The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7

July 3, 1844

Vol. VII. No. 22. Boston, Whole No. 166

Joshua V. Himes



NEW SERIES VOL. VII. NO. 22. Boston, Wednesday July 3, 1844. WHOLE NO. 166. HST July 3, 1844, page 169.1




J. V. Himes, S. Bliss, & A. Hale, Editors. HST July 3, 1844, page 169.2

Terms.—One Dollar per Volume, of 26 Numbers. Five Dollars for 6 Copies, Ten Dollars for 13 Copies. HST July 3, 1844, page 169.3

All communications for the Advent Herald, or orders for Books or remittances, should be directed toJ. V. Himes, Boston, Mass,” post paid. HST July 3, 1844, page 169.4

Post Masters are authorized by the Post Office Department to forward free of expense all orders for, or to discontinue publications, and also money to pay for the same HST July 3, 1844, page 169.5

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“And fray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” HST July 3, 1844, page 169.7

To prayer, to prayer! the trying hour
Is hastening last when human power
Shall be like the mote in the tempest blast;
To prayer, to prayer! it hastens fast!
HST July 3, 1844, page 169.8

The vision of prophet and seer of old,
Which the story of kingdoms & thrones foretold,
Are all fulfilled save the ruin they sware
Should finish them all: to prayer, to prayer!
HST July 3, 1844, page 169.9

The signs which should tell that ruin near,
Have appeared and retired, or now are here:—
As the vernal trees speak of summer fair,
So the hour is near: to prayer, to prayer!
HST July 3, 1844, page 169.10

Sackcloth has veiled the sun at noon,
and wrapped in its folds the bright full moon.
The stars their token have given to all,
The earth and the ocean have uttered their call.
HST July 3, 1844, page 169.11

The picture of Sodom, as sketched of old,
In its darkest traits we now behold—
The worldly, the haughty, the faithless, the lewd,
The strong with the blood of the weak imbrued.
HST July 3, 1844, page 169.12

Nations are filled with perplexity,
And toss like the waves of the raging sea;
An ominous fear has filled with despair
The boldest hearts: to prayer, to prayer!
HST July 3, 1844, page 169.13

The long set hour on the dial of Time
Its last dread knell is about to chime,
Which bids all flesh to the judgment repair
To receive our doom: to prayer, to prayer!
HST July 3, 1844, page 169.14

Boston, June 24th 1844. H. HST July 3, 1844, page 169.15

Popery, an Argument for the Truth, by its fulfilment of Scripture Prophecies


From a discourse of Professor Gaussen, of Geneva, to the Theological students at the opening of the course in October last. HST July 3, 1844, page 169.16

[Translated For the New York Observer,] HST July 3, 1844, page 169.17

Gentlemen,—I call your attention now to an important point, which should be constantly before your eyes, when you have to do with Rome: I mean the precious and sacred doctrine of our fathers, too much neglected and often even despised in our churches, though God has given us to appreciate its value, many new reasons which our fathers did not possess. HST July 3, 1844, page 169.18

The doctrine is, that Rome is the Babylon of which John speaks; the pope, the Man of Sin, the son of perdition, of whom Paul speaks; popery, the little horn of which Daniel speaks. HST July 3, 1844, page 169.19

I would show you that this doctrine, constantly held in the church of God for more than twelve hundred years, has only been lightly esteemed, like the doctrine of an evil Spirit, the Tempter, in times of lax theology and infidelity. HST July 3, 1844, page 169.20

When the pious Waldo distributed the Scriptures in France, seven hundred years ago, the cry was soon heard: Come out of Babylon! When the great Wickliff preached the Reformation in England, five hundred years ago, all eyes were turned to the Roman pontiff with the exclamation: Behold the Man of sin! When the generous Huss and when Jerome of Prague made their voice heard, a hundred years before Luther, it was against the abominations of “the great Whore” foretold by John. When our fathers preached the Reformation in Geneva, one of their first cares was to affix to the wall of the City hotel a brass plate, (of which, alas! there only remains the frame,) and on which they inscribed thanks to God “for having delivered them from the tyranny of Anti-Christ.” When the fathers of most of us, gentlemen, made their admirable Confession of faith at Rochelle, they took care in their seventeenth national synod (held at Gap under Henry IV in the year 1603,) to decree that at the end of the 30th article should be inserted the following declaration, called arricle 31st (I transcribe their words:) HST July 3, 1844, page 169.21

“And since the bishop of Rome has erected a monarchy in christendom, claiming for himself dominion over all churches and pastors, exalting himself to be called of God, wishing to be adored, boasting to have all power in heaven and upon earth, to dispose of all ecclesiastical matters, to decide upon articles of faith, to authorize and interpret at his pleasure the Scriptures, to make a traffic of souls, to disregard vows and oaths, to appoint new divine services; and in respect to the civil government, to trample under foot the lawful authority of magistrates, by taking away, giving and exchanging kingdoms,—we believe and maintain that it is the very Antichrist and the Son of perdition, predicted in the word of God under the emblem of a whore clothed in scarlet, seated upon the seven hills of the great city, which has dominion over the kings of the earth; and we expect that the Lord will consume it with the spirit of his mouth, and finally destroy it with the brightness of his coming, as he has promised and already begun to do.” HST July 3, 1844, page 169.22

For more than fifty years, the protestant ministers and people of France were persecuted by kings and governors of provinces on account of this 31st article. But we love to hear their faithful voice making itself heard in their twenty-ninth and last national synod, after they had been refused for fifteen years holding any: HST July 3, 1844, page 169.23

“The king’s commissioner having requested that they should not employ such expressions (Antichrist, when speaking of the pope; idolatry, when speaking of the Romanists,) in the oaths taken in this synod, the moderator was instructed to answer as follows— HST July 3, 1844, page 169.24

“‘But in regard to these words: Antichrist, found in our liturgy, and idolatry and workings of Satan, found in our Confession of Faith, they contain the reasons and foundation of our separation from the church of Rome, and express the doctrine which our fathers maintained in times of cruel persecution; and we are resolved, after their example, never to abandon them, by the grace of God, but to preserve them faithfully and inviolably to the last moment of our life.” HST July 3, 1844, page 169.25

Such, gentlemen, is the declaration of your fathers, which I put to your understanding and to your conscience;—to your understanding, that you may study it carefully;—to your consciences, that you may preach it resolutely, like your fathers “in times of cruel persecution, faithfully, inviolably to the last moment of your lives.” HST July 3, 1844, page 169.26

This important doctrine is taught us by three prophets: by Daniel, in chapters 2 and 18. of the Revelation. HST July 3, 1844, page 169.27

I design to give you some idea, gentlemen, of the wonderful light which the Holy Spirit sheds upon this subject; and I shall be satisfied for this purpose to state briefly what only one of these prophets, the oldest, Daniel, says, and that only in his seventh chapter. HST July 3, 1844, page 169.28

I beg, first, that one of the brethren will please to read aloud the first fourteen verses. HST July 3, 1844, page 169.29

You will recollect, gentlemen, that in his chap. 2. Daniel, under the figure of a golden image, had described already at large the future history of nations until the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. According to him, four great monarchies must successively appear upon the stage of the world, gain dominion over all other nations, and trample under foot Jerusalem. The last monarchy, after cruel-enslaving all the countries of the prophetic lyland, should be divided into ten kingdoms (by the barbarians,) and continue, under this new form, until the restoration of Israel, the blessed millennium, and the reign of the saints. HST July 3, 1844, page 169.30

In this seventh chapter, we see again the same succession of four great monarchies; but here presented only for the purpose of revealing to us the time and place of a frightful apostacy, which should afflict the church for many ages, and which taking its rise in the empire of the Latins, soon after its division into ten distinct kingdoms, should not be destroyed till the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. HST July 3, 1844, page 169.31

But mark how sublime and majestic is this symbolical conception of the future! These four great empires, which contain in their destinies all the glories of this world during twenty four hundred years, exhibit themselves to the prophet under the view of four great beasts, rising up one after the other on the bosom of a great sea agitated by tempests. These four monarchies will be equally cruel and tyranical; they will oppress the people of God; they will devastate the earth, and their glory will be that of the destroyers of mankind! The first, the Babylonish empire, is a lion with eagle’s wings. The second the empire of the Medes and Persians, a wild bear of the mountains to whom it is said: Arise, devour much flesh! The third depicts admirably, with a few strokes, Alexander and his history: it is not only a leopard, swift and terrible; it has four wings of a fowl, and it has also four heads; its power is taken away, and its empire is soon scattered to the four winds of heaven. The fourth, lastly, the empire of the Latins, has no name, so terrible is it; it tramples every thing under foot; but (as in the prophecy of the golden image) it ends by being divided into ten; its ten horns are the ten kingdoms of the Gothic nations, which, towards the fifth century, all at once (as if at the word of command, from the banks of the Vistula to the Roman frontiers,) invaded, with a view to retain, under a divided form, the vast empire of the Latins, namely:—the Visigoths, Herules Ostrogoths, Francks, Burgundians, Vandals, Alans, Sucoi, Gepides, and Lombards! HST July 3, 1844, page 169.32

Now listen: You have here already the place of the predicted Apostasy, and you have also its time. Its place: it is a Roman apostasy, it is the whole territory of the Latin Monarchy; its time are the ages which shall follow the invasion of this empire by ten barbarian kings. You have also its whole progress; for, narrow as the canvass is, by after strokes of the pencil, the Holy Spirit describes both the character and destinies of the empire, with wonderful precision. Mark the 8th verse: HST July 3, 1844, page 170.1

“I considered the horns, and behold there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots, and behold, in this horn there were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.” HST July 3, 1844, page 170.2

