Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6

November 22, 1843

Vol. VI.—No. 14. Boston, Whole No. 134

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston.

J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors.
Dow & Jackson, Printers, Boston.



I. The word of God teaches that this earth is to be regenerated, in the restitution of all things, restored to its Eden state as it came from the hand of its Maker before the fall, and is to be the eternal abode of the righteous in their resurrection state. HST November 22, 1843, page 113.1

II. The only Millenium found in the word of God is the eternal stale of the righteous in the New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. HST November 22, 1843, page 113.2

III. The only restoration of Israel yet future, is the restoration of the saints to the New Earth, when the Lord my God shall come, and all his saints with him. HST November 22, 1843, page 113.3

IV The signs which were to precede the coming of our Savior, have all been given; and the prophecies have all been fulfilled but those which relate to the coming of Christ, the end of this world, and the restitution of all things. And HST November 22, 1843, page 113.4

V. There are none of the prophetic periods, as we understand them, that extend beyond the year 1843. HST November 22, 1843, page 113.5

The above we shall ever maintain as the immutable truths of the word of God, and therefore till our Lord come we shall ever look for his return as the next event in historical prophecy. HST November 22, 1843, page 113.6

Six Thousand Years


th e antiquity of the tradition of the earth’s existence to continue six thousand years in its present state. HST November 22, 1843, page 113.7

Antiquity can never prove error true; neither can the plea of novelty disprove a truth. We therefore refer to the antiquity of the tradition of the 6000 years’ duration of the present dispensation, not as any proof of its correctness, but simply to take from it the prejudice of singularity and novelty, with which many regard it. We first find it brought to view by the ancient Jewish Rabbins. HST November 22, 1843, page 113.8

“As for my opinion,” saith R. Menasse, “I think that after six thousand years, the world shall be destroyed, upon one certain day, or in one hour; that the arches of heaven shall make a stand, as immovable; that there will be no more generation or corruption; and all things by the resurrection shall be renovated, and return to a better condition.” Menasse also assures us that “this out of doubt, is the opinion of the most learned Aben Ezra,” who looked for it in the New Earth of Isaiah 65:17. HST November 22, 1843, page 113.9

Irenaeus flourished A. D. 178. He was Bishop of Lyons, and says, “in as many days as this world was made, in so many thousand years it is perfected; for if the day of the Lord be as it were a thousand years, and in six days those things that are made were finished, it is manifest, that the perfecting of those things in the six thousandth year, when anti-Christ reigning 1260 years, shall have wasted all things in the world, etc., then shall the Lord come from heaven in the clouds, with the glory of his Father.” HST November 22, 1843, page 113.10

Barnabas says, “The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath appointed me to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of restitution.” He then adds—“Further-more, it is written concerning the Sabbath, ‘Sanctify the Sabbath of the Lord with pure hands and with a clean heart.’ And elsewhere he saith: ‘if thy children shall keep my Sabbaths then will I put mercy on them;’ (alluding to the mercy promised to Abraham:) and even in the beginning of creation he makes mention of the Sabbath: ‘And God made in six days, the works of his hands, and he finished them on the seventh day, and he rested on the seventh day, and sanctified it. Consider, my children, what that signifies:—‘He finished them in six days.’ The meaning is this: that in six thousand years, the Lord will bring all things to an end. For with him one day is a thousand years, as Himself testifieth saying; ‘Behold this day shall be as a thousand years,’ therefore, children, in six days (i. e. in 6000 years) shall all things be accomplished. And what is that he saith,—‘He rested the seventh day?’ He meaneth that when his Son shall come, and abolish the Wicked One, and judge the ungodly, and change the sun and moon and stars, then he shall gloriously rest in the seventh day. He adds, lastly: ‘Thou shalt sanctify it with clean hands and a pure heart, (alluding here to circumcision being of the heart.) Wherefore we are greatly deceived if we imagine that any can now sanctify the day which God hath made holy, without having a heart pure in all things. Behold, therefore, he will then truly sanctify it with blessed rest, when we have received the righteous promise; when iniquity shall be no more, all things being renewed by the Lord; and shall then be able to sanctify it, being ourselves holy.’ See sec. xiv. xv. Epistle of Barnabas. HST November 22, 1843, page 113.11

Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, flourished A. D. 222. His writings are held in great esteem among all the Godly. He speaks of the six thousand years’ completion and perfection fulfilled. The testimony of all the fathers is so general and concurrent on the universality of this belief, that this point cannot be denied without impeaching their veracity. HST November 22, 1843, page 113.12

Lactantius, who lived about A. D. 310, says in his “Book of Divine Institutions,” “Let philosophers know, who number thousands of years, ages since the beginning of the world, that the six thousandth year is not yet concluded or ended. But that number being fulfilled, of necessity there must be an end, and the state of human things must be transformed into that which is better.” This he proves from God’s making the world in six days. HST November 22, 1843, page 113.13

The learned Joseph Mede, called the “illustrious Mede,” says, “The divine institution of a Sabbatical, or seventh year’s solemnity among the Jews, has a plain typical reference to the seventh chiliad, or millenary of the world, according to the well known tradition among the Jewish Doctors, adopted by many in every age of the Christian church, that this world will attain to its limit at the end of six thousand years.” HST November 22, 1843, page 113.14

The Rev. Richard Clark, in his essay on the number seven takes a similar view. He also says in his treatise on the prophetical numbers of Daniel and John, that “The six thousand years preceding the Sabbath of rest” “will be cut short in righteousness.” HST November 22, 1843, page 113.15

Thomas Burnet, in his “Theory of the Earth,” printed in London A. D. 1697, states that it was the received opinion of the primitive church from the days of the apostles to the council of Nice, that this earth would continue six thousand years, when the resurrection of the just and conflagration of the earth, would usher in the millennium and reign of Christ on earth. HST November 22, 1843, page 113.16

Gibbon, in his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, speaking of the faith and character of primitive Christians, says:—“The ancient and popular doctrine of the Millennium was intimately connected with the second coming of Christ. As the works of the creation had been finished in six days, their duration in a present state, according to a tradition which was attributed to the prophet Elijah, was fixed at six thousand years. By the same analogy, it was inferred that this long period of labor and contention, which was now almost elapsed, [the early Christians supposed the world was about 6000 years old in their day] would be succeeded by a joyous Sabbath of a thousand years—and that Christ, with the triumphant band of saints, and the elect who had escaped death, or who had been miraculously revived, would reign upon the earth till the time appeared for the last resurrection.” HST November 22, 1843, page 113.17

John Bunyan, the pious author of the Pilgrim’s Progress, says: “God’s blessing the Sabbath Day, and resting on it from all his works, was a type of that glorious rest that Saints shall have when the six days of this world are fully ended. This the Apostle asserted in the 4th chapter to the Hebrews, ‘there remaineth a rest (or the keeping of a Sabbath) to the people of God,’ which Sabbath, as I conceive, will be the seventh thousand of years which are to follow immediately after the earth has stood six thousand years first. For as God was six days in the works of Creation and rested on the seventh, so in six thousand years he will perfect his works and providences that concern this world. As also he will finish the toil and travail of his Saints, with the burden of the beasts and the curse of the ground, and bring all into rest for a thousand years. A day with the Lord is a thousand years; wherefore this blessed and desirable time is also called a day, a great day, that great and notable day of the Lord, which shall end in the eternal judgment of the world. God hath held this forth by several other shadows, as the Sabbath of weeks, the Sabbath of years, and the Great Jubilee.”—Works vol. 6. p. 301. HST November 22, 1843, page 113.18

Again he says: “None ever saw this world as it was in its first creation but Adam and his wife, neither will any see it until the Manifestation of the children of God; that is, until the redemption or resurrection of the Saints. But then it shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.”—Ib. p. 329. HST November 22, 1843, page 114.1

Among more modern writers, we find that Luther, Calvin, Melancthon, and Knox, preserved substantially the ancient faith, and did not believe in the conversion of the world before Christ’s coming. Thus, so far from our doctrines being new and heretical, they are the republication of the sentiments of those champions of the Reformation. HST November 22, 1843, page 114.2

Luther, in his Commentary on John 10:11-16, “Other sheep I have,” etc., writes thus: “Some, in explaining this passage say, that before the latter days, the whole world shall become Christians. This is a falsehood, forged by Satan, that he might darken sound doctrine, that we might not rightly understand it. Beware, therefore, of this delusion.” HST November 22, 1843, page 114.3

