Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 4


January 4, 1843

Vol. IV.—No. 16. Boston, Whole No. 88

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston. HST January 4, 1843, page 121.1

Vol. IV.—No. 16. Boston, Wednesday, January 4, 1843. Whole No. 88. HST January 4, 1843, page 121.2


No Authorcode

J. V. Himes, Josiah Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors


Appeal in behalf of Canada


Dear Brethren—“The coming of the Lord draweth nigh.” Our time is short, and what we do, must be done “quickly.” We learn from Bro. H. B. Skinner, who has just returned from a two months’ tour in Canada, and likewise from Bro. C. Green, who has labored somewhat in that country, that the cause of the second coming of Christ at hand is onward. The excitement is very great, and a subject of almost universal discourse, both among foes and friends. The Protestant Methodists, as also the Freewill Baptists, both of the clergy and laity, very generally believe and teach the doctrine. HST January 4, 1843, page 121.3

The French Catholics are also expecting the coming of the Savior near, to a very great extent; three Jesuit Priests, missionaries from France, held some time last spring a series of meetings at Point Le Mule, and publicly advocated the sentiment. Within a few weeks one of the Wesleyan missionaries, viz. Rev. R. T. Hutchinson, has come out in defence of the truth, and has already began to lecture. The calls for lectures are very abundant, and we find little or no difficulty in getting access to the people; the chapels of the different denominations are thrown open, and the Advent brethren are made welcome; it is nothing uncommon for friends to travel 40 or 50 miles to secure the services of a lecturer, so anxious are the people to hear. And what is best of all, God has given sanction to the truth by the abundant outpouring of his Spirit, in the salvation of hundreds of perishing sinners. But in the midst of our encouragements, we are not without our difficulties, and in some instances we find a combination of opposing influences. All manner of evil is said of us both in public and in private. The Canadian newspapers contain frequent articles in opposition to our views and proceedings; several ministers have entered the lists and published reviews of our doctrine, and though we find these productions as usual, full of sophistry, yet the opiate is swallowed by many, and we find ourselves without any medium of communication, through which we can disabuse the public mind. As it regards our American publications, the duties are so high that they cannot well be introduced into the country, and even if they are forwarded, there is not one chance in ten that they will ever reach their destination. In consequence of this, and other facts not necessary to mention, the people are very ignorant of our real sentiments; and as there are but few lecturers in the country, the people must remain uninformed in regard to the subject, unless some immediate measure is taken to disseminate light. The most feasible plan that suggests itself, is the establishment, for a limited period, of a small periodical, mainly for gratuitous circulation. The expense of such a sheet will be but trifling, and the friends in Canada will do all they can to sustain it; but such is the present embarrassment of the country, and hardness of the times, that we must depend in some measure for the success of the enterprise upon the liberality of our friends in the States. But few of the Protestant community will refuse to read if the means are put into their hands; and the opposition that we meet with, without doubt, arises mainly from a want of correct information as to what our real sentiments are, rather than from any settled hostility to the truth itself. HST January 4, 1843, page 121.4

As to the Catholics, they are quite favorably disposed towards us, and would be glad to read upon the subject. There are also several tribes of Indians in Canada, to whom we can have access, and though they do not generally understand our language, yet some of them do, and they will read and explain to others. This is certainly an important field of labor, and one that ought not to be neglected. There are also stationed at different points, from 15,000 to 20,000 soldiers; they are open to conviction, and would be glad to learn the truth of the Savior’s coming. Bro. Skinner has had frequent opportunities of addressing the soldiers upon this subject, and familiar as they are with wretched scenes and horrors of war, yet the subject of the Savior’s coming at hand, touches a chord that finds a hearty response in many of these war-worn hearts. In a word, the “harvest is truly great,” but what shall we do? What say you, brethren? Our desire is to raise $500 for Canada;—this would enable the brethren to issue from 1000 to 2000 papers weekly, and would accomplish the very object contemplated. It will enable them also to publish a thousand or two of an “Alarm,” in the French tongue, for circulation among the French Catholics. These, though silent, would be effectual messengers in waking up the sleeping virgins. Finally, brethren, will you aid us in this work? We have but little time left, and if from your abundance or poverty you can spare a dollar, more or less, for this holy enterprise, “you will in no wise lose your reward.” We need add no more—depend upon it. HST January 4, 1843, page 121.5

Brethren, this field is great and important, and this call for aid is loud and urgent. Let every friend of the cause, then, send us a trifle, directed to J. V. Himes, Boston Mass., and we pledge ourselves every cent shall be faithfully applied to this object. If any have not the means at hand, who are nevertheless ready to aid us, let them send in a pledge, redeemable in a few weeks. The sum wanted is small, and we trust, that it is only to make our wants known, and the work shall be done. HST January 4, 1843, page 121.6

J. V. Himes, HST January 4, 1843, page 121.7

Columbus Green. HST January 4, 1843, page 121.8

Vergennes, Vt., Dec. 20, 1842. HST January 4, 1843, page 121.9

P. S. The above is a simple statement of facts, as they actually exist. For two months past, we have traveled extensively in Canada, and know the wants of the people. As individuals, we are willing to sacrifice for the cause, to dwell among the poor; to tabernacle in log-cabins, to roam over bleak hills, with the bread of life, for the perishing sheep of this wilderness. We trust our friends will heed the above call, and afford us the means of occupying the immense field that lies open to our view. The paper must go; it will go. We have received enough to start it, and shall begin, trusting to the friends of the cause to sustain us. Bro. C. is still in Canada, and I shall return immediately. HST January 4, 1843, page 121.10

H. B. Skinner,
L. Caldwell.

The Bible


This blessed book seems to be regarded with a new interest in these last days of the world. There is a beauty, a harmony, and a glory, found within it, which was never before seen, and its sacred pages are being perused with unwonted interest. HST January 4, 1843, page 121.11

Passing up Washington Street a few nights since, while brother Hawley was lecturing here, we saw a sailor standing outside of a shop-window, studying his Testament by the aid of the light within. Such a soul-cheering sight, to us, was indicative of an interist existing in his mind which we trust will lead him to Jesus. HST January 4, 1843, page 121.12

“The Time of the End.”