Then (verses 24, 25,) in the interpretation which the Angel gives of these symbols to Daniel, we are told this signifies that another king shall rise up after the ten kings, and he shall be diverse from the first ten, and he shall subdue three kings; and moreover, he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws. HST July 3, 1844, page 170.3

It would take long, gentlemen, to do justice, by our interpretations, to the divine beauty of this picture. Popery is here found completely described by thirteen or fourteen marks. HST July 3, 1844, page 170.4

I will try to make you understand how, at each of these marks, we are forced to exclaim, not only: “Is this the pope?” but, “There is nothing under the sun, nor in the history of all ages, to which these divine descriptions can be applied, unless to the pope! it can only be the pope!” HST July 3, 1844, page 170.5

First mark. The nature itself of the power prefigured by the little horn.—Plainly, according to the prophecy, this must be a priest king. It is a king; for it is written: The little horn came up among the other ten;—and another king shall arise after the ten. It is a priest-king; for it is written that it shall be diverse from the other kings; and all that follows is designed to tell us in what it shall be different, and to show it to us at once in a political and a religious character. What does it do? it blasphemes, persecutes the saints, pretends to change times and laws. As king, it is feeble and small, it is a little horn; but as priest-king, it is great and mighty, it has power to oppress the saints for ages, it speaks great words, it governs the world. But, (I ask already for this first mark) where will you find under the sun a priest-king, unless at Rome, or perhaps in the mountains of Upper Asia in the Grand Lama? Where will you find, in the whole history of the world, unless in popery, a priest-king who has pretended to change times and laws, who has reigned with power, and who has made war upon the saints? HST July 3, 1844, page 170.6

Second mark. You have here, too, the geography of this power. Where must we seek for the little horn? Where is its “holy see?” Where its lands, its patrimony, the “domain of the church?” Where must we place the theatre of these abominations? HST July 3, 1844, page 170.7

How clear is the prophecy! It points you to the Roman monarchy, places this holy see in Rome; these lands of the church in Italy; and this theatre of a wicked power in the vast empire of the ten Latin kingdoms. You are not ignorant with what care John elsewhere points us to it in Rome, the city of seven hills, the Babylon of the last times. You know, too, that the Roman Catholics, as well as we, all recognize that Babylon, in John, can be no other than Rome. If, then, this power is a territorial state, it is, according to Daniel, a Roman state; if it is a church, this church, according to Daniel, is a Romish church; if it is a pontiff, this pontiff, according to Daniel, is a Roman pontiff; if it is a great Apostacy, this Apostacy extends, according to Daniel, between the Rhine, the Danube, the Greek empire, the Adriatic, Mount Atlas and the great ocean; that is to say, throughout the whole territory of the “Fourth Beast.” In other words, we must seek in France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Savoy, Italy, Bavaria, Austria and part of Hungary. HST July 3, 1844, page 170.8

Third mark. The origin of this power and the nature of its growth. How did it come into the world? Slowly, little by little, by constant increase, as a horn grows on the head of a bullock. Remark that the first ten horns (or the ten kingdoms established by the barbarians in the Roman empire) had appeared to the view of the prophet as already full-formed; but not so with the eleventh horn: it presents itself as coming up after the others, silently and imperceptibly, as a horn grows. And now inquire of all historians, if this is not an exact description of the origin of the papal tyranny; and if it has not become threatening, imposing and terrible, without their being able to tell the year when it began. HST July 3, 1844, page 170.9

Fourth mark. The chronology of this apostacy: by which I mean to say the time of its commencement and of its end. When ought it to commence, according to Daniel (this is a striking mark)? According to the vision, it is immediately after the division of the Latin empire into its ten Gothic kingdoms; that is to say, towards the sixth or seventh century. And, according to the same vision, this divided state must continue till the coming of Christ! But, I ask, if it is possible to find, anywhere but in papacy, the least solution to so clear and distinct a problem. I ask, if all the histories of the popes do not show us this power springing up from the ruins of the Roman empire, towards the sixth or seventh century, rising out of the very midst of the ten kingdoms formed from these ruins in the days of Clovis, Justinian and Belisarius! Point me, then, in all the world, (but especially in the Roman empire and in Rome,) to a priest-king who began to reign 1200 years ago, and who reigns in our day, still to continue till the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. HST July 3, 1844, page 170.10

Fifth mark. The territorial acquisitions of this power. Here is something marvellous! Three of the first horns (says Daniel, verse 8th) were plucked up before the little horn; and these horns, John represents to us as each wearing a crown. Take now a map of Italy; look for the pope’s domains, and find how many of the ten kingdoms the pontifical territory now occupies. You will see that it has supplanted three: the Herules, the Ostrogoths, and the Lombards. And if you will then go to Rome, and see him there, this very year, upon the banks of the Tiber, in his pontifical robes, trample upon the ashes of Romulus, or see him in the church of St. Peter, or in his palace in the Vatican: you will see him bearing upon his Babylonish tiara (for he is the only king on the globe who places upon his head this prophetic covering) you will see him, I say, bearing upon his Babylonish tiara three crowns of horns plucked up before him, the crowns of Odoacer, Theodoric and Alboin. Find me on earth another prince who covers his head with three crowns! And this prince is a priest-king; this prince is in Rome; this prince has grown great as a horn grows; this prince began about the sixth or seventh century; this prince still exists! It is written: “Three of the first horns were plucked up before it,” and “He shall subdue three kings!” HST July 3, 1844, page 170.11

Sixth mark. The extraordinary sagacity, consummate skill, incomparable policy, constant vigilance of this power. How admirable is this mark portrayed in the symbols of the vision! Whence, according to Daniel, the great power exercised by the little horn, to rule the whole Roman Catholic empire and to agitate the world for so many, many ages; since it comes after the other ten, and is also the least? Listen: it had eyes, Daniel tells us, like the eyes of a man! Its eyes, there is the secret of its power! A horn having eyes! strange conception truly, but admirable when we take the meaning! For 1200 years, what has given Rome her power, is that extraordinary sagacity, that worldly policy, of which the eye is emblematical; that vigilance which the exercises over every part of the earth by her religious orders, by her Jesuits, her apostolical prelates, and especially by her confessionals: it is that penetrating eye, always open, and which never sleeps; it is that consummate knowledge which it has of human weaknesses, and of which the confessional has been the great school for 800 years; it is its tricks and profound subtleties, “those depths of Satan, as they speak,” says John (Revelation 2:24.) HST July 3, 1844, page 170.12

Seventh mark. Its deceivableness, its falsehoods and lying wonders. This is a striking mark, and without a parallel in history. I would have referred it to the preceding; but Paul has so well described it in his second Epistle to the Thessalonians, when he says, of “the Man of sin” that “his coming is after the working of Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness,” (2:9, 10,) that I thought I should give it a distinct place. To this head we must refer the false legends, false books, false relics, the wonder working medals, false cures, and more especially the false decretals, that surprising falsehood, which has never had its like in the world for hardihood and success; for these false decretals deceived all Europe for 500 years, and availed alone to the success of the monstrous usurpations of the popes. HST July 3, 1844, page 170.13

Eighth mark. Its more than royal pomps. Daniel tell us (verse 20) that although this horn was “the least,” “his look was more slout than his fellows.” The pomps of Charlemagne, Charles V, Louis XIV, and Bonaparte were very great; but were they comparable to that of the Roman pontiff? The greatest kings must hold his stirrip, serve him at table, (what do I say?) must prostrate themselves before him, and kiss his feet; or even put their necks under his proud foot! Go yet this year to view him in the Vatican, as I myself have done. You will see hanging in the “royal hall” where all the ambassadors of Europe pass, a picture representing the great emperor Henry IV, uncovered before Gregory VII. You will see in another picture, the heroic and powerful emperor Fredrick Barbarossa upon his knees and elbows, before pope Alexander III, in the public square of Venice: the foot of the pope rests on his shoulder; his sceptre cast to the ground; and under the picture, these words: “Fredrick, a suppliant, adores, promising faith and obedience!” You must see with your own eyes this priest-king in his palaces and temples, to form an idea of his pomps, and to understand the full meaning of those words of Daniel: His look was more stout than his fellows. What eastern king was ever borne like him upon men’s shoulders, decked with the plumes of the peacock? Incense is burnt before him as before an idol; they kneel on both knees before him; they kiss the soles of his feet; they worship him! Venite, adoremus! (Come let us adore,) exclaim the cardinals when they go to him. The present pope caused to be sold in Rome, this year, among the numerous medals which the pontiffs have successively struck, to perpetuate in brass the exploits of their history a medal which I had a few days ago in my hands, and where you read these words above the portrait of Adrian VI, crowned by his cardinals: “Quem creant, adorant.” (Whom they create, they adore.) How often, when viewing him with my eyes amidst his pomps, has this oracle of the Holy Spirit sounded in my ears: He as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. HST July 3, 1844, page 170.14

To be Continued. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.1

Importance of a Preparation to meet the Lord


The last observation which I would make and which I desire to impress deeply upon my own mind, and upon the minds of others, in connexion with the foregoing subject, is the equal importance of personal godliness under every mode of prophetic interpretation which our judgment may respectively prefer. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.2

The personal and visible reign of Christ can be shared by those alone who are conformed to his spiritual character. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” There is an eternal harmony in the works and dispensations of God. The harvest accords with the seed which has been sown. “Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap: he that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap coruption; but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting.” HST July 3, 1844, page 171.3

In the contemplation of the future, this observation is of the greatest importance. Without this abiding recollection, prophecy may become to us as a fable; a mere picture to the imaginative; a scheme to the curious; a coherent plan to a moral architect; and yet a delusion to a polluted heart. If the reign of Christ be not first within our renewed souls we shall never share it in a renewed world. If he legislate not over our passions and our affections, we shall never bear rule in the regions of his rescued earth. If God the Holy Ghost regenerate not our hearts, He will never regenerate our bodies. Our conformity to Christ must be entire. We must first be crucified ere we can be glorified. His sceptre must be in our hearts ere his crown can rest upon our heads. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.4

