Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 4


December 14, 1842

Vol. IV.—No. 13. Boston, Whole No. 85

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.1

Letter of Dr. Pond,


Continued. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.2

[10th. The Time, Times and a Half.] HST December 14, 1842, page 97.3

“I am not satisfied that the “time, times and a half” of Daniel, and the forty and two months, and 1260 days of John, denote the same period; or that they commenced A. D. 538; or that they terminated in 1798. There is a straining of facts here, to bring them into accordance with a theory, which the interpreter of prophecy ought to avoid.” P. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.4

It is amazing hard just now to satisfy Dr. Pond, and others, that the old established views of the prophecies are correct in a single point. That these periods named by Daniel and John, “denote the same period,” we had supposed was a settled question. At any rate the views of Mr. Miller, on that point, are those of all the standard writers on the prophecies. See Newton pp. 221, 319, 617. They have never been shown to “denote” any other period, without “a straining of facts which the interpreter of prophecy ought to avoid.” Perhaps some of the “distinguished commentators of modern times” could show that the time, times and a half “represent,” like the 2300 days of Daniel 8th, the precise time during which the daily sacrifice was taken away by Antiochus; and which as we are informed by the only histories we have on the subject, was just three years to a day. Could Dr. P. see any “straining of facts” in such an application of the periods? HST December 14, 1842, page 97.5

If Dr. Pond can make it appear that the periods named denote any other than the period of the subjection of the true church to the papal antichrist, we shall be “satisfied” that they may mean something else. Until he does, we shall feel that we are in very good and safe company with the Newtons, Dr. Clarke, (see his notes on 2nd Thessalonians 2nd chap.) Croly, Faber, and a host of others; and that these periods “commenced in 538, and terminated in 1798,” see our remarks on the rise and fall of popery, above. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.6

If these “dates” appear “arbitrary” to Dr. P. he should not complain of Mr. M. He has not fixed the dates; they are the only ones, to the writer’s knowledge, the world has ever had for the events. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.7

[11th. The 1290 and 1335 Days.] HST December 14, 1842, page 97.8

“I am not satisfied that the 1290 and 1335 days of Daniel signify so many years; or if they do, that they commenced at 508. It is not true, as stated above, that Paganism ceased in the Western Roman Empire at that period. Nor do I see anything to convince me, that the 1335 years (supposing them to be years) brings us down to the end of the world.” HST December 14, 1842, page 97.9

P. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.10

We almost regret that we have not made a catalogue of the number of points of historical information on which Dr. P. has expressed “doubts;” and of the cases of applied prophecy with which he is “not satisfied.” It would have furnished a most singular specimen of affected ignorance, of which, if real, in the veriest blockhead under his care, I doubt not he would have felt mortified; and also a most singular standard of faith and unbelief. He “doubts,” or is “not satisfied,” with everything which, by any possibility, might favor Mr. M., and his faith can remove mountains of absurdity and contradiction in any case by which that act of faith may be put into a shape to bear unfavorably upon him. We should hardly be surprised if he should express a “doubt” that twice two make four, in a case where its admission would favor the obnoxious theory; or assert to the statement that five times five were less than nothing, if “some distinguished commentator” should give a “hint” to that effect in the opposition. Accordingly Dr. P. is “not satisfied that the 1290 and 1335 days of Daniel signify so many years; or if they do, that they commenced A. D. 508.” And he is confident that Paganism did not cease in the Western Roman Empire at that period. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.11

Now we wish to have this portion of prophecy fairly considered; the question upon its application fairly stated; and its true application, fairly settled. The question proposed by us to Dr P. under which the prophecy falls, is,—“Are the prophecies rightly applied as Mr. Miller applies them?” The standard to which we refer to determine the propriety of the application consists of the opinion of standard writers, and the rule of Macknight. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.12

1. The prophecy. “And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. But go thou thy way till the end be; for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.” Daniel 12:11, 12, 13. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.13

The views of Dr. P. upon the application of this text we have not the satisfaction of knowing. We know of but two opinions of the events brought to view or “the manner of time” expressed in this prophecy. One of these opinions applies it to Antiochus, and understands the time literally; the other applies it to the time of Daniel’s reward in the resurrection state, and the days are to be understood to express the number of years intended. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.14

Poole, in his commentary on this chapter, speaks as follows: “Some learned expositors apply this to Antiochus; but this is a false account, and contrary to the scope of this place, and to history and chronology, which the learned Joseph Meede hath proved at large. Lib. asser. III. page 882.” HST December 14, 1842, page 97.15

Newton makes the 12th verse a parallel text with Revelation 20:6. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection, etc., and understands the prophetic periods to be years. Newton on Proph. p. 622. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.16

Rev. Richard Watson, one of the most profound divines of this age, in a sermon on the 13th verse, supposes it to speak “of the termination of all things” and that “the period is here fixed, in which the servants of God shall enter upon their full reward.” Sermons, Vol. 1, page 324. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.17

Now if Dr. P. can “see nothing in this prophecy to convince him” that such things are spoken of, we see but little room to “doubt” that this is the case, especially since we have no substitute for this application of the text, and that the men of God above referred to, are with us. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.18

But is not this a fair case for the use of the rule we have before introduced? To what events which are to come at the end of these periods do “the words of the prophecy,” according to that rule, point us? HST December 14, 1842, page 97.19

1 The three verses under consideration, are a part of the answer to the question proposed by Daniel, in reference to what had been said about the time in which certain “wonders” brought to view in the vision, should be finished. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.20

2. “These wonders” were, not to specify any others, the resurrection, and the glorification of the righteous. Compare verse 2 with John 5:28, 29, and verse 3 with 1 Corinthians 15:40-42, and Matthew 13:36-43. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.21

3. Daniel looked and saw two, one of whom asked the angel of the vision, How long it would be to the end of these wonders? What a question to ask upon these events of prophecy! If this had been asked by “mortals,” and Dr. P. or Mr. Dimmick had been standing by, they might have exclaimed, “Rash man! Bold man! Not suitable to be revealed! Unpardonable presumption!” Well, there it stands, an instance of glaring impropriety in the angels of God. (Desiring to look into it.) HST December 14, 1842, page 97.22

4. Daniel heard this, with the answer, (see verses 7 and 8,) but understood not, and said. O my Lord, What shall be the end of these things? (“Searching what, or what manner of time was signified.”) HST December 14, 1842, page 97.23

5. In answer to this question of Daniel, and as if to settle forever any doubts of the suitableness of such revelations, or that they were intended for the benefit and attention of man, a gratuitous statement of the time is made, and Daniel is told to go his way till the end; and is assured that he shall rest and stand in his lot at the end of the days. An answer which plainly states 1. What the end should be to Daniel—that he should rest, (the state of the righteous dead; Revelation 6:11: 14:13.) and stand in his lot, (have part in the first resurrection) at the end of the days; and, 2. this connects the events with the prophetic periods, at least with the 1335 days, to which they who wait, (ready and watching,) and come, are blessed. The righteous dead, and the righteous living, at Christ’s coming are “glorified together.” 3. These things take place at the end. Go thou thy way till the end be. Then Daniel stands in his lot. That is to take place at the end of the days. And those who wait, and come to the 1335 days, are blessed with Daniel, and Daniel with them. This view of the events which are yet to take place at the close of these periods, harmonizes with every other part of the vision, nothing else has been supposed to be meant, that is not “contrary to the scope of the place, to history, and chronology,” and we must be satisfied with it till Dr. P. or somebody else, can give us a better interpretation. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.24

