Facts for the Times


DR. CHALMER, says: FT 79.5

“For the permanency of the Sabbath, however, we might argue its place in the decalogue, where it stands enshrined among the moralities of a rectitude that is immutable and everlasting.” Sermons vol. 1, p. 51. FT 79.6

JOHN WESLEY, says: FT 79.7

“It was not the design of Christ to revoke any part of the law. It cannot be broken. Every part of it remains in force upon all men in all ages. Neither time, place, nor circumstances make it liable to change.” Notes on Matthew 5. FT 80.1

Dr. Adam Clarke, on Romans 7:13. says: FT 80.2

“Thus it appears that a man cannot have a true notion of sin, but by means of the law of God.—And it was one design of the law, to show the abominable and destructive nature of sin; as well as to be a rule of life. It would be almost impossible for a man to have that just notion of the demerit of sin, so as to produce repentance, or to see the nature and necessity of the death of Christ, if the law were not applied to his conscience by the Holy Spirit; it is then alone, that he sees himself carnal, and sold under sin, and that the law and commandment are holy, just and good. And let it be observed that the law did not answer this end merely among the Jews, in the days of the apostles; it is just as necessary to the Gentiles, to the present hour. Nor do we find that true repentance takes place where the moral law is not preached and enforced. Those who preach only the gospel to sinners, at best only heal the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly.” FT 80.3

THOMAS SCOTT, says: FT 80.4

“This law, which is so extensive that we cannot measure it, so spiritual that we cannot evade it, and so reasonable that we cannot find fault with it, will be the rule of the future judgment of God, as it is of the present conduct of man. Nor would it consist with the glory of the Lord’s perfections, the honor of his government, the interests of his universal and everlasting kingdom, or even with the felicity of his rational creatures, to reverse, repeal or relax one precept of it, for it is all perfectly ‘holy, just, and good.’ Again he says:—’ To imagine that any redeemed sinner should be allowed to disobey it, is absurdity, impossibility, blasphemy.” See commentary. FT 80.5

DR. BARNES, says: FT 81.1

“We learn hence, 1. That all the law of God is binding on Christians. 2. That all the commands of God should be preached in their proper place, by christian ministers. 3. That they who pretend that there are any laws of God so small that they need not obey them, are unworthy of his kingdom. And, 4. That true piety has respect to all the commands of God, and keeps them.” Note on Matthew 5:19. FT 81.2

Bishop HOPKINS on the ten commandments, published by the American Tract Society, pp. 19, 29, says: FT 81.3

“Far be it from any christian to indulge himself in any licentiousness, from such a corrupt and rotten notion of the law’s abrogation; for, so far is it from being abolished by the coming of Christ, that he expressly tells us, he came not to destroy the law, but to fulfill it. Matthew 5:17. There is no duty required nor sin forbidden by God, but it falls under one at least, of these ten words.” FT 81.4

A book on entire holiness, by John W. Wallace, recommended by Methodist Conferences, on pp. 43, 45, says: FT 81.5

“This law which we understand to be still in force, and by which it may be presumed God governs all rational and intelligent beings, is embraced in the moral code delivered on Mount Sinai. FT 81.6

“This is the moral law; the law that admits of no repeal, and needs no amendment; nor does it require any modifications in its application to any and all the unnumbered hosts that stretch along the line of moral agents, etc.” FT 82.1

The Methodist Discipline, says: FT 82.2

“No christian, whatsoever, is free from the obedience of the commandments which are called moral.” FT 82.3

Alexander Campbell, says: FT 82.4

“It is a poor apology for this expurgation of the decalogue, that it is so done in the Douay Bible.—What myriads, then, through this fraud, must have lived and died in the belief that the second commandment was no part of God’s law. It is clearly proved, that the pastors of the church have struck out one of God’s ten words! which not only in the Old Testament, but in all revelation are the most emphatically regarded as the synopsis of all religion and morality.” Debate with Purcell, p 214. FT 82.5

David E. Thomas, (Baptist,) says: FT 82.6

“The duties of the decalogue did not originate when the law was given on Sinai. The obligations always existed: they grow out of the very nature and relations of man. Every command given, relates either to moral beings, or things of a moral nature already existing. No new moral obligations were then originated. ‘Remember the Sabbath day,’ implies its previous existence. This is no new enactment, but the observance of an old one.—’The Sabbath was made for man.’ Both his physical and moral natures absolutely require it. FT 82.7

“Christ came to explain, magnify and fulfill the law; it becomes the christian’s rule of life, and is established by faith. Saints are made free from its curse. It is to be the rule of the judgment day.” Christian Manual, p 231, 369. FT 83.1

The Genesee Evangelist, says: FT 83.2

“No reform can be successful and complete which is not founded on the great fundamental principles contained in the Ten Commandments. FT 83.3

