Heavenly Visions


A PLANT, with its bright red berries and dark rich foliage, stood in a window; it was drooping and withering because its caretaker had forgotten the daily cup of cold water. How helpless it stood! like a picture of despondency, in the sunshine. Really, under the circumstances, clouds would have suited it better. But what a change after the refreshing drink was given! Each little leaf seemed to feel the new impulse, and in a short time it was a thing of beauty again. HEVI 48.9

Only a cup of cold water! Only a kind word to some one with care pressing on the heart,-just one word, perhaps, to tell of One who will take the care-Jesus. Only a few thoughts sent out, like a dove, to find rest in a troubled life, and to speak of the peace that passeth understanding. Only the mites that, with the Lord’s blessing upon them, will bring forth fruits for him, a smile to a weary one, and a little poem or tract in the midst of busy hours to give new hope, or new light, along the way. There are so many “cups of cold water.” And he who gives these as he journeys on “shall in no wise lose his reward.”-Selected. HEVI 48.10