In another place he uses the following striking language: “I am persuaded that verily the day of judgment is not far off: yea, will not be absent above THREE HUNDRED YEARS LONGER.” Thus it will be seen that, by the “latter days,” he must have referred to the time following the resurrection, before which time he did not expect the Millennium, for he proceeds: “The voice will soon be heard: ‘Behold the Bridegroom cometh!’ God neither will nor can suffer this wicked world much longer, but must strike it with the judgments of his DAY OF WRATH, and; punish the rejection of his word.” Luther died in 1546, and of course the three hundred years from the time he wrote, must be now expiring. HST November 22, 1843, page 114.4

Melancthon, “Luther’s fellow laborer in the Reformation,” was the author of the Augsburg Confession, “which,” says the Rel. Enc., “may be considered as the creed of the German Reformers, especially of the more temperate among them.” The seventeenth article says We “condemn those who circulate the judaizing notion that, prior to the resurrect on of the dead, the pious will engross the government of the world, and the wicked be oppressed.” HST November 22, 1843, page 114.5

Calvin, in his Institutes, maintained the doctrine of the new earth, or the “restoration,” and says: “I expect, with Paul, a reparation of all the evils caused by sin, for which he represents the creatures as groaning and travailing.” This was the millennium he looked for. HST November 22, 1843, page 114.6

John Knox, “the great champion of the Scottish Reformation,” (who died in 1572) in his Liturgy, speaking of the reforming of the face of the whole earth, says: “Which never was, nor yet shall be, till the righteous King and Judge appear for the restoration of all things.” HST November 22, 1843, page 114.7

The above are but a few of the many testimonies which might be adduced in proof of the antiquity of this belief; but here are enough to show that it is of no modern origin. As therefore we are evidently at the very termination of the 6000 years, we are at the very point of time when all the honored names of antiquity would be looking for the coming of the Lord. Well, then, may we live in continual expectation of this glorious event, when we find the fulfilment of the prophecies, the signs of the times, and the prophetic periods, all harmonizing in the completion of this period. HST November 22, 1843, page 114.8

Boston, 1843. B. HST November 22, 1843, page 114.9

The voice of the Great Reformer, Martin Luther


The Pope confounded and his kingdom exposed, in a divine opening of Daniel 8:23-25, by Martin Luther. HST November 22, 1843, page 114.10

(Extracts, with remarks from the original works from the Investigator and Expositor of Prophecy, London, by Rev. J. W. Brooks.) HST November 22, 1843, page 114.11

“We shall now endeavor, in conclusion, briefly to sketch his exposition of Daniel 8:23-25, which he introduces with a remarkable specimen of his ironical powers. The book is directed against a work of Ambrose Catharinus, who is insisting that the authority and infallibility of the Romish church is declared in Scripture. And Luther, having deprived him of his support from Matthew 16:18, and shown him that when properly understood, it makes against the Romish church, then proceeds to say, that he does not therefore deny the existence of the Papistical church, and the mention of it in Scripture; on the contrary, he states that there is no one thing, (Christ excepted,) concerning which so much is said both in the Old and New Testaments; “And therefore (he adds) why should I not, in honor of my friend Catharinus, and in duty to that most holy ly vice-god in Christ, the Pope, proceed to show the existence of that pre-eminent power from solid and copious Scripture testimony; in order that I may stop the mouths of all who dare insultingly deny, that it is to be proved by the Divine record?” (p. 41.) Then follows the text from Daniel, rendered thus: HST November 22, 1843, page 114.12

“And after their kingdom, when prevarications (or transgressions) shall have sunk them into darkness, there shall stand up a king, powerful in faces (or appearances,) and intelligent of propositions (or enigmas;) and his efficacy shall be strengthened, but not by his own efficacy. And he shall destroy wonderful things, (or he shall wonderfully corrupt and destroy,) and shall prosper and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the people of the saints. And all shall appeal to him for judgment, and his craft shall prosper in his hand, and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and in his success he shall destroy many. And he shall stand up against the Prince of princes, but he shall be broken to pieces without hand.” HST November 22, 1843, page 114.13

“In the first place,” he says, “no regard is to be paid to those who would understand this and similar places in the prophets as having reference to one person only; for such know not, that the manner of the prophets is to signify or represent under one person any whole kingdom in a body. Hence they would mistakingly make anti-Christ, whom Paul calls “the man of sin,” and “the son of perdition,” to be one person; whereas the apostle would have the whole body and chaos of those impious men, and the whole succession of those that reign, to be understood as anti-Christ. Thus in Daniel 8. the ram signifies the kingdom of the Persians, the goat, the kingdom of the Grecians.”(p. 42.) HST November 22, 1843, page 114.14

He thus accounts for his application of it to Rome—“When the prophet says, that this king should stand up at the end of the four kingdoms, of which the last is the Roman, the iron kingdom, he plainly intimates that the tyranny of the Pope began in the decline of the Roman empire. And it actually did arise from out of the Roman empire, and in the Roman empire and grew up in its place; as is evident from all history, etc. HST November 22, 1843, page 114.15

He argues that the kingdom out of which anti-Christ arises, cannot be a Gentile kingdom which has never been evangelized, because it is said they sink into darkness by transgressions or rebellions. This implies (as he thinks) that they had previously been illuminated; which cannot be said of the kingdoms before Christ. (p. 45.) HST November 22, 1843, page 114.16

He explains the king’s being powerful in “faces,” or appearances, by the external pomp, ostentation, and specious appearance maintained by the papacy in various respects. First, as regards persons; as the Pope and his cardinals, with their retinue and riches. What emperor (he asks) can you name that ever had such a profusion of wealth as this kingdom or church has?” “What Roman consul can you mention that was ever equal to one of these cardinals, archbishops or bishops?” Then also in their edifices; as their palaces, their churches, their shrines, their monasteries, and the like. And likewise in their robes and habits; in regard to which, though it may appear to us an insignificant circumstance to adduce, the Author says: “It is by this face, above all the others, that this impious abomination defends itself. For who is not rendered great, holy, and worthy of adoration, by that scarlet hat, that two horned mitre, that long purple train, that mule glittering with jewels, those shoes bedizzened with gold, gems, and every precious ornament, and all that blazing variety of splendor, whereby those holy ones have distinguished themselves from the laity and the common habits and dress of Christians, or from every thing profane! and passing downward to the garments of the inferior orders of clergy, he shows that the Romish church has laid such emphasis upon them, that they think more of a breach of rule respecting these, than they do of a breach of God’s commandments. “What act of adultery (he asks) could be equal in enormity, to the delinquency of that clerical who should neglect to shave his pate for a whole month together? What parricide would be any way comparable with the sin of him who should neglectfully minister at the altar without his surplice, or his ruffles, or any one little of his canonicals? (p. 67.) He next instances their rounds of canonical prayer, as being indeed a show and pretence, having no prayer in them; and in like manner the mass, with its vigils, anniversaries, foundations and sepulchrals, which he declares to be a mere face of piety to deceive and fleece the befooled people; as also their fastings, and the mnltiplying and iniquity of their feast days; and their worship of relics. Another face is their affected celibacy of monks and nuns; which indeed (he says) is, in another sense, not a face, but a diabolical reality; for it fulfils the 1 Timothy 4:3; and Daniel 11:37, in which forbidding to marry is mentioned. HST November 22, 1843, page 114.17

Their universities, though accounted as a face, are brought to notice more especially under the next clause of the text—“intelligent of propositions;” which intelligence he conceives to be likewise indicated by the eyes like a man in the little horn. The show of wisdom and theology in them he considers the worst face; because it carries with it a pretension to the word. By means of the propositions taught in these places, all the rest of the false fabric is supported. How entirely they are a mere face or pretence of wisdom becomes evident, wherever the true word is taught. “If (says Luther) by any act of the grace of God, these universities should take up the word of God to study it,—good heavens! how soon would the whole of popery, together with all its faces, fall to the ground! for this last face is evidently the main support, yea, the very bones and vital strength of this whole kingdom of faces.” This is also the “efficacy,” by which the king is strengthened, and not by his own efficacy; for, the author remarks, that a lie cannot be supported by its own power. And by means of these propositions and these faces, in which he is supported by the efficacy of others, he has “wonderfully corrupted” all Christian worship, and “destroyed” as many souls as he subjects to his laws and compels to obey them. His “prospering and practising” is explained much in the same manner. HST November 22, 1843, page 114.18

