Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 4

December 21, 1842

Vol. IV.—No. 14. Boston, Whole No. 86

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance. Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston. HST December 21, 1842, page 105.1


No Authorcode

J. V. Himes, Josiah Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors


“The Midnight Cry.”


This is the title of a new paper, as before noticed, which I have been publishing daily in New-York, for the last month. It is now complete in 26 Nos. half the size of the Signs of the Times. My object in publishing it, was, to set before the people in New-York and vicinity, the doctrine of the Second Advent, in a cheap and popular form, to meet the almost universal enquiry on the subject. The best articles have been selected from Bro. Miller’s works, containing first principles, including eleven of his best lectures on Daniel and John, his chronology etc., with a large amount of original matter from Bro. Litch, and others, all of which is peculiarly adapted to instruct enquirers on the subject, of the nature and the time of the Second Advent. There are several thousand complete setts now on hand, which can be obtained at 36, Park Row, New-York,—14, Devonshire st., Boston, Ms., by addressing J. V. Himes; or at 67, South Second st., Philadelphia, by addressing Orrin Rogers. HST December 21, 1842, page 105.2



For 2 setts, by mail or otherwise,$1 00
“   5 ” “      ”2 00
“   5 ” “      ”10 00

For miscellaneous, or odd number, $1 25 per hundred. If 200 or more are taken, $1 00 per hundred. HST December 21, 1842, page 105.3

As we have been obliged to make a large advance of cash for these publications, it will be expected that the cash will accompany orders for them, as above. Those who wish to spread the doctrine, or send to their friends abroad, now have the opportunity to do it, by this most cheap, popular form. HST December 21, 1842, page 105.4

J. V. Himes.
Boston, Dec. 18, 1842.

Close of the Year 1842


It is just at hand. All good Second Advent believers should have their financial affairs settled up. We ought, if in our power, to “Owe no man anything.” HST December 21, 1842, page 105.5

As a steward of my “Lord’s goods,” I wish to make a wise, and faithful appropriation of all that are in my hands. First, I wish to meet all the just claims of my creditors, that the glorious cause I advocate be not disgraced. Then what I have remaining, if anything, to scatter it abroad, while now there is a chance to do good. In order to this, I now call once for all, upon all my agents, for the Signs of the Times, and Second Advent publications, to make an immediate settlement. Of this I doubt not, every one will see the propriety, and even necessity, if I am to continue to carry forward my department of the work. Agents for this paper, and other publications, now have several thousand dollars in their hands in small sums, which they can very easy pay over, if they will set themselves about the work; but which I cannot raise, (being without capital,) on any resources, except from agents, who have what little I possess, in their hands. Let each one, then, on reading this, make it his business, to see how much money he has, now due to me, and remit by mail, without delay, after deducting the commission. Then let them take account of what publications they have on hand, and select such portion as they may wish to retain, at 25 per cent discount, and send the cash, with the remainder, to J. V. Himes, 14 Devonshire street, Boston, Ms. HST December 21, 1842, page 105.6

What business I do hereafter, I must do on the cash principle. If I have anything to give or distribute, I shall then what I have, and can make the best appropriations. Brethren must see the propriety of this measure, and relieve me at once by promptly complying with my earnest request. HST December 21, 1842, page 105.7

Boston, Dec. 1842. J. V. Himes. HST December 21, 1842, page 105.8

A Watchman Awake


The following is an extract from a letter we have just received from the editor of the Christian Palladium, a religious paper, published at Union Mills, in this State. The truth is rapidly gaining ground. God speed it. He says, HST December 21, 1842, page 105.9

“Brother Fleming—I am fully convinced as to the time, and mean to proclaim it fearlessly from the pulpit and the press. My course is fixed—let the consequences follow. I fear not the result. God will defend his cause. Yours in hope, HST December 21, 1842, page 105.10

J. S.

“Palladium office, Nov. 23, 1842.” HST December 21, 1842, page 105.11

Lectures in Utica, N. Y


Messrs. Miller and Himes will commence a course of Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ, in Utica, N York, Jan. 10, 1843. Brethren in that vicinity will give notice accordingly. HST December 21, 1842, page 105.12

Objections Answered



Matthew 24:14.—“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” HST December 21, 1842, page 105.13

It is argued by our opponents from this passage, that the gospel is not only to be preached in all the world, but that all the world is to receive it, and be converted, and then the end will come. This is really like squeezing wind out of cotton wool. It must be put in, before it can be pressed out. The text simply says, “The gospel shall be preached to all nations as a witness, and then the end shall come.” A witness is called to clear the innocent, and condemn the guilty: so the gospel will witness for or against those who receive or reject it. But when it has been preached in all the world, or, as it reads in Mark, “published among all nations,” then shall the end come. Will our opposers point us to the spot on the map of the world where the gospel either is not now or has not been proclaimed? HST December 21, 1842, page 105.14

Review of Professor Stewart’s Hints on Prophecy



On page 185, Professor Stuart assures us that the kingdom of God is spiritual, and from his reasoning we cannot avoid the conclusion that he believes it to be etherial and invisible, and that this is the condition of the territory, the king and the subjects of this kingdom. In proof of this, he quotes Luke 17:20, 21, “And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation. Neither shall they say, Lo here! or lo there! for behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Or as it reads in the margin “among you.” Also Romans 14:17, “For the kingdom of God is not meat nor drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.” And the answer of Christ to Pilate, in John 18:36, “My kingdom is not of this world.” He says that in Christ’s first advent, he “assumed a visible appearance then, only that ho might take on him our nature, and die for sin,” and “when he appears a second time, there is no necessity of assuming such a nature,” He also gives a “spiritual exegesis” to all those passages that respect his future reign on earth, and says that “Paul assumes that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, for the evident reason, that that kingdom is not material,” and that we are to undergo a “spiritual change.” HST December 21, 1842, page 105.15

That our natural bodies will be changed to spiritual bodies, is true, and also that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; but we apprehend that it does not follow, that we shall not be material, and visible, or that the kingdom of God wilt not be material.” Those few passages quoted above, independent of other passages, would seem to support the view which the Professor takes of the question; but they are perfectly reconcileable with the multitude of passages in every part of the Scriptures, which represent that kingdom in the new earth. HST December 21, 1842, page 105.16

Those texts quoted, evidently have reference to the inward preparation which is necessary to be made in this world, to fit us for an inheritance in the new earth when the saints of the Most High take the kingdom. HST December 21, 1842, page 105.17

A kingdom, in the general acceptation of the term, necessarily implies a king invested with supreme authority, a territory over which that authority is exercised, and subjects who will obey such authority. When the kingdom of God is spoken off, there is no intimation that the language is to be understood in other than its plain, primary and admitted signification; and if it is not to be so understood, the language is unintelligible. HST December 21, 1842, page 105.18

If all these are to be spiritual, it would be truly an invisible impalpable kingdom of which we could have but little conception. HST December 21, 1842, page 105.19

Our Savior in speaking of the kingdom of God, often evidently, spoke of it in connection with the condition of things in this world, through which the Christian must pass in his progress to the other; but he never spake of the kingdom of God as being now set up. HST December 21, 1842, page 105.20

In his parables illustrative of the kingdom of God, sometimes one feature of the kingdom is brought out, and sometimes another. At one time it is spoken of only in relation to its king, again in relation to the territory of the kingdom, and sometimes in reference to the subjects of that kingdom. But in whatever light it is presented, or whatever feature of it is illustrated, the kingdom, in its primary sense, “is not of this world;” and “flesh and blood cannot inherit” it. The covenant, therefore. which God made with our father Abraham, can only be fulfilled in the new earth, and in our resurrection bodies. HST December 21, 1842, page 105.21

Thus in the 13th of Matthew, it is likened to tares and wheat growing together till the harvest, which is the end of the world. Verses 40-43, “As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; and shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear let him hear.” HST December 21, 1842, page 105.22

It is also likened to a net cast into the sea which gathers fishes of every kind, of which the good are preserved, and the bad are cast away. Matthew 13:49, 50, “So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just. And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth,“ HST December 21, 1842, page 106.1

It is likened to a king that invited guests to the wedding of his son, and slew those who disregarded the invitation. It is likened to ten virgins who went forth to meet the bridegroom, and when he came, they that were ready went in to the wedding and the door was shut. It is also likened to a man that went into a far country, and returned to reckon with his servants; and in all these parables, the future establishment of that kingdom is brought to view as at the end of the world. HST December 21, 1842, page 106.2

