The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


IV. Larger Meaning of the Atonement

The different words used to express the one thought of atonement, and their related use in many texts, then follow—to cleanse, hallow, purify, sanctify, purge, reconcile, justify, as well as terms like redemption, forgiveness, and to blot out. But these all relate to the same supreme work—to bring into favor with God. So the atonement was the great heart and goal both of the typical Mosaic law and the gospel reality. Now Crosier presents these crucial distinctions and definitions: PFF4 1231.2

“The atonement which the priests made for the people in connection with their daily ministration was different from that made on the tenth day of the 7th month. In making the former they went no further than in the Holy; but to make the latter they entered the Holy of Holies—The former was made for individual cases, the latter for the whole nation of Israel collectively—The former was made for the forgiveness of sins, the latter for blotting them out—The former could be made at any time, the latter only on the tenth day of the seventh month. Hence the former may be called the daily atonement and the latter the yearly, or the former the individual, and the latter the national atonement.” 9 PFF4 1231.3


The procedure under the daily service, for the forgiveness of sins both for the individual and the congregation, is then described—with the burnt offering, meat, peace, sin, and trespass offerings—with confession and restitution. This resulted in the forgiveness of sin. Then Crosier deals with the matter of sequence. “It should be distinctly remembered that the priest did not begin his duties till he obtained the blood of the victim.” 10 PFF4 1231.4

These ceremonies were all performed in the court and in the holy place, and were for the forgiveness of sin. PFF4 1231.5


But the annual atonement for all Israel, or the nation, was made in the most holy place, once each year, on the tenth day of the seventh month. Then, through the ministry of the high priest, the sins that had been forgiven by his daily ministry in the holy place, were to be blotted out through the solemn service in the most holy on the Day of Atonement, the most important day of the year. Crosier continues: PFF4 1231.6

“The entire work of cleansing the Sanctuary is performed within the tabernacle. These were holy things, yet cleansed yearly. The holy place within the vail contained the ark of the covenant, covered with the mercy-seat, overshadowed by the cherubims, between which the Lord dwelt in the cloud of divine glory. Who would think of calling such a place unclean? Yet the Lord provided at the time, yea, before it was built, that it should be annually cleansed. It was by blood, and not by fire, that this sanctuary, which was a type of the new covenant Sanctuary, was cleansed.” 11 PFF4 1232.1


So, in the earthly sanctuary there was a transfer of iniquity from the people to the sanctuary, according to the instruction of God and the operation of the typical system. This went on throughout the year. Then, on the Day of Atonement, the sanctuary was cleansed. And on that day two goats, the Lord’s goat and the scapegoat, were used. Now, after the atonement was completed, and the sanctuary cleansed by means of the blood of the Lord’s goat, these sins were then put on the head of the scapegoat, which was sent away into the wilderness. PFF4 1232.2

Crosier is most careful to add: “This was the only office of the scapegoat”—finally to receive and to bear their iniquities away from Israel. So it was in the type, or shadow, or figure. But the entire ministry of the priesthood is “fulfilled in Christ.” And so there are two places, or apartments, in the sanctuary, not only in the figure but also in the reality, the second veil separating between the two. And the two phases of ministry lead respectively to the forgiveness of sins, and then to the blotting out of sins. 12 PFF4 1232.3