The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1


June 5, 1845


“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a Standard against him; and the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and to them that turn from transgression in Jacob.” JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.1

Vol. I.] NEW YORK CITY, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1845. [No. 13 JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.2

THE JUBILEE STANDARD. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.3


By S. S. Snow And B. Matthias, Editors. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.5

131 Division Street, n. y. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.6

Terms:—Two dollars per hundred or three cents per copy. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.7

All communications for publication, or on the business of the paper, should be addressed, post-paid, to S.S. Snow or B. Matthias, N. Y. City. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.8

Postmasters are authorized to forward, free of expense, orders for papers, and also money for the same. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.9



A cloud! a cloud! lo in the east—
In size ‘tis not a hand,
And at the cloud a little flock,
Wistfully looking stand.
JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.10

Anon it comes, and brighter grows,
And larger still, and fair;
It is a beauteous thing of light.
Still floating on the air.
JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.11

Why gaze the eager multitude,
The living who ‘remained?’
Why stand they gazing up to heaven?
This Jesus comes again.
JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.12

For see, his sign upon the sky,
The glorious beaming cloud,
‘It comes, it comes, the Lord is nigh!’
Proclaim the waiting crowd.
JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.13

Around the cloud the angels bright
Are ranged ten thousand strong;
All shining in their robes of light,
All swelling triumph’s song.
JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.14

O glory! glory! on it comes,
The cloud and retinue,
And O the ‘gladness and the joy’
Of all the waiting few.
JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.15

‘This is our God, we’ve waited long!’
The ‘little flock’ exclaim,
’And now we’ll swell the conqueror’s song,
And praise King Jesus’ name!’ E.C.C.
Portland, May 2.
From the hope of Israel.
JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.16



In view of those who are slumbering in their dusty beds, who for their fidelity to God, have suffered reproach, have been trodden down, and mocked and scourged, who have been bound, imprisoned, stoned, sawn asunder, tortured, and slain with the sword, who wandered about in sheep-skins, and goat skins, in deserts, mountains, dens, and caves of the earth, being destitute, afflicted, tormented, who obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise,—in view of God’s children who are now upon the earth, who are every day experiencing new and increasing fiery trials, such as the people of God never before experienced, in any age of the world,—in view of the every day’s increasing wickedness of this world,—and in view of him whose right it is to reign, and in view of all things,(expect the perfect work of patience) with our whole soul we cry, Come Lord Jesus, and come quickly. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.17

In every instance when God has been about to work deliverance for his people, he would be enquired of by them, to do it for them. Thus it was in the case of the Israelites when under the Egyptian bondage; for the Lord said to Moses, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters, etc., and the Lord their God brought out from thence with a mighty hand and a stretched-out arm. Also when the Midianites oppressed them so that they were greatly impoverished, they cried unto the Lord. And it came to pass when the children of Israel cried unto the Lord, that the Lord sent a prophet unto them, who said unto them, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I brought you up from Egypt, and brought you forth out of the house of bondage, etc.; and here again God wrought another miraculous deliverance for the children of Israel when they cried unto him. For although the Lord knows what his children need, yet he will be enquired of to perform it; for so it always has been. The analogy from these instances show that we must cry for deliverance, or peradventure he will not deliver us. In Matthew 6:10, we are taught to pray, Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is done in heaven. In Luke 18:1-8, Christ spake a parable unto his disciples to this end, that men ought always to pray and not to faint; saying there was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man. And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him saying, avenge me of my adversary. And he would not for a while: but afterwards he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man, yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust Judge saith. And shall not God avenge his own elect which cry unto him day and night, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Therefore when the Lord comes, his elect will be crying day and night unto him for deliverance. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.18

O may the King of Salem beget the cry in the heart of every heir of the kingdom, ‘Thrust in thy sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for the grapes are fully ripe.’ O’ that they may cry day and night unto him to avenge them speedily. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.19

The Psalmist used to pray, (and so may we, for he prayed prophetically,) ‘Let them [the wicked] go down quick into hell. Let them be as chaff before the wind; and let the angel of the Lord chase them. Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more.’ But why pray for the wicked to be destroyed quickly! Because this is the portion of their cup, and the sooner they receive it, the less will be their punishment, as every day they are heaping up wrath against the day of wrath JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.20

The devil goeth about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour; and my prayer is for the angel to come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand, that he may lay hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil and satan, to bind him a thousand years; that He whose right it is may come and reign, and give his people rest. ‘And his rest shall be glorious.’ O may God give us faith and the Holy Ghost, that we may be able to withstand all the fiery darts of the enemy and overcome at last. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.21

The Lord’s, believing the ‘elect’s cry will speedily be answered. A. S. Howland. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.22

Topsham, May 12. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.23

Watch! and keep your garments unspotted! Watch! and hold that fast which thou hast! Watch! and let no man take thy crown! JUBST June 5, 1845, page 97.24

From the Day Star. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 98.1



My Dear Bro. Jacobs:—Your letter of the 9th inst. was received on Monday evening last. After mature reflection I am constrained to say, in reply to your kind invitation, that in view of circumstances beyond my control, I cannot go to your city at present. If time continue till fall, and the way should be open, I will, with much pleasure, spend a couple of weeks with your people—at present, duty seems to keep me here. In the mean time I rejoice in the bold and steadfast stand you take in behalf of truth. I agree with you fully, that no good reason has thus far been shown why we should deny the grace of our God in the way he has led us along. I do not doubt that we have entered upon the ‘day of the Lord,’ so often spoken of by the Prophets, ‘in the which’ as Peter says, ‘the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also, and the works that are therein shall be burned up.’ I confess I am credulous enough to believe the very remarkable disasters so frequently witnessed about these days as evidences and specimens of God’s wrath against an ungodly nation. I fully expect such things to continue and increase until ‘The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.’ God will avenge his own elect which cry unto him day and night. We need now more than ever patience and faith. We have prayed ‘thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’—and I have often feared our brethren too frequently used this prayer prospectly, that is, that God’s will might be done in the future state. I do not so understand it, as we should now chiefly use that petition. In the new heavens and earth God’s will is to be the universally acknowledged rule of action; there will be no opposition to it among the inhabitants of the earth. But now amid the constant and almost unanimous opposition of mankind a little handful only are willing that God should rule and execute his purposes of mercy or of wrath in his own way. It is true some of his people may persuade themselves that they do wish to have the will of God done and that their grief and displeasure arise in view of interpretations of Scripture which contradict His expressed will. Perhaps they do not perfectly understand the Lord’s will, and it is possible they may sometimes mistake their own will for the Lord’s. At any rate it is not best to be too positive or to be too touchy and impatient with those that differ from us. You and I will rejoice in having God’s will fully done. Paul tells us to rejoice always, even now, and so we will. Whatever mistakes we may make, the will of God will be done in fulfilling the great and glorious prophecies. Nay, we may rejoice even now in seeing them fulfilled. * * * * * JUBST June 5, 1845, page 98.2