“And he shall destroy the mighty people, and the people of the saints. “Here, (says the author,) if I were inclined to indulge my own thoughts, and to render the Hebrew according to my own judgment, and to understand by “the mighty” strength, and by “the people of the saints,” the apostles and evangelists, which is a meaning that the words themselves seem to favor, the understanding of the passage would then be, that the Pope would be such a one as would corrupt the holy Scriptures, which are the only strength of the church, and the apostles and evangelists, and would lay waste and utterly destroy them. HST November 22, 1843, page 115.1

“And all shall appeal to him for judgment,” or “all shall be according to his mind or judgment,” he explains by that notorious feature of the papal kingdom, that the Pope, making himself superior to all others, will not submit to the judgment of any other. HST November 22, 1843, page 115.2

He interprets, that “craft shall prosper in his hand,” by the circumstance that even the elect have been deceived by his faces and propositions, as Bernard, Francis, Dominic, and other very holy men and women who have been left to err, so as not to be able to understand the nature of this kingdom of “faces,” and to approve of many of the Pope’s proceedings: otherwise they would have risen up against him; but the time was not yet come. (p. 170.) Concerning which matter, he has a passage which may serve as a warning to some in our own days. HST November 22, 1843, page 115.3

“How then shall craft not prosper in this Pope’s hand, together with all outside show, and face, and deceit, and vain hypocricy of doctrines, (as Paul calls it,) when he prevails to destroy the authority of the Scriptures by the example of his numberless authors and saint? who always standby him? for what is there that he cannot effect prosperously, when not only his own faces and propositions, i. e. his crafty deceptions, but also those whom you know to be true saints, favor his cause? Who dares to mutter a word in opposition, when lying is helped by truth, hypocricy by holiness, craft by simplicity, and iniquity by godliness? O “perilous times” indeed, worthy of these, “latter days,” when all things, even the good, work together for evil to the reprobate; in the same way as all things, even the evil, work together for good to the elect! the latter however by the Spirit of God, the former by the spirit of satan; as the apostle foretold it should be. Here then let him, that dares, live in security and trust in the works and sayings of the fathers!” p. 171. HST November 22, 1843, page 115.4

This king’s “magnifying himself in his heart” is explained of the Pope’s considering himself above every one, and demanding of every one just what he pleases; insomuch that he subjects all to himself, scarcely permitting the most exalted kings to kiss his holy feet. “There is not one in the world (says Luther) whom he will allow to be upon an equality with himself, how eminent soever he may be for either godliness or learning.” “He deposes princes, kings, bishops, and every one that is great and high in the world, just according to his mere lusts, making himself more high and exalted and greater in the world than all of them put together. HST November 22, 1843, page 115.5

Of the clause, “and in his success he shall destroy many” the author says, “Who those infinite numbers are, whom success destroys and corrupts, I would rather leave to the judgment of every one, than explain particularly myself. For what is all that extensive rabble of cardinals, bishops, monks, priests, etc. but the people of the Pope, eaten and swallowed up by ease, riches, surfeit, security, luxury and lust; wasting away this life of the flesh, without faith, without the Word, without the Scriptures, without labor, without care!” p. 175. HST November 22, 1843, page 115.6

“And he shall stand up against the Prince of princes.” “Here, (exclaims the author,) is the awful climax of the whole! that this Pope stands up against Christ himself, and sets aside his word, by putting his own word in its stead.” On this point he has some observations at pages 88, 89, which, as the subject is much discussed by modern students of prophecy, will be found interesting, as coming from so eminent a writer as Luther. Speaking of 2 Thessalonians 2:4, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, he says, “And will he also exalt himself above God, properly considered? No; God forbid! but above “all that is called God,” saith the apostle, that is, above the preached word of God, for that is called God when it is truly preached and believed. Above God, thus considered, the Pope has long exalted himself and sat; because he makes known and preaches himself in the hearts of men, instead of their hearing and believing God. Therefore, when Paul saith, “above all that is called God,” it is in the Greek segasma; that is, worship,—that which is worshipped or the, worship itself.—“He is the sole and only one of men, who has, with intolerable blasphemy and pride, declared himself to be the sole and only vicar of Christ, or vice-Christ, or vice-God upon earth. And what is it to be a vicar of God. or vice-God, but “to sit in the place of God?” And what is it “to sit in the place of God,” but to show himself as God.” HST November 22, 1843, page 115.7

He thus concludes the exposition, on the words “But he shall be broken without hand.” “The apostle expresses the Pope’s destruction thus,—‘Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, etc.’ (2 Thessalonians 2:8) The laity, therefore, shall not destroy the Pope and his kingdom; though that is what he continually and miserably fears. No! he and his wicked rabble are not deserving of so light a punishment. They shall be preserved until the coming of Christ, whose most bitter enemies they are, and ever have been. This is the way in which he ought to be punished, who rise up against all, not with manual force, but with the spirit of Satan. Thus Spirit shall destroy Spirit, and truth shall reveal falsehood, for to reveal a lie, is to destroy it at once.” (p. 177.) HST November 22, 1843, page 115.8

As it was in the days of Noah


The Bible teaches us that before the deluge the world was awfully wicked and corrupt. “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” “And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.” Amidst all this confusion and depravity, there was one lonely family that loved and feared God. The father was a preacher of righteousness, and declared to them that God had determined to destroy the earth by water. This surely was a novel doctrine, and by no means worthy the attention of the wise ones of that day. The 120 years had well nigh elapsed when the Spirit of God should cease to strive with man. The ark which God commanded Noah to build, to save himself and family from the sad catastrophe, was nearly finished. The strange news of a man’s building a large vessel on dry land, had spread far near, and excited, no doubt, a general curiosity to visit so strange a person, see his vessel, and to ridicule his work of needless precaution. The good man warned them affectionately of the impending danger. For God is just, and gives to every soul opportunity to secure a place at his right hand. The ark at length was finished, and six days were allowed to Noah and his family to remove into it. How wonderful a sign was this—the huge vehicle stood finished in their sight, when from the hills and fields came all beasts and fowls, by sevens and by pairs, male and female, voluntarily to the ark, and went in. Last of all Noah and his family went in, and God by his invisible hand shut the door. Perhaps at this juncture there were gathered together immense multitudes to see the strange spectacle of a man’s shutting himself up on dry land to keep from drowning. But while they are mocking, and wondering to see from whence a flood should come, far in the west, dark clouds begin to rise and scud along the heavens in frightful haste from every point of the four winds. It was evident a dreadful storm was gathering. Unusual thunders begin to shake the earth, and terrifying lightnings to flash around, and soon the rain begins to pour down in torrents upon the earth. Probably they thought this storm of no long continuance, and would soon stop, as other storms had always done. But after several days their hopes began to fail them, and horror instead of hope possessed their souls, lest the prophecy of Noah was indeed fulfilling. There stood the steadfast ark in its place—the waters already involved its keel, every where the flood increased with wasting fury, the valleys were fast filling up; from the hills and mountains whole rivers began to pour, bearing the earth in many places, with trees and all their load, with roaring fury to the vales beneath. New terrors began to seize their unbelieving souls, and fearful forebodings to shake their self-begotten confidence; they fled from their houses in all the country, to the nearest hills and mountains. Still the flood pursued and in awful haste climbed up their sides, enveloping the tallest trees beneath, in a deep of dreary waters. Far from the former haunts of men, on the mountains’ rough and rugged sides, were seen crowds of men with feeble women and children, climbing up, disputing as they scrambled through the tangled wood with wild and frantic rage and despair, each aiming at the highest point of land to save his precious life. Mothers with helpless infants in their arms press them to their bosoms, but the unpitying flood engulfs them in its foam, and all are hastened in quick succession into the eternal world. “So shall it be in the coming of the Son of man.” Thousands are slumbering or scoffing at the doctrine of the advent this year. The Lord will come to such, as a thief in the night, and overtake those that are crying peace and safety, and they shall not escape. Yours, in the blessed hope of 1843. George S. Davis. HST November 22, 1843, page 115.9

South Berwick, Me. Nov. 10, 1843. HST November 22, 1843, page 116.1



“The Lord is at Hand.”


