The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7

July 24, 1844

Vol. VII. No. 25. Boston, Whole No. 169

Joshua V. Himes



NEW SERIES VOL. VII. NO. 25. Boston, Wednesday, July 24, 1844. WHOLE NO. 169. HST July 24, 1844, page 193.1




J. V. Himes, S. Bliss, & A. Hale, Editors. HST July 24, 1844, page 193.2

Terms.—One Dollar per Volume, of 26 Numbers. Five Dollars for 6 Copies, Ten Dollars for 15 Copies. HST July 24, 1844, page 193.3

All communications for the Advent Herald, or orders for Books or remittances, should be directed toJ. V. Himes, Boston, Mass,” post paid. HST July 24, 1844, page 193.4

Post Masters are authorized by the Post Office Department to forward free of expense all orders for, or to discontinue publications, and also money to pay for the same. HST July 24, 1844, page 193.5

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Yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry. HST July 24, 1844, page 193.7

A little while and Thou wilt come
With all thy saints, again
To bring the ransomed nations home—
To break the captive’s chain.
And now, methinks, the angel throng
Their joyful anthem’s sing;
The harpings swell heaven’s height along,
To thee, Redeemer, King!
HST July 24, 1844, page 193.8

Now interceding, thou wilt give
Remission full and free;
The souls that turn to thee shall live,
Their portion thou wilt be.
More precious far than aught below,
Thy priceless treasures are;
From thee the living waters flow,
Thou “bright and morning star!”
HST July 24, 1844, page 193.9

Thou hast for all the weary, rest—
Whose hope is stayed on thee;
Thou hast prepared a mansion blest,
From earthly sorrows free;
And thou wilt wipe the burning tear
From out the grief-worn eye;
And pain and woe, and every fear,
And “death itself shall die!”
HST July 24, 1844, page 193.10

Thou blessed Word, we praise thee still,
That thou wilt soon return;
We’ll patient wait thy holy will,
And all thy teachings learn.
So gird us in the tarrying hour—
We faint not by the way;
Endue us from on high with power,
That we may watch and pray. E. C. C.
HST July 24, 1844, page 193.11

Prof. Gausisen on Papacy


The following is the Preface by Mr. Bickersteth, which is prefixed to the English edition of Prof. Gaussen’s discourse, which we published a few weeks since in the Herald, and which we have now in a pamphlet form. HST July 24, 1844, page 193.12

“Never did the Church of Christ more need all the armor which God has provided for it against the apostacy of Rome, than it does at this time. There is a great revival of the mystery of iniquity. This might justly have been anticipated. Its fall is to be with violence, suddenness, and at once. We may expect that as Jezebel of old, just before her destruction, painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out of her window, hoping to win her enemies by her deceitful charms, so her true antitype, Popery, will now put on all its show and attractions. It does so everywhere. It is bringing forth all its fictions with more than wonted zeal and earnestness. It cannot indeed conceal its tyranny; the decree against the Jews at Ancona; the imprisonment of Dr. Kalley at Madeira; the efforts now making in France, still help to prove its identity with the apostacy that has a mouth that speaks great things, and wears out the saints of the Most High. HST July 24, 1844, page 193.13

The most remarkable feature in popery at present, is the working out of those false principles to which it has adhered, and the shameless profession of them in the face of Europe. The worship of the Virgin is gloried in from the Pope to the humblest priest. The cruel atrocities of past ages are sanctioned and perpetuated in the medals to this hour re-struck and sold from the mint of Rome. The ultra-montanism of popery, its extreme principles, are now the prevailing principles in all papal kingdoms. It shrinks not from the avowal of its past abominations. Recovering from the wasting effects of the vials that have hitherto marked the divine displeasure, Babylon rebuilds her towers, that the last vial of wrath may show the nations of the earth, by the greatness of her fall, that great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. HST July 24, 1844, page 193.14

The destruction of the papal clergy in France wonderfully prepared the way for the triumph of the Jesuits. The clergy stood by their king against the Pope. Professor Ranke observes, speaking of the time of Louis XIV and Innocent XI., ‘It has ever been a maxim of the French court to control the papal power by means of the national clergy, and the national clergy by means of the papal power.’ But the following extracts from Professor Michelet’s address, given in the Protestant Magazine for March, will show the fallen state of the Gallican clergy, and the towering ambition of the Jesuits, those devoted adherents of the Pope, and bitter enemies of the truth as it is in Jesus. HST July 24, 1844, page 193.15

‘Where, then, are the clergy of France? Where all those parties who were the life of society under the Restoration? Extinguished, dead, annihilated! What is become of that little Janseuism—little, but so vigorous? I search, and I find it only in the tomb of Lanjuinais. Where is M. de Montlosier? Where are our loyal Gallicans who desired the harmony of Church and State? Disappeared. They have abandoned the State which forsook them. Who shall dare, in the present day, to say he is Gallican, to call himself by the name of the Church of France! HST July 24, 1844, page 193.16

The timid Sulpician opposition (little Gallican) however, is itself destroyed, with M. Frayssinous. St. Sulpice is comprised in the little teaching of the priests, in the routine of the seminary, leaving the world to the Jesuits. It is for their pleasure, St. Sulpice seems to have been created, as long as the priests are educated there, they have nothing to fear. What could they desire better than a school which does not teach, and which has no desire to teach? The Jesuits and St. Sulpice exists now very well together; the compact is tacitly made between death and the grave. HST July 24, 1844, page 193.17

That which they do in these seminaries, which are quite closed to the law, is only known by the nullity of its results. Their books of tuition are superannuated books, trash, abandoned everywhere else, and inflicted only on the unfortunate young priests. It is astonishing that they go forth from thence strangers to knowledge and to the world! They know from the first step that they carry forth nothing that they should; the most judicious are silent; an opportunity of shining prominently presents itself, the Jesuit arrives; as the envoy of the Jesuits, he takes possession of the pulpit; the priest retires. And it is not, however, the talent which is wanting, nor the heart; but all is at present against them (the priests). They only know it too well; and this feeling contributes also to lower them in their own estimation. Thought ill of by the world, ill-treated by his own party, the parish priest (behold him walking in the street) goes dejectedly, often with a timid and more than modest air, taking willingly the edge of the pavement. But would you see a man? Behold the Jesuit pass! Do I say one man? Many in one alone! The voice is soft, but the step is firm. His step proclaims, without his speaking, I am called legion. Courage is an easy thing to him who feels within himself an army to sustain it, who, if compelled, looks to himself to defend it, and to that great body of Jesuits, and through a whole world of titled persons, and of fine ladies, who, in case of need, would move the world for him. He has made the vow of obedience—to rule, to be Pope with the Pope, to have his part in the great kingdom of Jesuits spread out into every kingdom. He attends to its interest by secret correspondence in Belgium, in Italy, in Bavaria, in Savoy. The Jesuit lives in Europe, today at Fribourg, to-morrow at Paris; the priest lives in a parish, in a little damp street as long as the wall of the church; he resembles only a miserable, sickly plant which is placed in a window. Behold these two men at work. And first let us observe on which side this pensive person will turn who arrives on the grand place, and who appears to hesitate. To the left, that is the parish church; to the right is the house of the Jesuits. On the one side what shall we find? An honest man, a man with a heart perhaps under that rough and awkward exterior. The priest carries the law and the decalogue as a weight of lead; he is slow, full of objections and difficulties. You speak to him of your scruples, he adds to them still more; your affair appears to you bad, he finds it very bad. But go into that adorned Italian chapel; though it will be a little sombre, fear not; enter, you will be very quickly reassured and relieved. The Jesuit priest will assure you your case is trifling: you find there a man of spirit. Do you speak to him of the law? HST July 24, 1844, page 193.18

The law may reign there below, (with the priest), but here,’ he would say, ‘reigns grace, here the sacred heart of Jesus and of Mary. The Virgin is so good. 15 HST July 24, 1844, page 193.19

There is, [original illegible], a great difference between the two men. The priest is bound to maintain a proper deportment, by his Church, by the local authority who is under authority, and in the situation of a minor. The priest fears the cure, and the cure the bishop. The Jesuit fears nothing. His order demands only the advancement of the order. The bishop has nothing to say to him. And where, in the present day, will be the bishop over-bold enough to doubt that the Jesuit may not be himself the rule and the law? The bishop offends him not; on the contrary, he obliges him. It is by the bishop that the Jesuits hold the priests in subjection. The Jesuit may now say to the priest, “Take care, priest. Wo be to you, if you stir. Preach little, never write. If you write a line, without any form, we can suspend you, interdict you, without giving any explanation; if you have the impudence to demand it, we shall say, ‘An affair of laws.’” It is thus with the priests as if they were drowned with a stone about their necks. HST July 24, 1844, page 194.1

The progress of these men of death will, we hope, be stopped. With them the day is entombed. They go about like spirits of the night and of darkness. Why, while we sleep, they have, with stealthy step, surprised the people in a defenceless state, the priests, the women, and the religious houses. It is hardly conceivable how many simple-minded people, how many humble brothers, charitable sisters, have been thus abused; how many convents have opened their doors to them, deceived by their soft tones; and now, having gained admission, these men speak decided, and keep the inmates in fear, who smile tremblingly, and do all that they are told. We find they have organized a great body, over which they exercise complete control. Every poor corporation (missionaries, lazaristes, and benedictines also,) has been obliged to take the name of the order. And now all these are as a great army that the Jesuits boldly lead forth to the conquest of the age. What an astonishing thing, that in so short a time they have united such forces! However high an opinion we may have of the ability of the Jesuits, we could not have foreseen such a result.’ HST July 24, 1844, page 194.2

