Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 4

Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], Vol. 4 (September 21, 1842 to March 1, 1843)


September 21, 1842

Vol. IV.—No. 1. Boston, Whole No. 73


Joshua V. Himes & Josiah Litch, Editors. Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston

Letter from William Miller



My Dear Brother Himes:—I am well pleased with your circular, as you would call it, in the two last numbers of the “Signs of the Times.” We need just such a declaration from you, or the editors of the paper. HST September 21, 1842, page 1.1

It is a time to try men’s souls, and their faith, and every one who keeps back a part of the price in this time, will be cursed of God, and despised of men. Courage is a necessary quality for any man who wishes to fight, either for the Lord, or for human rights. And if those who were engaged in the Second Advent cause have not sufficient motives and evidence to give them courage, I could not tell what could be given to support it in any case under heaven. First, the motive. What can it be? Our enemies are at a total loss to know what motive to affix upon us, as a stigma or reproach; they have tried every avenue of their own corrupt hearts to find if possible a motive which would be generally received by an enlightened public, and as yet have only exposed themselves, shown what their motives are, and have failed. HST September 21, 1842, page 1.2

Some few, poor ignorant weak-minded simpletons, have said it was to get a name; a case of this happened in this vicinity some years since. A man who was very ambitious to obtain a name in the world, right or wrong, as every person who knew him would testify, came out in a public paper against me, and charged this motive upon me; but before he got through, he stated that after 1843 my name would not occupy any very envious niche in the temple of fame; thereby contradicting his own assertion, and showing plainly his own motives, without exposing mine. HST September 21, 1842, page 1.3

Another stated that my object was to raise up a new sect. And this man was one of those kind of beings who was never satisfied with any sect, but always, like the moon, changed his faith every month. He would not believe my doctrine, for there would be no honor to be a Millerite after 1843. He exposed himself, without injuring me, then became a Mormon, went off to the west, and died before he entered the promised land. HST September 21, 1842, page 1.4

The next, was a man who was a great speculator, he stated that my object was to make money; very foolish doctrine, he said; nobody would believe it, and before 1843 my family would be in a poor-house. He was expelled from the church, died insolvent, and left his family in poverty. All for his dishonesty. HST September 21, 1842, page 1.5

Another man of my acquaintance, by profession a Universalist, always very much offended if any man told him he did not believe the doctrine he advocated. He knew Miller did not believe the doctrine himself, was trying to scare folks, none but weak minds and soft heads would be terrified at such nonsense. Afterwards, he by some of his friends was pressed to go and hear for himself, he came, was convicted of the truth, very much alarmed, cried out for mercy, found peace in believing—and now he says that he never did believe the Universalist doctrine was true. HST September 21, 1842, page 1.6

But I think, above all inconsistencies which I have seen, is the extract from the “Portland Tribune” on “Millerism.” HST September 21, 1842, page 1.7

“Hundreds, yes thousands, of young men, once enterprising, and imbued with a laudable ambition to obtain rank and influence among their fellow men, where they might have been instrumental of doing much good, and in the end left behind them upon the sands (where Universalists always build) of time, traces of their good deeds, have, through the blighting influence of the new scheme, suddenly become spiritless misanthropes—neglecting their temporal concerns,—wholly given up to their wild dreams of approaching bliss.” And though “but few, save of the uninformed, and illiterate embrace Millerism.” How consistent. Universalism does not teach “approaching bliss, only upon the sands of time;” true, we have long suspected that was all their hope. They are beginning to show themselves. Again, see their consistency. Miller builds “stone wall,” will not “gamble away his farm,” he does not believe his own doctrine. Now his neighbor has “sold his cattle; neglected to plant his fields, and is now patiently waiting the Second Advent.” An awful crime, you cannot please them. They are all in confusion, what is the matter, gentlemen? “We do religiously believe (no one will dispute your faith, you give good evidence) that were we to concoct the most absurd and ridiculous scheme that our brain was capable of conceiving, (we give you credit gentlemen, for the practical part of this) and promulgate it strenuously as of heavenly origin, (experience has made you perfect in this also) we should soon have numerous followers.” No man can dispute your theory on this thing, for it has been practically, experimentally and faithfully proved by the doctrine you advocate, in the past fifty years. Therefore, when men cry, thief, thief, you may catch the cryer, and, ten to one, you get the rogue. HST September 21, 1842, page 1.8

Secondly. Our evidence; one or two good evidences from the word of God ought to satisfy every believer in Christ. 2 Peter 3:3, 4. “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts. And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” HST September 21, 1842, page 1.9

If this sign is not fulfilled now by every class and sect of men, who oppose the Second Advent, from the orthodox down through all sects, Mormons, Deists, Infidels, and Universalists, then I ask, every honest man, if there is one among them all, How could this sign be fulfilled to your satisfaction? Do, we pray you, tell us. HST September 21, 1842, page 1.10

Again, Luke 21:25-27. “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud, with power and great glory.” If this is not fulfilled even now? Will not some one of the many, who are opposing the doctrine we advocate, tell us how this text can be fulfilled to their entire satisfaction? Do give us the light we ask. Also, Revelation 16:12-15. “And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth, and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.” Is this fulfilled, and how much? We ask you to tell us, not put us off with any of your darkness. Does this passage mean any thing fulfilling at the present time? and do tell us what we must watch for? We ask for light from our Watchman, we demand it; in the name of Jesus who set you upon the walls, we demand it. For the value of our precious souls, and by the command of him who has commanded. Mark 13:34. “For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work; and commanded the porter to watch.” We demand it. We cannot refrain from asking, do not turn us off. We plead for truth, do in soberness give us not a stone, give us not ridicule; but in the name of all that is dear, all that is divine, all that is holy, “Watchman, what of the night?” God has given us the privilege to inquire, we therefore claim it as a right to inquire. What do these things portend? We feel in our hearts something is coming upon us, in this we cannot be deceived. We see things are taking place, such things, too, as our Divine Master told us would come, when he has commanded us to watch. Watch for what? If it is not for his advent, what is it? Oh tell us, ye watchmen? all of you. We have thought it was for his coming; you have laughed and ridiculed us, why do you mock us, and defame us, and call us ignorant. We ask for light, we want knowledge, we cannot be denied. Tell us for what we must watch. If we look for the dear Savior, you call us “Millerites,” if we love his appearing, you call it “Millerism.” If we tell you of our hearts trembling for fear, you call it “moonshine.” If the times denote the last vial of God’s wrath, as being poured out, you say it is “fanaticism.” Show us what we may believe, tell us what we may watch for, show us all our duty or danger. You must not slight our request, if you will not tell us what time of night we are in, we must go where we can learn. If our watchmen will not give the cry, blame not your people if they seek it from another quarter. Awake you, ye slumbering virgins, your Master told you to watch when ye see these things come to pass. Know then it was near even at the door. These things have come, we have seen them, we meet the scoffer at every turn, from every place, in the pulpit and from the press, in the church and grog-shop, in the private walks and more public circles, from the north and from the south, from Europe and Asia, the question is put, “Where is the promise of his coming? Their argument, too, is given, plainly given. “For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” Could it be in the power of mortals, to fulfill this passage more than it is now? If so, do tell us how? They will not tell us, they plead ignorance, I can hardly meet a man or watchman, who oppose the doctrine of the Second Advent, who will not make this plea, “We are ignorant of what these things mean, we have no time to study it, we take little or no interest in the subject.” Oh, my God, how can we dispute thy word, since it is so literally fulfilled nearly 1800 years, after it was wrote by thy servant Peter. See our present teachers, dear reader, compare them with 2 Peter 3:5-7. “For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water. Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished; but the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” “Willingly ignorant;” how true, Oh Father of all mercies, is it so? Can nothing awake them? Must they slumber until the “hail shall sweep away the refuges of lies?” Ye servants of God, why will you not lay by all prejudice, examine this subject candidly; if after a fair and candid examination there should be no ground for our belief, you will do the world and us a great favor to show it, and save us from our errors. You will never do it by ridicule, nor by unkind treatment. The more you close your doors and pulpits, the more you fasten us in error, if it is an error, and yourselves in the dark, if it be darkness in you. The anxiety of the people, too, must be relieved, nothing can lull us to sleep again, until you give us a clearer light, or time should prove us wrong. But if we are right, and Christ should come as we expect, what must be the pungent feeling of your souls, when you find the error is on your side, and the dreadful effects that error must irresistibly produce on the eternal welfare of those who have looked to you for instruction and truth. Yours, etc. Wm. Miller. Low Hampton, Aug. 19, 1842. From the Boston Pilot. HST September 21, 1842, page 1.11

Propagation of the Faith


Plans, designs, and prospects of the Church of Rome.
Daniel 7:13, 14.