If the end, with those events are to come at the end of the days, when do they terminate? and can they “signify” anything else but years, “and if they do” mean years what are the reasons for so understanding them? They cannot commence with any taking away of the Jewish worship, for these periods understood as days or years, and dated at any suppression of that worship, will not bring us to such results, or to any other events worthy of note in its history. And this circumstance, if there were no other, would he sufficient to settle the question that the Jewish worship cannot be intended by “the daily.” There is no agreement between its history “and the words of the prophecy,” which speak of it, if we suppose “the daily” to relate to the Jewish worship. Will they apply to Paganism? If the days are “literally understood,” we know of no taking away of Pagan worship from which these periods can bring us to the events spoken of. Supposing them to “signify so many years,” can the periods be applied to any taking away of Paganism, and bring us to the predicted results? There are two, if not three, predicted cases of the taking away of the daily in the prophecy of Daniel, and we have seen that all that is said of it in the 8th chapter applies to the agency of Rome in relation to Paganism. But nothing is said in that chapter about placing or setting up the abomination that maketh desolate. “By him the daily was taken away,” simply, “and an host was given him against the daily.” Now if the periods before us were to be dated from a taking away only, we should not know but this was a case referred to. But the text is very exact. The periods are to be dated “from the time the daily, Paganism, shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up.” Is such an event spoken of by Daniel anywhere else? “And they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.” Chap. 11:31. HST December 14, 1842, page 97.25

In the other case, or cases, the agent is spoken of in the singular—“by him” it is done. Here the agent is spoken of in the plural—“they shall” do it. These periods are evidently to be commenced from this last act. HST December 14, 1842, page 98.1

Now we know that the daily (Paganism) was brought into Rome by the barbarians who abolished the empire. The empire fell A. D. 476. Did these barbarians take away the Pagan worship, and place the abomination that maketh desolate—Popery? The proof of that is so full, I believe it is not denied. Had this last establishment of Paganism been so far suppressed in A. D. 508, as to place Popery in a position to start on its triumphant career of desolation, blasphemy, and blood, as unfolded in prophecy, and verified in the history of the church and the world? Mr. M. says it had, and refers to history for proof. Dr. P. denies the correctness of his historical statements, and, of course that, what he builds upon them can be true. HST December 14, 1842, page 98.2

We have now come to the great question involved in Mr. Miller’s application of this prophecy—Did the event from which these periods are to be dated “take place as he states” A. D. 508? If Mr. M. ’s statements can be sustained, this main pillar of his theory stands, if not, it must be given up. HST December 14, 1842, page 98.3

We will hear what Mr. Miller says:— HST December 14, 1842, page 98.4

“What is the history of that time? I answer, that about the year A. D. 476 the Western Empire of Rome crumbled to pieces, and the Pagan nations of the north, crossing the Rhine and the Danube, established ten kingdoms in what was considered the Western Empire. France was the principal kingdom of the ten. These kingdoms were all governed by Pagan kings; and history informs us that in the city of Rome and other places in the empire these Pagan conquerors sacrificed men, women, and children, to their supposed deities; and that in the year 496 Clovis king of France was convened and baptized into the Christian faith; and that the remainder of these kings embraced the religion of Christ shortly after, the last of which was Christianized in the year 508, and of course Paganism ceased, having lost its head by the power of the sword, or kings who wield the sword. Here, then, was the accomplishment of two important prophecies—the daily sacrifice abomination taken out of the way, and the Pagan beast receiving its deadly wound by a sword; since which time we have no account of any [original illegible] rites or sacrifices being offered within the bounds of ancient Rome.” [See Miller’s Lectures, pages 84, 85; also pages 94, 95, and 96.] HST December 14, 1842, page 98.5

The following, we believe, will present a fair view of the subject to be disposed of. HST December 14, 1842, page 98.6

1. The condition of Paganism and its relation to the kings of Western Rome, prior to, and after A. D. 508, with what took place in 508. HST December 14, 1842, page 98.7

2 The part taken by Clovis, in particular, in effecting the alleged changes in the history, or condition, of Paganism and the Christian faith—Popery. HST December 14, 1842, page 98.8

3. The condition of the “Christian faith,” and its relation to these kings in 508. HST December 14, 1842, page 98.9

That the Pagan nations of “the north crossing the Rhine and the Danube established ten kingdoms in what was considered the Western Empire” no “doubts” are expressed. That “France was the principal kingdom of the ten” is, I believe, equally evident. That “these Pagan conquerors sacrificed men, women, and children, to their supposed deities, in the city of Rome and other places,” is not questioned. HST December 14, 1842, page 98.10

That “after the fall of the Western Empire, A. D. 476, and before A. D. 490 ten kings had risen upon the ruins,” we suppose will be admitted. But is it true “that in the year 496, Clovis, king of France, was converted, and baptized into the Christian faith; and that the remainder of these kings embraced the religion of Christ shortly after, the last of which was Christianized in 508, when Paganism ceased, having lost its head by the power of the sword, or kings who wielded the sword.” Dr. Pond sees something about this which he says “is not true.” And what is it that “is not true?” Why that “the last of the ten kingdoms became Christian, even in name, so early as the year 508.” In support of which he says, “The Anglo-Saxons were not converted, before the end of the sixth, and beginning of the seventh century. While the Huns, in Hungary, did not embrace Christianity before the eighth or tenth century.” Has Dr. Pond no “doubts” that there was such a kingdom in existence as the Anglo-Saxons in 508? We think we should be running but little risk, to give a pledge to Dr. P. or any other person, that if he will make it appear that there were such kingdoms as the Anglo-Saxon, and the Huns in Hungary, in Western Rome or anywheye else, in 508, we will go without bread till we can prove “that they were Christian in name,” and in reality. Mr. M. has said nothing about their conversion; and the logical oversight, in the case, on the part of Dr. P., does little honor to his head, and less to his heart. We are sorry he is engaged to defend a position in which he finds it necessary. The subject does not admit of the question he has called up. England is the kingdom concerned, and not the Anglo-Saxon. That Dr. P may see that there are others besides Mr. M. whose “profound knowledge of history” needs a little charity on the part of the critic, we will give an extract or two in reference to the Huns. Kotch, in his “Revolutions of Europe,” informs us that on the death of Attila, his kingdom was immediately broken to pieces. HST December 14, 1842, page 98.11

The Hon. and Rev. Wm. Herbert, in his history of “Attila and his predecessors,” page 515. Lon. 1838., says “with his life the mighty fabric which he had consolidated, was immediately dissolved.” The testimony on this point is full. 24 HST December 14, 1842, page 98.12

The subsequent history of the Huns in Hungary, is thus stated by Guthrie: “The Huns, after subduing this country, (Pannonia,) in the middle of the third century, communicated their name to it. They were succeeded by the furious Goths; the Goths were expelled by the Lombards; and they by the Anarii; and the Sclavi were planted in their stead in the beginning of the 9th century. Hungary was formerly an assemblage of different States, and the first who assumed the title of king, was Stephen, in the year 997, when he embraced Christianity.”—Geog. p. 534. HST December 14, 1842, page 98.13

After our learned correspondent has proved beyond a “doubt” that these kingdoms were not “Christian in name in 508,” he can prove that the Rev. E. Pond was not a theological professor in 508. And there will be as much propriety in one case as in the other. Mr. M. and Dr. P. might both be right after all. HST December 14, 1842, page 98.14

Mr. Miller does not mean to say that Paganism ceased in the absolute sense, in 508, i. e. that there were no individual Pagans in Rome, or that there might not be “a heathen party” in the newly converted nations; but that “Paganism ceased, having lost its head.” “Taken out of the way to make room for the abomination of desolation.” The assertion that “we have no account of any Pagan rites or sacrifices being offered within the bounds of ancient Rome” since 508, would need some qualification, if by “ancient Rome” he means the Empire. Still, the Paganism which existed after that date, presents no serious objection to the application of the prophecy. That France, and other nations of Western Rome, were Pagan up to the time of the conversion of Clovis, A. D. 496, we have abundant proof. HST December 14, 1842, page 98.15

“In the west, Remegius, bishop of Rheims, who has been called the Apostle of the Gauls, labored with great zeal to convert idolators to Christ; and not without success, especially after Clovis, king of the Franks, had embraced Christianity.” Mosheim, vol. 1, page 379. HST December 14, 1842, page 98.16

