Facts for the Times


Said Clement, A. D. 96: FT 109.4

“Wherefore let us every hour expect the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, because we know not the day of our Lord’s appearing.” FT 109.5

Said Cyprian, A. D. 220: FT 110.1

“It were a self-contradictory and incompatible thing for us, who pray that the kingdom of God may quickly come, to be looking for long life here below.... Let us ever in anxiety and cautiousness be awaiting the sudden advent of the Lord.” FT 110.2

Said CYRIL., A. D. 350: FT 110.3

“Do thou look for the true Christ, the Son of God, the only Begotten; who is henceforth to come not from earth, but from heaven, appearing to ail more bright than any lightning, or any other brilliance, with angels for his guards, that he may judge quick and dead, ...it behooveth us to to know the signs of the end,—and we are looking for Christ.” FT 110.4

Said AUGUSTINE: FT 110.5

“But men continually say to themselves, ‘Lo, the day of Judgment is coming now, so many evils are happening, so many tribulations thicken; behold all things which the prophets have spoken have well nigh fulfilled—the day of Judgment is already at hand.” FT 110.6


“Covet not the things that are in the world, but long for the coming of the Lord Jesus.” FT 110.8

The WAldenses said: FT 110.9

“We ought always to watch and pray; for we see that the world is near its end. Daily we see the signs coming to their accomplishment, in the increase of evil,” etc. Horae Apoc., Vol. ii, p, 315. FT 110.10

Hugh Latimer, A. D. 1535, said: FT 111.1

“Therefore all those excellent and learned men, which, without doubt, God hath sent into the world in these latter days, to give the world warning,... do gather out of the scriptures that the last day cannot be far off.” Third Sermon on Lord’s Prayer. FT 111.2

John Knox, Presbyterian Reformer, who was so mighty with God that Queen Mary said she feared his prayers more than an army of twenty thousand men, in 1554 of Christ’s Coming, said: FT 111.3

“We know that he shall return and that with expedition.” FT 111.4

John Calvin, A. D. 1535, said: FT 111.5

“The scripture uniformly commands us to look forward with eager expectation to the coming of Christ, and defers the crown of glory that awaits till that period.” Institutes. b. 3, chap. 25. FT 111.6

MARTIN LUTHER, in A. D. 1515, said of passing events: FT 111.7

“I do most earnestly hope that these are the blessed signs of the immediate end of all things.” Mitchel’s Life of Luther, p. 255. FT 111.8

“Near the time of his death he said: FT 111.9

“I persuade myself verily that the day of Judgment will not be absent full three hundred years more. God will not, cannot, suffer this wicked world much longer.” FT 111.10

JOHN MILTON, author of “Paradise Lost,” in sentiment a Baptist, said: FT 111.11

“When thou, the eternal and shortly expected King, shall open the clouds to judge,” etc. Treatise on Christian Doctrine, Vol. ii, Chap. 33. FT 111.12


“Would it not rejoice your hearts if you were sure to live to see the coming of the Lord? ...For my own part, I must confess to you that death as death, appeareth to me as an enemy, and my nature doth abhor and fear it. But the thoughts of the coming of the Lord are most sweet and joyful to me.... Oh that I might see his kingdom come!” Works, Vol. xvii, p. 555. FT 112.2

Again BAXTER says: FT 112.3

“If death be the last enemy to be destroyed at the resurrection, we may learn how earnestly believers should long and pray for the second coming of Christ, when this full and final conquest shall be made.” Works, Vol. xvii, p. 500. FT 112.4

ISAAC AMBROSE, a Presbyterian divine of England, on the Second Advent, said: FT 112.5

“This time is at hand.... See you not now many signs, as heralds and forerunners of his glorious coming?” Ambrose’s Works, p. 408. FT 112.6

THOMAS WATSON, a pious divine who died in A. D, 1673, says: FT 112.7

“The time of the general Judgment is a secret kept from the angels, but this is sure, it cannot be far off.” Body of Divinity, p. 208. FT 112.8

Samuel Rutherford, professor of Divinity at St. Andrews in Scotland, who, with Bailee, were styled the “great, lights of their day,” says: FT 112.9