It will be gratifying, we are sure, (says the Dublin Freeman) to our Catholic countrymen, to read the subjoined letter from the Paris Committee of the above Society to the Central Committee in Dublin, and which has been lately received by the honorary secretary, the Rev. Mr. O’Connell. As the letter will speak sufficiently for itself, we shall merely remark that we are proud of the fact that Ireland, in the amount of its contribution, ranks as fourth among the various countries which co-operate with this great Association:— HST September 21, 1842, page 2.1

Paris, 8th April, 1842. HST September 21, 1842, page 2.2

Gentlemen.—We avail ourselves of the few moments that intervene between the closing of our annual accounts, and their publication in the annals, to communicate to you the results of the last year. HST September 21, 1842, page 2.3

Thanks be to Him from whom proceeds every good, and to the kind protection of the episcopacy, whose voice has not ceased to recommend our labors, and to your zeal, we have to announce a still further and considerable increase—the receipts of 1840 exceed those of 1841, 380,000 francs, (11,600l.) HST September 21, 1842, page 2.4

The sums contributed by the several countries are as follows:—In France there have been collected 1,479,434 francs (59,177l.;) in Bavaria, 210,000 francs (8,400l.;) in Belgium, 159,000 francs (5,360l.;) in England, 33,000 francs (1,320l.;) in Ireland, 195,000 francs (7,800l.;) in Portugal, 46,000 francs (1,840l.;) in Holland, 18,000 francs (760l.;) in the Roman States, 77,000 francs, (3,180l,;) in Naples, 61,000 francs (2,440l.;) in Switzerland, 33,000 francs (1,320l.;) in Prussia, 85,000 francs (3,400l.;) in Tuscany, 41,000 francs (1,640l.) In fine, the offerings transmitted from the various other countries of Europe, the Levant, and America, have reached the amount of 119,000 francs (4,400l.) The total sum thus amounts to 2,752,214 francs (118, 088l.) HST September 21, 1842, page 2.5

This success is certainly consoling; nevertheless, if we compare it with the multiplied necessities and the wants of every description to which these means are to be applied, shall we not be obliged to confess that our zeal ought still further to increase, and that the extending of the mission demands on our part new exertions. Four Vicariate Apostolic are about rising in Australia; three others have been erected in China, or in its neighboring provinces. An important mission has been opened amongst the free blacks of the western coast of Africa; a second one, already approved of by the Holy See, is preparing to carry the torch of faith to the numerous tribes of Caffraria. In America, several recently erected dioceses are forming their ecclesiastical establishments. The Catholics are multiplying in Oceanica. Thus, everywhere religion makes progress. Many causes of expense have therefore been created; and yet, none of the missions formerly aided by the association, can dispense with its assistance. Some of the churches of America have, it is true, for a long time, shared in the annual distribution of our funds; but the tide of unceasing emigration, while it carries there new members to preserve, new enemies to combat, it obliges them to claim from us the continuance of our support. The efforts of the sectaries in the East call for a redoubling of our zeal, and the ruined chapels of Mount Lebanon, and the cries of distress from its twice decimated population, tell us in moving accents what those missions expect from us. In Tong King, in Cochin China, blood continues to flow; the multiplied afflictions of that country, while they solicit our prayers, demand of us at the same time effectual and abundant alms. HST September 21, 1842, page 2.6

We have hitherto enumerated only a portion of the changes to which our society is subject. We must now, gentlemen, speak of those missions in Europe which the exalted wisdom of his Holiness has latterly called upon us to aid—of those missions of which a single item shows their presence in our report. We cannot, indeed, in the narrow limits of a letter, convey to you a knowledge of their distress. Churches, hospitals, prayer books, everything is wanting. There are some of them, where the families which have preserved the faith after the great apostasy of the sixteenth century, are, in consequence of their fidelity, reduced to a state of poverty which renders them unable to maintain a priest; and this poverty, while it exposes them to the contempt of their countrymen, does not secure them from the vexations of their religious intolerance. HST September 21, 1842, page 2.7

Such is the vastness of the wants; and yet the admirable impulse which induces fervent Levites to devote themselves to the apostleship of the most distant nations, is far from abating; every day new vocations occur; even in the reading of the Annales contributes to multiply them. New congregations are formed, and spread themselves, for the purpose of carrying the faith to the end of the world. From the bosom of the Eternal City, the Roman Pontiff, attentive to this movement, encourages it, favors it, and blesses it. He creates missions in places where none had previously existed; and from all parts of Europe priests, animated with that zeal which makes apostles, and eager to answer to his call, offer themselves to fill the new posts. In order to secure the execution of his vast and important designs, the Holy Father, with that confidence which does us honor, turns his eyes towards our society; but we must correspond with his intentions, and let not our zeal relax. Let us then advance continually, and with courage towards the end which Providence assigns us, for we are still far from the goal which, in all probability, we are to reach when we shall have only to maintain what we shall have achieved. HST September 21, 1842, page 2.8

Formerly, at the voice of an humble hermit, the people of Europe arose in a mass to go to rescue from the infidels the holy sepulchre of the Savior; but we are not called to the deliverance of the Holy Land—it is in the conquest of the entire world that we are to take part, and to subject it to the glorious empire of the cross. It is the voice of the supreme Head of the church that urges us on, that encourages us, and cries out that in aiding the new apostles we share in their merits and their triumphs in this truly peaceful crusade, filled with a generous ardor, like our fathers; and with still more confidence we can also repeat, “God wills it!” HST September 21, 1842, page 2.9

Accept the new assurance of the affectionate devotion and the high consideration with which we have the honor to be, gentlemen, your most humble and most obedient servants, on the part of the Central Council, HST September 21, 1842, page 2.10

De la Conillerie, President.
F. Choiselat Gallien, Treasurer.
To the members of the Council of Dublin.

To all Christians


Who expcct the Second Advent is nigh, and especially to those who believe it will take place next year. HST September 21, 1842, page 2.11

Dear Friends:—We are now on the eve of a very important event, and it is too late in the day to loiter or trifle. For several months my mind has been pained by reflecting on the apathy and sinful inactivity that too generally prevails respecting endeavors to circulate publications on this momentous subject. It must, however, be acknowledged, that while Brother Litch was pointedly and faithfully sounding the midnight cry in this region, many came forward in several places, and contributed a little to promote the cause. We should not undervalue their laudable efforts, but say to them, and to all others, remember the time for doing good, in this life, is very short; let us, therefore, work diligently while the day lasts, and look well to it that we do ALL which God requires of us, and do it NOW while we have time and opportunity; and act, in all respects, as we shall wish we had when brought to His bar. Let us proclaim as with a trumpet voice the soul thrilling affirmation, the Judge is at the door. And that we may do still more good, let us circulate plentifully and extensively the Second Advent publications, and thus add great weight to our testimony, while mankind perceive that we are quitting our hold of the love of the world, and that our words and actions correspond. By all that is sacred, and by the value of the souls of our fellow creatures, as philanthropists and lovers of God, let us take a decided stand and arouse to action without delay in this glorious cause. O consider the inestimable value of one soul that must live as long as God himself exists; and, furthermore, reflect that if an individual lay out only a few dollars, for these silent messengers of mercy, and distribute them far and near as opportunity offers, he may, in this way, for aught he knows, be the humble instument of the conversion of an hundred souls who are now slumbering on the brink of eternity, and of everlasting wo; and these souls thus awakened might raise the midnight cry in the ears of thousands more, and who can tell to what an extent the flame kindled in this way would run. And what an abundant reason would the person who did the benevolent act, have to rejoice to all eternity on that account? If ever there was a time when mortals should act as for eternity, it is now; and shall believers in the speedy coming of the Lord sleep over the subject with such astonishing inactivity as to be a wonder to angels and men? God forbid. There are millions in America who speak our own language, who are in gross darkness upon this subject, who, no doubt, would awake and believe if the truth respecting it was fairly presented to their minds; and shall we, my dear friends, who have been so highly favored with the light of truth, remain indifferent about their condition? Without doubt the answer from many will be No! NO, it must not be, we will go forward in the strength of the Lord with energy in this urgent and Christian enterprise. HST September 21, 1842, page 2.12