And still farther. “It is said, that the conversion of Clovis gave rise to the custom of addressing the French Monarch with the titles of Most Christian Majesty, and Eldest Son of the Church, for the kings of the other barbarous nations which occupied the Roman provinces, were still addicted to idolatry, or involved in the errors of Arianism.” Ib. vol. 1, p. 315. HST December 14, 1842, page 98.17

Was the “last of these Christianized in 508?” HST December 14, 1842, page 98.18

The last of the ten kingdoms, then existing in Western Rome, which was converted to the Christian faith, or “Christianized,” was England. The conquest of England by the Anglo-Saxons was not effected till about A. D. 585 In 508 Arthur was king, and the Britons triumphant. And amidst all the fable and uncertainty with which the history of England, at that period, is surrounded, there is a general agreement among historians. HST December 14, 1842, page 98.19

1. That Arthur put an end to Paganism among the Britons. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.1

“Having succeeded in this enterprise, (one of his battles) he directed his course to York; where he is said to have established the Christian worship on the ruins of the Pagan.” Rees Encyclopedia, Art. Arthur. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.2

2. That he was the first Christian king; and that he was crowned by a Catholic bishop; and that his coronation was according to the Papal mode in its more mature condition. “Arthur was crowned by Dubricius, Archbishop of Carleon.” Kippis Biog. Brit. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.3

His royal and military equipments exhibited “his shield, wherein was pictured the virgin Mary, bearing the child Jesus in her arms.” Ib. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.4

For a more particular description of the Papal character of his coronation, see Henry’s Biog. Brit. Art. Arthur. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.5

On the date of his coronation there is a difference of opinion among historians. Some place it as late as A. D. 516; more of them place it in 508. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.6

Rapin, who claims to be more exact in the chronology of events in his history, dates them as follows:— HST December 14, 1842, page 99.7

1. “He mounted the throne of Dammonium in 467, at the age of fifteen. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.8

2. “In 476 he was created Patrician by Ambrosius. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.9

3. “In 508 he was elected Monarch of Britain. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.10

4. “In 528 he assumed the imperial purple.”—Book 2. p. 129. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.11

All are agreed that he favored the Christian cause from the commencement of his public life. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.12

Paganism in the Western Roman Empire, though it doubtless retarded the progress of the Christian faith, especially in those nations which were molested, as in the case of England, by the inroads of the barbarous clans, who continued idolators, henceforth had not the power, if it had the disposition, to suppress the Catholic faith, or to hinder the encroachment of the Roman pontiff. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.13

From that time the Papal abomination was triumphant, so far as Paganism was concerned. Its future contests were with other Christian sects, who were always treated as heretics; and with princes, who were always treated as rebels, or dividers of the body of Christ. The prominent powers of Europe gave up their attachment to Paganism only to perpetuate its abominations in another form; for Paganism only needed to be baptized to become Christian, in the Catholic sense,—they became wedded to it as a matter of policy, and when the interests or vengeance of its presiding minister made the demand, their possessions and thrones, perhaps their lives, must be laid on the altar. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.14

The part taken by Clovis, in behalf of the Catholic faith, after his conversion, has already been seen by the extracts from Mosheim. But we wish to present to our readers a more general view of his history, [original illegible] of the important events of his life. We quote from Gifford’s history of France. pp. [original illegible] HST December 14, 1842, page 99.15

To be continued.

But the Wise shall understand


Daniel 12:10.

Dear Bro. Himes,—It seems to me that one cannot fail to be reminded of the above texts who is a careful observer of the efforts of different individuals against the doctrine of the second advent in 1843. For myself, I have been glad to obtain and read the objections of our opponents, because by them my faith has been confirmed in the precious truth; the wise shall understand. Not indeed those who are wise in the estimation of the world, but such as be wise for themselves, Proverbs 9:12. Great men are not always wise, Job 31:2: and if the world are pleased to think them so, let them know that “God taketh the wise in their own craftiness,” Job 5:13. That is, I suppose, their own boasted wisdom shall blind and ensnare them. God has long since made foolish the wisdom of this world, 1 Corinthians 3:19, and whoever trusts it, trusts a broken reed. The very arguments of our opposers are of themselves a lucid comment on the above texts of holy Writ. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.16

We have frequently been asked, if our views were correct, why great and good men, who have preached and written before this day, had not found it out? And when answered in Scripture language, the book was closed and sealed until the time of the end, and that because a knowledge of the time was not necessary to any but the generation who should witness the scenes of that tremendous day, our opponents have reviled us, and even blamed us for differing, in some things, from the doctrines of our great and good commentators. They have labored long and hard to prove the Millerites, (as they call them,) herstics, on the account of this difference; but when on examination they have found that our soundest commentators of the three last centuries, [see Clark and Henry on prophetic days,] support some of the main pillars of Millerism, why, for sooth, they are ready to measure swords with them immediately, and some of them have started off in a way that we or our fathers have never known; and while the singular agreement in main principles of the believers in the advent near, is a wonder to the world; the discordant views of our opponents, as exhibited in their arguments, is enough to convince even themselves of their weakness and error. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.17

Scarcely can you find two who think and talk alike. A careful review of their writings for a year past, is calculated to remind one of a time noted in the Scriptures of truth. There was a time when all the world were of one language, and the people said, Let us build a city and a tower whose top shall reach to heaven; but while they were building, the God of heaven confounded their language, so that they could not understand each other, and the building ceased. Is there not a striking analogy between the effort of the world in those days, and the efforts of the church for the last century? Surely, it looks so to me. Perhaps a little mere than a century ago, the church began to build the earthly or terrene millennium; (let us build a city and tower.) The city was to embrace a converted world, and in connection somehow, the spirits of the martyrs should live and reign; and this state of things should continue until within a little season of the heavenly state (almost to heaven) and thus it has been preached to us, with slight variations, until recenly, the learned Prof. Stuart has capped the tower by teaching that the setting sun of our world shall be unclouded glory. He borrows from another, and says, Its hoary head shall be a crown of glory. Thus we see the top-stone of the babel of the church in the last century, is to be the kingdom of ylory itself; how striking—(let us build a tower that shall reach to heaven.) But the language of the builders is confounded, they do not understand each other, and scarcely do they understand themselves. Whoever will read all their arguments, and compare them, will see that their watchword is lost, or not understood; the fact is, they build with a motley mass of crude materials. May the Lord sow them. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.18

It is truly horrible to see those who profess to be watchmen on the walls of Zion, not only willing to be blind themselves, but throwing dust (trash) into the eyes of those that would see. Some, in their rant against the glorious doctrine of the Advent near, teach in their argument, important parts of Universalism, others ldfidelity, while others approach anihilation. The exact and literal fulfilment of prophecy, has been and still is an invulnerable argument in favor of the truth of divine inspiration. But these men can come out at this late day, and deny facts that have long been established and relied on by the greatest and best of men, even according to their own showing. Not long since it was said in an Orthodox paper, that it was but 483 years from the going forth of the commandment to build Jerusalem, to the crucifixion. Notwithstanding the pious Furguson has forever settled the fact, that it was 490 to a day, by astronomical calculation. By Professor Stuart’s arguments, we are made to understand that the prophesies were never exactly fulfilled. Brother Brewster has become so much wiser than the great mass of learned protestants, that he knows that the little horn of the 7th of Daniel is not papacy, 25 or if it is, the Millerites do not date right; this is certainly erroneous; and last of all denies, virtually denies the future Judgment. Now if brother Brewster can prove that the 7th chapter does not bring us to the Judgment, he can very easily prove there is no future Judgment; and his effort to accomplish the latter, would be as salutary upon the world, as is the efforts he has recently put forth. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.19

