Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 5

March 29, 1843

Vol. V.—No. 4. Boston, Whole No. 100

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston. HST March 29, 1843, page 25.1


No Authorcode

BOSTON, MARCH 29, 1843.

“In the last Days.”


Isaiah 2nd Chapter

2—5 verses.—“And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall now unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares; and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.” HST March 29, 1843, page 25.2

Micah 4th Chapter

1—4 verses.—“But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, arid to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths; for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his figtree; and none shall make them a Ira id: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it.” HST March 29, 1843, page 25.3

Through the agency of her spiritualizing teachers, and mysticizing expositors, the church has been led into the belief that she was to enjoy a thousand years’ triumphant, spiritual reign with Christ on earth, during which period satan would be bound, and righteousness and peace alone prevail, and be universally diffused throughout the world. This doctrine has obtained for about one hundred years; travelling: back to the commencement of the 18th century, we find no such views inculcated or cherished by the church of Christ. With this simple fact standing directly before us on the page of history, and immediately by its side also the undeniable fact that the great body of the church at tike present day do inculcate and cherish such views, we are led to inquire for the cause of this difference of faith between primitive and modern Christians. We cannot avoid the conviction that this departure from the primitive faith, or rather this departure from the plain and obvious teachings of the Bible, has been effected from a too ready reliance by the church upon the opinions and interpretations of prelates and priests, instead of the safe, and heaven ordained course, of studying and searching the scriptures, coupled with earnest prayer, mingled with faith, for the enlightening aid of the Holy Ghost, as the all-important, and only mode by which to obtain a just perception of God’s truth. The prophetical writings cannot be understood by a mere cursory perusal. They must be studiedconsideredprayed over—with the heart’s door wide open for the ingress of the truth, and a soul honestly and ardently seeking to know nothing but the truth. A soul in that position never was, and never will be deceived. Now, then, with such a heart, and such a soul, let us look for a few moments at the signification of the two chapters above. HST March 29, 1843, page 25.4

The language employed in these chapters has been supposed to justify the conclusion, or rather to teach the doctrine of a temporal millennium “in the last days.” We cannot see that it teaches any such thing. But that it gives a clear and striking picture of the day in which we live—the last days—we see quite plainly. What saith the prophet? “It shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall he exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.” What shall we understand by this prediction? That true holiness, righteousness, and peace, should abound, and become popular in the last days? So popular indeed, that all nations should unite together in lifting the church on high, and establishing it, and rendering it respectable, and giving it national exaltation? By no means. Why? Because it is directly contrary to the positive declarations, and the whole tenor of the inspired volume; which declares that the true church of Christ will continue to be hated, despised, persecuted, and trodden down by worldly governments to the end of time. “All who will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution,” is the unchanging and positive testimony of the Scriptures. Then it cannot be the true church of Christ which is to be exalted above the hills, and to which all nations are to flow in the last days. But, says Isaiah in the 3rd verse, “Many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths; for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” The prophet here informs us of what many people shall SAY in the last days. Giving us to understand that nominal Christianity would become so popular that the nations would sanction, foster, and observe a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof. That this is the true meaning of the prophet, we shall learn from looking at what God would do when many people should say such things, which we find in the same chapters. See if it is not the very time when the terrible judgments of God were to fall upon the earth. See Isaiah’s 4th, and Micah’s 3rd verse, and mark how exactly the professed church of the present day answer the description of the many people who were to say such things. “And he shall judge among the nations and rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” Remember, this is what many people should say in the last days. Do we hear any people saying such things now? Let the advocates of a temporal millennium of a thousand years, prior to the creation of a new heaven and a new earth, answer. Is not this the very thing they are saying? Does the Bible anywhere teach us, that the church will ever enjoy a period of rest this side of her glorified, immortal state? No. But it does abundantly teach—the chapters we are considering teach, that many people, in the last days, shall say that such a period awaits the church. We now have a literal fulfillment of the prediction. The Second Advent of our Lord this year, is opposed by “many people,” who say that “the mountain of the Lord’s house” is now so highly exalted, and the knowledge of the Lord is so rapidly extending through the world that the day is not far distant when He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” The nominal church is now truly established in the top of the mountains,—it is exalted above the hills—it is highly popular among the nations—many people are flowing unto it. But the true church is trodden down, despised, persecuted, maligned, as it always has been, and ever will be till the Ancient of days shall come and the judgment sits, and the books are opened. HST March 29, 1843, page 25.5

We find on a further examination of these two chapters, that at the very time when many people shall say we are to have a temporal millennium, and predict peace and safety, God says, “In that day, I will assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted; and I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation; and the Lord shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even forever.” Micah 4:6, 7. It is at the very time, too, when many people are saying “come ye, let us walk in the light of the Lord,” as recorded in the 5th verse of this 2nd chapter of Isaiah, that the following language is uttered against them and their hypocritical forms of worship; and which occupies the remainder of the chapter. HST March 29, 1843, page 25.6

“Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people, the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers. Their land also is full of silver and gold, neither is there any end of their treasures; their land is also full of horses, neither is there any end of their chariots: Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made: And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not. Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty. The lofty looks of man shall be humbled and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low: and upon all the ceders of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan, and upon all the high mountains, and upon all the hills that are lifted up, and upon every high tower, and upon every fenced wall, and upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures. And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. And the idols he shall utterly abolish. And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, WHEN HE ARISETH TO SHAKE TERRIBLY THE EARTH. In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats: To go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, WHEN HE ARISETH TO SHAKE TERRIBLY THE EARTH. Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of? HST March 29, 1843, page 25.7

From the whole tenor of the above chapter, we understand that in the last days, religion should become popular, receive national exaltation, and many people should flow unto the church because of its worldly respectability; and yet they would be devoid of vital godliness, having the form but denying the power; and when such a state of things should arrive, the great day of the Lord should overtake the hypocrites with utter destruction, and gathering his chosen into his glorified kingdom, the Lord should “reign over them in mount Zion, from henceforth even forever.” HST March 29, 1843, page 26.1

From the Philadelphia Alarm. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.2



The great God hath made known untouswhat shall come to pass hereafter.” Daniel 2:45. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.3

In the Book of Daniel and the Revelation, we have set forth, by prophetic emblems, in a chain of events, all the powers which should exist in those portions of the eastern world, where the events of sacred history transpired, down to the time when the God of Heaven will annihilate all the secular governments of this world, and set up a kingdom for himself that will fill the whole earth and stand forever. All these powers will be destroyed by “that fire unto which the heavens and earth, which are now, are reserved against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.”—2 Peter 3. chapter. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.4

Now all these powers have appeared upon the stage of the world, and acted their part, and hence the next scene must be the appearance of the “Son of Man in the clouds of Heaven: when the Ancient of Days, with his throne like fiery flame, and his wheels of burning fire, will destroy the body of the beast, and give it to the burning flame; and dominion and glory, and kingdom will be given to the Son of Man, even Christ, over all people, nations and languages; and the Saints, with Christ, will take the kingdom and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.” HST March 29, 1843, page 26.5

All the powers prophesied of in the Bible, to have dominion before Him, whose right it is should come and take it, are as follows: HST March 29, 1843, page 26.6

See Daniel 2. chapter. Four great kingdoms are set forth by the four portions of Nebuchadnezzar’s Image. Of that Image, the head represents Babylon; the breast and arms the Medo-Persian Empire; the belly and thighs the Grecian; the legs the Romans; the feet and toes include the divisions of the Roman Empire since about 490 years after Christ; then comes the everlasting Kingdom of God. Now, all these powers have had their day, and hence the kingdom of God is at hand. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.7

The 7 chapter of Daniel has the same four kingdoms under the figures of four beasts; also the same divisions of the fourth, represented by the ten horns on the head of the fourth beast, and then the plucking up of three of these horns, and the rise of another horn, which is the Roman Catholic power, which has now existed thirteen centuries and accomplished all the work assigned to it, except that it is to make war with the saints and prevail, until the dreadful coming of the Ancient of Days with his throne of fire; the setting of the Judgment, and the opening of the books, when the Son of Man will come in the clouds of Heaven and take his kingdom. It is all fulfilled but these last momentous events. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.8

In the 8 chapter of Daniel three of these powers are again prophecied of, namely, the Medo-Persian, Grecian and Roman; but evidently the prophecy does not commence with the beginning of the Medo-Persian Empire, for the Ram which represented it had two horns denoting the lines of kings, and the higher, (the Persian line,) was seen when the Ram was first seen. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.9

A question was asked respecting these powers, which in effect amounted to this: What length of time is allotted to the duration of these powers? The answer was 2,300 days. These days, in correspondence with Genesis 29:27; Numbers 14:34; and Ezekiel 4:5, 6, mean years, and at the end of them we are assured the sanctuary will be cleansed, and the last end of indignation come. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.10

In the 9 chapter we learn from Gabriel when these days commenced. Seventy weeks, 490 days, cut off from them were to commence at the date of a certain commandment, and to be completed at the crucifixion of Christ. History shows us that that date was 457 years B. C. Take this number from 2,300 and we have for the time of the above events, 1843. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.11