“Brethren, see poor sinners round you
Slumbering on the brink of woe,
Judgment’s coming, hell is yawning,
Can you bear to let them go?”
Many will cry peace and safety,
Till they down in sorrow lie
Unless suddenly awakened
By the powerful midnight cry.”
Ralph Merry.
Bolton, L. C. July, 1842.
HST September 21, 1842, page 3.1

Letter from Calvin French


Brother Himes:—I am happy to say, that in the place where I have last labored, the Second Advent cause is onward; those who show their faith by their works, are rejoicing so much the more as they see the day approaching, while others who say they have faith but have not works, their hearts are failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth. Is there not a deep conviction resting on the community that a great revolution must soon take place? Is there not distress among the nations of the earth in their governments and finances? Is there not perplexity among those who do business on the mighty waters, and among those who buy and sell on the land to get gain? Ask our merchants, manufacturers, mechanics, and even farmers, if they take that pleasure in the business of life they once did; and what will they say? “O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end!” HST September 21, 1842, page 3.2

On Tuesday, 9th inst., I commenced a course of lectures in Guilford, N. H. Our Conference commenced on the 10th. The attendance was not large, yet an honest hearing was given by some, and they expressed a desire that they might know and understand the subject. I was glad to learn that the visit of our brethren Goodhue and Ames, who felt it their duty to go from place to place, and call on families, converse with them, and leave books on the Second Advent, was blessed to one brother in this place, whose attention was called to the subject by their visit; he is now a confirmed believer in the manner and time of Christ’s Second Appearing. Let this be an encouragment to them and others who desire to do what they can to spread the light; who will go? I closed my lectures in Guilford on Sabbath eve. On Monday, 15th inst, I took the stage, and remembering the command, “as ye go, preach,” I scattered the “Clue to the Time” to many of the dwellings as I passed, and arrived in Claremont late in the evening. The good seed sown in this pleasant village by brother Miller and Fitch is bearing much fruit. By request, I gave two lectures in the Methodist house. On Tuesday, P. M., late in the evening, I took stage for Springfield, Vt. Early on Wednesday I arrived in North Springfield and had the privilege of greeting Brother Shipman, who, with his people, were disappointed of a visit from me a year ago last June on account of my health. HST September 21, 1842, page 3.3

I found here a wide and effectual door open into which I have entered and labored, having given nineteen lectures in six days and one evening; the fruit of which was apparent before they closed. In some of the meetings sinners were heard to cry aloud for mercy; the cry of some were heard, and were made to rejoice that their sins were forgiven. Quite a number have found peace during the meetings, many backsliders have confessed and returned with weeping, and it has evidently been a time of deep searching of heart with those who profess to love the Lord. HST September 21, 1842, page 3.4

Our Conference commenced in the Christian Chapel on Thursday, 18th inst.; but that becoming too strait for us, and we receiving a kind invitation from the Baptist brethren to occupy their more commodious house, on Saturday P. M. we removed to their house. Brother Crane, their pastor, advised his people who were present to invite their neighbors to attend with them, and to bring those from a distance who had no means of conveyance of their own The Conference closed on Tuesday. The attendance was large, and many ministering brethren were present, most of whom appeared to manifest a desire for the truth. Woe be to the individual who may do any thing to hinder the work of God in this place; may it continue until Christ shall come. HST September 21, 1842, page 3.5

On Wednesday, 24th, I bade farewell to the brethren at North Springfield, but I could not sorrow that I should see them no more, believing we so soon shall meet no more to part. HST September 21, 1842, page 3.6

On Thursday I came to Low Hampton, and am now writing at the old desk where our dear brother Miller has so often sat to search the Scriptures; and a thousand sweet reflections rush into my mind. I can truly say, I bless my Heavenly Father that I ever heard from his lips, or read from his pen; and I have not a doubt that thousands can do the same. HST September 21, 1842, page 3.7

Brother Miller is now giving a course of lectures in Brandon, Vt., about 22 miles northeast of this. My interview with his family has been pleasant, and they give good evidence that they are hospitable, industrious and frugal; and let any honest man visit this friendly dwelling, they will find that the many foolish stories made by those “who love a lie” and circulated by those who believe one, have a sandy foundation: my advice is to ALL, who are making light or scoffing about the judgment, that they speed their course, and be sure they get through their scoffing and are forgiven their impiety before Christ comes “to take vengeance on them who know not God and obey not the gospel.” HST September 21, 1842, page 3.8

And to those who do not receive the evidence that Christ will come in’43, I advise you, dear friends, to see to it that you are ready now, not getting ready; that will not do, for you cannot prove he will not come then, the time is so near you need bring no arguments to prove those wrong who are looking for Him in 1843, a few months will settle the question beyond a doubt. “A prudent man forseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on and are punished.” HST September 21, 1842, page 3.9

Yours, in the hope of a blessed immortality,
Low Hampton, N. Y. Aug. 26, 1842.

Warning to Scoffers


God sometimes rebukes bold blasphemers and scoffers at His truth, by suddenly and unexpectedly summoning some of their number to his bar. A believer in the Second Advent near stated to me a short time since that a clergyman with whom he was conversing on the glorious appearing of Christ near, scoffed and ridiculed the doctrine; but a few days after he found a watery grave. A few weeks ago, the writer called on a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church to converse with him on the glorious appearing of our Saviour; he scoffed at the idea of it being near, and said that he knew that it was, at least, one thousand years off; and used insulting language to me, for advocating it near, and especially in 1843. Shortly after this conversation, he went to attend a Conference of the Methodist Church in Vermont, there he suddenly sickened and died; and in less than twelve days from my interview with him he was in his grave. I have heard of some other similar cases. HST September 21, 1842, page 3.10

Reader, whoever you may be, clergyman, layman, or an impenitent sinner, beware how you scoff at the glorious advent near; for this is one of the most important truths that the Most High has revealed to man; which truth was to be revealed to those living at the time of the end, and the generation on the earth at that time were to behold the signs indicating the coming of Christ at hand; which now are manifested with the clearness of a sunbeam. HST September 21, 1842, page 3.11

Albany, Aug. 25, 1842. C. Morley.