We have lately had some very severe frosts which have destroyed most of the fruit, and I have been assured from two different sources entitled to credit that the wheat throughout this region is so far injured that there will be very little if any crop. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 98.3

You are aware of the very serious prospect of speedy war with England, and of course with Russia, Spain and Portugal, Canada and the Western Indians, and last, though not least, with the Slaves of our own Southern States, who will certainly be aroused and armed and disciplined by the English. Every thing around us and in the midst of us is full of alarm and danger, but God has promised to keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him. Whatever may happen to the world of the ungodly, the saints of the Most High will inherit the Kingdom. Therefore be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 98.4

Bro. Cook was here yesterday, having returned from Cleveland, where he spent last Lord’s Day, in the absence of Bro. Robinson, who went to teach and comfort the brethren at Elyria and Oberlin. Bro. Cook proposes to start next week (if the Lord will) for Norwalk, and down to Marysville and out to Indiana, to see the scattered brethren once more. I shall sympathise with your brethren in any disappointment they may experience on account of my not accepting their invitation, and beg you will assure them of my sincere and hearty esteem and affection for them. I trust we shall soon be done with disappointments and trials and be for ever at rest with our Glorious Head. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 98.5

In much esteem and affection, I am your brother, in the hope of the Gospel. J. D. Pickands. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 98.6

Akron, May. 14.



But now the cry of men oppressed went up
Before the Lord, and to remembrance came
The tears of all his saints, their tears and groans.
Wise men had read the number of the name;
The prophet-years had rolled; the time, and times,
And half a time, were now fulfilled complete;
The seven fierce vials of the wrath of God,
Poured by seven angels strong, were shed abroad
Upon the earth, and emptied to the dregs;
The prophecy for confirmation stood;
And all was ready for the sword of God.
JUBST June 5, 1845, page 98.7

The righteous saw, and fled without delay,
Into the chambers of Omnipotence.
The wicked mocked, and sought for erring cause,
To satisfy the dismal state of things;
The public credit gone, the fear in time
Of peace, the starving want in time of wealth,
The insurrection muttering in the streets,
And pallid consternation spreading wide;
And leagues, though holy termed, first ratified
In hell, on purpose made to under-prop
Iniquity, and crush the sacred truth.
JUBST June 5, 1845, page 98.8

* * * * *

Satan is loose, and Violence is heard,
And Riot in the street, and Revelry
Intoxicate, and Murder, and Revenge.
Put on your armor now, ye righteous! put
The helmet of salvation on, and gird
Your loins about with truth; add righteousness,
And add the shield of faith, and take the sword
Of God—awake and watch!—The day is near,
Great day of God Almighty and the Lamb!
The harvest of the earth is fully ripe;
Vengeance begins to tread the great wine-press
Of fierceness and of wrath; and Mercy pleads,
Mercy that pleaded long, she pleads—no more!
JUBST June 5, 1845, page 98.9

* * * * *

Go to, ye wicked, weep and howl; for all
That God hath written against you is at hand.
The cry of Violence hath reached his ear;
Hell is prepared, and Justice whets his sword.
Weep all of every name! Begin the wo,
Ye woods, and tell it to the doleful winds;
And doleful winds, wail to the howling hills:
And howling hills, mourn to the dismal vales;
And dismal vales, sigh to the sorrowing brooks;
And sorrowing brooks, weep to the weeping stream;
And weeping stream, awake the groaning deep;
And let the instrument take up the song,
Responsive to the voice, harmonious wo!
Ye Heavens, great arch-way of the universe,
Put sackcloth on; and Ocean, clothe thyself
In garb of widowhood, and gather all
Thy waves into a groan, and utter it,
Long, loud, deep, piercing, dolorous, immense!
The occasion asks it!—Nature dies, and God
And angels come to lay her in the grave!
JUBST June 5, 1845, page 98.10

The history of the past and present is certain proof that [original illegible] saints will speedily be delivered from the oppression of the wicked. Jehovah will soon manifest himself in power, and justify his truth. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 98.11

Dear Bro. snow:—I now take the opportunity of expressing to you some of the emotions of my soul, as I am about leaving you, perhaps no more to see you till our King comes and takes us home. It is with great reluctance that I return to W. But, feeling that duty calls, I must obey: Yes, I leave you and your family because duty calls me away. Although my heart is sorrowful at parting, yet I sorrow not as those who have no hope: no, praise God, I have a hope, and I would say, to the glory of God, that it has been enlarged and brightened up since I have been here, of soon meeting you in the kingdom. Oh! Dear brother, pray for me that my faith fail not in this last moment of time. And as I go from you, pray that I may have grace to proclaim the whole truth when I arrive at W. I have told you before, and I tell you again, that I fear that the ‘shepherd and the principal of the flock’ will be found, in that great day, with ‘no way of escape,’ in that place. But, praise the Lord, He knows all that are his: none of the children will be left when He appears. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.1

My heart is filled with praise to God for the privilege I have had in coming to this city. I cannot tell you anything about it, only my heart says, all glory to God, for his great goodness to me, and for the light which I have received upon his Word. I rejoice that I have a Bible and the promise that the Spirit will guide into all truth. I am glad also, that there are a few faithful watchmen who are giving to the household ‘meat in due season’ O! may the Lord help them to proclaim the whole truth. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.2

New York, May 29. J. C.
For the Jubilee Standard.