The learned professor thus replies to the objection that the cry of alarm was raised too soon. ‘Was it too soon when, renewing that which had not been witnessed for 300 years, they employed the sacred pulpit to defame persons, and calumniate them before the altar? Was it too soon, when, in the province where there are most Protestants, they struck Protestants to death? Was it too soon, when they formed immense associations, one of which alone in Paris numbers fifteen thousand persons? You speak of liberty? (Addressing the Jesuits.) Speak then of equality. Is there equality between you and us? You (the Jesuits) are the leaders of formidable associations. We (the professors) are isolated men. You have 40,000 pulpits from which you can make the priests speak willingly, or against their will; you have many thousand confessionals from whence you move families: you hold in the hand that which is the base of the family, and of the world. You hold the MOTHER: the child is only an accessory. Ah! what will the father do when she rushes in distracted, and throws herself into his arms, crying: ‘I am lost!’ You are sure that on the morrow he will give up his son. 20,000 children in your smaller seminaries? 200,000 immediately in the schools that you govern! Millions of females who act only for you! And we, what are we, in the presence of such mighty forces as you can command? A voice, and nothing more, a voice to cry to France. It is warned now, that it may do that which it wishes. It is warned now, that it may see the net-work with which they have thought to seize it sleeping.’ HST July 24, 1844, page 194.3

It has been sarcastically said by one whose labors have unhappily tended to remove the bulwarks of our Protestant faith (though we are sure from his own writings that he meant not so), that ‘some of the Reformers, with more zeal than knowledge, determined that the Pope must be Antichrist; and as the Pope did not suit the terms of the prophecy, they resolved that the terms of the prophecy should be so interpreted as to suit the Pope.’ I am persuaded a deeper knowledge (and such a work as Elliot’s Hora Apocalyptica, in three volumes, just published, is well calculated to help in attaining deeper knowledge) will assuredly prove that the Pope is the Antichrist so largely predicted both in the Old and the New Testament, and that our Reformers in this respect had more knowledge than their reprover. HST July 24, 1844, page 194.4

I rejoice, therefore, to introduce to the reader, Mr. Gaussen’s vivid and lively description of the character of popery, as exactly corresponding to the great features given us by the prophet Daniel, between two and three thousand years since. Fresh illustrations of the prophecies bearing on this subject, are greatly needed, to meet the inroads upon the Protestant faith, which rashness of exposition and multiplied differences had occasioned, and to give the Church of Christ a firm hold of the sure lamp of prophecy. It gives me much pleasure to say, that my dear friend, the Rev. T. R. Birks, has prepared a larger and more comprehensive exposition of this prophecy, in a work to be entitled. “The Four Prophetic Empires and the kingdom of Christ,” and that it will be published about the time that this appears. HST July 24, 1844, page 194.5

Thanks be to God, that the attention of the Protestant Church is thus calling to that part of the Divine armory, which is especially strengthening to us in resisting the mighty enemies who oppose the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and calculated also to awaken those enemies themselves to the fearful perils to which they are exposed! Let us hate Popery more and more; let us love, and pity, and pray for, and seek to enlighten Papists more and more. Let our zeal be the zeal of love, and not of bitterness; of patient labor and not of angry strife; of bold and faithful testimony to the truth, in the spirit of real kindness, and not of eager contention for the triumph of party, or of any private opinions. Our cause is the cause of truth and love; it promotes the glory of God and the true welfare of all men. Let us then, according to the very spirit of our holy religion, overcome evil with good; and in all our contentions, let us remember the threefold means to which Mr. Gaussen alludes, by which we gain the victory over our great enemy Satan: they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb—and by the word of their testimony—and they loved not their lives unto death. HST July 24, 1844, page 194.6

Using these means, and waiting for the coming and kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, our final victory is sure. His eternal glory will soon and abundantly recompense all the trials which the faithful witnesses of Christ may shortly be called to endure.” HST July 24, 1844, page 194.7

Edward Bickersteth.
Walton Rectory,
Herls, March 30, 1844.

Letter from Bro. J. Pearson


Dear Bro. Himes—It becomes my duty to inform you of the death of our dearly beloved Bro. Stockman, which took place on Tuesday, the 25th of June, about 5 o’clock P. M., leaving a widow and three children, with a large circle of relatives and friends, who sorrow not as others which have no hope, believing that when Jesus comes He will bring him with him. HST July 24, 1844, page 194.8

About a year and a half ago he received an invitation from the Second Advent brethren to move his family to Portland, and labor more particularly with them, when his hearth would admit. He accepted the invitation, and consequently made Portland his home, although at times he labored in some of the surrounding towns. His faith in the glorious and animating hope of the immediate coming of Christ gave him great consolation through his sickness, and was strong to the last. He said, just before he died, that time looked so short to him, that there seemed to be no time between him and the resurrection. HST July 24, 1844, page 194.9

Our Hall not being convenient, the funeral services were performed in the Park street meeting house, which was offered by the 2nd Unitarian Society, and to whom we wish to express our gratitude for their kindness. Bro. Richmond preached the sermon, after which, Bro. Martin made some very appropriate remarks. We firmly believe that this year his sleeping dust will arise to the resurrection of life, and from the hand of Jesus receive that crown that fadeth not away: the crown which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, will give at that day to all that love his appearing. HST July 24, 1844, page 194.10

Yours in glorious hope,
John Pearson.
Portland, July 5th 1844.

Letter from Bro. C. P. Whitten


Dear Brethren—We have gained an interesting crisis’ Of all the periods in the history of God’s true church; this period to me is the most solemn and interesting. We have been of all others the most favored, and yet the most disappointed generation of any preceding. I say favored, because God has permitted us to “know,” from his unerring word, that we are the “generation” that shall behold the fulfillment of the last of the cluster of prophetic wonders’ Favored, in that God in his mercy has so ordered that almost the entire civilized world have been strewed with Bibles, that we might “search” into “these things” for ourselves. Favored in that God has permitted us to live in that period of the world when “knowledge is increased,” that we might be endued with capacity to “understand,” and apply “these things” according to truth: that we ourselves might be prepared for the glorious day, and also be the humble instruments in the hand of our Father, of bringing others to the Light, that they, too, might be prepared with pleasure to meet the Coming One. Favored, because we have the best of reasons to expect that “we shall not all sleep;” but, by perseverance, a “little while,” we shall be “changed,” (translated,) in the twinkling of an eye, and who, oh, who, like Elisha, as he saw Elijah “going up,” cried, my Father, My Father! I say, who, as the saints “go up,” in heavenly triumph, “with the band of music” filling the air with its angelic hallelujahs: as the saints are wafted to the arms of Jesus, who will cry, then, my Father, my Father! The chariots of the Lord, and the horsemen thereof. Oh! the trumpet has sounded, and the saints are “gone up!” “Lord, Lord! open unto us!” Oh! that I could now find Him!—But the arrow is flown; and the saints are gone, the saints are gone! we are left!! HST July 24, 1844, page 194.11

We have been a disappointed generation, in nearly the same way that Moses was, when he went to his brethren, the Children of Israel, supposing that they knew that God by his hand would bring them out with a mighty hand. But he met with a disappointment, for he had hard work, after all his miracles, to make them understand anything about what God was going to do for them, and in consequence of unbelief, they could not see the Land!—So with us, after having seen the “signs in heaven above,” and in the “earth beneath;” those unaccountable and miraculous displays of the Divine Power, according to the prediction of “our Prophet,” which bids defiance to all “vain” or human philosophy; we, like Moses, have gone forth to our brethren, with all confidence that they would know, or believe, that after the complete fulfillment of “these things,” all of which have been seen; how that, at the “voice of the Son of God,” a glorious deliverance would be effected. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17.—They knew little, and cared less, about it! We were disappointed, even many times unto tears.—Some of our brethren would not hear it! We were disappointed at this! for we began to fear that they did not love the Master, or the “Land.” They would close their synagogues against us; we were disappointed, for we knew, if they loved Jesus, that they would want to see him. They would try to force us to believe at [original illegible] and tares” shall not grow together till the harvest, or end of the world! At this, also, we were disappointed, for we did not suppose they could wish or dare “to take away from the words of this Book.” Again very many who appeared to love the coming of the Lord quickly, when a point of time had passed, became our enemies, and we were disappointed for we thought they were going well towards the kingdom, but it proved to be a fear that the Lord would come. They left us, and thank the Lord, they left the truth with us too. Could not “live by their faith” or “watch one hour.” But, did God carry Moses through? He did. Will he carry us through? Yes, if we continue firm to the end, and not lose sight of our Hope. They shall not be ashamed that “wait” for the Lord. How important, then, that we should hold fast our hope for yet a “little while.” But what is our hope? Titus 2:13. “Glorious appearing of the Great God, and our Savior Jesus Christ!” Then “will He judge the quick and the dead!” Then “He will gather in one (kingdom) all the saints in heaven and earth,” and have a glorious introduction to the purchased possession. Now this hope is a good one. It is worth waiting for a “little while,” for it is only a “little while and He that shall come, will come.” Habakkuk 2:3-4: Hebrews 10:37. O, that we may obtain it. It draws nearer and nearer; it is just behind the scene, the curtain ready to drop; and the heavenly “land” is here in all its celestial sublimity and glory.” “His train will fill the temple, and the whole earth full of his glory. O, glorious thought, our blessed Lord will come; HST July 24, 1844, page 194.12

“The prayer is heard. A light is faintly gleaming,
Through clouds that long have brooded o’er
Benighted earth—and soon on us shall pour
Diviner radiance, from the heavens streaming!
That herald light shall brighten to the morning
Of Millennial Day—and in its dawning
Murder shall die, the reign of rapine cease!
Then to the winds shall God unfurl his banner,
And earth, through all her borders, shout Hosanna,
And bless thy sway, Incarnate Prince of Peace!
Oh! let the auspicious day salute our eyes,
When men shall live in holiest fellowship,
And hallelujahs dwell on every lip,
And mingled praises greet the skies.”
HST July 24, 1844, page 195.1