All communications for the Signs of the Times, or orders for Books or remittances, should be directed to “J. V. Himes, Boston, Mass,” post paid. HST November 22, 1843, page 116.2

Post Masters are authorized by the Post Office Department to forward free of expense all orders for, or to discontinue publications, and also money to pay for the same HST November 22, 1843, page 116.3

Subscribers’ names with the State and Post Office should be distinctly given when money is forwarded. Where the Post Office is not given, we are liable to misdirect the paper, or credit to the wrong person, as there are often several of the same name, or several Post Offices in the same town. HST November 22, 1843, page 116.4

The Snare of the Devil


It will not be denied by any, that all forms of error must originate with the devil. If there was but one form of error, it would be at once known and detected; but error is of every varied form; and sometimes approximates so near the truth, that it is often difficult to distinguish truth from its counterfeit. It is this approximating of error to the truth that is the great cause of apostacy from the truth. All departure from the truth must be at the instigation of the devil, who thus takes men in his snare, and leads them captive at his will. We wish to speak the truth with all kindness, but the truth is nevertheless to be spoken; and with this view of the subject, if all error is from the devil, it will follow that all who embrace any form of error, are in the snare of the devil, and are doing the devils work in his own chosen way. HST November 22, 1843, page 116.5

His object is to ruin souls, and he desires his agents to work in such a way as shall best accomplish this end: he selects that form of error, which at the time, and under the circumstances, will best produce this result. Every theory which is not the truth is of this character. HST November 22, 1843, page 116.6

By this rule we are willing to test the doctrine of the advent. If it is a false doctrine, there can be no question but it is of the devil, and we, its advocates taken in his snare. But if it is the truth, it will follow that those who oppose it are equally in the snare of the devil. That the doctrine of the advent is not of the devil is self-evident; for he opposes it with all his power, and is exceedingly mad against it, so that if it is indeed of him, his kingdom is divided, in which case we have the words of our Savior that it cannot stand, but must come to an end, proving the doctrine of the advent true. HST November 22, 1843, page 116.7

That all opposition to the doctrine of the advent is of the devil is also evident from the fact that all the avowed children of the devil are so delighted to see it opposed. We wish not to be here misunderstood: we do not say that all who do not embrace our views as to time, or in every particular, are actuated by the devil; but we do say that all who oppose the coming of Christ and in their hearts desire him to delay his coming, if our doctrine is true, must be thus far actuated by him. Now a person may bitterly oppose the truth as Paul did, and verily think he is doing God’s service. Paul always lived in all good conscience, and meant to do right. Like Paul, we believe that the great body of professed Christians in opposing the doctrine of Christ’s coming verily think they are doing God’s service. We therefore do not question their motives any more than we question the motives of the Jews of old; but as the Jews proved to be in the service of the devil, so if our views are correct there will all be found who war against them. HST November 22, 1843, page 116.8

St. Paul says, that in meekness we are to instruct “those that oppose themselves, if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth, that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.” 2 Timothy 2:25, 26. That any are in the snare of the devil and led by him captive at his will, proves that they have not the least suspicion of their bondage to him, which the Jews of old had not; and this insensibility of their subjection makes their case the more alarming. It was through ignorance that the Jews crucified our Savior: and yet there were only fulfilled the things which God had spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets. Even so now, if Christ is to come as we believe, then will be fulfilled what God has spoken, and those who oppose, oppose ignorantly and in unbelielief. Now if this is the truth that they are oppossing, it is just the way that satan desires. He wishes to have it opposed in such a way as shall cause the church and the world to disbelieve it: and what more effectual way could be taken to produce such a result? A portion of the human race can be made to disbelieve by being taught to disbelieve the Bible; such, satan is willing should be so taught. But the great mass of society in this land, believe, with more or less modification, that the Bible is the word of God; to attempt to convince them that the Bible is untrue, would be labor lost, and would defeat satan’s object. Even if all the clergy should turn infidels and scoff at the word of God they could not thus cause the great mass to disbelieve in the coming of Christ; the contrary effect would be produced. Thus, at the time of Christ’s first advent, had the chief priests denied that any Savior would ever appear, the nation would have believed in Christ. Satan, therefore, designs that so much truth shall be mixed with all error as will make it palatable. This was the case with the Jews of old; it was the case at the reformation; it is the case now; they were taken in the snare of the devil and led captive by him at his will. HST November 22, 1843, page 116.9

Now what would be the most effectual way to quiet the fears of the church and world at the present time, and induce them to defer attending to their soul’s salvation in the prospect of Christ’s coming? It would not be to teach there is no God; it would not be to deny the inspiration of the Bible. These truths are too firmly believed; for the mass to be thus affected. HST November 22, 1843, page 116.10

To accomplish effectually the desired end, it would be necessary to show, apparently, from the word of God that the day of Christ is at a great distance, that the Scriptures are not all fulfilled, that the earth is yet in its infancy, and that the inventions and improvements of the present day, are but the beginning of more enlarged greatness. It would also be necessary to show that the Bible is very obscure; that it cannot be understood until it is fulfilled, nor always then; that it is not to be taken in its literal acceptation, but that great allowance is to be made for its poetry and metaphorical illustrations; that positive assertions prefaced by a thus saith the Lord, may often mean directly the reverse of what is written; that the meaning of the original may so vary from the translation, that none but those versed in all the depths of oriental literature, can begin to have any correct knowledge of the truth intended to be conveyed; that the meaning is so mystical and obscure that we must not trust the judgment of unclean men, but must be governed in our views by the opinions of learned commentators; and that it is of no importance to us, whether we understand or not any of God’s word except the practical portions; or that it was all fulfilled in Antiochus Epiphanes. Let these views be thoroughly inculcated by men in whom the people have confidence, and who are looked upon as pious, learned and devoted, and the devil will have set a snare which will without fail deceive the great body of those who hope to be saved, but who would prefer to have the Lord defer his coming to a more convenient season, till they have enjoyed a little more of this world; or, as they flatter themselves, have done more good here. As this is the most effectual way to put men to sleep on this subject, it follows that this is just the very way that satan is pleased to see men pursuing. HST November 22, 1843, page 116.11

But lest this should not be perfectly successful, let such teachings be illustrated with absurd stories of such an event having been predicted times before, and failed; of Nebuchadnezzar’s eating grass till this day; of ascension robes and cases of insanity; and also the illustrations interspersed with attempts at witty and ludicrious comparisons—like “David’s looking straddle-eyed;” with a few chapters of “mistakes” that don’t exist, and an occasional review, exposition, refutation or strictures, in which old exploded sophistries and witless puns are for the fortieth time presented as perfectly original. Then let every paper from the smallest to the extra mammoth, and of every sect and creed in the religious world, and party in the political, with all of no sect and no party all marshall themselves against it, and give publicity to every pointless joke and foolish lie that a God-hating world could coin, and we hesitate not to say that every person within such an influence would be blinded, save those, who read the Bible for themselves, and are willing to believe what they read, and confess what they believe, independent of the opinions of men. HST November 22, 1843, page 116.12

If this is correct reasoning, and we cannot see why it is not, it follows that satan could not have devised a more successful scheme for the accomplishment of his purpose than has been carried out by the opposers of the Lord’s coming. And if so, then they are doing his will, are in his snare, and are led captive by him. We cannot avoid this conclusion; such are our convictions. We would, therefore, solemnly and affectionately entreat those who oppose the Lord’s coming, to ponder these things, “if peradventure God will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth, and they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will.” HST November 22, 1843, page 116.13

Men of one Idea.”—Some of the Sectarian papers prate much about “one idea” men. We find however by reading their respective papers, that the Baptists call those “men of one idea” who can see anything out of their church. The Methodists apply it to all who can see anything aside from Methodism; while the Congregationalists suppose it must apply to all who are not swallowed up in Congregationalism. We perceive by reading the report of the general association of Mass., that all the state are coming over to them; they can see nothing outside of their own order. And so of all the other sects. Yet as soon as any one breaks loose from sectarian shackles, and looks upon all Christains as brethren, and hails with joy the coming of the Lord, he is denounced as possessing but one idea. If so, then what part of an idea may narrow minded sectarians be said to possess. HST November 22, 1843, page 117.1

Volume half out.—Our friends will now make an effort to settle up their subscriptions. We are in need of every farthing due us, both for the “Signs of the Times,” and the “Midnight Cry,” at New York. HST November 22, 1843, page 117.2

We thank those of our subscribers and Agents who have been punctual. HST November 22, 1843, page 117.3

The Improved Harp—Three Parts in one Volume.—This edition of Advent Hymns comprehends all the valuable sacred poetry and music now in use among us, in our Advent meetings. It makes a book of about 300 pages, 150 of which have the hymns set to music. HST November 22, 1843, page 117.4

We design this work for congregations among us who meet statedly for divine worship. It contains hymns of a character and variety to meet the wants of the Advent congregations generally. HST November 22, 1843, page 117.5