No facts can be clearer than those he denies, especially the date of the 1260 days, and certainly the science of which he seems to boast in the last Signs of the Times does not appear to very great advantage. I would venture the whole doctrine of the Advent near on the state of the giving and taking away of the dominion of the Pope. I must think, nay, I am compelled to believe that one who would deny the date of the 1260 days, recognized by us, would as readily deny the date of our national independence, if it were necessary to the support of a sinking cause. The point of time in history, is surrounded with imperishable monuments, both at the giving, and taking away of the dominion of the Pope. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.20

When will these men be wise? Is there a probability that they will ever take the exortation of the Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians 3:18? If any man seemeth to be wise let him become a fool, that he may be wise; there at least is a thoughtful case. From our own experience we are prepared to say that it is a humiliating task to give up doctrines long cherished, and submit to be taught by fishermen. But let the world remember that the refusal of the Jews thus to do proved their ruin, and the same causes in every given case will produce the same effect. I have no doubt but that Paul confidently expected eternal life, even when he vainly thought he ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus; but after he became a fool that he might be wise, how very differently he looked at the subject. I believe with brother Brewster, that all true christians will be saved when Christ shall come, but whether one can sustain the character of a true christian and be warring against his coming, when he comes, should be the question with brother Brewster and others, instead of the one he has decided. HST December 14, 1842, page 99.21

O that the ministry would repair to the Bible, to history, and to God to learn the truth, instead of borrowing from each other. Then would they be wise, then would they understand Many would be made white and purified for the everlasting Kingdom. But if the watchmen will not see, will not the blood of souls be required at their hands? O ye watchmen! your people are crying, What of the night? and you are soon to meet them at the bar of God, O! tell them truly. HST December 14, 1842, page 100.1

J. Turner.
South Paris, Nov. 10th, 1842.


No Authorcode

J. V. Himes, Josiah Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors


Review of Professor Stewart’s Hints on Prophecy



Since we wrote the last No. of our review, and which we designed to he the last, a second edition of the Professor’s “Hints” has appeared, in which are forty pages of new matter, entitled “strictures on the Rev. G. Duffield’s recent work on the second coming of Christ.” HST December 14, 1842, page 100.2

We do not again take up the pen in reply to the Professor, as the champion of Mr. Duffield; for this gentleman is fully competent to defend himself: and we perceive that he is doing it effectually. Neither do we write as the defender of Mr Duffield’s peculiar opinions, but only in reply to some of the sentiments and reasoning of the Professor, which are in opposition to our own views. HST December 14, 1842, page 100.3

In speaking of the difficulties which lie in the way of a future “mundane, visible, palpable, reality,” of the “coming and kingdom of Christ,” he says, “It is impossible in the nature of things, that glorified bodies should dwell in and belong to a material world; and it would be utterly incongruous with the state of perfection and glory that is promised to saints, to suppose that they are to come back from the presence and beatific vision of their God and Savior, to a terrestrial, limited, and degraded condition; for degraded it really is, in comparison with their heavenly state.” HST December 14, 1842, page 100.4

If the kingdom of God is not visible and palpable, it can be but a small remove from non-existence. We would like to enqune of the Professor what promises there are made to the saints, which they cannot enjoy in a ‘mundane, visible, palpable state,” as he has enumerated none such. HST December 14, 1842, page 100.5

The apostle says that “If we are Christ’s, we are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise,” i. e., the promise made to Abraham and his seed; and there is no promise made to them, but the covenant which God made with Abraham, and confirmed with Isaac and Jacob. This is found in the following passages. HST December 14, 1842, page 100.6

Genesis 12:1-3 “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And will make thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. 13:14-17 “And the Lord said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him. Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art, northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered. Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee.” 15:18. “In that same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:” 17:7-8 “And I will establish my covenant between me and thee, and thy seed after thee, in their generations, for an everlasting covenant; to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.” 22:18. “And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.” 26:1-4 “And Isaac went unto Abimelech king of the Philistines unto Gerar. And the Lord appeared unto him, and said, Go not down into Egypt: dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of. Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee: for unto thee, and unto thy seed I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father; And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed:” 28:10, 12, 13. “And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran. And he dreamed, and behold, a ladder set upon the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold, the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And behold, the Lord stood above it, and said, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed.” 35:9-12. “And God appeared unto Jacob again when he came out of Padan-aram; and blessed him. And God said unto him. Thy name is Jacob, thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name; and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins. And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land.” HST December 14, 1842, page 100.7

According to the reasoning of the apostle, this promise is still of future fulfilment, and is to all the faithful, Acts 7:5. “And he gave him none inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set his foot on: yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him, when as yet he had no child.” Romans 4:13-16. “For the promise that he should be the heir of the world was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect. Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression. Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed: not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all.” 9:6-8. “Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted for the seed” 11:26, 27. “And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto them, when I thall take away their sins” 9:24-26. “Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles? As he saith also in Osee, I will call them My people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved. And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called. The children of the living God.” Galatians 3:7-29. “Know ye therefore, that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham. For as many as are of the works of the law, are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith. And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Brethren I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man’s covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth or addeth thereto. Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. And this I say, That the covenant that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise. Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgression, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator. Now, a mediator is not a mediator of one; but God is one. Is the law then against the promise of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law. But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed Wherefore the law was our school-master to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a school-master. For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: fot ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” HST December 14, 1842, page 100.8

As this covenant cannot be dis-annulled, it will be sure to all the seed; and when the Deliverer comes to Zion to turn away transgression from Jacob, all Israel will be saved, not only they which are of Israel, who are not all Israel, but also they of the Gentiles, who are of the faith of Abraham. And this promise can only be fulfilled in a “mundane, visible, palpable,” state—in the “new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness. HST December 14, 1842, page 100.9

He says “It is impossible in the nature of things that glorified bodies should dwell in and belong to a material world.” But what are glorified bodies? They are the bodies which the righteous will inhabit in a future state; and which according to the apostle, will be “incorruptable,” “spiritual,” and will not consist of “flesh and blood,” but it does not follow that they will be etherial. They must be composed of either spirit of matter. If spirit,—then nothing is added to the spirit different from itself, and it can possess no body; nor can spirit, in any sense, be called a body. The apostle in the 5th of 1st Cor., compares the resurrection from the dead to the planting of grain, “and God giveth it a body as it pleaseth him, but to every seed his own body,” and which is like that which was planted. A resurrection of the dead must be a restoration to life of those bodies which are dead—changed, purified, and glorified: otherwise it would be a new creation and not a resurrection. HST December 14, 1842, page 100.10

We are however assured that “our vile bodies will be changed into the likeness of Christ’s glorious body,” who was the “first fruits” of those that slept, and had the very marks of the nails and spear upon it, and which he told his disciples to handle, “for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me have.” This same body ascended to heaven, and was hid by a cloud from their sight, and the angels told the disciples that this same Jesus should so descend, as they had seen him ascend into heaven. The apostle also assures us that “when he appears we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is.” HST December 14, 1842, page 100.11

Job says, Job 19:25-27 “For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.” Isaiah says, Isaiah 26:19 “Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.” And Ezekiel also says, Ezekiel 37:11-14. “Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel; behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts. Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves, And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the Lord have spoken it, and performed it, saith the Lord.” It is thus evident that our spiritual bodies will be material bodies, and therefore must necessarily “dwell in and belong to a material world.” HST December 14, 1842, page 100.12

The Professor speaks of the saints coming back to a “terrestial” world, as a “degraded condition.” But can the inheritance of that land which God promised to Abraham, be a degraded state? Then the curse will be removed. For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir-tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.” And 51:3 “For the Lord shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness shall be found therein thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.” And also Revelation 21:3, 4 “And I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying, Behold. the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” HST December 14, 1842, page 101.1

Is it not slighting the great and glorious promises of God, to call such a condition degraded? And would such a condition be any less glorious, than the one in which they now are? They have not yet received the promise, for the apostle refers to the day in the which God will judge the quick and the dead, as the time when he will receive that crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous Judge will give him in that day, and not him only, but all they who love his appearing. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.2