“Oh loved, but not enough—tho’ dearer far
Than self and its most loved enjoyments are—
None duly loves thee, but who nobly free
From sensual objects, finds his all in thee—
“Glorious Almighty, First, and without end,
When will thou melt the mountains and descend?
When wilt thou shoot abroad thy conquering rays,
And teach these atoms thou hast formed thy praise?
“My soul! rest happy in thy low estate,
Nor hope nor wish to be esteemed or great.
To take the impression of a will divine,
Be that thy glory and those riches thine!
HST July 3, 1844, page 171.5

“Confess him righteous in his just decrees,
Love what he loves, and let his pleasure please;
Die daily—from the touch of sin recede;
Then thou hast crowned Him, and he reigns indeed!
HST July 3, 1844, page 171.6

To those whoso mental associations accord with these views of the spiritual victories of Christ, his visible and coming glory will be an influential theme of meditation and joy. Amidst the conflicts of inward corruption, the pangs of disease, the groans of oppression; amidst the tears of the suffering, the mistakes of the ignorant, and the blasphemies of the proud; the spiritual mind will anticipate a glorious though still terrestrial state, in which evil will have no place, and happiness be exposed to no temptation; in which mind mingling with mind, and enlarging its knowledge under every new facility for truth, will yield itself up “to those intellectual revelations, to that everlasting sunlight of the soul,” in which the truly wise will enjoy the presence of their Lord through the periods of a blissful eternity. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.7

Hon. G. T. Noel. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.8

The Theology of our Fathers


a voice from the church-yard

Dear Brother Bliss:—In accordance with your request presented in the “Herald” of March 27th, respecting epitaphs, I have searched “Barber’s Hist. Coll. Mass,” and will therefore present such epitaphs as I find therein, illustrating the truths alluded to. If they are of any worth to you, they are freely offered. As for myself I am well paid for my trouble: they show to me, HST July 3, 1844, page 171.9

“the way our fathers trod.” HST July 3, 1844, page 171.10

Epitaph on the tomb-stone of Rev. John Keek, A. M., in the Sheffield grave-yard: HST July 3, 1844, page 171.11

“When Suns and Planets from their orbs be hurl’d,
And livid flames involve this smoking world;
The trump of God announce the savior nigh
And shining hosts of angels crowd the sky;
Then from this tomb thy dust shall they convey
To happier regions of eternal day.”
HST July 3, 1844, page 171.12

Barber’s Hist. Coll., page 94. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.13

From the tomb-stone of Rev. Hezekiah Smith, D. D., in the grave-yard, Haverhill: HST July 3, 1844, page 171.14

“There’s a hast’ning hour, it comes, it comes,
To rouse the sleeping dead, to burst the tombs,
And place the saints in view.”—ib., p. 190.
HST July 3, 1844, page 171.15

Extract from the epitaph on the tomb-stone of Rev. Benj. Tappan, in the Manchester graveyard. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.16

“Keep safe, O tomb, thy precious eared trust,
Till life divine awake his sleeping dust.”
HST July 3, 1844, page 171.17

ib., p. 201. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.18

Extract from the inscription on the stone of Rev. John Richardson, in the grave-yard, Newbury. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.19

“A Resurrection to immortality—is here expected—for what was mortal.”—ib., p. 209. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.20

Extract from the epitaph on the tomb-stone of Man, wife of Elizor Holyoke, in the Springfield grave-yard: HST July 3, 1844, page 171.21

“Even here was sowne most pretious dust,
Which surely shall rise with the just.”
HST July 3, 1844, page 171.22

ib., p. 298. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.23

Extract from the epitaph on the monument of Capt. Nathaniel Dwight, in the Belchertown grave-yard: HST July 3, 1844, page 171.24

“Tho’ I must die and turn to dust,
I hope to rise among the just.
Jesus my body will refine,
I shall with him in glory shine.”
HST July 3, 1844, page 171.25

ib. p. 216. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.26

Extract from the inscription on the tomb-stone of Rebeckab, wile of Rev. John Russell, in the Had-ley grave-yard: HST July 3, 1844, page 171.27

“A wise, virtvovs, piovs mother in Israel lyes here,
in fvll assvrance of a joyful Resvrrection.”
HST July 3, 1844, page 171.28

ib., p. 326 HST July 3, 1844, page 171.29

From the monument of the Rev. Thomas Clark, second minister in Chelmsford: HST July 3, 1844, page 171.30

“In the faith and hope of a blessed Resurection.” HST July 3, 1844, page 171.31

ib., p. 377. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.32

Extract from the inscription on the monument o Rev. John Swift, in the Framingham grave-yard: HST July 3, 1844, page 171.33

“He at length rests with the Lord, looking for the adoption, that is, the redemption of the body.” HST July 3, 1844, page 171.34

ib., p. 389. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.35

Extract from the epitaph on the monument of Capt. John Brown, Esq. in the grave-yard, South Reading. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.36

“His pious soul took wings, gave up her breath,
Dropp’d here her mantle in the silent dust,
Which waits the resurrection of the just.”
HST July 3, 1844, page 171.37

ib., p. 389. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.38

Epitaph on the tombstone of Mr. Benjamin Day, in the grave-yard, Wrentham: HST July 3, 1844, page 171.39

“My dust lies here, my better part’s above,
And lives, so I, not death, the conqueror prove;
What I possess secures me what’s to come,
My clay shall be refined and sent for home.”—
HST July 3, 1844, page 171.40

ib., p. 493. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.41

Extract from the inscription on the stone of Rev. John Shaw, in the Bridgewater grave-yard: HST July 3, 1844, page 171.42

“O, man, greatly beloved! thou shall rest and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.”—ib., p. 497. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.43

From the monument of Rev. William Rand, in the grave yard, Kingston: HST July 3, 1844, page 171.44

“Here’s one who long had ran the Christian Race;
Kindly reliev’d, reclines his hoary head,
And sweetly slumb’ring in this dark embrace:
Listen the welcome sound, “Arise ye dead.”—
HST July 3, 1844, page 171.45

ib., p. 511. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.46

Thus much for epitaphs. I now wish to present two or three extracts for your consideration, from a work which I have before me, entitled, “Christ’s certain and sudden Appearance to Judgment,” By Thomas Vincent, sometime minister at Maudlines, Milk street, London, pp., 348. It was written, as near as I can ascertain, (there being no precise date), about 150 years since. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.47

The first extract I shall offer, is from p. 15, shewing his views of the location of Heaven, at the coming of our Lord. He says:—“But who can conceive the royalty and surpassing excellency of Jesus Christ, when he comes down out of his Fathers palace into the world? He will come in great glory, God will come down in Him, and with Him: the throne of God will be removed, the palace will be below, the Heaven will be upon the earth, where Christ is, there is Heaven, there is God in his greatest glory to be been; he will come in his glory; never was there such glory seen upon the earth; never did the eye of man behold such a sight, as then it will behold.” HST July 3, 1844, page 171.48

The second is from p. 330. Addressing believers, he says:—,“Rejoice, believers, rejoice! when Christ doth appear, ye shall also appear. Possibly some of you may remain alive until his appearance; be sure all of you shall be made alive; it men go down into your dust before, you shall not be hid there for ever, you shall not be buried there in eternal oblivion; but the Lord Jesus Christ will awaken you out of your long sleep of death, and raise you out of your beds of darkness. He will send his angels to gather you from the four winds. Think, O think, how joyful a day this day will be unto you when the voice is proclaimed, The Bridegroom is come, go ye forth to meet him!” The third is from the last page, where, again addressing believers, he says:—“And lastly, look for the appearance of the Lord, look with an eye of hope, labor to abound in hope, by the power of the Holy Ghost, and let this hope be an anchor fastened within the veil, to stay your sinking hearts in the midst of these fierce storms, which do, or may beat upon you in the world, and look with the eye of desire. Look and long for Christ’s appearance; dart up your wishes often to Heaven. O when shall we see the heavens opened, and behold our Lord in his glory? When shall we hear the trumpet sound, and he gathered by the angels from all quarters of the earth? When shall the Lord Jesus come down and shew us his glory, and receive us unto himself, that where he is, there we may be also? Christ hath spoken from heaven to earth, Surely, I come quickly; let there be an echo back from earth to heaven in your desires to this voice: Amen, even so come, LORD JESUS, come quickly.” O Brother, may you and I be ready; amen, amen. Yours, looking daily for the Lord. Addison Warfield. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.49

Holliston, May 1st 1844. HST July 3, 1844, page 171.50

Advent Herald & Reporter

No Authorcode

“The Lord is at Hand.”

BOSTON, JULY 3, 1844.