Now while we believe in no “new revelation” but all of the old ones; and while, according to this Pilot, we are sent to “spy out the land, “although those that now inhabit it are “as grasshoppers for multitude;” yet we must not be faint-hearted, we must look up; our king will come according to agreement, and bring the faithful with shoutings to the “promised land.” We must not let down our watch, must keep on our ermer. HST July 24, 1844, page 195.2

Templeton, July 8, 1844. HST July 24, 1844, page 195.3

Letter from Rro. E Jacobs


Dear. Bro Himes—We commenced our meetings at Madison, Ind., on Sabbath last. The day was fine, and the Great Tent was filled throughout the day. I have never seen so deep an interest awakened in the great truths of the Bible in so short a time. We went to that place friend less, unsolicited, and without the knowledge of there being a single Second Advent believer in the place; but we are now surrounded with both friends and believers. HST July 24, 1844, page 195.4

Bro. Brown and wife are with me, rendering very efficient aid. We have a Bible class each morning at 10 o’clock, and lectures each afternoon and evening. Up to the time I left (Tuesday p. m.) the interest was increasing, and some cases of powerful awakenings had come to our knowledge. One of the most flourishing Methodist societies in the place, including their pastor, are almost unanimous in investigating the subject, and some of them have already declared their faith in the speedy coming of the Savior. HST July 24, 1844, page 195.5

One aged man, for some years a preacher of the Gospel, said to us, with tears of joy streaming from his eyes, “This is the day which I have prayed to see for the last seventeen year.” The following incident will illustrate the prevailing ignorance of our views throughout this section. An intelligent looking man came to us, and remarked, that we seemed to be happy in having a Bible that harmonized so well, and added, “As I live some miles back I think I will take with me one of your Bibles,”—actually supposing that we had some new kind of Bible. Indeed, this has been a common report in this section, and, in one instance, a preacher has aided in spreading it. HST July 24, 1844, page 195.6

Many are beginning to fell, that proclamation is recognised in the word of God, as they cry, “Behold He cometh!” The Presbyterian preacher has advertised that, on Sabbath next, he will preach on the Second Coming of Christ, and prove that Christianity must first prevail universally; and as he is a talented man, we shall of course, from this effort, receive efficient aid in bringing truth to bear upon the minds of the people. Were it not for the very close and able manner in which the doctrine of the Speedy Advent is scrutinised, we should not be able to realise how invulnerable is the rock upon which our principles are founded. HST July 24, 1844, page 195.7

I shall probably await your advice, as to the next move to be made with the Great Tent. I believe it ought to be used along the Ohio and its tributaries, till the Lord comes. HST July 24, 1844, page 195.8

Yours in the blessed hope,
E. Jacobs.
Cincinnati, July 11, 1844.

The Sailor and his Minister


a short dialogue

Sailor. Good morning, sir. I have called to beg of you the favor that you would explain to me a few points which I find laid down in the Bible, and about which there has been some dispute of late. HST July 24, 1844, page 195.9

Min. O, yes; I shall be happy to give you any information in my power. I am always forward to encourage the study of the Scriptures, they are the only guide, and should be taken as the mau of our counsel daily. And, it is an article in our confession of faith, that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were written by the inspiration of God, that they contain a system of truth, complete and harmonious, and form the only perfect rule of religion, faith and practice. But, pray, what is your difficulty? HST July 24, 1844, page 195.10

Sailor. It is concerning the 2300 days of Daniel 8th chapter, 14th verse, which, some contend, reach down to the end of the world, and that they run out somewhere about this time. Not having a perfect knowledge of the Bible myself, and you having been my spiritual guide, for some time past, I thought it proper to apply to you for information, on this point, as you have frequently invited me to come to you in my difficulties. HST July 24, 1844, page 195.11

Min. Yes, yes; perfectly right; and I am glad to see that my former instructions have not been lost, and that you still place so much confidence in your minister. In these days of disorganization and misrule, when the common people pretend to understand the Bible themselves, it is truly gratifying to me, to see even one that is determined to keep in the old track, and to look to his minister for instruction. And in regard to this Miller doctrine, I can set your mind at rest on that point at once; but it is well that you came here before those fanatics turned your head. One text of Scripture will forever set that question at rest: “of that day and hour no man ever shall know; no, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” You have never noticed that text, have you? HST July 24, 1844, page 195.12

Sail. O, yes, sir; some of our neighbors have worn it almost thread-bare—quoting it from morning ‘till night—but I beg leave to correct you, and read it as it stands recorded: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” HST July 24, 1844, page 195.13

Min. Yes, yes; it amounts to the same thing, and signifies that no man will ever know anything about it until it comes, and then it will come as a thief in the night. HST July 24, 1844, page 195.14

Sail. I can hardly see through it yet, notwithstanding your clear and learned exposition; for a few verses preceding this, he speaks of certain signs that shall precede his coming, and tells us that when we “see them come to pass, we may know that it is near, even at the deors;” and I can hardly think that the Savior meant to contradict himself, and after telling them how they might know when it is near, even at the doors, turn right around and tell them that “no man ever should know anything about it.” And again in the following verse he says: “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” I find by turning to the 7th chap. of Genesis 4th verse, that Noah did know near the time when the flood would come upon the earth, and the Lord says, that “as it was then, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man;” therefore, I dare not say that no man is ever to know anything about the time of the Lord’s coming. HST July 24, 1844, page 195.15

Min. Well, well; it may not be profitable to take up the time in talking about this, as there are different views of the subject, and it is enough for us to prepare to die. Besides those prophecies, of which you speak, can never be understood until they are fulfilled. But, pray, tell us how you prospered during your absence on the last voyage? I suppose you understand all about the country, with such an able captain, the length and character of the voyage, with every light, landmard, rock and shoal on the whole coast? HST July 24, 1844, page 195.16

Sail. Not quite, sir; the first part of the voyage was very pleasant, and I took great pleasure in tracing the various lights and landmarks, laid down upon my chart, and learning their bearing and distance, one from another; but one day we happened to fall in with a difficult point, that I did not fully understand, and I took it to the captain and requested him to explain it to me, as he had invited me to come to him in all my difficulties; but to my great surprise, he told me that I never could understand the chart until we got into the harbor.—This surprised me the more, as in the first of the voyage he had strongly recommended me to study the chart carefully, as it was a complete and safe chart to sail by, being got up by one of the most experienced navigators. HST July 24, 1844, page 195.17

Min. Indeed. I wonder at his pursuing such a course, neither can I see the utility of a chart that can never be understood until the ship is safe in the harbor. I should think that it was intended to point out danger before-hand, and to give directions how that danger may be avoided. Really, I think he must have been beside himself. HST July 24, 1844, page 195.18

Sail. And yet, sir, I perceive that you occupy the same position. In the first of our conversation, you remarked that you was always forward to encourage the study of the Scriptures, and also, that it was an article in your confession of faith, that it was a complete system, and the only perfect rule of religious faith and practice; thus acknowledging that it was the only chart by which we were to be guided safely to the heavenly port. But after getting out on the stormy ocean of time, when you are enquired of what these things mean, you tell us that those prophecies cannot be understood until they are fulfilled. If I recollect right, Peter says: “we have a more sure word of prophecy, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day-star arise in your heart:” showing plainly that we are to take these prophecies as a guide, until we make the heavenly port. And furthermore, he says, that “no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation;” and I must confess, I cannot see the use of the prophecies if they cannot be understood until they are fulfilled, any more than you could see the use of a chart that could not be understood until the ship is safe in port. HST July 24, 1844, page 195.19

Min. Your captain, doubtless, understood the chart himself, and simply meant that you could not understand it unless you got a knowledge of navigation, and, therefore, you would be entirely dependent upon him to bring you safe into port. And this is the fact in regard to Scripture. In order to understand it properly it is necessary that you should have a thorough knowledge of the original language from which the Bible was translated, therefore, it may be truly said, that the common people can never understand it until it is fulfilled, and of course, they will be entirely dependent upon learned men for an exposition of these things. HST July 24, 1844, page 195.20

Sail. Your illustration is very apt, indeed, sir; but still, rather unfortunate in one respect, for this same captain, who had a thorough knowledge of navigation, like to have run his ship on a reefe of rocks, and thus to have lost not only the ship, but the whole crew; but it so happened, that one of the men before the mast having examined the chart, noticed this reefe laid down, and gave timely warning to the captain, who was very hardly prevailed upon to take some precaution to save the ship. And perhaps this may be the case with the Gospel ship, although she has learned captains on board, yet it may not be safe to trust altogether to them; and, indeed, I think there is a caution given to that effect, where it says: “Cursed be the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord,” Jeremiah 17:5. HST July 24, 1844, page 196.1

Advent Herald & Reporter

No Authorcode

“The Lord is at Hand.”

BOSTON, JULY 24, 1844.

