Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6

November 1, 1843

Vol. VI.—No. 11. Boston, Whole No. 131

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston.

J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors.
Dow & Jackson, Printers, Boston.



I. The word of God teaches that this earth is to be regenerated, in the restitution of all things, restored to its Eden state as it came from the hand of its Maker before the fall, and is to be the eternal abode of the righteous in their resurrection state. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.1

II. The only Millenium found in the word of God is the eternal state of the righteous in the New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.2

III. The only restoration of Israel yet future, is the restoration of the saints to the New Earth, when the Lord my God shall come, and all his saints with him. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.3

IV. The signs which were to precede the coming of our Savior, have all been given; and the prophecies have all been fulfilled but those which relate to the coming of Christ, the end of this world, and the restitution of all things. And HST November 1, 1843, page 89.4

V. There are none of the prophetic periods, as we understand them, that extend beyond the year 1843. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.5

The above we shall ever maintain as the immutable truths of the word of God, and therefore till our Lord come we shall ever look for his return as the next event in historical prophecy. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.6

Operations of Popery


Revival of the Inquisition—“New Era of Protestantism in America,”—Warning of American Patriots,—Repeal—Jesuitical sophistry and impudence—arms for Ireland. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.7

All at once there comes to our notice the burning of the Protestant Mission house at St. Pie, where, it appears, “more than fifty Papists have been converted to God, through the instrumentality of Dr. Cotes;”—the revival of the inquisition in South America, in Maderia, and against the Jews in Italy; and, as will be seen by the account of the extermination of the Nestorians, in this paper, the old gory enemy of “them that keep the commandments of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ,” was at the bottom of that fearful exhibition of persecuting vengeance. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.8

The “Pilot,” (Heaven save the ship!) of Oct. 14th, the organ of popery in New England, gives us some important light upon the manner in which “the beast and his army” are recovering from the withering stroke inflicted by Providence about the close of the last century, and the consuming agencies which have called forth from them so many curses, and gnashings of teeth, and groans of despondency since that time, a recovery which may give them a momentary victory for a last expression of the “great words and blasphemies,” in the midst of which they are to be “taken and cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone” by “the Lord God that judgeth them.” Some idea of the papal forces may be learned from this statement:— HST November 1, 1843, page 89.9

“There are in the Catholic Church, 8 patriarchs, 102 archbishops, and 490 bishops; besides 81 episcopal sees, now vacant or filled by bishops suffragan. These numerous vacancies are owing to the state of religion in Spain, Portugal, Russia and Poland. The Propaganda has under its special direction vicars apostolic in Africa 13; in America 15; in China 15; in the East Indies 9; in the Indian Ocean 5; and in other parts of India 3; in Germany 5; in Turkey 7; at Gibraltar 1; in Greecel; in Sweeden 1; in Holland 5; and in England and Scotland 12; The Holy See is represented at foreign courts by 11 nuncios, internuncios, and charge d’affairs. The ports of Lisbon and Madrid are unoccupied.” HST November 1, 1843, page 89.10



The defeat of Espartero has restored popery and civil war to Spain. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.11

“The Archbishop of Tuam,” an intimate fellow-laborer with the Irish liberator O’Connel, thus speaks of the case. “Espartero had no other mind than that he bore an unremitting hatred to the ancient religion of Spain, and the sacred hereditary liberties,” [liberty to grope and grind in the prison house of death] “which were transmitted with its profession.” HST November 1, 1843, page 89.12

The position of this dignitary may be looked upon as one of the many facts which show how intimately popery is connected with the question of “repeal.” The same Archbishop thus refers to a fact, in the modern history of popery, which we look upon as the pledge that its final overthrow is “at the door.” HST November 1, 1843, page 89.13

“It was at the same table, and in the same room in Fontainbleau, in which Napolean lifted his insulting hand against the venerable Pontiff, Pius VII., that he was, after the lapse of years, forced to sign the instrument of his own abdication of the empire.” HST November 1, 1843, page 89.14



This humbled and distracted country, like a dog that is tired from biting and bleeding, only for the gratification of a dishonored but passionate master, through fear or mistaken self-respect, obsequiously performs the fatal and disgraceful drudgery of her destroyer. Her worships, priests and outlaws are consecrated to the work of “the church,” wherever there is any fear that barbarians and canibals may be civilized and prepared for the kingdom of God, or any hope that a Jesuit may profitably fill a post of observation, or brandy find a market. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.15

Her operations at the Sandwich Islands, Tahiti, Vavau, etc. etc., are familiar to our readers. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.16

There are, however, on the other hand, some sections of the old world where the prospects of the pope are not very flattering. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.17

This is intimated by “the numerous vacancies” on account of “the state of religion in Spain, Portugal, Russia and Poland” HST November 1, 1843, page 89.18

In due time the policy or vengeance of Europe will fulfil the decree of heaven upon the old sorceress whose “cup of abominations” has been “the cup of wrath” to her, to “eat her flesh and burn her with fire,” for prophecy plainly intimates that there will be a season of mutual slaughter and civil war before the great day, from which the people of God will be “delivered” or “caught up.” HST November 1, 1843, page 89.19



The interest felt at Rome, and among her emmissariess in the midst of us, to gather their “benighted Christian brethren,” (Judas, spare thy kiss!) who are now under “New England ignorance,” (we use their own words) were it not for one consideration, would fill our hearts with the most fearful forebodings. And as it is, although we look upon their movements as preparatory to the great battle between Christ and anti-christ, which is to result in the extermination of all the enemies of Christ from the earth, still we may speak as men in the name of justice, patriotism and philanthropy. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.20

If any queries arise in the mind of the reader as to the character of that submission which finds security from the mischiefs of popery, in the prospect of the judgment, our reply is, “Let us fall into the hands of God, and not into the hands of (such) men.” And further, we wish to be found doing our duty in all respects when the Lord comes. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.21

Some of the late arrangements for America, at the Vatican, made public, are thus stated. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.22



On the great Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 15th August, we had the consecration of two bishops in the Church of St. Agatha. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.23

The Right Rev. Dr. O’Connor (from Cork) was consecrated Bishop of Pittsburg in Pennsylvania. U. S., and the Right Rev. Dr. Sharples, coadjutor to the Right Rev. Dr. Browne, Vicar-Apostolic of Lancashire. His Eminence Cardinal Fransoni, assisted by two other prelates, performed the imposing ceremony. Dr. O’Connor was formerly a student of the Propaganda, and afterwards spent some time in the Irish college of St. Agatha at Rome. He has been until lately for five years in America, where he distinguished himself so much for his piety and learning, that all the bishops of the United States petitioned his Holiness to have him promoted to the new see of Pittsburg, though he was most anxious himself to be exempted from that dignity. “I suppose,” adds our respected correspondent, “you have seen the accounts of the late Synod of Baltimore. There are to be erected six new bishoprics, so that the bishops in that republic will soon be equal in number to those of the Irish hierarchy. HST November 1, 1843, page 89.24

The editor of the “Pilot,” in speaking of the late Prot. Episcopal Convention, at N. Y., gives vent to the following “great words.” HST November 1, 1843, page 89.25

“That we are on the eve of a religious revolution in America, no one can doubt, who has watched the inward workings of discord and confusion among our Protestant fellow-citizens. That the dawn of a better day is near for them, and that the ever-widening fold of Catholicism will soon echo with paans of holy joy and exultation for their rescue, every day evidences will not suffer us to disbelieve.” HST November 1, 1843, page 89.26

Again. “The Convention may wrangle and stifle its weakness and discord,” etc. etc. “Yet Catholicity will beam once more upon millions of our benighted Christian brethren, upon whom it is even now shedding a partial light, as if Providence so permitted it, to shield them from being dazzled by the effulgence of its universal and everlasting glory.” HST November 1, 1843, page 90.1

And the following comes along with some characteristic “outpourings” of “Catholic” rage at the exhibition of some specimens of papal degradation and stupidity practised at Rome, made by a late writer, which a Jesuit, as in duty bound, must always deny. HST November 1, 1843, page 90.2

“In this poor, puerile outpouring of New England ignorance, even though stamped with the seal of the City of St. Peter’s Chair, we see another evidence of the New Era of Protestantism in America.” HST November 1, 1843, page 90.3