“For before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God.” JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.3

Amid the complicated and adverse influences with which we are surrounded, how liable we are to be severed from the direct path of obedience—to yield to the intrigues of the enemy—to lean upon the testimony of our fellow-men—to incline to unbelief—to partake of the wine which has intoxicated the fallen church, and borne down towards the whirlpool of general destruction so many of those who went out with us to meet the Bridegroom. Indeed these are perilous times, and happy is he who has this testimony that he pleases God. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.4

To please God it is requisite to exercise, to their full extent, all those powers of mind bestowed upon us by our Creator—not one of them can be dispensed with, or yielded by substituting another. True, we are bound to avail ourselves of all means instituted in the providence of God to assist us in our various duties; yet an independent conclusion upon the whole matter, after carefully weighing all these, is essential in order to have this testimony—this blessed assurance that we please God. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.5

While the Word of God is the arbitrator on all points of faith, our faith cannot be complete, so as to obtain the testimony, with-out recognizing the fulfillment of that Word in all those occurrences which, according to the prophecy, transpire around us; many of those events, those who are unacquainted with the manner of prophecy, would suppose too trivial for a place in the volume of inspiration, we suppose this to be one of the artifices of satan to destroy the influence of the truth at the first advent. Did not the first advent come on the whole world? And should not the prophecy respecting it, and its attending circumstances, have a general application to be seen by all, rather than in those small incidents in an obscure corner of India? Thus now we hear the enquiry, in substance, with the bold affirmation—even by those who acknowledge those fulfillments at the first advent—that none of the prophetic word is to be fulfilled on the same rule. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.6

After receiving the truth of the speedy coming of our Lord, and after hearing the thunder tones of the vision, and seeing how emphatically every word that was spoken is fulfilling, those blessed assurances of promise, whereby we have strong consolation, come with double weight to our hearts, establishing us, rooting us, grounding us, in the faith which produces the testimony that we please God; and ‘without faith it is impossible to please God.’ Can it be supposed that the Lord would take so much pains, so to speak, to descend to minute description of events, through small in their nature, unless it was necessary to confirm the faith of his people, and enable them to please him by holding ‘fast the beginning of their confidence?’ JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.7

Again, can it be supposed, admitting the special providence of God raised up the men and separated the Adventist, as a people, to proclaim the coming of Lord,—that their proclamation, their faithfulness, and their equivocations—are not described sufficiently to warn the faithful of the dangers to which they are exposed in this last perilous time? ‘We count them happy who endure’—those who overcome by the word of his testimony only can endure. The remnant have the Testimony of Jesus and have the precious promise, ‘because thou hast kept the word of any patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth. ‘Great peace have all they that love thy law and nothing shall offend [stumble] them; or, as the margin reads, ‘they shall have no stumbling block’ O, thrice blessed are those who have this testimony for themselves; yes, before they are translated they shall enjoy it. Enoch, the seventh from Adam, who prophesied of these mockers in this ‘last time,’ described the characters of those who would withstand the truth, and be stumbling blocks to all who had not, like him, the testimony of Jesus. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.8

Dear brethren, have you the testimony that you please God, then seize the assurance, and delight yourself in his law; let that testimony be your watchword, and you can glory in the truth that ‘the righteous shall hold on his way’ W. G. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.9



Dear Bro. Snow:—The wise man says: ‘There is a time and season to every purpose under the sun,’ and among other things a ‘time to speak and a time to keep silence.’ JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.10

When I received the doctrine of ‘43 inside and out, in my heart as well as my head, three years ago,—why from that time down to last October, I could talk forever, and fight the devil with the sword of the Spirit; but since the door has been shut my mouth has been shut also. Yet I have been at the mast head looking out for squalls as well as land. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.11

I have been thinking some time that I would take the basket and gather up some fragments that I could not myself, if no one would share with me, and so at it I go. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.12

In the first place I don’t believe the good old ship is to be left without a pilot, and guided by the whims and fancies of a mutinous crew, where all want to command and none obey. Therefore I believe the Lord has raised up shepherds to feed the “flock of slaughter,’ and as long as they give me meat that relishes well, and I can digest and grow thereby, why I mean to eat it. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.13

As I said before, we must have pilots, and as Bro. Miller, and all others who have fairly conducted us out to sea, have got in the fog and lost their reckoning, and now have abandoned us by jumping into the first craft that came along, (which, by the bye, looks like a pirate through my spy glass.) I say shall we not have a pilot to take us into port? Yes, verily. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.14

We have now got into the latitude of pirates; 2 Timothy 3:1-7, where they are brought up all-standing, with a round turn and two half hitches. And here I would suggest the impropriety (as it seems to me,) for brethren to express themselves as though independent of a teacher altogether. I understand faith comes by hearing; I presume I have heard more than a thousand discourses on the advent of our Lord, and not one too many. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.15

Now, Bro. Snow, I have heard you say that you had nailed the colors to the mast. I say a men, and add, ‘don’t give up the ship;’ if perchance the colors get shot away, some of us will shin aloft and nail them fast again, and pursue our course. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.16

I have no notion of putting the ship about and steering back to the coast of Egypt to go to work and make bricks with out straw. Let us be as persevering as was Columbus, who had he yielded to the importunities of his factious crew and officers, had never discovered this western world. My motto is, ‘Be sure you are right and go a-head.” As the Irishman said, ‘I’m not sea-sick, but I’m sick of the sea.’ I want to get into port, my soul is sick, [original illegible] ear is pained with every day’s report of wrong, of outrage, of violence, and oppression, with which our sin-cursed world is filled, and in bitterness of soul the cry is extorted, ‘Let thy kingdom come, and thy will be done.’ JUBST June 5, 1845, page 99.17

Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come,
And take thy weary pilgrims home.
New York, June 1. L. Lewis.
JUBST June 5, 1845, page 100.1



Dear Bro. Snow:—What is this church that is spoken of in Revelation 3:14. by the name of the Laodicean, which is lukewarm, neither cold nor hot? I think it cannot refer to the nominal church, as some suppose,—for I think that to be dead and twice dead; (see Jude 12.;) and the Laodicean Church is spoken of after the Philadelphia Church is formed, which I believe to be the Advent Church. Neither can I think it is the remainder of the Sardis Church. I think it may mean those who are professedly looking for the Lord. The Sardis Church represents the nominal church when the gospel was first preached of his coming and kingdom, corresponding with the angel in Revelation 14:6, ‘flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them on the earth.’ This I believe to be the first angel or message: the second angel or message was to the Philadelphia Church; the third angel to the Laodicean Church. Is this church in being now? I think it is; for there is a great coldness in the bands: many are giving up their faith in the past, therefore cast away their confidence, and thus become blind and cannot see afar off. This is a lamentable thing, but too true. Is not this the state that some are to be in, in order to be lukewarm? I think they may be backslidden in heart. What is it to backslide? Is it not to give up the past, and say that the midnight cry has not been made? If there is danger of being in this state I pray the Lord all may see it, lest we be spued out of his mouth. Will not this correspond with the third angel in Revelation 14:9, 10, ‘saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God?’ JUBST June 5, 1845, page 100.2

