Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6

October 25, 1843

Vol. VI.—No. 10. Boston, Whole No. 130

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston.

J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors.
Dow & Jackson, Printers, Boston.



I. The word of God teaches that this earth is to be regenerated, in the restitution of all things, restored to its Eden state as it came from the hand of its Maker before the fall, and is to be the eternal abode of the righteous in their resurrection state. HST October 25, 1843, page 73.1

II. The only Millenium found in the word of God is the eternal state of the righteous in the New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. HST October 25, 1843, page 73.2

III. The only restoration of Israel yet future, is the restoration of the saints to the New Earth, when the Lord my God shall come, and all his saints with him. HST October 25, 1843, page 73.3

IV. The signs which were to precede the coming of our Savior, have all been given; and the prophecies have all been fulfilled but those which relate to the coming of Christ, the end of this world, and the restitution of all things. And HST October 25, 1843, page 73.4

V. There are none of the prophetic periods, as we understand them, that extend beyond the year 1843. HST October 25, 1843, page 73.5

The above we shall ever maintain as the immutable truths of the word of God, and therefore till our Lord come we shall ever look for his return as the next event in historical prophecy. HST October 25, 1843, page 73.6

Mr. Dowling’s Prayer


We like to keep our friends advised of the course of our distinguished opponents, and as the following article furnishes the latest information in reference to the position of one of them on the great question, although we may not agree with our correspondent as to the propriety of speaking as he; does of the details of the case, as he is, better acquainted with English modes, and the circumstances of the case at Providence, we shall permit him to speak for himself in his own way. We will see what can be done, HST October 25, 1843, page 73.7

“When Greek meets Greek.” HST October 25, 1843, page 73.8

On one point, however, we have been of the opinion of brother W, ever since we read Mr. D’s. work, or all we deemed worth reading. So far as his “Reply to Miller” indicates, “he knows nothing of the whole matter.” And it seems we are not alone in this opinion. Dr. Breckenridge, who is by no means a “Millerite,” in a notice of Dowling’s Reply, in the March number of the “Spirit of the xix Century,” speaks of it as follows: HST October 25, 1843, page 73.9

“As for this disquisition of Mr. Dowling, we may confidently say that it is hardly to be conceived that any thing could be printed by Mr. Miller or Mr. any-body-else, more shallow, absurd, and worthless. There is hardly a point he touches, on which he has not managed to adopt the very idlest conjectures of past writers on the prophecies; and this so entirely without regard to any coherent system, that the only clear conviction a man of sense or reflection could draw from his pamphlet, if such a man could be supposed capable of believing it, would be that the prophecies themselves are a jumble of nonsense. Such answers as his can have no effect, we would suppose, except to bring the whole subject into ridicule, or to promote the cause he attacks.” HST October 25, 1843, page 73.10

But the “Reply” is so replete with statements, that exhibit on the part of its author, intellectual stupidity or moral perversity of such a type, that it has been a wonder to us that any appetites could be found morbid enough to relish it. However, if there were not “eyes that see not, and ears that hear not,” error, always characterized by falsehood, contradiction and absurdity, could not be popular. HST October 25, 1843, page 73.11

Mr. D. wrote his Reply before he got ready. He did not “know” what he was about. And we venture to prophecy for once, that whether “Millerism” proves true or false, his “Reply” will be to him like the harvest from the fabled dragon’s teeth. HST October 25, 1843, page 73.12

But charily demands that we ascribe the principal defects of his work to ignorance. We will notice only two of them. The first is his attempted “criticism” upon the original word translated “the vision” in the 9th of Daniel. HST October 25, 1843, page 73.13

Mr. D. asserts that “there is no the in the Hebrew,” and then gravely informs the world that “it is plain Mr. M. does not understand Hebrew;” a thing by the way “Mr. M.” never pretended to, and which no one ever thought he did pretend to, and which, so far as “the criticism” in this case is concerned, is of no sort of consequence one way or the other. But the ludicrous feature of the matter; is this. Mr. D. “plainly” wishes the world to suppose that there is some one at hand who “understands Hebrew,” and steps forward with his “criticism,” and “the written certificates of two D. D’s,” against “Mr. M.” and the translators of the English Bible, and common sense (for it would be nonsense to read the text “understand vision,” “seal up vision,” etc.,) and tells us “there is no the in the Hebrew,” when, from the best information we have received of Mr. D’s attainments in Hebrew, they are about equal to what those of a foreigner would be, who should attempt to learn English by studying the characters of the stenographic alphabet, and, those of them only which stand for the consonant sounds, while the characters which express the, vowel sounds are to him a dead letter. HST October 25, 1843, page 73.14

A “criticism” from such a scholar would need the endorsement of a good many titled “certificates” to make one believe that he “understands Hebrew.” The hint in “Latin,” (which Mr. D. should have credited to his dictionary.) intended for the benefit of “Mr. M.” would have been of infinite value to the writer of the “Reply,” if he had not so “charitably” given it to his neighbor. If our theological cobler had stuck to his last, the ends which appear so conspicuously in his work would not have endangered his fingers. The second grand exhibition of ignorance, if nothing worse, is seen in the following attempt to fix upon Mr. M. the “absurdity” thus expressed by Mr. D. HST October 25, 1843, page 73.15

“Let it be remembered that Mr. Miller acknowledges (p. 49) that the kingdom of the he-goat (Daniel 8:8) means, the establishment of the Grecian empire under Alexander the Great, and that this event occurred in the year B. C. 331. HST October 25, 1843, page 73.16

Let the reader also remember that Mr. M. acknowledges in the same page, that by the four notable horns explained by the angel (v. 22) as meaning four kingdoms, we are to understand the division of Alexander’s dominions into four kingdoms under four of his principal captains, and that this division took place, B. C. 301. Now the prophecy says (v. 23) that in the latter time of their kingdom, a king of fierce countenance shall arise, etc. By him (v. 11, 12) “the daily sacrifice was to be taken away,” etc. In the 13th verse, it is asked, for how long a time this vision shall last, and the daily sacrifice be taken away, etc., and the answer is, “Unto two thousand and three hundred days.” HST October 25, 1843, page 73.17

Now let the reader observe that notwithstanding the above admissions, Mr. M. places the commencement of these 2300 days (years) in the year B. C. 457, that is, more than a century before the he-goat or the four notable horns or the little horn had any existence! Is it not the very height of absurdity, to fix the date of the beginning of these calamities, (which the prophecy says were to occur in the latter time of the four kingdoms which sprung from Alexander’s,) more than a century before Alexander was born, and 126 years before the establishment of Alexander’s Grecian empire? To express this in the symbolical language of the prophecy, is it not somewhat extraordinary, that this “little horn” (whatever was meant by it) should spring out of one of the four horns upon the head of the goat, more than a century before the goat had any existence? HST October 25, 1843, page 73.18

And yet this is the absurdity upon which Mr. M. builds his whole theory of the coming of Christ in 1843.” HST October 25, 1843, page 73.19

The “absurdity” of this extract originates not with Mr. M. but with Mr. Dowling, who misquotes the text, and misapplies the question which relates to “the vision,” to the agency and operations of “the little horn;” and then proceeds to argue as if that were the correct statement of what “the prophecy says,” and that “Mr. Miller acknowledges” it so to be. HST October 25, 1843, page 73.20

“It is not true that in the 13th verse, it is asked, for how long a time this vision shall last, and the daily sacrifice be taken away.” HST October 25, 1843, page 73.21

Will Mr. D. furnish us with with a “criticism” upon “the Hebrew” word, which, according to the reading he adopts, is translated “daily sacrifice,” and which lies at the foundation of the absurdity upon which he builds his whole misrepresentation of the theory of Mr. M. on this point? An Englishman and a clergyman, if he “understands” the rule of italicising, adopted by the translators of our Bible, ought to know that there is no authority for inserting the word “sacrifice.” And even if there were, “it is plain” the question refers to “the vision,” and not to the operations of “the little horn” any more than to those of “the ram” the “goat” or any one of his “four horns.” Let “the absurdity” of such a forced, distorted, and unauthorized application be credited where it belongs, not to Mr. M. but to Mr. D. HST October 25, 1843, page 73.22

Mr. Miller “understands” what “the prophecy says,” that the question refers to “the vision,” and that the answer refers to “the vision;” and surely it is no absurdity to “place the commencement of these 2300 days (years) in the year B. C. 457, that is, more than a century before the he-goat or the four notable horns or the little horn had any existence.” HST October 25, 1843, page 74.1

