The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1


April 17, 1845

Vol. I, NEW YORK CITY, THURSDAY, No. 6 (Partial)

[Pages 41-43 are missing.] JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.1

and knocketh we may open unto him immediately. All the brethren here have embraced the views contained in this with the exception of some few. Yours waiting for the coming of our King. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.2

Newark, April 4. C.


No Authorcode




The last Morning Watch has published my correction of its misstatement, in relation to my discourse on the 11th chapter of Zechariah, delivered at Franklin Hall. But it also publishes a reply from the pen of J. V. Himes. in which he says it would give him the greatest pleasure to correct my statement relating to the ‘three Shepherds.’ JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.3

Now let it be distinctly understood that I did not ask him to correct any statement which I had made. I wish for no such correction. What I requested was that the Watch would correct its false statement respecting my public discourse. It had been stated that ‘Bro. S. told the congregation in Franklin Hall, a few weeks since, when expounding this chapter, that the Holy Ghost had revealed to him who these ‘three shepherds’ were. They are: J. V. Himes, the ‘idol shepherd,’ the other two Geo. Storrs, and J. Litch.’ JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.4

The above statement we declared, in our last Standard, and still say, was not true. I have never, in a public manner, either by speaking or writing, mentioned those names in connection with that subject. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.5

But—‘he so minutely described the character of these poor shepherds in his discourse, that no one present, acquainted with the individuals, could avoid the conclusion, that he had reference to us! Well, I did but read the Bible, and apply it as I was obliged to do, chronologically to these last days. See the connection of Zech. chapters 9, 10, and 11, with parallel passages. And if any man does not see that those scriptures must be applied thus, as it regards time, he is too blind to be a good and safe ‘watchman.’ But here is a plain prophecy of ‘three shepherds’ of these last days—“cut off in one month!’ What shall we do with it? I did no more than to hold up the picture, as drawn by the prophetic pencil, and some of those who heard my sermon, said, ‘he means Himes, Storrs, and Litch.’ JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.6

After my discourse, if I mistake not, the question was propounded by some one, if I did not mean those persons, and I did not deny the correctness of the application. What then? Have I not the right of private judgment? And am I under the necessity of affirming or denying anything in relation to it? Somebody was cut off at any rate—for so declares the Book of God. And if this is a “miserable perversion of the Word of God,” let those who lay this to my charge make a better application if they can. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.7

Now mark, I do not affirm or deny, in this matter. I only say that there is the prophecy, and in the history of the 7th month movement, facts have transpired which look so much like a complete fulfilment of it, that almost any man, especially if he be not a ‘qualified expounder’ of the Scriptures, might be induced to think it truly so. We wait for light. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.8

Dearly beloved brethren and sisters! That ‘month’ in which those ‘three shepherds were cut off,’ will be remembered, when these scenes of trial and of conflict shall have ended, and the heavens and the earth shall have passed away. Cast not away your confidence in that month. Hold fast and let no man take your crown. Corrupt not, Oh! corrupt not, the convent of Levi.’ S. S. Snow. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.9



There words contain the most important caution ever given to mortals. They were to apply to God’s people at an awfully critical time;—a time when religion would be at a low ebb,—when the world would rejoice and the Lord’s people mourn and weep,—when the evil servants would say, ‘My Lord delayeth his coming,’ and should smite their fellow servants;—at a time when wickedness should abound and the love of many wax cold—when evil men and seducers should wax worse and worse: deceiving and being deceived;—a [original illegible] a time when the many would mock, and the very few suffer [original illegible] believe God,—and the world be barren of faith. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.10

These words ought to be adopted as the watch-word of the elect and hosts! They ought to be brought into mind every morning, and repeated the last thing in the evening. They should be used as a talisman in every temptation. They should be in every conversation and every salutation,—when we meet or part with friends we ought to exchange this watch word—REMEMBER LOT’S WIFE! JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.11

But what of Lot’s Wife? Why God has left her name and history as a monument, that others may learn, and fear, and shun her awful doom. Remember her punishment;—She looked back and became a pillar of salt,—she was immediately petrified into a statue,—an enduring monument of the temerity of disobeying God. Her history is soon told. She, with the rest, lingered at the start, but the men being merciful, laid hold upon their hands, and led them without the city. But she fell in the rear,—she looked back from behind her husband, and was destroyed; Genesis 19:26. She lagged behind him in their flight—she slackened her pace—and was very likely quite in the rear, and from under the influence of her husband when she looked back. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.12

