The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7

April 10, 1844

Vol. VII. No. 10. Boston, Whole No. 154

Joshua V. Himes



NEW SERIES VOL. VII. NO. 10. Boston, Wednesday, April 10, 1844. WHOLE NO. 154. HST April 10, 1844, page 73.1




J. V. Himes, S. Bliss, & A. Hale, Editors. HST April 10, 1844, page 73.2

Terms.—One Dollar per Volume, of 26 Numbers. Five Dollars for 6 Copies, Ten Dollars for 13 Copies. HST April 10, 1844, page 73.3

Dow & Jackson, Printers. HST April 10, 1844, page 73.4



Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name: but his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.—Jeremiah 20:9. HST April 10, 1844, page 73.5

Hinder me not! for I must speak
In sinner’s cars the words of warning;
Must bid the wretched mercy seek,
And bid the scorner cease his scorning.
HST April 10, 1844, page 73.6

Hinder me not! I may not pause—
I dare not tell smooth things, or falter,
Who’ll now defend Jehovah’s cause?
Oh, who uphold His trembling altar?
HST April 10, 1844, page 73.7

Hinder me not! for in my heart
The Word, like fire, my bones is tearing.
Fain would I cease, and hence depart,
But I am weary with forbearing!
HST April 10, 1844, page 73.8

Hinder me not! I’ll heed no blame;
I’ll prove Christ’s truth is no delusion:
The Lord is with me, and His name
Shall turn all mocking to confusion!
HST April 10, 1844, page 73.9

Hinder me not! the Lord is near!
The lamp of prophecy is streaming
Like light athwart the darkness drear,
Bright herald of the Day-star’s beaming!
HST April 10, 1844, page 73.10

Eld. Elon Galusha’s Address



Beloved Brethren:—Allow me, in all kindness and humility, to urge upon you a serious and candid consideration of the present crisis. To me, it appears that we are on the last crumbling verge of time. The rapid approach of the world’s catastrophe, is not, to me, a new thought. For several years past, at times, I have viewed the world as rushing, with railroad speed, on the track of time; to the last depot—its bustle, like that of a person doing up his last work under a strong impression that his time is short—its restlessness, like that of an individual on his dying bed, each moment more and more anxious for a change of position as the time of his expiration draws near—its new discoveries, shedding sudden light on the human mind, like the flash of the taper just before its light expires, or the, momentary revivification of a person at the approach of death, when nature puts forth all her energies, in the final struggle, and soon exhausts them in the last desperate effort.—Hence, in years gone by, I have frequently expressed, in my public discourses, a conviction that, at no distant period, the world’s history would be completed. Although I had previously read some of Bro. Miller’s Lectures, and deemed them worthy of a critical examination, as they evinced the laborious biblical and historical research, as well as the godly sincerity of the author, yet other subjects and other duties so engrossed my attention, that I did not very seriously consider the subject of “the Savior’s Advent near,” till something more than a year ago, when a beloved son, who had embraced that faith, called my attention to the subject, by letters, papers and publications, containing arguments and scripture quotations in favor of the speedy coming of our Lord. These, to some extent, I examined, together with authors who advocate opposite opinions. I consulted Rollin, Josephus, Newton, Gill, Pool, Henry, Whitby, and more modern writers on that subject, and sought the aid of the Holy Spirit in searching the sacred Scriptures. HST April 10, 1844, page 73.11

About a year since, I received a kindly letter from Brother N. N. Whiting, expressing the convictions of his own mind, the result of a thorough and patient examination of the subject, in which he sifted the argument, pro and con. As an old friend, he exhorted me to study the word of God with diligence and without delay, till I should be satisfied that I had obtained knowledge of the Divine testimony on the subject. As I deemed this as reasonable a request as it was friendly, I resolved to comply therewith; having already adopted the rule of biblical interpretation observed by Br. Miller, which appeared to me to be the only safe one,—that in ascertaining the meaning of any passage of Scripture, we should compare the various other portions of the Divine word embracing the same subject, and adopt such a construction as will harmonize the testimony of all the inspired witnesses. By applying this rule to the writings of Moses, David, the prophets, apostles and the revelator, I became satisfied, HST April 10, 1844, page 73.12

1. That there never will be a restoration of the carnal Jews, as a nation, either to the favor of God or the land of Canaan, since they, as a people, are as utterly rejected as Hagar or Ishmael. See the apostle’s allegory, Galatians 4. from the 24th vs. to the close. Seeing also that all national distinctions are by the gospel entirely abolished,—see Ephesians 2:14. to the close, also, Romans 9:8, and 2:28—whatever is contained in the prophets respecting this people must be made to harmonize with those and various other positive and unequivocal passages. The 36, 37, 38, and 39th chapters of Ezek. and the 12th chapter of Zechariah, so generally referred to by the advocates of a literal restoration of the carnal Jews, were written, as appears, about, half a century before their return from the Babylonish captivity, by which they were scattered among all nations or throughout the inhabited world, Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom being universal. See Daniel 2:38. Hence what was to be literally fulfilled in their return may have been accomplished at the end of that seventy years captivity, and some portions of those chapters evidently refer to the final ingathering of all the true Israelites, in the eternal Canaan, when they shall come out of their graves, and Christ shall reign over them even “forever,” as God promised to David. See Ezekiel 37:12, 24, and 27, com. with Revelation 21:3, and Luke 1:32, 33. The 11th chapter of Romans, the strong hold of Judaism, (as some consider it,) proves the national rejection of the Jews, and shows that there is no restoration but that of individuals by faith in Christ, and “life from the dead.” So that “all (true) Israel,” whether Jews or Gentiles, according to the flesh, “shall be saved” (by faith.) See Romans 11:1, 5, 14, 15, 23, 26, compared with Romans 9:6, and Galatians 3:7, 16, 28, 29. HST April 10, 1844, page 73.13

2. That there is to be no Millenium till the Son of Man shall come in the clouds of Heaven, became evident to me from an examination of Daniel 7:13, 22, 27; also Matthew 13:38, 43, showing the prevalence of sin to the end of the world; also Luke 13:23, which declares the way narrow, and that few find it; also 2 Timothy 3:12, which assures us that “all who live godly, etc., shall suffer persecution,” so there can never be a time till this sin-cursed earth is cleansed and the wicked destroyed, in which “all will be righteous,” and none be persecuted. I saw that the Millenium was to be on the renewed earth, after the resurrection of the dead in Christ, and before that of the wicked, who will be burned up root and branch, at Christ’s coming, and be ashes under the soles of the saint’s feet during the thousand years. For the first resurrection, see Revelation 20:4-7; also 1 Thessalonians 4:14 to the close;—also, Philippians 3:11, where the apostle labors to “attain unto the resurrection (exanastasis) out of, or from among the dead, leaving a portion of the dead, (the wicked) still under the dominion of death, or in their graves; also 1 Corinthians 15:23, showing that only they that are Christ’s rise at his coming. For the destruction of the wicked who shall be alive on the earth (when the living saints will be changed, as seen in 1 Thessalonians 4:17,) see Malachi 4:1, 3. At the end of the thousand years, the wicked rise where their ashes were deposited by the fires of the conflagration, are deceived by Satan, (then loosed for a little season) come up on the breadth of the new earth, encompass the beloved city, (that descended from heaven when the earth was renewed, see Revelation 21:1-3, compared with Isaiah 65:17, and 2 Peter 3:13,) and are destroyed by the vengeance of God, see Revelation 20:7, which is the second death; for the saints reign as joint heirs of Christ on earth for a thousand years. See Revelation 5:10, and 20:4. HST April 10, 1844, page 73.14

3. By a comparison of Daniel 2:44, and 7:13-27 with Psalm 2:6-8, and Revelation 11:15, etc., I was convinced that the eternal kingdom, of which the saints are joint heirs with Christ, will be set up in the new earth, at the coming of the Son of Man in the clouds of heaven—(the Nobleman returning from a far country to take his kingdom)—that the Millenium is the commencement of that endless reign, and marks the consummation of the happiness of the righteous and that of the misery of the wicked. That this kingdom is identical with the future inheritance of the saints, is evident from a comparison of Daniel 7:22, 27, and Revelation 11:15, with Psalm 37:9, 18, 20, 22, 28, 29, 34, and Proverbs 10:30, Matthew 5:5; (the meek shall inherit the earth, etc.) As soon as I was fully established in these views of God’s word, I proclaimed them as a part of his long neglected truth, which sheds a glorious lustre on the pages of the holy scriptures, and gives vividness and tangibility to the objects of faith and hope, and shows us how the Son of God will accomplish the purpose for which he was manifested (“to destroy the works of the devil,” (1 John 3:8,) and, as the second Adam, reinstate man in the “kingdom prepared for him, from the foundation of the world,” which by the first Adam he lost, Matthew 25:34. Finding that the prophets searched for the time of Christ’s sufferings, and glory, as also the sort of time, (Kendrick’s translation,) given for the computation and that the angels desire to look into the same,—see 1 Peter 1:11, 12. Daniel 8:13, 14; also 12:5, 6, 7.—I deem the prophetic numbers and symbols suitable and desirable subjects of my anxious and prayerful inquiry. Observing that God had taught his servants to use a day as the representative of a year, see Numbers 14:34, Ezekiel 4:6, and that the 1260 days of Revelation 11:3; the 42 months of Revelation 13:5, the time, times and half, of Daniel 7:25, were all fulfilled in the same manner—(a day for a year)—a literal time, (according to Josephus, see Daniel 4:16) being a year and a prophetic time 360 years; I applied this rule to the various prophetic periods which appear to reach to the end of time, and saw that they all pointed to the Jewish year 1843, and seem there to terminate as in a focal point. All the attempts of the learned to show the fulfilment of those prophecies in literal days, have proved abortive. The 70 weeks of Daniel 9:24, reaching from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem, recorded in Ezra 7. to the crucifixion of Christ, are seen by Ferguson’s astronomical demonstrations, in which he refers to the Julian, the Olympiad period, and the writings of Phlegon, to have terminated A. D. 33—490 years from their commencement—just as many years as there are days in the 70 weeks. These and other considerations are to my mind, satisfactory proof of the correctness of the opinion that the 2300 days of Daniel 8:14, as well as the 1290, and 1335 days of Daniel 12:11, 12, and the corresponding numbers of Daniel 7:25, and Revelation 12:14—also 6 vs., and Revelation 11:2, 3, are so many years as there are days in each respective, number. This is the only rule of interpretation by which they can be made to harmonize, and therefore must be the only true mode. Now, if we apply this rule to Moses’ seven times, which denote the duration of the punishment of rebellious Israel, from the time of breaking the pride of their power, and subjecting them to the power of their enemies, see Leviticus 26:18, 19, and Deuteronomy 18:37—notice at what time this punishment was predicted—Isaiah 7:8—742 years B. C., and was to be inflicted 65 years after, which brings us to 677 B. C. when Ephraim (i. e. the 10 tribes,) was to be broken that it be not a people, and notice that Manasseh, king of Judah, was carried captive into Babylon at the same time (677 B. C.,) see 2 Chronicles 33:11, we see that the pride of “both Israel and Judah’s” power was broken and their punishment commenced 677 B. C. Then observing that one prophetic time being 360 years, and seven prophetic times being 2520 years, taking 677 before Christ, from 2520, leaves 1843 after Christ. Consequently their punishment must end with the fulfillment of the prediction, in the Jewish year 1843; upon which we have already entered. HST April 10, 1844, page 73.15

