for every one that can be proved to be so made from the preaching of this glorious doctrine. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.9

We give the following instance of recovery from insanity, by the preaching of the immediate coming of Christ. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.10

This certifies that my mother was insane and under the care of Dr. N. Cutter at the Insane Hospital at Pepperell The doctrine of the immediate coming of Christ was found to be so agreeable to her, that Dr. Cutter recommended that I should keep that subject before her mind. The result was most happy, and she is now fully restored to her reason. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.11

Boston, Dec. 23, 1842. Geo. A. Reed. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.12

We have since received the following letter, which gives the facts in the case. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.13

To the Editor of theSigns of the Times.” HST January 11, 1843, page 133.14

Dear Sir:—I saw in your last number of the Times, a letter from Rev. N. Colver, stating that Mrs. Samuel Stone of Groton was made insane at a Miller meeting in Littleton, in the fore part of October last; and that the wife of Mr. Isaac N. Stone took care of her, until her insanity terminated in death. The case was this, Mrs. Samuel Stone, of Woburn, a feeble woman, made so by the measles a few weeks before, together with a disease she had had in her head for a number of years, got into a very unhappy state of mind. Her physician and friends advised her husband to take a journey with her; accordingly they did, and came to Groton at the time of the Littleton camp-meeting; they arrived here Friday afternoon, Saturday went to the camp-meeting and returned home the same afternoon; she seemed happier than when she came the day before; she told her friends when she first came from Woburn that she had come to die with them. On Monday afternoon she had a severe pain in her head, in the night she lost her reason and continued in that state until she died on Sunday, fourteen days afterwards. She had an abscess in her head which broke the day she died, I was with her three days during her sickness! But the wife of Isaac N. Stone (who is my husbands sister) was not there, and knew not that she was dead until she had been dead a fortnight. Respectfully yours. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.15

Sarah C. Dickson.
Groton, Dec. 30, 1842.

We again call upon the Rev. N. Colver to prove his statement or retract it. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.16

Watch-Meeting, on New Year’s Eve. Our friends in several places, we learn, observed the last night of the year and the ushering in of the new, by prayer and other appropriate exercises. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.17

In Worcester, we learn a large and solemn audience was in attendance, and the exercises were most interesting and appropriate. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.18

In this city, our friends assembled at the Chardon Street Chapel, and were addressed with very appropriate remarks, by brethren Starkweather and Himes, a crowded audience filled all the seats, the aisles, and every other place in the house where one could stand or sit, and with solemn stillness listened to the pungent remarks of the speakers until the new year was ushered in. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.19

Tabernacle. There is now such an anxiety to hear these momentous truths, that but a small portion of those who wish are enabled to gain admittance to the Chardon Street Chapel, and as the brethren have been unable to procure any place of worship which will begin to accommodate the crowds which are in nightly attendance, they have concluded to crect a cheap and commodious tabernacle, in Howard Street, in which they intend to hold public meetings in as long as it shall be needed. The building is now commenced, and will be completed about the first of February. This will forever give the lie to the story that we have fixed upon the 3rd of April. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.20

To Subscribers and Patrons. In consequence of our absence, and the crowd of business at the office, some communications and orders of a difficult nature, have been neglected for a time. But we hope in future to have everything attended to with promptness. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.21



36 Park Row, New York. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.22

This has been in operation now, about two month. Its object is to afford facilities for the diffusion of light in that vicinity. Twenty-six numbers of a daily paper was first issued, since which a weekly paper is continued, the same size of the “Signs of the Times,” entitled the “Midnight Cry.” This paper in connection with our Second Advent publications generally, are now being scattered profusely not only in that city, but throgh the south and west. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.23

We have placed faithful men in the office, who take the charge of the office and publications in our absence. All communications addressed to J. V. Himes, will be promptly answered. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.24

The expenditures thus far exceed the receipts by a thousand dollars, yet the immense good which is being done for the cause, forbids its discontinuance, though it should cost twice the sum. The friends who are acquainted with the actual wants of the cause in that vicinity, will not see it suffer, or permit it to be discontinued while it is needed. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.25

Our friends in Worcester, and vicinity, can supply themselves with Second Advent Hymn Books, at the Bookstore of S. A. Howland. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.26