It is not true that Mr. Miller “fixes the date of the beginning of these calamities, (which the prophecy says were to occur in the latter time of the four kingdoms which sprung from Alexander’s,) more than a century before Alexander was born, and 126 years before the establishment of Alexander’s Grecian empire?” And it is “the very height of absurdity” for Mr. D. to expect that any one who “understands” Mr. M’s views (as every man who wishes to speak advisedly should do, before he becomes a public judge) to see any other “absurdity” about it, than that which originates in the ignorance, or something worse of Mr. Dowling. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.2

It would be “extraordinary” indeed, “that this little horn, (whatever was meant by it) should spring out of one of the four horns upon the head of the goat, more than a century before the goat had any existence?” And if any of Mr. D’s hearers or readers are such goats as to suppose that Mr. M. believes any such thing, they may thank their vigilant watchman, should they find themselves among “the goats on the left hand,” in the great day that is hastening upon us, that they are not in better company. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.3

Finally, it is not true “that this is the absurdity upon which Mr. M. builds his whole theory of the coming of Christ in 1843.” HST October 25, 1843, page 74.4

Well may such a man speak of “the contempt” which the advent doctrine “deserves.” By so doing, he only expresses his chagrin at its prosperity, as his “Reply” expresses his hatred of its truth. And the character of his feelings may be conceived, perhaps, when it is known that the doctrine now embraces many of the most respectable persons in the ministry and membership of his own communion among its believers. And still further, that its success is ominous of the “contempt” to which himself and all other “false accusers” are destined, unless they repent and do works meet for repentance. “It is plain Mr. D.” did “not understand” the subject. We now give the letter of brother W. H. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.5

Elder J. Dowling, Pastor of Pine street Baptist Church, Providence, R. I. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.6

Dear Sir:—I was present last night in the Green street church to hear Mr. Blain preach on a subject which occupies the chief place in my heart, viz. the Coming of Christ—to some of whose remarks I responded a hearty Amen;—on which occasion you officiated in the concluding prayer. Now I address you in relation to some sentiments expressed in that prayer which I did not understand, and in which therefore I could not join, as is always my desire to do, with the prayer offered in public worship. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.7

If, sir, any apology for taking this liberty be necessary, let this suffice; you are an Englishman, so am I. You took part in the services at a public meeting at which I was one of the hearers. You are a public man, then acting in a public capacity;—and you know in England we hold public men responsible for their sentiments expressed in public. You are also the author of the following expressions in relation to the docrine of the second advent of the Lord Jesus Christ this year,—of which I confess myself on ardent believer and zealous advocate,—that it is a ‘most pestilential heresy;’ unworthy of a respect equal to “Gulliver’s Travels;” that it is “now sinking into that contempt which it deserves;” miserable” delusion, “etc., I consequently expected something from you in harmony with these sentiments. But lastly, I address you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. With this consideration, although you are a great learned clergyman, and I a poor illiterate working-man, all disparity between us sinks into nothing. This is all my apology. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.8

The concluding invocation of Mr. Blain’s discourse was like this: “May the Lord add his blessing and prepare us for the tremendous consequences of that day when he shall judge the world in righteousness.” Then you commenced the prayer as follows: Yes, blessed Savior! we believe thou wilt visit earth again,—for thou told thy disciples that even “AS” thou went “away,” “SO” thou would in “like manner” come again the “second time” without sin unto salvation.... And if thy servants 1800 years ago proclaimed the “coming of the Lord draweth nigh,” and thyself declared “Behold I come quickly,” surely it behoveth us after the lapse of so many centuries, to say “the Lord is at hand.” O, we are waiting for and loving thine appearing, when on thy car of lightning, and thy throne of glory thou shalt descend even as thou ascended, surrounded by myriads of angels and redeemed saints to call the nations to thy bar, and separate them [the righteous from the wicked] as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats ..... O, may we be prepared for thy coming at death, and thy coming at judgment. Thou hast come unto millions of our number, thining our ranks and gathering thy people to the mansions prepared for the blest.... And ere long thou will “come” unto many of us, and we shall be gathered unto the silent dungeons of the dead, etc.” HST October 25, 1843, page 74.9

When we remember that this was the concluding prayer to a sermon from these words: “Behold he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him, they also that pierced him; and all the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen!” there is something in it passing strange. What can it mean? Let us see. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.10

1st. We will examine your admissions. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.11

2nd. Your affirmations. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.12

1. I am to examine your admissions. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.13

1st. Jesus Christ will “come again” as he “went” i. e., personally, visibly, corporeally, by the power of God, with the clouds of glory. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.14

2. That coming “will be” the “2d time.” HST October 25, 1843, page 74.15

3. He will then come without sin unto the “salvation” of them that look for him. Hebrews 9:28. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.16

4th. That coming is “at hand”—future. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.17

This you say you believe. So do I with all my heart: this is my “Blessed Hope:” and in the glorious anticipation I “rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently who have prophecied of the grace that should come unto [us:] searching what and “what manner” of time [whether literal or symbolical,] the spirit of Christ which was in them did signify when it testified before hand the sufferings of Christ [in his body] and the glory that should follow, i. e., at the reappearing, or “revelation of Jesus Christ.” HST October 25, 1843, page 74.18

I have searched also, and I find just what you have proclaimed in these four particulars, are proved by the harmonious “testimony of Jesus,” which is the spirit of Prophecy. I also find themanner of time” is symbolical, and expires this year. This is my Faith. Is this the “most pestilential heresy?” Is this as despicable and foolish as the history of “Gulliver’s Travels?” Is this worthy only of your contempt? Is this faith indeed one of the “most groundless of the many delusions for which the presenl age is remarkable?” Why, then, become yourself a party to the “delusion” by proclaiming your faith in so much of it? But of your sincerity, in this let a further examination of your prayer bear witness. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.19

I am in the 2nd place to examine your affirmations. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.20

You prayed, “O may we be prepared for thy coming at death; (then you assert,)” Thou hast come to millions of our number, thinning our ranks, and gathering thy people to the mansions prepared for the blest.” And ere long thou wilt come unto many of us, when we [thy people of course] shall be gathered to the silent dungeons of the dead,” etc. Now what is the meaning of this? Let us understand, HST October 25, 1843, page 74.21

1st. Christ’s coming [of course the 2nd time, for there is no other] is at death. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.22

2nd. He has already come millions of times. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.23

3rd. Each coming, to his people, he hath gathered them to the mansions prepared for the blest. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.24

4th. He is coming to us ere long to gather us, where to? to the mansions prepared for the blest? No!! “To the silent dungeons of the dead!!! HST October 25, 1843, page 74.25

What is your argument, as brought out in this splendid exercise of five minutes? something sound of course. No “Gulliver”-ism, surely! Let us see. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.26

Argument 1st. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.27

Jesus Christ will “come again” as “he went,” i. e., personally, visibly, corporeally, in the clouds of glory, Jesus Christ’s coming again is at death (of every Christian especially.) HST October 25, 1843, page 74.28

Therefore it follows that Christ has already “come again” as he “went,” i. e., personally, visibly, corporeally, “millions of times”!!! HST October 25, 1843, page 74.29

Argument 2. When Jesus Christ “comes again,” it will be the second time,” therefore it is future. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.30

But He has already “come again”, viz., at death, of his people especially, therefore it is past!! HST October 25, 1843, page 74.31

Arg. 3. Christ’s “coining again” will be unto the salvation of them that are looking for him: therefore it is future, but “at hand.” HST October 25, 1843, page 74.32

But He hath already “come again,” millions of times, and gathered his people to the mansions prepared for the blest. Therefore the second advent is past, and that blessed hope is all “Gulliver”-ism!!! HST October 25, 1843, page 74.33

Arg. 4th. Our “blessed Savior will visit earth again,” on his car of lightning and his throne of glory, to the salvation of His people. HST October 25, 1843, page 74.34

But, He is coming again ere long to many of us—who “are waiting for and loving his appearing,” “to gather us to the silent dungeons of the dead”!!! HST October 25, 1843, page 74.35