I believe that the work is done for the world: they have heard the gospel of the kingdom; the midnight cry has been made, and they have rejected it; therefore the work that is now to be done, is to be done among God’s people. What is it to be increased in goods? (Revelation 3:17.) Is it not the knowledge that some say that they have on the subject of the Lord’s coming and kingdom, over the nominal church, and they need none of their light? What is it to be wretched, and miserable, and blind and naked? Is it not to be in their present fallen condition? Does not this show that they have backslidden? This church is commanded to repent of their backsliding and be zealous: ‘Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him and he with me.’ This shows to my mind that some of them may find favor with God. May the Lord deliver. I believe this to be addressed to the Laodicean Church, not to the world, as some suppose. I think there may be a work to do. May the Lord teach us to do his will, that we may be accepted of him when he comes. Brother, I think there may be light here, and as we are bound to let our light shine, if you think it worthy a place in your paper, use it to the glory of God. May the Lord help us to do all things to his glory; for if we continue faithful a little longer we shall see him in his glory. O blessed thought! May this be our prayer, come Lord Jesus and come quickly. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 100.3

There are a few in this place who are holding on to the faith in the past, and are keeping their garments, and expecting soon to see the blessed master. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 100.4

Yours, in the blessed hope of soon seeing our King, JUBST June 5, 1845, page 100.5

Worcester, June 1. B. B. Hill. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 100.6

Frost in the West.—The country around Alton, Ill., 15th ult. was visited by a frost, which extended to the surrounding counties. Castor beans were all cut off in addition to a large proportion of potatoes and corn. Some injury was done to the Wheat crop.—N. Y. Sun. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 100.7

‘Lift up a Standard for the People.’



The point that remains to be noticed in the chronology of the 70 weeks, is the commencement of Paul’s ministry. His conversion, it is evident, took place soon after the martyrdom of Stephen, which according to Townsend, was in A. D. 33 or 34. If it was in 34, it must have been the early part of the year. If Galatians 1:15-18 we learn that three years elapsed between the conversion of Paul and his first visit to Jerusalem. Turn to Acts 9:26, where Luke gives the account of this, and we shall find the date to be A. D. 37. From A. D. 34 to A. D. 37, are three years. Again, in Galatians 2:1, Paul tells us that fourteen years after that he went up to Jerusalem again. By referring to Acts 15:2, we shall find the date of this second visit to be A. D. 51. And from A. D. 37 to A. D. 51 are fourteen years. The conclusion to which we arrive, therefore, is this, that Paul was converted and began his ministry in the autumn of A. D. 34, At that point this wonderful man, who had been a most bitter and unrelenting persecutor of the saints, became a chosen vessel of the Lord—the apostle to the Gentiles, of that faith which he once destroyed. Here the last and special witness of the resurrection of our blessed Lord, (see 1 Corinthians 15:8,) came upon the stand and gave his testimony, which, together with that of Christ and the other apostles, laid the foundation of our faith and hope. And thus was the covenant confirmed. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 100.8

Thus, by clear and convincing proofs, entirely independent of each other, we have established the correctness of those several dates, viz., B. C. 457, for ‘the going forth of the commandment,’ A. D. 27, for the beginning of our Lord’s public preaching, A. D. 21 for the crucifixion, and A. D. 34 for the commencement of the ministry of Paul. These proofs stand forth like so many independent witnesses in court, and, perfectly agreeing in their testimony, confirm us, so that a doubt is criminal, that we have the right chronology. The 70 weeks, therefore, began on the 10th day of the 7th month B. C. 457. From that point, 69 weeks, or 483 years, ended in the 7th month A. D. 27, when Jesus began the proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom of God, saying, ‘the time is fulfilled.’ Then 31 years after that, on the 10th day of the first month A. D. 31, he rode into Jerusalem as King, and caused the temple worship, or ‘sacrifice and oblation,’ to cease. From that point 31 years, the last half of the week, extended to the 10th day of the 7th month A. D. 34, when of course the 70 weeks ended. Thus 490 years of the 2300 were fulfilled, and 1810 remained to be fulfilled. Where would they end? On the tenth day of the seventh month, A. D. 1844. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 100.9

Yes, glory be to God in the highest! the ‘appointed time is accomplished,’ the iniquity of Zion is pardoned; the sanctuary is justified. Now is fulfilled Jeremiah 3:15-17. We remember no more the ark of the covenant, it comes not into our mind or upon our heart, for the covenant with all the people is broken—the gospel of salvation by faith in Christ is closed—the door is shut. At this time we ‘call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord,’ for Jesus our Lord is seated there, and Jesus is King. On the tenth day of the seventh month, which was the 22nd day of last October, ‘One like the sons of men came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of Days; and there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom.’ The Nobleman has received the kingdom preparatory to his return, and he who will not hail him King is a traitor. Others may say ‘We have no king but Casar,’ but as for us we say, we have no king but jesus. We acknowledge no other rightful ruler on earth. ‘The kingdoms of this world are become [the rightful possession] the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.’ JUBST June 5, 1845, page 100.10

We have proved that the atonement was made for the ‘holy sanctuary,’ which, in the antitype, is Zion, on the 10th day of the 7th month. On the same day was finished the sounding of the trump of Jubilee; see Leviticus 25:9. God has joined together the atonement and Jubilee trumpet, and let not man put them asunder. It follows then, that we are in the year of Jubilee, and before its close we ‘shall return every man to his possession.’ JUBST June 5, 1845, page 101.1

Does any lingering doubt remain, of the chronology? If so, dear brother or sister, let me refer you to Habakkuk 2.: ‘Write the vision and make it plain on tables.’ Has not that command been obeyed? If any say no, let such an one obey it now and make the vision plain, that he may run that readeth it. But that cannot be done, no man will undertake it, and they who are holding fast ‘the profession of their faith’ have no wish to do so, for they confidently believe it has been done already. But was not ‘the vision’ a chronological one? Certainly. And could it be made plain on chronological tables, or charts, without the right dates? Nay, verily. Then the question resolves itself into this form:—The Lord has commanded that the vision be made plain on tables or charts: this could not be done without the right dates:—but He commands nothing that cannot be done: therefore the watchman had the right dates, and those who have cast away their confidence in those dates are charging God with requiring impossibilities. S. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 101.2

(To be continued.)



