The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7

June 26, 1844

Vol. VII. No. 21. Boston, Whole No. 165

Joshua V. Himes



NEW SERIES VOL. VII. NO. 21. Boston, Wednesday, June 26, 1844. WHOLE NO. 165. HST June 26, 1844, page 161.1




J. V. Himes, S. Bliss, & A. Hale, Editors. HST June 26, 1844, page 161.2

Terms.—One Dollar per Volume, of 26 Numbers. Five Dollars for 6 Copies, Ten Dollars for 13 Copies. HST June 26, 1844, page 161.3

All communications for the Advent Herald, or orders for Books or remittances, should be directed toJ. V. Himes, Boston, Mass,” post paid. HST June 26, 1844, page 161.4

Post Masters are authorized by the Post Office Department to forward free of expense all orders for, or to discontinue publications, and also money to pay for the same HST June 26, 1844, page 161.5

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JVHe Malachi 3:2.

Oh! who may abide the day of his coming,
That day of destruction, of vengeance and dread?
Oh, how will the high looks of vain man be humbled,
Before the great Judge of the quick and the dead?
HST June 26, 1844, page 161.7

He comes, who was once but a destitute stranger.
Despised of his brethren, “acquainted with grief;”
The babe that was cradled in Bethlehem’s manger,
Now of armies victorious the leader and chief!
HST June 26, 1844, page 161.8

The mighty Jehovah, in splendor how awful,
Begirt with omnipotence, justice, and truth;
Attended by myriads of witnessing angels!
No heart can conceive what that day shall bring forth.
HST June 26, 1844, page 161.9

Will the sceptic abide in the day of his coming,
Or lift his bold front in defiance of wrath?
In the ranks of the sinner his place shall be vacant,
Before the dispenser of life and of death.
HST June 26, 1844, page 161.10

For the doubts of the infidel now are removed,
The jest of the scoffer is vanished forever;
The hope of the hypocrite false too has proved:
Will it ever return to him? Never, oh, never.
HST June 26, 1844, page 161.11

The boast of the pharisee, too, has departed,
The glance of his Judge has laid all his schemes low;
He has called on the mountains and hills to fall on him,
For the garment self wrought will not cover him now.
HST June 26, 1844, page 161.12

But the Christian, attired in the robe of his Savior,
Sufficient to shelter and save from the storm,
Plants boldly his foot on the rock of salvation,
And knows he shall find it eternal firm.
HST June 26, 1844, page 161.13

Bib. Record. HST June 26, 1844, page 161.14

Brother Cox’s Apology


This very interesting article we copy from Zion’s Herald of June 13th, 1844. It has afforded us much gratification as an exhibition of Christian frankness, as an expression of unyielding decision in maintaining the evident bearing of the prophecies, as held by the Adventists generally, and as a timely and judicious correction of what we have always regarded as a suspicious position in reference to the office of the spirit. HST June 26, 1844, page 161.15

That the Holy Spirit has an indispensable part to perform in the work of man’s salvation, from beginning to end, is a clearly established Bible truth. That human weakness may misconstrue its teachings, and that the devil takes advantage of this, as he does of every circumstance of our earthly condition, so that we are liable to be deceived, is equally evident. That we have no means of detecting all the mistakes into which we are liable to fall, but the word of God, we are fully satisfied, and therefore we should become as familiar with that as the broker and bank officer are with their counterfeit delector. But read the article. HST June 26, 1844, page 161.16

An Apology


Some more than two years since, after investigating the subject as extensively as I then could, I embraced the opinion, and believed, as I think, with all my heart, that the Redeemer of the world would come to Zion from the clouds of heaven in 1843, or within a few months of it. The idea on my mind was that the 2,300 days, spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, were years, and at their termination Christ would come in the clouds of heaven, for the destruction of Anti-christ, and set up his everlasting kingdom, and that those days or years would terminate as early at least as within a few months into 1844. When I embraced this opinion I received a remarkable divine manifestation, such an one as is unusual in Christian experience, at least with me. I took it at the time as an attestation of the truth of what I had embraced. HST June 26, 1844, page 161.17

After conversing about it, and occasionally alluding to it in public for a little more than a year, and feeling quite certain that I was not mistaken, though I generally prefaced an allusion to it with the remark that I was a frail, fallible being, I published it to the world, and stated that I thought it to be the witness of God’s Spirit to the truth of the theory, or rather of the specific time of the Advent. I thus did because it was the time on which my mind had been laboring. Some two months more or less after publishing this statement, and after an unusual exercise of mind, I set myself to work to ascertain definitely when the supposed year closed. From the best light I could obtain, I came to the conclusion that it would close at farthest as early as the last of May—the present month; I thought as early as the 25th. Let me here remark, lest some might think it the result of excited feeling, that the Divine manifestation I received came to me unexpected, unsought, as much so as it would be for the reader now to receive it. This made it the more certain with me. Besides, in two or three instances, though not in the high sense first alluded to, it seemed renewed to me, not at my will, but when on the point of reviewing the ground, to ascertain if I were not wrong. This made me firm; and I suppose, with the grace usually afforded me, though I have seen the time I would gladly abandon the idea for peace sake, yet I suppose nothing could have separated me from it in the present world. I clung to it as a trust from God for which I was accountable, and nothing but the loss of my integrity could have taken it from me. I asked no man to believe as I did, I made it no test of salvation or of fellowship, unless God required it at their hands, of which they, not I, must judge. I was sometimes afraid that others might lean upon me for their faith: this I deprecated. I wanted all to examine for themselves. But I claimed the privilege of believing what I supposed to be the truth of God’s word, though it were against the world; and to express my opinion of it, not recklessly, but when I thought myself called to it by the movements of grace upon my heart. But time has taught me that I was in error; and that I have attributed to the Spirit of God what belonged to a frail mortal, though in the integrity of my heart I did it. God meant it for one thing, I took it for another. But perhaps the reader may ask, are you sure even now that you are mistaken? May not the indefinite time of the fragment of a year yet bring about the great event and meet all our hopes? I answer I have been mistaken, whatever may be the events of the future, and I have certainly committed an error in the deductions I have drawn from the circumstance named; and it is meet that I should confess it, and I do it gladly. As to the future I know nothing, and as it does not become me to speculate, so I would seek another solution than that of specific time, or none at all. HST June 26, 1844, page 161.18

As to the many speculations, as to what we should do if the time passed, and our hopes should not be realized,—intimating that we should give up our Bibles, our experience, et cetera, I can only remark, he must have but little grace, and one would think as little sense, who could conclude that a man would sooner give up God and the Bible, and Christian experience, than to admit himself in error, whatever might be the circumstances. God and the Bible and Christian experience have been the light and solace of the world too long to be abandoned for anything, any circumstances whatever; for they have all the evidence of which they severally are capable. HST June 26, 1844, page 161.19

Let me say too that this was no hasty matter with me, in relying as I did upon this Divine manifestation. Early in my Christian experience my mind was called to the movements of the Holy Spirit upon the heart, as a teaching spirit, as leading into truth. I saw the error into which many had fallen, and during the years 1832—3—4, my mind was almost exclusively occupied with the subject; and I then thought I had found laws by which I could determine the voice of the Shepherd, in special cases, without error. From that time to this, I have supposed I have been at times, when there was no other source to be instructed from, and only then led by this divine teacher. In no clear case, that is, clear to my own mind, though often proved, have I, to my present recollection, been mistaken. This gave me the confidence I have manifested. But I will not detain the reader; and will only add, that I believe as firmly as ever that the last great events of Daniel’s prophecy are yet to be fulfilled—and that we are on the eve of their fulfilment—and that the Savior will soon appear for the final redemption of his people, and the establishment of his everlasting kingdom—even so. Amen. G. F. Cox. HST June 26, 1844, page 161.20

Saco, May 28th, 1844. HST June 26, 1844, page 162.1

P. S. The influence that I have desired and contended that this doctrine should have on myself and others, has been, that every good work should be kept in motion—every man at the post assigned him by providence; only redoubling our energies as the event advances toward us. As the sun at a distance would melt gradually the mountains of ice, but on approaching us suddenly, would dissolve them en mass; so by the coming of that day—its being even at the door, its natural influence should be to dissolve all the icebergs of the heart, and open all the fountains of charity to their utmost extent.—I am of the same opinion still. I say this for those who have been with me in the advent, rather than for myself. G. F. Cox. HST June 26, 1844, page 162.2

Letter from Bro. J. B. Cook


Dear Brother Himes:—You see by my date that we are far distant from each other, but I trust we are not distant from the rest which remains for the people of God. Wife said, the other day, “How far we are away!” I told her that I did not feel far away. The Lord seems to be the home of my soul, and very near, so that I feel quite at home, notwithstanding every face and each scene is new. The affections of our souls are turned away from this world, which is reserved unto fire, and I pray that this may be our experience more and more, till we can each say with truth, as did the apostle, I am “crucified to the world and the world unto me. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.” HST June 26, 1844, page 162.3