In the 11th of Hebrews, he says of those who were faithful in this world, verses 39 and 40, “And these all having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.” 11th chapter, 13th verse, “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” In Revelation 6. when the fifth seal was opened, the souls of the martyrs were still under the altar waiting for their crown” 10th and 11th verses, “And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And while robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow-servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled” According to Paul, Romans 8:19-23, the whole creation were “waiting for the redemption of our body.” And according to 1 Peter 1:4, 5, the righteous are begotten “To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time.” HST December 14, 1842, page 101.3

The righteous dead can therefore not now be in the “presence and beatific wisdom of their God,” but only in an intermediate state of happiness, waiting for the redemption of our body, and that inheritance which is reserved to be revealed in the last time, when that better thing will be received which is reserved for us, that they without us might not be made perfect. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.4

Professor Stuart does not admit any force to the argument, that the doctrine of the millennium was the universal and received opinion of the primitive church. Yet on page 166, he admits that the fathers were “credible witnesses of facts;” and that “whoever despises them or disregards their testimony as to simple matters of fact shows himself plainly to be a prejudiced or an unskilful judge.” That is all we claim for them, and their testimony is, that from the days of the apostles to the council of Nice, the renovation of this earth was the universal and received opinion, with, of course, individual exceptions to such belief. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.5

It is singular, how in every instance where our opponents substitute a new rendering of the original of any passage, it always favors our view of the subject. Thus on page 168, Acts 3:21, which speaks of “the heavens receiving Jesus Christ, until the times of the restitution of all things,” the Professor says that the word restitution is “restoration, i. e. the putting of any thing which has been injured, has decayed, or is worn out, into a renewed and good condition.” HST December 14, 1842, page 101.6

He also admits that Peter might have applyed this language to the literal restoration of the earth. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.7

He says, page 173, that Mr Duffield is “somewhat more prudent, and wary, than the men of April 3rd, A D 1843. In respect to these, if I can for a moment be allowed to interfere, I would respectfully suggest that in some way or other, they have in all probability made a small mistake as to the exact day of the month when the grand catastophre takes place, the first of April being evidently much more appropriate to their arrangements than any other day of the mouth. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.8

It seems that the Professor has been April-fooled with others, into the belief that Mr. Miller has fixed upon the 3rd of April as the day of the Lord’s advent, when he has never named any particular portion of the year, but has ever protested against naming the day or month. Those who will swallow the falsehoods promulgated by scoffers of Christ’s coming. as to what is believed, or disbelieved, by those who are looking for the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ,” should no longer term the faith of other’s creduliiy, being thus credulous themselves, see page 181. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.9

Lying and Deceptive Prints.—There is scarcely a public print in the land, that has said anything in relation to our movements, but have either published downright falsehoods, or such caricatures of both our sentiments and actions, as to give anything but the truth to the public. In this way, the common people are deceived by those who have the direction of the public mind. The political papers manufacture, and the religious copy and endorse, and vice versa. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.10

We here give one example. It is from the “New Haven Palladium,” the editor of which stands high in that community for truth and moral integrity: HST December 14, 1842, page 101.11

“Father Miller.—From what we hear, we presume Father Miller does not make a very strong impression in this city. New Haven is the place of all others for sifting all sorts of things, and Father Miller has been put to some severe tests, and it is said has been several times “completely cornered.” In the Theological Chamber of the College, we learn that he had a discussion with the theological students, in the presence of the Rev. Dr. Taylor, who refused to take any part in it, preferring to let “the boys” try their hand, and it is said they were quire troublesome to the old gentleman. His friends, however, maintain that he “gives as good as is sent,” and say that he sticks to the Bible throughout his argument.” HST December 14, 1842, page 101.12

This came out while we were in New Haven. We saw the editor, and assured him there was no truth in the article; but that it gave a false impression, and that it would be published all over the country to prejudice the people against us. He assured us he meant to state the truth, and had only published what he heard from others. The next day he made some correction, but no paper has published that, nor will they; but the former article, (as quoted above,) has been published in the length and breadth of the land, in both the religious and secular papers. Among these we find the “New York Observer” giving it a prominent place, for the edification of its hundred thousand readers, in the old and new world. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.13

What, we ask, would be the feelings of the thousands who patronize these prints, if they knew the facts in the case, which we now give to a deceived public. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.14

1. Our congregations consisted of from two to three thousand persons on every evening for a week. The interest was very great, and a very strong impression was made upon the greater portion who heard, many of whom were made converts to the faith. So much for “Father Miller’s” influence or “impression.” HST December 14, 1842, page 101.15

2. Mr. Miller did not visit either of the colleges, or the College Chambers; neither did he see Dr. Taylor, or any of the Professors. We understood that the Professors advised the students to stay away from the lectures. So much for that statement. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.16

3. The wonderful victory of the “boys!” The facts are these. We appointed a Bible class for each forenoon during the week. All interested in the subject were invited to attend. Among others some of the students came in. Without any unkind feelings toward them, we are constrained to say, that if they ever knew anything about the subjects on which they attempted to speak, they must have forgotten it on their way from college to the chapel. We could hardly credit our own ears to hear some of them talk, who were going to overthrow the theory in five minutes. Some of these found before we left, that we knew something of the king’s English, much to their mortification, if we did not know Hebrew, Greek and Latin. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.17

But, besides the few students who opposed, we wish to say a word in behalf of the many who attended the lectures, and candidly heard Mr. Miller through. These were “noble Bereans,” indeed. Some of them have embraced the faith, and others are deeply impressed, as they told us, with the reasons given for it. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.18

In conclusion, we wish to express our sincere thanks to all those editors and publishers who have published the truth to the world, relating to our principles and movements. We hope the people will patronize them as they deserve. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.19



“Judaism Overthrown.”—or the Kingdom Restored to the True Israel.—With the scripture evidence of the epoch of the kingdom in 1843. This is a new work, by Josiah Litch, which presents a clear and concise view of the kingdom, as based upon the covenant which God made with our Father Abraham. For sale at this office. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.20

A Voice in New Hampshire,—or reflections on Rev. T. Ward’s “Brief Remarks on Miller’s Lectures,” By a female. This is a neat little tract, of which we have a favorable impression, and which has been sent to us from the press of A. R. Brown, Exeter, N. H. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.21

New Work.—Miller’s Reply to Stuart’s “Hints on the interpretation of Prophecy,” in three letters addressed to Joshua V Himes. This work is now ready for delivery at No. 14 Devonshire street, 12 1-2 cts. HST December 14, 1842, page 101.22

Good Advice


Our friends and fellow citizen, H. V. Chittenden, has taken up the Second Advent doctrines in good earnest, and we understand it is his intention to devote himself entirely to the public advocacy of the cause, and in sounding the “Midnight cry,” in the ears of his perishing fellow men. Mr. C. adopts the views of Mr. M., for the most part, and is firm, and we have no doubt sincere in the belief, that the earth is to be destroyed by fire in 1843, and probably in the month of April next. HST December 14, 1842, page 102.1

We advise all who are at all disposed, to examine this subject for themselves, and to see that the investigation is made in a proper spirit. If Mr. Miller ie right, those who ridicule and misrepresent him, will doubtless have enough to answer for, without thus spending the few short days which may be left them on earth. If he is wrong, certainly no one will have to share with him the loss of his reputation as a prophet. HST December 14, 1842, page 102.2

Patriot and Eagle.