O, sir, horrified by following you so far, I will stop; not venturing upon the fearful mine, to which your own hand hath applied the match, by supplying the evident conclusion: a libel on the Lord Jesus Christ, more gross, the circumstances considered, than Voltaire, Paine, or all the host of infidel writers have been guilty of. Suffice it to remark that it will follow from all your assertions, here given, that the spirit which animated the prophets, “the spirit of Christ,” was wrong. One instance shall suffice; Isaiah 25. speaks of the same coming again, as follows. “And it shall be said in that day, Lo this is our God; we have waited” for him, [and loved His appearing, then, what will he do?] and he will SAVE us: this is the LORD; we have waited for him; we will rejoice and be glad in his SALVATION.” What, then, is this salvation for which they “waited,” and in which when he comes they are “glad and rejoice.” Is it the gathering them one by one to the “silent dungeons of the dead,” which you say he does at his “coming,” and for which you are “waiting,” and pray to be “prepared?” No, verily. But it is that in which “shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,” “He will swallow up Death in VICTORY.” “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump, (see Isaiah 27:13. Matthew 24:31. 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18. Revelation 11:15,) for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead [“in Christ”] shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed, “this mortal put on immortality:” “be changed into his image;” “like unto his glorious body;” which we have seen, and our hands have handled, (Luke 24:39,) says John, (1 John 1:1.) When? At his “coming again:” 1 Corinthians 15. ing,” 23. “When the Lord himself shall descend from heaven” as he “went.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16. Acts 1:10. Isaiah 25:9. HST October 25, 1843, page 75.1

This is His work—our blessed Savior’s work; which he has covenanted to perform for all them that are his. Hebrews 2:14, 15. For as much as the children [of the promise: Romans 9:8. Galatians 3:29. 4:28,] were partakers of flesh and blood, he also took part of the same [in order] that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death.”—(Who is he?) “that is, the devil;” (see 1 John 3:8,) and [thus] deliver them who through fear of death were all their life time subject to bond age,”—as long as life and immortality was “hid;” (Colossians 1:26,) but when he “abolished death” in his own body, and brought that which had been “hid” to light, 2 Timothy 1:10, which he did by his gospel, he led captivity captive, and hath baptized all his by the spirit of promise “into his death,” Romans 6:3. Now; “if we be dead with Christ,” by baptism of the Holy Ghost into his death, “our life is hid with Christ in God; so that when he who is our life shall appear, we shall appear with him in glory,” Colossians 3:3, 4, when he will destroy the “last enemy” by “swallowing him up in victory,” Thus saith the Lord of Hosts! HST October 25, 1843, page 75.2

Therefore, sir, you or any one else who have yet to be prepared to die, are none of Christ’s, 2 Timothy 2:11, 12. HST October 25, 1843, page 75.3

How do you stand, therefore? What is it to attribute to Christ what the word of God declares to be the work of the devil, viz, gathering “us to the silent dungeons of the dead?” What is it but BLASPHEMY? What is blasphemy? Walker says it is “The offering some indignity to God himself.” Webster says, in addition, it is “speaking reproachfully of the attributes of God.” Now, sir, I appeal to your own conscience in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ whether it is not proved thus briefly by the word of God whether you did not blaspheme that holy name in Green street church last night? HST October 25, 1843, page 75.4

I am satisfied that you sustain more than one of those traits of character to be found in the church in the last days, spoken of by Paul. 2 Timothy 3:1-9. HST October 25, 1843, page 75.5

But thank God that he hath comforted his people by this assurance, “That you (your self and like “reprobates concerning the faith”) shall proceed no farther.” For as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do ye, uncircumcised in heart and cars, always resist the truth. Men of corrupt minds—in league with death, (Isaiah 28:14,) and yet afraid—reprobate concerning the faith of the gospel. But ye shall proceed no further, for your folly shall be made manifest unto all men, as that of Jannes and Jambres also was. HST October 25, 1843, page 75.6

In conclusion, sir, I have endeavored to present unto you and the public, the climax of nonsense and modern infidelity to which you led my mind last night. I have presented your argument, placing your admisssions, and your affirmations in juxtaposition. Does not the one prove the utter hypocrisy of the other? HST October 25, 1843, page 75.7

If we say nothing of the theological bearing, could the “absurdity” be heightened? Is this a specimen of your ability to teach the gospel of our salvation? Is this a specimen of the logic of the great man who has taken the foremost, stand in the opposition to the doctrine of the coming again of our blessed king, this year, “unto the salvation” of those who are looking for him? which we proclaim to the world, despite his, or their futile efforts, as proved by the harmonions testimony of the prophets and apostles; and which he has presumptuously termed “groundless delusion,” etc,—vainly puffing himself up with conceits that he was the successful champion of its overthrow? Is this he who has made such flourishes about his own attainments, sneering at the ignorance of the advocates of the immediate second advent of the Lord, forgetting the “fishermen,” the “babes” to whom were revealed what was hid from the wise and prudent? Thou art the man! Again, sir, is this the way in which “ye scornful men” (Isaiah 28:16,) mock God and deceive his people? Your station, sir, renders your responsibility a fearful one. At that meeting there were hundreds of souls, perhaps, simple and sincere, who, considering your reputed attainments in theological knowledge, are leaning upon you. The interest and attention of many might have been awakened to the all important subject by the very garbled discourse of Mr. Blain, but when you got up and delivered yourself of the marvellous specimen here reviewed, supposing, in their blind trust, that you know all about it, their minds would be confounded as effectually as even Satan himself could wish. At the same time you made it exceedingly obvious that you know nothing of the whole matter of which they suppose you know every thing. Your darkness is manifest; and if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the ditch. Besides, here is a proof, in one case at least, that when you undertake to speak or pray on the subject, you overwhelm yourself in contradictions and “absurdities” so gross that they outrage common sense. HST October 25, 1843, page 75.8

O, sir, let me entreat you in the name of the Lord Jesus, to humble yourself before God, and cease to mock him, or else strip off the “sheeps clothing,” that some may yet escape the ravages of the “wolf.” HST October 25, 1843, page 75.9

If your “learned” ministering comes to this, away with it. Praise the Lord for the grace which hath given me courage to think and decide for myself. Give me his blessed word for my lamp, and the faith which is “the fruit of the spirit” in my heart for oil, and—although I never was in a school since under ten years of age,—I can understand. It is intelligible and simple: the light is gloriously clear; despite all the “proud” “boasts” of all “ye lawyers who have the keys of knowledge, but go not in yourselves, and them that would enter in ye hinder.” Let me once more entreat you, sir, before you speak again on this subject, to humble yourself before God, and “become a fool that you may be wise.” HST October 25, 1843, page 75.10

Yours in the blessed hope of soon seeing Him, who “in his times shall show who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of Kings, and Lord of lords, who only hath immortality”—of seeing him, not in the triumph of satan, “death;” but in the glorious victory of the redeemed out of every nation, kindred, tongue and people; when being delivered from all our enemies, we shall serve him without fear, reigning with him on the earth renewed in righteousness. Away with your trash which would rob a Christian of his glorious hope, a hope, which while he states it almost makes his very heart leap out of him. HST October 25, 1843, page 75.11

James Wolstenholme, Jr. HST October 25, 1843, page 75.12

Providence, Oct. 5th, 1843. HST October 25, 1843, page 75.13

Connection between the 8th and 9th Chapters of Daniel


It has been alleged in opposition to the judgment of some of the best interpreters, that the usually admitted exegetical connection between these chapters is arbitrary, and assumed upon insufficient principles; that it has nothing to sustain it but the fact that the word “vision” occurs in the 9th chapter. Many other passages of holy scricture have in them the word “vision,” and yet there is not on that account the slightest connection between “them and the 8th chapter of Daniel. HST October 25, 1843, page 75.14

It is not its occurrence but the manner of its occurrence in this chapter, that forms, with attendant circumstances, the real ground by which the 9th chapter is assumed as explanatory of the 8th. We will suppose a case and explain the illustration. Suppose one man in the West negotiates with another man in the East, New York, for 400 acres of land. The bargain is written out favorably enough to the purchaser, but sonic of its clauses are not sufficiently understood by him. He is referred to the clerk. And as God said to his angel—“Gabriel, make this man (Daniel) to understand the vision,” the proprietor says to his clerk, “Mr. Robinson, make this man understand the bargain.” Mr. Robinson does say a few things explanatory of some parts, but still the affair is not wholly understood; the man says so, but departs from New York for the West with a copy of the bargain as it is, and takes possession of the land, which is yet unpaid for. Fifteen years after, a stranger appears at the purchaser’s house, whom he recognizes as Mr. Robinson, to whom he had been referred in the beginning of the affair, and who was commanded to explain to him the bargain. He says to the farmer, greatly perplexed about the bargain “I am come to explain and give you light and skill; wherefore understand the matter, consider the bargain.” In such a case would either the farmer himself or any other person be at a loss to know what bargain was referred to in this matter by Mr. Robinson? Certainly not. Precisely similar is the case of Daniel and God’s messenger Gabriel, who had a commandment to explain a vision to him; and when he says I am come to explain—to give thee skill—wherefore understand the matter, consider the vision—can we be at a loss to know what vision is referred to? But let us vary the illustration. Suppose the clerk, Mr. Robinson, had gone to a farmer who had never made a bargain with his master for land or any thing else, and told him to understand the matter, recollect the bargain; would not he have spoken downright nonsense? And is nonsense in the mouth of a man, sense in the mouth of an angel? The definitiveness of the expression then, and the manner in which the word “vision” is employed, both by Daniel and Gabriel, make it, in my judgment, imperious and indispensable that we understand both to refer to the vision of the 9th chapter. And then the 490 years are a part of the 2300 days. They will be co-etaneous in their commencement, and the sanctuary be cleansed in 1843, whatever this means. Let objectors, on a different view of this matter, make the angel speak good sense, and we shall stand corrected. HST October 25, 1843, page 75.15

Walter Scott. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.1


No Authorcode

“The Lord is at Hand.”