To the Public


A few weeks since, I with ten or fifteen other friends gave to M. Hull Barton a writing our approbation of his course here, and approbated the gospel truths he uttered. I still say that, in public meetings, and at other times, he advanced very much truth and invariably showed a meek and quiet spirit in his deportment before us, and that from all the circumstances we could gather, we thought he was condemned unjustly, for we felt convinced that, however bad he might be, we could not coademo him for any thing that we had seen, we did not testify to his general character, (as he was a stranger) but to his labors here. Within twenty-four hours, facts of the most convincing nature, have come before us, and we are fully convined that he is a Hypocrite and base deceiver, and we warn the public to be on their guard against his Spiritual Magnetism. And we say to him, we wish returned immediately, postage paid, the writing we gave him, that if he will come himself, we will tell him what we know about facts he cannot gainsay or resist. HST July 3, 1844, page 172.1

All that I have had opportunity to see, who signed the paper are the following and they join in the above request:—David Colman, Henry Lunt, P. H. Richardson, Olive Richardson, Leonard Plumer, Mary J. Hills. Yours, truly, Newburyport, July 1. R. Plumer. HST July 3, 1844, page 172.2

The tide turning.—We are glad to find that we are not alone in our opinion of the works which have been so generally hailed by the professedly Christian press of our land, as the triumph of “profound erudition,” “critical acumen,” sound and true interpretation of prophecy, etc., etc. HST July 3, 1844, page 172.3

The N. Y. Observer speaks as follows of the “Remarks on the Book of Daniel, by Professor Chase. HST July 3, 1844, page 172.4

“We have but cursorily examined this book; but we perceive that the author rejects the received opinion of the church that the fourth beast denotes the Roman apostasy, and regards it as denoting the successors of Alexander. However ingenious the learned Professor’s reasoning, we consider such interpretation tame and frigid, and would only request the author and his readers to contrast with it the eloquent and lucid exposition of Professor Gaussen in the article the concluding part of which is published in our paper of to-day, entitled: “Popery an argument for the truth,” etc. HST July 3, 1844, page 172.5

The Anniversaries



1.We look upon these anniversary movements as furnishing a most striking indication of the character of the age. The world has had its long period of patriarchal simplicity, but it appears to have been an age of animalism, of eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage,—its age of imperial ambition and iron domination, which was characterized by a more commanding developement of the intellect, in philosophy and letters; and its age of darkness and apathy, in which scarcely anything but superstition and fanaticism were permitted to exist.—We might also add that the transition period in each case, was an age of war. This is the age of excitement, of invention and reform. It has been the lot of our race to be “led captive by the devil at his will,” ever since man broke away from his high allegiance to God, and the exhibitions and proofs of his agency are but too abundant. It is easy for us who live at this time to see how the devil took the lead in the developements of former ages, and why should we not expect him now to turn reformer? HST July 3, 1844, page 172.6

Since the first agitation which disturbed the clouds and mists of the dark ages, the admiration of the world has been called forth by the passing of a succession of stars of the first magnitude through the moral heavens, the principal of which are known by the names of Howard, Wilberforce, Clarkson, Wesley, Whitefield, and many others, who were doubtless placed and sustained in their orbits by Him who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, and since it was impossible to turn away from these the admiring eyes of the world, it would seem that the best the devil could do, in such a case, was to get up counterfeit stars. And so poor human nature, which could not be shamed into a cold and heartless propriety in its treatment of lost and suffering sinners, was now applauded for its super-heavenliness, until fairly magnetized, and then inflated and cut loose to blaze way—no matter whether it was the light of Heaven that was shed upon the world, or light from the fire of the “other place,” a blaze was all that was wanted, and now that the devil has turned philanthropist and apostle-maker, there is hardly anything to be seen but stars. And although there is every possible variety in the manufacture, still, his handy work appears to be as fantastical and ludicrous and awkward as when he put the tripple crown and sacred vestments upon the apes and wolves, and bears, and dromedaries of the dark ages. HST July 3, 1844, page 172.7

Nor is it difficult to see how he turns the movement to his own account. The patent Howards of our day have well nigh turned the tide of human sympathy and judicial partiality in favor of murderers, pirates, high-waymen, seducers, etc, etc. while their injured victims are treated with contempt and even insult; so that villains of all sorts may take encouragement that they shall escape with impunity, if their wickedness is only conducted upon a scale sufficiently large to give eclat to the agents by whom they are to escape “unwhipt of justice.” HST July 3, 1844, page 172.8

Offenders on a small scale are not objects of such particular sympathy. HST July 3, 1844, page 172.9

The avowed and boasting succesors of the most deadly enemies of the human race have actually seized upon the favoring moment, and forgetting the maxims which lay at the basis of their own savage cruelty have presented their claim for a share in the popular sympathy. The poor suffering Pope and his adherents, whose capital “has been for ages a political forge, where the chains of Europe have been wrought,” whose acknowledged and venerated predecessors have waged a murderous and unrelenting war against the Bible and the claims of its great Author, against the piety of his church, and against the rights and institutions and liberty of the world, for more than thirteen centuries, even these, with a determination which could be sustained only by the hope which is held out to fallen infamy and wounded pride, of a chance to obtain a foothold by which they may be enabled to gain their former position, have come forward to ask the world to aid them, (since they get along so poorly in sustaining their cause, now that they are thrown upon their own resources in common with their newly liberated victims,) in the attempt to regain their lost power. HST July 3, 1844, page 172.10

The same Pope who, in his Encyclical Letter, denounced “liberty of conscience” as a “pestilential error,” and charged its advocates with “unblushing impudence,” and with “attempting the overthrow of religion and civil institutions,” is now heard pleading in the French Chamber of Peers, by Count Montalembert in these terms:—“The remedy, the sole remedy, and you know it, is that which is exacted of you, that which is exacted by the charter as well as the social condition of the country, and at the same time by the voice of the Church: it is liberty.... The glory of the Church will be to have claimed it, and despoiled of her antique splendor, of all her wealth, of all her privileges to have believed that in the sole possession of that liberty she would recover all.” Yes, grant her “that which is asked for,” that which she only wants the power to assert, “liberty” to consign the word of God and all who sincerely bow to its requirements to the flames, and no doubt “she would recover all!” And this same Count is greeted by a procession of Catholics, so meagre, to be sure, as to be regarded in any other than a flattering light, as follows:—“In the name of our faith and our patriotism, in union with the Catholic nations, who sighing turn their eyes towards France, receive this public testimony of adhesion and gratitude. And ever, Monsieur le Comte, when you shall defend the independence of the Church, the liberty of conscience, the liberty of education, the liberty of the religious orders, the benediction of all Catholics will ever respond to your words.” HST July 3, 1844, page 172.11

And we see in this dupe and minion of the old sorceress, an exhibition of the same stupidity and “impudence which characterize her emisaries in all other cases. He expects the world to make up their verdict in the case of “the Church” (“the mother of harlots,”) by an examination of her character for “fifteen years:”—“Fix your eyes for one instant on what has passed in the world during the last fifteen years, and say on which side are the persecutors and where are the oppressors? On all sides the Catholics are oppressed and on no side do they oppress:”—As if he would have us consider the comparative decency of the old strumpet, during a short term in the house of correction, an evidence of chastity during a long life of public prostitution. The criminal, and the argument in her defence, are worthy of the author of that sympathy to which the appeal is made. And why should they not be favorably considered? HST July 3, 1844, page 172.12

It was the impolitic generosity of Napoleon which proved his overthrow. And the work of those who have done quite as much for the world may be in danger (should there be time) from the same cause. Happy is it for those who are prepared for whatever may come. HST July 3, 1844, page 172.13

In this age of excitement and invention, as distinction depends so much upon producing a novelty, the stagnant and artificial uniformity of the past age is followed by an excessive variety, in the organizations to which the activity of the age has given rise; and the tendency is to superficialness, and the production of “monomaniacs.” We have much that is impressive but too little that is vital and fundamental. All this is seen in the religious character of the age, and is brought to view a the anniversary meetings. We are far from being alone in this opinion. A correspondent of the Christian Secretary, at the late meetings in Boston, speaks as follows:— HST July 3, 1844, page 172.14

“It is a time when much good seed is sown in the sermons and addresses delivered, and it is also a time when tares are scattered in profuse abundance. On the whole, I am inclined to think truth is progressing, and that the anniversaries are productive of more good than injury to the community. But there is evidently a deficiency in all our religious anniversaries. We want more prayer, and more of the spirit of devotion. We do indeed recognise God at the opening and close of our meetings, but the prayers offered seem to originate in the requirement of the constitution, rather than the promptings of devout hearts. The Lord save us from a mere formal attendance to the great duly of prayer.” HST July 3, 1844, page 172.15

The time has been when our best and at present most popular enterprizes, were such a test upon individual responsibility that the most devoted at home were the only ones who were found ready to engage in their suport before the public, but that day is now past. What was once a means of promoting the duties of the closet, and personal piety, may now be considered a substitute for the former and well nigh fatal to the latter. HST July 3, 1844, page 172.16

It may appear strange to some who read this article that we should speak of novelties and monomaniacs. That surprise, however, will be confined to those who know nothing of our views, or those who know so much about them that they have become satisfied it is easier to slander us than to show where we are in the wrong. Many intelligent men, in the ordinary sense, have supposed that we never have thought of anything else but that the world was to be burned up in 1843; and of course, this could not see the injustice of applying to us the current epithets, “fanatics,” “monomaniacs,” etc. But the truth is, there were so many fanatics and monomaniacs around us, that we could not enter upon the apostolic work assigned us, without raising the charge against ourselves, which our opposers, by the position they had taken, had justly incurred. HST July 3, 1844, page 172.17

They had got everything deranged, out of order. The great central and regulating truth of the word of God, “the appearing and kingdom of Jesus Christ;” had been thrown out of place, perhaps lost entirely, and whole multitude of his professed servants were laying plans which supposed that this world, which is doomed to fire, was to be perpetuated forever, or at least, so long that its end was not to be taken into the account. Almost every vice and every virtue, every truth and every error, every sect, class, and interest in the community stood with their company pledged, and their track laid, and their cars well filled, and their steam up, all ready to start, or on their way, to the millennium. HST July 3, 1844, page 173.1