In other parables, the kingdom of God is spoken of where the spread of Christianity in the hearts of individuals, or in the community in this world, as preparatory to that kingdom is only brought to view; but in no instance is it spoken of as having been set up, and established. Thus in the 19th of Luke, our Savior “added and spake a parable,” because the disciples “thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear,” when he likened it to a nobleman’s going into a far country, to receive a kingdom, and to return. Also Acts 1:22, when the disciples inquired if he would at that time restore the kingdom to Israel, he did not correct their impression that it was to be restored, and that the time of that restoration was still future. That our opponents understand with us, that as referring to the end of the world, is evident from their frequent quotation of our Savior’s reply, as applicable to our knowledge of that event. HST December 21, 1842, page 106.3

Our Savior has given us a form of prayer, in the use of which, to the end of time, we are to pray that his kingdom may come, and which would be absurd, if it should previously come in the sense for which we are taught to pray. In the 25th of Matthew, those on the right hand, are, at the second coming of Christ, invited to inherit the kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world, and corresponds with Daniel 7:27, when “the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall. serve and obey him.” This kingdom appears to be the same kingdom of which the Babylonians had the dominion, and which Darius the Median took in that night when Belshazzar was slain, Daniel 5:31, and which the saints of the Most High will take, to possess forever, even forever and ever, Daniel 7:18. HST December 21, 1842, page 106.4

The kingdom of God, therefore, cannot be confined to the spiritual influence, which has been exerted by it in this world, since the days of Adam, in which sense it is often considered; but it has a primary reference to its future establishment, when the visions of Daniel and John which precede that event are fulfilled, and the kingdom becomes the lord’s. HST December 21, 1842, page 106.5

As has been already shown, the promises to the saints are based upon the covenant that God made with Abraham, can only be fulfilled in a “material” world, and in the earth; so the kingdom of God is evidently a real and visible kingdom, which will be given to the saints at the end of the world. And the territory of this kingdom must be the new earth, for the subjects of it are to inherit the earth forever; and Peter has informed us, that the present earth is reserved unto fire, and will melt with fervent heat, after which we look for a new earth according to the promise, (that he would give the land to Abraham and his seed for an everlasting pessession, and which is again promised in the 65th of Isaiah,) wherein dwelleth righteousness, thus intimating that the period of holiness predicted in the word of God, will not be realized in this world. HST December 21, 1842, page 106.6

That the saints of the Most High will inherit the earth, is evident, from the covenant God made with Abraham, “that he should be the heir of the world.” Also the Psalmist says, “they that wait upon the Lord shall inherit the earth;” and “trust in the Lord and do good, so shalt thou dwell in the land;” “the meek shall inherit the earth and delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” “Such as be blessed of him shall inherit the earth, and they that he cursed of him shall be cut off.” “The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein forever.” Wait on the Lord and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off thou shalt see it. “The heaven, even the heavens are the Lord’s: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.” And our Savior also said, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” HST December 21, 1842, page 106.7

God formed man in his original condition to inherit the earth, and gave him dominion “over all the earth.” Man by sin lost the dominion, yet Christ has redeemed the purchased possession; and a blessing is pronounced upon those that fear the Lord, for “his seed shall be mighty upon the earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed.” “The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth.” And we read that all the redeemed, “sung a new song, Revelation 5:9, 10, 13, saying, thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And has made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the lamb, for ever and ever.” The kingdom of God will therefore be a “material visible reality,” and not a figment of the imagination. HST December 21, 1842, page 106.8

The earth is not only the territory of the kingdom, but it has a visible king, even Christ; and Jerusalem on Mount Zion will be its capital, where Christ will reign on the throne of his father David, according to the unconditional covenant that God made with David, that he should never want a son to set upon his throne forever. “But I will settle him in mine house, and in my kingdom forever: and his throne shall be established forevermore.” 1 Chronicles 17:14. And also as is recorded in 2 Chronicles 6:5, 6, “Since the day that I brought forth my people out of the land of Egypt I chose no city among all the tribes of Israel to build a house in, that my name might be there; neither chose I any man to be a ruler over my people Israel: But I have chosen Jerusalem, that my name might be there; and have chosen David to be over my people Israel.” In the 89th Psalm 20-37 verses, it is written “I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him: With whom my hand shall be established: mine arm also shall strengthen him. The enemy shall not exact upon him; nor the son of wickedness afflict him. And I will beat down his foes before his face, and plague them that hate him. But my faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name shall his horn be exalted. I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers. He shall cry unto me, Thou art my Father, my God, and the rock of my salvation. Also I will make him my first-born, higher than the kings of the earth. My mercy will I keep for him for evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast with him. His seed also will I make to endure for ever, and his throne as the days of heaven. If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments; If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments; Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. Nevertheless, my loving-kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail. My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David. His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me. It shall be established for ever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven. Selah.” In 2 Samuel 7:12-16, God promised David, saying, “I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever. I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: But my mercy shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee. And thy house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.” In Psalm 132:11-17, it reads “The Lord hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it; of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne. If thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them; their children also shall sit upon thy throne for evermore. For the Lord hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation. This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it. I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread. I will also clothe her priests with salvation, and her saints shall shout aloud for joy.” HST December 21, 1842, page 106.9

This covenant which was unconditional, being the covenant of God, must be fulfilled, for though it were a man’s covenant, no one could disannul it, or add thereto. HST December 21, 1842, page 106.10

The possession of the throne of David by his descendants, however, depended upon conditions, which if they did not observe, they were to be afflicted, “but not forever.” We accordingly find in 2 Chronicles 33. that when Manassah caused Israel “to err, and to do worse than the heathen,” the dominion was taken from the house of David, and given to their enemies, to reign over them; but which will be again restored when the rightful heir shall come. Thus the Lord spake by the prophet Ezekiel 21:24-27, saying, “Because ye have made your iniquity to be remembered, in that your transgressions are discovered, so that in all your doings your sins do appear; because, I say, that ye are come to remembrance, ye shall be taken with the hand. And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end, Thus saith the Lord God; remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.” HST December 21, 1842, page 106.11

According to the apostle, also, after the Lord has taken out of the Gentiles “a people for his name,” he “will build again the tabernacle of David which is fallen down,” “will build again the ruins thereof,” and “will set it up.” Acts 15:14, 16. Then will be given to “one like the Son of man,” “dominion, and glory, and a kingdon, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom, that which shall not be destroyed.” HST December 21, 1842, page 106.12

This king must be that same Jesus of whom his mother was assured by the angel, Luke 1:32, 33, that “he shall be great, and shall be called the son of the highest, and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.” The same is predicted by Isaiah 9:6, 7, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor. The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” HST December 21, 1842, page 106.13

Jeremiah prophesied, saying, Jeremiah 23:5-8, “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, the Lord our Righteousness. Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that they shall no more say, The Lord liveth, which brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; But, the Lord liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries whither I had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land.” And again, 33:14-21, “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land. In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, the Lord our Righteousness. For thus saith the Lord; David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel; Neither shall the priests the Levites want a man before me to offer burnt-offerings, and to kindle meat-offerings, and to do sacrifice continually. And the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah, saying, Thus saith the Lord; If ye can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, and that there should not be day and night in their season; then may also my covenant be broken with David my servant, that he should not have a son to reign upon his throne; and with the Levites the priests, my ministers.” In accordance with such predictions, Christ is called the Son of David as well as the Son of God: and he says of himself, Revelation 22:16, “I am the root and offspring of David, the bright and Morning Star.” HST December 21, 1842, page 106.14

Jerusalem is not only the chosen city of the Lord, but is to be created anew, as Isaiah saith, 65:18, 19, “For behold I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy. And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people, and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying.” 33:20, 22, “Look upon Zion, the city of our solemnities: thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation, a tabernacle that shall not be taken down; not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed, neither shall any of the cords thereof be broken. But there the glorious Lord will be unto us a place of broad rivers and streams; wherein shall go no galley with oars, neither shall gallant ship pass thereby. For the Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King; he will save us.” 40:2, “Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” Zechariah 1:17, prophesied “The Lord shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem.” This city John saw, Revelation 21:2, 3, “And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying, Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.” HST December 21, 1842, page 107.1