Editorial Correspondence


The West

Cincinnatti, Oct. 12, 1843. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.2

Dear Brother Bliss,—You will see by the last “Western Cry,” the results of my visit to Louisville, Ky. You can publish such facts as you think best. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.3

On arriving in this city on Tuesday morning last from Louisville, I found our people all out doors. The “College Hall,” they had occupied, and had been paying rent about $2,000 per annum, was let to others. No eligible place can be found in the city for our meetings. Chapels of any considerable size are all closed against us. Under these circumstances it is thought best to put up a “Tabernacle.,” 80 by 100 feet, similar to the one in Boston. The necessity for this has been obviated by procuring the First Christian Chapel as a permanent place of worship. I lectured in this city to large congregations yesterday, all day and the evening. The prospect for good congregations and great usefulness is encouraging. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.4

Yours, J. V. Himes.

The following is taken from the Western Cry. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.5

Louisville, Ky


Brother Storrs,—My visit to this place has been deeply interesting. I have given ten lectures in the city, one in Jeffersonville, and one in New Albany, in the last eight days. The people of the city and vicinity are waked up to an examination of the Bible, and especially the prophetic portions. The market-place and the church alike have been thronged with solemn and very attentive hearers. The laity, the common people, received the word gladly; and, I learn, are searching the Scriptures daily to see whether these things are so. I have had a fair and candid hearing. I speak it to the honor of the good citizens of Louisville. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.6

The subject in this vicinity had been laid aside by most, from the fact that the papers reported that the time had gone by! All the Eastern stories designed to bring the whole subject into disrepute, have had a free circulation here, and have had a tendency to increase the spirit of scoffing and infidelity. A large portion of the people have regarded the contemptible gossip and abominable slanders of the Eastern papers as truth. Even the clergy in some cases give the current reports of the supposed varying fortunes of the Tabernacle in Boston, and its friends, from the pulpit. Last Lord’s day the Rev. Mr. Crosby “overthrew Millerism!!” in one of the Baptist churches in this city. One of his arguments was, that the cause had gone down or died away in the East,—the Tabernacle was to let, etc. and therefore we had come out West to introduce the subject and get up an excitement. But the whole theory was false. It would soon die away. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.7

He no doubt hopes so. Such false statements may affect those who are ignorant of us, and the real state of the cause. They may destroy souls—put professers to sleep on the great question: but those who are informed on the subject will only be the more confirmed. If these are the strong reasons of our opponents, the question is forever settled. A cause requiring such a defence cannot be very sound. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.8

Notwithstanding these obstacles to a full and fair discussion of the subject, a large number of the most respectable citizens have heard the matter fully discussed. The result is, that many believe. And many that do not embrace it, say, that in their judgment it cannot be overthrown. We have many defenders and advocates in Louisville of our entire sanity. But the best of all is, that many professors in the different denominations are waked up to duty and preparation for the event. And some are deeply impressed among the wicked, of the truth, and of the necessity of repentance to salvation. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.9

Advent publications will be kept at our office in Louisville; as also the “Western Midnight Cry.” They will have a Bible class once a week, and meetings of prayer for all who look for the “blessed hope.” Yours, J. V. Himes. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.10

Steamboat Little Pike, Ohio River, Oct. 9, 1843. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.11

State of the Cause


The Midnight Cry of the 12th, brings more than its usual amount of cheering intelligence in reference to the cause at large. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.12

Of the state of things in New York City, brother Jacobs says: HST October 25, 1843, page 76.13

Our meetings at the old Franklin Theatre are well attended; the faith of the brethren in the speedy coming of the Lord increasing, and souls are awakened and converted. Last Sabbath evening, at the close of the lecture, a prayer meeting was, held as usual, when fourteen presented themselves for the prayers of God’s people, a number of whom professed to find peace before the meeting closed. On Tuesday evening others came forward and two obtained the blessing. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.14

The meetings in Eighteenth street, where lectures are delivered three evenings in the week, are prospering; the brethren in that part of the city are harmoniously laboring for the spread of the truth. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.15

Buffalo, N. Y.—Brother H. B. Skinner writes, that “the friends there have secured a fine hall, and have commenced their meetings in good earnest. Attendance good.” HST October 25, 1843, page 76.16

Rochester N. Y.—Brother Galusha writes: “Our interest here is increasing. Brother Barry baptized thirteen last Sabbath, more are to be baptized next Lord’s day. We had a glorious meeting last evening. The Lord was there, and many experienced a blessing, greater than ever experienced before. Brother Barry occupied most of the evening in relating his experience. At the class, a season of prayer was proposed, and a blessed time followed. God is with us, and I trust, will be to the end.” HST October 25, 1843, page 76.17

Albany, N. Y.—We have just closed one of the most interesting seasons we ever enjoyed. There have been some conversions and baptisms. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.18

As it is in these important sections of the great field, so it is with us here in New England. The harvest is great, the laborers are few. In spite of all that has been done by the enemies of the cause, and the more fatal mistakes of some of its friends, the Adventists have never occupied a more encouraging position than they do at this moment. If faithful to God and to ourselves, great will be our rejoicing in the day of the Lord Jesus. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.19

While the startling events of the times are verifying the truth of prophecy, and all go to assure us that THE GREAT CRISIS is hastening upon us, those who will “take heed” to the “light” by which alone we may be guided safely through it, are giving up the popular and bewildering “fables” of the age, and laying hold of the truth. The New York Observer, in speaking of the doctrine of “the speedy advent of the Savior to establish a visible kingdom, to destroy the wicked, and fill the earth with his glory,” testifies as follows, “It pleads the names of great and good men as its endorsers, and is probably gaining ground at this moment both here and in Great Britain.” HST October 25, 1843, page 76.20

The Jews


The following was communicated by Dr. Fanning, a gentleman recently from Baltimore. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.21

“The High Priest of the Harrison street Synagogue in Baltimore, in a conversation last January, with Rev. Mr. Prettyman, of the Methodist E. Church in Caroline street, stated that he and the Jews there generally look for the coming of the Messiah this year—that all their calculations from prophecy would end this year—and that if the Messiah does not come this year, he and the Jews generally, in Baltimore, would admit that he came 1800 years ago, as Christians and the New Testament say he did.” HST October 25, 1843, page 76.22

Brethren, our enemies have found our arguments unanswerable, and nothing now affords them so much joy as the improprieties of professed Adventists. These are spread before the public from the pulpit and the press, exaggerated many fold. They do not wish us to do differently, for they know such things would be fatal to the doctrine they hate. We must watch over ourselves in love and in the fear of God. Great is our responsibility! Great is our danger, for we are but men!! Great will be our guilt or our glory!!! Let me say to all, beware of that spirit which would tempt you to turn prophet, or to assert any thing above, or different from, the word of God! Beware of all thoughts of exercising, or expecting the miraculous effects of the Holy Ghost!! Beware of that spirit (is it Perfectionism?) which would tempt you to assume that you cannot be mistaken!!! Beware of leaving the promulgation of the advent doctrine to preach against existing organizations. “A word to the wise is sufficient.” H. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.23

Then shall the Sanctuary be Cleansed


The 2300 days reach to the cleansing of the Sanctuary, all admit; but, say some, the cleansing of the sanctuary sounds like a very different thing from the end of the world. Some, therefore, who admit that the days are years, contend that they only extend to a temporal millennium. HST October 25, 1843, page 76.24

