Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6

September 27, 1843

Vol. VI.—No. 6. Boston, Whole No. 126

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston.

J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors.
Dow & Jackson, Printers, Boston.



I. The word of God teaches that this earth is to be regenerated, in the restitution of all things, restored to its Eden state as it came from the hand of its Maker before the fall, and is to be the eternal abode of the righteous in their resurrection state. HST September 27, 1843, page 41.1

II. The only Millenium found in the word of God is the eternal state of the righteous in the New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. HST September 27, 1843, page 41.2

III. The only restoration of Israel yet future, is the restoration of the saints to the New Earth, when the Lord my God shall come, and all his saints with him. HST September 27, 1843, page 41.3

IV. The signs which were to precede the coming of our Savior, have all been given; and the prophecies have all been fulfilled but those which relate to the coming of Christ, the end of this world, and the restitution of all things. And HST September 27, 1843, page 41.4

V. There are none of the prophetic periods, as we understand them, that extend beyond the year 1843. HST September 27, 1843, page 41.5

The above we shall ever maintain as the immutable truths of the word of God, and therefore till our Lord come we shall ever look for his return as the next event in historical prophecy. HST September 27, 1843, page 41.6

The Things that are coming upon the Earth


from an english tract, by t. smith, just published

The Midnight Cry is sounded in many parts of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Thomas Smith is a well known Philanthropist. Without any reference to the periods which terminate in 1843, he believes that Christ’s coming is now even at the doors. HST September 27, 1843, page 41.7

“We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light shining in a dark place.”—St. Peter. HST September 27, 1843, page 41.8

But some, in our age, agree not with St. Peter. They say in effect as follows:—“We have also a most uncertain, mysterious, unintelligible word of prophecy, whereunto ye will do well not to take much heed, as it is a dark and cloudy spot in a region where all else is light; set it aside, therefore, till a brighter day shall dawn upon you.” I trust, however, dear reader, that you will be disposed to think St. Peter spoke the truth. If so, I invite you to accompany me, with a steady, prayerful step, and let us glance at things to come. HST September 27, 1843, page 41.9

And it is quite time for such inquiry. More than eighteen hundred years ago, the following words were uttered by two angels, just at the conclusion of the first visit of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” And from this time forward, the apostles devoted all their energies to persuade men “to turn to God from idols, to serve the true and living God, and to wait for his son from heaven.” And on one occasion St. Peter spoke as follows:—“And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you, whom the heavens must receive until the times of restitution of all things.” Reader, have you ever asked what is the meaning of the last words of that sentence; what is meant by the “times of restitution?” You hear of the “times of the Gentiles;” and perhaps you know that these times have now lasted more than two thousand years. But when are the times of restitution? Are they after the end of the world? If not, they of course must be before the end of the world. And if before it, then, what is the meaning of the declaration—“He shall send Jesus Christ, whom the heaven must receive until”—when? till after those times of restitution? till the end of those times? no; but “until the times of the restitution!”—that is until those times arrive. If I should say, that the autumn continues until the times of winter, would you understand me to mean, that it continues until the end of the times of winter? No, that would be until the times of spring. You could not so misunderstand me. Or, if I should say that oppression will continue in the world until the times of the universal establishment of true religion, would you suppose I meant until those happy times shall be ended? No, you would see clearly that I meant, until those times arrive. What means then this declaration of St. Peter, “whom the heavens must receive, until the times of restitution of all things?” HST September 27, 1843, page 41.10

Now there can be no millennium, nor any times of restitution of all things, until the “mystery of iniquity” shall cease to work, and the “man of sin” shall be destroyed. But how is that destruction effected? St. Paul describes it as follows:—“The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God,” but “that day shall not come except there be a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed,—whom the Lord shall consume by the spirit of his mouth, and destroy by the brightness of his coming.” 2 Thessalonians 1:7, to chap. 2:8. Antichrist is to be destroyed, then, by the brightness of Christ’s coming in flaming fire, with his holy angels.—But how then can his coming be at the end of the world? how can it be after the millennium? Can we have a millennium with antichrist in existence, and the mystery of iniquity still working? Impossible! This passage is exceedingly plain, and to the point. HST September 27, 1843, page 41.11

Again, on one occasion the disciples of our Lord asked specially concerning this solemn and great event. When our Lord had said, at the conclusion of his final sermon to the Jews, “your house is left unto you desolate: verily I say unto you ye shall not see me henceforth until ye say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord;” he departed from the temple, and never entered it again.—The Jews, many of whom, some time previously to this, had cried, “Hosanna, blessed is he that cometh,” etc., now took council against the Lord, and they crucified him only two days afterwards. They did not say “Blessed,” etc., during these two days. The disciples, however, appear to have been astonished at the Savior’s words, and as he had also, on leaving the temple, said that it should be destroyed, they said to him as soon as they were alone, “Tell us when these things shall be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, [when the Jews should see him again and say “Blessed, etc] and the end of the age?” 2 Now mark the answer, as recorded by St. Matthew and St. Luke. When their accounts are compared, the sum of the Lord’s answer is as follows:—“When ye shall see Jerusalem encompassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. There shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people, (the Jews) and they shall fall by the edge of the sword, shall be led captive into all nations; and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. And immediately after the tribulation of those days, there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring. Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming upon the earth; for the powers of heaven shall be shaken; and then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. The second advent of the Lord from heaven, then, is immediately, not a “thousand years” after the tribulation which commenced when Jerusalem was destroyed, and which lasts until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled, and then Jerusalem is no longer trodden down of the Gentiles, and then the Jews see the Lord again, and say, “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord,” The popular notion, therefore, that the second coming of Christ is not until after the Millennium, and not is a complete delusion! HST September 27, 1843, page 41.12

And now, dear reader, allow the Bible to pour its light upon your mind respecting these things to come. * * * “Then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven, and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, and he shall send forth his angels,” etc. HST September 27, 1843, page 41.13

Then will all that are alive, and remain unto the coming of the Lord, be caught up to meet him in the air. 1 Thessalonians 4:17. Then shall “two be in the field, etc.; the one shall be taken and the other left.” For “He shall send forth his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds.” Matthew 24:31, 40, and 41. All these. i. e. the elect, will be accounted “worthy to escape all those things which shall come to pass” in the world, immediately thereupon. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.1

“But this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain, will not prevent,” that is anticipate “them which are asleep,” in Jesus.—The dead in Christ shall rise before the living in Christ are caught up. 1 Thessalonians 4:15, This is the first resurrection; and it is spoken of also by St. John. First, he heard in heaven the following song—Thou hast redeemed us unto God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue, and people and nation; and hast made us kings and priests to God and we shall reign on the earth.” But St. John saw these souls once more—“And they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished,” First, it was said, “we shall reign on the earth.” then they lived and reigned with Christ. And St. John tells us what this meant,—This is the first resurrection. This also explains those words of St. Paul, “Every man in his own order, Christ the first fruits, afterwards they which are Christ’s,” not those which are not Christ’s “at his coming.” The rest of the dead live not again until the thousand years are finished. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.2

Consequently, Christ will “judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and kingdom.” Of the quick, he will judge those of them who are worthy to be caught up to meet him, and to escape those things which shall come to pass. And of the dead, he will determine who of them are “worthy to obtain that age, (aionos) and the resurrection from the dead. At the last and general resurrection, those that are accounted unworthy to attain to the first shall also live again, and they shall also be present at the general judgment, which will take place after the thousand years, and at the end of the world. Revelation 20:7-15. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.3

“When the Son of man shall come in his glory,” immediately after that tribulation, etc., “then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory, and before him shall be gathered all nations, and he shall separate them,”—how? “as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats.” “A shepherd, when he divideth his sheep from the goats, calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out,” and “when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him; for they know his voice.” Thus will be gathered together his elect from the four winds. Thus will two be in the field, or in one bed, or at the mill, or on the housetop, the one taken and the other left. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.4

Then comes the punishment of those that are left. See Revelation 16 and 17, etc. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.5

Reader, do you say “This is mysterious?” It is mysterious. But remember, that “in the days of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound,” (and from Revelation 21:15, you will find that he begins to sound just at the commencement of the millennium,) shall this mystery of God be fulfilled.” And all that is mysterious now, will then be clear and plain. Wait awhile! Only BE READY!—and you shall see. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.6