Then the Lord will reign, Isaiah 24:23, “Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.” Psalm 2:6, I have set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.” Isaiah 59:20 “And the Redeemer shall come to Zion and unto them that turn from trangression in Jacob, saith the Lord.” Zechariah 8:3. “Thus saith the Lord; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth; and the mountain of the Lord of hosts, the holy mountain.” Jeremiah 8:19, “Is not the Lord in Zion? Is not her king in her”? Joel 3:17, “So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God dwelling in Zion my Holy Mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more.” Micah 4:7, “And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the Lord shall reign over them in Mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever.” Isaiah 2:3, “And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” Revelation 14:1, “And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.” Psalm 68:1, 2, 11-13, “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. Let mount Zion rejoice, let the daughters of Judah be glad, because of thy judgments. Walk about Zion, and go round about her: tell the towers thereof. Mark ye well her bulwarks, consider her palaces; that ye may tell it to the generation following. For this God is our God for ever and ever.” HST December 21, 1842, page 107.2

The promises and predictions quoted above, fully demonstrate that if the language of prophecy means any thing, the kingdom of God will be a visible material kingdom, with visible material subjects, whose king will be the Lord, and whose throne will be at Jerusalem on Mount Zion. If such promises are to have no obvious and real fulfilment, then the Bible can hardly be said to be a revelation to man. If they are to have a spiritual fulfilment, we would like to be enlightened by the Professor, as to what will be the characteristics of that kingdom. HST December 21, 1842, page 107.3

Professor Stuart intimates that Christ’s second coming will not be visible, for he says there is no necessity for a visible appearance, as there was at his first advent, when he came to suffer and die for us. If any point can be established by a thus saith the Lord, the evidence already adduced must fully establish the visibility of Christ’s second advent. Our Savior himself says, Matthew 24:30, “They shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” And in Revelation 1:7, “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” The disciples were also told by the angels immediately after Christ’s ascension, that “This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner, as ye have seen him go into heaven. HST December 21, 1842, page 107.4

The above points are the only ones in the forty extra pages of the second edition of the “Hints,” that we have deemed it important to notice. His attempts to demonstrate that God cannot accomplish a literal fulfillment of his words, we pass by for the present, believing that none will doubt his power so to do, who know “the Scriptures or the power of God.” HST December 21, 1842, page 107.5

The more we read Professor Stuarts “Hints,” the more force we perceive in the exhortation of our Savior, John 5:39-47, to “Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life: And they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. I receive not, honor from men. But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you. I am come in my Father’s name. and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. How can ye believe, which receive honor one of another, and seek not the honor that cometh from God only? Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words.” HST December 21, 1842, page 107.6

Rev. John Dowling of Providence, R. I


It appears that a report has lately been put into circulation, that Mr. Miller and his friends have started a story, stating that Mr. Dowling has expressed regrets in reference to the publication of his “Reply to Miller.” This report has so agitated the friends of Mr. D., that they have written to him on the subject, and the following reply will show into what trouble this wicked report has thrown the Rev. gentleman. HST December 21, 1842, page 107.7

From the Baptist Advocate. HST December 21, 1842, page 107.8



Providence, R. I., Nov. 26, 1842. HST December 21, 1842, page 107.9

Dear Brother Wyckoff.—Within two days I have received from your city two different communications, one from a highly esteemed city pastor, the other from an intelligent layman, informing me that Mr. Miller’s friends have industriously circulated a report that I had said that if I had not already published my work in reply to Wm. Miller, that I would not do it, and that I had changed my views, and now perceive the fallacy of my own arguments. HST December 21, 1842, page 107.10

In the letter from the clergyman he remarks: “Now one object of my writing to you is, to inform you of this, and to be authorized to contradict this report, for I certainly do not think your arguments fallacious, even if you do.” HST December 21, 1842, page 107.11

Now, my dear brother Wyckoff, I wish you to inform your numerous readers, that such a report, wherever it originated, is wholly untrue. HST December 21, 1842, page 107.12

In the letter from the layman, he remarks: “I had an interview with Mr. Miller, a short time since, and heard the remark made by one of his friends, in his presence, that Mr. Dowling regretted he had given his work to the world.” HST December 21, 1842, page 107.13

So far am I from entertaining the least regret on this subject, my only sorrow is, that I did not publish a number large enough to scatter my work broadcast through the land, and thus render it a more effectual antidote than it has proved to be, on account of the limited number published, to obstruct one of the most pernicious of the many delusions with which the present age is cursed. With the exception of a dozen or two copies at your office in Nassau street, the edition has long been sold. HST December 21, 1842, page 107.14

I have only to say, that I shall leave others to judge of the motives which prompted the circulation of the above untruth by the friends of Mr. Miller, and to add that it has not a shadow of foundation; that I hereby endorse every word and syllable in my work; that additional reflection has only increased my conviction of the truth of the views I have there presented, and of the utter absurdity of Mr. Miller’s system, and especially of his explanation of the eighth chapter of Daniel, which is the foundation of the whole. Previous to this article, I have never published a word of reply, since the publication of my work, to the wholesale abuse and low contemptible slang which has been poured out upon me, both from the pulpit and the press, by this meek-spirited modern prophet, and his deluded adherents. My reason has been, that his language has been too low and abusive for the notice of a gentleman or a Christian. John Dowling, HST December 21, 1842, page 107.15

Pastor of Pine st. Church, Providence, R. I. HST December 21, 1842, page 107.16

P. S.—Will the Evangelist, Observer, Christian Watchman, and other religious papers, pleased copy the above? HST December 21, 1842, page 107.17

Now the facts in the case are, we had never heart such a report, till brought to us by the friends of Mr. D., and if we had, we should have had no confidence in it whatever. Mr. Dowling is the last man we should expect to do such a thing. Or, if under any circumstances, he should do so, the first thing we should look for, would be an humble confession to Mr. Miller and the public, for the misrepresentation he has made—but although it has been stated and proved, he has never been the man to correct it. He has quoted a passage of Scripture, viz. Daniel 9:21, and put it into Mr. Miller’s mouth, as one on which Mr. M. lays great stress, whereas the passage on which Mr. Miller lays his stress, is verse 23—“Consider the vision.” Could Mr. D. have made this misrepresentation ignorantly? If so, why has he not corrected the wrong? HST December 21, 1842, page 107.18

We learn that efforts are making to publish a second edition of Mr. D’s book. If it be done, we really hope, if the Rev. gentleman wishes to stand in the Judgment of the great day, he will correct the mis-statement he has made and published to the world. We also hope, if he publishes a second edition, it will be read, as we are confident it will have a tendency to wake up an interest on this all-absorbing theme—and that none can read it in connexion with Mr. Litch’s review of it, without being favorably affected for the truth. HST December 21, 1842, page 107.19

We now call on the writers of both these “two different communications” to give the names of “Mr. Miller’s friends” who have circulated this report, for we can but regard it as a lander. HST December 21, 1842, page 107.20

Things in England


The gloom that overspreads the manufacturing districts of England is apparently increasing rather than diminishing. The following we gather from an Address published by the Yorkshire Friends. “A feeling of reckless despondency, which looks to any change as better than its present state, is widely spreading, and threatens the most serious consequences to the good order of society at large. This affecting picture of the condition of so many of our fellow countrymen, there is reason to fear, falls very short of conveying a full view of their actua-deprivation.” Thus, the distress of nations is accumulating on every hand. HST December 21, 1842, page 107.21

The relations between Russia and England are far from being suspicious. There is a deep and bitter jealousy that is constantly increasing. In fact, the nations are becoming angry. HST December 21, 1842, page 108.1

Letter of Dr. Pond,


Continued. HST December 21, 1842, page 108.2

Speaking of the marriage of Clovis, which took place A. D. 493, the history says: HST December 21, 1842, page 108.3