It is neatly bound in cloth, and also in black morocco. Price in cloth, 42 cts. Morocco, 50 cts. 25 per ct. off by the hundred. HST November 22, 1843, page 117.6

Bro. Israel Jones passed through the city on Tuesday last, to New York. He will spend some weeks with our brethren there. His visit will no doubt be of great service to the cause in that city. There never was a more favorable time to do good in that city than now. Br. J. reports the cause prosperous in all the places he has visited of late, in the states of New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire. HST November 22, 1843, page 117.7

Works on Entire Consecration, and Gospel Holiness.—We have three works on this important subject, viz HST November 22, 1843, page 117.8

Entire Consecration—By F. G. Brown. HST November 22, 1843, page 117.9

Scriptural View of Sanctification—By N. Hervey. HST November 22, 1843, page 117.10

Gospel Holiness.—By H. B. Skinner. HST November 22, 1843, page 117.11

We can recommend these works to all who wish light on this important question. The subject has been greatly abused, of late, by the substitution of wild and extravagant notions. Let all be on their guard. The pretence of some to superior illumination, discernment, etc. with the advocacy of strange, unnatural and disgraceful actions, as being the work of God, cannot be too closely scrutinized. HST November 22, 1843, page 117.12

Cincinnati.—We have just received a letter from Br. Storrs, dated Philadelphia, Nov. 16. He has returned from the West with his family. The climate was so unfavorable to their health, that he did not think it his duty to remain longer. Bro. Storrs will be located for the present in New York, and will labor in the field as the door opens. His place will be supplied in Cincinnati by some faithful man. HST November 22, 1843, page 117.13

“Try the Spirits.”


One of the artifices of the enemy, by which even the honest and sincere souls who have fallen into the extravagances which have dishonored the cause of Christ among us of late, and severely afflicted its old and tried friends: deceive themselves and others, though unconciously, is this—they suppose that these “exercises” are a new thing, known only, or more generally in these last times, and are to be regarded as the mark of peculiar sanctity, and distinguished favor before God. Now nothing is more evident than that they have marked every period of the church; and by them the great enemy has made the professed friends of truth; the most successful instruments of defeating its operations, so much so, that in many cases these injudicious disciples have apparently upset every thing, when avowed enemies have done their worst in vain. HST November 22, 1843, page 117.14

We insert the following extract from a sermon on regeneration by Dr. Waterland, as contained in Dr. Hales’ Analysis, p. 981, as one of the many proofs of the existence of these things in former times, and also as giving what we believe to be the true opinion of them; and hope it may serve as an antidote wherever there is danger of falling into the snare. HST November 22, 1843, page 117.15

“The setting up of a private spirit, an imaginary inspiration, as a rule of conduct, has been one of the subtlest engines of Satan in all past ages. God has permitted it, probably for the trial of his faithful servants, that they may be proved and exercised every way, (1 Corinthians 11:19,) and may learn to be as much on their guard against any surprize of their understandings, as against any seduction of their wills. HST November 22, 1843, page 117.16

“There are strong temptations inclining forward men to set up their pretensions to a private spirit. It flatters the pride, laziness, and vanity of corrupt human nature. Most men love to indulge their own way and humor, and to get from under the sober standing rules of order, deceney, and regularity. They would be their own masters and lawgivers, and even make laws for others: and if they can but once pursuade themselves, (and what will not blind self love persuade a man into?) that they are full of the Spirit, (Job 32:18,) they soon grow regardless of the open laws of God and man, affecting to conduct both themselves and others by some secret rule of their own breasts. This is a very dangerous self deceit, and not more dangerous than it has been common, in all ages and countries. If none but hypocrites, or ill designing men were to be drawn into this snare, the temptation would be but coarsely laid, and be less apt to deceive: but the well meaning pretenders to the Spirit, who through a secret unperceived self flattery, or a complexional melancholy, first deceive themselves, they are of all men the fittest to deceive others, (2 Timothy 3:13.) Their artless simplicity, their strong and endearing professions, are very apt to win upon some of the best natured, and best disposed, though unguarded Christians; which the Tempter knows full well, and he never exercises a deeper, or more refined policy, (Revelation 2:24,) than when he can thus decoy some very sincere and devout Christians in a pious way; turning their very graces into snares, and as it were, foiling them with their own artillery.” HST November 22, 1843, page 117.17

Extract from an English writer


If there be scriptural ground for maintaining the doctrine of a first resurrection, and a personal and glorious reign of the Redeemer, in that region where he was once despised, and put to shame, it ought assuredly to have a prominent place in the discourses of those who, as the ministers and stewards of the mysteries of Christ, are appointed to prepare, and make ready his way. “Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” is an admonition, which, under this view of the subject, may be pressed with renewed power upon the attention of the careless, and unawakened, in our days. The scriptural statement of this subject lays the axe to the root of those too common delusions by which the impenitent and unbelieving are lulled into peace. They can no longer consider the day of judgment as a time removed to I know not what indefinite period; neither can they any longer shelter themselves under the secret hope that they may escape in the crowd of good land bad, which will then (as they suppose,) be assembled, to be judged according to their works. By comparing themselves with others here, they can always find some ground of hope that they shall be able to stand in the trial of the last day. But the righteous and the wicked, the just and the unjust, the penitent and the impenitent, the believing and the unbelieving, the children of God, and the children of this world, the converted, and the unconverted, saints and sinners, will never thus indiscriminately be huddled together for such a scrutiny as is generally supposed, if what has been already said be not utterly groundless. No: “the Lord knoweth them that are his” now, and there are fruits and evidences by which they may be known to themselves, and to others; and he will take care that they shall be with him in his glorious kingdom, and at his final judgment of fallen angels, and an impenitent and unbelieving world. This is analogous with the whole counsel of God towards his church from the beginning. They are, and ever shall be, a “chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people,” and at the second coming of our Lord, it shall be found that they alone shall possess and enjoy the kingdom, and that the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.” HST November 22, 1843, page 117.18

This promised consummation is the glory which shall be revealed in the children of God, and with which Paul reckoned the sufferings of this present time not worthy to be compared. This is that manifestation of the sons of God for which the new creation waiteth with outstretched necks. This is that glorious liberty into which they shall be brought when they obtain “the adoption, even the redemption of the body.” This is that “world to come,” of which the same apostle speaks in the fifth verse of the second chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews, “which is not put into subjection to the angel;” but to Him, of whom it is said, “when he bringeth his first begotten again into the world, let all the angels of God worship him;” and, “Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.” HST November 22, 1843, page 117.19

And now “The Spirit and the Bride say come, and let him that heareth say come.” HST November 22, 1843, page 118.1

“He which testifieth these things, saith, Surely I come quickly; Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesns.” HST November 22, 1843, page 118.2

Letter from Canada


Dear Brother Bliss;—My father moved into the wilderness of lower Canada about fifty years ago, and for a considerable number of years, paid but little attention either to religion or the Sabbath. After awhile the Baptist preachers came from the States; and soon after the Episcopal Methodist. I united with the latter, and lived in love and friendship till we were exchanged into the hands of the Wesleyans, without being consulted on the subject; We continued with the Wesleyans a few years, and joined the reformed Methodist about twelve years since; and at the present time we have a loving band that are watching, praying, and expecting the Lord soon. I should conclude here if I were not a member of the Methodist Protestant church, but having a hope that I may assist some of them, I will proceed. When I was at Boston about nine years since, I enquired for Mr. Norris, editor of the Olive Branch, but did not find him. I had seen the paper, and wondered that there should be so much vanity in a professedly religious paper. I wished to see Mr. N. to see if the character of the paper could not be improved, as I wished to patronize a paper of our own denomination. The paper came to me again and again, filled with vanity, and although I wished to take a paper of our own denomination, I could not with a clear conscience take such a paper. Within a short time past, I am more convinced of the character of the paper, and also of its editor, than I ever was before. When we look at such language as this. “If there are in Heavens Magazine any bolts red with uncommon wrath, they must be reserved for snch fellows as Himes and his tools.” .... did ever such language come from a professed minister of the Gospel before? I think not. After the infidel attacked him for his unchristian conduct, and said he would not treat a dog so, I was in hopes that he would amend, but it seems in vain to hope for good from the Olive Branch. HST November 22, 1843, page 118.3

I think it strange that my brethren of the Methodist Protestant Church will take such a paper, to corrupt the rising generation. How will parents in the day of judgment excuse themselves for putting such a paper into the hands of their children. Yours in haste. HST November 22, 1843, page 118.4

Alexander Thomson.