That these days do extend to the end of the world is evident, for if the sanctuary is the church, as such contend, we read in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8. “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.” HST October 25, 1843, page 76.25

As that wicked will sit in the sanctuary of God, till he is destroyed by the brightness of Christ’s coming; the sanctuary, in which the wicked sits cannot be cleansed till the coming of Christ at his appearing and kingdom. Others say that the sanctuary is Judea. If so, it cannot be cleansed till the resurrection of the dead, for our Savior says, Luke 21:24, “And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” He thengives the signs of his appearing, and says then, that is, after these signs are seen, at the end of the times of Gentiles,” shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud, with power and great glory.” Jerusalem and Judea are therefore to be desolated till the coming of Christ. Daniel also says, Daniel 12:7., that “when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people all these things shall be finished.” Therefore, when the seven times of the scattering of the holy people are ended, all things spoken of in the book of Daniel, which carries us to the resurrection, are to be finished. HST October 25, 1843, page 77.1

Again, others say that the sanctuary is the earth. If so, it cannot be cleansed till the end of the world, for, says our Savior, Matthew 13:40-43, “As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; and shall cast them into a furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear let him hear.” HST October 25, 1843, page 77.2

Daniel himself also shows us that the sanctuary cannot be cleansed till the consummation. For while Daniel was earnestly enquiring as to what manner of time the spirit of Christ which was in him did signify, and also prayed for the cleansing of the sanctuary, he was told that 70 weeks were cut off to Messiah, after which, the city and sanctuary should be destroyed and desolated till the consummation. The 2300 days must therefore reach to the consummation. It therefore follows that although the cleansing of the sanctuary may seen like a very different thing from the end of the world, that it cannot be cleansed till the world shall end, our Savior shall appear, and all earthly scenes shall be consummated. HST October 25, 1843, page 77.3

The Cry from Europe


The two following letters from London were received by the last arrival. They are interesting inasmuch as they show the great anxiety there is in that country for some one to come over and help them. We know not what we can say in addition to what we have said respecting the wants of that country. Their call is pressing. We hope it may be responded to. Will our friends make it a subject of special prayer, that what can be done may be done for that field of labor? HST October 25, 1843, page 77.4

Letter from E. Lloyd


Dear Brother Himes,—I thank you for the trouble you have taken to answer me by letter and sending papers. I feel obliged to the friends who have sent; as we received five parcels, the early part of September. I feel much grieved on account of the little encouragement you give us to expect help by means of lecturers. I think if the dear friends in America did fully know the state of things here, they would all write and give their mite to send us help. If the want of money is the hindrance, I hope the Lord will remove that. I know your calls for help are numerous, and very urgent; but poor England is a loud call. There is no doubt but ministers would come many miles to hear lectures on the subject. I think there are several in this city, who partly believe it; many are expecting some great event to take place soon. We have heard of a minister of the Church of England who wishes for some of our tracts to distribute among his parishioners. HST October 25, 1843, page 77.5

Dear friends, pray do if possible, make an effort to send only one of your lecturers. I know your will is good, and hope God will put it in your power to do something for us; if you can, I believe it will be the means, by the help of the Lord, of hundreds, yea, perhaps thousands being saved. You are aware the present system of preaching is calculated to lull them to sleep. I know of nothing which would so delight my soul (except the Lord Jesus himself) as to see some one or more of your holy men, that can stand up, and with the Bible in their hand, cut away error, right and left. My prayer is, Lord, send them. We have received some papers this morning. HST October 25, 1843, page 77.6

We are thankful to the dear friends for their trouble, and hope they will continue to send when convenient to themselves. We lend them, and many are anxious to read. One said he wished not to hear any other preaching but on the second advent, and he would walk twenty miles to hear that. Lloyd has established a Scripture meeting in a small chapel near the Abby; they come from different churches, and there seems to be a growing interest in the minds of the people. Although the effort is small, yet we hope it will be productive of much good. Brother Rotund, from New York, has assisted in these meetings, but has now left and gone to Leicester. I hope the Lord will use him there. Brother Winter and his companion are travelling through the east and north parts of the country; the last I heard from them they were at Lynn, in Norfolk, where they had the Temperance Hall to preach in; so great stir was made there many were searching their Bibles to see if these things were so, which is the general result. HST October 25, 1843, page 77.7

My love and thanks to all friends, especially those who showed so much kindness to my sister Winter. I remain, as I hope I shall till the Lord come. Yours in the blessed hope, HST October 25, 1843, page 77.8

E. Lloyd. HST October 25, 1843, page 77.9

21 Parker Terrace, Neckingor-Road Boundary. HST October 25, 1843, page 77.10

Dear Brother Himes,—As Mrs. Lloyd has requested me to send a line to you, I gladly embrace the present opportunity, praying that soon, very soon, we may be enabled face to face, to converse about that which lies near our hearts—the near approach of our blessed Savior—and if he should come before, I trust that we may unite in praising our common Redeemer in the new creation. Since brother Winter’s return from America I have had the privilege of reading and examining the works relative to his second advent, and find it to be the truth, and rejoice that, not being accustomed to public speaking, I have done all I could privately and personally. I long to see it extended far and wide, and with this wish cordially unite with Mrs. L. in saying, come over and help us. A few good lecturers would soon gain a good footing in England. HST October 25, 1843, page 77.11

There would be no want of friends if some one could come and publicly combat the errors which abound at present, though it is comparatively hid in a corner. HST October 25, 1843, page 77.12

This city is certainly ripe for destruction, far worse than ever was Sodom or Gomorrah; and when we see the church asleep or crying peace and safety, in preaching the certain conversion of the whole world, a return of the Jews, we cannot but sigh and cry, “Lord, open their eyes.” Several of our first rate ministers in town have seen the Midnight Cry by L. D. Flemming, but they have neither endeavored to refute it or have left it quite alone. A clergyman in Bedfordshire has had the Midnight Cry and examined it and ordered a number for distribution among his parishioners. He is now reading Mr. Miller’s Lectures. We hope he will soon come forward and sound the alarm. Mr. Pym, who has published a work on the second advent of Christ in 1843, is still living in Heresfordshire. I heartily second sister Lloyd in her urgent request. Thousands around are perishing because they are looking forward to the time when every one from the least to the greatest shall know the Lord. England calls loudly to America, a son, temporally and spiritually. A nation, as a favorite minister says, about to be damned in the full blaze of the gospel sun-shine, calls for the aid of some who can go out and sound the cry, “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh.” Some who can give the alarm in Israel to warn this unbelieving, adulterous and idolatrous nation, that the day is at hand when Christ will come with all his holy angels to take vengeance on those who believe not. For doing what we have done we have been considered fools and insane; but as the Lord is, so shall the servant be, and we are content. May we rejoice to be counted worthy to be despised for His sake. HST October 25, 1843, page 77.13

The papers also we have read, and must join Mr. L in thanking you. Dear brother, we hope now you have got so far as to meet in order to devise means to come, you will not disappoint us. Bring with you what you can in the way of books, for our resources are nearly dry, but with some little effort we believe God will open our way to pay something for them. It is God’s work, and he will provide means to spread it. Those who have embraced it are generally poor, so that much cannot be done here at present; and although time is short, I do believe if one or two could come here there would be many who would soon come forward to the help of the Lord against the mighty. HST October 25, 1843, page 77.14

Dear brother, I am yours in the blessed hope,
G. H. Kurr & C. L. Brocklehurst.
197 Bermondsey street, Oct. 2, 1843.