There was never before a time when there was so great a necessity that we should contend earnestly for the faith which was once delivered to the saints as now. The end and object of that faith is the coming of Jesus Christ and the resurrection. This glorious, crowning consummation of our faith and hope, it is very evident, is just upon us. But while we have been waiting for the revelation of the blessed Saviour there has arisen among us a class of persons who say he has already come, and is about to be revealed from heaven. But how has he come? They tell us he has come spiritually. And where is the heaven from which he is about to be revealed? They tell us it is in the persons of his people. They also teach that this is the secret place of the tabernacle of the Most High.’ Of course then, he must be now in the secret chambers. But my Lord and Master has commanded me, ‘If they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the secret chambers, BELIEVE IT NOT.’ Therefore I do not believe any such teachings. They take away my Lord and I know not where they lay him. Certain I am that I have not yet seen him. But not having seen him I love him; in whom, though now I see him not, yet believing, I rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. But I expect soon to see him face to face. Yes soon mine eyes shall behold the King in his beauty. Behold! he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him. I shall see him for myself and not another. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 101.3

But it is said by those who advocate the mystical view of our Lord’s coming, that those who have their spiritual eyes open can see him now: and if any one does not acknowledge the truth of their doctrine, it is because of their darkness or blindness. But, I ask, are none to see Jesus at his coming but the spiritual? Let us see what Jesus himself says on this point: ‘And then shall appear the Sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn: and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.’ Again John says, ‘Behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.’ From these, and similar passages, we learn that at the coming of Christ all are to see him. All have not see him yet: therefore he has not yet come. The answer to this will perhaps be, that Christ will soon be manifested so that all will see him in his saints. But he says ‘they shall see the Son of man coming. Again the resurrection is to take place ‘at his coming,’ not after it: 1 Corinthians 15:23. As that glorious event has not taken place, we know that Christ has not come. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 101.4

When our Lord was crucified his body was laid in the tomb, and on the third day that same body came out of the tomb, and the disciples were bidden by angels to ‘come and see the place where the Lord lay.’ His resurrection was not mystical. No, praise the Lord, it was a literal reality. And when his disciples were terrified, and supposed they had seen a spirit, he said to them, ‘Handle me and see, that it is I myself. A spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me have.’ He also ate before them ‘of a broiled fish and of a honeycomb.’ This same Jesus, who had been put to death, was now alive again, and alive to die no more. ‘Death hath no more dominion over him.’ The same Jesus who had been subject to the power of death was now forever delivered from that power. And his resurrection was the sample and first fruits of the resurrection of his people: 1 Corinthians 15:20, 23. The first-fruits, and the harvest, must be of the same character. Therefore our blessed Lord was raised with an immortal, indestructible, material body,—a body that was composed of ‘flesh and bones,’ could be seen and felt, and could eat and drink. ‘But,’ says one, ‘it must have been a spiritual body, for “flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”’ I admit it;—and so will the bodies of all his people be spiritual. ‘It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.’ How then can those mystics be preaching the truth, who say they are already inheriting the kingdom of God? Are they not flesh and blood? Or have they been etherialized? But there is nothing in reason or the Word of God to show that a spiritual body is not material. Neither have we the least particle of evidence of the existence of any being that is not material. The body of Jesus before his resurrection was gross and corruptible. It as subject to pain and weariness. He was made lower than the ‘angels for the suffering of death.’ But he arose from the dead with the same body as to its identity, but changed as to its condition and powers. Peter tells us he was ‘put to death in the flesh, but quickened [made alive] in [or by] the Spirit.’ Paul says, ‘If the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal body, by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.’ It was by the life-giving Spirit of God that Jesus our head was raised from the grave. So by the same Spirit will all the members of his mystical body be raised. And let it not be forgotten that the resurrection of our Lord is made, in the gospel, the foundation of our faith and hope. But why so? What necessity could there have been for the quickening into life again of the body of Christ, if he has no literal body now? And why does Paul tell us that ‘if Christ be not risen, your faith is vain?’ Certainly it is not in the power of man to assign any valid reason why God should have raised Christ from the dead if that same body which was raised was not to continue in being and to come again to the earth. And, blessed be the name of God, he will come again. Soon the opening heavens will disclose to view his glory and beauty. Let no man deceive you, beloved. ‘If they shall say he is in the secret chambers, BELIEVE IT NOT.’ JUBST June 5, 1845, page 101.5

They quote Isaiah 8:21, as applying to us, because we are looking for our Lord from above—looking ‘upwards.’ Well, it is enough for me, that my adored Master has said, ‘When these things begin to come to pass then look up.’ Yes, ‘this same Jesus,’ who was crucified, rose again from the dead—appeared to his disciples—conversed with them—gave them visible and tangible proofs of the reality and materiality of his person—led them out to Bethany—and ascended personally and visibly into heaven. And the angel’s testified to the glorious truth, that ‘THIS SAME JESUS, who is taken up FROM you into heaven, shall SO come, in LIKE MANNER.’ Let us believe it. S. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 101.6

The Day Star has come to hand. A mistake at the P. O.



