Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6

Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], Vol. 6 (August 23, 1843 to January 31, 1844)


August 23, 1843

Vol. VI. - No. 1. Boston, Whole No. 121

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston. HST August 23, 1843, page 1.1

J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors.

Dow & Jackson, Printers, Boston.



I. The word of God teaches that this earth is to be regenerated, in the restitution of all things, restored to its Eden state as it came from the hand of its Maker before the fall, and is to be the eternal abode of the righteous in their resurrection state. HST August 23, 1843, page 1.2

II. The only Millenium found in the word of God is the eternal state of the righteous in the New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. HST August 23, 1843, page 1.3

III. The only restoration of Israel yet future, is the restoration of the saints to the New Earth, when the Lord my God shall come, and all his saints with him. HST August 23, 1843, page 1.4

IV. The signs which were to precede the coming of our Savior, have all been given; and the prophecies have all been fulfilled but those which relate to the coining of Christ, the end of this world, and the restitution of all things. And HST August 23, 1843, page 1.5

V. There are none of the prophetic periods, as we understand them, that extend beyond the year 1843. HST August 23, 1843, page 1.6

The above we shall ever maintain as the immutable truths of the word of God, and therefore till our Lord come toe shall ever look for his return as the next event in historical prophecy. HST August 23, 1843, page 1.7

The Second Advent


Considerations proposed to ministers of the gospel

By a Presbyter of the Episcopal Church.

To us, the servants of Christ, nothing is alien which relates to our Master’s Kingdom; his interest is our interest, and his glory our glory! Some of us in early life, (I know of some,) were very solicitous that our days should be spent in this heavenly employment: during the season of youth, we rose early and sat up late, that we might bring together and embody a few requisites, such as might very justly be expected to be possessed by candidates for that honorable and holy office.—This high dignity—a dignity, however, which this world esteems not—we sought with the most devout and humble application!—Well, the Great Master graciously listened to our prayers, and still more condescendingly looked auspiciously upon our humble efforts, and upon our ardent desires: he counted us worthy, unworthy though we be, and put us into the ministry. In this work and labor we have been more or less active for a series of years, perhaps from five to fifty years. We have, to the best of our abilities as God has imparted his aids and given opportunity, opened the Sacred Volume to the understanding of our hearers: we have sought to impress the minds of sinners with their danger as rebels against the Divine Government: we have directed them to the Almighty Savior: we have besought them, in Christ’s stead, that they would be reconciled unto God. In these efforts too we have been owned and blessed of God; some of the perishing sons of earth have been rescued from their guilt and corruption, and turned heavenward by our means. In this service we have flattered ourselves that we have declared all the counsel of God; and perhaps we have, so far as that counsel, in all its items, has affected our minds: there may have been no glaring deficiency, nor manifest inconsistency, in our doctrine; or we may not have discovered any, neither have our hearers complained of any; and so all has passed off well. If we have not been fully satisfied with our work, or with our way of doing it; yet we have been kept from alarming fears on account of our responsibility; we have sincerely done what we have done, and would have been glad if all had been better done, and with greater success. HST August 23, 1843, page 1.8

Thus it has been, I have no doubt, with many of you, my brethren: indeed somewhat after this sort, almost forty years of the writer’s ministerial life have passed away. In looking back, however, placed upon the ground he now occupies, he can very well recollect some obstacles which hindered him in his course of preaching—some difficulties in preparing sermons—some dulness in apprehending certain asserted truths in the writings of prophets and apostles, as well as in the discourses of our Lord. I must confess that the following, and such like texts, gave me no distinct idea.— HST August 23, 1843, page 1.9

Isaiah. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end; upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever! The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this! chap. 9:6, 7. Again—And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our GOD; we have waited for him, and he will save us; this is the Lord: we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation, chap. 25:9. Malachi. Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the Messenger of the Covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, He shall come, saith the Lord of hosts. But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner’s fire and like fuller’s soap. 3:1, 2. For behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch, 4:1. HST August 23, 1843, page 1.10

To the above passages, cited from the Old Testament prophets, let me add some others from the scriptures of the New, from Christ and his apostles. HST August 23, 1843, page 1.11

To the Virgin Mother of Jesus, both the King and the Kingdom are thus announced, by an agency from the celestial court in the person of “The Angel Gabriel.”—Behold thou shalt conceive, and bring forth a son, and shall call his name JESUS: He shall be great, and shall be called, The Son of the Highest, and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.—The kingdom of Heaven—The kingdom of God—This Gospel of the kingdom—My kingdom—Thy kingdom come—When the Son of Man shall sit upon the throne of his glory—The coming of the Son of Man—The Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and dead at his appearing and his kingdom—The coming of the Lord—The day of the Lord—The day of Christ—Unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation. HST August 23, 1843, page 1.12

These are but a very few texts out of a multitude which might have been selected on the same subject; but these are sufficient to lead us into an inquiry upon the doctrine given by the Commentators on this same question as presented in the holy scriptures. Not to name these Commentators, let us take them, one after another, as they present themselves on our shelves, and examine them with candor; and when this has been done, I demand, in a firm tone, whether you can gather any distinct sentiment on what may be properly called—The Kingdom of Christ, or The Gospel Kingdom? That kingdom foretokened by the prophets and believed, by the apostles, to be forthcoming in the Last days?—Brethren, have you never been struck with the vagueness and indistinctness, both in word and doctrine, of these written comments on the kingdom of our Lord? or have you satisfied yourselves without knowing anything about these matters? You have gone on from year to year, some for half a century, and you have, as yet, come to no conclusion on the distinct and specific character of this kingdom: whether it is to be located on earth, or in the high heavens, you do not know, with any tolerable certainty:—or if you should venture upon the conclusion, that it is to be set up on earth;—yet whether Christ is to reign in person, or by his Spirit, you cannot tell, for you do not know! Now all this ignorance, if I may so speak, arises from a shameful indifference to a most glorious subject;—a subject too in which all the primitive followers of Jesus were absorbed; the apostles, too, with what extacy and delight do they dwell upon it! In justification of this ignorance and indifference, you plead the paramount importance of Christ crucified as a doctrine of a greater practical utility:—all which we admit in its abstract form; but when you set Christ crucified in opposition to—Christ glorified, then we object to the position in which you have placed the Cross; for, both prophets and apostles place the Cross and the Crown in close approximation: hence St. Peter’s testimony to the general character of prophetic record.—Of which salvation the prophets have inquired, and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you; searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it [he] testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow! HST August 23, 1843, page 1.13

Any tolerable acquaintance with holy writ would lead the reader to see at once that a very small proportion of the prophetic volume is devoted to a delineation of the sufferings of Christ; while his glorious majesty beams from almost every page. Dr. J. Pye Smith, an English divine, observes that—“The prophecies respecting the Kingdom of the Messiah, its extension and duration, and the happiness of his innumerable subjects, are in much greater proportion, than those which describe his humiliation to sufferings and death.” “Indeed (adds Bickersteth) the universal reign of the triumphant Messiah to the glory of God, is the grand result of God’s dispensations.—God hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, and every tongue confess that he is Lold, to the glory of God the Father. What can be more natural, than that the great end of our Lord’s humiliation should be the theme of scripture doctrine, that end and object for which he died, namely, that he might recover, from the bondage of Satan, a people long enslaved, and bring them into the liberty of God’s dear Son, and make them heirs of his kingdom? HST August 23, 1843, page 2.1