“The court of Burgundy, fearful of offending a young prince whose arms were everywhere victorious, granted his request, and the princess Clotilda was accordingly espoused to him. The death of their first son, who with the king’s consent received baptism, notwithstanding the earnest remonstrances and soothing persuasions of his wife, inspired him with aversion to the Christian religion. His conversion took place 496. Between that time and 508, ‘by alliances,’ ‘capitulations,’ and conquests, ‘the Asborici’ the ‘Roman garrisons in the west,’ Brittany, the Burgundians and the Visgoths were brought into subjection. A. D. 508. It was on his return from this (last) expedition 26 that he received at the city of Tours, the ambassadors of Anastasius, Emperor of the East, who sent him the title and insignia of patrician and consul, and conferred on him the dignified appellation of August. The new patrician, after dismissing the ambassadors, returned to Paris, which he made the capital of his empire. Success had hitherto attended all the plans of Clovis; and, allowing for the ferocious and martial spirit which then prevailed, he had preserved his fame from any material pollution; but his good fortune and his heroism appear to have forsaken him at the same time. It was probably to wipe out the infamy incurred by the commission of so many crimes, that he founded a great number of churches and monasteries. It was probably from similar motives that he assembled a council of 33 bishops in the town of Orleans, A. D. 511. We learn from history 27 that it was not only assembled by his orders but that he fixed on the topics of discussion. The assembling of the council of Orleans was the last remarkable event in the life of Clovis, who died the same year, at the age of 45, and was buried in the church of St. Peter and St. Paul, which he had caused to be built.” HST December 21, 1842, page 108.4

We pass to consider, 3. The condition of the See of Rome in 508, as indicated by the history of the ruling Pope at that time, and his relation to the kings of the earth. Symmachus was Pope from 498—9 to 514. His pontificate was distinguished by these remarkable circumstances and events. HST December 21, 1842, page 108.5

1. He “left Paganism” when he entered “the church of Rome.” HST December 21, 1842, page 108.6

2. He found his way to the Papal chair by striving with his competitor even unto blood. (Du Pin.) HST December 21, 1842, page 108.7

3. By the adulation paid to him as the successor of St. Peter. “How greatly the ideas of many had advanced respecting the powers of the bishop of Rome cannot be better shown, than by the example of Esmodius, the insane flatterer of Symmachus, who, among other extravagant expressions, said,—The pontiff judges in the place of God. Mosh. Vol. 1. p. 389. HST December 21, 1842, page 108.8

4. By the excommunication of the Emperor Anastasius. The position of Symmachus against the Emperor was not to punish the latter as a heretic; but to bear down, whenever prudence would permit, everything which dared to oppose his authority. HST December 21, 1842, page 108.9

Read the following from Du Pin. It shows the interesting position of the bishop at an important point of the contest. According to Baronius the Emperor was excommunicated in 499. This letter was probably written about 503. HST December 21, 1842, page 108.10

“The sixth letter of Symmachus is his apology, wherein he vindicates himself from the crimes charged upon him by the Emperor. After calling upon the whole city of Rome, to witness that he had never warped from the faith he had received in the church of Rome, since he first left Paganism, he reproves him (the Emperor) for despising the authority of the Holy See, and of the Bishop who was successor to St. Peter. He maintains that his dignity is higher than that of the Emperor. ‘Let us compare’ says he to him, ‘the dignity of a Bishop with that of an Emperor. There is as great difference between them as between the things of this earth. whereof the latter has the administration, and the things of heaven, whereof the former is the dispenser. Wherefore the office of a Bishop is at least equal, if not superior, to yours. Honor God in us, and we will honor him in you; but if you have no respect for God you cannot claim that privilege from him whose hand you despise. You say I have excommunicated you with the consent of the Senate. In this I have done nothing but followed the righteous example of my predecessor. You say that the Senate has evil entreated you: If you think that you are abused by exhorting you to separate from heretics, can it be said that you would have treated us well, when you would have forced us to join with heretics? You say that what Accacius has done, does not at all concern you; if it be so, trouble yourself no more about him, join no more with his followers. If you do not this, it is not we that excommunicate you, but yourself, by joining yourself to one that is excommunicated.” Vol. 1. p. 526. HST December 21, 1842, page 108.11

The contest between the Bishop and the Emperor was but a continuation of the quarrel which arose between the churches of the East and West upon the introduction of this clause, “Thou who wast crucified for us!” as an appendage to the established devotions of the church in the days of the Emperor Zeno. Anastasius adopted the “Henoticon” of Zeno, a sort of compromise, which in the present case only seemed to make three parties of two. But Symmachus was not satisfied with that. “He charged the Emperor, and his bishop Accasius, and others, with contempt for the council of Chalcedon, and some other things. But in reality, as many facts demonstrate, Accasius became thus odious to the Roman Pontiff, because he denied by his actions, the supremacy of the Roman See. HST December 21, 1842, page 108.12

The Greeks defended the character and memory of their bishop against the aspersions of the Romans. This contest was protracted till the following century, when the pertinacity of the Romans triumphed, and caused the names of Accasius and Peter Fullo, to be stricken from the sacred register, and consigned, as it were, to perpetual infamy.” Mosh. vol. 1. p. 369. HST December 21, 1842, page 108.13

A word of this triumph of “Roman pertinacity,” and we have done with this point. By the strength secured to the Catholic cause in the west, and the agency of the vicars and other agents of the See of Rome, of whom we hear at this time in several nations, the Roman party in Constantinople were “placed” in a position to justify open hostilities in behalf of their master at Rome. In 508 the whirlwind of fanaticism and civil war swept in fire and blood through the streets of the eastern capital.—Gibbon. HST December 21, 1842, page 108.14

“The people of Constantinople were devoid of any rational principles of freedom; but they held as a lawful cause of rebellion the color of a livery in the races, or the color of a mystery in the schools. The Trisagion, with and without this obnoxious addition, was chanted in the cathedral by two adverse choirs, and when their lungs were exhausted, they had recourse to the more solid arguments of sticks and stones: the aggressors were punished by the emperor, and defended by the patriarch; and the crown and mitre were staked on the event o this momentous quarrel. The streets were instantly crowded with innumerable swarms of men, women, and children; the legions of monks, in regular array, marched, and shouted, and fought, at their head. “Christians! this is the day of martyrdom; let us not desert our spiritual father; anathema to the Manichaan tyrant! he is unworthy to reign.” Such was the Catholic cry; and the galleys of Anastasius lay upon their oars before the palace, till the patriarch had pardoned his penitent, and hushed the waves of the troubled multitude. The triumph of Macedonius was checked by a speedy exile; but the zeal of the flock was again exasperated by the same question. “Whether one of the Trinity had been crucified?” On this momentous occasion, the blue and green factions of Constantinople suspended their discord, and the civil and military powers were annihilated in their presence. The keys of the city and the standards of the guards were deposited in the forum of Constantine, the principal station and camp of the faithful. Day and night they were incessantly busied either in singing hymns to the honor of their God, or in pillaging and murdering the servants of their prince. The head of his favorite monk, the friend, as they styled him, of the enemy of the Holy Trinity, was borne aloft on a spear; and the fire-brands which had been darted against heretical structures, diffused the undistinguishing flames over the most orthodox buildings. The statues of the Emperor were broken, and his person was concealed in a suburb, till, at the end of three days, he dared to implore the mercy of his subjects. Without his diadem, and in the posture of a suppliant, Anastasius appeared on the throne of the circus. The Catholics, before his face, rehearsed the genuine Trisagion; they exulted in the offer, which he proclaimed by the voioe of a herald, of abdicating the purple; they listened to the admonition that, since all could not reign, they should previously agree in the choice of a sovereign; and they accepted the blood of two unpopular ministers, whom their master, without hesitation, condemned to the lions.” HST December 21, 1842, page 108.15

This first outbreak in the East, was followed by a still more important “rebellion,” in which Vitalian, whom Gibbon styles “the champion of the Catholic faith,” “depopulated Thrace, and exterminated sixty-five thousand of his fellow Christians.” As the part taken by Vitalian, exhibits in a striking light the desolating character of Popery at this time, we give also what Du Pin says of him. HST December 21, 1842, page 108.16

“Vitalian, General of the cavalry of the Emperor Anastasius, rose in arms against him and came with his army towards Constantinople. He made religion the pretence of his revolt, and declared that he had taken arms for no other reason but to protect the Catholics, and restore Macedonius to the See of Constantinople. The Emperor was forced to make peace with him, upon condition that a council should be called to regulate the affairs of the church, by the advice of the Bishop of Rome. This obliged the Emperor to write to Pope Hormisdas, successor of Symmachus, to pray him that he would be mediator for pacifying these commotions, and that he would labor to restore the unity of the church.” HST December 21, 1842, page 109.1

We pause a moment, and invite our modern Gamaliel to take a position with us in the place of the sanctuary of Paganism, (since claimed as the “patrimony of St. Peter,”) in 508. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.2

