The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4
VI. Waggoner-Editor of Western “Signs of the Times”
We shall not trace further exposition, but simply note three other pioneer writers. Nothing essentially different was introduced by them. First, JOSEPH HARVEY WAGGONER (1820-1889) was a product of the West, and a Baptist. He was editor and publisher of a political paper in Wisconsin, first hearing of the advent faith in 1851 from H. S. Case—previously noted—who in an hour’s time sketched over with him the entire range of the major prophetic periods, as well as the third angel’s message, the United States in prophecy, and the Sabbath in outline! PFF4 1105.1
Waggoner’s interest was aroused, and he began an intensive personal study of the Adventist teachings. In 1852 he joined the church, giving himself immediately to evangelism and later to writing and editing. He became a tower of strength to the young cause. After James White, he was the first editor of the western Signs of the Times, as well as editor of the first health paper on the Pacific coast, the Pacific Health Journal. He wrote an effective Refutation of the Age-to-Come, as well as one on the Nature and Tendency of Modern Spiritualism. His Atonement in the Light of Reason and Revelation was an early standard work, and his last work on prophecy was From Eden to Eden. His last years were spent in ministry in Europe; where he died. 28 His was likewise the standard prophetic interpretation. PFF4 1105.2