The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7


The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], Vol. 7 (February 14 to July 31, 1844)


February 14, 1844

Vol. VII. No. 1, 2. Boston, Whole No. 146

Joshua V. Himes


[CD-ROM Editor’s Note: Due to extensive damage to the microfilm used as source, there are many insertions “original illegible.” These are at most a few words or a line in any one location.]


NEW SERIES VOL. VII. NO. 1, 2. Boston, February 14, 1844. WHOLE NO. 146. HST February 14, 1844, page 1.1




J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors. HST February 14, 1844, page 1.2

Terms.—One Dollar per Volume, of 26 Numbers. Five Dollars for 6 Copies, Ten Dollars for 13 Copies. HST February 14, 1844, page 1.3

Dow & Jackson, Printers

The Second Advent


The following is an extract of a letter written by Mr. Miller to a friend of his, several years before he publicly avowed his faith in the doctrine of the Advent. HST February 14, 1844, page 1.4

1. 1 Come, blessed Savior! nor let time delay
2. The sacred morn of that expected day.
3. When all the happy throng, the heavenly band,
4. Descending from above, “the spirit land;”
5. When the seventh trump its solemn blast shall sound,
6. And Gabriel’s voice shall shake the solid ground.
7. Then sleeping myriads from their graves shall rise,
8. And meet their Savior in these nether skies;
9. While those who yet remain, by men oppres’d,
10. Will feel a sudden change and join the bless’d;
11. Where, in one chorus join’d, the song be rais’d,
12. To God, the Father, Son,—“Ancient of days.”

I sometimes almost flatter myself I shall live to see this glorious day. “Fanatical,” say you. Very well; I should not be surprised if you and I should both be on this earth, alive,— HST February 14, 1844, page 1.5

13. When from the east we see a cloud arise,
14. And bring to view a Savior long despis’d;
15. When we shall hear that trumpet’s dreadful roll,
16. That shakes the earth from centre to the pole;
17. When, from the great white throne, indignant ire
18. Shoots forth its blaze, and set the world on fire:—
19. Then all the wicked, all that pride can boast,
20. Shall be as stubble, saith the Lord of hosts;
21. When kings, and captains, tyrants, mighty men,
22. Are the great supper for the fowls of heav’n;
23. And kingdoms, thrones, and powers, dominions riv’n
24. Like chaff before the angry whirlwind driv’n.
25. The dragon, papal beast, and great arch foe,
26. Shall sink in endless night, eternal woe;
27. The orb of day, his face be hid in gloom,
28. And the old reeling earth in Nature’s tomb.

“Then you believe in annihilation?” methinks I heart you say. No sir; I believe HST February 14, 1844, page 1.6

29. That this dark orb shall from its ashes rise
30. And the new heavens, descending from the skies,
31. The happy bride adorn’d in righteousness,
32. Shall with the Bridegroom enter to his rest.
33. Then, O my soul, will you, permitted, view
34. This word fulfill’d, “created all things new;”
35. And all be banish’d—trials, sins, and fears,
36. To live and reign with Christ a thousand years,
37. The belov’d city, fill’d with boys and men,
38. Will constitute the New Jerusalem,
39. And there, as priests to God, with Christ to dwell,
40. While Satan and his hosts are chain’d in hell.
41. But, lo! a thousand years are past and gone,
42. Since the new world was from the old one born;
43. When death gives up the particles of dust,
44. And hell lets loose the spirits of the curs’d.
45. Then on the surface of the earth they stand,
46. A company unnumber’d as the sand;
47. For in their flesh they sinn’d in time that’s pass’d,
48. So in the flesh must they be judg’d at last,
49. Driv’n and gather’d, round the city roam,
50. To hear their sentence and receive their doom.
51. But can they scale those walls, so graeat and high?
52. No; nothing enters that doth make a lie.
53. Lo! on the golden walls, from tow’r to tow’r,
54. See saints stand judging them in this dread hour!
55. There justice, from above, in fiery breath,
56. Destroys the rebels—“this the second death!”

I am almost persuaded to believe that we shall never meet again until that day, when the Son of Righteousness shall rise HST February 14, 1844, page 1.7

57. With healing wings, and grace on grace distill,
58. And cleanse the church on Zion’s holy hill;
59. Where sin no more controls, nor death by sin,
60. But justifi’d and glorifi’d with him:
61. No need of sun or moon, for he’s our light
62. No changing seasons there, nor gloomy night;
63. No parting there of friends, nor farewells given,
64. But gather’d all in one from earth and heav’n.
65. On this my faith is fix’d, my hope is rais’d—
66. To him the glory, and his name the praise.
67. Then, while I stay in this unfriendly state,

68. Lord, give me grace, and patiently I’ll wait. HST February 14, 1844, page 1.8

The above is written to you, my brother, hoping that you may catch some of the feelings and exercise of the author’s heart, while he has often read and pondered over the blessed passages to which you are referred in the conclusion, under the head of “Proof-texts.” I can only claim your indulgence; merit I claim not. HST February 14, 1844, page 1.9

For poets say, and surely they can tell
To read a poet right, “drink from his well;”
To feed the spirit, catch the spirit’s flame,
And kindred spirits kindle back again.
Then read the proof, my brother, and believe,
If I’m not right, I’m happy being deceiv’d;
For hope’s an anchor—all in this agree,—
And faith a helmsman—so at least with me;
The word of God my compass, love the pole,
Experience are my sails, and Christ the whole,
Grace is my ballast, for it keeps me low;
The Spirit is the wind, that bears me through;
Perfection in the haven for which I run,
Consign’d to him who gave for me his Son;
Life is my log-book, death my anchor ground;
The resurrection is my ship o’erhaul’d,
Eternity unites us all in all.
HST February 14, 1844, page 1.10

William Miller.

August 17 th , 1826. HST February 14, 1844, page 1.11

proof-texts. HST February 14, 1844, page 1.12

1. Revelation 22:20.
2. Psalm 130:6.
3. 1 Thessalonians 3:13.
4. Psalm 50:4.
5. Revelation 11:15.
6. Isaiah 2:19-21.
7. John 5:28.
8. 1 Thessalonians 4:17.
9. 2 Thessalonians 1:5-7.
10. 1 Corinthians 15:52.
11. Revelation 5:9.
12. Daniel 7:9-14.
13. Revelation 14:12-16.
14. Matthew 26:64.
15. Isaiah 27:12.
16. Matthew 24:29.
17. Revelation 20:11.
18. Isaiah 66:15, 16.
19. Malachi 4:1.
20. Isaiah 5:24.
21. Revelation 19:18.
22. Ezekiel 39:17-20.
23. Daniel 2:35.
24. Isaiah 17:13.
25. Revelation 13:1-7.
26. Revelation 20:10.
27. Isaiah 24:23.
28. Isaiah 24:20.
29. 2 Peter 3:13.
30. Revelation 21:2.
31. Revelation 19:8.
32. Hebrews 4:9-11.
33. Hebrews 6:2, 3.
34. Isaiah 65:17.
35. Isaiah 35:10.
36. Revelation 20:6.
37. Revelation 20:9.—and Zechariah 8:5.
38. Revelation 3:12.
39. Revelation 5:10.
40. Revelation 20:2, 3
41. Revelation 20:7.
42. Revelation 21:1.
43 and 44—Revelation 20:13.
45. Revelation 20:9
46. Revelation 20:8
47. Romans 7:5
48. 1 Peter 4:6
49. Psalm 59:6, 14.
50. Jeremiah 4:12.
51. Revelation 21:12.
52. Revelation 21:27.
53. Zechariah 14:9-14.
54. 1 Corinthians 6:2.
55. Revelation 20:9.
56. Revelation 20:14, 15.
57. Malachi 4:2.
58. Isaiah 4:3-5
59. Hosea 13:14.
60. Romans 8:17.
61. Revelation 21:23.
62. Revelation 21:5.
63. Jeremiah 31:12-14.
64. Ephesians 1:10.
65. Titus 2:13.
66. Revelation 4:11.
67. Ephesians 4:14
68. Hebrews 10:36, 37.

Why do we believe that “The kingdom of God is nigh at hand.”


By S. Bliss.

“So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.” Luke 21:31. HST February 14, 1844, page 1.13

I. We find, in the second book of Daniel, that the image seen by Nebuchadnezzar is interpreted by Daniel to represent the kingdoms of this world, which were to precede the coming of the kingdom of God. It represents that four great empires, symbolized by the four metals in the image, were to succeed each other; the last of which was to be divided into ten kingdoms and continue till the end of the world. By comparing the prophecy with history, we find that four such kingdoms have succeeded each other:—the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian and Roman, the last of which has been for the last thirteen hundred years divided into ten kingdoms. The prophecy in the second chapter of Daniel has thus all been fulfilled, but the smiting of these ten kingdoms—symbolized by the toes of the image—by the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, when they will become like the chaff of the summer threshing floor, to be driven away, and no place found for them; and be succeeded by the kingdom of God, which is to consume those kingdoms, never be destroyed or left to other people, but is to stand forever. As, therefore, this is the only unfulfilled event of this prediction, we feel justified in living in continual expectation of its accomplishment, and believing that the kingdom of God has come nigh unto us. HST February 14, 1844, page 1.14

II. We find, in the seventh of Daniel, a vision seen by him in the first year of Belshazzar, covering the same ground as the vision in the second chapter. According to this vision, Daniel saw four beasts arise out of the sea, which symbolized the four universal empires that were to succeed each other. The third of these was to be divided into four parts, represented by the heads of the leopard; and the fourth kingdom into ten parts, symbolized by the ten horns. Three of these were to be plucked up by a persecuting power, which should speak great words against the Most High, and have power over the saints of the Most High for three and a half times, or twelve hundred and sixty years; and after the termination of that period it was to make war and prevail against them till the Ancient of days should come, give the body of the beast to the burning flames, and the kingdom to one like the Son of Man. Then the judgment was to be set and the books be opened, the judgment be given to the saints of the Most High, and the time come that the saints should possess the kingdom, who are to possess the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, forever, even forever and ever. We find in history the same fulfillment of all these kingdoms, which were to precede the end, in the four empires before referred to; the third of which, Grecia, was divided into four kingdoms; and the fourth, Rome, into ten; three of these were subverted by the rise of Popery in 508, which, in 538, obtained power over the saints, who remained in its hands for twelve hundred and sixty years, till the downfall of the pope in 1798. It has also continued to war upon and prevail against the saints from that day, for the last forty-five years. The only unfulfilled portion of this prophecy is, therefore, the coming of the Ancient of Days in judgment, to put one like the Son of Man and the saints of the Most High in possession of the kingdom, which is to be eternal. We have, therefore, reason to believe that this event may be at any time fulfilled. HST February 14, 1844, page 1.15

III. In the eighth of Daniel, we find a vision, seen by that prophet in the third year of Belshazzar, commencing with a view of the Medo-Persian kingdom in its meridian glory, with none able to stand before it. This was to be succeeded by the Grecian; which was to be divided into four parts, towards the four winds of heaven; and these were to be succeeded by another power which was to become exceeding great, and stand up against the Prince of princes; but it was finally to be broken without hand. This vision, Daniel is told, was to continue twenty-three hundred days, or years, when the sanctuary should be cleansed. History shows us that these respective kingdoms have successively arisen, and that the divisions of the Grecian were succeeded by the Roman, which became EXCEEDING GREAT, and stood up against the Prince of princes, sentencing him to be crucified and nailing him to the cross. We have also passed down the stream of time, so that we are now about twenty-three hundred years from the meridian glory of the Medo-Persian empire, and consequently may expect the cleansing of the sanctuary will be the next event, and at the doors. HST February 14, 1844, page 2.1

IV. In the ninth of Daniel, we find that, in answer to the prayer of the prophet, the same angel Gabriel that he had seen in the foregoing vision is sent to explain to him more fully the vision of the twenty-three hundred days. He informs Daniel that seventy weeks are cut off, sixty nine of which, beginning with the decree to rebuild Jerusalem, were to extend to Messiah the Prince, and that the sanctuary was to be destroyed and desolated till the consummation. We find that this decree went forth B. C. 457; so the twenty-three hundred days, reckoning from that, would terminate about A. D. 1843, when we look for the consummation and the cleansing of the sanctuary. Having passed down the stream of time to A. D. 1843, when the days appear to terminate, and finding no chronological error or other reason militating against this termination of that period, we are warranted in expecting this event at the time appointed, and in looking for it from this time till the Lord shall come. HST February 14, 1844, page 2.2

V. In the eleventh and twelfth of Daniel, we find a prophecy, reaching down to the resurrection of the dead, bringing to view the most prominent events which were to transpire before that event. We also find, from history, that all the events which were to precede the resurrection have been fulfilled in their proper order and time; so that we are justified in looking for that as the next event. We also find that the words of that prophecy were to be closed up and sealed till the time of the end, which was to be twelve hundred and ninety years from the taking away of the daily and setting up of the abomination that maketh desolate in A. D. 508. This would terminate about A. D. 1798, when we find fulfilled the very events that were to mark the time of the end, and to which period the end of time was sealed up. Daniel is also told, in the same prophecy, that in thirteen hundred and thirty-five days (years) from the taking away of the daily, he shall stand in his lot. This period, reckoning from 508, would terminate about A. D. 1843; so that being unable to discover any season to the contrary, we have cause to look continually for the consummation of all things. HST February 14, 1844, page 2.3

VI. We find, in the twenty-sixth of Leviticus, that Israel were to be scattered seven times, or two thousand five hundred and twenty years; that, according to Jeremiah 15. and 2 Chronicles 33. this began with the captivity of Manasseh, B. C. 677, since which Israel has not been independent; so that these times appear to terminate about 1843. And we are told by Daniel, twelfth chapter, that when God shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all the things written in the book of Daniel, which include the resurrection, will be accomplished. HST February 14, 1844, page 2.4

VII. We find that all the unfulfilled prophecies in the Old Testament, which have reference to Israel, are to be fulfilled, according to the testimony of the apostles, in the restoration of the whole house of Israel—all who are of the faith of our father Abraham, in their resurrection bodies, to the new earth, where they are to abide forever. We also find that God has promised to regenerate this earth, restore it to its Eden state, and make it the eternal abode of the righteous; and that the various prophecies which have been adduced in support of a temporal millennium, have reference only to that eternal state, and will be fulfilled in the restitution of all things spoken of by the mouth of all the holy prophets, since the world began. We also find that all the various discursive prophecies of events before the end, have, as we understand them, all been fulfilled in their proper order; so that the restitution of all things, in the restoration of this earth to its Eden state, and the removal of the curse, is the next expected event in unfulfilled prophecy. HST February 14, 1844, page 2.5

VIII. We find, in the twenty-fourth of Matthew, that our Savior, in answer to the question of his disciples, respecting the sign of his coming and end of the world, gave them a series of events reaching to the end, and the signs which were to precede his coming, with the assurance that this generation—the generation that should see these signs—would not pass away until all should be fulfilled. These events, we find, have occurred as predicted, and also the sign of his coming and end of the world: the sun was darkened May 19, 1780; the night following the moon did not give her light; and On the night of the 13th of November, 1833, the stars of heaven—the only stars which can fall—fell to the earth, even as a fig-tree casteth her untimely figs when shaken of a mighty wind. A generation is seventy years; and sixty-three years of this generation, which have seen all these things, having passed away; and as our Savior commanded us, when we should see all these things, to know that it was near, even at the doors, we are fully justified in believing his word. All the other signs spoken of in the last days, which were to mark the closing scenes of time, having also been witnessed in these days, we are further justified in such an expectation. HST February 14, 1844, page 2.6

IX. In the second chapter of 2 Thessalonians, Paul assured the church that this day would not come except there came a falling away first, and that Man of Sin be revealed, who should be destroyed by the brightness of Christ’s coming. As we have witnessed that falling away—as papacy, that Man of Sin, has been revealed and continued his appointed time, and as no other events are spoken of to delay the coming of Christ, we are warranted in looking for his coming to destroy the Man of Sin, as an immediate event. HST February 14, 1844, page 2.7

X. In the sixth and seventh chapters of Revelation, John describes a vision he saw, under the emblem of seven seals being successively opened, and unfolding a series of events, which were to be fulfilled from the time of John to the end of time. The events under the sixth seal bring to view, with the end of the world, the same signs our Savior gave us in Matthew 24. to precede his coming, and, being fulfilled, we have reason to continually look for the closing scenes when the wicked will call on the rocks and mountains to fall on them to hide them from the wrath of the Lamb, and he opening of the seventh and last seal. HST February 14, 1844, page 2.8

XI. In the eighth to the eleventh chapters of Revelation, is another vision of the events to precede the end, under the figure of the sounding of seven successive trumpets. The fifth was to give power to hurt men five prophetic months, or one hundred and fifty years, from July 27th, 1299, when the Turks, according to Gibbon, made their first attack on the Grecian kingdom, to 1449, when the Greek monarch voluntarily surrendered his authority into the hands of the Turks, and then ruled by their permission. The sixth trumpet was to give them power to kill men for an hour, a day, a month, and a year, prophetic time, or three hundred and ninety one years and fifteen days from the end of the one hundred and fifty years, and which expired August 11th, 1840, when the Sultan of Turkey made a like surrender of his power into the hands of the powers of Europe, and now reigns by their sufferance, in accordance with calculations made and published to the world two years before its expiration. The seventh angel was then to sound shortly; and we are told that when he begins to sound, the mystery of God will be finished, time will be no longer, and the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever; also, the wrath of God will then have come, and the time of the dead that they should be judged, those that fear the Lord small and great be rewarded, and those that destroy the earth be destroyed. As the sounding of the sixth angel ceased about three years since, and the third wo was to come quickly, we are admonished to be continually ready, and prepared for the sounding of the seventh and last trumpet, when, the apostle says (1 Corinthians 15.) in the twinkling of an eye, the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. HST February 14, 1844, page 2.9

XII. In the eleventh of Revelation is given the suppression of the word of God, under the figure of two witnesses, which were to testify in sackcloth 1260 years, and which we believe were fulfilled from 538 to 1798, during the supremacy of Papacy. The church or holy city, was also to be trodden under foot during the same time. In the twelfth chapter, the persecutions of the church under Papacy are predicted for the same period of time, under the figure of the woman’s fleeing into the wilderness. In the thirteenth of Revelation, the papal beast itself is predicted to continue the same period of time, at the end of which it was to be led into captivity. These periods being all past, and at their close the pope of Rome having been led into captivity as predicted, they can no longer delay the coming of that day; so that we should live as commanded, with our loins girded about, and lights burning, like unto men that wait for their Lord. HST February 14, 1844, page 2.10

XIII. In the seventeenth of Revelation, John is shown, under appropriate symbols, pagan Rome and its ten division, with papal Rome or mystic Babylon. Her end is shown in the eighteenth and nineteenth chapters, with the last battle of that great day, while in the twentieth, the resurrection and judgment are predicted; the remainder of the book being occupied in the description of the new earth, where the saints will reign forever. All of these events, which were to precede the destruction of Papacy, by the coming of the Lord, having been fulfilled, we should look for his coming as the next event. HST February 14, 1844, page 2.11

XIV. According to the literal reading of the Hebrew text, and the testimony of the best chronologies extant, we are at or near the end of six thousand years from creation. As it was the universal belief of the primitive church that the Lord would come when the curse had continued for that period, and was taught by those who sat under the teachings of the apostles, who saw our Lord and heard of him respecting those days; it should serve to admonish us that the end of all things may be at hand, and the judge now standing at the very door. HST February 14, 1844, page 2.12

XV. We are also compelled to believe that the kingdom of God has come nigh unto us, for the reason that the only argument which is adduced by the church to prove it far from us—a temporal millennium—contradicts the word of God. As the little horn of Daniel seventh will make war on the saints till the Ancient of Days comes-the tares and wheat will grow together till the end of the world—and the man of sin will be destroyed by the brightness of Christ’s coming,—it follows that the period spoken of, when all shall be holy and happy, must be as St. Peter says, “in the new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness.” HST February 14, 1844, page 3.1

XVI. Finally, we thus believe, because Christ has commanded us ever to live in expectation of his coming and warned us against being overtaken as a thief or having that day come upon us unawares. And we are told that they who are to shine as the brightness of the firmament, shall understand. HST February 14, 1844, page 3.2

The above is a mere outline of reasons which induce the belief of the immediate advent of Christ. We know not how to avoid this conclusion. We find these Scriptures in the word of God, and are assured by him that all Scripture is given for our learning, and is profitable. We are told that the things which are revealed, are unto us and to our children forever, and are commanded to search the Scriptures, and to give heed to this sure word of prophecy, as to a light in a dark place. No one has ever yet been able to explain away this plain and obvious meaning. HST February 14, 1844, page 3.3

Those who oppose our views attempt to disparage these portions of God’s word by assuming that they are not to be understood, and that we can never know any thing respecting the approach of that day. They also evidently show us that they are unwilling for the Lord to come. As such will never know; as those who acknowledge their ignorance of these prophecies must be in the dark respecting their meaning, and as those, whose reasons contradict the word of God, must be in error, we prefer to live in continual expectation of the coming of the Lord, as he has taught us, than to put it far from us. “The great Day of the Lord is near. It is near and hasteth greatly,” Zephaniah 1:14. May all who may peruse this be prepared for its approach, that they may escape all these things which shall come to pass, and stand before the Son of Man. HST February 14, 1844, page 3.4

The Gospel Voyage


by a sailor.