In the 12 chapter, Daniel’s Resurrection is foretold to take place in 1,335 days from the taking away of the Daily, which history proves was taken away A. D. 508. Add these together, and we have for the year of Daniel’s Resurrection, 1843. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.12

In Leviticus 26. chapter we learn that for the disobedience and rebellion of the Jewish nation, they are threatened with punishment by scattering, and infliction of other judgments, which should continue seven times. From the time they were scattered, as a nation, in the days of Manasseh, 677 years B. C. to A. D. 1843, make Seven Times, or 2,520 years, and of course end in 1843. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.13

In chronological reckoning, Bishop Usher is taken as a guide, who though he may be right in all other instances, certainly has made one great mistake. The term of time he allows for the Judges is 295 years, when he evidently should have allowed 448, see Acts 13:20. Following him we have 4004 B. C., and 1842 since, add these and to them 153, the deficiency in the term of Judges, and one more will complete 6,000, which are filled up in 1843. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.14

Upon the foregoing synopsis, did the writer’s limits allow, he would like to enlarge; but as it is, he can only add, that beside the great powers spoken of not another was to appear on the stage except the Turks, predicted in the 9 chapter of Revelation, and these also have had their day and done their work. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.15

The next actor on the stage will be Christ in person. READER DO YOU WANT TO SEE HIM? HST March 29, 1843, page 26.16

As we have seen, the prophetic periods terminate this year, 1843, and then comes the CLOSING UP OF THIS IMMENSE DRAMA. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.17

For these hints, fail though they may to convince, yet if they should be a means of stirring up some one to a spirit of inquiry that will not rest till the subject is PRAYERFULLY examined, the publisher will be fully and amply compensated for his expense and trouble. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.18

That all who read these pages and have not known God, whom to know is life eternal, may know him; all that have known Him may experience the blessing of entire sanctification, and together be prepared to meet the Lord at His coming, is the fervent prayer of, B. M. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.19

Letter from P. Jaques


Dear Brethren—I have long intended communicating for the Signs of the Times, some account of the past progress, and present state of the Second Advent cause, in this vicinity; perhaps you will find room for the following. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.20

A very few in this place had been leaning, for two or three years, in favor of the doctrine of Christ’s speedy coming, when in Sept. we were favored with a course of lectures on that subject, by Bro. T. M. Preble; at the close of which a large number acknowledged themselves convinced that time must soon end; i. e. in a few months; and many of them openly declared their belief in 1843, as the revealed period of its termination. A large portion of these were not residents in our village, but enough of our neighbors were among them, to secure, with God’s blessing, a continued interest in the subject, in this community. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.21

Previous to the coming of Bro. P. I had given the subject but little attention, and that little without special prayer; but finding the public mind awake to its importance, and feeling that my position as a minister of Christ demanded an expose of my views, and that at the same time, these views were in a crude and unsettled state, (although in the main at variance with Mr. Miller’s scheme,) I resolved to devote a week at least, to its prayerful consideration, in order that I might ascertain for myself “what is truth” and be prepared to present the subject understandingly to my hearers. My family being at the time from home, and having no domestic cares to engage my time or attention, I procured Stuart, Folsom, Whedon, and others, on one side, and Spaulding, Miller, Litch, etc., on the other, and, on Monday morning, after earnest prayer for divine illumination, sat down to my work. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.22

I continued the examination through the week, never approaching my books until I had earnestly sought the direction of the Spirit, and soon became astonished at the large amount of tradition, and little scripture, upon which my “millennium,” “Jews’ restoration,” etc., were constructed. These were points which I had never deemed of great practical importance, and had therefore never closely looked at the arguments in their favor, but had taken the “belief of the church,” concerning them, as correct, without testing it. Although compelled to differ from Mr. Miller, and others, upon some points of minor importance, yet upon these three I became in the course of the week satisfied; viz. That no restoration of the Jews, and no millennium, can be reasonably expected prior to the advent; and that, from the signs of the times, which have been, and are being exhibited, according to Bible prediction, the advent must take place speedily. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.23

On the following Sabbath I spread these views before the congregation (Methodist) to which I minister, and found a ready response in many a heart. I have since examined various expositions of the prophetic periods of Daniel’s vision; and although not satisfied beyond a doubt, that they terminate with time, yet I have seen no explanation at variance with this, which does not evidently contradict the context, and thus render itself a nullity. I therefore cheerfully admit, that the probabilities all centre in 1843, as the year of the advent; and that the signs of the times prove, beyond successful controversy, the speedy coming of the Lord Jesus. The “periods” of Daniel may be incorrectly explained and applied, but if so, we have, without them, proof sufficient of the near approach of that great day. Thus I believe, and thus I preach. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.24

As in other places, so here, is diversity of views in regard to the doctrine. In the Methodist society is no open opposition, an I suppose but very few individuals who do not admit the probable correctness of the theory. We have a weekly Second Advent conference, well attended and interesting. The Baptist church, I am told, is about equally divided in regard to it; while but a few of our Congregational brethren embrace it. Several, however, of the most devoted members of the last named church, are consistent advocates of the doctrine. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.25

One fruit of Bro. P’s labors was a revival of religion, which spread into different parts of the town, resulting in the conversion of probably more than 200 souls. About sixty have since united with the Methodist society in this village; more than that number with the same denomination in the north part of the town; the Baptists have received a large accession; several have become members of the Congregational church; and the Freewill and Christian Baptists have also, as I suppose, (for I have no definite information respecting them,) had additions. Extensive, however, as the work has been, it was checked, as I doubt not, especially in this village, by opposition to the doctrine of Christ’s coming, and by the development of party feeling in the churches; a heavy charge, but sustained by facts, and by and by to be met at the tribunal of heaven. HST March 29, 1843, page 26.26

The especial excitement attending a series of lectures upon the advent, has of course subsided; but there has been a sober setting into the doctrine; and taking the town as a whole, I am satisfied, that there has been, since last Sept. a gradual, but continual advance, in the number and confidence of those who believe and advocate this heaven-inspired, Bible-taught theory. I will hereafter, if God permit, communicate for the “Signs,” some thoughts relative to the moral influence of the Second Advent discussion, as developed in its effects, (aside from the conversion of souls,) in this region. HST March 29, 1843, page 27.1

Yours, in faith, hope, and charity.
P. Jaques.
West Prospect, Me., March 17, 1843.

Letter from Bro. S. Hawley


Dear Bro. Himes—I find here a large field uncultivated, and it has seemed as though God had called me to this work. There is a great desire to hear, an eagerness not to be expressed. And this truth seems to be the only kind adapted to move this region, having been burnt over as it was several years ago by the fire of truth enkindled by Finney and others. It is a hard field, presenting a greater number of case-hardened and sceptical sinners than almost any other in the world. Ordinary preaching, or the presentation of common truths, does no good, or very little, to say the most. But this truth, embodying as it does the higher elements of moral power, arrests and fixes the attention, convinces the understanding, undermines the various forms of scepticism, effectually breaks up a deadly and fatal apathy, and takes hold of the deep springs of the heart. All this it has done again and again. HST March 29, 1843, page 27.2

Being placed, by the providence of God, in such a field, and having pressing calls from all quarters what else could I do than to make up my mind to tarry here for a few weeks? I have been at Cazenovia, and had a season of much interest. Bro Myrick, and Francis Hawley, the minister of the Congregational church, and Eld. Nickerson, are very favorable, if not fully convinced. The meetings were thronged—the attention was fixed—the understanding was convinced—the heart moved The Lord is doing a great work there. There is a great cry for books, books. They are much and urgently needed in this region. What shall we do to supply the want? HST March 29, 1843, page 27.3

I came to this place about 12 days since. Closed the course last evening. The interest is immense. Never have I seen more in any place of its size The opposition is dead—prejudice is gone—the tongue of slander is palsied—the community, to it depth and extremities, is agitated—houses too small by one half for the hearers—inquiry-room more than full—convictions increasing—converts multiplying. God is truly in the place. The people cling, cling, cling—they are determined I shall no leave them. HST March 29, 1843, page 27.4

But I must next go to Utica, the Lord willing. What shall I do about New York? It does appear to me that they have had so much light there, that there is no need of my going. But at the same time I am willing to go, if the Lord’s will be so. I shall return to Boston soon, if favored. They are writing me from several places to return. They want me to give a course of lectures in New Bedford. HST March 29, 1843, page 27.5

A very fatal form if fever is prevailing in this section, which, in most cases, terminates in an abscess if it does so terminate, it is fatal. My wife has been exposed to it, and is threatened with it. I entertain fear that an abscess is gathering under one of her arms. I did not feel, under the circumstances, that it would be right for me to leave her and go to New York. HST March 29, 1843, page 27.6

I am about worn down—“used up,” as the vulgar say. I have been lecturing and preaching night and day, but I am wonderfully sustained. The Lord is with me. The prospect is bright, glorious. He, whom we expect, will soon come and take us to himself. How bright the vision of MILLENNIAL DAY!! Its glories already appear. HST March 29, 1843, page 27.7