The next prophetic number we notice as relating to the “end” of God’s “indignation,” which is to be inflicted upon the rebellious in this world, is the 2300 days (years) of Daniel 8:14. This embraces the vision of the “daily” abominable, (as Hebrew scholars tell us the original signifies,) or the pagan abomination which was to be taken away, and the transgression of desolation, or papal abomination, see Daniel 12:11, 12 and 2 Thessalonians 2:1-10, where both these abominations are brought to view in their order, the one taking the place of the other. This period also extends to the end of the treading down of the host, or people of God—to the cleansing of the sanctuary, meaning the perfection of the church of Christ in holiness, or the purification of the earth which was once the holy place of God’s worship, and will be again, when purified and filled with righteousness; it also extends to the “last end of the indignation,” see vs. 11, 13, 19. The 2300 days, (years) then reach to the end of time. HST April 10, 1844, page 74.1

It is evident this number was all that Daniel sought to understand; as the rest of the vision, as well as the preceding one, had been explained to him. See ver. 27. He searched books to obtain a knowledge of the time. See Daniel 9:2, where he seems to have supposed it referred to the end of the Babylonish captivity, and that it was the literal sanctuary in Jerusalem, that was to be cleansed; so his following prayer indicates. But Gabriel comes to correct his mistake, and show him that only seventy weeks of the time related to his people and the holy city. The remainder of the 2300 years related to God’s people, after the Jewish nation should be rejected; and that instead of the Sanctuary at Jerusalem being cleansed at the end of the time, it would, long before that, be destroyed by the people of the prince, (Titus,) and that soon after the crucifixion of Messiah. See Daniel 9:24, 25, 26. Gabriel tells him to “understand the matter and consider the vision” (of the 2300 days about which he was troubled.) Then says, “70 weeks are cut off,” (as the best Hebrew critics tell us the original word should have been rendered; cut off from what? Why, surely, from the 2300 days, the only period given in the vision. He then informs him what is to be accomplished in that 70 weeks: verse 24; which finishes the work of Messiah, up to the time of his crucifixion.—Then he gives Daniel the beginning of the 2300 days, from the first end of which the 70 weeks were cut off; dividing also the 70 weeks into three parts, showing what should be accomplished in each, and touches upon the subsequent destruction of Jerusalem, and the over-spreading of the two abominations (Pagan and Papal) which were to reach to the consummationthe end of the 2300 days—the end of time; last three verses. Now, taking the starting point, the going forth of the commandment, verse 25, which we have seen in the decree of Artaxerxes Longimanus, Ezra 7th chap. as noted by Ferguson, (457 B.C.) and the 70 weeks (490 years) as he demonstrates, bring us down to the crucifixion, A. D. 33. Then deducting the 490 from 2300, leaves 1810, to which must be added the 33 years of Christ’s life, (the 490 years reaching to his death,) and we arrive at the Jewish year 1843. Or, which is equally plain, deduct 457 years, the time from the date of the decree to the birth of Christ from 2300, and we have 1843 left; the end of the vision; and the end of time. HST April 10, 1844, page 74.2

In the 12th chapter of Dan. vs. 11, 12, the pagan and papal abominations are again introduced, as is evident from the apostle’s showing, 2 Thessalonians 2. where a most graphic description of the latter is given, and the former is alluded to, as hindering its developement, which was to be preceded by a falling away (an apostacy.) That apostacy was brought about by the royal patronage of Constantine, in the early part of the fourth century, and gave scope to the spirit of papacy, the mystery of iniquity which began to work in the Apostle’s day, (see ver. 7 of the above chapter.) By the best historical evidence, it appears that papacy gained the ascendancy over paganism [original illegible] which is the [original illegible] setting up of the abomination that maketh desolate. The point at which the 1290 and 1335 days begin and reach, the former to 1798 (the time of the end—see Daniel 11:40, and 12:4, 9,) the latter to 1843 (the end,) when Daniel is to stand in his lot or inheritance, on the renewed earth, see Job 19:25, 26, 27; which, with various other passages, shows that it is at the resurrection of the saints. Thus it is clearly seen, that we have three different lines of prophetic chronology; commencing at distinct and distant points of time, and reaching, by the same rule of measurement, to the same period, the goal of time. Again, the prophetic types point to the same period. The great year of release which is to set all the servants of God free, at the end of seven prophetic years, 2520 literal years, from the time they lost their liberty, which, as we have seen, was 677 B. C., must come 1843, as appears by adding the 677 B. C. to 1843 after Christ, which make the 2520—see Jeremiah 34:14. The great jubilee also, in which the people of God are to receive their inheritance, reckoning from the time when the lost their possessions, by being carried into their enemies’ land, in the days of Jehoiakim, 607 B. C., coincides with 1843, as appears by multiplying 49 by 50, which gives us 2450, the time of the 50th jubilee, and adding 607 B. C., to 1843 after Christ. See Leviticus 25:8, 13. Omitting the notice of other types, which appear to denote the end of time, and point to the same period, I remark that, as the skilful surveyor, in establishing an important corner, not only places the stake and stones at the end of his measurement, but also makes the corner conspicuous, by marking a number of trees in the vicinity as witnesses, in such a manner that each mark (or blaze) shall face and point to the corner, thus apprising every one who traces the line, to find the corner, when he is near it; so God, by his prophets, has not only given us the chronological measurement which reaches to the termination of the present state, but has also marked several neighboring periods by events of prophecy which point to the end, and show us when it is near. Of this class is the reign of the papal beast, see Revelation 13:5, compared with Daniel 7:8, 11, 25, commencing 538, when Justinian gave him the three kingdoms, “plucked up,” and executed the decrees which constituted him “true and effectual corrector of heretics,” and ending 1778, when Berthier took him from his throne and abolished his civil power. This is the time of the end denoted by Daniel’s 1290 days, and reaches within 45 years of the termination of the 1335—the end, when Daniel is to stand in his lot, or inheritance; Daniel 12:11, 12, 13. Not to mention several others, already and exactly fulfilled, I will only refer to the sounding of the wo trumpets, Revelation 9:1-19, and ch 10:1-7, compared with Revelation 11:15. Here we have two periods given: 1st, five months, (150 years) chap 9:5, commencing, according to Gibbon, when the Turks made their first incursion into the Greek territories, July 27, 1299, and terminating 1449, with the end of the independence of the Greeks, and that of the first wo; then begins the period denoted by “an hour, a day, a month and a year,” (391 years and 15 days, Revelation 9:15, which terminated Aug. 11, 1840, with the surrender of the Sultan’s independence into the hands of the allied powers. This is worthy of more particular notice, as bro. Litch, (see his dissertation on the fall of the Ottoman empire) by a critical investigation of the prophecy, and history relating thereto, was enabled to ascertain the precise character of the closing event as well as the preceding ones, and the very day of its accomplishment, and published the same to the world two years before the fulfillment. A striking proof of the correctness of the rule which we have adopted for the understanding and application of prophetic chronology, and a demonstration that, as the second wo is past, and the third comes quickly, Revelation 11:14, which is identical with the seventh trumpet—see Revelation 10:7, and 11:15, the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ, in which he is to reign “forever,” is about to be set up. The signs of Christ’s coming are also fulfilled. The church’s tribulation, Matthew 24:29, ended in the last century, after which (1780) the sun, was darkened, the moon withhold her light, the stars of heaven fell, (1833—’35.) The sign of blood appeared 1837—that of pestilence was seen in the terrific cholera, sweeping as a besom of destruction over the earth. Earthquakes have been frequent and fearful, and in many places where they were before unknown. Then what shall we say to these things? Is not the Son of Man nigh even at the door! HST April 10, 1844, page 74.3

Now, my dear brethren in the Lord, although in the above sketch, for want of time and space, I have done little more than refer you to some of the principal data from which my convictions that the end of all flesh is at hand, are derived, I beg you to examine the subject more prayerfully; laying aside entirely all prejudice, pride and love of human applause, and submitting your understanding to the control of the word and Spirit of God, in all the simplicity and docility of a little child; remembering your Savior’s words, “Verily I say unto you whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein,” Mark 10:15, and not forgetting the words of the Psalmist, “The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way,” Psalm 25:9. Do not rely on popular commentators or preachers. If the Jewish Doctors, whose it was to expound the law of God, and explain the prophecies, could be so far blinded by their preconceived opinions as to fulfil those very prophecies which they read and interpreted every Sabbath day, by crucifying the Lord of life and glory, (see Acts 13:27,) is it not more than probable, that prepossession, long-cherished predilection, pride of opinion, and a dread of the frown of a perverted public sentiment, may have blinded many of the Gamaliels of our day? Especially when we consider the fact that not a few of them have shrunk from the public vindication of great moral principles in their practical bearings, while they have seen outraged and crushed humanity bleeding at every pore, in the very bosom of the churches of their own denominations. Have we no evidence of “blindness,” in part, which has happened to Israel, in the painful fact, that many of her teachers, especially where public opinion favors it, force the gospel of our blessed Savior into the support of a system of cruelty and injustice which legally annihilates the attributes of man, sunders every tie of consanguinity, virtually annuls holy marriage, tramples the helpless in the dust, and makes merchandise of the image of God? Do you not see evidence of blindness, also in the melancholy proof that scarcely any thing renders a minister of the gospel so unpopular, even with the clergy of his own order, as an uncompromising war upon the prevailing sin of his own age, his own country, and especially his own church? Have we not fallen upon “the last days,” the “perilous times,” predicted by Paul, when men shall be lovers of themselves?” (2 Timothy 1:2.) When I look at the present state of things in churches of our own, as well as other denominations—the chain of caste that separates the poor from the rich—the practice of selling the most eligible seats in the house of God, often to wicked men, for the sake of their support, and crowding the pious poor into some obscure place—the odium of color—the love of office—the desire of titles and distinction, which a Baptist would have spurned fifty years ago—the smiting of fellow-servants for an honest differance of opinion—the artifice resorted to to raise monies for religious purposes—the neglect to discipline opulent and influential church members, for offences for which the powerless widow and friendless orphan are excluded—the ministerial obsequiousness to public opinion, in regard to both morals and manners—the fashionable dissipation—the sectarian feeling and denominational pride which is substituted for pure charity and holy emulation—the covetousness, selfishness, worldly mindedness, etc. so prevalent, I would, were it in my power; utter in thunder tones the Savior’s words, “Take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares!” Luke 24:48 to 51. To the incredulous in high places, who seem to regard their popularity as the very breath of life, and who charge with fanaticism, monomania, or a delusion of the devil, their once loved and respected brethren who are now looking for the speedy coming of the Savior, I would kindly address the Master’s interrogation, “How can ye believe which receive honor one of another, and seek not the honor which cometh from God only?” Be careful, my brethren, that ye be not “false accusers.” It is of little consequence to me what use you make of my name, or what letters from “venerable correspondents,” are published and republished, if in the day of the Lord.” I may be “free from the blood of men.” While I freely forgive my brethren who know not what they do, I sincerely thank God for the sweet consciousness I feel, that the acts for which I suffer reproach are the most disinterested and self denying of my life. HST April 10, 1844, page 74.4