My Dear Brother Seamen,—Suppose a ship bound on a long voyage, well fitted out with every thing necessary for the cruise; her crew are on board, and she is ready for sea. Accordingly she gets under way, and makes the offing; the crew are called aft, when the captain addresses them on their duties, and cautions them to be at peace among themselves, describes the nature of the voyage, warns them to be on the lookout, and to be prompt and vigilant in the discharge of every duty. On his part he promises that he will watch over and counsel them; and invites them to come to him in all their difficulties. At the same time he places in their hands, a chart of the coast to which they are bound, containing a minute and full description of every light and landmark on the whole coast, with their bearings and distances. To this is appended a scale of miles which is noted on the chart in three different places, so that there need be no mistake, and is understood by all navigators. The first light as laid down on the chart is a fixed light, and bright and clear, and is the only light of the kind on the coast. The directions are, to sail onward in a certain course, until you make this light; then from this point to the port to which you are bound, is just twenty-three hundred leagues. The next light laid down, is four hundred and ninety leagues distant from the first; and is represented as two lights placed on a high bluff, making out into the sea, and have a peculiar red appearance; the lights are exceeding brilliant and may be seen at a great distance. Here, the course and distance to the next light is laid down, and is described as a revolving light, seen at intervals of two moments, and obscured, and the distance from the last-mentioned light, is four hundred and seventy-five leagues; from this faint light, and thirty leagues distant, three lights are placed on a point just where a deep bay makes into the land. These lights are not far distant one from another, and may be easily distinguished, there being no other lights of the kind, similarly placed, on the whole coast. Here the course and distance to the next light is given, which you find to be twelve hundred and sixty leagues, where two brilliant lights are placed near each other, one a fixed light, the other a revolving light; these lights may be seen at a great distance. Here, particular directions are given and the course and distance accurately laid down, with directions how to enter the harbor, to take a pilot, etc. and you are particularly cautioned to be watchful, and keep a good lookout, and to have your anchors ready, as it is a bad coast to be on: many having been lost here for want of proper care, even when they were almost in the harbor, and expected they were perfectly safe; but while they were congratulating themselves on their supposed peace and safety, in that very moment, sudden destruction came upon them, and they could not escape; they were drawn on the rocks and dashed to pieces. HST February 14, 1844, page 3.5

Well, here is your chart, and if you had a knowledge of navigation you could take a ship from the first light, safe into the harbor. Yes, say you, although a knowledge of the chart would of itself be sufficient, without understanding the whole science of navigation; if a man was capable of making up a day’s work and keeping a ships reckoning, there would be no trouble; the most indeed that would be necessary, would be to keep a good look-out, and, as you make the lights, examine the chart, and compare the distance between the lights, with the distance that the ship has sailed. Well, the ship goes on her course, and for a time every thing goes on well, every man is prompt and faithful in the discharge of every duty, and the prospect is that you will have a safe and speedy passage. But, by and by, you encounter storms and tempests, (opposition and persecution, 2 Timothy 3:12, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution,”) and some dissatisfaction is shown among the crew, some of whom begin to be slack in the performance of their duties, (2 Timothy 3:5, “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.”). The chart which they used to study is laid one side, and perhaps only looked at in time of danger or neglected altogether. The crew begin to pay more attention to the yarns of some of the seamen than they do to what the chart says; and even the officers neglect the chart and follow the rules of seamen that used to navigate those seas, together with a few rules of their own. (“In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men. And he said unto them, full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. There is also much quarelling and contention about the order of the day, (building up sects and parties;) and more especially is this the case among the officers of the ship. Well, she encounters storm after storm; the spars, owing to bad management, are carried away; her sails and rigging are chafed and torn for want of proper care, and she begins to look more like a wreck ready to be abandoned, than like a good staunch ship, manned by a stout and healthy crew. But there are still a few good men left who are ever on the alert, and look at the good of the owners. These men are among the number who do not understand navigation, and of course do not have the care of the ship, (“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.” 1 Corinthians 1:27.) But day after day they are laboring and exerting themselves to keep the ship in good trim; well, this is all agreeable enough to the officers, who like to have the ship in good order, if the labor does not fall upon them; and knowing their men are trust-worthy, they have become so indolent that they lose their true latitude and longitude; and while many of the crew are looking to them for counsel they look in vain (Isaiah 5:6, 10, “His watchmen are blind, they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark, sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.”) It is well known that bad officers make a bad crew. (Hosea 4:9, “And they shall be like people, like priest, and I will punish them for their ways, and reward them for their doings.) They have been out so long, that some of them have almost lost sight of the end of their voyage, and the officers being under good pay, (having great salaries,) living high, and having their treasures on board are quite as indifferent about getting in, as the crew. (“For where your treasure is there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6:21.) But others, having no treasures on board, but expecting a great reward when they get in, (“He that is faithful unto death shall receive a crown of life;”) having dear friends there whom they long to see, are weary of the open sea and feel anxious to make the desired haven of rest; (Philippians 1:23, “Having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ which is far better.”) Day and night in their watch are they looking for some indication of their near approach to land. (Titus 2:13, “Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” And as 2 Peter says, 3:12, “Looking for and hastening unto and earnestly desiring the coming of the day of God.”) By and by, to their great joy, they make the long looked for light; (discover the connection between the seventy weeks and the twenty-three hundred days, which is the first light on the coast.) On examining the chart and ship’s reckoning they find that it is the right one, and knowing that the distance is but twenty-three hundred leagues, and that they are right thus far, and having a description of the coast which they can understand, made plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it, the well disposed part of the crew begin to take a lively interest in examining the chart and the bearings, and distance of the lights one from another and to keep a lookout for the next light. When the signal is given “light ho,” the captain comes on deck rubbing his eyes, and enquires “where away,” You give him the bearings, and blind and sleepy as he is, he cannot help seeing the light. You begin to express your satisfaction at having got so far on the voyage, and mention that now you have only got eighteen hundred and ten leagues to go in order to get to the land. Ah, says he, this has nothing to do with the length of the voyage. And not wishing to be disturbed, he asks you if you understand navigation? No sir. Then go forward, I can make no talk with you on this subject; I will take good care to bring you safe into port; cannot understand these matters. Well, you go forward, not however very well satisfied, seeing he had promised to give you counsel and instruction. HST February 14, 1844, page 3.6

In due time you make another light, which sometimes you can see and sometimes you cannot. This causes a great wonderment to most of the crew, who go aft to inquire of the captain what it means, for they have not studied the chart for themselves, but have left it to those who have told them they cannot understand it. Well, he begins to explain it to them, and makes it out quite plain that it is only a ship light, bright at intervals by the rolling of the ship. This satisfies them, although it does not you; for instead of going aft with the rest of the crew, you have been down examining the chart; and you find that just about four hundred and seventy-five leagues from the two lights, a revolving light is placed. (Daniel 11:31, “And they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily or continual wicked.”) Then you examine the ship’s reckoning, and you find that she has made just four hundred and seventy-five leagues since passing the two lights; this you make known to your shipmates, and beg of them to look at the chart for themselves. But they laugh you to scorn, and ask you if you pretend to know more than the captain who was placed here on purpose to see to such matters? Well, you soon make another light examine your chart and find all right, (this brings us to the rise of Papacy when the saints were delivered into its hands, “and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.”) From this light you have a long run of twelve hundred and sixty leagues, and knowing that you have but one more light to pass before you get to the mouth of the harbor, you begin to be very much in earnest with your shipmates urging them to get ready, as the ship has been gone a long time, and needs repairing before she will be fit to go into port; and if it should be found that they had not done the work that they had shipped to do, they would lose their wages according to the articles they had signed notwithstanding they should go the whole voyage. Well, some of the more considerate of the crew begin to look about them, and ponder these things in their hearts, and inquire are these things so; but instead of going to the chart and looking for themselves, they go aft to the captain and tell him their fears. Oh, says he, the voyage is but just begun; the ship looks better and better every day, and she never was in such good trim as at the present time; and by and by we shall take the trade winds, and then we shall have a long run of one thousand leagues at least, and nothing to do but turn in, and fit rigging and get her all ataunto; but you had better get ready, for we may get in to-morrow; we can’t tell about these things. Saying this, he turns and goes below, and in a few moments is fast asleep. This calms the fears of the crew, although they do not fully understand his language, when he says that they have got one thousand leagues to sail before they arrive at their destined port; and then, in the next breath, tells them they had better get ready, for they may get in the next day. But as he is making no preparation himself, they come to the conclusion that there is no meaning attached to it; and, therefore, they follow his example, turn in and trouble themselves no more about it. (Many have been awakened under the preaching of the advent doctrine, and have had their fears that it was the truth. But those fears have been calmed, and they are again put to sleep by the syren song of peace and safety. Why, says the minister, the world is just in its infancy, and the prospects of the church were never so good as now; the world is fast improving under our influence, and we expect that soon, the whole world will be converted, and this too in contradiction to the word of our Savior, that the wheat and the tares will grow together until the harvest. But they tell us that this is a parable. True; and when the Lord gives us a parable, it is to simplify some great truth. The Lord knew that there would be great captains who would throw a veil of mysticism over the most simple truth; and so he not only gave us a parable, but explained it. Yet say they we are to have a thousand years at least, and perhaps three hundred and sixty-five years of temporal millenium before Christ can come. And perhaps the next thing you will hear from them, is, you had better get ready, we can’t tell about these things; he may come to-morrow for aught that we know. But it is evident that they have no faith to believe that he will come so soon, but only fear lest these things should prove true, and they be found fighting against God. But such advice bears not the weight of a straw on the minds of the unconverted; it is the practice that they look at, not the preaching.) HST February 14, 1844, page 4.1

In the meantime the ship is making great headway, and at length you pass the last light laid down on the chart. Here you notice the directions given to the navigator, to have his anchors ready, and to keep a good lookout, as it is a bad coast to be on. Beginning to feel anxious about the safety of the ship and crew, you take your chart to the captain, and ask him to show you where he finds his thousand leagues; and inquire of him if you have not passed the last light laid down on the chart, and if the next is not at the mouth of the harbor? Well, he is not able to say that it is not so; but inquires of you, how you know that we have got the right chart? and says that it is altogether uncertain about it. After pretending to sail by a chart, almost the whole of the voyage, and when his ship is almost to make the land, he begins to question its correctness! And why? Look down in his locker, and you will see the cause. Here is a lot of the works of old seamen that used to study the chart and who undertook to explain it and make it plainer than the one that made it was able to do; and he has adopted their rules, and sailed by them in place of following the true chart, so that the captain has lost his reckoning, and don’t know whether he is a thousand leagues off shore or just ready to make the land, for he has seen none of the last lights that you have passed, and forgotten all about the first. Well what is to be done? Why, say you, it all looks plain to me, that I have seen the last light laid down, except the one at the mouth of the harbor; and I shall keep a good lookout for the land, for I am expecting every day to make it; and therefore I shall get ready myself, and persuade as many of my shipmates as I can. Our chart has proved true thus far, and I have full confidence in it that it is correct. HST February 14, 1844, page 4.2

Well, this is just the case with those who believe the Lord is coming this year. All the lights, as laid down in the word of God, have been passed; the last light brought us down to the time of the end, when the Pope’s civil power was taken from him in 1798; and we find ourselves living nigh to the time of the end, when many should run to and fro, and knowledge should be increased,—the wicked do wickedly, etc. We have heard the cry of peace and safety: and then God assures them that sudden destruction shall come upon us as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. We have noticed laid down on our chart, that in the last days perilous times shall come; and feeling that we are on a stormy coast, we begin to be alarmed for the safety of our ship and its precious freight. Under these feelings, we have taken our Bibles in our hands, and inquired of our great men where they find a thousand years of peace and prosperity to the children of God while the earth is in its present state? We have anxiously inquired of them if we are not living in just such times as the apostles foretold? Well, they have not been able to say that this is not the case. In regard to the time of Christ’s coming the second time, as taught in the Bible, they give us no light, but ask us how we know that we have got the right translation? Here we begin to see that our great captains that have pretended to sail by the word of God, are, after all, about half infidels, and in reality do not believe the whole of the word of God, have lost their reckoning, and are not able to tell us whether they are within a thousand years of the kingdom, or just about to enter the harbor of eternal rest. Now my brother seamen, what shall we do in such a case as this? I will tell you what we must do. We must take the word of God for the man of our counsel, daily; and we must pray over it, and ask God to show us its precious truths; and we must believe it, independent of the opinions of men. It never will do to listen to the song of peace and safety. There are rocks and shoals to the very gate of heaven; and we must have a better Pilot than any of our great men, or we shall meet with shipwreck. This Pilot, we can, and must have, or we never can enter the haven of eternal rest. We must take the Savior as our great Captain, and if we have him on board our ship, we never can be lost. We shall have storms and tempests to encounter, as a matter of course; but when we have a head wind, or opposition and persecution, we will beat and even strive to be making some headway toward that heavenly port. There is a cape to double before we can enter; and everything depends upon our getting up within the pitch of the cape before that fearful storm, that is now gathering, shall burst upon this devoted world. We must love God with all our hearts, and ever strive to do his will, and we must love his appearing and kingdom, and then we shall be made partakers of that grace that is to be brought us at the revelation of Jesus Christ. If we arrive at the point, when that storm bursts upon us, we shall be all ready to double the cape, and run down before it, safe into the harbor, where storms, and tempests, and persecution, will be felt and feared no more. HST February 14, 1844, page 4.3

“There we shall bathe our weary souls,
In seas of heavenly rest,
And not a wave of trouble roll
Across our peaceful breast.”
HST February 14, 1844, page 4.4

If, on the other hand, this storm comes and finds us exposed to the coming of the Lord, and indulging in sin, and giving way to the pleasures and follies of this world, we shall be left on a lee shore; where we shall perish on the black rocks of destruction. Oh then! let us give ourselves up to the service of the Lord, so that when he comes we may be found of him in peace and go home to glory. B. J. HST February 14, 1844, page 4.5

Redemption nigh


Or Reasons for believing the Savior will soon return.

by Miss Emily C. Clemens.

The following article is from the pen of our estimable and pious sister of the Presbyterian church in Rochester, N. Y., who has the charge of the Ladies High School in that place. She now attends the Advent meeting, and is devoting what time she can get from the arduous duties of her school, to the spread of the Advent doctrine. The article will be read with great interest by all. HST February 14, 1844, page 4.6

Land ho! cries the mariner as the hills of his country dimly rise from the ocean. Land! land! is the joyful cry that echoes throughout the ship. Many are the straining eyes that seek to fathom the blue distance, and rest upon the much-loved object, for long and weary has been the voyage. Some fearing the news is too joyful to be true, consult the chart, and find, one by one, all the light-houses have been passed, and the next object seen, must be the wished-for port. HST February 14, 1844, page 4.7

A joyful shout, rises to heaven, as the little band join in the cry from the mast head; find every eye is fixed on the distant hills, as more distinctly they rise to view. The anxious days and sleepless nights, spent on the tumultuous deep are quite forgotten, while anticipations, bright and joyous, take the place of fears and forebodings HST February 14, 1844, page 4.8

It is thus with the mariners on the rough sea of time. There is every indication that we soon shall reach the “heavenly country.” The sun, moon and stars obedient to the mandate of the Most High, have given their appointed signs. “Deep calleth unto deep,” the land of rest is nigh, and soon shall Zion’s ship be safely moored in the Port of Peace. And now, shall those who have an eye of faith fixed on the “better land,” which we are so rapidly approaching, neglect to sound the joyful cry? Ah no! for we see many a frail vessel on the wreck-strewed sea, that cannot outride the storm, and we will proclaim that the “desired haven” is near, and gather into one celestial bark, those who are hoisting the signal of distress. HST February 14, 1844, page 5.1

And as the weary mariner, after a long and stormy voyage, hails the sight of his native land, and forgets his sufferings, so we with infinitely greater exultation, “forget the things that are behind,” and “rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory,” for the country we hope soon to reach, is the Paradise of God. We have passed all the signals which the Captain of our salvation has hung out on the shore of time; and, as he has commanded, we lift up our heads and rejoice, for our redemption draweth nigh. HST February 14, 1844, page 5.2

Deeply impressed with the thought that the Drama of this world is soon to end, and the scenes of the judgment are to be opened speedily by the coming of the Son of man, I acknowledge my belief that this event is near, even at the doors. And although I might readily find an apology for with holding the reasons for my belief, in the consideration that others older in the faith can warn the world more effectually, yet I find such an excuse will not avail for me: as we are to give according to that we have, and not according to that we have not; and if even this offering has the blessing that attended the two mites, good will be done, and God’s name be glorified. HST February 14, 1844, page 5.3

As the theory of a temporal millenium has (until of late,) like a “Will o’the Wisp,” dazzled, blinded and led me astray, I will give briefly some of the reasons that induced me to reject it, and look for the rising of “the bright and morning star.” HST February 14, 1844, page 5.4

And first, I reject it, because our Savior did no teach it; and I receive in the place of it, the doctrine of his speedy appearing, because it was the theme on which he delighted to dwell. He does not teach a period of peace and safety, when all will be righteous on the earth, previous to the burning day, in the twenty-fourth chapter of Matt.: for he says, “As the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. The majority then were ungodly, wholly engrossed in the things of the world, given to unbelief, “and knew not, until the flood came and took them all away: so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” HST February 14, 1844, page 5.5

It is often asserted that, previous to the coming of the Bridegroom, “all shall know the Lord from the least to the greatest,” but we read when the Bridegroom came, only those that were ready, went in with him to the marriage; and the door was shut. Afterwards came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.” If the foolish virgins knew the Lord, it is evident that the acquaintance was not mutual, and did not profit them. But if they had truly known him, they would have loved his appearing, watched for the signs of his approach, and gone forth to meet him with their lamps trimmed and burning, saying. “This is the Lord, we have waited for him.” HST February 14, 1844, page 5.6

