Heavenly Visions



THE following experience is related by A. G. Daniells, for many years (1901-1922) president of the General Conference. HEVI 120.3

“Sometimes she [Mrs. White] would receive messages for men, and instead of sending them direct, she would send them to persons of age and experience with instruction for them to read them to the persons concerned. Some of them were very solemn, serious messages. HEVI 120.4

“I recall a message sent to me to read to one of our ministers. It told this minister that he had been a Spiritualist medium, that he had been delivered from it, but that now evil spirits were seeking to re-enslave him; that they were tormenting him, and that he was on the verge of surrendering to that terrible delusion. I had to take this message to him. When I began reading it to him, he became very much excited. After a little, I heard some sort of disturbance, and looking up, saw him with an open knife in his raised hand. I asked, ‘What is the matter?’ He grated his teeth and glared at me like a mad man. His wife and I appealed to him to put the knife down, but he was menacing us so wildly that I did not dare to go on reading. I did not know whether he would thrust it into me or his wife or himself. I said, ‘Let us kneel down and pray to God. There is a God in Israel who can help us, and we must have His help.’ HEVI 120.5

“We knelt down, and I may tell you that I was never in a more perplexing place. I knew that demons were in the room and I knew that we must have the power of that same Christ who subdued demons and cast out devils while among men. The first thing I said was, ‘O Lord, we come to Thee in the all-prevailing name of Jesus.’ At the mention of the name of Jesus, that man hurled his knife across the room with terrible violence. At the mention of the all-powerful name of Jesus he broke into sobs, and the violence disappeared. After his wife and I had prayed, he prayed most earnestly for God to deliver him from those tormenting devils. When we arose, I finished reading the message, and then asked him to tell us what he knew about the truthfulness of this message. I had not known anything of this before. He said, Brother Daniells, every word of it is true. For weeks I have been tormented by these evil spirits. I have been thrown out of my bed, and I have been hammered on the floor by those demons; it has wrecked my nerves, and I was about to give up to them and become their obedient slave again. Picture—Arthur G. Daniells (1858-1935) HEVI 120.6

Converted at the age of ten. Arthur Daniells began his fruitful ministry at the age of twenty in 1878. He was ordained two years later. In 1886 he and Mrs. Daniells were sent as missionaries to New Zealand. A few years later he assisted in organizing the Australasian Union Conference. In----he was elected president of the General Conference, which office he filled until 1922. He was chosen by Mrs. White as one of the trustees of her writings, which work he carried until his death, serving many years as chairman of the board. Under his administration the work of the church made rapid and solid expansion. HEVI 120.7

Now, friends, where did Sister White get the knowledge of that poor man’s condition? No one else knew anything of it, so far as I know. And what was the knowledge given to her for? It was to help save that poor man; it was not to hurt him. It was a severe message, laying out the whole matter, and giving rebuke and counsel; but it was all for his good.”-Address by A. G. Daniells, in Australasian Record, Aug. 23, 1928. HEVI 120.8