The Hartford Christian Secretary says, “The question is frequently asked, when, allowing Mr. Miller’s calculations to be correct, will the world be destroyed?” and answers the question by saying, that “According to the best information we have been able to gain upon the subject, we believe the third day of April, 1843, is the time fixed for the general conflagration.” Mr. Burr gives this upon the authority of Bro. George Storrs, of Albany. That such is the opinion of Bro. Storrs, we do not deny; but if any Brother thus speaks, he only speaks for himself, and gives merely his own individual opinion. Now the fact is, that the believers of the Second Advent in 1843, have fixed no time in the year for the event. And Brn. Miller, Himes, Litch, Hale, Fitch, Hawley, and other prominent lecturers, most decidedly protest against the fixing the day or hour of the event. This we have done over and over again, in our paper; and now, as a matter of justice, we would ask our friend Burr to inform his readers of the fact. That Christ was crucified on the third of April is true, but it was the third of April old style, which corresponds with our 14th of April. The world have a right to know this fact; but we do not pretend to know that the world will end in 1810 years to a day from the crucifixion of Christ. It is believed by some, that the 70 weeks did not end until the ascension of Christ, or till the day of Pentecost, as the oblation was to cease in the midst or last half of the week; and therefore we dare not set the day or the month.—There are several events, the anniversaries of which within the year, may be the end of time; but we wish to have it distinctly understood, that with the day or the month we have nothing to do. HST January 4, 1843, page 121.13

Review of the “Time of the End uncertain.”


Continued. HST January 4, 1843, page 122.1

“That is not for us to fore-know the time when this dispensation will end, or Christ’s glorious reign on earth will begin,” he argues, HST January 4, 1843, page 122.2

II. “From the fact that such knowledge, on the part of man, does not seem desirable.” p. 269. HST January 4, 1843, page 122.3

He admits “that this consideration, like the last, could not stand against any clear declaration of the Bible;” but gives weight to it, where “the Bible does not explicitly determine beyond all suspense or doubt.” HST January 4, 1843, page 122.4

This argument will therefore be set aside, if we can show that there is explicit evidence from the Bible that that day will not overtake the truly righteous as a thief. This we shall hope to do. For the present, we shall only endeavor to show that without such express declaration, it can be no argument. HST January 4, 1843, page 122.5

If it is sound reasoning to argue that the event will not be fore-known, because such knowledge would be undesirable, it would be equally sound to argue that the event itself will never take place because it is undesirable; and the same reasoning might be extended to any event. To a person under sentence of death, the knowledge of that fact would not seem desirable; but that would not prevent his receiving such knowledge. HST January 4, 1843, page 122.6

Again, if we could argue that if such knowledge were undesirable, it would not be fore-known, we might also argue, on the same principle, that if it were desirable it would be fore-known. That this event will be fore-known to any who do not desire it, we do not believe; but we do believe that all who do desire to arrive at a knowledge of the truth, will be led in the way of all truth. HST January 4, 1843, page 122.7

That it is right to endeavor to obtain a knowledge of the events which are a subject of prophecy, and will soon take place, we have abundance of evidence. God has at sundry times and in divers manners revealed to man a knowledge of future events: if all such knowledge was wrong, it would not have been thus revealed; and yet “the things which are revealed, are unto us and our children forever.” God has assured us that he “will be inquired of.” And the apostle says that the “prophets inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you; searching what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you, with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into”—1 Peter 1:10-12. Daniel had so earnest a desire to be instructed in the things of the future, that he hesitated not to fast “three whole weeks,” and his request was granted. He also, with his three friends, desired “mercies of the God of heaven concerning the secret” of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, and “the God that revealeth secrets,” gratified that heathen monarch with the knowledge of the thoughts of his heart as to “what should come to pass hereafter.” Daniel also thanked and praised the God of heaven, that he had made known to him the king’s matter. But had Daniel taken the position that such knowledge edge was undesirable, is it probable that he would have been thus enlightened? HST January 4, 1843, page 122.8

We are assured that “all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness! that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 3:16, 17. If all scripture is profitable for any purpose, it must be understood; and any portion of scripture of which we can have no knowledge cannot be profitable to us. It is therefore desirable that we should have a knowledge of all that God has revealed in his word. HST January 4, 1843, page 122.9

The Apocalypse is called “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the word of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” HST January 4, 1843, page 122.10

This Revelation, according to the opinion of the whole Protestant church, has reference to events which will not all be fulfilled till the end of time: yet “he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy,” are pronounced blessed; and surely our Savior would not bless that which was undesirable to know. This Prophecy not only commences, but it also closes with a blessing upon those that keep the sayings of the prophecy of this book. This blessing cannot be obtained without a knowledge of these sayings; this knowledge therefore cannot be “undesirable.” HST January 4, 1843, page 122.11

He argues, p. 269, that if the event in question were “the universal spread of holiness,” the knowledge of the time would not be desirable, from the fact that if such knowledge should reveal to us that the event was far in the future, it would be neither a “pleasure or profit;” and that if near, although the prospect might “be to us delightful,” yet “we are only a small part of all who have lived, and we cannot pronounce that knowledge on the whole desirable, which must have deferred their hope, merely because it would hasten ours.” This argument is based upon the supposition that if it is revealed in the scriptures, “it has been discoverable there, in all its remoteness, for many centuries.” But does it follow that every thing now revealed was equally discoverable in the time of Daniel? If so, the prophets who searched diligently what manner of time the spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, would not have been told “that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you.” And when Daniel inquired “O my Lord what shall be the end of these things?” had it been discoverable then, he would not have been told that the words were “closed up and sealed till the time of the end;” and yet that was “sealed up,” which at “the time of the end,” “the wise shall understand.” This knowledge therefore might be revealed to us, and “hasten our hope,” without “deferring” the hope of those who lived long since. HST January 4, 1843, page 122.12

Mr. D. also argues, that “There is reason also to fear that such prospect, however pleasing, might now enervate instead of invigorationg the hearts of good men; as the near prospect of success in any enterprise, where men have a part, often relaxes their vigilance and activity, more than all difficulties and delays they have encountered.” HST January 4, 1843, page 122.13

It is believed that this has not been found to be the case in the political world; then why should it in the religious? If any thing could give vigor and energy to any effort, it would seem that a prospect of certain victory would accomplish it. And it would seem that nothing would chill and dampen one’s energy more than doubt and uncertainty. HST January 4, 1843, page 122.14