Progress of Popery


The frequent allusions in the secular press to his most interesting and important subject, appear to have excited a certain vague and undefined anxiety in the minds of the reflecting and religious portion of the community. Unfortunately, these allusions being themselves generally vague and unsatisfactory, could lead to no other and more particular result. Facts have not been sufficiently brought forward, suspicions and rumors have been substituted for them, and consequently, many who would be prepared, when discovering real danger, to join in endeavoring to avert it, refrain from all exertions, believing the time of peril still far distant. It is to such persons we desire now to speak, with the view of calmly and temperately stating the true position and prospects of that great semi-political power, which in former times enthralled all the nations of Europe. Our object is to present proof that Popery is in the possession of immense strength, in the old country, and is marching forward with giant strides, with a view to ascendency in this country; and from a proof of these facts, we wish to proceed to and endeavor to arouse all who pretend to zeal for Protestanism, to united and vigorous efforts in the cause which now peculiarly involves the continuance of our civil and religious liberties. To facts, and to facts alone, we shall appeal for a confirmation of our statements. HST October 25, 1843, page 77.15

It is only about fifty years since the first Papal See was created by the Pope in these United States. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.1

It is now estimated that there are in this country 2,000,000 of Papists under the government of the Pope, and that the annual increase is about 150,000. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.2

It is very generally believed from the aspect of Europe, they will soon, and perhaps next year, send 200,000, and that annually. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.3

An Irish paper says, “We never recollect to have seen such preparations as are making amongst us to emigrate to America.” HST October 25, 1843, page 78.4

A correspondent in Germany says, “that hundreds of thousands of the German Papists, are preparing to come to the United States.” HST October 25, 1843, page 78.5

There is now an Archbishop of Baltimore, twenty-one Bishops, sixteen Sees, and eight hundred and one Priests and Clergymen. The number of churches is six hundred and six; Missionary Stations, five hundred and thirty; Ecclesiastical Seminaries, twenty-one; Female Seminaries, forty-six; Colleges and Literary Institutions, twenty-one; Female Converts, thirty-three; besides one hundred and sixty-five other Institutions, such as schools for the Sisters of Charity, day schools and Assylums, with about 15,000 pupils. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.6

In Canada, Popery is the established religion of one province, and is liberally assisted in the other. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.7

In Newfoundland, the Papist form a majority of the House of Assembly, and have gained otherwise a complete ascendency. They number forty thousand. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.8

In Texas, equal activity is displayed. They number twenty thousand. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.9

In fact, the Popish Almanac says, “we count, Canadas, with two Bishopricks, eight Bishops, one hundred and thirty-three Priests, and five hundred thousand Catholics; French Colonies, two hundred and forty thousand Catholics; three Spanish Colonies, with one thousand thousand; Mexico, Guatemala and South America, with forty-four Bishopricks, and 23,000,000 of Catholics. Total for the new world, seventy-four Bishopricks, and 26,541,000 Catholics.” HST October 25, 1843, page 78.10

In the West Indies, unexampled efforts are now made among all classes, principally from the missionaries of Cuba, where Popery reigns in undisturbed supremacy and unrivalled splendor. Even in China, beyond the borders of which Protestants have failed to penetrate, and whence they are now effectually excluded, the Jesuits have been working with courage worthy of a better cause. There is no corner of the globe which their restless feet have not invaded; there is no artifice they have scorned; and of course, no scruple has been allowed to deter men who proclaim that “the end can sanctify the means.” It is not very difficult to make a Papist of a Pagan. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.11

“Woe unto you, Pharisees, ye compass the sea and the land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him two-fold more the child of hell than yourselves.” But it is with the facts we have to do; we wish chiefly to show that they have progressed; we leave others to determine how and why. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.12

In France, the Archbishop of Paris has ventured on that which few Frenchmen now attempt, the counteraction of their arbitrary king. He has addressed the monarch, and has commenced to agitate for a renewal of the pomp and power of Romanism. In Denmark, the heir of the throne has been perverted to Romanism. In the Rhenish provinces of Prussia, the Archbishop of Cologne has preferred the authority of the Pope to that of the King, and in direct contravention of the law, has displayed the bigotry of his religion, by forbidding Roman Catholics to marry Protestants. In Tyrol, hundreds have been banished from their native lands, for daring to worship God after the example of their fathers. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.13

In the Rhenish provinces, the Roman Catholic population amounts to 1,678,745. In the whole Prussian dominions, inclusive of those provinces, the number is 6,000,000. In Nassau, they form nearly three-fifths of the population. In Austria, they constitute the mass of the community. Such, also, is the case in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Sicily, Sardinia, South America, Maderia, parts of Greece, Ireland, the Azores, the Cape de Verds Islands, the Philippine Islands, Martinique, Isle of France, etc. etc. The number of Papists in the world, is not less than 156,000,000; the number of Bishops is about 818; the number of Priests 400,000; the number of Monks and Friars, 600,000. Thus in every part of the world, Popery is pursuing its triumphant course, is trampling on the consciences of mankind, rendering whole countries desolate of the Word of God. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.14

The same elements which are at work in other countries, giving Popery such victories, are at work in this new world. The Priests are equally diligent; the public press is, to a very great extent, in the hands of the Papists; men in high offices in our land are disposed to assist them. Modern Liberatism, Infidelity, ultra High Church doctrines, the principles of Expediency—all these things have joined to help Popery forward in its prosperous and triumphant career. There are other symptoms of extraordinary zeal and activity, money from the Leopoldine Institutions of Austria, and from the Dc Propaganda. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.15

In 1841, the subscriptions collected by the Associations for the propogation of the Papal faith throughout Christendom, amounted to 2,752,214 francs:—viz, in France, 1,479,434 francs; Bavaria, 210,000; Ireland, 195,000; Belgium, 159,000; England, 33,000; Portugal, 46,000; Holland, 18000; the Roman States, 77,000; Naples, 61,000; Switzerland, 33,000; Prussia, 85,000; Tuscany, 41,000; and finally, the sums received from other countries of Europe, from the Levant and America, amounted together to 110,000 francs—Presse. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.16

The following statistics are from the Papal paper, the Freeman’s Journal, published in the city of New York. From the May number of the Annals of the propagation of the faith. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.17

The last appropriation of money for this new world. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.18

For the establishment of the Redemptorist, in Baltimore,54,120
Right Rev. Dr. Loras, Bishop of Dubuque, Iowa Territory.41,820
Right Rev. Dr. Lefeve, Coadjutor Bishop of Michigan,10,600
Right Rev. Dr. Purcell, Bishop of Cincinnatti, Ohio,41,820
Right Rev. Dr. Fenwick, Bishop of Boston, Mass.19,894
Right Rev. Dr. Kenrick, Bishop of Philadelphia,19,680
Right Rev. Dr. Wheelen, Bishop of Richmond, Va.,24,900
Congregations and Missions

JVHe The congregations of the Fudites in the diocese of Vincennes, Ia., 20,080 The missions of the Fathers of Mercy, 24,600 The missions of the Lazarists, 35,000 The missions of the Jesuits, in Missouri, 40,428 The missions of the Jesuits, in Kentucky, 15,000 The missions of the Lazarists, in Texas, 25,000

Besides the following given to the missions of British America, (Canada, etc.) 44,440—19,6680—34,440—14,770—19,680. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.19

Fellow citizens and Christian brethren! What are we doing to check these invaders of our civil and religious liberties?—Bapt. Record. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.20

Letter from Vergennes


Dear Brother Bliss:—It may not be uninteresting to some of your readers to know that in Vergennes, and adjoining towns, there are many firm and uncompromising believers in the second advent of our blessed Lord at hand. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.21

This soul cheering doctrine was first proclaimed to the people of this place, last December, by brother Miller and Himes, who continued with us eleven days “preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence.” God was pleased to bless abundantly their labrs of love among us in the conversion of sinners, and establishing the faith of believers; and I would say, for the encouragement of these two brethren, who, by a popular, favor-seeking priesthood, and a worldly-minded church, are accounted the off-scouring of the earth, that there are many in this place and vicinity, who are not ashamed to acknowledge them as the honored instruments under God of their awakening. James 5:20. “Let him kuow, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way, shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.” Daniel 12:4. “And they that be wise, shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.” Go on, dear brethren, the conflict will soon be over; the Lord is at hand, and you will have your reward. HST October 25, 1843, page 78.22

We have had to labor under many disadvantages since those dear brethren left us, owing to a want of lecturers, but this deficiency we have endeavored in some measure to make up by searching the Scriptures, and reading Second Advent publications. We were favored last winter with a few lectures from our much esteemed brother, Prosper Powell, who we should be happy to hear again. We are now taking measures to procure a suitable person to lecture in this, and the adjoining towns, and to facilitate this object for which hundreds are anxious. Yours in the blessed hope. A. Mc Laughlin HST October 25, 1843, page 78.23

Sep. 30th, 1843. HST October 25, 1843, page 79.1

A meeting was held in Vergennes, and a committe from that and the neighboring towns, appointed to procure a lecturer. Some brother who can do the subject justice, would be cordially recieved there. HST October 25, 1843, page 79.2

Better days are Coming


by thomas smith, of england.