It is hardly necessary that I should bring up to your view those numerous passages of holy writ, in which the kingdom of our Lord is bodied forth, with the king himself upon his throne arrayed in majesty and glory. With these scriptures I know you must be familiar; at least with the letter of them, but what I am desirous to effect, by their means, is an impression, deep and indelible, upon your heart, so as to excite the latent heat thereof, that it may become active and glowing:—yes, indeed, brethren, it is in this case, as in some others—it is with the heart man believeth unto righteousness! You say, in so many words, and I have really heard you say it;—that you feel no interest in the subject; it does not lie within the range of your contemplations; and so you say, when the question is presented;—O it is a mere speculation; a mere matter of opinion!—Yes, just so was it with the writer once, he therefore can sympathize with you; which he does most heartily, regretting exceedingly your deficiency in Christian experience; an experience the most buoyant to the faith of the primitive saints! Alas, that ministers of the glorious gospel of God our Savior should say,—that they feel no interest in the coming and kingdom of our Lord; so far from it, the bare mention of the subject excites feelings of disgust:—you are so out of temper, as to charge those who look for this blessed hope, with madness, or something worse! HST August 23, 1843, page 2.2

I know very well, brethren, that many circumstances have occurred, by means of which occasion has been given to prejudice and scandal. Very many heresies, real or reputed, have been headed by an assertion of the doctrine of our Lord’s personal reign upon the earth.—From the Reformation down to the present day, an era of peculiar light and blessedness! an era, too, in which the gospel has progressed beyond all former example; but few divines have advocated this doctrine, nor among the people were there many believers in it. Of late, although considerable excitement has prevailed, and still does prevail, yet the exciting question is moved chiefly by men of slender attainments in literature: converts to this faith, too, as might be expected, are mostly of the same class. HST August 23, 1843, page 2.3

These occasions of prejudice may be taken together.—Heretics and Fanatics generally seek to give importance, and the air of truth to their errors, by placing in the foregronnd of their system some bold and distinguishing doctrine of the common faith. The Roformers and their successors, including various Protesting Sects, have been so long settled down upon the Post Millennial Advent, that any change of opinion, avowed and declared, would be avoided, lest the imputation of new light or novel conceit should disgrace their venerable standing and orthodox reputation. HST August 23, 1843, page 2.4

Lack of learning and science in the advocates of this new doctrine is an offence to many. But to this we can only say, that the pride of learning and the unbelief of our distinguished men have called forth these humbler spirits to occupy this slighted ground. Was it not very much so in the beginning!—In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemeth good in thy sight! HST August 23, 1843, page 2.5

There is yet one stumbling block more—Some unlearned and ignorant men have assumed the office of the christian teacher, and have presumptuously fixed upon the year when The Lord Jesus shall come the second time!—True, some have so far presumed! and there always have been some ardent souls among the followers of Christ, some whose faith and assurance out-run the more sedate and patient-waiting hopes of ancient seers: but then I know that some of us, sleepy souls, are just as much in the rear of God’s promises as these warm spirits are in advance of them. HST August 23, 1843, page 2.6

There may be, perhaps, something excessive and presumptuous apparent in the zeal of these men, and may be particularly manifest in their having dared to set the time of the Savior’s coming, namely in 1843.—For myself I must say that I am not sufficiently versed in chronological calculations, to detect them: nor am I very desirous that they should be detected, even if they be in an error in this matter. There have been many erroneous conclusions on this subject afloat in the world, from early ages down to this day: and amidst all these floating opinions, if I were to choose one class of them as the most innocent, it would be that which declares the coming of the Lord draweth nigh! for, the converse of this—My Lord delayeth his coming! is fraught with all mischief: as you may see, if you turn to Matthew 24:42-51. It was an evil servant that said this, and his works were evil! O my brethren, be ye careful how ye give occasion to hypocrites and unbelievers to mock and scoff; for, such ungodly men lie at the catch, so that if anything drop from your lips, or from your pen, in scandal of our Lord’s speedy approach, O, how they rejoice, and mock and scoff with new vigor;—and at your expense! I will now conclude this brief address by recommending to your notice a passage of Holy Writ.—Ezekiel 12:21-28.—Advent Tracts. HST August 23, 1843, page 2.7



“Make haste, my beloved, and be thou like to a roe, or a young hart, upon the mountains of spices.” HST August 23, 1843, page 2.8

“Remembering here thy death till thy coming again, I wait for thine appearance. Lord, I know thou wilt come and wilt not tarry. O that my soul may meet thee as a bride adorned for the bridegroom. I call thee my beloved, and art thou not such to me? thy love to me constraineth my soul, thou chief often thousand, thou altogether lovely. Why are thy chariot wheels so long in coming? I look upwards, and start at my own desires; how shall I appear before him, how shall I be regarded of him? black as the tents of Kedar, defiled my garments, and false to my Lord as I have been, can I wish for his arrival? He hateth putting away: he is compassionate and kind; he pities, he pardons; he saith, Return unto me, and I will return unto you. Lord, I come to thee; array me in thy comeliness, remove my filthy garments, call me thine own, and take thy spotless robes of righteousness and adorn my soul, and then hasten thy coming, my beloved. Sweet are the mountains of spices, where in thy ordinances thou hast left a savor of thy blessed self; sweet is the repast which here thou hast provided for my soul, but sweeter far will be the feast when thou shalt favor the table with thy real presence; and like the bounding hart that rushes from the mountains steep, come down to me and catch me up to meet thee in the clouds; there better spices breathe their fragrance, for thou art there; and where thou art, all blessing must abound. Haste, then, and bring me to the holy hills where thou my Lord dwellest, and fill me with the joy of thine everlasting love.” HST August 23, 1843, page 2.9

May we, in the day of our Lord’s appearing, be found all clothed in our ascension robes, in company with Hawers, Baxter, Wesley, and a host of other Christians, who, in former times, were looking for “the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” HST August 23, 1843, page 2.10



“Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of the Lord.”—2 Pet. in 12. HST August 23, 1843, page 2.11

“The day of God means the day of Christ’s second coming to judgment. In that day Christ will appear, most clearly, to be truly and properly God, by the manifest display of his omniscience, omnipotence, and other glorious perfections of his; and because it will be as the day of God is, as a thousand years; and also the day in which God will finish all his works; as on the seventh day the works of creation, on this the works of Providence; when all his purposes, promises, and threatenings, relating to the final state of all persons and things, will be fulfilled, and every work brought to light, and into judgment; and every thingt will stand in a clear light, for the day will declare it, either respecting God or men; and there will be a display as of his grace and mercy, to his church and people, for it will be the day of his open espousals to them, and of the gladness of his heart; so of his wrath and anger toward the wicked, for this great and dreadful day of the Lord shall burn like an oven, and destroy the wicked, root and branch; and it will be the day of Christ’s glorious appearing, and of his kingdom, in which he will reign before his ancients gloriously; and when it is ended, God, Father, Son and Spirit, will be all in all. HST August 23, 1843, page 2.12

Now the coming of this day, saints should be looking for, by faith, believing that it certainly will come, since the patriarchs, prophets, Christ himself, the angels of heaven, and the apostles of the Lamb, have all declared and asserted the coming of this day; and they should look for it and love it, as with the strongest affection for it, and most vehement desire of it, since they will then appear with Christ in glory; and they should look out, and keep looking out for it, as what will be quickly; and though it is not as soon as they desire and expect, yet should still look wistly (earnestly) for it, and with patience and cheerfulness, wait for it; yea, they should be hastening unto it, or hastening it, for though the day is fixed for the coming of Christ, nor can it be altered, as his coming will not be longer, it cannot be sooner, yet it becomes the saints to pray earnestly for it, that it may be quickly.” HST August 23, 1843, page 2.13