He says, “supposing, however, the time in question to be not merely the commencement of prevailing holiness on earth, but Christ’s personal coming to raise the righteous dead, and to destroy his foes,” “the foreknowledge of it must then appear still less desirable. Make the supposition, that God has purposed the event shall take place in the next century, would it be best for the world to know that it will not come before? Yet if God had revealed it in his word, then, wherever that word has been read in ages past, the righteous might have been made to despond and the wicked to exult in the prospect.” HST January 4, 1843, page 122.15

We reply to this argument, that it could not be the case if such revelation were “closed up and sealed till the time of the end;” and we have the testimony of Daniel, that such is the case respecting the revelation in question. HST January 4, 1843, page 122.16

“Or,” he says, “make the supposition that God has purposed the event shall take place the next year. Do you rejoice in believing that probation will cease, while not more than a fragment of the whole adult human family will have been saved, rather than in believing that it will continue for an indefinite period, during which, by the greater spread and prevalence of the Gospel, the number of the saved may, on the whole scale of time, come to exceed that of the lost?” p. 270. HST January 4, 1843, page 122.17

We reply that the event itself does not depend upon our choice respecting a knowledge of it, and the infinite wisdom of God will do that which is for the best. Besides, we can find no evidence in the word of God that religion is thus to spread and save the majority of the human race, and to hope for the contrary of what God has revealed, would argue a distrust of his wisdom and goodness. The world, when the Son of man is revealed, is described to be in the condition of the world before the flood, and like Sodom and Gomorrah before their destruction. Our Savior assures us that the tares and the wheat will grow together till the end of the world: and Daniel is told that the “little horn” will make war against the saints, and prevail against them until the Ancient of Days shall come. The saints are also said to be redeemed out of every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. These, with other considerations, convince us that when Christ does come, precisely the same scenes will have to be enacted, as will occur if he comes in 1843; so that what would cause us to desire the delay of his coming one year, might cause us to desire it to be delayed forever. Neither can it be delayed for an indefinite period of time, for Daniel is assured that “at the time appointed, the end shall be.” HST January 4, 1843, page 122.18

Any loss of happiness to those who can never have an existence because probation is cut short before their time, can not weigh in this case; whereas the misery which will be thus averted from multitudes who would be born, die, and go to perdition, were time to continue, is quite a consideration. And when we consider that the majority of those who are born, die in their sins—that the great majority of those now alive would all probably die before the world could be converted—that the number of those who are yearly born far out number those who are yearly converted, and that this melancholy proportion will continue to swell the tide of human beings rushing to destruction, so long as probation continues, benevolence and humanity would force us to pray, “Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.” HST January 4, 1843, page 122.19

Again, it is asked, “But looking at the supposed event by itself, and not as compared with universal holiness preceding it, would the foreknowledge of it, so soon to arrive, be pleasant and profitable to good men? It must be pleasant to a Christian,’ say some, ‘because he will so soon see his Savior.’ But this may be said of death, also, and this was the reason Paul gave for desiring death—not for desiring the end of the world— ‘having a desire to depart and to be with Christ,’ counting it ‘gain to die,’ though to him ‘to live,’ was ‘Christ.’ Yet surely every Christian is not of course eager to die. On the contrary, this world is desirable for him during his allotted time, and Christ’s intercession for his followers was, ‘I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that thou shouldst keep them from the evil.’ Because the vision of Christ itself appears inviting, whether by means of death or of his personal coming, we cannot infer that either event would make his people happy at any other than the appointed time, and still less that it would be desirable for them to foreknow that time.” HST January 4, 1843, page 123.1

It is certainly our duty to wait here our appointed time, until our change come; nor have we any right to rush unbidden into the presence of our God. We cannot meet Christ either by a natural death, or by his personal coming, before our appointed time, and therefore we shall not discuss the question, whether such a meeting would conduce to happiness; but none can question but that such a meeting, at the appointed time, would be a happy one. We may therefore desire to know that such appointed time is near. Paul desired death that he might be with Christ, then why may not every Christian desire death for the same reason? We have no right to set our affections on the things of this world, nor to lay up our treasures here, for where our heart is there we shall receive our portion. We are but strangers and pilgrims here, and have no right to look upon this world as our home. Death is however a very different affair from the personal coming of Christ. To die and go into the world of spirits will bring us near to Christ, but the personal coming of Christ will restore all who are his to the earth, restored to its Eden state, in accordance with the covenant God made with our father Abraham, to give him and his seed the land, for an everlasting possession. This is the appearing to which Paul referred when he said, “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing,” 2 Timothy 4:8. Is it not natural that we should desire the approach of that day in which all the righteous are to receive their crown? And can we truly love his appearing without desiring the approach of that day? That appearing cannot be our death, as some contend, for in the 1st verse, the apostle says that Christ will “judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom.” HST January 4, 1843, page 123.2

“Again,” he says, “we are told ‘it must be pleasant to be among the living when Christ appears, and thus escape corruption.’ But says Paul, ‘We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed;’ and you know not what violence there may be in this change, since it must in some way answer to that death which has ‘passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.’ “ HST January 4, 1843, page 123.3

As this change is to be “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,” we know that as soon as we are aware of any “violence,” all our sufferings will be forever past. HST January 4, 1843, page 123.4

Again it is asked, “But if, so far as you are concerned, the prospect were all pleasure, would it overcome all your regard for others whom it threatens with imminent destruction?” HST January 4, 1843, page 123.5

If others are in actual danger, that danger can be none the less, from our ignorance of it. If we knew nothing of their danger, we should not make the effort to rescue them as we should if we saw their true condition. A knowledge of the event, therefore, seems to be desirable, for their sakes. HST January 4, 1843, page 123.6

We ought to regard the glory of Christ as of more consequence than the happiness of the entire human race, who can only be miserable because they refuse the offers of mercy of this same Savior. Our knowledge or ignorance of the event can neither hasten or delay it, and therefore such knowledge cannot add to the misery of those to be destroyed. We cannot see how such reasoning can affect the question. If we knew that probation would end in one year, many would go from house to house, and from street to street, to pull sinners out of the fire, who now supinely fold their arms, because they know not that the time is so short. Such a knowledge, might accordingly have a most blessed effect, not only on the Christian, but save the souls of sinners. HST January 4, 1843, page 123.7