Let us then remember her. She saw plainly that the city had abandoned itself to sin; for it was only the night before her exit that their house had been mobbed—the guests demanded—and her husband threatened,—for which the mob had been blinded, so that they could not find the door. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.13

The angels had declared their intention to destroy the city, and the next morning hurried them out of it, and then exhorted them to flee for their lives and look not behind them. She had enough to convince her that the Lord would keep his promise. There was ample ground for faith under the circumstances,—yet she believed not. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.14

Her being behind the rest of the company was evidence of a failure of her faith. She next began to feel concerned for the friends she had left behind,—this concern increased as she thought of them. Now remember, however right and commendable under other circumstances to indulge in sympathy for friends, it must not be allowed after God has abandoned them to destruction,—then we must agree with Him; for the Judge of all the earth will do right, and we must submit to his decision, and trust him, else we must perish with them. Besides, if the Lord must wait until all our tardy friends find it convenient to start with us, He will never punish the wicked, and his justice will never be vindicated. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.15

This woman had more feeling for the offending wicked of that devoted city, and her own children, than for the offended, grieved, and insulted God. Her duty was to be willing that God should destroy His enemies; but this she was unreconciled to. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.16

Our Savior saw that we should be tried with the same temptation,—hence the caution, ‘Remember Lot’s Wife.’ If like her you care more for your impenitent friends than for the honor of God, so like her, you must perish with them. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.17

Again, the Lord saw that the wicked would do wickedly—and that the nominal church would reject the Advent message; and so fall and become the ‘Habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird;’ Revelation 14:8, 18:2; and this before his second advent. And it was to be with them as it was with Sodom. Some, then, were to know that the day of the world’s visitation was past, and would preach it; and others were to be opposed to such truth from the same motives that Lot’s wife was: hence the warning. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.18

And also take notice. The same motives that would make you opposed to this truth would make you opposed to the Lord’s coming at all. This is consequence you cannot avoid: if you are not willing the door should now be shut, you are not willing the Lord should now come. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 44.19

Again—so long as you maintain an opposition to this truth you cannot believe the Lord may come to day or any future day with such a state of heart. Finally, while you follow the example of this unfortunate and wicked woman,—you betray a want of love to God and faith in him; and anybody of any discernment can see you are not in the best [original illegible] to meet the Lord. Do, dear reader, think, repent, and fly [original illegible] thy life. Remember, O! remember this warning from your Lord. M. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.1



We are charged with being among those who say, ‘Behold! he is in the secret chambers.’ Let us see whether this charge is just. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.2

The Tabernacle made by Moses, according to the pattern shewn him in the mount, was a figure of the true Tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man: see Hebrews 8:1-5; 9:8, 10. It was a pattern ‘of things in the heavenes;’ Hebrews 9:23, 24. In that tabernacle there were two apartments—one ‘called the Sanctuary,—the other, the Sanctum [original illegible] or Holy of holies; Hebrews 9:2-8. No one, excepting the high priest, was permitted to enter the most holy place. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.3

Now we ask if the Holy of holies was not a more ‘secret’ place than the tabernacle of the congregation? And was not that place a type of the Heaven of heavens, to which Christ the great High Priest ascended, to appear in the presence of God for us? JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.4

On the 10th day of the 7th month, (see Leviticus 14.) the high priest completed the atonement or reconciling, at his coming out of the most holy place, and went into the tabernacle of the congregation, when, laying aside the priestly garments, he left them there. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.5

So also, in the antitype, Jesus came out of the ‘third heaven,’ on the 10th day of the 7th month, and came to the ‘Tabernacle of God, which is to be with [original illegible] i.e., New Jerusalem, the capital of his kingdom. If this is saying ‘he is in the secret chambers,’ we plead guilty. But we leave it with God and his true people to judge, whether the tabernacle of the congregation, or the Holy of holies, be the ‘secret chamber’. S. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.6