Renewal of War


The “Christian Freeman” following in the foot-steps of its illustrious predecessor, the Trumpet—Mr. Cobb, an old adversary in the field again—his candor, charity, public spirit, etc. etc. etc. HST July 24, 1844, page 196.2

Some years ago, before the horses, dogs and bulls of our country had become familiar with rail-roads, we were passing over a section of meadow land on one of those conveyances, where some persons were engaged in work, having with them the very common appendage of a farmers field-company, a little dog. The cars were evidently as much an object of interest to the quadruped, as to any member of the company; and the train had no sooner come up with them than his spirit was fully aroused to show the regard of dogs for such strange visitors as rail-road cars. And so far as his ability would permit, no dog of his class and dimensions could have done better. As barking and snarling availed but little, he saw that the train must be run down, and so intent was he upon his purpose, that the chase was pursued without any apparent regard to fence, ditch or hassock, until at last the poor little fellow went topsy-turvy into a ditch that lay in his way, but which he had no time to consider under the pressing circumstances of the case until it was too late. HST July 24, 1844, page 196.3

We have often been reminded of the spirit and success of this unfortunate adventurer by the history of the assailants of the Advent cause. HST July 24, 1844, page 196.4

It has been, the almost invariable misfortune of our adversaries, as it has of the poor brutes who have encountered or given chace to our locomotives, that they did not know what they were about. The number of them who have been left in the ditch, as the result of their own temerity, we have not time now to enumerate, but this we know that those of them who were the earliest and most eager to distinguish themselves, appear to find it very hard to submit to the disappointment they have experienced. HST July 24, 1844, page 196.5

There was certainly no want of spirit on their part, and they have congratulated themselves, with not a few to join in with them, that they had “used up,” “exploded,” and, “overthrown Miller” and “Millerism;” and still, they assert, it is doing “a great business.” And is not “this more than poor human nature can endure?” We would suggest to them, in passing, that they remember the [original illegible] maxims, “Take time to consider.” “Look before you leap.” HST July 24, 1844, page 196.6

Two of these early adversaries of the cause have resumed the work which they had so long ago completed,—one at New York, and the other at Boston. Mr. Dowling, who stands charged with the most glaring mistatements in his “Reply to Miller,” and has made no public confession of his sin, has recently had his indignation aroused by finding the Advent cause still living, and has made a most bigoted attack upon the “publisher of the Midnight Cry,” through the colums of the “Baptist Advocate,” of New York. The subject of particular notice in this article, is Mr. Cobb, a Universalist preacher, and editor of the “Christian Freeman and Family Visitor,” of this city. HST July 24, 1844, page 196.7

It has been a matter of great consolation to us, that our enemies have had so little to speak against us which has not been positively and unqualifiedly false. Indeed, they seem to have acted on the supposition that our faults were their only basis of hope, and of course what was wanting in our admitted mistakes, they have made up by inventing and circulating reports of fanatical and villainous transactions on the part of the Millerites generally, but of Miller and Himes in particular. We think it not unlikely that there are hundreds of professed Christians in this city, who rest perfectly secure, as to the doom that awaits them and the world, because they have heard, and believe that Mr. Himes is an unprincipled “speculator.” And Mr. Cobb, it seems, is ready to devote his sheet, and thus to demean himself, by giving currency to the infamous slander. HST July 24, 1844, page 196.8

It was understood by the public generally, we believe, that the “Christian Freeman” came into existence on account of the indecency of the old organ of Universalism in New England, the “Trumpet,” and we had congratulated the believers in that “theory,” unscriptural as we are sure it is, that Mr. Cobb would give them a respectable medium through which they might speak to the public; but we are compelled to believe, that in spite of the better, though faulty, creed to which Mr. Cobb is indebted for the good traits in his reputation, the bad seed is producing its appropriate fruit, and that he is likely to have the complaint made against him, which has been made against his “Brother Whittemore,” by the editor of the Universalist Banner, viz:—“We have for a long time been aware, as have most of our brother editors and preachers, that Brother Whittemore, when his mind has become warped by prejudice against friends as well as foes, is one of the most unfair and twistical writers connected with our cause We will just say, that in only fifty lines of his editorial remarks embracing the close of the first column on his third page, we counted and marked no less than thirteen errors, which if intended, are (to speak plainly,) falsehoods.” HST July 24, 1844, page 196.9

We have one serious complaint to make against the editor of the Freeman. It is that of having borne false witness against his “neighbor,” without giving him the ordinary means of knowing the injury which had been inflicted on him. His paper containing the libelous article should have been sent to the criminated individual. Did Mr. Cobb mean to act the part of the savage—to work the plot for the destruction of his victim in ambush? None but those who cherish the spirit of the savage would tolerate such a deed. HST July 24, 1844, page 196.10

We shall now give our readers the entire article from the Freeman, with notes appended to its several paragraphs. HST July 24, 1844, page 196.11

Paragraph No. 1


Millerism and its Fruits.—The Miller mania, it is true has to a great extent subsided since the event has proved the falsity of the impostor’s theory. But this mania had become a disease in many feeble minds, which leaves them poor wrecks of misery, now that the prophet has wept for the exposure of their madness and folly.” HST July 24, 1844, page 196.12

“Since the event has proved the falsity, etc.” Pray what “event” has furnished the proof spoken of? And is it not astonishing that although Mr. C. has “been conversant with Millerism from its beginning.” and has “reviewed it, lectured upon it, published an expose of it, met Mr. Miller through the press, and in propria personi upon it; and held a public discussion with one of his ministers, a Mr. Bliss,” that it should be left to an “event,” which appears to be known only to himself, to prove its “falsity!” HST July 24, 1844, page 196.13

“The impostor.” We are a little acquainted with the circles in which Mr. Cobb and Mr. Miller are well known, and their respective “theories,” the most highly esteemed. We drew our first breath in Gloucester, the cradle of American Universalism, “we know something of” its character, fruits, and history; its alphabet, logic, text books and commentaries. “We know something of” Mr. Cobb, having enjoyed the hospitalities of his family, read his writings and heard him in public. We also know something of Mr. Miller, of the esteem in which he is held by his friends, and the opinion entertained generally by those who know him, whether they believe as he does or not; and though we consider Mr. C. one of the very best of men of his class, and regret that duty requires us to allude to him in this manner, we seriously assert, that, as to the chance of standing or falling under the charge of imposture, by heaven or earth, by the believers or unbelievers of the theories in question, we should as much prefer Mr. Miller’s position to that of his accuser, as we should prefer the position of Gabriel to that of the father of lies himself. HST July 24, 1844, page 196.14

“Now that the prophet has wept, etc.” No honest intelligent man will denominate Mr. Miller a “prophet,” in any sense, true or false. Mr. Cobb has no authority to say that Mr. Miller “has wept for the exposure of his madness and folly;” and if his personal enmity or sectarian bigotry had not stifled “his generous nature,” in this case, he never would have penned that sentence. HST July 24, 1844, page 196.15

No. 2


“We learn that, at Watertown, where there was gathered quite a congregation of Miller’s victims, numbers have been recently holding meetings at private houses, from night to night, hallooing and wailing until midnight and past, becoming not only objects of deep and painful commiseration to their neighbors, but nuisances in the neighborhood. As a specimen of their wild delirium, a friend informs us that on one evening, we think it was last week, a lady took down, in the room where they met, a picture, the frame of which was probably worth five dollars, and broke it into pieces, saying that the Lord commanded her to do it; the owner, a man of wealth, deep in the same delirium, looking cooly on, and consenting to the waste and havoc.” HST July 24, 1844, page 196.16

“We learn that at Watertown, etc.” Mr. C. has friends enough at Watertown, Universalists though they be, who will testify what we now assert is the truth. The transactions, to which the foregoing quotation refers, can be attributed to “Millerism,” truly and properly, no more than “the deeds of the Nicolaitans,” which God declared that he hated, could be ascribed to Christianity. The great body of the “Millerites” at Watertown have from the first appearance in the place, of the individuals with whom these scandalous doings have originated, considered them “a nuisance,” and finally have separated from them, and all who sympathize with them, regretting only that this step was not taken long ago. HST July 24, 1844, page 196.17

These individuals are known to have believed the errors by which they are distinguished before they or Mr. C. knew any thing of “Millerism,” which, if they ever believed, has only been a secondary thing with them. They have cursed and denounced the “Millerites,” as they have every body else who has differed from them. The writer of this article was declared by a leading one of them, months ago, to be “as black as hell!” for daring to oppose them in the house of this “man of wealth,” by whom he had been invited home to tea. HST July 24, 1844, page 197.1

We pity the man who can knowingly charge those with having willingly and designedly aided errors and practices which they have always considered “a nuisance,” and for opposing which they have been cursed and belied as the enemies of “holiness,” the opposers of “the power,” and “spirit” of God. And if Mr. Cobb had not felt that his “Review,” “lectures,” “expose,” “public discussion,” etc., etc., of “Millerism,” were more a matter of mortification than of pride, he never would have dragged forth these “lady specimens of wild delirium,” to its prejudice, any more than Mr. Dowling would have given circulation to the silly story of “ascension robes,” if he had not been filled with chagrin to find that his “Reply to Miller,” on account of his unfairness, had served to further the cause which he intended to destroy. HST July 24, 1844, page 197.2

No. 3


“Rev. Mr. Medbury, who was the Baptist minister in that place at the time Millerism was in its spring tide, did not believe in the theory, as he assured an intelligent professional gentleman in that place:—yet he took Miller into his desk: aided, abetted and used him; used him as a means of producing an excitement to add members to his church. In answer to a friend of ours who asked him it he believed Miller’s doctrines, he acknowledged that he could not say he did, “but it would do no harm to be prepared for the end, whether it should come in 1843 or not.” Indeed! but he should have known that trick and deceit played upon the mind, to carry it through a certain process, is harmful. And he has, before this, found it so. He has learned that “he that soweth to the wind must reap the whirlwind.” This unconscionable humbug was a means of distracting and dividing the Baptist church, on which account our friend Medbury was obliged to leave the place; and now there is left entailed upon a number of respectable citizens, that dreadful mental disease, which disqualifies them for the duties and enjoyments of life. It is time that moralists and religionists, as well as business men, should know, that “honesty is the best policy.” HST July 24, 1844, page 197.3

If what is here said of Mr. Medbury be true, Mr. C. must be sufficiently familiar with such “tricks and deceit,” in order “to add members to the church,” to know that it is a prominent feature of the age. He may have heard similar complaints in a denomination, who a few years since were avowedly opposed to every thing like Sabbath schools, prayer meetings, inquiry meetings, etc., etc., as “priest craft” and “fanaticism;” but now do not blush to make their boast that they have all these things flourishing among them. And those who ought to know tell us, that they are “used as a means of excitement to add members to the church,” even by those who “do not believe in the theory” with which they originated. HST July 24, 1844, page 197.4