Letter from I. H. Shipman


I have labored constantly since last Sept. in giving the cry, Behold the Bridegroom cometh; the Lord has been with me in every place, and blessed his word to the conversion of hundreds of precious souls that are now rejoicing in the blessed hope. I have just returned from the North. My last meeting was at Stanstead, L. C. I there found some excellent brethren who are looking for the return of their Master, and are determined to live accordingly. Brother Hutchinson was present the last two days of the meeting; I found him to be an excellent brother, possessing the spirit of the Lord, and feeling a deep interest for the cause in which he is engaged with all his soul. I think his paper, “The Voice of Elijah,” is an able sheet and doing much good, and hope it will be sustained. Brother Hutchinson has many difficulties to encounter, and wishes the prayers and sympathies of the brethren in the States. To my brethren, with whom I have labored, I would say, I am firm and unmoved in the faith of the coming of my Lord, believing the history of this world, as given by Daniel and John, is finished, and that we may look for the sign of the Son of man in heaven as the next event to take place. The enquiry may arise, What is the sign of the Son of man in heaven? The Savior, Matthew 24:23, and onward, speaks of false Christs, and says they will show signs and wonders, to deceive, some being in the desert and some in the secret chambers; but says go not after them, and believe them not; and then in the 27th verse, gives the sign that will attend him at his coming. “As the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” The 30th verse shows us that the sign accompanies the Savior, for when they see the sign then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31st verse, shows it all precedes the gathering of the saints; the signs of his coming are contained in the 29th verse, and this is the sign that it is he that already appears in heaven, the sign of the Son of man in heaven; then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn. May God help us to realize the importance of being ready for the coming of our Lord. HST August 23, 1843, page 3.1

We feel but very little disposed in this region to accept the advice of brother Shaw, of the Herald, July 20th; we feel very well satisfied to remain as we are, looking every day for the coming of our Lord. As it respects the confession he requires us to make, we confess the Lord has not come, but we look for him every day, and then we look for the thousand years’ reign while the rest of the dead live not again, which our adviser looketh not for; we choose to believe the word of the Lord, and I suppose such is our privilege, without confessing to those who do not believe with us. As it respects the church here, they appear to be very glad to receive me, and have come around occasionally without a confession, and instead of driving me off they hardly know how to have me go at all; how it is with other churches I am not able to say, but I pity any church that cannot be comforted with the words which the apostle Paul commanded his brethren to comfort one another with. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18. May the Lord grant us his Spirit to enable us to live unmoved amid all the unhallowed influences that are cast around us that are calculated to turn us aside from the “blessed hope.” HST August 23, 1843, page 3.2

North Springfield, Aug, 7th, 1843. HST August 23, 1843, page 3.3

Letter from Bro. H. A. Chittenden


Dear Brother Bliss:—Once more I am at home, after having travelled a circuit of several thousands of miles. I have thought at times, that we should never rest again in the flesh; but perhaps we may after a time, although it seems to me that the end of the days is at hand, when Daniel is to stand in his lot. The faith of the brethren is strong in the advent this year; can the days reach beyond the Autumn? sure it must be 2300 years next April from the time Ezra started from the river, and at that time he had 4500 men collected with their families. He could not have commenced collecting these men before he received the decree, and it seems to me that without a miracle he could not have gathered them together in less time than from four to six months. I think father Miller’s seventh month will bring the end. HST August 23, 1843, page 3.4

I saw brother Pratt, in Cincinnatti; he was well, and had lots of books with no buyers; some fine brethren in that city. You may say to his wife that he is in good hands. Yours, in the hope. Hartford, Aug. 1843. HST August 23, 1843, page 3.5

The Messiah


An Extract

Hark! a glad voice the lonely desert cheers;
Prepare the way! a God, a God appears;
A God! a God! the vocal hills reply;
The rocks proclaim the approaching Deity.
Lo, earth receives him from the bended skies!
Sink down, ye mountains, and ye vallies rise;
With heads declined, ye cedars, homage pay;
Be smooth, ye rocks, ye rapid floods give way.
The Savior comes, by ancient bards foretold!
Hear him, ye deaf, and all ye blind behold!
He from thick films shall purge the visual ray,
And on the sightless eyeballs pour the day.
‘Tis he the obstructed paths of sounds shall clear,
And bid new music charm the unfolding ear:
The dumb shall sing, the lame his crutch forego,
And leap exulting like the bounding roe.
No sigh, no murmur, the wide world shall hear;
From every face he wipes off every tear:
In adamantine chains shall death be bound,
And hell’s grim tyrant feel the eternal wound.
No more shall nation against nation rise,
Nor ardent warriors meet with hateful eyes;
Nor fields with gleaming steel be covered o’er;
The brazen trumpets kindle rage no more;
But useless lances into scythes shall bend,
And the broad falchion in a ploughshare end.
All crime shall cease, and ancient fraud shall fail;
Returning justice lift aloft her scale;
Peace o’er the world her olive wand extend,
And white-robed Innocence from heaven descend.
HST August 23, 1843, page 3.6

See, Nature hastes her earliest wreaths to bring,
With all the incense of the breathing spring:
See lofty Lebanon his head advance,
See nodding forests on the mountains dance;
See spicy clouds from lovely Sharon rise,
And Carmel’s flowery top perfume the skies!
The wilderness is now like Eden green;
And lillies in the desart wastes are seen,
On rifted rocks, the dragons late abodes,
The green reed trembles, and the bulrush nods:
Waste sandy vallies once perplexed with thorn,
The spiry fir and shapely box adorn;
To leafless shrubs the flowering palms succeed,
And oderous myrtle to the noisome weed.
The lambs with wolves shall graze the verdant mead,
And boys in flowery bands the tiger lead.
The steer and lion at one crib shall meet,
And harmless serpents play about our feet:
The smiling infant in his hand shall take
The crested basalisk and speckled snake,
Pleased the green lustre of the scales survey,
And with their forked tongues shall innocently play.
HST August 23, 1843, page 3.7

Rise, crowned with light, imperial Salem, rise!
Exalt thy towering head, and lift thine eyes!
See a long race the spacious courts adorn;
The sons and daughters of old Adam born,
In crowding ranks on every side arise,
Waiting their Lord, impatient for the skies!
The nations that are saved thy gates attend,
Walk in thy light and in thy temple bend!
And all the church triumphant there shall meet,
And with eternal joy each other greet.
See heaven its sparkling portals wide display,
And break upon us in a flood of day.
HST August 23, 1843, page 3.8

No more the rising sun shall gild the morn,
Nor evening Cynthia fill her silver horn;
But lost dissolved in thy superior rays,
One tide of glory, one unclouded blaze
O’erflow thy courts; the Light himself shall shine
Revealed, and God’s eternal day be thine!
The seas shall waste, the skies to smoke decay;
Rocks fall to dust, and mountains melt away;
But fix’d his word, his saving power remains;
Thy realm forever lasts, thy own Messiah reigns. Pope
HST August 23, 1843, page 3.9

The bible interpreter is its author.—It is plain we cannot attain to the understanding of Scripture, either by study or by strength of intellect. Therefore your first duty must be to begin with prayer. Entreat the Lord to deign to grant you, in his rich mercy, rightly to understand his word. There is no other interpreter of the word of God but the author of that word himself; even as he has said, ‘They shall all be taught of God.’—Hope nothing from your study, or the strength of your intellect; but simply put your trust in God, and in the guidance of his Spirit. Believe one who has made trial of this method.—Martin Luther’s letter to Spalatin. HST August 23, 1843, page 3.10


J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors

“The Lord is at Hand.”

BOSTON, AUGUST 23, 1843.