Letter from G. W. Peavey


Dear Brother Himes.—I have just closed a course of lectures in this place, which have resulted in the triumph of the truth, to the glory of God, and the awakening of a number of careless sinners, and lukewarm professors, to seek a preparation for that great event which they are convinced is near even at the door. When I came to this place it was with the expectation of lecturing in the Methodist Chapel, but upon my arrival found that sectarianism had closed the doors against me, and forbid the people’s receiving the truth from that consecrated place; there were also a large Presbyterian house, and an Episcopalian, but neither of them could be obtained; we therefore commenced our meetings in a small Session Room, which belongs principally to a good Presbyterian brother, who with two or three exceptions were the only believers in the place, when the lectures commenced. We commenced on Tuesday evening, and continued them each afternoon and evening, accompanied with a bible class on the visions of Daniel in the morning, until the Sabbath. The interest continuing to increase, and our room was thronged to overflowing each evening, while many remained at home knowing that they could not be accommodated: but on arriving at the place of meeting on Sabbath morning, one of the trustees of the Methodist house came to me and said that he had opened their house, and requested me to go and occupy it during the day: I accordingly went into the room that we had been occupying (which I found already full, besides numbers that were outside, and many more that were on the way,) and stated that we had been invited to the Methodist house. We immediately went to that house, which was soon filled with the anxious multitude. HST December 14, 1842, page 102.3

The feeling and spirit of the meeting were somewhat disturbed in consequence of the change, but when the request was made in the evening for those who desired the prayers of God’s children to manifest it, a number soon came forward and bowed around the altar, as a token of their submission to the Savior; after a short season spent in prayer for them, I requested those in whose minds the evidence was in favor of Christ’s Coming in ‘43 to rise, when about thirty immediately arose: and I am confident, from what I have seen and heard, that deep aud lasting impressions have been made on the minds of many others, that the end of all things here below is not far in the future. HST December 14, 1842, page 102.4

An increasing interest is manifest in this part of the country upon this great and momentous question, and the calls for lectures are urgent and pressing from various places; and although the Priesthood generally are opposed, the people are calling for light; and light they must have, and those who have it must give it to them; and those who have placed themselves upon the walls of Zion, or have been placed there by some Ecclesiastical Association, but concerning whom God has said, Jeremiah 23:21, “I have not sent these prophets, yet they run: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied,” must turn their attention to this subbject, and refrain from crying peace,—and my Lord delayeth his coming, etc,—or the Lord will soon come and “cut them assunder and appoint them their portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Yours in the blessed hope of the coming of the “Great Deliverer” in ‘43. Geo. W. Peavey. HST December 14, 1842, page 102.5

Charleston, Nov. 8th. 1842, HST December 14, 1842, page 102.6

Extract of a Letter from John Baxter


Brother. J. V. Himes.—Since the great tent meeting we had in this city, the work has gone on most gloriously, the Almighty has blessed our feeble endeavors to bring many into the fold, who we trust will be found with the marriage garment on, at the coming of the Bridegroom. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.1

The house of prayer, situated in Grand Street, (and will seat about four thousand persons, and a very appropriate name for that holy house) has been kept open ever since the tent left here; and prayer meetings held every evening during the week, and occasionally a sermon; but on the Sabbath always two, if not three; Rev. brother George Storrs, officiates for us when he is here, but he thinks that he must proclaim the Midnight Cry also elsewhere, and he is doing a wonderful sight of good wherever he preaches it. Brother Storrs baptized, on Sunday Sept. 25th, a large number, and then we had a most solemn season of communion; many, oh! many precious souls came forth to partake of the Supper of the Lord, who had never taken that solemn ordinance before, and who have given themselves up to serve the Lord, and look for his coming with a full assurance of being his redeemed children. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.2

Letter from Canada


Dear Brother Bliss:—We have many friends in the states who will expect to hear from us, but our time is so much occupied that we have no leisure for letter writing—if you can find room in the “Signs of the Times,” for these few lines, it will answer every purpose. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.3

Our Canadian town thus far has been one of deep interest to us; our friends have every where received us as the messengers of truth, and have manifested the utmost kindness; notwithstanding we have exiled ourselves from home and kindred, yet we find a pleasant home in the midst of a kind and hospitable community. Our labors thus far have been confined to the eastern townships; God has seen best to own our feeble efforts, so that a revival has attended every course of lectures. Last week, we left more than a hundred souls under awakenings at Compton. We are now at Georgeville, on the shores of Lake Magog; on Wednesday next we start for Montreal, where we expect, if God prospers our journey, to raise the cry. The friends in Canada are awake—the excitement exceeds that of the states; we are putting forth every exertion to extend the truth of the advent near, in both provinces; our friends in Stanstead have fitted up a large church, in which they intend to keep one continued meeting till the Savior comes; they have erected a large shed 180 feet long, and filled it with hay, to which all in the vicinity are made welcome who wish to attend the services; Father Sutcliffe spends all his time with them; we have made arrangements for two watch-meetings on the last evening of December; one at Stanstead, the other at Hatley; our purpose is to attend the latter. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.4

From thence, we expect to travel down the St. Francis River, and visit the St Francis tribe of Indians. When we shall return to the States, we cannot tell; if we answer all the applications for lectures already made, we cannot return till spring; and we hope, ere that time, our Jesus will come. Thus far God has sustained us, and we have been enabled to triumph over all opposing influences; the Lord of hosts is with us; we are sometimes weary in the work, but never tired of it; Hallelujah, “the Lord God omnipotent reigneth, let the earth rejoice.” Yours, in the full hope of ‘43. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.5

H. B. Skinner.
Georgeville, L. C. Nov. 28th, 1842.

Extract from a Letter of Ira Bowls


I noticed in the Signs of the Times, volume 4, number 7, an article headed, “Scriptures Investigated,” containing the names of sixteen preachers of the gospel, who took under consideration the great vision of Daniel, and other Scriptures connected therewith. I was much pleased to learn from the article that those sixteen brethren have gone through with an examination of this great subject, and I admire their faith which they have published to the world in their resolutions, except a part of the eighth, which reads as follows, “Provided nevertheless that such discourses do not interfere with their regular pastoral duties, and conformity to the vows under which they are placed to the several denominations with which they stand connected.” If I understand them correct, they mean that previous engagements and vows must be attended to preferable to this great, yes the greatest of all subjects, that God has ever revealed to man. If any of the believing ministers of Christ, are under any engagements or vows which interferes with their preaching the doctrine of Jesus Christ, revealed in the holy Bible, either in the desk or out of it, it is time to repent of all such engagements and vows, throw off the yoke of bondage, take the word of God, and preach the doctrine of the second advent of Christ. I fear there are many preachers and laymen who would preach, and advocate this glorious doctrine, if it was not for fear of the reproach they would receive from the church, and the world; if there are any such, it seems they have forgot the testimony of Paul, “If I seek to please men, I am not a servant of Christ.” All who do not preach or advocate this doctrine, are saving My Lord delayeth his coming; and all who remain in this situation till Christ comes, may be found without the wedding garment on. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.6

Extract of a Letter from Joel Spaulding


He gives the success of his labors in quite a number of places, during a tour of forty days, and says: HST December 14, 1842, page 103.7

I have traveled in the forty days, two hundred and seventy-five miles, had my beast fall twice, while on horseback, in sloughs; and once in the midst of Kennebec river while fording, where the current was considerably rapid, and up to the stirrups. As I was cast into the river, the horse fell upon me; but I escaped unhurt, with the exception of a lame ankle, on which I was unable to bear my weight for some days. But none of these things moved me. I could hobble with the assistance of a staff into the desk, happy in having the privilege still of arousing a slumbering church to a sense of the immediate “appearing of the great God, and our Savior Jesus Christ; of warning the sinner of the impending storm which awaits him; and in showing them the hiding place from the same. I have had the privilege, on this tour, of baptizing fifty-four; and in all, within seven months, 104; all of whom have appeared to receive a blessing in attending to the solemn ordinance, and many of them have been exceedingly happy. My labors in general have been where there was no special revivals. Nearly all I have baptized have been reclaimed or regenerated after I commenced. Other administrators in all, have baptized more where I have lectured than myself. To God be all the glory given. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.8

From your brother, in the faith of Christ’s second advent in ‘43. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.9