We are glad to be separate from the world and a worldly, time serving church, just as much as we are. We KNOW that the church in Middletown, Ct. did not oppose me except on principles of worldly pride and policy. This is not judging their hearts, except so far as their hearts appeared in their actions. They could have borne with my preaching the “blessed hope,” even “the glorious appearing of the Great God and Savior Jesus Christ,” had it flattered their pride, or conduced to their influence over the public mind. Any church could bear the preaching of a Bible doctrine in Bible language, if they would. When they compel a beloved pastor to suppress his convictions of such a truth, as that of the Redeemer’s return—a truth comprehending the Christians calling, the Christian’s hope—a truth involving the Savior’s name, we know that it is not from reverence to God, or love to his truth. 1 Thessalonians 1:9, 10. Titus 2:11-14. Hebrews 9:28, 10:37. HST June 26, 1844, page 162.4

The time was alleged to be the offensive feature; but all that I then believed—all that compelled me to the conclusion that the period of 2300 days would soon expire, was stated in Scripture language. Neither they, nor others with whom I freely conferred, began to give a Scriptural reason for expounding the revealed time of “the end,” differently from what I felt bound by the language, to expound it. As this was the conclusion to which the language, sustained by the “general,” nay, “almost universal custom” of interpretation led mo, I honestly avowed it. I am glad that I did it, though it cost me my reputation, friends and home, with domestic comfort. I acted according to the light I had—and was blest in the deed. Had I done differently, I could not have had a clear conscience. Those who saw the time as I did, and suppressed their convictions, have apprehend, suffered a loss of conscious integrity, as loss of comfort in prayer, which will not tend to give them “confidence before” Jesus “at his coming.” HST June 26, 1844, page 162.5

“But you were mistaken in your calculation?” Yes, in one point, that of chronology. The remark was often made by me that our exposition of revealed time was certainly right; as to our chronology, after a prayerful review of the subject, my conviction is, that we have erred only in so far as our chronology varies from the exact time, and that variation we know cannot be of any considerable amount. The prophetic events, “the signs,” and the predicted state of the church and the world, all confirm our conviction that we cannot be far from right as to the time of “the end,” therefore, we are looking with increased confidence for “the blessed hope.” We have nothing but the event to “look for,” nothing but to “love the appearing” of our Lord, and prepare ourselves and others for it. HST June 26, 1844, page 162.6

There is a goodly band of brethren in St. Louis. You and others are earnestly desired to visit them with the “Big Tent,” if possible. They will do all in their power to sustain you. The brethren in Springfield have increased in confidence instead of throwing aside their Bibles; Christians are in every place quickened and profited by the plain proclamation of Divine truth. It is so in this place. We are deterred from going to Indiana, by the badness of the roads. In the mean time we go, the Lord willing, to Ottawa. We are in good spirits. “The smile of the Lord is the life” of our souls. Yet a very little while “and the coming One will come and will not tarry.” Amen! and Amen!! J. B. Cook. HST June 26, 1844, page 162.7

Richland, Sangamon County, Illinois. May 31, 1844. HST June 26, 1844, page 162.8

The Promises


god’s promise to abraham and his seed

Genesis 17:1-9. HST June 26, 1844, page 162.9

“And when Abram was ninety and nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and I will multiply thee exceedingly. And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, as for me, hehold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram; but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee; and kings shall come out of thee. I will establish my covenant between me and thee, and thy seed after thee, in their generations, for an everlasting covenant; to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee; and I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.” (See also the promise to Isaac and to Jacob, Genesis 26:1-6; 28:10-16.) HST June 26, 1844, page 162.10

The Surety of the Promise


“When God made promise to Abraham, because he could sware by no greater, he sware by himself, saying, Surely, blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. For men verily sware by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is to them the end of all strife. Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath, that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us; which hope we have as an anchor to the soul both sure and steadfast and which entereth into that within the veil, whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest forever after the order of Melchisedec. Hebrews 6:13, 20.” HST June 26, 1844, page 162.11

What are the Seed to Look for, According to the Promise?


“By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise; for he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Hebrews 11:8-11, 16. But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly, wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for he hath prepared for them a city.” As the land of Canaan was called God’s Sanctuary, and God’s mountain, (see Exodus 15:17, and Psalm 78:54.) it was there they expected the city would be located, (see Psalm 48:1, 2.) “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.” Also Isaiah 24:23. “Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Zion and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) gloriously.” We say as did Paul, “here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come.” The New Jerusalem that John saw coming down from God out of heaven, twelve thousand furlongs, which is equal to 1500 miles, square, and its wall 144 cubits, with its 12 foundations, I think will come when the Sanctuary is cleansed to receive it. Read 1 Peter 1:3, 4: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, according to his abundant mercy, hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not not away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time.” Is not this inheritance, that Peter speaks of, now reserved in heaven; and ready to be revealed in the last time, and the New Jerusalem, that John saw coming down from God out of heaven, one and the same? It certainly is. (Again read Matthew 25:31 to 35.) “When the Son of Man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he shall sit upon the throne of his glory: and before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats; and he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, come, ye blessed (they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abaham, Galatians 3:9,) of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:” Now are not this Kingdom, prepared from the foundation of the world, and the New Jerusalem, and the inheritance of the saints, all one and the same? It seems plain to me that they are. Therefore the Kingdom will come when Jesus comes, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdom. (2 Timothy 4:1.) The signs of which the Savior said, “when ye shall see them come to pass, know that the Kingdom of God is nigh at hand,” (Luke 21:31,) I believe have all taken place. Therefore I know that the Kingdom is nigh at hand. HST June 26, 1844, page 162.12

The language of my heart is Come, Oh, Come, Lord Jesus, and come quickly. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.1

D. M. Trickey. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.2

Letter from Br. N. B[original illegible]


Dear Br. Hale.—As it has been my privilege to visit and proclaim, to some extent, the doctrine of the speedy coming of the Lord, in several of the N. England States, within these few years past, I wish, by your permission, to say a few words, through the columns of the Herald. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.3

To My Friends and Brethren


Dear Friends,—I have frequently thought, within a few weeks past, that some of you might like to know how my faith in the Advent doctrine may be at this time—since, (as they say,) the time has gone by; to such I would say, HST June 26, 1844, page 163.4

1. I believe the word of God teaches the recuperation of this earth in the restitution of all things, and that it is to be the eternal abode of the righteous in their resurrection state. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.5

2. I believe the second advent of Christ will be pre-millennial, and that the various portions of Scripture which by many are supposed to teach a millennium in this world, are only to have their fulfilment in the world to come, when, in the language of the Council of Nice, the earth will be pure and holy, the land of the living, and not of the dead. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.6

3. I believe that the Scriptures teach the doctrine of two resurrections, viz. of the just and the unjust, the resurrection unto life, and the resurrection unto damnation; and that the 1000 years of Revelation 20. mark the time between the two. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.7

4. I believe that the 2300, and also the 1290 and the 1335 days of Daniel are symbols of years, and that St. John, in his chronology of prophecy, has followed the same rule; and furthermore, I believe that when the 2300 days are fulfilled the sanctuary will be cleansed, and the host no longer be trodden under foot. Also, at the end of the 1335 days, Daniel will stand in his lot with all the risen saints. But, as I have frequently expressed strong confidence in the termination of the prophetic periods in the Jewish year 1843, some of my friends may like to know how my faith has been affected by the passing away of that year. In reference to that, I would say, that I have been unable to find any other time for the termination of the prophetic periods; but as the event has not arrived, I attribute the seeming delay to the variation of human chronology from God’s time, and feel that I should be looking for my Lord constantly, till he shall appear, and trust my faith will last till it be exchanged for sight. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.8

I believe, in accordance with Habakkuk 2:3, that the tarrying of the vision is only apparent, and not real; for, at the end it shall speak and not lie, though it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come, and will not tarry. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.9

I would further say, that if any are anxious to know whether, after all, I am not sorry I ever attempted to promulgate the Advent doctrine, I would say, No, by no means. I only regret that I have done so little in the cause; and, should time continue a little longer, I hope, if it please the Lord, to engage anew in proclaiming the glad tidings of the kingdom, when and wherever the Lord in his providence may open the door. Yours, patiently waiting. N. Billings. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.10

Boston, June 19, 1844.