The argument respecting the little reliance to be placed in conversions which take place in the prospect of impending death, and the unfitness that such prospect produces, for making the necessary prepation, we cannot quote in full, owing to its length. But it strikes us, that if men were thus unfitted, the Ninevites would never have repented at the preaching of Jonah, the thief would not have repented on the cross, nor would the judgments of God be so prominently presented in his word as an inducement to repentance. But would men be any more likely to repent and prepare for an impending event, if it is taken for granted that such event is at a distance? Or would such woes be pronounced upon watchmen who neglect to give warning when they see the sword coming, and the people die in their sins, if such warning would unfit them for such preparation? With such views, Noah would not have warned the inhabitants of the old world, nor would Lot those of the cities of the plain. We are commanded to repent lest we likewise perish. HST January 4, 1843, page 123.8

He argues, “that it is not for us to foreknow the time,” etc. HST January 4, 1843, page 123.9

III. “From the uncertainty attending the interpretation of the Scriptures on the subject.” HST January 4, 1843, page 123.10

The arguments in support of this division of the subject, would seem to indicate that the meaning of the whole of Daniel and John is a matter of doubt, and that we can arrive at no certainty on the subject. As the evidence has been so often presented on these points, to present it again in this connection would be an unnecesary repetition. We will therefore barely notice but a few points. HST January 4, 1843, page 123.11

Of the “fourth beast” in the seventh of Daniel, it is said to be “a matter of doubt,” whether it was the Roman empire, or not. Daniel is informed that “the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down and break it in pieces,” Daniel 7:23. Of the “fourth kingdom,” Daniel says, it “shall be strong as iron; forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things, and as iron that breaketh all these,” (the three previous kingdoms) “shall it break in pieces and bruise,” Daniel 2:40. HST January 4, 1843, page 123.12

In the 2nd and 7th of Daniel, the fourth kingdom is described as being divided into ten parts, and continuing in that divided state, till the consumation. The Roman kingdom is the fourth universal kingdom, according to the undisputed consent of all historians; it compares with these prophecies in all their particulars, and no other kingdom can be pointed out which can thus compare. With such clear and positive testimony, we should suppose that if this could be a matter of doubt, that no truth could be freed from such doubts. If an existing doubt is an argument against a truth, then the truth of the Christian religion, and even of the Bible itself, can only be problematical; because, there are those who have doubts respecting the authenticity of the word of God. Such doubts however are not considered as valid objections, while the evidence of the truth of the Bible is so clear and conclusive. Neither because it is doubted that the “fourth beast” is the Roman kingdom, does it follow that the conclusive evidence which establishes that point, should be set aside as of no weight. HST January 4, 1843, page 123.13

Again it is said that if the fourth beast is the Roman empire, that “there is still more difficulty in determining what were the “ten horns” or kingdoms, that arose from it. Nor is it clearly proved that the “little horn” or kingdom, which afterwards came up among them, and subdued three of them, was the papal power, rather than Antiochus Epiphanes.” p. 273. HST January 4, 1843, page 123.14

The evidence is so clear that the fourth beast is the Roman empire, that it would seem to settle the question, that Antiochus, who came out of the division of the third kingdom, could not be the one here denoted that was to arise out of the “fourth.” The first ten kingdoms that arose out of the ruins of the Roman empire, appears to be also a question well settled by Marchiaval, historian, and Dr. Hales and Bishop Lloyd, chronologers. HST January 4, 1843, page 123.15

“Again it is left exceeding doubtful who was meant by the “little horn” in the 8th chapter. It came from one of the four that rose up in the place of the great horn, which signified Alexander, whose empire was divided into four parts after his death; and this king or power, springing from one of those divisions, has been most generally understood to signify Antiochus.” HST January 4, 1843, page 123.16

To apply this “little horn” to Antiochus, is to make him the most conspicuous of any single character in prophecy,—even more conspicuous than were the preceding universal empires. HST January 4, 1843, page 123.17

Josephus, a Jew, whose national feelings rendered his own nation, and the events connected with their history, as being in his eyes the fulfilment of all prophecy,—Porphyry, an infidel, who attempted, by showing a minute fulfilment of the book of Daniel, to prove that it was written after the events occurred; and Rollin, a Roman-Catholic, who was interested in showing that papacy was not the Anti-Christ, all have attempted to prove that Antiochus was the hero of Daniel’s prophecy. Such an application, however, leads us into many difficulties which cannot be freed from doubts. Those who thus interpret it, say that it must necessarily be him, because it was to arise out of one of the four horns. HST January 4, 1843, page 123.18

There is however some doubt whether the “little horn” was to arise out of one of the four horns. It says “the great horn was broken; and for it came up four notable ones towards the four winds of heaven. And out of one of them came forth a little horn. The question is, are the “four notable ones,” or the “four winds,” the antecedent of the “little horn.” The “four winds” denote the four points of the compass—in the direction of the four quarters of the globe. If, therefore, the “four winds” is the antecedent of the “little horn,” it must have come forth from towards one of the four quarters of the globe—from one of the four points of the compass, or in the direction of one of the four winds; and this we find true, with regard to Rome. While the three preceding universal empires arose around the neighborhood of Judea, Rome arose towards one of the four winds of heaven—“out of one of them came forth a little horn.” That this could not be Antiochus, coming out of one of the four horns, is thus shown by Sir Isaac Newton. His mind appears to be freed from doubts on this question. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.1

To be continued. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.2

Editorial Correspondence


Dear Bro. Bliss.—We have just closed our lectures in this city. Our meetings continued ten days without interruption, and with increasing interest from the commencement. They were held in the Methodist Chapel. It was continually crowded, and, often, many were obliged to leave for want of room. Yesterday, being the Sabbath, Bro. Miller lectured in the chapel, and I took the large lecture room below, both lecturing at the same hour to crowded and very attentive congregations. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.3

The result of our labors is most heart-cheering. A large number of backslidden professors were called out to make public confessions, and resolutions of amendment of life—some who had lived in desertion for years. At our last meeting it was judged that more than two hundred penitent sinners publicly manifested their desire for the prayers of the church. Indeed, the altar was thronged at every prayer-meeting, for the last five days of the meeting. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.4

Among those, who thus come out, may be noticed the hardened sceptic, the man of gray hairs, the middle-aged, and the youth. It was an interesting sight to witness all classes and all ages prostrating themselves at the altar of mercy, with the greatest solemnity, and earnestness, seeking the salvation of God. Christians, too, of all denominations, seem to lay aside denominational distinctions, and unite in the work with one accord. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.5

I said the sceptic was affected by Brother Miller’s lectures. I give one example. The following confession was handed to Bro. M. to read to the audience. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.6