Belgrade, Nov. 24, 1842. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.10

Dear Brother Himes:—The work in which you and your beloved brethren are engaged, in proclaiming “the coming of Christ” at hand, is indeed a noble and glorious employment; and though many (through ignorance) are obstructing the progress of your labors, and arraying all their forces to arrest the force of truth, yet, it is “mighty,” and will, (as it has already) continue to “prevail!”—and the great reward and “crown of rejoicing” which is reserved in heaven for you, is encouragement enough to continue to sound the alarm!—and awake the slumbering world. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.11

In this village, a goodly number have been induced to examine the subject, and in most instances the result has been, a cordial and firm belief in the advent nigh. Others are led to investigate it, which I hope will be followed by a similar result. We have a lecture almost every week, delivered by brother Ross, to attentive and respectable audiences, and I may say to good effect. Much is said by our ministers in this section, in opposition to the theory, (and they have an influence) but, I have yet to hear one sound logical argument to prove its falsity! They are for the most part ignorant of the subject—and what is worse, they “glory in their shame,” and are ashamed of their glory. I am doing all I can in my paper at present, to proclaim Christ at hand! May the Lord, whose servants ye are, bless you in your labor of love, and preserve us all unto his coming. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.12

S. K. S.
Lewisburg, Pa. Nov. 27th, 1842.

Professot Stuart verging towards Universalism. The “Trumpet,” an Universalist paper, thus speaks of him. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.13

“Professor Stuart continues to verge towards Universalism. He does not profess to believe in the salvation of all men, but thinks a much greater number will be saved than lost. In his late work, “Hints on the Interpretation of Prophecy,” he speaks as follows. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.14

“That the final proportion of men who will be redeemed, must be greater, yea, much greater than that which will be lost, seems to be made certain by the ancient promise, that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent’s head, Genesis 3:15. But how can this promise be true, if after all, Satan shall destroy the larger portion of the human race?” p. 127. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.15

So much for the Professor. All sects are tending towards Universalism. He cannot believe that Christ will gain a triumph worth mentioning unless he obtains by far the greater part of the human race. This is very well for him, considering that he is bound to subscribe to the Andover creed once in five years—a creed based on the principles of real old-fashioned Calvinism. If that creed could be put aside, all Andover would be Universalists in less than twenty years: and we do not know but they will as it is. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.16

Testimony of a Martyr, in 1651. Brother Christopher Love, was beheaded on Tower Hill, London, August 22, 1651. Having previously written and published several sermons on the second coming of our Savior, which he considered personal and premillennium. Among other things which he said, within a few days previous to, and at his execution, of his innocence and triumphant faith, etc. he said “The short work spoken of by the apostle, which the Lord is to make on the earth in the latter age of the world, cannot be far off. Observe while you live, my dear friend, my calculations of the dates in the books of Revelation and Daniel, which the spirit of the Lord hath led me into, for the Lord will reveal it to some of his own, ere that time come, for the nearer the time is, the seals will be taken away, and more and more shall be revealed to God’s people: for the Lord doth nothing without he reveal it by his spirit to his servants the prophets. He destroyed not the old world without the knowledge of Noah—he did not overthrow Sodom and Gomorrah, without the knowledge of Abraham. I do not mean that any new prophet shall arise; but the Lord by his spirit shall cause knowledge to abound among his people, whereby the old prophecies shall be clearly and perfectly understood. And I die in that thought, and really believe that my calculation on the Revelation of St. John, etc. will be found true,” He has given from 1779 to 1805, for great earthquakes, commotions, wars, downfall of Popery, the production of a great man. Let the thinking judge. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.17

J. D. Johnson.

The Time of the End. The Almighty either has, or has not designed that his people should have some suitable warning of the approach of the great day of the Lord, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, etc. If what Paul says be true, that they, God’s people, are not in darkness that that day should overtake them as a thief; does it not become all the lovers of the Lord, closely to examine, and compare with Scripture the notes of warning that are now sounding through our land and world? HST December 14, 1842, page 103.18

We covet not the situation of those editors, or preachers, who are holding up to ridicule the honest efforts of deeply pious men, whose labors God is crowning with success. What will become of that “evil servant” who is thus smiting his fellow servants, and “eating and drinking with the drunkard,” or furnishing food for them by saying my Lord delayeth his coming? Luminary HST December 14, 1842, page 103.19

A correspondent of the New York Sun, writing from Gibralter, says:—“An old college friend has returned from a two years residence in Turkey, and with the strongest sympathies in favor of the Turks, represents them as on the verge of ruin. The young Sultan is a weak slave to his pleasures, and his health is sinking under them. Some of his officers seem more disposed to set up for themselves than to aid in strengthening his hands... Between invasions, rebellions and allies, Turkey bids fair to realize the popular superstition that in 1843 the Christians will take Constantinople, and the Jews return in triumph to Palestine. This singular prediction, in various forms and modifications, is current along the whole coast of Barbary, as well as on the eastern shores of the Mediteranean” HST December 14, 1842, page 103.20

Sea and Waves roaring


This sign is almost the last in the series described before the promise, “Then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud, with power and great glory. “Some think it relates to the people on the earth, for people are called “waters,” in the New Testament. In this sense, the prediction is strikingly fulfilled in that feverish and restless excitement which everywhere prevails; but we think the language is to be understood literally, and that it has had a literal fulfilment. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.21

Our readers are familiar with the statement which went the rounds of the papers last spring, that a sea captain, who had crossed the Atlantic 106 times, had the roughest passage last February that he ever knew. We need not name the desolating storm which carried mourning to so many hundreds of families on Cape Cod last Fall, or the distructive gale which shivered so many vessels at Gloucester two years before. The records of shipwrecks in all parts of the world are too numerous and too well known to be repeated here. The recent papers have greatly swelled the catalogue. Here are specimens: HST December 14, 1842, page 103.22

Storm at Sea—We learn from the Portland Argus, that the United States Cutter Alert, Capt. Whitcombe arrived there on the 25th ult., having on board the crew of the late schooner Catharine, of East Machias, wrecked near Seguin Island. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.23

A large number of coasting vessels were exposed, and suffered very much in the gale of the 18th ult., previous to which the wind had been to the eastward for eight or ten days, and hundreds of light coasting vessels from the westward during that time, had been collecting in the different harbors along the coast; consequently many of them must have been more or less injured by the gale, and probably lost, that did not come to the knowledge of the Cutter. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.24

The officers and crew of the Cutter were instrumental in saving several small vessels from destruction. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.25

Gale at Cape Good Hope.—An English sloop of war from Cape of Good Hope, at St. Helena, communicated information of a severe gale at the Cape on the 7th of September, during which several British vessels were wrecked; and also that the ship Fairfield, of Boston, went ashore at Table bay, and was a wreck. HST December 14, 1842, page 103.26

Instead of filling our sheet with such extracts, we will record an anecdote. One day last summer, I called on an elderly gentleman who lived on the sea-coast between Salem and Gloucester. He was in a corn-field, which was washed on two sides by the waves of the Atlantic, which were then rolling slowly on to the shore. As we walked towards the house, I referred to his romantic situation, alluding particularly to the bold rocks which defended the coast opposite his dwelling. pointing to some which were not less than thirty feet high, he said he had seen the waves dash against those rocks, and break over their tops. Without making any allusion to the subject of Christ’s coming, I asked him how the state of the sea had been recently, in comparison with former years. He promptly replied, “It has been very much more tempestuous within the last two years, than ever before within my recollection.” HST December 14, 1842, page 104.1

He was an old man, and had always lived on that coast. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.2

We are aware that scoffers will still say, “All things continue as they were,” but “The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, when the earth, and the things which are therein, will be burned up.” HST December 14, 1842, page 104.3

A Story.—The New York Evangelist tells its readers a story of a Millerite Tent Meeting, held in one of the Eastern towns in which a Methodist preacher was invited to preach; he consented on condition that he might preach his own views. This being granted him, he preached “the reality of a constant exposure to death, and after death the judgment,” so effectually, that the Millerites left the ground and the tent remained with the ‘42 men in possession with a powerful revival in progress. Now this looks like many of the false stories, invented and circulated through the country for the purpose of putting down Millerism. We ventnre to say that no such circumstance has taken place in one of our “eastern towns.” We have heard nothing of it here, “down east;” and we have kept an eye on the movement of the “Big Tent” and second Advent Camp Meetings. At these meetings, persons have been invited to preach, frequently who are not ‘43 men, but that Mr Miller or any of his friends have been driven fron the gronnd, where they were holding meetings by such preaching, we have no hesitation in saying, is without any foundation in fact. The worthy editors of the Evangelist have been imposed upon in this case. Ch. Her. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.4

Has the Pope’s Dominion been Taken Away?