Close of the Third Volume.—The last number closed the third volume of our paper. On looking back upon the past we have abundant reason for thankfulness to our Heavenly Father for his bounteous goodness in opening our way before us, and sustaining us under the most discouraging outward circumstances. We have, however, the satisfaction of knowing that within the two and a half years which have elapsed since the commencement of our paper, our cause has had a triumph beyond all precedent in the history in the progress of moral or theological reform. So that at the present time, both the believers and advocates of the theory are multiplying like the drops of the morning among all the denominations of evangelical Christians; while Infidels and Universalists, in great numbers, have been shaken from their sandy foundation, and are now building on the Rock of Truth. So far as the good effect of our poor labors are concerned, we should not shrink at a comparison with any of our cotemporaries, either of the pulpit or the press. We care not in what respect the comparison is made, whether it be the promotion of sound and substantial literature; sound theological sentiment; an increasing taste for a profitable, awakening and edifying study of the Holy Bible; or the awakening and conversion of sinners, together with the sanctification of the church, and her preparation to go forth and meet the Bridegroom. We say not these things boastingly; for if we have done ought to promote the glory of God, it is not us, but the grace and truth of that God whose servants we are; but we say it as an act of justice to the cause we advocate, amidst the scorn and reproach of unnumbered foes. Let the instruments, then, be what they may, yet we are confident however unworthy we may be of such a work as this, God has honored his own truth in a most signal manner. HST September 21, 1842, page 4.1

Amidst all the reproaches cast on us, we have the consciousness that we do not divine for money. Our labors in the department of this paper are gratuitous; and most freely, too, are they given. Our only regret is, that we have not more time to devote to the interest of the paper. But what we have is most freely given. The receipts of the paper for the first two volumes did not meet its expenses by some hundreds of dollars. The third volume will probably sustain itself if the delinquent subscribers will settle their subscribtions. As the volume is now brought to a close, and it is important that all its bills should be settled, those subscribers who are delinquent will perceive the importance of settling their bills without delay. HST September 21, 1842, page 4.2

The Present Volume.—We wish it distinctly understood that our paper is to go on until the Great Master comes to call the laborers and give them their hire. This week we commence our 4th volume. Our patrons will bear in mind our terms, $1 per. vol. in advance. HST September 21, 1842, page 4.3

We wish also to say a word to the friends of the cause. If you think the cause of truth will be promoted by the circulation of this weekly visiter, we wish you to so far befriend the cause of God and Truth, as to use your influence in inducing as many of your neighbors to subscribe as possible. Now is the time for this work to be done up. Set about it then, immediately, and forward us through your Post Master, without delay, the names and subscribtions of all you can obtain. Who will set about the work this week? Who? We purpose securing, at considerable expense, additionable editorial help, as the present editors are necessrily absent from home the greatest part of their time. This arrangement is strictly necessary: and all will perceive the importance of increasing our subscription list in order to sustain the paper. HST September 21, 1842, page 4.4

Our New Volume.—With this number we enter on the 4th Volume of the Signs of the Times. Since its commencement, we have found the value of such an advocate and defender of our cause and its friends, to be incalculable. Beset as we are, on every hand, by opponents and enemies, many of whom are entirely regardless of the truth, and will, without hesitation, resort to the most base and bare-faced falsehoods to bring reproach on us and the Second Advent cause, we have found this paper an important medium of communication for setting the truth before the public; as well as for correcting the numberless false and scirulous reports which have been industriously circulated through the community. HST September 21, 1842, page 4.5

We are aware that many of our readers would be glad of a paper of a more miscellaneous character than ours has been, and would be better suited with short articles. We should be as happy to furnish them with such a paper as they would be to receive it; but they should bear in mind the fact that our paper is made to answer, [and that from necessity, arising from the scantiness of our funds,] a two fold purpose; a missellaneous weekly, and a review and Magazine. A large number of our readers are from distant parts of the country, where our books cannot be had; they, of course, are anxious to obtain the arguments by which the various points in the Second Advent doctrine is sustained, and the numerous arguments brought against us are met. To meet this demand we have been under the necessity of introducing long articles and Reviews into the paper. By this means the midnight cry has been given to thousands, and they have been put in possession of our arguments, who otherwise would have remained in the dark. HST September 21, 1842, page 4.6

Another difficulty under which we have labored, is, the multitudinous calls and incessant labors and engagments of both the Editors has rendered it impossible for them to do that justice to the paper which the cause demands. We, however, intend in the future to remedy this evil by obtaining additional assistance, at considerable expense, in the editorial I department of the paper. But if this is done our friends must rally to our assistance and use their utmost endeavors to furnish us without delay with a large list of new subscribers. This, we believe, can be easily done. If each of our present suscribers will but obtain for us one more, the work will be done, and the paper be above want. And we pledge our patrons that all the proceeds of the paper after paying its actual expenses shall be faithfully appropriated to the advancement of the cause by the spread of light. We are poor in this world’s goods, nor do we ever mean to be otherwise. HST September 21, 1842, page 4.7

The cause of the Midnight Cry is onward, and will continue to increase until the trump of Jubilee shall sound and exiles return to their lost inheritance—the everlasting glory of God’s Kingdom. We mean, by the grace of God, that the trump shall give a more mighty end thrilling blast than has ever yet been sounded in the ears of a sleeping world; “BEHOLD THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH, GO YE OUT TO MEET HIM.” We become, if possible, more and more convinced of the soundness of the arguments in favor of the Second Advent of our Lord in 1843. HST September 21, 1842, page 4.8

Chicopee Campmeeting.—This meeting, held by the believers in the second Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, in 1843, commenced Aug. 25th, and continued ten days. The results of the meeting were such as must convince every candid mind that the hand of God is in this matter. The displays of Divine Grace in the sanctification of believers, and in the awakening and conversion of sinners, were beyond all description glorious. There were present some fifteen ministers of the gospel, who officiated in the meetings, and were firm believers in the doctrine advocated. The friends of the cause were there assembled, with their tents, from different parts of the country, some from a distance of more than two hundred miles. The tents were arranged in a circular form about the ground, and the great Tabernacle pitched in the centre. This is a most noble piece of work, and is now proved to answer fully its design. It will accommodate some four or five thousand people, is very pleasant for the speaker, and affords a perfect shelter from the heaviest rains. HST September 21, 1842, page 4.9

The doctrines preached on this occasion were something new to the great mass of people, who flocked out by thousands to hear. Every one seemed to feel an interest in the subject, and a breathless silence pervaded the entire audience during the time of service. It was soon apparent that God was in the word spoken, and that his blessed spirit was hovering over the encampment. Sinners were deeply awakened to a sense of their guilt, and seen anxiously inquiring what they should do to be saved. When the seasons of invitation came, a hundred were seen, time after time, pressing their way through the immense crowd, to the place of prayer. Among them were all ages and conditions in life. Many a youth, who, until then, had been thoughtless and undecided for God, was there. And there, too, was manhood, humbled in its pride and strength, with the little child, at the feet of Jesus. And there, too, was seen the aged sire, whose locks had been bleached by the storms of more than four score winters, bowed before his God. Nothing could be more evangelical than the feelings of this mixed and weeping multitude. Nothing was there of that wild, excessive and fanatical excitement, which so often has been the jeer of the infidel, and the wound of religion. True, the fountains of the soul were broken up, but it was for sin. The tide of feeling was overwhelming, yet it was but the result of a rational conviction, that humbles the soul at the foot of the cross, and pleads for mercy in the name of Jesus. The most perfect union, and the strongest faith, marked the prayer of God’s people. The very heavens gave way as they wrestled with the angel of the covenant, and mourning penitents, one after another, found redemption in the blood of Jesus. The conviction was irresistible to every believer in Revelation, that it was alone the work of the Holy Spirit, poured out upon the people. HST September 21, 1842, page 4.10

These seasons continued day after day with increasing interest, to the close of the meeting. The last night was one of God’s saving power and mercy, surpassing any sceue of the kind we ever witnessed. The whole time was spent in prayer for seekers of salvation, and not less than one hundred found peace in believing in Christ. When the morning broke upon us, a commingled association of thought and feeling swept over the mind, and affected every heart. God had been with us during our meeting. We saw the trophies of his grace in hundreds of living witnesses around us. Hearts which before had never felt a Savior’s love, were now lost in adoring praise. Sectarian prejudices and distinctions were all forgotten, and Christian hearts, of every name and sect, mingled together like drops of water, in view of the blessed hope of their Lord’s soon return. The time of parting came. A procession was formed, and marched around the encampment, singing the beautiful hymn, commencing, “Lo, what a glorious sight appears.” HST September 21, 1842, page 4.11

The sentiments met with a hearty response from every heart, especially the last:— HST September 21, 1842, page 5.1

“How bright the vision! O how long,
Shall this glad hour delay?
Fly swifter round, ye wheels of time,
And brine the welcome day.”
HST September 21, 1842, page 5.2