We look a few years into the past, and the rude Paganism of the northern barbarians is pouring down upon the nominally Christian empire of Western Rome—triumphing everywhere—and its triumphs everywhere distinguished by the most savage cruelty; Christians, and Christian priests are slaughtered in cold blood, or deem it a mark of peculiar mercy when their petitions, that life only may be spared, are granted them. The empire falls and is broken into fragments. One by one, the lords and rulers of these fragments abandon their Paganism, and profess the Christian faith. In religion the conquerors are yielding to the conquered. But still Paganism is triumphant. Among its supporters there is one stern and successful conqueror. More through fear than respect, he is allowed to make a Christian princess his wife. But soon he also bows before the power of the new faith, and becomes its champion. He is still triumphant, but as a hero and conqueror, reaches the zenith at the point we occupy, A. D. 508. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.3

In, or near the same year, the last important subdivision of the fallen empire is publicly, and by the coronation of its triumphant “monarch,” Christianized. The scene here changes. Instead of the Pagan meting out mercy to the Christian, Christian councils are seen discussing the manner in which they shall treat Pagans. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.4

The Pontiff, for the period on which we stand, is a recently converted Pagan. The bloody contest which placed him in the chair was decided by the interposition of an Arian king. He is bowed to, and saluted, as filling “the place of God on earth.” The Senate is so far under his power, that, on suspicion that the interests of the See of Rome demand it, they excommunicate the Emperor. In this contest we hear the Pope “speaking great things and blaspheming,” and assuming “to change times and laws.” And by the power of his spiritual and military agents, who are posted as their service is required, 28 to use the figurative language of the Bible, in referring to civil and ecclesiastical dignitaries, he points to “the stars of heaven and the constellation thereof,” and demands their subjection to his will; and in 508 the mine is sprung beneath the throne of the Eastern Empire. The result of the confusion and strife it occasions, is the humiliation of its rightful lord. The two successors of the degraded Anastasius, (or perhaps they should be considered but one,) complete the work, first, by passing a solemn “decree,” making the successor of St. Peter “Head of all the Holy Churches;” and, secondly, by piously devoting the bravest General of the age, and the military strength of the Empire, for the work of conquering the enemies of the Pope, and of placing him quietly in the seat of the old Pagan dragon, Imperial Rome. This last work was effected in March 538, though it required occasional assistance on the part of the same power, to sustain for a while the work it had thus accomplished. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.5

Now the question is,—At what time was Paganism so far suppressed as to make room for its substitute and successor, the Papal abomination? When was this abomination placed in a position to start on its career of blasphemy and blood? (The time when the saints were given into its hand, is another point in its history, which we have before shown must be dated 533, or 538.) Is there any other date for its being placed, or set up, in the room of Paganism but 508? If the mysterious enchantress has not now brought all her victims within her power, she has taken her position, and some have yielded to the fascination. The others are at length subdued, “and kings, and peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues,” are brought under a spell, which prepares them, even while “drunken with the blood of saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus,” to “think they are doing God service;” and to fancy themselves the exclusive favorites of heaven, while becoming an easier and richer prey for the damnation of hell. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.6

Commencing the prophetic periods of the text at this date, and understanding them as our most able commentators have done, and as they must be understood, (for supposing them to mean literal days, they bring us to nothing worthy of note,) by the first period, 1290 days, or years, the only one now fulfilled, we are brought to the date of events of the most sublime and important character in the history of the church or the world. At the termination of the other, the 1335 days or years, we most assuredly expect the fulfillment of what remains: Daniel, with all the righteous dead, will stand in his lot; the living righteous will be changed; and, “glorified together,” they “shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and as the stars forever and ever.” The first period terminated in 1798, the last will terminate in 1843. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.7

According to this view of the prophecy all is plain. It is not even pretended that any other view of it does explain it. By supposing that Paganism is intended by “the daily,” and the days to mean years, the mysterious character of the prophecy is removed, and the vision unsealed. We see also a striking agreement between this prophecy of Daniel, as it relates to Popery, and that of John in the Revelations. Daniel says, Daniel 11:31, in speaking of the conquerors of Rome, “They shall take away the daily, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.” John, in speaking of Popery as the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth, which sat upon the beast, says, Revelation 17: “God hath put in their hearts (the kings) to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled,” and then, verse 16, “these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate, and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.” France, during the reign of Clovis, was the principal actor in placing “the abomination;” and France, under Napoleon, was the prime mover in the drama which brought the desolator into desolation. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.8

The great periods in the history of Popery stand out as conspicuously as the great depots on the route from the city where we now write, (our engagements calling us to New-York,) and the residence of Dr. Pond, at Bangor. At the commencement of the route it shows itself as “the mystery of iniquity,” “many antichrists;” the passage through a few “Hurl Gates” and “narrows” brings it out “the man of sin,” at Providence A. D. 508. A shorter and less hazardous journey places him in full command, at Boston, in 538. Being found unfit to rule, he is put out of office, and taken into custody at Portland, in 1798. He still exists, though sickly, and occasionally, like other consumptives, puts forth an effort or two worthy of his “manhood’s prime,” but is doomed to die at Bangor, in 1843. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.9



The following Works are printed in the following cheap periodical form, with paper covers, so that they can be sent to any part of the country, or to Europe, by mail. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.10

The following Nos. comprise the Library. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.11

1. Miller’s Life and Views.—37 1-2 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.12

2. Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 l-2cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.13

3. Exposition of 24th of Matt. and Hosea 6:1-3. 18 3-4 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.14

4. Spaulding’s Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.15

5. Litch’s Address to the clergy on the Second Advent.—18 1-4 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.16

6. Miller on the true inheritance of the saints, and the twelve hundred and sixty days of Daniel and John.—12 1-2 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.17

7. Fitch’s Letter, on the Advent in 1843.—12 1-2 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.18

8. The present Crisis, by Rev. John Hooper, of England—10 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.19

9. Miller on the cleansing of the sanctuary.—6 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.20

10. Letter to every body, by an English author, “Behold I come quickly.”—6 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.21

11. Refutation of “Dowling’s Reply to Miller,” by J. Litch.—15 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.22

12. The “Midnight Cry.” By L. D. Fleming. 12 1-2 HST December 21, 1842, page 109.23

13. Miller’s review of Dimmick’s discourse, “The End not Yet.”—10 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.24

14. Miller, on the Typical Sabbaths, and great Jubilee.—10 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.25

15. The glory of God in the Earth. By C. Fitch.—10 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.26

16. A Wonderful and Horrible Thing. By Charles Fitch. 6 l-4 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.27

17. Cox’s Letters on the Second Coming of Christ.—18 3-4 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.28

18. The Appearing and Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. By J. Sabine. 12 1-2 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.29

19. Prophetic Expositions. By J. Litch. Vol. I. 31 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.30

20, “ ” “ ” Vol. II. 37 1-2 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.31

21. The Kingdom of God. By Wm. Miller. 6 1-4 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.32

22. Miller’s Reply to Stuart. 12 1-2 cts. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.33

This Library will be enlarged from time to time, by the addition of new works. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.34



No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, up stairs. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.35

Address J. V. Himes. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.36

No. 36 Park Row, New York, up stairs, opposite the Park. Address J. V. Himes. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.37

No. 67 South Second Street, Philadelphia. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.38

Address Orrin Rogers. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.39

Any person wishing to obtain Books, Charts, or Publications, can obtain them at either of the above depositories. For list of publications, see advertisements. J. V. HIMES. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.40

Boston, Dec. 7, 1842. HST December 21, 1842, page 109.41

Millerism Exploded!!