There will be a Conference of believers in the Second Coming of Christ (by Divine permissiou) held in the Baptist meeting house, in Watertown, to commence on Monday, Jan. 23rd, at 10 o’clock. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.27

The object of the conference will not be controversy, or to get a victory over those who have not examined and received the evidence that “the Judge standeth at the door,” but to present our reasons from the word of God, in love, why we believe that Christ will appear in the clouds of heaven in a few months, “without sin unto salvation to those that look for him.” Also to arouse attention to the necessity of a preparation for that great day. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.28

Brethren and sisters who love Christ’s appearing, are cordially invited to attend. The time is short, and what is done must be done quickly. It is expected that Bro. Reed will lecture upon the subject during the conference, which will continue several days. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.29

Walter Russell,
W. C. Stone,
Watertown, Jan. 6, 1842. Luther Bent.



Rec’d up to January 7, 1843. P. M. Greencastle, Ia. Carroll. N.H. Lancaster, N.H. Wilmington, Vt. Detroit Mich. Warsaw, N.Y. Mobile, Ala. Suncook, N.H. Saco Me. Springfield Ms. S. Solon, Me. E. Whateley, Vt. Plymouth, Me. N. Dixmont, Me. Boothbay, Me. Dennysville, Me. Spring Arbour, Mich. $1. Brandon Vt. Casdaga, N. Y. Grand Isle. Thompsonville, Ct. South New Durham, N. H. Uxbridge, Mass. W. Wrentham, Ms. East Orleans, Norwalk, O. Greene, N. Y. Hampstead N. H. North Fairhaven, Mass. Braintree, Vt. South Strafford, Vt. Highgate, Vt. (no money!) Goffstown, N. H. Jacksonville, Ill. Saco, Me. $1. Wales, Me, Carlisle, Ms. Mt. Desert, Greenfield, Ms Three Rivers, Ms. East Washington, N. H. Georgia, Vt. North Fairfield, Vt. Bethlehem, N, H. Ellington, Ct. North Fairfield, O. Glenville, N. Y. Greenville, N. Y. Montpelier, Vt. Lancaster, N. H. Somersett, N. Y Waybridge, Vt. Braintree, Vt. Canterbury, N. H. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.30

J. Litch, N. W. Burlingame, R. Plumer, R. Walker, M. Stoddard, R. Andrews, A. P. Shepherd, M. H. Hopkins, J. R. Gates, H. Barton, $10. D. Burgess, E Heath, A. B. Huntington, J. W. Shepherd, $10. P. O. Taft, D. B. Wyatt, J. B. Stead, C. M. Doolittle, N. Tuttle, A. M. Billings, J. Weston, S. Stone, A. J. Williamson, J. Seavey, unknown, $10. Jas. Thewing, K. K. Mayers, J. Lamb, H. Kinney, J. C. Hutchins, D.Burgess, L. M. Lowell, J. Lull, R. Walker, unknown, Newbury port, $10. J. Bridgeman, J. D. Marsh C. J. Whitaker. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.31

Bundles Sent


F. R. Mayers, Worcester, Mass. Chillion Wines, Vergennes, Vt. J. H. Lonsdale, Prov. R. I. B. F. Carter, Exeter, N. H. J. L. Johnson, Worcester, Mass. E. McLeod, St. Johns, N. B, Taftsville, Windsor Co. Vt. E. Heath, Springfield, Mass. Samuel Fitts, East Braintree, Vt. R. W, Pratt, Lowell, P. M. Highgate, Vt. J. Wiston, Unity, N. H. a Disclaimer.—The Olive Branch, a politicofictitio-religio paper, which has long claimed to be the organ for New England of the Protestant Methodists, has now come out and disclaimed being a religious paper, but claims to be a secular paper, with two or three columns devoted to the Methodist cause. HST January 11, 1843, page 133.32

The fact is, it has become so notorious for its scurrility, slanderous remarks, and the love-sick novels with which its columns have been filled, and which course it has attempted to justify by the word of God, that it feels the awkwardness of its position, from which it can only escape by disclaiming to be a religious paper. HST January 11, 1843, page 134.1