The parting hand was then extended, and the mutual farewell given, with the joyful prospect that in a few short months we should meet to part no more, with all God’s happy people, and dwell with our Saviour forever. HST September 21, 1842, page 5.3

The Second Advent Campmeeting at Chicopee was one which, by thousands, will never be forgotten. To sum up the good there accomplished, we cannot. Eternity can alone reveal it. Upwards of four hundred, however, were reported to have experienced the pardoning mercy of a Savior’s love. Great numbers of others left the place awakened to a sense of their lost condition, many of whom have doubtless, ere this, submitted themselves to God. To him be all the glory. It is the Lord’s doings, and it is marvellous in our eyes. HST September 21, 1842, page 5.4

The great object of the meeting was to bring before the people the subject of Christ’s Second Coming in 1843. This blessed truth was brought before the mind, as revealed in the sure word of prophecy, by three or more discourses daily. These were mostly given by Brethren Wm. Miller, C. Fitch, G. Stoors, J. V. Himes, P. T. Kenney, and L. C. Collins. The truth was too clear not to be seen. The people did see it, and multitudes embraced it. Four ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church came out decided as never before, and bore testimony to their firm belief in the doctrine. These were Moses Stoddard, Philo Hawkes, B. M. Walker, and C. W. Turner. It is God’s truth, and he owns and applies it to the hearts of those that hear. Wherever proclaimed, God is in it, and it triumphs. Souls are converted, Christians are quickened to duty, led as never before to renounce the world, and all their sectarian prejudices, and with one heart look for their returning Lord. The whole Christian world is waking up to the subject. The most devoted in all the churches are laying hold of it. A cry for light and lectures upon it is heard from every quarter of the land. It is spreading as upon the wings of the wind. May the good speed it round the globe, the wise understand, and be ready to meet the Lord in the air. HST September 21, 1842, page 5.5

The weather, during most of the meeting, was fine; the order most excellent. No disturbance or accident occurred, which, considering the length of the meeting, and the multitudes assembled, is worthy of notice. L. C. Collins. HST September 21, 1842, page 5.6

So. Glastenbury, Sept. 10, 1842. HST September 21, 1842, page 5.7

The Taunton Campmeeting, has resulted in great good to both christians and sinners. A large number of sinners have been converted, backsliders in crowds have been reclaimed, christians sanctified to God, and convinced of the speedy coming of the Savior. An unusual large number of ministers were fully convinced of the truth of the Second Advent in 1843, and will, in all probability, many of them, go out to give the midnight cry. HST September 21, 1842, page 5.8

Chicopee Campmeeting.—The notice of this meeting by Bro. Collins, in this day’s paper, will be read with interest. It was truly a Feast of Tabernacles. The devil lost from three to five hundred souls. No wonder he should get editors and others, who are at his service, to slander us, and lie about the meeting. They tried to cut off our guy ropes with vitriol, and cut our tent, etc. etc. But they failed. Some of the devil’s servants, who made attempts, were afterwards converted, and deserted his ranks. “The Lord” was and is “on our side, whom shall we fear?” HST September 21, 1842, page 5.9

The Finances. The expenses on the ground, etc. amounted to $190. This did not include the expense of the tent company; with some other bills, amounting to over $60. This we have paid out of our own pocket. About five hundred dollars was pledged, and some was paid in, for the distribution of tracts, etc. The money pledged was not for us, but to be used by those who pledged it in their own way, or as they should direct. The money and jewelry sent to this office will amount to about one hundred and fifty dollars, when all disposed of to the best advantage. These are the facts in the case. Now read the “Liar’s Department,” in another part of this paper. HST September 21, 1842, page 5.10

Castine Campmeeting.—We attended this meeting in company with Br. Miller. The meeting was well attended, and will no doubt result in great good. Notice hereafter. HST September 21, 1842, page 5.11

Review of Stuart’s Hints on Prophecy.—No. I


In the parable of the “ten virgins,” our Saviour informs us, that when the cry was made “Behold the Bridegroom cometh,” than all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. But the lamps of the foolish virgins, although they were trimmed, still emitted no light; for they had no oil in their vessels—no grace of God in their hearts. The present times are strikingly illustrative of that parable. The cry has gone forth into all the land “Behold the Bridegroom cometh;” and the sleeping virgins are beginning to be aroused, and are trimming their lamps—they are examining this question and promulgating their views respecting it. And while many see clearly the evidence that the Son of man is near, even at the doors; others acknowledge that their lamp, the Bible, sheds no light on their minds respecting his approach. If the Bible does contain the light, and they see it not, it must be that their lamps are gone out for the want of oil in their vessels. We are, therefore, the more astonished when men of acknowledged research, and reputed piety, are willing to stand up and proclaim to the world that they are in total darkness respecting the time of the end; and that when that day shall come, it may come even upon them as a thief in the night: for such is the fair inference from their conclusions. HST September 21, 1842, page 5.12

Among those who believe that while that day shall come as a thief in the night, that the brethren, contrary to the declaration of St. Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:4, will also be in darkness that that day should overtake them as a thief are many whose names rank high as to learning and talent; and on whose opinions the world will place great reliance. It is, however, too late in the day to expect that humble and devoted Christians will receive on trust, the opinions of others merely because they are great or talented, or learned—merely because they are versed in philology, or sacred hermeneutics, or oriental literature Were those the qualifications which alone could point the road to heaven, then we should point to the far-famed Germany, where science shines with its greatest brilliancy; and the profoundest minds have made the deepest researches; and rationalism, neology, socinianism and transcendentalism, have darkened the lamp of life which once shone so clearly. Yea, atheistical France with all its refinement, and talent, and research in science, and literature, should mould our standard of faith; but true piety looks not there, the true christian will place the most confidence in the opinions of those who tremble at the word of God, who look, not entirely to their own wisdom, but who study the word of God upon their knees, that they may be guided by Infinite Wisdom. “A little learning is a dangerous thing,” the poet says; but those who trust not the teachings of God’s Holy Spirit, will find at last that however learned they may have been, if they lean upon it, they will have leaned upon a broken reed. A man like Paul or Newton, who is conscious of his own weakness, will rely upon a higher power, and then his learning is sanctified for good, and is a blessing to the world, Not so with those who make their learning their god. The great question, therefore, should be, are those who would teach us, men of God? and are they writing for the glory of God, and in view of their accountability at his bar? if so, then let us try their opinion by the testimony of the Bible, and receive or reject them as they accord with that. Let us see whether their lamp emits any light; and if not, we will not wander in their darkness. HST September 21, 1842, page 5.13

The work under review is entitled “Hints on the interpretation of Prophecy” by M. Stuart—Professor in Andover Theologial Seminary, and it will doubtless be considered by those who oppose the Second Advent of our Saviour in 1843 as the corner stone of all arguments, and as the most powerful engine that can be brought against it. It is a work which will be instrumental of both good and evil. It will be instrumental of good, because it lays down rules for the interpretation of prophecy in accordance with the views of those, who are looking for the glorious appearing of the great God and of our Saviour Christ Jesus; and in opposition to the multitude of fanciful and figurative interpreters of the present day, who spiritualize away the predictions of God, and make the Bible mean any and every thing that their fancies may dictate: and it will also be the more easy to prove how the author has not been governed by the positions laid down by himself, so that it carries its own antidote with it. But it will be productive of evil, not so much from the conclusiveness of his reasoning, as from the fact that it will go forth to the world as having overthrown “Millerism;” so that multitude who never see it, will take it for granted that the “Midnight Cry” is a false alarm; and will settle down indifferent and unconcerned, until the Master of the house shall have risen up, and shut too the door against them. Multitudes will believe that its arguments are unanswerable from the source from which they come—he being the great head of New England orthodoxy—and will, therefore, not take the trouble to examine the question, while the fact is, this doctrine, as taught by the apostles and their successors, stands unmoved,—not a doubt being raised in the mind of a single individual, who shortly expects to see his Lord, by any of the sophistry of his reasoning. HST September 21, 1842, page 5.14

