The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4

II. Truth Trodden Down Under Apostasy to Be Restored

In inspired vision the prophet Daniel had seen apostasy entrenched in the church, magnifying itself against Christ, the “Prince of the host.” In historical fulfillment this perverting power took away man’s sole dependence upon Christ’s all-sufficient, vicarious, atoning sacrifice, made “once for all” for all mankind (Hebrews 9:25-28). And it has also taken away the understanding of, and reliance upon, Christ’s unceasing priestly mediation thereafter for man, in the heavenly sanctuary. In this way this obstructing power robbed man of the supreme redemptive provisions of God-Christ’s death as atoning Sacrifice on earth, eighteen centuries prior, followed by His mediatorial ministry as Priest in heaven ever since. And it has practiced and prospered long in its perversion and obscuring of the truth of these saving provisions (Daniel 8:11, 12). PFF4 1154.3

“How long,” was the anxious inquiry heard by the prophet, shall this lawless power be permitted to tread underfoot the cardinal truths and provisions of redemption concerning “the sanctuary and the host” (verse 13)? Until the 2300 year-days shall expire, was the explicit response, and then shall the sanctuary be cleansed—at the close of that long, fateful period (verse 14). Then these downtrodden truths that have such vital relationship to the judgment hour and its immutable standard, the law of God, will again be lifted up under the banner of last-day reformation and restoration. Then, according to the prophetic promise, at the time of the cleansing of the sanctuary its provisions will be vindicated and restored to their rightful place. PFF4 1155.1

Thus O. R. L. Crosier and James White had reasoned and clearly declared, as we have seen, in 1846 and in 1851 respectively. 1 And this principle began likewise to be clearly grasped and declared by some back in the Millerite movement. 2 PFF4 1155.2

Eventually the Sabbatarian Adventists came to see that this basic prophetic portrayal, given not only through Daniel the prophet but supported and amplified by John the revelator, included the vital fact that, as the hour of God’s judgment comes in heaven, a distinctive movement develops among men on earth, reviving and restoring these downtrodden truths. And this results in a people described as keeping “the commandments of God” and having “the faith of Jesus” (Revelation 14:6-12). They would thus lift up again, in this stipulated combination, the very truths that error, tradition, and gross departure had long trampled underfoot. And they would restore the larger understanding of the matchless ministry of Christ, first as all-sufficient Sacrifice, then as all-prevailing High Priest in the sanctuary above (Hebrews 8 and 9), with its “ark of His testament,” and its mercy seat overshadowing the tables of the eternal law of God (Revelation 11:19). PFF4 1156.1

James White, their recognized early leader, had reminded them that Daniel thrice described the great apostasy that was to arise following early church times. 3 These occur: (1) in chapter 7, where it is portrayed as a presumptuous, persecuting Little Horn power that prevailed for a specified 1260-year period, thinking to change the appointed times and law of God (Daniel 7:25); (2) in chapter 8, where it is presented as obscuring, by a faulty human substitution, the matchless mediatorial work of Christ, casting down the truth of the redemptive provisions of the sanctuary to the ground (Daniel 8:12), and was to continue “to practice and prosper” through those long, weary centuries predicted; and (3) in chapter 11, where it is portrayed as the “willful” one, daringly magnifying itself against God and truth (Daniel 11:36). But in these latter times all these obscured and trampled truths were destined once more to be restored to their rightful place and pre-eminence. And that, they firmly believed, was beginning to take place before their very eyes, under the heralding of the final phase of the advent message to men, and would increase in effectiveness until its designated work was done. PFF4 1156.2