The Daily Argus Extracts
Tuesday, October 22, 1844
“The Miller Epoch”
This is the day, big with the fate of (not Caesar and of Rome but of) Father Miller and Elder Himes. The 10th of October, (which is the 22nd of the Jewish 7th month, according to the cyphering of the Miller mathematicians) is the day when the great catastrophe will come, on which hang all their hopes. This is the day. DAAR October 1844, page 1.1
It is fortunate that these deluded men have fixed their point so near. Having disappointed their patient followers several times, many have left them, but many still cling to them. After today, Messrs. Miller, Himes, Snow, Bliss, Storrs and others, it seems to us, cannot put on a face still to predict. If they do, who will believe them! This being the case, we rejoice that the time on which all their hopes hang, has come. Honest people are deluded, and are wasting their substance, the peace of their families, and some their own lives even, under this fanatical excitement. They will return to their senses, after today, we trust, and become again good members of Society - trusting in the word of God, and not in the word of fallible man. DAAR October 1844, page 1.2
To show our readers how positive are the leaders in this wicked farce, we append an extract or two: DAAR October 1844, page 1.3
Geo. Starr writes in the last Advent Herald, that he believes the time of the Advent is the tenth day of the Jewish seventh month, the 22nd day of this month. Elder Himes, in his letter of last week, speaks equally certainly of the event. He says:- ‘Beyond a doubt in my mind, the tenth day of the seventh month will witness the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds of heaven. We are then within a few days of that event. Awful moment to those who are unprepared - but glorious to those who are ready. I feel that I am making the last appeal that I shall ever make through the press. My heart is full.’ DAAR October 1844, page 1.4
The editor of the Advent Herald thus speaks on the same subject: DAAR October 1844, page 1.5
‘As the date of the present number of the Herald is our last day of publication before the tenth day of the seventh month, we shall make no provision for issuing a paper for the week following.’ DAAR October 1844, page 1.6
P.S. Millerites Rejoice! - Since preparing the above we have received the New York Evening Post which says - A correspondent says: ‘We learn from unexceptionable authority, an aged Jewish gentleman who holds a very responsible situation in one of the synagogues of this city, according to Jewish computation, is already past. It was the 22nd of September last, and was celebrated by Jews throughout the world, as the great day of atonement, one of their high festivals. DAAR October 1844, page 1.7
We trust that this statement will allay the apprehensions of those who have been driven to the verge of madness, by the audacious, not to say impious prognostications of Father Miller, Mr. Storrs and their co-adjutators. DAAR October 1844, page 1.8
A custom house officer in New York has resigned his office in consequence of his belief that the world is to end tomorrow, the 22nd. There is no doubt but this man is sincere.’” DAAR October 1844, page 1.9
From the New Hampshire Patriot
MILLERISM - Last week, the Secretary of State received per mail, franked Wm. S. Hershey PM., Melvin Village, N.H. and Hershey’s commission as Justice of the Peace with the following communication to the secretary: DAAR October 1844, page 1.10
‘I believe the Lord will come on this seventh month of this sacred year; therefore I do not wish to remain Justice of the Peace any longer.’ Wm. S. Hershey DAAR October 1844, page 1.11
Another. The Secretary of State has also received the following from Elphonzo G. Colby of Wakefield. DAAR October 1844, page 1.12
‘Dear Sir - Enclosed is my commission as Justice of the Peace, which I have no further use for, believing as I do beyond a doubt that the Lord is coming on the 10th day of the seventh Jewish sacred month 1844. Sep. 11th 1844. E.G.Colby DAAR October 1844, page 1.13