They find a pretext for their position in the character of the reforms or in the men, or measures employed. They preach expediency if there is much opposition,—denounce as fanatical if the promoters are zealous,—or persecute and destroy them if they can brand them with heresy or an attempt to innovate customs and creeds. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 102.1

This need not be denied, it is a matter of fact. Temperance societies have been opposed by them: they have preached against them and published their sermons, as if to be as extensive as possible in their opposition,—beside Christian editors have written against it. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 102.2

They opposed the Moral reform, and persecuted poor McDowell, and some say he died of a wounded spirit in consequence. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 102.3

That they are opposed to immediate justice being done to the poor colored man in bonds is notorious, and are the supporters, as Mr. Wesley said, of ‘the sum of all villainies.’ JUBST June 5, 1845, page 102.4

In England they opposed the introduction of Sunday Schools, according to the following: JUBST June 5, 1845, page 102.5

First Sabbath School Teacher.—Mrs. Sophia, widow of the late Rev. Samuel Bradburn, recently died in London, at an advanced age. It was Mrs. Bradburn who first mentioned to the late. Robert Raikes the subject of Sabbath schools. She went with him through the courts and alleys of Gloucester, to collect the children of the poor, though strenuously opposed by the clergy and others. At the establishment of his first school, Mrs. Bradburn, (then Miss Sophia Cook,) first enrolled her name, and was therefore the first Sabbath school teacher. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 102.6

There have been instances of the same in this country. And now they are the stern opposers to the great and last reform that is to put the dragon out of power and place upon the throne of universal empire the Lord of lords and King of kings, under whose reign the righteous shall flourish, and the arm of the oppressor shall be broken. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 102.7

Why these statements? Simply because we wish the minds of all the candid and pious to be disabused. These are the men that are preaching about the world’s conversion, and yet hate reforms. M. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 102.8



Dear Brn. Snow and Matthias:—I rejoice that you have taken a stand for God and his truth. I take great pleasure in reading your most valuable paper, it is meat in due season. For ‘man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.’ I believe in the truth you advocate. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 102.9

I have looked at times whenever God’s Word authorized me to, with great interest, especially 1843, and the 10th day of 7th month, and the Passover. Although I have been disappointed, I have received God’s gracious smiles in thus looking. Many think it strange that we will put so much confidence in the Bible, when it has disappointed us so many times; but blessed be God, strange as it may appear to those who have cast away their confidence, every time that has passed, when we looked for our Lord, brings fresh evidence of the wisdom of God and the inspiration of the Bible. James says, (1:2, 3,) ‘My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations: knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience.’ We are now in the hour of temptation, which the Lord said should come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth; Revelation 3:10. Again, James says, ‘Blessed is the man that endureth temptation. for when he is trieth he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.’ May the Lord help us to endure until we are thoroughly tried, for such shall receive the crown. One says, ‘while there are so many messages, all contradicting one another, which shall I believe?’ James 1:5, ‘If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him.’ Glory to God in the highest! He never will leave nor forsake us if we trust in him. Says one, ‘What time have you got now?’ It is this Jubilee year. Yes, praise God! this year I expect, without a doubt, that every child of God ‘will return to his possession.’ O glorious inheritance! who would not strive for it? JUBST June 5, 1845, page 102.10

I have received ‘The Hope within the Vail,’ a transient sheet, edited by E. C. Clemons. It was to me a rich slice. Yes, praise God, it was meat in due season. May God enable our dear sister to feed the little flock of ‘outcasts’ unto the end. That sheet was no food to those that are weary in well doing. May God grant, dear brethren, that you may walk in his council, and continue to feed the little flock to the end. I admire the spirit of your paper, and I will do all in my power to support it. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 102.11

Your brother in tribulation, waiting for the King of kings,
Thornton, May 27. Albert Lyford.



As it regards the ‘Hope within the Vail,’ there are some things in it with which we accord. But there are others which are not according to the Sacred Oracles. It is not true that the two apartments of the tabernacle were intended to represent two dispensations, or two divisions, of the covenant. Nor is it true that Jesus is now in the holy of holies. The tabernacle was a pattern of ‘things in the heavens:’ see Hebrews 7:4, 5; 9:23. The most holy place of the tabernacle was a type of the highest heaven to which Christ went at his ascension: Romans 8:34; Ephesians 4:10; Hebrews 9:24; 1 John 2:1. At the completion of the atonement or reconciling, the high priest came out of the holy of holies, and, after making an atonement for the altar, and the holy sanctuary, and the tabernacle of the congregation, and for the priests, and for all the people of the congregation, he went into the tabernacle of the congregation, laid aside his priestly garments and left them there. Read carefully the 16th chapter of [original illegible] and you will see that this was all to be done on the 10th day of the 7th month. That day, as all must admit, was not designed, in the Law, to mark the commencement of the atonement. It must, therefore, mark its completion. Consequently, Jesus the great High Priest came out of the Holy of Holies on the 10th day of the 7th month, and, having sprinkled antitypically all things appertaining to his kingdom with ‘clean water,’ and with the ‘blood of the covenant,’ the efficacy of which will soon be realized in its fullness, went into the tabernacle of the great congregation, i.e. New Jerusalem, laid aside his priestly robes and left them there; and now his priesthood is of another character. He is ‘a priest forever after the Melchizedeck:’ but is no longer an intercessor, He is a priest-king and judge: see Zechariah 6:12, 13. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 102.12

The Lord willing, we shall speak more fully on this subject hereafter. Meanwhile let it not be forgotten, that the atonement by Christ was not begun, but finished, on the 10th day of the 7th month. S. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 102.13

We are much pleased with the following remarks of our dear Bro. Jacobs, in the last No. of the Day Star. May God forbid that his waiting children should seek for any other bond to hold them together but that of brotherly love. And may our union be ‘the unity of the faith’ and of the Holy Ghost. It is quite sufficient to have our names enrolled in heaven. S. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 102.14



We have a letter from a highly respected correspondent on the subject of organization—urging the propriety of the measure. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 102.15

I have been, and still am of the opinion that God has organized those that are waiting for the Lord from heaven, much better than it could be done by a score of conferences. We know of no authorized bond of union but love; and where this is broken no other bond can unite. I know not how our organization in this place could be improved. God has furnished us a discipline—his Word; and He himself keeps our church register. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.1



The following chapter of accidents, crimes, and misfortunes, is taken from a single paper: JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.2

‘In London 50,000 persons are annually the subjects of surgical operation, owing to injuries variously received.’ JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.3

‘One hundred lives were lost by the falling of the chain bridge at Yarmouth, Eng., on the 4th ult. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.4

‘In the course of 1844 there were 102 persons killed and injured by railway accidents, in England. Also, during the first 3 month of this year 22 persons were killed, and 17 persons injured, by railway accidents in the same country.’ JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.5