H. H. DOBNEY, (Baptist minister,) of England, says: FT 83.4

“The excellency of the law is seen in its very nature. Generally, we mean by the law that which is commonly called ‘the moral law,’ presented to us in the shape of distinct commandments, ten in number; prescribing to each one of us concerning God in the first place, and then concerning our deportment to all our fellow creatures. These are illustrated, and their extensive bearing shown, by many other precepts which are scattered through the scriptures. But there is not a single injunction or prohibition (of a moral kind we mean, of course, not referring now to the ceremonial law given to the Israelites, which has another explanation) which is not referable to one or the other of these commandments, and included in it.” Future Punishment, p 42, 43. FT 83.5

DR. CUMMING, of England, says: FT 83.6

“The Law of Ten Commandments, is in its nature unchangeable, and permanent. It was ordained by the supreme law-giver, as the infallible rule of life, to all men, in every age of the world; in all places; under all circumstances, in every nation, and generation of men on the earth. Not one jot or title of it, was ever abolished, nor diminished, nor altered in the least degree, by the change of dispensation from Jewish too Christian.” Signs of the Times, pp. 23, 39. FT 83.7

MR. SPURGEON, says: FT 84.1

“The law of God is a divine law, holy, heavenly, and perfect. Those who find fault with the law, or in the least degree deprecate it, do not understand its design. FT 84.2

“There is not a command too many; there is not one too few; but it is so incomparable, that its perfection is a proof of its divinity. FT 84.3

“No human law-giver could have given forth such a law as that which we find in the decalogue.” Sermons, p. 280. FT 84.4

The Encyclopedia, of Biblical literature, (recommended by twenty-six D. D.’s,) on the fourth commandment, says: FT 84.5

“It is unnecessary to dwell on the fact that its position in the midst of the moral law distinctly points to its perpetual and universal obligation.” FT 84.6

The Religious Encyclopedia, (Art. Sabbath,) says: FT 84.7

“It is wholly a mistake, that the Sabbath, because not reenacted with the formality of the decalogue, is not explicitly enjoined upon christians. FT 84.8

“The Sabbath was appointed at the creation of the world, and sanctified or set apart for holy purposes, ‘for man,’ for all men, and therefore for christians; since there was never any repeal of the original institution. Whoever, therefore, denies the obligation of the Sabbath on christians, denies the obligation of the whole decalogue.” FT 84.9

From the resolutions and address of a Sabbath FT 84.10

(Sunday) Convention held in Chicago, Ill., May 17, 1855, we extract the following: FT 85.1

Resolved, That this Convention regard the holy rest of the Sabbath as a divine and perpetual obligation binding on us, and on all men as truly as any other commandment in the decalogue. FT 85.2

“As each of God’s commandments rests upon all his authority, those who dispense with the Sabbath, set aside all the authority of God on which the whole decalogue rests. Henceforth such men do not obey God at all. Their religion thenceforth becomes a mere expedient to get to heaven by—mercenary in its motives, various in its morality, and the very fear of God is with them taught by the precepts of men!” FT 85.3

Dr. THOMAS DICK, on the fourth commandment, says: FT 85.4

“This is a command which never was abrogated, and which never can be abrogated, in relation to any intelligent beings, so long as the creation exists, and so long as the universe remains as a memorial of his power and intelligence.” Works, vol. 1, p, 74. FT 85.5

The Wisconsin Home, on “Religion,” says: FT 85.6

“The ten commandments form its true basis.—They form a foundation broad and strong enough for all creation to rest upon with perfect safety.—Yet how few do we find thereon.” FT 85.7

HUMPHREY, President of Amherst College, on the ten commandments, says: FT 85.8

“The law has no limitations, and therefore can never expire. It has never been repealed; and as the sacred canon is full and complete, we are certain it never will be. It is, therefore, binding on every one of us at this moment; and will be upon all future generation. No human authority may expunge a single word from the statutes of Jehovah.” Essay on the Sabbath, p 24. FT 85.9

On the perpetuity of the Sabbath, President HUMPHREY, says: FT 86.1

“The chapter and verse must be pointed out in which the law is expressly repealed.” lb. p 19. FT 86.2

In an earnest appeal to ministers, President HUMPHREY, says: FT 86.3

“To you it belongs to expound the fourth commandment, and in the most solemn manner, to urge its divine and perpetual obligations upon all your hearers. Present these obligations in all their strictures, and in their full extent. Listen to no compromise. Heed no railing. Shrink from no discussion. Take counsel of no time-serving policy. Let your grand and ultimate appeal be to the scriptures. One, ‘thus saith the Lord,’ is worth a thousand arguments drawn from any other source.”—Ib. p. 100. FT 86.4

American Sunday School Union, says: FT 86.5

“The commandment which stands fourth in the order of the decalogue is founded on the fact that the seventh day was blessed and hallowed by God himself, and that he requires his creatures to keep it holy to him. The command is of universal and perpetual obligation.” Bible Dictionary. FT 86.6