S. Hawley, Jr.
Smyrna, N. Y., March 13, 1843.

Letter from Bro. F. G. Brown


My Dear Bro. Hervey—In reviewing my first letter, I find many important points in my experience of January omitted, which I should have been particular to have inserted, had I supposed myself writing for any other than your own eye. I should have gone back as far as to last August, when I was first interested with the perusal of “Stuart’s Hints,” when I begun to look about and to see and to realize the apathy of the church in regard to evangelizing the world, etc. My soul fervently responded to the call made for a convention at Worcester, for the purpose of deliberation and prayer in regard to the neglected cause of missions; but circumstances prevented my attendance on that occasion. At our Association, which occurred shortly after, I felt called upon, with others, to entreat the churches to pity, and to send relief to the poor heathen; and expressed my heartfelt regret that I had not obeyed what once appeared to be my duty, and become myself a missionary. From all that I noticed, it seemed to me as though the whole American church were in a profound slumber on this subject; and I naturally inferred that vital piety must be at a corresponding ebb. From looking abroad, I came nearer home, and compared my own church with what I understood to be the condition of the churches of our own Association, relative to missions, and to the private duties of the Christian: and I found that my own people were in the advance of most other churches as to all that gives dignity, beauty, and life, to the Christian character. But still I saw a great lack among many of them. From my own dear church I turned to my self, and found that my own piety would probably suffer in comparison with that of some of my flock I began to review my past life, and especially the few past years of my ministry. This review awakened within me humility and pain. I knew that I could not be condemned on the score of severe intellectual labor, preparatory to the weekly performances of the pulpit—for here, it had always been my rule not to fail, though I might as a pastor—but I could detect some unhallowed motives which had too long prompted my ministerial labors;—a lack of confidence in God to own and bless the word preached,—of faith in prayer,—of nearness to God—of bold and soul-moving conceptions of God, of Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. I had always, from the time of my conversion, which was at the age of fourteen years, frequented my closet daily, and had enjoyed a measure of religion. But it was not until I entered the ministry, that I knew what it was to suppress all youthful effervescence of feeling, and to govern self with the sternness of manhood: it was not until the holiness of my calling began meet me, that I really began to walk with God as did Enoch. I can now see by casting my eye over the MSS. of the sermons which I have preached since Sept. 1st, how my hungerings after the living God have been steadily increasing; and I can see the steps which I unconsciously took to bring me out where I found myself at the opening of this memorable year. I have said that I never prayed for what I then experienced; this is true: but I did pray for more spirituality, engagedness, etc. God in mercy granted me a greater blessing than I had requested: but not perhaps a greater blessing than those dear, praying, and holy children of his, whom I was the unworthy pastor, had long sough for me. I bless God that I ever saw Portsmouth I should have given to the public an account of my experience at that time, could I have found language that would have justly expressed it: but I wanted an angel’s power, correctly to set forth what great things God had done for my soul. HST March 29, 1843, page 27.8

Immediately on having my eyes and my heart so widely opened, I felt as though there was some additional truth, as yet undiscovered; and like a little child just beginning to stand and to go alone, I wanted some kind hand to uphold and to lead. I was willing to set at the feet of any disciple of Christ, however obscure or despised, could I but receive more knowledge. Although a revival of religion at once begun and followed, God’s wonderful dealings unto me, still I felt no particular solicitude for any one but myself. God seemed to whisper from his throne, and bid me retire to my closet, and to give myself to prayer, and to the further investigation of his word. This I did for the space of four or five weeks. I searched the Bible with reference to what I had experienced, and found the experience of primitive Christians to be like my own; and although I trembled when I said it, yet I thought it due to God to declare that He had baptized me with the Holy Ghost. I studied the Bible doctrine of holiness, and read Fletcher, Bramwell, Wesley, etc., until I was satisfied, that speculate as we might, and dispute about terms as we would, the Christian standard of sanctification was aspired for and reached but by few; and that it was our privilege to arrive, at least to a state of conscious purity. And yet my mind was not relieved: there was some truth concealed from my view, and my soul must have it. I could almost see the finger of God pointing it out, and Jesus bidding me embrace it. That it was the doctrine of the Advent near, I hardly dared believe, until after my examination of the subject, and my soul had received it; then Jesus seemed to smile benignantly, and the Spirit which had so long been striving with me in relation to something, was satisfied, and left my soul in a state of yet greater peace and joy than I ever knew before. It seems as though I had seen and viewed everything in the light of death, judgment, and eternity; and as though God had given me a discerning eye, so as to discriminate between truth and error, good and evil. HST March 29, 1843, page 27.9

Now I am aware that many will be disposed to censure me for the confident tone of my second letter; but I cannot help it; it is the confidence of my soul. I cannot think that it is my nature to be headstrong in my religious opinions; on the contrary I have ever been more disposed to yield my own to the better judgment and wisdom of my superiors. There is only one respect in which I think that I have the advantage of those who differ with us on the great question of Christ’s Advent, it is that God has vouchsafed to me the aid of the Spirit of truth to lead me into all truth, and to show me things to come. In the midst of such a clashing of opinions on this subject, I want light; I want a guide; and I feel that I must make the Bible that light, and the Spirit that guide, and learn and decide for myself. I do not set myself up haughtily and arrogantly as a teacher of those who are so much my seniors, and for whom I have not as yet lost my reverence. I am only reading God’s word for myself, and I hope that I shall always teach it with a modesty becoming my youth. If now I have imbibed an error, then I will with all patience and humility sit at the feet of any of our Master’s holy servants who can supply me with the truth, promising that I will heartily renounce my present for more scriptural views when they are produced, and will rejoice to labor on for years to come in the cause of Christ, feeling that I am just qualified to be a laborer in the vineyard of our Lord. I am wedded to no party, and to no stereotyped theory. What I have learnt of late, I have I believe been taught of God. I have not read Mr. Miller’s lectures, neither know what they are; nor do I suppose that I should subscribe to much more than to the grand outlines of the view concerning Christ’s second coming, as it is generally held. As to any mortification or chagrin which it might be supposed that I should feel should time prove my error, I have only to say that if a vestige of pride is yet lurking in my heart, I desire its total destruction. HST March 29, 1843, page 27.10

But it may be said that I am laboring under a delusion; that I am visionary and fanatical. In refutation of this charge I must refer not only to the cast of my mind, which would sooner incline me to scepticism than to fanaticism; and sooner subject me to the slow progress of my reason, than to any sudden impulses of feeling; but to the brief history of my life. I have always been a conservative on all the great moral topics of the day, and exceedingly fearful of all “isms.” And as for being deluded, I cannot allow. I know that the devil is always busy, and for fear of attributing either to the devil or to nature, what ought to be attributed to grace or to God’s Spirit, I have all my life long been in bondage. Must I throw away all good impressions and influences for fear the devil may have originated them? If in the present instance I am deluded, then I was deluded ten weeks since, and sixteen years ago when first converted to God. The same kind of arguments by which I satisfy myself that I was ever converted, I urge in order to prove the reality of what I experienced at the opening of this year; and in like manner I prove the genuineness of what I have again experienced by what I then saw and felt; each were perfect conversions, brought about by the sovereign agency of God. If it still be contended that I am deluded, then I would humbly ask, how may I know when my prayers are answered, when I am under the influences of God’s Spirit, and the leadings of the Spirit of truth? In despair I must cry out—I am like a vessel at sea with the storm beating, the winds raging, the waves dashing, the stars obscured in impenetrable darkness, the helm gone, and chart and compass as good as useless. Have we forgotten some of the first principles of our faith? Has God left us to such awful uncertainty, and been no more mindful of the safety, comfort and good of his children? The Spirit and the Word agree in what I have seen and felt; and I feel as though it would be next to the commission of that sin which hath no forgiveness either in this world or in the world to come, to go contrary to the Bible as I now read it, and to the Spirit which now influences me to give the midnight cry. It is far, far easier for me to believe than to disbelieve that Christ standeth at the door; and that I am under the influence of the good, than of the evil spirit. Could the devil so deceive me, and fill my soul for days and weeks with such unutterable peace, joy, and glory—give me such nearness to God in prayer—make me willing to leave all for Christ’s sake—to endure the loss of the friendship and esteem of my dear brethren—to be accounted as “stupid”—and willingly to stand and suffer the scoffs and sneers of both the wicked and the professedly religious! Will not Satan be likely to lose more than he can possibly gain by such a manouvre? I must hazard the issue, in connection with those whom I am gratified to find have had an experience just like my own on this subject; they are good men, whatever I may be. In months and years gone by, the preaching of “Christ at the door,” has resulted in the conversion of souls who still adorn their profession If the preaching of this doctrine is calculated to frighten men into religion, and to make spurious converts, then is the preaching of future punishment, when disconnected with this subject, liable to like objection. And if the doctrine that Christ is about to leave the mediatorial seat, is calculated to lead to insanity, then should the doctrine of the final Judgment be a proscribed theme on the same ground. And the friends of evangelical religion ought to beware how fast they week into the hands of those who are not the friends of the religion of Christ. Should time continue and the world run on as ever, they will have to meet their enemies under circumstances new and strange, but which they will have the satisfaction of knowing have been of their own creating. The fortifications of sand which they have hastily thrown up as a seeming defence against one enemy, will be washed away by the first storm that sets in from the opposite quarter. One good at least has already resulted from this controversy: it has shown to some extent what are the real, tangible doctrines of the church—to what the heart as well as the mind assents in the scriptures; and it has exhumed some of the cardinal doctrines of our holy religion, with the reasonable hope that they will be preserved in all their native freshness and power unto the coming of our Lord. Yours, as ever, F. G. Brown. Boston, March 21, 1843. HST March 29, 1843, page 27.11



J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors

BOSTON, MARCH 29, 1843.