Letter from Bro. M. D. Wight


Bro. Bliss.—Permit me to say a word in regard to the Advent cause in this place. Though we are few in number, and have but few privileges of hearing those Watchmen who are sounding the Everlasting Gospel, “the hour of His Judgment is come,” yet we meet often to encourage each other in looking for that blessed hope and the glorions appearing of our King. And though all manner of evil may be spoken of us, and our testimony be rejected, and we be considered deluded fanatics, yet we feel that the time has come when we may look up and lift up our heads rejoicing that our redemption draweth nigh. “For yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry.” For near two years past I have been interested and profited by reading your most valuable paper, as well as the Midnight Cry, having taken them in my family, and circulated them amongst my neighbors and friends, that dare to read upon this important subject. I was conversing a few days since with an aged man who was 22 years of age at the time of the darkening of the sun in 1780. He said that a girl in his family, during the darkness, took the Bible and read the prophecies respecting the sun being darkened and the moon withdrawing her shining, which was then thought to apply at that time. Another man who is now 86 years old also says, that at that time many thought the day of judgment had come, and that the minister where he then lived went out from his house and told his neighbors that he expected every moment to hear the blast of the last trumpet. And still, with all these evidences before us, many are saying, what signs have been given, where is the promise of his coming, all things continue as they were. But may all the true believers, continue watching, and hope to the end, that they may receive a crown of life. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.11

Wales, June. 17. 1844. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.12

Letter from Sister H. B. White


Brother Himes:—I have been a reader of the Signs of the Times ever since the paper was first published, but did not become a firm believer in the glorious doctrine it contained, until last fall; when I read brother Brown’s experience, I felt determined, God being my helper, to give the subject a thorough investigation for myself; which I did, by searching the scriptures daily to see if these things were so. And I soon found it was Bible doctrine, and I would add my feeble testimony with hundreds of others, and say, HST June 26, 1844, page 163.13

“When my heart it believed,
What a joy I received.”
HST June 26, 1844, page 163.14

Yes, it was joy unspeakable and full of glory. But oh; the warfare that ensued! I felt it my duty to tell my brethren and sisters in the church of which I was a member. And for this I was treated with coldness and neglect. I soon found that our minister was determined I should not enjoy the privilege of speaking of my glorious hope, in the meetings which he attended, and I then felt it my duty to ask my dismission from the church over which he presided. Yes, I can say that I was then willing to sacrifice my good name in the world with nominal friends, reputation and all, for Christ’s sake. I then felt willing to lay down my life as my Savior did his, if I could but be the instrument in the hands of God of saving one poor soul from ruin. I find to obey God in all things, is more acceptable to him than sacrifice. Yours in the bonds of Christian love. Hannah B. White. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.15

Long Plain, May 24th, 1844. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.16

“Are you a Follower of Miller?” A few days since, I stepped into a shop on business, in Washington Street, when immediately in came a man, blustering and swearing as though that was his peculiar delight. The shocking profanity of the man induced me to check him gently, as if to curb the error. He immediately turned upon me, saying, “Well, you are a follower of Miller, aint you?” I hesitated. What, thought I, are “the followers of Miller” the only ones in Boston from whom the profane have expected any reproof? Have the great mass of professing Christians here been conformed to the world, and not rebukers of iniquity? Alas! it is too true. Now, whatever blame may be attached to “the followers of Miller,” and with what degree of justice or injustice, it is just to them that it should be remembered that they have firmly rebuked both the religious and the irreligious profanity, which the great mass of professed Christians have winked at. “Honor to whom honor is due.”—Genius of Christianity. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.17

The Bible Dangerous.—Yes, the Bible is indeed a dangerous book—but for whom? It is dangerous for infidelity, which it confounds; dangerous for sin, which it curses; dangerous for the world, which it condemns; dangerous for Satan, whom it dethrones; dangerous to false religions, which it unmasks; dangerous, ay, highly dangerous to every church that dares withhold it from the people and whose [original illegible] impostures or fatal illusions it brings to light.—Adolphe Monod. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.18

Who Ought to be punished, the Devil or Man?—The late John Thomas, one of the missionary brethren at Serampore, was one day, after addressing a crowd of natives on the bank of the Ganges, accosted by a Brahmin as follows:— HST June 26, 1844, page 163.19

“Sir, don’t you say that the devil tempts men to sin?” “Yes,” answered Mr. Thomas. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.20

“Then,” said the Brahmin, “certainly the fault is the devil’s; the devil, therefore, and not man, ought to suffer the punishment.” HST June 26, 1844, page 163.21

While the countenances of many of the natives discovered their approbation of the Brahmin’s inference, Mr. Thomas, observing a boat with several men on board, descending the river, with that facility of instructive retort for which he was distinguished, replied, HST June 26, 1844, page 163.22

“Brahmin, do you see yonder boat?” HST June 26, 1844, page 163.23

Yes.” HST June 26, 1844, page 163.24

“Suppose I were to send some of my friends to destroy every person on board, and bring all that is valuable in the boat; who ought to suffer punishment, I for instructing them, or they for doing this wicked act?” HST June 26, 1844, page 163.25

“Why,” answered the Brahmin with emotion, “you ought all to he put to death together.” HST June 26, 1844, page 163.26

“Ay, Brahmin,” replied Mr. Thomas, and if you and the devil sin together, the devil and you will be punished together.”—Y. Comp. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.27

An aged Brother from New Hampshire writes:—“I am an old man of 73 years. I have lived in hope through the grace of God forty-three years. I have been settled in the faith more than a year and a half, that the coming of Christ was near, even at the doors. I read all the Advent books and papers I can get. I have not hesitated to declare my faith in public meetings, and families when opportunities presented, and it was likely to do any good. I am feeble in health at this time, and not able to do much, but I cannot do without the “Herald” to read, and I will try to pay for it. I would read more of your writings if I could get them, but I am poor and cannot pay for them, and I do not love to beg another man’s property. Continue to send my paper till you hear from me, or till time shall end. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.28

S. K. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.29

“Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation; so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required, of any man that it should be believed as an article of faith, or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation.” HST June 26, 1844, page 163.30

The Sure Word of Prophecy.—Brother Gross, of Albany, has issued four numbers of a paper with this title. The first two numbers are one sheet, containing much important information in chronology, especially bearing on the age of the world. The other two numbers exhibit the wonderful historical fulfillment of the prophecy in the last three chapters of Daniel. Price 3 cents per number. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.31

Brother Litch will lecture in Rochester, N. Y., on Sabbath next, June 23.—At Buffalo on the 24th inst.—Cleveland, O., 27th inst,—thence will go to Akron and Cincinnati, where he will remain a few weeks, Providence permitting. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.32

Professor Siexas.—The report in the Voice of Truth, in reference to this individual, is too well founded. We hope our friends will beware of him. HST June 26, 1844, page 163.33

Advent Herald & Reporter

No Authorcode

“The Lord is at Hand.”

BOSTON, JUNE 26, 1844.

The Anniversaries


This is an age of oddities let loose.” HST June 26, 1844, page 164.1

Anniversary week brings all the hosts of Christian, moral, benevolent and sectarian warfare, popular and unpopular, with their officers and banners, and arms, and HST June 26, 1844, page 164.2

Drums and trumpets and great guns,“ HST June 26, 1844, page 164.3

into the field at once. HST June 26, 1844, page 164.4

Here the operations of the past year are particularly reported, the openings for the future surveyed, their resources for further operations estimated, and the plans for new campaigns struck out.—The leaders of each host, in the mean time, firing the souls of their brethren who fill up the ranks to gird on the armor anew, to frown away all difficulties, and to press boldly on to victory. And the intelligent and Christian spectator cannot fail of finding much in this array, and manoeuvering of heterogeneous armies, in such contiguity to each other, to inspire the most ardent hopes, and the most gloomy fears, to afford the highest gratification, or to fill him with the deepest disgust. HST June 26, 1844, page 164.5

First, highest and holiest in the long militant line we would place HST June 26, 1844, page 164.6

The “Bible Society.”


