Heavenly Visions



Reference has been made to the E. G. White manuscripts, and the publication of “Medical Ministry” largely from these manuscripts. A word of explanation regarding this valuable file of writings will be of interest to all. This file contains 45,000 pages of typewritten material, and is composed of articles, sermons, and letters written to individuals and committees and to the church at large, setting forth the messages of counsel and instruction which were entrusted to Sister White. While living, she labored diligently to bring into print the principal lines of instruction that were of general interest and value to the Seventh-day Adventist people. In this she was successful, as all acknowledge who scan the thousands of topics covered in her writings as listed in the Index to her books. HEVI 121.8

It is seldom in these days that occasions arise calling for counsel that has not already been covered by matter now in print. Occasionally, however, as denominational activities broaden, it is advisable that instruction given in the earlier days should be drawn from this manuscript file, and published for more general circulation. This file has been indexed, so that the custodians are able to make ready reference to any matter of importance it contains. The care and custody of this file is of inestimable value, and is one of the important phases of the work of the trustees. It is a fact worthy of emphasis, however that the principal lines of instruction contained in all those manuscripts are now well represented in the available and published works from Mrs. White’s pen. She manifested great forethought in arranging for such publication. HEVI 121.9