THE COMET. Nothing has appeared, of late, that has so completely set at nought the wisdom of this world, as the comet, whose mighty trail has a short time past been extended so many degrees—so many millions of miles, like the sceptre of the Lord, over the nocturnal sky. Its sudden appearance at noon-day, so entirely unexpected, found the whole corps of the literati astromical napping. HST March 29, 1843, page 28.1

Although there is little or no desire to know of the coming of the King of Glory, or indications by which the time of that event can be calculated, yet it is not so on the approach of a comet. Such visitors are regarded with so much more interest, that upon conjectures the most vague and uncertain, the times of their returns are eagerly sought for; and when it is supposed that there is a possibility that one of these erratic messengers may be wending its way from the distant regions of space again to visit the luminary of day, every astronomer, far and near, feels bound to closely watch the heavens, that the very moment of its visibility may be marked, and that it steal not a march upon them. Even when no such visitor is expected, it is seldom that their unexpected approach is not observed when they are far beyond the reach of the naked vision, in some distant part of the solar system. But in the present case no one dreamed that this wanderer of the sky was near, until it looked down upon us in the broad clear light of the noon day sun, startling the “star-gazers” and “monthly prognosticators,” as though the all-seeing eye of Deity has been suddenly disclosed, searching their inmost souls. It next extended its fiery tail far over the sky, as though the sword of justice had been suddenly unsheathed, and caused many to scoff and tremble. And while the community were evidently excited with varied forebodings, those who are looking for the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, have looked on unmoved, with nought to arouse their fears. HST March 29, 1843, page 28.2

The controversy then began respecting the nature of this mysterious stranger,and the learned are hardly yet convinced whether it be a comet or the zodiacal light; and to scatter their own fears, they predicted beforehand that the Millerites would no doubt be frightened; showing how little is known of that perfect love that casteth out fear. Having established that it is a comet, the present great question is as to its probable course. Of this the Advent believers care but little,—they believe the Lord is coming, and that right speedily; and whether he send this as the mesenger of his fury, is immaterial, knowing that whether so or not, he will be revealed in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God; and that a firery stream will issue and come forth before him. HST March 29, 1843, page 28.3

We have been led to the above remarks from the lecture of Prof. Peirce of the Cambridge University, on the comet, of Wednesday night last. Notice had been given that he would lecture on the comet at the Odeon, which drew a crowded house, anxious to learn its present position and the direction of its course, and to have their fears relieved by being assured that no danger could be apprehended from it. The lecturer went into the supposed nature of comets, and the conjectured cause of their tails, what any one can find in the writings of Euler, Herschel, Ferguson, Vose, and other writings on astronomy; all of which must have been very satisfactory to the 800 spectators, who with ourself had probably paid the lecturer two hundred dollars, at the rate of 25 cts each, as he assured us,—what all knew before—that what is known respecting them is based on mere speculation and conjecture. He then approached the only question in which the audience were interested, viz. the present comet, its position and course. To illustrate this the lecturer presented a large diagram with the solar system and the position of the comet, with its course, as ascertained from three observations, by Prof. Pond, on the nights of March 13th, 15th and 19th, with a calculation on those observations by Prof. Pierce, which, if the observations were correct, by a simple rule in trigonomety, would entirely settle the question as to its course. The lecturer then went on to say that the telescope was a miserable affair, only some fifteen inches in length, upon which but little dependence could be made in cases of this nature, whereas in Philadelphia they have one 9 feet in length, and a splendid one at Yale. Then the place from which the observations were made was a wooden tower, subject to the vibrations of the wind; and the telescope itself, instead of being fixed, was moveable. Furthermore, the calculations from the observations might be wrong, as he had had no time to review to see if they were right; so that, on the whole, no dependence at all could be placed in the correctness either of the calculation or observations. And he was the more strengthened in that opinion from a paper he had just received from Philadelphia, containing the result of Prof. Walker’s observations on the same evenings with the nine feet instrument, which did not correspond at all with his own calculations. He was also satisfied that Prof. Walker could not be correct, as there were some impossibilities in the report in the paper, if he understood it, and which might be a misprint; finally, he was satisfied that he had misunderstood it, and that it was also a misprint. The only conclusion, therefore, was, that no assurance could now be given of its course, but that it was going from the sun, and probably from the earth, but that at any rate no danger could be apprehended from it to this earth, until the time arrives when God himself shall bring all the affairs of time to an end. Truly, thought we, God has taken the wise in their own craftiness. HST March 29, 1843, page 28.4

Editorial Correspondence


letter from brother himes

Dear Brother Bliss:—I did not arrive at this place until 7 o’clock this morning. We were detained all night on the road, by the heavy snow drifts. The brethren here have secured the circus, and are now preparing for brother Miller, to commence his lectures, on Sabbath next. The place is quite convenient, as well as commodious. We shall no doubt have it thronged to hear the word of the Lord, as it used to be, to witness the vanity, and hear the nonsense of the circus. HST March 29, 1843, page 28.5

I leave in the morning, for Low Hampton, and expect to return with brother Miller, on Saturday evening. I shall remain to assist brother Miller about one week, when he is expected to accompany me to Boston, to lecture in the Marlboro’ Chapel. HST March 29, 1843, page 28.6

The revival continues in this city, in most of the churches. More than 2000 have professed hope within the last year. Many of them refer to our tent meeting in Arbor Hill, and the house of prayer as the means of their awakening and salvation. I trust our expected efforts, at the circus, will speed the work of salvation in this whole region, till our Lord appears. Yours. J. V. Himes. HST March 29, 1843, page 28.7

Albany, March 16th 1843. HST March 29, 1843, page 28.8

lectures in albany


Brother Bliss:—We commenced our meetings in the Circus in this city Subbath morning last. Our friends have secured it for a time, at the rate of $100 per week. Brother Miller has not yet arrived. He is blocked up in Ballstown, by the snow. He will be here as soon as the roads are cleared, which we hope may be to day. There is great anxiety to hear him among all classes in the city. The people are much disappointed; but still they flock out to hear the truth. Our meetings are full, and deeply interesting. Brother Bernard preached in the Circus on Sabbath evening. His lecture was excellent. He is on his way west. HST March 29, 1843, page 28.9

The alarm has been given in this city and vicinity with great effect. It is said, by those who are opposed to us in sentiment, that the very extensive revival still in progress here chiefly originated through the Advent doctrine, and frequent reference is made, by the converts to the Tent Meeting last year on Arbor Hill, and to the “house of prayer”, as the means of their awakening. HST March 29, 1843, page 29.1

The scoffers, also, are deeply affected. The devil has come down in great wrath because he knows his time is short. The most ridiculous and blasphemous caricatures are now got up in this place, as well as in other cities, and circulated by the children of the devil to keep their courage up. This shows that the truth is giving them a deal of trouble! May God have mercy upon them. HST March 29, 1843, page 29.2

new movement


I see that my old friend, Origin Bachelder, has issued the first number of a sheet entitled: “The Latter day witness.” “Devoted especially to the refutation of Millerism.” That is: he is to witness that we do not live in the last days! He has concealed himself, and left the public to find out, if they can, who the editor of this “latter day witness,” is. HST March 29, 1843, page 29.3

Before I left Boston, brother B. was a constant visitor at my office—and with all was very inquisitive, about most of the things contained in his first number. We frankly gave him all the knowledge in our possession; though we did not then know his object. This was concealed. However, we shall still be pleased to give him any information he desires, for the furtherance of the cause of truth. We have nothing to conceal. All is open. And when he has published all “Mr. Miller’s mistakes,” and all the weak points in the theory, he will find the main pillars, still standing, bidding defiance to all his sophistry, and to all his modes of attack. HST March 29, 1843, page 29.4

As he is out of business, and was unable to do any thing in New York against the cause, it is to be feared he has come to Boston, to make an effort, in the hope that in common with others, who are making a speculation out of the “Miller excitement,” he might share in the spoil. We do not accuse him of this, but hope he will come out frankly with his name at the head of his sheet, and make such generous sacrifices in money, labor, and self-denial in the work before him, as to prove his disinterestedness and sincerity. The paper no doubt will do much good. But we advise all our friends to let him have his sheet entirely to himself. He is a good writer, and will have much to say; give him the whole road, while we go on without interruption to do our duty. Yours in the blessed Hope. J. V Himes. HST March 29, 1843, page 29.5