Under such circumstances the anouncement of the old apostolic message, that the King of kings, He whose right it is, was about to descend from heaven, to restore all things, and to reign forever, and that a preparation for that event was the great question to be considered, could not but make disturbance among those who had got up these millennial arrangements. But we repeat it, it was no part of our work to break up these arrangements, in themselves, it was simply to complete the general plan. They had crowded the Advent out of its place, and God raised up the ‘Millerites’ to effect its restoration. In His strength they set to work excavating the hills and filling up the valleys, till at length a new track was graded and railed, and the cars put on, and now the Advent train has got the lead of many of the old ones, and is fast gaining upon the rest. HST July 3, 1844, page 173.2

By the blessing of God we have succeeded in gaining the attention and the hearts of many who were pledged to the old monopolies, and so far things are going right. The “fanatics” and “monomaniacs” are almost to a man opposed to us. HST July 3, 1844, page 173.3

The Advent system is scripturally comprehensive in the duties it enjoins—scripturally symmetrical in its adjustment of the objects of life, and scripturally eclectic in its agreement with all other systems. It embraces the whole circle of Bible duties, private, social, and public—it refers all to the kingdom of God and his righteousnes, as the “first” thing to be sought, and to the attainment of other things as may be convenient for pilgrims and strangers on the earth—it approves whatever accords with this plan of life, wherever it is found—it rejects all that is opposed to it. While it places the affairs of time in subordination to those of eternity, and arranges the objects and duties of life in a corresponding order, it must, in its nature, correct the tendencies and faults of the age. HST July 3, 1844, page 173.4

2. We call attention to the testimony furnished by these anniversary meetings to the fulfillment of prophecy. We speak now of the facts to which they refer us in presenting the calls for, and encouragements to, missionary labor. HST July 3, 1844, page 173.5

In Reference to Popery


It is predicted by Daniel (7:25-27,) that this great anti-Christian organization was to undergo an important change in its condition previous to its complete destruction. “They shall take away his dominion, to consume and destroy it unto (or at) the end.” Paul asserts the same thing, 2 Thessalonians 2:8. See also Revelation 13:17, 18. HST July 3, 1844, page 173.6

The question between us and our opponents is this:—has this change, which was to be followed by the final destruction of Popery taken place?—Has the dominion, not the existence of the little horn been taken away? Has the authority, not the existence, of the Papal beast of John continued its appointed time? If that change has taken place, it is settled beyond dispute, that we have nothing now to look for but the coming of Christ, the great event which consummates, with that of all his other enemies, the destruction of popery. HST July 3, 1844, page 173.7

Let us now refer to a few recent facts which bear upon this question. What we have already given from the Catholic party in France, is of an important character. “The voice of the Church” calling for “liberty”—“Catholics sighing turn their eyes to France”—popery “everywhere oppressed,” etc. Now it is this condition of things to which our brethren point us in their annual and occasional reports and speeches. The report of the “Foreign Evangelical Society,” lately read in Park Street Church, testifies as follows:— HST July 3, 1844, page 173.8

“Much may be done in most Catholic countries. Poland and Lower Canada are under governments which are not opposed to the prosecution of this work. The Gallican race, both in France and Belgium, embracing thirty-eight millions of souls, is of all Roman Catholic countries the most accessible. Much might be done in Spain and Portugal, and even in South America and Mexico. St. Domingo is now entirely open, by the Constitution which the late revolution has given it. Even in Italy and Austria, much may be now done for the spiritual good of the Protestants in those countries.” HST July 3, 1844, page 173.9

And it is a remarkable fact that while the Protestants of America were preparing to assemble at their anniversaries, “a Protestant Missionary meetingwas actually heldwithin a stone’s throw of the Propagandaat Rome, the “seat” of the Beast. HST July 3, 1844, page 173.10

Here are a few of the facts which might be selected as testimony in the case. HST July 3, 1844, page 173.11

We have similar testimony in reference to HST July 3, 1844, page 173.12

The Condition of Turkey


That the prophetic history of the Turks is given to us by the Revelator, all our standard writers agree. The period during which they were “to torment” or “kill men,” is expressed under the fifth and sixth trumpets, Revelation 9. The seventh trumpet brings us again to the judgment. As in the case of popery, we assert that if the Turkish “power to kill” has been taken away, we have nothing to look for but the events of the seventh trumpet—the end of all things. HST July 3, 1844, page 173.13

Now what is the testimony of our brethren on this point? The report of the A. B. C. F. M. read by Rev. Mr. Green, at its late annual meeting, in Park street Church, referred us to “the late efforts of the Christian governments of Europe, to mitigate the severities of the Turkish government towards its subjects, when they adopt a different religion from their own,” as a strong inducement to sustain and enlarge our missionary operations in that direction. And what are the efforts of these “Christian governments of Europe?” Why, England, the other governments concurring, has declar-to the Porte, that she will “withdraw her support of the Turkish Empire,” unless they cease to put those to death who change their religion. Andthe Sultan has submitted.” HST July 3, 1844, page 173.14

Here then are two lines of prophetic history, to which the church has directed her inquiring eyes, for centuries, fully assured that they indicate the hour of her deliverance, and her entrance upon the promised and everlasting rest. And can any intelligent man point us to an item in the prophecy, which remains to be fulfilled before that deliverance is to be realized? Is it possible for God to speak to us in a manner more striking and conclusive than he is speaking to us by these events? And is it not astonishing, that those who stand up and testify to them, as we have seen, will, at the same time, charge those who are endeavoring to call the attention of the church and the world to the great practical import and bearing of these event, with being “heretics,” “fanatics,” “insane,” etc. etc. Was there ever such an exhition of wicked and suicidal stupidity, since the Jews rejected the testimony of their own prophets, in reference to the first advent of the Lord of Glory? Great God, must it be so? O, must it be that the thousands, who have the word of God in their hands, shall not only remain ignorant of “the time of their visitation,” but be guilty of rejecting and perverting its awful warnings, by making them speak of peace and safety, till sudden destruction shall come upon them! HST July 3, 1844, page 173.15

3. We must refer to these anniversary meetings as a test upon our regard for the word and authority of God. The word of God tells us plainly that the events above referred to, not to speak here of others, indicate that the appearing of Jesus Christ—the judgment—the end of the world, are to “come quickly.” But it is the almost uniform testimony of these popular organizations, by their appointed agents, that nothing of the kind is to be thought of at present, if at all. “They know not the Scriptures.” And if God has appointed them, they are not faithful watchmen, for God has spoken of the destruction which he will bring upon the earth, and they refuse to give warning; and the souls who are overtaken by the coming wrath, unwarned, will be required at their hand. HST July 3, 1844, page 173.16

It may sometimes be difficult to draw the line between that which is good in itself, or when rightly used, and its perversion; but when men “turn the truth of God into a lie,” no such difficulty occurs. However we may desire to spread the truth, we cannot do so when it is associated with errors which cannot fail of defeating its own purposes.—While our brethren confess, so unequivocally, the propriety of applying to then the apostolic warning, by denying the promise of the Lord’s coming, and asserting that all things continue, and are to continue, as they were from the beginning, we must take heed to that warning ourselves, and repeat it for the benefit of others. “Wherefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before,” that the prophecies shall be thus rejected, “beware lest ye also being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.” To reject the prophecies of Christ’s second coming, now, is as presumptuous and fatal as it would have been to reject the prophecies of his first coming, after “the day spring from on high had visited” the church, by The birth of John, the forerunner of Christ. Beware of those who thus pervert the prophecies. “They can discern the face of the sky, but how is it that they cannot discern the signs of this time? HST July 3, 1844, page 173.17



Brother F. G. Brown writes from Westboro, Mass., his present residence, under date of June 18, that he is “getting along as well as could be expected,” he is not “yet fully prepared to say whether his general health is improving, but hopes it is.” HST July 3, 1844, page 173.18

Brother Stockman, of Portland, we have been told, is very low with consumption, if indeed he now abides in the flesh. HST July 3, 1844, page 173.19

Brother L. Caldwell writes from Ipswich, June 21, “At present my health is poor, indeed it has been quite feeble.” HST July 3, 1844, page 173.20

The writer, who has been on the sick list for some months past, is still unable to lecture, though not entirely laid by. As Brother Bliss arrived at home on Friday of last week, we intend, the Lord willing, to try an excursion for our health, if some of our brethren near the salt water will give us an invitation. By the way, the brethren at Portsmouth need not be surprised, if they have a visit, on the very kind invitation of Brother Peirce to spend a week or two with them. HST July 3, 1844, page 173.21

And here we must say a word upon what has always appeared to be a most trying fact, viz: that there should be so many professed servants of God, who only need the “mind to work,” in order to be useful, who are now not only doing nothing in his service, but are hindering those who are trying to do what they can. HST July 3, 1844, page 173.22

The calls for labor in the Advent cause were never, perhaps, more numerous and urgent, than at the present time, but in a great many cases they cannot be met for want of men. It is hard to know that this is the case, and to be under the necessity of remaining silent. It is hard, but we must submit. A. Hale. HST July 3, 1844, page 173.23

What does it mean!