To those who believe the end is nigh:—Dear brethren, be watchful—be prayerful—be humble—be holy;—believe all that God has spoken—do all that he has commanded;—breathe a spirit of kindness to all—avoid the spirit of controversy—pray and labor for the salvation of sinners;—fix not your faith on March or April, but on the Jewish year 1843; which should it prove to be the civil instead of the sacred year, may extend to September. [original illegible] be instantly and constantly ready, as we have no assurance of another day. We have evidently entered upon the last year of prophetic time—and can see nothing beyond but the eternal state. The prophetic periods, the signs of the Savior’s coming, and the end of the world blaze around us, and bid us trim our lamps, gird our loins, be sober and hope to the end. HST April 10, 1844, page 75.1

Dear impatient reader,—receive a friendly warning; it may be the last.—You may soon hear the trump of God, see the dead in Christ arise, feel the earth tremble beneath your feet, and behold the Judge descending from the parting skies! And should the time seem to have passed away, and, Belshazzar-like, you should spread the bachanalian feast, deride our hope, and insult our God, your triumph will be short:—The song of revelry soon will cease—the voice of mirth be heard no more forever—the chilling horror will suddenly seize upon you—the sheltering rocks will not protect you—the falling mountains will not hide you—the firey stream will not spare you—the wail of anguish will not relieve you—Nor gushing tears—nor Mercy’s name—nor bleeding Lamb,—will then avail you! “Now is the accepted time—now is the day of salvation.” Now, while the last tide may be ebbing—while the last sand may be falling—fly to Jesus—swiftly fly—your sins confess—for mercy plead—while He is on the mercy-seat. HST April 10, 1844, page 75.2

Your unworthy servant for Jesus’ sake,
Elon Galusha.

Our Hope. 9


“It is generally agreed,” says Rollin, in his reflections on the prophecies of Daniel, (see Rol. Anc. Hist, in 4 vols. vol. 1, p. 352,) “that these two visions, the one of the image composed of different metals, the other of the four beasts that came up out of the sea, signified so many different monarchies, which were to succeed one another, were to be successively destroyed by each other, and were all to give place to the Eternal empire of Jesus Christ, for whom alone they had subsisted. (‘Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name.”) It is also agreed, that these four monarchies were those of the Babylonians, of the Persians and Medes united of the Macedonians, and of the Romans. This is plainly demonstrated by the very order of their succession.” HST April 10, 1844, page 75.3

He also says, (ib. p. 351,) “That in the third year of Cyrus, in the first month of that year, Daniel gave himself up to mourning and fasting for three weeks together. He was then near the River Tigris, in Persia. (Observe that this occurred after the dominion of the first beast, Babylon, was taken away.) When this time of fasting was ended, he saw the vision concerning the succession of the kings of Persia, the empire of the Macedonians, and the conquests of the Romans. This revelation is related in the tenth, eleventh and twelfth chapters of the prophecies of Daniel.” HST April 10, 1844, page 75.4

But did Daniel see this succession, and this order? Himself may answer.—“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever; for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.” HST April 10, 1844, page 75.5

To return, here are admissions, coming, as they do, from so distinguished a historian, and himself a catholic, that well deserve our particular attention. He adds in a note, to be sure, that “some interpreters, instead of the Romans, put the kings of Syria and Egypt, Alexander’s successors.” But, mark the expression. “It is generally agreed, “It is also agreed,” standing out in bold relief, with an interpretation fully corroborated from Scripture and history, both ecclesiastical and profane, then say whether such concessions do not serve to render other expositions altogether paradoxical. HST April 10, 1844, page 75.6

“After this I saw in the night visions and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible and strong EXCEEDINGLY.” Daniel 7:7. “And out of one of them came forth a little horn which waxed EXCEEDING great.” Daniel 8:9. So did not Antiochus [Epiphanes] says Sir Isaac Newton, “His kingdom, on the contrary, was weak, and tributary to the Romans.” As an evidence of this, read the suppliant request of Antiochus the great, suing the Romans for peace for which his son (Antiochus Epiphanes) was given in hostage. “You have always” said he to them; “pardoned with greatness of mind, the kings and nations you have conquered. How much more should you be induced to do this, after a victory which gives you the empire of the world! Vol. 4, pp. 70, 71. And so it proved—a prelude to universal empire. HST April 10, 1844, page 75.7

Nearly two centuries from this, and at the time of the birth of our Savior, “a-decree went forth from Augustus Casar that all the world should be taxed.” HST April 10, 1844, page 75.8

Says the celebrated Gibbon, in relation to the Roman empire in the Age of the Antoninies, rising a century later, “The empire of the Romans filled the world!” (See Hist. Dec. and Fall of the Roman Emp. in 4 vols. vol. 1, p. 49.) HST April 10, 1844, page 75.9

Thus we find Rome as distinctly symbolized by the fourth beast, as were the three preceding empires by the three first beasts; so that we need not disturb the ashes of either of the kings of Syria, or of Egypt, in order to find a kingdom strong exceedingly, or exceeding great. HST April 10, 1844, page 75.10

We have adduced the foregoing extracts and make these suggestions to show on what a pedestal our faith rests, relative to the Second Coming of Christ as being near; and we might fill pages with similar reasons. But arguments have been spread broad-cast before the public, sufficient, it seems, to convince every unprejudiced mind that the doctrine is not merely the romantic project of a few visionaries, but is founded on the “more sure word of prophecy,” which is in regular and progressive fulfilment. But that it is, in the main, the revival of the Apostolic doctrine, as taught in the primitive church, with the additional light of her experience down to this present time. Yet how much indifference do we see manifested toward this momentous subject by a large majority of the professed Christian community. There are, however, many honorable exceptions among those even, who do not entertain our views, which we might instance, and we trust there be many more. But how painful to witness the sarcasm with which it is treated by the mass of mankind, and how applicable the words of the Apostle Peter, “For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: but the heavens and the earth which are now, by the same word are kept in store reserved, unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. To such the caution of Gamaliel would be equally appropriate as to those who took counsel to slay the apostles, “Refrain from these men, and let them alone; for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to naught: but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found to fight against God.” “Nevertheless,” wrote Paul to Timothy, “the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his.” And one like the appearance of a man, said to Daniel, “At that time thy people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the book.” HST April 10, 1844, page 75.11

Here then we rest on that sacred treasure the Bible!—the Bible!!—“believing all things that are written in the law and the prophets.” And if indeed Rome pagan and papal be symbolized by the fourth beast, and other emblems in the prophecies in Daniel, and in the Revelation, then the conclusion must be inevitable, that days in those prophecies indicate years, and are to be so reckoned, which Prof. Stuart admits to have been almost a universal custom. If so, then history must bring us near the time when “the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even forever and ever.” When “the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever.” HST April 10, 1844, page 75.12

The Roman Empire has been divided, as ten kingdoms have arisen from it in the West, some of which are still remaining. The little horn, in which were eyes like the eyes of man, or papal dominion, has come up among them, before whom three fell. This is still standing—while the saints have been given into his hand for a time, and times and the dividing of time, (see Edict. of Justinian.) So what remains is, for the beast to be slain and his body destroyed and given to the burning flames. In the beginning of the sixth century, (about A. D. 508,) the Roman Pontiff, to whom the name of Pope was then appropriated, claimed dominion both in heaven and earth, and had been declared in a [original illegible] be pure from all sin and exempt from all judgment. (See Gibbon’s Rome, vol. 3. p. 14.) Here was the foundation of that enormous power which the popes acquired, now laid, says the learned and judicious Dr. Mosheim. HST April 10, 1844, page 75.13

Again, commencing with the vision, the 2300 days must have nearly expired, when the king of fierce countenance shall be broken without hand. “No doubt,” says Dr. Scott, “The end of the two thousand three hundred days or years is not very distant.” HST April 10, 1844, page 75.14

And again, in accordance with those interpretations, the Man of Sin has been revealed, the son of perdition, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. Ennodius, that infamous and extravagant flatterer of Pope Symmachus, maintained that the Pontiff was constituted judge in the place of God, which he filled as the vicegerent of the Most High. (See Gibbon’s Rome, vol. 3. p. 6. A. D. 507 or 508; see also Mosheim’s Church Hist vol. 1. p. 102.) HST April 10, 1844, page 75.15

And still another, Babylon the great the mother of harlots and abomination of the earth has been drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. (See book of Martyrs.) In the 13th century Pierre dean d’Olive, a famous Franciscan, affirmed boldly that the church of Rome was represented by the “Whore of Babylon, the mother of harlots,” whom St. John beheld sitting upon a scarlet colored beast. (ib. p. 358.) But how deplorable her fate: “And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and cast it into the sea, saying, thus with violence shall that great city, Babylon, be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.” HST April 10, 1844, page 75.16

Such, therefore, has been the application of the prophecies of Daniel, Paul and John, by the most eminent divines for centuries—and we living at the point of termination. Here the rays of divine light, refracted by the lenses of prophecy, seem about converging to a focus. Thus, whether correct calculations have been made as to time, that faithful chronicler, or whether our chronological tables shall prove erroneous, (as some of them must,) we are admonished to be “Looking for, and hasting unto the coming of the great day of God.” For “the great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly.” Hence opposition comes too late. Heaven and earth, said our Savior, shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away.” “Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven.” “Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:13. HST April 10, 1844, page 75.17

To conclude, we would just add, (our sheet being full) that while we have given the subject an impartial examination, the fabled idea of a temporal Millennium with its accompanying hypothesis, the return of the Jews, etc. has, like the morning vapor, vanished from the mind.—While the glorious truth of the pre-millennial Advent, and speedy return of the Son of man has shone into our understandings, as the sweet psalmist of Israel said, like the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. We would here tender our grateful acknowledgements for the aid we have received in our investigations from the Second Advent Library, and that faithful Expositor of Prophecy, the Signs of the Times, now entitled the Advent Herald. May its conductors continue to Herald forth the glorious news or the coming of the Just One till He appear. HST April 10, 1844, page 75.18

R. Garland.
Barnstead, N. H. March 4, 1844.

Advent Herald & Reporter


The Lord is at Hand.”