Bolton, October 18th, 1843.

Letter from brother E. Jacobs


Dear Brother:—I have been laboring in this place since last Friday evening, and the prospects are at present encouraging. There have been difficulties to contend with, as a matter of course, but truth is triumphant. On Friday and Saturday evenings I lectured to 20 or 30 individuals in the Hall occupied by the Wesleyan Methodists. The large hall in Granger’s block was engaged for the Sabbath, and conditionally, until Thursday evening of this week. On Sabbath A. M., the congregation was good, in the afternoon it was larger, and in the evening the house was full. HST November 22, 1843, page 118.5

Better attention I have not seen. God was with us: six came forward for prayers, and two professed to find peace. The devil got wind of what was going on, and sent along a company of playactors, and our hall was taken from us. But having some experience in “bushfighting” with his satanic majesty, I went to the printing office and ordered some bills for lectures, directing the printer to have his form ready when I should return to tell him the place of meeting. Through the efforts of brother Brumner, and the help of the Lord, D Lansing’s church was obtained, the bills circulated—a good congregation collected, and two souls converted. So the enemy made but little in his operation of taking our four story hall from us. An interest is awakened, and we are expecting Syracuse to be shaken to its centre. HST November 22, 1843, page 118.6

At present we have the lecture room of the church open in the day time for a reading room, and are waiting for books from N. Y., and Boston. There are a few brethren and sisters here that are daily looking for the Lord. Pray earnestly for us that souls here may be saved, for I have not seen a place upon which a greater moral darkness rests than this. Yours in the blessed hope. Enoch Jacobs. HST November 22, 1843, page 118.7

Syracuse, Nov. 7, 1943. HST November 22, 1843, page 118.8

Syracuse, N. Y.—It will be seen that brother Jacobs is on a visit in that city; by the letters from him, we learn that the way is opening for the cry to be given in that plaee. We have sent him a box of books, and papers. They are directed to the care of H. Hancock. HST November 22, 1843, page 118.9

Brothe Patten, of Utica, writes under date, Nov. 3rd, 1843. We have had no less than ten or twelve grove meetings of one and two days continuance, where the people would assemble from ten to fifteen miles around, to hear something about the coming of the Lord. I am now at home in Utica, and by the help of the Lord we shall have a pure second advent meeting soon. We have written to brother Beach, and have sent to brother Whiting. Where is brother Miller? Wont he stop on his way to or from Buffalo? O do send us some good lecturer if you can. Who will come over into Utica and help us. The people here seem to be more candid and want to hear. I have understood that the large church could be had; if some able brother would come, the Lord will open the way; my heart is in the cause, my; faith is strong, I expect to see my dear Lord this year; yes, this year, I ask for no further proof; it is enough, enough; my prayer is, come Lord Jesus come quickly. Amen and Amen. Your brother in the Lord. H. Patten. HST November 22, 1843, page 118.10

Letter from Brother J. C. Park


Dear Brother:—I again write to inform you, that I am still firm in the faith of seeing my Savior this year. I rejoice to hear there are few, who are waiting for his appearing. Few, did I say? Oh! I wish I could say many; but I cannot; for they are but a few compared to the multitude. Oh! when will sinners learn of Him, who is so soon to call them to judgment. HST November 22, 1843, page 118.11

I wish there might be something done for the people here. Are there not some that will come here and lecture? Where is Father Miller, and brother Brown? Is there any one that will respond to this call, and say I will go? Yours in daily expectation of beholding my blessed Jesus. Isaac C. Park. HST November 22, 1843, page 118.12

Fitzwilliem, Nov. 4th. 1843. HST November 22, 1843, page 118.13

Letter from Bro. T. Smith


Dear Brother Bliss:—With deep interest have I watched and read “the Signs of the Times” for the eighteen months last past. My ardent cry has been, and still is, “give me the truth.” And after the most candid and careful examination of all sides, (for there are many,) the result is, none appears—so reasonable and scriptural as that of the Advent near, even at the door. The theory called Millerism, so much despised and ridiculed by many, even by the Branch of the wild Olive, is to me and many others in these parts a most soul-cheering system, viewed in all its parts. It is true I have never avowed an undoubted belief of the coming of Christ in 1843, yet I see no reason why it may not be so—and all and every thing said by the opposition has only increased my conviction of its truth. While the common people are crying, show us the truth, it is wonderful and truly amusing to see the great men of Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New York, bringing forward their different expositions to enlighten the minds of inquirers after truth; but, alas, how are we disappointed. Dr. Pond has one peculiarity in his system, Professor Stuart another—Dowling the third, and Professor Bush—yet another, producing “confusion worse confounded,” and leaving the people still destitute of light on this most important subject. In one thing, however, I have observed a perfect argreement in these writers, to crush the Farmer of Low Hampton New York, but while agreed on this point, I have thought them like the witnesses against Jesus, “None of them agree,” about what is truth. If the Bible be so hard to be understood, that none but the learned D. D’s., can understand it, and no three of these understand it alike, we are certainly left in a very dangerous situation, and are like the poor storm beaten sailor who has no compass, or whose compass points every way. But blessed be the God of Israel—amidst all the jars and discords of men, I hear a voice from heaven saying, “the way faring man though a fool need not err.” The advent cause has many fast friends in Maine, and notwithstanding resolutions are passed, and admonitions given, yet the truths of God are prized, and many are crying with Paul, “For our conversation is in heaven,” from whence we look for the Savior, and with Peter, “looking for and hastening unto the coming of the day of God, etc.” Future time may prove an error in chronological calculation, and that Mr. Miller and his coadjutors have made a mistake, but this is certain, men have not done it, nor can they in the estimation of very many. The fabled notion of a millennium before the coming of Christ, as well as the return of the literal Jews, are mists fast fleeing away before the blessed Sun of righteousness, whose light is increasing in the hearts of the truly wise. That you may be blessed of God, and prove successful in sounding the Midnight Cry, and in awakening a guilty world and sleepy church, is the fervent and daily prayer of yours, “waiting for his Son from heaven.” HST November 22, 1843, page 118.14

Vienna, Maine, Nov. 1843. HST November 22, 1843, page 118.15

Brother Kendal—writes. HST November 22, 1843, page 118.16

Brother Himes:—Your paper makes its weekly appearance, is joyfully received, eagerly perused, and serves as food to the soul, giving new impulses of joy, reviving the hope and increasing the faith of two lonely pilgrims, in the blessed hope of soon seeing Jesus. It is not because the paper is my guide, (no, my B ible leads to glory,) but it is because we have no other means for knowing the truth that God is with his true Israel, being surrounded with a scoffing community; glory to God they cannot scoff away the blessed Savior. HST November 22, 1843, page 118.17

Praise the Lord for a hope big with immortality, that lifts above the things of time and sense, and reaches to that within the new earth. Yours. Daniel Kendall. HST November 22, 1843, page 119.1

Dummerston, Nov. 6th, 1843. HST November 22, 1843, page 119.2

Letter from Dr. Field


Dear Brother Himes,—I am here some seventy miles from home, lecturing to a plain unsophisticated community on the Second Coming of the Lord. Many are pleased, and believe the doctrine; others murmur. I know no other reason except it be that they are not ready—don’t want the Lord to come here as in other places; I find scepticism and infidelity on this subject among all classes, saints and sinners. Every where, throughout the land, the traits of character in religious society, described by Paul as peculiar to the last days, are visible in a most striking degree. We are without doubt living in the perilous times foretold, when coveteousness would be the prominent sin of professing Christians. We have had ages of military glory, when fame as a warrior was all the go, the highest object of human ambition. We have had ages when oratory, poetry, painting, sculpture, architecture, the classics, the arts of husbandry, and of peace and war, have been successively cultivated and venerated But the age in which we now live, is the money-loving age. Mammon, is the god of these perilous times. The acquisition of wealth is the end and aim of human industry and enterprize. Every thing is made subservient to that object. All other matters and things are of subordinate importance. All the learning, and arts of this wicked and licentious age, are put in requisition for the purpose of heaping up treasure. How could we expect under such circumstances to find faith in the speedy coming of the Lord? With the great body of professors under such influences, the Advent is neither a matter of faith nor desire. HST November 22, 1843, page 119.3

As ever, your brother in the blessed hope of seeing the Lord soon. HST November 22, 1843, page 119.4