Our limits will not permit us to go at large into a review of the work before us. We can, therefore, only allude to some of the most prominent points upon which he enlarges. His first 47 pages are occupied in attempting to prove that no Scripture contains an occult or double sense, i. e. that it could have no direct application to a past event, and also be applicable to some future event. As this is a question which is not peculiarly applicable to the point at issue, we shall go into no argument to refute it. But when we find such positive declarations as in Matthew 2:15, that the child Jesus was taken to Egypt “that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet; saying, Out of Egypt have I called my Son,” and in John 19:28, “that the scripture might be fulfilled which saith, I thirst,” with other expressions on pages 35, 38, we cannot agree with him that there were no prophecies in the Old Testament which required such a fulfilment. We, however, do agree with him that prophecy is prediction, and that a table of genealogy is only a table of genealogy, and that the Bible is to be taken as it reads. HST September 21, 1842, page 6.1

He next assails the general belief that prophecy cannot be understood until it is fulfilled, so that hereafter we shall hope no more to hear from those who endorse his opinions, that we must wait the event before we can understand the prediction. In this we also agree with him, that a revelation which is unintelligible, is no revelation, and if it cannot be understood until it is fulfilled, that till then the church is neither admonished nor instructed nor comforted; and therefore one great end of the prediction to prepare us for its fulfilment, is lost, and also if it could not be understood until it is fulfilled, there could never be any certainty that it was fulfilled. But if it does not necessarily follow that all prophecy will be understood before it is fulfilled, or that it is so fully understood at any previous time, as on the eve of its fulfilment; for in a chain of predicted events, the fulfilment of each successive link in that chain, can but serve to throw light upon those which are to be fulfilled, till as we come down to the end of the chain, and there is wanting but the fulfilment of one remaining link, we can have no knowledge respecting it which could never have been known at any previous period. Neither does it follow, as he supposes, that the prophets understood fully themselves the nature of their predictions. As he has advanced no thus saith the Lord, to prove that those prophets did understand fully, that respecting which the apostle says they searched dilligently, what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, and unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves but unto us they did minister; and as that has no particular bearing upon that which we intend more closely to review, it will be unnecessary for us to go into a labored argument in reply to it. When Daniel, in chapter 12th, had revealed to him the resurrection, he says, “I heard but I understood not, and cried, O my Lord what shall be the end of these things?” And the angel replied, “Go thy way Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.” Now if that prediction was not to be more fully understood at the time of the end, than at any previous period; or than it was by Daniel himself, it will be very difficult to give a satisfactory explanation of it. And then it will require a peculiar state of mind to fully understand it, otherwise the wicked would equally understand it with the pious. We, therefore, fully accord with him that we have “a more sure word of prophecy, where unto we do well to take heed, as unto a light shinging in a dark place;” but we also believe that it is a light, which will grow brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. The first sixty-three pages of the book are thus occupied with what we have but little concern, as the arguments are principally directed against those who are the greatest opponents of the doctrine of the Second Advent: viz. those who spiritualize away the doctrine by their figurative interpretations. In our next number we shall be prepared to examine his arguments (?) on the designations of time in the prophecies. B. HST September 21, 1842, page 6.2

“Hundreds, yes thousands, of young men, once enterprising, and imbued with a laudable ambition to obtain rank and influence among their fellow men, where they might have been instrumental of much good, and in the end left behind them, upon the sands of Time, traces of their good deeds, have, through the blighting influence of the new scheme, suddenly become spiritless misanthropes—neglecting their temporal concerns—wholly given up to their wild dreams of approaching bliss.”—A Newspaper. HST September 21, 1842, page 6.3

So let it be! tis well—tis meet
That these should worship at the Saviour’s feet—
Tis well that minds confessed of heavenly birth,
Should learn to scorn the baser things of earth;
Renounce its vain pursuits, and turn their eyes,
And plume their wings ambitious for the skies!
Here must they still as pale exortics pine,
Where winds blow chill, and suns beclouded shine;
There they may thrive, indigenous and fair,
With genial suns and soft salubrious air—
And is it then lamentable to see
Such opening buds of promise close their fragancy,
Resolved to blossom in a worthier sphere?
And what if to their faith the joyful hour be near?
HST September 21, 1842, page 6.4

Ay, even now, if they behold
The plain potents the prophets told,
That should precede the final day,
And turn their thoughts from earth away,
Rejoicing in the prospect bright,
Of union with the forms of light!
Shall grovelling earth-worms dare
To ridicule their trust,
Who cast aside their worldly care
To wait the advent of the just?
HST September 21, 1842, page 6.5

As tho’ a faith and hope so high,
For which the Son of God could die,
Were e’en unworthy to beget concern,
And the low current of man’s thoughts a moment
HST September 21, 1842, page 6.6

Might they have been or rich or great,
And in their own and friend’s esteem,
Did honors of the world await?
Riches are vain, and honor is a dream.
Might they a poet’s lyre have strung,
O’er whose high strains a raptured world has hung?
Immortal harps are theirs,
Who gain the great reward above—
The favored object of Eternal love
Immortal harps and palms and crowns!
O what is this to earth’s renown!
A puff of empty air!
HST September 21, 1842, page 6.7

I coveted a poet’s fame,
And o’er the “midnight oil,”
I gave the silent hours to toil,
And fondly hoped to see my name
Enrolled among those lofty ones,
That shine as glorious stars and suns,
In the bright firmament of mind.
Life had no page could please my taste,
But such as was with glory graced,
Or showed the laurel wreath entwined
Around his brow, whom men had given
The honors of their idol heaven.
Such were the charms that won my soul,
And held it with a strong control.
These charms are fading—earthly honors seem
To me but as a fever’d dream,
Soon to be o’er.
I count no more
The fame that fades—the gold that holds alloy,
The glow-worm fire of joy,—
I turn me from earth’s vanities,
To seek with humble heart,
A better, more enduring part.
Fade, phantoms of the earth, that dance
Before my sickening sight!
I seek a high inheritance
In yonder realms of light.
Blest Jesus! thou wilt kindly deign
To hear the humble prayer,
To wash away my spirit’s stain,
And e’en admit me there.
Be but my heart prepared by grace,
For that sublime abode,
I can’t too soon behold thy face,
Too soon be with my God.
Ay, even so, Lord Jesus, quickly come,
Redeem my waiting soul—and take me home.
HST September 21, 1842, page 6.8

Extract of a Letter from C. Morley


Brother Himes:—I send for your paper the following beautiful and appropriate extract from “Krummacher’s Elisha,” pages 353, 354. When did ever an age deserve the epithet of idolatrous like the agitated period in which we live? There are three idols in particular which hold the world captive in their ever widening magic circles. HST September 21, 1842, page 6.9

Worldly Enjoyment is the name of the first; clothed in the party-colored enchanting attire of classical beauty, it exercises a magical influence over all ranks and ages. Millions offer up to it the last serious thought, and even the desire for immortality. Some sensual gratification for the coming hour, a new one for the following, and so on, is all that their refined materialism desires and claims. HST September 21, 1842, page 6.10

The second is called Political Freedom. It is with respect to the hopes of the world in the present day, the millennium. This idol swallows up by thousands; every more essential consideration leads with its deceitful glimmer the multitudes ever further away from that which is needful; and represents to them the salvation of the world as consisting in institutions which the decision of history has long ago pronounced vain, and which it has designated as cisterns which can hold no water. HST September 21, 1842, page 6.11

The third idol, before whom we behold this deluded age bowing the knee is, Unsanctified Superiority of the Human Mind, genius, brilliant wit, and the creative power of thought, to whichever of the infernal potentates it may be found ministering. The admiration of some brilliantly gifted poet or philosopher has exalted itself almost to a religious worship. The being in bondage to the spirit of another, for instance, that of Goethe or of Hegel, is undisguisedly celebrated as the calumniating point, and the highest aim of all mental culture. Literary heroes such as these, are worshipped in conscious or unconscious fanaticism, nor is the open confession of it shuned. Where such talents develope themselves, people speak of manifestations of the Deity in the human mind, the contemplation of which ought to be accompanied with devotional feelings. A step further, and the abominations of the antichristian period will present themselves in their complete developement. May the Lord look with compassion upon this state of things, and dissolve the charm, wherever it has found its way into our midst, and preserve our feet from the snare of Satan! May Naaman’s motto rescue us from destruction, “Not other gods, but the Lord alone.” HST September 21, 1842, page 6.12