The parable of the sower in the thirteenth chapter of Matt., does not inculcate a millenium for the seed is the word of God, (Luke 8:11,) which is sowed in the field of this world, during the appointed time of probation. And while the sower shall sow, “some will fall by the wayside.” “Some upon stony places,” “some among thorns,” “and others into good ground.” From the small proportion of good fruit produced, from the abundant seed sown, this world has been proved to be mostly barren and sterile; and we are not authorized from the word of God to say that there will ever be a period before it is burned, when the soil will be more fertile. If the world is to be converted, then the passage should read, “In the last days all the seed sown fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, etc. But what are the words of Inspiration on this point. In the last days perilous times shall come men having the form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.” 2 Timothy 3. HST February 14, 1844, page 5.7

Again it may be objected that “the Lord said (Num. fourteenth chapter,) as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” But that consummation will not be accomplished in this world according to the declaration of our Savior, found in the parable of the tares and wheat, Matt. thirteenth chapter: for in explaining it he says, “The field is the world, the good seed are the children of the kingdom: but the tares are the children of the wicked one.” Both are to grow together until the harvest, “the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be at the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity: and shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” The “prince of this world,” the wicked one, then is to have dominion until the end of the world. His children are to flourish on the earth until the angels gather them on the day of judgment, to be burned. “One sinner destroyeth much good,” Ecclesiastes 9.; how then shall we compute the amount of evil that many commit? Is it said that the glory of the Lord filling the earth, the wicked will be restrained? Daniel says, “the wicked shall do wickedly at the time of the end; and John declares that in the last days scoffers shall come. If it were otherwise, how could the scriptures be fulfilled, that the world should be in the same state at the coming of the Son of man, as it was in the days of Noe,—as it was in the days of Lot? HST February 14, 1844, page 5.8

As heaven and earth shall pass away, but the word of the Lord shall not pass away, and those promises relating to the glory of God in the earth cannot be fulfilled in this world, until “all things that offend, and them which do iniquity are gathered out of it,” we know assuredly they will be verified in the world to come, which, according to John, is the new heaven and new earth. 2 Peter 3. But the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word (the word of the Lord) are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. Nevertheless, we, according to his promise, look for a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. This promise is found in the eleventh chapter of Isaiah, where it is written, they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. And again in the sixty-fifth chapter of Isa. the promise is repeated. “For behold I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former shall not be remembered, not come into mind. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord.” Compare this promise with the prediction, found in the twenty-first of Rev. “He that sat upon the throne said (when the new heavens and earth were created,) Behold I make all things new.” Is not this the Son of God, who creates all things new? “for by him the worlds were made, and without him was not anything made that was made.” When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory, Matthew 25:31. Peter in the third of Acts, speaking of Jesus, says, Whom the heavens must receive until the times of restitution of all things, spoken of by all the holy prophets since the world began. In the passages quoted above from Isaiah, the prophet speaks of the restitution. Jesus, then, when he returns, will make all things new. And there will be given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations and languages, should serve him:” then will the glory of the Lord fill the earth, as the waters cover the sea, when he whose right it is shall reign. HST February 14, 1844, page 5.9

Oh how triumphantly will the morning stars sing together, and the sons of God shout for joy at the new Creation! No longer will the dirges of earth muffle the harpings of heaven, for there will be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying: for the former things will have passed away. HST February 14, 1844, page 5.10

Again it is evident that the Savior had not a temporal millenium in view, when he said, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in thereat,” Matthew 7. But the advocates of the spiritual reign of Christ, suppose there will be thousands saved where one is lost; a little more latitude would include all among the saved. The inquiry naturally arises, How did the Lord Jesus answer this question, “Are there few that be saved?” He said “strive to enter in at the strait gate, form any I say unto you shall seek to enter in, and shall not be able? Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. The Savior did not say that the strait gate would by and by in the last days become a flood-gate to sweep sinners into the kingdom. He did not teach that the narrow way to life would widen and widen until it become a capacious field, thronged with a converted world. Oh no! He did not inculcate that the broad road to destruction should become so narrow that few should find it. The enemy that sowed that error is the devil. Many tares have sprung from that seed. Many cry a little more sleep, a little more slumber, and they shall be carried to the skies on flowery beds of ease. No danger of the Lord’s coming yet, “say they,” he will not come in a thousand years! He will not come in three hundred and sixty five thousand! Soul, take thy ease, eat, drink and be merry. But what saith the answer of God unto them, When ye “shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come and will not tarry,” Hebrews 10. “And the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” To whom does it come as a thief? To those that cry “peace and safety.” My Lord delayeth his coming:” not to those that are watching, for Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5. But ye brethren are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief in the night. HST February 14, 1844, page 5.11

Yes, the Savior has declared the entrance to the path of life to be strait, the way narrow, and few there be that find it. The gate of destruction is wide—the way broad, and many there be that go in thereat. And there is perfect harmony in the word of God on this subject, for the people of the Lord are represented as a remnant. Romans 9:27. “A remnant shall be saved.” 11:5. There is a remnant according to the election of grace. The words of the Savior were, Fear not little flock, it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom, Luke 12. And my kingdom is not of this world. If ye were of the world, the world would love its own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you, John 15. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Thus does the Lord Jesus encourage and strengthen the minority who strive to enter the strait gate. They are cheered in their sufferings by the thought that “all that live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution,” and “if we suffer with Christ, we shall also reign with him.” HST February 14, 1844, page 5.12

From the above (and other passages innumerable) it is evident that the Lord and his apostles did not teach that earth, previous to her renovation by fire, would be crowned with a golden age. HST February 14, 1844, page 5.13

It is written, believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established: believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper. Let us then refer to the writings of Daniel. The Savior quoted him, and called him Daniel the prophet: and we have Gabriel’s declaration that he was “a man greatly beloved” at the court of heaven. Let us examine and see if his writings do not establish the teachings of Him who spake as never man spake. Assuredly we shall find it so, for it can be proved that Jesus himself inspired the visions, and it was by his command that they were explained, besides he expressly says that he came not to destroy the prophets, but to fulfill. HST February 14, 1844, page 5.14

Nebuchadnezzar’s image plainly represents the duration of earthly kingdoms, for, in Daniel 2:28. “There is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and hath made known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days.” In the interpretation of the dream, Daniel says to Nebuchadnezzar, “Thou art this head of gold,” and after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, etc.; thus it appears it was made known to the king “what kingdoms should be in the latter days.” The image then shows clearly that there are to be but four universal dominions—this also Daniel’s visions prove. The last universal dominion is divided into ten parts, viz., the toes of the image; in these divisions, in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up his everlasting kingdom. HST February 14, 1844, page 5.15

The first universal kingdom was Babylon. It was said to Nebuchadnezzar, Thou art this head of gold; and the inferior kingdom that should arise after him, was Medo-Persia, for we read, Daniel 5:30, 31, that the kingdom was taken by Darius the Median. From the angel’s interpretation, of the vision in the 8th chapter, we learn that the Grecian kingdom succeeded the Medo-Persian, verses 20, 21, also 1 Mac. 1:1. Sacred History still further informs us that Rome was the next universal monarchy. Luke 2:1. There went a decree from Casar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed; also, 1 Mac. 1:10. Thus the Word of God shows that the four kingdoms were Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, which last has existed under its Pagan form 666 years, papal 1260, until 1798, when its civil power ceased, and the divided state, the reign of the Kings commenced. 44 verse. And in the days of these kings (the ten kingdoms) shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed! and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” If this were a spiritual kingdom, as some maintain, it would not consume the earthly kingdoms, but convert or change them into its own likeness. Besides, if by the setting up of God’s everlasting kingdom, a spiritual establishment were meant, how absurd is it to say that it is set up “in the days of these kings;” why not say before the kingdoms represented by the image were, when man at his fall had salvation proffered him; or make the setting up of the kingdom (if spiritual) when Jesus was manifested in the flesh. We cannot fix upon the first mentioned time, because that had passed, and would make the prophecy, history; and in attempting to take the last as a starting point, we should be in a dilemma equally perplexing, for it was under the dominion of Pagan Rome, the iron kingdom, that the Savior lived, and the 44th verse in that case would read, in the days of this king (or kingdom) shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed. We read in the 34 and 35 verses, (of which the 44th verse is an explanation,) Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floor: and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. “The stone smites the image upon his feet, all earthly dominions are broken to pieces together, and become like the chaff of the summer threshing floor. The “stone falls upon the kingdoms and they are ground to powder.” That is, God’s everlasting kingdom is set up in the days of these kings, and breaks in pieces and consumes them. HST February 14, 1844, page 5.16

Evidently the metallic image is not incorporated in the mountain which fills the whole earth, for it is broken into chaff, borne away by the winds, and no place found for it. The mountain is the dominion of Christ, and if the image is converted, it must become stone, and be merged in it. HST February 14, 1844, page 6.1

But it may be objected that at the sounding of the 7th and last trumpet, which is the trump of God, it is said the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever. Many suppose that this means that all kingdoms of the earth shall become Christ’s by conversion, making the sounding of the trumpet an agent in converting them. This is somewhat like the sanctifying power that death possesses, in the theory of the Universalist. HST February 14, 1844, page 6.2

But what say the four and twenty elders in the immediate connexion? We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead that they should be judged, and that thou shouldst give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldst destroy them which destroy the earth. Revelation 11:17, 18. Thus at the sounding of the 7th trumpet, when the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, is the judgment presented—nations angry. Revelation 1:7. All kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Matthew 24:30 Then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, saying to the mountains and rocks, fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. What! nations angry when they are converted? And the time of the dead that they should be judged—the prophets, saints, and them that fear the name of the Lord, small and great, rewarded, by inheriting “the kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world,” (Matthew 25:34,) and those destroyed which destroy (or corrupt, see margin) the earth. As it is said in Psalms, “Ask of me, and I shall give thee (Christ) the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.” World is converted! “says one, please read the next verse,” Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron: thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel” This is like Daniel’s prophecy, and fully confirms his account of “what shall be in the latter days,” the stone smites the image and it becomes chaff, is destroyed. The destruction is effected at a blow, for “a short work will the Lord make upon the earth, he will cut it short in righteousness.” “He who spake and it was done, he who commanded and it stood fast,” will consume the wicked with the spirit of his mouth, and destroy them with the brightness of his coming. HST February 14, 1844, page 6.3

“Oh!” exclaims the spiritualist, “to consume and destroy means conversion; besides that is a spiritual coming.” Spiritual coming! the expression is not in the Bible. Jesus is not to come again by his spirit, as he has not left and never will leave the world by his spirit. In speaking to believers in the 14th, 15th, and 16th chapters of John, he says, “It is expedient that I go away that I may send the Comforter—that he may abide with you forever;—even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father. He also said to his disciples (Matthew 27:20,) Lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world. HST February 14, 1844, page 6.4

Then he will remain with us by his Spirit, while the world standeth, and it was necessary for him to leave us personally, that he might send the blessed Comforter to us. After the ascension the disciples waited at Jerusalem for the promise of the Father—the Spirit of truth, whose glorious advent was on the day of Pentecost. Acts 2. This is all the spiritual coming mentioned in the Word of God.—Again, if “the brightness of his coming” refers to a spiritual advent, then to be consistent we must spiritualize the coming of the Saviour, described in the preceding chapter, (2 Thessalonians 1.) for the apostle speaks of only one, and the same coming in the two chapters. (The passage it becomes necessary to spiritualize, is the following: chap. 1:7-10.—“When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power: when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe, in that day.” In the 2nd chap. this coming is called “the day of Christ” 3rd verse, That day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, whom, 8th verse, the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and destroy with the brightness of his coming.” Spiritualize such plain, potent, and sublime declarations as the above! spiritualize them for the sake of propping up a tottering theory, thereby making the Word of God of no effect by our traditions!—methinks if we had any desire to do it, the reading of Revelation 22:18, 19, would shudder us into an honest construction. HST February 14, 1844, page 6.5

But, say a multitude, (that the Scriptures may be fulfilled) “Where is the promise of his coming?—for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.—The promise of his second coming is plainly to be seen, being the grand theme of the New Testament Scriptures, as the prediction of his first advent pervaded the Old. The promise may be found in John 14:2, 3, 28, and in other places innumerable.—The Saviour says to all that are his, “I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also. Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me ye would rejoice, because I said I go unto the Father. Chap. 16:16, He speaks of the time that he will remain away.—“A little while, and ye shall not see me; and again, A little while, and ye shall see me; because I go to the Father.” Some of the disciples did not understand what the Saviour meant by going away a little while, and said, 18th verse, “We cannot tell what he saith.” Jesus then in explanation of his departure, and absence, says in the 20th verse, “Verily, verily I say unto you, that ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice; and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy.” When? On the resurrection morning, when the Saviour comes and receives them to himself, having prepared a place for them. For he says, “And ye now therefore have sorrow; (in the world ye shall have tribulation,) but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.” HST February 14, 1844, page 6.6

That the Saviour’s departure was personal no one will deny, for he said after his resurrection, “A spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me have,” and when he was taken up to Heaven, and a cloud received him out of the sight of the disciples, two men in white apparel said to them (Acts 1,) “This same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into Heaven.” This settles the question; he went away personally, he is to return personally; all traditions to the contrary notwithstanding. HST February 14, 1844, page 6.7

That this event is certain, near, and desirable, is the last and solemn declaration of the Saviour, recorded in the Word of God. He which testifieth these things, saith, “Surely I come quickly, Amen. Even so come, Lord Jesus.” HST February 14, 1844, page 6.8

Again “this same Jesus” is at the right hand of God, from henceforth expecting until his foes become his footstool—“Whom the heavens must receive until the times of restitution of all things spoken of by all the holy prophets since the world began. Enoch is the first mentioned as prophesying of this restitution, viz: “Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints.” HST February 14, 1844, page 6.9

In the song of Moses we read fire “shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundation of the mountains. And Balaam, although not a prophet of the Lord, was constrained to testify. HST February 14, 1844, page 6.10

For from the top of the rock I see him, and from the hills I behold him; Lo! the people who shall dwell alone! nor shall number themselves among the nations. David, too, prophesies, “For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be; yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be.—But the meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. For such as are blessed of him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off.—The righteous shall inherit the land and dwell therein forever. Wait on the Lord and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shall see it. But the transgressors shall be destroyed together. Psalm 37. And Solomon has the same prophecy “For the upright shall dwell in the land, and the perfect shall remain in it. But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it. Proverbs 2. And we read in Job 21. the wicked are as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm carrieth away. That the wicked are reserved to the day of destruction—they shall be brought forth to the day of wrath. Isaiah speaks of the restitution where he glowingly describes the new heavens and new earth. Be ye glad and rejoice forever in that (the new creation) which I create—for behold I create Jerusalem a rejoicing and her people a joy. And I will rejoice in Jerusalem and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying. Ezekiel prophesies of the resurrection which will be at the time of the restitution. (For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, and the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. 1 Thessalonians 4.) the words of the prophet are “Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. My servant David shall be their prince forever. My tabernacle also shall be with them; yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Ezekiel 37.; see also Revelation 21:3.—And Daniel also refers to the restitution of all things, when he speaks of the stone smiting the image on the feet, and the setting up of God’s everlasting kingdom in the days of the kings. Also where he speaks of the thrones being cast down, chap. 7. the judgment set and the books opened—the beast slain, his body destroyed and given to the burning flame—when one like the son of man came with the clouds of Heaven—and there was given him dominion and glory, and a kingdom, that all people and nations and languages should serve him—his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not he destroyed. This last is evidently the same everlasting kingdom spoken of in Daniel 2nd, and lest men should pervert the prophecy, and say when the ancient of days came, that the slaying of the beast, the destroying of his body, and the giving it to the burning flame, was conversion, and thus fabricate a temporal. Millennium, there Daniel expressly says, I beheld, and the same horn made war with the Saints and prevailed against them, until the ancient of days came, and judgement was given to the Saints of the Most High, and the time came that the Saints possessed the kingdom.” When is judgment given to the Saints? At the first resurrection, for John says, Revelation 20:4. “I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them, and they, (all the saints) lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. This is the first resurrection.” When is the time that the saints possess the kingdom? When the son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory; and before him shall be gathered all nations. Then shall the king say to them on his right hand, come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”—Matthew 25. This is the time when the saints possess the kingdom. HST February 14, 1844, page 6.11

The same horn made war with the saints and prevailed against them until the ancient of days came, the millennium then, if there be one, is certainly a little horn millennium, for that power prevails. It will be interesting then to notice the character of this formidable opponent, which is to contend so successfully with the Saints until the Lord comes. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.1

In Revelation 13. the same power is described under the name of a beast. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.2

The little horn had “a mouth speaking great things.” Daniel 7:8. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.3

To the beast was there given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies. Revelation 13:5. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.4

Of the little horn it is said, “He shall speak great words against the Most High.” Daniel 7:25. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.5

Of the beast it is said “He opened his mouth in blasphemy against God.” Revelation 13:6. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.6

The horn was “to make war with the saints, and to prevail against them.” Daniel 7:21. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.7

The saints were to be given into his hand (the horn’s) until a time, and times, and the dividing of times, and to the beast power was given to continue forty and two months. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.8

The Papacy precisely answers this description. This is “That man of sin, the son of perdition;—who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” And this power is to have dominion until he whose right it is shall come and reign. Although its civil power is gone, yet ecclesiastically it is as potent as ever. Civil power was given to the beast for the space of forty and two months, equal to twelve hundred and sixty days or years. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.9

With the decree of Justinian, constituting the Pope universal Bishop, commenced the civil power of Rome, which continued until Gen. Berthier, under Buonaparte, took the Pope prisoner, and carried him to France. The decree took effect in 538, the carrying the Pope away captive in 1798. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.10

Those who are noting the indications of the times, and watching the tide of human affairs, testify to the truth recorded in the holy prophecies, that the little horn shall prevail. The learned and brilliant Macauley, the British critic, in an article on Ranke’s History of the Popes, has the following:— HST February 14, 1844, page 7.11

“It is impossible to deny that the polity of the Church of Rome is the very master-piece of human wisdom. The experience of twelve hundred eventful years, the ingenuity and patient care of forty generations of statesmen, has improved it to such perfection, that among the contrivances of political abilities it occupies the highest place. The stronger our conviction that reason and scripture were decidedly on the side of Protestantism, the greater is the reluctant admiration with which we regard that system of tactics against which reason and scripture were arrayed in vain.” And again. “The Papacy remains, not in decay, not a mere antique; but full of life and youthful vigor. The Catholic Church is still sending forth to the further ends of the world missionaries as zealous as those who landed in Kent with Augustin; and still confronting hostile kings with the same spirit with which she confronted Attila. The members of her community are certainly not fewer than a hundred and fifty millions; and it will be difficult to show that all the other christian sects united amount to a hundred and twenty millions. Nor do we see any sign which indicates that the term of her long dominion is approaching. She saw the commencement of all the governments, and of all the ecclesiastical establishments that now exist in the world; and we feel no assurance that she is not destined to see the end of them all. During two hundred and fifty years, Protestantism has made no conquest worth speaking of. Nay, we believe that, as far a there has been a change, that change has been in favor of the Church of Rome.” HST February 14, 1844, page 7.12

The venerable Dr. Spring, of New York, in a late discourse, speaking of the alarming progress of the Papacy, says:— HST February 14, 1844, page 7.13

“While we, as Protestants are exhausting our energies against one another, theirs are concentrated in favor of Rome. In the political dissension of Protestants, Rome even now holds the balance of power; and in the use of the elective franchise, may decide every great political question, and almost upon her own terms.” HST February 14, 1844, page 7.14

“The designs of Rome are not limited to a single empire, but include the race under every parallel of latitude, and every form of government. Her stake is deep. Her game is high; and she is playing for nations. She spreads her great drag-net over the marshy and miry places of the earth, and gathers all manner of creeping things, and then she throws it over crowns and thrones.” Thus she prevails. And thus we are living under the reign of the little horn—which is the only millennium which the Bible brings to view, before the coming of the ancient of days, to judgment. But the triumph of the wicked is short. “For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and the trump of God;” and this power that “makes war with the saints,” and prevails, shall be destroyed “with the brightness of his coming.” HST February 14, 1844, page 7.15