An emphatic answer to this question has just come to hand, in a volume entitled, “An Introduction to Christianity,” by Joshua Sutcliffe. It was published in this country “by J Soule, [now Bishop] and T. Mason, for the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States.” We copy from the edition of 1817, “Second American from the second (improved) English Edition.” p. 151. It had, therefore, beer exposed to rigid examination, and may be implicitly relied on. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.5

“The two thousand three hundred days; that is, years, of Daniel, for the God of heaveu to set up an everlasting kingdom, and cleanse the sanctuary, are expired, or nearly so, Daniel 8:13, 14. Likewise, the fall of the tenth part of the city by a great earthquake, and the slaughter of the seven thousand men, seems to have been strikingly accomplished by the French revolution. Their bidding defiance to the powers of the pontificate was sudden and unexpected as an earthquake, and attended with the slaughter of more than a million men. The aggrandizement of this empire, and the titles assumed by Bonaparte, emperor of France, and king of Italy, are declarations to the world, that THE TEMPORAL POWERS OF THE POPE EXIST NO MORE There need be no more disputes about the doctrine of the two swords. His holiness, now, is of little more consequance to the church, than that of a degraded priest granting absolution in the crimes of France. The removed churches have uniformle considered this empire as that tenth part of the city, and it is sufficiently evident they were not mistaken, for none of the Protestant nations were emancipated with such great political commotions.” HST December 14, 1842, page 104.6

The author’s introductory address was dated 1808. Is it not undeniable that the Pope’s dominion had then been taken away, and the 1260 years closed? Who can read the 12th chapter of Daniel, and not be convinced that the resurrection of the just will come within 45 years from the close of the 1260? HAVE THEY NOT ENDED? HST December 14, 1842, page 104.7




To Agents.—As the time draws nigh when we wish to have an equitable adjustment of all outstanding accounts, and as the publisher of the Second Advent publications is without capital to enable him to furnish them to agents on credit, he is exceedingly anxious that all those who are indebted to him for such publications, would make an immediate remittance of the balance now due, or return the publications unsold, that means may be increased for the circulation of light in the south and west. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.8

Hereafter, those wishing for publications, and who expect to pay for them at all, are requested to pay in advance. Those wishing for publications who have not the means of paying for them, art requested so to state it, and we will do the best we can for them according to our means, but in order so to do, our agents must make immediate returns. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.9

To Subscribers and agents of the Signs of the Times. We have never been in the habit of calling upon our delinquent subscribers, or of dunning those who are indebted to us, but as we wish to circulate information as extensively as possible while there is yet time, and as there is so large a balance due us, which if paid, would materially aid us in this effort, we feel bound to call upon our subscribers at this time to make immediate remittance of subscriptions now due. The volume being now half out there are upwards of $2000 dollars due which we must have to meet the bill of the remaining part of the volume. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.10

The Midnight Cry.—This is the title of a paper, half the size of this sheet, which we have published daily in New York city, for the last month, consisting of 24 Nos. which are complete in one vol. This we have before mentioned as containing choice selections from the works of Messrs. Miller, Litch, etc. with original articles from the pens of several gentlemen, who are personally engaged in the study of the prophecies. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.11

We have now on hand 5 or 6000 complete setts, which will be afforded at 50 cts. per Vol. of 24 Nos. and any person sending two dollars shall receive five volumes per mail. For miscellaneous Nos. designed for gratuitous circulation, $1,25 per hundred. This will be found a cheap and expeditious method of circulating light on the subject, as they can be sent by mail to all parts of the Union. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.12

Contents of the 1st 12 numbers. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.13

The Memoir of Wm. Miller—Miller’s Address.—Rules of Interpreting Scripture.—Mr. Miller’s Influence on the People.—Synopsis of his Views.—The two Resurrections.—Diagram of Daniel’s Visions. Clue to the Time.—Christ is Coming. The Endless Kingdom.—Christ’s Age. Objections Reversed.—Dialogue on the End of the World.—Mr. Miller’s Lectnres on the Two Witnesses.—Bible Chronology.—Reasons for believing the Second Coming of Christ in 1843, from Chronology, etc. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.14

Lectures at the Marlboro’ Chapel.—Brother S. Hawley has lectured at the Marlboro’ Chapel on the evidences of the Second Advent in 1843, during the afternoons and evenings of the past week. These lectures have been very able and interesting, and were attentively listened to by crowded audiences; and, as near as we can judge, with a very happy effect. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.15

The intense interest with which the audience listened, (many of them being obliged to stand,) to the eloquent speaker, for more than two hours at a time, was strikingly manifested one evening by a false alarm of fire. Ordinarily the whole audience would have rushed to the door, but on this occasion the great body of them continued unmoved, as if they were transfixed to their places, until the close of the Lecture. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.16

Bro. H. B. Skinner writes us from Bolton, L. C. that he is informed, from the best authority, that many of the French Catholics are confidently expecting the coming of the Savior next year. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.17

A Conference and lectures on the Second Coming of Christ, will be held in Williamantic, Ct., to commence Dec. 28th., 1842, and continue several days. All friendly to the cause are invited to attend. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.18

A. C. Wheat.



Received from Dec. 3, 1842. From P. M. Geneso, N. Y. Highgate, Vt. Rochester, Mass. Warehouse Point, Ct. Jericho, N. Y. E. Glenville, N. Y. Stockton, N. Y. Irvinngsville, Mass. North East, Pa. East Roxbury, Vt. Shewsbury, Mass. Princeton, Mass. Marshfield, Mass. Bangor, Me. Rochester, N. Y. Norwalk, O. Littleton, Mass. Levant, Me. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.19

From Jonas D. Johnson. G. S. Miles, R. B. Bates, J. Wilcox, S. Stone, Chs. Fitch, L. Caldwell, Luther Jones, L. C. Collins, Jonas Woods, Duttin V. Colver, N. Trull, New Boston, Levi B. Recker, Bangor. E. Bridges Castine, Me. Harvey Dayton, Cordelia Hardy, Greenfield, N. Y. F. Parker, Ashford, Henry Frost, Me. L. D. Fleming. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.20

Bundles Sent


To W. W. Pratt, Shewshury. Philo Hawkes, Chicopee falls. RW. Pratt, Lowell, G. S. Miles, Albany. M. M. George, Lowell, Mass. D. M. Tickney, Portsmouth, N. H. Chester Field, Whateley, Mass. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.21



No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, up stairs. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.22

Address J. V. Himes. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.23

No. 36 Park Row, New York, up stairs, opposite the Park. Address J. V. Himes. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.24

No 67 South Second Street, Philadelphia. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.25

Address Orrin Rogers. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.26

Any person wishing to obtain Books, Charts, or Publications, can obtain them at either of the above depositories. For list of publications, see advertisements. J. V. HIMES. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.27

Boston, Dec. 7, 1842. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.28

DOW & JACKSON, PRINTERS. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.29

BOOKS AND JOBS PRINTED AT SHORT NOTICE. HST December 14, 1842, page 104.30