This was attempted in two Sermons on Sunday the 11th inst., by the Rev. (?) Mr. Colver, of this city—it being the 21st or 22nd time, within the last twelve month, that the same feat has been attempted. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.1

Public notice having been previously given that such was to be the order of the day, we had some curiosity to hear what new thing could be advanced against these truths, and accordingly was present, and took notes of such portions of his discourse as were particularly new. From the Rev. gentleman’s reputation for facetiousness we were somewhat prepared to listen to some curious exhibitions of biblical interpretation, but we could not have imagined, that in New England, the boasted land of the Pilgrim Fathers, in the staid and sober commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the enlightened and christian city of Boston, that there could have been found a man; much less a professed christian, and an ordained minister of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in regular standing with the Baptist denomination, and the Pastor of a church, who could in the sacred desk, in the house of God, on God’s holy day and with the word of God in his hand, address a worshipping christian assembly, with such solemn mockery, as we listened to on that occasion. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.2

The argument of the Rev. gentleman, if argument it could be called, consisted in applying the little horn in the 8th of Dan. to Antiochus Epiphanes, and rendering the word days—literal days. As there were no new ideas elicited on those points, they being a mere repetition of Professor Stuart, we shall not notice that part of his discourse, but merely give a few of his illustrations as a sample, and we can give but a sample—of the manner in which the great and momentous question of the coming of the Son of God to judge the world, was handled by this watchman on the walls of Zion. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.3

We give this sample of his remarks, that the world may see the stuff which is given by our opponents as an opiate to the consciences of their hearers. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.4

In an eulogy on the Bible, he exclaimed, with a very reverential and significant expression of countenance, that he always had a veneration for the old book; even when he was a boy, he said, he knew every page of his mother’s old Bible, as well as he did her face. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.5

Chronology, he said, was one of the most difficult things in the Bible, it was like going through new land, those that had eyes could see the slumps on each side of the way, but the partially blind could only see the path before them. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.6

He said he had devoted his midnight hours to the study of Daniel, and even till past midnight, for months, when it was thought he was giving no attention to the subject; yet he felt still in the dark, and would like to ask Gabriel, as Daniel did, to make him understand. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.7

He gave a synopsis of Daniel’s prophecy, which, he thought, if kept in the mind, would materially aid others in the consideration of the subject. According to this synopsis, the 4th and 7th chapters of Daniel denoted the four great kingdoms, which existed from the time of Daniel to the time of Christ, when the everlasting kingdom of God was set up. The 8th chapter covered the intermediate kingdoms between the Babylonian and Roman empires, from the commencement of the Persian to the death of Antiochus!—the 9th chapter being an explanation of the whole time of the four kingdoms, while the 10th, 11th, and 12th chapters were an explanation of the 8th chapter, to the death of Antiochus; Daniel, he said, had learned the Chaldee language, and wrote a part of the book in that language, which accounts for some of the terms used by him. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.8

He said that a sentence which had more than one meaning would be an insult to our common sense: And therefore, when David said, “I have set my King upon my holy hill of Zion,” if he meant first that David was there, and again that Christ would be there, he must have looked straddle-eyed, or spoken straddle-tongued. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.9

He said that if the days in Daniel were so many years, then Miller is right, and we are down; for if they are so to be understood, any school boy could see that they would end in 1843; for the seventy weeks or 490 years ended with the death of Christ, and 2300 years could extend only 1810 years beyond, and then the world must end, unless it could be shown that it was some other event which was then to take place, and he did not see how that could be made out; but days do not mean years—a day always means a day, and a year a year. He knew that almost all commentators, and great names, too, had of late understood them as representations of years, but the reason was, that some old commentator so understood them, and all had followed so long in his track, that they had got the cart rut so deep, that they could not get out; but we would see now if we could not get out. He said there was no rule for reckoning a day for a year in prophecy. In Numbers 14:33, 34, he said there was no prophecy, but only a judgement; because Israel had sinned 40 days, God would punish them 40 years, but that gave them no right to suppose that after that, when God said a day, he meant a year. Suppose that a boy should be absent an hour without leave, and his father should shut him up a day to punish him, would he, after that, always suppose that when his father said hour, he meant a day; so that if his father should tell him to remain in a given place three hours, he should remain there three days? HST December 21, 1842, page 110.10

He says that if we were to understand a day as year in one place, we might in another, there being nothing to govern us when so to reckon them. If therefore a day is a year, in Ezekiel 4:4, when God told Ezekiel to lie on his left side 390 days for the sins of Israel, did he mean that Ezekiel should lie there 390 years? If so, then after he had lain on his left side 390 years for Israel, then he would have to turn over and lie on his right side 40 years, and that would be rather of a long nap. And were the 40 years that Judah was to be punished to be 40 times 365 years, and was Israel to be punished 390 times 365 years, as many years as there are days in 390 years? if so it would make a good long time that it has got to run yet. In Daniel 4:23, it was predicted that Nebuchadnezzar should eat grass seven times or years; if that meant seven times 365 years, it would be a good long while to run out doors. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.11

From such sage reasoning, he came to the conclusion that a day can never mean any thing but a day, and a year a year. He however further illustrated it by the following supposition. Suppose that Jacob went after venison for his father Isaac, and should leave his gun in the woods, and should say to one of his boys, here, I have left my gun in woods, and you will find it just forty rods beyond the fence, standing up behind a tree; and the boy should come to the fence, and reason in this wise: Now father said the gun would be just forty rods from this fence, but I reccollect once, that when I run a rod, father made me run a mile, and therefore, when father says a rod, he means a mile; and accordingly should measure off forty miles to find the gun; why, he would not find it. It is just so with this vision. God said it would be 2300 days long, and here we have been measuring off 2300 years, and that is the reason that we have never found it, to know what it meant. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.12

After continuing in a similar strain all the morning, he cast his eye up to the clock, and as if astonished, exclaimed, Its a quarter past twelve! less pray. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.13

In the afternoon he showed to his own satisfaction the complete fulfillment of these prophecies in Antiochus—prophetic periods and all—until, as he was going on in a triumphant manner, and claiming that it was thus fulfilled in every particular, and showing how the 1290 days of Daniel 12th terminated at the death of Antiochus, and how he had found that the 1335 days reached just down to the time when news of his death reached Judea, a voice from the back part of the crowded audience enquired if he would read the last verse of the 12th chapter, and show how Daniel stood in his lot at the death of Antiochus, as he had omitted thus to show. The dilemma in which the gentleman found himself was entirely unexpected to himself and the audience, and was of more effect than all the previous reasoning of the lecture. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.14

It seems that the gentleman has changed his opinion somewhat respecting the 2300 days; for now he admits they mean days; but when questioned by one of his Second Advent brethren a while since, as to their meaning, he told him they meant just nothing at all. On being further pressed why they were there, if they meant nothing, he said Daniel was an inquisitive person, and when he wanted to know how long those three kingdoms would continue, the angel wanted to shame him, and told him that it would be 2300 days. We are however glad that he is now convinced that they do mean something, and we hope he may be led to see just what they do mean. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.15

We give the above as a sample of the reasoning, that is relied upon by those whose hearts are failing them for fear, to prove that the day of the Lord is not at hand. Who would risk their souls on such reasoning? HST December 21, 1842, page 110.16



“There shall be scoffers in the last days.” HST December 21, 1842, page 110.17

A solemn prediction, which is peculiarly fulfilled at this day—and scoffers, too, at that very event which shall decide their fate for a long eternity. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.18

“Where is the promise of his coming?”
“Walking after their own lusts.”
HST December 21, 1842, page 110.19

This is emphatically true, not only of the reviling sinner, but the professed disciples of that Jesus whom they acknowledged to be their Master, and before whom they expect one day to stand. When such are questioned on their belief of the kingdom of Christ being near, they tell you it cannot be, for, some favorite reform has just commenced, which to them is the alpha and omega of all their pursuit, and the world cannot be destroyed till this is consummated. Another, by dint of geological research, has opened his eyes upon wonders, which will take ages to investigate, and the world cannot be burned till all these problems are solved. And, beside, the world was six days in making—and as every day means a thousand years, as some of our scientific men tell us—six thousand years bestowed on it to make it a suitable residence for man, and demolished in less than six thousand afterward, is a mad absurdity to suppose. HST December 21, 1842, page 110.20

Another has attained to such a knowledge of spirit—by the power of Magnetism,—that before the present state of things can be reversed, man will find himself so assimilated to celestial spirits, that he will not only feel that they are his neighbors, but that he walks and talks with them face to face. HST December 21, 1842, page 111.1

Another tells you, that since it has been ascertained that men’s propensities—good and bad—lie in his head, a new and capacious field is just opening, which will be explored till wonders on wonders shall be developed—which will require ages for man to bring to that perfection which it is capable of attaining, and which is his duty to accomplish. HST December 21, 1842, page 111.2

Associations are about forming, to bring into subjection all the restless passions of men, and enable him to find in his fellow-man, all for which he has been seeking in vain since the fall. HST December 21, 1842, page 111.3

Temperance, too, brings in her inviting claims, and promises not only to reform all her mistakes in eating and drinking, but to place man in his primitive station,—when Eden first opened her sweets to the newly made pair. HST December 21, 1842, page 111.4