That this coming is near, I firmly believe. The prophetic numbers, as I understand them, are nearly completed—and not for the universe would I take the responsibility of saying that the Saviour may not come at any moment. I see not a vestige of foundation for the very common belief of a temporal millennium, HST February 14, 1844, page 7.16

It is a tradition of the elders which has crept into our faith, and prevented us from seeing that the “way to life is narrow, and few there be that find it.” In the dark shadow of this theory the truth is obscured, and the sword of the Spirit cannot be wielded. Before the Ancient of Days sits, and the Son of man comes with clouds, there will be no opportunity for the saints to prevail against the kingdom of Satan,—to accomplish their warfare, retire from business on their independent fortune, and be so comfortably situated as not particularly to desire the Lord’s return. This is not the decree of Heaven—this is not the will of the Most High. The faith once delivered to the Saints, and for which they earnestly contended, was, to look for God’s Son from Heaven—was, to be “looking for, and hasting unto, the coming of the day of God.” And in view of the declension in the church, in these last days, the Saviour said, “When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” HST February 14, 1844, page 7.17

It is even so. The nominal Church of Christ, for the most part, is at ease. She is soothing her twinging conscience with peace-and-safety opiates—dozing with that narcotic, the spiritual reign, and lulling herself to deeper slumber with the syren song, “I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing.” HST February 14, 1844, page 7.18

These delusive fancies are but the fogs that have arisen in this last hour of the night, to cloud the dawning of the day, but soon they will be dispelled by the bright rising of the Sun of Righteousness, before whom all darkness will flee away. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.19

But yet time lingers a little, and the Saviour is saying to his poor Laodicean Church, that knows not “that she is wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind and naked,” “I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich, and white raiment that thou mayest be clothed; and annoint thine eyes with eye-salve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be zealous therefore and repent. Behold I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Yes, “to those that look for him, will he appear a second time without sin unto salvation.” They are not in darkness that the day of the Lord should overtake them unawares,—they watch for the sign of the coming of the Heavenly Bridegroom, and when they see them they rejoice, for their redemption draweth nigh. Emily C. Clemons. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.20

Rochester, N. Y. Jan. 25, 1844. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.21

Letter from Brother Timothy Cole


Brother Bliss:—It may be cheering and gratifying to the saints that read your paper, to hear a word from Lowell, and from the unworthy writer of this letter; as Lowell was the first place in our state where there was any considerable stir made about the immediate advent of our Lord; and myself one of the first that proclaimed it. It is now about five years since many in this city, with myself, became interested in the glorious truth that Christ was at the door. We have passed through many trials, afflictions and persecutions; hard sayings and cruel mockings have been a part of our daily portion; but the part that God has given has been more blessed than my tongue or pen can describe. As to my own faith, it is as strong, in proportion to the grace that I have, as ever before. I am truly and sincerely looking for my Lord; and if I know what my Bible means by looking and waiting, I am so daily. To me it is a reality that I shall soon see my Lord and Master. The cause in this place I think was never more prosperous than now; never more settled, grounded and united in the great fundamental truths of the coming kingdom. There are now two large meetings held constantly in this city, where the members are decided in the views of the Adventists. The meeting in Hamilton Chapel, established under the labors of Brn. Chandler and Martin, has prospered and grown until their house is full; and they exert a salutary influence in that part of the city. They have had a revival and souls converted among them most of the time for a few months past. A goodly number have been baptised. Bro. Preble is with them a part of the time, and they are supplied by others; they are a happy united band. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.22

The church where I have labored most of the time for seven years past, is in a prosperous state. Our meetings of every description were never more full than now, except when there was a great revival or excitement. There is no discord or disunion that I know of in the whole church with regard to the glorious truth of the advent; all, so far as I am informed, love the doctrine, 2 whether they full believe in the time or not; and seem to say, come Lord Jesus, come quickly. Several of late have embraced the advent views, who had formerly treated them with neglect, and some who had partially believed, are now firm in the faith. There have been some converted from sin, or reclaimed from a backslidden state, every week for several weeks past. We have had from ten to thirty forward to the anxious seats each Sabbath evening for about two months. The interest among the unconverted I think increases daily, and the feeling among the brethren for them increases. The prospect is good for the cause here in this world, and glorious in that which is to come. We have often been told that our meeting must go down and be ruined, if the Lord did not come in A. D. 1843, and that we should all be infidels; but as to the first prediction, we have only to say, that there are one fourth more seats let in our meeting house now, than in any quarter in the last year, and the number increasing weekly. And as to the latter, let the Judge decide when he comes who are infidels; whether those who meet to talk about Jesus and the resurrection, and exhort one another daily, or those churches and church members who are getting up and attending picnics, and tea parties, and fairs; or purchasing organs at the cost of from one to five thousand dollars, while the poor of their churches are supported by the town; and worst of all, are crying peace and safety, when God says, sudden destruction is coming. Let the Judge decide. For one I am ready for the decision. O my God! what a day will that day of decision be. Prepare us all. Yours in the blessed hope. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.23

Lowell, Jan. 12, 1844.

The above by accident was mislaid. Bro. Cole wished us to say, that the reason he did not go to Dover, was in consequence of snow being on the track, which obstructed the cars. A subsequent letter informs us that Bro, C. is unable to lecture on account of his health. HST February 14, 1844, page 7.24

Strange Coincidence.—The Courier Francais states, that some days since a statesman and academician, in the course of a conversation which took place in the library of the National Institute, observed that in the middle of each century for the last five hundred years, some great social crisis had occurred in Europe. “In 1450,” said he, “it was the art of printing which created a revolution. In 1550, it was Luther who shook the foundation of Catholicity. In 1650, it was Bacon and Descartes who demolished the infallibility of Aristotle. In 1750, it was philosophy which triumphed, and prepared the way for the revolution of 1789. We approach the year 1850, and it is evident society is preparing to undergo a fundamental revolution.” HST February 14, 1844, page 7.25

The Advent Herald


“The Lord is at Hand.”


All communications for the Signs of the Times, or orders for Books or remittances, should be directed toJ. V. Himes, Boston, Mass,” post paid. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.1

Post Masters are authorized by the Post Office Department to forward free of expense all orders for, or to discontinue publications, and also money to pay for the same HST February 14, 1844, page 8.2

Subscribers’ names with the State and Post Office should be distinctly given when money is forwarded. Where the Post Office is not given, we are liable to misdirect the paper, or credit to the wrong person, as there are often several of the same name, or several Post Offices in the same town. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.3



I.—The word of God teaches that this earth is to be regenerated, in the restitution of all things, and restored to its Eden state as it came from the hand of its Maker before the fall, and is to be the eternal abode of the righteous in their resurrection state. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.4

II.—The only Millenium found in the word of God, is the 1000 years which are to intervene between the first and second resurrections, as brought to view in the 20th of Revelations. And the various portions of Scripture which are adduced as evidence of such a period in time, are to have their fulfilment only in the New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.5

III—The only restoration of Israel yet future, is the restoration of the Saints to the New Earth, when the Lord my God shall come, and all his saints with him. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.6

IV.—The signs which were to precede the coming of our Savior, have all been given; and the prophecies have all been fulfilled but those which relate to the coming of Christ, the end of this world, and the restitution of all things. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.7

V.—There are none of the prophetic periods, as we understand them, extending beyond the [Jewish] year 1843. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.8

The above we shall ever maintain as the immutable truths of the word of God, and therefore, till our Lord come, we shall ever look for his return as the next event in historical prophecy. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.9



I. 6000 years from creation, according to the Hebrew text, terminate about 1843. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.10

II. The seven times, or 2520 years, of Levit. 26., beginning with the reign of the Gentiles over the Jews, B. C. 677, terminate about 1843. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.11

III. The Great Jubilee, or 2450 years, commencing with the desolation of the land of Judea, B. C. 607, terminate about 1843. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.12

IV. The 2300 days of Daniel 8., beginning with the 70 weeks of Daniel 9., at the going forth of the decree, Ezra 7., B. C. 457, terminate about 1843. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.13

V. The 1335 days of Daniel 12. beginning with the taking away of the Pagan daily sacrifice, in A. D. 508, also terminate about A. D. 1843. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.14

We must, therefore, if we read the Bible aright, be near the termination of all the prophetic periods. Reader, is it not worthy of your prayerful consideration? HST February 14, 1844, page 8.15

Our Paper


We publish TWENTY THOUSAND Copies of this number, which we send to all parts of the country. It contains some of the reasons of the hope we cherish, of the speedy coming of Christ; with illustrations of the nature of the Kingdom of God. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.16

Those persons who receive this number gratuitously, will please read, and circulate. Those who may wish to subscribe, can do so through the Postmaster, who has the right to remit without cost. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.17

Those who may wish to aid us in the circulation of this immense edition, can send in their donations to this office. Direct to J. V. Himes, Boston, Mass. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.18

“Occupy till I Come.”


This was the impressive admonition of our Savior to his disciples, when, at his first Advent, he likened the “little while” during which they should not see him, because he should go to the Father, to a Nobleman’s going to a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. This admonition is peculiarly applicable to us, who look for his appearing at the present time: we are to occupy till our Lord shall come; and as the time draws nigh, we mean, God helping us, to put forth redoubled efforts, and labor with redoubled diligence. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.19

In accordance with this determination, we commence with this number a new Volume, and shall send an edition of 20,000 to all parts of the U. States. The Signs of the Times, commenced without a subscriber, and without means in April 1840, and was the first paper ever published, devoted exclusively to the time of the Advent. It has therefore been emphatically the Advent Herald; and with this No. it takes its own appropriate name. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.20

When we look back upon the commencement and progress of this cause, we cannot but observe bow God has owned and blessed the means put forth for its advancement. This doctrine presents nothing that appeals to any selfish or worldly principle in man; but is in opposition to all. It has been presented, not with excellency of speech, or with the wisdom and eloquence of man; it has held forth none of the honors or emoluments of this world; it has appealed to no man’s pride, or vanity, love of case, or love of fame; it has come with nothing that this world holds great or valuable; but it requires that all which flatters the carnal heart, shall be sacrificed on the altar of truth. And yet it has spread on every hand and found favor in the hearts of thousands; and multitudes are rejoicing in the blessed hope of the glorious appealing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who will change our vile bodies in fashion, like his own glorious body; and he will dwell with us forever in the New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Such a wonderful extension of these glorious truths, against such fearful worldly odds, is proof to us that the God of Jacob has been with us, and sustained us by his own right arm. To him be all the glory. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.21

The Advent publications have gone forth on the wings of the wind to all parts of the world, and been scattered like the leaves of the forest. Multitudes have gone forth on this errand of mercy, each in his own sphere, often without concert of action, and unknown even to their fellow laborers. And thus the seed has been sown broadcast over the earth. True, some has fallen by the way-side, and been devoured by the fowls of the air; some in stony places, and because there was no deepness of earth, when the sun was up, withered away; and others among thorns which sprang up and choked the good seed; yet much has fallen on good ground, and brought forth an hundred fold. Regular courses of lectures have been given in many of our large cities; and scarce an Evangelical church in the land is without a living witness of these truths. So general has been the extension of light on the Advent, both by publications and the living messenger, that probably no one in the land is now ignorant, that such an expectation exists, or has been without the opportunity to obtain some knowledge of our belief. Those therefore who are ignorant, are willingly ignorant; and those who have rejected it, have chosen to reject it: they have chosen their delusions. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.22

We now look forward to the future, with unwavering faith, that we have read our Bibles aright, and that we are on the very verge of time. We believe our reckoning is correct; but if it should vary a few months, we shall still continue to labor, and watch, and pray, till the heavens reveal the coming One. We have no time but the present Jewish year, and if the vision should tarry beyond it, we shall wish for no other time; but wait. The evidence clusters about this year, and we can find no argument to extend time beyond. But our work is till the Lord shall come. Till then we ask the prayers of all the saints, that God may guide the hearts of all aright, and fit all his children for his coming, and kingdom, for Christ’s sake. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.23

The Conference


The Conference at the Tabernacle, which we noticed in the closing number of the last Volume, was a season of sweet and blessed, social intercourse to the joy of many hearts. According to appointment, Mr. Miller preached at the Tabernacle on the Sabbath, Jan. 28th, all day and evening, and was patiently listened to, by a crowded and attentive audience. All day and evening the seats and aisles were filled with as many as could find a place to sit or stand; and many of the young, with the middle-aged, and even the man with grey hairs, patiently stood and listened to the story of the Coming One, with the evidences of his near approach. Had the Tabernacle been twice its size, it would probably have been as densely filled, and multitudes were obliged to go away unable to obtain admittance, HST February 14, 1844, page 8.24

On Sunday morning Mr. Miller took for his subject, the duty of continual watchfulness, “And what I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch.” He showed what it was to watch, that none could watch without expecting that for which: they watched; and also for what they were to watch—the coming of the Son of Man. This command to the disciples to watch, was shown to be incumbent upon all who should come after, during the entire gospel dispensation, and that therefore till its close, the coming of Christ could not be past. The nature of Christ’s coming was shown to be a literal and personal coming, even as he departed into heaven. Also the object of his coming was shown to be, to save his children, and to destroy the works of the devil. As Christ is to save all when he comes; it follows that if his coming is past, none can be saved who have lived since; and therefore Universalism is false. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.25

In the afternoon and evening he took for his text, Ecclesiastes 8:5, 6, “Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man’s heart discerneth both time and judgment. Because to every purpose there is time and judgment.” He showed from the Scriptures that those only are regarded as wise, who keep the commandments of the Lord and believe his word, and which is accounted to them for righteousness, producing a corresponding life. Such will discern both time and judgment, because to every purpose there is both time and judgment. It was there shown that every judgment brought upon the world, as predicted in the Scriptures, was in connection with a specified time, which was discerned by the wise. The flood, the destruction of the cities of the plain, the sojourning of the children of Israel in Egypt, and in the wilderness, the Babylonish captivity, and its end, and the dispersion of the ten tribes, with many other judgments, all occurred at the predicted time, which was discerned by those who feared the Lord; as was the time of our Savior’s first Advent. It was therefore argued that the time of the Second Advent, at the end of all the prophetic periods, in the fullness of times, will also be discerned by those who are wise in the sight of God. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.26

On Monday, at 2, P. M., the conference assembled in a meeting for social prayer, and enjoyed a sweet season of communion with the Father of spirits. Quite a number of brethren and sisters were present, from the neighboring towns. In the evening Mr. Miller lectured from the 2nd of Daniel, with his usual clearness and success. The audience as in the subsequent evenings continuing to crowd the place. In the day time also the audiences were good. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.27

On Tuesday, the conference assembled at 10, A. M., and spent the morning in prayer, with praise, and exhortations. In the afternoon, in addition to a sweet season of supplication to the throne of Grace, very interesting addresses were listened to from Brn. Preble, Plummer, and Hervey. In the evening Mr. Miller lectured on the 8th of Daniel, re-asserting his fullest confidence in the correctness of his calculations, notwithstanding so much has been falsely said respecting his changing the time. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.28

On Wednesday morning, a prayer meeting was held at 8 o’clock, in Berean hall, and at 10 in the Tabernacle. In the afternoon, in addition to remarks from other brethren, Bro. H. Plummer preached from 1 John 3:2. “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” HST February 14, 1844, page 8.29

In the evening, Mr. Miller lectured on the eleventh chapter of Daniel. It was one of his best efforts. He was very clear and animating, and feasted the lovers of historical prophecy. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.30

On Thursday, prayer meeting in the morning as usual. At 10 o’clock, conference and prayer meeting at the Tabernacle. Bro. Himes, read from Luke 21:34-36, “And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man;” and made some appropriate remarks on the subject of watchfulness and prayer. He was followed by Bro. F. G. Brown in some very interesting remarks on the present state of the church and the world, as being ominous of approaching events. HST February 14, 1844, page 8.31

In the afternoon, Bro. I. E. Jones lectured from Micah 2:12, 13. “I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee; I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah, as the flock in the midst of their fold: they shall make great noise by reason of the multitude of men. The breaker is come up before them: they have broken up, and passed through the gate, and are gone out by it; and their king shall pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them.” Bro. Preble followed with some interesting remarks, sustaining the Advent at hand. HST February 14, 1844, page 9.1

In the evening, Mr. Miller lectured on the closing part of the 11th and 12th of Daniel. He was very happy in his illustration, and riveted the attention of a crowded audience, for more than two hours. HST February 14, 1844, page 9.2

Friday was the last day of the conference. In the morning, in addition to the remarks of others, Bro. J. S. White commented in an interesting manner upon the 1st chap. of 1st Peter. He was followed by Bro. N. Hervey, who spoke upon the subject of unfulfilled prophecy, showing that none such now intervenes between us and the Advent. Brn. Hersey, Burnham, and others, also spoke on appropriate subjects. HST February 14, 1844, page 9.3

In the afternoon Bro. F. G. Brown, preached from Luke 21:35. “For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.” He showed that the wicked alone dwell on this earth. The righteous are pilgrims and strangers here, looking for a better country, even an heavenly, and have no continuing city or abiding place. All such will escape the snare which will come upon all whose affections are placed supremely on this world, and regard it as their home. HST February 14, 1844, page 9.4

In the evening Mr. Miller lectured upon the number of the beast, in Rev. HST February 14, 1844, page 9.5

He was unusually clear, and seemed to carry conviction to many, of the correctness of his application of this prophecy. He remarked that his Advent brethren had not generally agreed with his views of it, and that satisfied him that they studied the scriptures for themselves, and followed him only so far as they believed he followed the word of God. He was, however, fully satisfied that the number of the beast 666 could only denote the years of pagan Roman supremacy from B. C. 158 to A. D. 508. He spoke of the mother of harlots, which all Protestants admit to be papacy, and remarked that if the Roman church was the mother of harlots, then her daughters must be the harlots: and therefore that portion of the Protestant churches that imitate and partake of the spirit of the old mother must be the daughters referred to. He said that he had ever and at all times advised adventists to stay in their respective churches; but God had ordered it otherwise; the churches had thrust many of our dear brethren out, and we have loved them too well to stay behind; hand he was inclined to believe that God was right, and he had been wrong. Speaking of the light that Stuart, Culver and others had thrown upon the prophecy, he said they had only shown that Antiochus or Nero was the woman spoken of in Revelation 17. HST February 14, 1844, page 9.6

On Saturday evening Mr. Miller lectured on the two witnesses, of Revelation 11., which he showed conclusively to be the Old and New Testaments. HST February 14, 1844, page 9.7

On the Sabbath, in the morning, Mr. Miller lectured on the Typical Sabbaths, and in the afternoon on the Three Woe-Trumpets. In the evening Rev. I. E. Jones spoke from the text, Romans 13:12.—“The night is far spent, and the day is at hand.”—Showing that if the night was far spent 1800 years ago, when the world had continued but about 4000 years, it cannot but be now near its close. HST February 14, 1844, page 9.8

At the close of the afternoon lecture, the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered, of which partook a large body of believers, many of whom were from the neighboring towns. HST February 14, 1844, page 9.9