“That dreadful mental disease.” If Mr. C. refers to the “delirium of the lady,” as the “dreadful disease,” he might as well charge what he considers the “mental disease” of John Calvin to Mr. Miller; if he refers to the belief of Mr. Miller’s “theory,” he pays rather a poor compliment to the Doctors, who have attempted the management of “the disease.” And there certainly has been no lack of numbers or reputed skill on their part. Mr. C., if we remember right, was practising in Watertown when this “disease” was first introduced there. The physic he made use of at that time, appears to have produced but little effect, and as he seems to be anxious to repeat his experiments, he can make it in his way to call on some of the “Millerites” at Watertown, of the genuine stamp, and if he should not succed in curing them of their disease, perhaps they may cure him of some of his errors, in reference to them, by showing him, that notwithstanding the injury he has inflicted upon them, they have not forgetten the Christian duty of returning good for evil. HST July 24, 1844, page 197.5

No. 4


“But what shall we say to our neighbor Himes? Poor Miller has wept over his shame, confessing his miscalculations, and his confusion. But Mr. Himes discovers no penitence at all. He seems as hard as the practised gambler, who pockets the gain, and laughs at the ruin upon the victims of his lawless art. We know this is a hard saying, and such as we are not wont to utter. But we think there may be circumstances when our duty to humanity requires us to use great plainness of speech; and that this is such a circumstance. We have been conversant with Millerism from its beginning. We have reviewed it, lectured upon it, published an expose of it, met Mr. Miller through the press, and in propria personi, upon it; and held a public discussion with one of his ministers, a Mr. Bliss. And we have seen so much of the management of the subject by the leading and active ones, that we have been doubtful of their sincerity. As to Mr. Himes, in particular, we know something of the very extensive and lucrative business, in the publication of books and papers, in connection with the “Second Advent” cause. It is a great business. We are aware that there is rarely a case, where the most extensive dealer in spirits and wines, is required to make so great a pecuniary sacrifice to revolutionize and do right, as would Mr. Himes. But should not his present gains suffice him?” HST July 24, 1844, page 197.6

“Poor Miller has wept, but Mr. Himes discovers no penitence at all.” Yes, according to Mr. Cobb, “poor Miller has wept over the exposure of his madness and folly,” and with Mr. C. such “penitence,” is sublime—admirable—such a penitent must of course be forgiven. But in Mr. Himes the “exposure” has produced no such fruits—the pardoning power cannot be exercised towards him, and therefore the honorable and self constituted court, consisting of Mr. C. as plaintiff,—Mr. C. as judge,—Mr. C. as witness,—Mr. C. as interpreter of the law a “universal love” in the case, must proceed in its “management,” as “duty to humanity” may require. HST July 24, 1844, page 197.7

The charge against the prisoner, “Mr. Himes,” is as follows:—“He discovers no penitence at all,” “he seems as hard as the practiced gambler, who pockets the gain, and laughs at the victims of his lawless art.” There is rarely a case, where the most extensive dealer in spirits and wines, is required to make so great a pecuniary sacrifice, to revolutionize and do right, but his present gains will not suffice. HST July 24, 1844, page 197.8

Testimony. Witness Cobb testifies:—“We have been conversant with Millerism from its beginning. We have seen so much of the management of the subject by the leading and active ones, that we have been doubtful of their sincerity. As to Mr. Himes, in particular, we know something of the very extensive and lucrative business, in the publication of books and papers, in connection with the Second Advent cause. It is a great business.” HST July 24, 1844, page 197.9

As the presentation of the charge and testimony against the prisoner, produces “no penitence at all,” the “humanity” of the court is moved to expostulate with the prisoner as follows:— HST July 24, 1844, page 197.10

No. 5


“He knows that the time when he had confidently averred the world would end, is past. But he does not, like many others, manifest humility on account of it; but boldly and with assumed confidence urges on his patrons to be waiting now, in daily and hourly expectation of the dreadful conflagration. This is more than poor human nature can endure. It is like suspending a person over an abyss upon a thread, in the constant expectancy of falling. The mind becomes strained, and wrecked. HST July 24, 1844, page 197.11

Respected neighbor, can you longer choose to bear this dreadful responsibility? O think of the distress of those families, where desolation stalks forth from your voice and your press; and loved members,—wives, mothers, daughters, are borne to the assylum of maniacs! We believe that, aside from your peculiar circumstances, you are possessed of benevolent feelings. We entreat you, by your generous nature, and by the mercies of the gospel, to exercise the moral courage to do right. If you ask why we suggest that you are not now acting in good faith in full confidence of right, we answer, Come and sit down with us in private, or stand up with us in public, or go with us before the public in the journals which you and we conduct, into a review of the arguments which you, or which Miller and company have presented for such an event as you profess to expect about this time, and we will show you why we speak as we do. And we will show you even more cogent reasons why you should say to your credulous subjects, ‘I have been in error; go in peace; go to your Bible, your God, to your friends, and your duty.” Amen.” HST July 24, 1844, page 197.12

As the court postponed pronouncing the sentence, time is afforded for— HST July 24, 1844, page 197.13

Remarks by counsel for the prisoner:—No consideration could induce us to appeal before a body, entrusted by “humanity” with such “a great business,” in behalf of an offender so notorious, whose crimes are made to appear by evidence of so “plain” and pointed a character, unless we were sustained and encouraged by a conviction of the “sincerity” of the court in its high and magnanimous professions. Cherishing as it does, such a sense of “duty to humanity,” resolved as it is to perform all which it “requires,” especially so far as to “use great plainness of speech,” its records, without doubt, would be cherished up for use, in case the world should ever be favored with an improved edition of the celebrated work of Mrs. Opie. HST July 24, 1844, page 197.14

Illustrious and worthy offspring of the ancient and honorable dignitaries of the Trumpet—associates of the peaceful Olive Branch,—fully assured of the “sincerity” of your faith in the power of “universal love,” and your strong regard for humanity, plain and exclusive as the testimony may be against the prisoner, he may indulge some hope of clemency. Permit us now to call attention to the evidence presented by the court. HST July 24, 1844, page 197.15

The testimony goes to assure us, and “humanity,” that witness has seen and knows: “We have seen, we know.” HST July 24, 1844, page 197.16

What a man has seen and knows, it is useless to deny, or to argue against. So far, therefore, the testimony must stand unimpeached. But, further, witness has “seen so much” he “knows something.” The court cannot fail of being struck with this fact, that the testimony rises in importance as we advance. Witness is not one of those who see much and know nothing; he knows something. And we hope no one will offend the court by suggesting that he may be one of those who know nothing, yet as they ought to know. We are constrained, therefore to admit, that he knows something. HST July 24, 1844, page 197.17

Again, witness has “seen so much of the management of the subject, by the leading and active ones, that he has been doubtful of their sincerity.” And as to the prisoner “in particular, he knows something of the very extensive and lucrative business, in the publication of books and papers, in connection with the Second Advent cause. It is a great business.” HST July 24, 1844, page 197.18

The humane and honorable court, will pardon any emotion we may exhibit, as it cannot fail to perceive the “great plainness of speech,” by which the testimony is brought to bear upon the point to be proved, must alike be overwhelming to the prisoner and “humanity.” The honorable court of course, is “practised” in “the management” of such cases, and can have no doubt that this testimony proves the charge, or charges, against the prisoner, that he will not “revolutionize and do right,—that he is like the practised gambler—and discovers no penitence at all for the exposure of his madness and folly.” HST July 24, 1844, page 197.19

But we beg permission to “suggest” that all which is alleged to have been “seen” and “known,” might have been seen and known, and it may also be possible that the prisoner is not guilty; unless it is apparent to the court that the witness possesses plenary power to discover the connection between what he has seen and knows, and the guilt of the prisoner. It requires the generous and noble sagacity of such highminded men, as the editors of the Trumpet and Olive Branch, to discover infallibly the connection between “the management” of “a great business,” and “the hardness of the gambler,” or the selfishness “of the most extensive dealer in spirits and wines,” in their determination not to “do right.” And unless the court is satisfied that the full measure of their spirit—their entire mantle, in its length and breadth, has fallen upon the editor of the Christian Freeman, its “duty to humanity requires” that his testimony as to such a connection should be received with caution. HST July 24, 1844, page 198.1

True, the editor of that sheet has exhibited no small degree of their spirit. He has “seen so much of the management of the subject of Millerism, he knows something of the very extensive and the lucrative business, in the publication of books and papers, in connection with the Second Advent cause,” and to him “Mr. Himes seems as hard as the practised gambler who pockets the gain.” Now, we ask, is not such an inference, from such premises, with such a mind, perfectly natural? Can any man on earth give a reason from his past history, or from the genius of the institutions with which he has been associated, for supposing that he would manage “a great business” and not “pocket the gain” with as good a relish as the “practised gambler,” or the most extensive dealer in spirits and wines? HST July 24, 1844, page 198.2

If “a great business” is done, somebody must manage it. If it is done fairly, openly, publicly, it is not surprising that “much of its management” should be “seen”—something of its extensiveness and its lucrativeness even “known.” HST July 24, 1844, page 198.3