Predictions of these great events were uttered by the mouths of all the holy prophets since the world began.—We repeat this—it is important. Predictions respecting these times of restitution, and this mystery of God, have been spoken by the mouths of all the holy prophets since the world began. Many of them are of course mysterious, otherwise the events would be no longer a mystery. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.7

Such perhaps, are Balaam’s noted prophecy, Numbers 24:15-19; and the “last words of David;” 2 Samuel 23:1-6. (The reader will be richly rewarded for the time it will cost, in turning to all the passages named, and reading them in full.) HST September 27, 1843, page 42.8

The following are brief specimens of these predictions:— HST September 27, 1843, page 42.9

“Wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the prey; for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them my indignation, even all my fierce anger; for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy. For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.” Zephaniah 3:8, 9. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.10

“Behold the day of the Lord cometh; and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle. Then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations. And the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with him.—And the Lord shall be king over all the earth; in that day there shall be one Lord, and his name one.” See Zechariah 14. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.11

“Behold in those days, and in that time when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah to Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations. Let the heathen be wakened and come up to the valley of Jehosaphat; for there will I sit and Judge all the heathen round about, for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision; the sun and moon shall be darkened, etc. Then shall Jerusalem be holy. And it shall come to pass in that day that the mountains shall drop down new wine,” etc. Joel 3. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.12

And now, dear reader, ponder the tremendous scenes that are fast approaching. There is already on earth, unusual distress of nations. The coming of the Lord draws nigh. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven; and then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. Then will the dead in Christ be accounted worthy the first resurrection, and then will the living in Christ be changed, and caught up, and thus escape the things that will come upon the earth. Then will the “Man of Sin” be taken and destroyed. Then will the “seven vials full of the wrath of God” be poured upon the earth.—Then will the vine of the world’s wickedness be “cast into the great winepress of the wrath of God.” Then will the whole earth be devoured with the fire of His jealousy: and then will He turn upon those who escape, a pure language, that they may serve him with one consent. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.13

Dear reader, these things are fast approaching. They may be close at hand. Oh, dream no longer of an intervening thousand years. Hearken! what is that cry? “Behold the Bridegroom cometh—go ye out to meet him.” This cry has already been raised in a thousand different and distant towns, in various nations, and it is echoing swiftly round the world. Dear reader, are you ready? Let me exhort you, without delay. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.14

1st, Give up yourself into the hand of your great Creator. Turn to him. Cease to do evil. Pour out your soul to God. Implore his mercy. Behold the Lamb of God, and let him take away your sins. He is gracious still. Venture upon his mercy. Be assured that he will not deceive you. Believe, believe, and live! HST September 27, 1843, page 42.15

2nd. Rest not without an abiding, satisfactory evidence that your transgressions are forgiven. You may, and you must know your sins forgiven. As you would be saved make sure of this. Beware of delusive hopes, and dangerous uncertainty. By all means have your light burning. Forfeit your life rather than your communion with God. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.16

3rd. Turn away from the world. It is doomed. Have done with it, and all its vanities and cares. You must look away from it, or it will draw you down to death.—Look upwards. Lean on your Savior only. Lean there, and you are safe. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.17

4th. And then strive to glorify your God with all your powers. If you have property, devote it instantly to God. Prepare for the appearing of the Lord. Send your treasure and your heart to heaven. Try also to save the souls of all around you. Instruct, rebuke, entreat, warn and invite. Scatter the seeds of truth, and light, and life on every hand. In short, be dead unto the world and sin. Live in God. Live in heaven. So shall you be filled with consolation, and blessed with great success. And when the Lord descends, you shall be deemed “worthy to escape these things that shall come upon the world,” Be it so. Amen. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.18

Letter from President Shannon


Last spring, Pres. Shannon of Harrodsburg, Ky., was invited to be present at our meetings. In his reply he makes some suggestions which are too good to remain unpublished. Though they have lost their freshness, they have not lost their value by having been kept back so long. He says:— HST September 27, 1843, page 42.19

“Great good might be done by a judicious address, intended directly and mainly to prove, that there will be no Millennium (if the Bible be true) till the Lord comes. It is so easy to demonstrate this, and to show the many absurdities involved in its denial, that by beginning to build on this foundation, you can with great facility stop the mouths of gainsayers, and open the eyes of the honest, but deluded, to see that they have been taught by sectarian priests, to believe dogmas directly opposite to the uniform teaching of Jesus Christ, and of the apostles and prophets. HST September 27, 1843, page 42.20

I would also suggest, that great care should be taken on this, as well as on every other subject, not to preach opinions for faith. In believing and teaching that for which we can find a plain ‘Thus saith the Lord,’ we cannot err, unless God can lie. But there are ten thousand ways in which the strongest minds are liable to be misled (because they are fallible and ignorant at the best) so soon as they begin to draw their own inferences. By neglecting this distinction, the body of Christ has been wickedly torn and rent into (I had almost said) a thousand fragments; and I know not but that even good men may have been ignorantly involved in this dreadful business. From what I have read of the writings of the Second Advent brethren, I rejoice to think, that they are far in advance of their sectarian neighbors in this respect, and having got their minds disenthralled from a slavish subjection to the traditions of the Elders, I trust they will go on to grow in grace and in knowledge, until the Lord comes. I am anxious above all things, that they should not compromise so good a cause by dogmatically teaching as a matter of faith, that for which they cannot produce a plain, thus saith the Lord. ‘The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord.” HST September 27, 1843, page 42.21

Sincerely yours, in the blessed hope of the glorious appearing, etc., James Shannon. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.1

Harrodsburg, Ky., May 3rd, 1843. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.2

Letter from S. Goodhue


Bro. Bliss.—The article last week entitled “New Earth” by brother Merriam, I have read with interest, and in most of the views agree with him, but in some particulars I have some objections to make. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.3

He says of the New Jerusalem “This in my judgment is the church in its glorified state.” This he says is evident from the fact that in Revelation 21:9, the angel calls John to view the bride the Lamb’s wife, which we all understand to be the church;” and in the 10th ver. is presented under the emblem of the most precious and beautiful city. Now I do not so understand the angel—but instead of this I understand the city itself to be compared to a bride. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.4

In the 2nd verse, John saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband, i. e. like unto a bride prepared and adorned. For whom is this city prepared? Hebrews 11:10. For Abraham looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for he hath prepared for them a city.—Revelation 21:3. Then John heard a voice out of heaven saying the tabernacle of God is with men. Query, can this be the church glorified? It is true the angel promised to show him the bride the Lamb’s wife, but did he say he would show him nothing else, and because he next speaks of the city and sees it descending out of heaven from God must we conclude of course that the city is the church? Would not the city itself, as the habitation of the bride probably first attract his admiration and notice? HST September 27, 1843, page 43.5

The brother says it is built upon the foundation of the apostles.—What is built on this foundation? Do the scriptures say that the city is? Ephesians 4:21. Paul says to his brethren that they are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the chief corner stone, but I do not see as this has any thing to do with the city. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.6

Revelation 2:14. We learn that the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb,—not that they themselves were the foundations. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.7

And the nations of them that are saved shall walk in the light of it, not in their own light but in the light of the city which will be God and the Lamb. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.8

Was it the glorified church for which the patriarchs sought, where it is said they sought a city which hath foundations? HST September 27, 1843, page 43.9

Can this be what is meant by the promise in Revelation 3:12, where the Savior says, I will write upon him the name of the city of my God, New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God? HST September 27, 1843, page 43.10

True, as the brother says, the prophetic writings are symbolical, but I can not in this instance regard his metaphorical exposition as “consistent with scripture and sound reason.” HST September 27, 1843, page 43.11

I know it requires faith to believe that God will really prepare for us a city. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.12

But is not he who is able to raise the dead and fashion our bodies like Christ’s glorious body able to do this also? Yes, blessed be God, I believe the saints will occupy a literal city 1500 miles square, which will be the great emporium of the New Earth—the city of the Great King, as he has promised; and I hope, dear brother, by his abounding grace, through faith in his word, we shall soon enter in through the gates into the city, and have right to the tree of life where nothing shall enter into it that defileth, or maketh a lie,—but they which are written in the Lambs book of Life. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.13