Commencement of a new Volume


We have this week entered upon the 6th Vol. of the Signs of the Times. In presenting to our readers a new volume, it may not be amiss to pause for a moment, that we may cast our eyes backward over our past journey, and forward toward our desired haven, and see what is our condition, and what our prospects. HST August 23, 1843, page 4.1

When the Signs of the Times was first published, three and a half years since, the number of our friends were few, but firm; and for a long distance on our journey it might truly be said, there were but here and there a traveller. But God smiled upon us, and blessed our feeble efforts and the efforts of our fellow laborers. He has done much to cheer us, and has greatly multiplied the number of those who are fondly looking for the long promised Advent, “by ancient bards foretold,” of Him “who touched Isaiah’s hallowed lips with fire.” Many able and efficient laborers have been raised up, as we trust, by Him, to whom we have committed the guidance of our cause, and by the blessing of God through their instrumentality, the Midnight Cry has been sounded far and wide. It has penetrated every nook and corner of our own loved New England, and found its way to the fireside of the most humble cottager. It has knocked at every cushoned church and palace door, admonishing those who are arrayed in purple and fine linen, that the “King of Glory” draweth nigh; and besought them to open their gates and let the King of Glory in. It has also found its way, and sought admittance at the door of the humble dweller in the vale, and in those sanctuaries where God delights to meet, and own, and bless the humble suppliants of his favor. And though the rich, the proud, and gay worldlings, and those at ease in Zion have scornfully turned away, and made their bolts and bars more strong, lest they should be polluted with the breath that breathes a wish of His return, who promised he would come again; and others ask, Who is the King of Glory? yet multitudes who tremble at God’s word, and fear his holy name, have joyfully opened their doors, and received the joyful news into their hearts. While the Lord’s messengers have proclaimed, “This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest, and this is the refreshing,” it is true that many would not hear, yet the common people have heard it gladly, some of the rulers have believed, and even a large number of priests have received the word. From New England the Cry has gone abroad through the length and breadth of our land; it has followed the shores of our lakes, and the courses of our rivers, and ascended the smaller streams, till every hill top has been vocal with the joyful sound, and each valley re-echoed the welcome tidings. The distant settler has heard the sound beneath the roof of his humble dwelling, the woodman has laid down his uplifted ax, the ox has been made to stand in his furrow, the boatman rested on his oar, and the bondman has paused from his task, that the listening ear might catch more distinctly the pleasing accent, borne on the whispering breeze, that proclaimed “the wilderness shall be like Eden, and the desert like the garden of the Lord.” HST August 23, 1843, page 4.2

Nor is the glad tidings of the coming kingdom of God confined to our own land. The sound has gone abroad on every wind that blows, it has visited every sea, and the green isles of the distant ocean. The little winged messengers which though silent, yet speak, and can find their way where the living messenger could not be heard, have gone out in many a noble ship to every port, and some of those who do business on the great waters, have been faithful witnesses to proclaim the coming of the Great Captain of our salvation. Thus the whole world has been warned and been aroused; and the woman that sitteth upon the scarlet colored beast herself has heard her doom. HST August 23, 1843, page 4.3

So much for the past. Turn we then our eye to the future. We do not fear but that the same beneficent Being, who has guided us thus far, will continue to direct our future course, and give us light as he may see we need. He has signally blessed the proclaiming of these glad tidings of great joy, to the conversion of thousands of souls; and is his hand shortened that he cannot still save? Then we will continue to commit our cause to Him, and go on our way rejoicing. We had hoped that ere this we might have reached the haven of our rest; and we have approached where the lights of the desired port shine with the greater brilliancy, so that soon we shall come to anchor. Everything we see around us tends to strengthen our convictions that our race is just ended, and shall we faint by the way? that the contest is just o’er, and the battle just won, and shall we lay our armor by? The fig tree hath put forth her leaves, yea, bloomed, and the little fruit began to appear, and shall we doubt that summer is nigh? No! all we see and hear confirms us in the correctness of our chart, and the latitude and longitude our reckonings give. We shall continue our course, waiting patiently the coming of our Lord, knowing that now is our salvation nearer than when we believed, looking for and hastening unto the coming of the Lord. Then we hope to unite in that song, “Lo! this is our God, we have waited for him, and he will save us.” HST August 23, 1843, page 4.4

As an humble auxiliary of this glorious cause, we shall continue the “Signs of the Times,” as the Lord may seem to direct. In doing this we need the sympathies and prayers of our friends, who are interested in the truths we advocate, that the Lord may guide us. Without His aid we can do nothing. With Him to assist us, we have nothing to fear. HST August 23, 1843, page 4.5

Puseyism and Neology. While the Episcopal Church is rapidly tending to Puseyism, the dissenting churches are as rapidly tending to Neology; and either fact should fill every Christians heart with regret. We however notice that the organs of some of the denominations seem to rejoice that they are furnished with an opportunity to assail Episcopacy. They should weep over this tendency, and not rejoice; but while they rejoice they should also remember the fearful progress Neology is making in their own ranks. These two delusions bid fair, if time was to continue, to desolate all our churches of every name and grade. May the Lord deliver his own from all the wiles of the enemy, that they may be found blameless at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, which we know is nigh, even at the doors. HST August 23, 1843, page 4.6

The Balm of Gilead is in hopes that we “shall come to a knowledge of the fact,” that “the second coming of Christ is an event long since past.” HST August 23, 1843, page 4.7

Our Savior was to judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and kingdom. He was to descend from heaven with a shout, the voice of the archangel and the trump of God, raise the dead and change the living; he was to come in like manner as he went into heaven, and every eye was to see him, and all nations wail because of him. If all these events have taken place there must be some historical record of them, and “we shall come to a knowledge” of those facts when the “Balm of Gilead” will produce the historical evidence of their fulfilment. HST August 23, 1843, page 4.8

Buffalo Tent Meeting. This meeting has now progressed for one week with great interest and success. The audiences have been large and attentive. And, although satan’s children have not lost all their interest in our movements, yet we are very little annoyed by them. A large number of church members have become interested, and many who have made no profession of religion, are becoming deeply interested. The clergy, as usual, stand upon their dignity. They will not move till the people do. HST August 23, 1843, page 4.9

Bro. Storrs is now lecturing; Bro. Fitch having finished his work, and returned to Cleveland. We continue one week longer. HST August 23, 1843, page 4.10

We go to Cincinnati next. I have concluded to pitch the TENT in that city, the 15th of September. Bro Storrs will go with me. HST August 23, 1843, page 4.11

I visited Toronto, Canada West, the 9th inst. I found a number of pious and intelligent brethren there, who received us with the greatest cordiality and Christian kindness. They were very anxious to have a course of lectures on the Advent. Arrangements have been made for Bro. Fitch to visit them about the first of September. No doubt great good will be done. HST August 23, 1843, page 4.12

Bro. Jonas Johnson, is laboring in Western New York with his accustomed zeal and success. HST August 23, 1843, page 4.13

J. V. Himes. HST August 23, 1843, page 4.14

Buffalo, Aug. 12, 1843. HST August 23, 1843, page 4.15

Whom will the lord teach knowledge?—Isaiah 28:7-14, 22.—“But they also have erred thro’ wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment. For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean. Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: for with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear. But the word of the Lord was unto them, precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken. Wherefore hear the word of the Lord, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem. Now therefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong; for I have heard from the Lord God of Hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth.” HST August 23, 1843, page 4.16

The End of those who will not hear. Thus saith the Lord, Isaiah 30:8-14. “Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come forever and ever; that this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord; which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits; get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us. Wherefore thus saith the Holy One of Israel, Because ye despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and stay thereon; therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant. And he shall break it as the breaking of the potter’s vessel that is broken in pieces; he shall not spare; so that there shall not be found in the bursting of it a sherd to take fire from the hearth, or to take water withal out of the pit.” HST August 23, 1843, page 5.1

Why should any of the professed children of God manifest such dread at his appearing? Thus saith the Lord, Isaiah 33:14. “The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings? HST August 23, 1843, page 5.2

Who will see the King in his beauty? Thus saith the Lord, Isaiah 33:15-17. “He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil; he shall dwell on high, his place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks; bread shall be given him, his waters shall be sure. Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty, they shall behold the land that is very far off.” HST August 23, 1843, page 5.3

Why do not some of the wise and great men of the earth embrace the doctrine of the Advent? Thus saith the Lord, Isaiah 29:10-14. “For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes; the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. And the vision of all is become unto you as as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee; and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed; and the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee; and he saith, I am not learned. Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their hearts far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men, therefore behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder; for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.” HST August 23, 1843, page 5.4

Postage.—If our subscribers would all remember that it is the duty of Post Masters to forward money, subscriptions, etc. for newspapers, it would save some postage to them and us. Postage on many letters daily, amounts to quite a sum every week. A gentleman in New York writes us that he would not pay one dollar for his paper; yet we had to pay 1-8th of a dollar for the information. We have had to pay 25 cts. for the information that a subscriber was too poor to pay one dollar. We paid 10 cts postage on a notice for a campmeeting from one not of us, to be inserted gratuitously. Such things are small in themselves, but amount to a great sum soon; and we mention it only that the Post Master may be made the medium of communication free of expense. HST August 23, 1843, page 5.5