There can be no risk, no drawback, no mistake, unless it be in the too small outlay and distribution, in the operations of that division of the great army. To their part it falls to supply the only repository of unfailing wisdom in this world, or the means of salvation in the world to come. There may be those enlisted to fight its battles, who value their station for the opportunity it affords of exhibiting or enriching themselves, but still the best gift, unless we except that of the Son and the Spirit of God, and the holiest work ever committed to man by his Creator, is in their hands. He has given his angels charge concerning it, and on its stern and immutable declarations hangs the success or defeat of all the mighty host, however vast and ample their machinery now in the field. Many of the other sections of the line profess to bow to the high claims, and be guided by the teachings of the Bible. And though there may be a measure of love for it, and a good deal of sincerity, there would be found, it is to be feared, much hypocrisy, and not a little of the base selfishness which values the Bible, just as the banditti value the honors of their nominal chief, because they can be used to subserve the policy of the clan. To them the light shines in the darkness, but the darkness comprehendeth it not. The high and immortal purposes of man’s creation and redemption which it unfolds, are lost sight of in some little, selfish and earthly interest, and the Bible is perverted to subserve the unworthy purpose of its attainment; as if Heaven had created angels, and commissioned them, with the Son of God himself, to our earth, for the sole object of putting money into a man’s pockets, of erecting for him an eternal mansion in our perishable earth, of guarding the forms and dogmas of a sect, which may be as vile as a cage of unclean birds, or of multiplying disciples for such a sect, in a world of sinners hastening to the judgment, whose salvation for eternity depends upon making the right use of the merciful provisions of the moment. HST June 26, 1844, page 164.7

Among all these hosts who profess allegiance to the Bible, there is but one who deem it worth their while to sit down and investigate its contents; and this little band, simply because they have the Bible so clearly on their side, are at the same time the scorn and terror of all the rest. HST June 26, 1844, page 164.8

Of the popular divisions of the vast army, HST June 26, 1844, page 164.9

The Missionary Organizations,


next to the Bible society, would claim the attention of the Christian. And so far as their work of preaching the gospel is concerned, the missionary society is behind no other. But its hopes, as to this world, and its corresponding plans, are so far from the apostolic model, that it is doubtful whether there could be found a greater disregard for the plainest testimony of the word of God, among those who reject the Bible entirely, than among the most distinguished advocates of the missionary cause. The purposes, plans, and hopes of the missionary society express those of all the popular Christian organizations, so called, of the age; and it is remarkable that the semi-infidel or philosophic organizations profess to have the same object in view, to be accomplished, of course, by different means. HST June 26, 1844, page 164.10

What are the hopes, and what the work contemplated by these professedly hostile agencies and organizations? Let them answer for themselves. HST June 26, 1844, page 164.11

The Popular Christian Societies


“The action of these Societies has a most important bearing on the kingdom of Christ. The salvation of unnumbered millions, and the speedy spiritual renovation of the world, may largely depend on their prosperity. And this prosperity greatly depends on the confidence, and contributions, and cordial co-operation, and prayerful interest of the Christian community. All our most important duties lie in honoring God, and in doing good to the souls of men. The officers and conductors of these great instrumentalities desire to commend their doings to the approbation of God and their fellow Christians. And for this reason it is important that the annual exposition of their affairs, and the addresses from influential men should be as widely disseminated as possible. We hope that a careful reading of these doings and addresses will serve to enlarge the hearts, and open wider the hands, and increase the faith of Christians, and lead them to more earnest player, and untiring effort for the speedy conversion of all mankind to the faith of Jesus Christ.”—N. Y. Evangelist, June 6. HST June 26, 1844, page 164.12

The Social Philosophic, (?)


“The error springs from false society, false relations. The cause being known, the remedy becomes easy. Remove those causes: re-organize society, so that those false relations may be avoided, and when once on the right track, Humanity shall flourish in the full enjoyment of all the blessings of a life of love and abundance. HST June 26, 1844, page 164.13

“This is the golden rule of true reform: to learn to remove the Cause, and the Effect ceases. We all know that the present active benevolence of the day, as mainfested in our Missionary, Bible, Tract, Temperance, and Anti-Slavery Societies, if concentrated upon right principles, and having for its object to establish true social happiness on earth, would radicate all misery and mysticism, all prejudice and bigotry. The same spirit which raises to-day the car of Juggernaut to crush its thousands of slaves, and the Suttee to consume its scores of widowed mothers,—this same spirit, if devoted to a proper object, would become a broad and mighty stream of happiness, sweeping like a flood upon vice and suffering, and changing this earth from Hell to a Paradise.”—Boston Investigator, June 12. HST June 26, 1844, page 164.14

Here, then, we have a plain statement of the hopes and plans and labors of these professedly well meaning, but opposite agencies. Let us compare their plans with that of the Lord of all. HST June 26, 1844, page 164.15

Matthew 13:24-30. 36—43. “Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest; and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and when his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. He answered and said unto them, He that sowed the good seed is the Son of man; the field is the world, the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one: The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity: and shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.” HST June 26, 1844, page 164.16

Their hopes and plans are not according to the will of God. He has made no provision for such a result. They cannot succeed. HST June 26, 1844, page 164.17

The impossibility of accomplishing the work in their way, might be demonstrated by the experiments already made. HST June 26, 1844, page 164.18

No agencies, no organizations ever have been or ever can be brought to bear upon man, in “this present evil world,” so as to confer upon him the desired deliverance from the evils under which he is suffering, in this present world. It can be realized only in “the world to come,” where man “shall be equal to the angels.” This world is, and always must be, until our Lord Jesus Christ appears to “make all things new,” a world of sin and suffering; and, to all those who would escape at last, the place for penitence and prayer, and faith, and patience, and trial and persecution. Sin will always triumph until it is destroyed out of the earth at “the judgment of the great day.” And the manner in which it always has triumphed, shows us what we may expect, until the appointed end comes. The ingenious spirit of depravity in some form or other, has corrupted and perverted the wisest and holiest plans and institutions with which heaven could bless the world, and it always will, while the nature of man remains as it is. Infidelity in theory and corrupt christianity, twin sisters under different names, are only the outward expression of depravity, seeking the same end, under different forms, the gratification of self. The opposition between them is like that sometimes witnessed in the natural world, when bodies containing the same element, in a negative and positive state, are brought into contact with each other. Thus God has ordained that the evil should become its own antidote, in some sense, by destroying itself. HST June 26, 1844, page 164.19

The truth and its disciples, repelled alike by both these forms of the evil principle, are under the power of higher affinities, and remain unaffected by the concussion, unless it be to shine the brighter; like the stars of heaven after the clouds of the tempest have passed away. HST June 26, 1844, page 164.20

The character given by the Apostle to Popery, the grand personification of corrupt religion, “who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, so that he as God, sitteth in the temple of God,” is its character now, as it always has been, in every place in which it has been, or may be found. That also is the character of infidelity, which is only another name for sin, selfishness, enmity to God. In spirit, and to the extent of their power, God is dethroned, his will violated, and the true interest of his creatures disregarded. HST June 26, 1844, page 164.21

As to these popular organizations—Christian, moral and benevolent—we are very far, however, from feeling any opposition to them, in themselves considered. We have no sympathy for selfishness, or for inactive benevolence. We hold to making the best use of everything which God has given us. And we all have much for which we should thank God, and our fellow men as the result of these agencies. Let the whole army be kept in the field with this motto upon the leading banner—‘Occupy till I come!” HST June 26, 1844, page 164.22

Let the missionary societies, home, aboriginal and foreign, send forth faithful men to preach the preaching which God has bidden them. Let the Sabbath school unions obey the command of the Savior, and suffer little children to come unto him. Let the education societies give the helping hand to all those who feel that it is not good for the soul to be without knowledge. Let the Sabbath union do all they can to promote the observance of the Sabbath, till it shall give place to the Sabbath which remains to the people of God. Let the temperance army keep their banner unfurled, and their armor on, and every man at his post, to fight the battle to the last against the old unsparing enemy of all that is dear on earth, or holy in heaven. Let the moral reform societies expose the artifices by which the thousands of our brothers, sisters, sons and daughters are allured into the broad road to present infamy and future despair. Let the Protestant association gird on the panoply of the old reformers and martyrs, and guard the ark of our strength from the unhallowed touch of the profane emissaries of the man of sin, until he shall be be destroyed by the brightness of Christ’s coming. Let the Seaman’s friends fit him up a home, and hoist the bethel flag, and give him the gospel in a manner and form, as generous and free as the souls who are to be saved by it. Let the friends of the slave thunder the anathemas of Heaven against oppression, and the friends of the prisoner see to it that their unworthy keepers do not starve and mutilate and murder them. Yes, let this good work all go on, and let it be done as God requires everything on earth to be done, with a view to “immortality and eternal life.” HST June 26, 1844, page 165.1

But when we are told of their “bearing upon the kingdom of Christ,” and “the speedy conversion of the world,” whatever our brethren may think of us, we must stand aloof and warn them that they are leaving that which is possible, and attempting that which is impossible, that they have forgotten the work which may be accomplished, and suffer themselves to be mislead and encumbered by attempting that which never is to be accomplished, or that which depends, in no sense, upon human agency. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.2

To talk of the conversion of the world to Christ, is as unscriptural and idle, as to talk of reversing the fixed location of the sea and dry land. And to think of hastening the kingdom of Christ, is as presumptuous as it would be to think of regulating the rising and setting of the sun. Christ himself has said of both the righteous and the wicked, “Let both grow together till the harvest—the end of the world.” And the kingdom will be established by him who “hath determined the times before appointed.” The Nobleman has gone “into a far country, to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return;” and “in this times he shall show who is the only potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords.” HST June 26, 1844, page 165.3

Nor do we object to the investigation of the purposes, relations and laws of every form of existence with which man has to do; or to the adaptation of the institutions and duties of man to these purposes, relations and laws, when ascertained. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.4