Also, stimulated by the same evil power, some wicked person fired the stables of the Knickerbocker line of Broadway stages, beside which between 60 or 70 building were burnt, and many families unhoused, without furniture or clothes, and 40 horses were burnt. Besides all these, the same paper contains several inquests upon the bodies of persons killed from various causes: 1 by the falling of a stone, 4 from drowning, other stabbed; and the police and other court reports, present more than the usual account of thefts, larcenies, burglaries, assaults, and attempts to kill; and then the rumors of war. And, to add to the whole, Henry Clay has the affliction of having his youngest son placed in an asylum, and what makes it worse, it is the second instance of the kind in his family. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.6

And these are mere samples: every city, and country, and nation heaven, is afflicted and is groaning under an accumulating load of suffering, sin and wo: ‘Man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upwards.’ Job. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.7

And so it will continue, and will never be any better, but worse and worse, while the dragon is emperor of this lower world: ‘And the dragon gave him [the beast] his power and his seat and great authority;’ Revelation 13:2. So it is plain that the authorities of this world have their power rather from the dragon or the devil: see Revelation 20:2. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.8

How long will it be before Christians will wake up to their duty and go to work with might and main, and pray, and weep, and fast, for the Lord the true King, and exhort one another to the same work. For the kingdom is now in wrong hands—a tyrant now oppresses the whole world, and his policy is to make all as miserable as possible: he has the power of death. Dear readers, brethren, friends, go for the King of kings. In his reign the ‘righteous shall flourish, and his people shall all be righteous. His officers shall be peace, and his exactors righteousness. Read the 72nd Ps. and Isaiah 60. Cry day and night to be avenged of your adversary—do not wait for things to grow worse before your whole soul is sent out in mighty availing prayer. Do not let your attention be divided between the King and his enemies. If you know any body that wants to be saved: tell them to kiss the Son,—this is the short way to the kingdom now. Do they prefer the reign of Christ to the devil? then let them show it—look for and hasten the kingdom. Let them stand with their loins girt about and lights burning, and be like unto men waiting for their Lord when he shall return from the wedding, that when he cometh and knocketh they may open unto him immediately. Do not be away on some unsent errand, saying in your practice, ‘my Lord delayeth his coming,’ and I have time for another campaign. Your work is not now in the field but in the garden,—not with strangers, (the impenitent,) but the household. And remember this text, ‘Blessed is that servant whom his Lord, when he cometh, shall find so doing.’ Doing what? Laboring with the impenitent? No! feeding the household in season. Be not deceived; you will not have a crown of glory if you do not make the immediate coming of the great King your exclusive business. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.9

If you will now have the temerity and impunity to go at other work you will be out of the way when he comes, and you will be shut out. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.10

Here let me say, on my own private responsibility, a word that I firmly believe, that (at this time) the motive to go after the impenitent is not piety—but pride; and is certainly downright disloyalty to Jesus. May God continue to guide us into all truth. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.11




Another Village burned.—Paris, a small village about seven miles from Steubenville, on the Pittsburg road, was nearly consumed a few days since. The village consisted of 27 houses—23 of which were destroyed. Among the four remaining are a tavern and the Associate Reformed Church. The Steubenville Herald says—‘this little town was the seat of considerable trade with the neighborhood in which it was located, and was steadily increasing its population and wealth. The blow it has now received will quite prostrate it. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.12

Extensive fires have been raging in the woods in Essex County during the past week, destroying an immense amount of property. At Crown Point we are informed, a saw-mill and several dwelling houses and a large quantity of sawed lumber were [original illegible] JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.13

Dreadful Conflagration.—On Sunday morning, about 1 o’clock a. m., the stables of H. R. Palmer in Eighth street; between Sixth and Seventh avenues, were set on fire by an incendiary, by which at least one hundred and twenty houses have fallen a prey. There was a strong wind blowing at the time, and the adjoining buildings being principally of frame work, readily ignited, and spread with fearful rapidity across the block as far as Nineteenth street, taking in its sweep about twenty houses, which front eighteenth street, and then all the outhouses adjoining backward to Nineteenth street. Here the whole neighborhood got, as well as they might into a state of consternation, not knowing where the flames might end, and commenced removing their furniture and other goods to the other side of the street; and had not long done so, when they were again routed, for all the buildings on that side of the street, and still opposite the burned district, were, in a few minutes, one mass of flame, ere they could again remove one half of what they had formerly saved. The fire here again threatened immediate destruction to all the adjoining houses, and spread like wildfire, from the before-mentioned place, across to Twentieth street, making equally great havoc of property, and from thence, up to, and as far as the Jew’s burying ground to Twenty-first street, where it could not go any further in that direction, there being no more houses in the block. The greater part of the houses were frame work, and a good many of them very neat brick buildings. The number of families left almost desolate by this lamentable catastrophe will not be less than five hundred.—N.Y. Herald, June 2. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.14

Terrible Fire in Quebec.—A very destructive fire occurred in Quebec May 28. A large portion of that city was then reduced to ashes, and ten thousand persons made homeless. The fire continued to rage at the last accounts. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.15

‘The Quebec Gazette will not be published to-day, the hands being all absent at the fire which occurred at Mr. Richardson’s Tannery in Valier’s suburbs about noon, and has already spread over nearly all St. Roch Suburbs. A population of about ten thousand souls will be without house or home to-night, having lost almost every thing; so rapidly were the flames driven by a strong westerly wind among houses mostly of wood. Fortunately a shower which has just fallen, will prevent the fire from taking on the shingle roofs, in St. Paul street, and the Lower Town—the sparks being carried quite over to the river and along the ramparts.’—Quebec Letter. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.16

We learn from other sources, that, when the fire commenced, the wind was westerly, but about one o’clock shifted, carrying the flames in an opposite direction, and in a line with the General Hospital; in one hour all the streets on the right towards the city, were consumed as far as the Queen’s Wood Yard, including the block houses on the south. Half an hour more and St. Charles street, north and south, St. Paul’s market, and the square, were consumed. At half-past four the fire continued to rage, the wind blowing from the north-east—the houses inside the Palace Gate, including the Engineer’s Office, Artillery Barracks, in imminent danger—the Powder Magazine by no means safe, and burning shingles being blown into St. John street. We have not heard of any lives being lost, but the misery which must ensue from so dreadful a calamity—of the extent of which we are still ignorant—cannot be exaggerated. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 103.17