Schools of learning are telling us, too, they have just commenced to startle the world by new theories of reform, which cannot fail of the happiest results to generations yet unborn. HST December 21, 1842, page 111.5

With all these mighty engines in motion, in church and state, together with multitudes of minor improvements, to talk of a kingdom which shall demolish the whole, and scatter them to the winds of heaven, is an absurdity which deserves scoffiing without measure. HST December 21, 1842, page 111.6

Thus evil is walking after his own lusts, and virtually laughs at the promise of his coming, and will laugh till the trump shall burst upon his sluggish ear, and call him to be an interested spectator in that grand scene at which he has mocked. HST December 21, 1842, page 111.7

Scoffer, “stop and think.” Can you contend with the Almighty and prevail? Can you withstand the thunderbolts of his wrath, when they shall burst upon your defenceless head? HST December 21, 1842, page 111.8


Rev. Henry Jones’ Explanation


Messrs. Editors,—The following communication was prepared for the “American Millennarian,” and handed in at that office on the day of its date, which the silence of that paper concerning it, to this time, is understood as a token of its rejection. Though the article be short, it will probably explain itself, and show the propriety of its having a place in your paper; but should further explanation prove necessary, it may be given briefly at another time.—Dec. 5, 1842. H. J. HST December 21, 1842, page 111.9



For the American Millennarian.—Mr. Editor,—Will you permit me to call the attention of your readers to an editorial article in your paper of Sept. 1, which represents me as having published in the Signs of the Times, a “Caricature Synopsis” or “Creed of the Literalists,” “clandestinely manufactured by their opponents.” I wish them to understand that in my communication containing the Synopsis to which you allude, I stated that it was furnished me by a Christian brother in Boston, who said he had taken it directly “from the lips” of certain individuals in that city, who were understood to hold the sentiments it contained. I regretted that this fact was not given your readers when they were told that the Synopsis was a “caricature,” etc. etc. and also that they were furnished with no clue to the contents of the Synopsis itself, by which they could form a judgment on the question of its being a misrepresentation. HST December 21, 1842, page 111.10

I would mention, also, that in due season, several weeks ago, I made a brief explanatory communication for the Millennarian, on this subject, which has not yet appeared in its columns, and would now disclaim the offence imputed to me in this matter, unto which your readers may suppose me to have been hitherto giving a silent consent. Whatever of mistake, or misrepresentation, if any there may be, in that Synopsis, belongs not to me, but to the brother who furnished me the article, making himself responsible for the correctness of the statements therein contained But having heard nothing from him slnce the first appearance of the article, I am not, of course, authorized to make concessions in his behalf, being disposed rather to allow him the credit of honestly believing that he had taken and fairly given the items of that Synopsis as designed to be understood at the time by the individuals at Boston, his neighbors, from whom he took it. Thus I say, because, if I mistake not, several of the distinguishing features of that repudiated article are also contained in some of the approved and standard works of the Literalists, which can be easily determined by an appeal thereto, if found necessary. Had the name of this responsible brother been demanded, it would have been readily given, though the inquiry might have been made,—Did not the brethren of Boston, from whom he professes to have taken the Synopsis, know at once, on seeing the article in print, who it was that had furnished me with it? And did he not call on some of them with the article in hand, showing them what he had done in regard to its publication, on the very day of its coming from the press? Henry Jones. HST December 21, 1842, page 111.11

Note. Will not the N. Y. Luminary give place to the above, since a part of this matter is already before their readers, requiring further explanation. H. J. (N.York,Nov.1,1842. HST December 21, 1842, page 111.12

We give the above as an act of justice to Bro. Jones. The Synopsis referred to was given by him as he received it from brother M. Wood, of this city, and who furnished what he and other brethren believed to be the facts with regard to the sentiments therein contained. Bro. Wood acknowledges the above to be correct. HST December 21, 1842, page 111.13

From the Independent Press. HST December 21, 1842, page 111.14

Wm. Miller


Perhaps, America has never known a man of any profession or calling, that has been the subject of greater animadversion and redicule, than the gentleman whose name appears at the head of this article. Men of all classes, grades, and condition, have aided in pouring out the vials of their untempered fury, both upon him and the doctrine he proclaims. HST December 21, 1842, page 111.15

It is pretty generally known, that, for the last twelve years, he has been writing and lecturing on the Second Coming of Christ. He has made it a subject of close investigation, for the last twenty years. He has devoted a vast amount of labor, time and expense, in examining carefully all the prophesies, together with every portion of scripture referring in any respect to that event. He has availed himself of every source of evidence within his reach, for, and against the manner and time of his Second appearance on this earth, and given each and all of them their proper application and force. He has critically examined, the Book of Daniel and the Apocalypse, which appear to contain the principal and clearest allusions to the period, when those prophecies shall be completed and fulfilled. He has consulted authentic historians, sacred and profane—the most reputable Commentators on the Holy Scriptures—standard critics and writers of every age and distinction, with a view to arrive at just conclusions. The result of all his labor and toil in this matter, is, as most of you are aware, that the affairs of this world will be wound up by the 2nd advent of the Saviour in 1843, which is very CLOSE at HAND! HST December 21, 1842, page 111.16

As soon as he became convinced by his examnation of the subject, and all the evidences furnished, that such will be the case at the time specified—like a faithful watchman upon the walls of Zion, and a minister of the ‘everlasting gospel,’ he felt it to be his imperative duty to proclaim the speedy coming of Christ!—to gather his elect from the four winds of heaven—to raise the righteous living—to destroy the wicked from off the face of the earth, and to set up that ‘kingdom,’ which it is said, the ‘saints of the Most High shall possess forever, even forver and ever.’ But, no sooner had he began to proclaim—“The Kingdom of God is at hand!”—and to warn the wicked of the time, when the wrath of the Almighty would be visibly poured upon them, if not prepared to meet him; then the multitude, (as in the days of Noah) with one consent, began to scoff at, ridicule, and mock him; which they have continued to do up to the present hour. Among them have been found, (professedly) pious ministers of the Lord Jesus Christ, of almost every denomination, who have prompted and led on the herd in opposing the doctrine and calumniating the character of this man of god! The press, throughout the length and breadth of the American continent, have aided these benighted assassins of Jehovah’s truth, to prostrate the doctrine and its advocates. We have a large “exchange” from different parts of the United States; and scarcely a mail arrives, but brings with it the effusion of a scoffer’s disordered brain! Ministers, who evidently disrelish the idea of Christ making his descent at so early a period as is mentioned above, have written sundry articles, assuming the form of “objeetions” to the theory, sent them to the press—obtained the sanction and the endorsement of editors, who, very readily admit the correctness of their views and reasoning; (coming as they do from clergymen, who, they ignorantly imagine are fully acquainted with the subject, and know every-thing,) and have concluded without a moment’s reflection, or examination, that it is a palpable “refutation” of the doctrine, and have thereupon set it down as a wild and speculative scheme! Editors in the cities and country, with whom they exchange, are led to view it in a similar light—treat it in the same manner—give it publicity, and style it a “Humbug,” and an imposition upon the credulity of the people; while at the same time, they are as much unacquainted with the truth or falsity of the theory, as though they had never seen or heard of a Bible! HST December 21, 1842, page 111.17

Mr. M. has been maliciously styled a “Prophet,” by men who did, or should have known, that he never laid or presented any claim to the “Spirit of prophesy,” before they presumed to make such an application. With this “appellation” before their eyes, they have concocted certain cant in the shape of predictions, and ascribed them to him; which, in all probability he has never seen. Among these, are the “postponement of time,” the absence of “rain and snow during the approaching winter,” etc., etc., which no one unprejudiced and in his proper senses, could for a moment believe ever proceeded from him. Nevertheless, they are published by every four penny-editor throughout the land, under the vague impression of amusing and edifying their readers. HST December 21, 1842, page 112.1

Many, very many are found opposing the doctrine, and denouncing it as fabulous, because, forsooth, their preachers or pastors do not believe it, but by silence or open hostility, to quiet the fears of the people! There are some answering to this description in this village!—But, were you to question them on the score of evidence, as you ought to do when they oppose or speak lightly of this matter, what would be the result?—why, you would find them almost totally disqualified through wilful ignorance, to afford you any light or satisfaction on this subject! Are they not emphatically “blind leaders of the blind?—and will they not ere long if that blindness continues “both fall into the ditch?” HST December 21, 1842, page 112.2