We have, however, looked over the paper in which the disclaimer is made, for the two or three columns devoted to the Methodist cause, and although there are eleven columns devoted as usual to novel reading, and the usual amount of slang, the only portion of it which can be said to be devoted to religion is two columns, which are from the diary of a clergyman, and which are signed, “The Same Old Coon.” Alas! for the religious press. It would still be to its credit if it would come out and disclaim any pretensions to religion.—N. Y. Luminary. HST January 11, 1843, page 134.2

We are less surprised that Norris should disclaim publishing a religious paper, than that he should ever have made any such pretensions. HST January 11, 1843, page 134.3

Of all the papers with which we exchange, there is none but has more claims to decency and religion, than this same Olive Branch. The opposers of Christianity could not take a more effectual course to entirely undermine the very foundation of the religion of the Cross, than is pursued by this paper. The “Investigator” hoists its flag to the world, and, openly and boldly proclaims its object, but the ‘Olive Branch” professes to be on the side of religion and virtue, and yet continually fills its columns with fictitious writings, and low billingsgate attacks on those whom its venom can neither reach nor injure. While its readers suppose that the paper is what it pretends to be, they will peruse the silly “tales,”—the foolish extracts from the last new novel—its stale trash and futile attempts at wit, and the falsehoods with which its columns teem; and as they thus wade through its sickening pages, the inexperienced are led to believe that such horrid mockery of solemn truths, is in accordance with the spirit of the religion which it professes, and thus acquire loose and incorrect principles, from which to open infidelity there is but a step. HST January 11, 1843, page 134.4

The last number contains a downright falsehood, in an article headed “Millerism,” and signed “James” That asserts that the believers in the immediate coming of Christ, “do not rely upon the Bible as the principle evidence of their belief. They frankly acknowledge, that did they rely upon calculations and evidences drawn from the word of God, they should not dare to be so positive in their assertions that the coming of Christ to judge the world, will take place within a few months. Will it be believed, then, in the 19th century they profess to have had a revelation from God!” HST January 11, 1843, page 134.5

The above is as gross a falsehood as ever emanated from the great patron of the Olive Branch, the father of lies himself; and although Norris may attempt to get off, by claiming that the article is from a correspondent, yet ho cannot thus escape; for he knew it was false when he admitted it into his columns; and that we rested the truth of our doctrine, solely and exclusively on the declarations of the word of God. We depend upon no “sights,” “dreams,” or “special revelations” whatever. And knowing this, Norris, in opening his columns to such a slander, is guilty of being an accessory before the fact. HST January 11, 1843, page 134.6

Whatever individuals, as individuals, may have said, the cause rests upon the testimony of the Bible, and on that solely. HST January 11, 1843, page 134.7

It’s all a Speculation. How true this is of our opponents. Mr. Robinson of New York, charges 25 cents admission to a single lecture for the refutation of our doctrine. Rev. N. Colver of Boston charges only 6 1-4 cents a single lecture, to put it down. An Infidel club in New York city, only charge six cents. The rum seller who trespassed upon our camp-meeting at Chicopee Falls, charged 5 cents for a ballad of doggerel verse, against the “Miller humbug,” (to quiet the drunkards’ fears), for the sake of disposing of a glass of rum, (done in this way to evade the law? What an association! can all this be speculation? are not these disinterested men? Do they not seek the public good?” Look at them—and judge. HST January 11, 1843, page 134.8

Deception. When we say Christ is to come as soon as 1843, our opponents often say, “O! he may come before that time,” “We can’t say but he will come to-night.” Now what are the facts? Ans. They do not believe Christ can come till after 1000 years spiritual reign! Are they deceived, or is it possible that they would deceive others? Judge ye. HST January 11, 1843, page 134.9

The following letter of brother Fitch to Professor Stuart, we published last August. The only reply that the Professor has ever made to it, is by a note in the second edition of his “Hints,” p. 87. We again give the letter of brother Fitch, with the note of the Professor in full; and we would enquire of brother Fitch, if the reply is satisfactory? HST January 11, 1843, page 134.10

Letter to Moses Stuart


Rev. Moses Stuart:—Dear Sir,—I have read your hints on the interpretation of prophecy. According to your request I have heard you through. Will you please look at Daniel 7:21, 22. “I beheld the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them, until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.” HST January 11, 1843, page 134.11