BOSTON, APRIL 10, 1844.

All communications for the Advent Herald, or orders for Books or remittances, should be directed to “J. V. Himes, Boston, Mass,” post paid. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.1

Post Masters are authorized by the Post Office Department to forward free of expense all orders for, or to discontinue publications, and also money to pay for the same HST April 10, 1844, page 76.2

Subscribers’ names with the State and Post Office should be distinctly given when money is forwarded. Where the Post Office is not given, we are liable to misdirect the paper, or credit to the wrong person, as there are often several of the same name, or several Post Offices in the same town. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.3



I.—The word of God teaches that this earth is to be regenerated, in the restitution of all things, and restored to its Eden state as it came from the hand of its Maker before the fall, and is to be the eternal abode of the righteous in their resurrection state. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.4

II—The only Millenium found in the word of God, is the 1000 years which are to intervene between the first and second resurrections, as brought to view in the 20th of Revelations. And the various portions of Scripture which are adduced as evidence of such a period in time, are to have their fulfilment only in the New Earth, where in dwelleth righteousness. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.5

III—The only restoration of Israel yet future, is the restoration of the Saints to the New Earth, when the Lord my God shall come, and all his saints with him. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.6

IV.—The signs which were to precede the coming of our Savior, have all been given; and the prophecies have all been fulfilled but those which relate to the coming of Christ, the end of this world, and the restitution of all things. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.7

V.—There are none of the prophetic periods, as we understand them, extending beyond the [Jewish] year 1843. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.8

The above we shall ever maintain as the immutable truths of the word of God, and therefore, till our Lord come, we shall ever look for his return as the next event in historical prophecy. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.9

The Methodists also on the road to German Neology


Alas for the followers of those tried Adventists, Wesley and Fletcher! Could those worthies arise from their graves, and mingle with those who call themselves by their names, they would doubtless blush for the degeneracy of their followers; and for the now hetrodoxy of their own faith, would be silenced or excommunicated by them. The standard writers of the Methodist church were true to the Protestant interpretations of the prophecies, and were looking to about this time for the consummation. But, now, how changed! Dr. Bond, the official mouth piece of that church, the editor of the Advocate and Journal, in speaking of Professor Chase’s Neological views respecting the book of Daniel, says:— HST April 10, 1844, page 76.10

“We entreat our readers not to take the alarm (1) at the title of this book. The writer does not pretend to prophecy, (2) nor has the least squinting toward any of the “Millerisms” (3) of the day. Yet, if his views in regard to the prophecies of Daniel be correct, the LONG ESTABLISHED OPINION that the Roman empire is the fourth kingdom of the prophet, must GIVE WAY to the more successful researches (4) of Dr. Chase. Some other opinions, which have been thought to be settled BEYOND DOUBT, are TERRIBLY SHAKEN. We confess we are STAGGERED (5) though not overthrown. We must read again, and compare our author’s views and arguments with Rollin and the commentators whom we have followed. This we must do, but we confess with a strong misgiving that we shall have to YIELD our conviction to this little book (6.) We ADVISE all who are curious in such matters to get a copy without delay. It is not often that we can say there is SOMETHING NEW in the prophecies, and at the name time PROBABLY TRUE.” (7) HST April 10, 1844, page 76.11

Notes on the Above


1. This call upon Methodists not to be alarmed at an allusion to the book of Daniel, shows a sad state of feeling among them in reference to that book. It is a well known historical fact, that the Jewish Rabbins prohibited the reading of the book of Daniel, and anathematised those who should attempt to count the 70 weeks, lest the truth of Christ’s first Advent might be thereby proved. Was not that an admission, that the proof of Christianity was there? And what is the matter now with our brethren in reference to the book of Daniel, that they are so fearful of exciting alarm by alluding to it, and are so grateful for “Remarks,” showing there are no “Millerisms” there? Do they mean to take the same position on the Second Advent, that the Jews did respecting the first? HST April 10, 1844, page 76.12

2. Who does? Not Mr. Miller surely. He leaves such matters to the inspired penman, and to such modern prophets as have predicted that we should either extend our time, or turn infidels and burn our Bibles. He is content to rely on the Scriptures as God has given them to us. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.13

3. No one will accuse Professor Chase of that. German Neology, and the “foundation of Millerism”—the principles of interpretations of the standard Protestant Commentators are as unlike, as the regard of the founders of Methodism for the prophecies and that of thealarm” of Dr. Bond. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.14

4. Oh! These researches we intend to show up, shortly. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.15

5. When we see men who occupy the position of Dr. Bond, “staggered” in their faith in “the long established opinion that the Roman empire is the fourth kingdom of the prophet,” and “terribly shaken” in “other opinions, which have been thought to be settled beyond a doubt,” so as “to give way” to such “researches” as those of Dr. Chase, we are reminded of the words of the prophet Isaiah 29:9-16, “Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes; the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath be covered. And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he said, I cannot; for it is sealed: And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: Therefore behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. We unto them that seek deep to hide their council from the Lord, and their works are in the dark, and they say, who seeth us? and who knoweth us? Surely your turning of thing upside down shall be esteemed as the porter’s clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?” HST April 10, 1844, page 76.16

6. This must be considered as an evidence of the approach of Dr. Bond’s Millennium:—the Watchmen are truly seeing eye to eye. But what a millennium!—a Millennium of Neology sweetly blending with “the spirit of martyrs,” who went to the prison and the stake, “settled beyond a doubt” in the “long established opinion” to which Dr. Bond is about to “give way”!! But stop. We must not “prophecy.” For Daniel never dreamed of a millennium of any kind, according to the “Remarks” of “Dr. Chase.” These are as fatal to the hopes of Dr Bond, at, they are to “Millerism.” Nay, the whole period surveyed by Daniel, did not include time enough for a millennium. By the way, brother Bond, where shall we find you when we get ready to “come back?” HST April 10, 1844, page 76.17

7. Thus it is with the opposers of the advent, when every argument is wrested from them, by which they attempt to overthrow the “glaring incontinences” of Millerism, they then abandon the ground, so long occupied by the Christian church, as a true exposition of prophecy—ground on which the master spirits of antiquity have met the pretensions of infidelity, with such unparalleled success. Still, such tampering with the word of God, does not prevent the stream of time from rolling on, or the filling up of the last link in the chain of prophecy. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.18

The Restoration of the Kingdom


“Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God even the Father, when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall he destroyed it death. For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that lie is excepted which did put all things under him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that Go I may be all in all.” 1 Corinthians 15:24-28. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.19

What is “THE KINGDOM” here spoken of, which is to be delivered up to God the Father? HST April 10, 1844, page 76.20

This has been in some respects an obscure portion of scripture; and has received various interpretations. It is supposed by some to denote our Savior’s meditorial office. But there are objections to such an exposition, inasmuch as there is, 1st, no evidence that he will ever relinquish that office: not that he will ever continue to make intercession for sinners, for that work will necessarily cease; but that his relation to the redeemed as the connecting link between them and the Father, which is the result of his mediatorial office, may continue forever. A second objection is, that his mediatorial office is nowhere in the Scriptures called a kingdom, and much less the kingdom; and cannot therefore be “the kingdom,” spoken of in our text. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.21

Others argue that as God raised Christ “from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come, and hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the church, which is his body,” (Ephesians 1:20-52;) that he will deliver up to the Father this exaltation, and receive instead thereof only the government of the New Earth. But to this view there are more objections than the other. There is no evidence that Christ will ever surrender any of his power or glory, or that he will ever cease to be exalted “far above all principality and power.” It is written of Christ, Psalm 110:1, “Sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool.” But the truth there inculcated, is not that he will then cease to have dominion over his enemies, but that he will surely reign until his enemies are all subjected. So in our text, when it is said “he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet,” it does not follow that then he will then cease to reign; but rather that then it will be uninterrupted. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.22

Again, the present exaltation of the Savior is not spoken of in the Scriptures as “THE KINGDOM.” This kingdom is evidently some particular kingdom, or it would not be spoken of as something well understood; and therefore must denote the same kingdom spoken of in the same phraseology in other places. Thus Daniel says, 7:18, 27, “The saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom,” “and the kingdom under the whole heaven,” etc. Our Savior says, Matthew 25:34, “Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom;” and Luke 12:32, “It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom;” and John heard “great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ.” This kingdom, it would seem, then, is the kingdom referred to in the passage under consideration. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.23

But, says the objector, when the end cometh, the kingdom in the text is to be resigned into the Father’s hands, while Christ will then receive the kingdom of the earth; so that the two cannot be the same. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.24

This in the only objection to the view here presented, and evidently rests upon a misconstruction of the phrase “shall have delivered up.” According to Dr. Webster, the definition of deliver, is, 1. “To free, to release as from restraint, to set at liberty.” 2. “To rescue, or save;” and 3. “To give or transfer.” And such, according to Professor Mills, is the original. “To surrender, to yield, to give up, so resign,” is only a 4th definition of the word. When the kingdom shall have been delivered up to the Father, then, according to the literal import of the word, it will be rescued from the prince of the power of the air by our Savior, and restored to its rightful owner, to whom Christ will then as now be still subject. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.25