If it be a crime to manage “a great business,” to manage it openly and publicly, Mr. Himes is guilty. And here, we suspect, is his crime. He has been honored by every true-hearted Adventist in our own land, and in other lands, by being entrusted, to a great extent, with the management of the great business of the Second Advent cause. Here is his office, and book room, in Boston. There is another in New York, another in Cincinnati, and others, less extensive, in different parts of the country, with which he has more or less to do. Almost every express agent and stage-driver connected with these cities are acquainted with his places of “business.” His books are all kept by faithful and tried men, and have been, and still are, open to the inspection of all who see fit to call. The Second Advent papers publish the weekly receipts of letters and money, and of packages sent. Mr. Himes’ “business” has attracted the attention, and called forth the ablest minds in all branches of the Church, throughout the land—every paper has spoken of it—it has been the theme of every pulpit—every bigot in the ministry and membership has denounced it—the mob have cursed it—and Mr. C. has exposed it, and has all this “humanity” on his side, beyond dispute, with the “lady at Watertown.” It has survived a hundred deaths by being exploded—overthrown—used up—exposed—reviewed—preached against, and in all these ways belied by its avowed enemies, and has been scandalized by its false friends, not one of whom, though they have watched with sleepless interest, have been able to speak evil “of the subject,” or of “the leading and active ones” who have managed it, without speaking falsely. No man can produce anything better than the contemptible insinuations of bigotry and malice, in their attempts to show that the trust reposed in Mr. Himes has been dishonored. HST July 24, 1844, page 198.4

And is it not marvellous, that Mr. Cobb should “have seen much” and “known something” of such “a great business?” How important and valuable is such testimony. How true it is that “a wise man’s eyes are in his head,” and of one who has “seen so much,” and “knows something,” it can never be said he has eyes but they see not, or that he cannot understand. HST July 24, 1844, page 198.5

The logical process by which such highly intelligent and respectable personages arrive at their conclusions is a permanent attribute and law of their being. It goes about with them like a man’s image in a room that is walled with mirrors—they see as they are seen by themselves, they know as they are known by themselves, or to “use great plainness of speech,” they “judge others by themselves.” HST July 24, 1844, page 198.6

What a merciful provision it is, that there are some of those still left in the world for the protection of “humanity”! Angels of light, they are ever seen breasting the storm of popular fury, rebuking the persecutor, and guarding the defenceless! But alas that these angels should be fallen angels—that the popular fury should only be enraged by their agency—that the persecutor is rebuked only because the flames he has kindled are dying! The manifestation of their interest is as welcome to the victims of popular hatred as the echoes of the forest which assure the hunted game that HST July 24, 1844, page 198.7

“the hounds are out!” HST July 24, 1844, page 198.8

With the words of “universal love” upon their lips, they attempt to disguise the most infernal malignity at heart. “Love”—“humanity”—“duty,” “right,” with them are ideas as pure, and holy and divine as the love of “the gambler” for his “victims”—as the humanity of the bigot for the heretics he has doomed to the burning pile. (It has actually been a subject of lamentation that there might be no peculiar hell, “red with uncommon wrath for such fellows as Himes”) Duty is to disguise the venom of serpents and vipers, which rankles within them beyond the possibility of concealment towards every being who occupies a position above the level of their own conscious degradation, and right is the art of gratifying their selfishness and malice in the manner that is most likely to escape detection! HST July 24, 1844, page 198.9

May we not also be permitted to refer to the expostulation? That expostulation is worthy of the reporter of affairs “at Watertown,” and of the author of the charge and testimony, and especially of the argument founded upon that testimony, against a “respected neighbor!” It would be difficult, however, to tell whether the expostulation indicated a return of its author to a consciousness of his own infamy, or that he had passed into a more positive state of “delirium.” Has he been reminded of the maxim he had before repeated: “Honesty is the best policy,” and does he wish the base slander which he had conscience or prudence enough only to insinuate, to be considered mere “suggestions?” or has he become so delirious as to forget himself, and to invite the man he has branded “as the practised and lawless gambler, who laughs at the ruin of his victims,” to “sit down with him in private, or stand up with him in public? Does he hope to atone for the sin of the calumniator by his hypocritical blarney? or is he so delirious as to suppose that his “respected neighbor” can be induced to “exercise the moral courage to do right,” even if he were not doing so, by one who only wants “courage” to do the wrong which he has too plainly confessed, he wishes to have done? HST July 24, 1844, page 198.10

No, no. The accused—the hated—the injured victim of all this bigotry and malice, knows too well his position, and the position and spirit of his accuser, to place himself on the same footing with him, unless some other atonement for the injury, is made, or to insult the readers of his “journals” by a “review” of any “arguments” from such a hand. And while we challenge the accuser to show that any individual—“wife—mother—daughter”—or anything else, has been “borne to the asylum of maniacs,” on account of anything from the “voice” or “press” of the accused, we hope the afflicting case of Mr. C., who exhibits evident signs of “delirium” or “something” worse, in fancying that his “duty in humanity requires” him to come forward with a catalogue of scandulous reports against a hated, and persecuted company of christians in opposition to whom the united learning, philosophy, divinity, bigotry, pride, fanaticism and infidelity of the land have been arrayed in vain, to point out a material error in their faith, or to prove ought against, them in their life; whose opposers have been repelled, by the word of God, with a power that has waked up their depravity to the invention of calumny and lies, of which we have specimens before us in the Christian Freeman,—calumnies, which bear upon their face the contrivance of a fiend, by presenting what there is of truth in them, in a form that in intended to give currency to a falshhood as atrocious as that which charged the Savior with being connected with the devil, while he was casting out devils, and by presenting that which had no foundation in truth so as to produce the greatest possible injury upon “a respected neighbor,” professing to “use great plainness of speech” while nothing is stated but the most unworthy comparisons, conveying the most artful and deadly insinuations,—this afflicting case of Mr. C., or any one like it, we hope may never justly be attributed to “Millerism.” HST July 24, 1844, page 198.11

In treating such determined offenders, who “discover no penitence at all, duty to humanity requires us to use great plainness of speech.” HST July 24, 1844, page 198.12

As to the accused, together with “the leading and active ones, in the Advent cause,” with all for whom and with whom they act, we trust their “gains will not suffice” until they shall have gained the better country, where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at test. HST July 24, 1844, page 198.13

The further consideration of the case will be determined by the honorable court. H—k. HST July 24, 1844, page 198.14

Conference at East Randolph, Vt


Commenced on the 4th of July, and continued over the Sabbath. On the fourth we gave three lectures relating to the prospects of the independence of the church, on the hope of a temporal millenium, or conversion of the world! HST July 24, 1844, page 198.15

It was shown, 1. That if we would look for the triumph of the church over the world, she must separate herself from the world. She could never conquer, or subdue the kingdoms of this world while she was giving them her support, Christ’s kingdom is not of this world: in principles, policy, or object. The one is “earthly, sensual, devilish,” the other is heavenly, holy, immortal. In the second, it was contended that if any Ecclesiastical power became dominant in this world before the coming of Christ, it must be the Catholic, and not the Protestant. (1.) Because this power is to be the prevailing one, till the “Ancient of days comes, and judgment is given to the saints of the Most High, and the time comes for the saints to possess the Kingdom, Daniel 7:21, 22. (2.) because it is to be in existence when Christ shall make his second Advent, and is to be “destroyed by the brightness of Christ’s coming,” (3.) all the signs of this time show that this is the correct view of the matter. The Catholics are girdling the globe, and prevailing everywhere, while the Protestants are doing comparatively nothing: diminishing!! HST July 24, 1844, page 198.16

The only hope of the church, or that of the people of God scattered abroad, rests on the second general appearing of Christ to receive the Kingdom of his father David. Our hope is in the “coming One.” When the “Lord himself shall descend from heaven with the voice of the Archangel and the trump of God, the sleeping saints shall arise, and the living ones be changed,” thence comes her independence. Then the “times of the Gentiles,” will have been accomplished, and the people of God will keep one eternal jubilee. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.1

In the third lecture, this event was shown to be nigh at hand. We were living in the waiting time, the “little while,” when, “He that shall come will come, and will not tarry.” We are now to “lift up our heads, and look up, for our redemption is nigh.” HST July 24, 1844, page 199.2

The meetings were continued over the Sabbath. Two, and three lectures were given on important subjects, each day, with meetings of Conference and prayer in the intermission. The house was well filled during the week, but on the Sabbath, the assemblage was very large. The people thronged from all quarters. Seats were prepared in the yard of the house for the accommodation of the anxious multitudes. Notwithstanding the predictions of our opponents that the people would lose, and even now had lost all confidence in our expositions; the people still flock in crowds to hear, and never were we listened to with more candid and profound attention. Our hearers, too, are among the most serious and reflecting portion of the community, who like the “noble Bereans, search the Scriptures for the reasons of their faith. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.3

We had several faithful brethren to assist in the meeting, among whom was Bro. J. G. Bennet, of Claremont, N. H. He was formerly a distinguished member of the Methodist Conference, and though always brought up, and educated in that society, and highly esteemed among them, yet, when he saw this mighty truth, of our coming King at the door, he laid all upon the altar, and went forth to proclaim, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh.” He is associated with Bro. A. M. Billings, formerly a sheriff, and an infidel, in Claremont, but now a Christian and minister of Christ. They are a part only of the fruits of the Claremont Tent Meetings. They are now holding Conferences and Camp-meetings continually, and with many others in that region, are doing all they can for the cause. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.4

We were happy also to see brethren Marsh, Knight, Green, and many others whose names we do not recollect, who took part in the exercises. The meeting was characterized by a deep spirit of devotion, and consecration to the Lord. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.5

Boston, July 10, 1844. J. V. Himes. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.6

Why continue to hold separate Meetings?