“We are in the last days, the day of the Lord is now near at hand.” Letters, p. 367. FT 112.10

Matthew Henry, A. D. 1700. The superior excellence of his Commentary, says Dr. Alexander, are admitted by thousands of judicious Theologians, and Dr. FT 112.11

Clarke affirms, “It is always orthodox.” On 2 Peter 3, he says: FT 113.1

“How much more should they wait with expectation and earnestness for his second coming, which will be the day of their complete redemption.” “They, (the wicked,) will still attack us till the end of time; till our Lord is come; they will not believe that he will come; nay, they will laugh at the very notion of his second coming, and do all they can to put all out of countenance who seriously believe and wait for it.” FT 113.2

On Luke 18:8, Dr. HENRY remarks: FT 113.3

“In particular it intimates that he will delay his coming so long that wicked people will begin to defy it, and to say, ‘Where is the promise of his coming?’ They will challenge him to come; and his delay will harden them in their wickedness. Even his own people will begin to despair of it, and conclude he will never come, because he has passed their reckoning.” FT 113.4

ISAAC NEWTON says: FT 113.5

“About the time of the end, in all probability a body of men will be raised up, who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation in the midst of much clamor and opposition.” Observations on Prophecy. FT 113.6

Dr. JOHN GILL, on Revelation 3:20, writes: FT 113.7

“‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock,’ etc. The phrase, ‘standing at the door,’ may be expressive of the near approach of Christ to Judgment; and his knocking may signify the notice that will be given of it by some of the immediate forerunners and signs of his coming; which will yet be observed by a few, such a general sleepiness will have seized the professors of religion.” FT 113.8

Phillip Doddridge says: FT 114.1

“He comes quickly; and I trust you can answer with a glad amen, that the warning is not troublesome or unpleasant to your ears, but rather that his coming, his certain, his speedy coming, is the object of your delightful hope, and your longing expectation.” Rise and Progress, p. 419. FT 114.2

JOHN WESLEY expected the Millennium in 1836, remarking that, FT 114.3

“In a short time those who say they (the thousand years) are now at hand, will appear to have spoken the truth.” FT 114.4

On ‘adding to the Prophecy,’ he says: FT 114.5

“And doubtless this guilt is incurred by all those who lay hindrances in the way of the faithful, which prevents them from hearing the Lord’s I come! and answering, Come, Lord Jesus!” Wesley’s Notes. FT 114.6

COTTON MATHER, in his work entitled, Student and Preacher, says: FT 114.7

“The Ruler of the world, returning to us, will send forerunners, who will show his approach and the speediness of his coming. And before the very great and very greatly to be dreaded day of the Lord come, he will send Elias, or men endued with his spirit and his power, who with a loud voice shall show themselves sons of thunder, concerning the Lord’s hastening to us. It behooveth any servant of God, who would be named a vigilant and not a drowsy servant, to perform this office of Elias.” Life of Mather, p. 141. FT 114.8

GEORGE WHITFIELD, who died in Mass., A.D. 1770, often used the expression, FT 115.1

“In these last times,” “in these last days,” in a little while,” very shortly, Christ will come.” Memoirs and Sermons. FT 115.2

GEORGE BENSON says: FT 115.3

“We expect his Second Advent to restore all things, to judge the world, to condemn his enemies, and to begin his glorious reign.” Benson’s Notes. FT 115.4

ROBERT HALL, a Baptist preacher and author, of great talent, says: FT 115.5

“Everything in the condition of mankind, announces the approach of some great crisis.” Hale’s Works, Vol. iv, p. 404. FT 115.6

John De-la Fletcher, A.D. 1775, says: FT 115.7

“It is remarkable that more books have been written upon the prophecies these last hundred years, than were ever known before, and all—those at least, which I have read—agree that these things will, in all probability, soon come upon the earth. I know many have been mistaken as to years; but because they were rash, shall we be stupid? Because they said ‘to-day,’ shall we say ‘never,’ and cry ‘peace, peace,’ when we should look about us with eyes full of expectation.” “If these things happen not to us, but to our children, (as they most certainly will before the third generation passes away,) is it not our business to prepare ourselves for them, to meditate on them, and warn as many people as we can prudently, lest their blood be required at our hands.” See Fletcher’s Works, Vol. x. FT 115.8