“I deem it a privilege to rise (the author rose while it was read,) before this assembly and to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah, the Son of God, and the Savior of the world. And do now resolve, the grace of God assisting me, to devote myself to his service from this time to the end of life. Thus it may be seen that, as I trust, a backslider and a drunkard is reclaimed, by deep repentance, and faith in the Redeemer, I hope I am pardoned by my God, and sincerely ask the pardon of all whom I have offended. Reuben Wheeler.” HST January 4, 1843, page 124.7

It was truly affecting to see this aged man come forward with this humble confession. May he continue in the faith till the Master appears. Quite a number were converted, but we had no means of ascertaining the number. I trust this work will go on, and spread into all the neighboring churches. A large number of ministers were in attendance during the meeting, from the neighboring towns. Many of them embraced the doctrine, and are preaching it. Bro. C. Green, who is exclusively devoted to this cause was in attendance, and rendered us essential aid. Bro. Wilkins, pastor of the M. E. Church, in whose chapel we held our meetings, heard us through very candidly. At the close, he remarked to the people that he felt himself bound to believe the doctrine until he could find good arguments to refute it. He is going into a full examination, and we shall hear the result in due time. Bro. Leavit, the pastor of the Congregational Church, attended, with many of his people, and cordially co-operated with us for the quickening of the church and the salvation of souls. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.8

The truth is spreading in this state. Revivals attend the lecturers wherever they go. Our Tent Meeting at Benson has produced great effect thro’ all this region. The Canadas, too, are shaken. Brethren Skinner and Caldwell are doing much; God is raising up efficient laborers to aid them. It will be seen that they are to publish a paper for a few months. This will produce great sensation among our opponents, but they must fall before the truth. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.9

Our opponents in Vermont and the Canadas are becoming rabbid. They really carry things so far that they help us, more than themselves. I will here give you an example. It will be seen that the remarks which follow were called out by an anonymous communication from West Randolph, Vt. relating to the late glorious revival in that place. It would seem, by this writer, that a revival is a dreadful thing, unless it happens to be in his sect, and under his or their direction. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.10

From the Vermont Chronicle


Of Dec. 14, 1842. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.11

Millerism—Again.—Below will be found a communication, giving an account of a Miller meeting held at West Randolph. With the writer of the account we have no acquaintance. With the gentleman who sends it to us we are acquainted, and from this acquaintance we have confidence to believe that he would not send us such an account for publication, unless he had good reasons for believing that the statements made in it are strictly true It also carries with it strong internal evidence of its truth. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.12

The gentleman thinks that in our remarks, two weeks since, we “showed clearly the fallacy of the doctrine, but omitted to do justice to such miserable men as these lecturers.” HST January 4, 1843, page 124.13

In reply, we would remark, that we endeavored to show that Millerism is based, not upon the Bible, or upon sound reasoning, but upon “the statements of profane writers—upon uninspired chronology—one of the most uncertain of all subjects of human knowledge, and one which, to a great extent, is based upon mere conjecture;—that, whether in the shape of lecture or as protracted meeting, “it is a sore calamity to any community;”—that it is “in direct opposition to the teachings of the Bible;”—that “it tends to destroy all confidance in the preaching of evangelical ministers;”—“to amuse a community, to render them sceptical, to dissipate serious reflection of a right character, to prevent genuine revivals of religion, and to make men Universalists, scoffers and infidels.” HST January 4, 1843, page 124.14

Now having said all this of the system, what need we say of the men who preach it? If what we said of the system and its tendencies be true, it seems to us that remarks respecting the preachers of it ought to be unnecessary. How ought community to regard and treat men who go about preaching up a system which is based upon profane history, and yet contradicts the teachings of the Bible—which tends to destroy the influence of its great truths upon the minds of men; to dissipate genuine religious impressions: to prevent genuine revivals, and to promote Universalism, irreligion and infidelity? If these are the effects produced by the system, then the rule given by our Savior for judging religious teachers is applicable to those who preach it. “By their fruits ye shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?” “A corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.” This rule, we are willing to apply to those teachers, and as their doctrine is bad:—fruit which they bring forth in prolific abundance—we say that good men ought not to give countenance to their meetings any more than they would to lectures or protracted meeting held by Universalists or Abner Kneeland. In our judgment they do not bring the doctrine of Christ; and the direction of the Apostle in relation to such cases should be solemnly heeded by all good men. “If there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” HST January 4, 1843, page 124.15

But all this is saying no more than what we think would be naturally inferred from what we have said before; and further than this we do not care to go. We do not care to say that the men who are engaged in preaching Millerism are wicked or knowing deceivers, for good men may, for a time, be greatly deluded and run into great extravagances. It was so with Davenport, in the days of Edwards. While, therefore, we are ready to say that their doctrine is, in our judgment, erroneous and fraught with mischief, we do not care to sit in judgment upon their souls. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.16

We will, however, say, that from much inquiry and various facts which have come to our knowledge, we have no confidence in the idea that Miller himself believes his doctrine (!!!) We believe that with him it is a pecuniary speculation. We also believe that the preachers of the system are either deluded, or wicked, or both, (which we care not to say) and that the way to counteract their influence on community is to feed men with “knowledge and understanding.” We hope Congregationalists will do this, feeling that all those denominations who countenance the error, (and our Baptist and Methodist brethren, as well as Perfectionists arid Christians, are, to some extent, doing it) will in the end feel its terrible effects. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.17

Comment is unnecessary. We have only to say, that this journal is the organ of the greatest portion of the Congregationists in Vermont! Read and ponder, ye descendants of the Puritans! HST January 4, 1843, page 124.18

Yours, J. V. Himes.
Vergennes, Dec. 26, 1842.

