The Daily Argus Extracts

Monday, October 28 1844

The End of The World—Millerism

No Authorcode

The amount of human suffering caused already by the Millerite delusion, and its probable prospective increase from the neglect of business, is almost incredible. Intemperance in the use of ardent spirits has scarcely produced as much mischief during the last half year. Everywhere the votaries of this delusion are abandoning their harvests to be destroyed by the elements in the coming winter. In Poland in this county, we hear that one of the selectmen has abandoned his crops to destruction, with some 30 or 40 of his neighbors. The other selectmen have taken the matter in hand and are harvesting the neglected fields of such as would have become a town charge if neglected. This delusion extends into every part of the Union, and embraces in its terrible jaws of self-neglect, thousands of our most humble and useful laborers. DAAR October 1844, page 1.42

It is not a little remarkable that so many honest and sincere believers in the Christian Scriptures should be caught in this snare, when these very scriptures, for whose authority they express so much respect, and from which they profess to draw evidence of the precise time this material world will end, should entirely overlook the positive declaration of Christ - that DAAR October 1844, page 1.43

“Of that day and hour knoweth no man- DAAR October 1844, page 1.44

No not the Son, but the Father only.” DAAR October 1844, page 1.45

We trust, however, that this delusion has now passed its meridian, and is on the decline. We hope and trust that it will not leave in its train the blight of infidelity. Men are very apt to go from one extreme to another, and there is danger, unless guarded against by the timely admissions of the judicious and thinking portions of that Christian community, that the Miller delusion may members of its most honest and after the gloomy rejection of all belief in the scriptures, and all faith in God and a future life. DAAR October 1844, page 1.46


The property of Millerites - Disappointed - DAAR October 1844, page 1.47

In some places, says the Baltimore Clipper, the followers of Miller have sold property at the original price, which will probably cause litigation hereafter, as the question will no doubt arise, whether such persons were, at the time of conveying the property, in a condition of mind to make a valid deed. We doubt whether the courts will hold deeds to be legal where it is shown that they have been executed in a state of mental delusion. It is certain that no honest man would take advantage of such delusion to obtain property at less than its value. DAAR October 1844, page 1.48

Elder Himes - The Boston Times says - “We met Elder Himes in Washington Street, yesterday, looking as sleek and nice as he did before the ending of the world last Tuesday. DAAR October 1844, page 1.49

A SELF-DESTRUCTIVE PRINCIPLE - Some of the followers of Mr. Miller in this region are teaching that no man can be saved unless he sells all his property and gives the proceeds to the poor. Now we do not think there is any special danger of the very extensive prevalence of this error. The great danger is on the other side. The great danger is that men will hold too loosely to their property and be too unmindful of the past... DAAR October 1844, page 1.50