In this course of lectures Mr. Miller has been uncommonly happy in his illustrations, and in securing a candid hearing. The interest continued to increase to the last; and never, perhaps, was there more interest in this city, on this question, than at the present time. Few men have the faculty of riveting the attention of an audience for so great a length of time as Mr. Miller. None can candidly listen to him without gathering instruction from his illustrations.—He possesses a strong and vigorous mind, approaches all questions with calmness, and is never dogmatical in his opinions. He is ever ready to listen to the opinions of others; weighs well their arguments, and has a profound acquaintance with the history of the world, and the scriptures of truth, in the light of which, he analyzes all objections. Mr. Miller, to be duly appreciated, must be known. Where he is known, however much his opinions may be dissented from, the finger of scorn is never pointed, nor the lip of the reviler curled. In his own neighborhood,—Low Hampton, N. Y.—as a citizen, a neighbor, and a magistrate, he has ever been respected and esteemed. The world has been taught to despise him, and the church to revile and reproach him; but among all who have entered the list against him, his superior in mental greatness, or in goodness of heart, has not appeared. He makes no pretensions to scholarship, but had he studied in the schools of the prophets, with his intellectual endowments he would have stood as much above his petty opposers in scholastic attainments, as he now does in a knowledge of the scriptures. We cannot speak of him as we would, lest we might appear not modest in our expressions; but we express the honest sentiments of our heart, when we say, that were we embarked in any holy cause, we should feel proud to be associated with William Miller, of Low-Hampton, N. Y. At each succeeding interview with him, one can but feel they never knew him before. If we may use the expression, he opens like a book—each succeeding chapter and page presenting new and more endearing traits of character. Among all the foul objections which have been brought against him, no one has ever lisped aught against the purity of his life, or the soundness of his theology on doctrinal points. He has ever stood aloof from the petty strifes of the day, and is endeared with the most affectionate remembrance in the hearts of thousands. HST February 14, 1844, page 9.10

On Monday, the 5th inst., at 4 P. M., Mr. Miller and Brother Himes left for New York city, to hold a conference, and give there a course of lectures.—From thence they expect, if time continue, to go to the cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore; and thence to Washington to visit Casar’s household. This will be an expensive mission, but the Lord will incline the hearts of friends as He shall see the cause may need. We trust that much seed has fallen on good ground in this city the past week; and may the blessing of God still accompany the labors of our brethren. Bro. I. E. Jones remains in the Tabernacle in the absence of Bro. Himes. We are glad the cause here is in the hands of so able an advocate. HST February 14, 1844, page 9.11

An Address to the Believers in Christ of all denominations


Dear Brethren:—We would ask in the name of our dear Master Jesus Christ, by all that is holy, by the fellowship of the Saints, and the love of the truth, why you cast us off as if we were heretics?—What have we believed that we have not been commanded to believe by the word of God, which you yourselves allow is the rule and only rule of our faith and practice? What have we done that should call down such virulent denunciations against us from pulpit and press, and give you just cause to exclude us (adventists) from your churches and fellowship?—In the name of all that is dear, all that is holy and good, we call upon some of you to come out and tell us wherein our great sin lies. Have we denied the faith once delivered to the Saints? Tell us we pray thee, or, wherein is our fault? If there is an honest man among you, of which we cannot doubt, we shall expect to see your reasons publicly and honestly avowed; and if we are guilty of heresy, or crime, let the Christian community know it, that we may be shunned by all who know and love the truth. HST February 14, 1844, page 9.12

Is it heterodox to believe that Jesus Christ will come again to this earth, to receive his saints to himself, and to reward all men as their work shall be? If so, then our fathers, and our ministers, our creeds and our Bibles, have taught us heresy; and from our infancy we have misunderstood our teachers, and misapplied our Bible. Do tell us what mean a class of texts like these John 14:3.—“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am there ye may be also.” Acts 1:11—“Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.”—1 Peter 1:7 and 13—“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it may be tried with fire, might be found unto praise, and honor, and glory, at the appearing of Jesus Christ. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the Revelation of Jesus Christ:”—Revelation 1:7.—“Behold he cometh with clouds; and every eye, shall see him, and they also which pierced him; and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.” HST February 14, 1844, page 9.13

Does our crime consist in our looking for him and loving his appearing? This, too, we charge upon our fathers and teachers; we have heard ever since we had consciousness, as our duty explained and enforced, to watch and look, to love and be prepared for his return, that when he comes we may enter into the marriage supper of the Lamb. We also have Christ and the apostles for our example in so doing. Witness, Matthew 24:44; 25:13; Mark 13:34-37; Philippians 3:20, 21; 2 Timothy 4:8; Titus 2:13; 2 Peter 3:12; Revelation 16:15. HST February 14, 1844, page 9.14

Or are we to be severed from our brethren because we believe the prophets of the Old and New Testament to be the true prophecies of God; or because that we think we can understand them, and see in the history of our world their fulfillment? Are we to be cut off from our connexion with your churches, because we believe, as your ministers have told us we ought to, for ages past? Acts 24:14.—“But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets.” 26:22.—“Having therefore obtained help of God, I continued unto this day witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come. King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets? 1 Timothy 4:14.—“That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Revelation 1:3.—“Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein; for the time is at hand.” HST February 14, 1844, page 9.15

Again, let me inquire. Are we treated as heretics because we believe Christ will come this year? Are we not all commanded to watch? Mark 13:37.—“And what I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch.” And I would ask, is it not our duty to watch this year? If so, will you tell us how a man can watch, and not expect the object for which he watches? If this is the crime, we plead guilty to the charge, and throw ourselves upon the word of God, and the example of our fathers, to justify us in so doing. Ecclesiastes 8:5-6—“Whoso keepeth the commandments shall feel no evil thing; and a wise man’s heart discerneth both time and judgment. Because to every purpose there is time and judgment.” Daniel 12:6-7—“And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, how long shall it be to the end of these wonders? And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth forever, that it shall be for a time, times, and a half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all things shall be finished.” 1 Peter 1:9-13. “Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of, the grace that should come unto you; searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you, with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” HST February 14, 1844, page 9.16

Now, if we are wrong, pray show us wherein consists our wrong. Show us from the word of God that we are in error; we have bad ridicule enough; that can never convince us that we are in the wrong; the word of God alone can change our views. Our conclusions have been formed deliberately and prayerfully, as we have seen the evidence in the scriptures; and all reasoning against our views has only served to confirm us in them. HST February 14, 1844, page 9.17

Or, are you ready to say that our crime consists in, examining the Bible for ourselves. We have inquired “Watchman, what of the night;” we have besought and entreated them to give us any signs of the coming morning, and have waited patiently for an answer; but have waited in vain; have been turned off with some German or French philosophy, or had the book closed in our face, and been insulted for our deep anxiety. We have therefore been obliged to study for ourselves; and if we are to be cut off for honestly believing in the exactness of prophetic time, then Scott, and Wesley, and the Newtons, and Mede, Gill, and others, should all be excommunicated for the like offence. We therefore once more call upon you to show us our errors, and until this is done, we must continue to believe the Lord will come in this Jewish year. Wm. Miller. HST February 14, 1844, page 9.18

A Sign of the Last Days


Eating and Drinking with the Drunken.—We learn by Matthew 24:45-51, that when the coming of the Lord is at the door, and the signs which he gave us at his coming, have all been seen by the last generation of the earth, then, as he commanded us, those who love his appearing will know that his coming is nigh, even at the doors, as summer is, when the trees put forth their leaves; and will give the household the necessary meat in due season.—And then also, the evil servants, who love not the appearing of the Lord, will begin to smite their fellow servants, who are proclaiming the Master’s approach, will say in their hearts, “My Lord delayeth his coming,” and will eat and drink with the drunken. This is the last indication that our Lord has given us of his Advent; and in the midst of this feasting and revelry, in the midst of their beating their fellow-servants, and denying the coming of Christ, and, in the midst of their boasted security, the Lord has assured us he will come, in a day when they look not for him; and in an hour they are not aware of, and will appoint them their portion with the hypocrites. HST February 14, 1844, page 10.1

The present indications show that we are now occupying this very point of time, when those who profess to be stewards over the household of God’s children are thus denying the coming of Christ, beating those who are looking for the Lord, and feasting with the ungodly. HST February 14, 1844, page 10.2

The donation parties which were commenced a few years since, in love and kindness to those who have the spiritual charge of the churches, are now greatly deteriorated in many places, and perverted from their original objects. The annual visits are often, now, looked forward to as scenes of enjoyment, where large numbers, of the parishioners in the respective congregations, the converted and the unconverted, will meet together, not to study the word of God, or enquire more perfectly the way of salvation, but to have a social chat, indulge their pride in the munificence of their gifts, and feast together on the good things provided. Those the most able are emulous to give the greater gift, while those the least able are mortified at the scantiness of theirs. Then follows a card of thanks in the various religious papers, from the various pastors who have been thus honored, which stimulates others to like acts of charity! HST February 14, 1844, page 10.3

Even the children in the Sabbath Schools are feasted, and are indulged in their sleigh-rides in the winter, and excursions in the summer. Here the table is spread, and more of the dainties of the season, than spiritual food, is given them. These things are temptations to the ungodly who desire to enter, that they may partake of the loaves and fishes, like the Jews, who cared more for those things, than for the miracles which the Lord did. John 6:26. HST February 14, 1844, page 10.4

These things, however, are small evils in comparison, and would not have been noticed at this time, but for the more gross and disgusting scene of feasting and revelry which have grown out of them, of which they were the germ. Church feasts, and Church tea-parties, and Church fairs, where all the luxuries of the day that can please the eye, or administer to the gratification of the appetite, have taken the place of the old-fashioned Church fasts. At these fairs they have their lotteries; sustaining under the holy garb of religion, the very system of gambling, which Casar, in many of the States, has prohibited as too immoral, even for him. Gold rings are inserted in loaf cake, which is sold at exorbitant prices, on account of the treasure it contains, which will be the portion of him who is so lucky as to obtain the piece in which it was inserted. Here congregate the pious and the impious, those that fear God, and those that fear him not: the righteous and the unrighteous; the holy and the profane; none are excluded who can pay the fee of admittance. HST February 14, 1844, page 10.5

In all our principal cities these tea-parties are being held. Several have come off at the late Tremont theatre, where the society of Mr. Culver meet; and where a different system of theatricals are in vogue, but which some believe are none the less dangerous to souls, than those formerly there exhibited. A number of the other professed churches have followed the example, so that even the school children have boasted of the good things and fine times they have at their respective churches.—At Lowell, after a round of this festivity, one member remarked in sober earnest, that this would be a grand way to bring about the millennium; and yet they tell us the New Earth is too carnal!! HST February 14, 1844, page 10.6

The last Zion’s Herald has an editorial, headed in large letters HST February 14, 1844, page 10.7

“TEA MEETING AT LYNN,” given by the Ladies of the South-street Methodist Church, in the Town-Hall, which the editor says “was filled with a most interesting assembly,” including six clergymen, and “its sociability was untrammelled.” Again he says:—“One of the speakers, who had been acquainted with the sainted founders of Methodism in Lynn, remarked emphatically that he believed their spirits were hovering with delight over this scene of christian intercourse, among their children. The tables were spread bountifully and elegantly. The hall was decorated with evergreens & portraits of our bishops and distinguished preachers.” The best of it, however, was, they made “seventy-five dollars clear of all expenses.” HST February 14, 1844, page 10.8

The following advertisement we cut from a New York paper: HST February 14, 1844, page 10.9

Grand Festival by the Ladies of the 16th-street Baptist Church, Wednesday evening, January 24th, at the Tivoli Saloon, (the proceeds to go for liquidating the Church debt.) Tickets may be had of S. Smith, 164 18th-street; C, Tousley, 252 Bleecker-street; B. S. Whitney, 57 Wall-street; J. W. Carhart, 113 Christopher; F. S. Miner, 93 Maiden Lane; B. B. Merrill, corner of 16th-street, and 8th avenue; and at Nelley’s, 221 Bleecker-street; Pattinson’s, corner of Ann and Nassau-streets; J. Lott’s bookstore, 156 Fulton-street; Leavitt & Trow’s bookstore, 194 Broadway; Hale’s Letter Office, 58 Wall-street; Journal of Commerce, Tribune, and New-York Citizen offices, and at various other places, and at the door on the evening of the Festival. HST February 14, 1844, page 10.10

We give another: HST February 14, 1844, page 10.11

Unprecedented entertainment at the United States Hotel, corner of Pearl and Fulton streets, on Thursday evening, the 25th January 1844:— HST February 14, 1844, page 10.12

1. The Ladies of the Nassau-street Congregation will commence their Annual Festival in the spacious Saloons of the United States Hotel, on Thursday evening, the 25th inst., precisely at 7 o’clock. The Festival will close at 11 o’clock.—The windows on Pearl and Water-streets will be brilliantly illuminated. HST February 14, 1844, page 10.13

2. Professor Bronson, who, by a happy combination of extensive science, with commanding powers of oratory, is attracting multitudes in other parts of the city, has generously tendered his services for the evening. At suitable intervals he will deliver several of his most entertaining and instructive Recitations. He will also give an exposition and exemplification of Ventriloquism. HST February 14, 1844, page 10.14

3. Prof. Nash, whose vocal powers will bear comparison with any musical performer in the United States, has also consented to be present. Several duets, solos, and other pieces may be expected during the evening. The Professor will be accompanied by Miss Dobson, on one of Atwill’s grand pianos. The sweet and unaffected vocal and musical performances of Miss Dobson would alone enrich any entertainment. HST February 14, 1844, page 10.15

Tickets 50 cents for a gentleman, and 25 cents for a lady, may be obtained at the United States Hotel, Pearl-street House. Waverly House, City Hotel, Atwill’s Music Store, Astor House, Athenaum Hotel, Howard Hotel, and Carlton House, Broadway. Also at Johnson’s Refectory, Fultonstreet; Firth & Hall, Franklin Square; and Raynor’s Book Store. 76 Bowery. HST February 14, 1844, page 10.16

This last seems to be but the commencement of a series of feasts to be held by this Baptist Church where ventriloquism, and not religion, will contribute to the entertainments; and the tickets of which are sold at the bars of all the principal hotels. HST February 14, 1844, page 10.17

The following is the way they do such things out west, and is the copy of a bill which advertised a Fair in Rochester. HST February 14, 1844, page 10.18



A Rare Supper, at 8 o’clock this (Wednesday) evening. A Splendid Young Deer, fresh from the Alleghanies, ROASTED WHOLE, will be served up with other delicacies. Tickets for Supper 50 cts. Admittance fee 12 1-2 cts. Admittance in the day time free. Supper tickets to be had at the Fair. HST February 14, 1844, page 10.19

Rochester, Dec. 20, 1843. HST February 14, 1844, page 10.20

This feast was held in the church in charge of Mr. Hubbard, and in which Dr. Lucky of Rochester, preached last year: its ostensible object being o raise money to purchase curtains for the pulpit, and other extravagances for the church. To raise money for such useless extravagances, more in accordance with the teachings of her on the scarlet colored beast, than with the example of primitive christianity, it was necessary to appeal to the carnal appetites of the wicked, to tempt them with feasting and revelry to contribute to the pride of the Church. Our Saviour does not say they will eat and drink and be drunken, or that they will drink any thing that can produce drunkenness; but only they will eat and drink with the drunken. Now, if inviting all who are able to purchase a ticket to come in and eat and drink, is not inviting the drunken with the sober, and eating and drinking with the drunken, it will be difficult to conceive what could be a fulfillment of that text. HST February 14, 1844, page 10.21

They were, however, not only to eat and drink with the drunken, but were to smite their fellow-servants, and deny the coming of the Lord. At this last feast this was also fulfilled in a most striking manner. Dr. Samuel Lucky, as named above, wrote a pamphlet of 24 pages, entitled “Strictures on Millerism, or the Second Advent Doctrines, as taught by its advocates, and particularly the system of measures by which they are disseminated.” In his pamphlet, from the title-page to its finis, we have been unable to find a single text of scripture quoted in support of his views; and yet he endeavors—1st. To show the time in which we expected he Lord, is past; and 2nd. Impeaches the motives and purposes of its advocates, by claiming that while their ostensible object is to save souls and prepare for the judgment, their real one is the selfish purpose of building up a sect! He thus, in the first place, claims that the Lord delayeth his coming; in the 2nd place, smites those who are looking for the Lord. These pamphlets were sold in that church on this occasion, where were present the military and fire companies in uniform, and a band of music, playing that which ill accorded with a house dedicated to the Lord. Well did our Saviour say, Matthew 24:37-39—“But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away: so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” HST February 14, 1844, page 10.22

A Prediction fulfilled.—It has often been remarked by our opponents, that the preaching of the Advent would make infidels. This prediction has been fulfilled; or at least, it has been the means of showing many to the world, as infidels, who, but for the preaching of this doctrine would have escaped all suspicion. In their efforts to escape the conclusions of Mr. Miller, many of our most distinguished ecclesiastics have been found to take strong infidel and neological ground; and among their hearers have been found ready listeners, fully prepared to adopt any conclusions, however transcendental, if they could thus be made to believe the coming of the Lord a fable. HST February 14, 1844, page 10.23

The following extracts will show the effect of clerical scoffing upon infidel minds. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.1

The Midnight Cry.—We used to hear, six months ago, much said about the midnight cry.—All the abettors of Miller’s follies joined in this cry. But of late, we do not hear any thing about it. All these birds of night have stopped their noise, from which we infer that day has broken, at which time, owls generally cease to hoot. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.2

Universalist Trumpet. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.3

We copy the above for the purpose of expressing the thought that occurred to us upon reading it.—The Millerites, whom this Reverend and Universalist editor sneeringly calls “owls,” profess, like himself, to believe in the Bible, and in the Christian faith. He thinks them deluded—we will suppose he honestly thinks so. What, then, in such a case, ought he to have done, as an honest, candid man? He ought to have said to them; “My Christian Brethren, I think I have reason to believe that you are laboring in an error; and as I deem it my duty to remove it, I will, with your permission, discuss the subject with you in an open and friendly manner. Possibly, I may impart some new views which may convince you of your mistake; but should I fail, I trust I shall not be so uncandid as, for a difference of opinion, to call in question your sincerity, nor so uncharitable as, for an error in judgment, to withdraw from you my fellowship.” HST February 14, 1844, page 11.4

Such, or similar language, from one Christian opponent towards another, while it would exhibit a spirit of kindness and friendly feeling, would do a great deal to convince the infidel that Christianity might be a better system than he was accustomed to believe it. But so long as he sees, as in the present case, that a mere variance of thought in one Christian Brother, is enough to steep another, and a Reverend Christian Brother, up to the eyelids in bigotry and censoriousness, he will have but little inducement to renounce his infidelty and become a Christian; for though his system may be lacking spiritual faith, as it certainly is, there is yet remaining enough of saving virtue in its practise to prevent him from quarrelling, at least with his brethren. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.5


The Julian Period


Bro. Bliss:—I wish to suggest to you the importance of explaining in your paper, for the benefit of the common people, the true nature of the Julian period, and why the present year is the 6556th of that period, while it is only the 6000th by Mr. Miller’s chronology. Also, whether the remainder, after subtracting the Julian period of the Saviour’s birth from the Julian period of the present year, is 1847 Julian years? If so, how that period is the same as 1847 of the Christian Era. I find many are querying here. E. G. Page. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.6

The sole object of the Julian Period, is to furnish a great period including all other periods, by which they may be harmonized and adjusted. This celebrated period is formed by the continued multiplication of the cycles of the Sun, 28 years, of the Moon, 19 years, and of the Indiction, 15 years, whose product is 7980 years. Its first year is not designed to synchronize with the creation; but at some period of time, when the cycles of the Sun, Moon, and of the Indiction were respectively. Reckoning back from the present numbers of those cycles, it is found that No. 1 of each could never have all fallen on the same year, since 4714 years before the vulgar era; when, had the world existed, they would have been thus, and will not be again, till A. D. 3267, when the Julian period commences anew, having ended with 3266. Every intermediate year till then, will be distinguished by different numbers of those cycles. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.7

At the commencement of the Vulgar Era, the year of the current cycle of the Sun, was 10, of the Moon, was 2, of the Indiction, 4; and the year of the Julian period which synchronized with that, is found by finding a number, which, being divided by the three prime integral numbers, 28, 19, and 15, shall leave the given remainders, 10, 2, and 4, respectively. This number is found to be 4714, which, divided by those numbers, gives quotients of 168, 248, 314, the number of revolutions those cycles have respectively made since the commencement of this period, with the given remainders, the years of the current cycles respectively. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.8