We know that this must furnish the only sure basis of human improvement, and that all which is really worth having in society is the result of such an employment of the human mind. It is by such an investigation, moreover, that we are enabled to arrive nearest to a true scriptural conception of the glory that is to be revealed in us, when death is swallowed up in victory. But when men promise, as the result of any discoveries which they have made, or arrangements which they may devise, that “humanity shall flourish in the full enjoyment of all the blessings of a life, of love and abundance”—that this earth shall be changed “from hell to a paradise,” however we may admire their agricultural, and other real improvements, we cannot help feeling as we should towards the man who was strewing his grain upon the bosom of the broad waves of the Atlantic with the expectation of reaping a harvest. Philosophers may discover the true theory, and philanthropists may lay their plans to carry it into practical life, and if the fatal and active elements of evil do not defeat the experiment in its infancy, as soon as it becomes productive of results sufficient to constitute a prize worth contending for, the labor which alone could give existence to the prize, will be forgotten in the contest for its possession. No such “paradise for humanity” can be attained by the agency of any power now within the reach of man. And for this very good reason, that however, easy it may be to tell when a man is sick, or even how he might be cured, a complete restoration can be effected only by a higher than human agency. Death will reign in spite of the patent medicines which cure everything, and sin will corrupt and destroy, and triumph in spite of any philosophy or social arrangements which humanity may devise or desire. We cannot therefore but pity the short sightedness which looks for help where it cannot be found, especially when it turns man away from the One oh whom help is laid, and who will certainly complete the work of restoration. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.5

The grand mistakes of these two classes of our fellow voyagers in reference to the subject of reform, as it relates to this world, appear to be these. All admit that there are bad hands at the helm, and while one class are endeavoring to get the ship under the right command, because they make such sorry work of it, there being so many more pirates, mutineers, ships cousins and mere passengers, who have no thought of behaving with any sort of decency, unless they can be accommodated, than there are of good and true men who are willing to do their duty to have all right—this being the hopeless position of one class, the other class are determined to blow up the ship or jump overboard. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.6

For ourselves we would neither sink the ship, nor expect to find things in a very different state till the voyage ends. Till then we shall try to do our duty on board, make the best of the hardships and dangers of the voyage, be thankful that they are no greater, and that there is such a prospect of deliverance at hand, try to keep a good look out, and trust ourselves and the rest to Him who will make all right in due time. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.7

But we would call attention to these anniversary doings as an indication of the character of the age, as furnishing important testimony to the fulfilment of prophecy, and as a test upon our regard for the word and authority of God. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.8

To be Continued. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.9

South Woodstock and Addison Meetings


state of the cause

The Conference at South Woodstock, Vt., was well attended, and continued with deep interest for several days. We were very much gratified and interested, in meeting with our brethren in that part of the state. We attended meetings with them, the 8th, 9th, and 10th of June, when we left for the Addison Camp Meeting. On the Sabbath, notwithstanding the rain, the house was crowded; mostly with the faithful and true hearted servants, who are looking for their Lord. It was thought if the day had been pleasant the house would not have held one half the people. So much for the “Death of Millerism.” Whether it has been dead or not, the name of God was never in a more flourishing state among them than now. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.10

Addison Camp Meeting


Commenced on the 11th inst., and continued with unabated interest for one week. This in many respects, was one of the best camp meetings we ever had. The saints were full of faith and the Holy Spirit. The lectures of bro. Miller, Litch and others, were seasonable and produced a mighty influence. The prayer meetings were marked with deep solemnity, and strong faith in God. We had a few conversions, and many cases of restoration from a backsliding state. Twenty-five happy souls were immersed in Lake Champlain, which was only a few rods from our camp. But as you will have a more full account from another hand, I will say no more. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.11

Churches.—the Separation—Character of the Movement


We found that the friends and supporters of the Advent cause, had as a general thing left their respective churches, and declared themselves free and independent of all associations that stood opposed to the Advent at hand, whether they professed friendship or hostility. I could not learn that they rejected the idea of a true ministry or church, or the only creed, the Bible. But cling to all there with more interest than ever. They have regretted the necessity of this step. But it was a case of life and death; certain death, if they remained in the old organizations, deprived of their rights and “meat in due season.” Life, if they gave up all for Christ and for his truth. The fruit of this action has been, and still is—life; a vigorous and strong faith, and a more thorough consecration to God and the Advent cause. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.12

It has been said, that this movement was got up and carried forward by indiscreet men; disorganizers, comeouters, etc. That there may be some such persons among us, we will not deny; but that the great body of the Advent believers, who have left the churches, are such we do deny. We say without fear of contradiction, that they are from among the most wise and judicious, and experienced members of the church. And more, they are from the most intelligent, pious and devoted: And are carrying out the great principles of the gospel in lives of self-denial and consecration, that some of their accusers at least would do well to imitate. And though I may not perfectly accord with them in some applications of Scripture to the Protestant Churches which in all conscience are bad enough; yet I feel to stand with them in the humblest position, shoulder to shoulder, in sustaining the Advent cause, till it be consumated by the Advent of our King. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.13

The church have taken such a course in relation to the advocates of “the faith once delivered to the saints” that they could not honestly live with them: And notwithstanding the remonstrances against leaving the churches, heretofore, God has led his people out into a large place, and into rich pastures: and we believe the hand of God is in this matter: although we never anticipated such a result, in the commencement of our labors—We expected our King to come, and the gathering angels to have brought us home ere this. But we are cut off from this hope as to the definite time, so, while we wait for the Lord from heaven, the little time the vision tarries; we shall be obliged to unite our strength, maintain, and still diffuse the truth. We cannot go back to a Laodicean church, or the world. There is but one course left for as, and that is, to maintain the truth as we have received it; and reduce it to practice. We cannot give up our faith, or hope. If it severs us from the church, friends, and all that is dear, we shall give them up cheerfully. If it subjects as to sufferings, reproaches or privations, we will endure them patiently: but God helping us, we will never! no never! no never! while we have the promise of Jehovah, give up or yield one jot or little of our faith. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.14

With this life giving faith, and heart cheering hope, we must show to the world an example of purity, zeal, industry and consecration, that will justify our high profession; or we will become a living disgrace to the faith we profess. We must come up to God’s standard of holiness in the fullest sense in “denying ungodliness, and worldly lusts, living soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; looking or that blessed hope. and glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ; who gave himself for us that he might redeem as from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” HST June 26, 1844, page 165.15

Let ministers and people aim at this high and scriptural standard. We cannot please God without it: We cannot be useful without it: we cannot be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus without it. What little time is remaining, even God will not trust us with his message without it. No, nothing can be done in this most holy cause, without this high and holy aim—to the attainment and practice of the sum of the true religion; to love the Lord with all the heart, and our neighbor as ourselves. May God grunt us strength to enter the field with fresh courage; and while the harvest is so plentiful, and laborers few, what our hands find to do, may we do it with our might. Joshua V. Himes. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.16

Bro. Fitch. is now lecturing in New York city. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.17

Bro. Himes, and J. J. White lectured at the Tabernacle last Sabbath to large audiences. The cause is well sustained in Boston. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.18

The Advent Question Books; for Bible classes and Sabbath Schools will be published as soon as possible. HST June 26, 1844, page 165.19

What Next?


The “Christian Secretary,” in speaking of our anniversary Conference refers to the address as follows:— HST June 26, 1844, page 166.1

“This address contains, (1.) Our Position; containing a brief summary of views, with reference to the nature of the ‘Kingdom of Christ,—the definiteness of prophetic revelation, the order of things at the judgment, etc., which have always been considered debateable ground in the church, and which they might have advocated among us freely, in a proper spirit.” HST June 26, 1844, page 166.2

Why, then, have we been branded as heretics by almost the entire religious press of the land? Why not correct the improper “spirit,” if the wrong was chiefly in that? That our views have always been held by the best portion of the church, is sufficiently evident, and it has been left to the professed church of these last days to reject them with scoffing. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.3

Who does not know that there has been more opposition to our views of the events of prophecy, than of the time of the end? Professor Stuart treats the whole idea of a personal coming and reign of Christ with contempt. Professor Chase, so far as he has written, denies that any such events are even contemplated by the prophet Daniel. The same may be said of nearly all our most distinguished opposers. And what would have been “a proper spirit?” That our views have been advanced in an improper spirit at times, we shall not deny, because that would be claiming for the Adventists, what their opposers seem to have expected of them—that they were something more than human. But their grand fault has been, like that of all the approved servants of God in the past, that they have believed and acted as if they supposed God means what he says, in, what he has spoken. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.4

The Secretary proceeds:— HST June 26, 1844, page 166.5

“But every body knows that the difficulties which arose between us and our brethren, were practical. It was “1843—1843—” and no man, however sincere in heart, however irreproachable in life, could escape the fierce anathema of the phrenzied Millerites of those days, who could not mouth their Shibboleth.” HST June 26, 1844, page 166.6