This horn you tell us, is Antiochus Epiphanes. You also show that Scripture has no occult or hidden meaning. HST January 11, 1843, page 134.12

Now, my dear sir, as you are a learned man and I an ignorant one, will you please inform us, from the plain and obvious import of the Scripture language, how it was, or is, or is to be, that Antiochus Epiphanes, who died a hundred and sixty-four years before Christ was born, either did, or does, or will make war with the saints and prevail against them, until the Ancient of Days comes, and judgment is given to the saints of the Most High, and the time come that the saints possess the kingdom. Yours, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” HST January 11, 1843, page 134.13

Charles Fitch.
Albany, Aug. 13, 1842.
[prof, stuart’s note.]

“A writer in one of the periodicals of the day, who is wont to speak with unusual confidence in regard to the meaning of many prophecies, quotes Daniel 7:21, 22, as sufficient of itself to refute all that is said here, in respect to applying the verses specified above to Antiochus Epiphanes. The sum of these verses is, that “the little horn” (beyond all doubt Antiochus) “made war upon the saints and prevailed against them,” and ‘the Ancient of Days came, and rendered judgment to the saints’ (vindicated the cause of the pious,) ‘and restored to them the kingdom’ which had been taken away by Antiochus. In other words: God appears as the vindicator of the pious and persecuted Jews, and restores to them the rightful dominion of their country. This idea is thrice repeated in chap. 7.; first, in the account of the vision as comprised in vs. 2-12, where vs. 9-11 are appropriated to designate the condemnation and punishment of the little horn, “whose mouth speaketh great things;” secondly, in vs. 21, 22, as already quoted; and thirdly, in vs. 24—26, which are part of the explanations given by the angel. Now the writer in question, as many others have done, appears to have mistaken the judgment mentioned in Daniel 7:10, 22, and the dominion given to the saints (v. 22), for the last judgment and millennial dominion of the church. How palpably erroneous this is, may be seen by consulting Daniel 7:13, 14, where the later coming of the Son of Man, and the dominion which is given him, are plainly represented as subsequent to the judgment and punishment of Antiochus, as described in the preceding context. This decisive circumstance, the writer in the periodical to whom I have adverted, in his haste and in his zeal for favorite opinions, seems to have wholly overlooked. One who feels as much confidence as he appears to possess, ought at least to look more carefully on what sort of ground he is treading. HST January 11, 1843, page 134.14

Whatever there is of obscurity or uncertainty in respect to the fourth beast with his ten horns, as represented in chap, 7., it is made quite plain and palpable by chap. 8. In chap. 8. seq., the dominion of Alexander the Great, its division among his four chieftains, and the rise of the little horn from one of these, are so plain as to be altogether undeniable. Then the characteristics of this “little horn, as given in chapter 8:9-12, are plainly the same for substance as those given in chap. 7:8, 11, 20, 21, 24, 25. All is rendered still more certain by the repetition of the same characteristics in Daniel 8:22-25, which, in connection with v. 21, shows very plainly, that the “little horn” and “king of fierce countenance” is of Grecian descent, and rules over one of the four kingdoms into which the empire of Alexander was divided. HST January 11, 1843, page 134.15

All the real difficulty of the case arises from the fact, that the Messianic dominion described inDaniel 7:13, 14, and again in chap. 7:27, is mentioned as if it were an immediate sequent of the destruction of the little horn or Antiochus. So far as the manner of the description is concerned, one might judge this to be the case; for no interval of time is designated, and none is necessarily implied by the use of appropriate particles. But in cases very numerous, both in the Old Testament and in the New, the manner of announcing the Messianic kingdom is the same. No interval between it and earlier events is specifically designated. Yet nothing can be more erroneous than the conclusion that no interval of time, in such cases, is to be supposed. It is impossible not to allow such an interval. So here, no one could err more than to suppose that the Messianic kingdom is to follow immediately after the destruction of the kingdom of Antiochus. The simple truth is, that the writer passes from one kingdom, restored to the ancient Jewish saints, to the description of another and greater one still future. He makes no account of the interval of time, since he is not at all concerned, for his present purpose, with chronology. HST January 11, 1843, page 134.16