Albany, March 21st. 1843. HST March 29, 1843, page 29.6

letter from brother litch


Dear Brethren Himes and Bliss.—My last, from Washington, informed you, that we were bound “Westward, ho.” We left Washington, March 6th, and arrived in this city in 39 hours, on Tuesday evening. Both of us being entire strangers in the place, we made inquiry the next morning for Second Advent people; but were told there were none in the city. We next made inquiry for a place in which to lecture, and were directed to the Temperance hall, the only place likely to be obtained. We called on the president of the Washingtonian Society, to make inquiry, and found it previously engaged. But while making this inquiry, we felt in with a gentleman who wished to hear some lectures on the subject, and immediately started with us to obtain a place. The first attempt was, for a church, but failing in that, we next went to the Mayor and requested the use of the old Court House, which he very readily granted; and our appointment was given out for half past three that P. M. The hour came, and a good audience was in attendance which listened with great interest to a lecture on the Restitution of all things which God hath spoken, by the mouth of all his holy prophets, since the world began. An appointment was announced for the next morning at 10 and 3 in the P. M., in the same place. These appointments were still more numerously attended by all classes of people. Lectures on the restoration of the kingdom to Israel, and the times and seasons. From that, we were invited to occupy the Wesleyan Methodist chapel, for the evening; and the Episcopal Methodist church was kindly proffered us for Friday, three lectures. Saturday and Sabbath, we were invited to occupy the Wesleyan Methodist house, in Allegany city. But the concourse was so great on Sabbath, P. M., that we were obliged to resort to the Market house. Sabbath afternoon, we received the invitations from the two Baptists churches in this city, to occupy their pulpits through the week; and also from the disciples. The colored people likewise sent in their request for lectures. I have also received a very kind invitation from a large Methodist E. church in Allegany city, to lecture there; and from several other villages. Thus you will perceive, a great and effectual door is open, in the west, for the midnight cry to spread. But where are the laborers? Where are those brethren in the east, who believe in the doctrine, and yet set down over their little parishes from year’s end to year’s end? I wish they could see for a few moments the deep anxiety of the people in this western world to hear and know this thrilling truth. The people would purchase books, but they have not the means We would give them, but have not the means So here we are—time short—eternity just here:—and neither men nor means to do anything toward supplying the demand for light. In this emergency, brother Hale thinks we had best go back Philadelphia and get up a paper, size of the double Midnight Cry, condensing and embodying the whole subject, illustrated with diagrams; and flood the whole country with “the trumpet of alarm.” We should start it here, but cannot find type or press to do it. This city is a key to the whole country; and is the most important point to be occupied, except New York, in the whole country. We must make a stand here, and that immediately. We know our brethren in the east have taken hold with liberal hands, but their money is the Lord’s, and he will soon demand an account of their stewardship, and wo be to them, if their money is laid up in a napkin when he comes. If they have the means of sending the sheet we design to get up through the land, let it be forth coming. We can scatter all they will give where it will produce an hundred fold. There is no other way of reaching the south. Lecturers from the north cannot go there. HST March 29, 1843, page 29.7

The little horn that has eyes, lives in these parts, and feels exceeding sore to be rudely attacked:—but we find the secret revealed in the pope’s Encylical letter to be the fact; he is compelled to see the crafty enemies of the truth ranging far and near with impunity. The Catholics have three large churches in his city, and as you may suppose, exert an immense influence on the community. But his doom is written in God’s book; were it not thus should fear You may judge something of the importance of this location, from the fact that it is at the head of the Ohio river, thus opening a door by steam navigation to about 20,000 miles of navigable waters decorated with rising cities on either shore:—connected also with the east, by the great canal to Harrisburgh, and from thence by rail road, to Philadelphia and all over the Atlantic States. We are in the midst of a dense population of 60 or 70,000 working people within about half an hours walk. Yours in the blessed hope. J. Litch. HST March 29, 1843, page 29.8

Pittsburg, Pa. March 14. 1843. HST March 29, 1843, page 29.9

Scoffing.—We are informed by our beloved brother Peter, that in the last days scoffers shall arise. Never before was known such awful and wicked scoffing at the word of God, as is manifested in these last days. When one distinguished opposer of the coming of Christ in 1843 suggested April fool’s day as an appropriate time to fix for that event, the moral sensibilities of many were shocked. But when another asserted that if Christ came this year, the Almighty would be proved to be the greatest liar that ever lived, we were prepared to believe that with such examples on the part of Reverend Doctors of Divinity, those who should feel countenanced by such men would throw off all restraint and that scoffing would be carried to its utmost limit. We however did not suppose that any could be found so fool hardy as to caricature the word of god. But while some of the clergy and the religious press continue to sneer at these glorious truths, we need not be surprised that the ungodly should be prompted to any degree of wickedness. HST March 29, 1843, page 29.10

There is one caricature going the rounds representing Mr. Miller ascending to heaven with all the Millerites—so called—hanging on to him. It is adorned with various cuts, among which is an enormous key, called “the key to the great tent of salvation,” etc. etc. The vision that John saw as recorded in Revelation 12:1: “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars,” etc., is described as that of “the gal that stood on moonshine surrounded with sunshine, that hooked the very stars,” and has a caricature to correspond. There is another sheet just issued, No. 1, Vol. 1, called the “Vial of Wrath, and Junk Bottle of Destruction.” In this sheet the most sacred truths are the most wickedly scoffed at. The resurrection of the dead is ridiculed, and caricatured by a cut of a skeleton rising half way out of his coffin, and throwing his shin bone at a croaking toad that sits on the foot of the coffin. The ascension of the saints to meet their Lord in the air, is shown in a ludicrous light, in various attitudes of ascension, while the fat ones are described as being drawn up with hooks by angels. The punishment of the wicked is also caricatured in various forms. A Universalist priest is described as fleeing before five devils who are endeavoring to take possession of his soul.—Beelzebub himself with his pitchfork, and the flames of hell are made a subject of ridicule. And the boasts seen by Daniel in his visions, come in for no small share of the same. With such and similar representations the sheet is filled, and yet we were told by an ordained minister, after he had carefully looked at it, that he “could not say it was got up from impure motives,” for, said he, “Millerism is such a delusion that anything which will convince men of its falsity will do good.” Need we wonder that wickedness should abound when watchmen can be found who are delighted to see the coming of Christ derided? HST March 29, 1843, page 29.11

Lectures at the Marlboro’ Chapel.—Br. Storrs’ lectures have been well attended each evening the past week, by attentive audiences. The full benefit of these lectures will never be known till the resurrection of the just; but we trust no small amount of good has already resulted from them. If the Lord does not come, the lectures will probably be continued for the present. HST March 29, 1843, page 29.12

Bro. Miller.—His Sickness!!


We have to inform the friends that Br. Miller was taken sick with the erysipelas, on his way home, about two weeks since, from Ballston Spa. He is now confined in the house of Deacon Dubis, in Rock City, about six miles from Saratoga Springs. I saw him last Thursday, when it was evident he was improving in health. If nothing new takes place he will be able to go home soon, where he intends to remain until his health is fully restored. He will not visit Boston, therefore, at present. March 27. HST March 29, 1843, page 29.13

It tends to Infidelity.—This is a favorite objection, which the lovers of this world bring against the doctrine of Christ’s coming, and to which an excellent reply is found in the journal of Mr. Dwight, dated Constantinople, July 14, 1842. See Missionary Herald, March No. 1843, p. 104. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.1

An Arminian bishop publicly proclaimed that the evangelical portion of the community were disturbers of the peace, and were going themselves and leading others into infidelity. One of the evangelical Arminians called on the bishop and said to him, “According to your teaching, I must never read the Bible anymore.” “Why do you say so,” asked the bishop “Because,” said the Arminian, “the Bible must be all a cheat, and a very pernicions book; for you called us all infidels, and warned the people against our infidelity. Now we get our notions only from the Bible; and if we are infidels, then the Bible is an infidel book, and we ought to have nothing to do with it.” Mr. Dwight adds that “the poor weak bishop could not defend himself from the charge of inconsistency.” HST March 29, 1843, page 30.2

The Arminian then said to the bishop “the salvation of the common people will be much easier than that of the clergy, for even on the supposition that God should grant the pardon of your own sins, there is danger that you will be punished for the sins of the people, whose watchman you are, and to whom you do not give warning.” HST March 29, 1843, page 30.3

How appropriate is the whole of the above to the prototypes of the Arminian bishops, in our own land! They accuse us of tending to infidelity, and yet our views are drawn entirely from the Bible, and we so believe because of our attempts to understand that sacred book. When, therefore, they thus accuse us, they are practically accusing the Bible of being an infidel book, and pernicious in its teachings. To them the rebuke of the Arminian is most appropriate. Again if the Bible does teach the immediate coming of the Savior, the watchmen are in danger for not warning the people. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.4

The Same Horn. “I beheld and the same horn made war upon the saints and prevailed against them until the Ancient of Days came.” HST March 29, 1843, page 30.5

In illustration of the above, read the following letter from the Rev. Mr. Armstrong, Missionary at the Sandwich Islands, in the Miss. Her. March, 1843, p. 130. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.6