To Correspondents.—We have received several lengthy communications, denouncing churches and church-membership, etc. etc, some more, and some less severe. The introduction of any question into our columns not connected with the doctrine of the advent, and respecting which there are various opinions among those who are looking for the Lord, would tend to withdraw our minds from the more important question, and produce disunion among ourselves. With regard to our church relations as Adventists, we are differently situated. It may be the duty of some to change their relationship, and of others to retain it. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. While a person can see his own duty plain, he may not be able to decide what may be the duty for others who are differently situated. HST August 23, 1843, page 5.6

It is the duty of all to be faithful in the discharge of their duty, and let their light shine before men, that others may take knowledge of them that they have been with Jesus. We have no right to let our light remain hid from those about us; and it may be that some who have been led to see the truth have been thus led, that they may be a witness and a warning to the church with which they may be connected. It is the duty of all who are connected with any church, to warn its members faithfully whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear, and in such a spirit and in such a manner as shall be to the honor and glory of God. If the church will not hear, let us do our duty and continue to warn and beseech, and entreat them, returning good for evil; and if we have a more excellent way show that we can do our duty in a more excellent spirit than those who oppose us. But if in thus doing our duty, and the church will not be warned, let them take the responsibility of expelling us. HST August 23, 1843, page 5.7

Let us avoid all wrath and malice, all bitterness and evil speaking; and above all, put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness; forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, that the peace of God may rule in our hearts, and the word of Christ dwell in us richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, that whatsoever we do in word or deed, we do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him—doing all things in love, and nothing through vain glory. HST August 23, 1843, page 5.8

To J. Randall.—The article to which you referred, is the one you suppose. We suppose the harvest in the parable of the tares does not refer to the month of the harvest, but, to the end of the world, whenever it may be. HST August 23, 1843, page 5.9

The Hartford Christian Secretay


“Already has the immediate second advent of our Savior ceased to be the prominent theme for discussion in their meetings, and in their paper printed in Boston; and the question now is, will there be a personal or a spiritual reign of Christ on the earth?” HST August 23, 1843, page 5.10

Hartford Chris. Sec. of Aug. 11. HST August 23, 1843, page 5.11

Brother Burr, Did you in the fear of God write the above assertion? or did you believe what you wrote, that the “immediate second advent of our Savior” had “ceased to be the prominent theme for discusions” in this paper? Do you not know that such an assertion is entirely the reverse of the truth, and was never dictated by love for the Savior’s return? Do you not know that our Savior’s immediate advent is that which actuates all our efforts, and to which all our writings aim? HST August 23, 1843, page 5.12

If you wrote the above sentence meaning to state the whole truth, then we beseech you to read the “Fundamental principles” on which our cause is based, which are placed in the most conspicuous place in our paper almost weekly, that you may be undeceived as to what we make prominent. HST August 23, 1843, page 5.13

Again, did you intend to do us full justice when you wrote the following? HST August 23, 1843, page 5.14

“The great question at issue between us and the church, viz. Is the curse to be removed: and this earth restored to its Eden state, to the eternal abode of the righteous in the resurrection state?” HST August 23, 1843, page 5.15

We find the above paragraph in the last number of the “Signs of the Times,” from which we should judge, that the advocates of the 1843 doctrine have relinquished that part of their theory, and are now striving to make an issue with the “church” upon another question. Chris. Sec. of Aug. 4. HST August 23, 1843, page 5.16

Did you not intend to give the idea to your readers, who have no means of ascertaining the truth, that we had relinquished our belief in 1843? and did you not know that what you quoted as an independent paragraph, was the title of an article which endeavored to prove that if the earth was to be renovated, it must be at about this time, so that the coming of Christ must be at the very doors? Did you not know that the restoration of this earth to its Eden state, has always been the great question at issue, and that it is the first article in our list of “Fundamental principles”? Have we not always admitted that if there is to be a temporal millennium, that the advent could not be in 1843, but that the 2300 days would reach only to that millennium? Have we not always claimed, that as there was to be no millennium this side the advent, that that event must terminate the 2300 days? Is the time of an event, a greater question than the event itself? If it can be proved that the event will never take place, will it not prove that there can be no time for such an event, and is not the event the great question? If Christ is to come and restore this earth to its Eden state, must there not be a time for that event? and is it any abandonment of the time to endeavor to prove the event as the great question? HST August 23, 1843, page 5.17

Again we quote from your paper of August 4. HST August 23, 1843, page 5.18

“Right.—A paper called the “Israelite,” published in Indianna, and devoted to the support of the 1843 Miller doctrine, says: “With regard to the time when He (Christ) will come, we know not the day nor the hour, nor can we speak with certainty as to the year.” HST August 23, 1843, page 5.19

Did you not intend your readers should believe from the above, that the Israelite had been a strong supporter of the time, and had relinquished the year? If such was your intention, was it in view of glorifying God? Do you not know that the Israelite, instead of having relinquished any part of this doctrine, has just come out and embraced it? and that the very piece from which you selected the above, was the first time when so full an avowal of their principles has been given? HST August 23, 1843, page 5.20

As you may not have known this, we will give the context from which your extract was taken. The Israelite has been more and more decided in the support of the fundamental principles upon which the second advent doctrine rests, until the Millennial Harbinger inquired if the Israelite belonged to the Millerite forces? To this the Israelite replied, HST August 23, 1843, page 6.1

“As we do not labor for fame, or seek to please men, and are willing, like the first preachers of the gospel, to be counted the offscouring of all things for the hope of eternal life, it is a matter of very little importance whether we acquire either the one or the other. He may therefore put us down on the list of “Millerite forces,” as he styles the pleaders for the second advent nigh; and the Israelite a second advent publication, though not exclusively devoted to that subject. With respect to the time when the Lord will come, our views have been freely expressed. We have never said that he will infallibly come in 1843; but we have said that the probabilities are greatly in favor of it. And we now say, that if he does not come this year, time will do for the learned opponents of the second advent theory what they could not do for themselves—confute Miller. The old farmer has triumphantly defended his theory against the combined learning, tact and talent of all the Doctors of Divinity, and theological Presidents and Professors, from Andover to Bethany. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.2

For the satisfaction of our brother, and all others opposed to the preaching of the coming of the Lord, we would submit the following epitome of our views on that subject. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.3

1st. We reject the dogma of a temporal millennium, or the conversion of the world before the coming of the Lord as utterly unscriptural. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.4

2nd. We understand the Scripture to teach, that at the time the Lord comes, there will be but little faith on the earth. As it was in the days of Noah and Lot, so it will be then. None of the philosophers and wise men believed the preaching of Noah. And not a solitary man in Sodom believed the preaching of Lot. All the tavern-keepers, merchants, money-changers, lawyers, doctors, and school-masters, were unbelievers. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.5

3. When the Lord comes the first resurrection will take place; which will consist of all the righteous dead who will, in connexion with the righteous living, enter the immortal state and reign with the Lord a thousand years. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.6

4. At the end of one thousand years from the first resurrection, the wicked will be raised, judged, and cast into the lake of fire, which is the second death. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.7

5. The thousand years between these two resurrections is technically called “The Millennium.” HST August 23, 1843, page 6.8

6. The wicked being finally and forever cut off from the earth, at the expiration of the thousand years, the earth will thenceforth remain in the possession of the saints as their everlasting inheritance. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.9

7. At the coming of the Lord the present heavens and earth will pass away or be dissolved; but will be succeeded by a new heavens and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness, and which will be given to Abraham and his spiritual seed—the Israel of God. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.10

8. The natural seed are not the seed to whom the promises were made; and on the score of fleshly descent from Abraham, they have not the promise of a grain of sand or a blade of gras. If ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.11

9. When the Lord comes he will break in pieces the kingdoms of the world, destroy them that destroy the earth, give reward to his servants the prophets, and them that fear his name small and great, and set up his everlasting kingdom and give it to his saints, who shall possess it forever even for ever and ever. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.12