Boston, Sept. 14. 1843. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.14

Letter from C. Green


Dear Br. Bliss:—In the providence of God I am still an inhabitant of this sin cursed world—a pilgrim and a stranger. But thanks be to our Father in heaven, I am looking for a better country, even an heavenly, and a glorious city, whose foundation-builder and maker is God. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.15

For two months past my health has been very poor, so that I have not preached but a very little, not more than one half of the time on the Sabbath. My labors during the last winter were so arduous, that human nature failed under them. For a short time past my health has been gradually improving, and I hope (if time continue,) that in a few weeks, I shall be restored to health, and be permitted to labor till our blessed Savior shall come to deliver his faithful ones from the corruptions, perplexities and cares of this wretched world, and introduce them into the new earth, wherein righteousness shall forever dwell. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.16

There are a multitude in this region of country who are looking for the glorious appearing of the Savior, and whose lives are (as far as I can learn,) consistent with their profession. Conferences have been held often since last spring, which have been well attended, and have been blest to the comforting of such as love the appearing of their Redeemer. During the last week a conference was held at Hinesburgh, and brethren from 30 or 40 miles distant came with hearts filled with the spirit; we had a precious season, and one soul we hope was converted to God. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.17

At the present time a conference is in session at Morristown, which I am unable to attend, and on the 14th of September, (if time continue) we expect to commence one in Richmond, and by comforting one another, and arousing the careless and leading them to Christ, we intend to wait till he comes. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.18

Since my health has been poor, so that I could not perform as much labor as I have previous, some have been diligent in informing the public that I had given up my belief in the near approach of the Savior, and was at the present expecting the conversion of the world, through the instrumentality of the preached gospel. This is all false, a device of Satan, to discourage those who are expecting that the Savior will soon come; and I would take this opportunity to say to the wide world that my faith in the speedy coming of Christ, is as strong as ever—my hopes were never brighter than they are now; I do expect that sometime between now and next spring, that I shall see the Lord Jesus coming in the clouds of heaven to gather his redeemed people. It may be that he will not come till after that; none of us claim infallibility; we may be in an error, and if so, time will prove for our opponents, what they could not prove for themselves, and we will wait patiently till he comes, thanking God that we have been amongst that number that rejoiced in view of his coming, rather than mourning because we were not of that number that were opposed to the precious truth. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.19

I cannot see why the last prophetic periods do not expire within a few months; our opponents have failed in their efforts to show that they do not. Therefore, I must needs say to a sleeping world, “Behold he cometh.” HST September 27, 1843, page 43.20

To all that love the appearing of Jesus, I would say,—be firm and undaunted as the iron bound coast of the ocean; let not the smiles of the world allure you; let not its frowns dishearten you; but be patient, prudent and long-suffering as becometh those who wait for their Lord. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.21

A few more trials and he who is our life, will appear and we shall appear with him in glory. Even so, Amen, come Lord Jesus. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.22

Yours in hope of the glorious appearing of Christ, and a blissful immortality this year. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.23

Colchester, Vt. Aug. 30, 1843. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.24

Prayer.—Let me give myself unto prayer, not to the occasional, or stated repetition of the form of prayers—but to that labor of soul for God’s blessing upon myself, and my fellow men, which will insure an answer—to that devotion which keeps the soul active, vigilant, wakeful, in expectation of the blessing. How blessed and useful is the man who does this. How different is it from that intermittent, and inconsistent worship which characterizes the great mass even of professing christians. It is an absolute devotion to God—a devotion which has wonderful influence in moral government. God regardeth such prayer. He will never deny Himself, by failing to give it the richest returns. O, what a life of circumspection and energy would be breathed in the Church, if all the members gave themselves unto prayer.—Oberlin Evang. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.25

We have just received from England “The Nottingham Review,” containing two columns extracted from Bro. Litch’s Prophetic Expositions. It appears by an accompanying paragraph, that the same paper has extracted from the same work before. At the conclusion, the editor says: “The intense interest this subject excites throughout the United States, is our apology (if an apology be needed) for inserting in the Review, the views on this subject of our trans-Atlantic friends.”—Midnight Cry. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.26

A word in love.—Reformers stand as much in danger as anybody, of falling into what Mr. Wesley calls “sour godliness.” They are peculiarly exposed to this, from the opposition which they meet from those who differ with them, and the numerous obstacles in their way. Faith in God, and a persuasion of the divine presence and protection, alone can save them Reformers must be something more than philosophers—they must be Christians, endued with Christ’s spirit, having a loving, sympathetic heart, or their cold theorizing dogmas will be cold logic, and their repulsive sourness scatter instead of gathering friends to their cause. In these days of reform, we are in danger of reforming out of our “first love,” a secession the most of all to be deprecated. Methodist Reformers and Abolitionists should see to this. We should have emphatically a reformatory spirit—a spirit that not only converts men to justice, mercy, and humanity, but to the love of God: a spirit that converts men’s souls.—Ib. HST September 27, 1843, page 43.27


No Authorcode

J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors.
Dow & Jackson, Printers, Boston.

“The Lord is at Hand.”


“The New Earth.” Reviewed


An article appeared in No. 4, of the present Vol. of the Signs of the Times, with the above caption. There is much in the article to admire, and some things very exceptionable. The great difficulty which we as Adventists have had to meet, is, the loose system of spiritualizing the Scriptures, into which the church has fallen. A prominent rule of interpretation, indeed one from which we should not depart, is, that the language of the Bible is to be understood in its most literal acceptation, unless there is something in the nature of the subject itself, or in the text and context, which goes to show that it is symbolical. In such a case, we shall always find that symbolical language clearly defined in the Bible, and that interpretation should always be sought and applied, and not a random conjecture of its import be given. HST September 27, 1843, page 44.1

The exceptionable part of the article in question is as follows:— HST September 27, 1843, page 44.2

“The mansions of the redeemed being now fitted for their reception, the next view presented was the descent of the New Jerusalem. This, in my judgment, is the church in its glorified state. This is evident from the fact, that in the 9th verse, the angel calls him to view the bride, the Lamb’s wife, which we all understand to be the church. In the 10th verse, she is presented under the emblem of the most precious and beautiful city of which we can conceive. The materials of which it is constructed, are the most costly, brilliant, and enduring in the universe, beautifully symbolizing the preciousness and purity of God’s jewels, as also their immortality. Its form, like the “holy of holies,” was a perfect cube; which may represent its numerical completion—its vast dimensions show that it is a multitude which no man can number; its entire symmetry may represent the harmony of the blest—its radiant beauty, their moral excellence—and its imposing grandeur, their exaltation in the kingdom of glory. It is built ‘upon the foundation of the apostles;’ and its 12 gates represent the 12 tribes of the spiritual Israel: and it is encompassed with lofty and impregnable walls; for salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks. On the sounding of the last trump, the righteous will ascend to meet the Lord in the air; here they will be secluded in their secret chambers ‘until the indignation be overpast.’ Isaiah 26:20. Then shall the descent of the New Jerusalem take place, however it may be interpreted; and O, with what ineffable glories is the bride enshrouded in her descent from God out of heaven. Who would not wish to have a portion there? Look at the city, radiant with gold, sparkling with gems, as it shines forth in the splendor of everlasting day. The throne of God and of the Lamb is in it This shows their entire submission to God, and consecration to the Savior. Again, the Lamb is the light thereof; thus all the wisdom and glory of the church emanate from him.” HST September 27, 1843, page 44.3

How, with the strong arguments adduced by the writer of the above, in favor of a literal interpretation of the New Heavens and Earth, such a sudden and violent transition from the literal to the mystical system could be made, is unaccountable. HST September 27, 1843, page 44.4

Let us look more carefully at this extract. HST September 27, 1843, page 44.5

“The mansions of the redeemed being now fitted for their reception the next view presented, was the descent of the New Jerusalem. This in my judgment, is the church in its glorified state.” HST September 27, 1843, page 44.6

The argument is this:— HST September 27, 1843, page 44.7

“This is evident from the fact, that in the ninth verse, (Revelation 21:9.) the angel calls him (John) to view the Bride, the Lamb’s wife, which we all understand to be the church.” HST September 27, 1843, page 44.8