The Spell breaking. We shall hardly need to call the attention of our readers to the article of Prof. Gaussen, on our first page, from the New York Observer. HST July 3, 1844, page 174.1

Is it possible, we exclaim, that an American Orthodox paper like the Observer, can have the courage to give circulation to such a view of the prophecies, when Professors Stuart, Chase, Stowe, etc., whose anti-scriptural, anti-protestant, anti-evangelical assumptions are echoing from a thousand pulpits, have declared, (the first above named, certainly,) that “the Pope,and Mohammed, and the French Revolution, and all like matters or persons, are things which have no specific ground or basis in the book of Daniel or of John.”—Hints, p. 141. HST July 3, 1844, page 174.2

The manes of Antiochus and Nero may now repose again. And those who have labored so strenuously of late in attempting their apotheosis, may also rest, if the spirit who goeth about like a roaring lion will permit. And since the work of defending the truth is likely to be carried on by such hands as the Observer, we shall at least enjoy a measure of relief. HST July 3, 1844, page 174.3

Let these views of the prophecies become current again, in the church, and the death-like stupor which has come over her, in consequence of the opiates which have recently been administered so freely, will pass away, and if time permit, she will renew her labors, in view of the account she is to render to him “who is ready to judge the quick and dead,” and put on her beautiful garments, that she may meet him in peace. HST July 3, 1844, page 174.4

She will also be prepared to take the right position, now that the old enemy,—who has turned the fair portions of the church, over which she has triumphed, into a land of slaves, beggars, sensualists, idolators and atheists,—is coming in like a flood upon those portions which have fallen to us. HST July 3, 1844, page 174.5

And how remarkable it is, that while our opposers have been to Germany to obtain arguments to battle the truth, that Germany, who has been fed to loathing, and almost to death, with these arguments, should furnish an antidote to her own poison. We hope to give our readers the remainder of the article next week. We intend also to print a thousand copies, or more, with notes, in the form of our Library, to send, abroad as there may be calls, in order to undo the mischief which the American German productions referred to above have accomplished; and so let “Greek meet Greek.” HST July 3, 1844, page 174.6

Great Eclipse in 1806


The following fine description of the great eclipse of 1806, is from the pen of Mr. E. S. Thomas, the venerable editor of the Cincinnatti Evening Post. HST July 3, 1844, page 174.7

It was our happiness to be at Providence, R. I., when the total eclipse of June 1806 took place—the day was perfectly bright—the phenomenon commenced between eleven and twelve o’clock, and after the sun became totally obscure, it remained so for more than half an hour. Its operation upon animated nature was truly and awfully sublime. The birds flew about in every direction, in evident distres and terror, the domestic fowls run about in all directions, cackling as in affright. Horses galloped round their pastures neighing; while the horned cattle, which seemed more affrighted than the rest, tore up the earth with their horns and feet in madness—all this uproar was followed by the silence of midnight, when the eclipse was completed—the birds retired to their resting places—the fowls to their roosts, the horses to their stalls, and the cattle to their mangers; while the stars shone forth in their beauty, and all was still; when the sun began to re-appear, a large number of musicians, students of Brown University, assembled upon the terrace of the College, and struck up Mihon’s hymn to light. The effect was altogether sublime and beautiful. Nothing that ever met our eye before or since, was equal to it.” HST July 3, 1844, page 174.8

Yes, that must have been “sublime and beautiful,” indeed. And how naturally are we carried forward to that day when the climax of all that is terrible, on one hand, and of all that is glorious on the other, shall be realized. The “awfully sublime” darkness and uproar of “animated” and every other department of “nature,” which shall then be witnessed, is to be followed by the return of a new day, and that new day shall be hailed by strains such as never were inspired by “Milton’s hymn to light:”— HST July 3, 1844, page 174.9

And a voice came out of the throne, saying— HST July 3, 1844, page 174.10

“Praise our God, all ye his servants,
And ye that fear him, both small and great!”
HST July 3, 1844, page 174.11

And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying:— HST July 3, 1844, page 174.12

“Halleluiah! for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth! Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to Him; for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready!” Revelation 19:5-7. HST July 3, 1844, page 174.13

The Seven Churches


Dear Brother Hale.—There are many precious promises, in the Bible, which we do not get at first view, but we are obliged to dig for them, as for hid treasures. The promises in Revelation 3, to the Philadelphia church are exceedingly valuable, and I think it can be made to appear that they belong to us now. If they do, we need them, or the Lord would not have given them to us in this time of trial. HST July 3, 1844, page 174.14

That the seven churches were typical of the seven states of the church, from the day the revelation was made to John, to the second coming of Christ, has been so plainly shown, that it need not be argued here. But I am quite satisfied, from a careful comparing of scripture with history, that many of these seven states have been misapplied The first form, I think, are not all in the right place; but let them pass for the present, as brother Miller and others have them. 1. Ephesus—Through the apostolic age—2. Smyrna. Beginning about the close of the first century, and ending about A. D. 312, in the days of Constantine. 3. Pergamos from 312, to the rise of the Papal beast, A. D. 538. HST July 3, 1844, page 174.15

4. Thyatira—Commencing 538. But not ending, as some say, in the tenth century, but continuing down to 1798. This, I think, can be made to appear from the Bible. In Revelation 3:20 to 24, what is said of the woman Jezebel, I think, can only be applicable to the Mother of Harlots, Papal Rome, And the history seems to carry us down to her fall in 1798. “But unto you, I say, and to the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not known this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of satan as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden—but that which ye have already, hold fast till I come.” The sense of this seems to be, that the Thyatiran church would be in existence, at the time God commenced his judgments upon that woman Jezebel, or Papal Rome, by taking away, her dominions; and that many Christians, then living, would not know the depths of satan as they speak, would know very little of the iniquity of Popery. Upon such, he would put none other burden, but that they should stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ had made them free, and so be ready for his coming. It seems to me certain, by what is here said, that some living at the end of Thyatiran church, will be alive at Christ’s second coming. I see not how to reconcile any other interpretation of it, unless I admit that Christ will come more than twice. Nor can I put the ending of this church back to the tenth century, unless I admit that Christ then came the second time. And he not only says to the Thyatiran church, “Hold fast till I come,” but, “he that over cometh and keepeth my words unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations, and He shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers.” This is exactly like other passages descriptive of Christ’s second coming, that I cannot avoid the conclusion, that these members of the Thyatiran church would be alive at the second coming of Christ. HST July 3, 1844, page 174.16

If it be objected, that the Thyatiran church could not continue through the whole reign of Popery, as that would make it disproportionately long, I answer, God’s word will best determine that. Another passage satisfies me that this is the true exposition of the above, “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there, a thousand two hundred and threescore days.” Revelation 12:6. Now it appears evident there could be but one state of the church during this 1260 days. HST July 3, 1844, page 174.17

5. Sardis, Commencing in 1798, and continuing to the time the Midnight Cry developed the true state of the nominal church, when those, who have not defiled their garments in the Lord’s church, come out and form or make up the Philadelphia church, Revelation 3:1, is certainly descriptive of the nominal church since 1798. Since that time, all the seeds have arisen popularity. They have had a name to live. And yet it may be doubled, whether there has been as much real Bible religion, in proportion to numbers, as fifty years before. “Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard; and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shall not watch, I will come on the as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee,” seems to me to allude to this church receiving the Midnight Cry. “If therefore thou wilt not watch,” etc., is so exactly like the caution Christ gives, as recorded by Matthew 24. Mark 13, and Luke 21., that I think no candid mind will deny, the church here addressed will be living at Christ’s second coming. HST July 3, 1844, page 174.18

6 Philadelphia church.—“And to the angel of the church of Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath he key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth and no man openeth. I know thy works, behold I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it, for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Behold I will make them of the gynagogue of satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee, because thou hast kept the word of my patience. I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold I come quickly; hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.” This is plainly the true church, which will be alive at Christ’s appearing, and will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and united with those raised at the first resurrection, will enter through the open door set before them. The Sardis church evidently receives the Midnight Cry. They reject it. The few names which have not defiled their garments, in the Sardis church, come out at God’s command, and constitute the Philadelphia church. And the remainder of the Sardis after the Philadelphia is separated from them, make up the Laodicean church, which is rejected of Christ at his appearing. In no other way can I make the scriptures harmoize. It the Laodicean church is the only one which reaches to the end, I see no evidence, that a single Christian will be living at Christ’s appearing. The Laodicean church is wholly rejected—spued out of his mouth. But Christ is coming to get his church. (See Ephesians 5:23, to the end; 1 Thessalonians 4:17; Revelation 19:7.) A part of it will be alive on the earth, at his appearing, and will have come out and separated, (see 2 Corinthians 6:14-18,) and so have made ready for him. “Behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, is the appellation God gives to the nominal church at some period; and, after what has been said, I think none can deny the appellation is referable to the Sardis Church; beginning 1798, and ending with their rejection of the evidence that the hour of his judgment had come, and their rejection of the invitation to the marriage supper of the Lamb. See Luke 14:16-21. Now comes one of the most precious promises in the Bible for Christians, at the present time. “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come on HST July 3, 1844, page 174.19

14. “When the harvest is past.”