10. With regard to the time when he will come, we know not the day nor the hour, nor can we speak with certainty as to the year; but when the last signs are fulfilled we may know that it is nigh even at the doors. We believe that the last signs in the series are fulfilled save one, viz; the shaking of the powers of heaven. We are looking for that sign every day, which will be followed immediately by the sign of the Son of man in heaven. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.13

11. The time both of the birth and crucifixion of our blessed Redeemer, are involved in some doubt. These epocha, or one at least, being an indispensible point in our calculations, we cannot therefore affirm unequivocally that 1843 is the last year of time. But this much we can believe, from the conspiring evidences of prophecy, the present condition of society, the signs of the times, etc. that end is at hand, at the door. The tremendous scenes of the last day are just about to burst upon a guilty world. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.14

You will see from the above, that the Israelite, instead of “backing out,” or “casting an anchor to the windward” as represented by contemporaries, is a new recruit, and likely to prove an important auxiliary in the field. We hope, therefore, that the very increase of our forces will no longer be presented as evidence of weakness. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.15

We have asked you the above queries in a spirit of love and kindness, hoping we shall find you disposed to be perfectly fair in representing our views on the coming and kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.16

Extract of a Letter from John Thompson


Dear Brother Himes. Brother Sterling of the Episcopal Church, has faithfully preached the speedy coming of Christ; and the Lord has poured out his spirit upon his people, and revived his work in a wonderful manner. We have reason to believe that the Lord does own and bless the labors of those who faithfully preach “the coming of the Lord draweth nigh:” truly he has done it in this place, as well as in others. He has not only blessed it in the conversion of sinners, but in the sanctification of his children. Those who are most earnestly looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, are the most active, humble, and faithful servants of God. They seem to have arrived at that state of perfect love which casts out all fear, and to be filled with the Holy Ghost. Their conversation is in heaven, from whence also they look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change their vile bodies that they may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself. If such are the results of this blessed doctrine, shall we not continue steadfast and immoveable in the faith and hope of soon seeing our blessed Savior, who will come and change our mortal bodies, cleanse us from all sin, and present us without spot before his Father and the holy angels? O what a blessed hope for those who love his appearing, for they can lift up their head with joy, believing their redemption draweth nigh. Then may all who are engaged in proclaiming the glad tidings, go on with renewed strength, and lift up their voice like a trumpet, cry aloud and spare not, but be faithful even unto the end, that they may receive a crown of glory, which the Lord the righteous Judge will give them at that day. Yours, in the blessed hope. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.17

Huntington, Conn, July 20th, 1843. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.18

Romamism in China. The eyes of the world are now turned to China. The mercantile world is eagerly looking for the opening of a new market for manufactures, and new mines of this world’s treasures. The Christian world—less anxiously it is feared—is watching for developments, which shall tend to dispel the thick darkness that envelopes the empire, and lay it open to the beams of the Sun of Righteousness. In the present aspect of things, it is as difficult to calculate what commercial advantages to other nations may result from the recent apparent change in the policy of the Chinese Empire, as it is to predict what spiritual benefit to that benighted nation itself is likely to grow our of the late war and treaty with Great Britian. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.19

In a recent letter from Hong Kong, Rev W. M. Lowrie, missionary of the Presbyterian Board, says, HST August 23, 1843, page 6.20

“From the room where I sit, I can see almost every house in Hong Kong; and what suppose you is the most conspicuous place there? A Roman Catholic Church and monastery! These buildings, from their commanding position and large size, being the largest in Hong Kong, are the first that attracts the new comer’s attention; more money has been expended on them during the past twelve months, than on all the buildings of all the Protestant missions in China! Would that this were all I have to to say, but I have more. The Roman Catholic missionaries in China are more than ten times as numerous as the Protestant, and they are receiving large annual accessions, while with us the number of accessions scarcely equals the diminution by death and removals. While a single Protestant missionary was struggling to maintain himself in Chusan, during the last year, nine Roman Catholic priests came, and settled there at one time! When I was in Manilla, in September, fifty-two Roman Catholic priests arrived there from Spain, in a single vessel, some of whom will probably find their way to China.—There are hundreds, aye, and thousands of Roman Catholic priests in the Phillippine Islands, who could be transferred to China, almost at a moment’s notice; but where—where shall we look for Protestant missionaries for this great empire? I do feel at times discouraged—my heart does at times sink within me; when I look back to my native land, and hear how few are willing to come out—how few are earnest in prayer for us; how few act as if they believed the word of our Lord Jesus Christ, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”—Bost. Recorder. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.21

Conversion of the World. Some have thought that the heathen world were fast yielding to the light of the gospel. This is a mistake. Let us look at a few statistical facts. There are about 600,000,000 heathen now, two thirds of the whole race. The present missionary efforts have been in operation about 40 years. What has been done during these 40 years by about 400 missionaries? Why, about thirty thousand have professed the Christian faith. This was a great work in one point of view, but it was making comparatively no head-way in Christianizing the heathen world. There are now actually more heathen than there were forty years ago. The progress made, did not keep pace with the increase of the population of heathen lands. While 30,000 or 40,000 at most, had embraced Christianity abroad, how was it at home? During the same period of time we have made more than one million of heathen at home. How long would it take us at this rate to convert the heathen to God? If we should allow, as we hope it may be, that 80,000 will embrace the gospel during the coming forty years, what shall we then be doing, at this rate, to convert the heathen world to Christianity?—Chris. Herald. HST August 23, 1843, page 6.22

Union. It is always easy for those who think alike to be united. For instance; those who differ in many doctrinal points can be well united, provided there is some one sentiment in which they all agree, and which they deem of very much more importance than all others.—It is upon this ground that those called “second advent brethren,” are so well united, though they are of different names, and subscribe to different creeds. HST August 23, 1843, page 7.1

This is the very principle upon which the ministers and members of different churches unite in time of revival. They then think the conversion of souls is worth more than all their creeds; therefore they unite to accomplish it.—Now it would be well always to continue in this faith, and to act upon this principle; then would both union and conversions continue.—Christian Herald HST August 23, 1843, page 7.2

Spain. Unexpectedly, and in different regions, matters are occurring to accelerate Ireland’s legislative independence. Louis Phillippe wishes to have French influence predominant in Spain, and is determined, as we may infer from a recent speech of Guizot, to do so. England’s obvious policy is to prevent such an upsetting of “the balance of power.” The former will uphold the insurgents—the latter the Regent. War between France and England, is therefore, iminent. In this event, all the Frenchmen now in Ireland, engaged, according to that very competent authority, the Tory Press, “in drilling the peasantry,” will be required on the Continent, and may be easily spared from Ireland, as the mere declaration of war will be a Repeal of the Union. What next? Of course, the election of our Representatives to the Irish Parliament.—Belfast Vindicator. HST August 23, 1843, page 7.3

Papal views of Puseyism. A Council of Roman Clergy, from various parts of the United States, was held in May last, at Baltimore. During the session, there was prepared, “The Pastoral Letter of the most Rev. Archbishop, and the Right Rev. Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church, in the United States of America, assembled in Provincial Council at Baltimore, May, 1843, to the Clergy and Laity of their charge.” The following extract from it, shows the light in which Papacy regards the Puseyite views now so rife in it, and agitating the Episcopal Church. It deserves to be well marked, coming from the highest official source. It speaks volumes. HST August 23, 1843, page 7.4

After adverting to the favorable aspect of the times, for the propogation of their faith, they distinctly present one as among “the highest that can gladden the eye of faith.” HST August 23, 1843, page 7.5

“We will of course be understood to allude to the spread of what are called “Puseyite doctrines” among the English clergy; with the nature of which we must suppose our readers already acquainted, and of which, therefore, we shall merely say that, on almost all points in which we and Protestants differ, they are only to be distinguished from the tenets of the Catholic Church by the aid of a theological microscope of exceedingly magnifying powers. HST August 23, 1843, page 7.6