Among all that we have heard or read against the “Coming of Christ in 1843,” in conformity to Mr. Miller’s computation of time, we have not observed a single production, that embodies any sound or even plausible argument in opposition to its truth. Many articles have appeared, purporting to be a “refutation” of the theory; but they are only termed so by the authors of such boasted wisdom—and considered so, only by those who are ever ready to yield their reason and wills, at the shrine of mistaken popularity, ease and self-security! On the contrary, we view all that has as yet appeared, to be (with but few exceptions) the result of ignorance, together with a disposition to ‘Scoff’ at, what the bible declares will ‘surely come to pass.” Wherever you find a professor of religion, or a minister of the gospel pursuing this course—“sitting in the seat of the scornful,” and putting “far away the day of the Lord,” you may consider him anything but a Christian; you may with great propriety question the genuineness of their piety, and safely brand them with hypocrisy! Your believing their word in preference to the testimony of God, will not excuse you in the day of his vengeance!—No! he will “break you in pieces like a potter’s vessel,” and “there shall be none to deliver.” Then, your ministers, that are now lulling you to sleep on this momentous subject, can do you no good! Then, all the “scoffers” in the world, with all their glee and sporting on this solemn subject, will be unable to afford you any relief or comfort. Now, while you have time and opportunity, get ready; be not deceived by “false teachers,” examine the subject for yourselves, and rest not satisfied until you realize its truth; above all, be ready for death—come when it may. HST December 21, 1842, page 112.3

We hope the people everywhere will refrain from scoffing at the doctrine of Christ’s coming in 1843, until they become fully convinced that there is no just ground to expect such an event at that time. If you do not feel disposed to examine or believe it; for pity’s sake do not influence or stand in the way of others. Remember the fate of the inhabitants of the Antedeluvian world, when they mocked the servant of the Most High, when HE preached unto them that God would at a certain time “destroy the world by water!” His word can never fail. HST December 21, 1842, page 112.4

Letters from Brother Charles Fitch


Dear Brother Himes.—The books have come, thank the Lord.—A miser never rejoiced at receiving a box of gold as heartily as I did at receiving this box of Second Advent publications. It will not be long before they will all be distributed. HST December 21, 1842, page 112.5

I am trying to do the Lord’s work here. I preach every evening, besides three times on the Sabbath. Congregations are large and deeply attentive, and there are evidences of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the midst. The Priesthood of course are out against me. Mr. Aikin the Presbyterian, devoted the whole day yesterday, as I have been told, to oppose the doctrine of the second advent, declaring that the belief of it was the worst of all delusions, except Mormonism; and that the conversions which are the result of preaching the speedy coming of the Lord will prove spurious. How my soul longs in the midst of all this unbelief to have Christ reveal Himself, that the Word of God may be proved to be truth, and that those who trust in it shall not be confounded. But we have only to wait with patience until the appointed time. “At the end it shall speak and not lie.” I have just learned that Mr. Aikins effort yesterday, has helped to show some the weakness of the evidence of a temporal millennium. What do you think of quoting the declaration “The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpents head,” to prove that Christ will not come for a thousand years! One of the good man’s hearers, thought it was not very conclusive. Another of his proofs of a temporal millennium as I have been told, is the petition, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;” as though this petition could be answered in no way, but in a temporal millennium, and will not be granted when “the wicked shall be cut off from the earth and the transgressors rooted out of it, and the perfect dwell in the land and the upright remain in it.” I find the same thing true here, that we have found in all other places where the midnight cry has been sounded, that some of all denominations of Christians are deeply interested in it. There is reason however to fear, that the mass of professors constitute the Laodicean church which is to be spued out. HST December 21, 1842, page 112.6

I wish very much to get a letter from you, and know what is passing in your region. On my journey I fell in with brother Collins at Albany, who was making his way with his family to central New York to blow the trumpet there. Thank the Lord— HST December 21, 1842, page 112.7

“Gabriel’s going to blow, by and by, by and by,
O Gabriel’s going to blow by and by.”
HST December 21, 1842, page 112.8

It will be a sweeter sound in the ears of the faithful, than all the songs which creation ever heard. That lying spirit which was doing such a business east, has come to Ohio. It is circulated in the community that I looked all about the place to find a house with a large garden attached, to be cultivated next summer, and another report is, that I have purchased a place for three thousand dollars, one of which is as true as the other; and either of which is just as true as that my brother Himes has recently been building a large brick block in Boston. When I was here before, I owned a large farm somewhere east, and had recently built a very expensive barn. If you find the farm, please sell it forthwith, barn and all, and send me the proceeds in Second Advent publications. Do the same with all other property real or personal, which you find belonging to me in the Eastern states or any where else, save the few articles of household stuff which we have in use. Thank the Lord I have no more inheritance in this world than Abraham had in Canaan of old, and desire no more. HST December 21, 1842, page 112.9

I should greatly rejoice to see some of the good brethren from the east, this way, if that were the Lord’s will—but at any rate, I do expect to meet them very soon in the New Jerusalem. “Yet a little while and He that shall come, will come, and will not tarry. Yours in the glorious hope of seeing Christ soon. HST December 21, 1842, page 112.10

Charles Fitch.
Cleveland, Nov. 21st, 1842.



We understand that the Rev. N. Colver is to delive a course of three lectures the ensuing week, against the Second Advent of Christ. Tickets for the course, twelve and a half cents. We learn that the object is to raise funds to build a church!! HST December 21, 1842, page 112.11

Many a poor fellow will gladly pay a York shilling to be convinced that Christ will not come; and they are beginning to feel as the Universalist did, when he begged of his minister to prove there was no hell, “for,” said he, “if there is, we are gone.” How singular is the spectacle, to see a minister, endeavoring to calm the fears of a guilty world!! Not so did the Apostles. HST December 21, 1842, page 112.12

New Work


“The Marriage Supper of the Lamb, together with Daniel’s Visions Harmonized and Explained: By Rev. N. Hervey.” For sale at this office, No. 14, Devonshire st. HST December 21, 1842, page 112.13



Received up to Dec. 17.—From P. M. Greenville, N. Y. Webster, Mass. Parish, N. Y, Cole’s Mills, Ind. Three Rivers, Ms. Cincinnati, O. Ballston, N. Y. New London, N. H. Lottsville, Pa. Methuen, Ms. Acworth, N. H., E. Whateiey, Penobscot, Me. Stow, Vt. Lancaster, N. H. Pawtucket, R. I. Jay, Me. Brewer, Me. Hartford. Vt. Wad. Falls, N. H. Farmington, Me. Akron, O. Ware H. Point, Ct. Strafford, Ct. E. Roxbury, Vt. Stillwater, Sar. Co. N. Y. Penington, Mon. Co. N. Y. Ballston Centre, N. Y. Sugar Hill, N. H. W. Charlton, N. Y. Epping, N. H. Helderness, N. H. Francsetown, N. H. Corinna Centre, Me. N. Stonington [original illegible]. Saco, Me. Stonington, Ct. Sandy Hill, N. Y. Townshend, Vt. HST December 21, 1842, page 112.14

From A. C. White, D. A. Clay, and others, C. T. Barrett, H. B. Skinner, I. Cam, S. Weeks, Isaac Foster, I. H. Nichols, Sally Hilt, W. Wellmore, John Pearson, Isaac Vaughn, Wm. Rogers, H. Childs, John Myers, G. S. Miles, D. Sturges, A. B. Huntington, W. D. Fuller, S. Hawley, A. Parmele, F. Bendon, T. E. Jacobs, M. M. George, T. Baker, H. N. Ballard, H. P. Stebbins, H. B. Skinner, I. Curtis, R. E. Ladd, I. Munroe, E. G. Allen, H. A. Chittenden, & Co. Isaiah H. Shipman, Mrs. I. M. Danforth, W. H. Scott, S. Palmer, A: Reed, J. Cushing, Lconard Kimball, Edward Canfield, Augustus Beach. HST December 21, 1842, page 112.15

Bundles Sent


S. Johnson, E. Berkshire, Vt.—H. W. Ballard, Richford, Vt.—G. W. [original illegible], 2 boxes, Springfield, Mass.—A. B. Huntington, Sunderland, Mass,—G. S. Miles. Albany, N. Y.—H. P. Stebbins, Chicopee Falls. Ms.—J. Myers.—Z. Baker. HST December 21, 1842, page 112.16