WILLIAM ROMAINE, an eminent and learned Theologian and Divine, about A.D. 1790, said: FT 116.1

“The marks and signs of Christ’s Second Advent, are fulfilling daily. His coming cannot be far off. If you compare the uncommon events which the Lord said were to be forerunners of his coming to judgment, with what hath lately happened in the world, you must conclude that the time is at hand.” FT 116.2

WILLIAM COWPER, about A. D. 1789, said: FT 116.3

“The world appears FT 116.4

To tell the death-bell of its own decease;
And by the voice of all its elements,
To preach the general doom. When were winds
Let slip with such a warrant to destroy?
When did the waves so haughtily o’erleap
Their ancient barrier, deluging the dry?
Fires from beneath, and meteors from above,
Pertentous, unexampled, unexplained.
Have kindled beacons in the skies. The old
And crazy earth has had her shaking fits
More frequent, and foregone her usual rest;
And nature seems with dim and sickly eye
To wait the close of all.”
Cowper’s Task, B. ii.
FT 116.5

THOMAS SCOTT, who died A. D. 1821, on Daniel 8:14, says: FT 116.6

“No doubt the end of the 2300 days or years, is not very distant.” FT 116.7

THOMAS CORE was associated with Wesley, and was very active, accomplishing nine missionary voyages to America! Of Christ’s coming he says: FT 116.8

“Near, even at the doors, is the day of Judgement. The period of time which yet remains we known is short; how short, who can tell? We ought to be in constant and hourly expectation of it. At the coming of Christ to avenge and deliver his faithful people, the faith of his coming will, in a great measure, be lost. Chronological calculation, and the general appearance of the world, all conspire to tell us that the events of the latter days are even come upon us, and that the time of God’s controversy with the earth is near at hand. It is already on the wing.” See Coke’s Commentary. FT 116.9

LORENZO DOW says: FT 117.1

“The ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s Image only remain; these times are eventful, and the signs are portentous; let all the Israel of God be in a state of readiness for the coming of the Lord.” Dow’s Journal, p. 355. FT 117.2

ALFRED BRYANT, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Niles, Mich., says: FT 117.3

“The chronological data which the prophecies give, furnish intimation that the time is short when all that is predicted shall come to pass.” “There can be no doubt that, according to prophecy, we are on the eve of vast political revolutions, in which probably blood will flow, as described in Apocalyptic vision.” “The very general expectation upon the minds of most persons, that we are approaching some great crisis, is an indication of a coming Saviour.” Views of Millennium, pp. 224, 225. FT 117.4

DR. CUMMING of England says: FT 117.5

“It seems as if every body moved by express and believed they should not be able to accomplish their mission before that night comes when no man can work. The omens and auguries of an approaching crisis, are so thick, and vivid, and so remarkable, that there is not a thinking distinguished statesman in Europe that does not feel afraid to look into that unsounded but opening future that is before Europe our country, and mankind.” Benedictions, pp. 181, 182. FT 117.6

Sir Robert Peel says: FT 118.1

“Every aspect of the present times, viewed in the light of the past, warrants the belief that we are on the eve of a universal change.” FT 118.2

The learned DR. ELLIOT remarks: FT 118.3

“With regard to our present position, we have been led, as the result of our investigations, to fix it at but a short distance from the end of the now existing dispensation, and the expected Second Advent of Christ.” FT 118.4

Says JOHN COX, of England: FT 118.5

“So far as I can discern, no further signs are to be expected, as it seems to me we have entered into that last period of awful expectation, during which the church is likened unto virgins.” FT 118.6

Dr. Twing, Episcopal minister in New York, says: FT 118.7

“The building fig-tree does not indicate the approach of Summer clearer than the signs of the times betoken the soon coming of the everlasting kingdom.” FT 118.8

David Lord, editor of the Literary and Theological Journal, published in New York, remarks as follows: FT 118.9