We publish this week, from the Day Star, an interesting and valuable letter from our respected Bro. Miller. The views which it contains, as will be seen, are the same in substance with our own. We rejoice in this, although our faith rests solely on the immutable Word of God. We rejoice that our dear brother, who was the instrument in the hand of God of bringing us from the darkness of infidelity to the blessed light of God’s truth, believes so firmly that God will yet justify the preaching of ‘43 and the 7th month. Yes, yes! Bro. Miller, the Lord God of Elijah will vindicate his own truth. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.7

But our hearts have been made sad by reading in the last number of the Advent Herald a letter from Bro. M., which shows that he has been imposed upon by the misrepresentations and slanders of others, and has thus been induced, unwittingly, to unite with them in the unholy-work of smiting their fellow-servants. May God forgive him. S. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.8



Ten fires by incendiary are said to have occurred in three days in Baltimore. Also, a destructive fire at Newark, N. J. Loss $20,000. Also, a most calamitous fire at Pittsburg, by which it is estimated that one third of the city is laid in ruins. About 1100 buildings were destroyed, and about 6 or 8000 inhabitants left houseless. The Governor of Pennsylvania has issued a message, in which he says concerning the calamity: JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.9

This visitation of Providence strikes from beneath us all self-dependence, and enforces the instruction from the Book of Life, that “other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ,” and the necessity of that faith which looks “for a city that hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.10



The great crisis has most evidently come: the ‘perilous times’ of the ‘last days.’ And dangers of every kind now beset our pathway. The seven thunders of Revelation 10. are now shaking us in fragments. Every thing will be shaken that is not built upon the rock of God’s immutable and eternal truth. But, blessed be God, those things which cannot be shaken will remain. Although the enemy is now coming in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord is raising a Standard against him. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.11

Among the many errors that are afloat and sweeping the un-teachable and unstable to perdition, is one which, like ‘a fiery flying serpent,’ is coiling itself around some who have been walking with us, and stinging them to death. We mean the monstrous sentiment that the coming of Jesus, our glorious King, is spiritual or mystical. This is the legitimate fruit of that false and delusive doctrine, that ‘the great city, New Jerusalem’ is but a figure of the church triumphant. Here is where the ‘damnable heresy’ originates: and consistency requires that after taking that absurd and anti-scriptural view, we stop not, till we land in blind mysticism—yea further—in blank atheism. For the same kind of reasoning which would prove the New Jerusalem a figure would likewise prove the New Earth a figure. Not only so: but heaven, angles, Christ, and God must be but mere figures also. And what is this but atheism? JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.12

But beloved, the Word of God declares that ‘He hath prepared for us a city,’ and we do well to believe it. And oh! let us not give those blessed angles the lie who said, ‘Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in LIKE MANNER as ye have seen him go into heaven’. S. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.13

Our meeting at Crosby street are well attended by those who are truly waiting for the King, and the Lord is pouring upon us plenteous showers of the ‘latter rain.’ A goodly number of the brethren in Brooklyn also are with us in the truth. So also in Newark. Praise the Lord. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.14

Dear Bro. Snow:—The Lord is still with us, and feeds us daily with the true manna. We see the pillar and the cloud leading, and we cannot fear. Our little remnant is a happy company, we love each other, and rejoice in the immediate prospect of seeing Jesus. Trials, buffetings, and revilings, abide with us, but they are fast losing their power to afflict or distract. Our King is coming, and will speedily relieve; we are expecting him this month, having this confidence, we rejoice with exceeding joy. We would lay aside every weight, for it is now, life, life, eternal life,—all else is ashes. We have no desire, or time to grudge against one another, or to smite our erring brethren, or to answer again,—if this must be done, we would be found among the smitten. We leave those who despitefully entreat us, upon the altar of God, knowing that if they sin not “wilfully,” he will provide a way for their escape. Submission to the will of the Master, when he rose up and shut the door, does not fill our hearts with bitterness, and denunciation, towards any. We hear a voice saying, “What is that to thee, follow thou me,” and in this last conflict with the powers of darkness, we only feel careful to heed and obey that voice. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.15

Bro. S. Smith of N. H., has been with us a few days. He is still the same devoted, fearless lover of God and his Truth as he was in the 7th month, when he was so wonderfully used by the Lord in this place. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.16

