Heavenly Visions



But another distinguishing feature is mentioned there in Revelation 12:17. The remnant was not only to keep the commandments of God, but was to have “the testimony of Jesus,” which the angel later explained to be “the Spirit of prophecy.” Revelation 19:10. HEVI 83.20

The picture is plain: in the last days a people were to come, keeping the commandments of God, and in their midst there was to be a restoration of that gift of the Spirit of prophecy. And those things were to bring the attack-the special attack-of the enemy. Upon what two points do we find opponents continually centering their main attack?-On the keeping of the commandments of God, and on the Spirit of prophecy. We find it everywhere. If those attacks did not come, we would think there was something lacking. But, thank God, it is all right. Here come the people with the commandments of God and the Spirit of prophecy, and the enemy attacks those two points especially. HEVI 83.21

Our pioneers have told us how the days of 1844 came, bringing forth a people keeping the commandments of God. At that time, it appears, the Lord was looking for an agent through whom he could speak by the Spirit of prophecy to guide the movement. They have told us that in the State of Maine, in 1844, the Lord appeared to a Mr. Foss, one of the early advent believers, and showed him in vision the journey of the advent people to the city of God. He was instructed to tell the vision. He refused; he felt humiliated to talk about a dream, a vision, and he finally demanded that he be excused. At last the Lord said to him in a vision “I have excused you. I have laid the burden on one of the weakest of the weak.” HEVI 83.22

As Mr Foss came out of the experience, you remember, he felt alarmed at the decision he had made. He told the little group of believers that he had been given a vision which he would tell. They gathered in the meeting hall. He stood up to tell the story, but he was silent. After a few moments he said, in effect, “It is taken from me. I cannot remember it.” And he walked from the platform. HEVI 84.1

A little later he heard a young girl standing before the audience of believers, relating a vision that God had given her of the journey of the advent people to the city of God. As he listened, he said, “That is the very vision that God gave to me, and that I refused to tell.” That young women was Ellen Harmon, later Mrs. E. G. White, called of God in 1844 to bear messages for him. Though so young, she had a rich Christian experience, and in the 1844 times had often been called to speak and exhort in the meetings where believers were seeking God for a preparation to meet the Saviour when He should appear. HEVI 84.2

As the call came in the vision, young Ellen Harmon felt also that she wanted to be excused. We are told in “Early Writings:” HEVI 84.3

“After I came out of vision I was exceedingly troubled. My health was very poor, and I was but seventeen years old. I knew that many had fallen through exaltation... I went to the Lord in prayer and begged Him to lay the burden on some one else. It seemed to me that I could not bear it....All the light I could get was, ‘Make known to others what I have revealed to you.’... HEVI 84.4

“Said the angel, ‘If you deliver the messages faithfully, and endure unto the end, you shall eat of the fruit of the tree of life, and drink of the water of the river of life. ’”-Pages 20, 21. HEVI 84.5

And that young girl of seventeen, in her weakness, rose from the place of prayer before the Lord and accepted the burden. For seventy years the voice of this gift was heard, bearing messages in the advent movement; and to this day the pen of the Spirit of prophecy speaks to the advent people as we journey to the city of God. HEVI 84.6

The time of the prophecy had come in 1844. The people keeping God’s commandments had come. And soon, as attention was called to the Sabbath truth, in the midst of that group the gift of the Spirit of prophecy was at work. The living God has been directing the advent movement by this gift all along the way. In the ancient time God led the exodus movement out of Egypt, and anew called that people to loyalty to His commandments. That holy law was the foundation of morality and right conduct. But as the Lord was guiding that movement, He wanted to say to the people, “Do this,” “Do that,” “Go here,” “Go there.” The Lord wanted to instruct them in all their journey. How did He do it? He placed the gift of the Spirit of prophecy in the movement. “By a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved.” Hosea 12:13. HEVI 84.7

These things happened unto that people as examples for us. The Lord brought this advent movement out of the Egypt of this world. Many a time, as the older ones know, the voice of the Spirit of prophecy in this movement has guided and preserved us from danger. When we were taking the wrong turn, that voice would call us back and say, “This is the way; walk ye in it.” That gift has been a divinely ordered agent that has preserved and guided us on the right hand and on the left. HEVI 84.8