“There are no future events more clearly revealed than that Christ is, within a brief period, to come from heaven in person, and visibly raise the sanctified who shall have died, and judge and accept those who are living, and destroy the civil and ecclesiastical powers who usurp his rights, and persecute his people.” FT 118.10

DR. Lyman Beecher, in a sermon preached in London, while attending the Evangelical Alliance, made use of the following striking language: FT 119.1

“The Lord is speedily to come! Christ is at the door! Behold, the Bridegroom cometh! go ye out to meet him! All are in expectation of the coming of the Son of man!” FT 119.2

And Prof. George Bush, of New York, has admitted that, FT 119.3

“We are living in an age expressly foretold by prophecy, and just opening upon the crowning consummation of all prophetic declarations!” FT 119.4

The Edinburgh Presbyterian Review says; FT 119.5

“Never was there a time when events developed themselves with such rapidity. As the world moves on, it seems to accelerate its speed, and precipitate itself with headlong haste. Events seem to ripen before the time. The crisis comes on ere we are aware of the commencement. Speed, whirlwind speed, is the order of the day.” FT 119.6

Charles Landgrave, father-in-law of the king of Denmark, in a speech at the annual meeting of the Holstein Bible Society, A. D. 1829, said: FT 119.7

“Is not the second coming, spoken of by our Lord to his disciples, now near, since the appointed sign by him has appeared?” Edinburgh Christ. Inst., June 1830. FT 119.8

Edward Winthrop, Rector of St. Paul’s Church, Norwalk, Ohio, says: FT 119.9

“As we are rapidly approaching the grand crisis of this world’s history, it becomes us in a devout and prayerful spirit, carefully to note the signs of the times.” Winthrop’s Letters, p. 142. FT 119.10

WM. MILLER says: FT 120.1

“I beseech you, O sinner, do not hear to those who will deceive you. Look for yourselves: read, study, and consider for yourselves. You may depend upon it, every important movement of the nations, of the church, of the sects, and societies of the world, denote the end of all things at hand.” Memoirs, pp. 404-5. FT 120.2

Dr. George Duffield, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Detroit, Mich., says: FT 120.3

“Minds of the highest order, Christians of the most ardent and devoted piety, and scholars of the profoundest erudition, have embraced the Millennarian faith, as the true and genuine import of God’s promises and the scheme of prophecy.” Millennarianism Defended, pp. 182, 183. FT 120.4

The dying words of John King Lord, late pastor of the First Orthodox Congregational Church, Cincinnati, Ohio, were: FT 120.5

Tell the Church to hold on till Christ comes.” FT 120.6

H. W. Fox, late missionary from England to the Teloogoo people, said: FT 120.7

“I have a strong anticipation that the time is not far distant.” Memoirs, p. 246. FT 120.8

Bishop Hopkins of Vermont, says: FT 120.9

“We would admonish you with still greater earnestness, to keep your souls in constant readiness for your Lord’s advent, and in a state of sacred desire to behold him in his glory.” Discourses on Advent, p. 29. FT 120.10

Thomas Wickes, pastor of the First Congregational Church in Marietta, Ohio, says: FT 120.11

“If Christ comes at the termination of this period of reigning iniquity and delusion, he is coming quickly.” FT 120.12

J. W. Brooks, vicar of Clareborough, England, says: FT 121.1

“I am most firmly persuaded that we are living in that awful period designated in scripture, as the last days, and the last time. Every succeeding year serves to increase the evidence on this head, and to give clearness, precision and intensity to those signs which already have been noticed by commentators. Even worldly men are so affected by the signs of our times, as to feel seriously persuaded that some tremendous crisis is at hand.” Elements of Prophetical Interpretation, p. 480. FT 121.2

Faith of the baptists in 1660. FT 121.3

The following extract is from a confession of faith, signed by JOHN BUNYAN, and forty other elders, deacons, and brethren, and approved by more than 20,000 others, was presented to king Charles II, in London, 1660. They declared: FT 121.4

“We are not only resolved to suffer persecution to the loss of our goods, but also life itself, rather than decline from the same.” FT 121.5