Our correspondent may understand the Bride, the Lamb’s wife, to be the church; but we do not “all” so understand it. But we do, some of us, understand it to be just what John was shown; “that great City, the Holy Jerusalem,” composed of just the materials there described.— HST September 27, 1843, page 44.9

1. Because, both at the beginning of the description in Revelation 21:5, and in the end of the description, 22:6, we are told “these words are true and faithful,” and “these sayings are faithful and true.” The description, then, is not symbolical, but literal. HST September 27, 1843, page 44.10

2. Because the saints will be Christ’s children, then, and not his wife, or Bride. Hebrews 2:13.“Behold, I, and the children which thou hast given me.” HST September 27, 1843, page 44.11

3. Because the New Jerusalem is to be the mother of those children of Christ. Galatians 4:26. But Jerusalem which is above is free, and is the mother of us all. That Jerusalem cannot be at once the mother and the children. HST September 27, 1843, page 44.12

4. A woman, a mother, is a figure of frequent use in the Bible, to represent a city. Thus, Matthew 23:37. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee, how oft would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, but ye would not.” Here, Jerusalem, the city itself, is considered the mother, and her inhabitants, her children. So also in the 54th chapter of Isaiah, Jerusalem is the mother, (the New Jerusalem) and the redeemed saints, her children; the Lord her husband. See also, the book of Lamentations, and many places in the prophets. HST September 27, 1843, page 44.13

5. The Bride is called a city, its dimensions, its form, its materials, its construction, its gates, the manner in which it is lighted, who are its inhabitants, its trees and bowers, are all described with the utmost precision. HST September 27, 1843, page 44.14

6. The city is named and described in intimate and close connexion with what is manifestly, and according to our correspondent’s own showing, most literal—“The New Heavens and the New Earth.” Admit the license to spiritualize according to the fancy of each interpreter which is there assumed, and we may bid an eternal farewell to all hope of arriving at any just and stable principles of interpretation. HST September 27, 1843, page 44.15

The prevailing notion of the church, that Jerusalem signifies the church, is the door through which a flood of mysticism has poured itself upon us. It remains, as yet, to make out one clear case from the Bible, where Jerusalem is thus used, either in the Old or New Testament. The term is always used to represent either the old Jerusalem, that was, and is, or the New Jerusalem, which shall come from heaven, on the new earth. The same remark is also true of the terms Zion, Mount Zion, etc. J. Litch. HST September 27, 1843, page 44.16

Philadelphia, Sept. 18th, 1843. HST September 27, 1843, page 44.17

The Boston Baptist Association met in this city the 20th ult. From the returns of the various churches connected with the association, it appears there has been considerable falling off in numbers and interest the past year. There appeared in the reports of the churches a disposition to ascribe this result to the adverse influence of “Millerism.” HST September 27, 1843, page 44.18

Now we wish to have it distinctly understood, that wherever in any church the doctrine of the Advent, and the believers in the doctrine have been treated with common fairness, such churches have exhibited a state of general prosperity; but where ever this doctrine has been opposed, and believers in the doctrine silenced, the state of things exhibited in the reports of this association have invariably followed. During the past year a war of extermination has been waged against the Advent doctrine by some of the prominent members of this association; so that many of their most spiritual members have been driven from their communion, and the result is as stated in their reports. HST September 27, 1843, page 44.19

Three years since, these same churches made a report of a general revival, and in many instances ascribed the result to the preaching of this doctrine. The letters from the churches in Cambridgeport, Watertown, and Littleton, where is now reported the greatest moral dearth, then distinctly stated, that Mr. Miller’s labors were chiefly instrumental in the revivals in those places; and the association itself resolved that the clerks be requested to publish with the minutes of that association a particular account of the revivals that year. Then the doctrine of the Advent was received with special favor, and the result was such that this association resolved that it was worthy of record and devout thanksgiving. Now this same doctrine is proscribed in those churches, they have no revival, and the state of religion is so dead and cold, that one of the members, of the association stated they were frozen together; and it was a subject of discussion in the Association, whether they should not withhold from the public, even a digest of the condition of things among them, it was so unfavorable. HST September 27, 1843, page 44.20

A friend suggests that by this backward progress of religion in these churches the past year, it might be ascertained by the rule of three, just how long it will be to the millennium. If fifty churches in one year, exclude twice as many as are added to their numbers, how long will it take them at this rate to evangelize the world? HST September 27, 1843, page 44.21

The Hartford Christian Secretary, has a long article on the fanaticism attending the Bridgeport Campmeeting. We would ask Bro. Burr, if it would not be an act of justice to state in connection with it, that such doings are entirely discountenanced by us and by the Adventists generally? HST September 27, 1843, page 44.22

The article states that “Millerism is the hot-bed in which the exotic is nurtured and grown.” Then was the Reformation the hot-bed in which the fanaticism of that day was nurtured; so was Christianity the hot-bed in which the excesses grew, against which the apostles warned the primitive church; and so is religion ever the hot-bed in which all fanaticism germinates. A hot-bed that will not produce some weeds will not produce any good fruit. The tares and wheat will grow together till the harvest; and where the spirit of the Lord is, the devil will be with his counterfeits. Br. B. knows very well that this argument would be as good against the Baptist, and every other evangelical denomination, as against those of the Adventists. Their operations in spite of the most judicious efforts, and to the pain of the servants of God in these branches of the church, have been accompanied by these extravagances; and the absence of the exotic may at the present time be as much a call for sorrow as for pride and censoriousness. The devil may be too well pleased with their condition to tempt them with fanaticism. He has but little choice whether men are frozen or burnt up, if any thing he prefers the frost where nothing can grow, but in the torrid zone there is sure to be something valuable amid the luxuriant herbage. HST September 27, 1843, page 44.23

The Rev. Mr. Litch, a Millerite parson, has written a letter to Himes’ Times, in which he prays heartily for the editor of the Olive Branch, because we have expressed an opinion that God will visit uncommon wrath upon such men as Himes, for the misery his delusions have inflicted on the people. We more than ever believe such men will have rest upon them heaven’s most fearful curse. We however thank Litch for his prayers, but repeat our warning to Himes. HST September 27, 1843, page 45.1

The above is a leaf from a branch of the wild olive tree, and which is, like the fruit of that tree, a falsehood. The coals of fire to which its owner refers, were heaped on his head by Bro. Fitch. HST September 27, 1843, page 45.2

Faith in the Earth


“Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh shall he find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8. The present day is distinguished for a great lack of faith, even among the professed children of God. Among the people of the world we do not look for faith; but how little removed is the church from the world in point of true faith? How little trust in God we find; and how little reliance in his word. We find very little of such faith as Abraham had, who staggered not at the promise of God, but was strong in the faith fully believing that what God had promised, he was also able to perform. At the present time the great mass of the church make reason the modifier of revelation, that is, all those predictions that do not square precisely with the preconceived views of any, are at once rejected as contrary to reason, and in their place are substituted the vagaries and fancies, which such may believe their reason teaches is the figurative and spiritual meaning of such predictions, although such interpretations are often directly the reverse of the express letter of God’s word. HST September 27, 1843, page 45.3

This scepticism of the church not only prevails to an alarming extent; but we find very little of that pure and undefiled religion of which the apostles spake—that religion that visits the widow and fatherless in their affliction, and keeps itself unspotted from the world. The religion of the present day is a popular religion. The church courts the world, and the world courts the church; and they move on hand in hand in perfect harmony. Such is not the religion of the Bible; it is separate from the world, and partakes not of its spirit. HST September 27, 1843, page 45.4

The prophets, apostles, and the pious of former days sought to obey God, and trusted that he would accomplish all his purposes. They did not trust in any of their own means to advance or retard the work of the Lord. But how is it now? Gigantic measures have been set on foot to christianise the world, which God has said shall not be christianised. These objects, good in themselves, and by which great good have been accomplished, have nevertheless become great idols, which thousands are worshipping, who are trusting in them to regenerate the world. Yes, helpless man has gone so far as to calculate how long a time it will require for man to extend a knowledge of the Lord over the whole earth. It is as much idolatry to worship any of the instruments by which the condition of man can be ameliorated, as it is to worship a heathen deity. God will not permit his glory to be given to another. He is able to accomplish by his own unaided arm all his pleasure: if he sees fit to make use of means to accomplish his will, we must not regard them as the means of man, for he is equally able to work without means. HST September 27, 1843, page 45.5