“It really seems that France has resolved to sustain the cause of the pope at the point of the sword, at least in this part of the world. What an exhibition have we, in all these transactions, of the true character of the church of Rome! How far has she advanced from where she stood in the eleventh century, when she sent forth a crusade, sword in hand, to fight her battles and rescue the Holy Land from the dominion of infidels? Does not the same spirit run through all these transactions at the Sandwich Islands? For what were the Artemise and the Embuscade sent here? To protect French commerce? “Yes, commerce in rum, although there is not a French merchant that is worthy of the name, not even a rum merchant on the Islands. No, these ships came on the business of the church, and their principal, almost entire, negociations, in both cases, related exclusively to matters of religion! But how strange it seems, in this enlightened age, to behold a large ship of war come to anchor just opposite my study door, for the purpose of what? attending to the interests of the church! Does such a church look like that kingdom which is not of this world? Is that a true form of Christianity which must look to cannons and swords for protection and support? When captain Mallet came, with his officers, to hold an interview with the chiefs, and make known his business, a papal priest was one of the company. The minister of our peaceful and holy religion going forth with a sword of steel to do his Master’s work! Has he no better weapon than that? Ye who think that Romanism has greatly changed for the better, cast your eyes in this direction, and behold a feeble government, though a well meaning one, compelled at the cannon’s mouth, not only to tolerate the dogmas of Rome, but in fact to protect her minister and sustain their operations! What the Lord intends by permitting such palpable injustice I know not; but one design may be to allow Romanism to act itself out, and thus prove its own ruin.” HST March 29, 1843, page 30.7

The letter is in reference to the correspondence between Captain Mallet of the French sloop of was Embuscade: sent to those islands the last autumn to foster the interests of Papacy and the king of those islands. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.8

Sloop of War Embuscade, HST March 29, 1843, page 30.9

Harbor of Honolulu, Sept. 1, 1842. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.10

Sir:—I have the honor to inform your majesty that since the treaties of July 12th and 17th, 1839, French citizens and ministers of the Catholic religion have been insulted and subjected to divers unjust measures, concerning which your majesty has not probably been informed. Subordinate agents, ignorant or ill-disposed, and without any special order from government, have thrown down churches, threatened the priests, and compelled their disciples to attend protestant places of worship and protestant schools. To effect this, they have employed a course of treatment repulsive to humanity, notwithstanding the treaty of July 12th, signed by your majesty and the commandant of the French frigate Artemise, grants free exercise to the Catholic religion, and an equal protection to its ministers. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.11

Persuaded that your majesty has no intention that treaties entered into, with sincerity and good faith, should be aunulled, and also that it is incumbent on you to treat all religions with favor; therefore, I shall demand that you will adopt such measures as shall defend the adherents of the catholic faith from all future vexations. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.12

I demand them of your majesty— HST March 29, 1843, page 30.13

1. That a catholic high-school, with the same privileges as the high-school at Lahainalula, he immediately acknowledged, and that a lot of land be granted to it by government according to promise. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.14

2. That the catholic schools be under the exclusive supervision of catholic kahukulas (inspectors,) nominated by kahunas (priests,) of the same faith, and approved by your majesty; and that the kahukulas enjoy without infraction all the privileges granted by the law. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.15

3. That the kahunas have power to fill temporarily all vacancies that may occur in consequence of the death, absence, or loss of office of any of the kahukulas. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.16

4. That, for the future, permission to marry be given by catholics nominated by the kahunas, and approved always by the government of your majesty; and that, in case of absence, death, or loss of office, the kahunas have power provisionally to grant permission themselves. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.17

5. That hereafter, catholics be not forced to labor upon schools of a different faith, and that the relations of children who may embrace the catholic religion be not ill-treated on this account. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.18

6. That severe punishment be inflicted upon every individual, whatever may be his rank, or condition, who shall destroy a catholic church, or school, or insult the ministers of this religion. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.19

Furthermore, I demand of your majesty, that you will confirm to the French mission the land which was given to it by Boki, when regent of the kingdom, which land has always been considered as belonging to said mission and also that you legalize he purchase of land made by his lordship, the bishop of Nicopolis, by a sanction which will confirm to his lordship and to his heirs forever. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.20

Resorting to the same Measures. It will be seen by he Journals of missionaries in various parts of the world, that similar means are resorted to by the heathen to prevent Christianity from spreading among them, that are resorted to here by professed Christans to retard the spread of the belief in Christ’s advent. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.21

Mr. Van Lennep writes from Smyrna, that an enquiring Greek was ridiculed for his seriousness and conscientiousness. Miss. Her. vol. 39, p. 77. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.22

The English Church Mission in Southern India, report (Miss. Her. vol. 39, p. 84) that the oar of misrepresentation is most busily plied, and all manner of false reports are industriously circulated to prejudice the people against the spread of Christianity.” On p. 85 of the same volume, it is recorded that one of the converts had become delirious, but it is not said whether the heathen laid up that as an argument that may be reserved for a future weapon. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.23

The missionaries also say that many are taught by their priests not to read their books. And in the Arminian countries there is great prejudice againts a close study of the Scriptures. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.24

The missionaries also mention similar experiences on the part of those who are nominal Christians, when they come into a more evangelical belief, as is witnessed on the part of those who are progressing in a belief of the Second Advent. Mr. Dwight writes from Constantinople, Sept 6th, 1842. See Miss. Her. March No. 1843. p. 106. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.25

“Twenty persons called to see me at the khan to-day, and the number of subjects introduced and questions asked, all of which were of a religious nature, was great enough. One came with a list of difficult passages of Scripture, for which he wanted a solution; another had some cases of conscience to propose; another some infidel objections, which had been thrown out to him and which he did not know how to answer; and another still wished to hear truths which will make him wise unto salvation. It requires no little readiness and tact to satisfy all, and I feel daily more and more my need of the wisdom that cometh down from above.” HST March 29, 1843, page 30.26

Letter from Bro. L. C. Collins


Dear Bro. Bliss—The doctrine of the Second Advent of Christ in 1843, has got a strong hold upon the people in this part of the country. Light on this subject is being universally diffused. There is now scarcely a town in this county but what has been favored with lectures. I find that there are lecturers passing through almost every part of the State. Several ministers and lay brethren, who have embraced the doctrine, have commenced lecturing. I have just learned that S. B. Yarrington, of Hamilton, a Methodist preacher, is full in the faith, and is giving lectures. I have just returned from Bighamton, the shire town of Broome Co., where I have been laboring for some two weeks. The interest taken in the subject was beyond anything that I have ever yet witnessed. There were from eighty to a hundred earnest seekers of salvation evening after evening, crowding through the dense throng for the prayers of God’s people. Some sixty or more during the meeting professed to find peace. The good work is becoming general through the place. Very many were led to believe that we are in the very end of time, and not a few that 1843 will bring the closing scene. Dr. Adams, a man of talent, has left all and is going right out to sound the midnight cry. The editor of the Binghamton Courier feels interested, and wishes you to send him the Signs of the Times. My health is still good, though at times I feel almost worn out through excessive labor, lecturing once, twice, and sometimes three times a day, almost constantly. But blessed be God, we will soon have all eternity to rest in. L. C. Collins. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.27

Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y., March 15, 1843. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.28

Letter from Bro. D. Mason


Dear Brethren—But little has been done in And over, since Bro. Miller was here two years ago, until the first Sabbath in January, when one of the members of the Baptist church invited Dr. Martin to come and give us a few lectures. He came, and the effect was good; some few were hopefully converted to God; we trust born again, and made heirs of glory. Some of the brethren felt that the work should not stop here, and requested Bro. Martin to come again, which he consented to do but did not set the time. Three weeks last Friday, a brother by the name of Chandler, came and lectured in a private house in the evening, the meeting-house bring shut against Second Advent lectures. The next morning we obtained the Hall over the Bank, at $2 per day. Bro. Chandler continued over the Sabbath, left on Monday, and Bro. Martin took his place, and lectured until Friday evening. We continued our meetings until Sabbath evening, when the Hall was shut; since that we have been from house to house, until last Sabbath, when a man of the world offered the upper story of a large building, where we held our meeting, and shall for the present. There was a good number present, and I believe that the Spirit of God was there in the evening. A man that has been a confirmed Infidel for many years, sent in a request for prayers. He has attended none of the lectures. There are a number anxious; if any are converted, it will be all of God; and to God be all the glory. We have strong current setting against us. All the ministers and the great body of professing Christians. HST March 29, 1843, page 30.29

Yours, in the hope of the speedy appearance of the blessed Savior. D. Mason. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.1

Andover, March 14, 1843. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.2

“Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens, being on fire, shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat.”—2 Peter 3:12. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.3

When we consider the fearful magnitude and importance of our mission, our hearts are sad at the weakness and inefficiency with which it is urged upon the attention of a sleeping world. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.4

We feel something as Jeremiah did when he said, “Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night” for the spiritual blindness of the people. Or that we had the voice of a mighty angel, attended by the convincing energies of the Spirit of God, that our brethren might be persuaded to hear, and prepare for the great event before us. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.5

But we must be content to speak only “according to the grace given unto us, while the day lasts, not forgetting the encouragement, that though it is sown in weakness and dishonor, if it please the master, it will be raised in power. We would then continue to lift up our voice, to cry aloud, and not spare, for yet a few days, and this guilty and devoted world will be consumed, and those who are enjoying peace and safety, will suddenly be destroyed without remedy. The great, the gifted, and the refined lovers of pleasure, who in their constant whirl of excitement, can now scarcely condescend to notice the midnight cry, whose suppressed appeals steal unbidden upon their revelries, will then for the first time awake to its reality. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.6