The Birth of our Savior being before the death of Herod, which is found by astronomical calculations to have been in the year 4710 of the Julian Period, the present Jewish year is 1847 Julian years from that epoch. 1847 of the vulgar era would accordingly be 1851 from the birth of Christ. Ed. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.9

How the Lord works.—A brother, the captain of a vessel now in England, writes his friends that his vessel lay at Newport, in Wales, 40 days, on account of storms, during which time a continued concourse of individuals thronged him to inquire about the coming of the Lord, having heard that he was an Adventist. Among these were ministers and laymen, that received the truth gladly, and embraced it with all their hearts. On sailing from Newport for this country, when out two days, the ship sprung a leak, and he was obliged to return to Bristol, Eng., to unload, and new copper, which will detain him a month. There are also inquirers flocking from distant counties with those high in office, and of the first respectability. Thus the Lord works in his own way. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.10

Who is the Infidel? While Bro. T. M. Preble was lecturing at Lowell, a few weeks since, a Methodist class leader accused him of being an infidel, and wished Bro. P. to call upon him. Accordingly Bro. Preble gratified him with an interview, and called on the class leader at his shop. He then repeated the charge that Bro. P. was an infidel. Bro. Preble, instead of replying, handed him his Bible and wished him to read a passage that he believed. Mr. A. took the Bible, and turned over the leaves back and forth, without reading. Bro. P. asked him why he did not read? He replied he was looking for a text. Bro. P. told him he could have read and believed the first text he opened at. The class leader saw that he had proved himself the infidel; and handed back the Bible. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.11

Letter from London


Dear Bro. Himes,—I most gladly embrace the present opportunity of sending some account of the cause in England. The books you sent are nearly all circulated, and we have openings for the distribution of many more, as we have additional help. I refer to our dear brethren who are now going forth in different directions. In addition to brethren Winter and Burgess, we have brethren Bouton, Gunner and Barker. They met at our house on the first of January, with other friends, and held a conference. It was agreed that brethren Burgess and Bouton should go into the northern counties, and brethren Barker, Winter and Gunner into the eastern counties and lecture and distribute publications. Bro Bonham was present. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.12

We received a letter from brother C. Dealtry stating his arrival at Liverpool. He had lectured there to an attentive audience, and thought of visiting Manchester and the principal towns on his way to London. Bro. Winter wishes me to say that since he wrote to brother Litch the Lord has greatly blessed his labors; not only in professors being quickened, but many sinners have been brought to God, and rejoice in the prospect of the glory that is to be revealed in that day. There are several clergymen of the Church of England who have examined the American publications, and are preaching the doctrine and distributing the works among their parishioners. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.13

There are many in this country who seem constrained, independent of these works, to study the prophetic parts of scripture—chiefly among the clergy of the Establishment. Yet there are some, who, although till of late they have been asleep on the most important parts of Scripture, through the reading of your works on the prophecies have discovered the nature and importance of the subject. “Litch’s Exposition” has been of great use to ministers and students of prophecy generally, Storrs’ “Bible Examiner” has been called for, and “Litch’s Address to the Clergy;” in short, they are all excellent and useful, and evidently are prized by those who have read with unprejudiced minds, to be the purest and most complete body of sound divinity ever laid before the British public. They are sweeping away the mists of error which have so long been palmed upon the religious public—They are bringing sinners to God, and awakening the sleeping virgins to trim their lamps, and cause the sons of Zion to shout for joy to know their deliverer is nigh. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.14

There has been a remarkable “sign in the sun,” seen by the principal part of the citizens of Norwich and the surrounding country, such as has never been seen in England before. It was seen in December last, about 12 o’clock at noon, and continued for two hours. It very much alarmed the inhabitants. It occurred just before Brn. Winter, Burgess and Bouton opened their mission in that city. It seemed to prepare the way for the truth, so that they met with good success there. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.15

[Our faithful correspondent has sent us a colored drawing, of which we insert an exact, though reduced, engraving. The small inner circle represents the sun, of a light orange hue; the outer part of the two larger circles, at unequal distances from the sun, appeared of the same hue; but the inner part of those circles was a very deep yellow; the sky within these circles appearing of a dusky brown color; and the three large circles, passing through the sun, appeared a distinct bright light.—Ed.] HST February 14, 1844, page 11.16

The brethren intend on their return to the country, re-visiting Norwich Some of the friends there have formed themselves into a committee for the purpose of opening a spacious building for them, which will hold several thousand people. We received a very encouraging letter from Bro. Hutchinson, of Montreal; also a number of his papers, which are excellent. It is like a two-edged sword, cutting both ways, as it strikes at the root of the “temporal millenium” and “return of the Jews;” also gives a correct understanding of the prophecies. Had we known before that he had been waiting for a call direct from England, he would have had it long ore this. There is no doubt his labors would have been a great blessing to thousands in this country. I thank God I feel anxious for that day when death shall be swallowed up in victory. O, what harmony, grandeur and beauty there is in the blessed book of God. Human language fails in setting it forth in its richness and fulness, and many parts, which at one time seemed like a dead letter, now seems the best, since the Lord has so mercifully sent a light to shine upon it. O that I had the ability to do more for the spread of this glorious truth. O, for a trumpet voice on all the world to call. E. Lloyd. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.17

21 Parker’s Terrace, Necenger Road, Bormondsey, London, Jan. 3, 1844. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.18

“Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation; so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man that it should be believed as an article of the faith, or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation.” HST February 14, 1844, page 11.19

They who truly love God, have a secret guidance from a higher wisdom than what is barely human, namely, the Spirit of Truth and goodness, which does really, though secretly, prevent and direct them. Any man that sincerely and truly fears Almighty God, and calls, and relies upon him for his direction, has the counsel and direction of his father; and though the voice be not audible nor discernable by sense, yet it is equally as real as if a man heard a voice saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” Matthew Hale. HST February 14, 1844, page 11.20

“When the King of kings comes.”


by n. billings.

Moderato. Unison. HST February 14, 1844, page 12.1

When the King of kings comes,
When the Lord of lords comes
We shall have a joyful day,
When the King of comes
Great Babylon is broken down,
And kingdoms once of great renown,
And saints now suffering wear the crown,
When the King of kings comes.
HST February 14, 1844, page 12.2


When the trump of God calls,
When the last of foes falls;
We shall have a joyful day,
When the King of kings comes;
O, then the saints, raised from the dead,
Are with the living gathered,
And all made like their glorious Head,
When the King of kings comes.
HST February 14, 1844, page 12.3


When the foe’s distress comes,
Then the church’s “rest” comes;
We shall have a joyful day,
When the King of kings comes:
And then the new Jerusalem,
Surpassing all report and fame,
Shines worthy of its Maker’s name.
When the King of kings comes.
HST February 14, 1844, page 12.4


When the world its course has run,
When the judgment is begun;
We shall have a joyful day,
When the King of kings comes,
To see the sons of God well known,
All spotless to their Father shown,
And Jesus all his brethren own,
When the King of kings comes.
HST February 14, 1844, page 12.5


When the Conqueror’s hour comes,
When he with great power comes;
We shall have a joyful day,
When the King of kings comes:
To see all things by him restored,
And God himself alone adored
By all the saints, with one accord,
When the King of kings comes.
HST February 14, 1844, page 12.6

As we Expected


Millerism.—“The Millerites are showing how hard it is for human nature to face its pride, and honestly confess a wrong. The world would not burn up at the time hoped for, and now, instead of acknowledging their mistake, they are devising schemes for getting off handsomely. Some are saying that the time never did constitute an important element of their theory—it is sufficient for them that the world is speedily, to be destroyed, and no millenium to occur. Rev. S. Hawley, who has been a prominent leader among them, has published an elaborate article in the Signs of the Times, in which he endeavors to show that the 2300 years do not end till 1847. Very likely; and if he should live till then, it would be just as easy to find another error in the footing. These deceivers are incurring a fearful responsibility.”—N. Y. Evan. HST February 14, 1844, page 12.7

Yes—yes! “These deceivers are incurring a fearful responsibility.” HST February 14, 1844, page 12.8

“These deceivers!” The Lord judge between thee and us. But how appropriate this language! It is identical with that used by the murderers of Jesus Christ, in speaking of him, “This deceiver!” It is right that their moral successors should use their own words. In that case however, the impious slander was so clumsy and barefaced, that it proved suicidal. Heaven has thus ordained that infamy should be to some extent its own antidote; so that it may be said of its agents, as of Jannes and Jambres—“they shall proceed no further, for their folly is manifest unto all men.” HST February 14, 1844, page 12.9

It would be difficult even for a Jannes and Jambres to put together the same number of mis-statements in so few words as are contained in the above article, or to make a more unwarranted and malignant use of what truth there is in it, by making it the basis of a general charge against “the Millerites.” HST February 14, 1844, page 12.10

It is too late however to expect the Evangelist to be capable of forming a right judgment, either of the truth itself, or of the character of those who have devoted themselves to its promulgation. Its habit of mis-stating facts, or of inventing facts which are not facts, in reference to the Adventists, develops a spirit that is depraved even to fatuity. Alas, for those of its readers who are cursed with any faith in its contents. HST February 14, 1844, page 12.11

The position of Rev. S. Hawley:” among “the Millerites” is of no consequence here. His “elaborate article,” so far as we know, has no more influence upon them, than others of a similar character from any other source. Of him we say as the Roman did who reported the death of Casar. Vixurent. HST February 14, 1844, page 12.12

It is enough that the world knows his article to have been admitted into our columns out of respect for its author, and that it has been replied to, in a manner the most directly opposed to the supposition “that the 2300 years do not end till 1847.” HST February 14, 1844, page 12.13

And yet this is the fact which is held up to the world in proof that “the Millerites are showing how hard it is for human nature to face its pride, and honestly confess a wrong.” HST February 14, 1844, page 12.14

This notion that “pride” could ever make a Millerite, is really laughable. We should like to have this Evangelist take some hour when his brains are in their most acute condition, and his “pride” the most active, and set about the work of inventing a reason which could induce him to become a Millerite, and if his “pride” don’t get puzzled, there is more hope of him than we expected. HST February 14, 1844, page 12.15

Every body knows that “pride” can talk, and we can guess without saying anything of experience how it would talk in this case. Hear it. “Millerism, Millerism! What have I to do with that? It is an unpardonable offence to name it as a subject of my favor! It has too much to do with the Bible—it has not been doctored, nor titled, nor consecrated as evangelical; and what do I want to do with the Bible aside from these? HST February 14, 1844, page 12.16

And then it is as unpopular “as a root out of dry ground.” None of the rulers or of the pharisees believe it, or if they do, never confess it; for it cannot be done without losing caste and being turned out of the synagogue. What do I want of an unpopular doctrine? HST February 14, 1844, page 12.17

And what is worse than all the rest, it looks to another world. My portion is here—these dreams are fit only for old Melchisedec, or moping Lot, or dreaming Abraham! My paradise is here! HST February 14, 1844, page 12.18

These fools don’t work it right, they don’t understand how to blow hot and cold in the same breath; to make the Bible mean this, that, and the other thing, and not anything in particular; they suppose it means what it says. And such a meaning! it makes men crazy; ease, honor, health, life, all sacrificed to their Bible whims! And it is money out of pocket all around! No money, no soft clothing, nor king’s courts! Bless me, this will never do for me! It would be as fatal to me as the thunderbolts of Michael that drove the devil out of heaven! ‘I beseech thee torment me not!’” HST February 14, 1844, page 12.19

“Their pride!” A man must be wanting in common sense to think of such a thing. Call them “fools,” “insane,” “mad,” “deluded,” “fanatical,” anything in the chapter of evangelical epithets; but nobody will ever believe that pride could make a Millerite for this very good reason; it is doubtful if a man can be found to whose pride, as a relief to his position in the estimation of the world, Millerism can offer a temptation. He may get drunk, or get others drunk, he may be a man-stealer, an adulterer, a thief, a liar, a gambler, he may get his living by making wooden nutmegs, selling tares for wheat, counterfeiting money or counterfeiting divinity; he may be deformed or ragged, or even as black as the Creator ever made a man, and if one or all of these sources of mortification could be removed by becoming a Millerite, and his pride were to decide his fate, even if it were as devout as that of the Evangelist, it would appeal to heaven, as a thing of doubtful existence, and to the earth as the lord and master of its being; and with all the energy that popular piety and profanity could inspire, exclaim anything but Millerism! HST February 14, 1844, page 12.20

No comparison can be found for its unpopularity, but by referring to the past—to the proud “fanatic” who got up the notion, “in the days that were before the flood,” that God would destroy the earth, and even fixed the time, the day, when the destruction should begin; and another, right in Sodom, who declared, though he was as one that mocked” in doing so, that God was about to destroy Sodom; in both these cases, “instead of acknowledging their mistake, they were devising schemes for getting off handsomely.” HST February 14, 1844, page 12.21

So with the Millerites. They mean to get rid of their “pride,” and whatever is “wrong,” whether their “prominent” leaders that have been, or wish to be, like it or not, and “get off handsomely.” HST February 14, 1844, page 13.1

Speaking of the pride of the Millerites, however, does remind us of a few things they may be proud of. 1. They have been able to keep the truth on their side. 2. In all their contests with their opposers, in spite of the odds against them, humanly speaking, they have triumphed gloriously. Father Miller and his “fanatics,” some of them mere boys, have performed feats of valor in this contest with the Lord’s-spiritual of the land, that might gratify their pride, if they had time for it. The exploits of Napoleon and his marshals, in the overthrow of the old generals and haughty sovereigns of Europe were not more astonishing. HST February 14, 1844, page 13.2

The Evangelist must be familiar with one case at least, for its columns were employed in bringing the champion referred to, Dr. Weeks, into contact with the enemy. Now we speak advisedly, having lectured on “Millerism” in the Dr’s church, there is good reason to believe that there are not 20 members in his church who are not Millerites. One of his deacons is among them. Who would not be proud! HST February 14, 1844, page 13.3

But, seriously, brother Evangelist, your “pride” is to be looked in the face, your “wrong” confessed. It may be “hard,” but it must be done. Whether “the Millerites” are right or wrong, you are wrong in having borne false witness against your neighbor. H. HST February 14, 1844, page 13.4

Ecclesiastical Trial


Arbitrary Power of the M. E. Church, vs. Millerism

Brother Bliss:—If I can have the use of the columns of your paper, I will give a brief account of an ecclesiastical trial had recently in my case, for preaching the coming of Christ this Jewish year.—A doctrine more odious, to a part of the church at least, than the sins of the present generation. Of this trial I should not speak, if it concerned only my own personal interests; but I think it involves an important principle of justice, in which every Christian, and especially every Methodist, should feel a deep concern. If ministers and members of the M. E. Church are to be unconstitutionally and unjustly deprived of their rights and privileges—if they are to be deprived of the common rights of all men of being governed by the laws of the constitution to which they have voluntarily subscribed, and that too for no other offence than believing and advocating the coming of Christ in a few months, it is time, I think, that we understand our position. Of the ground of these remarks, your readers can judge when they have read the facts as they occurred in the above named trial. Being a member of the Maine Annual Conference, I, in common with others, at its last session, passed under the ban of the following anomalous resolutions, put forth by that body. HST February 14, 1844, page 13.5

1. Resolved, that every minister in the M. E. Church has virtually pledged himself, and every Elder has emphatically pledged himself before God and his church, always to minister the doctrine and discipline of Christ, as the Lord hath commanded, and to be ready with all faithful diligence to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrines contrary to God’s word.” HST February 14, 1844, page 13.6

“2. Resolved, that the peculiarities of that theory relative to the second coming of Christ and the end of the world, denominated Millerism, together with all its modifications, are contrary to the standards of our church, and we are constrained to regard them as among the erroneous and strange doctrines which we are pledged to banish and drive away.” HST February 14, 1844, page 13.7

“3. Resolved, that though we appreciate the motives of those among us who have been engaged in disseminating these peculiarities, we can but regard their course in this respect, as irreconcilably inconsistent with their ecclesiastical obligations, and as having an immediate and more particularly an ultimate, disastrous tendency.” HST February 14, 1844, page 13.8

“4. Resolved, that those who persist in disseminating these peculiarities, either in public or in private, and especially those who have left their appropriate work for this purpose, be admonished by the chair, and all be hereby required to refrain entirely from disseminating them in future.” HST February 14, 1844, page 13.9

We would here remark, that the punishment contemplated in the last resolution was administered (and publicly reported through the country) contrary to the provisions of all judicious and equitable governments, viz., without attempting to prove those ministers guilty of any wrong. But of this I made no complaint, but went on my way, preaching as a matter of duty to God and the world, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him,” until a few weeks since, when I was summoned before a council of preachers, by the P. E. of Portland district, to answer to the following charge and specifications. HST February 14, 1844, page 13.10

“Charge.—Disseminating doctrines contrary to our articles of religion, as explained by our standard authors.” HST February 14, 1844, page 13.11

First Specification.—Teaching the doctrine of a spiritual millennium [or a millennium commencing at the personal appearing of Christ] in opposition to a temporal millennium, so called. HST February 14, 1844, page 13.12

Second.—Teaching that the time of this millennium is revealed in the Bible. HST February 14, 1844, page 13.13

Third.—Teaching that time to be 1843, of what you call Jewish time—ending May next, HST February 14, 1844, page 13.14

Fourth.—Teaching two resurrections, 1000 more or less years apart.” HST February 14, 1844, page 13.15

Immediately after the opening of this trial, it was seen that those extraordinary resolutions were to be sine qua non in the case, and though passed by a non-legislative body, were pressed into the statutes of Methodism, to speak alone against “Millerism.” The reason is obvious: the laws of Methodism are silent relative to the time of the Second advent of the Savior, and there must be some arbitrary appendage made, or nothing could be done. I here raised an objection to some of the committee, based on the fact that they had expressed their opinion strongly, that the sentiments which it was alleged I had disseminated, were contrary to Methodism. But it was replied that my objection could have no weight, for the question that “Millerism” is contrary to Methodism, was settled by the resolutions of our Conference, and the committee had only to determine whether or not I had preached the doctrine. To this decision I strongly objected and appealed to the Discipline of our church as the only law by which I could be tried, and as I was charged with disseminating doctrines contrary to our articles of religion, I requested that an article of religion might be shown to which my doctrines were contrary, but the answer was that this question had been settled. The President here had his decision recorded, by the suggestion of one of the Committee, in the following language: “The Chairman decided that they should proceed to trial upon the grounds laid down in Discipline, as explained and applied by the Annual Conference as its acts define.” What “grounds laid down in Discipline,” upon which the trial proceeded, and where they could be found, we were not informed. But I suppose the Annual Conference had settled this also. The reference to Discipline in the language of this decision was merely nominal; for though I was solemnly accused of preaching “doctrines contrary to our articles of religion, as explained by our standard authors,” and all our articles of religion are published in our Discipline, none was produced or referred to in any way whatever, nor any reference to our standard writings, either by reading, quoting, or otherwise. It is true, that towards the close of the trial, when the request was repeated that the law be produced to which my “doctrines were contrary,” the president replied, that he would give me the same answer that Bishop Hedding once gave him when he inquired under what clause of Discipline he should bring a member of our church to trial for preaching Universalism. The Bishop replied, ‘on that article of religion which says, “The Holy Scriptures contain all things necessary to salvation, so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not required of any man, that it should be believed as an article of faith, or to be thought necessary or requisite to salvation,’ “and then I would go into the Scriptures and prove that his doctrine is not found therein, nor can be proved thereby.” But, said I, you have not done as Bishop Hedding has directed—you have not been “into the Scriptures.” Here one of the committee interfered by inquiring if this was not out of order. To which the president replied in the affirmative, and the matter ended. Whether, or not, this looks enough like the old “MOTHER OF HARLOTS to be one of her DAUGHTERS, your readers can judge. But let us compare the decision of the president with the charge. The charge says, “doctrines contrary to our articles of religion, as explained by our standard authors:” the decision says, “proceeded to trial on the grounds laid down in Discipline, as explained by the Annual Conference.” Now every man must see the barbarous injustice of such a course, when he reflects that our Annual Conference has no right to make law; our General Conference being our only legislative body, and all the laws passed by the General Conference are embodied in our Discipline, which is the only authority to which any reference can be had, (except to our standard writers, as explanatory of the same) in the government of our members, whether ministers or laymen. These resolutions must be regarded as a fifth wheel upon the coach, placed there for the express purpose of crushing “Millerism” and its advocates, and a reliance upon them as authority in such a case, supersedes entirely the necessity of any reference to our established rules, and is an assumption of arbitrary power, which, if carried out, would at least neutralize every principle of law, whether ecclesiastical or civil, and the rights of men be made to depend upon the despotic will of any organized body to which they were amenable, who might have power to carry their wishes into effect. If it be said that these resolutions were not regarded as law, but only explanatory of law, we reply, that an Annual Conference has no authority to explain law in case of trial, except when such case comes before them for trial, according to our Discipline. For, if they could determine the sense of Discipline in trial of a member some six months previous to such trial, then could they give its sense for any subsequent trial, if time should continue a thousand years, But, sir, if this were carried out generally in our church, what would become of her government? Our Quarterly Conferences would have equal authority to pass resolutions in reference to any who are responsible to such Conferences, and those resolutions, however conflicting with those of an Annual Conference, might, with as much propriety, be made the only and sufficient law in the intervals of these Conferences for the expulsion of such members. But it would be worse and worse, each Annual Conference having the same right, while one might resolve that “Millerism” was contrary to Methodism, another might resolve that it harmonizes perfectly with it; and as our church is a unit, and we should be obliged to be governed by the opinion of one Conference as well as another, we should indeed have laws many, and diverse one from another. HST February 14, 1844, page 13.16

Concluded next week.
L. S. Stockman.