“We believe that the same Lord Jesus who showed himself alive after his passion, by many infallible proofs, [Acts 1:3.] which was taken up into heaven, [Luke 24:51,] shall so come in like manner as he was seen to go into heaven. Acts 1:9-11. Though alas! now many men be scarce content that the saints should have so much as a being among them, but when Christ shall appear, then shall their day come, then shall be given unto them power over the nations,” etc. Crosby’s Hist. of Bap., Vol. II, p. 85. FT 121.6

H. L. Hastings says: FT 122.1

“The present is an eventful hour in earth’s history. All things verge towards an awful crisis. Nations are in distress—wise men are perplexed—rulers grasp the sword, and sit uneasily on their thrones—deep thunders mutter in the distance—and the red blaze of battle flashes along the eastern skies. The premonitory shocks that herald the earthquake’s coming are felt, and war will soon roll its volcanic torrent along the earth. The crisis is at hand.” FT 122.2

Dr. Francis Wayland, in a sermon preached Oct. 11th, 1857, says: FT 122.3

“Every countenance is furrowed with anxiety. Nothing in the daily papers is read but telegraphic despatches from every city in the Union, telling of unexampled distress, and announcing the failure of houses that were considered above the reach of vicissitudes, or banks whose circulation forms the earnings of multitudes. And if you go beyond this, and ask the signs of the times of those whose sagacity is rarely at fault, and whose means of knowledge is most to be relied on, they tell you that they see no light. Private accounts are even more distressing than public report. City after city succumbs, and the rest stand on the verge of suspension. Men’s hearts are failing them for fear, and for looking after those things that are coming. It seems like the deep, choking stillness which precedes the earth make, when the ground begins to tremble beneath our feet, and every one is looking in dismay for the catastrophe which is to overwhelm the labor of centuries in one indiscriminate ruin.” FT 122.4

The Christian Observer for 1815, speaking of Mr. Penn’s works on Prophecy, says: FT 123.1

“The admirable intent of both of Mr. Penn’s works on Prophecy is to prepare men’s minds for that great and terrible day, which, if the signs of the times (distinctly foretold by our Lord) may be trusted to, is not far from us. To my surprise, I have heard a sermon preached by a gentleman of zeal, powers, and reputation, objecting to this doctrine as dangerous. How so? Wherein can consist the danger of a Christian’s expecting the coming of his Saviour from day to day? of its occupying all his thoughts? of its influencing (which it may certainly do, without deranging them) his whole business, life, and conversation? Surely he is not likely to become the worse member of society for it, or to be the less prepared for the event of his own death.” FT 123.2

“Every expositor of the present day seems to agree that we live in the last times.” FT 123.3

Among the authors and editors that have written in favor of the personal and near coming of Christ, are the following: FT 123.4

Edward Irving, Charlotte Elizabeth, Matthew Habershon, John Hooper, J. A. Begg, Dr. Keith, H. M. Villiers Henry Woodard, Dr. George Croley, Henry Drummond, Wm. Wogan, Esq., Dr. Jos. Wolfe, Wm. Pym, J. H. Stewart, Mourant Brock, Ridley Herschell, J. W. Brooks, Wm. Ramsey, II. Jones, Prof. A. Hopkins, Prof. J. F. Huber, Dr. Stephen Tyng, Bishop Henshaw, Nathan Lord, Elon Gallusha, Prof. N. Whiting, Alfred Bryant, Josiah Litch, J. V. Himes, Dr. J. Thomas, J. Merriam, etc. Besides all these there are more than one hundred Advent authors of note, [see Voice of the Church, by FT 123.5

D. T. Taylor,] also many thousand believers. In view of all this, shall we pronounce the Second Advent doctrine, heresy, winds of doctrine, new things, Millerism, etc.? God forbid. But rather let all professed watchmen heed the following solemn charge of Dr. Hugh Mcneile: FT 124.1

“My brethren, Watch, preach the coming of Jesus—I charge you in the name of our common Master, preach the coming of Jesus—solemnly and affectionately in the name of God, I charge you, preach the coming of Jesus.” FT 124.2