Redington, Ind., Oct. 24, 1843. HST November 22, 1843, page 119.5

Letter from Bro. Aaron Clapp


Dear Brother Himes,—Many citizens of this place were very much disappointed last evening in not seeing you present with us. The friends had made arrangements to receive you, had engaged Gilman Saloon, notice was given and the place was filled with people anxious to see you, and hear what you had to say upon the glorious, yet solemn subject of the speedy coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But the congregation were informed that a letter had been received, giving information that you were sick and not able to come. We then listened to a very interesting lecture, from brother Chittenden, upon the Woe Trumpets. He spoke with his usual interest and eloquence, clearly showing the events which were to take place under these woes; with powerful appeals to the congregation to be ready to meet the Judgment Day. The people seemed to listen with deep interest. HST November 22, 1843, page 119.6

Brother Chittenden left this morning, and is now on his way to St. Louis, where he expects to preach Jesus and the resurrection, until the last trump shall sound. HST November 22, 1843, page 119.7

The Second Advent cause is now prospering here. The believers remain firm in the faith. Tell Mr. Colver I know of none that have left the plain truths of the Bible, and deserted the Second Advent cause to embrace his wild delusions. His mode of interpreting the prophecy of Daniel, by wickedly applying the little horn in the eighth chapter to Antichus Epihanes, and the little horn of the seventh chapter to Nero, does not destroy or overthrow what he calls Millerism. It appears very strange to me, that he should come to this city, and instead of preaching to the ungodly, and warning the inhabitants that are in the broad road to hell of their approaching danger, should take the poor despised, small company of trodden-down Second Advent believers, and holding them up to public scorn and ridicule, heap upon them all the slang that he could disgorge, thus keeping the congregation in almost constant laughter, which seemed to be his chief aim. Oh may God have mercy on his soul,—and may he repent before it be too late. HST November 22, 1843, page 119.8

This very man is going from place to place, begging money to purchase the Tremont Theatre. What is it but an idol-god to fit up for worship? Why does not he and the congregation take the 80 or 90 thousand dollars and send the Gospel to a perishing world, tottering upon the last inch of time? HST November 22, 1843, page 119.9

Yours in the blessed hope of soon seeing Jesus. HST November 22, 1843, page 119.10

Hartford, Nov. 1, 1843. HST November 22, 1843, page 119.11

Who shall Answer this All-Important Question? “When the Son of man cometh shall he find faith on earth?” asks our Lord. The Church replies, “Yes, faith shall so abound that the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.” HST November 22, 1843, page 119.12

“As it was in the days of Noah,” says Christ, “so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.” HST November 22, 1843, page 119.13

“It shall be quite otherwise,” says the church, “for then all men shall know the Lord, from the greatest to the least.” HST November 22, 1843, page 119.14

“Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot,” adds Christ, “even so shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” HST November 22, 1843, page 119.15

“Oh no,” replies the church, “it can be no such thing, for our societies will have converted the world?” These sayings of the Lord, and the professed expectations of the church are, you see, at variance. HST November 22, 1843, page 119.16

Reader, do you know which of the twain to believe? If not, I will tell you. Believe Christ’s sayings, for what he says must be true. What man says may be; but if what man expects do not agree with what Christ teaches, it cannot. From this statement I conclude, that the Millenium cannot be introduced before Christ’s coming; for, if it were, the earth would not be found in that state of wide-spread ungodliness in which it was, both in Noah’s, and Lot’s day. On the contrary, faith, love, joy, peace, and holiness would abound, which is very much opposed to that condition which our Lord describes.—W. W. Pym. HST November 22, 1843, page 119.17



“The groans of nature in this nether world,
Which Heaven has heard for ages, have an end.
Foretold by prophets, and by poets sung,
Whose fire was kindled at the prophet’s lamp,
The time of rest, the promised Sabbath, comes.
Six thousand years of sorrow have well nigh
Fulfilled their tardy and disastrous course
Over a sinful world; and what remains
Of this tempestuous state of human things,
Is merely as the working of a sea
Before a calm, that rocks itself to rest;
For He, whose car the winds are, and the clouds
The dust that waits upon his sultry march,
When sin hath moved him, and his wrath is hot,
Shall visit earth in mercy; shall descend,
Propitious, in his chariot paved with love;
And what his storms have blasted and defaced
For man’s revolt, shall with a smile repair.
HST November 22, 1843, page 119.18

* * * * *

Behold the measure of the promise filled;
See Salem built, the labor of a God!
Bright as a sun the sacred city shines;
All kingdoms and all princes of the earth
Flock to that light; the glory of all lands
Flows into her; unbounded is her joy,
And endless her increase. * *
* * From every clime they come
To see thy beauty and to share thy joy,
O Sion! an assembly such as earth
Saw never, such as heaven stoops down to see.
HST November 22, 1843, page 119.19

* * * * *

Come, then, and, added to thy many crowns,
Receive yet one, the crown of all the earth,
Thou who alone art worthy! It was thine
By ancient covenant, are nature’s birth;
* * * * *
Thy saints proclaim thee king; and thy delay
Gives courage to their foes, who, could they see
The dawn of thy last advent, long desired,
Would flee for safety to the falling rocks.”
Wm. Cowper.
HST November 22, 1843, page 119.20



Died in North Scituate, October 25th, sister Mary E. Brown of typhus fever, aged 21 years. It is but just to the memory of Miss Brown to say that she was an amiable, kind and affectionate young lady of great promise; her talents were of high order, much above many of her youth. She had been a member of the F. W. Baptist church in this place about 5 years, during which time she maintained a Christian character in the church; but for a year or two past, her mind at times has been dark and clouded, until by the sound of the Midnight Cry her mind has been aroused, and she became a strong believer in the speedy coming of our Lord and Savior, about six weeks before her death. Her illness was but short (only 17 days) which she bore with that patience and fortitude, which ever maketh a Christian, in hope of a blissful immortality beyond the grave. She was never heard to utter a murmur or a complaint, during her sickness, but was often times known to awake from her short slumbers singing praises to God, and saying “salvation to the Lamb, glory and honor to God, etc. etc.” She has left behind to mourn her loss an aged, widowed and bereaved mother, who has now lost her last earthly hope with her daughter, and four kind brothers, all of whom have the blessed hope of soon meeting her upon the (as it were) “Sea of Glass” where they will “meet to part no more.” HST November 22, 1843, page 119.21

Sweetly she sleeps beneath the sod,
Released from weary pain;
Her precious dust in the care of God
Shall rise to live again. 1 Thessalonians 4:16.
HST November 22, 1843, page 119.22

Yours affectionately Obadiah B. Fenney. HST November 22, 1843, page 119.23



To commence on Monday, the 4th of Dec. next, in the Methodist meeting house, (if the Lord will.) It may be expected to continue one week or more. Brother M. Stoddard, H. P. Knox are engaged to attend. L. Bolles. HST November 22, 1843, page 119.24

Oct. 30th, 1843. HST November 22, 1843, page 119.25


No Authorcode

BOSTON, NOV. 22, 1843.



Lectures at the Tabernacle every Sunday at 10 o’clock, A. M. at half past 2 P. M. and at half past 6 in the evening. SEATS FREE-The public generally are respectfully invited to attend. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.1

Advent Meetings during the week. Monday Evening, Advent Association’ at 14 Devonshire Street, up Stairs. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.2

Tuesday and Thursday evenings, Lectures and Conference at Chardon Street Chapel, at 7 o’clock. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.3

Brethren Hale, Porter, or Himes, are expected to attend the above meetings, at the Tabernacle and at Chardon Street. Advent brethren and sisters in the city and vicinity, are respectfully invited to attend. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.4

At Home.—We find on our return from the West, that duty requires us to be at our post in this city for the present; but we have done our duty to that portion of the country. Brn. Stevens, Chittenden, and others, will no doubt continue in the field, and do all that can be done, till the Master appears. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.5

Tabernacle. The meetings in this place last Sabbath were large and interesting. Bro. Brown gave a very able and faithful discourse in the afternoon on the duty of watchfulness in reference to the speedy coming of Christ. His health is quite recovered—his faith is strong, and he is faithfully serving the advent cause. In the evening several came out for prayers. The prospects are favorable for a good work of grace among us. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.6

J. B. Cook.—We have just received an interesting letter from Bro. C. It will appear in our next. He has been to Cleaveland, Akron, etc. in Ohio. The cause is flourishing in those parts. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.7

We have received an interesting letter from Bro. F. G. Brown, which we shall give in our next. We have also received another from Bro. Miller. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.8

