The Daily Argus Extracts

Thursday, November 7, 1844

Elder Himes has published in the Boston Post of Saturday last, a refutation of the following charges brought against him in the papers lately, viz: DAAR November 1844, page 1.56

1. That the wife of a colored man has given to the cause $2,000, leaving her family poor. DAAR November 1844, page 1.57

2. That a grocer on Pleasant Street has disposed of $500 in the same way. DAAR November 1844, page 1.58

3. That a carpenter on Trennant Road had given a like amount - all he had. DAAR November 1844, page 1.59

4. That he - Himes - disposed of considerable quantities of old jewelry in different states. DAAR November 1844, page 1.60

5. That several women (owning?) boarding houses have been (forced) to dismiss their lodgers, to their embarrassment, if not ruin. DAAR November 1844, page 1.61

6. That we are secretive about our places of meeting. DAAR November 1844, page 1.62

The remainder of Himes’s response is largely indecipherable, with just fragments being readable: DAAR November 1844, page 1.63

“To show the groundlessness of these charges, Mr. Himes published several letters ... in which the first five changes are shown to be untrue, and the record unjust to Mr. Himes.” There follows comment indicating that he presented evidence that his business dealings were fair and open, with receipts for donations. “Friends have been very generous in their assistance.” He gave evidence of open meetings, and commented further that “In relation to the reports so generally circulated by the press...of insanity, suicides and the breaking up of families, with poverty...we know from personal observation, and an extensive correspondence, that they are, most of them, unfounded.” DAAR November 1844, page 1.64