When God created the world, it was all very good; but the kingdom of this earth apostatised from its rightful Sovereign, and, for 6000 years, has been in a state of rebellion: it is a revolted kingdom. But God has made provision for its restoration. Co-evil with the commencement of the Serpent’s reign, the promise was given that the seed of the woman should bruise his head; and all the prophets have spoken of the restoration of this earth to its Eden state under Emmanuel’s reign. Christ has suffered in his own person the consequences of the fall, has paid the price of the revolted province with his own blood, was manifested to destroy all the works of the devil, and will ultimately redeem the purchased possession. His first victory over the prince of darkness was when he brake the bands of death, and arose the first fruits of those that slept, when he came off conquering and to conquer, ascended on high, and took his seat at the right hand of his Father, far above all principality and power, and might, and dominion, where he will reign until he shall put all enemies under his feet, shall rescue the kingdom from the hands of the Usurper, and restore it to his Father, who will then place his Son its King, upon the holy hill of Zion; the heathen having been given to him—his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth—his possession; and the angels having gathered out of his kingdom all things hat offend the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him. HST April 10, 1844, page 76.26

This may be more clearly seen by the following paraphrase:— 1 Corinthians 15:22-28. The apostle had been just speaking of the victory which Christ, at his coming, shall obtain over death by the rescue of his people from the power of death, in their glorious resurrection; and having declared the fact of such deliverance, he proceeds. Then [at Christ’s coming] cometh the end, [or consummation, that glorious result to which the promises of God and the hopes of Christians are specially directed,] when he [Christ] shall have delivered up the kingdom [having destroyed all the works of the devil, and rescued it from his dominion] to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all [opposing] rule, and all authority and power. For he [Christ] must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy shall be destroyed—death: for he hath put all things under his [Christ’s] feet. But, when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he [the Father] is exempted which did put all things under him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him [Christ,] then shall the Son also himself [as before, still continue to] be subject unto him [the Father] that put all things under him, that God may [continue to] be all in all.” HST April 10, 1844, page 76.27

The following is Professor Mill’s translation of this passage. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.1

“Then cometh the end, when he shall re-establish the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall subdue all [opposing,] rule and all authority and power: for he must reign until he put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy, death, shall be destroyed; for he [the Father] hath [by decree] subjected all things beneath his feet. But since it is said all things have been subjected, it is plain that He is excepted who did subject all things to him. But when all things shall be [actually] subjected, even then the Son himself shall be subject to Him who did subject all things to him, that God may be all in all.” HST April 10, 1844, page 77.2

Henry Mills D. D. Prof. Bib. Lit. An. Theo. Sem.—Bib. Repos. Vol. 3rd. p. 753. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.3

Eating and drinking with the drunken


Brother Weston informs us that on the evening it was known he would arrive in Enfield, N. H., to commence a course of lectures on the Advent, a noted Infidel determined to have a feast on the occasion He accordingly prepared a sumptuous fare, and invited, 1st the Congregational minister and his right band deacon; 2nd, the Methodist minister, and one of his leading members for a delegate, and 3rd, the Universalist minister, with one of his headmen. Then, to be even with the clergy, the Infidel said he should need a delegate; and accordingly he invited another infidel. These eight sat down to the sumptuous repast, and on separating, the Infidel presented each of the ministers with a large cheese, and three dollars in money, when they parted to the mutual satisfaction of all. Brother Weston saw the Infidel’s delegate the day following, who spake very highly of the feast; he said he never had a better time, they all agreed respecting “Millerism;” he had been rather afraid of the clergy, but he found them a very jolly set of fellows. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.4

Another Feast.—The following is copied from the printed advertisement of a feast at the Congregational church at Webster, on SUNDAY evening, when we are informed six clergymen were present; and also that cake with rings in it was gambled for, and various articles sold at auction, etc. etc.!! HST April 10, 1844, page 77.5



A Social Olio and Ladies’ Fair for the benefit of the Sabbath School, will be held at the Congregational Church in Webster, on SUNDAY, Feb. 19th, at 6 o’clock, P. M. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.6

For the ENTERTAINMENT of the evening. Messrs. Covert and Dodge, the Celebrated Temperance Minstrels, from New York, and JOHN F. COLE, Lecturer from Boston, are engaged to instruct and AMUSE with their Temperance Songs, GLEES, ANECDOTES and Speeches. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.7

Fruit, Refreshments, etc., will be exposed for SALE by the Ladies of the Society, and the Social Post Office will be in operation. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.8

Tickets for admittance 25 cts, which may be obtained at the Webster Post Office, at Dr. K. Stockwell’s Jewelry store, or of either of the Circulating Committee. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.9

Webster, Feb. 13th, 1844. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.10

A brother suggests that as they have begun literally to eat and drink with the drunken: they may literally smite their fellow servants. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.11

To whom it may concern.—A certain person is very anxious to make it appear that this paper was “gotten up” for the sole object of defending a definite time—1843. If he will examine the prospectus of our first Vol. he will find there nothing about the time, but it is expressly stated that it is published, “in order to a full and free discussion of the merits of the question” of Christ’s second coming. In the first number, it is expressly stated that its object “will be to illustrate and explain the prophecies; particularly those which relate to the second coming of Christ.” also that “those who appose his (Mr. Miller’s) system will have, an equal chance to be heard. We shall give both sides, when it is desirable, or when justice requires it.” HST April 10, 1844, page 77.12

In accordance with the above, all the various questions relating to the prophecies have been discussed pro and con in its columns. As a Chronicler of the Signs of the Times, and an expositor of prophecy, it was originated, and such will continue to be its object, so long as it may be needed. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.13

Watchman’s Last Warning


explanation and correction

A correspondent wishes for an explanation of a statement in that sheet on the calculation of Ferguson in determining the date of the death of Christ. The statement is this.—Before the defect in Ferguson’s calculation was discovered the year 33 was considered the true date. It is now otherwise.” The writer asks, “What is that mistake?” It is this. His calculation supposes that the Jews fixed their passover at the time of Christ’s death, by the astronomical process now in use among the Jews. As this was not then in use, the basis of Ferguson’s calculation is wanting, and of course it is defective. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.14

In connection with the above explanation, we wish to correct a mistake in the date of the 7th of Artaxerxes, as exhibited in the diagram on the last page of the Watchman’s Last Warning.” HST April 10, 1844, page 77.15

In adjusting the notations of Ptolemies canon, and the dates of the Nabonassarean era to the Jewish year, and the whole to the mode of reckoning familiar to us, in order to show their bearing upon the commencement and termination of the 2300 years, there were so many points to be carried along together, and the writer having his attention frequently called to his sick family at the time, a mistake of one year occurred in fixing the date of the 7th of Artaxerxes, according to the era and canon. The several points to be considered were these. 1. The difference of one year, on the point at which A. D. begins, between the astronomers and chronologers, (Dr. Hales’ Analysis, vol. i. p. 163.) 2. The exact year of the collected years of the canon, when the reign of Artaxerxes began. 3. The year of the Nabonassarean era, in which that year would fall, and the year B. C., with which it would correspond. And, 4. To ascertain the result of the whole, according to the Julian Period. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.16

The mistake arose from an oversight in the third particular. The Nabonassarean era began B. C. 747. The 7th of Artaxerxes was the 290th of the Nabonassarean era Instead of deducting 290 from 747, it should have been deducted from 748. (See Encycl. Amer. Art. Epoch, Sec. Nabon. Era.) The present arrangement of the diagram makes the 7th of Artaxerxes begin Dec. 16, B. C. 457, and the time of Ezra’s leaving Babylon to be March or April B. C. 456, which is a mistake. The result, however, as exhibited in the diagram, is correct. Any one can see that it takes all of 457 and all of 1843 to make 2300 complete. Just so far, therefore, as the period is supposed to have commenced after the beginning of 457 Julian Period, 4257, the end must fall after the end of A. D. 1843. J. P. 6557. The 7th of Artaxerxes should begin Dec. 16th, B.C. 458, and the departure from Babylon, March or April, B. C. 457. 2300 full years extend to March or April, 1844, as in the diagram. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.17

Our best authorities will not allow us to go beyond the present Spring. And we are not wise to trust any others. If there are authorities which would allow us to look to any definite time in the future, we feel that it would be attended with too much danger to do so. We dare not do it, nor would we encourage others to do it. If the vision tarry, in our estimation, even till those points arrive, we had better be found watching till then, than to relieve ourselves from the sense of responsibility which a momentary expectation of the great event must create. We should beware of any opinions which will allow us to slumber with a view of waking up at some future time. H. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.18

Letter from Mr Miller—his Position


My Dear Brother Himes:—I am now seated at my old desk in my east room. Having obtained help of God until the present time, I am still looking for the Dear Savior, the Son of God from heaven, and for the fulfillment of the promise made to our fathers, and confirmed unto us by them that heard him, that he would come again and would receive unto himself, or gather in one body all the family of the first born in heaven, and earth, even in him. This Paul, has told us, would be in the fullness of times, Ephesians 1:9, 10. The time, as I have calculated it, is now filled up; and I expect every moment to see the Savior descend from heaven. I have now nothing to look for but this glorious hope. I am full in the faith that all prophetic chronology except the 1000 years in the 20th of Rev. is now about full. Whether God designs for me to warn the people of this earth any more, or not, I am at a loss to know: Yet I mean to be governed, if time should continue any longer than I have expected, by the word and providence of Him, who will never err; and in whom I think I have trusted, and been supported during my twelve years arduous labors, in trying to awaken the churches of God, and the Christian community, and to warn my fellow men of the necessity of an immediate preparation to meet our Judge in the day of his appearing. I hope I have cleansed my garments from the blood of souls. I feel that, as far as it was in my power, I have freed myself from all guilt in their condemnation. It is true, but not wonderful, when we become acquainted with the state and corruption of the persent age of the Laodicean church, that I have met with great opposition from the pulpit and professed religious press; and I have been instrumental, through the preaching of the Advent doctrine, of making it quite manifest, that not a few of our theological teachers are Infidels in disguise. I cannot for a moment believe, that denying the resurrection of the body, or the return of Christ to this earth, or of a judgment day yet future, is any the less infidelity now, than it was in the days or infidel France; and yet, who does not know that these things are as common as pulpits and presses are? And which of these questions are not publicly denied in our pulpits and by the writers and editors of the public papers? Surely, we have fallen on strange times. I expected of course the doctrine of Christ’s speedy coming would be opposed by Infidels, blasphemers, drunkards, gamblers and the like; but I did not expect the ministers of the gospel and professors of religion would unite with characters of the above, description, at stores and public places, in rediculing the solemn doctrine of the Second Advent. Many, who were not professors of religion, have affirmed to me these facts, and say they have seen them; and have felt their blood chilled at the sight. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.19