Bro. Bellows of your city was here last Sabbath, also on Monday evening, and we were much strengthened and comforted by his faithful testimony. May the Lord still keep us, and all the precious ones, who love his appearing. C. S. M. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 45.17



All Scripture is profitable, if we will be profited by it; but it is very unprofitable if we wrest it, i.e., make it imply something which is not intended. Among the many instances of unprofitableness, washing of feet may be numbered for one, as it is now considered by some of our brethren as one of the ordinances of the Gospel. The only question then is,—Is it an ordinance? The proof will depend principally upon the circumstances of what we call the administration; for I suppose none will deny the necessity of an administration. In the case of Jesus and the twelve, our Lord himself administered; which is, I believe, the only instance recorded in which a man officiated; and only two other instances are mentioned in the New Testament, I believe, and in each case women are named as the administrators. Now I suppose no one will contend that women are the authorized or proper persons to administer an ordinances,—and yet Paul, 1 Timothy 5:10, requires that certain women should have performed that office. But does Paul class it with, or among the ordinances? No; he classes it among the duties of obedience and hospitality in the performance of every good work. Is there not then a plain difference between a Christian’s duty and a church ordinance? Most certainly there is. Lodging strangers and relieving the afflicted are duties, but they are not ordinances; yet our Savior makes them appear prominent in the judgment,—“I was a stranger and ye took me in; naked and ye clothed me,” etc., Matthew 25:35, 36. O brethren be careful how you set up a test of Christian character. We all need great humility; our trials are not yet ended. “Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall,”—cling fast to the Word. Let the Spirit of Christ dwell in us richly, for it is that spirit which shall change (quicken) our mortal bodies, making them like his glorious body. That glory will soon appear. Praise the Lord. Life! Life! Everlasting life! J. Croffuit. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 46.1

New York, April 16.



Dear Bro. Snow:—In these last trying days it is to me and all the struggling pilgrims in this unfriendly world, peculiarly interesting and pleasant now and then to meet face to face; and next to that is to hear by letter from one another, and rejoice or weep as the case may be with us; and for such as we have been fed by, with a portion of the Word as “meat in due season,” in days past, we feel an interest which cannot be fully expressed, and cannot be understood but by those who feel it. And so have many of the flock felt, and looked with anxiety to know and hear from Bro. Snow; and in proportion as we have felt, have our hearts now been gladdened by the reception of your letters in the Hope of Israel, and now by the little messenger you have sent forth; yea, our hearts feel to praise God that you are still among those whom we believe are pronounced blessed by our Lord, giving “meat in due season,” (Matthew 22.,) and our prayer is that you may so continue to do until he who is to come will come, and find you thus doing, and then receive at his hands the promised reward. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 46.2

And to Bro. M. associated with you, we say God speed; and above all we praise God that he has and does sustain and enable you, by over-ruling and checking our great enemy, to print and [original illegible] forth the little messenger with words of light and comfort, [original illegible] prepare God’s children for the sounding of the gathering trump, which will soon be heard,—yea, as certainly as the trump of [original illegible] was sounded on the 10th days of the 7th month, in the 49th year, to proclaim the year of release. And as to that, I am as [original illegible] in faith as that our Bible is a revelation from God; and that [original illegible] cry was of Him, and a fulfillment of the words of our blessed Jesus, (Matthew 25.) who told us before that there would be a cry made at midnight. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 46.3

And thus, too, the words of St. Paul, 1 Thessalonians 5, are understood by the “brethren,” and they know perfectly that the day so cometh as a thief, and that when they say peace and safety—and [original illegible] how plainly is this literally fulfilled—them cometh sudden destruction. But “ye, brethren, are not in darkness, but are all the children of light.” Yes, verily, it is light, and grows lighter and brighter as the day approaches. Glory be to God, our present light throws more on the past, and looks more clear and certain on the future than any past experience. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 46.4

Well, I will not write a long letter, for we have but little to do but comfort one another, and but very little more time to do it in. I will only threw in my mite and say, be of good cheer, and hold on and hold out to the end, and you will soon be gathered with all the faithful that have gone down to the grave in faith of the blessed hope, and looking for the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 46.5

Our little band, of which you know something, praise be to God, stand, as a band, almost all united in the present truth, having come out and stood on the Word, have followed on, looking and going forward, and not back, since we passed the certain chronological beacon, the cry, given at midnight. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 46.6

Yours in love and blessed and cheering hope of meeting at the Supper of the Lamb, to fulfil the Passover, as promised by our Lord, in the kingdom of God, next moon. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 46.7

Roxbury, Mass., March 28. Thos. W. Haskins.