The Comet. A letter from Otaheite, published in the Providence Journal, gives an account of the Comet, which was very brilliant, and caused great alarm to the simple Islanders. It was first observed on the 2nd of March, when it appeared a vast mass of fire rising from the verge of the horizon to the height of thirty degrees, illuminating the ocean as far as the eye could reach. The natives at first thought a neighboring island was on fire. It measured fifty-four degrees in length and four degrees in breadth. It was supposed there that the temperature had risen very materially from the proximity of the celestial visitor. HST August 23, 1843, page 7.7

The Old Paths.—It is now a time when it behoves every member of our Zion to inquire for these. Well might every watchman on her walls take up the solemn, thrilling words of the prophet, and in a tone of high and awful authority, say to Episcopalians— ‘Stand ye in the ways, and see and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest to your souls.’ The old paths of religion are delineated as on a map in the Word of God. They are older than Popery—older than the corruptions of Christianity, older than Jewish Pharisaism, yea, older than the deluge. These are the paths in which Abel, and Enoch, and Noah, and Abraham, and all the prophets, and the true Israel of God walked to heaven. HST August 23, 1843, page 7.8

We heard a preacher, not long since, lay down the monstrous dogma, that before Christ came, in order to be truly religious, it was enough to perform the rites of the Jewish law—but after his appearance, it became necessary to believe on him in order to be saved. Now in our view nothing is clearer than that there has been but one method of salvation from the beginning. The great law of salvation in every age of the world has been, the just shall live by faith. They who are justified by faith shall live. Looking unto Jesus, has ever been the watchword with all those who ever yet trod the upward way to heaven. An anticipated or commemorated atonement—through the blood of the Lamb—has ever been the stay of the believer’s hope. These are the old paths—faith in Christ—humble submission to his government, and obedience to his laws. HST August 23, 1843, page 7.9

The old paths were clearly and luminously pointed out by Christ and his apostles, and the delineations enshrined in the pages of the New Testament. The early Christians walked therein. Soon, however, the gangrene of human corruption began to infect the church. Men turned their eyes away from the written word—‘the law and the testimony.’ The work of apostacy went on. Darkness covered the earth, and gross darkness the people. The old paths were forgotten. Few, very few, walked therein. New paths were invented. These were thronged with vast multitudes, who sighed for an easier and less thorny path to heaven. Ages passed by, and still these new paths were crowded. And now the inventors of them and their successors in them call them old. Though they led down to death, almost all united in declaring that they were the only avenues that conducted to heaven. But at length the sealed book of God’s word was again opened—many began to look upon its wondrous pages, and thus to stand in ‘the way’ of information, and ‘ask for the old paths.’ The result was the great Protestant Reformation. This was attained at a vast expense of blood..—Churchman. HST August 23, 1843, page 7.10

There is no way like the good old way. If we can find the way in which the prophets and apostles walked, we may walk therein. It is supposed by some that the doctrine of the New Earth and the Lord’s return are new doctrines, but nothing can be farther from the truth. The new earth, the heavenly inheritance, is that for which Abraham looked, wherein he should receive the promise. It was the hope of Adam, when the serpent’s head would be bruised, and what he lost by the fall, restored. For this Noah looked, and Job, and Moses, and all the seed of the father of the faithful, and of this the prophets sang. In later times the apostles and martyrs and primitive Christians, looked and prayed for their Lord’s return, were exhorted to patience, and waited his coming in hopes of a better resurrection in the restitution of all things, spoken of by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the world began. HST August 23, 1843, page 7.11

These truths were partly forgotten until they were exhumed in the reformation, when this glorious vision again burst upon the astonished gaze, and was embraced by those who renounced the mummeries of Romanism. When we look for none other things but what Moses and the prophets have said shall come, surely we are walking in the good old paths, waiting the consolation of Israel. HST August 23, 1843, page 7.12

India.—Our readers are probably aware, that Bishop Wilson, the bishop of Calcutta, has been appointed the Metropolitan of India. He has recently made his primary visitatation to the three dioceses in India, with which he stands connected in this new relation, and delivered a Metropolitan charge to the clergy of the same. This charge is a most important and interesting document. The main subject discussed ‘is the great struggle now going on in every part of our Church, on the rule of faith, and the matter and ground of our justification before God.’ The bishop says that his impression of the danger of the Tractarian system, has not been diminished but increasing since 1838, when he delivered his charge on the subject, and this impression has deepened during the last seven or eight months. He says, ‘in India, my firm persuasion is, that if this system should go on, we are lost as a Protestant Church, that is, we are lost altogether.’ The bishop presents, in a small compass, statistics which show that the great head of the church has not been unmindful of this slip of the vine planted by his right hand, but he has watched over it, and watered it with the dews of his grace, and already through it, given to Christ many of ‘the heathen for his inheritance.’—Ep. scopal Recorder. HST August 23, 1843, page 7.13

The Gospel does what was never effected by any other system. It dethrones sin from the heart—it restores the impress of Deity upon the soul—it reconciles man to his Maker—it bears up its possessor under a weight of afflictions—it converts a dungeon into a sanctuary—it makes martyrdom joyful—transforms death into a welcome friend—silences the thunders of Mount Sinai—gives a title to heaven, “life and immortality are brought to light by the gospel.” HST August 23, 1843, page 7.14

Enthusiasm. Why is religious devotion so often branded with the appellation of visionary enthusiasm? People talk of enthusiasm for their country, enthusiasm in the cause of liberty, and yet they will not allow those who seek a better country, who are but pilgrims upon the earth, and are looking to that rest which yet remains, for them to feel enthusiastic anticipations of the state to which they are going, or to dwell with enthusiasm on the value of a liberty which shall forever emancipate them from pain and from bondage! Devotional enthusiasm will prove, nevertheless, the most unjustifiable enthusiasm. HST August 23, 1843, page 7.15

“Enthusiastic, this? Then all are weak!
But rank enthusiasm to this godlike height,
Some souls have soar’d, or martyrs ne’er had bled,
Who, beaten by these sublunary storms,
Boundless interminable joys, can weigh
Unraptur’d, unexalted, uninflam’d!”—Young.
HST August 23, 1843, page 8.1

Foreign News to August 4th


Ireland.—The military force now in Ireland amounts to 35,000 men. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.2

The following appears in the Naval and Military Gazette:—The Duke of Wellington is prepared to concentrate the troops in Ireland, and all the small detachments will be called in; barracks long unocupied are ordered to be furnished for the accomodation of troops; and stations where, of late, only a company was quartered, will have a complete regiment. Far more is doing towards placing the country in a state to be defended than merely meets the eye. Troops are at the most convenient points for transmission; and we know that arms and ammunition are disposed at safe places in this country, for their being sent over when required. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.3

Ireland is still in a vortex of agitation. The rent flows in without any apparent diminution, the priests are as active, O’Counell as energetic as ever. He keeps the ball moving amazingly. The agitation was never rifer, the organization never more perfect, the funds never so plethoric, as at present. Government looks passively on, prepared for nothing but to extinguish the flame as fast as it breaks out. In this respect no change has taken place since the sailing of the last packet. O’Connell has published a statement of his finances, which, unlike those of the national Exchequer, shows a great surplus over expenditure. And he talks of further movements, having for their object the superseding of legitimate authority, which will put the quiescent policy of Sir Robert Peel to a still greater test. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.4

Wales has been giving additional uneasiness to the powers that be. Two or three weeks back, it was believed that the emeutes, of which the southern counties of the Principality had been the scene, were exhausted, or at least subdued for a time. Recent events have proved otherwise. The Welsh breakers of gates, and midnight prowlers have shown a degree of tact and daring in their illegal perambulations which proves, not only that they are thoroughly banded together for a common object, but that they have perfect reliance on each other’s fidelity. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.5

Spain, with its bankrupt treasury, its disorganized, idle, and insolent army, flushed with success, though not with victory,—with the whole framework of society out of joint, and all the conflicting elements of discord at work—presents no solitary feature on which the eye of the patriot or the plilanthropist can rest with pleasure. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.6

