The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


II. 1873 London “Prophetical Conference” on Second Advent

Meantime in the Old World, just prior to the New York Conference of 1878, a Prophetical Conference was held in London, beginning May 7, 1873. Brief mention must suffice. The chairman was the Right Honorable, the Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G., and the speakers included the Earl of Cavan, Canon Freemantle, G. W. Weldon, C. Skrine, F. Whitfield, D. Dalton, the commentator, Lord Radstook, and others. The dominant theme was likewise the second advent of Christ, Regrettably, there is no full report of the addresses. But the chairman, after declaring that the personal return of the Lord Jesus will take place speedily and suddenly, at a time when the world at large is least looking for it, charged both churchmen and nonconformists: “Go forth and preach, day by day and night by night, the great and glorious truth of the approaching Advent of our blessed Lord.” 26 PFF4 1193.2

While there was diversity of view upon some matters, Lord Cavan declared: “The grand leading fact of the speedy Personal and Pre-Millennial Advent of Christ is one upon which we are all agreed.” 27 With this brief introduction, we now turn to the leading British expositor of the time. PFF4 1194.1