Dear Bro. Snow:—Yesterday I received a small number of The Jubilee Standard, and it rejoices my heart that you are fearlessly proclaiming the present truths from God’s Word, now, when it seems as though the saints were famishing for the bread of life; and while many of the teachers would lead the little flock back, we need just such food; praise the Lord for meat in due season. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 46.8

There are a few in this place who love the truth, and will not be induced by the vain philosophy of man’s reasoning to give up the sure standing of God’s Word, backed up as it is by past experience, for the sandy foundations of human sympathy or wisdom. I have never doubted but what God was in the preaching of ‘43, and that the Holy Ghost dictated the midnight cry. I as fully believe it as that there is a Holy Ghost. Then, certainly our true standing is plain, and the saints will soon enjoy their rest. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 46.9

That our work for the world and nominal church ceased about the 1st of the 7th month, I have not the shadow of a doubt. I well remember my last effectual lecture about that time. I was in Youngstown, N. Y., (and if ever I had the sealing witness of God’s Spirit and power, it was then,) and as I arose to address the congregation, with as much of the power of the Holy Ghost as I could stand under, the inward voice spake in tones to me too plain to be misunderstood,—that I was doing my last work for a perishing world; and so I told the people. Dear brother what means that deep and universal experience of the seventh month? Surely it is of the Lord, and, blessed be his name, he will soon vindicate his truth and people. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 46.10

I have unwaveringly believed, and talked to the people as I have had opportunity, since the 7th month passed, that the fullness of the Gentiles had come in, and that we, as Advent Lecturers, had nothing more to do for the world and church. Bro. Turner’s exposition of the parables has thrown much light upon the subject, for which I thank the Lord. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 46.11

Our brother E. Hale, Jr., occupies nearly the same position. He has no sympathy with those that are striving to have us go back to re-arouse the church and world. I have many good seasons in conversing with him upon the glorious truths belonging to the kingdom. He often speaks of you; how it would rejoice our hearts to see you in the flesh, but we feel as to this, “the will of the Lord be done.” He is almost surprised that you have not sent him any of the Standard, and I have learnt this evening, from a correct source, that you have, and that some of the scorners of our blessed hope took them from the office without his knowledge, and opened them, and wrote upon them and sent them back, without hinting to him that there had been any sent to him. Thus you see the wicked continue to do wickedly. 1 But praise God, I feel that their triumph will be short. The Passover will not pass and leave the dear saints in longer suspense. The time of trouble, spoken of in Daniel 12:1, it seems, (see foreign news in Standard No. 2,) has already begun, “and at that time thy people shall be delivered.” Praise God all ye his saints. Yours in hope of a blissful immortality, JUBST April 17, 1845, page 46.12

Haverhill, April 8. John S. Bussell.



Dear Bro Snow:—The coming of our blessed King and Saviour, and the truth respecting it, is food to my hungry soul, and is truly meat in due season. I do believe with all my soul, the way he has led us is just right, glory to his name, because it has truly humbled us, and exalted his great and Holy name. And it rejoices my soul to think that, our Passover will come on the 14th day of the 1st month Glory! Glory! I never could be satisfied when the Jewish year began and ended; but praise his name to me the blessed light now shines. Without a doubt to my mind, God set his broad seal to the truth that, on the 10th day of the 7th month, the Bridegroom came. Your brother in the Lord, looking, and crying, Come Lord Jesus, come quickly. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 47.1

Newburyport, Mass., April 4. Richard Cutter. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 47.2

[communicated.] JUBST April 17, 1845, page 47.3

As the vapors are drawn up by the rays of the sun and formed into clouds, and from thence return in gentle showers upon the earth—watering and refreshing drooping nature: so the prayers of God’s people, coming up like holy incense to the Sun of Righteousness, and being presented by Him to the Father, are returned in showers of rich blessings upon the heads of his people. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 47.4