A religious revolution in America!” Is “the ever widening fold of Catholicism soon to echo with paans of holy joy and exultation for the rescue of our Protestant fellow citizens!” Are the scenes of St. Bartholomews to be the occasion of those “paans?” Is the fate of the Waldenses, and the Hugonots and the Nestorians to be ours, should time permit? Yes! Before “the New Era of Protestantism in America,” which this organ of “the Man of sin” anticipates, shall arise, we must be gathered into the “fold” with those our slaughtered “brethren!” Perhaps that is to be the signal for “the souls under the altar” to receive their “white robes” and palms of victory, and for God to “avenge their blood” upon “her” in whom “was found the blood of all that were slain on the earth.” HST November 1, 1843, page 90.4

Give the Catholics the power and the occasion, which is never long wanted, and submission or death would be the only alternatives! And sweet would be the revenge of popery on “Protestantism in America.” That is the hot-bed from which have sprung the poisoned plants which have sent “death and mourning and famine” among the palaces and citidels and thrones of papal Europe. Here Lafayette served the “apprenticeship” which enabled him to “set up for himself” when he returned to France, and France forged the thunderbolts which prostrated the brazen walls, and sundered the iron chains of papal despotism, and brought its Lord—with his throne, and crown, and sceptre and robes all glittering and gory—mad with agony to the dust. HST November 1, 1843, page 90.5

Popery triumph “in America!” Has the long, and dark and frightful history of the former been erased from all our books? Have the protestant pastors of America made up their minds to take their families and flocks, (those of them who have not discovered, by the aid of the German lights at Andover, that the scriptural and prophetic character and history of popery belongs to Antiochus or Nero) to the caves and recesses and glens of our Green and Alegany mountains? How many are prepared to make such an exchange for the millennium of which they have been dreaming? HST November 1, 1843, page 90.6

But alas for us, what can we hope? Will the protestants who scoff at the warnings of their Bibles and their God, regard the warnings of their patriot fathers, should we refer to them? One of the last and most impressive warnings of “the father of his country,” whom, in our fondness we have often considered the political redeemer of mankind, was to have as little as possible to do with foreigners. And well he knew the reason for that warning. Lafayette, his “beloved disciple,” and a Catholic, predicted that “if ever the liberty of this Republic is destroyed, it will be by Roman Priests.” HST November 1, 1843, page 90.7

Shall these warnings, which it were the blackest treason to disregard, inspired as they were by the history of every struggle of liberty against despotism for more than a thousand years, be lost upon us? Or must we furnish another case in proof of the oft verified proverb, “whom God dooms to destruction he first makes mad?” HST November 1, 1843, page 90.8

Dark and ominous are the present movements of Providence, but “in God is our hope.” The “sure word of prophecy, as a light shining in a dark place, brings sweet consolation.” The day dawn, and the day star throw their light upon the scene, and we can trace upon its outlines the signs of a “day,” and “a kingdom” where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest. HST November 1, 1843, page 90.9

God, perhaps, is kindling a fire which is necessary to bring out the pure gold. HST November 1, 1843, page 90.10

We must furnish our readers with one more extract. It is a part of a letter written by “Mr. J. Maginn, recently of Dublin,” and calls upon Americans to furnish,— HST November 1, 1843, page 90.11

Arms for Ireland


Mr. M. says “the aid of America is a matter of vital importance to Ireland; and, until American people fully understand the great features of Irish policy, their sympathy and assistance will not be roused to the succor of Ireland. The British government are well aware that the most of the money which has been sent from this country has been subscribed by the Irish residents. They see no great movement or subscription coming from the mass of Americans, on the contrary, they see them looking on with apathy at the struggles of the Irish. They are under no alarm respecting the interference of this country in the event of strife occuring in Ireland. They think there may be some money collected and a great deal of oratory wasted by the Irish party in this country, and that it will end there. They are not, therefore, intimidated by what public feeling they see exhibited in this country. It is full time that we should give them cause to come to other conclusions. Let then the point to which the Irish are fast tending be fixed plain and clearly before the public eye of America, and we will no longer see this indifference.” * * * HST November 1, 1843, page 90.12

“Their leaders well know that the population and resources of Ireland are fast diminishing, that any farther delay will be ruinous, and that if they let the opportunity at hand pass by it will never return again. The tide of their fortunes is near the flood. They will avail themselves of it. Consulting the interests of their country, they have no other resource left. Ireland has everything to gain, little to lose or dread from the result. It may therefore he safely predicted, that civil war is inevitable in Ireland. HST November 1, 1843, page 90.13

I would not have ventured on this brief sketch of Irish affairs, had I not observed with pain the apathy of the great body of Americans on the subject, and that the friends of Ireland have not turned their attention to those measures that will be of real utility. We have had Repeal meetings, and money has been collected over the country; this has been of use, but how Ireland is to be assisted in the event of civil war is the great consideration that has been neglected, and as far as I am aware has not been touched upon, it appears to have been left to the blind goddess Fortune. The collection of money and measures of invading Canada have been thought to be the best means of assisting the Irish, but they are not the only ones nor the most efficient. It is not in Canada that England is vulnerable, it is but a colony. England, like Rome, must be struck at in her own vitals. It is in Ireland, where all the elements of disaffection are ready for explosion, that her weak point is; it is there the blow must be struck. Let the tocsin of civil war once be sounded, let a cannon shot be fired in anger, and the days of her greatness are numbered, the spell of her power is dissolved. What then does Ireland want? what does she expect from America? The question may be answered in one word. Arms? When the Volunteers of Ireland had their cannon and muskets, England respected and dreaded the Irish. Let it be our care to provide them with arms. Money will be wanting, let us not be niggardly in our subscriptions. We are reproached for our love of money. Every English hireling that comes over here says that the spirit of freedom has departed from us, that we are already in the age of corruption, that we have become a nation of paltry traffickers, that Mammon is the only deity worshipped amongst us. Let us exert ourselves one and all in the cause of Ireland, to give the lie to the scoundrels and leave no ground for them to reproach us on this head. When America in her hour of peril sought aid from France, she received it. Ireland now seeks assistance from America, from a land of freemen—let her not seek in vain. When the Irish are armed, the triumph of liberty is secure. The sooner arms and ammunition are provided the better, the less blood will be shed. It is not when the hour of strife arrives we should be looking alter these matters, now is the time to have them prepared. I may be asked how the arms are to be sent to Ireland when her coasts are guarded by the British fleet, and when this country is at peace with England. I answer that the English have neither ships nor means to guard the tenth part of it, they have but a few guard vessels, their navy is dismantled, they are unable to keep it up. The coast of Ireland is large, her harbors are numerous. Forty or fifty thousand muskets and a few field pieces with ball cartridge would enable the Irish to dispose of the British army—they could be disembarked from a few vessels bound to Norway or elsewhere. So complete is the organization in Ireland, that a million of men can be assembled at any point on the sea coast by night or day and armed in a few hours. America is at peace with England, at present it is a matter of convenience, but it will always be the interest and true policy of this country to assist in overthrowing the monopoly of that old despot, England—that faithless country, that never lost an opportunity of violating treaties when plunder was to be acquired or liberty to be crushed. Shall the faith of treaties be observed to her in the hour of her weakness. The American government, controlled by the public feeling of this country, will shut their eyes to any measures adopted for the relief of the Irish. They will keep the treaty with England to the ears and break it to the sense. The conduct of France towards this country in 1775 and ‘76 will be the model for their imitation. HST November 1, 1843, page 90.14

Americans have then nothing to prevent them from lending powerful and effectual assistance to Ireland, they have every motive to stimulate them to pay back the debt so long due to England. If America is true to Ireland, it she provides the Irish with arms, English domination is at an end, and Ireland, that long oppressed but lovely country, whose name is synonymous with all the sublime and beautiful of nature, will be what God and nature intended. HST November 1, 1843, page 90.15

“Great, glorious, and free, HST November 1, 1843, page 90.16

First flower of the earth, and first gem of the sea.”

J. M.

Dorchester St., South Boston, Sept. 27th, 1843.