P. S. I lectured in Burlington, Vt. on the evening of the 26th, in the court house, to a crowded and attentive audience. Very many are anxious to have a course of lectures delivered there. I hope Bro. Green will visit them soon. Bishop Hopkins has recently given several lectures against our views. The sum and substance of his lectures were, that “no man knoweth the day nor the hour!” And to crown the climax, that no private person, or individual had any right to interpret the prophecies; but THE CHURCH ALONE!!! This is rank Popery. The Episcopal Church seems to be going back to the old Mother as fast as possible. But, in justice, we would remark that there are honorable exceptions in that respectable community. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.19

J. V. H. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.20

Editorial Correspondence


Dear Bro. Bliss:—We have just closed a meeting of the friends of the Second Advent cause in this city of brotherly love, for the purpose of making arrangements to hold a Second Advent Conference here. The meeting was fully attended, and the interest deep. The vote was unanimous to have such a conference, commencing the last Tuesday in January. A committee of arrangements was appointed to secure a place, and invite Brethren Miller and Himes, to attend with us, and money pledged by individuals to meet all expenses. HST January 4, 1843, page 124.21

I have never seen a meeting started under more promising circumstances than this. The clergy in this city, have determined on frowning down the cause; the pulpits are blazing away Sabbath after Sabbath, but the more they will not have it so, the more they wake up the people to hear and examine for themselves. We have a strong hold in this city; I doubt whether we have ever had more success any where, with the same amount of means. The churches are mostly closed against us; but it has been all for the best. We have a committee of about thirty men, of sterling integrity, to secure places for lectures; men from the various denominations, who are the ornaments of their several churches. You may be sure, when the notice for a Sabbath meeting in the Assembly buildings came out over their names, it produced a shock among both shepherds and flock. The more the ministers decounce and shut us out, the more the people come to hear. HST January 4, 1843, page 125.1

Brother Hale and myself, leave the city next Monday for York and Middletown, Pa. where we spend a week, and then go where the way opens. HST January 4, 1843, page 125.2

We perceive by “Zion’s Herald,” that a sovereign specific for the much dreaded evil, the coming of Christ, has at last been discovered! Wonderful discovery!! You will find it, if I recollect right, in the number for Dec. 21, under the caption, “Modern Thanksgivings.” The specific is, that as long as the practice of Modern Thanksgiving continues, Christ can never come, the world be converted, or the millennium be ushered in. Before Christ can come, according to this writer, men must become less sensual, eat less mince pie, and become more intellectual, that is, write more letters to their friends, such as he writes. But has that writer forgotten the sin of Sodom; “pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness.” So says the Savior, shall the coming of the Son of man be. Has he forgotten that in the days of Noah, “they were EATING AND DRINKING, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark.” So shall it be when the Son of man is revealed. But Zion’s Herald says no, Lord, no such thing; Christ can never come in such a state of things, “Mr. Miller” [and thyself] all else to the contrary notwithstanding. Brother Stevens, how could you admit such an infidel sentiment into your paper? A flat positive contradiction of Jesus Christ!! HST January 4, 1843, page 125.3

Dr. Bond, of the Christian Advocate and Journal, has a similar specific; that the millennium can never come, if all the ministers were to follow the example of Mr. Miller and his associates, of leaving the regular work of the ministry, to preach exclusively on the coming of Christ! HST January 4, 1843, page 125.4

Another year is about to close; the last year of time! solemn thought! That when these few fleeting days are gone, we have no assurance that Christ will not appear at any moment! O ye who love the coming of the Lord, see to it that you be not moved from your steadfastness by the scoffs and error of the wicked, for yet a little while, and he that cometh will come and will not tarry. Be ready every moment; watch and pray, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things, and to stand before the Son of man. Affectionately, in the blessed hope. HST January 4, 1843, page 125.5

Philadelphia, Dec. 28, 1842. J. Litch. HST January 4, 1843, page 125.6

We understand there is quite a revival going on among the people connected with the Congregational Church in this city, under the pastoral charge of Rev. Mr. Sprague. Many of the converts we learn, have stated at recent meetings, that their serious impressions were imbibed under the preaching of Mr. Miller, and other lecturers of his peculiar faith.—Hartford Pat. HST January 4, 1843, page 125.7



The silent revolutions of the wheels of Time, in their onward progress, have brought us to the commencement of another year; and we have entered within that circle of time to which many a beating heart and anxious eye has long been turned, as the expected consummation of mighty events. Another year has been added to those which are past, and has gone to swell the number of the years which were to be fulfilled, from the creation to the consummation of all things. And another of the years which intervened between us and the end, has brought us so much nearer the final judgment seat. HST January 4, 1843, page 125.8

When we contemplate the year upon which we have entered, what expected scenes rise up to view, and overwhelm the mind with vast and glowing thoughts. Few have commenced this year who can coldly contemplate what mighty events are here expected. This is the year, which thousands of studious and religious minds have regarded as the point of time, to which mighty predictions have for ages pointed. This is the year in which many expect the mystery of God will be finished—the last seal will be opened—and the last trumpet will be sounded. This is the year in which many expect that the righteous dead will be raised, and the righteous living changed, and together caught up to meet their Lord in the air. And this is the years, in which it is expected that the Lord of glory, the Savior of men, and the Redeemer of the world, will again visit our earth; not as in lowly form he came, but as the King of kings in all the glory of the Father, with all the holy angels. HST January 4, 1843, page 125.9

When such are the events for which we look, what christian will not feel his heart beat higher, and his pulse trhob quicker, at the bare thought, of even the possibility of the coming of Him, who is the chiefest of ten thousand and altogether lovely; and who is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother? Who can contemplate so desirable an event, without feeling a thrill of joy run through his very soul? And who that is a child of God does not pray, that that day may be hastened, when the Lord will build again Zion, and dwell therein forever? HST January 4, 1843, page 125.10

Events which we have regarded at a distance, when they are brought near to us, possess an interest that they never could excite before. A distant friend whose presence is much desired, but who is expected to be absent a long time, if we learn that he is to return immediately, as the day draws near we await his return with an impatience and anxiety we could not previously feel, and when we can daily expect him, so that we watch every movement, and listen to every sound, believing that it may be the token of his appearing, then we feel a pleasure that words cannot describe, and we long to receive him with open arms. As the prospect becomes more certain, we desire to embrace him the more. The opposite feelings would have betrayed a heart estranged, and friendship dead. If we should have great desire to meet that friend, while no prospect of such meeting existed, and should become indifferent as the time of his return drew near, we should be rightly accused of having feigned our affections for him, and of being hypocritical in our professions. HST January 4, 1843, page 125.11