He who does not understand this common usage of the Hebrew prophets, must have made but little progress as it respects the study and the knowledge of them. He who does understand it, can find no serious difficulties in the case before us. HST January 11, 1843, page 135.1

letter from wm. miller


Dear Brother Himes. The second edition of “Stuart’s Hints” has just come to hand. I have perused his appendix, and see nothing worthy of notice, except a dry pun on page 173, concerning the men of April 3rd, A. D. 1843. It is suggested that the 1st of April would have been a better day to have fixed upon for Christ to have come. I have no doubt but that he is honest in this suggestion, and if he could have altered the day of Christ’s death from April 3rd to April 1st, his suggestion would be freely given. He invents or reiterates a lie, and then repeats a stale childish joke, and shows his heart to be any thing but pious or devotional, on a subject so blessed as the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. His piece against Duffield is full of low stale witicism, yet it is evident that the writer thinks he has given his brother a real drubbing: but I think he has exposed himself to a severe chastisement which he will be likely to recieve, if his brother Duffield should see fit to use the rod which Brother S. has put into his hand. HST January 11, 1843, page 135.2

Both of these champions, in my opinion, are wrong, the one is too literal in a carnal sense, the other is too carnal in a spiritual sense; the truth lies between them both; and while the D. Ds. disagree, the common minds will get the truth. These men both are putting too much dependence on the wisdom of this world. Prof. S. shows plainly by his writings and arguments, that he has much pride of opinion, and puts more dependence on his Hebrew and Greek, than in comparing scripture with scripture, or in trying to understand the mind and will of the Spirit, who inspired the holy men who wrote the several books of the Old and New Testament. There is a vein of scepticism which runs through all his writings, as though the writers of the sacred books were governed by selfish motives, such as worldly hopes and fears; for instance, Daniel saw nothing, wrote nothing, and knew nothing only what concerned the carnal Jew, his people after the flesh. And John in the Revelation saw nothing but Jew. And he seems to represent John as hiding the plain truth, for fear of persecution from the bloody Nero, and cautions the reader to beware how he puts any trust in the natural interpretation of the Bible, remembering that it is poetry; as though the writers of God’s holy book used great latitude, and coloured high, the things therein revealed; and were men of bigoted and narrow minds. I think he would do well to remember what God says by David, Psalm 50:21, “These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest that I was altogether such a one as thyself; but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes”. HST January 11, 1843, page 135.3

I am truly astonished, to read from the pen of the Professor such scepticism. If Voltaire, or Tom Paine, had wrote thus, it would have been called blasphemous, by the Christian world. Have our readers become mad, or has God given them eyes of slumbering, that they should stumble and fall and be snared and taken? HST January 11, 1843, page 135.4

His note on page 87 needs a passing remark. He says, “A writer in one of the periodicals of the day, who is wont to speak with unusual confidence in regard to the meaning of many prophecies, quotes Daniel 7:21, 22, “I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom,”—as sufficient of itself to refute all that is said here, in respect to applying the verses specified above to Antiochus Epiphanes. The sum of these verses is, that “the little horn,” (beyond all doubt Antiochus) made war upon the Saints, and prevailed against them, “and the Ancient of Days came, and rendered judgment to the saints, (vindicated the cause of the pious) and restored to them the kingdom, which had been taken away by Antiochus.” A more barefaced misrepresentation of facts never was put together in so small a compass, as is given in this sentence, In the first place, he dare not name the writer to whom he alludes, for the good reason, that he could not in any case exceed the writer of this note in presumptuous confidence; and therefore, could not, by the writer, with any propriety be called unusal. Again, “the little horn, (beyond all doubt Antiochus).” Hardly a man of common sense can be found who believes the little horn, in the text referred to, is Antiochus. Daniel 7:7, 8, “After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. I considered the horns, and behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.” HST January 11, 1843, page 135.5