1. When the har-vest is past, and the summer is
When the beams cease to break of the sweet Sabbath
gone, And warn-ings and prayers shall be o’er:
morn; And Je-sus in-vites thee no more:
rich gales of mer-cy no long-er shall blow, The
gos-pel no mes-sage de-clare; Sin-ner, how can’st thou
HST July 3, 1844, page 175.1



bear the deep wail-lings of wo! How suf-fer the
night of despair! How suffer then night of des-pair.
HST July 3, 1844, page 175.2

“The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” Jeremiah 7:20 HST July 3, 1844, page 175.3


When the harvest is past, and the summer is gone;
And warnings and prayers shall be o’er;
When the beams cease to break of the sweet Sabbath morn
And Jesus invites thee no more;
When the rich gales of mercy no longer shall blow,
The gospel no message declare;
Sinner, how can’st thou bear the deep wailings of woe;
How suffer the night of despair.
HST July 3, 1844, page 175.4


When the holy have gone to the regions of peace,
Those heavenly mansions to prove;
When their harmony wakes in the fulness of bliss,
Their song to the Saviour they love;
Say, O Sinner, that livest at rest and secure,
Who fearest no trouble to come,
Can thy spirit the swellings of sorrow endure
Or bear the impenitent’s doom!
HST July 3, 1844, page 175.5

all the world, to try them that d well on the earth.” As much as if he had said, “You have been ready and patiently waiting my appearing up to the very last hour of time you could see. Now there is to be a little while before your hopes will be realized. During this time you may sometimes be tempted, and tried, and sad, and in this seeming delay, the world will have every sort of temptation to settle down in perfect security, but through all these trials, I will keep you. Fear not, behold I come quickly.—Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.” The applicability of these promises, to us at the present time, I see not how any one can doubt. And their preciousness to me I cannot express. HST July 3, 1844, page 175.6

7. Laodicean church—This, as already remarked, must be the remainder of the Sardis after the Phildelphia separates. Though she forces off the evidence that the Lord is coming, and delusively hopes that her riches, and honors, and pleasures will continue and increase, she prides herself that she is not opposed to Christ’s coming—(she is neither cold nor hot.) she forgets that the Savior said, “He that is not with me, is against me”—Matthew 12:30. HST July 3, 1844, page 175.7

The Laodiceans have shut Christ out of their meeting-houses, yet he stands at the door and knocks, so that if any man or individuals hear his voice, he may receive repentance, and escape from the wicked church, before she, with all her remaining members, is spued out of his month. HST July 3, 1844, page 175.8

In conclusion, let me say to any dear brother or sister who has been disappointed because the Lord has not yet appeared, read these precious promises to the Philadelphia church. They are more precious than gold, yea than much tine gold, sweeter also than honey or the honey comb. Are any sometimes fearing, that they shall fall short, because they are not so strong as some of their brethren? You have a little strength, have you? Well, you are the very persons, then, to whom these promises are made. (See verse 8.) Hold fast then—Jesus will come quickly. And we shall come off conqueror, and more than conqueror through him that hath loved us. J. Weston. HST July 3, 1844, page 175.9

New Ipswich, June 21st, 1844. HST July 3, 1844, page 175.10

Letter from E. W. Marden


Dear Brother Himes:—I have feelings of joy, mixed with sorrow of heart, while I take my pen to address you; of joy, because I expect my Lord will soon appear. “What,” says one, “have joy in the belief that Jesus is coming to judge the world, and destroy all those facilities we have just got in operation for the conversion of the world?” What, I would ask, are you going to convert the world into? This far famed Christian land, amidst all your fine ecclesiastical machinery, is fast changing from bad to worse, becoming a sink of iniquity, fast ripening for the harvest. For proof of this look into our villages and large cities, throughout the country and see the increase of vice of every kind, and of the most degrading nature. To remedy this, let every one search the word of God, and there learn their duty, and he found giving to each one a portion of meat in due season; instead of lulling the world to sleep, by the story that all are to be converted to the Lord. You have no foundation for this in the Bible, for Jesus Christ is to be revealed from heaven in flaming fire, to take vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the Gospel. If all are to obey the gospel, then where are you to find those on whom the Lord is to take vengeance? HST July 3, 1844, page 175.11

Yes, amid all this I rejoice in hope of the joy that will fill God’s children in that day. See what the Lord says in Isaiah 66:5. “Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at his word, your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name’s sake, said, let the Lord be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.” To whose joy? Isaiah tells us they are God’s people. Isaiah 40:1. Bless the Lord, his people will then be free from everything but joy, when the Lord shall appear. HST July 3, 1844, page 175.12

But I have sorrow of heart, in view of the vast multitudes who are making their way down to the regions of despair. And that professed watchmen, instead of trying to arouse them by giving them “what of the night,” are giving them opiates to lull them to sleep. In some cases the children have nearly starved, so that they have had to run, (after hearing two discourses from the pulpit on the Sabbath,) a few together at some humble dwelling, and there spread their wants before that God, who hears the needy when they cry, and then they are fed with the bread of heaven. HST July 3, 1844, page 175.13

Did the Lord tell Peter, just before his ascension, to do as the watchmen of the present day are doing? No, no. What then? why, feed my Lambs and my sheep, Peter. Well, says one, how shall they be fed now? I answer, just preach Jesus, the resurrection and the speedy coming of Christ, and it will feed all of God’s humble flock, every one them. HST July 3, 1844, page 175.14

Now suffer a word to those who are unprepared for the Judgment. Now, you have the day and means of grace; the blessed Savior, who gave his life for you, still making intercession in your behalf, how can you neglect the present time? Soon I believe he that is unjust will be unjust still, and he that is holy, will be holy still. Yours in that Blessed Hope. E. W. Marden. HST July 3, 1844, page 175.15

Rye, May 18th, 1844. HST July 3, 1844, page 175.16

Br. Dexter Daniel writes:—“When I heard the lectures at Salem, one year ago fast fall, I became convinced that the Advent doctrine was true; and having a sister in Pharsalia, Chenango co., N. Y., I went to see her. I carried a chart with me, and soon after I arrived I found myself before the public, preaching the kingdom of God at hand. I lectured in three different counties in that State; meeting-houses, school-houses, and private houses were opened through the country. One minister in Pharsalia embraced the Advent faith. He was the pastor of two churches 12 miles apart; he preached one Sabbath to one, and the next to the other. He told his people I had tore up his foundation at the bottom, and his Millenium was gone.—40 or 50 in each church were converted in 2 weeks. I went from there to German, and I should think 200 in that place embraced the truth, and gave their hearts to God. I went next to Preston, into the corner of the town among poor people, to a district of about 100 inhabitants, and they received the truth with joy, and almost all in the place gave their hearts to God. A glorious Advent band is raised up in that place. HST July 3, 1844, page 175.17

I went out there last December and stayed three months among the brethren, and none of that band had given up their hope. HST July 3, 1844, page 175.18

I have given myself to the study of the Bible till this spring, but being poor I am now to work at my trade, which is house-painting. I intend to labor till Christ comes, with my brush or in the field. My conscience tells me not to neglect to pay honest debts, nor give occasion for my good to be evil spoken of. If time continues three months, and I have my health, I will be even with the world. I never labored with greater pleasure; while I am on the ladder at work, and am looking towards heaven for my blessed Lord to come with all the saints, I feel what I cannot express. HST July 3, 1844, page 175.19

Although I have had my name cast our as evil from the Baptist Church, I am willing to risk all on God’s word, feeling assured that this generation will not pass away till all is fulfilled; “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my word will not,” says Christ. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.1

I have tried to have them tell me what is my crime, which they refuse to do, but I think it is because I communed with the Advent people. I asked one of the officers of the church why they did not deal with Brother S. when he went to the Circus last fall? The answer he gave me was, “there is nothing in the Bible that forbids a Christian going to a Circus.” I replied, “I had as lief go to a ball as a Circus.” “Well,” says Brother R., “there, is nothing in the Bible that forbids a Christian going to a ball.” Yours in the blessed hope of having a part in the first resurrection. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.2

Chicopee Falls, June 12, 1844. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.3

Letter from Brother J. Litch


addison camp meeting

Dear Brother Tullock.—As you will recollect, I left your city on Thursday, the 6th inst., on my way to Vermont to attend the Addison Camp Meeting. I arrived after a pleasant passage of one day and two nights, at the residence of our well beloved Brother Miller, in Low Hampton. I found both himself and family well and in fine spirits. Indeed I have never seen him when he seemed to enjoy himself better than at present. If any evidence of his sincerity in preaching the advent of Christ in 1843 were wanting, in addition to his arduous and unrequited toil of twelve years, his present humble submission to his disappointment, and the spirit of meekness with which the confession of that disappointment is made, sufficient to satisfy the most incredulous; that nothing but a deep conviction of duty to God and man could have moved such a man to such a work; and that he is greatly disappointed in not seeing the Lord within the expected time, must be evident to all who hear him speak; while the tearful eye and subdued voice show from whence flow the words he utters. But although disappointed as to time, I never saw him more strong than now in the general correctness of his expositions of Scripture, and calculation of prophetic times, and in the faith of our Lord’s speedy coming. And in this faith he is abundantly justified by the several testimonies of the word of God. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.4

I spent the Sabbath in Low Hampton, and preached in the Baptist meeting house in the morning, and in the Methodist meeting house in Fairhaven, Vt., at 5 o’clock. I found a precious band of brethren who are looking and waiting for the coming of the heavenly Bridegroom. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.5

Left Hampton on Monday, in company with a part of Bro. M.’s family, and proceeded by steamboat down Lake Champlain to the camp ground in Addison, where we arrived about 5 o’clock, P. M., and found the ground in readiness for the meeting, a part of the tents erected on it, and a few brethren from neighboring towns upon the spot, ready to worship, HST July 3, 1844, page 176.6

A more lovely and enchanting spot could scarcely be selected, than the one we occupied. It was situated upon the lake shore, in full view of that interesting sheet of water, and with a commanding sight of the lovely hills and valleys which skirt the lake on the New York side. The grove itself was beautiful and commodious; and while the devotions of the assembled multitudes ascended up, and the sound of harmony died away in the thickening shade, one could hardly fail to imagine himself almost, even now, near the confines of that bright and heavenly country for which the patriarchs looked. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.7

The regular services of the meeting began at 5 o’clock P. M., on Tuesday, and continued till Monday, P. M. The attendance was good, the services of a most lively and interesting character, so that few who went with a wish to obtain good, went away disappointed. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.8

It was a time of general quickening among the people of God; and a number of unconverted persons were brought to bow to the sceptre of mercy. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.9

The doctrine of the Lord’s coming has not lost its power and energy by the passing of the time. Truth is truth still. And sinners of all grades yet tremble beneath its power. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.10

The Adventists in Vermont are an honor to any cause. For untiring zeal and fervent piety, you will look in vain to find their superiors in any of the churches. The different denominations say—“You have enticed them away from us”—“you are breaking up our churches,”—To this we plead “Not guilty.” HST July 3, 1844, page 176.11