Success of the cause in Maine



Dear Bro. Himes.—Having a few moments that I may call my own, I have thought that it might be interesting to the brethren in Boston to hear something relative to the progress of the second advent cause in that section of Maine, in which I am laboring. It has now been about eight months since I entered the field, to labor in this most interesting of all causes. HST September 21, 1842, page 7.1

In that period of time I have had the unspeakable happiness to see and hear of many who have been made heirs of eternal life, by the grace of God, through the preaching of an immediate Judgment, and end of the world. And also of seeing hundreds of the most humble and devoted proportion of the church renouncing the soul destroying doctrine of a temporal millenium, and Jews return to Palestine. HST September 21, 1842, page 7.2

I think I can say, with propriety, that seven eighths of the pious proportion of the population of this section of Maine are disbelievers in the doctrine of a temporal millenium, and Jews return. Several of Zion’s watchmen, who have hitherto been sleeping over the momentous subject, are aroused, and have trimmed their lamps, and are now doing what they can to give the midnight cry. There are others, who are not at all interested, but who would not for their lives oppose, lest it might be true, and Christ come in’43, and they be found fighting against God: would that all such sleepy watchmen could learn that he that is not for Christ is against him, but their silence is sufficient evidence that they are saying in their hearts, my Lord delayeth his coming. Would to God that some mighty sound from heaven would awake those sleepy servants, ere Gabriel’s echoing trump shall have done it. Alas, I am greatly afraid that many of them will continue in their mantle of unbelief, until the heavens reveal the Son of God, with all his holy angels, decked in robes of vengeance and of flaming fire. HST September 21, 1842, page 7.3

What a direful sight it will be, to those men, who are crying peace, peace, the end of the world not yet. When Christ does come, to feel the earth heave beneath their feet, and to see it cast forth its millions of silent tenants, and too see bodies forming for the solemn Judgment, I think I can adopt the sentiment of Brother Cox, and declare that I had rather share a disappointment with Brother Miller, then to be associated with such as preach my Lord delayeth his coming HST September 21, 1842, page 7.4

Finally, in every part of this state, where the subject has been judiciously preached, Churches have been awakened, sinners converted, and infidelity, and universalism confounded and diminished. I have just closed a series of fifteen lectures in Unity, a village in which there could not be found, an individual who possessed sufficient Grace to pray over the remains of the deceased. There is now a considerable awakening among them, and sinners are inquiring, what shall we do to be saved. Yours, in the bond of Christian Love, HST September 21, 1842, page 7.5

Thomas F. Oakes.
Unity, Maine, Aug. 22, 1842.

Behold the Bridegroom Cometh


Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!
Ho! go ye out to meet!
And with hymns of high rejoicing,
Make haste your Lord to greet.
A voice upon the mountains
Awakes the midnight cry—
Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!—
The Lord, the Judge is nigh!
HST September 21, 1842, page 7.6

Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!
Ye sleeping virgins, rise;
Shake off your idle slumbers—
His sign is in the skies.
Be up, be up and doing,
Your waning lamps re-trim,
If ye’d go in to the marriage,
And be a guest to Him.
HST September 21, 1842, page 7.7

Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!
Yet the moral night is deep,
For the voice of Peace and Safety
Has lulled the world to sleep:
Zion’s a desolation,
And her holy prophets mourn,
For who’s awake and watching
Immanuel’s return?
HST September 21, 1842, page 7.8

Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!
Yea, he’s even at the door,
And Mercy’s earnest pleading
Will soon be made no more:
No more the gracious warning,
The sin er shall despise,
For the door of grace, forever,
Shall be closed against his cries.
HST September 21, 1842, page 7.9

Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!
With ten thousand hosts of light,
With his beams of radiant glory,
Wide breaking on the night.—
Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!
Let the earth quake at the cry,
And sinners to a Saviour,
As doves to the windows, fly.
HST September 21, 1842, page 7.10

Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!
Go, hoary age and youth,
And from all the walls of Zion,
Shout the soul-astounding truth,
Cry aloud upon the hill-tops,
Bid the scoffer proud beware,
And rouse the slumbering nations,
For the Judgment to prepare.
HST September 21, 1842, page 7.11

Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!
Let it ring thro’ every land—
The day of retribution
Of vengeance is at hand!
Go, tell it where the oppressor
Forges fetters for his kind,—
In the ear of the false teacher,
To the carnal, worldly mind;
HST September 21, 1842, page 7.12

To the soul who sees bright visions
Of wealth or fame unfold,
To the beauty at her toilet,
To the miser o’er his gold,
To the power-abusing tyrant,
To the robber dyed in blood,
To all proclaim the warning—
Prepare to meet your God!
HST September 21, 1842, page 7.13

Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!
Make haste to spread the word,
And faithful bear your message,
Ye Jonahs of the Lord!
The night is fast approaching,
O well improve the day,
For his reward is with him,
And he shall not long delay.
J. G. Blanchard.
Charlotte, Me, July 25, 1842.
HST September 21, 1842, page 7.14

Letter from Calvin French


Dear Bro. Himes,—I left Low Hampton for Stillwater, Aug. 27th. At Whitehall I took the canal boat; on exhibiting the Diagram of the vision of Daniel and John, I was unanimously requested to give a lecture on the subject. Much serious enquiry was elicited. On my way I distributed many of the Clue to the Time, and other publications on the subject; and I humbly hope that some will be led to inquire for the truth on this subject. HST September 21, 1842, page 7.15

The result of the Conference and Lectures in West Stillwater, thus far, is blessed; the attendance was large, especially in the evenings. A deep conviction appeared to rest on all, that “the Judge standeth before the door.” From 70 to 80 came forward, whose language was, What shall we do? Some of them found peace in believing before they left the place; others tarried after the congregation was dismissed, requesting friends to pray for them. One young man confessed that when he first came to the lectures it was to make light of them; that he had been troubled in his mind ever since. He is now rejoicing that his sins are forgiven, and that he loves the appearing of his Saviour. On Friday, A. M., we had the most solemn meeting I ever witnessed. Such tender confessions I never heard. To see the father, after confessing to the assembly, go to his son, ask his forgiveness, and invite him to the anxious seat, was truly melting. The lectures closed on Friday eve.; but, such is the interest, meetings are held every evening; and I was informed that as many as 100 were forward for prayer on one evening. HST September 21, 1842, page 7.16

I commenced lectures in this village on Saturday eve; appearances are favorable, calls for lectures in this region are urgent and numerous; there is a great waking up among the people. More hereafter. HST September 21, 1842, page 7.17

Stillwater, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1842.