The multitude, the intelligent, and the ignorant, who now heedlessly join in the hiss and contumely heaped upon us, on that fearful morning will be persuaded that our message is from God. But imagination fails in conceiving the consternation of those sentinels on the walls of our moral and intellectual heights, who have been quieting the fears of people with long and labored denunciations of this fanaticism. Those spiritual watchmen, also, that now, when anxious souls come flocking to them, to inquire for the city of refuge, pacify their fears and dispel their anxieties, by telling them of a thousand years of peace, before the coming of the Lord, will and too late who has been mistaken. It is their duty to give the church “their portion of meat in due season,” but they say they know nothing of the seasons, and do not fear, not only to say in their hearts, but also to teach that our “Lord delayeth his coming.” HST March 29, 1843, page 31.7

Isaiah, in the 56th chapter, prophecying of this time when “the salvation of the Lord is near to come, and his righteousness to be revealed,” says, “His watchmen are blind, they are all ignorant, (not of the philosophy of the schools) they are shepherds that cannot understand, they all look to their own way, every one for his gain from his own quarter, (or sect.” HST March 29, 1843, page 31.8

Is this sign fulfilled? These are the Lord’s words. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.9

As these altogether hold their peace, we dare not refrain for the love of Christ constrains us. We would therefore, in all humility yet earnestness of spirit, entreat our readers to prepare for the coming of the Lord. Consider before it is forever too late. Flee to the city of refuge. Search the scriptures for yourselves, and see whether these things are so. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.10


No Authorcode

BOSTON, MARCH 29, 1842.

Both Sides of the Question


We give the following article as we received it. It will be seen that the object of it is to show the evils of the Sec. Advent doctrine. Otherwise some of the real and important benefits which will be received from it would have been noticed. The consequences here spoken of are all suppositions, based upon a non-fulfillment of our hopes. We give them as a specimen of the arguments which are brought to operate upon this cause. Many seem to believe that if they can show what will be the consequence if the Lord don’t come, they have proved that he will not come. If it could be shown that if the sun should not rise to-morrow there would be no day, it would not prove that the sun would not rise. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.11

the second advent doctrine, if untrue, will be attended with both good and bad results. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.12

Brother Himes:—With your permission, I will offer a few remarks to your readers, on the topics presented at the head of this article. But before I enter upon these topics, suffer me to say, that I cheerfully extend the hand of Christian fellowship to all who bear the image of Christ; and when I find that a brother believes in the Second Advent theory, it does not in the least weaken that fellowship. With these feelings, I regret to see a certain remark from brother Bliss, which is found in “The Times” vol. 4, p. 162. Speaking of Rev. N. Colver he says, “Now if he were honest, he would have informed his readers, that the words sacrifice and concerning are not in the original,” etc. I have sufficient knowledge of that Christian brother, (Rev. N. Colver) to convince me, that he is not only an honest man, but also a true Christian. I think there is insufficient ground for a charge of dishonesty, and hope, that on further consideration, brother Bliss will judge best to retract that charge. (1) Let us now proceed to notice some of HST March 29, 1843, page 31.13

The Good Results of the Second Advent Doctrine. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.14

1. It will lead many to a better knowledge of the prophecies than they otherwise would have. I know of no better way to study some of the prophecies, than to give the Second Advent theory a thorough investigation. But, in order to this, we must think and read on both sides (2) of the important question which now agitates many minds, viz. Is time to end within about one year from this date? HST March 29, 1843, page 31.15

2. Another result is a spiritual benefit to some souls. That some backsliders are aroused, and some sinners converted by the influence of the doctrine under consideration, mingled with other important doctrines, I do not deny. It cannot be right however, for a disbeliever of the doctrine to preach it in order to save souls, for this would be “doing evil that good may come.” HST March 29, 1843, page 31.16

3. The investigation which multitudes are giving this subjeet, will prepare the way, so that a little time will settle the question whether days in Daniel, etc. mean years. The question will be settled to be sure if Christ is to come this year; but if the days run out in years, and time does not end, nor any event occur, answering to the prophecies, of course it will be seen that days do not mean years, provided we have the right date of their commencement. (3) The settlement of this question will, in my judgment, be an essential good to the church, and must be a great gratification to every student of the Bible. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.17

4. Should the theory fail, the world will see more clearly than it now does, the value of learning, in explaining the more difficult portions of the Scriptures. It is notorious that all the most distinguished scholars of the present age, reject the theory that makes this year the last year of time. (4) It may be said that Wesley, A. Clarke, and others, held opinions very much like those of brother Miller; but since the days of Wesley and Clarke, a flood of light has been thrown upon the languages in which the Scriptures were originally written. Particularly the Hebrew. Hence the way is opened for a more correct understanding of these Scriptures. (5) I very readily admit, however, that human learning alone is insufficient. Good reasoning powers, and genuine piety are indispensable. The most distinguished Biblical scholars have all these qualifications. (6) We will now notice some of HST March 29, 1843, page 31.18

The evils of the Second Advent theory, admitting it to be erroneous. (7) HST March 29, 1843, page 31.19

1. Among them must be included a neglect of lawful secular business. (8) I speak now of that neglect which is proper, admitting the theory to be true. If the world were fully convinced that this is the last year of time, it would be in perfect consistency with that belief for many men of wealth to give up their secular employment, and to dispose of their capital, in order to do good. But, provided the theory fails, those who dispose of their capital, by that means deprive themselves of the power to do as much good on the whole, as they could had they retained a portion of their property. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.20

2. Neglect of intellectual cultivation. (9) Some, under the influence of the theory, have relinquished their literary pursuits. If the doctrine is true, they act consistently perhaps; but if it is untrue, the result will be injurious, allowing (as we must) scientific knowledge to be of much value. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.21

3. Another evil result is bodily disease. A belief that Christ is coming this year, necessarily causes great excitement; too great in my judgment for some persons to bear uninjured. For this reason it appears to me to be as unsuitable (10) that the world should know when the judgment of the great day is to come, as it ever has been to know the day of one’s death. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.22

The result of this excitement is overaction in attending religious meetings, etc. until the body sinks under the power of disease. Some pious young friends of my acquaintance, who gave promise of much usefulness to the cause of Christ, if not prevented by death or disease, have evidently been injured in this way. On being cautioned that they were imprudently exposing their health, they replied, “The body will last perhaps as long as the world stands,” and continued in protracted and prostrating labors. The result is, most of them are complaining of ill-health, and one is just recovering from severe sickness. (!!!) (11) HST March 29, 1843, page 31.23

4. The Second Advent doctrine has, in my judgment, led many to undervalue the ministry. (12) This is the unavoidable result of certain principles received by Second Advent people. I understand brother Miller to teach, in his rules of interpretation, that any Christian, with a common education, can, by reading and comparing the Scriptures, comprehend the whole, independent of a human teacher to expound them. (13) Now, although every man of much information knows this sentiment to be false, still it is received as an important truth of late, by many. But what is the result of the adoption of this sentiment? Let the question be answered by the statement of a fact. In the town of ---- (13) N. H. there is almost a whole church who are on the side of the Second Advent doctrine. They have a minister who meets with them on the Sabbath, but he has preached once only on the Sabbath, and not more than once or twice at any other time, to his own people, for more than two months. The question was asked, “Why does he not preach as heretofore?” and the answer was, “They are all prophets, and take up the time so that he has no opportunity.” It was remarked that they needed a teacher to explain the Scriptures to them. The reply was, “The Holy Spirit will reveal the truth to those who ask in faith,” and reference was made to Mr. Miller’s rules of interpretation for proof. It is truly painful to see those who are deeply pious, and who once would face wind and storm, and wade through snow or mud, to hear a man who could feed God’s people with knowledge, so much changed that they chose to hear a mere exhortation from any Second Advent believer, rather than to listen to a discourse, however instructive, from an unbeliever in the doctrine. (14) If this were the proper place, it might be shown as clearly as any thing can be shown, that the views held by brother Miller and others, on this point, are erroneous and highly injurious; let the statement of the above facts suffice for the present. HST March 29, 1843, page 31.24

5. The Second Advent doctrine, together with the manner in which it is advocated, is, if untrue, adapted to cause infidelity. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.1

I think it will do this by the introduction of a strange looseness in the interpretation of God’s word. (15) For example, take Mr. Miller’s exegesis of Leviticus 13:32, “Go ye and tell that fox, Behold I cast out devils, and I do cures to-day and to-morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.” Mr. Miller says that each day in this passage means a thousand years. If so, it must have been revealed to him or some one else by the Holy Spirit, for there is not the least evidence from the Bible that such is the import of Christ’s words. (16) But that the Spirit has not revealed any such meaning, we have good evidence on the very face of the passage itself. Now to introduce such a way of Biblical interpretation is to open the flood-gates of infidelity, and every species of error. (17) Wo to the world, if the church as a body shall learn to expound the Scriptures thus. It is well that one year will decide who are “the wise,” and who have used assumption and fanciful interpretations. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.2

Again, the confidence with which many express their faith in the doctrine, will, if that doctrine is untrue, tend to produce infidelity. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.3

The most serious injury resulting from too much confidence, will befall a certain class of the unregenerate. I refer to those doubting minds, who need but a little imprudence in Christians, to bring down the scale, and place them on the floor of infidelity; yet who would be saved were it not for that imprudence. (18) HST March 29, 1843, page 32.4

6. It might be made to appear, also, that the doctrine is an injury to the missionary cause. (19) That the Second Advent brethren will lose much influence when it shall be seen by all that the theory fails; and that in view of all the evils above noticed, and others not named, much injury may be done to the cause of Christ. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.5

Now if such are the evils of the theory, admitting it to be untrue (20) it follows that believers in the theory ought to beware, lest they should say and do what will seriously injure themselves and others, and obscure the glory of God. Let them not be too confident, for the doctrine may not be true. It is perhaps unnecessary for me to say, that I verily believe it to be false. (21) Yours, affectionately, HST March 29, 1843, page 32.6

Charles Granger.
Keene, N. H. March 4, 1843.