These are some of the effects which are produced by preaching this solemn and soul stirring doctrine, among our Pharisees of the present day. Is it possible that such ministers and members are obeying God, and watching and praying for his glorious appearing, while they join these scoffers in their unholy and ungodly remarks? If Christ does come, where must they appear? and what a dreadful account will they meet in that tremendous hour? But I feel almost confident that my labors are about done, and I am, with a deep interest of soul, looking for my blessed and glorious Redeemer, who will then be King over all the earth, and God with us forever more. This I can truly say is my chief desire. It is my meditation all the day long. It is my song in the night, and my faith and hope, amidst the scenes of this sin-cursed earth. It consoles me in sickness, comforts me in tribulation, and gives me patience to endure the scoffs and tauntings of an ungodly, selfish, and unfeeling world. My faith and confidence in God’s word is as strong as ever; although he has not come in the time I expected. I still believe the time is not far off, and that God will soon, yes, too soon for the proud scoffers, justify himself, his word, and the cry of alarm which has been given through your indefatigable labors, with others whom God has raised up to assist in giving the midnight cry. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.20

I am highly gratified with your present position; if you had gone to criticising words in order to find another time, yet future, men would not have thought you honest in your views, would have lost all confidence in you, and the good you have done would have been neutralized, had you shifted or changed your ground. HST April 10, 1844, page 77.21

You have good, honest and sure ground yet to stand upon; for Christ says, “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that he is near, even at the door.” Now we have lived to see all the signs fulfilled, the time accomplished. “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour, your Lord doth come.” HST April 10, 1844, page 77.22

This is the position I have now to take, and what more work I have to so, will be done in this manner. I will, HST April 10, 1844, page 78.1

I. Prove by Scripture and History that TIME is fulfilled. HST April 10, 1844, page 78.2

II. Show the SIGNS all completed. HST April 10, 1844, page 78.3

III. The duty of WATCHING, for we know not what hour the Lord may come. And if God has any thing more for me to do in his vineyard, he will give me strength, open the door, and enable me to do whatever may be his will, for his glory and the best good for man. HST April 10, 1844, page 78.4

To him I leave the event, for him I watch and pray, saying, “Come Lord Jesus, come quickly. Amen, even so come Lord Jesus.” Wm. Miller. HST April 10, 1844, page 78.5

Low Hampton, March 25, 1844.

Letter from Bro. G. W. Spaulding


Dear Bro. Himes:—For more than ten years I have been a member of the Baptist church in this place, and except necessarily detained, (which was seldom the case,) have been a constant attendant, on all meetings of the church, and can testify that there are now members in good standing in the church, that have not for years been to a communion season or a covenant meeting, neither have they in any sense walked with the church, nor have they presented any satisfactory excuse for neglecting so to do. HST April 10, 1844, page 78.6

In the Autumn of 1842, after many weeks of prayer and study of the Bible, particularly the prophecies, my heart received the doctrine of the speedy coming of Christ; and I felt it my duty to proclaim it, and to warn all of the near approach of the heavenly Bridegroom. Never before was I so conscious of the Power of the Holy Ghost upon my soul, in the proclamation of any truth, as at this time. I felt the Spirit of God witnessing with my spirit, that it was truth; nay, more, that the Holy Ghost gave utterance to it; at the same time my soul was filled “with joy unspeakable and full of glory,” and had I an angel’s voice, I would proclaim to the world, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him.” At this time, the Baptist church not having regular preaching, the meetings on the Sabbath were conducted in the manner of conference. Many of the church being favorable to the doctrine and it being the only meeting in town where the Advent doctrine was tolerated, especially on the Sabbath; the advent brethren from the other churches in town, met with us, and for many weeks we had glorious meetings; the Holy Ghost was poured upon the people, and some souls converted, backsliders reclaimed, and many embraced the blessed doctrine. Thus we continued untill many in the church began to take a decided position against the doctrine, and, as was acknowledged at one of the meetings on the Sabbath, a plan was laid to take up all the time in order to keep out the Advent; which was followed by accusing the advent brethren of infringing upon the rights of the church, and as intruding themselves into their meetings, as the House was expressly for the Baptist Church. HST April 10, 1844, page 78.7

At this juncture the advent brethren quietly retired to a private house, and have since had separate meetings to comfort and exhort one another as the Scriptures require. One thing remarkable, which I wish here to notice is, that not one of the number that have thus regularly met with us has renounced their faith in the speedy coming of Christ, but on the contrary, are being more and more established in it, while the most of those who have remained in the different churches, have entirely abandoned their faith. After being thus thrust out, (which took place about a year since,) it became necessary for myself and wife to decide upon a separation, either from the church, or from the dear brethren and sisters who were looking for, and loving the appearing of Christ. After searching the word of God with much prayer, relying wholly on the Spirit of truth to lead us into all truth, we begun to discover the situation of those churches who reject and oppose our Lord’s coming, and the duty of God’s people in relation to them as found in Luke 14:16-24. Revelation 3:14-22; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. 2 Timothy 3:1-6, 7, 8. 4:3, 4. We at length decided to withdraw all connection from the church. Accordingly we wrote them to this effect in July last, stating our reasons for so doing. The September following, a committee was appointed by the church to visit us; but it was not until November or December that they attended upon the duty assigned them, and even then they did not visit my wife, but I accidentally met them, at which time they made known to me the desire of the church as follows. The church desire that you would be present at their next meeting on the Friday following, and inform them whether you still persisted in your withdrawal, and if so, to give them any further reasons for so doing that you may think proper. HST April 10, 1844, page 78.8

I asked the Committee if this was all that the church desired; they assured me that it was. I accordingly was present at the meeting, and stated to the church that I came at the request of their committee to comply with the above desire; after being told by the church that the above was the object and the only object of the commitee, I proceeded to give them more minutely my reasons for withdrawing from them, at the same time renewing the withdrawal. Neither the committee nor the church at this or any other time previous, preferred any charges against us or “remonstrated” with us in relation to our course, or any doctrines that we had cherished nor did they even intimate anything of the kind, but on the contrary they told me in the meeting above alluded to, that the church would have nothing to do towards dissolving the connection, saying that they could fellowship us, and that they had no desire that we should leave them. The next information we had from the church, was the following letter. HST April 10, 1844, page 78.9

“Brother and sister Spaulding.—As you have long since neglected to walk with the church, and have given your influence to establish and sustain meetings not approved of by the Scriptures, and have embraced and advocated doctrines which are not acknowledged by us as a church nor by the Baptist Denomination in general, and as you have long since withdrawn all connection with us as members of the church. After having remonstrated with you in vain, we have at length performed the painful duty of withdrawing fellowship from you. By order and in behalf of the Church. Hermon Brown. Clerk. HST April 10, 1844, page 78.10

New Ipswich, Feb. 2nd, 1844.” HST April 10, 1844, page 78.11

And now let me entreat all the people of God in the name of my Master to “Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and will receive you, and will be a father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty,” 2 Corinthians 6:17, 18. Yours in the Blessed Hope, HST April 10, 1844, page 78.12

J. W. Spaulding.
New Ipswich March 11th, 1844.

Letter from Bro. Thomas Smith


Dear Brother:—Since the session of the Annual Conference of the M. E. Church at Bath, I have had doubts of the propriety of Adventists remaining in that body, who not effecting their purpose of convicting the advent brethren by argument, of their wrong opinions, passed resolutions condemning Millerism in all its modifications, as erroneous and strange doctrines contrary to God’s word, thus by superiority of number carried what they could not by Bible arguments to prove the Millerites heretics. This may satisfy many who do not examine for themselves, but for the thinking, careful Bible reader, there must be some other arguments than resolutions passed by men to convince Adventists that their principles are “contrary to God’s word, erroneous and strange.” HST April 10, 1844, page 78.13

Of the truth of these principles I have no doubt; they are, I do believe, most heartily, God’s eternal truths. Behind these truths I plant myself, with heart, eyes, and hands uplifted to God, praying for the wisdom from above, which is pure, peaceable, and easy to be in treated, while at the same time I say to my brethren, “what I know not, teach thou me.” I am expecting that the end of all things is at hand, and under the conviction of this truth, I have withdrawn from the M. E. Church and ministry, in whose communion I have lived for more than 23 years, and have been an accredited preacher among them 20 years. I have thus, with a large family, given up all, and the principle means by which my family were supported; but my trust is in the living God, who has said, “I will never leave nor forsake thee.” I am now engaged in proclaiming the coming of the Lord at hand, and wish for all the assistance I can obtain to effect this purpose in the best and most successful way possible. I am living in the vicinity where Bro. T. M. Preble lectured the last spring. The lamps of many burn dim. I wish to afford them assistance in trimming them anew. Vienna, ME. Feb. 27, 1844. HST April 10, 1844, page 78.14

Bro. S Milton, p.m. at Yorkville, S.C. writes—We have but few Second Advent believers in this section, and those few appear unwilling openly to avow their principles without being able to vindicate them. HST April 10, 1844, page 78.15

If we had a good lecturer or two, I have no doubt but great good might be done through their instrumentality. The people are ignorant of the doctrines and principles held by the Adventists, having seen and heard nothing but what comes from their opposers, and this, you know, is always unfavorable, as well as untrue. The people will not go to the expense and trouble of procuring publications to give them light on the subject, but if they were put into their hand, I have no doubt but what they would read them: HST April 10, 1844, page 78.16

I feel persuaded, that, if we had some persons well qualified to give lectures on the subject, that they would be well attended, and through the blessing of God, much good might be done—Could you not spare some one to come to the south and sound the alarm! I am aware that they, would meet with much opposition, but let them come prepared for it and God will defend his own truth. If such an one should come to our village, I invite him to make my house his home, during his stay, and one of our churches will be opened for his reception. HST April 10, 1844, page 78.17

We have one preacher in our district, who has been examining the doctrine for nearly a year, and has adopted the greater part of them, but does not feel himself qualified to enter on their discussion in the public assemblies; but I venture the opinion, that it will not be long (if time continue) before he will not only believe them, but will preach them. HST April 10, 1844, page 78.18

S. Melton.

Letter from Bro. David Bates


Br. Bliss:—We are living in an awful interesting period of the world’s history, the last signs are fulfilling before our eyes, the wicked are doing wickedly, evil men and seducers wax worse, deceiving and being deceived. We are witnessing fulfilled to the very letter the events spoken of by Paul to Timothy, that in the last days perilous times should come, for men should be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded. lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, having a form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof, from such the word of God tell us to turn away. Peter tells us, that there shall come in the last days, scoffers walking after their own lusts. HST April 10, 1844, page 78.19

Never was there a time when scoffers and mockers were more bold than at the present time; so we know that it is the last time.—Another awful sign of the last day, is that evil servant saying, my Lord delayeth his coming, and smiting his fellow servants, and eating and drinking with the drunken, and crying peace, when God hath not spoken peace. With these evidences before us, we must be aware that we are on the last point of time. We shall soon drop the last tear, and utter the last sigh for our friends. We shall soon for the last time gather the little circle around the alter and bow in solemn devotion at the foot of the cross on probation ground. But, praise Jesus, the clouds will soon, very soon reveal the Savior, the trumpet will sound, the dead in Christ will come forth, and we which are alive and remain shall be brought up together with them to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we be ever with the Lord. Ah, what a day, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, parents and children, will be parted to meet no more for ever. May the few moments that remain be spent in girding on the whole armor and sounding the cry, Behold he cometh, for soon he that shall come, will come and will not tarry, and may we be able to say, Lo, this is our God, for we have waited for him. Yours, in the blessed hope. David Bates. HST April 10, 1844, page 78.20

Blanford, March 8, 1844.