We love Ireland. We love the Irish. The blood, to the pressure of which our own pulse beats, is quickened by a mixture of theirs. But we hate popery; not because its, theological views differ from those we profess, but because God has marked it, and history has proved it, (the most fully where it has had the most unlimited sway) to be the consummation of infernal malice and ingenuity for the purpose of grasping all the wide range of interests to which man stands related, with man himself, and by the sweep of what may have been deemed, as it is malignantly proffered, to be angel’s arm, throws them all into the darkness and confusion and guilt and misery of hell. We hate it in its alphabet, grammar, logic, textbook and commentary, in its spirit and practice, in the abstract and concrete. We regard it as the great perverter of all that is holy and good, for man personally and socially on earth, as the sure precursor of the blighting curses of heaven upon man politically, and as the almost infallible pledge of the damnation of hell. Wherever it prevails it spreads a blight over the interests and prospects of mankind, physical, intellectual and moral, personal and political, temporal and eternal. If piety, patriotism, philanthrophy or genius have assumed a form prodigious enough to rise into notice through its atmosphere of death, it has been in spite of it, and not on account of it. HST November 1, 1843, page 90.17

If our revolutionary fathers had fought for, or under the guiding genius of popery, they never could have succeeded; if popery ever triumphs “in America,” it will be “as if Providence so permitted it,” to punish their ungrateful and recreant descendants. HST November 1, 1843, page 91.1

If Ireland had not been fatally “deceived” by the “signs and lying wonders of the Man of sin,” her political history would not have been one of slavery and blood. The triumph of O’Connel and the Irish, in spite of the better principles of “the Liberator,” will be so far the triumph of popery; he is, and must be the mere plaything of the priests. Should arms be furnished for the Irish by Americans, though they may be aimed by the givers at the heart, of a merciless monarchy, even if they were not used to bring about the predicted “new era of Protestantism in America,” they must first penetrate the shield of Protestantism in Europe, and many of the hearts of its most worthy friends. HST November 1, 1843, page 91.2

Suppose we should adopt the Jesuitical logic of one of the papal presses of our land, in vindication of the treatment of the Jews in Italy by the Pope, in reference to the case of the Irish? Refering to American “slavery” and slave “laws” as furnishing a precious analogy, the argument proceeds: “The difference of color does not exercise a more serious influence on the social relations than the inveterate prejudices of a race that for ages regards the Christian with jealousy and aversion; and as much as may be lamented this state of mutual distrust, it may be humane to anticipate violent collisions and disorders by measures of precaution.” HST November 1, 1843, page 91.3

Have “the inveterate prejudices,” the “jealousy and aversion” of the Jews against “the Christians,” been productive of half “the violent collisions and disorders” of the fiendlike “aversion” of the Catholics to the protestants? That they have both done their worst is beyond dispute, but we have the most to fear from the most powerful enemy, and why not adopt “measure of precaution?” If arms are furnished for Ireland, let them be furnished for others of “our fellowmen in Europe.” Give them to the Jews, and the patriot insurgents of Italy. Give them also to the natives and mixed population of South America who are struggling for life against the priestly vampyres who have fastened themselves upon their vitals. To say nothing of the impudent assumption that the “American government will keep the treaty with England to the ears, and break it to the sense,” which we suppose may be considered a specimen of the “light” which “Catholicity is even now sheding, as if permitted by Providence to shield us from being dazzled by the effulgence of its universal and everlasting glory,” and which would bring us up to “the conduct of France,”—to say nothing of this barefaced public and national insult, of which no man but a Jesuit would be guilty, and which shows how much the Pope and his emmisaries need another Napoleon to “teach them to respect the sacredness of treaties,”—has this “friend of Ireland” anticipated all the risks in the way of a transfer of “forty or fifty thousand muskets, and a few field pieces with ball cartridge” to Ireland? No doubt the donors might be accommodated, and would it not be very convenient to deposit them in those dungeon-looking edifices, like the one at the corner of F. and F. streets in our city, which are the rallying points of the corps Jesuitical to whose hands is entrusted the work of effecting “the New Era of Protestantism in America?” HST November 1, 1843, page 91.4

Are there no other “scoundrels” but those from “England” in the way? “As much as may be lamented this state of mutual distrust, it may be humane to anticipate violent collisions and disorders by measures of precaution.” Is there no danger in aiding such “a race” with their inveterate prejudices” against Protestantism? And if it were safe, is it right? Why should we lavish our money and our arms upon these infatuated creatures of the Pope, while he is preparing the instruments of torture, for the Jew? sending the ships of war, and the “scoundrels” of France to blight the thriving off-shoots “of Protestantism in America” which are blessing in so many ways the barbarians of the South Seas? And instigating; the Mahometan blood-hounds to the same work in the mountain homes of the Nestorians? Is the Jew such an “inveterate” specimen of depravity, that all sympathy is wasted upon him, and is there no danger from the equally blind and stupid papist? The curse and the crime, before God, of the Irish, like those of the Jews, is their religion. Pagan Rome was the appointed instrument of Heaven in overthrowing political Judaism. The political atheism of France, the unbaptized, unconsecrated twin brother of popery, was the instrument of overthrowing political Popery, it being the only thing out of the bottomless pit viler than Popery, and vile enough to be used in such a work. And England has been the “rod of iron” for keeping in check the more deadly ambition of the crowned and titled murderers, who have always been so ready to do the bidding of the Pope, in Austria, Spain, Portugal, France and Ireland. We pity Ireland. Our “hearts desire and prayer to God for” her “is that” she “might be saved.” But neither “money,” nor “muskets,” nor “a few field pieces,” nor “ball cartridges” can save her. These, moreover, would be too convenient to be used for the good, in the “Catholic” sense, of their, “benighted Christian brethren,” who are fools enough to be “dazzled by those who publicly teach them to keep the treaty to the ear, and break it to the sense,” and thus to hasten on “the New Era of Protestantism in America,” and to thunder in “the paans of holy joy and exultation” which “will soon echo” to millions that the “light” of “Catholicity” has triumphed over “New England ignorance.” Whoever aids popery, disguised under “Irish policy,” does it at the peril of sharing in her plaugues when, from the Judge of all the earth, the millions whose blood she has shed, will be commissioned to “fill to her double the the cup she hath filled to them.” HST November 1, 1843, page 91.5

Who bow to Christ’s command, HST November 1, 1843, page 91.6

Your arms and hearts prepare!

The day of battle is at hand!

Behold I come quickly! Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” H. HST November 1, 1843, page 91.7

Letter from Brother B. Mc Caine


Dear Brother Bliss:—I drop you a few lines to inform you how the cause of the speedy coming of our blessed Lord and Master prospers here. Brother D. Johnson gave a course of lectures in this place last winter, and thanks be to God, a few gave heed to the Midnight cry. We soon established meetings for prayer, and have had some sweet seasons in praising God, and conversing of Christ and his speedy coming to call his people home, and to destroy the works of the devil. My spirits droop within me when I see how few there are, among so many that pretend to love Christ, that are willing to heed the friendly warning, to arouse from their slumbers, and trim their lamps; but so it is, that the Scriptures may be fulfilled; two shall be in the field, the one shall be taken and the other left; two shall be grinding at the mill, the one shall be taken and the other left. O that the world would learn wisdom from the past. O that men would search the word of God with clean hearts, to see if the Judge standeth at the door. I hope you receive a liberal patronage for your paper, to enable you to scatter far and wide, the glad tidings of the kingom at hand. I remain yours in the blessed hope of soon meeting you in the New Jerusalem, to go no more out forever, and where the days of our mourning will be ended. Honeoye Falls, Oct. 4, 1843 HST November 1, 1843, page 91.8

Letter from W. L. Carlton


Dear Brother Bliss:—I would inform you that I am strong in the faith of the blessed Advent doctrine, and giving glory to God. I believe that in a very few short months, I shall see him whom my soul loveth. Beloved, now are we the sons of God; it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he appeareth we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; and every one that hath this hope purifies himself even as he is pure. Since I wrote to you last, I have seen this saying fulfilled, spoken by Paul, “in the last days many shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, having their conscience seared with a hot iron; nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, God knoweth them that are his. I attended the Exeter campmeeeting, and it was a very interesting season. The dear brethren that were looking for their dear Savior last spring, and were disappointed, were again revived with a strong faith that they should see him this year, and they seemed to get a new recruit of oil, and still left enough in grace’s store house for all of the foolish virgins; and when our meeting closed, we parted with strong faith that our next meeting would be in the New Jerusalem; where they will come from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south, and shall sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. O how blessed is the thought, that we shall e’re long shine as the stars forever and ever. I can say with brother John, even so, come Lord Jesus. Your brother in tribulation, in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ. Liberty, Vt. Oct. 6. HST November 1, 1843, page 91.9


No Authorcode

“The Lord is at Hand.”