Every body knows, who knows enough about the subject to speak advisedly, that this has been, and in now a mere pretence. It is true “the difficulties were practical,”—just as much so as the difficulty of putting new wine into old bottles would be. And those who were determined to preserve the old bottles at any rate, because “1843” was the most terrible feature of the ghost which haunted them, since it threatened destruction to their everlasting, kingless kingdom this side of the judgment, and it being so much easier to harp upon that odious feature, than to go to the trouble of searching the Scriptures for an argument against the Advent doctrine, “it was 1843—1843—and no man, however sincere in heart, however irreproachable in life, could escape the fierce anathema of the phrenzied” anti-“Millerites,” if he dared to show such an improper spirit as to declare that “God hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world,” that “at the time appointed the end shall be,” etc. And although be might have been sustained in his interpretation of the time appointed, by an opinion “which has always been considered” so scriptural in the church as to be hardly “debateable”—and should refer to the most competent authorities to show the commencement of the time appointed, and of course its termination—still, such a man could not take such a position, without being advertised in the church and neighborhood, and the world, indeed, as being insane or instigated by the devil. A specimen or two in proof will suffice. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.7

“It is the most stupid and mischievous delusion that ever existed.”—J. Dowling. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.8

“It is like blight and mildew upon the piety of the churches.” “It is a curse to the community.” “It is a disgrace and reproach to those who encourage or countenance those who preach it.”—Christian Watchman. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.9

“They are grossly deluded by the great Adversary of souls.”—Prof. Pond. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.10

As the time was made the burden of the objection against us, we were laid under the necessity of making it prominent in our defence; but we were always aware, that, inasmuch as there was some uncertainty upon the exact date of the commencement of the prophetic periods involved, the exact date of their termination must be uncertain. No man has ever been able to show that it was not “proper” to expect their termination in 1843, and no one, who has been considered an intelligent Advent lecturer or writer, has ever spoken positively that they must then terminate. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.11

The Secretary knows that the date of the decree, with which the seventy weeks begin, as shown by Hengstenberg, and adopted by Professor Chase and others, would carry the termination of the 2300 years forward to 1846; that may suit our cotemporary better than 1843; but still we think that better authorities give an earlier date. If we err, we mean to err on the safe side. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.12

It should also be distinctly stated, that it was not till some of our brethren spoke of the anniversary of the termination of important subdivisions of the longer periods, as the probable termination of the latter, and a few others thought it had been revealed to them that the end would come at those dates, and the press, probably the Secretary with the rest, had added other days that were never thought of by us, that Mr. Miller published to the world his “faith in this matter,” as to what he understood to be the true 1843. This was done February 4th, of that year. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.13

But again:— HST June 26, 1844, page 166.14

“On the duty of Adventists with reference to the churches,” they caution their brethren against the danger of extremes. ‘The first form of the danger is that of allowing the authority of the church to impose silence on us, in such a question of duty.’ ‘The second is that of yielding to a spirit of revenge against the churches, for their injustice toward us, and of waging indiscriminate warfare against all such organizations.’ This is all very well. We should never consent to be silenced by a church, on any such topics as these, which are mentioned in the address. But they go on to talk about being ‘threatened with expulsion, unless’ they remain silent’—and being expelled for’ doing duty’ in this respect,—and this requires some little explanation. If they only raise a hypothetical case, very well; but the impression given is certainly that of a basis of fact. Now we have never yet heard of a well authenticated instance of either an expulsion, or a threat of expulsion, for any such causes as those here specified.” HST June 26, 1844, page 166.15

Of course no case could be found which could be “authenticated” to the Secretary. No competent witnesses could be found among the Adventists, any more than the Standing Order could find them among the Baptists, a while ago, in the days of Roger Williams, for instance; and the anti-Adventists never “threaten expulsion unless we remain silent,” or to “expel” us for “doing our duty.” Not at all. They are too good judges of our duty to make a mistake of that kind. It would be a clear case of “improper spirit” of course,—“practical difficulties.” HST June 26, 1844, page 166.16

The reader will please to read the letter of Bro. J. B. Cook, in another part of our paper. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.17

And we have heard of expulsions for “neglect of the means of grace.” Now it is a clear case that an individual who neglects the means of grace, willingly, ought to be dealt with; and if they persist, they ought to be expelled. But it has been quite as much of a puzzle to many others, as it has been to ourselves, that while the individuals who were guilty of such unpardonable neglect, were dealt with so strictly, others who have been much more notoriously guilty, were not even called upon to give a reason for their neglect. Other circumstances to be sure might be found to bear upon the act of expulsion, such as these, perhaps; the former of these classes of offenders—not having “a proper spirit”—might have been pointed out by the guardian spirit of the pulpit, as being deluded by the devil, without an argument in proof of the fact, and on that account they might have absented themselves from such “means of grace,” to find something better. While the other class were so pressed with engagements at the theatre or the cotillion party, in politics or speculations, that the honor of the church required that nothing should be said [original illegible] about it. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.18

But we might as well stop, as nothing we might say, especially of cases so “hypothetical,” will be authentic. What the editor says of the “atrocious falsehoods” with which “the Advent papers have teemed,” particularly of the “Baptist churches in Hartford,” may as well be passed over for the present. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.19

The remarks of the Secretary close as follows:— HST June 26, 1844, page 166.20

“The address also cautions the brethren against dreamers, pretenders to inspiration, etc, with judicious and sound remarks. We are sincerely glad that there are some tolerable steady hands among this new sect. Because they have gone out from the churches, is no reason why we should wish them any thing but success in establishing purer and wiser churches of their own. In some of these brethren we have all confidence, as men of piety and peace, whom we expect to meet in heaven, (if by God’s mercy through the blood of the Redeemer, we ever get there ourselves,) whatever they may think to the contrary. A good many more of them we know to be a bitter, envious, unlovely set of beings, who will have to undergo a very decided metamorphosis, to be met, with pleasure, any where.” HST June 26, 1844, page 166.21

We were not aware that we were a “new sect.” But the thought occurs to us—are we not, as much as “the sect that was every where spoken against” of old?—Acts 28:22. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.22

But how happens it that these “men of piety and peace,” have “gone out from the churches?” Were they or “the churches” wanting in a “proper spirit?” HST June 26, 1844, page 166.23

And now, Brother Secretary, is it not a wonder that “a good many” of the Adventists are not a more “unlovely set of beings” than they are? Just place yourself in their circumstances, and answer that question. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.24

We are happy to inform our readers that brother Southard is able to resume his editorial labors. He speaks of his “return to labor” as follows: HST June 26, 1844, page 166.25

With trembling solicitude and deep-felt dependence on an Almighty arm, I venture to resume the editorial care of the Midnight Cry. A flood of interesting associatians rolls upon my mind. The solemnity of this vocation sheds a hallowed feeling over the soul. Its magnitude and importance may well prompt me to pause. But I can say, with the apostle, “I trust I have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly;” and, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthened me.” During the long interval caused by sickness, I have enjoyed such a sense of God’s presence as I never felt before, and have obtained a sense of my own weakness which I hope never to lose; for “Happy is the man who feareth always; but he that hardeneth the heart shall fall into mischief.” But while I fear to offend God by speaking unadvisedly through the press, I beg the prayers of all praying souls that I may be delivered from “the fear of man which bringeth a snare,” and speak the truth in love and “in demonstration of the Spirit,” that it may be blessed of God, however offensive it may be to men. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.26

I have great reason to praise the Lord who put it into the hearts of so many to show kindness to me while sick, and especially that the interest of the paper has been so well sustained. Those who have been the instruments, in both particulars are gratefully remembered; but we trust they, have a better reward than man can give. HST June 26, 1844, page 166.27

6 “A Pilgrim and a Stranger.” 7


Hebrews 11:13. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.1

1. I’m a pilgrim and I’m a stranger;
I can tarry, I can tarry, but a night;
Do not detain me, for I am going,
To where the fountains are ever flowing.
I’m a pilgrim and I’m a stranger;
I can tarry, I can tarry, but a night.
HST June 26, 1844, page 167.2

There the glory is ever shining!
O, my longing heart, my longing heart is there
Here in this country so dark and dreary,
I long have wandered forlorn and weary.
I ‘m a pilgrim, and I’m a stranger, etc.
HST June 26, 1844, page 167.3

There’s the city to which I journey;
My Redeemer, my Redeemer is its light!
There is no sorrow, nor any sighing,
Nor any tears there, nor any dying!
I’m pilgrim and I’m a stranger etc.
HST June 26, 1844, page 167.4

Farewell, neighbors, with tears I’ve warned you,
I must leave you, I must leave you and be gone!
With this your portion, your hearts’ desire—
Why will you perish in raging fire?
I ‘m a pilgrim, and I’m a stranger, etc.
HST June 26, 1844, page 167.5

Father, mother and sister, brother!
If you will not journey with me I must go!
Now since your vain hopes you will thus cherish,
Should I too linger and with you perish?
I ‘m a pilgrim, and I ‘m a stranger, etc.
HST June 26, 1844, page 167.6