True, some of them have left the churches with which they are connected. And why? The answer is but too obvious in many instances. It is because they have been gagged and muzzled there, and forbid to talk about their coming Lord. Because they have been compelled to hear those exploded fables of the world’s conversion and return of the Jews, harped upon as Bible truth. Because, in many instances, they have been driven out by an intolerant ministry. What would those ministers and members who complain, do, under similar circumstanes? Would they not do as these have done? I think they would. I do not, I cannot blame brethren under such circumstances for withdrawing from the churches where they are so used. At the same time, I deprecate anything like fault-finding and contentions, or a retaliating spirit on the part of Adventists. If they go out, let it be done peaceable, and in the spirit of the most ardent love for all they leave behind. The Savior has left us a rule for our instruction in reference to blind leaders of the blind. “Let them alone.” If we think them such, and by a meek and faithful exhibition of truth fail to reclaim them, we shall do nothing with any other spirit, except to harden and make the case more desperate. May the Lord grant us all the meekness of Christ, and the wisdom of the serpent, and the harmlessness of the dove. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.12

Last Sabbath I spent at Low Hampton and Castleton, Vt., and lectured to interesting audiences in each place. Yesterday (Tuesday) came to Troy, and found the brethren strong in the faith, and endeavoring to maintain it to the end. This morning came to this city, where I expect to lecture this evening, and to-morrow at Troy, and from thence to Rochester on my way to Cincinnati. Brother Himes will give you further particulars. Yours in the blessed hope. J. Litch. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.13

Albany, June 19th, 1844. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.14

Letter from Brother A. A Stevens


Dear Brother Himes.—I drop you a line in answer to yours of the 20th, which I received to-day it would give me pleasure to see you, and to visit the Advent friends in Boston. But I am for the present engaged. After my western wanderings for a whole year. I felt somewhat excuseable for partially retiring, at least for a while. I have therefore been pursuing my former habits here for a few weeks, and endeavoring to sustain the few friends of the good cause in this place. They have felt much neglected, and truly enjoyed the seasons we have together. I have not however been left in peace. Importunate calls have been pouring in upon me so thick and fast, that I have consented to take the more open field again next Sabbath. I go New York to spend the season. It is uncertain how long. Providence, I intend shall be my guide. I write in haste, excuse my hurry, and believe me truly yours. A. A. Stevens. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.15

Notice. Bro. Morgan informs us that a stage driver has sent to him two cloaks, which were left at the Winsor campmeeting last summer. If any losing such property, will describe them in a letter to Hirum Munger, Chichopee Falls, Mass., they shall be forwarded to their address. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.16

Gilmanton Campmeeting, Has been in session 4 days. The meetings have been full, and have been marked with the favor of God. The saints are joyful in the prospect of immortality. I shall give a full account in my next. H. June 29. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.17

Conferences & Campmeetings



July 4—7, East Randolph, Vt. Conference. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.18

July 16—21, Near Albany, N Y. Campmeeting. (To be appointed by the committee, and if held at the time above mentioned, Brn. Miller and Himes will attend.) HST July 3, 1844, page 176.19

July 24—29, Rochester, N. Y. Campmeeting or Conference, as the brethren may appoint. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.20

July 30 to Aug. 1, Buffalo, N. Y. Conference. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.21

Aug. 3rd and 4th, Toronto, Canada West. Conference. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.22

Aug. 10 and 11, Cleaveland, Ohio. Conference. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.23

Aug. 18, and onward, Cincinnati, Ohio. Conference. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.24

Remarks. We shall attend the above meetings, if the Lord permit. And if practicable, Bro. Miller will accompany us to the west. We intend to pitch the Tent beyond Cincinnati, and go as far as St. Louis, if practicable. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.25

J. V. HIMES. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.26

Boston, June 22, 1844. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.27

Conference, 16th August at Liberty, Me. Hope to see Bro. Churchill, Hervey and other Advent lecturers. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.28

Notice. There will be a Second Advent Conference at East Randolph, to commence on July 4, if time continne, to hold over the Sabbath. Brn. Himes and others are expected. J. D. MARSH. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.29

Randolph, June 16, 1844. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.30



Br. Moses Chandler requests that we give notice that the Franconi (Sugar Hill) campmeeting is given up for the present. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.31

A Second Advent Campmeeting will be held, if time continue, and the Lord is willing, in Newington, eight miles south of Hartford, Ct. on land of Oliver Richards, commencing on Wednesday, Sept. 4, and continue one week, or more. Brethren Miller, Himes, Fitch, Litch, and Storrs, with others, are invited to attend. Arrangements for board will be made upon the ground. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.32

Com.—W. D. Tuller, H. A. Parsons, A Belden, C. Baldwin, A. Mix, H. Munger, John Sutgliff, E Parker, E. L. H. Chamberlan., Wm. Rogers. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.33

We would say, further, that as this is the only S. A. Campmeeting to be held in our state, this season, we expect a general rally will be made. The same spot was occupied by us in Sept. 1842, and it seems to be the only place that would so well accommodate our brethren and sisters from the surrounding towns, as it is about in the centre of the State, and nearly equi-distant from Hartford, Middletown, Meriden, and Bristol, and many other places, in all which there are goodly hands of believers in the Second Advent Doctrine. (Midnight Cry please copy.) W. D. TULLER, HST July 3, 1844, page 176.34

In behalf of the committee. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.35

Kensington, Ct. June 24, 1844. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.36

A Campmeeting will be held in Brooklyn, Ct. commencing the 20th of Aug. next, and continue over the Sabbath. We give this early notice that other meetings of a similar kind may not be appointed at the same time. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.37

Yours in the Advent faith, HST July 3, 1844, page 176.38

Thomas Huntington,
Thomas Farnum,
Wm. Wheeler,
Brooklyn, Ct. June 17, 1844.

A Second Advent Advent Campmeeting will be held in the vicinity of Albany and Troy, N. Y. commencing Tuesday, the 16th of July, and so continue over the following Sabbath. The brethren and strangers scattered abroad throughout that region are invited to attend. Brn. William Miller, J. V. Himes, T. M. Preble, and S. C. Chandler, are expected to be present. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.39

Com.—T. Wrightson, Wm. Rosvorth, F. Platta, Albany; Wm. Briggs, J. Gardner, A. Wager, Troy; Wm. Hannan, N. Rogers, Hiram Wilbur, West Troy; Mr Mills, Middletown; John G. McMurray, Lansingburg. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.40

Troy, June 21, 1844. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.41

Advent Conference, will commence at Hamilton, Canada West, at the Tabernacle, July 16, to continue over the Sabbath. Lectnrers and brethren are most urgently called upon to attend; especially Br. J. V. Himes—they need help. The Cry will please copy. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.42

A Second Advent Conference at Cooperstown, Otsego County, NY, (64 miles west of Albany) will commence, if time continue, on Tuesday, July 30th, and continue over the succeeding Sabbath. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.43

Also—Second Advent Conference at Esperance, Schoharie county, NY (26 miles west of Albany) will commence if time continues, on Tuesday, August 6th, to continue over the succeeding Sabbath. It is hoped these conferences will result in extensive usefulness; to this end lectures will be given during the Conferences (evenings until Sunday,) in such adjoining places as may be deemed expedient. The Advent friends in the vicinity of these Conferences, as well as the undersigned, particularly request the attendance and labors of those Advent lecturers who may find it their duty to be present. And all other friends of the Advent cause, and indeed all who are willing to give heed to the sure word of peophecy on the subject of the coming and kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, are respectfully invited to attend. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.44

H. H. Gross, of Albany,
Wm. Ingmire, of Cooperstown.

Letters received to June 29, 1844


TLTullock; CFitch; pm Contocookville N H; Saml Clark by pm $1; pm Michigan City Ind; A W Griggs $2; A Ferguson $1; A B Hamlin $1, and Jas Caw $1 by pm; J. Weston; OW Ward $1, 25 cts postage, pm would have franked it: F. Wright Jr by pm $1; Jas Chapman by pm $1; Mark Allen; Jos Wilkins $1; James Wilkins $1; D McLeod $1; E Noyes $1 and L Gardner $1 by pm; Wade & Clark by pm $1; Alfred Tucker, by pm $2; JG Eayres by pm 50c; Wm Camp by pm $1; T Lyon by pm $3; pm Lynn Ms; T. Huntington, Thos Farnum, and Wm Wheeler; S Bliss; T L Tullock; I E Jones; pm Cincinnati O; pm Chimney Point, Vt.; Miner Smith $2; Anthony Pierce $6 and Henry Childs $1; H Gibbs by pm $1; Wm Trobridge by pm $2; pm N Market Ind $1; T Wrightson Jr; GW Barnes; IP Clough; L L Tuttle and A Y Culver 50 cts each; I Young 50c and S Wells $1; J Clifford by pm $1; M H Rich by pm $1; J W Dyre; J V Himes, papers etc forwarded; W B Start $4; G W Peavey; David Cooper MD with pamphlets, etc; W F Hunt by pm $1; pm Red River Ironworks, Ky; O W Hazen; pm Watertown, Ct; A A Stevens; W D Tuller, H A Parsons; A Belden; CBaldwin; A Mix; H Munger; J Sutliff; E Parker; E L H Chamberlain; Wm Rogers; pm Monkton Vt; L Wade by pm $1; Hannah Tripp $1; Capt Bates, $3.50; Wm Ingmire; H H Gross; JB Terry $1 pd to end of 7th Vol.; W Rogers $1 pd to end of 7th Vol; S. S Rogers $1 pd to end of 6th Vol; Dr SB Fuller, $3 pd to end of 7th Vol; S Clark $2 pd to end of 7th Vol. E. Jewell, 50 cts. D I Robinson; will write soon as we learn what can be done. HST July 3, 1844, page 176.45