Our Opponent’s Arguments.—No. II


Time will permit me to glance at only one on this occasion. The Rev. Dr. Humphry, President of Amherst College, in a late article in the Hampshire Gazette, thus argues: The 2300 days of Daniel’s vision should be translated evenings and mornings, and therefore are half days, and apply to Antiochus; for his career was just 1150 days, half of 2300, or three years and seventy days. If this Doctor of Divinity will read an account of God’s creating the world, he will there find that God calls evening and morning a day: hence if a day in one place, the same in all. HST September 21, 1842, page 7.18

In the other number the writer of a pamphlet said that the 2300 days were precisely fulfilled in Antiochus; but this D. D. says half of these days apply to Antiochus. See how these false witnesses disagree among themselves! HST September 21, 1842, page 7.19

C. Morley.

Lectures in Tuftonborough, N. H.—Bro. T. Cole will give a course of Lectures on the Second Advent, in the Christian Meeting House in Tufton borough, commencing the 1st Wednesday in October, at 10 o’clock, A. M. HST September 21, 1842, page 7.20



And all liars shall have their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.1

The Times seem to demand a new department in our paper. The spirit of lying is so prevalent, especially among many of the conductors of the public press, that we shall hereafter devote a portion of our sheet to chronicle the deeds of our opponents who have no arguments to urge against the truth but lying and scoffing. We shall publish their shame in their own words, in general, without note or comment. We commence with the Springfield Democrat. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.2

Second Advent Meeting at Chicopee Falls. The proprietors of the Miller establishment, after a session of about ten days, adjourned their meeting at Chicopee Falls, on Sabbath evening last, and on Monday morning, the “holy tent” was carefully packed in boxes and carted to some other place designated for a similar display of humbuggery and sin. During the whole period of the meeting, a vast multitude congregated at the scene of fanaticism, and, on the last day of exhibition, the number of spectators is estimated at eight or ten thousand. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.3

Notwithstanding their avowed belief in the near approach of the final dissolution of the world, the speakers did not fail to urge upon the congregation the necessity of “shelling out” the rhino in suitable quantities to “keep the ball in motion.” On this subject, “brother Himes,” the printer of Miller’s books, was peculiarly eloquent. He never addressed the audience, we are informed, without bearing particularly upon their pockets, and, like an experienced printer, who knows well the value of advertising, he did not let a single opportunity slip, without publishing the places where his book, charts, and papers could be had for the “ready cash.” We do not hesitate to express our belief, that the sole object of the managers of this stupendous humbug, is to fill their pockets with money at the expense of the credulity of the people. The ladies were urged to throw into the contribution box their gold chains and jewelry, and many foolishly complied with the request. Even the Sabbath day was desecrated by public entreaties for money, succeeded by passing round the hat to collect “the needful.” It is the opinion of good judges who had an opportunity of witnessing all the manouvres, that from three to five thousand dollars, in cash and property, was collected by these men at Chicopee Falls, in the form of contributions, and for the sale of their books, and carried off! This circumstance, alone, would account for much of the zeal and ingenuity manifested by the orators in behalf of their scheme of delusion and falsehood. If these men are really desirous of saving souls, would they not appear better in manifesting less regard for “saving cash,” and less impudence in prying into the secrets of the Almighty, which not even the “angels of heaven shall know?” We think so—and what we think we speak—let it offend whom it may. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.4

Campmeeting at Claremount, N. H.—A Second Advent campmeeting is to be held in Claremount, N. H., to commence the 27th. inst. The Tabernacle is to be there. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.5


No Authorcode

BOSTON, SEPT. 21, 1842.



If any of our subscribers wish to discontinue their paper, we wish them to return this number without fail; write your name and post Office address with the words, “Please discontinue,” and the paper will be discontinued accordingly. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.6

Particular Notice


The intense and increasing interest on the subject of prophecy, and the near coming and kingdom of our Lord, has induced the editor of the “Second Advent Witness” to make arrangements for publishing the “Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy” weekly, at his office, No.36 Park Row, up stairs, N. York, where will be a general depository of all the interesting works that are published on the Second Advent. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.7

The “Witness,” being small, and only issued once a month, does not meet the demands of the present crisis. The subject to which the Signs of the Times is devoted, is one of unutterable interest, and has the highest claims upon the attention of all. The paper is designed to “illustrate the prophecies touching the second coming of Christ.” The sentiments of those who differ from us will find a place in its columns; so that both sides of this great question will be given to the reader. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.8

If the views which we entertain are correct, (and we believe they are,) there is no time to be lost. Every facility should be brought into vigorous requisition, for the purpose of spreading the midnight cry far and wide. It is for this purpose that the Signs of the Times is to be published at New York, hoping thereby to enlarge the field of enquiry on this great subject, and to make it a means of arousing hundreds, who might otherwise slumber on, till aroused by the voice of the Archangel and the Trump of God. It is to be hoped that the friends of truth will exert themselves to spread this subject broad cast through N. York. F. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.9

It is expected that Eld. L. D. Fleming, of Newark, N. J., will become a regular contributor to the “Signs of the Times.” He is about establishing a depository of all the interesting works on the Subject, at No. 1 Commerce street, where they can be had at wholesale or retail. He will receive subscriptions for our paper. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.10

Bro. James Morril is informed that we cannot attend the proposed campmeeting. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.11



At Cornville, Me. Oct. 5. 1842

There will be a Second Advent Conference at Cornville, Me. Providence permitting, to commence Oct. 5, at 1 o’clock, P. M. Those preachers that attend the other Conferences in this state will be expected to attend the above. Henry Frost. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.12

Cornville, Me. Sept. 7, 1842. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.13



At Salem, Mass. Oct. 6

Of those who love, and wait for the appearing, of our Lord Jesus Christ, to glorify his saints, and destroy them that destroy the earth, is to he holden, (the Lord willing,) at Salem, Mass. in North Fields, in a fine grove, called the Horse Pasture, one mile from the rail road depot. The meeting is to commence on Thursday, Oct. 6, 1842, and to continue about one week. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.14

Several Lecturers on the coming of Christ are expected to be present, and will show, from the Word of God, the manner and object of Christ’s Second Coming, together with the reasons for expecting him in 1843. All who love the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, are affectionately invited to rally at this feast of Tabernacles. Our time is growing shorter and shorter each day, and what is to be done must be soon done. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.15

The great object of the meeting is, like those which have already been held, to arouse both the church and the world to a sense of their peril by sounding the Midnight Cry. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.16

Preaching each day at 10 o’clock in the morning. at 2 o’clock in the afternoon; and at 7 in the evening, when the weather will permit. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.17

Friends from the country can have provisions for themselves and horses on reasonable terms. It is desirable that our friends, if convenient, will provide tents in companies, and encamp with us on the ground. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.18

Timothy. Cole, Henry Phummer,
A. Hale, E. Hale, Jr.
J. V. Himes, Com



Sept. 25

I am requested, by the friends in Campton and Hatley, to give notice in the Signs of the Times that there will be a camp-meeting at Eaton, L. C. to commence September 25th. Bro. Grun will attend as lecturer. Others are requested and expected to attend. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.19

All those who love the appearing of our Lord, are requested to attend with tents in order for the accommodation of strangers—and those who may not have tents. What you do, in this case, you do for the Lord. Your help is called for. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.20

The campmeeting will continue as long as may be practicable. Thomas Sutcliffe. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.21



At Exeter, Me. Sept. 28

We are requested by a large committee, from Exeter and vicinity, to give notice that the General Meeting and Conference, at Exeter, Me., will be turned into a Campmeeting, to begin, the 28th of September. The grove prepared for the meeting is on the farm of Mr. John Lethens, near Capt. Dole’s farm, in the neighborhood of Kendrick’s Mills. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.22

The “Christian Herald,” and “Morning Star,” will please copy, by request of Committee. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.23



Received up to Sept. 19th. From P. M. La Fox Ill. Pomfret, Ct. Monson, Mass. Pleasant Hill, S. C, Taxahax, S. C. Stillwater, N. Y. Union Mills, N. Y. Franklin, Mass. Feltonville, Mass. Eastford, Ct. Springfield, Vt. Plymouth, Ct. Stillwater, N. Y. Berkshire, Vt. Exeter, Me. Eatonville, N. Y Vernon, Vt. W. Constable, N. Y. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.24

From J. W. Russell, H. Patton & Co. H. B. Skinner, R. E. Ladd, Geo. W. Peavey, J. Morrell, E. H. Wilcox, L. Kelley, Thomas Sanborn, B. Sillibridge, R. Merry, Joshua H. Hall, H. Flagg, E. Perkins, L. C. Collins. HST September 21, 1842, page 8.25

Books Sent


Two bundles to R. E. Ladd, Cabotville, Mass.
Two bundles to H. Patton & Co. Utica, N. Y.
One to Rev. E. Powell, Low Hampton, N. Y.
One to Geo. W. Peavy, Franconia, N. H.
One to Flavius Searle, Springfield, Mass.
One to L. C. Collins, Hartford, Ct.
One box and bundle to S. Palmer, New Ipswich, N. H.
HST September 21, 1842, page 8.26