1. That the words sacrifice and concerning, are not in the original, all will admit. And none need be ignorant of it, for they are thus noted in the translation, being placed in italics to show they are only inserted as a glossary, by the translators. As Mr. Colver stated that the Bible was perfectly ‘intelligible to the “intelligent,” we suppposed he meant to be understood that it was “intelligible” to him; nor did we once suppose that he was not “intelligent” enough to be informed of the fact in question, even if he was ignorant of the fact that words in italics, in the translation, are not found in the original. He is informed by some who have written on his side of the question, that the words in question are not there. With these considerations, we leave it to the reader, whether we were not justified in supposing that Mr. Colver was aware of what every “intelligent” school boy knows. And we also leave it to the decision of the reader, whether, if Mr. Colver did know that those words are not in the original, he could be honest in presenting a view of the question, to base it upon those identical words. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.7

2. Few who oppose, can claim they read more than one side of this question; or if they read at all, they only glance over the arguments with only a cursory examination. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.8

3. That question is already settled; for as the 2300 days were to extend to the cleansing of the sanctuary, and the sanctuary was to be desolated till the consummation, the days must reach till the consummation, whether it is this year or some future time. It will therefore only prove that there is some undiscovered error in the chronology or the time of commencement. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.9

4. It is none the less notorious that the most distinguished scholars in the protestant churches have always based their interpretations upon the same principles, which carried out, demonstrate the correctness of Mr. Miller’s views, and these principles are not rejected by all the distinguished scholars of the present day. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.10

5. It is a singular fact, that no one has even shown any error in Miller’s views from any error in the translation, and in every instance where a more perfect translation has been given, and new light thrown upon it, it has rendered the doctrine of the advent more clear. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.11

6. Men with all there qualifications, are found advocating the doctrine of ‘43, HST March 29, 1843, page 32.12

7. To make such objections of any force, it must first be proved that this “theory” is “erroneous.” HST March 29, 1843, page 32.13

8. This argument is of no force at all, for as we are commanded to occupy till Christ come, and lawful secular business will not be suspended till He comes, if he does not come, it will not be suspended. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.14

9. If time should continue after this year, those who devote themselves with all their soul to this question, will find that they have not been losers, even in an intellectual point of view, to say nothing of the glory their hearts and souls have enjoyed, and the prospect of a glorious immortality. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.15

10 If so unsuitable, why did God ever reveal it in his word? When God deems it suitable to reveal it, shall man close that word and decide that God was unwise in such revelation? HST March 29, 1843, page 32.16

11. The excitement so much feared, is not on the part of those who are looking for their Lord; but it is those who are halting between two opinions, and who are afraid the Lord may come when they do not wish him, that are excited. But what will be their excitement when the Lord does come? and how will that affect their bodily health? HST March 29, 1843, page 32.17

12. Alas! The dignity of ministers is in danger. It has been shown that they are only men, whom it is unsafe to follow, only so far as they follow Christ; whose words are only good, when in accordance with the word of God. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.18

It has been found unsafe to take the opinion of any man without a self-examination of the Scriptures. This objection shows the cloven foot of Papacy; it is feared that man will read the word of God for himself, without going to his priest to know its meaning. The Bible has been scattered all over the land, and now we are told that it is an unintelligible book!! If it is so unintelligible, why not let rome one re-write it, so that man can understand it? The great reason however is, that it has been found that those who, like the noble Bereans, search the Scriptures daily to see if these things are so, find that they are so. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.19

13 So long as the name of this town is not given, this story will pass for what it is worth. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.20

14. The reason is, that more instruction can be obtained from a Second Advent believer than from an unbeliever. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings God is perfecting praise. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.21

15. To take the word of God as it reads is certainly a “strange looseness” in its interpretation. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.22

16. We will let Peter answer that question. 2 Peter 3:8. “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. ‘If a day is with Christ as a thousand years, is there not some evidence that to-day and to-morrow are this thousand years and the next thousand years? and that the third day is with him the third thousand years? HST March 29, 1843, page 32.23

17. To let the Bible explain itself is what our opponents are afraid of. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.24

18. If the world were to continue and men did not become infidels, it would be no thanks to the want of confidence which the Anti Advent believers have in a thus saith the Lord. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.25

19. When it is thus made to appear, it will be in; season to reply to the arguments advanced. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.26

20. This is begging the question by wholesale after it has neither been proved that the theory is certain or that such are the evils of it. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.27

21. No necessity at all for such an assertion, as every sentence in the article shows it. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.28

Prayer.—“Watch ye and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all those things, and stand before the Son of Man.” But who lays this injunction of the Savior to heart as they should? What a small portion of the professed children of God come up to this duty in the spirit of watchfulness; how much worldly-mindedness fills the church; what eagerness for worldly glory and sensual enjoyments? The mind is suffered to rove and light on every subject but the near coming of Christ to judgment. And where is that holy breathing out of the same to God, which the scriptures enjoin so often and earnestly, and which is so necessary to the maintaining vital godliness in the soul. And yet what duty is so delightful and refreshing as communion with God? O Christians, pray. pray, pray. Like Jacob, wrestle with God, and you shall prevail and be called Israel.” HST March 29, 1843, page 32.29



from post masters, to march 25

Falmouth, Ms; N Troy, Vt; Derry, N H; N Ipswich, N H; Fall River Ms; No Springfield, Vt; Lyndon Centre, Vt; Hartford, Ct; Williamantic, Ct; Braintree, Ms; So Hero, Vt. $2; Sandy Hill, N Y; Trunbridge, Vt; Fairfax, Vt; Fair Haven, Vt; West Prospect, Me; Stonington, Ct; Windsor, Vt; New Ipswich, N H. Hartwick, N Y; Oswego, N Y; Lima. N Y, $50, credited Jan. 5, not $10; Colesville, N Y; Buckland Corner, Ct; Ware, Ms; No Fairfax; Salisbury, N H; Amesbury, Ms; Clapville, Ms; Natick, R I; Williamansett, Ms: Springfield, Vt; Portsmouth, N H; Epping; Meriden, Ct; Williamantic, Ct; Verseilles, Ky; Attleboro’, Ms; Windsor, Ct; Maiden, Ct; Sandwich; New Hampton, N H; E Granville, Ms; Green River, Vt; Peterboro, N H; Norwich, N Y; Wales, Me; Half Day, Ill; Westfield, Ms; Charlestown 4 Corners, N Y; North Springfield, Vt; China, N Y; Bangor, N Y; W Springfield, Ms; Sutton, Vt; Perry’s Mills, N Y; Proctorsville, Vt, $1; Ware, Ms; Jenksville, Ms; Jericho, N Y; Stillwater. N J; Woodstock, Vt; Hyannis, Ms; Berkshire, Vt; Camden, Me; East Medway; Norwich, Vt. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.30



J C Forbush; Ira Dexter; T L Tullock, bundle; E Newcomb; J R Morse; M F Manter; D Burgess; Wins Thayer; Joel Spaulding; C French; S J Robinson, $3; O Ross; Morgan, O; Chs Friend; L E Lincoln; C A Parker; J C Cromack, Com’n; Stephen Parsons; R E Ladd, $5; P Jaques; J Stark weather, P C Richmond; J W Atkins; L C Collins; J P Trask; J G Blanchard; P Hough, $15; J Litch; W W Kone; G Atkinson; G T Stacy; T Freeman; J V H; F G Brown; S B Woodward; J Spear, Lydia Hale; L Wiswell; S & Park; M M George; R Plainer, $10, bal of acc’t $8 61; W H Peyton, $10, charts sent; H Winchell 371 cts postage, and no use to us; S B Noble; S Hawley; A Font; Dan’l Campbell, $10; D F Reed; D S Niles; Friend. Salem, $5; J Weston; Simeon Cole; J H Shipman, $20, A Friend, Bolton, $10; Z Delano; Jacob Weston; C Green. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.31

Bundles Sent


2 boxes, 36 Park Raw, N Y; J W Spaulding, New Ipswich, N H; G S Miles, 101 Sou Pearl st, Albany; J Halkin, Wilbraham Depot, Ms. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.32

Signs of the Times


Is published weekly, at No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, by JOSHUA V. HIMES, to whom all letters and communications must be addressed. HST March 29, 1843, page 32.33

Terms,—One Dollar per Volume of 24 Nos. (6 months.) HST March 29, 1843, page 32.34