It is this substitution of the worship of institutions and societies for the true God, and the fancies of the human understanding for the plain declarations of the word of God that has been the means of diminishing the faith of the church; and this tendency is rapidly on the increase. When once man has departed from the straight and narrow path, his first deviations are hardly noticed, but soon he makes bolder and bolder digressions until all resemblance between his present and original course is obliterated. The digressions of the church are neither few nor far between; with this worship of means and men, and perversions of scriptures, nothing but the coming of the Lord will prevent the most rapid deterioration. The resurrection of the literal body is now to a great extent denied, as is any immediate coming of the Lord; and thus the church is fitted, if time were to continue, for the spread of the principles of Neology and rationalism on the one hand, and Romanism on the other, till the fairest fields of Zion shall be desolated. Well did our Savior inquire if he should find faith on the earth at his coming. HST September 27, 1843, page 45.6

More Lies


Till lately, since the Millerite doctrine came into such bad order that even the ragged news-boys themselves turned up their noses at it, the Signs of the Times depended almost entirely for its circulation upon its sales in the street. And to make it as attracting as possible and to ensure its sale, the paper was ornamented with divers wood cuts representing animals which could have only existed in a diseased imagination, for there never was any resemblance to them in the heavens above, on the earth beneath, nor in the waters under the earth.—Olive Branch. HST September 27, 1843, page 45.7

It is enough to say that the above is from the Olive Branch. The editor of that paper considers it uncandid in us, that we should have considered it a “very religious paper.” It disclaims ever to have been exclusively a religious paper. We confess that we should never have supposed it was such, from any of the reading matter we have seen in it; and we can only have been led into such an error from seeing the word Rev. prefixed to the name of each of its editors. HST September 27, 1843, page 45.8

Assault.—Dr. J. H. Mathews, of Painsville O., who embraced our views under the preaching of Bro. Fitch, was here three weeks since, having been to the Springs for his health. We learn by the Buffalo Com. that on his return, when within about five miles of that city, in the rail road cars, in the night, he was suddenly stabbed in the right side between the 5th and 6th ribs, by a deranged man, with some unknown instrument, and now lies in a critical state at the Buffalo House. Hopes are entertained of his recovery. The man who accompanied the insane man was also somewhat injured. When these antimillerites become so insane as to be dangerous companions, they ought not to be permitted to travel in rail road cars with peaceable citizens. HST September 27, 1843, page 45.9

That alters the Case.—2 Corinthians 11:18.—“Seeing that many glory after flesh, I will glory also.” “For I suppose I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles,“ HST September 27, 1843, page 45.10

It is surprising what a change is at once made in the talents and standing of an individual, in the eyes of the community, on his embracing the doctrine of the Advent. He may previously have stood first in popular favor, and been courted and flattered by all; but the moment he makes an acknowledgement of the truth, he is in the eyes of his former admirers only an ignorant Millerite. HST September 27, 1843, page 45.11

It is well known that the preachers of ministerial associations are appointed one year previous. Thus at the last annual meeting of the Portsmouth Baptist Association, Bro. F. G. Brown was appointed to preach the sermon at the coming meeting; and also at the last annual meeting of the New Haven Baptist Association, Bro. J. B. Cook was appointed to preach the Missionary sermon at the coming meeting, and Bro. M. Batchelor his substitute. Then, all three stood high in the respect and affections of the Baptist church; but now they are all looking for the coming of their Lord, and none of their late admirers are found so poor as to do them reverence. HST September 27, 1843, page 45.12

In addition to the above we learn that Bro. Galusha, of Lockport, N. Y., preached at the last commencement of Hamilton College, and did justice to the Advent doctrine. And also Bro. A. Chapin, of Jamestown, N. Y., preached the annual sermon before the Harmony Baptist Association, in Chautauqua county, the present month. His subject was the nearness of the judgment. HST September 27, 1843, page 45.13

Interesting letter from Connecticut the windsor campmeeting


We commend the following letter of brother Collins to our readers. He was on the ground and witnessed the lamentable scenes enacted. We are glad to see that this evil spirit is thus met in the outset. HST September 27, 1843, page 45.14

Dear Brother Bliss.—I embrace the earliest opportunity of giving you some account of our campmeeting at Windsor, Ct., which commenced on the 13th, and closed the 20th. Many good things might be said of this meeting. God was there, souls were converted to Christ, his people blest, and truth triumphed gloriously over error. But with unmingled grief I have to state that we found a spirit developing itself among us, which we are perfectly satisfied is not of God, but directly opposed to the letter and spirit of his word. It is no new thing, it has been trying to graft itself upon the meek, and gentle, and unassuming, and rational, and consistent religion of the Bible in every age since the days of Christ. It is leaving the great highway of truth cast up by Moses and the prophets, by Christ and the apostles, and seeking after, and following frames and feelings and bodily exercises, and mere impulses, and impressions, clear on into the wilds of enthusiasm, and frantic fanaticism. It is with the deepest grief that we witness this strange fire mingling itself with the pure and unadulterated spirit of truth, which has hitherto held the possession of the hearts and minds of some of our dearest brethren and sisters in Christ. I weep as I dwell upon the causes which have made it incumbent upon me to perform a duty which may deeply wound the feelings of some of my kindest friends, and cause them to regard me as one that is opposing the work of God in the operations of his spirit. But I love these dear brethren as ever, and even more than before this I was aware of; I have no opposition in my heart against any way God may choose to work, I care not a farthing what the world may say of me or of the cause in which I am engaged, but I do feel that God’s truth, and a love of souls require me to speak out, and to speak plainly, to speak decidedly—and my prayer is that it may be received, as it is given, in all kindness. HST September 27, 1843, page 45.15

An idea seems to be obtaining, among a few at least, that strange things are to be seen in the operations of the Holy Spirit in these last days. That his gifts of discerning of spirits, of prophecying, of healing of the sick, etc., are to be received or bestowed upon the church as in the apostolic days, before Christ makes his Second Advent. And that it is the duty of Christians to seek, and obtain these gifts. Now I do beseech these dear brethren to pause here at once, and let this thing alone, for I do feel that this is wide of the mark, is leading souls out of the way. If it is God’s will again to bestow these gifts, we shall have them, there is no mistake, it is his sovereign act, and we need not go out of our way to seek after them. When God has granted these, it has been to establish his truth. He gives men all the evidence they need, but never any that is superfluous. He has both in Old and New Testament times, wrought signs and wonders by the hands of his servants to establish his truth. This truth is now established. The words of Christ, Mark 16:17, 18, have had a fulfilment as we are expressly told in verse 20. St. Paul plainly tells us in 1 Corinthians 12:28-31, that these gifts were not possessed by all thatbelieved,” even in his day. And so far from exhorting them to pray for them, he turns their minds away from these, and shows them a more excellent way. Assuring them (chapter 13th, 8th,) that these must cease, when that which is perfect is to come. We now have the perfect establishment of the gospel as a true witness, it has now grown up to be a man, and needs no longer these things as once to support it, and it has put them away, while faith, hope, charity abide; these three, but the greatest of these is charity. Here now is the great royal highway of love thrown up by Christ and his apostles, and if we walk in it, God will surely bestow upon us every thing which will be for our good or his glory. God is love. Seek then to be filled with God, in his way he has plainly directed us, but in no other. This is the fulfilling of all the law and the prophets. If we have left this to seek for particular frames and feelings, and exercises, be assured the devil has got the advantage, and in the end we shall find our censer filled with some strange fire. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.1