Who does not see that this little horn arises among the ten horns of the fourth kingdom upon earth? How the Professor can call the Grecian, or third kingdom, the fourth, is beyond the comprehension of a sane mind. See verses 16, 17, 18. “I came near unto one of them that stood by, and asked him the truth of all this. So he told me, and made me know the interpretation of the things. These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth. But the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.” I ask, did the saints, in the days of Antiochus, take the Grecian Kingdom, and possess it forever, even forever and ever? Why then the question in Acts 1:6, “When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?” Read, again, Daniel 7:19, to 22, “Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet; And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows. I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.” Is there not a complete connection in these verses, with the fourth kingdom upon earth? And how can this be the third, which was the Leopard with four heads? This, you see, is the “fourth beast,” not the fourth head. Now let us look at the answer which the heavenly messenger gave Daniel, verses 23, to 27, “Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. And the ten thorns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion to consume and to destroy it unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.” Then Daniel says, “Hitherto is the end of the matter,” showing that the vision and instruction did not end until the end of the 27th verse. Can a man of a sound mind construe this scripture as does the Professor? I say, No. And I say the friends of the Andover institution had better report the Professor insane, take away his bishoprick, and give it to another, who at least can read and understand common language. He says, “Now the writer in question, as many others have done, (We thank him for this one truth) appears to have mistaken the judgment mentioned in verses 10, 22, and the dominion given to the saints vers 22, for the last judgment.” What a mistake! Is it even possible to be mistaken on this point? I answer, No. If this is not a discription of the last judgment, where can the Professor prove one? Here is the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Savior Jesus Christ; see Daniel 7:9, 10. “I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.” First,—“Thrones were cast down;” compare Daniel 2:35. “Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing-floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.” 1 Corinthians 15:24, 25. “Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule, and all authority, and power. For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.” And Ephesians 1:22. “And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church.” Second,—“Ancient of days did sit;” See Isaiah 9:7. “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon he throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” Compare Revelation 20:12. “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.” And also Revelation 5:9-11. “And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation. And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne, and the beasts, and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;” Here we have the same number, the same saints, the same Judgment, and the same reign on the earth. Jude 14, 15. “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince ail that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” Then he will take vengeance on the wicked, whom he shall destroy by the brightness of his coming, Daniel 7:11, 12, 13, 14. “I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake: I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time. I saw in the night visions, and behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom, that which shall not be destroyed.” The two last verses he acknowledges are the coming of the Son of man; but the others is Antiochus. The kingdom of the saints is no where mentioned in the vision of Daniel until we come to the 14th verse; that this verse describes the millenial kingdom of the saints, the Professor concedes. Then let me ask what kingdom is that described in verse 13? “But the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever and ever.” Let the reader examine what kingdom, The Professor has not answered, he dare not answer. If he says it is the kingdom to the Jews in the days of Judas Maccabeus, he well knows that the Jews had no kingdom under Judas, and if they had, it has not been possessed by them forever even forever and ever, and this kingdom he must know is at the end of the 4th kingdom; therefore he has passed over this verse in silence, and shows conclusively, either his consummate ignorance; or his wilful dishonesty. HST January 11, 1843, page 135.6

It is impossible for me to have charity for such reprehensible conduct; as much as I loved him for his rules, so much, must I detest him for his application of those rules, because it leads to deceive souls to endless ruin. Now verse 22, “The time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.” What kingdom? Every honest, intelligent man and woman in Christendom would answer, why that kingdom before spoken of in verses 14 and 18. And yet the Professor says, it is the kingdom given to the Jews in the days of Judas Maccabeus. “The kingdom,” definite, showing clearly, that speaker and hearer would understand, that it was a kingdom before understood by both. If so, then his writer of whom he speaks, is not so erroneous as the Professor, nor so palpably ignorant, as the Professor would try to make us believe. But justice would require the fool’s cap on the other head. I am certain the Professor must, or ought to have been born on the very day he so affectionately and anxiously recommends to others. HST January 11, 1843, page 136.1

Let me give one more quotation from his note, page 88. “The simple truth is, that the writer passes from one kingdom, restored to the ancient Jewish saints, to the description of another and greater one, still future.” In what verse has the writer given us a kingdom restored to Jewish saints? It cannot be in the 14th verse, for that is a “dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages should serve him,” not to Jews only, but unto ALL PEOPLE. And that is everlasting, never to pass away, nor be destroyed: this proves too much. Next is in the 18th verse. This cannot be the Jewish, for they are to take it and possess it forever: this proves too much. The next place mentioned is the 22nd verse. This refers us to the same possession and kingdom, as in the 18th verse. The 27th verse he gives up. Where, then, is there a kingdom restored to the Jews? No double meaning, Bro. S., remember. HST January 11, 1843, page 136.2