“How is it that ye do not Discern this Time?”


The Jews were in the same blindness with regard to the time of Christ’s first advent, that the church now is with regard to the time of his second advent; and both are equally inexcusable. The reproofs of our Savior to the Jews for their blindness are equally applicable now. HST November 1, 1843, page 92.1

When the Pharisees with the Sadducees came to Christ, and tempting, desired that he would show them a sign from heaven, he answered and said unto them, “When it is evening ye say, it will be fair weather; for the sky is red: and in the morning, it will be foul weather to-day, for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites! ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the SIGNS OF THE TIMES?” On another occasion he said to the people, “When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it is. And when ye see the south wind blow, ye say. There will be heat; and it cometh to pass. Ye hypocrites! ye can discern the face of the sky, and of the earth; but how is it, that ye do not discern THIS TIME? Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?” HST November 1, 1843, page 92.2

When our Savior was baptized of John in Jordan, straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him: and there came a voice from heaven, saying, this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. This was when “Jesus began to be about thirty years of age;” and he “came into Gallilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, THE TIME IS FULFILLED, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye and believe the gospel.” The TIME which was then fulfilled, and which the Jews could not discern, is evidently the time of the commencement of Christ’s ministry; predicted in Daniel 9:25, where the angel Gabriel instructed the prophet to “KNOW therefore and UNDERSTAND, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the MESSIAH the PRINCE shall be seven weeks, and three score and two weeks;” or sixty-nine weeks, making 483 prophetic days, (years.) HST November 1, 1843, page 92.3

This period was to begin, not with a decree, but with the decree to restore and to build Jerusalem. In the first year of Cyrus, 2 Chronicles 36:23, a decree was given to rebuild the temple, but not the city. Under this decree the temple was commenced, but on account of the Jew’s enemies the work was made to cease till the second year of Darius, king of Persia, when another decree was made which only confirmed the first decree, Ezra 4:6. The decree to restore and to build Jerusalem, was given in the seventh year of Artaxerxes Longimanus, Ezra 7. This must be the decree, as after provision was made for the sacrifices of the temple, which was now finished, Ezra was permitted to do with the rest of the money what should “seem good” to him; and whatsoever Ezra should require of the treasurers beyond the river, they were commanded to do speedily. And in Ezra’s prayer, as recorded in the 9th chapter, he praised God that he had extended mercy to them in the sight of the kings of Persia, etc. “and to give us a wall in Judah and in Jerusalem.” This decree, according to the margin of all pollyglot Bibles, was in the year B. C. 457. HST November 1, 1843, page 92.4

The Jews, therefore, knew when these 493 years commenced, which were to extend to the MESSIAH; and were expecting, that, at their termination, the Messiah, as he did, would appear. And thus at about the time of their expiration, the whole Jewish nation were in expectation of his appearing. The 483 years, commencing B. C. 457, would carry us to A. D. 26, for the commencement of our Savior’s ministry, and which we find was the very year of his baptism, when he was proclaimed by a voice from heaven to be the Messiah. HST November 1, 1843, page 92.5

That the sixty-nine weeks ended, and our Savior’s ministry commenced A. D. 26, is thus shown. Jesus was carried into Egypt to save his life from Herod, so that he must have been about a year old at the death of Herod, whose death is shown by astronomical calculations to have been three years before the vulgar era. Our Savior must therefore have been born four years before the vulgar era, which would make him about thirty years of age when he commenced his ministry, A. D. 26. This is further shown by Luke 3:1-3, “Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Cesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, and Herod being tetrarch of Gallilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and of the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene, Annas and Caiaphas being the high priests, the word of God came unto John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness. And he came into all the country about Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance, for the remission of sins.” John being of the family of the priests, could not begin his ministry till the age of thirty; and as he was but six months older than our Savior, Jesus must have commenced his ministry in the latter part of the fifteenth year of Tiberius Cesar, which Prideaux and the best chronologists, make A. D. 26—or in the former part of his 16th year, synchronizing with A. D. 27. This gives us a fixed period for the end of the 69 weeks, which were to reach to the Messiah, being 7 years antecedent to the end of the seventy weeks. This was the time which the Jews could not discern. HST November 1, 1843, page 92.6

The Signs of Christ’s First Advent


Our Savior not only came at the very time predicted in the prophecy of Daniel, but in the very manner the Scriptures predicted; and his character and life accorded perfectly with all the various predictions of the Messiah. Thus, one was to precede his mission, he was to be of the family of David, was to be born of a virgin, in Bethlehem, was to be called out of Egypt, was to be called a Nazarene, was to be despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, was to be delivered to the Gentiles, mocked, spitefully entreated and spit on, was to be led as a lamb to the slaughter and suffer an ignominious death, not a bone of him was to be broken, he was to have his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death, to be numbered with the transgressors, his garments were to be divided, they were to cast lots for his raiment, they were to give him vinegar to drink, his body was not to see corruption, nor his soul be left in the world of Spirits. All these, and many other predictions, were fulfilled in him to the very letter. HST November 1, 1843, page 92.7

He also performed many mighty works in proof of his Divine mission; he healed the sick, cleansed the lepers, cast out devils, opened the eyes of the blind, unstopped the ears of the deaf, unloosed the tongue of the dumb, raised the dead, rebuked the winds and the sea, which obeyed; and those who touched only the hem of his garment were cured of whatsoever disease they had, even whole multitudes came and were cured by him; he went about in all their cities and villages, healing every sickness and every disease among the people, and preached the gospel to the poor. He spake as never man spake, and put to silence all his enemies, so that no man was able to answer him, neither durst any man ask him any more questions. At his death the sun was darkened, the earth quaked, the rocks were rent, graves were opened and many saints arose; he arose the third day and ascended into heaven. In all this the Scriptures were fulfilled. Even our Savior asks, “How then shall the Scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be? and says, “But all this was done, that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.” He healed the sick, “that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Elias the prophet.” He assured his disciples that all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son, shall be accomplished;” and that “not one jot or tittle of the law should fail;” those things came to pass, “that the word might be fulfilled which was written in their law,” that all things which were written in the law, and in the prophets, and in the Psalms, concerning him, might be fulfilled. HST November 1, 1843, page 92.8

His mighty works were so great, that “his fame went throughout all Syria, and they brought unto him all sick people;” “and there followed him great multitudes of people from Gallilee, and from Decapolis, and from Jerusalem, and from Judea, and from beyond Jordan.” At times, the multitudes which thronged him were so great that he “ascended the mountain” to teach them; and “when he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him.” When he sat by the sea-side “great multitudes were gathered together unto him, so that he went into a ship and sat, and the whole multitude stood on the shore.” When the multitude heard that he had departed into a desart place, they followed him on foot out of the cities;” and when Jesus’ saw the “great multitude, he had compassion on them.” “Great multitudes came unto him having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others, and cast them down at Jesus feet; and he healed them, insomuch that the multitude wondered; and all the people were very attentive to hear him,” and when “great multitudes followed him” beyond Jordan, “he healed them there.” When he returned to Jerusalem “a very great multitude spread their garments in his way; others cut down branches from the trees and strewed them in the way, and the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David;” and when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this? and the multitude said this is Jesus; and the Pharisees said, “Behold the world is gone after him.” Again there were gathered together an innumerrable multitude of people, in so much that they trode one upon another; and he was constrained to say, “the harvest truly is plenteous.” He also “taught them as one having authority, and not as the Scribes, and “the multitudes marvelled, saying. It was never so seen in Israel; and all the people were amazed. And when he was come into his own country he taught them in their synagogues, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, whence hath this man this wisdom and these mighty works?” “Whence hath this man all these things?” Herod feared that John the Baptist had risen from the dead; and they were beyond measure astonished, saying, he hath done all things well; and enquired saying, “When Christ cometh will he do more miracles than these which this man doeth?” And the officers answered, “never man spake like this man.” HST November 1, 1843, page 92.9