We have seen enough in some few instances to convince all if we will listen to the Bible or reason, that any other course is evil, and only evil. Look at those who have claimed the gift of discerning of spirits. By one of them, an individual is sealed over to damnation, but by another the same individual is sealed over to salvation. The same person has sealed me over to damnation, and then to salvation, alternately several times. Now I ask, is this of God? No! No!! it is the spirit of the Devil, or the ravings of the maniac. Look too at their wildness of appearance, their denunciatory spirit, sending every body to hell that does not fellowship them to the very extent. Is this the mild, the gentle spirit of the Lord Jesus, which does not behave itself unseemly, is easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality? They have prophecied too, declaring out of their own mouths that such and such things would take place at such and such a time, all of which proved false. These things I would not so much as mention, lest the daughter of the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph. But they have occurred, and gone out to the world, and we take this course to enter our solemn protest against them. We have no lot nor part in it, and warn every one else against it. It may be enquired why we did not put this down in its very first commencement? We were well satisfied of its character at the commencement of our meeting, and went prepared to guard against it. But so many were contending that it was all of God, that such a course could not safely have been taken, until it had ripened itself into such bitter fruit, and even some were found cleaving to it. It is a most difficult matter to manage it right, to know when and where to shut down the gate. For the most pious are likely to become its subjects, and more so than any others. If the devil cannot prevent their coming up to the work, he will try and push them beyond it. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.2

And persons may run into this delusion by too great and protracted efforts, going without rest or sleep, or food, until the nervous system gives away under it, and if not checked, is liable to run into confirmed insanity. Two cases of this kind took place several years ago in the neighborhood where I was brought up. The same would result from any other excitement. I am well satisfied that God is not the author of these things—that these unaccountable exercises, to some at least, are the result of natural causes, that the nervous and mesmeretic principles of nature have far more to do with it than the Spirit of God. So far from being sought after, they are to be guarded against and looked upon rather as an evil, than a blessing. I do believe in loving God with all the heart, of being free from sin, and fulfilling the righteousness of the law, having the mind of Christ, and filled with the spirit, and having all its fruits divinely manifested in our lives, which are love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. Against such, glory be to God, there is no law. Let it not be thought that the above is a description of our meeting; O no, bless the Lord there is a bright side we might give. This was only a noxious worm that had commenced knawing the leaves upon the outer branches, but which if permitted to propagate would destroy the tree. But God has shaken it off, and enabled us to crush it under foot. The following lecturers present, wished with me to enter their protest against them. Brother Tilden, of Palmer, brother Hawkes, of Springfield, brother Stoddard, of Glastenbury, brother Kent, of Suffield, brother Bachelor of Wallingford, and brother Brewer, of Brooklyn, N. Y. We are now standing on the rock, believing what Daniel, and Christ, and Job have told us, and expecting daily to see our Lord. O blessed hope. Come Lord Jesus, come quickly, amen and amen. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.3

L. C. Collins.
Hartford, Sept. 22nd, 1843.

Foreign News


The Caledonia arrived on Wednesday last, bringing foreign news to the 4th inst. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.4

The affairs of Greece appear to be in a most deplorable condition. So heavy are the exactions of government that they amount almost to a prohibition of trade. The people are absolutely in want of bread, and a letter from Athens says they are worse off than during their struggle for independence. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.5

There are reports via. Constantinople of another rebellion in Servia. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.6

The French Journals contains accounts of a battle which had taken place on the 25th ult., between Abdel Kader and Oued-Aman, which terminated in the repulse of the Emir. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.7

The Montieur contains a despatch from General Bugeaud, announcing that after a great number of razzias and engagements he had succeeded in procuring the submission to Generals Lamortciere and Bourjoley, of the Flitas, a tribe of 40,000 strong. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.8

The Augsburgh Gazette says:—The Turkish population of Priedow, in Bosnia, and its environs, have risen, and are marching in arms against the Pacha, who keeps himself shut up in the fortress of Banjalaka. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.9

The Semaphore de Marseilles contains a letter from Constantinople of the 27th ult., in which it is affirmed that a Russian military force had invaded the Ottoman territory, under the pretext of preventing a collision between the people of Kapolet and Gouriel. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.10

Robberies are of frequent occurrence in the north and east of Spain. Traveling is exceedingly dangerous without a strong guard. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.11

The troubles in Wales still continue, notwithstanding the strong military force called there to overawe “Rebecca and her Daughters,” The work of destruction goes on whenever a toll-house or gate is left unguarded. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.12

“Repeal” seems to hold its own in Ireland. One of the English papers says the first movement towards the actual election of a Parliament will be followed by the indictment of all the leaders for “treason.” HST September 27, 1843, page 46.13

The Constitutional gives the following, from its correspondent at St. Petersburgh:—“An effective force of 120,000 men, with 160 cannon, has been collected on the line of the Lower Danube, and the fleet in the Black Sea has received orders to be in readiness for service. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.14

The Alger and Jammapes ships of war arrived on the 30th ult. in the port of Tunis. Several other ships were then expected. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.15

Troubles in the Roman States.— HST September 27, 1843, page 46.16

Says a letter from the Roman States, giving an account of the troubles which have arisen there,—It seems that an insurrection was prepared for the month of August in Sicily and Naples, as well as in the Legations. The King of Naples had, however, taken every precaution. He has sent a number of troops to Sicily, and has taken steps to fortify Messina and Syracuse. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.17

Letter from J. Spaulding


Brother Bliss.—I would communicate a few lines through your paper, that my friends scattered abroad may know the cause that I have not continued to travel and lecture on the second advent at hand as formerly, and that they may understand my faith to be still firm in the soul cheering doctrine. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.18

I continued to travel till last April, had journied within 15 months, some 2500 miles. I had much of the time delivered two lectures on week days, and usually three on the Sabbath. My brethren in the ministry have generally been ready to participate in the labors for the salvation of souls, and many of the laity have not been backward in helping on the blessed work; and thanks to God for his rich blessings which have crowned our efforts. I have had the privilege in the time of burying by baptism nearly 200, and other administrations in all, where I have lectured, as many more But at the close of my travels, I found my feeble constitution much reduced; hence some rest from my toils had become very necessary. HST September 27, 1843, page 46.19

My companion became quite ill, which rendered it inconsistent to leave, if nothing else had prevented; but she is recovered, and my health some improved; for which I would be very grateful to God for all mercies. I am now on my way homeward from a visit among my relatives and friends in Chelmsford. Found a few advent believers there, gave six discourses, some of which touched on the second advent. Found a little band of advent believers in Westford, happy in the love of Christ. I gave a number of lectures on the advent theory and sanctification, which were followed by appropriate exhortations. I am now undecided whether I shall soon return to those towns, agreeably to the desire of a number, or spend my time in Me., in visiting the fields of labor, where I traveled last year. I leave it with the Lord of the vineyard to dictate. I would remark that on my way from Me., I gave a lecture, agreeably to request, on board the steam-boat Splendid, on the scene of the last day, while the passengers generally gave good attention. One afterward observed that he had long desired to hear on the subject, but never had the privilege before. Probably others might have before listened to the soul awakening subject. I hope some of the slumbering virgins were aroused, as well as the wise comforted. Yours in Christian fellowship. Joel Spaulding. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.1

Boston, Sept. 19th, 1843. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.2

“The Bible must give way to Feeling.” If this is not infidelity, then we know not what is infidelity. Rosseau, a noted French infidel said, “I have only to consult myself, concerning what I ought to do. All that I feel to be right, is right. All that I feel to be wrong, is wrong. All the morality of our actions lies in the judgment we form of them.” There is a great and fearful amount of real infidelity in the churches of our country. It is the first principle in the creed of every Evangelical denomination that the word of God is the only infallible rule of faith and practice. If it be the rule of faith, it is evidently not the rule of practice. What multitudes of professing Christians in their daily conduct have an eye to nothing but their feelings; they set up feeling as the infallible standard of duty! It is a most reproachful and lamentable fact that many who seem to think they are almost if not altogether exclusive possessors of vital religion, have no higher rule of action than infidels. Reader, if you doubt whether such is the fact, just open your eyes and ears, see and hear the daily conduct and conversation of professing Christians. Says one, I will go onward in this and that duty if I feel to. Another will not read the Bible, pray in secret, and in the family, nor go to the communion table, because he does not feel like it. In this marvelous age, we will not be surprised at the fact that Christ is followed so little, when the wonders of feeling are followed so much? When will there be an end to these wonders? How long till the professor of religion rises to a higher rule of morality than the infidel? HST September 27, 1843, page 47.3

More of Southern Morals.—We find an exhibition thus advertised in the New Orleans Picayune. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.4