Why may not this rule be applied to the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ? For 1800 years the church has been praying “thy kingdom come,” and “come Lord Jesus come quickly;” but no clue could be had of the time of that coming. But now, as many believe that the time is about fulfilled, how different the feelings! The note of joy we should expect in hearts that thus have prayed, to our surprise, is hushed and still, and in its place we witness contempt and scorns, and sneers from those who now profess to love their Lord’s return, because we hope to see his blessed advent, ere another sun his annual circuit runs. There are however those who look with joy and pleasing anticipation at the glorious prospect that now dawns upon us, and through the coming year, each strange unusual sound or curious sight, will raise our expectations, and cause our hearts to beat and throb, believing that soon, yea at any time that we may hear the blessed anthem, “Lift up your hearts, O ye gates, and be ye lift up ye everlasting doors, and the king of glory shall come in.” HST January 4, 1843, page 125.12

But few will commence this year with their ordinary feelings. Those who look not for their Lord, have many strange and fearful forebodings. To the wicked there is a certain looking for of judgment, which will cause them closely to watch the events of the year. It is a year to which the eyes of all Christendom are turned, and even savage tribes have heard the sound, and are expecting some great event. Those who have scoffed and sneered at those who watch their Lord’s return, will often feel a dread of coming ill, in those few moments, when conscience does its faithful work; and in those hours when tempests howl, the thunders roar, and the forked lightnings dart athwart the sky with more than common brilliancy to rouse the conscienee of the guilty scorner, then many a guilty soul, will tremble lest, that at which they have scoffed, shall be proved true, and they shall stand before the dread tribunal of an angry God. HST January 4, 1843, page 125.13

While none look forward through the opening year with ordinary feelings, yet how differently are the events regarded by two different classes of society. The one looks forward with hope and joy and pleasing anticipation: the other are filled with doubts and fears. The one regard the coming of the Lord of glory as the greatest blessing Christians can receive; the other regard the same event as the consummation of evil. The one regard it as eternal life; and the other as everlasting death. The feelings of the two classes, therefore, being diametrically opposed to each other, they cannot but have very different sensations as the year progresses, and coming events cast their shadows before. Every incident that may transpire, that shall cause the heart of one to beat for joy, will be to others a cause of misery, HST January 4, 1843, page 125.14

Those who look for their Lords return, as the time draws nigh, their responsibilities increase. They are living as it were between the living and the dead, and souls are watching their every movement. If the unconverted see our faith increase, they will be more concerned, and strive to prepare themselves to attain to the resurrection of the just. But if we are living inconsistantly with our belief, others may excuse themselves on account of such inconsistances, and thus through our means go down HST January 4, 1843, page 125.15

See page 128. HST January 4, 1843, page 125.16

[CD-ROM Editor’s Note: There is a two-page musical score with lyrics on this and the next page. Only the lyrics have been copied.]



Behold! Behold the awful trumpet sounds,
The sleeping dead to raise!
He calls the nations under ground!
O, how the saints will praise.
HST January 4, 1843, page 126.1

Behold the Saviour, how he comes,
Descending from his throne,
To burst asunder all our tombs,
And lead his children home.
HST January 4, 1843, page 126.2

But who can bear that dreadful day,
To see the world in flames;
The burning mountains melt away,
While rocks run down in streams;
HST January 4, 1843, page 126.3

The falling stars their orbits leave, The sun in darkness hide;
The elements asunder cleave,
The moon turn’d into blood!
HST January 4, 1843, page 126.4

Behold the universal world,
In consternation stand;
The wicked into hell are turn’d;
The saints at God’s right hand.
HST January 4, 1843, page 127.1

O, then the music will begin,
Their Saviour God to praise;
They are all free from ev’ry sin,
And there they’ll spend their days.
HST January 4, 1843, page 127.2

(Concluded from page 125.) HST January 4, 1843, page 128.1

to perdition. We ought also to consider that every day we live is so much time gone, and that the time is hastening, when we can no longer counsel and admonish, and pray for our fellow men; and that we ought to be more faithful to them in this respect, and pray more, and exhort more as we see the day approaching; for soon, as we believe, the time will come when all efforts in their behalf will be unavailing. We have also no time to lose, in commending to the throne of mercy, such friends as we fear are out of the ark of safety; knowing that when once the Master of the house hath risen up and shut too the door, that all who are then without will knock in vain for admission. It also becomes all to stand continually upon their watch, and set them upon their tower, and watch continually for the coming of the Lord, for we know not the day or the hour of his coming; and blessed will be that servant that shall be found watching. Let us also remember that the blessed Savior has said, “If ye will not watch I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.” He has also said, “Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that, when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord when he come shall find watching: verily, I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.” Luke 12:35-38. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.2

With such admonitions, what faithful servant will not be found watching? and what shall be said of those who are trying to convince the church and the world, that to watch for this event with any expectation of the Lord, is folly? We can only act conscientiously ourselves, and trust that God will overrule all opposition to his cause for good. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.3

May it be the prayer of each, and all of us, that we may be fully fitted and prepared for the coming of the Lord, and live continually on the watch, so that when the Bridegroom shall appear, we may be ready to enter in and partake of the marriage feast. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.4

The Expectation of the Second Advent in 1843,


Is becoming general in all parts of the world. We are informed by a gentleman from New Bedford, that the sailors who go out to sea from that port, are writing home from all parts of the world respecting it. These sailors have carried out from that port Second Advent publications, and are scattering them in all lands, and are telling of these things wherever they go, from port to port, and from coast to coast. The great day alone can reveal the great light which has thus been cast in distant lands, by this noble hearted class, who “go down to the sea in ships and do business upon the great waters.” HST January 4, 1843, page 128.5

From H. B. Skinner


Dear Br. Bliss.—We have great and glorious times in Canada,—revivals all over the country. It is a fact which may be depended upon, that there is a general expectation among the French Catholics, that the Savior will come in 1843. Three Jesuit priests, missionaries from France, held a protracted meeting last spring at Point La Mule, and distinctly preached the doctrine of the Second Advent of Christ in ‘43. Other Canadian priests are teaching their people the same doctrine. I have these facts from the lips of Leander Herrick, a Baptist minister. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.6

Yours, etc. H. B. Skinner. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.7

Dec. 6th, 1842. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.8

“The Midnight Cry.”