Notwithstanding all these mighty works and great miracles which caused the multitude to throng him, and the literal fulfilment of all the Scriptures respecting him, yet the Jews could not discern the signs of those times;” though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him, they still wanted some sign. HST November 1, 1843, page 93.1

Why the Jews could not Discern that Time


We should naturally suppose with such mighty evidences of Christ’s Messiahship, which called forth the spontaneous applause of such multitudes, that the Jews as a nation, would have believed on him, that they would have discerned that time; but their “wicked hearts of unbelief” would not permit them. They looked upon themselves as the favored children of the Most High, and when exhorted to do works meet for repentance, they thought within themselves “We have Abraham for our Father.” They lacked righteousness, “Except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.” They did their alms before men to be seen of them, and sounded a trumpet before them; they prayed, making long prayers, and using vain repetitions, standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets to be seen of men; they also fasted with a sad countenance and disfigured their faces that they might appear unto men to last, showing in all their acts that they were hypocrites. They laid up for themselves their treasures on earth, and not in heaven, they loved the things of this world, more than the other, so that when a herd of swine perished in the sea, “the whole city came out to meet Jesus, and besought him, that he would depart out of their coasts.” They accused our Savior of “blasphemy,” and of “casting out devils by Beelzebub the prince of devils.” They were wolves in sheeps clothing, and mocked at the doctrine of the resurrection, and would not receive the gracious words which our Lord spake. They hated, and persecuted, and put to death, and cast out of their synagogues those who believed in the first advent; and would not take up their cross to follow Christ. Even the cities repented not, where most of his mighty works were done, which, had they been done in Tyre or Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes; had they been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day, it will be more tolerable for Sodom in the day of judgment than for those cities. God had hid those truths from the wise and prudent and revealed them unto babes. They were a generation of vipers, and could not speak good things. In them was “fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, by hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand, and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: for this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their hearts, and should be converted, and I should heal them.” “Many prophets and righteous men had desired to see those things which the Jews saw, and to hear those things which the Jews heard;” but when the self-righteous Pharisees were permitted to hear those things, they heard “the word of the kingdom and” understood not, they “received seed by the way-side.” They satisfied their consciences by inquiring, “Have any of the rulers or Pharisees believed on him?” “Are ye also deceived?” “Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, Simon and Judas? and his sisters, are they not all with us? whence then hath this man all these things? out of Gallilee ariseth no prophet” and “they were offended in him,” in his own country, “and he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.” Our Savior called them “blind leaders of the blind,” and assured tham that both should “fall into the ditch,” The Pharisees censured the disciples of Christ for transgressing “the tradition of the elders;” but our Savior replied, “Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?” and “Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition; ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophecy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoreth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; but in vain they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men,” “hear and understand” and “beware of the leaven,” “of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” They were a “faithless and perverse generation, stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears,” they did “always resist the Holy Ghost,” as their “fathers did so did they.” They greatly erred, “not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.” They could “bind heavy burdens, and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves would not move them with one of their fingers.” All their works were done “to be seen of men;” they made “broad their phylactaries,” and “enlarged the borders of their garments,” and loved “the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the market, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.” They “shut up the kingdom of heaven against men;” they went not in themselves, nor suffered those who were entering to go in. They “devoured widows’ houses, and for a pretence made long prayers;” would “compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he was made,” he was “tenfold more a child of hell than before.” They paid “tithes of mint, and annise, and cummin,” but “omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith. They would “strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.” They made “clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within were full of extortion and excess.” They “appeared outwardly righteous unto men, but within, were “full of hypocricy and iniquity.” They “built the tombs of the prophets, and garnished their sepulchres,” and said “If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets;” but were witnesses, that they were “the children of them which killed the prophets,” so that Jesus “grieved for the hardness of their hearts.” They trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others;” and “the things which belonged to their peace were hid from their eyes,” “because they knew not the time of their visitation.” Many who did believe on him, “because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God;” and “all men spoke well of them.” They could not “believe, which receive honor one of another, and seek not the honor which cometh from God only.” They “wondered, and despised, and perished,” and would in “no wise believe,” although admonished to beware lest that come upon them “which is spoken of in the prophets.” HST November 1, 1843, page 93.2

These things were not confined to the lower classes, for they even “stirred up the devout and honorable women, and the chief men of the city.” They also “stirred up the Gentiles,” and also united with “lewd fellows of the baser sort, and set all the city in an uproar” in opposition to this truth. All this was done “ignorantly and in unbelief;” and they verily thought they were doing God’s service. They believed not what “Moses and the prophets” had said concerning him, nor would they though one rose from the dead. They knew not the voices of the prophets which were read every Sabbath day in their hearing, but they fulfilled the Scriptures in condemning Christ: “they fulfilled all that was written of him.” HST November 1, 1843, page 93.3

Such are the reasons the Bible gives us why the Jews could not discern that time. And when we find our Savior commanding us to know when his second advent is nigh even at the doors, as summer to the leafing out of the fig-tree, and has assured us that the generation which see the signs he has given us of its approach shall not pass away before his appearance, have we not reason to fear that the same causes are blinding the minds of those who cannot discern this time, and the signs of these times? and who either deny that his advent will ever be realized, or that we can ever know any thing of his approach? If the time of the second advent is to be known, and our Savior called the Jews hypocrites for not discerning that time, what would he call those who cannot discern this time? HST November 1, 1843, page 93.4

Lesson from ‘Luther’s Reformation. ’


“The History of the Reformation of the 16th century, in Germany, Switzerland, etc.” by Merle D’Aubigne, contains a mass of instructive facts. The following extracts are worthy of careful attention now: HST November 1, 1843, page 93.5

“There were dwelling at Zwickau a few men, who, being deeply moved by the events passing around them, looked for special and direct revelations from the Deity, instead of desiring, in meekness and simplicity, the sanctification of their affections. These persons asserted that they were commissioved to complete that reformation which in their view Luther had but feebly begun. ‘What is the use,’ asked they, ‘of such close application to the Bible? Nothing is heard of but the Bible. Can the Bible preach to us? Can it suffice for our instruction? If God had intended to instruct us by a book, would he not have given us a Bible direct from heaven? It is only the Spirit that can enlighten! God himself speaks to us, and shows us what to do and say.” Thus did these fanatics, playing into the hands of Rome, impugn the fundamental principle on which the whole Reformation is based; namely, the perfect sufficiency of the word of God. HST November 1, 1843, page 93.6

Nicolas Storch, a weaver, publicly declared that the angel Gabriel had appeared to him by night, and after revealing to him matters he was not allowed to divulge, uttered the words, ‘Thou shalt sit on my throne!’ A senior student of Wittemberg, named Mark Stibner, joined Storch, and forthwith abandoned his studies,—for, according to his own statement, he had received immediately from God the ability to interpret holy Scripture. Mark Thomas, also a weaver, associated himself with them; and another of the initiated, by name Thomas Munzer, a man of fanatical turn of mind, gave to the new sect a regular organization. Resolving to act according to the example of Christ, Storch chose from among his followers twelve apostles and seventy disciples. All these loudly proclaimed, as we have lately heard it asserted by a sect of our own days, that Apostles and prophets were at last restored to the Church. HST November 1, 1843, page 93.7

Such preaching made a deep impression on the popular mind. Not a few devout persons were startled by the thought that prophets were again given to the Church, and those on whom the love of the marvellous had most power, threw themselves into the open arms of the eccentric preachers of Zwickau. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.1

But scarcely had this heresy, which had shown itself of old in the days of Montanism, and again in the middle ages, drawn together a handful of separatists, when it encountered in the Reformation a strong opposing power. Nicolas Haussman, to whom Luther gave that noble testimony— ‘What we teach, he acts,’ was at this time the pastor of Zwickau. This good man was not led away by the pretensions of the false prophets. Supported by his two deacons, he successfully resisted the innovations Storch and his followers were seeking to introduce. The fanatics, repelled by the pastors of the church, fell into another extravagance: they formed meetings, in which doctrines subversive of order were publicly proclaimed. The people caught the infection, and disturbances were the consequence: a priest, bearing the sacrament, was pelted with stones, and the civil authority interfered, committing the most violent of the party to prison. Indignant at this treatment, and intent upon justifying themselves and obtaining redress, Storch, Mark Thomas, and Stubner, repaired to Wittemberg. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.2