Moreover, as the rain waters and brings forth the seed that lies dormant in the bosom of the earth, causing it to come forth in all its beauty: so also will the rain of grace, that will fall at the revelation of Jesus Christ, (1 Peter 1:13,) raise the sleeping saints and bring them forth to everlasting life. O, then, let us pray, Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 47.5

EXTRACT FROM THE JOURNAL OF A VOYAGE towards the holy city—new jerusalem


.... We had been cruising about on the coast for some months, touching first at one point and then at another, in obedience to the written orders of our Captain; and had expected, long before, to have been ordered into port. And some of us were beginning to be very impatient, and even doubting whether we had our true latitude and longitude. Under these circumstances many were for returning whence they came—“to the churches,” thinking that would be much better than to be tossed about on the stormy seas, “enduring the trials and troubles that came upon us.” In short there was much murmuring and complaining among the crew of our good ship, and some of them did indeed desert at the first opportunity, and went no more with us. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 47.6

It was at this juncture that an old seaman, by the name of Paul, stepped forward and addressed the crew; (he being dead yet speaketh.) In the first place he called our attention to the case of a crew who were guilty of mutiny just as they were about to enter the harbor; 1 Corinthians 10:1-12; Numbers 14.; (please read and compare,) for which act they not only lost their wages but their lives also. This, he remarked, was an example for us, and warned us not to do as they had done, lest we perished in the same way. He then remarked that we should receive our reward on condition that we continued faithful to the end of the voyage; Hebrews 3:14. And after calling our minds back to some of the storms through which we had passed, and putting us in mind that there was a great reward laid up for us at our destined port; (Hebrews 10:32-34,) he advised us not to cast away our confidence, but now, having obeyed the orders of our Captain and done his will, that we might receive the promised reward, assuring us that it would be but a little while before the pilot would come and take us into port. Furthermore, he assured us, from the mouth of the Captain, that “if any man draw back his soul should have no pleasure in him,” (Hebrews 10:35-36.) Well, this all appeared quite reasonable, and we agreed to take his advice. “Nevertheless,” said he, “Where unto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same things,” (Philippians 3:16). JUBST April 17, 1845, page 47.7

By this we understood he meant that we should let go an anchor and hold the ground that we had, by much beating and toiling, succeeded in gaining. Accordingly we let go an anchor and brought the ship’s head to the wind. [The Christian flying to Jesus as his strong hold; Hebrews 6:18, 19.] JUBST April 17, 1845, page 47.8

And now all things being put to rights, some of the crew seemed to think that we might go below and take our rest. But orders came from our Captain that we should keep a sharp look out, lest, after all our toil, we should at last meet with shipwreck. This order we soon found was needful; for, on going to examine our cable, Faith, we found that, owing to the roughness of the sea, it had begun to chafe off. Thus we found that, although we did not experience so many storms and tempests [opposition and persecution] now, as we did while on our passage here, yet we were in full as much danger from the great number of swift and treacherous under-currents [conflicting views and opinions] with which we were surrounded. And therefore this was no time to sleep as did others, but rather that we should keep a more vigilant watch than ever. Accordingly we determined to serve our Cable often, [watch and pray,] and keep a sharp look-out for the Pilot, that we might be ready to receive him on board at any moment. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 47.9

But there were others that pursued quite a different course. One poor fellow, notwithstanding he was faithfully warned of the danger of such a course, let his whole crew go below and turn in, where they were soon lulled fast asleep by the syren song of “peace and safety,” little thinking that sudden destruction awaited them. [“For when they shall say peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape;” 1 Thessalonians 5:3.] But alas! in a little while, their cable of Faith, not being served with prayer, chaffed off, and they drifted away into the stream of worldly mindedness that runs into the Whirlpool of Perdition. [“But if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of those who draw back unto perdition but of those who believe unto the saving of the soul; Hebrews 10:35, 39.] We watched them for a long time, and saw them as they entered upon the first verge of the fearful circle. At first they moved around so slowly that their progress was almost imperceptible. But by degrees, as they were drawn nearer the vortex, they began to move swifter and swifter, until at length they became fully awake to all the horrors of their awful situation;—but alas! it was too late; [For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost; and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come; if they shall fall away to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh and put him to an open shame; Hebrews 6:4, 6. For if we sin wilfully, after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking-for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries; Hebrews 10:26, 27; 2 Peter 2:20-22.] But at this crisis the voice of our Captain called our attention to ourselves, saying to us “Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” JUBST April 17, 1845, page 47.10