Letter from. Bro. J. Linfest


Dear Bro. Himes:—Having closed up my labors in this place, I hasten to give you a short account of what I have done since I have been engaged in this work. I have, by the help of the Lord, supplied from seven to eight hundred vessels with publicacations on the subject of Christ’s speedy coming; and I have the pleasure to say, that with a very few exceptions, they have been received with marked gratitude and kindness. The most of those vessels, were bound to many different ports, not only in our own country, but to almost every part of the known world. There the light and truth will. I trust, be carried to many precious souls that otherwise would not receive it. Not only are seamen thus supplied, but, should time continue a little longer, many in the islands of the sea will be supplied with more light on this subject. That they HST April 10, 1844, page 78.21



1. A-wake, ye, a-wake! For the midnight cry is sound-ing, Awake, ye, awake! For be-hole the
Bridegroom cometh! Awake, ye, a-wake! Let your lampsbe trim’d and
burn-ing! A-wake, ye, awake! awake, awake!
HST April 10, 1844, page 79.1

2. Rejoice ye, rejoice!
For the night is now departing,
Rejoice ye, rejoice!
For behold the Bridegroom cometh;
Rejoice ye, rejoice!
For Redemption draweth nigh;
Rejoice ye, rejoice!
Rejoice, for joy!
HST April 10, 1844, page 79.2

have a desire to have light on this subject, the following incident will show. Not long since, a bro. was conversing with a sea-captain who did not believe in the Second Advent doctrine; but in the course of the conversation he remarked that as he was passing an island, his ship was boarded by the natives: and, said he, the fools asked me if I had any Advent tracts on board. Now, had he been in possession of Advent tracts, although he cared nothing about them himself, and considered them fools, yet he would gladly have supplied them, and thus these poor natives would have received light and comfort. HST April 10, 1844, page 79.3

I have supplied the receiving ship North Carolina, laying at Brooklyn. She has on board from 700 to 800 men; many of them appeared anxious to receive Second Advent works, and I trust that among all the seed sown, some will fall on good ground, and will spring up and bear fruit. HST April 10, 1844, page 79.4

I would here, in behalf of my brother seamen, make a grateful acknowledgment to the brethren and friends in Watertown, Boston, and vicinity, not only for their kindness to me personally, but for their liberality in helping me forward in this undertaking; and I trust, by the blessing of God, that much good will be done by their efforts to spread light and truth among this neglected class of people. HST April 10, 1844, page 79.5

I have also been liberally supplied with books and tracts at the office in this city; and every facility has been afforded me for forwarding my labors among seamen. I am now prepared to distribute nearly 5000 packages, besides others that are intended for the poor slave. May the Lord bless the efforts in behalf of the poor and down-trodden. HST April 10, 1844, page 79.6

I expect to start for Philadelphia this week; and after supplying the shipping there, should time continue, I shall go on to Baltimore and supply that port. HST April 10, 1844, page 79.7

But the cry is now, “your time has failed—your reckoning is up.” Well, suppose that it is? is that a reason why we should give up our faith, and cease to look for the Redeemer? As well might the seaman, when on a lee shore, and his trail bark about to be dashed on a reel of rocks, give up his sheet anchor, as for the Second Advent believers to give up this blessed hope. The doctrine of the resurrection and the coming of Christ, is, and ever has been the sheet anchor of the christian. Take this away from him, and you leave him on the wide ocean of time without a ray of hope, or a beam of light to shine across his path. With the primitive christians it was the very pith and marrow of religion, and good men, in every age of the world, have looked forward to the coming of Christ, and the resurrection, as the consummation of all their hopes. They lived in this hope, and they were gathered to their fathers in this hope,—fully expecting to have a part in the first resurrection, and go in and possess the inheritance that is laid, up for the Saints of the Most High. HST April 10, 1844, page 79.8

Shall we, knowing as we do, from the signs of the times and the prophetic periods, that we are standing upon the last crumbling verge of time, shall we give up the hope and join a scoffing world? HST April 10, 1844, page 79.9

Shall we, after having passed all the main lights and land-marks, as laid down on our charts, and when we are are on soundings, and about to make the heavenly port, shall we give up this hope and turn back? God forbid; for he says that if any man turn back, his soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of those that turn back, but of those that believe to the saving of their souls. HST April 10, 1844, page 79.10

Our confidence in God and his word remains unshaken, and we confidently expect, that at the end of 2300 days, our Savior will come and take his weary people home. At the time appointed the end shall be; if the vision tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come; it will not tarry.—Yours in the hope of soon making the heavenly port. J. Linfest. HST April 10, 1844, page 79.11

New-York, March, 1844.

Extract of a Letter from Bro. Park


Dear Bro. Bliss:—Now is the time to try our faith. The time, I believe, is run out, or about out, which we are to expect the Lord. He is not to come till the days are all numbered; at the end of the days he will come; but how long after the end I do not pretend to say; but this I think we must do;—that is, we ought to look more diligent to our ways, examine our hearts, and see whether we are ready to meet our Lord, and be judged according to the deeds done in the body. Though our Lord should tarry, let us wait with patience, let us be found faithful unto the end, and we shall be saved. Let us not turn back and say we have been deceived; let us not despise that sure word of God which will never fail, but let us cling to the promises that it contains. If the last unfulfilled prophecy does not take place at the time that we expected, let us not give it up, but cling the closer to it; because it will come; and when it does come, may we be found awake, with our lamps trimmed and burning, waiting for him. HST April 10, 1844, page 79.12

I hope that none of the Advent brethren and sisters do as the foolish virgins did,—because they did not see him as soon as they expected him. Consider their fate. Our fate will be like theirs, if we give up watching. Off, my beloved brethren and sisters, can any of you be so wicked as to give up this glorious promise of eternal life, for the awful doom of eternal death. Let us see that our faith is strengthened daily and hourly. Let us grow stronger and stronger; we shall soon see him coming in the clouds of heaven. He is trying our faith to see if we are sincere in looking for him; trying us to see whether our love is sufficient to hold out unto the end. Let us consider these things: let us gird on the armor of God; let us be constantly lost in the waters of salvation, and overwhelmed in the ocean of his love. I. C. Park. HST April 10, 1844, page 79.13

Fitzwilliams, March; 1844.

Letter from bro. G. W. Kinney


Bro. Himes:—The Signs of the Times have been a source of great light and deep meditation on the Scriptures, to me. I have read them with a full conviction of the truth they advocate, and have endeavored to exhibit to all as I have had opportunity, both in public and private, the necessity of a preparation for that day. I have distributed my papers, as fast as I have read them, far and near, to friends and foes; and in so doing have gained many enemies, even in my own neighborhood, and among professors who are perseveringly faithful to slander me, and try to kill my influence. To know that a man or woman is a Millerite, or second adventist, is enough to make him a fool in the eyes of almost this entire community; they are exposed to all manner of ridicule in public and private, although the Bible says—whosoever privily slandereth his neighbor him will I cut off, and whoso hateth his brother is a murderer; and we know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. 1 John 3:15. James tells us that if any man among us seemeth to he religious, and bridleth not his tongue, that man’s religion is vain. But where the word of eternal truth does not influence the daily walk of those who profess faith in it, we cannot expect it will their conversation. O how much unbridled religion at this age, and how it sickens a real devoted disciple of Jesus to see the channel in which the different sects move, trying to excel each other; the minister must come out of some one of the theological institutions of the day, and he must preach regular Orthodox doctrine according to those institutions, or he is unpopular for the times. And then he must be honored with a great salary, a fine meeting-house well ornamented with cushions and carpets, with an organ and other instrumental music, and thus the house is completed for the popular minister, and a polite congregation to enter and worship God. O, what mockery! what a picture presented when contrasted with the primitive order of things; to me, such a church as this presents itself as an inexpressible stench in the nostrils of the Almighty. Does not such a church better compare with the woman that rode on the scarlet colored beast. And the worst of all is, they are mostly insensible of their deplorable condition, and refuse to be apprised of their danger. HST April 10, 1844, page 79.14

O that she would hear the voice of the angel of the covenant, saying, come out of her my people, be ye not partakers of her sins, that ye receive not of her plagues. The time is short that the bride has to make herself ready. We know that Christ is near even at the door. How emphatical was the language of our Savior, when ye see all these things come to pass, know that the end is near, etc. If it be enquired, what things? the very things spoken of in the 24th chapter of Matthew, the darkening of the sun and moon, the falling of the stars, the powers of heaven shall be shaken, etc. These things have all taken place before the eyes of this generation. I witnessed the falling stars on the morning of November 13th, 1833, hail, snow, or rain never fell faster. HST April 10, 1844, page 79.15

These things must be regarded as the fulfillment of prophecy, and those who do but pass them by, saying, they referred to Jerusalem, must lack faith in the word of God, and without faith it is impossible to please God, for whatever is not of faith is sin. But nevertheless, (says Jesus) shall I find faith on earth when I come. Yours, in the strong confidence of the next approach of the Son of man. George W. Kinney. Potsdam, N. Y. Feb. 7th, 1844. HST April 10, 1844, page 79.16

The Fall of Babylon


Had these fearful predictions been known to the Babylonians, they would doubtless have appeared so improbable, that they would have been regarded with the same unbelief and indifference as the men of this age do commonly regard the still more fearful judgments which are about to fall upon those nations mentioned under the expressive name of Babylon, which have been, and are now, what Babylon once was—persecutors of the Lord’s people, both Jews and Christians. For, speaking of times yet future, it is said, “And great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.” HST April 10, 1844, page 80.1