This is the title of a new paper, as before noticed, which I have been publishing daily in New-York, for the last month. It is now complete in 26 Nos. half the size of the Signs of the Times. My object in publishing it, was, to set before the people in New-York and vicinity, the doctrine of the Second Advent, in a cheap and popular form, to meet the almost universal enquiry on the subject. The best articles have been selected from Bro. Miller’s works, containing first principles, including eleven of his best lectures on Daniel and John, his chronology etc., with a large amount of original matter from Bro. Litch, and others, all of which is peculiarly adapted to instruct enquirers on the subject, of the nature and the time of the Second Advent. There are several thousand complete setts now on hand, which can be obtained at 36, Park Row, New-York,—14, Devonshire St., Boston, Ms., by addressing J. V. Himes; or at 67, South Second st., Philadelphia, by addressing Orrin Rogers. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.9



For 2 setts, by mail or otherwise,$1 00
“   5 ” “      ”2 00
“   26 ” “      ”10 00

For miscellaneous, or odd number, $1 25 per hundred. If 200 or more are taken, $1 00 per hundred. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.10

As we have been obliged to make a large advance of cash for these publications, it will be expected that the cash will accompany orders for them, as above. Those who wish to spread the doctrine, or send to their friends abroad, now have the opportunity to do it, by this most cheap, popular form. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.11

J. V. Himes.
Boston, Dec. 18, 1842.

Close of the Year 1842


It is just at hand. All good Second Advent believers should have their financial affairs settled up. We ought, if in our power, to “Owe no man anything.” HST January 4, 1843, page 128.12

As a steward of my “Lord’s goods,” I wish to make a wise, and faithful appropriation of all that are in my hands. First, I wish to meet all the just claims of my creditors, that the glorious cause I advocate be not disgraced. Then what I have remaining, if anything, to scatter it abroad, while now there is a chance to do good. In order to this, I now call once for all, upon all my agents, for the Signs of the Times, and Second Advent publications, to make an immediate settlement. Of this I doubt not, every one will see the propriety, and even necessity, if I am to continue to carry forward my department of the work. Agents for this paper, and other publications, now have several thousand dollars in their hands in small sums, which they can very easy pay over, if they will set themselves about the work; but which I cannot raise, (being without capital,) on any resources, except from agents, who have what little I possess, in their hands. Let each one, then, on reading this, make it his business, to see how much money he has, now due to me, and remit by mail, without delay, after deducting the commission. Then let them take account of what publications they have on hand, and select such portion as they may wish to retain, at 25 per cent discount, and send the cash, with the remainder, to J. V. Himes, 14 Devonshire street, Boston, Ms. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.13

What business I do hereafter, I must do on the cash principle. If I have anything to give or distribute, I shall then know what I have, and can make the best appropriations. Brethren must see the propriety of this measure, and relieve me at once by promptly complying with my earnest request. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.14

Boston, Dec. 1842. J. V. Himes. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.15

Lectures in Utica, N, Y


Messrs. Miller and Himes will commence a course of Lectures on the Second Corning of Christ, in Utica, N York, Jan. 10, 1843. Brethren in that vicinity will give notice accordingly. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.16

Canada.—We would call attention to the article under this head, in this day’s paper. It is certainly of importance that we attend to the wants of that country. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.17

Vergennes.—Bro. Himes writes, Dec. 21, “Our meetings in this place are very much crowded, and are producing much interest in this entire community.” HST January 4, 1843, page 128.18

The Midnight Cry.—We have received the 1st No. of the weekly “Midnight Cry,” of the size of this paper, published at New York. Orders for them may be sent to this office. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.19

Monitory Wafers.—According to the decision of the Post Master General, letters which are sealed with monitory wafers, are subject to double postage. Those who have them on hand, can, however, use them in all cases where the letters or packages are to be sent by private conveyance. In England, such wafers are in very general use, and do not subject to extra postage. As we are prevented from circulating truth in this manner, we must resort to other and more effectual measures. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.20



Received up to Dec. 31st. Rondont, N. Y. Landaff, N.H. Hookerton, N.C. Cincinnati. O. Wilmington, Ct. Elizabethtown, Pa. Norwalk, Ct. Melond Ville.N.H. Hydepark, Vt. Moretown, Vt. Waterville, Me. Marshall, Mich. W. House Pt, Ct. New Market, N. H. Lippitt, R I, Derry, N. H. Franklin, O. Phenix, Ar. co. N. Y. Dunn’s Corner, Hebron, N.H., Exeter, Pa. Hodgedon’s Mills, Vernon, Vt, Norton, Mass. Bernadotte, III. Palmer Depot, Ms. Allensville, Ohio, N. Bedford, Ms. Dover, N.H. Meredith Village, N. H. Sloansville, N.Y. Westminster, Vermont. Wales, Maine. Waldo, Maine. Wickford, R. I. Great Falls, N.H. Attica, N. York, Water-Valley, N.Y. Adams, Ms. Holden, Mass. Hudson, N.Y. Strafford Corner, N. H. Mattapoisette, Ms, Palmyra, Me. Marshall, Mich. Milford, Clement co. Ohio. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.21

G. W. Peavey, W. D. Tuller, E. W. Goodwin, S. M. Brown, E Farnsworth, J. E. Mayo, A. Pike, H. V. Warren, I. H. Shipman, W. B. Turnbull, J. Bates—F. A. Rew, S. Bruce, W. Wiswell, F. Searle, C. S. Brown, D. Farnsworth, 2nd, W. Thayer, A. E. Smith, Moses Spofford, S. Palmer, A. Gilchrist, B. F. Carter, C. Morley, J. Weston, D. M. Trickey, D. Burgess, D H. Gould, J. Stanley, E. M. Smith, J. Schlayer, A. P. Mather, C. F. Stevens, G. F. Cox, G. W. Peavey, W. M. Ingham. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.22

Bundles Sent


1 to 36 Park Row, N. Y.—Joseph Bates, Fairhaven, Ms.—I H. Shipman, West Springfield, Vt.—C. S. Brown, Concord, N. H.—Wms. Thayer, Woodstock, Ct.—Jacob Weston, at French’s Washington, N. H.—D. M. Trickey, Portsmouth, N. H.—D. H. Gould, Greenfield, N. H.—A. P. Mather, Eden, Erie co N.Y.—E. M. Smith, Wilbraham, Depot, Ms.— HST January 4, 1843, page 128.23

Notice to Agents


Bro. Wm. H. Peyton will shortly make a collecting tour, and will visit those with whom we have unsettled accounts. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.24

Signs of the Times


Is published weekly, at No. 14 Devonshire Street. Boston, by JOSHUA V. HIMES to whom all letters and communications must be addressed. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.25

Terms,—One Dollar per Volume of 24 Nos. (6 months) HST January 4, 1843, page 128.26

dow & jackson, printers. HST January 4, 1843, page 128.27