Jackass, Dog and Bull fight, at Gretna.—The public is most respectfully informed that a fight will come off at Gretna on Sunday, the 13th inst. at 4 o’clock, P. M., between a wild Attakapas bull and some bull dogs, also, a fight between a jackass and some dogs. Admission 30 cents. Persons bringing dogs to fight will be admitted free. Ten dollars reward will be paid to the owner of the dog that whips the bull. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.5

The Romish School Question.—In the city of Newark, N. J. the Roman Catholics are demanding a separate portion of the public school funds. The demand has been denied by the Common Council. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.6

Philadelphia.—A late number of the Philadelphia Saturday Courier says:—“We pause in despair of being able to record half of the dreadful accidents and occurrences that have taken place during the past week in our city; and were we to do so, our sheet would present more the appearance of a battle-field or wounded hospital-ward, than the cheerful and instructive journal we intend it to be.” A “city of brotherly love,” truly. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.7

Rise and Fall of the Mediterranean Sea.—A singular phenomenon appeared in the harbor of Valetta, in the Mediterranean, on the 2nd ult; the water suddenly rising to the height of three feet, overflowing the works of the new dry dock; it almost immediately fell five feet and a half; during this period a very strong current was running out of the harbor, which the boatman could scarcely stem. It is supposed this circumstance must have occurred through some earthquake at a remote distance. We hear that at Tripoli, in Barbary, several shocks have been felt. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.8

St. Paul’s Labors.—Paul became all things to all men, that he might save some. Did he think that all men were to be saved? Surely not. He says by the space of three years, I ceased not to warn every day and night with tears. What would people now think to see a Universalist preacher crying by the year together, because people are going to Heaven, as fast as death can carry them.—Morning Star. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.9

Fitted for destruction.—There is an awful meaning in the passage found in Romans 9:21. The latter part—‘vessels of wrath fitted for destruction.’ It is in the original ‘made up for destruction.’ What can be better adapted to give us an idea of the utter and hopeless ruin of the finally impenitent? The sinner first unfits himself for receiving the truth of the gospel, and the influences of the Spirit, and then proceeds to make himself up for destruction. And when he is fully prepared, when he has accomplished his determined purpose, when he is ‘made up’ for it, destruction comes. Not only the openly vicious, profane, licentious, intemperate, rejecters of the gospel, but all who misimprove the providences of God, all who delay the work of repentance, all, all who do not at once give up their hearts to the service of God, are fast making themselves up for destruction, and will soon go down to destruction together. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.10

“Pause ere you ridicule a man for his opinions, particularly upon religious points. The man who truly believes is not to be laughed at, while the lunatic is only to be pitied, and the hypocrite despised—neither are to be ridiculed. Touching other points, be very sure that your own judgment is sound before you indulge in satirical humor upon the opinions of another man; for the humblest of us are apt to think ourselves wiser than we are, and the best of us may be mistaken.”—N. O. Picayune. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.11

Letter from J. Weston


Dear Brother Bliss:—I have lately bestowed considerable thought upon the opening of the sixth and seventh seals, and I think that Bro. Miller and others have not got the right interpretation of them. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.12

The events under the sixth seal are, by many, referred to the French revolution, but I think without sufficient authority. It appears to me that the events spoken of in Revelation 6:12-17 were to be literal. We know that there were several great earthquakes in years preceding 1780, in which year the sun became black as sackcloth of hair etc. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.13

Revelation 6; 13, is a vivid description of the shower of meteors of Nov. 1833. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.14

The 14th and remaining verses are in my view, yet to be fulfilled at Christ’s coming. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.15

It seems to me that the kings of the earth, and the great men, etc, hiding themselves in the dens and rocks, and calling on the mountains to hide them from the wrath of the Lamb, does not mean, as many suppose, to hide them from the French Revolution. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.16

The seventh seal will I believe be opened at the second resurrection. About the space of half an hour (Revelation 8:1.) I suppose will be perhaps 7 days, in which the devil will be marshaling his ranks for the proposed battle of Revelation 20:8; and I have no doubt but the devil will expect a battle and expect a victory. He will probably tell his army, “You know I succeeded in drawing. Adam and Eve away from God. I brought sin and death into the first world; and if I, single handed, could destroy the power of the first earth, such a mighty host as we now have, can succeed in taking the new renovated earth out of the hands of Christ and so frustrate the whole plan of salvation, and then let God help himself if he can.” HST September 27, 1843, page 47.17

While the devil is thus preparing, it appears to me will be “the silence in heaven. Revelation 8:1. The saints will not be preparing to fight themselves, nor will they be singing the song of Moses and the Lamb; but they will stand still and see the salvation of God. See Exodus 14:13, where we find the type and antitype, with this view, to agree perfectly. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.18

I might follow out this more, but you want your correspondents to be short; so I close, hoping that these hints may be of service to the cause. Yours etc. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.19

New Ipswich, N. H. Sept. 14, 1843. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.20

Brother I. R. Gates


If all laborers in our great cause imitated the example of this brother, we should have still more reason to be thankful, and we believe more good would be done. Wherever he goes, besides sowing the seed, with a liberal hand, he obtains subscribers to the Cry, that the excellent contributors to its columns may continue to preach when he is gone. We hope others will do likewise. In his last letter enclosing $2, he says,— HST September 27, 1843, page 47.21

Level Corner, Sept. 8th 1843. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.22

Dear Bro. Southard.—I have just closed my course of lectures at White Deer Valley. I found much opposition and prejudice to contend with in that place, arising from the slanders and falsehoods that have poured through the corrupt channels of different papers that are published in our land. But I succeeded in getting a good hearing. Much prejudice was removed, and very many seemed to be solemnly impressed with the near approach of the blessed Jesus. I hope to see some fruit of my labors in eternity. My health is now good I was enabled to give four lectures last Sabbath. When I look back on the year past, and see how providentially ordered has been my course, I feel overwhelmed in love and gratitude to my Heavenly Father. HST September 27, 1843, page 47.23

When I first embraced the faith of my near coming Lord, I was very much afflicted with the complaint commonly known by the name of Bronchitis in my throat. But, thank the good Lord, I have been enabled the last year to give about 360 lectures in different parts of the country on this soul-cheering subject. I have rode through many storms, and have been much exposed, yet my health never was better than at the present time. My throat is almost if not entirely well. The Midnight Cry is read with much interest in this country. The last paper cheered my heart beyond what tongue could utter.” HST September 27, 1843, page 48.1

We learn from a letter received from James Perrin, who is captain of the canal boat, running between Albany and Buffalo, some very interesting facts. After relating the manner in which he was lead to an examination and a belief of the truth of the Lord’s speedy coming, which was first by hearing a minister denouncing it, he relates some interesting facts in reference to some emigrants from Norway, who took passage with him from Albany to Buffalo. He says:—“Three of the number could speak English. I spoke to them concerning the coming of Christ this year, and asked them if they had heard any thing on the subject in their own country. They asked if it was Mr. Miller’s prophecy. I told them it was so called. They then said that almost every paper among them, last fall and winter, had more or less to say on the subject. I then showed them the Chart I had on board. The moment they saw it, they said they had seen it in their own country.” HST September 27, 1843, page 48.2

To what an astonishing extent has this unutterable subject spread, and with what rapidity has not This Gospel of the kingdom of heaven at hand been well-nigh preached in all the world, as a witness.? THEN shall the end come.—Mid. Cry. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.3



Second Advent Camp Meeting
At Exeter, N. H

A Second Advent Campmeeting will be held at Exeter, N. H., in a pleasant grove about 2 1-2 miles from the village, on the road leading to Dover, on the same ground occupied by the Methodists the present month. The meeting will commence on Tuesday, Sept. 26th, and continue one week. Brn. Miller, Cox, Marsh, Cole, Jones, Hervey, Haselton, Stockman, Churchill, and other efficient lecturers, are expected to attend. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.4

Passengers will be conveyed from Boston, Lowell, Portland, and the intermediate towns, at half the usual prices. Lecturers and preachers will be furnished with tickets by the committee. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.5

A large boarding tent will be provided for the accommodation of those who cannot furnish their own tents: but it is recommended that all who can, to bring their tents with them. Companies who wish for board and tents, can be furnished by addressing a line to the chairman of the committee. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.6