Fellow-Countrymen, e’re long there will be peace and plenty throughout the world. Better and brighter days are coming! HST October 25, 1843, page 79.3

E’re long the crimes of the wicked, and the groans and sighs of the wretched shall come to an end. The noise and clamor of war shall soon be hushed. The struggle after power and wealth, now almost universal among all classes, shall soon cease, and the holy, happy, ransomed nations of the earth shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace, and flourish so long as the sun and moon endure. HST October 25, 1843, page 79.4

But, my fellow-countrymen, a most dark and dreadful day is also coming, and it is coming first. The Lord of heaven and earth will make a short work upon the earth. He tells you that his “determination is to gather the nations, and assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them his indignation, even all his fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of his jealousy. And then will he turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.”—Zephaniah 3:8, 9. This is the rapidly approaching destiny of the world in which we live! And now for evidence that what I say is true. HST October 25, 1843, page 79.5

The Bible says—“Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles,” the times now fast passing away, “be fulfilled.” And then immediately after the tribulation of those days, Matthew 24:29; “there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in he stars, and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming upon the earth; for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory,” Luke 21:24-27. The Lord God shall then come and all the saints with him.—And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day there shall be one Lord, and his name one. Zechariah 14:5-9. He “shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God,” and destroying “the man of sin by the brightness of his coming.” 2 Thessalonians 1, and 2. Then, the heavens having received the Lord until the times of restitution, Acts 3:21, the Lord arises up to the prey, Zephaniah 3:8, and makes a short work upon the earth, and the times of the Gentiles being then fulfilled, the times of restitution do commence. He gathers the nations and assembles the kingdoms, Zephaniah 3:8. The man of sin also: “the beast” as well as the “kings of the earth, and their armies, are gathered together to make war against Him;” but “the beast is taken,” and destroyed, and “the remnant slain.” Revelation 19:20. Then also are the seven last plagues poured out upon the earth. Revelation 16. The nations that will not serve Zion then perish, yea they are utterly wasted. Isaiah 60:12. The whole earth is then consumed by the fire of God’s jealousy, and then is turned upon the people a pure language, and they will serve the Lord with one consent. Turn to your Bibles, as above, and read and compare, and determine for yourselves. HST October 25, 1843, page 79.6

Fellow-Countrymen, whether Churchmen or Dissenters, or neither; whether Whigs, Tories, Chartists or Radicals, are you ready for these tremendous events? HST October 25, 1843, page 79.7

They are swiftly approaching, They may burst upon the world even while you read this paper. There is also already “on earth distress of nations,” and already are “men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking for those things that are coming.” The world is in suspense Its schemes remind us of a hopeless wreck. Its machinery is almost at a stand;—the crisis is approaching. It is not very far from midnight. Nay, even now, in a thousand different and distant towns, in various nations, and by ten thousand voices, there is a cry being raised, and it is echoing swiftly round the world. “Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him.” If you are wise, you will not altogether slight this midnight cry. HST October 25, 1843, page 79.8

Fellow-Countrymen, prepare yourselves. Heed not your wealth or poverty—these are not worth a thought. Heed not your wrongs and greivances—they will soon cease forever. Brighter and better days are coming, but a most terrible catastrophe must intervene. Cease then your anxious, useless struggles. Leave all your wrongs with the Almighty Lord of Lords; he will redress them soon. Prepare yourselves! Turn to the Lord. Acquaint yourselves with him, and be at peace. Send your treasures and your hearts to heaven. Devote yourselves to God, and live for him, and for your fellow men. Strive to turn many from their evil ways. Strive also to releive their temporal necessities. This is the way, the only sure way to escape the terrors that must precede brighter and better days. Better days are coming, but a most dark and dreadful day is coming first! HST October 25, 1843, page 79.9

As it was in Sodom


Murder in Epping. We noticed last week, the homicide in our neighborhood, but were not then informed of all its atrocity. On Tuesday last, Alfred Hill was arrested on a complaint against him for the violation and murder of a child not nine years old, whom but a few weeks before he had taken from the poor house in Newmarket. He was carried before James M. Chapman, Esq. of Newmarket, for examination. Henry F. French, Esq. Solicitor for the county of Rockingham, attended in the behalf of the State. It appeared in evidence, that the deceased was eight years old last March, and was in good health and in the bloom of early youth, when taken into the family of the respondent. She soon began to fail and falter, and appeared to be treated with great severity. HST October 25, 1843, page 79.10

Hill had been seen to beat her with an ox goad, and her screams were repeatedly heard by night and by day. She died on Friday morning the 22nd ult. A post mortem examination took place from which it was evident that the child had been brutally violated and her body most cruelly lacerated. Her arm was broken, her head beaten, and her body a mass of bruises. Nothing was shown implicating any other person, and although there was no direct evidence against Hill, of the violation and murder, the circumstances were so strong against him, that he was committed to jail in this town, to await the action of the Grand Jury in February next.—Exeter News Letter. HST October 25, 1843, page 79.11

Let any parent, brother or sister, suppose this poor victim to be their child or sister, and think of her in her innocence and helplessness, struggling and crying in vain against the brutal violence of this worse than human fiend, and if every susceptibility of their nature has not ceased to respond to the calls of humanity, his heart must sicken within him at the thought that such a being belongs to our race. They must, in spite of themselves, be filled with indignation at the family, the community, in which such a monster was allowed to hold any sort of fellowship with his species. And yet this is only a specimen of the unnatural and nameless abominations which mark the land and the times in which we live. May the God of all justice and mercy pour so much light upon this case, as to bring the wretch to repentance if posssible, and to deliver society from his presence while time may continue. HST October 25, 1843, page 79.12

And Yet Another.—The Rev. Amos Lefevre, who about six or seven months ago, was charged with the seduction of a young girl, one of his congregation, under most aggravated circumstances, has been tried in Bradford county, Pa., where the circumstances occured, and convicted of administering poison to Miss Woodburn, with an intent to murder her.—He has now a comfortable prospect of a residence in the penitentiary for his outrageous hypocrisy and villiany. HST October 25, 1843, page 79.13

Murder. An exchange says, within the past six months, two hundred and fifteen murders have been committed in the United States. What a melancholy picture of the state of society in this country! HST October 25, 1843, page 79.14

A severe shock of an earthquake was felt at Holly Springs, Miss, a few nights ago, at about two o’clock. Many describe it as being equal to the shocks felt last winter. So says a New Orleans paper of the 3rd instant. HST October 25, 1843, page 79.15

Foreign News


The Hibenia arrived on the 18th. An extra from the Mail office, speaks thus of the state of affairs in Europe. HST October 25, 1843, page 79.16

The political state of Europe seems to be more critical and alarming than it has been for years. An under current of disaffection, long pent up by the force of circumstances, seems to have burst its fetters and is now careering its course onward among the nations—now stealthily creeping along like the silent and insinuating rivulet, and anon dashing over the rocks like the impetuous cataract. In Ireland, the repeal question shakes the country to its centre—Wales, from south to north, is in open rebellion against the laws—Spain hatches a new revolution about once a month—Italy is troubled with intestine broils, and is fast verging upon anarchy—France is hatching conspiracies against the regal power—and Poland is giving unequivocal symptoms that the yoke of the oppression still sits uneasily upon the necks of her people. HST October 25, 1843, page 79.17

Italy.—Bologna continued to be agitated by accounts of the movements of the insurgents who, it appeared, were collecting in guerilla parties in the mountains. Count Radetzky, the military governor of the Lombardo Venetain kingdom, has received authority to place at the disposal of the Sovereigns of Italy 4,000 men in case of need, and to march them on the threatened points. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.1

The Augsbourg Gazette of the 13th instant says that the most contradictory reports are circulated relative to the late insurrection at Bologna. It is rumored that the insurgents are still in such force in the mountains in the direction of Pistoya and De Bagni Della Poretta, that it will require the intervention of a foreign force to dislodge them. In the mean time the Papal Government had sent all their troops against the insurgents. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.2

The Toulonnais of the 4th instant quotes a letter from Naples of the 26th ult., mentioning that symptoms of disorder were beginning to manifest themselves in that capital. The Neapolitan Government was afraid to call in regiments from the provinces, where, it appears, considerable excitement prevailed; but orders had been sent to the four Swiss regiments to repair thither for the festivity of the Madonna de Pie di Grota where an outbreak was apprehended. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.3

Wales.—The impunity with which the Rebeccaites have carried on their war against the tollgates in the south Wales, has caused disaffection to spread through the northern provinces, and the people are evidently awaking to the wrongs and oppressions which they have patiently endured for centuries. In proportion to their success, the Rebeccaites become more daring, and, we are sorry to say it, more vindictive. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.4