P.S. We are still lying at anchor, anxiously looking for the pilot to come and take us into our fair haven of rest. Our hearts are filled with joy and gladness, believing that he is even now on his way, and that soon, yea very soon, “He that shall come will come and will not tarry.” Even so come Lord Jesus. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 47.11

Your brother in Christ, J. Lenfest.



The jot or yod is the smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet, marked thus (?) The tittle is a small point, or part of a letter. The expression of Christ in Matthew 5:18, is the strongest which could be used. The heavens and earth which are seen, are temporal. They will pass away. But the law, as recorded in the Old Testament, is more sacred and imperishable. Not the smallest letter or the smallest point in it shall fail of a complete fulfillment. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 47.12

If we had not been waiting and looking, with Simeon and Anna, we could never have known how Christ was going to fulfill the law respecting the Passover and other types: but his Word now shows it to us. In those types, the appointed time was not a mere jot or tittle. It was an important part of their substance. Now, unlikely though it was considered, when Christ entered Jerusalem, in the midst of a great multitude shouting Hosanna, and when the priests themselves, though resolved on his death, dared not even attempt to have him killed on the feast day, yet God overruled their malice, the treachery of Judas, the weakness and fears of Pilate, and the fickleness of the people, that, when THE HOUR was come, he was bleeding and dying on the cross. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.1

Will God be less exact in fulfilling the most important type in the whole law?—the great type which we know (on the authority of Paul’s epistle to the Hebrews) foreshows his second coming to the salvation of his people? O bid unbelief begone, and rest on God’s World.—Midnight Cry. Oct. 19, 1844. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.2

From the Hope of Israel.



What an unkind “word” that is occupying only one page in the Morning Watch of April 3, with its smiting accompaniments. It is addressed to the Advent Brethren. We feel grieved that the blow marked 1st, should be aimed at C. S. M., which initial every one will admit stand for the personification of Cling to the Seventh Month. We love sister C. S. M., very dearly, and now that she is smitten, we feel that we are smitten on the one check, so in accordance with Gospel principles, we cheerfully turn the other also, by testifying, that judging from her precious letters to us, she is full of faith and the Holy Ghost, and we doubt not God was with her in the “seventh month revival,” as the Watch calls it. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.3

We quote the following from the ‘word’ referred to: ‘The recent movement, relating to the coming of the Bridegroom, and the shutting of the door of salvation, consequent on the cry of the seventh month, we believe to be an error, For this belief, we have given our reasons, in full, in former numbers of this paper. We also regard it as a duty, which we owe to God, and the dear brethren scattered abroad, to warn them against it, as an error, fraught with the most serious and disastrous consequences. Its creed, or position, as given by authority, violates every principle of the Gospel, of the ever blessed God. Read it, ‘a wicked, world, and a corrupt, apostate, world-loving church, no longer share our sympathies, our labors, or our prayers.’ Does infidelity teach any thing as horrible as this? Do not infidels teach us to be humane? Do they shut out from their sympathies, the suffering and unfortunate? Yet such is the position that some brethren have assumed! Bro. Snow published it to the world; and the Editors of the Hope of Israel, uniting in the same sentiment re-published it, thereby endorsing its doctrine.’ JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.4