WATCH ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all THESE THINGS that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” HST February 14, 1844, page 14.1

Luke 21:36. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.2

The appointment of watchmen, or the command to watch, always implies that there is danger to be avoided, and, as the counterpart of the danger, some important interests to be secured. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.3

Upon the faithfulness of the watch may depend the preservation of a whole country from conquest, when exposed to the armies or fleets of that country’s enemies; upon the faithfulness of the watch often depends the safety of the lives and the property on board the ship at sea; on the faithfulness of the watch we are constantly dependent for the security of our families and habitations against the danger of being consumed by fire, and for the security of our property against the depredations of the thief in the night. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.4

But in reference to these interests, men rarely make a mistake. Every precaution is adopted to place faithful and competent sentinels upon our watch-towers in time of war; our ships must be well manned, and our cities well guarded. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.5

Are there, however, no other dangers which threaten us? no other interests to be secured? O, yes! The sentinels of our armies, and the seamen in our ships, and the watchmen in our cities, may all do their duty; our country may be well guarded; our cities, and dwellings, and ships, and treasures, may be well protected; but if, in reference to the end of the great voyage, we are asleep,—if our souls are driven with the wind and tossed,—if our eternal interests are unsecured,—the substance is left for the shadow, the true riches for those which must perish with the using. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.6

Our text speaks of an event, to be prepared for which we must be looking out, with at least as much interest as the man to whose trust our perishable earthly concerns may be committed. It stands at the close of that most important discourse of the Lord Jesus, as reported by St. Luke, in which he speaks particularly, though also of other things, of his coming to our earth; of the signs which should indicate its approach; of “the things” which should accompany his advent; of the consequences of being prepared or not; and all to lead us to a sure and timely preparation. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.7

The great event referred to in the text is stated in these words: “And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud, with power and great glory.” (Verse 27.) The things that shall come to pass in connection with his advent, and which make it a matter of so much interest and apprehension to man, are more fully presented by Matthew (chap. 24 and 25.) and the prophets and apostles generally. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.8

The object of the following discourse, is to inquire, 1. What are these events which are to take place in connection with the advent; and, 2. Whether we have reason to look for any of them before the personal and glorious appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ? HST February 14, 1844, page 14.9

1. What are these things which are to take place in connection with the coming of Christ? In answering this question, we shall select only those portions of the word of God which are of so plain a character as hardly to leave room for a doubt as to their application. We shall not, however, presume to give the exact order in which these things will occur, nor do we suppose it to be possible to give an idea of that scene of terror as it will eventually be realized; but what God has spoken we may speak, and we may be assured that it will be found in this, as in every part of his word, that has already been experienced, the one half cannot be told us. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.10

His word, then, assures us that the most terrible agencies and instrumentalities, with which man has ever become acquainted, will be employed in executing wrath upon the wicked in the day of wrath. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.11

The first of these agencies of destruction, which we shall mention, is the whirlwind. It is spoken of in these words: “Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth.” Jeremiah 25:32. “Behold, the whirlwind of the Lord goeth forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind: it shall fall with pain upon the head of the wicked. The fierce anger of the Lord shall not return, until he have done it, and until he have performed the intents of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it.” Jeremiah 30:23, 24. (See also Ezekiel 13:9-13.) HST February 14, 1844, page 14.12

The second of these avenging agencies, which we will consider, is the hail-storm. “And the Lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard, and shall show the lighting down of his arm, with the indignation of his anger, and with the flame of a devouring fire, with scattering, and tempest, and hail-stones.” Isaiah 30:30. “And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.” Revelation 16:21. (See Isaiah 29:6. Ezekiel 13:10, 11.) HST February 14, 1844, page 14.13

The third of these instrumentalities of vengeance, of which we shall speak, is the earthquake. “For thus saith the Lord of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; and I will shake all nations, and the Desire of all nations shall come.” Haggai 2:6, 7. “I will shake the heavens and the earth; and I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen.” Haggai 2:21, 22. “But now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, (the heavens and the earth,) as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.” Hebrews 12:26, 27. “And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell.” Revelation 16:18, 19. (See also Isaiah 13:13, 14. Ezekiel 38:19, 20. Joel 3:16.) HST February 14, 1844, page 14.14

Of all the purely natural calamities by which mankind have been visited, none of them excite so much terror as the earthquake. Even in those portions of the earth where they are the most common, the intense feeling of apprehension is scarcely lessened by their frequency. No exhibition of nature’s power so completely sets at defiance all the skill of man, or treats his most gigantic means of security with such mockery and scorn. It exhibits to us at once, and in a most striking manner, the weakness of man and the power of God. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.15

Another and still more appalling scene is to be realized in “the great battle of God Almighty.” It would be most appalling if it were only a war of the ordinary kind. Impassioned and perverted reason and genius make the agents and elements of nature a hundred-fold more murderous than in their ordinary movements they can be. But this scene of strife and blood is to be unlike anything which the world has ever yet seen. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.16

It is to be, 1. A war of the King of kings,—He whose right it is to reign,—against his enemies, who would not that He should reign over them. “Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.” “Then thou shalt break them with a rod of iron, and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” “These (the kings) shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings; and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” Revelation 17:14. “And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet.” “These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.” Revelation 19:19-21. (See also Isaiah 63:1-6; 66:15, 16. Zephaniah 3:8. Revelation 16:13, 14.) HST February 14, 1844, page 14.17

2. It is a war of vengeance against the usurpers of his land and throne, and also on account of the persecutions and oppressions of his people. “And the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel, even all that fight against her and her munition, and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night-vision. It shall even be as when a hungry man dreameth, and behold, he eateth; but he awaketh, and his soul is empty; or as when a thirsty man dreameth, and behold, he drinketh; but he awaketh, and behold, he is faint, and his soul hath appetite: so shall the multitude of all the nations be, that fight against mount Zion.” Isaiah 29:7, 8. (See also Isaiah 14:24-27. Ezekiel 38:17, 21-23. Joel 3:1, 2. Zechariah 9:14, 15; 12:1-9; 14:3, 4.) HST February 14, 1844, page 14.18

3. It will be a universal war. This is clearly stated in some of the texts already quoted. But others speak of this in particular. “The Lord shall roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy habitation; he shall mightily roar upon his habitation; he shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth. A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord.” Jeremiah 25:30, 31. “And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground.” Jeremiah 25:33. (See also Joel 3:9-14.) HST February 14, 1844, page 14.19

4. It will be a war of mutual slaughter. “Every man’s sword shall be against his brother.” Ezekiel 38:21. “And I will overthrow the chariots and those that ride in them, and the horses and their riders shall come down EVERY ONE BY THE SWORD OF HIS BROTHER.” Haggai 2:22. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.20

These portions of the word of God present some of the things in view of which we are called upon to “watch and pray always, that we may be accounted worthy to escape” them. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.21

What a depth of meaning is there to the words of the Apostle, when he speaks of the wicked as “treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath!” And this day of wrath, which is to bring all “these things” to view as a reality, we believe, is AT THE DOOR! HST February 14, 1844, page 14.22

We now pass to consider the second point of our inquiry. Have we any reason to look for any of these things before the personal and glorious appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ? HST February 14, 1844, page 14.23

Though it may be impossible to determine the exact chronological order of the events which are to close up the present state of things and introduce the eternal state; still we shall find there is much more light, even upon this, than might at first be supposed. As that day is spoken of by “all the prophets” of the Old Testament, and also by “our Lord and his apostles,” in the New, as the grand subject of interest and hope to the church, it would be surprising indeed if they had given us no clue to the order in which the events of that day are to occur. And though this order may not have been a particular object with them, in the main, still if it can be settled in reference to a few of the items, and the grand parts of the process as a whole, it will be no very difficult work to arrange the other items, so far, at least, as to answer the question under consideration. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.24

But before we proceed any further,—as we shall have somewhat to do with the book of Revelation, in determining the order of the events to be considered, we need to make a remark upon one peculiarity of that book, which is not sufficiently considered—the relation of its parts to each other. Some have supposed that the events brought to view in the book must occur in the same consecutive order in which they are described. On this supposition, we must have several judgment scenes, and falls of Babylon; some half-dozen periods of 1260 years, and as many millenniums. The absurdity of the supposition is its own refutation. The book does undoubtedly give us a consecutive view of events, as they are to occur down to the eternal state, but in one case only is the description consecutive—that of “the seals.” The consecutive order of the trumpets is interrupted by a particular description of the history of events and periods and organizations, which, although they must be included in the time embraced in the seals and trumpets, are not particularly noted in the events of either. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.25

We should keep in mind that the same field is passed over several times, and that two things cannot be described at the same time. One view is completed before another is begun; and, therefore, events which may be contemporaneous in fact, are placed widely apart in the description: while, in other cases, events which precede others in the description are to take place after them in fact. The book consists, very much, of separate and independent sketches, which are introduced by the familiar phrases, “I looked and behold,” “after these things I saw,” etc., etc., which are to be matched together, not by the order in which they are written, but by the great points, or features of the scene brought to view in the sketch. Let it be settled that there is but one millennium—one judgment HST February 14, 1844, page 14.26

Lisbon, N. H.—Bro Sanborn writes:—I am strong in the faith. believing that this Jewish year will wind up all earthly scenes. Yes, blessed be God, if I am permitted to know any thing from the word of God, I know that the kingdom of God, in which all the redeemed family will be gathered, “is near, even at the door” The Free-will Baptist church in Lisbon, numbering about three hundred, are mostly strong in the belief that the coming Jesus is near, very near and many of them are strong as to the time. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.27

In Eaton, N. H. where I reside when at home, the numbers in the advent faith have more than doubled within the last six or eight months. In many other towns where I have visited of late, the adventists are firm, “looking for that blessed hope, and glorious appearing of the great God, and our Savior Jesus Christ. O my brethren let us be strong, until the heavens reveal the returning Nobleman. Then, and not till then,, do I expect the waves and winds of time to settle down into a calm. Yours in hope of soon seeing Jesus. scene—one great battle—one fall of Babylon, (its final destruction is a different event,) and we know that the part of each sketch, in which either of them is brought to view, matches, in its chronological relations, with the same point in every other sketch in which the same thing occurs. HST February 14, 1844, page 14.28

(A) In the diagram, at the close, we have exhibited the period, with some of its events, from the fall of popery in 1798, to the end—which we confidently expect “about the year 1843.” It includes the prophetic history of the two-horned beast of Revelation 13., and also of the four angels of Revelation 7. That this beast is the symbol of “the European system” under Napoleon, who at the same time wielded the sceptre of France and Italy, we think any one must be satisfied who is at all acquainted with the history of that time. The history of Napoleon, by L’Ardeche, lately published, is, probably, the best. (See vol. I., from p. 239, and the whole of vol. II.) HST February 14, 1844, page 15.1

(B) That the “four angels” denote the “Four Great Powers,” England, Russia, Austria and Prussia, we believe to be quite as evident; and, since this application has not been so fully pointed out, if at all, and as it stands intimately connected with our present inquiry, a few remarks may he made upon it here. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.2

The part taken by the “Great Powers,” in the religious, as well as political, affairs of the world, since the fall of Napoleon, and the remarkable circumstances which called them to their position, are certainly of a character sufficiently important to be noted in the prophecy. Mr. Croly thus speaks of their mission: “A league of the four great European powers, England, Russia, Austria, and Prussia, was for the first time practically combined against the French Empire. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.3

“It is among the most remarkable circumstances of an extraordinary period, that this measure had defied all efforts for its accomplishment before. All the powers had been successively at war with France; but it was by duple or triple alliances. The whole labor of diplomacy, in the full consciousness that the hope of Europe depended on an alliance of the four, had continually failed. Some strange impediment had always started up to forbid a coalition, which yet each and all felt essential to their common safety. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.4

“The mysterious and invincible restraint was now removed. The prophecy pronounces that it was removed by the command of heaven! By the same command, the four allies were summoned to consummate the overthrow of the empire of blood and Atheism. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.5

“Its objects were not less remarkable than its construction. Unlike all others, the alliance was formed, not for possession of territory, nor for permanent continuance, nor even against the enemy as a nation. Its declared and single purpose was the extinction of Napoleon, and, with him, of his system.” HST February 14, 1844, page 15.6

The chronology of their mission is strikingly marked. 1. It is during the events of “the sixth seal,” and that brings us to the judgment scene, when the presence of Him “who sits upon the throne,” smites the wicked with terror, and “the great day of his wrath is come.” This evidently places their mission near the end. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.7

2. Their special work is, to control the affairs of the world till the servants of God are sealed. Not during the whole sealing time brought to view, but till it is completed. And this gives us a second clue to the chronology of their mission, by connecting it with the finishing of “the mystery of God”—which we are assured, in the most solemn manner, takes place “in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall BEGIN to sound.” And this angel introduces the reign of Christ—the time of the dead, that they should be judged,—to reward the righteous, and destroy the wicked. Compare Revelation 10:5-7, and 11:15-17. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.8

“The mystery of God,” here spoken of by the revelator, is, without doubt, the same that is so frequently mentioned in the Apostolic writings. See Ephesians 2:11-22; 3:1-12; 1:1-14. Colossians 1:21-28. Acts 15:13-19. Romans 9:24-30; 10:11-21; 11:12-27. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.9

This mystery consisted in offering salvation to all by faith, through the preaching of the gospel; that God should thus “visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name,” that they might become “fellow-heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the Gospel.” “In whom also, after that ye believed, ye were SEALED with that holy spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance, UNTIL THE REDEMPTION OF THE PURCHASED POSSESSION.” Its grand result, when “finished,” is thus expressed by the Apostle. “Having made known unto us THE MYSTERY of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself, THAT IN THE DISPENSATION OF THE FULNESS OF TIMES, HE MIGHT GATHER TOGETHER IN ONE ALL THINGS IN CHRIST, both which are in heaven and which are on earth.” HST February 14, 1844, page 15.10

The special work of the “four angels,” which was to continue “till the servants of God were sealed,” must, therefore, terminate whenthe mystery of God is finished, in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, WHEN HE SHALL BEGIN TO SOUND.” We hardly need to inform the world that the great powers, named above, have performed the work assigned to these angels since 1815. Their work, we believe, is nearly done. So the word of God assures us, and also their present relation to each other. The last arrival from Europe brought the information that Russia had withdrawn, or was about to “withdraw from the conference of London,”—an event which would amount to a termination of their united agency. This view of the events which are to introduce the eternal state makes it very clear, that “our gathering together unto Christ” is amongst the first, as to order, if the events of that day. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.11

We now proceed, with the question before us. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.12

1. The setting up of the kingdom. “In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom,” etc. That this is the same kingdom which is given to “one like the Son of man,” and “to the saints of the Most High,” (Daniel 7:13, 14, 22, 27,) is clearly settled, inasmuch as there can be only one such universal and everlasting kingdom. The setting up of the kingdom can mean nothing less than its organization, by bringing the King and his subjects together, the coronation of the King by the authorized power, his acknowledgment as such by his subjects, the placing of the King upon his throne, and the appointment of those who are to fill places of authority. And this must necessarily include these several particulars:— HST February 14, 1844, page 15.13

1. The giving up the kingdom, on the throne of which Christ now sits, (see Revelation 3:21. Hebrews 1:13. 8:1,) to God even the Father. 2. The “appearing” of Christ to the saints. 3. “Our gathering together unto Him,” “when he descends from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and the trump of God, and the dead in Christ rise, with whom the living saints are caught up to meet the Lord in the air.” This must include, 4, the first resurrection. It also includes, 5, the giving of the kingdoms of this world to the Son of man; and lastly, His coming to “Mount Zion,” that the King may be set upon the holy hill, the location of the throne of David, which the Lord God will give to Him whose right it is. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.14

All this is to be done “in the days of these kings,” i. e. while the kingdoms of this world are in existence. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.15

The setting up of the kingdom, therefore, with its group of relative events, makes it very clear that the appearing of Christ to gather his saints, is the first event we are to look for in the series which is to close up the present order of things. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.16

2. “Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” The sanctuary is “the mountain of thine inheritance, the place, O Lord, which thou hast made for thee to dwell in; in the sanctuary, O Lord, which thy hands have established.” Exodus 15:17. Psalm 78:54, 55. Isaiah 63:18. Daniel 9:17. It is the place which “the Almighty God” promised to Abraham, and to his seed after him, “for an everlasting possession.” Genesis 17:1-10. The territory possessed, in part at least, by his natural seed, (though most of the time in bondage, on account of their sins,) after their deliverance from Egypt, till the seed came to whom the promise was made, “which is Christ.” This possession of the land, however, was only a type and pledge of the fulfilment of the “better promises,” made to Abraham, and his seed through Christ, in the immortal state. Compare Genesis 15:8-18. Galatians 3:16-19, 26-29. Hebrews 4:8, 9; 8:6; 9:15; 10:34; 11:8-16; 12:18-28. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.17

Here the Lord is to dwell forever. Psalm 132:13, 14. Micah 4:6-8. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.18

Here is to be “the city of the Great King,” “the throne of the Lord,” the metropolis of the everlasting and universal kingdom, which is to be set up by the God of heaven. Ezekiel 37:26-28. Isaiah 9:6; 7. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.19

The change predicted to take place in the condition of the sanctuary, according to the different significations of the word, rendered “cleansed,” and other plain portions of prophecy, is this: 1. It is to be “justified.” The sentence of indignation, which gave it “to be trodden under foot,” will then be repealed. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.20

2. It is to be “vindicated” by the execution of the threatened wrath upon its adversaries. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.21

3. It is to be “cleansed” by the fires of the last day, and the new creation. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.22