Bro. Litch, in a letter published in the Midnight Cry, after giving an account of his labors in Albany, Rochester, and Buffalo, where he has been laboring, says:— HST July 24, 1844, page 199.7

“But why not give up your meetings, now that the time has gone by?” “There is now no difference between you and us, for we are all looking for the Lord.” The plain answer is, because we never can, and the Lord helping us, we never will, sit down under the lullaby song of this world’s conversion, and the return of the Jews from Palestine. They are, both of them, in our estimation, snares of the devil, and are putting both the church and world asleep, while the Judge is at the door. If the churches or ministers think to draw the Advent believers back to their fold with such a doctrine, they are sadly mistaken. Not only so, but they must make up their minds to be more and more troubled as time rolls on, if they do not repent, and cease that cry of peace and safety. We must cry aloud and spare not while we believe the Judge is at the door. It is the fault of the ministry that one church has ever been divided on this question. The whole body of the ministry should have preached the doctrine, and then all necessity for special effort would have been superseded. But no, they refused to do it; and forced the few either to do it, or let the work sink, and the world go unwarned. Do they plead ignorance on the subject? Is it possible that any Christian minister can be found worthy of the name of a minister, who is so ignorant of the great Protestant principles of interpretation, as not to know that the great image in Daniel 2nd chapter, and the four beasts of Daniel 7th chapter, which symbolize four great monarchies, end with Rome, and reach to the time of the setting up of God’s everlasting kingdom? They must, they do know it. Why do they not preach it then? Do they not see that Rome is now going to ruin? Why then not sound the alarm? I deeply deplore the fact, that any such cause for forsaking the churches exist. But when asked by those dear brethren, “What shall we do? If we go and hear the cry of peace, week after week, we cannot live. What shall we do?” I cannot tell them to go and hear it. The truth must be kept before the people,—that the Lord is at hand. For yet a little while, and he that shall come, will come, and will not tarry. Brethren here are determined to hold fast to the end. I leave on Monday, for Akron and Cincinnati, where I intend to be Sabbath after next. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.8

Yours in the blessed hope, J. Litch. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.9

Facts, such as Unbelievers do not learn


Under this head it matters not where we begin.—There is no necessity that we should quit the record already before us. If you will go to that opposer of Christianity, who appeals loudly to the part of Chinese Chronology already discussed, and ask him a few questions, you will find that part of Asiatic history with which he is utterly unacquainted. Ask him what he thinks, when the Chinese history speaks of Yao, their king, declaring, that in his reign, the sun stood so long above the horizon that it was feared the world would have been set on fire; and fixes the reign of Yao at a given date, which corresponds with the age of Joshua, the son of Nun? (See Stackhouse.) You will find, in nine cases out of ten, the objector knows nothing of that part of the Chinese record. Out of the countless items of this character, which, if compiled, would fill so many cumbrous volumes, he has treasured scarcely one: his taste has not craved them with avidity, or he remembers not. We are not now speaking merely of the unlettered and feeble minded. This is true of the senator in legislative halls—of the minister plenipotentiary to foreign courts—of the man whose information seems to extend almost every where. Of the Bible, and of ancient literature connected with the Bible, he is uninformed: the cause is his appetite for darkness rather than light. The Latin poet (Ovid) amuses the school-boy greatly in his fanciful narrative of Phaton’s chariot. This heathen author tells us, that a day was once lost, and that the earth was in great danger from the intense heat of an unusual sun. It is true, that in attempting to account for this incident of peril and of wonder, the writer, as was his custom at all times, consulted only his imagination, and clothed it all with an active fancy. But our notice is somewhat attracted, when we find him mention Phaton, (who was a Canaanitish prince,) and learn that the fable originated with the Phonecians, the same people whom Joshua fought. If you ask an unbeliever of these incidents, or of the common tradition with early nations, that a day was lost about the time when the volume of truth informs us that the sun hasted not to go down for the space of a whole day, you will find that he had never thought on these points: they are not of the character which he is inclined to notice. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.10

Let not the young reader suppose for one moment, that if the many octavo volumes which might be made, were really filled by the compilation of such items, and placed in his hands, this would constitute the evidences of Christianity. Far from it. These books would scarcely form an introduction to that entire subject. Such corroborative history or traditional fragments are mentioned here because they serve to exhibit the [original illegible] is inclined to the side of error, (without knowing it,) in matters of religion. The way in which things have been and are received, exhibits our disposition unequivocally; and it is important that we know plainly whether men, by nature, do or do not turn away from holy light, that we will pursue this branch of the subject a little farther. The cases to be cited are merely referred to as examples, out of a multitude almost endless, which any one may notice who is much in the habit of exchanging sentiments with his fellow men. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.11

Dr. Nelson.



By the arrival of the Hibernia the 17th instant, we have received intelligence from Liverpool to the 4th inst., from which we select the following items: HST July 24, 1844, page 199.12

France.—An extraordinary, courier who left Perpignan on the 29th of June, brings the following important intelligence:— HST July 24, 1844, page 199.13

“The Emperor of Morrocco has just rejected the ultimatum of the Spanish Government. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.14

“The Emperor has equally rejected the proferred mediation of England HST July 24, 1844, page 199.15

“The four Spanish Ministers now at Barcelona will return to Madrid at the end of this present week.” HST July 24, 1844, page 199.16

Our Paris correspondent, writing at two o’clock p. m., says, that the impression produced by the news of the Emperor’s obstinacy, in the best political circles, is, that France must have recourse to most decisive measures. France and Spain, it is concluded, are equally set at defiance, and England barred from interference. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.17

Spain.—Much interest has been excited at Madrid by a conference of Ministers at Barcelona, respecting which speculation is rife. The proposal of Don Carlos, and the dissolution of the Cortes, are assigned as likely to be prominent topics. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.18

Rumors are plentiful enough of various conspiracies being in course of concoetion, but none of them, with the exception of a trifling plot at Saville, appear based upon anything like probability. The four ministers who remained at Madrid after the departure of the court have set off for Barcelona. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.19

Italy.—The Gazette d’ Augsburg, of the 26th of June, says, that the Papal Government has addressed a note to the cabinet of London, Paris, and Vienna, contradicting the assertion that the late troubles in the legations were caused by a vicious system of administration. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.20

Turkey.—Letters from Constantinople, of the the 17th of June, announce that the Sultan had returned to that capital on the 10th, after a tour made under the most favorable auspices. His Highness had successfully visited Ismith, Mondania, Brousa, the Dardanelles, and Mytelene. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.21

The principal actors in the riots at Lattakia have been transported to the hulks at St. Jean d’ Acre. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.22

India.—The following extract is taken from the Bombay Monthly Times of the 20th of May:— HST July 24, 1844, page 199.23

“Considerable alarm prevailed at Shikarpore, in consequence of the return of Captain Tait and Lieutenant Fitzgerald, with a force of 300 men, which had been repulsed at Poolajee, and were followed by the enemy back to the camp. HST July 24, 1844, page 199.24

Sinde—“The Beloochees having come down to plunder the country round Shikarpore, had destroyed several villages within a few miles of our camp. Captain Tait, with 600 irregular horse, and Lieutenant Fitzgerald, with 200 of the camel corps, had gone out in quest of them, and having crossed the desert proceeded till very near the entrance of the Murree hills—the scene of so many misadventures in 1840. The enemy were here in considerable force in the strong fort of Poolagee. An attempt was made by Lieutenant Fitzgerald to blow open the gate with powder-bags and storm the town. The first operation was unsuccessful, the leading man carrying the gunpowder having been killed on his way toward the gate. The fire from the walls were found so hot that our troops were compelled to retire—the enemy following them the whole way back to the camp, a distance of seventy miles. The coast being thus clear, the Beloochees proceeded with fresh alacrity to renew their forays, and to strip the unprotected country round Shikarpore of everything that could be carried away.” HST July 24, 1844, page 199.25

Important from Mexico.—Santa Anna has closed the armstice with Texas, and is about to recommence hostilities with vigor, and for this purpose has called on Congress for 30,000 men, and $4,000,000. He appears to be determined to subjugate Texas if possible. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.1


No Authorcode

BOSTON, JULY 24, 1844.



As we are near the close of the present volume, we hope that those of our subscribers who are in arrears, will remit to us the little sums which they may be respectively owing, as those little dues are what we depend on from week to week to meet the expenses of this office. Most of our subscribers have been very good in anticipating our wants; yet there are quite a number in arrears for the present volume, and others for several volumes. In a few weeks we expect to send bills to those who have not paid; and we hope that in the mean time our readers will make returns, so that we may send as few as possible. A word to the wise is sufficient. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.2

Camp-Ground, Sand Lake, N. Y. July 17, ‘44. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.3

Bro. Himes writes:—“Our meeting has commenced under very encouraging circumstances. Brn. Miller, Whiting, Preble, Matthias, and many other lecturers are present. The cause is strong, and on the increase in this part of the country. More soon. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.4



Dear Brother:—I arrived in this City on Saturday afternoon. As to the state of the City, I can say nothing in addition to what you get in the public prints. The City is filled with soldiers, and a murmuring and exasperated population. There is no peace to the now “bloody city.” The American or Native party, as it is called, is formidable. Recent events will make it more so. While the government seems to favor the Catholics, the Natives are the more goaded on to the achievement of their designs. The real question after all, is, whether Catholicism or Protestantism, shall be dominant—whether the Protestant Bible and religion shall be tolerated, or exist independent of Popish insult and interference. This is the question. And it assumes a more formidable aspect every hour, not only here, but in every part of the land. It will soon be general. The elements are at work. It only wants the occasion to bring them out! HST July 24, 1844, page 200.5

I lectured three times yesterday at the Museum, to good audiences. The brethren seemed to be encouraged. Brother Fitch is laboring at Julianna St. There is a good attendance and interest there. I had an interesting interview with him, and find him strong in the faith, and deeply interested in the blessed cause. The trying crisis is past, and the cause is on the rise in this city. The calls for lectures in the vicinity, were never more pressing than now. The minister in charge of the Ebenezer station. Kensington. (Prot. Methodist,) has just come out on the doctrine in full. He has been driven out, and many have followed him. They have set up a meeting, and there is a considerable interest to hear on the subject. I gave them one lecture at 6 o’clock, on the Sabbath in the open square, to a large and deeply attentive audience. The word of the Lord is growing and multiplying in that vicinity. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.6

The brethren are preparing for a series of Campmeetings, on Brother Litch’s return from the west. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.7

Philadelphia, July 15th, J. V. Himes. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.8