Board on the ground at $1,50 to $2,00 per week, 37 cts per day, and from 17 to 25 cts for a single meal. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.7

As the meeting will continue over the Sabbath, the cars will leave Portland and Haverhill in the morning and return in the evening. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.8

Brethren and friends are earnestly invited to attend the meeting. For Com. S. SWETT Chm. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.9

Sept. 7, 1843. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.10



There will be a Second Advent Tent Meeting, if time continues, in Londonderry, N. H. about ten miles from Nashua, and two from Derry village, a few rods south of the road leading from Nashua to Derry, and about 11 miles from Plummer’s tavern, on the land of Br. Rapha Nevens. There will be a tent sufficiently large to hold the congregation, connected with the dwelling house and barn, with stoves and other accommodations to suit the weather. It is expected that our brethren will bring their provisions, beds and cooking utensils. There will be board provided for those who cannot bring any with them, on reasonable terms. Brethren Hazelton, Eastman, Jones, and Preble, are particularly requested to be present, and all other lecturer are invited to attend. Meeting to commence Oct. 10th, and continue one week. Per order of com. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.11

JOHN CRAIG, Chairman. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.12

Londonderry, Sept. 15, 1843. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.13



By previous arrangement the brethren in the vicinity of West Haven, Vt. met in said place on the 19th inst., and organized by choosing bro. Jones, Chairman, and A. G. W. Smith, Secretary. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.14

Voted, That we believe it will advance the cause of the Redeemer and the interests of his kingdom to hold a Second Advent Conference in this vicinity. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.15

Voted, That said meeting be held in the village of Castleton, commencing Oct. 12th. The following individuals were chosen a committee in the several towns to use their exertions to bring together a large company of those who love the doctrine of the glorious appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. For Castleton, brn. Smith, Graham, and C. Stephens.—Benson, Martin and Williamson.—Hubbarton, Br. Balis and Dea. Ruseque.—Westhaven, S. Fields and B. Fields.—Orville, L. Wilcox and H. Squaires.—Fair haven, Gilbert and Rinney,—Hampton, N. Y., D. Bosworth and W. S. Miller.—Rutland, N. G. Howard and H. Horsford.—Pittsford, J. Dike. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.16

Arrangements have been made to secure the services of Brn. Miller, Cole, and Jones, and it is confidently hoped that Br. Himes and others pill be present. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.17

Per order of Com. A.W. SMITH, Sec. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.18



There will be a Second Advent Conference, if the Lord Will, in Kingston, Mass. to commence Oct. 5, and continue one week. The meeting will commence on Thursday, at 10 o’clock A. M. in a suitable place in the village. The brethren and friends in the neighboring towns are invited to attend. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.19

North Wrentham, Sept. 21, 1843.

Letters received to Sept. 23


Note.—Post Masters are authorized to send money for publications gratuitously; also to order and stop papers. Subscriber’s names, with the State and Post Office, should be distinctly given, when papers are ordered or discontinued. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.20

We find that some of our subscribers suppose our terms are $1 per year. They are $1 for a volume of 24 numbers, (6 months.) HST September 27, 1843, page 48.21

From Post-masters


Newcastle Me 1; Cornish Flat 1; W Needham Ms 1; Thetford Vt; N Y Mills NY 1; Lansingburg; Centre Sandwich N H; New Ipswich, N H 1; Hartford Ct 1; Cincinnati O; Holden Ms 1, end of Vol. 6; Quincy I11; Gaysville Vt; Whitehall N Y 1; Windsor, Vt 1; Mason N H 1; Exeter N H l; Goodwin’s Mills NY 2; Williamantic Ct 1; Detroit Mich. 1; E Falmouth 1; Huntington Ct 2; Salisbury Mass 1; N Market; Sutton NH; Westboro’ Ms 1; Derby Line l; Palmer Depot 2; Massena NY 1; Northfield Ms l; Mobile Ala; S Reading Vt; Hartford Ct; Lewisville SC; Eastport Me; Wadley’s Falls NH 1; Hinsdale N H 1; Oquawka Ill 1; Hartford Ct, all right; Bellingham Ms 5. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.22



L C Collins; C Green, with box; John P Allen, not received; E C Galusha; S B Scott 1, all right; G W Shephardson 1; Jos Furbush 2; A R Brown 1: Jas Gordon, your paper and the other two are marked paid from April 12 to this week, and sent to Guilford PO; if there was a bill sent, there must have been another paper sent to some other office. Will you inform us at what office your paper is received, and the number on the margin of the bill? S Rowley, Williams Thayer 10; N Branch; L C Fuller; E K Robinson 2; L F Sikes 1; A L Burgess; LC Collins 3. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.23

Bundles Sent


L C Collins Windsor Campmeeting; J V Himes N York 2 boxes; to J V Himes Rochester; L C Fuller Athol, a bundle. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.24



The following Works are printed in the following cheap periodical form, with paper covers, so that they can be sent to any part of the country, or to Europe, by mail. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.25

The following Nos. comprise the Library. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.26

1 Miller’s Life and Views.—37 1-2 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.27

2. Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.28

3. Exposition of 24th of Matt. and Hosea 6:1-3. 18 3-4 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.29

4. Spaulding’s Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.30

5. Litch’s Address to the clergy on the Second Advent.—18 1-4 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.31

6. Miller on the true inheritance of the saints, and the twelve hundred and sixty days of Daniel and John.—12 1-2 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.32

7. Fitch’s Letter, on the Advent in 1843.—12 1-2 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.33

8. The present Crisis, by Rev. John Hooper, of England—10 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.34

9. Miller on the cleansing of the sanctuary.—6 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.35

10. Letter to every body, by an English author, “Behold I come quickly.”—6 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.36

11. Refutation of “Dowling’s Reply to Miller,” by J. Litch.—15 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.37

12. The “Midnight Cry.” By L. D. Fleming. 12 1-2. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.38

13. Miller’s review of Dimmick’s discourse, “The End noi Yet.”—10 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.39

14. Miller on the Typical Sabbaths, and great Jubilee.—10 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.40

15. The glory of God in the Earth. By C. Fitch.—10 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.41

16. A Wonderful and Horrible Thing. By Charles Fitch. 6 1-4 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.42

17. Cox’s Letters on the Second Coming of Christ.—18 3-4 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.43

18. The Appearing and Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. By J. Sabine. 12 1-2 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.44

19. Prophetic Expositions. By J. Litch. Vol. I.31 cts.—20, “ ” “ ” Vol. II. 37 1-2 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.45

21. The Kingdom of God. By Wm. Miller. 6 1-4 HST September 27, 1843, page 48.46

22. Miller’s Reply to Stuart. 12 1-2 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.47

23. Millennial Harp, or Second Advent Hymns. Price 121 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.48

24. Israel and the Holy Land,—The Promised Land. By H. D. Ward. Price 10 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.49

25. Inconsistencies of Colver’s ‘Literal Fulfilment of Daniel’s Prophecies,’ shown by S. Bliss. 10 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.50

26. Bliss’ Exposition of Matthew 24th. 121 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.51

27. Synopsis of Miller’s Views. 61 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.52

28. Judaism Overthrown. By J. Litch. 10 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.53

29. Christ’s First and Second Advent, with Daniel’s Visions Harmonized and Explained. By N. Hervey 183 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.54

30. New Heavens and New Earth, with the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. By N. Hervey. 121 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.55

31. Starkweather’s Narrative. 10 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.56

32. Brown’s Experience. 121 HST September 27, 1843, page 48.57

33. Bible Examiner, by George Storrs. 183 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.58

34. The Second Advent Doctrine Vindicated,—a sermon preached at the dedication of the Tabernacle, by Rev. S. Hawley, with the Address of the Tabernacle Committee. pp. 107. 20 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.59

35. A Solemn Appeal to Ministers and Churches,—especially to those of the Baptist denomination. By J. B. Cook. 10 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.60

36. Second Advent Manual, by A. Hale. 183 HST September 27, 1843, page 48.61

37. Millennial Harp, 2nd Part. 121 cts. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.62

38. The Chronology of the Bible. By S. Bliss, 61 HST September 27, 1843, page 48.63

This Library will be enlarged from time to time, by the addition of new works. HST September 27, 1843, page 48.64