Heavenly Visions
By W. A. Spicer PICTURE HEVI 79.1
Interesting and instructive side lights on the growth and development of the second advent movement and the men and women who pioneered this great religious awakening of the last days. With thrilling vividness Elder Spicer leads his readers through many of the experiences of those early days which resulted, under God, in the laying of our denominational foundations. HEVI 79.2
This story of how the Spirit of the Lord led a few consecrated believers in the discovery and proclamation of the fundamental truths of God’s last-day church on earth is an inspiring book for every Seventh-day Adventist believer. It will establish faith, install courage for the future, and strengthen the service of everyone who reads it-this was the author’s purpose and accomplishment. HEVI 79.3
Contains 256 pages-30 interesting chapters bound in green cloth
A book to read, reread, and remember