Cape of Good Hope papers, to July 2, states that Col Cloete has announced to the Boors, in the vicinity of Port Na-tal, the determination of the British colony, to place it under British laws and rule Every demonstration of aversion and hostility was shown upon this communication, and military precautions have been therefore adopted. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.5

The Agram Gazette says, that the inhabitants of Bihaez in Croatia were about to march against the Pasha, under the guidance of Omer Beg. The cause of this revolt is not stated. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.6

Great activity prevailed in all the English navy yards, orders had been received to fit out for immediate service nearly all the vessels in ordinary. The cause of these movements was a matter of much speculation and inquiry. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.7

The Paris papers state that the sensation created by the agitation of the question of the fortifications of Paris, had not diminished in the least. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.8

On the 18th ult, at Torres, near Jaen, in Spain, an avalanche killed 200 persons and destroyed 42 houses. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.9

The Rev. Dr. Kelley, a Presbyterian minister, is under arrest, at Madaeira, on the charge of preaching to the natives in his own house. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.10

Spain. All the attempts of the government to repress the insurrection at Barcelona have hitherto failed, and their consternation has been greatly heightened by the intelligence that Saragossa had declared for a central junta on the 17th ult. A few of the troops appear to have joined the movement, and General Lopez Banos evacuated the city. The junta reappointed civic authorities that had been displaced. The movement was effected without any violence. Several officers had left Madrid to join the insurgents. General Concha was immediately ordered by the government to proceed to Saragossa to take the command of the army, but Madrid letters of the 22nd ult, state that he had not left that city, that he had, in fact, refused to go. This is a bad sign for the government. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.11

A report that Seville has pronounced wants confirmation. It is the same with Valencia. Valencia and Grenada had certainly declared for a Central Junta. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.12

Madrid was calm at the latest dates. The opposition had triumphed in the metropolitian elections to the Cortes. Various reports were in circulation as to the result of the provincial elections, but it is generally supposed their tendency is anti-ministerial. So rapid, however, appears to be the progress of anarchy, that it is doubtful whether the Cortes, when elected, will ever assemble. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.13

A Senor de la Vega had publicly received a prize accorded to the best poem on the late defence of Seville against Espartero. Mr. Jerningham, British char ge-de’ affaires, was the only member of the corps diplomatique absent on the occasion. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.14

It is confidently italed that the troops employed to put down the Barcelonese, are paid with money advancee to the Spanish government by the French authorities there, on account of the financial distress in which the former was involved. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.15

The Barcelona papers of the 16th, announce that the two Carlists chiefs, Zorilla and Morles, have collected bands, and are devastating the towns of Catalonia, in the names of Narvoen and Christina, who, in their despair, have flung themselves into the arms of the Carlists. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.16

Ireland. The Irish agitation proceeds much as usual, though the speakers at the various meetings, as if emboldened by the passiveness of the Government, have become more daring and violeni in their incendiary harangues. “Look at that arm,” said a Rev. Mr. Cantwell, (happy name!) at a late demonstration at Lismore—“Look at that arm! (stretching forth his right arm.) after the magnificent scene have this day witnessed, I’ll die a death or set Ireland free! this was of course received with “tremendous cheering and waving of hats.” At a dinner which subsequently tock place, this same Rev. Mr. Cantwell assured the guests “that he had left behind him (in his parish) 7,000 persons who would go with him to the mouth of the cannon.” The “Liberator,” who was present, appears to have been somewhat alarmed at this very plain speaking; for we find him complaining that “like the heavy schoolboy on the ice, his pupils were overtaking him. Heretofore his duty had been to excite—it was now to moderate.” Mr. O’Connel may yet find, to his cost, that, though he has been all-powerful to raise the storm, he will be equally powerless to allay it; and that “having sown the wind,” he must perforce “reap the whirlwind.” HST October 25, 1843, page 80.17


No Authorcode

BOSTON, OCT. 25, 1843.

The West


Br.Himes has just returned, in good health, from Cincinnatti, Louisville, and other portions of the West, where he has been laboring for the last six weeks. On Sunday he addressed a crowded audience at the Tabernacle, on the stale of the cause in the various places he has visited. A great interest has been awakened throughout all that region. The candid and thinking are beginning to be aware of the manner in which they have been duped by the falsehoods which have every where been so industriously circulated against us from the pulpit as well as the press; and a large number in that section are hearty friends of the cause. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.18

Brother Storrs remains there to conduct the Western Midnight Cry. Brothers Cook and Stephens are also laboring in that region. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.19

A brother has sent us a copy of the “Christian Guardian,” of Toronto, containing a column or more entitled “A few Anti-Millerisms,” by H. Wilkinson, with the request that we reply to it. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.20

We have carefully read the article but find nothing to reply to. The writer asserts many things but attempts to prove nothing. When some proof is presented in support of the position assumed; or when the evidence by which we sustain our positions is refuted, we are ready to meet the question. But so long as we have only the assertions of the writer which have been repeatedly shown to be fallacious, there is nothing that merits a reply. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.21

Our Friends in Hartford. We have just returned from Hartford, Ct. where we found our friends all firm in the faith, and waiting patiently the coming of the Lord. They have a fine second advent band that meet regularly in a fine hall adapted for their purpose. They have met on the Sabbath, and on nearly every evening for the year past. They have recovered from the effects of the Windsor camp-meeting, and are determined not to be driven from the safe and sure platform of the word of God. Bro. L. C. Collins is with them at present. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.22

We learn by late arrivals from the Pacific, that the English have demanded of the French at the Society Islands, that they resign their claims to the government of those Islands. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.23



To Brother Snow.—We could have gone as you requested, had not your letter been received too late for a notice in the Signs, without which you wrote they would not expect us. We put our paper to press usually on Monday morning. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.24

We are obliged to defer the communication of brother Dewey, on account of its length. We hope our correspondents will study brevity, as our colums are limited. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.25

Letters received to Oct. 21, 1843


From Post-masters

Brownville Me 1; Corinth Me 1; Melville 1; S. Kingston NH; Windsor 1; Johnson Vt 1; Gr Falls NH 2; E Plainfield NH 2; S Hadley Canal Mass 1; Charlotte Me 1; Phillips Me Rochester NY; Deansville NY; Pomfret Ct; N Vassalboro 1; Toronto Canada; Albany, NY; Centre Barnstead NH; Williamston Ala; Rutland Vt 5; Shrewsbury Ms; Mt Lebanon La; Calin Mich; Brimfield Ms 1; Plymouth Pa 2; Exeter NH; Reading Ms 4; Dead River Me l; E Bethel Vt 1; Walpole NH 1; Peru Vt; Schenectady NY 1; Claremont NH 3; Wilmington Vt 1; Low Hampton N Y 1; Killingly Ct. 1; Colchester, Vt 2; Mattapoisette, Ms 1; Mina NY; S Livonia N Y 1; Gr, Falls NH 1; Waldo Me; Fairview Pa 1; Warehouse Pt Ct; Salisbury Ms 2; Augusta Ga 1; Vernon Vt 1; Charlestown Ms. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.26



L Kimball 22; J Pearson 7,50; H Barlow; S S Snow; J M Cobb 5; S Cornell 1; J W Thatcher 6, all right; A Reinhart; J Allen Jr 1; W D Tuller 1; J V H; J C Book; E Farnsworth 5; A Hall 1, less 18 3-4 postage; C T Swan; J J Allen; J S White; J M Dewey 5; J Wolstenhome Jr, all correct; T M Preble 6; S Everett; G G Willey 5; J Turner; W L Carrolton; F G Brown; Lawson Bruce 1, all right; Joshua Roberts. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.27

Bundles Sent


Rev Leonard Kimball, Richmond Vt; J V Himes, 9 Spruce St New York; John Starkweather Brunswick Me, left at Stage House; J V Himes Rochester NY; N Billings, N Attleboro Ms; J M Dewey, Milton Vt; T M Preble Nashua N H; Rev A Palmer, care of C Burgess, Sensset Post Office. HST October 25, 1843, page 80.28

BOSTON: HST October 25, 1843, page 80.29

14 Devonshire Street.

[CD-ROM Editor’s Note: As the first page of all issues has no number on it, the number is assumed to be the number prior to the second page. Since the second page of the following issue (No. 11) is p. 90, the first page has been numbered 89. However, the last page of No. 10 above was 80. Thus it is noted that page numbers 81-88 are skipped at this point in the original. There are not any known pages or content missing.]