Making sure of co-operation, they waited upon the University professors, to receive their sanction: ‘We,’ said they, ‘are sent by God to teach the people. The Lord has favored us with special communications from himself; we have the knowledge of things which are coming upon the earth. In a word, we are apostles and prophets, and we appeal for the truth of what we say, to Doctor Luther’ The Professors were amazed. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.3

‘Who commissioned you to preach,’ inquired Melancthon of Stubner, who had formerly studied under him, and whom he now received at his table. ‘The Lord our God.’ ‘Have you committed anything to writing?’ ‘The Lord our God has forbidden me to do so.’ Melancthon drew himself back, alarmed and astonished. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.4

‘There are indeed spirits of no ordinary kind in these men,’ said he; ‘but what spirits? .. none but Luther can solve the doubt. On the one hand let us beware of quenching the Spirit of God, and on the other, of being seduced by the spirit of the devil. ’ HST November 1, 1843, page 94.5

Luther received in the Wartberg intelligence of the ferment of the court of Wittemberg. His informants apprized him of strange persons having made their appearance, and that, as to their message, it was known from whence they came. The thought instantly occured to him, that God had permitted these deplorable events in order to humble his servants and to arouse them to seek higher degrees of sanctification. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.6

‘Luther! Luther!’ was the cry from one end of Wittemberg to the other. The burghers were clamorous for his reappearance. Divines felt their need of the benefit of his judgment; even the prophets appealed to him. All united in entreating him to return. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.7

‘If I knew,’ said Luther, at an earlier period, ‘that my doctrine had injured one human being, however poor and unknown,—which it could not, for it is the very gospel,—I would rather face death ten times over, than not retract it. And lo! now, a whole city, and that city Wittemberg itself, is sinking fast into licentiousness.’ True, indeed, the doctrine he had taught had not been the cause of all this evil; but from every quarter of Germany voices were heard that accused him as the author of it. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.8

But his firm conviction that the prophets were under a delusion did but aggravate Luther’s grief. The solemn truth of salvation by grace seemed to have quickly lost its attraction, and men were turning aside after fables. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.9

‘It is with the Word we must contend,’ observed he, ‘and by the Word we must refute and expel what has gained a footing by violence. I would not resort to force against such as are superstitious;—nor even against unbelievers! Whosoever believeth let him draw nigh, and whoso believeth not, stand afar off. Let there be no compulsion. Liberty is of the very essence of faith. ’ HST November 1, 1843, page 94.10

The Doctor is to appear in the pulpit of the church of Wittemberg. ‘Luther is come back.’ ‘Luther is to preach today.’ The news, repeated from one to another, had of itself no slight effect in giving a turn to the thoughts by which the multitude were deluded. People hurried to and fro in all directions; and on Saturday morning the church was filled to overflowing with an attentive and impressed congregation HST November 1, 1843, page 94.11

Luther could comprehend the disposition of his hearers’ minds. He ascended the pulpit. Behold him surrounded by the flock which had formerly followed him with one heart as a docile sheep, but which has broken from him in the spirit of an untamed heifer. His address was simple and noble,—energetic and persuasive,—breathing the spirit of a tender father returning to his children, and enquiring into their conduct, while he communicates the reports that have reached him concerning them. He frankly commended their progress in the faith, and having thus prepared and gathered up their thoughts, he proceeded as follows:— HST November 1, 1843, page 94.12

‘But we need a something beyond faith; and that is love. If a man who carries a sword is alone, it matters not whether he draw it or keep it sheathed; but if he is in a crowd, let him have a care lest he wound any of those about him. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.13

‘Observe the mother with her babe. She first gives it nothing but milk; and then the most easily digestible food. What would be the consequence were she to begin by giving it meat or wine? HST November 1, 1843, page 94.14

‘In like manner should we act toward our brother. Have you been long at the breast? If so, well;—only let your brother suck as long! HST November 1, 1843, page 94.15

‘Observe the Sun. He dispenses two gifts.—namely—light and warmth. The mightiest monarch cannot turn aside his rays; they come straight on, arriving upon this earth by a direct course. Meanwhile his warmth goes out and diffuses itself in every direction. So it is that faith, like light, should ever be simple and unbending;—whilst love, like warmth, should beam forth on all sides; and bend to every necessity of our brethren.’” HST November 1, 1843, page 94.16

Luther proceeded to speak against violence and extravagance, and measurably corrected the evil, but it was not eradicated. Not long afterwards, there was an extensive rebellion in Germany. The oppression of the people by the nobles was the cause of it, but Papists eagerly seized the pretext for throwing odium upon Luther. D’Aubigne here refers to the same class of persons again: HST November 1, 1843, page 94.17

“The pretensions of a handful of fanatics to divine inspiration added to the danger. Whilst the Reformation constantly appealed from the authority claimed by the church to the real auhority of the Sacred Word, these enthusiasts rejected, not only the authority of the Church, but that of Scripture also; they began to speak only of an inward Word—an internal revelation from God; and, unmindful of the natural corruption of their hearts, they abandoned themselves to the intoxication of spiritual pride, and imagined themselves to be saints. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.18

‘The Sacred writings,’ says Luther, ‘were treated by them as a dead letter, and their cry was, The Spirit! the Spirit! But assuredly, I for one, will not follow whither their spirit is leading them! May God, in his mercy, preserve me from a church in which there are only such saints.’” HST November 1, 1843, page 94.19

On this interesting history we make two or three remarks. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.20

1. It teaches us all to keep watch over our own spirits, and to be humble, prayerful and teachable students of the Bible. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.21

2. The religious papers of the present day who attribute such extravagances to Second Advent believers as a body, have just as good authority as the papists had for charging them on Luther and his friends—and no better. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.22

3. When the editor of the Baptist Advocate refers to the proceedings at Stepney as proof that all who embrace our views are in danger of losing what little reason they have left (!) he displays a spirit which would have found as good an occasion of displaying itself, in attacking Luther’s reformation in the same language. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.23

Midnight Cry. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.24

A Suggestion


Br. Bliss,—As it is desirable to bring every possible facility into requisition to advance the cause, for which we have so short a time to contribute our mite, I would suggest that every lecturer in the field act as agent for the “Midnight Cry,” “Signs of the Times,” etc. By adopting this course, they will greatly aid the cause they advocate. Let them, in every place where they lecture, be sure and procure several subscribers, and they will accomplish much more than they otherwise can. It will be like leaving a stream behind them to irrigate, and a wall to environ the garden they have cultivated. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.25

No one in the field is probably accomplishing so much in this way, at present, as our faithful brother, I. R. Gates. He finds, by adopting this course, his labors are not so likely to be lost after he leaves. Let it be done, and be begun now. Yours, L. D. Fleming. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.26

Newark. Oct. 10, 1843. HST November 1, 1843, page 94.27

Letter from Brother F. G. Brown


Dear Brother Bliss:—Some time has elapsed since I had the pleasure of contributing any tiling to the columns of the “Signs.” My health has been so poor ever since I became convicted of the glourious truth of the coming of the Lord at hand, that I have been able to labor but very little; consequently, I have not been permitted to report of the wonderful works of God, as effected through my feeble instrumentality. In the early part of June I was indulged with the privilege of delivering a brief course of lectures on the Advent, in Washington city, and also in the city of Norfolk, Va., in each of which places I found a number of precious diciples to whom Christ’s coming was a most welcome announcement. In Richmond I could not hear of a solitary believer in the doctrine, but learned that there was a plenty of scoffers, both in that and the city of Baltimore, who had dared to challenge the Almighty to burn the earth, by strewing sulpher upon the side walks on the morning of the 23rd of April. The day which the wicked generally had appointed for the catastrophe! My stay in it would have been prolonged had it not been for the excessive heat of the weather, and my feeble state of health. I felt to mourn greatly when I saw how slight a hold all moral and religious subjects had upon the hearts of most in that quarter, professing Christians; so that not even the sublime and glorious doctrine of Christ’s coming, which once thrilled the souls of primitive Christians, could awaken any emotions of joy and gladness in the bosoms of the Christians of this day. The pious slaves however, are an exception to this remark. They caught the sound of the Bridegroom’s approach, and as the result, powerful and extensive revivals were enjoyed all through the black population. I have also, just understood that the “delusion” has spread like wildfire through the Indian tribes of our western territory! Glory to Jesus! It is a consolation that man cannot thwart the purposes of God; try our best, and we shall have no temporal millennium unless Heaven has so decreed; nor will the Almighty defer that day one moment beyond that which he has fixed from eternity, in which to reveal his Son from heaven., ‘The Lord reigneth: let the earth rejoice.” HST November 1, 1843, page 95.1