Farewell, dreary earth, by sin so blighted,
In immortal beauty soon you’ll be arrayed!
He who has formed thee, will soon restore thee!
And then thy dread curse shall never more be:—
I ‘m a pilgrim, and I ‘m a stranger
Till thy rest shall end the weary pilgrim’s night.
HST June 26, 1844, page 167.7

As it was in Sodom


wickedness under the cloak of religion

Rev. N. E. Johnson.—This man, who was formerly editor of the N. Y. Evangelist, has been convicted of the grossest wickedness. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.8

The following is the action of the Presbytery in the case. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.9

At a meeting of the Presbytery of Newark, held on the 10th inst., charges were preferred against Nathaniel E. Johnson, of unministerial and unchristian conduct: HST June 26, 1844, page 167.10

1st. In the use of intoxicating drinks to the extent of drunkenness. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.11

2nd. In attending the theatre, in the city of New York, at several times, under circumstances of peculiar aggravation. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.12

3rd. Of gross licentiousness. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.13

Mr. Johnson having expressed his desire to forego the formalities of a regular trial, and having pleaded guilty to each of the charges above specified, the Presbytery resolved unanimously, that he be deposed from the office of the gospel ministry, and excommunicated from the Christian church. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.14

E. Seymour, Stated Clerk. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.15

Bishop Onderdonk.—“It is stated in the Philadelphia papers, that Bishop H. U. Onderdonk has tendered his resignation to the committee of the Protestant Episcopal Church of that diocese, as Bishop thereof. It is said that the Bishop has for some years been addicted to the inordinate use of ardent spirits, and had he been a simple rector, would probably have long since been deposed from the ministry. He was lately waited upon by a large body of the clergy, as we learn from the correspondent of the Baptist Advocate, and the scene was most affecting. After entering his house, they knelt together in silent prayer to God for wisdom and strength, while tears and sobs attested the depth of their grief, for the necessity of their most painful duty. As the result of this interview, the Bishop resigns his Episcopal functions.”—Christian Reflector. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.16

Rev. J. R. Ricket, who formerly preached in Western New York, and Brookfield, Mass., and has since been known for his dishonesty as a merchant in Worcester, and still later succeeded in getting up a report of his own death, at which time he left this country for England, has recently been detected in smuggling to the amount of $9000, at Brooklyn, N. Y. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.17

Arrest of Joe Smith.—The Warsaw (Illinois) Signal states that the U. S. Marshall had succeeded in arresting Joe Smith, at Nauvoo, and had proceeded with him down the river. He showed fight at first, but afterwards concluded that discretion was the better part of valor. Had he persisted, the military would have been called out to enforce the law. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.18

Seven indictments have been found by the grand jury of Hancock county, Illinois, against the Mormon prophet. He is charged with perjury, larceny, etc. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.19



Most Melancholy.—We learn that a clergyman, Joy Hamlet Fairchild, of Exeter, N. H., and formerly of South Boston, attempted to commit suicide this morning, by cutting his throat with a razor. The wound inflicted is very severe, but it is thought he will recover. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.20

Mr. Fairchild has been respected for many years as an able, pious, and faithful Congregational minister—but there has lately been strong reasons to suspect that his moral conduct has long been corrupt, and that he is unworthy of exercising the holy duties of his office.—Mercantile Journal. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.21

Since Mr. Fairchild left the Church at South Boston, he has been settled over a Congregational church in Exeter, N. H. Previous to his leaving South Boston, there were many unpleasant rumors about a too familiar intimacy existing between him and two married ladies in his immediate society—and many other things have been hinted lately touching a young lady, by the name of R. D, who lived in Mr. Fairchild’s family from 1840 to 1841-2. Mr. Fairchild has a wife and four children. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.22

Such was the prevalence of the first rumors at South Boston,—and they also reached Exeter—that a council was called, consisting of three clergymen from this city, and three laymen—two of them being from Exeter. The result to which they came was as follows:— HST June 26, 1844, page 167.23

“After a protracted and laborious investigation of all the particulars touching this subject, the undersigned are constrained to say that the circumstances brought to view as tending to excite suspicion against the Rev. Mr. Fairchild, do not impair our confidence in his moral or christian character. In this remark, we include also alleged misconduct on his part, while pastor of a church in East Hartford, Conn; and we are happy to state that, after a severe and thorough scrutiny, nothing has appeared in any part of his life, which prevents us from according to him our full confidence as a minister of Christ. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.24

We are happy, therefore, to assure the church in Exeter, under the care of Rev. Mr. Fairchild, that, so far as our knowledge extends, they may continue to cherish an undiminished confidence in him. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.25

We indulge the hope that our judgment in the case, having been virtually though not formally invited by those who have submitted the testimony, will have weight with them, and that the Rev. Mr. Fairchild will be able to pursue the work of the ministry with his former faithfulness and success. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.26

Boston, May 15, 1844.

A true copy—attest, HST June 26, 1844, page 167.27

W. A. STEARNS, Scribe. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.28

A letter written by him to the girl, seems to leave his case in a bad condition. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.29

We further learn that such was the agitation of the subject here and in Exeter, that Mr. Fairchild came to Boston on Monday last, learned that a Council was to sit on the matter next Monday, observed the condition of things, and returned on Tuesday to Exeter. Tuesday night he called a church meeting, reiterated the circumstances detailed above with much feeling and with evident distress—remarking that the evidence was strong against him, that he had only to oppose to it his own simple denial, and concluding his appeal by declaring that he was innocent. He then asked for a dismission, and it was granted. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.30

From that time up to yesterday morning, he was in a high state of mental excitement, and finally sought to end this world’s troubles by committing suicide.—Times. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.31

We are since informed that Mr. F. is in a very critical state.—&ge 55. HST June 26, 1844, page 167.32

The Mail of the 19th inst., records a chapter of murders to the amount of six, the particulars of which we have not room to record, besides several cases of confessions and conviction of murder, stabbing, dueling, piracy, forgery, perjury, etc. etc. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.1

Foreign News


by the acadia.

The European Times, from which we copy, gives this summary of affairs abroad:— HST June 26, 1844, page 168.2

“Switzerland has been the scene of a civil war, trumpery in its nature and results, but sorrowful, as showing the unseemly barbarities which are perpetrated in the name of our common christianity. Turkey shows symptoms of the internal disease which is fast wearing away its vitals. Reports of dissensions in the newly-organized Spanish cabinet reach us from Madrid. Some Carlist leaders have been shot, and Maria Christina is engaged in the double task of travelling through the provinces, and borrowing money. The Portuguese cabinet has undergone some changes, it is hoped for the better. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.3



Switzerland has been the scene of a short though somewhat sanguinary civil war. The cause of discord is accounted for thus: Every two years the German and High Church party of the Upper Valais have a contention with their French and latitudinarian compatriots of the lower portion of the Canton. Last time, the Upper Valaisans were beaten. This year, however, having a Vorort, or Executive Canton, (Lucerne,) favorable to ultra-Catholic ideas, they grew more bold. Disputes threatened, and the interference of the Vorort was obtained. This maddened the Lower Valaisans, and actual hostilities commenced. After some sharp fighting, the struggle is brought to a close for the present, in consequence of the dispersion of the militia of the Lower Valais. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.4

On the morning of the 21st of May, the troops of the Lower Valais, in effecting their retreat upon Martigney, were attacked at the defile of Trient. The battle was a long one. Thirty were killed, and among the number were M. M. de Nuce de, Werra and Varvex, whose bodies it was said, were terribly mutilated. Four hundred of the Lower Valais troops endeavored to cross the river by a ford under a hot fire; the rest, to the number of about two hundred men, retreated to Martigny, where they dispersed. M. Jorris, one of the leaders of the Lower Valais, arrived at the baths of Vevay, with about two hundred and fifty men. The affair may thus be considered for a time at an end. It is, perhaps, fortunate that the opposing parties were of such unequal strength, for the prolongation of the struggle would have brought on a collision between the Cantons. The two parties that divide the Valais are unfortunately violent and irreconcileable in their opinions. Young Switzerland represents the more popular opinions. The High Valais represents no less violent opinions of the old aristocracy, under the influence of the Jesuits of Brig. There is not among the population a sufficient number of persons of moderate opinions to keep the two or three parties in cheek. It is to be hoped that the Diet, which is about to meet, may be able to take measures which will prevent another conflict.” HST June 26, 1844, page 168.5



The accounts from Albania are of a very alarming nature. Notwithstanding the exertions of the Turkish Government, fresh atrocities are daily perpetrated upon the unfortunate Christians. The force under Reschid Pacha is deeply imbued with a feeling of hatred to the Giaour, and numerous desertions have taken place. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.6