Important to the Afflicted. We have a few works on hand which are admirahly adapted to open people’s eyes. We have “Dowling’s Reply to Miller,” and “Christ’s Second Coming,” by Elijah Shaw. They can be had gratuitously by those who wish for an illustration of the absurdity of applying the prophecies which reach to the consummation, to the times of Antiochus Epiphanes. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.9

We will also furnish the “Inconsistencies of Colver’s Literal Fulfilment of Daniel’s Prophecy,” by the hundred, gratuitously, for those places which are favored with Mr. Colver’s personal labors. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.10

French and German Tracts. We have tracts in these languages, on the doctrine of the Advent, for those who wish to investigate the question, and are unable to in the English. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.11

Will the Hartford Courant please direct to the “Signs of the Times?” as it is now directed, we receive it irregularly. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.12

Br. Porter lectured in Watertown and Brighton, to good audiences, last Sabbath. Bro. Hervey lectured in Roxbury, and Bro. Bliss at Holliston. The truth is gaining a firm footing in these places. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.13



There will be a Second Advent Conference at the Union House in Morrisville, if time continue, to commence on Saturday, the 9th day of December next, to continue five days. Br. Kimball will be present to lecture, if the Lord will. Brethren from abroad are requested to attend; and we would earnestly soli cit the attendance of Bro. Miller—his attendance would gladden the hearts of many brethren in this vicinity, and would truly cause our hearts to rejoice to see and hear our aged brother, and firm friend of the Lord Jesus, and able advocate of the apostolic doctrine of the speedy coming of the Lord. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.14

For the committee, H. Carter. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.15



The following are the most important items of news by this arrival. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.16

The trials of the Rebeccaites are continued in Wales. The king Otho of Greece, is in a very bewildered state, it being a question whether he may continue to rule Greece or Greece him. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.17

Intelligence from Lisbon reports another attempt at revolution, in Portugal. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.18

Alarming reports continue to arise in Madrid of intended insurrections in Spain. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.19

Italy. The rumor of an attempt to assasinate the Pope, Sept. 27th, is confirmed. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.20

Ireland.—Ireland continues quiet. The country is extensively occupied by troops—in fact, the whole available force of the British army has been thrown into it—the agitation, somewhat subsided in tone, but equally effective in action, continues—the Repeal coffers are swelled by thousands weekly. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.21

The Court of the Queen’s Bench, Dublin, opened for the trial of O’Connel and his brother agitators, on the 2nd. The indictments covered the enormous space of thirty-three skins of parchment. An attempt has been made to indict the government reporter, on whose testimony every thing depends, for perjury. No part of the evidence had been given in when the Caledonia sailed. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.22

Italy.—More rumors imply something like a crisis in Italy: may it turn to good account. The Paris Reforme has a letter from Trieste, of the 18th instant, which states that a strong body of Austrian troops actually had advanced to the Roman frontier; while a French fleet was looked for at Ancona, to balance the Austrian intervention. In the meantime, lithe Papal Government is indiscreet enough to enforce oppressive financial measures; venturing on money-oppression, which makes politics intelligible to all classes. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.23

The Morning Chronicle throws some light on the theory of these movements. Austria and France have been exhorting Rome to more moderation in the government of its subjects; but the Papal Court conceived nothing but offence in that very judious advice, rebuffed its counsellors, apparently with discourtesy. As a diversion, work is found for the meddlers in their own dominions: ecclesiastical turbulence is excited by Rome in Switzerland, to occupy Austria; and in France, Cardinal Bonald, Archbishop of Lyons, is instructed to pick a quarrel with the French University. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.24

A letter from Bologna of the 15th instant, states that fresh disturbances had taken place in that city and its neighborhood. In the evening of the 3rd, the populace came to blows with the Carbineers and Swiss, in the streets of Borgo, San Pietro, and San Donato. The Swiss having given way, a troop of Dragoons was immediately sent to the assistance of the Carbineers, and soon restored order. On the 8th, several military posts were attacked in the lower city. Similar outbreaks were said to have occured in other parts of the province, and Cardinal Spinola applied for a leave of absence and quitted the city. On the 10th he was succeded ad interim by Cardinal Vannicelli Casoni. The prisons of Bologna contained seventy political offenders, and fifty more were detained at Pesaro until they could be safely removed to fort San Leo. It was reported that in a recent congregation of Cardinals, held at Rome, to consider the situation of the legations, Cardinal Bernelli recommended that concessions be made to the people, and a general amnesty granted to all persons implicated in political conspiracies since 1831. This proposition, however, was rejected by the almost unanimous vote of the assembly. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.25

The Austrian troops, have, it is said, marched into the Pope’s territories of Bologna, to the number of 4,000, under the command of Count Radetsky. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.26

Turkey. In a letter from Constantinople, of the 4th inst, the Frankfort Journal represents the Turks as somewhat alarmed lest the Greek movement should increase the agitation in Albania and the northern provinces. The Turks much irritated by the affair of the French flag at Jerusalem, refuse to permit any more European consuls there. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.27

Russia. The Frankfort Journal states, that the report of a shot having been fired at the Emperor of Russia’s carriage, at Posen, was a mere device of the Emperor to cause the expulsion of the Polish refugees from that Grand Duchy.—The Augsburg Gazette of the 19th inst. states, that according to all probability the Emperor of Russia will protest against the late revolution in Greece. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.28

Letters received to Nov. 18,1843


B. R. Fellows, donation, $5; D Chatterton, by P M, $1; S. Baldwin, by P M, $1; Dea. J Higgins, by PM, $1; J. Turner; P M West Wrentham, Ms.; D. Taylor and A. Hodge, by P M; S. donation $10; Geo. S. Davis. Benj. Plummer, by P M. $1; J.G. Snow, by P M, $1; S. Hawley, Jr.; Ira Shaw, by P M $1; Jonas Coburn, by P M. $2; Samuel Joy, Jr. by P M, $1; John Stackford, by P M, $3, papers sent to Post Office, Lima, Mich; C. B. Turner; P M of Troy, Me.; P M of Hickory Head, S. C; Mary Everett, $2; Henry Carter, by P M, $1; John Sanderson, by P M, $1; P M of Whitehall, N. Y.; P M of Bristol, Ct.; Benj. Blaney; Jno. H. Langley, by P. M, $1; Jona. Brown, by P M, $1; Zachara Parker, by P M, $2, books sent; P M, Bangor, Me; Moses S. Cowles, by P M, 50cts: J. Weston; Wm. Allen, by bro. Hervey, $2; S. K. Baldwin, $2. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.29

Packages Sent


Rev. J. Litch, 41 Arcade, Phila.; J. V. Himes, 9 Spruce St. N. Y.; Eld. E. Jacobs, care of H. Hancock, Syracuse, N. Y.; C. B. Turner, Malone, N Y; G. S. Miles, Albany, N. Y.; J. Weston, New Ipswich, N. H. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.30



Boston, Mass.—No. 16 Devonshire Street. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.31

Address J. V. HIMES. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.32

New York City—No. 9 Spruce Street. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.33

Address J. V. HIMES. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.34

Albany, N.Y.—(Agent please give st. and number. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.35

Address S MILES. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.36

Rochester, N. Y.—No. 17 Arcade Buildings. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.37

Address E. C. GALUSHA. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.38

Buffalo, N. Y.—No. 8 Niagara Street. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.39

Address H. B. SKINNER. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.40

Utica, N. Y.—(Agent please give street and No. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.41

Address HORACE PATTEN. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.42

Philadelphia, Pa.—Nos. 40 & 41 Arcade, HST November 22, 1843, page 120.43

Address J. LITCH. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.44

Cincinnati, Ohio—Third Street, few doors east of Walnut, south side, add. GEO. STORRS. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.45

St. Louis, Mo.—No. 88 Market Street. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.46

Address H. A. CHITTENDEN. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.47

Louisville, Ky.—Jefferson House. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.48

Address Dr. NATH’L FIELD. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.49

Montreal, C. W.—No. 158 Notre Dame Street. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.50

Adress R. HUTCHINSON. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.51

Portland, Me.—Casco St.—address J. PEARSON. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.52

Persons wishing for books will please call at the nearest depot. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.53

Signs of the Times


Is published weekly, at No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, by JOSHUA V. HIMES, to whom all letter and communications must be addressed. HST November 22, 1843, page 120.54

Terms,—One Dollar per Volume of 24 Nos. (6 months.) HST November 22, 1843, page 120.55