On my return from Va., which was about the first of July, I stopped in Philadelphia, and there by the persuasion of the brethren tarried in company with Bro. Litch and others. I endeavored as often as health would allow, to give the cry in that city and vicinity, and in so doing enjoyed the aid and presence of God. For the first time in my life I participated in the holy services of a campmeeting, held in Middletown, Pa. Shortly after this, I attended another similar meeting, at Centretown, N. J.; but there, owing to over exertion and exposure, I was taken ill with the bilious typhus remittant fever, from which I barely escaped with my life; and the effects of which are now contributing to my feebleness, and preventing me from preaching; though I hope to preach, for the first time for over two months, ere I leave this place. The kindness and generosity of the dear family under whose roof I was so long confined during my sickness; the attention and beneficence bestowed upon me by my physicians; the ardent and effectual prayers of my Christian friends there for my recovery, will be gratefully remembered by me through time, and not forgotten by my Lord when he shall come to gather together his jewels. Since my sickness I have enjoyed much peace and serenity of soul; my dreams have been of the coming One, and the night watches have found my soul burning with gratitude and love to my Heavenly Father. O how much I have enjoyed of God since the opening of this year! “Praise ye the Lord!” Although from the word of God, the proof touching the Second Advent near, is yet overwhelming to my mind, still I feel reconciled to a disappointment, should my interpretations of prophecy prove erroneous; so long as I abide in Christ, I shall and will be happy, and try to do good; I shall be happy if Christ does not come, and certainly I shall be happier still if he does come, as I believe he will. HST November 1, 1843, page 95.2

We had a good time last week at the Londonderry campmeeting; many went away comforted and blessed in their souls. My present tour is for the purpose of comforting and encouraging the children of God, and of snuffing the mountain air of good old New-Hampshire—a state that has a strong hold on my sympathies—here I have in years past labored to promote the cause of Christ: and where, were time to continue, I should prefer to toil on, and to die. But where are the clergy of my own denomination, who ought to be proclaiming over these hills and valleys the coming of the Lord? I look over the long catalogue of their names in vain; they are not to be found; how I should like the sympathy and co-operation of at least three of them. Well, I read the Bible for myself, and believe for myself, and hope I shall be willing to stand, if need be alone among them, quietly and patiently waiting for the coming of the Master. I had rather be considered for the balance of my life, stupid and fanatical, than to hazard the coming of the Judge, without proclaiming it in the midst of a slumbering church, and in the cars of careless sinners.—Anything rather than to have it construed by my silence or actions that my Lord delayeth his coming. In the mean time I trust that my course of procedure will be of such a character that, at the end of the race, there may be no need of “confessions,” unless to my God. For one, I am Hot yet prepared to present my “confession” to any human ecclesiastical body; for having fallen into the so called “errors of Millerism;” were I going to humble myself before any tribunal for such a crime, I should desire, first to find a body whose purity in doctrine and holiness of life were unexceptionable, and might involuntarily provoke my submission and reverence. But time and not the expositions of those who call on us for confession, must determine the necessity and the character of our acknowledgements. I respect the ministry and the church; and for one am determined to contend for them to the last, as divine institutions. My relation is yet with them, and probably will so remain, unless I am thrust out. In my humble opinion, the passages so frequently quoted in proof of our duty to come out of the churches, have no applicability whatever; besides, policy alone would seem to prompt us to remain where we can do the most good, and not to adopt a course which will prejudice the minds of our brethren who are yet in the dark, against the truth. Should time allow, I hope to tour about here for a fortnight longer, and then to return to Boston. Yours in the blessed hope HST November 1, 1843, page 95.3

New Ipswich, N. H. Oct. 20th, 1843. HST November 1, 1843, page 95.4

Interesting News


The events of the day at home and abroad, are full of the most instructive interest to the observer of the “signs,” in connection with the “mere word of prophecy.” HST November 1, 1843, page 95.5

The following account or the extermination of the Nestorians, is taken from the London Morning Chronicle. HST November 1, 1843, page 95.6

Massacre of the Nestorian Christiane


You have been informed of the combination between the Pacha of Mosul and several powerful Kurdish cheifs, for the extermination of the Nestorian Christians, or Chaldeans. Letters received the day before yesterday contain a deplorable account of the attacks of the United Troops. They had penetrated into the centre of the Tiyaree district, burnt the villages and churches, destroyed the crops, and put the inhabitants of both sexes to the sword. Three, or according to other accounts, five brothers of the Patriarch have been slain, his mother was cut in half, and his sister horribly mutilated. The Patriarch himself had fled to Mosul, and taken refuge in the British vice consulate. Thus a sect which had preserved its indepeodence during centuries, and had resisted the persecuting sword of Islam, when weilded by the most powerful and most intolerant of the followers of Mahommed—which in its simplicity and isolation, had maintained the doctrines and forms of a primitve Church for above fourteen centuries, and which had escaped the corrupiion of religion, of morals and of character, so conscpicuous in all other Christian sects of the East—has now, in the weakners of Mohammedanism, and in the strength of European Christianity, been delivered over to destruction. HST November 1, 1843, page 95.7

Although the Turkish authorities merit the strongest condemnation for the part they have taken in this massacre, yet there are others concerned who are almost equally responsible for the results. The history of the fall of the Nestorians is a new example of the consequences of a system persued by foreigners in the East, which we cannot contemplate without the utmost indignation. All those who have been the direct or indirect Instruments of their destruction, although they may not have anticipated a result of so serious a nature to their intrigues, and although they may now shelter themselves under the cloak of religion, have been guilty of a great crime against humanity. In their mountain fastnesses the Nestorians had retained their sndependence for centuries. The first western traveler who succeeded in penetrating into them was Dr. Grant, an American missionary. His obfect in visiting them was the establishment of schools and other means of instruction. No sooner had Dr Grant met with some success in the mountains, than the Roman Catholic missionaries at Mosul, supported by French political agents, endearored to counteract it. The English High Church was also jealous of Amerioan encroachments in the midst of a sect still venerating Epicopacy; and an additional fire brand was thrown into the country last autumn, in the person of the Rev. Mr. Badger. During last winter the three parties—the American, the Puseyite, and the Roman Catholic—had waged an open warfare among themselves. The Americans, who had been first in the field, only acted on the defensive; the influence they had already acquired among the Nestorians, enabled them, without much difficulty, to retain their position. The object of the two remaining parties was to eject the Americans, and to establish their own influence. They did not act in concert, for their mutual enmity equalled their hostility to the Americans. No means was left untried to effect their object The agents of the Church of Rome received the earnest co-operation—in fact, became the tools—of the French political agents. Mr. Badger enjoyed the support of the British local authorities. HST November 1, 1843, page 95.8

A report began to prevail that the Americans were assisting the Nestorians to build forts in their mountains. The ignorant inhabitants of the surrounding country, and their Governor, the Pacha of Mosul, readily believed the assertion. For some time access to the mountains, from the west, was denied to the American missionaries. Mr. Badger and the Romanists renewed their separate attacks. Both had interviews with the Patriarch, and both believed that they had established their influence. The suspicions of the Pacha of Mosul were excited; from both parties he received accusations against their respective adversaries, tending to increase his alarm. Mr. B. pointed to the danger of Roman Catholicism and French influence in the mountains; the French in return, the danger of English influence. At length the combination we described was formed, and those alone who were innocent have fallen victims to the intrigues of men who announced themselves to them as their only saviors—the ministers of Christ, and the teachers of civilization. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.1

Strict justice compels us to state that the Americans are in this instance without blame. They established themselves first in the mountains, and their efforts were successfully directed to the improvement of the inhabitants, without any ulterior political design. We believe that had the Church of England zealously cooperated with them as Protestant Christians, instead of opposing them as hereticat enemies, the disasters we have described would not have occured; as it is, one of the most ancient and interesting sects in the world—interesting from its origin, from its language, and from the purity of its Christianity—has been sacrificed to the religious quarrels of American independents, English Puseyites, and French Roman Catholics. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.2

The number of persons who have perished has not been ascertained. The population was about 100,000. Neither age, sex, nor condition met with mercy All were sacrificed by the savage Turks. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.3


No Authorcode

BOSTON, NOV. 1, 1843.