A letter from Constantinople, of the 27th April, says that the state of Albania becomes daily more and more alarming. The whole province is in a state of revolt, and bodies of the insurgents scour all parts of the country, committing the most frightful excesses. By the last accounts the town of Skotia was closely blockaded by an army of 15,000 Albanians. Ali Bey had arrived with a reinforcement of 3,000 men, and, after a desperate engagement with the Albanians, he broke through their ranks, and entered the town. 800 men were left dead on the field. Hussein Pacha, who had entered Albania at the head of 5,000 men, had suffered great losses from sickness, and was obliged to retreat to Monaster in Roumelia. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.7

We learn from Syria that the persons implicated in the fatal affair of Lattachia, are still unpunished. The Pacha, unwilling to award the punishment demanded by the French consul referred the affair to the Divan. The French consul had demanded that the offenders should be carried back to Lattachia, to be bastinadoed on the same spot where they perpetrated the outrage. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.8

A noble Tuscan, M. Malenchini, has just been arrested at Rome, and confined in the Castle of St. Angelo. The news of this arrest has produced at Leghorn, and in all Tuseany, a lively sensation. According to directions from Rome, the authorities have had numerous investigations made at Leghorn where M. Malenchini’s family resides, but without result. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.9

Accounts from Athens, state that an extraordinary sensation has been created by the discovery, a few days ago, of a secret society, with ramifications, not only over all Greece, but in Macedonia, Thessaly, and Epirus. It is called “The Grand Brotherhood,” and its principal object is to subvert the Government and the existing order of things, under the mask of religion and liberation of the fatherland. Some of the Athenian journals have published the bye-laws and oath to be taken by the members. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.10

Another outrage upon the rights of British subjects has been committed by Portuguese authorities. Mr. Tazer, the brother of the British Consul, at Figueira, says a letter dated Lisbon, May 14, has now been thirty days under arrest, and dragged, during that period, through no fewer than six Portuguese prisons; one, the common felons calabonco or dungeon, at Coimbra; another, the Limoeiro, or ordinary felon’s gaol, in Lisbon, sickened with noisome exhalations, and literally covered with vermin from the persons of his convict associates; and up to the present moment, no formal act of accusation, nor specific charge has been preferred against him, nor any allegations but the vague one that he was concerned in bribing some soldiers at Coimbra to join the insurgents in Almeida—a charge which, on the two sergeants who affirmed it having been a second time questioned, dwindled down to the still vaguer statement, that he was present when money was offered them. Mr. Tazer is an independent merchant, and the strongest assurances are offered that the charge entirely originated in malice. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.11



The Moniteur publishes a report to the King, that the Minister of Justice, on the necessity of regulating the elections of rabbis, etc. It is followed by a Royal Ordinance of great length, laying down strict rules upon this subject. A consistory is to be established in each department where the Jewish population amounts to 2,000; and in departments where the number of Jews does not amount to 2,000, two or more adjoining departments are to be joined together, and a joint consistory is to be established for them. The central consistory is to be in Paris. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.12

Paris papers of Saturday have reached us since the foregoing was in type. The Reforme says that bankruptcies have increased in an alarming degree. The arrival of the Emperor of Russia in England was known in Paris on Saturday night, and had created some uneasiness there. The burial of M Lafitte, on Thursday, was attended with extraordinary honors. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.13



Sentence on Daniel O’Connell.—To be imprisoned for twelve calendar months; to pay a fine of 2,000l. and to enter into securities to keep the peace for seven years—himself in 5,000l. and two securities of 2,500l. each. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.14

Sentence having been passed, HST June 26, 1844, page 168.15

Mr. O’Connell immediately rose, and said that he wished to remind the Court, that he had made a solemn affidavit, declaring that he had never entered into a conspiracy with the other traversers, or committed the crime with which he was charged. He had now only to say it was his painful conviction that justice had not been done. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.16

A sudden and vociferous cheer from nearly all parts of the court followed this result; and although it was accompanied by the clapping of hands among the junior bar, and was two or three times repeated, the Judges did not interfere, although evidently displeased. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.17

The London Times remarks, that “when sentence was passed on O’Connell, there was not the least appearance of any disturbance or tumult in the city; but letters and accounts from the provinces, represent the people in some districts as being in a far more excited state than Mr. O’Connell’s followers in and about the metropolis, and considerable, though it is to be hoped groundless, apprehensions for the public peace are entertained by many in consequence of the sworn threats of some of the peasantry, that they would not be bound by his counsel, if he were deprived of his liberty.” HST June 26, 1844, page 168.18

The schisms among the Jews at Frankfort and other places had become exceedingly violent and bitter. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.19

The Circassians are straining every nerve to resist the new Russian invasion, but it is feared that the independence of these noble mountaineers is nearly at an end. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.20

The accounts from India speak of a remarkable hail storm at Sukkar in the Scinde, accompanied by a hurricane, which prostrated every thing in its path. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.21

Murders continue to be alarmingly frequent in Paris. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.22

The Rebeccaites in Wales have made some further demonstrations against the toll-gates; just enough to keep the government uneasy and the people unquiet. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.23

M. Mickiwiez, the Polish poet, and Professor of Slavonian Literature at Paris, has announced himself the prophet of a new Messiah, a countryman of his own. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.24

Conferences & Campmeetings



July 4—7, East Randolph, Vt. Conference. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.25

July 16—21, Near Albany, N Y. Campmeetings. (To be appointed by the committee, and if held at the time above mentioned, Brn. Miller and Himes will attend.) HST June 26, 1844, page 168.26

July 24—29, Rochester, N. Y. Campmeeting or Conference, as the brethren may appoint. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.27

July 30 to Aug. 1. Buffalo, N. Y. Conference. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.28

Aug. 3rd and 4th, Toronto, Canada West. Conference. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.29

Aug. 10 and 11, Cleaveland, Ohio, Conference. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.30

Aug. 18, and onward, Cincinnati, Ohio. Conference. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.31

Remarks. We shall attend the above meetings, if the Lord permit. And if practicable, Bro. Miller Will accompany as to the west. We intend to pitch the Tent beyond Cincinnati, and go as far as St. Louis, if practicable. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.32

J. V. HIMES. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.33

Boston, June 22, 1844. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.34

Notice. There will be a Second Advent Conference at East Randolph, to commence on July 4, if time continue, to hold over the Sabbath. Bra. Himes and other are expected. J. D. MARSH. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.35

Randolph, June 16, 1844. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.36

Advent Conference. There will be a Second Advent Conference in Grafton, Vt. the Lord willing, to commence on Wednesday, July 31, at 10 A M, to continue over the Sabbath. Our brethren in that vicinity are invited to attend. Preaching brethren are especially requested to come, filled with the blessing of the Gospel of Christ. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.37

In behalf of the brethren, G. W. PEAVEY. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.38

Advent Conference, will commence at Hamilton, Canada West, at the Tabernacle, July 16, to continue over the Sabbath. (We hope they may have help, but cannot attend myself as requested. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.39

A Camp-meeting will be held at Gilmanton, N. H. on the ground occupied last year, to commence June 25, Providence permitting, and continue over the Sabbath. All necessary preparations will be made by the Committee for the comfort of those who attend. Bra. Cole, Litch, Himes, and others will be in attendance. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.40



Br. Moses Chandler requests that we give notice that the Francour(Sugar Hill) campmeeting is given up for the present. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.41

Letters received to June 22, 1844


E Carrier and C King by pm $1 each; A C Spaulding and S Davis by pm 50 cts each; L F and A W Griggs; Rev A Forman by pm $1; pm Newburyport Ms; Mrs M Pattison by pm $2; pm Springfield N Y; A Chase $7 and S Dexter $3 donations; J V Himes; pm Fairview Miss; pm Cambridge Ala; Pine Hill R I; pm Westford Ct; G Therriman by pm $1; pm Salem N H; pm Troy Vt; C Bond by pm $1; S Ford by pm $2 50 cts; L H Blackman by pm $1;J Palmer by pm $1; R Montague $2 which pays to the present time; F C Werner $1; W Owen; J D Marsh; Rev A Stone; A C Abell and J C Stone by pm $1 each; J Lenfest; pm Sardinia N Y; E Dickey by pm $1; N Willey & S Nichols by pm $1 each; Daniel Wilson by pm $1; M M George $5 and W Hayward, C M Bean and M A Coolbroth 33c each; Mrs Code $1; J Bates; M Martin jr by pm $1; D M Allen by pm $1; J Weston; One sheet of poetry, no signature; W Richards by pm $1; E Les $2; W Billings $1 and R E Ladd $2 by pm; A B Paine by pm $1; L Caldwell; Moses Chandler; G S Miles bundle of Books; J Perrin $1. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.42

Packages Sent


A W Griggs Warren Depot Ms; J Litch 41 Arcade Philadelphia; J V Himes 9 Spruce St N Y; Moses Chandler Franconia N H; M M George Lowell Ms. HST June 26, 1844, page 168.43