The question is asked, ‘does infidelity teach any thing as horrible as this?’ i.e. the passage quoted from Bro. Snow’s paper. Those who do not sympathize with, labor, and pray for the wicked world, and the apostate world-loving church, are then worse than infidels? But let it be remembered that this assertion would include Jesus; for there is a time when He says to the Father, John 7, “I pray not for the world, but for those whom Thou hast given me out of the world;” the churches are not included in this prayer, unless they are given him out of the world, all unspotted from the world. It is evident that this prayer was prophetically uttered by Jesus, and has its application when the mystery of God [Gospel dispensation,] is finished, when he door is shut, when the covenant with all the people is broken, and the dispensation of the fullness of times is come, when all that are in Christ, both in heaven and earth are to be gathered in one. The burden of this prayer is, that they [God’s people;] may all be one; they never can be one till they are gathered together in one, and united; accordingly we find in this prayer that Jesus prays, ‘Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory.’ Is not this the prayer of Jesus when his foes are become his footstool? when they are given him to break with a rod of iron, and dash in pieces like a potter’s vessel? Psalm 2:9. At this time the corresponding prayer of God’s people is. ‘Come Lord Jesus, come quickly,’ and rather than have oneness of petition, that misnomer, the Morning Watch, thinks the humane faith of the infidel preferable! JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.5

The period must come, the Watch will admit, when according to the parable of the Importunate Widow, (as well as the passages quoted above,) the prayer of God’s people will be, ‘avenge me of my adversaries;’ if the faith that inspires this petition is more to be dreaded than ‘infidelity,’ the sleeping sentinel referred to, would surely put the time when this faith will be exercised, out of the way in future as far as possible; accordingly, it is beginning to say in its heart, ‘my Lord delayeth his coming,’ and hence the smiting of which we were speaking. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.6

The Morning Watch having backslidden the other side of midnight when there was a cry made, we would suggest the propriety of calling it the Evening Twilight, so that no one may mistake where it is, and occasion so much labor of defining the true position. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.7

To quote again from the Watch, ‘we believe nothing occurred, in the recent movement, that has brought us to a final close of the present dispensation,—nothing to justify such monstrous conclusions. We have every evidence that the door of salvation is open Wide. Why will not our brethren believe us when we testify? Have we not been men of truth? Did we ever deceive you? Is it rational to suppose that we would at attempt it, on a subject so awful as this? No! But you think we are deceived in this matter Well, then we always were. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.8

The fearful, and awful responsibility of the position, taken by our brethren, may well cause angels to tremble, who rejoice over repenting sinners.’ JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.9

The drift of this is, ‘all things remain as they were,’ of course as certain events must take place (receiving of the kingdom, etc.) before Jesus comes in the glory of his Father, and sits upon the throne of his glory, he cannot be very near; according to this it will doubtless take ‘the range of a few years’ or more, for him to come. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.10

But we forbear. We cannot in this case, covert our brother from the error of his ways, we can only worn the little flock of danger by example; if the light that is in them become darkness, how great will be that darkness! JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.11

We have escaped to the mountain, where we are scattered, and smitten; and it is our only place of safety. We will not go back to the plain, but here we will patiently wait until our King shall come and deliver us. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.12

Let it be borne in mind that we have no means of supporting the Standard except what we receive from our friends. We have been sustained thus far, chiefly by donations. We wish to continue in the good work a few days longer, till our glorious King comes. Let us do our work faithfully, and without delay. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.13

Brethren and sisters, send you orders and funds at once—what we do must be done quickly. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.14

Our friends in this city and Brooklyn can obtain the Standard at the following places: JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.15

Bro. Gordon, 336 1-2 Bleecker street.
Bro. Riker, 131 Division street.
And at the place of meeting.
Brooklyn.—Bor. Mortimer, 88 Fulton street.
JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.16



G S Miles, Albany, $2,00; D C Tourtelot, Gloucester, $3; Z Baker, New Bedford, $2; L Hersey, Boston, $2; Ali Andrews, Bridgeport, $1,25; C Main, South Boston, $2; C Cavis, New Hampton, $1; W Briggs, Troy, $6; J Douglas, Bellville, 50cts; J Weston, New Ipswich, $1; G W Cherry, Marysville, $1; S Brackett, Smith, $1; B Camp, Newark, 75cts; J Bates, Fair Haven, $5; D B Gibbs, West Becket, $1; C S M, Philadelphia, $5: F B Hahn, Canadaigua, $1; W Shapley, Portsmouth, $1; A Wenham, T Callow, Cleveland, $1; P Livingston, Oberlin, $1; J B Cook, Warren, O., $2. JUBST April 17, 1845, page 48.17