Its justification is the act of God, the Judge of all, and is to take place when “her appointed time is accomplished.” Compare Isaiah 40:1, 2; 61:7. Zechariah 9:12-14. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.23

The vindication is the work of Jesus Christ, and is to begin at the time of its justification. See the last texts referred to. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.24

This work, which fulfils the prediction in reference to the sanctuary, is necessarily blended with the previous views, the harvest, and setting up of the kingdom. As soon as the deliverance of the righteous is effected, the plagues of the wicked begin,—perhaps they will be poured out successively, probably several of them together,—but the particular work of vindicating, or avenging the sanctuary is assigned to the sixth and seventh vials. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.25

Although the “appearing” of Christ for the salvation of his people, by gathering them to himself, has taken place; and the glorified hosts, seen “in the air,” like a clear heat after rain, and like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest,” or, “as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire,” (probably resembling the cloud which received the ascending Saviour,) have caused all the tribes of the earth to mourn; still, the Lord has not yet come to our earth, to “stand on mount Zion,” or “the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east.” “The way of the kings of the east,” corresponding with the sections of the image which lay in that direction, is to be prepared. “The kings of the earth, and of the whole world, are to be gathered to the battle of the great day of God Almighty, into a place called in the Hebrew tongue, Armageddon.” “Multitudes, multitudes of the heathen are to be wakened and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat;” and then, to these multitudes, of whom it is said, “the wickedness is great,” who are made up of the worshippers of the beast, the scoffers, the evil servants, these whose hearts were so “overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness and cares of this life,” and all who were so unwatchful as to be “left” to their nakedness and “shame,” at the time of gathering “them that were ready;” to them he comes, according to his oft-repeated declaration, “as a thief!” And the enemies of his truth, the usurpers of his throne, the oppressors of his people, the angry nations, are destroyed by the King of kings, with his heavenly army of “mighty ones!” HST February 14, 1844, page 15.26

As the vindication of the sanctuary is the work of our Lord by his personal interposition, and as he comes with all his saints with him, and as they must be gathered to him “in the air,” before they can come with him to the earth, his appearing and their gathering together unto him, must precede the vindication. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.27

This brief consideration of the more general views and prominent events of the great scene for which we are now looking, may be sufficient to settle the question, that we have nothing now to look for, but the appearing of our Lord, and the summons of the last trump, which, “in the twinkling of an eye,” quickens the dead in Christ to life, and changes the living saints to become equal unto the angels. But we wish to notice a few other particulars which have been looked upon as somewhat obscure, though it would seem that, by “comparing scripture with scripture,” they may be made plain. They are the standing up of Michael—the silence in heaven—and the time, as to the order of events, when the last plagues begin. As these particulars are intimately connected with the opening of the temple in heaven, and the appearing of the ark of testimony, they may all be considered in connection. We notice this vision of the ark and temple, because it will enable us to see in a still more clear and satisfactory light, the whole series of details in the great scene, at the same time that it gives us this clue to the chronology of the vials, i. e. of the time of their commencement; though, without this, since the execution of wrath against the wicked does not begin till the righteous are delivered, and these vials “fill up the wrath of God,” they must be placed after the appearing of Christ, and the gathering of the saints. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.28

Under the seventh trumpet.—(Revelation 11:15-19,) HST February 14, 1844, page 15.29

Concluded next week, illustrated by a Diagram. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.30

Nova Scotia.—The Olive Branch at Halifax, is much more reasonable than its namesake in Boston. The editor in his paper of Dec. 1, says: HST February 14, 1844, page 15.31

Millerism—Somebody has laid upon our table a “Synopsis of Miller’s views” on the second advent of Christ which we have glanced over It astonishes us that ridicule and abuse should be heaped upon the disciples of Miller, by religious editors and teachers. If half the time thus spent, were employed in preparing themselves, their readers and hearers, for the great change that is rapidly approaching, whether the theory of Miller be true or not, it would be productive of more good. Rev. Mr. Craig, formerly of this place, arrived in the Acadia a few weeks ago from Boston, and commenced lecturing in the streets, on the speedy dissolution of the world, and drew such a motley assemblage, that the authorities, fearing a breach of the peace, requested him to desist, and in future, obtain a room for that purpose. HST February 14, 1844, page 15.32

Letters received to Feb. 7th, 1844


Windsor Goodnough $3; P Burns Jr $5; S Barrett $2; S R Dennet by PM $1; J C Park $2 all right; W H Scott $2; PM Royal Oak, Mich; PM Dayton Ill $1; L C Collins; Mrs M Beckley by PM $1; T L Tullock; L Slayton; J Maltby and HA Underwood by PM $3; N Howe by PM $2; F Childs by The Publishing Ministry, 25 cts; H W B; Mrs A Burtt by PM $1; L Merrick and O M Ward by PM $1 each; H Childs $10; PM Exeter; PM E Winthrop Me; J Hewes by PM $1; D Pierce by PM $1; P Sherley by PM $1; Libbens Packard by PM $1; Rev C B Turner by PM $6, how shall it be appropriated? Spencer Green by PM $1; Jonathan Wheeler, $1; Elias Smith by PM $20; Aaron Barnes by the same $5; G Luke; H N Drake $5; E C Clemens; S Bruce 25 cts; H Emery; M O Pray $10; Stephen Fish, by PM $1; W Barker; PM Colchester Vt; PM Grafton Vt; Bible Reader; L Cuttin, by PM $1; Eber Dunham by PM $1; A Sampson, by The Publishing Ministry, 25 cts; Orrin Terry by PM $1; H P Hall $1; Ellis Swift, not on ‘monument list,’ to what town is the paper mailed? J Roberts $5; O Wyatt $5; J Lenfest $4; C Bond by C Miller $1; Noah Dutton $10; S Hawley jr.; R W Stearns by PM $1 which pays to end of vol. 7; Jno Baker by PM $5; H Emery; PM Vergennes Vt; F H Skinner by PM $1; L T Allyn by PM $3.121; J Pearson 20 dol; Levi S Stockman; J Lenfest $4; Z Baker $1; Sarah M Case $1; Elizabeth Crane; E Evaris by PM $5; NW Martin by PM $1; J Preston by PM $2; J Randall; PM Wilton Me; A C Parker $1; PM Fort Ann NY; PM Derby Line Vt; M Aldrich and A Harris by PM $2 each; PM Ashtabula O; Miss A Warren, A Pierce and J B Richardson by Bro Lobdell $1 each; Capt. Nathan Champlin by The Publishing Ministry, 1; M O Pray 10; PM Exeter Me; John Barnes by The Publishing Ministry, 1; Dea J Smith by The Publishing Ministry, 2; Elizabeth Pratt by The Publishing Ministry, 1; J W Brittan; W G Henderson by The Publishing Ministry, 1; pm Fishkili Landing NY; J Dailey by pm 1; Dea A Rugg by pm 1; L H Blackman by pm 1; J Rinks 2; MC Eaton 1,50; Phinehas White $2; Capt J Herrick by pm 1; G. Gleason, 2; pm China, N. Y; pm Perrysburgh; O. 3; Langdon Miller, Warensville, Ill. 1; H. Tyrrell. 2. rec’d 15th Nov. by brother Shipman, the other not rec’d. B. Gilman. by pm. 1; S. W. Hoyt; A. D. Howe and J. N. Barnum by pm. 1 each; E. B. Smith; S. Paige, Barre, Vt; N. Stoddard by pm. 1; H. Hall, G. W. Arnold and S. Hall by pm. 1 each; H. Woodbury and E. Hadley by pm. 1 each; J. J. Porter; G. S. Miles 5; Huldah Davis by pm. 2; pm. Fort Wash’n 1; G. W. Nutter by pm. 1; pm Charlestown, N. H. pm. Charlotte, N C.; Wm. B. Rogers 5; John Holden by pm. 1; J. Austin; PM Harvard; S. Stone by pm, 1; C. Mc Kenzie by The Publishing Ministry, 1; PM Lockport N. Y; S. B. Tarbox 2, which paid to end 6 vol; Sarah Fisher by The Publishing Ministry, 1; L. Hington by The Publishing Ministry, 1; Wm T. Moore 5; PM Yorksville S. C. 1; N K. Bullough 2; S. Chapman; W. C. Stone; S. Howland 20; J. Davidson by PM J; F. Norbut 1; PM Mobile Ala; PM. New Hampton. N. H. 1; Lucy Whitcomb by pm 1; C. York by pm 1; Anson Wheeler by pm 1; H. T. Hunkins by pm 1; H. D. Hodge by pm 1; Sarah Carver by pm 1; Eld. John Gillingham by pm 1; N. Hervey; T. Brownell by pm 1; O. M. Rice and John Rice by pm 1; each; S. F. Bradley 1; E. B. Wallingford 1; Jacob Parker by pm 1; John Miles by pm 2. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.1

Packages Sent


J. V. Himes, 9 Spruce street, N. Y.; OM. Ward, Palmer, Depot, Ms; W. Rogers, Hartford, Ct: Isaac Park. Fitzwilliam N. H; Wm. H. Scott, Woodstock. Vt; J, Litch, 40, 41, Arcade Philadelphia; H. N, Drake, South Brookfield Depot, Ms; H. Emery, Townsend; Miles O. Pray, Scituate, R. I.; A. Sampson, Chester village Depot. W. R. R.; Alden Sherwin, Grafton, Vt; John Pearson, Portland, Me. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.2

James Lenfest, Derry, N. H; L. T. Allen, Norwich, Ms. Rev. N. Hervey, Providence, R. I; M. O. Pray; J. H. Lonsdale, Providence, R. I.; Dr. Z. Baker, Cheapside, N. Bedford; Rev. S. Hawley Jr. Cabotville, Ms; Sarah Case, Woodstock, Vt. care of Elder Hazen; C. Churchill and Samuel Nutt, N. Market, N. H.; F. E. Bigelow, Worcester, Ms; R. Haskins, W Boylston, Ms; Rev. Henry P. Hall, Gloucester, Ms; Noah Dutton, West Hartford, Vt. N. H. Bullough, care of R. Plumer, Newburyport, Ms; Wm. R. Rogers, Bath, Me; James Simpson, New Hampton, N. H.; S. Howland, Topham, to be left at Stage Office, Brunswick, Me. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.3

The friends of the Second Advent cause in Provideuce, have procured the use of the Green Street House, formerly occupied by tho West Baptist Church. Lectures will be delivered every Sabbath Morning, Afternoon, and Evening. Their regular meetings during the week are held in the same place on Tuesday and Friday evenings. The Second Advent Depot in Providence, is at No. 78, Arcade, where a supply of all our works may be had. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.4



The following Works are printed in the following cheap periodical form, with paper covers, so that they can be sent to any part of the country, or to Europe, by mail. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.5

The following Nos. comprise the Library. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.6

1. Miller’s Life and Views.—37 1-2 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.7

2. Lectures on the SecondComing of Christ.—37 1-2 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.8

3. Exposition of 24th of Matt. and Hosea 6:1-3. 18 3-4 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.9

4. Spaulding’s Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.10

5. Litch’s Address to the clergy on the Second Advent.—18 1-4 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.11

6. Miller on the true inheritance of the saints, and the twelve hundred and sixty days of Daniel and John.—12 1-2 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.12

7. Fitch’s Letter, on the Advent in 1843.—12 1-2 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.13

8. The present Crisis, by Rev. John Hooper, of England—10 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.14

9. Miller on the cleansing of the sanctuary.—6 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.15

10. Letter to every body, by an English author, “Behold I come quickly.”—6 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.16

11. Refutation of “Dowling’s Reply to Miller,” by J. Litch.—15 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.17

2 The “Midnight Cry.” By L.D. Fleming. 12 1-2. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.18

13. Miller’s review of Dimmick’s discourse, “The End not Yet.”—10 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.19

14. Miller on the Typical Sabbaths, and great Jubilee.—10 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.20

15. The glory of God in the Earth. By C. Fitch.—10 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.21

16. A Wonderful and Horrible Thing. By Charles Fitch. 6 1-4 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.22

17. Cox’s Letters on the Second Coming of Christ.—18 3-4 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.23

18. The Appearing and Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. By J. Sabine. 12 1-2 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.24

19. Prophetic Expositions. By J. Litch. Vol. I. 31 cts.—20,””””” Vol. II. 37 1-2 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.25

21. The Kingdom of God. By Wm. Miller. 6 1-4 HST February 14, 1844, page 16.26

22. Miller’s Reply to Stuart. 12 1-2 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.27

23. Millennial Harp, or Second Advent Hymns. Price 121 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.28

24. Israel and the Holy Land,—The Promised Land. By H. D. Ward. Price 10 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.29

25. Inconsistencies of Colver’s ‘Literal Fulfilment of Daniel’s Prophecies,’ shown by S. Bliss. 10 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.30

26. Bliss’ Exposition of Matthew 24th. 121 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.31

27. Synopsis of Miller’s Views. 61 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.32

28. Judaism Overthrown. By J. Litch. 10 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.33

29. Christ’s First and Second Advent, with Danel’s Visions Harmonized and Explained. By N.Hervey. 183 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.34

30. New Heavens and New Earth, with the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. By N. Hervey. 121 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.35

31. Starkweather’s Narrative. 10 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.36

32. Brown’s Experience. 121 HST February 14, 1844, page 16.37

33. Bible Examiner, by George Storrs. 183 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.38

34. The Second Advent Doctrine Vindicated,—a sermon preached at the dedication of the Tabernacle, by Rev. S. Hawley, with the Address of the Tabernacle Committee. pp. 107. 20 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.39

35. A Solemn Appeal to Ministers and Churches,—especially to those of the Baptist denomination. By J. B. Cook. 10 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.40

36. Second Advent Manual, by A. Hale. 183 HST February 14, 1844, page 16.41

37. Millennial Harp, 2nd Part. 121 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.42

38. The Chronology of the Bible. By S. Bliss, 61 HST February 14, 1844, page 16.43

39. The Herald of the Bridegroom, by A. Hale, price 6 1-4 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.44

40. A Warning to Watchfulness, by F. G. Brown, 6 1-4 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.45

Review of O. E. Daggett’s Sermon, by S. Bliss, 12 1-2 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.46

Exposition of the 14th, of Zech., by S. Bliss, 4 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.47

Scripture References, by H. Jones, 6 1-4 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.48

Modern Phenomena, by H. Jones, 10 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.49

Synopsis of the Book of Psalms, by H. Jones, 10. cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.50

””””” Isaiah 10 cts.

Hervey on Sanctification, 10 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.51

Millennial Musings, 20 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.52

Sacred Melodies, 6 1-4 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.53

Advent Tracts


No. 1 Address of the Tabernacle Committee, 3 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.54

2. Reasons of our hope, by S. Bliss. 3 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.55

3. Paraphrase of Matthew 24 and 25, with the corresponding passages in Mark 13. and Luke 21:3 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.56

4. Breakers Ahead, A Warning from the Faithful Pilot, by A Hale, 3 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.57

5. Picture of Christendom, extract from a sermon by Robert Atkins of Europe, 3 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.58

The above are $2 by the hundred for distribution. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.59

Advent Sheets


Watchman’s Warning, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, and the Watchman’s last warning, No. 5 by A. Hale, $1,25 per hundred. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.60

Prepare to meet thy God, by L. Hersey, at 37 1-2 cts. per hundred. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.61

Words of Warning


No. 1. Fundamental Principles. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.62

2. Prophetic Time. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.63

3. Prophecy Unsealed. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.64

4. Little Horn in Daniel 7 not Nero, but popery. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.65

5. Little Horn, Daniel 8, not Antiochus but Rome. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.66

6. Christ’s Advent at the Door. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.67

7. Scoffers of the Last Time. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.68

8. Duty of the Times. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.69

9. Second coming of Christ at the Door. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.70

10. The coming of the Son of Man. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.71

11. The Great Day. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.72

12. That day will be a day of Separation. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.73

13. Prepare to meet thy God. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.74

14. The Hope of the groaning Creation. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.75

15. The Hope of the Children of God. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.76

16. Hope of the suffering Church. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.77

17. Signs of the Times. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.78

18. Who would not strive to hold fast their crown. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.79

The above little messengers consist each of two pages; and the 18 are contained on the same sheet; price 3 cts per sheet, or two cts per dozen Nos. 12 1-2 cts per hundred, and $1 per thousand. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.80

A second sheet at the same prices consists of the following subjects. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.81

19. How awful to meet an angry God. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.82

20. The parting. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.83

21. Modern Preaching; and the loss of the Word. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.84

22. The Rise of Prophecy; and Paraphrase of 2 Peter 1:10-21. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.85

23. The Appeal to the Judgment; and the Connection between the Cross and the Crown. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.86

24. For what end was the Law of God manifested. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.87

25. Christ comes in the characters of Redeemer and Avenger. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.88

26. Where are we in the Chronology of Prophecy? HST February 14, 1844, page 16.89

27. The Instability of the Times, a motive to Watchfulness. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.90

28. The last Days. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.91

29. Christ’s Coming urged as an alarm to the secure. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.92

30. The Love of Christ’s appearing; and Paraphrase of Isaiah 65:17-25. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.93

31. No literal Gathering of the carnal Jews; and Paraphrase of Romans 11:25-34. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.94

32. The End of Time. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.95

33. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, Daniel 2:31-35, Paraphrased and Explained; and Paraphrase of 2 Peter 3. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.96

34. Daniel’s Dream (7:2-14) Paraphrased and Explained. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.97

35. Daniel’s Vision (8:1-13) Paraphrased and Explained. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.98

36. Explanation of the Time—Daniel 9, Paraphrased and Explained. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.99

The above are admirably calculated for the circulation of light in a cheap form, and every town in the Union should be abundantly supplied with them. Since our last number, we have issued another edition of 200,000 of them. At the low cost of $1 per 1000, or half a mill per page, they are brought within the reach of all. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.100

Bound Vols.—Miller’s Lectures, Life and Views Spaulding’s Lectures, Litch’s Exposition, 2 Vol., each at 50 cts. per Vol. Bible Student’s Manuel, 25 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.101

The improved Harp—in muslin, 42 cts, and in morocco, 50 cts. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.102

The Second Advent Library complete to No. 38, bound in 12 Vols. $6. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.103

Charts, Bibles, and works on the Prophecies, and New Music in sheets. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.104

Also, just published, a large map of the four universal Monarchies brought to view in the Prophecy of Daniel, price $2. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.105

Music. We intend occasionally to favor our readers with new music. Those in possession of rich and appropriate music, are requested to send it in. We shall then make selections, and publish such as is appropriate. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.106

Double number. We this week issue a double number, which will make up for no paper the last week. The reader will perceive our page is enlarged, which will enable us to furnish an additional amount of reading in each number. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.107



Boston, Mass.—No. 16 Devonshire Street. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.108

Address J. V. HIMES. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.109

New York City—No. 9 Spruce Street. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.110

Address J. V. HIMES. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.111

Albany, N. Y.—No. 67 Green St. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.112

Address G. S MILES. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.113

Rochester, N. Y.—No. 17 Arcade Buildings. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.114

Address E. C. GALUSHA. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.115

Utica, N Y.—(Agent please give street and No. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.116

Address HORACE PATTEN. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.117

Philadelphia, Pa.—Nos. 40 & 41 Arcade, HST February 14, 1844, page 16.118

Address J. LITCH. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.119

Cincinnati, Ohio—Third Street, few doors east of Walnut, south side, add. J. V. HIMES. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.120

St. Louis, Mo.—No. 88 Market Street. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.121

Address H. A. CHITTENDEN. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.122

Louisville, Ky.—Jefferson House. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.123

Address Dr. NATH’L FIELD. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.124

Montreal, C. W.—No. 158 Notre Dame Street. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.125

Adress R. HUTCHINSON. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.126

Portland, Me.—Casco St.—address J. PEARSON. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.127

Persons wishing for books will please call at the nearest depot. HST February 14, 1844, page 16.128