South Danvers. Ms. Br. N. Hervey writes, that he spent the Sabbath before the last in S. Danvers, preached three times to good audiences, administered the ordinance of the Lord’s supper, and to two sisters, the daughters of Bro. Hill, the ordinance of baptism. They related what God had done for them, and the influence of this “blessed hope,” in leading them to entire consecration to Christ. Several of those with whom they had associated in the pleasures of the world being present, they exhorted them without delay to prepare to meet the Savior at his coming. The audience were very attentive, as if they were hearing the last offers of mercy. Several friends were present from the neighboring towns. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.9

Conferences & Campmeetings



July 24—29, Rochester, N. Y. Campmeeting or Conference, as the brethren may appoint. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.10

July 30 to Aug. 1, Buffalo, N. Y. Conference. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.11

Aug. 3rd and 4th, Toronto, Canada West. Conference. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.12

Aug. 10 and 11, Cleaveland, Ohio. Conference. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.13

Aug. 18, and onward, Cincinnati, Ohio. Conference. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.14

Remarks. We shall attend the above meetings, if the Lord permit. And if practicable, Bro. Miller will accompany us to the west. We intend to pitch the Tent beyond Cincinnati, and go as far as St. Louis, if practicable. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.15

J. V. HIMES. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.16

Boston, June 22, 1844. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.17

A. Second Advent Campmeeting will he held, if time continue, and the Lord is willing, in Newington, eight miles south of Hartford, Ct. on land of Oliver Richards, commencing on Wednesday, Sept. 4, and continue one week, or more. Brethren Miller, Himes, Fitch, Litch, and Storrs, with others, are invited to attend. Arrangements for board will be made upon the ground. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.18

Com.—W. D. Tuller, H. A. Parsons, A Belden, C. Baldwin, A. Mix, H. Munger, John Sutgliff, E Parker, E. L. H. Chamberlan., Wm. Rogers. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.19

A Second Advent Conference at Cooperstown, Otsego County, N Y, (64 miles west of Albany) will commence, if time continue, on Tuesday, July 30th, and continue over the succeeding Sabbath. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.20

Also—Second Advent Conference at Esperance, Schobarie county, N Y (26 miles west of Albany) will commence if time continues, on Tuesday, August 6th, to continue over the succeeding Sabbath. It is hoped these conferences will result in extensive usefulness; to this end lectures will be given during the Conference (evenings until Sunday,) in such adjoining places as may be deemed expedient. The Advent friends in the vicinity of these Conferences, as well as the undersigned, particularly request the attendance and labors of those Advent lectures who may find it their duty to be present. And all other friends of the Advent cause, and indeed all who are willing to give heed to the sure word of prophecy on the subject of the coming and kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, are respectfully invited to attend. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.21

There will be an Advent Campmeeting held in the town of Gill, Mass., commencing the 19th of August next, to continue one week. The brethren throughout that region are invited to attend, with tents prepared to tarry through the meeting. Good accommodations for horses near the ground where the meeting is held. Br. T. M. Preble, and as many others as feel in duty bound, are invited to attend. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.22

Com.—Thos. W. Titus, E. G. Scott, A. Gague, S. Titus, HST July 24, 1844, page 200.23

Camp-meeting at Brooklyn, Conn. Aug. 20th. The ground selected lies on the farm of Mr. John Allen, about two miles east of Brooklyn village, and two and a half miles from Danielsonville Depot, on the Norwich and Worcester Railroad. Conveyance can be had to the camp ground from either of the above named places, and Mr. Allen will make preparation to accomodate all who may wish, with board, and horse keeping, on reasonable terms. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.24

Committee.—Thomas Huntington, Thomas Farnum, William Wheeler. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.25

The Midnight Cry will please copy. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.26

Brooklyn, Conn. July 17, 1844. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.27

Campmeeting will be held, if time continue, in Hillsbo o’, N. H. on land of G. W. Barns, half a mile east of the road leading from the Upper Village to East Washington, to commence on Tuesday August 20th, and continue over the Sabbath, Brethren Shipman, Bennet and others, are invited to attend. The brethren who can, are requested to come with tents: and those who [original illegible] can be accommodated with provision for themselves and horses on reasonable terms; those who come by stage to the Upper Village, three miles distant, will find conveyances to the ground. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.28

Com.—F. Wheeler, G. W. Barns, N. Smith. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.29

There will be a Second Advent Campmeeting in Manchester Ct. on ground formerly occupied for that purpose, 9 miles cast of Hartford, commencing Monday, Aug. 19th, to continue to the Saturday following. The sole object of this meeting it to advance vital godliness in the soul. Mid. Cry will please copy. H. MUNGER. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.30

This meeting is to be on Cheney Place, so called; and is 25 miles from Springfield. Br. M. informs us that a committee of 11 have been appointed, who have made arrangements for board, house-keeping, etc on reasonable terms. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.31

Brethren are requested to attend, and bring their tents, provisions, etc. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.32

Advent Campmeeting at Cabot, Vt. near the Plains, on land of Thomas Lyford, on the old camp-ground formerly occupied by the Methodists, two miles north of the village, to commence Tuesday, Aug. 20, and hold over the Sabbath. Brn Bennet, Shipman and others will attend. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.33



Cabot—Salmon Gerry, Isaac Kimball, Ezekiel Reed, A. Carpenter, James Walbridge, John Lund. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.34

Danville—Ebenezer Thompson, Asa Perkins. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.35

Peacham—L. Paine.—Wolcott, William C. Titus. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.36

Sutton—Aaron R. Morse,—Walden, Merrill Foster, and Benj. Durill. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.37

Hardwick—Wm. Drew, Seratus Blodgett. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.38

Woodbury—Stephen Chapman. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.39

Calais—Britton Wheelock. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.40

Marshfield, Leonard Wheeler, John Capron. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.41

We hope the above committee will are that arrangements are made in each town to come with tents. We anticipate a glorious gathering of the saints. I. H. Shipman. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.42

A Camp-meeting will be held (Providence permitting) at Rossville, on ground formerly occupied by the Methodists, commencing Thursday, July 25th. Steamboat Mount Pleasant, leaves the foot of Barclay-street at 8 o’clock, A. M., and returning, leaves New Brunswick at 1, and Rossville at 3, P. M. Fare from the city, 12 1-2 Cents. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.43

Brethren Fitch, Storrs, Teall, Matthias, Curry, and others are to be present. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.44

Board provided on the ground, on reasonable terms. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.45

New-York, July 15th, 1844. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.46

There will be a two-days grove meeting, at Saratoga Spa. (the Lord willing) commencing Saturday, 10 o’clock, A. M. July 27th. The brethren in that Vicinity, and lecturers, are requested to come filled with the blessing of the gospel of Christ. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.47

In behalf of the brethren, HST July 24, 1844, page 200.48

George W. Peavey. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.49

Conference at Buffalo, N Y. (Providence permitting, to commence on Monday, July 20, at 10 o’clock A. M. It is expected, that Brn. Wm. Miller, J. V. Himes, J. Marsh, J. F. Barry, and Elon Galusha will be present. All the lecturers, who can make it convenient, are solicited in attend. Also, all the brethren and sisters in this vicinity. We hope to see a general gathering of the saints at that meeting, if time continues. J. J. Porter. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.50

There will be an Advent Conference at Orange Vt., to commence July 27th, and hold over the Sabbath. Ministers of the everlasting gospel, are earnestly requested to attend, filled with the Holy Ghost. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.51

Leonard F. Billings. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.52

Letters received to July 20, 1844


N. Hervey; H. Munger; Polly Lee paid to end Vol. 7; pm Newark N. J.; pm Greenbury O; I. H. Shipman; J. J. Porter; F. R. Mayers; R. Matterson & C. Arnold by pm $1 each; pm Chesterville Me.; pm Sheepscot Bridge Me.; S. Nutt by pm $1; Miss S. Proctor by pm $3; E. Virgin by pm $4; A. P. Thompson by pm $2; J. S. St. John by pm $1; pm Albany N. Y.; D. M. Trickey; pm Champlain N. Y.; R. Crafts by pm $2; H. A. Parsons by pm $1, which pays to middle of 7 Vol.; W. B. Start with Box, Books sent; Willard Bowls by pm $1; pm Piffardiana N. Y.; pm Hope Me; E. C. Clemons; L. F Billings; pm Braintree Vt.; Capt. W. Tyler by pm $1; pm South Bradford N. H.; pm Dover N. H.; pm Bernardstown Ms.; pm Wayne Me; D. Kimball by pm $2; H. Mellus by pm $2; Mrs. Catlin by pm $1; E. B. McAllister by pm $1; C. C. Tucker by pm $2; J. E. Ainsworth $1; G. W. Peavey $2; pm Lincoln N. H. $1; A. Hale; J. Weston; R. Allen and Miss P. Goodale by pm 50c. each; J. M. Hale, C Clapp, and J. L. Atcherson by pm $1 each; E Jacobs; J. Pearson; C. C. Beckwith $3 books sent; R Porter; pm Oneco la; Daniel Prior by pm $1; pm Kent Ct.; pm East Marshfield Me.; J. V. Himes; E. C. Clemons; T. Huntington; T. Farnum and W. Wheeler; pm Havre de Grace Md.; S. F. Bradley by pm $1 which pays to No. 5 Vol. 8; Question Books not prohibited, the notice was premature; will send when out. Mary Place by pm $1; Thomas Manhall and William Adams by pm $1 each. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.53

Notices.—The books ordered were sent to Bro. Peavey 26 June; Bro. Shipman’s Books have been sent to N. Springfield Vt. per Express. Bro. Trickey has sent us $3 since 1 January. We have sent a Box of Books to Cincinnati Ohio, to the care of E. Jacobs. HST July 24, 1844, page 200.54

Will Brother E. C. Gordon furnish us with his place of residence? HST July 24, 1844, page 200.55