Miller Tabernacle


We would inform our friends in Louisville, Ky., and other places where Himes has been, out West, and bragged of the success of Millerism here, that Millerism is in the fog. The Tabernacle is often profaned by being used for Jim Crow and other negro melodies, and a very large portion of the down east Miller saints are perfectly sick both of Miller, Himes and Millerism, though poor old daddy Miller has been here in person to cheer the minds of his now doubting disciples. Millerism is on the verge of being only a thing that was and is not.—Olive Branch. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.4

For once our charitable brethren of the O. B., have something “on which to hang a tale” to the gratification of their spleen against the Advent Cause. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.5

They must, however, unconciously have done us honor in telling the world that the “Miller Tabernacle is profaned” when used as above; but then they have also shown us how hard it is for the Ethiopian to change his skin or the the leopard his spot in practising their old habits when the truth is to be spoken. “The Tabernacle is often profaned by being used for Jim Crow and other negro melodies.” HST November 1, 1843, page 96.6

With all those who are acquainted with the editors of the precious sheet, quoted above, this spite against the Advent cause, is regarded as the natural effort of fallen and little minds to degrade every one around them to a level with themselves. It is not believed that they could raise a tabernacle, even if there were a call for one in their line, or that they could obtain half a dozen hearers should they occupy one, supposing a notice of the speaker to be given before hand, judging from the past, and many of our citizens would feel “profaned to be found in one of their meetings.” HST November 1, 1843, page 96.7

But to the truth of this case of profanation. It is, we believe, as follows:— HST November 1, 1843, page 96.8

1. The agent of the company which “used the Tabernacle,” who came to brother Dickinson, the member of the Tabernacle committee who has the letting of it, engaged it simply for a concert—paid the rent in advance, and took a receipt which secured to them the use of it for the time specified, two nights and the refusal of a third. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.9

2. Nothing was known of the character of the performances of the company till their bills were posted about the city, and then it was too late to undo the mistake. It has since been ascertained that this company have been admitted into other places of worship in this city, and nobody has heard a word of its impropriety. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.10

3. The same company have offered much more than the first price for the use of it another week, and although the committee have been much embarrassed in sustaining the worship of God therein, (notwithstanding the “speculations” alleged by the O. B.,) the committee have refused to let them have it. “Our friends in Louisville, Ky., and other places out west” can appreciate the other portion of the article from the O. B., which refers to the condition of the “Miller saints” and “Millerism” without anything more from us. Its former statements are now better understood, and the proper allowance will be made. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.11

The public abroad will of course consider this testimony of our enemies as decisive proof that “the Millerites have not sold their Tabernacle,’ which they have been so industriously reported to have done, through the land. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.12

The English Mission.—We have long desired that faithful and efficient men should be sent to Europe to give the Midnight Cry. Every effort in our power has been put forth for the accomplishment of this most important object. But, it is now given up as a measure that cannot be carried into effect. The time is too limited. The “repeal movement,” “Puseyism,” and “Scotch secession,” with the general unsettled state of Europe, also, seems to forbid the accomplishment of any great good at this late hour. Besides, Europe has been faithfully warned for the last ten years, of the coming of the glorious bridegroom about this time. We shall give a specimen of the nature of this warning in our next paper. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.13

Under these circumstances, we have given them for distribution a large box of books to go by the next steamer, if time continue. These are to be circulated among the Watchmen, and leading officials of the church. The effort we doubt not, will be good, as our publications are called for among all classes, and what few have been circulated, have produced the happiest results. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.14

St. Louis. Brother H. A. Chittenden, has made arrangements to go to St. Louts, Mo. immediately. He will there open a Depot, for books and papers. Lectures will be given in that city and vicinity, and the Cry sent throughout the West and South. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.15



At a meeting held at Houses Point, Oct 19, by the friends of the advent near, on motion of brother Adrian, it was resolved (the Lord willing) to hold a series of advent conferences in this section. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.16

Voted, That E. S. Loomis, E. Brisben, A. Loomis, and E. Thurber, be a committee of arrangement to carry the same into effect. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.17

Resolved, That the first conference be held at Perry’s Mills, Friday, the 10th day of Nov. next, at 1-2 past 10 o, clock A. M. The friends of the advent near, in this vicinity, and others who may feel disposed, are cordially invited to attend. The following brethren are earnestly solicited to attend and assist in the exercises, viz. brother Blackman, of Malone, N. Y. brother Wyath, of Bangor, N. Y. brother Martin, of Masena, N. Y. brother Dudley, of Moore’s N. Y. brother Hutchinson, of Montreal, brother Ballard, of Georgia, Vt. brother Stone, of Berkshire, Vt. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.18

Yours, in the blessed hope of the advent near. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.19

In behalf of the committee.
E. S. Loomis.
Perry’s Mills, Clinton Co. N. Y. Oct. 20, 1843.

Letters received to Oct. 29, 1843


From Post-masters

Eastport Me; N Dixmont Me 1; Williamantic Ct 1; Walpole Mass. 1; Somerset NY 1; Vergennes Vt; Richmond Va; Meredith Centre N H; Ashburnham Mass 1; Saratogo Springs, (Mr Hills paper appears to have been sent every week, we cannot understand why he does not receive it; N Scituate, R. I. 50 cts; Stillwater, NY 1; Saco Me 3; Easton Ms. 1; Perry Me 2; Bradford Vt; Richland N Y 1; Braintree Vt 1; Ridgefield Ct 1; W Randolph Vt 1; Gr Barrington Ms 1; Hubbardston, Ms 1; ditto 1; Brooklyn Ct. 2; Sharon UC; Farley’s Roads; Danville NY; Grafton Vt. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.20



Maria Leighton 1; I W Fogg 2; books sent; R Rutchinson; J Litch; I G Edson 50 cts; M Beckley; Geo S Davis 1; E L Hammond; W A Garlick; J Weston; G S Davis; J Buck 1; E S Loomis; G W Whiting 1, all right; W Miller 2 et al; E Galusha; T L Tullock. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.21

Bundles Sent


Joshua Roberts, care of Oliver Wiatt, Dover, NH; J V Himes 9 Spruce St NY; R E Ladd, Cabotville, Ms; J Buck, Sturbridge Ms; J V Himes, Rochester, NY; Mary F Manter, Walpole Ms care of E W Clapp; H A Chittenden, St. Louis. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.22



Boston, Mass.—No. 16 Devonshire Street. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.23

Address J. V. HIMES. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.24

New York City—No. 9 Spruce Street. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.25

Address J. V. HIMES. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.26

Albany, N.Y.—(Agent give street and number. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.27

Address S. MILES. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.28

Rochester, N. Y.—No. 17 Arcade Buildings. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.29

Address E. C. GALUSHA. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.30

Buffalo, N. Y.—No. 8 Niagara Street. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.31

Address H. B. SKINNER. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.32

Utica, N. Y.—(Agent will give street and No. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.33

Address HORACE PATTEN. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.34

Philadelphia, Pa.—Nos. 40 & 41 Arcade, HST November 1, 1843, page 96.35

Address J. LITCH. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.36

Cincinnati, Ohio—Third Street, few doors east of Walnut, south side, add. GEO. STORRS. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.37

St. Louis, Mo.—No. 88 Market Street. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.38

Address H. A. CHITTENDEN. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.39

Louisville, Ky.—Jefferson House. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.40

Address Dr. NATH’L FIELD. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.41

Montreal, C. W.—No. 158 Notra Dame Street. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.42

Adress R. HUTCHINSON. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.43

Portland, Me.—Casco St.—address J. PEARSON. HST November 1, 1843, page 96.44