The heavy judgments thus utttered, and which in their primary application have respect to Babylon of old, were not only threatened, but to the very letter were executed; although, “if ever there was a city that seemed to bid defiance to any predictions of its fall, that city was Babylon.” Its walls were 300 feet in height, 87 in breadth, and by the lowest computation 48 miles in compass. It had a hundred brazen gates; immense embankments to restrain the river Euphrates, which ran through the midst of it; many fertile fields; and provisions for twenty years. “Its beauty, strength, and grandeur; its walls, temples, palaces, and hanging gardens, and other embellishments, are described with such pomp and magnificence by heathen authors, that it might deservedly be reputed one of the wonders of the world.” It was “the glory “of kingdoms; the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency;” “the golden city;” and, like the old world before the deluge, or like Sodom and Gomorrah before they were destroyed by fire, it rested in perfect security. Its boast was, “I shall be a lady for ever.... I am, and none else beside me: I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children.” HST April 10, 1844, page 80.2

Nevertheless, when the time was arrived which God by the mouth of his prophet had foretold—although it did appear improbable; although it was not believed: although Babylon was resting in strength and security; and, as Daniel said to Nebuchadnezzar, in that fatal night when the city was taken, “the God in whose hand thy breath is and whose are all thy ways, thou hast not glorified;”—yet, when the seventy years had expired, by means of an unexampled military device of Cyrus, the threatened destruction overtook them. So necessary is it not to judge from appearances, or to rest in human resources, but to take the word of God for our guide: for if Babylon, so much against all probability, fell, what security have the nations of Europe in their armies, their navies, and their other fancied resources, against the equally express declarations of Jehovah? HST April 10, 1844, page 80.3

Habershan’s Works.

Letter from Liverpool


My Very Dear Brethren:—I return you my sincere thanks for the “Signs of the Times,” and the “Midnight Cry,” received from you, and am sorry to hear that you had sent a bundle of papers which I did not receive. I am, together with many friends, looking for the immediate coming of Jesus. The “cry” has been sounded throughout our country, and has had the blessed effect of causing many to try their own hearts, and to study the Word of God for themselves. Others have scoffed at us, and treated the matter with scorn and contempt; but, praise the Lord, none of their arguments weigh any thing with me. I am fixed, and fully persuaded of the truth of God’s Holy Word. “O, that the days would roll away, and bring the Coronation Day,” “The King of Grace shall fill the throne, with all his Father’s glory on [original illegible].” O, yes, he that shall come, will come and will not tarry. Our country is in an awful condition, being bound together in bundles to be burned. O that we now felt the value of precious souls. O Lord, have mercy for Jesus’ sake, and let thy salvation go forth as a lamp that burneth. It is most surprising to witness the endeavors of many preachers here, to overthrow that superstructure which shall stand firm as the pillars of heaven; yet, at the same time, the spirit of inquiry is abroad among the people, and, despite of all that is declared, in direct contradiction to the doctrine of the Second Advent near, many are fully convinced that the day of the Lord is near at hand. Very likely this is the last epistle you will receive from me, if indeed, this should reach you; and, although we have never seen each other in the flesh, I pray that we may meet upon the “New Earth,” in the “Paradise of God.” Bro. C. Dealtry is lecturing in Stockport and Manchester, and we hear that he is doing much good. May the choicest blessing of our Savior be with him, and attend his labors. And now, beloved in the Lord, I hasten to conclude. Farewell, farewell. May peace be with you all, and may we be remembered when Jesus comes into his Kingdom. Yours in the best of bonds. Joseph Curry. HST April 10, 1844, page 80.4

Liverpool, March 3, 1844.


No Authorcode

BOSTON, APRIL 10, 1844.

Future Operations


It has been our sincere and solemn conviction, for three years past, that the second glorious and blessed Advent of the Savior of the world, would have taken place before the present time. I still look for this event as being nigh; and cannot avoid the entire conviction which arises from the consideration of the prophetic periods, fulfilment of the prophecies, and signs of the times, that it is the next great event, and must transpire within a very short time. It is not safe, therefore, for us to defer in our minds the event for an hour, but to live in constant expectation, and readiness to meet our Judge. With such views, we can make no certain arrangements for the future; except in conformity with these views of the shortness and uncertainly of time. HST April 10, 1844, page 80.5

Our duty—Labor to the end


The field we have occupied is large. Our work has been arduous, and the influence of the wanting promulgated, has been very great upon all clauses. This influence will be perverted, or lost, unless it be followed up by continued effort, while probation shall last. The fact, that the mass of the church and ministry are doing all in their power to neutralise the vital influence of the “midnight cry,” furnishes the strongest reasons for united and persevering effort. HST April 10, 1844, page 80.6

We must therefore continue our efforts in lecturing, Conferences, Tent, and Camp-Meetings, and the distribution of publications. We must work with more zeal, decision, and perseverence, than ever, until the “Nobleman shall return” and receive the faithful to the everlasting kingdom. HST April 10, 1844, page 80.7

The Anniversaries.—Meetings on the Advent will be held, (if time continue) on the Anniversary weeks, in May and June, in New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. Notice hereafter. HST April 10, 1844, page 80.8

Advent Meetings are held regularly at the Tabernacle. Lectures on the Sabbath at the usual hours, and on the evenings of Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday; also prayer meetings the other evenings in the week. HST April 10, 1844, page 80.9

In Press.—Profesor Bush’s letter to Mr. Miller, with Mr. Miller’s Reply. HST April 10, 1844, page 80.10

As Professor Bush’s views are those of many of the churches, we attach sufficient importance to them, to publish his late article in the Herald, entire in pamphlet form, with the reply of Mr. Miller—thus exhibiting both sides at one view. HST April 10, 1844, page 80.11

The Jewish Year


The Baptist Register has a long article, which was to be continued, in which it is attempted to be shown that Mr. Miller’s time has ever had respect to Roman time, and not Jewish. The writer would have been saved all his trouble, if he had acquainted himself with the fact that the Roman year originally commenced in the Spring instead of the 1st of January. HST April 10, 1844, page 80.12

Scoffing.—As the evangelical papers scoff at the coming of Christ, so the Universalists scoff at religion. Commenting on the following extract,—“Please say to the friends of Zion that God is with us at Lincoln,” a Universalist thus writes— HST April 10, 1844, page 80.13

“Will brother McDonald inform us when he arrived, and how long he expects to tarry, as we shall be happy to have an introduction; we should conclude from appearances that he had left. Will brother McDonald inform us when he expects to return.” HST April 10, 1844, page 80.14

Can such be the religion of the Bible? HST April 10, 1844, page 80.15

Hillsburg, Nova Scotia.—Bro. Wm. B. Turnbull writes:—We are encouraged to hope on to the end which we daily expect. Mr. Miller’s Lectures were first read here about two years since, and a general reformation followed. But now the ministers are preaching against it, some in public and others privately, are telling all manner of stories respecting you, and also of us at home. Bro. Martin visited this place twice, and made a distinction between those who give meat in due season, and those that say, my Lord delayeth his coming. His labors were not in vain. The believers all stand firm. Myself and ten others have been expelled from the Baptist hcurch, where we are not allowed to read from the Scriptures, or speak of the Lord’s coming. HST April 10, 1844, page 80.16



On high, like a rocket, the fire-serpent gleamed,
(For thus was the vision—‘twas thus that I dreamed,)
From the earth where, a while, he torpidly lay,
To the height of the heavens sped his meteor way.
The stars, in his path-way, were scattered aside,
As he triumphed along in the might of his pride.
I gazed as he glistened athwart the dark sky,
And, like a huge comet, blazed brightly on high—
I gazed till he gained his zenith of height,
When his dread doom was written in sunbeams of light;
For a hand in the sky, like the hand on the wall,
Portentous had written, The Serpent shall fall!
Destruction awaits thee! down, fanged one, descend!
For lo! to thy triumph is hastening the end!—
Now fierce and terific are hissings on high,
While manflold writhings disfigure the sky—
Thus down to the Luke the firey one fell,
In torments eternal to perish in hell!
HST April 10, 1844, page 80.17

Majestie th’ Archangel,—oh glorious sight!—
Is seen with his angels—the armies of light;
He comes with his chariots, with lightning and storm,
And transcendant beauty encircles his form.
Like the music of waters the sound of his voice,
And all that have loved him arise and rejoice!
E. C. C.
HST April 10, 1844, page 80.18

Advent Conference at Exeter; N. H


Elders T. Cole, J. V. Himes, and others, will attend an Advent Conference in Exeter, commencing on Monday evening, April 15th, and to continue through the week. A glorious gathering of the faithful is expected. G. W. Stacy. HST April 10, 1844, page 80.19

Letters received to April 6, 1844


J Pearson $1; W B Turnbull $5; Wm Hathaway by pm $1; H McCutchin by pm $1; Rev G C Baker, $1; J B Boyer $50; pm Sedgwick Bay Me; E L H Chamberlain; Eld Smith and others by pm $5; pm W Hartford Vt; A C Northup and J H Northup 50 cts each by pm; Wm E Underwood by pm $2; Wm Powell by pm $1; L Wiswell by pm $1; S B Bulkley by pm $1; C S M; Wm Miller; G S Miles; E P Judkins by pm $1; pm Braintree Ms; David Marshall; C Hersey; J J Porter; H Tanner; A W Day by pm $1; J Shurtleff by pm $1; Mrs Breese by pm $1; T W Piper; pm Waterville Vt; pm Wakefield NH; J C Wellcome; pm East Westmoreland, NH; O Allen by pm $1; Ill Shipman $1; B D Gibbs; A Peck by pm $1; Wm Miller; E C Clemens; B F Carter $1; Miss E C Clemens; Robert Winter, London; T H Baldwin, $10; Geo W Smith; J S White; S A Fletcher; W E Desper; Mrs Rogers by pm $1; pm Sutton N H; S Lamphus by pm $1; W Whitney $1; J T Richardson by pm $1; Wm T Hobbs; D G Drake by pm $1; Rev J Maltby by pm $1; pm Three Rivers Ms; D Hubbard by pm $1; pm Cumberland, R I; A Carpenter 50 cts; S Purdav, 25 cts, and G Alexander, 25 cts by pm; pm Montpelier, Vt; O Ross $1; pm Perry’s Mills NY; L Barker by pm $1. HST April 10, 1844, page 80.20

Packages Sent


J V Himes 9 Spruce Street N Y; G S Miles 67 Green S. Albany N Y; J Litch, 41 Arcade Phils; J Woods, Nashua N H; A M Higgins, Brimfidld, Ms; J B Boyer, Cincinnati, Ohio. HST April 10, 1844, page 80.21