Neither can history help this Professor out of his difficulty; for the Jews had no kingdom of their own at the time he specifies; they only changed masters, as all history will testify. Not more than one year from Judas’s success, the Jews were under the yoke of Demetrius, and continued in bondage to Grecia and Rome, until their temple, nation, and city were destroyed by the Romans. This is the true account of this mighty kingdom which our Professor thinks he has found in Daniel 7th. Again he says, “He (Daniel) makes no account of the interval of time, since he is not at all concerned, for his present purpose, with chronology.” I wonder what the Professor will advance next in plain contradiction to the word of God. Surely a child would know, that Daniel in his vision, had a prophetic history of the world. No writer, who might be called Christian, has fallen under my observation, who has not admitted, and believed that Daniel has given us an outline of the most important kingdoms, and events, from his own day down to the coming of the Son of man, to receive and set up his glorified, and eternal kingdom, which shall occupy under the whole heaven. And that cannot be true which says Daniel had no concern with chronology. He has plainly told us the history of Babylon, and proclaimed the night it would fall, by means of the writing of a man’s finger’s on the wall. He then as plainly related the history of Media and Persia, and named the kingdom which would succeed Babylon. He has called Grecia by name, and showed its power, acts, and fall, by the fourth kingdom. It has decayed and fallen by that kingdom which was to wax exceeding great, and trample all nations under its feet. The Roman has come and performed the acts assigned to it by this wonderful prophet. The ten horns arose in due time, the little horn arose after them, plucked up three of them, and has sought to change times and laws, for 1260 years, or “time, times, and an half.” He has given us 2300 days as the length of one of his visions. He has graphically described the judgment day, and given us the time of the end. He has declared the resurrection of those who sleep in the dust, and recorded the day when he will stand in the great congregation of the righteous. He has set up monuments and marked the divisions of times and seasons, that the wise may understand the time of their deliverance. And yet we see a Professor of divinity denying him to have given us a prophetic chart, a chronology of past and future events. Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of our cities, lest you make the wicked to rejoice, and the uncircumcised to boast over us. Let me say one thing in honor to the church and clergy with whom I have associated since the Professor’s “Hints” came out, there has not been one among them all, who has mentioned his writings favorably, or used them as arguments against me; while on the other hand I have not seen or conversed with an Universalist, Deist, drunkard, gambler, swearer, or infidel, but what is ready to use his weapons, and is rejoicing over me because the Professor has demolished the Second Advent doctrine. It is enough to chill the heart of any pious man, to see the effects his doctrine has on the worshipers of Baal, and the unconverted part of community. Yet “straws show which way the wind blows.”—May God show him his error, before he leads many more souls to delay a preparation for an eternity at hand. Yours, etc., Wm. Miller. HST January 11, 1843, page 136.3

Low Hampton, Dec. 12, 1842. HST January 11, 1843, page 136.4



Amount brought over from August 17th, 1842,$1808 24
Friend in Connecticut,75 00
John G. Pattis,50 00
Jewelry, at Albany,4 42
Jewelry, at Littleton,16 00
Josiah Vose,1 00
Josiah Vose, jr.,5 00
Friend,50 00
Collections & jewelry at Chicopee84 66
William M. Prior,4 00
D. J. Robbins,10 00
Mrs. Corey,1 00
Abel Rugg,5 00
Geo O Hermon,47 75
Elizabeth A Bagley,4 00
J. Felton,5 00
Friend in Bellingham, Mass.1 50
Sarah M. Case,2 00
Henry Healy,2 75
Samuel R. Hathorn,1 00
Abigail Marshall,5 00
Bro. Thayer, of Hampden, Me.13 00
Edmund Payton,1 00
Friend,8 50
Columbus Green,50 00
Chilion Wines,5 00
H. Barton,7 00
$2217 82$2217 82
Amount of money expended,
for gratuitous distribution of books2556 16
Amount due the committee,338 34
Expense of Large Tent,652 65
Cr. by donations.407 00
Balance due,245 65
Expense of Camp-meetings,594 91
Cr. by collections & donations,392 91
Balance due,202 00
Whole amount due,$785 99