Heavenly Visions



FRIENDS, how may you and I, plain and common folks,
Best serve the One who doth our service claim?
No glowing words can we from pulpit preach,
To heathen lands we can not go to teach
In his dear name.
HEVI 45.8

Gold is not ours to give. Our days are filled
With humble tasks to which our strength must go.
But we, by doing well, day after day.
What our hands find to do along our way,
May serve also.
HEVI 45.9

Kind words are ours to speak; and loving deeds
May, every day, by willing hands be done.
We do by Him as we by others do.
His faithful servants must be just and true
To every one.
HEVI 45.10

Friends, when, with thankful hearts, we gladly do
For those around us little acts of love,
Which help to make their needs and sorrows less,
Our willingness to serve we well express
To One above. —A. L. TIBETTS.
HEVI 45.11