Mountains on Fire.—The Green Mountains in Vermont are on fire, according to the Vergennes Journal; it is said that a most splendid appearance is presented by Essex Mountain, which looks, from the lake, like a solid cone of fire, ascending to a great height in the air. A great deal of property is said to have been destroyed. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 104.1



Dear Bro. Snow:—I for the first time sit down to converse with you by the way of pen, or any other; but I am constrained to write a few lines to inform you of my present position, and some of the trials through which we have passed in the eastern part of this State. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 104.2

And to give you a just account I shall be under the necessity of traversing back to the ‘43 message. At that time, when the messengers of Christ came to this place with the most solemn and thrilling subject that ever was borne by human beings, it was a time of reformation with us; and my soul was absorbed in the work. These men of God came—I listened—I knew the sound. The seed fell in my heart and took root, and never has been rooted out. Quite a multitude embraced the same,—the time past on—God poured out his Spirit—sinners were converted, and we thought that we were going into the kingdom at the expiration of ‘43. The time rolled on, and rolled us into the tarrying or slumbering time, a space of six months, which was the night or last, Jewish, year. In the midst or that night the cry was made, ‘Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him.’ This cry reached my ear at the camp-meeting in Orrington last fall, and did not stop there, but did move my whole soul and body, glory be to-God! I was then in my field harvesting my crop. I had got all in but my potatoes when the cry got hold of me. The expression was, ‘leave all for the kingdom of God.’ I left my potatoes in the field and went and gave the cry, ‘Behold the Bridegroom cometh,’ on the 10th day of the seventh month; and I am happy to think that I, so unworthy, was permitted to carry such a soul-cheering message to this poor dark world. This cry exceeded all that I ever had heard or felt. On the day when I gave the last message to a sinking world, which was the day before the 1st of the 7th month, I felt that my work was done. On that same night I also told my brethren I believed the door was shut. Such a sensation as was at that time in the congregation I never witnessed before. Such was the state of feeling in the true Zion of God, after the tenth, the glory of God shone all around. I felt that my work was in the church. From that time till now, through grace, I have stood straight for the truth, as far as I knew. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 104.3

Some time in the first part of the winter Bro. James White came to this place and gave us the subject of the wedding—the coming of Christ to the Ancient of Days to take the kingdom. We submitted to all the truth recorded in God’s Word, and it gave a new spring to our faith; the battle went strong, the fire burnt hot. In January, at a meeting held in Atkinson, while assembled with some twenty brethren, on the Sabbath, I was taken and carried before a magistrate, there to undergo a trial of two days and evenings, then sentenced to the house of correction ten days, notwithstanding that they could not prove one charge against me. This strengthened the brethren; and it turned for the furtherance of the gospel. It was put over until May term, then the warrant was quashed, and I was acquitted without date. I have been brought before the magistrate five times for simply keeping the commandments and fearing God, and giving glory to him, and saying ‘the hour of his judgment was come.’ But thank the good Lord I stand till to-day in the faith, living it out, God helping me,—He will help, for he has promised to be with us to the end. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 104.4

Other brethren have also been brought before the magistrates, who have stood stiff for the truth. Some have been put in prison, and some are there now, but soon will be freed. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 104.5

You, without any doubt, have heard much from the brethren in Maine. You might well suppose they had some faith in Jesus’ coming soon, for all manner of evil is spoken against them because of this faith. So we rejoice and are exceeding glad. We do not guess nor suppose, that God has led us out here, we know it. I mean to walk out on every truth of the Bible as fast as I understand. Go forward we must; it is no time to go back again, when we have taken hold of the plough: and if we look back we shall not be fit for the kingdom. We also believe that Jesus meant us when he said, ‘Remember Lot’s Wife.’ We are seeking a better country than this, a heavenly one; and I believe it is not far off now. It is quite uncertain with me whether this letter comes to your hand. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 104.6

The first time that I read the Jubilee Standard was last Sunday evening. I was glad to see one paper that was willing to stand right on the height of the present position. We have no fellowship with the movement at the Albany Conference, not one in the band; if one is found of that disposition we think he belongs to the cage of uncleanness: Jude speaks of them and says, ‘These be they who separate themselves, [are sect-makers,] sensual, having not the Spirit.’ JUBST June 5, 1845, page 104.7

Dear brethren, I am satisfied God has called us out here, and it is our duty to stay. I agree, as far as I have examined, with the subject in your paper, headed ‘The Passover.’ I must think we have been in the act of receiving the kingdom, since the seventh month, as little children: so we have been keeping the commandments. I also conclude we are in the Jubilee year. I will, by the grace of God keep it. For a few days past my faith has increased. I am satisfied that it will not do to sow expecting to reap. O Lord, save thy children from selling their birth-right for a mess of pottage. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 104.8

Yours in love, until we meet in the kingdom, JUBST June 5, 1845, page 104.9

Exeter, May 28. Israel Dammon. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 104.10

Dear Bro. Snow:—Feeling anxious to let you and the brethren how I am getting along, I thought I would write you a few lines to inform you that I am strong in the faith of soon seeing the King coming in his glory and all his holy angels with him. Then will he sit upon the throne of his glory. I believe that the event represented by the coming of the Bridegroom, and the returning of the Lord to reckon with his servants, has been fulfilled, and the foolish virgins and slothful servants, together with the wicked that do wickedly, are cast or shut out into outer darkness, and their lamps gone out, and none of them understand, while the wise virgins and faithful servants have entered in and the door is shut, and their lights are burning, and their loins girded about, and they understand. I never understood Matthew 25:31, until of late. If there is any force in language, that verse is enough to convince any one that the event, represented by the coming of the Bridegroom, is not the personal coming of Christ to the earth. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 104.11

I have no fellowship with the Albany Conference; I do not think that the cause of our blessed Lord called for such a movement. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 104.12

There are a few in this place who are looking for the Lord, and have come straight out, and are determined to keep out of old Babylon. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 104.13

Yours, in the blessed hope, James M. Phillips.
Freetown, June 1, 1845.



An excellent and timely Sermon, with the above title, has been published by Bro. matthias. It can be had at the printing office of the Standard, 48 Gold st.; 131 Division st.; 3361 Bleecker st., N. Y., and 88 Fulton st., Brooklyn. Price 10cts. per copy, or $1 per dozen. S. JUBST June 5, 1845, page 104.14