The affairs of Spain comprise all that is of interest in the foreign news of the last fortnight. Espartero, overthrown, is nearly out of the field, and his Regency gone forever. The two parties which have brought about the revolution, will now begin, in all probability, to cut each other’s throats—indeed symptoms of this friendly feeling has already developed itself at Barcelona.—Wilmar’s Times. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.7




There will be an, advent campmeeting, if time continues, in Exeter, Maine, about 20 miles ftom Bangor, near the road leading from Bangor to Dexter, on the same ground where it was held last Sept, to commence Wednesday, Sept, 13th, tents erected on the 12th, to continue a week or more; all those who wish to enjoy the privilege of a second advent campmeeting, are requested to come and bring their tents, or come prepared to erect them on the ground: those who cannot bring tents, can be provided for on the ground at the rate of $1,42 per week,or 1 shilling per meal; some of our efficient lecturers of the west are earnestly solicited to attend, and ministers and brethren in general, brother T. M. Preble is requested to attend. Christian Herald please copy. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.8

Committee. Moses Ames, William H. Ireland, Zenas Chamberlain, Thomas Stevens, Lemuei Smith. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.9

Exeter, July 31st, 1843. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.10



At North Springfield, Vt. will commence Tuesday, Sept. 5, in a beautiful grove a short distance from the Post Office. Br. Timothy Cole, of Lowell, will attend, and Br. Miller is requested to. As no other meeting of the kind may be held near this until our Lord shall come, we hope all the friends of the cause will attend, with tents. For Com. I.H.Shipman. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.11



The committee have decided, the Lord willing, and time continues, to commence a campmeeting in Tuftonborough, N. H., Melvin Village, on Tuesday, Sept. 12th. We hope all the friends of our coming Lord in that vicinity will make their calculations to attend. It is on the shore of Lake Winepiseogee, so that all on the opposite shores can be conveyed by water. There is convenient land conveyance, as it is on the stage road from Dover to Sandwich. Good provisions can be had at reasonaable rates by those who do not bring their tents. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.12

Per order of the committeee. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.13



To commence on Friday, Sept. 15, and continue one week, in a beautiful grove about one mile west of the railroad depot. Brethren, come up to this feast of tabernacles. May the Lord direct Br. Preble and other efficient lecturers to attend. Brethren who can, are requested to bring their tents. Provision will be made for those who do not bring tents, on the most reasonable terms. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.14

For committee, C. S. Brown,
J. S. Russell.



Will be held in Gloucester, R. I., if Providence permit, on land of Daniel C. Tourtellot, commencing on Wednesday, Sept. 6, to continue over the Sabbath. Brethren and friends of the cause are invited to attend. It is hoped that all who have tents and can come, will bring them, and be on the ground on Tuesday, the 5th. Board and horse-keeping will be provided at reasonable rates for those who may come from a distance. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.15

For the committee,
Daniel C. Tourtellot.



There will be a Second Advent Campmeeting, if time continue, in Windsor, Ct. on land owned by Richard M. Brown, to commence Sept. 13, and continue one week or more. All Second Advent believers, and others that wish to enjoy the privileges of such a meeting, are requested to come with their tents. Good accommodations for board and horse-keeping can be had at a reasonable price. Arrangements have been made with the steam boat company to carry tent companies or families at 25 cts each from Springfield to the ground, and also from Hartford to the ground. The regular price is 37 1-2 cts. Able lecturers are engaged to attend, and we hope there will be a general attendance. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.16

Mr. Miller’s son writes us that his father has had a second attack of his complaint, which was very severe. He is again on the gain, but is not able to go into the field at present. If he should recover, we hope he will come to Boston. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.17

Letters received to Aug. 19


Note.—Post Masters are authorized to send money for publications gratuitously; also to order and stop papers. Subscriber’s names, with the State and Post Office, should be distinctly given, when papers are ordered or discontinued. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.18

From Post-masters


Glasgow Ky 1; E Marshfield Ms; Rochester N Y 1; Bristol Ct; Hartford Ct 2; Buffalo NY; Barre, Ms; Eden Vt; Derry NH 2; Plymouth Ind 1; Wareham Ms 1; Unity O 3; Newport Me 1; Orrington Me 2; Acton Ms, all right; Dover N H; Brentwood N H; Peacham Vt 2; Jefferson O 1, pd to No. 120; Rixford’s Flats NY 1; Walpole NH 2; Newport NH 1; Jamestown NY 11; Goshen NH 1; Brimfield Ms 1; Troy Pa 1; Enfield Ct 3,50; So Berwick Me 1; N Market NH 1; Low Hampton NY 2; Jeffersonville Vt 5; Brookfield Vt 1; Odean NY; Union Mills N Y 1; Guilford NH 1; Sherburne Falls Ms 2; Fitchburg Ms 2; Atkinson Me; New Ipswich NH 2; N Bedford Ms 1; Taunton Ms 1; Epping N H 1; Rutland Vt all correct; Stonington Ct 1; Corinth Vt; Northfield Ms 1; N Troy Vt; Contocookville, N H; Cabot Vt 2; Hartford Ct 1; Taunton Ms; Whitefield N H 1; Newark NJ; Erving Ms 1; Stephentown NY 1; Richmond Vt 1; Greenville S C 4. Portsmouth N H; Orleans Ms 1; Nantucket, Ms; Taftsville Vt 1; Hudson NH 1; Acton Corner Me 2. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.19



J C Baldwin 18 3-4 cts postage to stop paper, and no money to pay for the balance due; I. Tilts; L Boutell; I Randall 3; James Carless; T G Smith 121 cts postage, to discontinue paper, but no money rec’d for balance due; Ezra K Goodsell 3; D Burgess; D Gerry, $1 due; D Fogg; B G Getchall; D Campbell; Elisha Furguson 3; G S Macomber; T Goodwin 2nd; Daniel Wood; Harvey Childs 1; Samuel Whitney; T H Haskins; R Ladd; Silas Temple, money not received; Wm Stanwood 3; Wyse & Co.; C Bullock, 5; I Weston 5; A Hackett; M Proctor; G S Miles 3; Wms Thayer; T L Tullock; S Harris 1; J B Larrabee; F Wheeler 1; S Wade; C G Willey 5; Wms Thayer; J V Himes; J A Cole; B G Cole. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.20

Bundles Sent


J V Himes 9 Spruce St NY; T Cole Groton Campmeeting, Ms; G S Miles Albany N Y. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.21



The following Works are printed in the following cheap periodical form, with paper covers, so that they can be sent to any part of the country, or to Europe, by mail. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.22

The following Nos. comprise the Library. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.23

1. Miller’s Life and Views.—37 1-2 cts. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.24

2. Lectures on the SecondComing of Christ.—37 1-2cts. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.25

3. Exposition of 24th of Matt. and Hosea 6:1-3. 18 3-4 cts. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.26

4. Spaulding’s Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2 cts. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.27

5. Litch’s Address to the clergy on the Second Advent.—18 1-4 cts. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.28

6. Miller on the true inheritance of the saints, and the twelve hundred and sixty days of Daniel and John.—12 1-2 cts. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.29

7. Fitch’s Letter, on the Advent in 1843.—12 1-2 cts. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.30

8. The present Crisis, by Rev. John Hooper, of England—10 cts. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.31

9. Miller on the cleansing of the sanctuary.—6 cts. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.32

10. Letter to every body, by an English author, “Behold I come quickly.”—6 cts. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.33

11. Refutation of “Dowling’s Reply to Miller,” by J. Litch.—15 cts. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.34

2. The “Midnight Cry.” By L.D. Fleming. 12 1-2. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.35

13. Miller’s review of Dimmick’s discourse, “The End noi Yet.”—10 cts. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.36

14. Miller on the Typical Sabbaths, and great Jubilee.—10 cts. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.37

15. The glory of God in the Earth. By C. Fitch.—10 cts. HST August 23, 1843, page 8.38